Pros i contres de ser actor amb Biel Duran | 01×05

Queda Entre Nosaltres

Queda Entre Nosaltres

Pros i contres de ser actor amb Biel Duran | 01×05

Queda Entre Nosaltres

Bona tarda, som Queda Entre Nosaltres

Good afternoon, we are Queda Entre Nosaltres.

i avui entrevistem a Biel Durant.

And today we interview Biel Durant.

Bona tarda, estem aquí l'Ainal, el Manu i jo.

Good afternoon, we are here Ainal, Manu, and I.



Bueno, què? Què tal?

Well, what? How are you?

Com estem?

How are we?

Ens hem pres un break bastant llarg.

We have taken a quite long break.

Sí, per un niu.

Yes, for a nest.

Des de cap d'any que no fem cap programa.

We haven't done any program since New Year's.

Exacte, el batxillerat ens té...

Exactly, the baccalaureate has us...

Totes les vacances.

All the holidays.

I el batxillerat és una excusa, eh?

And the baccalaureate is an excuse, huh?

No et conelai.

I don't know you.

Sí, però bueno, ja venim més forts que mai.

Yes, but well, we are coming back stronger than ever.

Exacte, amb una entrevista.

Exactly, with an interview.

Amb una entrevista.

With an interview.

Bueno, avui tenim aquí amb nosaltres

Well, today we have here with us

un actor, Jalidenk,

an actor, Jalidenk,

que va començar la seva carrera

that began his career

amb la pel·lícula La Teta i la Lluna,

with the movie The Tit and the Moon,

cert, als 9 anys.

certain, at 9 years old.



És que no sé si La Teta i la Lluna o La Lluna i la Teta.

I don't know if it's The Teta and the Moon or The Moon and the Teta.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Vale, perdó, perdó.

Okay, sorry, sorry.

Ho he estudiat.

I have studied it.

Doncs aquí estem nosaltres i el Durant.

Well, here we are, us and Durant.

Hola a tots.

Hello everyone.

Com esteu?

How are you?

Molt bé.

Very good.

Una mica nerviosos, per favor.

A little nervous, please.

No fèiem una entrevista.

We weren't conducting an interview.

Des del cap d'any que no fèieu ràdio?

Have you not done radio since New Year's?

Sí, des del cap d'any.

Yes, since New Year's.

Què feu a batxillerat?

What do you do in high school?

Mira, ens estan torturant.

Look, they are torturing us.

És una tortura, mira.

It's torture, look.

Sí, és horrible.

Yes, it's horrible.

Què esteu? Esteu a segon?

What are you? Are you in second grade?

No, al primer.

No, to the first one.

I esteu així a primer?

Are you like this in first grade?



Que esteu ja pensant quines notes,

That you are already thinking about what grades,

quines assignatures ponderen i tot això?

Which subjects are weighted and all that?

Ja no recorden prou els professors, ja.

The teachers no longer remember enough, yes.

Mare meva.

My goodness.

És una tortura.

It’s torture.


We are...

I a més voleu fer periodisme?

And do you also want to do journalism?



I comunicació audiovisual?

And audiovisual communication?

I llavors la nota que necessiteu és altíssima.

And then the grade you need is very high.

Altíssima, sí, bàsicament.

Very high, yes, basically.

I llavors, clar, estem apretant fort colzes i tal.

And then, of course, we are pressing elbows hard and so on.

Exacte, sí, sí.

Exactly, yes, yes.


We are...

Bueno, apretant colzes.

Well, elbowing.

Jo sí.

I do.

Però bueno, i tu què tal?

But anyway, how are you?

Doncs molt bé, molt content que m'hagueu convidat, la veritat.

Well, I'm very happy that you invited me, to be honest.

Ai, que bé, que guai.

Oh, how good, how cool.

Ens fa molta il·lusió, eh?

It excites us a lot, right?

Vull que ens parlessis una miqueta de tu,

I want you to tell us a little bit about yourself.

perquè ara que has dit el tema estudiar i tot això,

because now that you've mentioned the topic of studying and all that,

l'altre dia pensàvem,

the other day we were thinking,

estàvem parlant de fer l'entrevista i li diem,

we were talking about doing the interview and we tell him,

com vas arribar al sector?

How did you get into the sector?

Doncs mira, per casualitat.

Well, look, by coincidence.

Per casualitat.

By chance.

Si normalment la gent que es dedica a això que fem nosaltres

If normally the people who are dedicated to what we do

és gent que té molta vocació de fer-ho, no?

It's people who are very passionate about doing it, right?

Que des de petits ho desitgen molt,

That they have desired it a lot since they were little,

que és molt fort,

that is very strong,

i projecten com molt fort, no?

And they project quite strongly, right?

La gent que té vocacions molt clares, normalment,

People with very clear callings usually,

i en el meu cas va ser una mica de xiripa.

And in my case, it was a bit of luck.

O sigui, jo estava fent castells amb una colla castellera,

So, I was building castles with a group of castellers,

que són els Minyons de Terrassa,

what are the Minyons de Terrassa,

que és una de les colles més importants de Catalunya,

that is one of the most important groups in Catalonia,

i hi havia un director de cinema, que és el Vigas Luna,

and there was a film director, who is Vigas Luna,

un grandíssim director de cinema del nostre país,

a great film director from our country,

que el de Hamon Hamon,

that of Hamon Hamon,

és el senyor que va descobrir la Penelope Cruz,

he is the man who discovered Penelope Cruz,

el Javier Bardem,

Javier Bardem,

o sigui, era un senyor...

that is to say, he was a gentleman...

important, que feia pel·lícules meravelloses.

important, who made wonderful movies.

I un dia ell va voler explicar una història

And one day he wanted to tell a story.

que tenia a veure amb els seus orígens,

that had to do with his origins,

del seu pare, que era de Valls,

from his father, who was from Valls,

llavors volia fer un homenatge a coses,

then I wanted to pay homage to things,

elements de la cultura mediterrània catalana,

elements of Catalan Mediterranean culture,

a la seva ciutat, a Valls,

in his city, in Valls,

als castells, a la cultura mediterrània,

to the castles, to the Mediterranean culture,

a l'astronomia, a la família,

to astronomy, to the family,

a la infància,

in childhood,

i va fer una pel·lícula

and made a movie

que volia que els castells fossin importants,

that wanted the castles to be important,

llavors utilitzava els castells,

then I used the castles,

que eren molt importants,

that were very important,

com una eina narrativa per explicar coses, no?

as a narrative tool to explain things, right?

Llavors va fer un càsting

Then he/she did a casting.

a un munt de nens i nenes

to a bunch of boys and girls

que eren enxanetes,

that they were tower builders,

i volia un protagonista que es digués Tete,

and I wanted a protagonist named Tete,

i volia que fos aixecador o enxaneta,

and I wanted him to be a lifter or a dancer,

o sigui, que pugés als castells.

so, that he would go up to the castles.

I en aquell moment no hi havia cent colles com ara,

And at that moment there weren't a hundred groups like now.

ara hi ha cent colles, o sigui,

now there are a hundred groups, that is,

milers i milers i milers de persones i milers i milers de nens,

thousands and thousands and thousands of people and thousands and thousands of children,

però va fer la prova a centenars de nens

but he tested it on hundreds of children

per fer allò,

to do that,

i em va agafar.

and it caught me.

I va ser un dia que va venir l'assatge i em va preguntar

It was a day when the rehearsal came and asked me.

si volia fer una prova per una pel·lícula.

I wanted to do an audition for a movie.

Tenia vuit anys,

I was eight years old,

no tenia ni idea d'on m'estava ficant,

I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

i no sabia que em canviaria la vida

I didn't know it would change my life.

d'aquella manera, o sigui, va ser com

in that way, that is to say, it was like

passa algú, passa un tren i l'agafes

someone passes, a train passes and you catch it

d'alguna manera.


I sí, em va canviar la vida i vaig descobrir

And yes, it changed my life and I discovered

que el millor sí que és una feina

that the best is indeed a job

que volia dedicar-me, no?

that I wanted to dedicate myself to, right?

Que guai això, eh? Al final el destí també una mica, no?

How cool is that, huh? In the end, destiny too a bit, right?

Sí, i et planteges moltes coses, eh?

Yes, and you're considering a lot of things, huh?

Perquè també quan et fas gran dius,

Because also when you grow up you say,

hòstia, jo ara, una decisió

Damn, I have to make a decision now.

de quan eres tan petit l'he de convertir

since you were so small I have to turn it into

en una professió, perquè no,

in a profession, why not,

no acaba de ser del tot una decisió personal,

it wasn't entirely a personal decision,

és una loteria, una mica.

It's a bit of a lottery.

Clar, l'autòpita que quan ets petit dius,

Of course, the self-pity that you say when you're little,

ah, no, és que jo vull ser bomber i vull ser policia,

oh no, it's just that I want to be a firefighter and I want to be a police officer,

tu tenies algun, deies, vull ser tal...

you had some, you said, I want to be such...

Sí, volia ser metge.

Yes, I wanted to be a doctor.

Però perquè no tenia ni idea del que volia ser.

But because I had no idea what I wanted to be.

El típic de veterinari.

The typical veterinarian.

Sí, o bomber, o astronauta,

Yes, either a firefighter or an astronaut,

o aquella cosa de salvar vides, no?

Oh, that thing about saving lives, right?

La gent vol ser bomber perquè els agrada

People want to be firefighters because they like it.

ser uns herois, no? S'imaginen sent herois.

to be heroes, right? Can you imagine being heroes?

Els astronautes són herois.

Astronauts are heroes.

I els metges també són uns herois, no?

And the doctors are also heroes, aren’t they?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I les infermeres,

And the nurses,

i un munt de feines que ens agrada

and a lot of work that we enjoy

perquè són com els bons

because they are like the good ones

i les bones de la societat.

and the good ones of society.

Però jo d'actor no, jo sabia que parlava molt,

But not as an actor, I knew I talked a lot,

com podeu comprovar, m'agrada molt parlar,

as you can see, I really like to talk,

m'agrada molt explicar coses,

I really enjoy explaining things,

i llavors això també a mi em facilitava,

and then that also made it easier for me,

en els càstings,

in the castings,

i estar com amb ganes d'expressar-me, no?

And to be eager to express myself, right?

I és veritat que això és l'únic

And it is true that this is the only one.

que jo tenia identificat,

that I had identified,

que tenia ganes d'expressar-me,

that I wanted to express myself,

d'alguna manera.


I a vegades és a través de la càmera,

And sometimes it's through the camera,

pot ser a través,

it can be through,

de la música,

of the music,

de l'escenari,

from the stage,

en el vostre cas,

in your case,

doncs, del periodisme,

well, of journalism,

de la comunicació audiovisual,

of audiovisual communication,

però segur que teniu necessitat de dir coses, no?

but you surely have the need to say things, right?

Sí, sí, sí, sí, eh?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, huh?

Nosaltres també ens agrada molt parlar, eh?

We also really like to talk, right?

Ja ho he identificat.

I have already identified it.

Que guai, pues està molt bé, això.

How cool, that’s really good!

És que aquí som molt creients del destí.

It's just that we are very believers in destiny here.

Sí, aquí...

Yes, here...

Parlem quasi cada programa.

We talk almost every show.



I bueno, això està molt guai.

And well, this is very cool.

És molt guai.

It's really cool.

Al final la vida, no sé,

In the end, life, I don't know,

t'acaba conduint per camins que dius,

it ultimately leads you down paths that you say,

ostres, no m'ho esperava,

wow, I didn’t expect that,

però que bé que ho has fet.

but how well you did it.

És fort, eh?

It's strong, isn't it?

Sempre tu...

Always you...

Jo m'ho he plantejat mil cops, eh?

I've thought about it a thousand times, you know?

Que què és casualitat, que no...

What is coincidence, isn't it...

I fixa't que jo, per exemple,

And notice that I, for example,

sempre no creia en Déu gens ni mica,

I never believed in God at all, not even a little.

a casa supera Déus, tal,

At home, God overcomes, such.

i amb el temps penso,

and with time I think,

és que no pot ser,

it can't be,

ha d'haver-hi alguna cosa.

There has to be something.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Ha d'haver-hi alguna cosa,

There must have been something,

o sigui, no pot ser que tot sigui casualitat.

I mean, it can't be that everything is coincidence.

Evidentment que no tinc ni idea

Obviously, I have no idea.

de què hi ha i de què no hi ha,

of what there is and what there isn't,

però a vegades,

but sometimes,

passen coses que dius,

things happen that you say,

aquestes connexions no poden ser,

these connections cannot be,

perquè això no vol dir

because this does not mean

que la gent que pateixi en el món

that the people who suffer in the world

i està en situacions d'allò...

and is in situations of that...

Llavors és quan entens

Then is when you understand.

que no pot ser que existeixi un Déu,

that there cannot be a God,

un destí, perquè,

a destiny, because,

la gent que realment ho està passant malament,

the people who are truly having a hard time,



Perquè és tan cruel, Déu,

Why is God so cruel?

amb aquestes persones, no?

with these people, right?

Déu o el destí,

God or fate,

que algunes persones ho relacionen, no?

that some people relate it, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Que guai.

How cool.

Llavors, o sigui,

So, I mean,

et fan el càsting per la pel·lícula.

they are doing the casting for the movie.



No vas fer mai teatre,

You never did theatre,

no vas fer, o sigui...

you didn't do, I mean...

Jo tenia la sensació que alguna cosa així faria,

I had the feeling that something like this would happen,

però jo estava en una colla castellera de petit,

but I was in a human towers group when I was small,

com us deia,

as I was saying,

i els castellers és un lloc

And the castellers is a place.

on tu quan ets petit parles amb gent gran tot el rato,

when you are small you talk to grown-ups all the time,

perquè la colla són 300 persones adultes

because the group is 300 adult people

i 15 nens i nenes.

and 15 boys and girls.

Llavors, ja tens una manera de créixer

Then, you already have a way to grow.

que és,

what it is,

és parlant amb gent gran,

it's talking with older people,

comunicant-te molt,

communicating a lot to you,

i els enxanetes

and the enxanetes

tenen un caràcter especialet.

they have a special character.

No com els porters de futbol,

Not like the football goalkeepers,

que estan una mica...

that they are a bit...

Doncs hi ha un punt que també són especialets,

Well, there is a point where they are also a bit special.

i són especialets en el sentit que

and they are special in the sense that

hi ha algú com...

is there someone like...

Se senten protagonistes,

They feel like protagonists,

tenen una responsabilitat

they have a responsibility

des que són molt petits,

since they are very small,

i a mi això...

and to me this...

Pujar dalt, no?

Go up, right?

Clar, pujar dalt,

Sure, go up.

has de coronar el castell,

you have to crown the castle,

tothom està pendent

everyone is watching

que facis l'aleta i baixis,

make the leap and come down,

hi ha un punt que...

there is a point that...

Se et posa una pressió a sobre molt gran,

You are under a lot of pressure.

i jo sabia,

and I knew,

i la gent de la colla em deia,

and the people in the group would tell me,

tu acabaràs fent teatre

you will end up doing theater

o presentaràs coses o el que sigui,

or you will present things or whatever,

perquè era molt pesat,

because he was very annoying,

i alguna cosa intuïa,

and I intuited something,

que seria a través del cinema,

that would be through cinema,

l'entrada, això,

the entrance, this,

no, ni de conya,

no, not even joking,

que potser hagués fet teatre més endavant,

that perhaps I would have done theater later,

potser sí.

maybe yes.

Clar, això com va,

Sure, how does this work?

tu tenies 9 anys,

you were 9 years old,

això em crea molta curiositat a mi,

this creates a lot of curiosity for me,

al plató,

on the set,

què et feien...

what did they do to you...

Vas estar uns mesos de rodatge,

You were on set for a few months,

i et feien...

and they made you...

El rodatge, imagino,

The filming, I imagine,

havies d'estar com els nens del Cuentame,

you had to be like the kids from Cuentame,

que estan allà,

that are there,

que el Carlos i tots aquests

that Carlos and all these

que van créixer allà amb un mestre i tal,

who grew up there with a teacher and such,



Sí, la primera experiència

Yes, the first experience.

que va ser la Teta i la Lluna,

what was the Teta and the Moon,

potser el rodatge van ser 3 mesos,

maybe the filming lasted 3 months,

o dos mesos i mig,

or two and a half months,

llavors és un temps determinat

then it is a determined time

que tens un professor particular

that you have a private tutor

que es dedica a tu

What do you do for a living?

per poder fer avançar

to be able to move forward

tota la feina a l'escola,

all the work at school,

i a més era una condició importantíssima

and it was also an extremely important condition

per part dels meus pares,

on behalf of my parents,

si tu et vols dedicar a això,

if you want to dedicate yourself to this,



has de treure...

you have to take out...

has de tenir un rendiment acadèmic...

you must have an academic performance...



Si en el moment en què això et tregui

If at the moment this takes you away

de lo que et toca fer ara,

of what you have to do now,

que és estudiar,

what is studying,

hauríem de veure què fem.

We should see what we do.

Llavors jo tenia molt clar

Then I was very clear.

que havia de ser un bon estudiant,

that was supposed to be a good student,

i que havia d'aprovar els exàmens,

and that I had to pass the exams,

amb nota,

with a note,

i posant-me pressió sobre, encara,

and putting pressure on myself, still,

perquè al final també t'acabes posant més pressió.

because in the end you also end up putting more pressure on yourself.

I amb el temps,

And with time,

després quan entres a fer sèries

after when you start doing series

que duren més temps,

that last longer,

a TV3,

to TV3,

ni s'ha de poder i tal,

neither should it be possible, and so on,

aquestes sèries diàries

these daily series

que duren 3 anys, 4 anys, 5 anys,

that last 3 years, 4 years, 5 years,

llavors encara necessites algú

then you still need someone

que et pugui ajudar

that I can help you

a avançar feina a l'escola.

to advance work at school.

A mi m'ha ajudat molta gent d'aquí,

Many people here have helped me.

la Marta Rossell

Marta Rossell

va ser la meva professora

she was my teacher

quan jo era petit,

when I was little,

durant molt de temps,

for a long time,

la Margarida Llevina,

the Llevina Daisy

dels Llevina-Espinac

of Llevina-Espinac

d'aquí de tota la vida,

from here for all of life,

també va ser la meva professora

she was also my teacher

durant un temps

for a while

i m'acompanyava a rodar.

I accompanied myself to roll.

Sempre hem tingut

We have always had.

persones de confiança,

trusted individuals,

que m'han pogut acompanyar als llocs,

that have been able to accompany me to the places,

que m'han pogut ajudar

that have been able to help me

a repassar la lliçó de l'escola

to review the school lesson

quan no he pogut anar-hi

when I haven't been able to go there

i sense això

and without this

no hauria pogut mai de la vida.

I could never have done that in my life.

Que guai.

How cool.

Ara que he mencionat el cuentament,

Now that I have mentioned the storytelling,

tu vas sortir-hi, veritat?

You went out there, right?

Sí, vaig estar-hi una temporada.

Yes, I was there for a while.

Vas estar-hi una temporada

You were there for a while.

que era, si no m'equivoco,

what it was, if I’m not mistaken,

la de quan el Carlos

the one about when Carlos

anava a la guerra,

I was going to war,

no, a la mili potser?

No, maybe to the military?

Jo anava a la mili,

I was going to the military,

jo era un Jordi,

I was a Jordi,

un catalanet que van posar allà,

a little Catalan that they put there,

em van donar un paper

they gave me a paper

que havia de ser gallega,

that she was supposed to be Galician,

i jo li vaig dir

and I told him/her

si m'agafeu a mi,

if you catch me,

jo de gallego no us ho sabré fer.

I won't be able to do it in Galician.

Que potser sí que podria,

Maybe yes, I could.

però hi ha molts actors gallegos

but there are many Galician actors

que us ho farien molt bé.

they would do it very well for you.

Perquè sigui català

To be Catalan

i era un noi que anava a la mili

He was a boy who was going to the army.

putejat i no li agradava anar a la mili.

he was bullied and didn't like going to the army.

Com has razón, no?

You are right, aren't you?

A defender la pàtria,

To defend the homeland,

al Jordi no li mola.

Jordi doesn't like it.

No, no li mola a vos.

No, he doesn't like it to you.

No, com que no.

No, as if not.

Què en penses de cuentament?

What do you think of cuentament?

Ara s'ha acabat aquesta...

Now this is over...

Va ser l'última temporada,

It was the last season,

la seguida, des de llavors?

the following, since then?

Una sèrie mitiquíssima

A legendary series.

de les millors produccions

of the best productions

que s'han fet a Espanya

that have been done in Spain

en els últims anys,

in recent years,

sense cap mena de dubte.

without any doubt.

Van trobar una manera i un format

They found a way and a format.

que s'ha copiat en molts països del món,

that has been copied in many countries around the world,

que han intentat trobar

that they have tried to find

en una família que es va fent gran

in a family that is growing older

al llarg dels anys,

over the years,

una manera d'explicar les històries

a way of telling stories

dels països.

of the countries.

Ha transcendit, ha guanyat molts premis

It has transcended, it has won many awards.

i han passat molts actors i moltes actrius.

Many actors and actresses have come and gone.

Aquesta sèrie és

This series is

mítica, que hauria pogut durar encara més anys

mythical, which could have lasted even more years

i que tothom se l'agafi molt seva.

And may everyone take it very personally.

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

No sé jo si ja era l'hora d'acabar-la.

I don't know if it was already time to end it.

Jo és que sóc molt fat de cuentament.

I am just very fond of storytelling.

Tu la mires, eh?

You look at her, right?

Jo la mirava, jo la mirava, sí.

I was looking at her, I was looking at her, yes.

Aquesta temporada que vas sortir tu

This season that you went out.

és que crec que no havia ni nascut.

It's just that I believe I wasn't even born yet.

Quant pot ser?

How much can it be?

Jo hauria de tenir 20... Tu quants anys tens?

I should be 20... How old are you?

Jo tinc 17, vaig fer ahir.

I am 17, I turned 17 yesterday.

Ah, mare que us ha parit, eh?

Ah, mother that gave birth to you, huh?

Quin putofàstic que feu.

What a fucking mess you're making.

17 anys.

17 years.

Doncs 17 anys jo hauria de tenir,

Well, I should be 17 years old.

quan vaig anar a cuinar-me 22,

when I went to cook for myself 22,

i en tinc 40, no havies nascut.

I am 40 years old, you hadn't been born yet.

No, no havia nascut.

No, I hadn't been born.

Mare meva.

My goodness.

Que fort.

How cool.

Sí, sí, a mi em va fer molta il·lusió.

Yes, yes, it made me very happy.

Vaig estar allà uns capítols,

I was there for a few chapters,

ja sabia que era una col·laboració

I already knew it was a collaboration.

de 8-9 capítols d'una temporada.

of 8-9 episodes in a season.

Sí, a Madrid hi vaig estar moltes temporades

Yes, I spent many seasons in Madrid.

i anava anant bastant.

I was going quite well.

I vaig fer algunes sèries a Antena 3,

I did some series on Antena 3,

algunes altres a Tele 5, a TV1, sí, sí.

some others on Tele 5, on TV1, yes, yes.



Era una època que...

It was a time that...

Bueno, mitjà any el feia a Barcelona

Well, I was halfway through the year in Barcelona.

i mitjà any el feia a Madrid

I spent half a year in Madrid.

i me n'anava a viure allà.

and I was going to live there.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ostres, que guai, que guai.

Wow, that's cool, that's cool.

I parlant d'una cosa que m'ha creat d'atenció

And talking about something that has caught my attention.

que m'has dit abans, no?,

What you told me before, right?

la pressió que has dit.

the pressure that you have mentioned.

O sigui, vas tenir molta pressió acadèmica?

So, did you have a lot of academic pressure?

Bueno, és més la pressió

Well, it's more the pressure.

que quan a un nen li fas treballar.

that when you make a child work.

És una cosa

It's one thing.

que alguns països del món han normalitzat

that some countries in the world have normalized

perquè s'exploten les criatures.

because children are exploited.

Sí, sí, és veritat.

Yes, yes, it's true.

A Espanya segurament alguns familiars vostres

In Spain, probably some of your relatives.

us diran, és que vam començar a treballar

they will tell you, it’s just that we started working

amb 13 anys i no sé què, no?

At 13 years old and I don't know what, right?

I és un trauma.

And it's a trauma.

És a dir, sí.

That is to say, yes.

En el nostre cas no estem parlant

In our case, we are not talking

d'anar a picar pedra a la mina,

of going to break stones in the mine,

però no deixa de ser una feina.

but it is still a job.


Of course.

I ha canviat molt això.

This has changed a lot.

Els nens que treballen ara en aquestes feines

The children who are working now in these jobs.

se'ls cuida moltíssim, se'ls protegeix moltíssim,

they are taken care of a lot, they are protected a lot,

se'ls acompanya moltíssim perquè ho visquin

they are accompanied immensely so that they experience it

d'una manera el millor possible

in the best possible way

i precisament no els generi més estrès al compte,

and precisely do not generate more stress for them.

que l'exposició,

that the exhibition,

que no els afecti.

that it does not affect them.

És a dir, hi ha uns coachs que es dediquen

That is to say, there are some coaches who are dedicated

especialment a acompanyar aquests nanos,

especially to accompany these kids,

es mira que sempre puguin tenir

he looks that they can always have

alternativa per l'escola, poder compensar

alternative for the school, to be able to compensate

els dies que no hi van.

the days they don't go.

Estan molt protegits

They are very protected.

perquè no deixa de ser una mica una anomalia

because it remains a bit of an anomaly

quan un nen de 8 anys

when an 8-year-old child

hagi de rendir professionalment, no?

I have to give up professionally, right?

I que tingui aquesta pressió

And that I have this pressure

d'accelerar la seva feina.

to speed up his work.

Llavors, el que es fa és intentar

Then, what is done is to try

que ho visquin de la manera més divertida possible,

may they experience it in the most fun way possible,

que s'ho prenguin,

let them take it,

com un joc, que ho disfrutin

like a game, may they enjoy it

i que no ho pateixin amb tots els nervis

and not to worry about it with all the nerves

i tot l'estrès que això et pot generar.

and all the stress that this can cause you.

Però a mi m'estressava

But it stressed me out.

el fet d'haver de fer

the fact of having to do

les sèries, el teatre,

the series, the theater,

més les mil extraescolars com fa tothom

more than a thousand extracurricular activities like everyone else

que feia, els castells,

what he was doing, the castles,

que feia els castells, anava a piano, anava a futbol,

who built castles, played piano, played football,

havia d'estudiar per no sé què,

I had to study for I don't know what,

hi havia un moment que era com, a veure, o pares

There was a moment that it was like, let's see, either you stop.

o exploto,

or I explode,

i a més havia d'intentar fer-ho tot bé, no?

And besides, I had to try to do everything right, didn't I?

Ja. Perquè també soc obsessiu,

Yes. Because I'm also obsessive,

jo, és a dir, que no és que...

I, that is, it's not that...

També t'aprens de com és cadascú, no?

You also learn what each person is like, right?

Sí, sí, buà.

Yes, yes, wow.


I identify myself.

Doncs mira, ara estic fent la sèrie diària de TV3,

Well, look, now I'm doing the daily series on TV3.

que és el Com si fos ahir, que és una sèrie que ja fa

What is Com si fos ahir, which is a series that has been running for...

un munt de temporades que s'està matent,

a bunch of seasons that is dying,

i fa tres temporades

and for three seasons

que ahir estic,

that yesterday I am,

i és un privilegi poder-hi ser,

and it is a privilege to be able to be there,

perquè és el puntal

because it is the pillar

de la ficció catalana

from Catalan fiction

de TV3, és la sèrie

from TV3, it is the series

que tothom veu cada dia,

that everyone sees every day,

és un lloc on

it is a place where

passen moltíssims actors i moltes actrius,

many actors and many actresses pass by,

moltes actrius,

many actresses,

i és un lloc on

and it's a place where

sempre se n'aprèn, perquè

you always learn from it, because

s'ha de gravar tant de material en tan poc temps

So much material has to be recorded in such a short time.

que et posa les piles moltíssim,

that energizes you a lot,

o sigui, estàs com molt

so, you're like very

despert actualment, no?

Awake currently, right?

I és fantàstic, la veritat.

And it is fantastic, truthfully.

I llavors estic fent, tenim una petita

And then I am doing, we have a little.

companyia de teatre amb uns amics

theater company with some friends

que es diu El Ramat, que vam fer Ovelles,

which is called The Herd, which we made Sheep,

La Pell Fina, i això és un projecte

The Fine Skin, and this is a project.

una mica nostre que ens vam muntar fa un temps

a little bit of our own that we set up some time ago

i fem comèdies, creiem

And we make comedies, we believe.

que comèdies,

what comedies,

les que volem que la gent que coneixem

those who we want the people we know

els agradi, és a dir, intentem fer

they like, that is to say, we try to do

aquelles comèdies que nosaltres voldríem veure

those comedies that we would like to see

i ens està anant

and it's going well for us

molt bé, estem molt contents perquè

very well, we are very happy because

el públic respon,

the audience responds,

estem portant molta gent jo al teatre, que això també

We are bringing a lot of people, me to the theater, which this also.

és una cosa que ens agrada,

it's something we like,

i estem encantats

and we are delighted

de la vida. I molt bé,

of life. And very well,

estic molt content, tinc molta feina, aquest any tinc

I am very happy, I have a lot of work, this year I have.

molta feina, per l'any que ve també, és a dir,

a lot of work, for next year too, that is to say,

estic en un moment molt agradable

I am in a very pleasant moment.

i no sempre és així, per tant

and it's not always like this, therefore

un agraïment total.

a total gratitude.

L'altre dia vas anar, vaig veure l'Instagram

The other day you went, I saw the Instagram.

a la gala dels 40 anys de TV3

at the 40th anniversary gala of TV3

Sí. Buah, que guai, eh?

Yes. Wow, how cool, right?

Que guai. Quin somni, no?

How cool. What a dream, right?

Sí, home, et sents molt afortunat d'estar allà, eh?

Yes, man, you feel very lucky to be there, right?

La veritat, perquè a més a més

The truth, because furthermore.

imagina't fer la llista. Clar, és que

imagine making the list. Of course, it's that...

és difícil, eh? Saps?

It's hard, huh? You know?

Aquí convides

Here you invite.

i aquí no. A mi em va fer molta il·lusió

and not here. I was very excited.

ser-hi. Clar, que guai.

Sure, how cool.

M'ha fet molta il·lusió, també, jo tinc 40 anys

It has also made me very happy, I am 40 years old.

hem vist créixer, no?, aquesta

we have seen grow, right?, this

cosa que et diuen sempre, jo sempre

something they always tell you, I always

faig de broma, que em diuen

I'm just joking, that's what they call me.

Biel Durant, t'hem vist créixer com si fos un

Biel Durant, we have seen you grow as if you were one.

cognom, ja. Perquè

last name, yes. Because

és veritat que no portes molts anys

It's true that you haven't been here for many years.

a les cases de la gent, la gent te la fa carinyo

In people's homes, people treat you with affection.

jo em sento superestimat

I feel super valued.

i de cop quan es celebra

and suddenly when it is celebrated

uns 40 anys, és més antiga

about 40 years, it is older

Radio Júlia que TV3, eh?, de dia.

Radio Júlia than TV3, huh?, during the day.

De veritat, eh?

Really, huh?

Aquest 40 és de

This 40 is of

del 2019

from 2019

o del 20.

or of 20.

Però em fa molta il·lusió

But it makes me very excited.

i, hòstia, que TV3 és

Oh man, that TV3 is!

jo penso que és

I think it is

és un fonament important

it is an important foundation

per la cultura i per la llengua de Catalunya

for the culture and for the language of Catalonia

i no sé si

and I don't know if

de vegades en som prou conscients

sometimes we are quite aware of it

i ens...

and us...

El Barça diuen que és més que un club, no?

They say that Barça is more than just a club, right?

Però jo crec que TV3 també és més que

But I believe that TV3 is also more than

una televisió, no?

a television, right?

Tu, quin és el teu programa preferit? Ja no de TV3

You, what is your favorite show? Not from TV3 anymore?

Què miraves tu quan tenies la nostra edat?

What were you looking at when you were our age?



No, mira, és molt fàcil

No, look, it's very easy.

Jo sempre he sigut molt fan

I have always been a big fan.

de l'Andreu Buenafuente

by Andreu Buenafuente

Ja has tingut l'oportunitat de conèixer-lo

Have you had the chance to meet him?

Vaig treballar amb ell

I worked with him.

L'altre dia mirant la biografia vam dir...

The other day while looking at the biography we said...

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes.

Mira, va ser molt curiós això

Look, it was quite curious this.

el 2009...




Hòstia, vuelo a hacer galletas

Holy shit, I'm going to make cookies again.

1996, por ahí

1996, around there.

me'l vaig trobar a l'entrada de TV3

I found him at the entrance of TV3.

amb l'Oriol Grau i el Fermi Fernández

with Oriol Grau and Fermi Fernández

que eren al Terrat

that they were on the roof

i me'n recordo que em va emocionar molt

And I remember that it moved me a lot.

trobar-me'ls i els hi vaig dir

I found them and I told them.

Hòstia, és que sóc molt fan

Holy shit, I'm a big fan.

quan els meus pares se'n van adonar

when my parents realized

i em van dir

and they told me

que no podien dormir en geològia

that they could not sleep in geology

i els miro

and I look at them

El Late Motif, no?

The Late Motif, right?

No, el Sense Títol

No, the Untitled.

Ostres, vale

Wow, okay.

Jo pensava que ja feia

I thought it had been a while.

no feia un Late Night Show que sortia

I hadn't done a Late Night Show that aired.

la Sílvia Abril que feia de la Xica de Frey

Sílvia Abril who played the Girl from Frey

Ell va passar per tots els canals

He went through all the channels.

de fet va començar a TV3

in fact, it started on TV3

i després se'n va anar a Antena 3

And then he/she went to Antena 3.

crec que no sé si va passar per la Sexta també

I think I don't know if it went through La Sexta as well.

va passar per Televisió Espanyola

it was broadcast on Spanish Television

ha passat per totes les cadenes

it has gone through all the chains

i després el Late Motif ja era l'últim

and then the Late Motif was already the last one

de fet, a Movistar

in fact, at Movistar

Jo és el que recordo, jo és el que he vist

I am what I remember, I am what I have seen.

perquè ets escarosament jove

because you are incredibly young

Però no, no, el Buenafuente

But no, no, the Buenafuente.

fot molts anys

many years ago

I quan va sortir, ell sortia en un programa

And when he went out, he was appearing on a show.

que es deia Persones Humanes

which was called Human Beings

que el feia un tal Mikimoto

that was made by a certain Mikimoto

que ni us deu sonar

that may not even ring a bell for you

Em sona molt el nom, sí, el nom moltíssim

The name sounds very familiar to me, yes, very much so.

El Mikimoto era un crac

Mikimoto was a genius.

i ell apareixia allà comentant les notícies

and he appeared there commenting on the news

dels diaris i ja tenia molta agressió

from the diaries and I already had a lot of aggression

i després va estrenar un programa a TV3

and then he/she launched a show on TV3

que es deia Sense Títol

which was called Untitled

i va ser com la irrupció d'un geni

it was like the emergence of a genius

de comunicació i de l'humor

of communication and humor

Llavors ha muntat una productora

Then he set up a production company.

que es diu El Terrat, que és fantàstica

which is called El Terrat, which is fantastic

que ha contractat sempre els millors còmics del país

who has always hired the best comedians in the country

qualsevol que destacava en comèdia

anyone who excelled in comedy

ell els ha tingut molta vista

he has been very perceptive with them

i els ha tingut també ell al seu costat

and he has also had them by his side

Alberto, el Corbacho

Alberto, the Corbacho

tota aquesta gent

all this people

i a mi em flipava, molt

and I loved it, a lot

jo el veia i em flipava

I would see him and I was amazed.

i un dia em va fitxar

and one day he/she hired me

et portaré al programa, t'entrevistaré i et fitxaré

I will bring you to the program, I will interview you and I will hire you.

i vaig acabar la temporada amb ell

I finished the season with him.

jo feia com un jovenet de 13 anys

I was like a 13-year-old kid.

i feia les preguntes incòmodes

and I asked the uncomfortable questions

als famosos

to the famous

llavors venia el Gesolín de Urique

then came the Gesolín from Urique

que tampoc deveu saber qui és

that you probably don't know who he is either

no, aquest, aquest, aquest

no, this, this, this

i venia la Cèlia Cruz

and Celia Cruz was coming

cantant cubana

Cuban singer



i jo els feia preguntes impertinents

And I asked them impertinent questions.

i venia, sí, sí, les preguntes més impertinents

And yes, yes, the most impertinent questions came.

que us pugueu imaginar

that you can imagine

ja l'entenies el Gesolín, així, parlant de fic

You already understood Gesolín like this, talking about fic.

no era fàcil, no era fàcil

it wasn't easy, it wasn't easy

i el Carles Sabater, que era el cantant de Sau

and Carles Sabater, who was the singer of Sau

M'encanta Sau

I love Sau.

i va passar per allà gent molt heavy

And very heavy people passed by there.

que a mi em feia molta il·lusió

that made me very happy

llavors m'enviaven a fer reportatges

then they would send me to do reports

allà, al Buenafuente, una vegada

there, at Buenafuente, once

em va enviar al Mundial de Futbol de França

he sent me to the World Cup in France

em va dir, escolta'm

he told me, listen to me

hi ha el Mundial de França de Futbol

there is the World Cup of France in Football

t'enviarem a entrevistar jugadors

We will send you to interview players.

era l'època dels Zidane, del Ronaldo

It was the era of Zidane, of Ronaldo.

de tots aquests

of all these

i dic, hòstia, que guai, no?

I say, damn, how cool, right?

m'hi ha somni, o sigui, ni d'allà

I have a dream, that is, not from there.

entrevistaré aquesta penya

I will interview this bunch.

al final la FIFA no ens va donar permís

in the end, FIFA did not grant us permission

i em van enviar a París

and they sent me to Paris

però a fer un reportatge de Disneyland

but to make a report on Disneyland

que guai

how cool

que anaves de premsa

that you were going as press

anava com a aviat

I was going as soon.

de fer la premsa pel Mundial

to do the press for the World Cup

que al final a última hora no va aparèixer

that in the end at the last minute did not show up

i jo demà volem fer un xou

And I tomorrow want to put on a show.

perdó, s'interrompem

Sorry, we interrupt.

demà estàs seguint Operació Triomfo?

Are you watching Operació Triomfo tomorrow?

aquest any no gaire, el miro per l'Abril Zamora

this year not much, I look at it for April Zamora

l'Abril Zamora

the April Zamora

és la millor

it's the best

i alguna vegada l'he vist per ella

And sometimes I have seen it for her.

i la veritat que a més és

and the truth is that it is also

per xarxa està donant un bombo

It's making a fuss online.

per xarxa està donant un bombo l'Abril Zamora

Abril Zamora is making a big deal on social media.

o sigui, tot el món

that is, everyone

com qui l'ha descobert ara

like someone who has just discovered it

és super guai

it's super cool

allà va fer una sèrie molt bona que es diu Todo lo Otro

There he made a very good series called Todo lo Otro.

que la van penjar a Xile

that they hung her in Chile

jo la vaig conèixer per vis-a-vis

I met her face to face.

és molt bona

it's very good

i és d'aquí

and it is from here

el cas és que demà fan les firmes a Barcelona

The thing is that they are doing the signings in Barcelona tomorrow.

nosaltres som molt fans d'Operació Triomfo

We are big fans of Operació Triomfo.

d'aquesta edició

of this edition

de totes les que hem vist

of all the ones we have seen

jo em vaig enganxar el 2017

I got hooked in 2017.

amb la Maya Laitana

with the Maya Laitana

Àngel Llàcer

Àngel Llàcer

la profe o no?

the teacher or not?

no, ja no hi era

no, he was no longer there

Àngel Llàcer no va ser a les primeres edicions

Àngel Llàcer was not present in the first editions.

i llavors qui havia de professor d'interpretació

and then who was to be the interpretation professor

en aquelles que us vau enganxar vosaltres?

In which ones did you get caught?

vam tenir a la banda

we had to the band

va estar a los Javis

he was at the Javis

és que és un fenomen molt heavy

It's just that it's a very intense phenomenon.

i és fort que això funciona

And it's strong that this works.

cada any

every year

i va ser un invent

it was an invention

va ser un invent d'aquí

it was an invention from here

de fet, això del Mainat i el Cruz

In fact, this about Mainat and Cruz.

els Jazz Music

the Jazz Music

i després tots els formats de talent shows

and then all the formats of talent shows

que han vingut després

that have come afterwards

estan basats en aquest format

they are based on this format

que es van inventar aquest parell

what this pair invented

que a mínim es van fer milionaris

that at least they became millionaires

perquè ho van vendre a tot el món

because they sold it all over the world

és que el Mainat és un visionari

it's just that Mainat is a visionary

també amb cròniques marcianes

also with Martian chronicles

tant els meus pares

both my parents

no l'he vist mai

I have never seen him/her.

perquè tampoc és que

because it's not that

tornem als mascaros a menys joves

let's return to the less young masks

però no l'he vist mai

but I have never seen him/her

però els meus pares

but my parents

en parlen de cròniques marcianes

they talk about Martian chronicles

com el programa

like the program

home, allò era molt fort

man, that was very strong

sí, sí, hi havia molts detractors també

Yes, yes, there were many detractors too.

perquè era un programa

because it was a program

que buscava els límits en moltes coses

that sought the limits in many things

i era polèmic

and it was controversial

però era impecable

but it was impeccable

estava molt ben fet

it was very well done

i allò va revolucionar la tele

And that revolutionized television.

molt heavy

very heavy

bueno, és que aquí a Catalunya

well, it's just that here in Catalonia

repeteixo, és que aquí ha sortit gent

I repeat, it’s just that people have come out here.

que ha tirat del carro

who has pulled the cart

de l'espectacle de l'entreteniment

of the entertainment spectacle

de la televisió, del teatre, del cinema

from television, from theater, from cinema

i segueix sent així

and it remains so

encara que


i sembla que a Madrid ho vulgui xuclar tot

And it seems that in Madrid they want to suck everything dry.

i ho vulgui

and I want it

ja, és que això ho pensava jo

Yes, that's what I was thinking too.

perquè és que nosaltres ho diem molt

because we say it a lot

en el món del periodisme

in the world of journalism

i això quan ho pensem nosaltres

and when do we think about this?

dic, és que si algun dia em vull dedicar

I say, it's just that if one day I want to dedicate myself

professionalment en això

professionally in this

que m'haig d'anar a Madrid per triomfar

that I have to go to Madrid to succeed

no necessàriament, home, jo crec que

not necessarily, man, I think that

aquí tenim l'oportunitat que tenim

here we have the opportunity that we have

però clar, t'ho posa que ets una nova persona

but of course, it says that you are a new person


of Aragon

Aragó en televisió

Aragon on television

primer que et paguin

first let them pay you

estaria bé

it would be good

no, és veritat

no, it is true

és un dels grans problemes

it's one of the big problems

i em refereixo més a l'ofici vostre

And I am referring more to your profession.

al periodisme i a la comunicació

to journalism and communication

que no pas en el món artístic

that does not happen in the artistic world

que a nosaltres se'ns paga

that we are paid

però se'ns paga quan

but we are paid when

vas a certs projectes

you go to certain projects

és a dir, que també hi ha molta gent

that is to say, there are also many people

que porta molt de temps arrossegant

that has been dragging for a long time

els vestits i portant la camioneta

the dresses and driving the van

i anant a llocs que després no et paguen

And going to places that don’t pay you afterwards.

i fent molta feina precària

and doing a lot of precarious work

i treballant molt puntualment

and working very punctually

jo sóc un afortunat de l'hòstia

I am incredibly lucky.

també he passat

I have also passed.

gana en alguns moments

hunger at times

no he passat gana perquè he pogut treballar

I haven't gone hungry because I've been able to work.

d'altres coses, però vull dir que

of other things, but I want to say that

si hagués hagut de viure només de lo meu

if I had to live only from my own

hagués passat gana, segur

would have surely gone hungry

si no hi hagués altra opció

if there were no other option

però tothom que es dedica al periodisme

but everyone who is dedicated to journalism

i que està en mitjans de comunicació

and that is in the media

el primer que et diuen és que ara es paga molt poc

The first thing they tell you is that now it pays very little.

s'ha fragmentat tot molt

Everything has fragmented a lot.

monetitzar els mitjans de comunicació

monetize the media

a través de les xarxes d'internet

through the internet networks

no sempre és fàcil

not always easy

els diaris

the newspapers

molts són deficitaris

many are deficient

els mitjans de comunicació

the media

privats s'aguanten perquè

private ones hold on because

tenen subvenció, tenen moltes publicitats

they have subsidies, they have a lot of advertising

i paguen i precaritzen moltíssim

they pay very little and make conditions very precarious

la gent que hi treballa

the people who work there

vull dir que clar

I mean, of course.

és de joder

it's a pain

d'alguna manera dedicar-te

somehow dedicating yourself

a tot l'àmbit

to the entire scope

de lo que és l'artístic

of what is artistic

ja sigui

either way

tot lo que no siguin els números

everything that is not numbers

perquè nosaltres som hasta discriminados

because we are even discriminated against

a l'insti els que fem lletres

at school, those of us who study humanities

perquè és en plan

because it's like

vosaltres no us guanyareu bé la vida

you will not earn a good living

vosaltres no

not you

clar sí, perquè una cosa

of course yes, because one thing

a mi sempre m'han dit

I have always been told.

vull ser periodista

I want to be a journalist.

i em diuen

and they call me

busca't una altra cosa

find yourself another thing

tu t'has de començar molt a tu mateix

You need to start believing in yourself a lot.

ja que vols fer això

since you want to do this

i has de començar molt als altres

You have to start very early with others.

clar, és que és això

of course, that's it

bàsicament perquè

basically because

quan no vingui un seniso

when a gentleman does not come

com jo i us digui

like I do and say to you

no us guanyareu la vida

you will not earn your living

això no es paga

this is not paid

això és una merda

this is crap

el que he fet jo ara

what I have done now

és horrorós

it's horrible

i que no serveix per res

and that is useless

perquè bàsicament

because basically

si sou bons i ho feu bé

if you are good and you do it well

no us guanyareu

you will not win

voler no sempre és poder

To want is not always to be able.

això és una malvida

this is a misfortune

que ens han fotut

that they have screwed us

voler no és poder

to want is not to be able

hi ha gent que té unes cartes

there are people who have some letters

i amb aquestes cartes

and with these letters

jugues la partida que pots

You play the game you can.

i a més hi ha un factor d'atzar

and there is also a factor of chance

hi ha un factor de saber jugar les cartes

there is a factor of knowing how to play the cards

i un factor de quines cartes t'han tocat

and a factor of which cards you have received



doncs sí

well yes

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

no, però què vull dir

no, but what I mean

vaya xapeta, us estic fotent

what a mess, I'm messing with you

no, no, no

no, no, no

però és que això és veritat

but this is true

que moltes vegades

that many times

quan ens pregunten sobre el talent

when we are asked about talent

sobre com guanyar-se la vida

about how to make a living

amb una feina vocacional

with a vocational job

aquestes feines que no sempre són garantia

these jobs that are not always a guarantee

de guanyar-se la vida

to earn a living

és que vés a saber

it's just that who knows

aquestes ganes que teniu vosaltres

these desires that you have

d'explicar coses

of explaining things

i ara en dieu periodisme

and now you call it journalism

però vés a saber

but who knows

amb què es converteix

what it becomes

sí, sí

yes, yes

a lo millor que vau fent cine

maybe you were making a movie

ja, qui sap

Yeah, who knows?

o a lo millor que vau fent guions

or maybe you were writing scripts

de vés a saber què

who knows what

o escrivint

or writing

o jo què sé

Oh, I don't know.

sigueu periodistes o no

be journalists or not

tingueu el títol o no

whether you have the title or not

al final si teniu la necessitat

in the end if you have the need

d'explicar coses

of explaining things

ja trobareu la manera de fer-ho

you will find a way to do it

i llavors molta gent fa periodisme

and then a lot of people do journalism

i després diu

and then he/she says

vaig cap a un altre lloc

I'm heading to another place.

que no m'interessa més

that I am not interested in anymore

o molta gent

or a lot of people

jo què sé, és que jo per exemple

I don't know, it's just that I, for example

volia ser periodista

I wanted to be a journalist.

i sí, després de voler ser metge

and yes, after wanting to be a doctor

volia ser periodista

I wanted to be a journalist.

i sóc actor i m'encanta

I am an actor and I love it.

però també seria periodista

but I would also be a journalist

i jo tinc molts companys del meu ofici

And I have many colleagues in my profession.

hi ha un famós actor

there is a famous actor

i boníssim actor espanyol

and a great Spanish actor

que es diu Antonio de la Torre

his name is Antonio de la Torre

que segur que l'heu vist alguna vegada

that you have surely seen it at some time

que ell era periodista esportiu

that he was a sports journalist

no sé si de la CER o de la COPE

I don't know if from CER or COPE.

i ara és un actor que guanya goies

And now he is an actor who wins awards.

i fa les pel·lícules més potents d'Espanya

and makes the most powerful films in Spain

i és un actorazo

and he is a great actor

com la copa d'un pino

as big as a pine tree's crown

però un tio que venia de

but a guy who came from

què vull dir amb això

what I mean by that

que al final fem el mateix

that in the end we do the same

una mica

a little bit

hi ha

there is

no sé si és un actor

I don't know if he is an actor.

o és el mateix

or it's the same

però torno al principi

but I return to the beginning

si hi ha ganes d'explicar-se

if there is a desire to explain oneself

i de comunicar

and to communicate

trobes la manera

you find the way

que pot ser des de l'art

that can be from art

des del guió

from the script

des de la ficció

from fiction

o des de la no ficció

or from non-fiction

o des d'una crònica periodística

or from a journalistic chronicle

a veure, em va perfecte

let's see, it works perfectly for me

que hagis mencionat els Goya

that you mentioned the Goya Awards

en dues setmanes són els Goya

In two weeks, it's the Goya Awards.

quin dia era?

What day was it?





no tinc ni idea

I have no idea.

bueno, és en dues setmanes

Well, it's in two weeks.

tu vas estar nominat a un Goya

you were nominated for a Goya

que va ser per quina pel·lícula va ser?

What was it for which movie was it?

Más pena que gloria

More sorrow than glory.

actor de no sé qué

actor of I don't know what



com ho recordes l'experiència Goya?

How do you remember the Goya experience?

recordo que

I remember that

sempre dic

I always say

que no sé si és molt bona idea

that I don't know if it's a very good idea

premiar gent tan jove

rewarding such young people

jo ja tenia 19, 18 allà

I was already 19, 18 there.

o 20

or 20

no me'n recordo

I don't remember.

sí, que estem al 2024

yes, we are in 2024

fa 22 anys

22 years ago

per ser de lletres

to be of letters

heu dit el ràpid que has anat

you have said how quickly you have gone

clar, jo soc d'exsocial

Sure, I am from exsocial.

aquest és d'exsocial

this is exsocial

les mates del social

the social maths

els de l'humanístic no

those of the humanities no

els de l'humanístic encara estan fent els càlculs

Those from the humanities are still making the calculations.

fa 22 anys i tinc 40

I am 40 years old and it was 22 years ago.

jo era molt jove

I was very young.

em fa molta il·lusió

I am very excited.

i també va ser una pel·lícula

and it was also a movie

em van donar el premi

They gave me the prize.

al millor actor del festival de Màlaga

to the best actor of the Málaga festival

que això també era com

that this was also like

sí, ho teníem apuntat

yes, we had it noted down

però no t'ho creus

but you don't believe it

o sigui, quan passa una cosa així

so, when something like this happens

el pitjor és que tu et creguis

The worst is that you believe it.

que això vol dir alguna cosa

that this means something

clar, que se't pugi el cap

Sure, that it gets to your head.

d'alguna manera



o que diguis

or whatever you say

ah, vale, soy un elegido

ah, okay, I am a chosen one



estoy en el Olimpo de los dioses

I am in the Olympus of the gods.

t'has trobat gent així

Have you met people like this?

hosti, tant

wow, so much

però és que has estat tu mateix

but it was you yourself

a vigilar, no sé això

to watch out, I don't know this

ja, ja

ha, ha

clar, jo penso que

of course, I think that

potser has de tindre el costat

maybe you have to have the side

d'envoltar-te de la gent

of surrounding yourself with people

dels que has estat sempre

of those you have always been

tu et segueixes envoltant

you keep surrounding yourself

de la gent

of the people

clar, ets aquí al poble

of course, you are here in the village

jo visc aquí

I live here.

tu ets aquí

you are here

i m'ha anat molt bé

it went very well for me

i aquí ja l'hi he de trobar

and here I have to find it for him/her

he sortit a la teta de la lluna

I have come out of the moon's breast.

i de cop la gent et va començar

and suddenly people started you

ah, una foto pel cap

ah, a photo for the head

una foto no hi havia

there was no photo

sí, aquí a Gelida hi ha a vegades

Yes, here in Gelida there are sometimes.

gent de fora també et diré

people from outside I will also tell you

perquè gent del poble

because people from the village

que vingui a demanar una foto

let him/her come to ask for a photo

seria raríssim

it would be very strange

clar, però tu si estàs comprant

Of course, but you are indeed buying.

aquí al supermercat

here at the supermarket

no t'ho agafen

they don't take it from you

gent que és més nova

younger people

que fa més poc que viu aquí

that has lived here for a shorter time

o allò

or that

clar, és que si t'ha vist

of course, it's just that if he has seen you

tota la vida

all life

no et dirà ara una foto

it won't now give you a picture

però a Barcelona sí

but in Barcelona yes

i també m'agrada molt

and I also really like it

viure aquí

live here

per això

for that reason

perquè ja ens coneixem

because we already know each other

des de petits

since childhood

i per mi també és una manera

And for me, it is also a way.

d'estar tocant de peus a terra

of being grounded

de no flipar-me

not to freak out

de no fer-me

of not making me

de no estar

if not to be

tota l'estona amb la meva bombolleta

all the time with my little bubble

de gent de l'ofici

of people in the trade

que és una bombolleta especial

what is a special little bubble

i de gent

and of people

ja m'imagino

I can imagine.

tens alguna persona

do you have someone

de gent de l'ofici

from people in the trade

així que diries

so you would say



mira, ara t'ho diré

Look, I will tell you now.

i et donaré el DNI i l'adreça

And I will give you the ID and the address.

t'han proposat

they have proposed to you

no m'ha tocat promocionar res

I haven't had to promote anything.



Pepino, Espanya

Cucumber, Spain

perquè fa molts anys

because many years ago

que no faig res

that I am not doing anything

Pepino, Espanya

Cucumber, Spain

vols fer-ho?

do you want to do it?

sí, ara hi ha cosetes

yes, now there are little things





si vénen cosetes

if little things come

quin fàstic fa la gent que diu això

what disgusts me is the people who say this

a veure si t'haurem de cridar

let's see if we will have to call you

per donar l'exclusió aquí

to give the exclusion here

no, no, però us puc dir això

No, no, but I can tell you this.

que hi ha una cosa que estem

that there is something that we are

que és molt guai

that is really cool

que és per una plataforma

what is it for a platform

d'aquestes de tot el món

of all the world

i que mola molt

and it's really cool

i estic molt content

I am very happy.

que guai

how cool

abans has mencionat

you mentioned before

que ho hem passat a si por alto

that we have overlooked it

l'obra de teatre a pell fina

the play "Pell fina"





, que per primer cop

, that for the first time

doncs te l'emportes una mica aquí

so you take it a bit here

a Gelida

to Gelida

i, bueno, preguntar-te

Yes, well, to ask you.

com has sentit que hi ha alguna cosa

How have you felt that there is something?

que has fet tu

what have you done

que has creat

what you have created

suposo que és un

I suppose it is a

amb companys

with colleagues

que ho portis aquí

that you bring it here

al lloc d'on ets al final

at the place where you are at the end

doncs, mira

well, look

portem dos anys fent aquesta funció

We have been doing this job for two years.

hem estat a Barcelona

We have been in Barcelona.

al Teatre Borràs

at the Borràs Theatre

hem estat

we have been

50 ciutats i pobles de Catalunya

50 cities and towns of Catalonia

i estic com si l'hagués d'estrenar

And I feel like I have to debut it.

aquest diumenge

this Sunday

és fort, eh

He's strong, isn't he?

és més nervis

it's more nerves

portar-la aquí al teu poble

bring her here to your village





que estàs amb la gent que coneixes

that you are with the people you know

o és

where is

és per una banda

it's on one hand

a veure, nervis

let's see, nerves


the premiere

quan no ho has fet mai

when you have never done it

i ningú ho ha vist

and no one has seen it

és el pitjor dia

it's the worst day

perquè és el primer dia

because it is the first day

que tens el contacte amb la gent

that you have contact with people



això ja no el tenim

we no longer have that

perquè ja hem vist que funciona

because we have already seen that it works

i sabem la resposta del públic

And we know the audience's response.

i sabem que la gent s'ho passa teta

And we know that people have a great time.

llavors això ja està superat

then this is already overcome

pantalla passada

previous screen



venir diumenge aquí

come here on Sunday



vols que agradi molt

you want it to be very pleasing

que la gent s'ho passi teta

let people have a great time

està tot ple

it's all full

s'emmanuen les entrades super ràpid

The tickets sell out super fast.



vols que funcioni

do you want it to work



i és

and it is

doncs sí

well yes

tothom et coneix

everyone knows you

i a mi em veuran

and they will see me

amb molta informació al darrere

with a lot of information behind it

saben que

they know that

saps què vull dir

do you know what I mean



que és diferent

that is different

és diferent

it is different

a mi

to me

hi ha un punt

there is a point

en la feina que fem

in the work that we do

és com els mags

it's like the magicians

que no ensenyen els trucs

they don't show us the tricks

ja està bé

it's okay

que no et coneguin gaire

that they don't know you very well


per fer un personatge

to create a character

perquè hi ha una part

because there is a part

que no saben mai

that they never know

què és del personatge

What is up with the character?

i què és de l'actor

And what about the actor?



i quan et coneixen molt

and when they know you very well

a vegades



you say

ja va

Let’s go.



ja va

let's go

ah és que ets tu

Ah, so it's you.

en realitat

in reality



i el personatge

and the character

és un psicòpata

he is a psychopath

imagina que tinguin això

imagine that they have this

aquí a Gelida

here in Gelida

s'han esgotat

they have run out

les entrades

the entries



el primer dia

the first day


you would say

jo vaig a buscar-ne

I'm going to fetch it.

ja no em quedaven

I had none left.

i al final

and in the end

mira el meu tio també

look at my uncle too

mira tinc un aquí

Look, I have one here.

i vaig

I am going.

ah pues ve

Ah, well come on.

doncs jo sí que vindré

well, I will come


I go

no no

no no

veniu veniu

come come

que us ho passareu bé

that you will have a good time

explica'ns una miqueta

tell us a little bit

de què va

what is it about

mira la vell fina

look at the fine old woman

són els mateixos autors

they are the same authors

que vam fer ovelles

that we made sheep

que ens vam conèixer allà

that we met there

i ens vam entendre molt

and we understood each other very well

ells són parella

they are a couple

o sigui la gent que ha escrit

that is, the people who have written



que es diuen

what they are called

Iago Alonso

Iago Alonso

i Carmen Marfà

and Carmen Marfà

són una parella

they are a couple

de 40 anys

40 years old


very beautiful


very intelligent

que estan

they are

vivint junts

living together

i s'estimen molt

and they love each other very much

i han tingut

and they have had

dues criatures

two children

i han viscut

and they have lived

la paternitat


i la maternitat

and motherhood

per primera vegada

for the first time

amb lo difícil

with the difficult

que és avui en dia

what is it today

ser pare i ser mare

being a father and being a mother

perquè hi ha una pressió social

because there is social pressure



de ser el millor pare possible

to be the best father possible

perquè t'agafen una edat

because they make you feel a certain age

en la que tu encara

in which you still

vols ser jove

do you want to be young

i al final

and in the end

el que parla és

the one who speaks is

es diu la pell fina

it's called fine skin

per què?


el plantejament és

the approach is

una parella d'amics

a couple of friends

se'n van a casa

they are going home

d'una altra parella d'amics

from another couple of friends

que s'han mudat

that have moved

a un poble

to a village

tipus gelida

frost type

perquè com que tenen

because since they have

una criatura

a creature

volen sortir de Barcelona

they want to leave Barcelona

que això està molt de moda

that this is very fashionable

jo vull criar-lo

I want to raise him/her.

en un lloc

in a place

que hi hagi verd

to have green

i que juguin pel carrer

and let them play in the street

i això

and that

després no ho fa ningú

after that, no one does it

ja, literalment

yes, literally

però aquesta cosa

but this thing

llavors els van a visitar

then they went to visit them

perquè havien de tenir un bebè

because they had to have a baby

són uns amics

they are friends

que fa uns anys

a few years ago

que no es veuen

that are not seen

i quan li presenten el bebè

And when they present the baby to her

el bebè els sembla

the baby seems to them

que és

what is it

horrorosament lletja

horribly ugly

llavors no saben

then they don't know

si dir-ho o no dir-ho

to say it or not to say it

els seus amics

his friends

perquè són d'aquests amics

because they are those friends

que els agrada dir

that they like to say

les veritats a la cara

the truths to the face

fent-se una mica els guais

acting a bit cool

saps aquesta gent que diu

do you know these people who say

jo estic per encima de tot

I am above everything.

i te puc dir

and I can tell you

el teu fill és lleig

your son is ugly

com una granota

like a frog

doncs això

well, that's it

la gent així

people like that

i hi ha aquesta gent

and there are these people

que dius

what are you saying

cal dir la veritat

One must tell the truth.



a vegades millor

sometimes better

que te la garesis

that you get it

qui t'ha preguntat

Who asked you?

estaria bé

it would be good

si és guapo

if he is handsome

i això

and this

que pot semblar una broma

that may seem like a joke

de bueno

of good

som col·legues

we are colleagues

no passa res

it's okay



fa pupitar

makes it vibrate

una mica

a little bit

perquè tu estàs allà

because you are there

que no dorms per les nits

that you don't sleep at night

estàs donant-li el biberón

you are giving him the bottle

al nen

to the boy

amb una mala hòstia

with a bad attitude

que flipes

you must be kidding

perquè no pots anar

because you can't go

al Primavera Sound

to Primavera Sound

i estàs allà

and you are there

i va una mica d'això

And it goes a bit of this.

i a partir d'una premissa

and based on a premise

molt còmica

very funny

que és això

what is this

aquest nen és lleig

this boy is ugly

doncs imagineu-vos

so just imagine

cap on van les coses

it depends on how things go

l'amistat es va tensant

Friendship is becoming strained.

van sortint cosetes

little things are coming out

de fa molts anys

many years ago







s'ha de dir sempre

it must always be said

la veritat o no

the truth or not

on està el límit

where is the limit

hi havia una cosa

there was a thing

que llegia l'altre dia

that I was reading the other day

que deia

what he/she said

d'on acaba

where it ends





bueno això sí

well, that's true

però no deia

but I did not say



el sincericidi

the truth kill

us han dit a parlar

they have told you to speak

del sincericidi

of the sincericide

jo aquesta frase

I this phrase

també l'he sentit

I have heard it too.

de la que has dit tu

of what you have said

de quan acaba

When does it end?

la teva llibertat

your freedom

és quan

it's when

quan envaeixes

when you invade

els altres

the others

pot ser

might be

i si no et pregunten

And if they don't ask you.


above all

perquè si et diuen

because if they tell you

si tu preguntes

if you ask

o si no

or if not


how many



hi ha de dir les coses

things have to be said

i perquè de vegades

and because sometimes

sempre triam la pitjor

we always choose the worst

tu tens la pell fina

you have delicate skin





jo vosaltres

I you

tenir la pell fina

to have thin skin



és que

it's that

és que clar

it's just that, of course

la cosa és

the thing is

què és tenir la pell fina

what does it mean to have thin skin



perquè ha escutat el seu concepte

because he has heard his concept

com ho definiries tu

how would you define it

aquesta és la pregunta

this is the question

què és tenir la pell fina

what does it mean to have thin skin

no tinc ni idea

I have no idea.



però està bé plantejar-s'ho

but it's good to think about it



fins a quin punt

to what extent

és legítim ofendre's

It is legitimate to be offended.

fins a quin punt

to what extent

és legítim ofendre's

It is legitimate to be offended.

en el fons

in the background

el títol

the title

és una mica enganyós

it's a bit misleading



l'obra es deia

the work was called

això no es diu

this is not said

al principi

at the beginning

que ens semblava

that seemed to us

un títol horrorós

a horrible title

perquè és com de

because it is like from

comèdia barata

cheap comedy

això no es diu

this is not said

en punts d'exclamació

in exclamation points

saps allò

do you know that

semblava una mica

it seemed a bit

una comèdia

a comedy

com de fa més anys

as it was many years ago

i la pell fina

and the thin skin

molava perquè

I liked it because

tenia aquesta cosa

I had this thing.

que té a veure

what does it have to do with

amb l'ofensa

with the offense

que té a veure

what does it have to do with

amb la sensibilitat

with sensitivity

en el fons

in the background

què és la pell fina

What is thin skin?

és la capacitat

it is the capacity

que tenim

that we have

per ser sensibles

to be sensitive

o més o menys sensibles

or more or less sensitive

a les coses

to the things



ser sensible

to be sensitive

no està mal

it's not bad

que no vol dir

that does not mean

ser sensiblero

to be overly sentimental

una cosa és

one thing is

vendre la sensibleria

sell the sentimentality

i una altra cosa

and one more thing

és reconèixer

it is to recognize

que som sensibles

that we are sensitive

i que les coses

and that things

ens fan mal

they hurt us

i que si no

and if not

ens les diuen bé

they call them well

ens fan pupitar

they make us suffer

i no cal anar pel món

and there's no need to go around the world

tirant la nostra merda

pulling our shit

als altres

to others

no ho sé

I don't know.

jo crec que és una mica

I think it's a bit

una cosa de sentit comú

a matter of common sense

hi ha gent que li encanta

there are people who love it

anar per la vida

to go through life

fotent mal als altres

hurting others


hi ha gent que és així

there are people who are like that



el tema pell fina

the topic of fine skin

això que has dit

this that you have said

jo és que una cosa

I am that one thing.

que tinc

that I have

és que em senten

it's that they hear me

riure molt

laugh a lot

de mi mateix

of myself

al meu cas

in my case

i llavors penso

and then I think

que això

that this

m'ajuda a no tindre

help me not to have

tant la pell tan fina

so thin the skin

perquè per exemple

because for example

és que ara

it's that now

vinc a rajar de la família

I'm here to gossip about the family.


I say

la meva germana

my sister

sí que té la pell molt fina

yes, she does have very fine skin

i és l'època

and it is the time

que no li pots dir

that you can't tell him/her

Andrés el Quarto

Andrew the Fourth





perquè s'atofen

because they suffocate

i bueno

and well

és que aquí el problema

it's just that here the problem

és l'última paraula

it's the last word

la marrana

the pig

potser la suprimim

perhaps we will eliminate it




però li dius

but you tell him/her

Andrés el Quarto

Andrés the Fourth

i també se'n va

and he/she is leaving too



jo sent riure'm molt bé

I feel very good laughing.

de mi mateix

of myself

i penso que és una virtut

I think it is a virtue.



és que jo crec que

it's just that I think that

ara en la generació

now in the generation

que estem

that we are

és una virtut

it is a virtue

hem après a riure's

we have learned to laugh at ourselves

de nosaltres

of us

perquè si no

because if not

és que al final

it's just that in the end


you melt

i no saps

and you don't know

bueno és que després

well, it is that later

ens diuen

they tell us

la generació de cristal

the crystal generation

que això

what this

i creieu que no és veritat

And you think it's not true?



jo crec que no

I don't think so.

el que passa

what happens

és que creiem que deixem

it's that we believe we leave

que es noti més

let it be more noticeable

els nostres sentiments

our feelings

o sigui

that is to say

ho visibilitzem tot més

we make everything more visible


Do you know?

clar però jo crec que

clear but I think that

ara hi ha més gent

now there are more people

que s'ofén més

who gets offended more

i gent que s'ofén menys

and people who get offended less

sí també

yes also

hi ha extrems

there are extremes

una pèl·la constant

a constant hassle

jo aquesta conversa

I this conversation

que estic tenint amb vosaltres

that I am having with you all

ara sobre

now on

com ens ofenem

how we offend each other

i si ens en riem

And what if we laugh about it?

de nosaltres mateixos

of ourselves

i els nostres col·legues

and our colleagues

a la vostra edat

at your age



perquè no teníem

because we did not have

la intel·ligència emocional

emotional intelligence

que teniu vosaltres

what do you have?

ni de conya

not even joking

perquè no se'ns va educar així

because we were not educated this way

és que és això

what is this



i perquè tot era

and because everything was

tapar i tapar i tapar

cover and cover and cover

i no mostrar debilitat

and not show weakness

en cap moment

at no time

però això és horrible

but this is horrible

és horrible

it's horrible

és una repressió

it is a repression

que com tu treus això

How do you get that out?

o sigui a casa

that is, at home

jo és que no m'ho podia imaginar

I just couldn't imagine it.



si jo hagués viscut

if I had lived

en aquella època

at that time

o sigui

that is to say

jo no podria

I couldn't.

si ja a vegades

if sometimes already

sento la pressió

I feel the pressure.

no poder expressar-me gens

not being able to express myself at all

o sigui

that is to say

ho passaria fatal

I would have a terrible time.

sí però vosaltres

yes but you all

esteu acostumats

you are used to

des de petits

since we were kids

anàveu al col·le

you used to go to school

i us deien

and they told you

avui com esteu

Today, how are you?

i fèieu

and you did

les aquelles dinàmiques

those dynamics


to try

reconèixer vosaltres

recognize you

en quin estat

in what state

d'animi que esteu

of encouragement that you are

i ho compartíeu

and you shared it

entre vosaltres

between you

i tal

and so on

tot això

all of this

que ara hi ha gent

that there are people now

que critica

what criticizes

perquè es veu

because it shows

que això no és

that this is not

és que això

it's just that this

també s'ha d'aprendre

it must also be learned

a llegir i escriure

to read and write

i a fer

and to do

a fer tots els calcos

to do all the copycats

i a tenir

and to have

uniforme pisa

Pisa uniform.

de puta mare

fucking awesome

que està molt en tendència

which is very trendy

una cosa

one thing

no és excloent

it is not exclusive

de l'altra

from the other

però joli

but pretty

a mi em fa molta enveja

I am very envious of it.

i em fa la sensació

and it gives me the feeling

que quan parlo

that when I speak

amb gent de la vostra edat

with people your age



esteu molt més acostumats

you are much more accustomed

a ser honestos

to be honest

amb el que sentiu

with what you hear

després fem tots

then we all do

el que podem

what we can

sí també

yes also

sí també està

yes it is too

el tema

the theme

una miqueta

a little bit



dels sexes

of the sexes

i tal

and such



potser el tema

maybe the topic

ser un noi

to be a boy



en altres èpoques

in other times

era més

was more

tancat els teus sentiments

shut your feelings

i tal

and such

jo sempre ho he dit

I have always said it.

jo tinc molta sort

I am very lucky.

que amb els meus amics

that with my friends

em puc obrir perfectament

I can open up perfectly.

i dir

and say

m'està passant

It's happening to me.





Mentre nosaltres

While we

estàvem traient-nos

we were breaking up

un moc

a booger

darrere el pal

behind the pole

de la porteria

of the goalpost



vull dir

I mean



hi ha coses

there are things

que encara es conserven

that are still preserved

a tu

to you

quan començaves

when you started

a anar a l'escot

to go to the cleavage

fent res

doing nothing

el rosari

the rosary

al principi

at the beginning







tu vols

you want

tu vols sortir

Do you want to go out?

viu d'aquí

live from here



és que

it's that



no hi ha pau

there is no peace





és que

it's that



ja havia mort Franco

Franco had already died.

un Franco

a Franco





és que m'estàs

it's just that you're



va morir el 75

he died in '75

jo sóc del 84

I am from '84.



a veure

let's see

si tinc 40 anys

if I am 40 years old

o sigui

that is to say

jo podria ser el teu pare

I could be your father.

si bàsicament

Yes, basically.

això sí

that’s for sure

però el Franco

but Franco



el Franco era de l'època

Franco was from the era.

dels meus pares

of my parents



o sigui

that is to say

quan ells es van casar

when they got married

i van procrear

and they procreated

per primera vegada

for the first time

i tal

and such

el Franco es va morir

Franco died.



que no dic que tingui

that I’m not saying I have

causa i conseqüència

cause and consequence

no són dues coses

they are not two things

que tinguin res a veure

that they have nothing to do with it





, però

, but

la, la, o sigui

the, the, I mean

la meva germana

my sister

per exemple

for example

va néixer el 77

was born in '77

dos anys després

two years later

de la mort del Franco

of Franco's death

però jo sóc de 84

but I am from '84

però sí que veníem d'això

but yes, we were coming from that

que et fotien hòsties

that they were beating you up



els pares m'expliquen

my parents explain to me

que els professors

that the teachers

els pagaven

they paid them

i nosaltres

and we

per compensació

for compensation

i perquè el món

and why the world

ha canviat moltíssim

it has changed a lot

ens n'hem anat a un lloc

we have gone to a place

en el que

in which

sembla que

it seems that



quasi s'ha de demanar perdó

one almost has to apologize

per ensenyar

to teach




sí, sí

yes, yes

i crec que no cal demanar perdó

I think it is not necessary to apologize.

per ensenyar

to teach

i que ensenyar

and to teach

de vegades també

sometimes also



una certa disciplina

a certain discipline



i disciplina no vol dir

and discipline does not mean

matxacar els infants

crush the children

vol dir exigir-los

it means to demand them

vol dir

it means


to verify

que estan assolint

that they are achieving



els coneixements

the knowledge

vol dir

it means

que es demanin

that they ask for themselves

cada cop més


que el que és més difícil

that what is most difficult

també es plantegin

also be raised

poder-ho assolir

being able to achieve it

vol dir



to teach

aprendre a tolerar

learn to tolerate

la frustració

the frustration

vol dir



to teach

a obeir

to obey

també és molt bé

it's also very good

a l'escola també

at school too

s'ha d'obeir

one must obey

una mica

a little bit

però és que sembla

but it seems that

que no es pugui dir això

that this cannot be said




Do you know?

sembla que estigui prohibit

it seems to be prohibited

i no

and no


holy shit



quan és

when is it

en favor

in favor

del bé comunitari

of the common good

no està malament

it's not bad

i també la llibertat

and also freedom

però no són coses

but they are not things

que estiguin

that they be



ha d'haver espai

there must be space

per tot

for everything

per ser

to be

un alumne responsable

a responsible student

i per ser

and to be

un alumne

a student

que és

what is it



de dir

to say

el que li passi

whatever happens to him/her

pel cap

in the head

per cert

by the way



no sé si m'equivoco

I don't know if I'm mistaken.

potser m'estic equivocant

maybe I'm getting it wrong

tu vas sortir a la sèrie

you came out in the series

La Messias

The Messiah


ho faig una cosa

I'll do one thing.

molt petitoneta

very little one

sí sí

yes yes


és una col·laboració

it is a collaboration

jo crec que va molt en relació

I think it is very related.

amb el que dius

with what you say



la sèrie va com

the series goes like

no l'has vist

you haven't seen it

doncs va com

so it goes like this

molt ràpidament

very quickly

uns pares

some parents

una mare que té dos fills

a mother who has two children

es casa amb un

she marries one



una cosa rara

a strange thing

és un senyor molt religiós

He is a very religious man.

molt sectari

very sectarian

i obligar les seves filles

and force their daughters

que té

what does it have

que té dos

that has two

més les set

more than seven

que té més

that has more

o nou

or new

a tancar-les a casa

to close them at home



arriba un punt

a point arrives



els nens

the children

els dos nens grans

the two older kids


they say

és que no puc estar tancat

It's just that I can't be locked up.





parla molt d'això

talks a lot about this

de la llibertat

of freedom

de ser tancat a casa

to be locked at home

i és que

and it is that

quan ho has dit

when you said it

m'he recordat

I remembered.





perquè va molt d'això

because it goes a lot about this



aquest límit

this limit

és l'única

it's the only one

aquesta sèrie

this series

és l'única

it's the only one

i fa patir

and it causes suffering

l'has acabat o no?

Have you finished it or not?


fa patir

makes suffer

la ballar Romero

the dancer Romero


I love it.

jo quan la veia a TikTok

I when I saw her on TikTok.

quan veia trossos a TikTok

when I saw clips on TikTok


I say

això és un catxonde

this is a joke

amb l'Estela

with Estela



i tot allò

and all that

és que

it's that

el que m'agrada molt

what I really like

és que a Espanya

it's that in Spain

sobretot els Javis

especially the Javis

ho fan bastant

they do it quite a bit



se van barrejar tan bé

they blended so well



i el catxonde

and the fun

m'estic rient en tu cara

I am laughing in your face.



però amb un transfons

but with a background

que dius

What are you saying?

és que si ho penses

it's just that if you think about it

me puc llorar

I can cry.

Paquita Salas

Paquita Salas

per exemple

for example

o la Venen

or the Venom

no sé

I don't know.

Paquita Salas

Paquita Salas

i jo el primer capítol

and me the first chapter

vaig plorar

I cried.

amb el final

with the end

quan lo del broche

when the brooch thing

ja està obert

it's already open

és que està

it's that it is

són molt cracs

they are very good

aquest paell són molt cracs

these paellas are really awesome

jo Javi Cabo

I Javi Cabo

el coneixia

I knew him.

quan érem molt joves

when we were very young

de la meva primera etapa a Madrid

from my first stage in Madrid

que em vaig anar a viure allà

that I went to live there

un temps

a time

era la fisiocaquímica

it was the physicochemical


és a l'alt

it's at the top

dels dos és a l'alt

of the two it is the highest


the Ambrosia

és el germà de la Macarena

He is Macarena's brother.


i el Javi

and Javi

recordo que ens coneixíem

I remember that we knew each other.

per amics comuns

for mutual friends

que estàvem fent coses per allà

that we were doing things over there

i ja el veies

and you could already see him

sent molt jove

feel very young

i ja veies

and you could see



aquell coco

that coconut

no parava

did not stop

de pensar

to think

i de

and of

i que s'ho virava tot

and that he/she turned it all over

s'ho llegia tot

he/she read it all.

que tenia

that I had



un motoret intern

an internal motor



d'estar al dia

to be up to date

de totes

of all

les pel·lícules

the movies

i llibres

and books

i sèries

and series

que surten

that come out



i són molt cracs

and they are very cool

tots dos tenien molt clar

both of them were very clear

el que volien fer

what they wanted to do

i ho han petat

and they have nailed it

molt fort

very strong



voldries sortir

would you like to go out

a Paquita Sales

to Paquita Sales





jo crec que no tinc paper

I think I don't have paper.




"I would like"

si algun actor

if any actor


of these


un actor català

a Catalan actor


of these



on te sigui

wherever you may be

però bueno

but well

o sigui

that is to say

que hi ha un representant

that there is a representative

ara et dic

now I tell you

la Paquita Sales

Paquita Sales

a mi em recordava

it reminded me

la mescla

the mixture

de dues representants

of two representatives

que jo ja he tingut

that I have already had



això és molt fort

this is very strong

si jo sumava

if I added

les meves dues

my two

he pres

I have taken.

hi ha hagut moments

there have been moments

en què m'he pogut flipar

in what I could have freaked out

i que no m'he sentat

and that I haven't sat down

gens bé

not at all

i que

and that

a més et converteix

it also transforms you

en un pitjor professional

in a worse professional

i en una pitjor persona

and in a worse person

i llavors

and then



està molt bé

it's very good

tenir clar

to be clear

que les coses

that things



les pots fer

you can do them



a mi em va molt bé

I'm doing very well.

de la meva feina

from my work

esperar el moment

wait for the moment

d'esprendre'm els guions

of taking off the scripts

donar-li voltes

to turn it around

al personatge

to the character


to try

gravar una presa

record a shot

i després si no surt bé

and then if it doesn’t go well

demanar-li al director

ask the director

o a la directora

or to the director

fer-ne una altra

make another one

perquè crec que es pot fer millor

because I believe it can be done better

intentar entendre

try to understand

amb el company

with the companion

o amb la companya

or with the partner

que allò

that it

a veure per on ho tirem

let's see where we go with it

això és el xulo

this is the cool one

de la feina

from work

i discutir-te

and argue with you

amb els companys

with the companions

i dialogar

and to dialogue

i trobar

and find



i oferir opcions

and offer options

i ser molt precis

and be very precise

i això és molt guai

and this is very cool

anar a la red carpet

go to the red carpet

i al fotocall

and at the photocall

i buscar

and search

quina roba me pongo

What clothes should I wear?

a mi em fot una mandra

I'm really lazy about it.





a més a més


que treu molt de temps

that takes a lot of time

i molta energia

and a lot of energy

s'ha de fer

it must be done

si us a Madrid

if you are in Madrid



és gairebé imprescindible

it is almost essential

però tampoc

but neither

cal perdre el cul

you have to lose your ass

per estar perdent

for being lost

el 80% del teu temps

80% of your time

i la teva energia

and your energy

en figurar

to figure

o en tenir

or in having

molts followers

many followers

avui sentia

today I felt

una entrevista

an interview

que li feien

what they did to him/her

a l'Emma Vilarassau

to Emma Vilarassau

que és una grande

what is a grande

i ella era molt radical

And she was very radical.

i em deia

and it was called to me

és que jo prohibiria

I would prohibit.



les xarxes socials

social networks

jo no soc

I am not

de prohibir

to prohibit



això ho deia ella

this is what she said

però això

but this

és que ho prohibiria

It's just that I would prohibit it.

i què vol dir això

And what does that mean?

que agafin

let them take

actors i actrius

actors and actresses

en funció dels

depending on the

seguidors que tenen

followers that they have

llavors que agafin

then take them



deia ella

she said

que agafin

that they take





però és que no

but it's just that no

és el mateix ofici

it's the same trade

és que no és

it's just that it's not

i està passant

and it is happening

que hi ha

what's there

una sèrie

a series

de gent

of people



no sap

does not know

en què consisteix

what it consists of

aquest ofici

this profession

i que

and that



i són

and they are

perquè figuren

because they are listed



hi ha molt

there is a lot

aquest debat

this debate



ja no tant

not so much anymore

però per exemple

but for example

la titulara

the holder

que està

what is


the friend

de la Charlie D'Amelio

of Charlie D'Amelio

que va fer una sèrie

that made a series

i tot el món

and the whole world


telling him/her

que mal actues

how badly you act

i és com

and it is like

potser es perd

maybe it gets lost

una mica això

a little of this





s'està perdent

it is being lost



que és l'essència

what is the essence

de la professió

of the profession

jo aquest cas

I this case

no el conec

I don't know him.

però s'està perdent

but it is getting lost


the essence



que hi ha actors

that there are actors

i actrius

and actresses

que tenen

what they have

molts seguidors

many followers

però es tenen

but they have

perquè ho han fet

why they have done it

amb la seva feia

with her face

amb la seva carrera

with his/her career

no en base d'això

not based on that

et converteixes

you become

en actor

an actor



si et dediques

if you dedicate yourself

a fer unboxing

to do an unboxing

de productes

of products

i et posen

and they put you

i intenten

and they try

que després

that later

hi ha casos

there are cases

i casos

and cases

i evidentment

and obviously

que hi haurà influencers

that there will be influencers

que tindran

what they will have

el do

the gift

i ho sabran fer

and they will know how to do it





a mi

to me

m'ho parlava

he/she was talking to me about it

la mare

the mother

la Maia

the Maia



que anàvem

that we were going

ja ja ja

ha ha ha

ja va ser

it was already

sí sí sí

yes yes yes





em va fer plorar

it made me cry


the scene

ella va fer

she made





quan canten

when they sing

lo del piano

the piano thing

el piano

the piano

aquella escena

that scene

que té allà

What do you have there?

més la cançó

more the song

de memòria

by heart

aquella cançó

that song





m'és igual

I don't care.

si és cantant

if he/she is a singer

si és el que sigui

if it is whatever it is

és un artista

he is an artist

ho va fer molt bé

he did it very well

i quan se'n va corrents

and when he/she runs away



o i per exemple

oh and for example



ha sortit

has come out

la sèrie

the series

de Jo mai mai

of me never never

que es farà el Miki Núñez

What will Miki Núñez do?




una mica el mateix cas

a bit the same case

és com

it's like

però ell

but he

vaig veure una entrevista

I saw an interview.

que diu

what does it say

jo m'hauria sentit malament

I would have felt bad.

o sigui

that is to say

com si li estigués

as if he were

traient al lloc algú

taking someone out of the place

sent un intrus

being an intruder



intrusismo laboral

job intrusion

no es diu

it is not said

però clar

but of course

ell diu

he says

està bé que ho digui

it's okay for me to say it

però ho fa molt bé

but it does it very well


bueno no l'he vist

well, I haven't seen it



diu bueno

says good

a mi em va fer un càsting

I was casted.

perquè vaig dir

because I said

feu-me un càsting

give me a casting

perquè és que si no

because if not

doncs això parla molt bé d'ell

well, that speaks very highly of him


saps això vol dir

do you know what this means

jo sóc un est

I am a East.

i sé que el millor

and I know that the best

no és el meu món

it's not my world

i no ho sé fer

I don't know how to do it.

i si ho fas bé

and if you do it well

doncs agafes el mal

so you take the bad

i prova'm

and try me

i a veure què

and let's see what

a veure és veritat

let's see, it's true

que els cantants

that the singers

estan molt a prop

they are very close

del que fem nosaltres

of what we do

és a dir

that is to say

que han de fer una performance

that they have to do a performance

al final de l'escenari

at the end of the stage

al final està molt a prop

in the end it is very close

el que fem

what we do

i hi ha molts actors

And there are many actors.

que són cantants

they are singers

i cantants que són actors

the singers who are actors

i actors de musical

and musical actors

que no són actors de musical

that they are not musical actors

perquè no hi ha actors de musical

because there are no musical actors

hi ha actors

there are actors

i al final una persona

and in the end a person

que puja i canta

that rises and sings

en un lloc davant d'un públic

in a place before an audience

és el que fem

it's what we do

una altra cosa

another thing

és això que us deia

it's what I was telling you

quan algú passa

when someone passes

de fer unboxing de cosmèticos

to do an unboxing of cosmetics

o d'un gamer

or a gamer

de cop i volta


vol ser un actor

wants to be an actor

dius no

you say no

això sí que no

this absolutely not


we are




fem una última pregunta

let's ask one last question

tenim una última pregunta

we have one last question

anava a dir

I was going to say

a tots els que entrevistem

to all those we interview

que no

that no

la segona entrevista

the second interview

que és

what is it

ja que aquest programa

since this program

va d'adolescents i tal

it's about teenagers and such

si poguessis donar-li un consell

if you could give him/her a piece of advice

al teu adolescent

to your teenager

bo, nen

Good, kid.

què li diries?

What would you tell him/her?

la pregunta de filosofia

the question of philosophy

és bona

it's good

que no et flipis

don't get carried away

seria la cosa

it would be the thing

treballa i no et flipis

Work and don't get carried away.

no hi ha més

there is no more

és molt perillós

it's very dangerous

pensar que tot l'envoltori

to think that all the packaging

que tu fes

that you did

és el guai

he is the coolest

i el que mola

and what’s cool

en realitat

in reality

és tenir ganes

it's being eager

de fer l'ofici

of doing the job

si no tens ganes

if you don't feel like it

de fer l'ofici

of doing the job

no serveix de res

it is useless

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