Endramaliats 02x01 - LA MARINA STA CREMADA



Endramaliats 02x01 - LA MARINA STA CREMADA


El programa que hi ha un dia de drama

The program that has a drama day.

I estem ficats

And we are involved.

Què tal, com esteu?

How are you all doing?

Jo sóc la Xènia Danés

I am Xènia Danés.

Jo en Ferran Serra

I, Ferran Serra.

I jo en Marc Casellas

And I, Marc Casellas.

I aquest és el programa que parlem de drama

And this is the program where we talk about drama.

Setmana rere setmana

Week after week

Us he de dir, jo estic com nerviosa

I have to tell you, I'm feeling a bit nervous.

Vull dir, saps aquelles papallones

I mean, you know those butterflies

Que et surten a l'estómac

That come out in your stomach.

Quan comences una cosa per primer cop?

When do you start something for the first time?

No és primer cop

It's not the first time.

Com esteu?

How are you?

Jo us he trobat a faltar

I have missed you.

Vosaltres no?

You not?

No, gens

No, not at all.

És irònic

It's ironic.

Jo ho havia trobat a faltar

I had missed it.

Fer ràdio

Make radio

És el primer any que no feu ràdio

It is the first year that you are not doing radio.

La ràdio

The radio

Hi ha el cuquet aquest

There is this little worm.

O sigui, va molt bé fer les vacances

So, it's very good to take a vacation.

Perquè és allò, si acabes com mig cremat

"Why is that, if you end up half burned?"

O així, fas les vacances

Oh, so you take your holidays like this.

Però després tens el cuquet aquest de

But then you have this little worm of

Com torna, què fem, quan tornem

How do we return, what do we do, when do we return?

Clar, jo també us he de dir, eh

Of course, I also have to tell you, huh.

Jo ja he tornat, ja he fet ràdio

I have already returned, I have already done radio.

Però a la universitat

But at the university

Ah, això ens posa els quarnos, Ferran

Ah, this gets us in trouble, Ferran.

No, però és molt diferent

No, but it is very different.

Perquè allà, vulguis o no, són pràctiques

Because there, like it or not, they are practices.

I saps que allò s'ho escoltarà el professor

And you know that the professor will hear that.

Però aquí és diferent, no?

But here it's different, right?

Aquí no t'escolta només el professor

Here, not only the professor listens to you.

Exacte, jo crec que també

Exactly, I think so too.

He dit només

I have only said.

El professor

The professor

Però sí, sí, teníem moltes ganes de tornar

But yes, yes, we were really looking forward to returning.

I teníem ganes de tornar

We were eager to return.

I amb què tornem avui, Ferran?

And how are we coming back today, Ferran?

Doncs avui tornarem una miqueta

So today we will return a little bit.

Ja que tornem, farem una miqueta

Since we are back, we will do a little bit.

De repàs de les cançons de l'estiu

Review of the summer songs.

La Marina està morena

Marina is tanned.

La Marina està cremada

The Marina is burned.

Ja negra com una torrada

As black as a toast.

Que has deixat 7 minuts allà

You left 7 minutes there.

Pobreta, ja en parlem

Poor thing, we'll talk about it later.

Cremades ho estan les Marines en general de la cançó

The Marines are generally burned in the song.

També en vull parlar

I also want to talk about it.

Després seguint també una miqueta

After following a little as well.

Amb el rotllo de l'estiu

With the summer vibe

Parlarem d'una pel·lícula que es va estrenar

We will talk about a movie that was released.

Aquest estiu

This summer

I no parlo de La casa amb flames

And I'm not talking about The house with flames.

Ja, déu-n'hi-do, eh

Yes, indeed!

Això és una pel·lícula també, no era la sèrie de Netflix

This is also a movie, it wasn't the Netflix series.

No, en Marc no se n'ha entorat

No, Marc hasn't realized it.

La casa amb flames no és allò

The house with flames is not that.

De l'assassinat aquell de la

Of that murder of the

No, no

No, no

La mossa d'esquadra

The policewoman

No, el corp en llames

No, the body is on fire.

En Marc se n'ha anat a les Maldives

Marc has gone to the Maldives.

I encara no ha tornat

And he/she still hasn't come back.

No sé pas quina pel·lícula és, eh, doncs

I don't really know which movie it is, well then.

Bé, ja en parlarem un altre dia, si vols, també

Well, we can talk about it another day, if you want, too.

No passa res

It's okay.

I acabarem parlant una miqueta de què és el journaling

And we will end up talking a little about what journaling is.



Ja estaria, eh

That would be it, huh?

Una mica aquí

A little here

Anglesos, eh, també t'he de dir

English, huh, I also have to tell you.



Com es diria en català journaling?

How do you say journaling in Catalan?



Per la gent que no sap anglès

For the people who do not know English.

Fer una mica de diari personal

Keep a bit of a personal diary.

Ja ho comentarem després

We'll talk about it later.

Exacte, doncs això serà el programa d'avui

Exactly, so that will be today's program.

Això que comença ara mateix

This that is starting right now.

Ara potser la liaré, però la sintonia és nova, no?

Now I might mess things up, but the tune is new, right?

Quina sintonia?

What tune?

Això que has pujat

This that you have uploaded.

Ja t'ho va explicar, que és una llista de moltes cançons

He already explained it to you, it's a list of many songs.

Això és una llista de potser 30 cançons

This is a list of maybe 30 songs.

I el que faig és clic-clic i així

And what I do is click-click and so on.



I després dius vols una altra?

And then you say you want another one?

És veritat

It's true.

No me'n recordava

I didn't remember.

I a vegades...

And sometimes...

Ai, aquesta sona molt bé

Oh, that sounds really good.

Sona molt, eh

It sounds a lot, huh?

Sí, però és la primera que trobo, eh

Yes, but it's the first one I find, you know.

No té cap argument ni cap tria més especial, eh

It has no argument or any choice more special, right?

És enzart, doncs

It is indeed.


Doncs bé, per on comencem?

Well then, where do we start?

Per les cançons de l'estiu

For the summer songs

Les cançons, no? Hem dit?

The songs, right? Did we say?

Mira, va

Look, come on.

Vinga, va

Come on, let's go.

Mira, que avui m'he fet mig guia i tot de les coses que vull parlar

Look, today I’ve become half a guide for all the things I want to talk about.

Perquè veieu que això està...

Because you see that this is...

Està emocionant

It is exciting.

Home, ja

Home, already.

Eh, que són quatre coses, eh

Hey, it's just a few things, huh?

Tampoc us penseu, eh

Don't think so, eh?

Pel que volia parlar és

What I wanted to talk about is

Quina és la cançó de l'estiu?

What is the song of the summer?

És una pregunta

It's a question.

Sí, és una pregunta

Yes, it is a question.

Hem de contestar

We have to answer.

És d'examen, estem en un d'examen

It's exam time, we are in an exam.

No us atribuqueu, eh

Don't attribute it to yourselves, okay?

N'hi ha vàries, no?

There are several, right?

Però la, la cançó que heu rebut

But yes, the song that you have received

La cançó és

The song is

La que m'has posat abans

The one you put on me earlier.

La Marina està morena

Marina is tanned.

La panxina fa

The bench is doing.

Clar, aquests els figaflaues

Sure, these are the figaflaues.

Aquest any, o sigui, l'any passat ja van fer cosetes

This year, that is, last year they already did some things.

Ja van començar a fer-se famosets i tal

They already started to become a bit famous and all that.

Però aquest any, amb aquesta Marina està morena

But this year, with this Marina, she is tanned.

Ha set el boom

It has been the boom.

La cremació màxima d'aquest any

The maximum cremation of this year.

I les cançons d'estiu

And the summer songs

És que ara estic mirant l'Spotify

It's just that I'm looking at Spotify now.

Tenen 12

They have 12.

12 milions

12 million

De reproduccions

Of reproductions

Sí, va sortir a les notícies l'altre dia

Yes, it was on the news the other day.

Sí, sí, i tenen gairebé 2 milions d'oients mensuals

Yes, yes, and they have almost 2 million monthly listeners.

És que té la Marina

It's that Marina has it.

Clar, és que gent d'Espanya

Of course, it's just that people from Spain.

Que no entenen ni el català

They don't even understand Catalan.

S'han viciat a la Marina estar morena

They have become accustomed to being tanned at the Marina.

Bueno, perquè diu

Well, because it says

Avenico, avenico y el chiringuito

Avenico, avenico and the beach bar.

Això és l'altra cosa que també vull parlar

This is the other thing that I also want to talk about.

Però, clar, fins ara

But, of course, until now.

Hi havia com la baralla

There was like the fight.

Jo abans feia la llista musical

I used to make the music playlist.

Del top 30 d'aquí a Ràdio Voltregà

From the top 30 here at Ràdio Voltregà.

I era com la baralla constant

It was like the constant fighting.

De les cançons de l'estiu

Of the summer songs

Clar, molts cops era la baralla

Of course, many times it was the fight.

Entre reggaeton latino tal

Among Latin reggaeton such

I la cançó alternativa al reggaeton

And the alternative song to reggaeton.


Do you know?

Perquè, per exemple, si fem una mica de repàs

Because, for example, if we take a little review

De les cançons de l'estiu dels últims anys

Of the summer songs from recent years.

No havia on he nascut, potser

I hadn't been born anywhere, perhaps.

Però he trobat una llista

But I have found a list.

A veure, però les cançons de l'estiu se saben

Let's see, but the summer songs are known.

Però clar, és allò que tothom es baralla

But of course, it's what everyone fights about.

Sí, jo crec que sí

Yes, I think so.

Perquè, clar, tu dius

Because, of course, you say.

Aquest any ha estat la Marina Estamorena

This year has been Marina Estamorena.

I em direu

You will tell me.

No, és la no sé quin

No, it's the I don't know which one.

Ara, quan hi arribem

Now, when we get there.

Hi ha més cançons

There are more songs.

Clar, tu li dius a un munt de, no sé

Sure, you tell a bunch of, I don’t know.

De Valladolid i et dirà

From Valladolid and it will tell you.

La Marina Estamorena no sé ni què és

I don't even know what Marina Estamorena is.

No, ja, ja

No, already, already

Clar, 2000

Sure, 2000

El Bomba de King Africa va triomfar

The Bomba by King Africa was a success.



Per allà, mai on

Over there, never where.

N'és a la sereja

It's at the sister's place.

El Dragon's

The Dragon's

És això, són cançons de l'estiu

That's it, they are summer songs.

Home, com menys que van

Home, how much less they go

Emprenyar la gent tot a l'estiu

Annoying people all summer.


I a mi, el Bomba

And to me, the Bomba

Jo me'n recordo

I remember.



Tenia dos anys

I was two years old.

I el cotxe a la ràdio

And the car on the radio



No sé què

I don't know what.

Muy sexy

Very sexy



Clar, n'hi ha de molt mítiques

Of course, there are many mythical ones.

Com el Dragon's

Like the Dragon's

T'a dit

You told me.

D'ell aquell

Of him that one



Ah, crec que és aquesta, no?

Ah, I think it's this one, right?

O no?

Oh no?


Pot ser

It could be.

És que a mi això em sona

It sounds familiar to me.

Em sona com molt lluny

It sounds very distant to me.

D'haver-ho sentit

If I had heard it

És a dir, no d'haver escoltat la cançó

That is to say, not having heard the song.



Clar, és que és com vaig

Of course, it's just how I go.

No, sí, vaig néixer el 2004

No, yes, I was born in 2004.

Bueno, però pot ser

Well, but it may be.

Va arribar

He/She/It arrived.

Quin més?

Which more?

El Max

The Max

Ah, doncs sí, ja hi era

Ah, well yes, I was already there.

Tu estaves allà

You were there.

gatejant amb el

crawling with him



No, Maria

No, Maria.

No gatejes

Don't be a coward.

No gatejes pas

Don't worry at all.

Home, sí

Home, yes

No, quan neixes, no

No, when you are born, no.

Quan te passes, no

When you pass, no.

No, hòstia, no aguantes ni el cap

No, damn it, you can't even take it!

Vols dir que

Do you mean that

No, quan neixes

No, when you are born.

A veure, maig

Let's see, May.





Marc, dos mesos

Marc, two months

No aguantes el cap encara

Don't hold your head up yet.

No, no aguantes

No, don't hold on.

Bueno, per la cuna

Well, for the cradle.

M'ho havies una mica

You had it a little bit for me.

Però és que ara estava mirant

But I was just looking now.

Ara estava mirant

Now I was looking.

Per una que et talli Marc

For one that cuts you, Marc.

Es diu Bressol

It's called Bressol.

Ah, sí que és

Ah, yes it is.





No, ma, no, ma, no, ma, yeah

No, mom, no, mom, no, mom, yeah.

Però són temazos, eh?

But they are great songs, right?

Vull dir

I mean

A mi això m'ho posen ara de festa

They’re making me do this now for a celebration.

I ho ballo tranquil·lament

I dance to it calmly.

Però els coneixes

But do you know them?

Per tant, no em marcar

Therefore, do not call me.

Bueno, et sona

Well, it sounds familiar to you.



Que d'aquesta també se'n va a fer una versió

That a version of this will also be made.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Sí, no, del ploma gay

Yes, no, from the gay pen.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Ah, és veritat

Ah, it's true.

Em sona, sí, sí

It sounds familiar, yes, yes.

Ara anava a dir

I was just going to say

No sé ben bé com era, però

I don't quite know how it was, but

Quina més, Marc?

Which one, Marc?

Que a la dintre de la llista també hi ha, per exemple

That within the list there is also, for example.

Cotríssimes, però que els haurien de sonar

Very expensive, but they should sound familiar to them.

És, tipus, aquesta

It's, like, this.

El del

The one of

Pa, jo vaig a fer un carrer

Bread, I am going to make a street.

Ah, sí

Ah, yes

Caixes d'alt, del 2006

High Boxes, from 2006

Això, això jo crec que no em sona

This, this I don't think sounds familiar to me.

Això és molt la típica cançó de Fiesta Mayor de Pueblo

This is very much the typical song of a Town's Fiesta.

És que no surto per Fiesta Major

It's just that I don't go out for the Festival.

No, ja, ja, ja

No, already, ha, ha, ha

Ja ho sabem

We already know.

Però, clar, vull dir

But, of course, I mean

Heguéssim passat unes nits a aquesta Fiesta Major

We would have spent a few nights at this Festival.

Mira, hauries de haver vingut a la Fiesta Major aquest any

Look, you should have come to the Fiesta Major this year.

Que jo estava darrere la barra

That I was behind the bar.

Fent un curset de, com es diu allò, bueno, de zumba

Taking a course in, what's it called, well, zumba.



Com sortia

As I was going out

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Els que hi havia darrere la barra tots em feien zumba

Those who were behind the bar all made fun of me.

Us prometo que l'any que ve sortiré per Fiesta Major de Sant Hipòlita

I promise you that next year I will go out for the Fiesta Major of Sant Hipòlit.

Més de tal

More than such

L'anem a buscar a casa, si fa falta

We're going to pick him/her up at home, if necessary.

Em veniu a buscar a casa, exacte

You are picking me up at home, exactly.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Una de les mítiques, que aquesta sí que ja és de mítica, mítica

One of the mythical ones, which this one is indeed mythical, mythical.

És el I got a feeling

It's the I got a feeling.

Ua, m'encanta

Wow, I love it!

I clar, anem baixant a la llista i comença a...

And of course, we are going down the list and it starts to...

Bueno, aquesta és que l'he de posar, també

Well, this is one that I have to include, too.

Mà, sotso

Hand, underdog

Aquesta em direu que no és cançó de l'estiu

You will tell me that this is not a summer song.

Però, bueno, no, és que no podeu dir que no ho és, eh?

But, well, no, you can't say it's not, right?

És el Mundial del 2010

It's the 2010 World Cup.

Que és la mítica Shakira

What is the legendary Shakira?

És aquella de...

It's that one of...

Ah, sí

Ah, yes.

Ai, em s'hi ha sortat

Oh, I've succeeded!

Això va sortir un TikTok fa poc

This went viral on TikTok recently.

És a dir, és que saps què passa, co?

That is to say, do you know what's happening, dude?

Semina, semina

Sow, sow

Uatca, uatca

Uatca, uatca


Oh dear

Semina, mina, saca l'aigua

Sow, mine, draw the water.

Ana, uatca

Ana, a wattle

Aquesta és tiu, eh?

This is you, right?

Ja és més, això és 2010

That's more, this is 2010.

2010, ja, sí

2010, yes, yeah

Vale, això ja era una mica més gran

Okay, that was already a bit bigger.

Ja estàves ballant-ho, això, eh?

You were already dancing to this, huh?


Clar, quants anys tenia?

Sure, how old was he/she?

Ja havies passat lo de...

You had already gone through the...

Home, 5, no?

Home, 5, right?

Ah, 6

Ah, 6

6 anyets

6 little years

Sí, però jo recordo

Yes, but I remember.

Jo feia patinatge artístic

I used to do figure skating.

I sempre la cançó de l'estiu

And always the song of summer.

Era la que ens posaven a ballar

It was the one they made us dance to.

Tot el club sencer

The whole club.

I aquesta crec que l'havíem ballat

And I think we had danced it.

I aquesta segurament també, eh?

And this one surely too, right?



Clar, ja anem baixant, no?

Sure, we're already going down, right?

A partir de Rock Andem

Starting from Rock Andem

Call Me Maybe, Kelly Rice Jepsen

"Call Me Maybe, Kelly Rice Jepsen"

Blue Rhymes de Robin Thie

Blue Rhymes by Robin Thie

Happy de Farrah Williams

Happy by Pharrell Williams

També va ser bastant sonat

It was also quite noisy.


All in on one dance del Despacito

All in on one dance of Despacito

Que ja començava aquí

That was already starting here.

Aquí ja començava el reggaeton

Here is where reggaeton was starting.

Ja era el reggaeton aquest més...

It was already reggaeton this month...



Jo el vaig cremar molt, ja, el Despacito

I burned it a lot, yes, the Despacito.

Jo també

Me too.

Però molt

But a lot

I també hi havia...

And there was also...

Ua, la que és de més a prop

Wow, the one that is closest.

No tan a prop, però més

Not so close, but more.

La del piqui

The one of the piqui.



Piqui, piqui, piqui, piqui

Peck, peck, peck, peck

Demasiado piqui, piqui, piqui

Too much picky, picky, picky.

Ah, sí, sí, sí

Ah, yes, yes, yes.

Però aquesta ja també és reggaeton, sí

But this is also reggaeton, yes.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Va començar aquesta era

It began this era.

I quan va començar aquesta era?

And when did this era begin?

Una mica del que ve a ser el...

A bit of what is to be the...

N'hi diuen trapetón

They call it a 'trapetón'.

Ah, ara hi arribarem

Ah, now we will get there.

Ves entre el trap i el reggaeton, no?

You go between trap and reggaeton, right?

Sí, una mica el que són els figaflaues, una mica

Yes, a bit like the figaflaues, a bit.


Fig leaves

No ens oblidem també dels tallets

Let's not forget the small pieces either.

Ara hi anirem, ara hi anirem

Now we will go there, now we will go there.

Espera, espera, que estem al...

Wait, wait, we are at the...

Estic, és que jo estic...

I am, it's just that I am...

Estem al 2017

We are in 2017.

Alert, spoiler

Alert, spoiler

Llavors arriba això...

Then this happens...

Bueno, em salto uns quants anys

Well, I'll skip a few years.

Arriba també el Blinding Lights

Blinding Lights also arrives.

Arriba el Old Town Road del...

Here comes the Old Town Road of...

Ai, sí

Oh, yes.

Rai Cyrus

Rai Cyrus


I love myself.

De l'estiu de l'Evitating de Dua Lipa el 2020

From the summer of Dua Lipa's "Future Nostalgia" in 2020.


Holy shit

2021 no he trobat massa res

In 2021 I haven't found much.

No sé per què

I don't know why.



I he trobat...

I have found...



La del Super 3

The one from Super 3

La del...

The one of...

No sé com t'ho fas dels Amics de Gazars

I don't know how you manage it with the Friends of Gazars.

Que també van emprenyar bastant aquell estiu

That also annoyed quite a bit that summer.

Quina és?

Which one is it?

Ara la busco, espera

Now I'm looking for her, wait.

Posa-la perquè no me'n recordo

Put it so I don't forget.

Però vas dir, segur que n'hi havia alguna, eh?

But you said, there was surely something, right?

2021 era post...

2021 was post...

No s'ha pogut trobar massa

Not much has been found.

Era post-Covid

It was post-Covid.

Era l'època de...

It was the time of...


We will write...



Ah, valent

Ah, brave.

Tenint en compte que l'any abans era la Sue que ella...

Considering that the year before it was Sue that she...

Ah, sí

Ah, yes

La Sue també s'ha quedat molt estancada

Sue has also become very stagnant.

La Sue, és que aquest estiu...

Sue, it's just that this summer...

Clar, no crec...

Of course, I don't think...

No va ser culpa de la Sue

It wasn't Sue's fault.

Però va ser culpa de TV3 per...

But it was TV3's fault for...

Per cremar-la

To burn it

Perquè era tot el rato...

Because it was all the time...

El mateix trosset

The same little piece

En canvi amb el de No sé com t'ho fas

On the other hand, with the one from I don't know how you do it.

El següent any van agafar trossos diferents de la cançó

The following year, they took different parts of the song.

Diferents dorades i tal

Different sea breams and such.

És que era cada cop igual aquesta

It was always the same this time.

El 2021 pot ser l'obert pla amb els...

2021 can be the open space with the...

Ai, on està, és...

Oh, where is it, it is...

Amb els stay-homes

With the stay-homes



La de No vull baixar

I don't want to get off.

No vull baixar

I don't want to go down.

Que aquesta també va ser bastant...

That this was also quite...

Està molt maca

It's very pretty.

Diria que és 2021 aquesta

I would say it's 2021 this one.

És la que vam dir

It's the one we mentioned.

Ara ho buscaré

I will look for it now.

És la que sona a Rodalies

It's the one that plays on the Rodalies.

Hi ha un punt, us en recordeu?

There is a point, do you remember it?


Que queda per aquí

What remains around here?

Si ho esteu escoltant

If you are listening to it

Hauríeu de ficar-vos auriculars

You should put on headphones.

Perquè no se sent massa

Because it doesn't sound too much.

I crec que és només...

I think it's just...

És amb estéreo

It's with stereo.

Només sona per un dels costats

It only sounds from one side.

Ara aquí

Now here

No vull baixar

I don't want to get off.



Sona per aquí

It sounds around here.

Per la banda del cable, sí

On the cable side, yes.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

Us la busqueu a l'Spotify amb auriculars

You look for it on Spotify with headphones.

Poseu el minut segon, u i pico, u i quinze per allà

Put the minute second, one and a bit, one and fifteen over there.

I sentireu el...

You will hear the...

Llavors també les hit 2 de Harry Styles el 22

Then also the hit 2 by Harry Styles on the 22nd.

I ara parlem una mica dels últims anys

And now let's talk a little about the last few years.



És on volia arribar

That's where I wanted to get.

Aquí, aquí, aquí

Here, here, here



Tenim el 2023

We have 2023.

Dues cançons que ho van petar bastant

Two songs that were quite a hit.

Per no dir...

Not to mention...


Very much

I una és la cançó en català de l'estiu

And one is the summer song in Catalan.

Que, sens dubte, va arribar a tota Espanya

That undoubtedly reached all of Spain.

I, sens dubte, la cançó de l'estiu

I, undoubtedly, the song of the summer.

2023 va ser...

2023 was...

M'agradaria veure...

I would like to see...

Tens aquí l'Spotify?

Do you have Spotify here?


Vas mirar el Coti per Coti comparar amb la Marina?

Did you look at the Coti to compare with Marina?


El Coti per Coti, 25 milions de reproduccions, més o menys

The Coti for Coti, 25 million streams, more or less.

I la Marina, quantes hem dit?

And Marina, how many have we said?

22, potser

22, maybe

Que té un any més, eh?

So you’re one year older, huh?

La Marina, 12 mil

The Marina, 12 thousand

12, 12

12, 12

Ai, 12... Sí, 12 milions

Oh, 12... Yes, 12 million.

25 versus 12

25 versus 12

Perdoneu, però jo us volia dir

Excuse me, but I wanted to tell you.

Que és una de les coses que em va sorprendre l'altre dia

That is one of the things that surprised me the other day.

Que ho vaig voler comparar

That I wanted to compare it.

Els tàgets aquest any no arriben al milió d'oïents mensuals

This year the targets do not reach a million monthly listeners.

I, en canvi, els figaflaues gairebé arriben als 2 milions

I, on the other hand, the figaflaues almost reach 2 million.

Clar, és que...

Of course, it's just that...



Déu-n'hi-do, eh?

Wow, right?

S'ha notat, eh?

It's been noticed, huh?

No sé la cançó d'estiu

I don't know the summer song.

S'ha notat i, a més, vull dir, els tàgets han tret...

It has been noticed and, moreover, I want to say, the targets have removed...

No és que hagin deixat de treure cançons

It's not that they have stopped releasing songs.

Van treure una amb Marlena

They took one with Marlena.

Ah, sí, la de...

Ah, yes, the one about...

Realment és un grup de Madrid

It is indeed a group from Madrid.

Vull dir que jo crec que és una cançó que podria haver encara triomfat una mica més

I mean to say that I think it's a song that could have still succeeded a little more.

7 milions de reproduccions

7 million views

I fa poc van treure una cançó amb la Chiara

They recently released a song with Chiara.

D'Operación Triunfo 2023

Of Operation Triumph 2023

Ai, sí, fa dies

Oh yes, it's been days.

No sé si la pots buscar, aquesta és maca, també

I don't know if you can find it, this one is nice, too.

Una era aquesta, no?, la de Marlena

It was an era, wasn't it, the one of Marlena?


Ui, que també s'ha escoltat molt, aquesta cita

Oh, that quote has also been heard a lot.

S'ha escoltat molt

It has been heard a lot.

Unes tioses

Some chicks

Clar, i d'algú se m'aposta aquesta estiu, jo crec, aquesta, eh?

Sure, and someone is betting on me this summer, I think, this one, huh?

Sí, aquesta, i llavors, ara, just al setembre...

Yes, this one, and then, now, just in September...

Fà dies, no?, eh?

It's been days, hasn't it?

M'entro a Fà dies

I enter Fà days.

Fà dies que l'han tret, eh?

They took it out days ago, right?

Fà dies

A few days ago

Ah, sí, aquesta també...

Ah, yes, this one too...

M'agrada, eh?, la Chiara

I like her, you know?, Chiara.

Qui, qui?

Who, who?

Do you love me?

Do you love me?

Don't believe me

Don't believe me.

I jo, bé...

And me, well...

Clar, això...

Of course, this...

Unes d'aquestes, eh?

One of those, huh?

Sortides, i llavors?

Outings, and then?

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

D'aquestes van ser l'any passat

These were from last year.

I una d'altre de les cançons que també...

And another one of the songs that also...

Diria que va ser l'any passat, tot i que...

I would say it was last year, although...

No me'n recordo massa

I don't remember much.

la de Noche entera, era l'any passat?

The whole night, was it last year?

No, jo crec que ja fa una mica més, eh?

No, I believe it's been a little more, right?

Fa una mica abans, no, eh?

It's a little earlier, isn't it?

Sí, perquè jo crec que fa...

Yes, because I think it has...

Va ser...

It was...

El 23, diu que va fer-se la cançó de l'estiu aquí, eh?

On the 23rd, he says that the summer song was made here, right?

Sí, pot ser

Yes, it could be.

Clar, llavors...

Sure, then...

Fa un any, eh?, sí, eh?

A year ago, huh?, yes, huh?

Noche entera

All night long

Des de l'any passat, eh?

Since last year, huh?

Saps? Perquè hi ha un punt aquell que diu...

You know? Because there is a point that says...

Ah, no, espera, espera, espera.

Ah, no, wait, wait, wait.

La veïna que pugi i que es quedi a la festa.

The neighbor who comes up and stays at the party.

Espera, espera, que m'he equivocat, eh?

Wait, wait, I made a mistake, okay?

Jo pensava que era això, festes... A mi em sona pensar això.

I thought that was it, parties... It sounds familiar to me to think this.

En pandèmia, és el moment.

In a pandemic, it is the moment.

19 de desembre del 22.

December 19, 2022.

Ah, doncs així va triomfar el 23 a l'estiu, clar.

Ah, so that's how it triumphed on the 23rd in the summer, of course.

Que no és ben bé Cançó de l'Estiu,

It's not exactly the Summer Song,

però també va sonar moltíssim l'estiu passat,

but it also sounded a lot last summer,

i llavors és un bany.

and then it's a bath.

La que ha sonat també molt és la de Que no s'acabi,

The one that has also sounded a lot is "Don't let it end."

dels Figaflaues.

of the Figaflaues.

Que no!

No way!

Clar, però els Figaflaues ja tenen Cançó de l'Estiu, eh?

Of course, but the Figaflaues already have a Summer Song, right?



És sentimental, no? Perquè s'ha acabat l'estiu i passes que no s'acabi.

It's sentimental, isn't it? Because summer has ended and you wish it wouldn't.

No, és que el que no s'acabi...

No, it's just that it doesn't end...

El que no s'acabi...

What does not end...

Espera, que no he agafat el lloc bo, eh?

Wait, I haven't taken the right place, have I?



Oh, nena!

Oh, girl!

No és el costat bo, no?

It's not the good side, is it?

El costat bo, eh?

The good side, huh?



Clar, però si hem de parlar de Cançons de l'Estiu,

Sure, but if we have to talk about Summer Songs,



a fora de Catalunya,

outside of Catalonia,

perquè ara hi arribarem al 2024,

because we will now reach 2024,

però la cançó,

but the song,

a festa major San Hipòlit,

the main festival of San Hipòlit,

vau cremar-ne una molt fort.

you burned one very strong.

No, no la cremem nosaltres.

No, we don't burn it.

La potra.

The foal.

L'he borritat.

I have blurred it.

Està pesada, aquesta cançó.

This song is annoying.

És que...

It's just that...

Nosaltres no la cremem nosaltres,

We do not burn it ourselves,

la crem a la gent que punxa,

the cream to the people who poke,

que és diferent.

that is different.

Bé, però la Cumi també punxava, eh?

Well, but Cumi also stabbed, right?

Aquí ja comença el vif amb la Cumi.

Here the vif with Cumi begins.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No punxava la Cumi, punxava P.D. Gattas.

I wasn't spinning Cumi, I was spinning P.D. Gattas.

I qui són?

And who are they?

P.D. Gattas és independent.

P.S. Gattas is independent.

És independent, és independent.

It is independent, it is independent.

Deuen ser.

They must be.

Perquè els de la Cumi és DJ Cumi.

Because the ones from Cumi are DJ Cumi.

És veritat.

It is true.



No, però és això.

No, but that's it.

També t'he de dir que jo tinc com...

I also have to tell you that I have like...

Jo escolto bastant Spotify i la ràdio potser només aquí,

I listen to Spotify quite a lot, and the radio maybe only here.

Ràdio Botregar,

Radio Botregar,

i llavors és difícil cremar cançons.

And then it's hard to burn songs.

Però la gent que surt de festa,

But the people who go out to party,

festa major d'aquí,

local festival here,

festa major d'allà,

local festival there,

la disco, no sé on,

the disco, I don't know where,



Arribes i...

You arrive and...

Hi ha una cançó que dius,

There is a song that says,

n'estic fins als pebrots d'escoltar-la,

I'm fed up with listening to her.

que és...

what is...

I ha arribat al final de l'estiu bé.

I have reached the end of summer well.

Si no, la tinc cremada.

If not, I have it burnt.

No, no crema.

No, it doesn't burn.

Mira, perquè saps què passa?

Look, because you know what happens?

Que és la Marina està morena,

That the Marina is tanned,

però llavors hi ha l'altre...

but then there is the other...

No és la tornada, però...

It's not the return, but...

No, no, dic que hi ha el tros de...

No, no, I'm saying that there is the piece of...

M'estic enamorant...

I'm falling in love...



M'estic enamorant

I'm falling in love.

i l'hi hauré de confessar.

And I will have to confess it to him/her.

Que, què?

What, what?

És molt guai

It's very cool.

i està molt ben trobada, aquesta cançó.

And this song is very well found.

Ara em giraré.

Now I will turn around.

Clar, Figaflaues, estem parlant

Of course, Figaflaues, we are talking.

que ja és una mica això d'un grup

that it's already a bit of a group

com dir,

how to say,

amb aires llatins,

with Latin airs,

amb una mica de reggaeton...

with a bit of reggaeton...

Sí, una mica de...

Yes, a little bit of...

Sí, un trapetón.

Yes, a big clumsy person.

I una mica batxata, també.

And a little bit battered, too.

Sí, aquí estàs batxata.

Yes, here you are, batxata.

També tenen aquests castellanismes pel mig,

They also have these Castilianisms in the mix,

però bueno, que també és el que fa que enganxin, no?

but well, that's also what makes them addictive, right?

Clar, jo penso que també

Sure, I think so too.

i d'alguna manera o altra tampoc no es tracta d'un...

and in one way or another it is also not about a...

O sigui, no...

So, no...

La música no ha de tractar un català convencional, vull dir...

Music should not deal with a conventional Catalan, I mean...

Sempre està bé.

It's always fine.

Jo crec que ens hem de deixar anar, evidentment, està bé,

I think we need to let ourselves go, obviously, it's fine.

però sempre tenim uns amics de les arts,

but we always have some friends of the arts,

sempre tenim en Guillem Gisbert,

we always have Guillem Gisbert,

que va venir aquí a Sant Hipòlit.

who came here to Sant Hipòlit.

Sempre tenim cantants així, vull dir,

We always have singers like this, I mean,

també ens agrada una mica, no?,

we also like it a little, right?

això de sortir del que ve a ser la tradició i...

this about breaking from what is traditionally...

Que això és la part que també volia arribar,

This is the part I also wanted to get to,

que és, ara mateix, o sigui, el català el tenim bastant fatal,

what is it, right now, I mean, Catalan is in quite a bad state,

per no dir molt fatal,

not to say very fatal,

i amb el govern que ve no crec que això millori,

and with the upcoming government, I don't think this will improve,



Home, bueno, hi ha una nova...

Well, there's a new...

Com es diu? Una nova conselleria.

What is it called? A new department.

Sí, però...

Yes, but...

Però no interessa, jo crec, eh?

But it doesn't matter, I think, right?



No sé, però...

I don't know, but...

No interessa almenys.

Not interested at least.

Però clar, arriba el punt que dius,

But of course, there comes a point when you say,

d'acord, ja no comencem nosaltres també el castellanisme,

Okay, let's not start the Castilianism ourselves either.

però dius, el tema de la música,

but you say, the topic of music,



O sigui, a Vic s'està sentint molt més castellà que abans,

In other words, in Vic, Spanish is being spoken much more than before.

però el tema de la música està fent com un tomb.

But the topic of music is taking a turn.



Està apareixent alternativa,

An alternative is emerging,

no els amics de les arts,

not the friends of the arts,

no Manel,

no Manel,

no les cançons típiques,

not the typical songs,

està apareixent els figaflaues,

the figaflaues are appearing,

que et porten aquí un...

that they bring you here a...

això, un...

this, a...



Trapetons, i tal,

Rascals, and such,

o t'està apareixent un amic de la,

or a friend of yours is appearing from the,

que a part de fer cançons cap a fora,

that apart from making songs outward,

fa cançons en català de tecno.

makes techno songs in Catalan.

No sé si el coneixeu.

I don't know if you know him.



L'amic de la.

The friend of the.

Amic de la, sí.

Friend of the, yes.

Ah, no, el coneixia, que és guai.

Ah, no, I knew him, he's cool.

És així, més tecno i tal,

It's like that, more techno and all,

a Tecnocity, que és en castellà,

to Tecnocity, which is in Spanish,

però també hi col·labora.

but it also collaborates.



Aquesta la vam posar al Patins...

We put this one on the skates...

al no Patins Bar, eh?

At the No Patins Bar, right?

Jo estava a teatre.

I was at the theatre.

Treballava un altre any, jo.

I worked another year, I did.

Però clar, cançons així de molts estils

But of course, songs like that from many styles.

s'estan passant a cançons en català,

they are being played in Catalan songs,

llavors és un moment de dir,

then it is a time to say,

mira, doncs està la cosa amagament,

look, so the thing is hidden,

però en tema música

but in terms of music

estàs aconseguint que gent que potser

you are managing to make people who maybe

escoltava només Trapetons,

I only listened to Trapetons.

o només, no sé,

or only, I don't know,

no sé què, doncs pugui escoltar

I don't know what, then I might listen.

el seu estil en català.

his style in Catalan.

Eh, doncs, poca broma,

Eh, well, no joking around,

perquè ara que has dit això de tecno,

because now that you've said this about techno,

jo segueixo un noi que és DJ,

I follow a guy who is a DJ.

que es diu Casu.

it's called Casu.

Ah, Casu, home.

Ah, Casu, man.

És boníssim, aquest tio.

He is really great, this guy.



Per favor, en Casu.

Please, in case.

El podem convidar, eh?

We can invite him, right?

Per aquí a Osona.

Around here in Osona.

Vale, el podem convidar.

Okay, we can invite him.

Voleu que us digui una cosa?

Do you want me to tell youSomething?

El seu pare és professor de l'UBIC.

Her father is a professor at UBIC.

Va, calla, qui és?

Come on, shut up, who is it?

És l'Enric Casilleres.

It is Enric Casilleres.

No sé qui és.

I don't know who it is.


Of Economy.

Ah, uf.

Ah, phew.

És que ha fet...

It's that he/she has done...

És que és...

It's just that it's...

El meu avi, tecno.

My grandfather, techno.

Ha fet història.

It has made history.

Aquest noi el convidem, no?

We invite this guy, right?

S'ha de dir que el vaig descobrir

It must be said that I discovered him.

fa no sé quants anys

I don't know how many years ago.

quan punxava a Festa Major Sant Hipòlit.

when I was DJing at the Festa Major of Sant Hipòlit.


Tell me.



Pot venir la setmana que ve.

He can come next week.

Sí, el coneixes, Ferran?

Yes, do you know him, Ferran?



Home, a veure, la setmana que ve

Okay, let's see, next week.

potser és una mica just, no?

Maybe it's a little unfair, isn't it?

Però sí, hi ha cançons superguais.

But yes, there are super cool songs.

El meu avi, el Vilorai.

My grandfather, the Vilorai.

El Vilorai.

The Vilorai.

Jo aquesta cançó la vaig trobar

I found this song.

quan punxava per Festa Major Sant Hipòlit

when I played for the Festa Major of Sant Hipòlit

i és que és brutal.

And it's just brutal.

No, no.

No, no.

Eh, on riure, no?

Eh, where's the laughter, right?

El part...

The delivery...

El Vilorai re mix, això.

The Vilorai remix, that.

T'ho posen...

They are putting it on you...

L'han de posar a una hora alta de la matinada, eh?

They have to put it on at a late hour of the morning, right?

Bueno, tampoc tan alta, eh?

Well, not that tall, huh?

Home, t'ho posen a les...

Home, they put it on your...

a les 11 o a les 12 del vespre

at 11 or at 12 in the evening

i dius no...

and you say no...

Va, jo flipa.

Come on, I'm amazed.

No és moment, eh?

It's not the time, is it?

No, és que hi havia un vídeo

No, it’s just that there was a video.

que tenia el TikTok

that had TikTok

que era...

that it was...

Ah, amb la gaita.

Ah, with the bagpipe.

No, era el del Doraemon

No, it was the one from Doraemon.

i que li ensenyava el seu pare.

and that his father was teaching him.

Ah, és veritat.

Ah, it's true.

Sí, doncs aquell havia sigut

Yes, well that had been

el profe meu.

my teacher.

Res, eh?

Nothing, huh?

Jo el vaig tenir com unes 4 o 5 sessions

I had him for about 4 or 5 sessions.

perquè vaig fer una assignatura

because I took a course

de sistema polític i econòmic

of political and economic system

i ell ens va fer la part d'economia.

And he did the economics part for us.

I sí, sí, però a veure,

And yes, yes, but let's see,

jo ho vaig descobrir

I discovered it.

que tenia un fill després, eh?

that he had a son afterwards, huh?

Quan el vam veure pel TikTok

When we saw him on TikTok.

i vam dir...

and we said...

I dius, hòstia, aquest...

And you say, damn, this...

Què? És el meu profe!

What? It's my teacher!

Està bé.

It's fine.

I n'hi ha un altre

There is another one.

que fa també uns vídeos

that also makes some videos

que explica els remixos al cotxe.

that explains the remixes in the car.

Per exemple, ara va fer

For example, it has just happened.

fa poc el...

a short time ago the...

Mass Style de Polònia, remix.

Mass Style from Poland, remix.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Ara el buscaré, si no, després,

Now I will look for him, if not, later.

però també està molt bé.

but it's also very good.

Doncs volia parlar d'això,

Well, I wanted to talk about that,

que el tema musical català

that the Catalan musical theme

i de les cançons de l'estiu

and the songs of summer

i aquestes alternatives que hi ha.

and these alternatives that exist.

Ah, ja sé qui és.

Ah, I already know who it is.

El Casu, o qui?

The Case, or who?

No, el pare, el pare.

No, the father, the father.

L'he buscat a la base de dades.

I have looked for it in the database.

Doncs bé, no sé.

Well, I don't know.

De què volia parlar, doncs?

What did he want to talk about, then?

Ferran, vols seguir tu?

Ferran, do you want to continue?



Que ho tens aquí preparat?

Do you have it ready here?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ferran, sempre preparat,

Ferran, always prepared,

mai impreparat.

never unprepared.

Bueno, això em va costar, eh?

Well, that cost me, huh?

Dependre, em va costar, dependre.

To depend, it was hard for me, to depend.

Però saps què m'ha dit avui

But do you know what she told me today?

quan ha arribat?

When did he/she arrive?

Calla, però això no es diu.

Shut up, but this is not said.

Això no es diu.

This is not said.

Això no es diu, perquè no el tinc, no?

This is not said, because I don't have it, right?

Això no s'explica.

This cannot be explained.

No, no, al contrari.

No, no, on the contrary.

Ha dit que ja té uns quants guions preparats.

He said he already has a few scripts prepared.

Tinc tres guions més, ja.

I have three more scripts, already.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?



Per paraula per paraula o...

Word for word or...

No, amb punts.

No, with periods.

Però és que tots els meus són conceptuals.

But all of mine are conceptual.

Doncs ja, jo us vinc a parlar d'una pel·lícula

Well then, I'm here to talk to you about a movie.

que va sortir,

that came out,

bueno, es va estrenar el 8 de juliol a Espanya,

Well, it premiered on July 8 in Spain.

que no és La Casa en Flames,

that it is not The House in Flames,

no sé ni quin és,

I don't even know which one it is,

sinó que és una de dibuixos,

but it is one of drawings,

bueno, una d'animació,

well, an animation,


let's say.

Estic parlant d'Inside Out 2

I am talking about Inside Out 2.

o altrament coneguda a Espanya

or otherwise known in Spain

Del Revés 2.

Inside Out 2.

Em sona fatal, Del Revés.

It sounds terrible to me, Inside Out.

És que són horrorosos, llavors jo dic Inside Out.

It's just that they are terrible, so I say Inside Out.

Tens alguna sintonia?

Do you have any tune?

Estava buscant el moment clau.

I was looking for the key moment.

El de l'ansia...

The one with the anxiety...

Ah, sí.

Ah, yes.

Ah, d'acord, no el del film.

Ah, okay, not the one from the film.

El de l'olor és molt bo, posa'l, posa'l.

The one with the smell is very good, put it on, put it on.

Bé, total, mentre es carrega això,

Well, anyway, while this is loading,

ja hi arribarem en un moment.

We'll get there in a moment.

Doncs ja vinc a parlar d'aquesta pel·lícula.

Well, I'm coming to talk about this movie.

Bé, hi ha la primera part,

Well, there is the first part,

que la primera part, bueno, vull dir,

that the first part, well, I mean,

així és molt a trets generals, eh?

that's very general, isn't it?

És una nena que ens focalitzem

She is a girl that we focus on.

dintre el seu cervell amb les emocions que té.

within his brain with the emotions he has.

Llavors, a la primera pel·lícula només

Then, in the first movie only

en surten cinc,

five come out,

que són les, entre cometes,

what are the, in quotes,

bàsiques, que són l'alegria, la tristesa,

basic emotions, which are joy, sadness,

l'iralfàstic i la por.

the iralfàstic and the fear.



Que són com les emocions que pot tenir, doncs,

What are like the emotions one can have, then?

una criatura.

a creature.



O que almenys nosaltres sapiguem.

Or at least what we know.

Només pots tenir aquestes cinc.

You can only have these five.

Sí, més o menys.

Yes, more or less.

Llavors, què passa?

So, what happens?

Que, clar, la nena creix

That, of course, the girl is growing up.

i ara és adolescent en aquesta segona part,

and now he is a teenager in this second part,

bueno, en aquesta segona pel·lícula,

well, in this second movie,

ja és adolescent.

he is already an adolescent.

I què passa?

And what happens?

Doncs que només començar

Well, just to start.

ja se'ns presenten quatre emocions noves,

four new emotions are already presenting themselves to us,

que són quatre emocions que apareixen

what are four emotions that appear

bàsicament en l'adolescència.

basically in adolescence.

Ara sembla que sigui psicòleg aquí,

Now it seems like I'm a psychologist here.

però no en tinc ni puta idea, jo.

but I have no fucking idea, I do.

Fan ding-dong i apareixen al cervell.

They make a ding-dong and appear in the brain.



Més o menys.

More or less.



Què tal?

How are you?

No, no, és que literal passa això a la pel·li.

No, no, it's just that this literally happens in the movie.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Doncs aquestes quatre...

Well, these four...

No, no, he vist.

No, I haven't seen it.



Doncs aquestes quatre noves emocions

So these four new emotions

són l'ansietat, la vergonya, l'enveja

they are anxiety, shame, envy

i una tal ennui,

and such a boredom,

que ennui bàsicament és l'avorriment.

that ennui is basically boredom.



No és el passotisme?

Isn't it passotisme?

Sí, potser sí, no?

Yes, maybe so, right?

Avorriment, passotisme,

Boredom, apathy,

sí, és una miqueta tot en global.

Yes, it's a bit of everything overall.

Sí, avorriment en el sentit

Yes, boredom in the sense

que estic cansat dels adults,

that I am tired of adults,

vull passar a ells, no?

I want to pass to them, right?

Sí, passo, sí.

Yes, I pass, yes.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



Després, què passa?

What happens next?

Doncs que aquests personatges...

Well, that these characters...

Jo vinc a parlar, no vinc a parlar de la pel·lícula,

I come to talk, not to talk about the movie.

sinó de les característiques d'aquests personatges, d'acord?

but rather about the characteristics of these characters, okay?

Aquests personatges tenen un aspecte

These characters have an appearance.

que caracteritza cada emoció.

that characterizes each emotion.

En les cinc primeres emocions hi ha una cosa

In the first five emotions, there is one thing.

que jo trobo que és clau, que és el color

that I find is key, that it is the color

de cada emoció.

of each emotion.



Perquè crec que el color que té

Because I believe it has that color.

és molt identificatiu de cada emoció, no?

It's very indicative of each emotion, isn't it?

Tenim la ira, que és vermell,

We have anger, which is red,

i a més treu foc al cap.

and also has fire in his head.



Després tenim el fàstic, que és de color verd,

Then we have disgust, which is green in color,

que és presumida, de totes maneres,

that she is proud, in any case,

el fàstic és presumit, no?

Disgust is presumptuous, isn't it?

Perquè representa com que si no vas arreglat això,

Because it represents as if you don't dress up for this,

també fa fàstic, no?

It's also disgusting, isn't it?

Una persona deixada, tot això,

A neglected person, all of this,

et fa fàstic, doncs també el fàstic

it disgusts you, so disgust too

va maquillada, bueno, totes les merdes aquestes.

She's wearing makeup, well, all that crap.

Tristesa, de color blau.

Sadness, in the color blue.



I plora molt, vull dir, aigua,

And it cries a lot, I mean, water.

aigua tòria dret.

water right.

L'alegria, groc.

Joy, yellow.

Sí, el sol, no?

Yes, the sun, right?

Tot i que l'alegria té una peculiaritat

Although joy has a peculiarity

que, bueno, si dóna temps ja la comentarem.

Well, if there is time, we can comment on it later.

De color groc, i després tenim

Yellow, and then we have

la por, que és de color lila.

the fear, which is purple.

Sí, lliga.

Yes, it ties.

Sí, perquè la por és com

Yes, because fear is like

una incertesa, no?, de no saber...

an uncertainty, right?, of not knowing...

Sí, no, i el lila és d'aquell color de...

Yes, no, and the purple is that color of...

Jo el vinculo molt,

I link him very much,

hi havia un llibre

there was a book

que em vaig llegir de petita,

that I read as a child,

que era en Joan sense por, es diu.

that Joan was fearless, they say.

Pot ser, em sona, sí.

It could be, it sounds familiar, yes.

I també hi havia tons així de color lila.

And there were also shades of purple like this.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Val, llavors, què passa?

Okay, so what happens?

A cas d'emocions noves,

In case of new emotions,

recordeu que he dit,

remember that I said,

doncs, ansietat, vergonya, enveja

so, anxiety, shame, envy

i enui.

I envy.

Clar, quins colors hi poses, tu, amb aquestes emocions?

Of course, what colors do you add to these emotions?

Si seguim la mateixa gama de colors...

If we follow the same color range...

Vosaltres, sense haver vist la pel·lícula, sense haver vist els talls...

You, without having seen the movie, without having seen the cuts...

Ja l'he vist.

I've seen it.

Clar, però quins colors hi posaria?

Sure, but what colors would you use?

Vull dir, costa.

I mean, it costs.

Jo m'hi vaig posar a pensar i dic,

I started to think about it and I say,

hòstia, és que no sé quin color atribuï aquestes emocions.

Damn, I just don't know what color to assign to these emotions.

Clar, l'ansietat hauria de ser relacionat amb la ira,

Of course, anxiety should be related to anger.

una mica, perquè és també

a little, because it is also

cosa que crema per dintre.

something that burns from within.

Que ja és el color que és de la mateixa...

That it is already the color that is the same...

És el següent de la gama dels vermells.

It is the next in the range of reds.

Que és el taronja, no?

What is orange, right?

No? Després,

No? Afterwards,





Vergonya hauria de ser com blau,

Shame should be like blue,

per la por, també, no? És rosa.

For the fear, too, right? It's pink.

És rosa, sí.

It is pink, yes.

Ah, no, en enui era blau.

Ah, no, in envy it was blue.

Però rosa, potser perquè

But rose, maybe because

quan tens vergonya et poses vermell,

when you're embarrassed you turn red,

com vermell,

as red,

les galtes s'hi posen així, no?

The cheeks are placed like this, right?

Et tornes vermell. Ah, com la por, també, una mica, no?

You turn red. Ah, like fear, too, a little, right?

És com, bueno, és por, vergonya...

It's like, well, it's for, shame...

Sí, va relacionat, sí, la veritat.

Yes, it is related, yes, the truth.

Després tenim l'enui, que com has dit,

Then we have the ennui, which as you said,

és blau, però és un blau tirant a l'ila,

It is blue, but it is a blue leaning towards gray.

molt fosc,

very dark,

i que ja va relacionat, no?,

And that's already related, right?

amb pesotisme, amb avorriment,

with heaviness, with boredom,

en plan...

in plan...

Em pesa la vida, també, en...

Life weighs heavily on me too, in...

Bueno, em pesa la vida, vull dir...

Well, life weighs on me, I mean...

Sí, em pesa la vida o estic cansat de moltes coses...

Yes, life weighs on me or I am tired of many things...

Em pesa la situació, no?

The situation is weighing on me, isn't it?

O no sé com... Sí, que no saps com gestionar-ho.

Oh, I don't know how... Yes, you don't know how to manage it.

I l'enveja, que l'enveja

And the jealousy, how the jealousy

jo no entenc per què,

I don't understand why,

però, bueno, és turquesa.

but, well, it's turquoise.

Ai, però és com mono.

Oh, but it's like a monkey.

Sí, ja hi arribarem, perquè és mono.

Yes, we'll get there because it's cute.



Total, els colors...

Overall, the colors...

Són aquests. Llavors,

These are them. Then,

tenen característiques,

they have characteristics,

com he dit, la ira treu foc, la tristesa plora molt,

As I said, anger burns, sadness cries a lot,

l'alegria, bueno, happy flower, no?

the joy, well, happy flower, right?

La por

The fear

és prima,

she is thin,

bueno, és prim, és un personatge prim

Well, he is slim, he is a slim character.

i molt, saps, allò de... Molt esquerp.

And a lot, you know, that thing about... Very prickly.

Sí, bueno, esquerp i de...

Yes, well, prickly and of...

Sóc fràgil. Vale.

I am fragile. Okay.

En certa part. I l'altre, quin em deixo

In a way. And the other one, which one do I leave out?

de la primera pel·lícula?

from the first movie?

El fàstic, que ja ho he dit, que és presumida

The disgust, as I've already said, is that she's vain.

i que tot això, i per què és presumida?

And all this, why is she vain?

Les noves emocions,

The new emotions,

recordem, és de color taronja

remember, it is orange in color

i en el moment que entra a la ment

and at the moment it enters the mind

de la Riley, que és l'adolescent,

of Riley, who is the teenager,



en plan, en un munt de maletes.

like, in a heap of suitcases.

Porta tots els braços carregats de maletes.

He carries all the arms loaded with suitcases.

Ah, sí, diu, hola,

Oh, yes, he/she says, hello,

sí, ansietat. Sí.

Yes, anxiety. Yes.

Per què aquestes maletes?

Why these suitcases?

No és perquè vingui de lejos i tot això,

It's not because I come from far away and all that,

sinó aquestes maletes,

otherwise these suitcases,

a dintre el que hi ha realment és,

what is really inside it is,

diguem que és com, vindria a ser la metàfora

let's say it's like, it would be the metaphor

del pes de la càrrega que ens suposa

of the weight of the burden that it brings us

l'ansietat en alguns moments.

anxiety at certain times.

L'ansietat és una cosa

Anxiety is a thing

que ens pesa, vull dir,

that weighs on us, I mean,

va carregada, l'ansietat, no?

It's loaded, the anxiety, isn't it?

Perquè és el cúmul de tantes coses que al final dius...

Because it's the culmination of so many things that in the end you say...

No deixa de ser una motxilla

It's still a backpack.

que portes a l'esquena, que es va carregant

what you carry on your back, which keeps accumulating

i que a vegades peta, no?

And sometimes it bursts, doesn't it?

Exacte, doncs,

Exactly, then,

jo crec que les maletes aquestes del principi

I think that these suitcases at the beginning

és la metàfora de l'ansietat, literalment.

It's the metaphor of anxiety, literally.

L'overthinking, tot el que vas carregant

Overthinking, everything you are carrying.

i processant de fons allà...

and processing in the background there...

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

L'enveja, que ja dèiem, que és de color turquesa

Envy, as we said, is turquoise.

i que tu has dit, és molt mona.

And what you said, she's very cute.

Així, jo me l'imagino, una cosa així,

So, I imagine it like this, something like that,

petitona, com un barrufet.

little one, like a smurf.

De color turquesa,

Turquoise in color,

té, a veure, que m'he de mirar la foto,

let me see, I have to look at the photo,

el cabell així, amb els llacets

the hair like this, with the bows

i tot això, i a més a més té uns ulls

and all this, and on top of that, he/she has beautiful eyes



I d'aquells que fan com...

And those who act like...

si us plau, saps?

please, you know?

Super enormes.

Super huge.

En plan els gossos, no?, quan ploren de...

Like dogs, right? When they cry because...

És com un gosset mirant-te, no?, ja?

It's like a little dog looking at you, right?

Per favor, per favor!

Please, please!

Què passa? Per què té aquests catxo ulls?

What's happening? Why do you have such weird eyes?

Perquè vol crear com...

Because he/she wants to create like...

Perquè és l'enveja.

Because it is envy.

És l'enveja.

It is envy.

Vol fer pena per...

Want to feel sorry for...

No, l'enveja no fa pena.

No, envy is not pitiful.

Més aviat, aquests catxo ulls són perquè,

Rather, these big eyes are because,

hòstia, no?, veus una cosa,

Wow, right? You see one thing,

jo què sé, per exemple, estic veient la càmera

I don't know, for example, I am watching the camera.

que m'està gravant ara mateix,

that is recording me right now,

li tinc una enveja a aquesta càmera, perquè la que tinc jo a casa,

I am envious of that camera because the one I have at home,

bueno, i se'm van obrint els ulls, saps?,

well, and my eyes are opening, you know?

en plan, vull això, vull això, vull això.

Like, I want this, I want this, I want this.

I és com, se t'obren tant els ulls,

And it's like, your eyes open so much,

que per això té uns catxo ulls.

that’s why he has such big eyes.

Perquè ho enveges tot de fet, en el moment que...

Because you envy everything in fact, at the moment when...

Bueno, en el moment que apareix,

Well, at the moment it appears,

es mira el fàstic i diu

he looks at the disgust and says

M'encanta tu pelo!

I love your hair!

Quiero... Saps? Vull dir... Ah, és el TikTok, també.

I want... You know? I mean... Ah, it's TikTok too.

Sí, sí, sí, vull dir...

Yes, yes, yes, I mean...

És que de fet té estrelletes als ulls, eh?, de com...

It's just that, in fact, she has little stars in her eyes, you know?, like how...

Sí, sí, sí, sí. He vist això i vull això.

Yes, yes, yes, yes. I have seen this and I want this.

És com, ens la presenten adorable,

It's like, they present her to us as adorable,

però és tan adorable que adora

but it is so adorable that it adores

l'altre, a més a més.

the other, moreover.

Ho vol tot.

He wants it all.

Sí, la podem posar aquí.

Yes, we can put it here.

Està més a prop.

It's closer.

Per qui ens estigui escoltant, estem ensenyant

For those who are listening to us, we are teaching.

la foto de l'enveja. Tachan!

the photo of envy. Ta-da!

A la Spotify va un moment per recordar que podeu

On Spotify, there comes a moment to remember that you can

activar el mode vídeo i veure'ns, i si no,

activate the video mode and see us, and if not,

aneu a YouTube i trobareu aquest programa en vídeo

go to YouTube and you will find this program in video

i ens veureu les caretes...

and you'll see our faces...

Exacte. Aquí tots.

Exactly. Here everyone is.

Llavors, passem a la següent, que la següent és

Then, let's move on to the next one, which is

l'enui, la...

the ennui, the...

Què he dit? El passotisme.

What did I say? Apathy.

El passotisme, l'avorriment, això, sí.

Apathy, boredom, that, yes.

L'enui també és alta,

The boredom is also high,

és més alta que la por,

is taller than fear,

de fet, i...

in fact, and...

Jo no he vist la pel·lícula, també ho he de dir.

I haven't seen the movie, I have to say that too.

No l'has vista? No. Però...

Haven't you seen her? No. But...

Sóc l'únic que l'he vista. Sí. Sí. Però...

I am the only one who has seen her. Yes. Yes. But...

Sí que tot el dia vagi amb el cap tort?

Does that mean you walk around all day with your head tilted?

Sí. Vale. Bueno, tot el cap tort

Yes. Okay. Well, all the twisted head.

està estirat al sofà, amb el mòbil,

he is lying on the sofa, with the mobile phone,

passa de tot... Bàsicament és això,

doesn't care about anything... That's basically it,

és l'ila alta i està constantment amb el

it is the tall island and is constantly with him

mòbil passant de tot de... Sí, vale,

mobile passing through everything... Yes, okay,

sí. 90 graus al cap, eh?

Yes. 90 degrees to the head, huh?

Clar, això, aquesta forma

Sure, that, this way

de l'enui ve de

from boredom comes

estar tot el dia amb el mòbil, no? Perquè què passa?

Spending the whole day on the phone, right? Because what happens?

Si estàs tot el dia amb el mòbil,

If you are on your phone all day,

el cap ja et fa com aquesta

the head is already making you like this

corba d'aquí, no? Ai, estic parlant fora

Curve from here, right? Oh, I'm talking out of turn.

del micro, jo, molt bé i molt intel·ligent.

from the mic, me, very good and very intelligent.

Et fa, doncs, que siguis

It makes you, then, to be.

una persona corbada. Sí.

a twisted person. Yes.

I després el mòbil

And then the mobile phone.

ja és el sum de

it's already the sum of

m'estic avorrint, vaig a mirar TikToks.

I'm getting bored, I'm going to watch TikToks.

Sí. I estic amb el mòbil, no?

Yes. And I have my phone, right?

Per això també hi he atribuït com enui

That's why I have also attributed it as boredom.

i avorriment, no? Més aviat del

And boredom, right? More like of the

pesotisme. Que si passes, també, eh?

Pesotisme. That if you pass, too, huh?

També, si passes d'una situació, també agafes el mòbil

Also, if you go through a situation, you also pick up your phone.

com a recurs per dir

as a resource to say

t'enteres que estic passant?

Do you realize what I'm going through?

Bàsicament això.

Basically that.

Ja tenen la cont...

They already have the count...

el taulell de control

the control panel

allà al servei? Sí, sí.

Over there at the service? Yes, yes.

I és la primera que ho fa des del

And it is the first to do so since the

mòbil, saps? Té control remot sobre allà

mobile, you know? It has remote control over there

i diu, jo ja estic aquí al sofà mirant la vida.

And he says, I'm already here on the sofa watching life.

Plum, plum. Qui ha activat això? Jo.

Plum, plum. Who activated this? Me.

Sí, també són aquestes poques ganes,

Yes, it's also these few desires,

no?, d'aixecar-te

No? To get up.

del lloc. Ui, un

from the place. Oh, a

missatge, que ens estan contactant

message, that they are contacting us

en directe. No, la mama.

Live. No, mom.

I ja està, vull dir, aquestes són les quatre.

And that's it, I mean, these are the four.

Llavors, jo tinc una pregunta per fer-vos. Tinc el moment aquell

So, I have a question to ask you. I have that moment.

que dèiem, si vols, abans. Ah, vale, posa, sí.

What were we saying, if you want, before. Ah, okay, go ahead, yes.

El moment de Lulu.

Lulu's moment.

¿Y si Alegría no se da cuenta de lo que pasa

And if Alegría doesn't realize what's happening?

es que está de Lulu?

Is Lulu there?

¿Que estoy de Lulu?

What am I to Lulu?

¡Pues claro que estoy

Well, of course I am.

de Lulu! ¿Sabéis lo difícil

of Lulu! Do you know how difficult it is?

que es mantener el optimismo cuando

what it means to maintain optimism when

lo único que hacéis es quejaros,

the only thing you do is complain,

quejaros y quejaros?

complain and complain?

És molt bo. Això hauríeu

It is very good. You should.

d'explicar que és de Lulu, perquè segur que hi ha gent

to explain that it is about Lulu, because there are definitely people

que no sap que és on està de Lulu.

that does not know where Lulu is.

Com enfadat o...

Like angry or...

No, és com estar...

No, it's like being...

Nerviós, no? No.

Nervous, right? No.

Bujeria, no? No, de Lulu és

Witchcraft, right? No, it's from Lulu.



és del·lucional. És il·lusionar-te

It's delusional. It's about getting excited.

amb alguna cosa i estar com...

with something and be like...

És com quan t'enamores d'alguna

It's like when you fall in love with someone.

mica i estar com...

a little and being like...

Sí, però tot com romantitzat

Yes, but all romanticized.

tot una mica i tot plegat.

A little bit of everything and all together.

Veus, doncs aquí no hi havíem arribat.

You see, we hadn't arrived here then.

No, però llavors jo no em concordo

No, but then I don't agree.

amb el que diu després. Diu, pues claro que estoy de Lulu.

with what he says afterwards. He says, well of course I'm with Lulu.

Si lo único que hacéis es quejaros...

If all you do is complain...

És com enfadat, eh?

It's like you're upset, huh?

Enfadat en un estat de locura

Angry in a state of madness.

de ja no saber què fer, no?

of not knowing what to do anymore, right?

De Lulu es la solulu.

Lulu is the solution.

La frase de la generació Z.

The phrase of Generation Z.

Mira, de la BBC.

Look, from the BBC.

Ui, la BBC. Del·lucional.

Oh, the BBC. Delusional.

A veure...

Let's see...

T'ho explica d'alguna manera.

It explains it to you in some way.



És delirante. Però delirant vol dir

It's delirious. But delirious means

del pal... Però pots delirar

from the pole... But you can rave

de moltes maneres. Clar.

In many ways. Of course.

Hi ha moltes maneres de delirar.

There are many ways to rave.

Aquí diu que es refereix als fans extrems

Here it says that it refers to extreme fans.

que perden la raó davant un artista.

that lose their reason before an artist.

O sigui, és com romantitzar tant...

So, it's like romanticizing so much...

Bueno, és perdre la raó en certa part.

Well, it's partly losing reason.

Ostres, que aquest cantant ho fa tot bé...

Wow, this singer does everything well...

Però ella no ho fa en aquest sentit, sinó en el sentit

But she does not do it in that sense, but in the sense...

d'embogimenta, de no puc més...

of madness, I can't take it anymore...

Perquè després diu... N'estic fins als nassos de vosaltres.

Because then he says... I'm fed up with you guys.

Exacte. I estic ja en un moment

Exactly. And I am already at a moment.

que és que ja ni penso de...

what is it that I don't even think about anymore...

No sé...

I don't know...

Del molt que em canseu, no?

Of how much you tire me, right?

Sí, sí, sí. Doncs bé.

Yes, yes, yes. Well then.

Comentats una miqueta els

Commented a little on them

aspectes, jo us tinc

aspects, I have you

una pregunta

a question

per fer-vos. Bé, tinc una pregunta per fer-vos.

to ask you. Well, I have a question to ask you.

Digues. Que és...

Tell me. What is it...


You all,

quin aspecte posaríeu a les

what aspect would you put on the

tropocientes altres mil emocions

many other thousand emotions

que existeixen?

that exist?

Sabríeu posar-hi una mica d'aspecte?

Could you make it a bit more presentable?

A mi, si me la recordes, perquè jo...

To me, if you remind me of it, because I...

Sí, jo aquesta

Yes, me this one.

pregunta us la faig perquè

I ask you this question because

a través de


la intel·ligència artificial

artificial intelligence

s'han creat dotze noves

twelve new ones have been created

emocions seguint l'estil de Pixar.

emotions following the style of Pixar.

ChatGPT patrocina el guió de

ChatGPT sponsors the script of

Andromeda. Jo no he dit ChatGPT, he dit

Andromeda. I didn’t say ChatGPT, I said

intel·ligència artificial. De fet, no sé quina

artificial intelligence. In fact, I don't know which one.

s'ha fet servir. És una conta que es diu

It has been used. It's an account called

es diu...

it is called...

No sé què he dit...

I don't know what I said...

Creado por IA. Vale.

Created by AI. Okay.

Sí, Creado por Inteligencia Artificial.

Yes, Created by Artificial Intelligence.

Podries ensenyar... Sí, ja les

Could you show... Yes, already them.

ensenyaré. Després les ensenyaré.

I will show them. Later I will show them.

Tinc les dotze emocions.

I have the twelve emotions.

Començarem per... A veure, és que, clar, la Xènia

We'll start with... Let's see, it's just that, of course, Xènia

ja n'ha vist una i és com... Sí.

She's seen one and it's like... Yes.

La curiositat. La curiositat. A veure, Marc.

Curiosity. Curiosity. Let's see, Marc.

Clar, tio! Com seria

Sure, dude! How would it be?

la curiositat?

the curiosity?

Hauria pogut fer un passe de diapositives.

I could have made a slideshow.

Això compta com a emoció, la curiositat?

Does curiosity count as an emotion?

La curiositat és una emoció. Sí. Clar.

Curiosity is an emotion. Yes. Of course.

Tenir curiositat per una cosa. Tu

To be curious about something. You.

quan tens curiositat, aquí dintre passen coses.

When you are curious, things happen here inside.

Clar. O sigui, estàs com...

Sure. I mean, you are like...

Ai, i què deu ser? Vas pensant

Oh, and what can it be? You're thinking.

constantment. Curiositat és una

constantly. Curiosity is a

emoció. Jo crec

emotion. I believe

que aniria una mica com l'ansietat.

It would be a bit like anxiety.

De la mateixa branca de colors de l'ansietat.

From the same branch of colors of anxiety.

Perquè és una cosa que et menges per dintre de...

Because it's something you eat inside of...

Ah, què serà? Què serà? No

Ah, what will it be? What will it be? No.

cal tampoc agafar...

you shouldn't take...

Però jo crec que els colors... Els colors vols dir

But I think that the colors... You mean the colors.

que... A veure, sí, a la pel·lícula

that... Let's see, yes, in the movie

sí que jo crec que s'han agafat a un

yes, I do believe that they have caught one

raonament, però

reasoning, but

la intel·ligència artificial vols dir?

you mean artificial intelligence?

No sé si arriba tant, eh? Jo crec que no.

I don't know if it gets that far, huh? I don't think so.

També et dic que a la pel·lícula, si no posen colors diferents,

I also tell you that in the movie, if they don't use different colors,

no saps quin és quin, eh? Jo vaig començar pel

you don't know which is which, do you? I started with the

dos i era com... I aquest quin era? I aquest

two and it was like... And which one was this? And this one?

quin era? Ja... Vale.

What era? Yeah... Okay.

Doncs us ensenyo la curiositat. Som-hi?

So I'll show you the curiosity. Shall we?

Jo crec que és molt

I think it's very

encertat, eh? De fet, vas... Bé, no sé.

Got it, huh? Actually, you... Well, I don't know.

Ja opinareu vosaltres.

You will decide for yourselves.

Aquesta és la curiositat.

This is the curiosity.

És d'un color blau turquès, aporta

It is a turquoise color, it brings.

unes ulleres, una lupa...

glasses, a magnifying glass...

És a dir, com així...

That is to say, like this...

S'assembla a la... Com era l'altre, la...

It resembles the... How was the other one, the...

Ai... La mona d'enveja.

Ah... The monkey of envy.

Sí, l'enveja. Sí, s'assembla una mica

Yes, envy. Yes, it resembles a bit.

a l'enveja, però a més

to envy, but furthermore

té els ulls grans poder per voler

has big eyes power to want

saber, no? Però porta ulleres, a més,

to know, right? But he/she wears glasses, moreover,

a més, vull dir... Sí. Saps de fixar-te

Moreover, I want to say... Yes. You know how to focus.

en les coses, en plan... Si tu

in things, like... If you

tens curiositat de saber una cosa, t'hi fixes

Are you curious to know something, you notice it?

molt, no? Sí. Tenir un aire de científica,

Very much, right? Yes. To have a scientific look,

no? Perquè té aquí com els bolis

No? Because it has them here like the pens.

a la bata... Sí, sí, és com

to the gown... Yes, yes, it's like

investigació, no? Vale,

research, right? Okay,

després la següent, va. Siguiente

After the next one, go ahead. Next.

prova. La pau. La pau.

test. The peace. The peace.

Blanc. Hauria de ser blanc, com una mica

White. It should be white, like a little.

semblant un àngel. Bueno, esclar,

looking like an angel. Well, of course,

perquè tenim el concepte de la pau al colom, no?

because we have the concept of peace in the dove, right?

No, com àngel,

No, like an angel,

més aviat. Doncs...

rather. So...





Dígou, dígou. La tenim,

Say it, say it. We have it,

és una... En aquest cas és una...

it's a... In this case, it's a...

Ai, també tinc una altra curiositat, després, per explicar,

Oh, I also have another curiosity to explain later.

i he pensat. És una noia,

I have thought. She is a girl.

en aquest cas, i

in this case, and

porta el símbol de la pau,

it carries the symbol of peace,

evidentment, perquè la intel·ligència artificial no arriba

obviously, because artificial intelligence is not enough

segons a quin lloc,

depending on the place,

i és així. Molt més l'ha dibuixat bé, eh?

And that's how it is. He has drawn it much better, right?

Sí, sí, sí. Perquè podria haver fet

Yes, yes, yes. Because I could have done

aquí... A vegades fica més pals el símbol de la pau, eh?

Here... Sometimes the peace symbol has more sticks, huh?

Jo no parlo d'aquests que té aquí, sinó,

I'm not talking about these that you have here, but rather,

o sigui, com a culleret, també en porta un.

In other words, it also carries one as a little spoon.

Sí, sí, però la intel·ligència artificial, quan

Yes, yes, but artificial intelligence, when

intenta fer símbols, a vegades

try to make symbols, sometimes

no, eh? Sí, però... Aquí també tenim el

No, right? Yes, but... Here we also have the

colom, el símbol de la pau, no?, també que és

dove, the symbol of peace, right? also, what is it?

el colom. Vull dir, és així,

the pigeon. I mean, it's like this,

jo la veig una personeta tranquil·leta,

I see her as a little calm person.

en plan, molt, tipus...

like, a lot, type...

Jo la veig com molt marítima,

I see her as very maritime,

en plan, molt mar, que també és com una

in a way, very sea, which is also like a

miqueta la metàfora de la...

a little the metaphor of the...

de la tranquil·litat, eh?

of the tranquility, eh?

Lo rompe, lo rompe. Vale, aquesta

It breaks it, it breaks it. Okay, this one.

m'encanta, a mi, perquè la

I love it, for me, because the

veig és que, literal, la culpa,

what I see is that, literally, the blame,

el sentiment de culpa, l'emoció de

the feeling of guilt, the emotion of

culpabilitat, com la faríeu?

Guilt, how would you do it?

Culpar? Sí. Així tímida,

Blame? Yes. So shy,

de... blava,

of... blue,

no? Sí. No, però jo

No? Yes. No, but I

crec que és algo que et crema per dins, eh?,

I think it's something that burns inside you, right?

la culpa.

the guilt.

A veure, Ferran, ensenya-la perquè no ho puc esperar.

Let's see, Ferran, show it to her because I can't wait.

Jo, la culpa, estic molt

I, the blame, am very

d'acord amb com l'ha fet aquest, a Criar de

according to how this one has done it, in Raising of

Port, i ja, que

Well, yes, that...

és en blanc i negre.

It is in black and white.

Ah. Però això

Ah. But this

és més desquiciat. Encara pèssima, no? Ah, bueno, clar.

It's more crazy. Still awful, isn't it? Ah, well, of course.

Bueno, encara de pessimisme,

Well, still pessimism,

trista... Home, el sentiment de culpa t'arrossega, eh?

Sad... Man, the feeling of guilt drags you down, huh?

I et mata per

I kill you for

dintre. Com si et caigués un

inside. As if one fell on you

xaparrut d'aigua per sobre.

water splashed on top.

Sí, sí, està com

Yes, yes, it's like

mullada. Mira, en farem onze, perquè aquesta me la salto

Wet. Look, we'll make eleven, because I'm skipping this one.

perquè costa molt.

because it's very expensive.

La confusió.

The confusion.

El dubte, no? El dubte,

The doubt, right? The doubt,

la confusió, sí.

the confusion, yes.



Són personatges sencers?

Are they whole characters?

Què vols dir, sencers? O sigui, són personatges

What do you mean, whole? I mean, they are characters.

o podem parlar d'éssers imaginaris,

or we can talk about imaginary beings,

una mica, saps?, gent amb dos caps i coses.

A little bit, you know?, people with two heads and things.

Sí, podem parlar d'éssers imaginaris.

Yes, we can talk about imaginary beings.

Ah, doncs jo crec que té dos caps.

Ah, well I think it has two heads.

Un cap a cada banda. No vas malament, eh?

One head in each direction. You're not doing badly, huh?

Jo no

Not me

hauria arribat a tant, eh? No vas malament.

You would have gone that far, huh? You're not wrong.

Aquí, en aquest cas, ens han presentat com

Here, in this case, they have presented us as

trillizos, però

triplets, but

que van en pack. Han separats. Però

which come in a pack. They are separated. But

que van en pack. I cada un, vull dir,

that come in a pack. And each one, I mean,

porta complements diferents i el cabell diferent.

She wears different accessories and has different hair.

Un ben vestit,

A well-dressed,

seria, no? L'altre

It would be, right? The other one.

més senzill.


La confusió de no saber

The confusion of not knowing

ben bé què faig, vull dir,

well what am I doing, I mean,

què he de fer, com m'he de vestir, com

What should I do, how should I dress, how

s'alla el vestit.

The dress is over there.

Ai, aquesta és una

Oh, this is a

gran. La sorpresa.

great. The surprise.

Aquesta sí que va molt

This one really goes a lot.

lligada amb l'alegria. Els ulls molt grossos.

tied with joy. The eyes very big.

I de tots colors. De tots colors, la sorpresa?

And in all colors. In all colors, the surprise?

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Les vanes i dolentes. La sorpresa és complementària

The vain and the wicked. The surprise is complementary.

a l'alegria, en gran part. No, no.

to joy, for the most part. No, no.

En gran part.


Normalment, quan ens fan una alegria,

Usually, when we are given a joy,

ai, quan ens fan una sorpresa,

oh, when they surprise us,

sempre és algo positiu,

it is always something positive,

en principi. Sé que hi ha sorpreses

In principle. I know there are surprises.

negatives, però parlo de les positives.

Negatives, but I talk about the positives.

Ulls grossos, boca oberta.

Big eyes, open mouth.

Marc, una cosa, que tens un mirall

Marc, one thing, do you have a mirror?

allà darrere, com va la cosa.

Back there, how is it going?

A veure. Jo m'imagino això. I el color?

Let's see. I imagine this. And the color?

De tots colors. Si me l'endevines,

Of all colors. If you guess it,

jo et mato, eh? La sorpresa,

I'll kill you, okay? The surprise,

jo hi foto un verd o un groc.

I put in a green or a yellow.

A veure.

Let's see.

Amor, vull dir, jo em retiro, tio.

Love, I mean, I'm stepping back, man.



Ulls grossos, boca oberta, vull dir,

Big eyes, open mouth, I mean,

Marc, tio. Els carrers, així,

Marc, dude. The streets, like this,

engominats amunt. I amb confeti,

Hair slicked back. And with confetti,

i té colors, també,

and it has colors, too,

el suèter. Que guai.

the sweater. How cool.

És guai. I,

It's cool. And,

quants me'n queden?

How many do I have left?

3, 4... No us ho he dit, però

3, 4... I haven't told you, but

seria psicòleg, jo, aquí.

I would be a psychologist, here.

Psicòleg dibuixant, eh?

Psychologist and illustrator, huh?

Aquest me'l salto, aquest me'l salto.

I'll skip this one, I'll skip this one.

És que aquest és molt fàcil, l'amor.

It's just that love is very easy.

De color rosa, que l'amor

Pink, that love

s'hi posa. Pues sí, correcte.

He gets involved. Well, yes, correct.



No, no és Cupido.

No, it's not Cupid.

És de color rosa,

It is pink,

és així, és com cute.

It is like that, it is so cute.

És guai.

It's cool.

Rosa, que l'amor s'hi posa. Em semblen com molmonis.

Rosa, let love be present. They seem like marbles to me.

I per acabar, l'esperança.

And finally, hope.

Verdo. Verde, sí, també.

Green. Green, yes, also.

És el verd, l'esperança, no?

It's green, hope, isn't it?

Sí. Que guai.

Yes. How cool.

Amb un fanalet, és l'esperança,

With a lantern, it is hope,

no? Jo ho veig. Així o no?

No? I see it. Like this or not?

Sí, rosa.

Yes, rose.

Amb un culleret que brilla.

With a little spoon that shines.

Sí, fa llum. És llum, no?

Yes, it is light. It's light, isn't it?

Llum a la foscor. Quan tu tens esperança

Light in the darkness. When you have hope.

en una cosa, és com veus aquella llum.

In one thing, it is how you see that light.

Vull dir, jo ho veig bé.

I mean, I see it well.

Vale, ara que has dit això de posarem llum

Okay, now that you’ve said this, we will shed some light.

a la foscor, deixa'm... Espera, espera.

In the dark, let me... Wait, wait.

Entraràs en el teu tema?

Will you get into your topic?

No, encara no. Ah, vale.

No, not yet. Ah, okay.

Queda poquet, eh, la Xènia? No, però no patius.

There's not much left, right, Xènia? No, but don't worry.

No, la meva curiositat és molt ràpida.

No, my curiosity is very quick.

Curiositat? Ah, faig la curiositat.

Curiosity? Ah, I fulfill the curiosity.

Sí, digues. Vale. La curiositat

Yes, tell me. Okay. The curiosity.

d'Inside Out, eh?

From Inside Out, huh?

Us hi heu fixat...

Have you noticed...

Tu has vist la 1? Sí. Vale.

Have you seen the 1? Yes. Okay.

Us hi heu fixat que les emocions de la Riley

Have you noticed that Riley's emotions

són nois i noies

they are boys and girls

en contraposició a les

in contrast to the

emocions del pare i la mare,

emotions of the father and the mother,

que són idèntics al pare i idèntics

they are identical to the father and identical

a la mare. Vull dir, els del pare porten

to the mother. I mean, those from the father bring

tots bigoti, els de la mare tots el cabell llarg.

all mustache, those of the mother all long hair.

I, en canvi, la Riley no

I, on the other hand, Riley does not.

s'assembla cap emoció a la Riley.

No emotion resembles Riley.

I, en canvi, la segona...

I, on the other hand, the second...

Diguem, el segon també, perquè les noves emocions

Let's say, the second one too, because of the new emotions.

cap és...

what is...

El segon hi ha un moment que

The second there is a moment that

entres al cap de l'altra. Hi ha explicació, eh?

You enter the head of the other. There is an explanation, you know?

No hi ha una explicació. Vull dir, jo us estic fent la pregunta.

There is no explanation. I mean, I am asking you the question.

Potser perquè encara està com

Maybe because it's still like that.

trobant... Clar, hi ha moltes suposicions

finding... Sure, there are many assumptions

per xarxes.

for networks.

Hi ha la suposició de

There is the assumption of

no, és que la Riley és

No, it's just that Riley is

no binària.


No s'identifica amb cap gènere.

Does not identify with any gender.

No, exacte. Vull dir, és

No, exactly. I mean, it is.

un moment que encara

a moment that still

no saps qui ets. En l'adolescència

you don’t know who you are. In adolescence

et fas moltes preguntes, no...

you ask yourself a lot of questions, don't you...

No vas relacionat amb la personalitat de la Riley,

You are not related to Riley's personality.

sinó vas relacionat amb temes

unless you are related to topics

de la pel·lícula

of the movie

i de com arriba la pel·lícula a les persones.

and how the film reaches people.

Les emocions de la Riley, com que és la

Riley's emotions, like she is the

protagonista i es centren en aquestes emocions,

protagonist and focus on these emotions,

no tenen personalitat perquè tu,

they have no personality because of you,

l'espectador, et puguis identificar amb aquestes emocions.

the spectator, you can identify with these emotions.

Clar, això també és una cosa que...

Sure, this is also something that...

És una pel·lícula que jo, per exemple,

It's a movie that I, for example,

he vist la primera, la segona no l'he vist i m'agradaria molt

I have seen the first one, I haven't seen the second one and I would like to very much.

veure-la. Sí, a mi també. Però nosaltres, per exemple,

to see her. Yes, me too. But we, for example,

la vam veure a classe de psicologia

We saw her in psychology class.

primer de batxillerat, em sembla que va ser.

first year of high school, I think it was.

Clar, si és una pel·lícula

Of course, if it's a movie.

que la poden veure tant nens

that both children can see

per això, sentir-se, potser, identificats

therefore, to feel, perhaps, identified

amb la...

with the...

amb la protagonista, però també

with the protagonist, but also

la poden veure adults per veure com

they can see adults to see how

es senten, no? Els...

They can be heard, right? The...

I per també recordar una part

And also to remember a part

de tu que també havies set, potser, nen

of you who had also been, perhaps, kid

i com no oblidar-te,

and how not to forget you,

no? I això també em fa pensar molt en...

no? And this also makes me think a lot about...

No sé si heu vist El petit príncep

I don't know if you have seen The Little Prince.

o heu llegit El petit príncep. Sí, hombre.

Oh, have you read The Little Prince? Yes, man.

No, Marc? Doncs...

No, Marc? Well...

Et recomano... Quin acte de traïció.

I recommend you... What an act of betrayal.

Jo el llibre no me l'he llegit, però he anat...

I haven't read the book, but I have gone...

He anat dos cops a veure el musical.

I have been to see the musical twice.

Dos cops per comprovar una cosa, i és que em van dir

Twice to verify one thing, and that is that they told me.

tu aniràs un cop a veure el musical

You will go to see the musical once.

i entendràs una cosa

And you will understand one thing.

i vas al cap d'uns anys

and after a few years you go

i tindràs com una altra visió

and you will have another perspective

i la veuràs des d'una altra perspectiva,

and you will see it from another perspective,

no? I és totalment cert, això sí.

No? And that is totally true, indeed.

Mocadors els dos cops, eh?

Tissues both times, right?

Sí, sí, sí. I aquesta pel·lícula fa pinta

Yes, yes, yes. And this movie looks good.

que també. Però, no sé,

that too. But, I don't know,

jo crec que és això, no? Com adult

I think it is this, right? Like an adult.

està també bé

it's also fine

veure-ho, sobretot si tens nens

to see it, especially if you have children

adolescents o nens...

adolescents or children...

És que hi ha ni adolescents, sinó petits, o...

It's that there are no teenagers, but little ones, or...

Per veure com se senten,

To see how they feel,

no? Perquè al final és això, quan tu ets adult

No? Because in the end, that's it, when you are an adult.

a vegades t'oblides, no? Que

Sometimes you forget, right? That

també vas ser un nen. Sí, sí, sí.

you were also a boy. Yes, yes, yes.

Que és el missatge, eh? Clar.

What is the message, huh? Of course.

Vull dir, és una mica el petit príncep, eh?

I mean, it's a bit like the little prince, huh?

També t'he de dir. Però bé, no sé si

I also have to tell you. But well, I don't know if

tinc uns minutets per... Sí.

I have a few minutes to... Yes.

Per el meu tema, què us sembla? Dale.

For my topic, what do you think? Go ahead.

Què us sembla si parlem del journaling?

What do you think if we talk about journaling?

Journaling. Sí, journaling.

Journaling. Yes, journaling.

Vinga, va. T'he passat un parell de vídeos, Marc,

Come on, I've sent you a couple of videos, Marc.

a veure si els pots posar. Qui vol? Perquè...

let's see if you can put them. Who wants to? Because...

Qui en vols començar? No sé, el que vulguis.

Which one do you want to start with? I don't know, whatever you want.

Pel primer, sempre, el que m'has passat pel primer.

For the first, always, what you passed me for the first.

Vinga. Sí, pel principi comencem.

Come on. Yes, let's start with the beginning.

Típic journaling, o ja no

Typical journaling, or not anymore.

journaling, sinó escriure el que et

journaling, but rather writing what you

passa quan et passa, perquè després t'adones

it happens when it happens to you, because then you realize

i aprens moltes coses. Jo diria

and you learn many things. I would say

que m'ha anat molt bé a mi això, fer-ho.

that has gone very well for me, doing it.

I també perquè quan estàs en un altre punt de la teva vida,

And also because when you are at another point in your life,

oi, ja saps? I penses, hòstia, pots

Oh, you know? And you think, damn, you can.

veure com perfectament com estaves.

to see perfectly how you were.

En com ho senties en aquell moment. Uau, estava tan malament.

How you felt at that moment. Wow, I was doing so badly.

Penso que a mesura que passa una cosa

I think that as something happens

de lenta i passa temps,

slowly and passes time,

tant d'animar com a suavitzar,

to both encourage and soothe,

com pensar que no ha sigut fort.

how to think that it has not been strong.

Hem escoltat un fragment

We have heard a fragment.

d'un podcast... Nenes arribo tard.

from a podcast... Girls, I'm late.

Exacte, és un podcast d'unes

Exactly, it's a podcast of some

noies, i aquí en aquest cas estan

girls, and here in this case they are

parlant del journaling, és a dir,

talking about journaling, that is,

quina sensació tenen després

what feeling do they have afterwards

d'escriure, no? Què és, però, el

to write, right? But what is the

journaling? El journaling és

Journaling? Journaling is

una tècnica d'escriptura

a writing technique

que consisteix a anotar diàriament,

which consists of recording daily,

o no diàriament, però

or not daily, but

amb certa regularitat. Quan passa

with certain regularity. When it happens

alguna cosa. Exacte, pensaments, desitjos,

something. Exactly, thoughts, desires,

pors, objectius, però

fears, goals, but

és a dir, no es tracta ben bé d'un diari

that is to say, it is not exactly a diary

convencional, no?, que diguem.

conventional, right?, as we say.

Aquesta pràctica se centra

This practice focuses

en escriure de manera lliure

to write freely

i creativa, és a dir, tot allò que et passa

and creative, that is to say, everything that happens to you

pel cap, i pot incloure

for the head, and it may include

dibuixos, esquemes, fotografies

drawings, diagrams, photographs

també, i

also, and

d'alguna manera també quan,

somehow also when,

és a dir, facilitant la comprensió

that is to say, facilitating understanding

d'aquestes idees,

of these ideas,

no és només escriure, no?, sinó

it's not just writing, is it?, but rather

també tenir

also have

com es diu, idees

What is it called, ideas?

geogràfiques, no?, per dir-ho d'alguna manera.

geographical, right?, to put it in some way.

Dibuixos, no? Exacte. Expressar-te, potser

Drawings, right? Exactly. Maybe expressing yourself.

dibuixant el que sents, no?, o

drawing what you feel, right?, or

com ha anat el dia, no? Sí, i clar, i es diu

How has the day been, right? Yes, of course, and it's said.

que és una eina d'autoconeixement

that is a tool for self-knowledge

i reflexió que t'ajuda

and reflection that helps you

a estructurar els pensaments,

to structure thoughts,

a clarificar els objectius, i

to clarify the objectives, and

gestionar les emocions. D'alguna

manage emotions. Some

manera, jo considero

way, I consider

que el journaling, journaling,

that journaling, journaling,

anava a dir journalism, perquè... Journalism.

I was going to say journalism, because... Journalism.

És molt fort.

It's very strong.

El journaling també és d'alguna manera

Journaling is also in some way


to do

autoteràpia, no? Al final,

self-therapy, right? In the end,

anar al psicòleg, per exemple,

go to the psychologist, for example,

és també una manera de treure

it is also a way to take out

allò que tens dins, però

what you have inside, however

quan no apareix, o sigui, quan no tens aquesta

when it doesn't appear, that is, when you don't have this

figura de psicòleg, a vegades

figure of a psychologist, sometimes

també escriure, o inclús

also write, or even

també practicar el journaling

also practice journaling

mentre vas al psicòleg, és una manera de

while you go to the psychologist, it's a way of

treure allò que tens dins,

take out what you have inside,

i això que comentaven

and this that they were commenting on

aquestes noies, no?, després llegir-ho,

these girls, right?, after reading it,

potser quan ho estàs

maybe when you are

escrivint o al cap d'un temps,

writing or after a while,

i potser quan escrius no

and maybe when you write no

saps què et passa, no?,

You know what’s happening to you, right?

però llavors entens,

but then you understand,

no?, com et senties en aquell moment,

No? How did you feel at that moment?

potser per altres coses que has viscut,

perhaps for other things you have experienced,

i que això, no?, llavors comprens

And that, right? Then you understand.

com et senties en aquell moment.

how did you feel at that moment.

No sé si heu fet mai journaling. No.

I don't know if you have ever done journaling. No.

Com a tal, escrivint, no, però...

As such, writing, no, but...

Comentava una altra dia amb un

I was commenting another day with a

amic, que és això que van tallar amb la parella,

friend, what is this about breaking up with the partner,

llavors, al cap d'un temps és

then, after a while it is

saps com, que la trobo a faltar i no sé què,

you know how, I miss her and I don’t know what,

és com un punt aquest de... Clar, és que

it's like a point this of... Of course, it's that

en aquell moment senties,

at that moment you felt,

senties d'una manera, i ho tenies molt clar,

you felt a certain way, and you were very clear about it,

saps?, si vas fer el pas és per alguna

You know? If you took the step, it's for a reason.

cosa, llavors ho romantitzes tot una mica,

thing, then you romanticize everything a little.

recordes més les coses

do you remember things more?

bones que les dolentes, i dius, per algo

good things than bad ones, and you say, for some reason

vol tallar, saps?, però si tens

I want to cut, you know?, but if you have

escrit és, vés allà,

written it is, go there,

llegeixo, i saps en aquell moment com et senties

I read, and you know in that moment how you felt.

i per què vas prendre una decisió. Mira, jo l'altre dia

And why did you make a decision? Look, the other day I

no ho vaig fer volent, eh?, però li vaig

I didn't do it on purpose, you know?, but I did.

recomanar una cosa a una amiga, perquè

recommend something to a friend, because

ella també estava molt obsessionada

she was also very obsessed

amb un noi, un noi que li va

with a boy, a boy who likes him

dir que no volia res més amb ella,

to say that he didn't want anything more with her,

no?, i ella només tenia com ganes

No? And she only felt like it.

d'escriure-li, i de

of writing to him, and of

dir-li que volia quedar, o que

to tell him that I wanted to meet, or that

tenia ganes de veure'l, o això. I li vaig

I was eager to see him, or that. And I did.

dir, mira, fes una cosa, no ben bé journaling,

say, look, do one thing, not quite journaling,

però li vaig dir, fes un grup

but I told him, make a group

amb tu mateixa de WhatsApp,

with yourself on WhatsApp,

i tot allò que li vulguis escriure,

and everything you want to write to her,

escriu-ho aquí. És a dir, en comptes d'enviar-li

write it here. That is, instead of sending it to him/her

a ell, envia-ho aquí. I

to him, send it here. I

tinguis la sensació que tu ja ho has enviat,

you have the feeling that you have already sent it,

i que potser no rebràs una resposta com a

and that perhaps you won't receive a response like this

tal, i fes veure que ell no et contesta.

so, pretend that he is not answering you.

Però tu, tot allò que tinguis

But you, everything you have

ganes de dir-li, digue-ho aquí. Ja ho

Want to tell him, say it here. I've got it.

hauràs externalitzat. Clar, exacte, d'alguna

you will have outsourced. Of course, exactly, of some

manera és com ho hauràs tret de dins, no?

The way is how you will have taken it out from within, right?

Jo penso que moltes vegades, m'ha

I think that many times, it has happened to me.

passat a mi, i jo crec que us ha passat, no? Que

happened to me, and I think it has happened to you, right? That

teniu moltes ganes d'escriure a una persona,

you really want to write to someone,

però no ho voleu fer. Ho acabeu

but you don't want to do it. You finish it.

fent i llavors us sentiu malament per haver-ho fet.

doing it and then you feel bad for having done it.

Per burro. Exacte.

For a donkey. Exactly.

Per què ho has fet? Exacte. Llavors és,

Why did you do it? Exactly. So it is,

jo crec que fins que no tens

I believe that until you don't have

les coses ben clares i

the things clear and

has pensat molt en si realment

Have you thought a lot about whether you really do?

s'ha d'escriure o no, si ets una persona impulsiva,

you have to write it or not, if you are an impulsive person,

crec que és una de les coses

I think it is one of the things.

que va molt bé. Jo personalment

that's going very well. Personally, I

sempre he tingut molts punts de

I have always had many points of

la meva vida que he dit, tinc ganes

My life that I have said, I feel like it.

de fer això del journaling, però

about doing this journaling, though

no ho he acabat fent mai. Però

I have never finished doing it. But

sí que, sí, perquè també es

yes, yes, because it is also

romantitza molt, no? El TikTok és com

It romanticizes a lot, doesn't it? TikTok is like

soc una noia que fa journaling, vol dir que cada

I am a girl who journals, it means that every

matí em llevo aquesta hora per escriure,

In the morning I wake up at this hour to write,

després em faig el meu cafè, després

then I make my coffee, then

miro un tros de la meva sèrie preferida,

I watch a piece of my favorite series,

no? Jo crec que tampoc no acaba

No? I don't think it ends either.

sent això el journaling, és a dir, pots

having said that, journaling means you can

agafar tu un dia que surts de la uni

take you one day when you leave university

i agafes l'ordinador o

and you take the computer or

recomanen escriure-ho a mà, no? Perquè també és

they recommend writing it by hand, right? Because it is also

una manera de posar la teva

a way to put yours

personalitat, no?, el que estàs escrivint.

Personality, right? What you are writing.

Jo, per exemple, tinc una llibreta, és que abans

I, for example, have a notebook, it’s just that before

he dit molt ràpid que no, però després he pensat, calla,

I said very quickly no, but then I thought, hold on,

que sí, saps? Jo tinc una llibreta

Yes, you know? I have a notebook.

que apunto coses, a vegades

that I write things down, sometimes

quan tinc la necessitat d'escriure alguna cosa,

when I have the need to write something,

doncs apunto allà, tant sigui positiu com negatiu,

so I note there, whether it is positive or negative,

i també hi enganxo coses que estiguin relacionades, saps?

and I also stick things that are related to it, you know?

Per exemple, jo què sé, he anat

For example, I don't know, I have gone.

a Barcelona, no sé què, i he anat

in Barcelona, I don't know what, and I went

a visitar X museu, doncs

to visit X museum, then

hi enganxo l'entrada, saps? I hi explico més coses,

Hi, I'm attaching the entry, you know? And I'm explaining more things there.

a més a més, però... Tens una mica de tot.

Moreover, but... You have a bit of everything.

Doncs al final això també no deixa de ser el

Well, in the end, this also turns out to be the...

journaling, és a dir, jo crec que hi ha moltes maneres

Journaling, that is to say, I believe that there are many ways.

de fer-ho. Doncs mira, hi ha molta gent

to do it. Well, look, there are a lot of people

que ho fa, home! Fa't journaling sense saber-ho!

What are you doing, man! You're journaling without even knowing it!

No sé com es diu ara allò de cartolinetes

I don't know what they call those little cardboard sheets now.

anar enganxant, saps? Sí.

Keep sticking, you know? Yes.

És que de fet hi ha diferents

It's just that in fact there are different

tipus de journaling. Jo aquí tinc apuntats

types of journaling. Here I have noted down

de journaling de gratitud,

of gratitude journaling,

és a dir, de reflexionar sobre allò que et sents

that is to say, to reflect on what you feel

agraït, d'objectius,

grateful, of objectives,

és a dir, de definir metes i els passos

that is to say, to define goals and the steps

per assolir-les. Això normalment

to achieve them. This usually

es fa molt a principi d'any, no?

It happens a lot at the beginning of the year, doesn’t it?

O jo què sé, o a finals d'estiu

Oh I don't know, or at the end of summer.

de cara al setembre, no?, per començar aquesta...

Facing September, right? To start this...

rutina. Al principi

routine. At the beginning

d'any real, és al setembre. Sí, exacte.

Of the real year, it's in September. Yes, exactly.


Of learning,

escriure sobre les lliçons apreses,

writing about the lessons learned,

de viatges, és a dir,

about trips, that is to say,

documentar experiències i emocions dels viatges,

document experiences and emotions of the trips,

de reflexió,

of reflection,

explorar preocupacions

explore concerns

i canvis en la teva manera de pensar,

and changes in your way of thinking,

de cinc minuts,

of five minutes,

diu, és a dir, escriure breument cada dia

It says, that is to say, write briefly every day.

allò que t'ha passat o

what has happened to you or

que tens ganes de fer,

what you feel like doing,

m'explico, no? Sí, sí, sí.

I explain myself, right? Yes, yes, yes.

I aquí diu, d'escriptura,

And here it says, in writing,

automàtica, és a dir, deixar

automatic, that is to say, to leave

que l'escriptura flueixi sense

let the writing flow without

censura. És a dir, escriure tot allò que

censorship. That is to say, to write everything that

et passa pel cap. No sé, jo crec que també...

it crosses your mind. I don’t know, I think so too...

Vomitar. Exacte, literalment.

Vomit. Exactly, literally.

És una manera de, potser d'ordenar, també,

It is a way to, perhaps to organize, also,

no?, les idees. A mi em passa, a vegades

No? Ideas. It happens to me sometimes.

tinc moltes coses al cap,

I have many things on my mind.

el que passa és que tinc més tendència a parlar

What happens is that I tend to talk more.

que a escriure, jo. Llavors,

that to write, me. Then,

una figura que em va molt bé, per exemple, és la del...

a figure that works very well for me, for example, is that of...

Et graves, no? No, o em gravo o la figura

You record yourself, right? No, either I record myself or the figure.

del psicòleg, per exemple, penso que és també

from the psychologist, for example, I think it is also

primordial, no?, perquè és allò que

primordial, right?, because it is what

jo puc anar parlant i després

I can go on talking and then.

surts de la consulta i d'alguna

you leave the consultation and of some

manera, com que has externalitzat allò que sents,

way, since you have externalized what you feel,

notes que tens com les

do you notice that you have likes them

idees com ben ordenades i dius, vale,

ideas like well organized and you say, okay,

potser realment em sento d'aquesta manera o

maybe I really feel this way or

d'aquesta altra, no? És

from this other one, right? It's

com, jo què sé, tens molts pensaments

like, I don't know, you have many thoughts

al cap i hi ha gent, potser, que no li va bé,

in the end, there are people, perhaps, who it doesn't suit well,

no?, parlar i que

No? Talk and what?

treure les coses a algú altre, no

take things away from someone else, no

sé, no se sent amb confiança,

I know, he/she doesn't feel confident.

perquè al final trobar algú que li

because in the end finding someone who will

puguis explicar allò que sents costa, també,

you can explain what you feel is difficult, too,

no? Sí. Però, potser

No? Yes. But, maybe.

escriure també és una altra

writing is also another

forma, no?, de...

way, right?, of...

Clar, és que també depèn de com vulguis aquest

Of course, it also depends on how you want this.

journaling, no?, perquè si tu vols

Journaling, right? Because if you want.

un journaling de... que

a journaling of... that

et serveixi a futur, això d'escriure tot,

may it serve you in the future, this writing everything,

clar, en el moment que tu escrius t'ordenes

of course, at the moment you write you organize yourself

els pensaments, però els pensaments

the thoughts, but the thoughts

no es guarden, o sigui, el que t'has

they are not kept, that is, what you have

declarat. Clar. En canvi, si vols

declared. Clear. On the other hand, if you want

un journaling d'aquest d'aquí tres mesos llegir

a journaling of this in three months read

com em sentia i veus allà una parrafada

how I felt and you see there a long paragraph

que dius, mare meva, que vaig a escriure, no?

What are you saying, my goodness, that I'm going to write, right?

Clar, però, no, a veure, en el

Sure, but no, let’s see, in the

fons jo també penso que això que has

I also think that what you have...

dit tu del teu amic,

said you about your friend,

per exemple, Marc, que has

for example, Marc, what do you have

dit que s'ho havia deixat amb la parella,

said that he/she had broken up with the partner,

oi?, s'ho havia deixat amb la parella

Right?, she had broken up with her partner.

i tu li havies recomanat, o no sé si li havies

And you had recommended it to him, or I don't know if you had.

dit, però això d'escriure. Al final

said, but this about writing. In the end

si també escrius, encara que

if you also write, even if

evidentment no ha de ser quan estàs amb

obviously it shouldn't be when you are with

la parella, eh?, però quan un cop trenques

the couple, huh?, but when you break up once

d'això d'escriure

about this writing

el bo i el dolent, potser també és

the good and the bad, perhaps it is also

una manera, no?, de llavors reconèixer

A way, right?, to then recognize.

que no tot era...

that not everything was...

fos ideal. Exacte. Si no li vas

was ideal. Exactly. If you don't go to him/her.

recomanar escriure sinó de

recommend writing unless of

per alguna cosa fa tant

For some reason, it has been so long.

temps, que ara ja no te'n recordes,

time, that now you no longer remember,

perquè recordes la part bona i ara vols tornar

because you remember the good part and now you want to return

per la part bona. Clar, també

for the good part. Of course, too

us he de dir, eh?, això del journaling

I have to tell you, you know?, this thing about journaling.

no acaba sent, o sigui,

it doesn't end up being, I mean,

ara és una tendència que s'ha posat molt

now it is a trend that has become very popular

de moda, però també és una mica com anar al gimnàs,

in fashion, but it's also a bit like going to the gym,

és a dir, has de ser constant.

That is to say, you have to be consistent.

Sí, sí. Vull dir, no serveix fer-ho un dia

Yes, yes. I mean, it's no use doing it one day.

i oblidar-te'n, no? Home, a veure,

and forget about you, right? Well, let's see,

jo ho faig un dia, me n'oblido... Sí, em

I do it one day, I forget about it... Yes, I do.

refereixo. Fins que no torno a tenir, saps? Però em

I mean. Until I don't have it back, you know? But I...

refereixo que hi ha d'haver com una mica de,

I mean that there has to be a little bit of,

no una rutina de fer-ho cada dia... No, i

not a routine of doing it every day... No, and

ja, ja. Però sí tenir-ho com present a la teva vida

Haha. But yes, to have it as present in your life.

i no només fer-ho un dia, sinó

and not only do it one day, but

tu ho has fet bastant sovint,

you have done it quite often,

no? I aquí diu això,

no? And here it says this,

que al final també és un espai per

that in the end is also a space for

escriure i llavors

write and then

per revisar, no?, això

to review, right?, this

que escrius i observar

that you write and observe

una evolució personal, que

a personal evolution, that

podríem dir, no?

we could say, right?

I jo crec que amb això podríem tancar,

And I think we could close with that,

no?, el que ve a ser el

no?, the one that comes to be the

journaling. Ah, no ho sé, tu ets

journaling. Ah, I don't know, you are

l'experta avui. No en sóc ben

The expert today. I'm not sure about it.

bé experta. Avui, avui. Me n'he informat

Good expert. Today, today. I have informed myself.

una mica. Perquè és això, és una cosa que em feia

A little bit. Because this is it, it's something that made me.

molta il·lusió compartir

a lot of excitement to share

amb vosaltres. I tant. Perquè fa un temps

with you. Of course. Because some time ago

vam parlar, bé, ho vau parlar del

we talked, well, you talked about the

Girls' Mats. Ah, sí, és veritat. Aquest concepte és

Girls' Mats. Ah, yes, it's true. This concept is

així... Ui, temporada 1!

So... Oh, season 1!

Ui, que lejos! Ostres!

Oh, how far! Wow!

Doncs això,

Well, that,

que al final el journaling no només

that in the end journaling not only

millora el benestar emocional, sinó que

improves emotional well-being, but

també potencia la capacitat d'adaptació

also enhances the capacity for adaptation

i creixement, ajudant a afrontar

and growth, helping to face

desafiaments i

challenges and

assolir els teus objectius,

achieve your goals,

tant siguin professionals,

whether they are professionals,

com personals. Personals.

as personals. Personals.

No? Molt bé. Jo crec que ho podríem

No? Very well. I think we could do it.

tancar aquí, vull dir... És que ho has tancat

Close here, I mean... It's just that you closed it.

de puta mare, penso. Eh que sí? Sí, sí, sí.

Fucking great, I think. Right? Yes, yes, yes.

Bona manera de tancar-ho. He pensat, carai, tu, mira...

Nice way to wrap it up. I thought, wow, look...

És com una xerrada, ja, inspiracional. Sí, sí, sí, sí.

It's like an inspirational chat, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Ha estat bé, no?

It has been good, hasn’t it?

Molt. Doncs no sé si ens podem

Very well. So I don't know if we can

començar a acomiadar, què us sembla?

start to say goodbye, what do you think?

No sé si recordeu on ens poden seguir,

I don't know if you remember where they can follow us,

Ferran? Ens poden seguir... A veure, però és que

Ferran? They can follow us... Let's see, but it's just that

això ho has de dir tu, jo. Això ho diré jo. És que...

you have to say that, I. I will say that. It's just that...

On ens poden seguir, Xènia? A Instagram,

Where can they follow us, Xènia? On Instagram?

a TikTok, a Threads,

a TikTok, a Threads,

a Twitter,

to Twitter,

que és X, però per nosaltres és Twitter.

what is X, but for us, it is Twitter.

A Constitució vam posar Twitter.

We put Twitter in the Constitution.

I poca cosa més,

And not much more.

no? O pel carrer.

No? Or on the street.

Pel carrer. Això ho deia

In the street. I was saying this.

Marc sempre. M'ho va robar,

Marc always. He stole it from me.

m'ho roba tot. A veure, temporades,

It takes everything from me. Let's see, seasons,

jo crec que ja hem cremat molt, eh, el carrer.

I think we have burned a lot already, huh, the street.

Sí, el carrer ja està passat de moda.

Yes, the street is already out of fashion.

A les xarxes socials. I on

On social media. And where

ens poden escoltar, Marc? Ens poden

Can they hear us, Marc? Can they?

escoltar, vejam, per

listen, let's see, for

Spotify. Ens poden escoltar per

Spotify. They can listen to us on

Podcast Republic, iVoox, a

Podcast Republic, iVoox, a

Apple Podcast. A Google Podcast

Apple Podcast. A Google Podcast.

hi ha, com es diu ara, YouTube Music.

there is, as it is now called, YouTube Music.

Ara és YouTube Music? Ah, molt bé.

Is it YouTube Music now? Ah, very good.

Sí, ha enxutat. Anava molt bé, però ho ha enxutat.

Yes, it has been soaked. It was going very well, but it has been soaked.

Bueno. I si voleu

Well. And if you want

format vídeo, ho podeu escoltar tant a

video format, you can listen to it both at

YouTube, busqueu Andre Maliats, i

YouTube, search for Andre Maliats, and

a Spotify,

to Spotify,

que hi ha l'opció de vídeo, també. Només a...

that there is the video option, too. Only at...

Bueno, amb el mòbil, també.

Well, with the mobile phone, too.

Sí, sí. Tot arreu, tot arreu. Perquè jo

Yes, yes. Everywhere, everywhere. Because I

miro amb el mòbil. I pots triar on vulguis,

I look with the mobile. And you can choose wherever you want,

i sobretot, us subscriviu,

and above all, you subscribe,

i a Spotify, sobretot,

and on Spotify, above all,

les estrelletes. Estrelletes. Ens poseu ja la

the little stars. Little stars. You already put us the

valoració, ens poseu cinc estrelles. Les cinc, no?

Rating, you give us five stars. The five, right?

Si en poseu menys, us faran pagar.

If you put in less, they will make you pay.

Per tant, us poseu les cinc, eh? En sèrio, us fan pagar.

So you put on the five, right? Seriously, they make you pay.

I una petita coseta. No, però és perquè ens ho fiquin les cinc.

And a little thing. No, but it's because they get us at five.

I una petita coseta, eh?

And a little thing, huh?

Ens hem promès, aquesta

We have promised each other, this



ser una miqueta més actius de xarxes, no?

to be a little more active on social media, right?

Fer tistós, més tistós. Ah, sí.

Make it more tisty, yes.

Ai, TikTok, m'has dit tu, el TikTok?

Oh, TikTok, did you tell me, TikTok?

Sí, el primer, el primer. Ah, vale.

Yes, the first, the first. Ah, okay.

Que és generació Z, és el primer que penses.

What is Generation Z, that’s the first thing you think of.

Doncs sí. Jo intentaré fer cosetes,

Well, yes. I will try to do some things.

el que passa que no sóc aquí un expert ni res, eh?

The thing is that I'm not an expert or anything here, okay?

Ho intentarem. Però ho farem.

We will try. But we will do it.

Estem parlant del Ser bien en cosetes? Sí.

Are we talking about Being good in little things? Yes.

Sí. Home, i tant.

Yes. Well, of course.

Spoiler. Spoiler.

Spoiler. Spoiler.

Però necessitem la vostra col·laboració, també,

But we need your cooperation, too.

en certes coses. Per tant, estigueu atents i atentes

in certain things. Therefore, pay attention.

a xarxes socials.

to social networks.

Així que, si tot va bé,

So, if all goes well,

tornarem la setmana que ve amb més

We will return next week with more.

i millor amb aquesta temporada

and better with this season

dos que avui hem començat i que

two that we started today and that

estem molt contents de tocar-la. I que no s'acabi.

We are very happy to play it. And may it never end.

Que no s'acabi.

Don't let it end.

Doncs va.

Alright then.

Adéu, bonics. Adéu.

Goodbye, beautiful ones. Goodbye.

Adéu, adéu, adéu.

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

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