Fora Vergonya!

Erika Marfil

Un Conte més

Fora Vergonya!

Un Conte més

Fora vergonya

Shame on you

de Meritxell Martí i Xavier Salomó

by Meritxell Martí and Xavier Salomó

Farem bé les orelles

We will do the ears well.

i emocionem-nos

and let's get excited

Els animals del bosc

The animals of the forest

preparen el festival de teatre

they are preparing the theater festival

El senyor Napius

Mr. Napius

és el director de l'obra que volen representar

He is the director of the play they want to perform.

Peter Pan

Peter Pan

Toni, Tina, us hi apunteu?

Toni, Tina, are you joining?

els proposa

he proposes them

Ai, tant!

Oh, so much!

fa la Tina contenta

make Tina happy

Doncs us espero demà al teatre

Well, I'll see you tomorrow at the theater.

El Toni, però, no diu res

Toni, however, says nothing.


The next day

el Toni se'n va cap al teatre

Toni is heading to the theatre.

amb les orelles caigudes

with drooping ears

Que no et trobes bé?

Aren't you feeling well?

li pregunta la Tina

she asks Tina

Sí, és que...

Yes, it's just that...

és que hi haurà molta gent

it's just that there will be a lot of people

que no conec

that I don't know

No pateixis

Don't worry.

El senyor Napius ens els presentarà

Mr. Napius will introduce them to us.

Segur que són simpàtics

I'm sure they are nice.

El Toni és una mica timid

Toni is a bit shy.

En canvi, la Tina

On the other hand, Tina

li encanta fer nous amics

he loves making new friends

Ja hi som tots!

Here we all are!

exclama el senyor Napius content

exclaims Mr. Napius happily

i tot seguit fa les presentacions

And right after that, he makes the introductions.

Ara repartirem els papers

Now we will distribute the papers.

i llegirem l'obra

and we will read the work

Serà un muntatge espectacular

It will be a spectacular show.

amb cançons i valls

with songs and valleys

Confio que serà tot un èxit

I trust it will be a complete success.

El Toni comença a tenir mal de panxa

Toni is starting to have a stomach ache.

A l'obra s'ha de cantar

In the play, one must sing.

i ell desafina

and he is out of tune

una cosa de no dir

one thing not to say

Tu faràs de capità Garfi

You will play Captain Hook.

diu el senyor Napius al Raül

Mr. Napius says to Raül.

el gat més que

the cat more than

I tu, Rita, de campaneta

And you, Rita, of little bell.

Aleshores es gira cap a la Tina

Then he turns to Tina.

i anuncia

and announces

Tu seràs la Wendy!

You will be the Wendy!

La Tina es posa més contenta

Tina is getting happier.

que un ginjol

that a jujube

El Toni mou un peu tota l'estona

Toni keeps moving one foot all the time.

I tu, Toni, faràs de...

And you, Toni, will be...

Però abans que el director

But before the director

acabi la frase

finish the sentence

el Toni l'interromp

Toni interrupts him.

Senyor Napius, no vull sortir a l'obra

Mr. Napius, I don't want to go out to the play.

Tots insisteixen

Everyone insists.

que ha de participar en l'obra

that has to participate in the work

Llavors, el senyor Napius

Then, Mr. Napius

li proposa que llegeixi

he suggests that she reads

una frase del text

a sentence from the text

El Toni li suen les mans

Toni's hands feel sweaty.

es posa al mig de la rotllana

he/she stands in the middle of the circle

i ho intenta

and it tries

Els somnis

The dreams

es fan

they are made





Les orelles se li encenen

His ears turn red.

Les galtes li cremen

Her cheeks burn.

I les cames li tremolen

And his legs are shaking.

com una fulla a l'arbre

like a leaf on a tree

Els somnis

The dreams

es fan...

they are made...

No puc!

I can't!

Acaba dient

It ends by saying

Abaixa el cap

Lower your head.

i se'n va corrent cap a un racó

and he runs towards a corner

Segur que els altres

Sure that the others

pensen que ha fet el ridícul

they think he has made a fool of himself

El senyor Napius sap

Mr. Napius knows.

què li passa al Toni

What's wrong with Toni?

Està mort de vergonya

He is dead of shame.

Tranquil, és normal

Calm, it’s normal.

li diu

he says to him/her

Però si per Nadal vam actuar

But if we performed for Christmas

Que no te'n recordes?

Don't you remember?

fa la Tina

make the Tina

Sí, però era a casa

Yes, but I was at home.

amb la família

with the family

respon el Toni

answer Toni

Fustrat perquè no pot evitar tenir vergonya

Frustrated because he/she cannot avoid feeling ashamed.

El senyor Napius se li acut una idea

Mr. Napius comes up with an idea.

perquè el Toni formi part de l'obra

so that Toni is part of the work

Saps què?

Do you know what?

Necessito que algú em doni un cop de mà

I need someone to lend me a hand.

però això et demano que siguis l'ajudant de direcció

but this is what I ask you to be the assistant to the director

Què et semblaria encarregar-te del so i del vestuari?

What would you think about taking charge of the sound and the costumes?

El senyor Napius veu que el Toni se sent una mica millor

Mr. Napius sees that Toni is feeling a little better.

i afegeix

and add

Potser l'any que ve t'animaràs a sortir en una obra

Maybe next year you'll be encouraged to perform in a play.

Durant els assaig, el Toni posa la música

During the rehearsal, Toni plays the music.

i observa els companys dalt de l'escenari

and watch the classmates on stage

Tots tenen bona veu

Everyone has a good voice.

però quan ballen

but when they dance

aixos ja són figues d'un altre paner

that is a different kettle of fish

Ep, que teniu sorra les sabates

Hey, you've got sand in your shoes.

els diu el director

the director tells them

Tot d'una, el Toni s'apropa a l'escenari

Suddenly, Toni approaches the stage.

Tina, t'has de moure així

Tina, you have to move like this.

diu mentre li mostra els passos

he says while showing him the steps

Tu, al final del ball

You, at the end of the dance.

podries fer un salt i caure de costat

could you jump and fall to the side

Aquesta vegada el Toni no dubta a pujar a l'escenari i fer una demostració

This time Toni does not hesitate to get on stage and give a demonstration.

Tots aplaudeixen i llavors es posa vermell com un tomàquet

Everyone claps and then he turns red like a tomato.

No sabia que ballessis tan bé

I didn't know you danced so well.

exclama el senyor Napius

exclaims Mr. Napius

i tot seriós, afegeix

And seriously, add.

Ja no seràs el meu ajudant

You will no longer be my assistant.

Tots miren el Napius amb sorpresa

Everyone looks at Napius with surprise.

Aleshores, diu amb solemnitat

Then, he/she says solemnly.

Et nomeno coreògraf de la companyia!

I appoint you choreographer of the company!

El Toni fa uns ulls com un estaronge

Toni makes eyes like a deer in headlights.

Aquesta no se l'esperava

She didn't expect this.

Està molt content

He is very happy.

i de seguida se li acudeixen un munt d'idees per als balls

And immediately a bunch of ideas for the dances come to mind.

Han passat els dies

The days have passed.

i s'acosta el moment de l'estrena

The moment of the premiere is approaching.

és l'hora d'assajar la salutació final

It's time to rehearse the final greeting.

El senyor Napius explica als actors com han de saludar el públic

Mr. Napius explains to the actors how they should greet the audience.

i els actors es posen a practicar la reverència

And the actors begin to practice the bow.

Al final sortim tu i jo

In the end, it's just you and me.

Toni, el coreògraf i el director de l'obra

Toni, the choreographer and the director of the play

Com? Sortir a l'escena i saludar el públic?

How? Go on stage and greet the audience?

De cap manera!

No way!

Pensa el Toni

Toni thinks.

Gràcies senyor Napius

Thank you, Mr. Napius.

Fa baixant les orelles

He is lowering his ears.

Però no vull sortir

But I don't want to go out.

Per què?


El Napius no sap com ajudar-lo

The Napius doesn't know how to help him.

a superar la vergonya

overcoming shame

Sospira i diu

He sighs and says.

Toni, practica la salutació a casa

Toni, practice the greeting at home.

i el dia de l'obra

and the day of the performance

si et ve de gust, surts a saludar

if you feel like it, you can go out to greet

Tornant cap a casa

Returning home

el Toni pensa que no ho podrà fer

Toni thinks he won't be able to do it.

Arriba el dia de l'estrena

The day of the premiere arrives.



S'ha acabat

It's over.

i els artistes surten a saludar

And the artists come out to greet.

I ell?

And him?

Què farà?

What will he/she/it do?

Les cames li fan figa

His legs are giving way.

quan el senyor Napius surt a l'escenari

when Mr. Napius goes on stage

i el mira com dient

and he looks at him as if saying

I doncs?

And so?

T'hi animés?

Are you up for it?

Amb els aplaudiments del públic

With the applause of the audience

el Toni fa el cor fort

Toni is putting on a brave face.

i l'arriba a l'escena

and it arrives on the scene

i el mira com dient

and he looks at her as if to say

I doncs?

And so?

Amb els aplaudiments del públic

With the applause of the audience

el Toni fa el cor fort

Toni is being brave.

i per fi surt a l'escenari

and finally steps onto the stage

Molt bé!

Very good!

L'obra ha estat un èxit

The work has been a success.

en part gràcies a ell

in part thanks to him

El director l'abraça emocionat

The director hugs him excitedly.

i l'Athina li diu a cau d'orella

and Athina whispers to her

Ho has aconseguit!

You did it!

El Toni, feliç

Toni, happy

s'adona que ha vençut la vergonya

He realizes that he has overcome his shame.

Ep nois!

Hey guys!

Què us sembla

What do you think?

si comencem a assajar la propera obra?

Shall we start rehearsing the next play?

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