#iCAiCA #10 - Final

Pol Castellví


#iCAiCA #10 - Final


Avui és el capítol final d'aquesta primera temporada.

Today is the final episode of this first season.

Toca donar les gràcies a absolutament tothom

It's time to thank absolutely everyone.

que ha posat un granet de sorra perquè això sigui possible.

that has added a grain of sand for this to be possible.

Però no serà un especial de Nadal ni res per l'estil.

But it won't be a Christmas special or anything like that.

Volem portar-vos xitxa fins a l'últim dia de programa.

We want to bring you chicha until the last day of the program.

Volem explicar tots els secrets d'aquests dies,

We want to explain all the secrets of these days,

totes les anècdotes que ens han acompanyat a les entrevistes, etc.

all the anecdotes that have accompanied us during the interviews, etc.

I ho farem amb el millor company de viatge

We will do it with the best travel companion.

i l'encarregat que tot soni com si això es gravés a Abbey Road.

and the manager that everything sounds as if it was recorded at Abbey Road.

A part, s'ocupa de la producció logística de cadascun dels capítols

In addition, he/she is responsible for the logistical production of each chapter.

així que coneix perfectament tots els secrets

so he knows all the secrets perfectly

que s'amaguen darrere d'Ica Ica.

that are hidden behind Ica Ica.

Biel Ferrer, sigues benvingudíssim.

Biel Ferrer, you are very welcome.

Quina honor estar a l'altre costat del micròfon.

What an honor to be on the other side of the microphone.

Ha sigut un any amb moltíssims convidats

It has been a year with a lot of guests.

com a primera temporada.

as the first season.

Ha passat per aquí Zetac, Sarra Socas, Calavento,

Zetac, Sarra Socas, Calavento have passed through here.

Nando Cruz, Pau Llong, Marta Mas, La Caral...

Nando Cruz, Pau Llong, Marta Mas, La Caral...

Moltíssima gent.

A lot of people.

I també ha passat molta gent per darrere del micro, com deies tu.

And many people have also passed behind the microphone, as you said.

Necessito començar amb una anècdota

I need to start with an anecdote.

que la gent crec que riurà i tu no saps.

that people I think will laugh and you don't know.

I va ser el dia en què

It was the day when

vaig haver de recollir Zetac personalment a Barcelona.

I had to pick up Zetac personally in Barcelona.

Jo estava especialment nerviós

I was especially nervous.

perquè aquell dia ens ocupàvem de mil coses

because that day we were occupied with a thousand things

i com que no som un podcast amb infinit pressupost

And since we are not a podcast with an infinite budget

no podem enviar un tàctil.

we cannot send a touchscreen.

No podem fer un taxi a recollir un dels convidats,

We cannot get a taxi to pick up one of the guests.

sinó que l'hem d'anar a buscar nosaltres mateixos.

but we have to go and get it ourselves.

I això és el que va passar amb Zetac.

And this is what happened with Zetac.

El tio sortia d'una conferència que va donar al mig de Barcelona

The guy was leaving a conference he gave in the middle of Barcelona.

i jo, entre els nervis de si arribava o de si no,

and I, amidst the nerves of whether I would arrive or not,

vaig quedar amb ell, vaig trucar-lo...

I met with him, I called him...

No, de fet no vaig trucar-lo amb ell, vaig trucar al seu mànager

No, in fact I didn't call him, I called his manager.

i em va dir si sortirà a tal hora, de tal lloc, heu quedat aquí...

And he told me if he will leave at such an hour, from such a place, have you arranged to meet here...

I jo, ok, tot bé, tot bé.

And I, okay, everything's fine, everything's fine.

Total, al mig de Barcelona, jo amb el cotxe, engegat, no sé què...

Basically, in the middle of Barcelona, me with the car, turned on, I don't know what...

sort de l'edifici on estava fent la conferència

exit the building where I was giving the conference

i jo vaig estacionar com vaig poder el cotxe

And I parked the car as best as I could.

al costat, al mig de la carretera

on the side, in the middle of the road

i vaig sortir a saludar-lo

I went out to greet him.

amb un descuit, i és que no vaig posar el fre de mà.

with a lapse, and it's that I didn't put the handbrake on.

Total, vaig saludar...

Overall, I greeted...

Vaig saludar Zetac, la seva parella,

I greeted Zetac, his partner.

perquè venien del Japó

because they came from Japan

i el cotxe va començar a tirar carretera avall.

And the car started to drive down the road.

Diguéssim que no va ser una presentació molt planera,

Let’s say it wasn't a very straightforward presentation,

va ser plena de sutracs, però bueno, aquesta va ser la primera.

It was full of drawbacks, but well, that was the first one.

Un sutrac hauria vingut bé perquè el cotxe no se n'anés cap a baix,

A brake would have been good because the car didn't go downhill.

això hauria vingut bé.

this would have been good.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Una de les altres coses que volíem repassar

One of the other things we wanted to go over.

és que cal explicar on es fa el podcast.

It is necessary to explain where the podcast is made.

No és secret perquè la gent ho haurà vist en algun vídeo

It's no secret because people will have seen it in some video.

que haguem pogut penjar xarxes i a més.

that we could have set up nets and more.

Hem vist un costat.

We have seen one side.

I és el Club Nàutic.

And it is the Nautical Club.

El Club Nàutic de Vilassar és l'espai que vam escollir en el seu moment.

The Vilassar Nautical Club is the space we chose at the time.

Històricament era un espai per pescadors,

Historically, it was a space for fishermen,

però en el pas dels anys s'ha convertit en un espai social

but over the years it has become a social space

per molta gent amb diners i tal.

for many people with money and so on.

En el seu moment no vam pensar en el xoc cultural

At the time, we did not think about the cultural shock.

que li podia suposar a Pau Llong.

what it could mean for Pau Llong.

Em va trucar perquè el tio ha arribat 30 minuts abans de la reunió,

He called me because the guy arrived 30 minutes before the meeting.

ahir de l'entrevista,

yesterday from the interview,

i em va dir

and he/she told me

Ei, escolta, estàs segur que caigues aquí?

Hey, listen, are you sure you fall here?

Aquí us hauré d'imaginar un tio de quasi dos metres d'alçada,

Here I will have to imagine a guy who is almost two meters tall,

calb, amb tot d'anells, aros,

bald, with lots of rings, bands,

collars d'EMSI del Bronx,

EMSI collars from the Bronx,

entrant per un espai reservat per socis.

entering through a space reserved for members.

Que de fet és el que ell, tio,

That in fact is what he, dude,

el Pau va publicar a l'Instagram

Pau posted on Instagram.

enfotent-se'n una mica,

making fun of it a little,



M'han citat aquí, crec que és un espai on estiueja Artur Mas,

I have been summoned here, I believe it is a place where Artur Mas spends his summer.

us seguiré informant.

I will keep you informed.

Efectivament, estiueja l'Artur Mas,

Indeed, Artur Mas is on holiday,

però bueno, per sort no es van creuar.

but well, luckily they didn't cross paths.

A part, el vam tenir esperant durant una bona estona

Apart from that, we kept him waiting for quite a while.

perquè no vam poder començar el programa.

because we could not start the program.

I en Biel sap perfectament per què no vam poder començar el programa.

And Biel knows perfectly well why we couldn't start the program.

Doncs l'espai on gravem és molt privilegiat,

Well, the space where we record is very privileged,

però té els seus efectes també,

but it has its effects too,

i és que tenim una cuina a sota.

And it's that we have a kitchen downstairs.

I per conseqüència tenim un extractor.

And consequently, we have an extractor.

I l'extractor no només ens molesta amb els micròfons,

And the extractor not only bothers us with the microphones,

sinó que ens molesta amb les càmeres,

but it bothers us with the cameras,

el terra tremola,

the ground shakes,

i aquell dia havíem de treure els postres

And that day we had to take out the desserts.

i van estar fins a les 5 de la tarda.

They were there until 5 in the afternoon.

Si feu uns càlculs ràpids,

If you do some quick calculations,

el sol marxa més o menys cap a aquella hora

the sun sets more or less around that time

i començàvem superjustos

and we started super tight

perquè ens quedàvem sense llum.

because we were running out of light.

I a més a més vam estar fent esperar en pau

And furthermore, we were kept waiting in peace.

una molt bona estona.

a very good time.

Per sort, és un tio molt de pel·liquer

Fortunately, he's a very laid-back guy.

i ens ho vam...

and we did it...

S'ho va clavar.

He/she hit it.

S'ho va clavar bastant.

He really nailed it.

El dia abans també havíem gravat al Nando Cruz,

The day before we had also recorded with Nando Cruz,

un periodista musical superreconegut,

a highly recognized music journalist,

li va deixar una nota

he left her a note

dedicatòria allà en l'espai

dedication there in space

on gravem els podcasts.

We record the podcasts.

Això va estar xulo.

That was cool.

I ara que parlem del Nando,

And now that we're talking about Nando,

he de confessar que em vaig petar

I have to confess that I broke down.

tot el guió que tenia escrit

all the script that I had written

perquè em vaig centrar en el llibre

because I focused on the book

que el tio va publicar fa poc.

that the guy published recently.

És un llibre espectacular.

It's a spectacular book.

Parla de tots els festivals de música

Talk about all the music festivals.

i vaig pensar, ostres...

I thought, wow...

En aquell dia vaig pensar una mica

On that day I thought a little.

en la sotana.

in the cassock.

Per què?


La sotana un cop van dir

The cassock once said

tenim la sort de tenir un podcast

we are lucky to have a podcast

i el que hem aconseguit amb aquest podcast

and what we have achieved with this podcast

és portar a la gent que ens admirem

it is to bring the people we admire

per poder-los tenir a prop,

to be able to have them close,

per poder-los conèixer

to get to know them

i per poder parlar amb ells.

and to be able to talk to them.

I aquell dia, tant amb en Pau

And that day, both with Pau

com amb el Nando Cruz el dia després,

like with Nando Cruz the day after,

vaig sentir això.

I heard that.

Potser a l'audiència

Maybe at the audience

li serà totalment igual

it will be completely indifferent to him/her

el que estiguem parlant,

what we are talking about,

però jo volia,

but I wanted,

volia tenir una excusa

I wanted to have an excuse.

per portar aquesta gent

to bring these people

i poder-los mirar la cara

and be able to look them in the face

en una conversa de tu a tu

in a face-to-face conversation

i va ser molt guai.

It was really cool.

I el mateix una mica amb Calavento.

And the same a bit with Calavento.

Calavento potser no és d'admiració

Calavento may not be of admiration.

més intel·lectual oide,

more intellectual ear,

però sí que és a nivell musical.

but it is at a musical level.

A nivell musical i admiració

On a musical level and admiration

per part de tot l'equip.

on behalf of the whole team.

Ens va fer molt d'il·lu

It made us very happy.

que vingués Calavento,

that Calavento would come,

tant que els vam convidar

as long as we invited them

a dinar al restaurant

lunch at the restaurant

i els tios estaven encantats de la vida.

And the guys were thrilled with life.

I crec que es va notar a l'entrevista.

I think it was noticeable during the interview.

I aquí ens vam tornar una mica bojos

And here we went a little mad.

perquè intentem sempre

because we always try

que a les entrevistes hi hagi

that there are at the interviews

una mica de sorpresa.

a bit of surprise.

Un element que els desperti

An element that awakens them

alguna reacció així xula i tal.

some cool reaction and stuff.

Ho vam fer amb d'altres entrevistats,

We did it with other interviewees.

però amb Calavento va costar bastant.

but with Calavento it was quite difficult.

Fins que va aparèixer en Martí,

Until Martí appeared,

la persona que s'ocupa

the person who takes care

de tota la part audiovisual,

from the entire audiovisual part,

i va dir-li a la gent

and he told the people

que no hi havia res a dir.

that there was nothing to say.

I va dir-li que no hi havia res a dir.

He told her that there was nothing to say.

I va dir, ei, tinc el contacte

He said, hey, I have the contact.

del tècnic de llums de Calavento.

from the lighting technician of Calavento.

I aquí se'ns van obrir

And here we were opened up.

totes les llumetes, molt millor dit,

all the little lights, much better said,

i ens vam plantar allà

and we stood there

amb una de les làmperes del seu directe.

with one of the lamps from his direct show.

Per què?


I com es fa això?

And how is this done?

Senzill. Els tios no van tenir

Simple. The guys didn't have.

una idea més boja que la de

a crazier idea than that of

passar per l'Ikea

stop by Ikea

i comprar-se, no sé si eren 40...

and to buy, I don't know if it was 40...

40 o 50.

40 or 50.

40 o 50 làmperes

40 or 50 lamps

d'aquestes de...

of these from...

40 o 50 làmperes d'aquestes de...

40 or 50 of these lamps of...

de pocs euros.

a few euros.

De tot l'equip de nit de plàstic.

From the entire plastic night team.

Exactament. I els vam regalar

Exactly. And we gave them as gifts.

una de les que tenien de descarte.

one of the ones they had to discard.

I va estar amb bastant detall xulo.

It was quite a cool detail.

A part, també els vam ensenyar

Besides, we also showed them.

una foto del primer concert

a photo of the first concert

on se'ls va premiar

they were awarded

amb un premi

with a prize

i van flipar.

they were amazed.

Això és tan senzill,

This is so simple,

estimats oients,

dear listeners,

com fer scroll

how to scroll

cap avall i anar a buscar

head down and go to fetch

la primera foto a l'Instagram que tenen.

the first photo on Instagram that they have.

És més secret. No és un

It is more secret. It is not one.

periodisme d'investigació

investigative journalism

del standing, sinó és bastant cutre.

of the standing, but it's quite shabby.

La Sara Soques

The Sara Soques



li vam entregar

we handed it over to him/her

un regal. Viguel, te'n recordes què era?

a gift. Viguel, do you remember what it was?

A la Sara Soques?

To Sara Soques?

Uns carnets.

Some cards.

Ah, li vam fer uns carnets

Ah, we made him some ID cards.

de soci del Barça.

as a member of Barça.

Perquè es veu que era molt, molt fan del Barça.

Because apparently he was a very, very big fan of Barça.

Li vam fer un carnet de soci per ella

We made her a membership card.

i per la seva gossa.

and for her dog.

Sí, Mango.

Yes, Mango.

I es va morir de la il·lusió.

And he died of excitement.

Li va fer molta, molta il·lo

It made him very, very excited.

perquè deia, hòstia,

because I said, damn,

heu ajuntat les dues coses

you have combined the two things

que m'agraden, no?

that I like, right?

No sabíem que era tan culer, però la tia va saltar

We didn't know she was such a tomboy, but the aunt jumped.

de la cadira, ens va abraçar a tots, va estar guai.

From the chair, he hugged us all, it was great.

Home, la Sara és, diguéssim,

At home, Sara is, let's say,

l'artista amb

the artist with

diferència, potser, que més seguidors

difference, perhaps, that more followers



No sé si arriba al milió

I don't know if it reaches a million.

de seguidors a Instagram, és una salvatjada.

The number of followers on Instagram is a madness.

I hi ha una cosa

And there is one thing

que tu, Piel, no sé si saps, i és que el Nil

that you, Piel, I don't know if you know, and it's that the Nil

està bojament enamorat de la Sara.

he is crazy in love with Sara.

I el Nil

And Nil

és el meu germà i és una persona

he is my brother and he is a person

amb qui hem comptat bastant per tota la part

with whom we have counted quite a bit for the whole part

audiovisual, també ens ha donat molt de...

audiovisual, it has also given us a lot of...



un suport molt important.

a very important support.



Ostres, amb ell

Wow, with him!

ens hem recolzat moltíssim

we have supported each other a lot

perquè ens ha ajudat molt

because it has helped us a lot

i el tio

and the uncle

aquest dia no s'ho va pensar ni un segon.

That day, he/she didn't think about it for a second.

Si va agafar el cotxe o va venir,

If he/she took the car or came,

ara sóc així, així, així.

now I am like this, like this, like this.

Després vam descobrir per què tenia tantes ganes

Later we discovered why he/she was so eager.

de venir.

of coming.

Després, per últim,

Then, lastly,

volíem explicar

we wanted to explain

també una anècdota

also an anecdote

de l'espai.

of the space.

El Club Nàutic no era

The Yacht Club was not

el primer espai que vam nosaltres veure

the first space that we saw

per... ni vam estar

for... we weren't even there

visualitzant el podcast

visualizing the podcast

d'Ica-Ica, sinó que vam parlar...

of Ica-Ica, but we talked...

Van haver-hi moltes, moltes reunions

There were many, many meetings.

amb l'Espinaler.

with the Espinaler.

La mítica marca

The mythical brand

de salses.

of Salses.



Vila Sarenca, a més.

Vila Sarenca, furthermore.

No volíem sortir de Vilassar, no volíem anar a Barcelona

We didn't want to leave Vilassar, we didn't want to go to Barcelona.

a fer-lo, volíem que fos

to do it, we wanted it to be

de superquilòmetre zero.

from superkilometre zero.

I vam intentar que

We tried to make sure that

ens esponsoritzés i vam anar a fer-ho

he would sponsor us and we went to do it

al seu espai.

in its space.

Teníem tot l'ok per percebre

We had everything ready to receive.

fins que...


Ens van començar a demanar coses.

They started asking us for things.

I si podeu posar una ampolla de vermut aquí,

And if you can put a bottle of vermouth here,

i si podem fer no sé què...

and if we can do I don’t know what...



I aquí vam considerar que...

And here we considered that...

Que no.

No way.

Que necessitàvem un espai que no ens...

That we needed a space that did not...

Que no ens demanés tantes...

That he wouldn't ask us so many...

Bueno, tantes...

Well, so many...



I vam decidir fer-ho en un espai

We decided to do it in a space.

on no estiguéssim lligats

where we are not tied up

absolutament res.

absolutely nothing.

Va sorgir l'oportunitat de fer-ho a l'Espinaler

The opportunity to do it at Espinaler arose.

ahir al Club Nàutic.

yesterday at the Nautical Club.

I allà ens vam quedar.

And there we stayed.

I la veritat és que estem molt, molt contents.

And the truth is that we are very, very happy.

I esperem seguir.

And we hope to continue.

De fet, esperem que...

In fact, we hope that...

Que això sigui només l'inici.

May this be just the beginning.

Esperem tornar ben aviat.

We hope to return very soon.

Moltes gràcies, Biel,

Thank you very much, Biel,

que tenim aquí present.

that we have here present.

El Nil, que ha fet molts quilòmetres per venir

The Nile, which has traveled many kilometers to come.

a casa a cada capítol.

a home in every chapter.

En Martí, per currar-se la imatge.

Martí, to work on his image.

A la Marta, per la decoració.

To Marta, for the decoration.

A la Mar, per estar gravant també amb nosaltres.

To Mar, for being here recording with us as well.

A l'ISEC, al Club Nàutic, altra vegada.

At the ISEC, at the Nautical Club, again.

I a tothom que ens escolta.

And to everyone who is listening to us.

Ens anima i ens mima.

It encourages us and takes care of us.

Això és Icaica,

This is Icaica,

i això ha estat fins ara.

and this has been until now.

Ens veiem aviat.

See you soon.


Thank you.

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