Carlota Gatius Gómez, ambaixadora d'Inspiring Girls i referent en reputació digital

Heroïnes Digitals

Heroïnes Digitals

Carlota Gatius Gómez, ambaixadora d'Inspiring Girls i referent en reputació digital

Heroïnes Digitals

Aquí comença Heroïnes Digitals.

Here begins Digital Heroines.

Un podcast per conèixer dones referents en la transformació tecnològica.

A podcast to get to know women leaders in technological transformation.

Dones que fan xarxa i que ens inspiren en l'art de la vida.

Women who build networks and inspire us in the art of life.

A Espanya i a Catalunya també hi ha des de fa uns quants anys.

In Spain and in Catalonia, there has been for several years now.

I què fa exactament Inspiring Girls?

And what exactly does Inspiring Girls do?

Bàsicament el que ens hem donat compte és que hi ha una pèrdua de confiança en les nenes,

Basically, what we have realized is that there is a loss of trust in girls.

sobretot entre els 8 i els 14 anys,

especially between the ages of 8 and 14,

que el que fa és que moltíssimes vegades no puguin desenvolupar el que realment volen

that what it does is that very often they cannot develop what they really want

perquè no ho coneixen o perquè es pensen que no ho poden fer.

because they do not know it or because they think they cannot do it.

Així doncs, Inspiring Girls el que fa és unir nenes que estan en aquesta edat de transició,

Thus, Inspiring Girls brings together girls who are at this transitional age,

perquè comença més o menys des dels 10 anys fins als 18,

because it starts more or less from 10 years old until 18,

amb professionals de sectors que no són tan coneguts,

with professionals from sectors that are not so well-known,

o que sí que ho són perquè aquestes nenes tinguin referents a l'hora de poder decidir.

or that they are indeed so that these girls have role models when it comes to making decisions.

És a dir, que tinguin tota la informació per després decidir cap on volen tirar.

That is to say, they should have all the information to then decide which direction they want to take.

I que no ho facin simplement al perquè se'n dona bé,

And that they don't do it simply because they are good at it,

al perquè ho fan les meves amigues,

to why my friends do it,

no, que tinguin consciència i sobretot que tinguin referents,

No, that they have awareness and above all that they have role models.

perquè crec que és una cosa que no tothom entén.

because I think it is something that not everyone understands.

O no tothom a tots els àmbits, en aquest cas.

Or not everyone in all areas, in this case.

Perquè una mica en quins àmbits heu detectat que faltaven més referents o més dones referents?

Because in which areas have you detected a greater lack of role models or more female role models?



O sigui, nosaltres bàsicament el que hem analitzat és que

So, basically what we have analyzed is that

hi ha sectors, com pot ser per exemple el sector de la tecnologia,

there are sectors, such as the technology sector,

i això es pot veure molt clarament a l'hora de mirar les carreres tecnològiques,

and this can be seen very clearly when looking at technological careers,

on hi ha un percentatge molt més alt de nois que de noies.

there is a much higher percentage of boys than girls.

I no és per un tema genètic que diguis

And it's not because of a genetic issue that you say.

no, és que als nois se'ls dona millor això que a les noies, perquè no és veritat.

No, it's just that boys are better at this than girls, because it's not true.

I això és una cosa que fa molta gràcia perquè la realitat és que no és veritat.

And this is something that is very funny because the reality is that it is not true.

Ara, ells s'ho creuen, perquè tu vas a una classe de nens de 14 anys

Now, they believe it, because you go to a class of 14-year-old kids.

i preguntes a qui se li donen bé les matemàtiques, nens i nenes, eh?

And you ask those who are good at math, boys and girls, right?

Tots els nens aixequen la mà, el que treu els 10 i el que treu els 12.

All the children raise their hands, both the ones who get 10 and the ones who get 12.

Les nenes n'aixequen dos i són les que saben seguríssim que ho fan.

The girls lift two and they are the ones who definitely know they do it.

I preguntes, però per què no? No, és que jo trec sisos.

And you ask, but why not? No, it's just that I take out six packs.

I el nen que treu cincs et diu, però és que jo en sé molt.

And the boy who gets fives says to you, but I know a lot.

I aquí és on realment et dónes compte.

And this is where you really realize.

És que des de ben petit és que hi ha coses que se'ns han imposat, no?

It's just that since we were very little there are things that have been imposed on us, right?

O que ens hem autoimposat entre totes.

Or what we have imposed on ourselves among all.

I això, per exemple, al món de la tecnologia passa moltíssim.

And this, for example, happens a lot in the world of technology.

I això també ho puc dir jo com a persona que jo vinc del món tecnològic,

And I can also say this as someone who comes from the technological world,

que soc enginyera, industrial.

that I am an industrial engineer.

Un altre sector on, per exemple, també fem molts cursos

Another sector where, for example, we also offer many courses.

és amb el tema de les finances.

It's about the topic of finances.

I si no, no és veritat.

And if not, it’s not true.

Històricament, les finances a una casa les ha aportat l'home,

Historically, the finances in a household have been provided by the man,

en aquest cas, doncs, quasi sempre ha sigut així.

In this case, then, it has almost always been like this.

No perquè sigui qui aporta els diners, que també,

Not because they are the one providing the money, which they are as well,

sinó perquè a les noies moltes vegades passem, saps?

but because we often pass by the girls, you know?

En plan de, da igual, saps? En plan, fes-ho tu.

Like, whatever, you know? Like, just do it.

Doncs ensenyar des de ben petites la importància que té

So teaching from a young age the importance it has

el simple fet de tu conèixer bé tot el que ingresses i tot el que gastes.

the simple fact of you knowing well everything you earn and everything you spend.

O sigui, no cal que sàpigues fer una pianela o un balanç,

So, you don't need to know how to make a cash flow statement or a balance sheet.

però és molt important que entenguis què és el que està passant, saps?

but it is very important that you understand what is happening, you know?

Un pressupost domèstic.

A household budget.

Exacte, un pressupost domèstic.

Exactly, a household budget.

Perquè, o sigui, això, recordo que ho explicava una de les ambaixadores,

Because, I mean, I remember one of the ambassadors explaining this,

en plan, el moment en què es va separar,

like, the moment when she separated,

és que es va quedar amb un home davant i un home darrere,

it's just that he was left with a man in front and a man behind,

perquè no entenia, en plan, no sabia ni per bon ni per dolent

because I didn't understand, like, I didn't know if it was good or bad

les factures que havia arribat a pagar, saps?

the bills that I had managed to pay, you know?

I és així, saps? Perquè des de ben petita,

And it is like this, you know? Because since I was very little,

doncs sempre li havia aportat el seu pare, li havia aportat...

well, his father had always provided for him, he had provided...

Això és un tema... Tu ets molt jove, eh?

This is a topic... You are very young, huh?

Però jo encara tinc memòria de la meva mare,

But I still have memories of my mother,

que m'explicava que, clar, no sé si era...

that was explaining to me that, of course, I don't know if it was...

Va ser fins als finals dels 70,

It was until the late 70s,

que, bueno,

that, well,

fins que va acabar el franquisme,

until the Franco regime came to an end,

que per obrir un compte corrent,

to open a bank account,

les dones necessitaven el permís del marit,

women needed their husband's permission,

del marit casat,

of the married husband,

perquè ja no...

because no longer...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Màximament havies d'estar casada i per l'església, no?

You were supposed to be married and by the church, right?

I per tant no és...

And therefore it is not...

O sigui, això és recent relativament, no?

So, this is relatively recent, right?

Però hi ha una memòria encara col·lectiva

But there is still a collective memory.

que està situada aquí, crec.

that is located here, I believe.



Jo crec que aquest és el motiu per el que ha de baixar en cascada

I believe this is the reason why it has to cascade down.

i, a poc a poc, entre totes,

and, little by little, among all,

i jo crec que tant les ambaixadores

And I believe that both the ambassadors

com les voluntàries d'Inspiring Girls

with the volunteers of Inspiring Girls

és una cosa que estem promovent.

It's something we are promoting.

Nosaltres el que fem és promoure, o sigui,

What we do is promote, in other words,

moltes campanyes per captar voluntàries

many campaigns to recruit volunteers

perquè el que volem és que gent amb feines, com dic,

because what we want is for people with jobs, as I say,

més diferents o no tan diferents,

more different or not so different,

però que són més úniques en el seu sector,

but that are more unique in their sector,

puguin anar a explicar en un col·legi

can go to explain in a school

i que la gent quan pensi, per exemple,

and that people, when they think, for example,

en una científica no li vingui maricurí

A scientist shouldn't come to Marie Curie.

i no perquè no fos una crac

and not because she wasn't amazing

i ens ha salvat la vida a tots, diria,

and it has saved all our lives, I would say,

però perquè no és un referent.

but because it is not a reference.

Si tu no pots tenir...

If you can't have...

Si tu vols fer medicina o vols fer farmàcia

If you want to study medicine or you want to study pharmacy.

o vols fer biotecnologia,

or do you want to do biotechnology,

que maricurí sigui el teu referent,

let maricurí be your reference,

algo estem fent malament,

we are doing something wrong,

perquè és que hi ha moltíssimes dones

because there are a lot of women

en el món actual que poden ser el teu referent.

in the current world, they can be your reference.

Valt us feu moltes xerrades d'aquest tipus d'escoles, no?

You give many talks about this type of schools, right?

Mirava que també treballeu molt

I saw that you also work a lot.

el que és guanyar confiança, no?

What it is to gain confidence, right?



Perquè les nenes tinguin la possibilitat

So that girls have the opportunity.

de creure en si mateixes, d'autoestima.

of believing in themselves, of self-esteem.



I això, per exemple,

And this, for example,

hi ha un curs que hem fet

there is a course that we have taken

durant el mes de gener, febrer i març

during the month of January, February, and March

que era el mateix que deia per nenes,

that it was the same as what he said for girls,

jo vaig tenir la sort

I was fortunate.

de poder estar en una de les classes,

to be able to be in one of the classes,

en la classe d'emprenedoria,

in the entrepreneurship class,

i va ser molt xulo,

it was very cool,

perquè, o sigui,

because, I mean,

una altra vegada igual,

another time the same,

o sigui, les nenes quan et preguntaven

that is, the girls when they asked you

en plan, però i tu per què vas muntar una empresa tal?

Like, but why did you start such a business?

És que el meu pare em diu,

It's just that my father tells me,

jo pensava,

I thought,

o sigui, que segur que té una mare genial

So, she must have a great mother for sure.

i que li aporta moltíssimes coses,

and that it brings her a lot of things,

però em sorprenia molt

but it surprised me a lot

perquè sempre posaven d'exemple

because they always used to set an example

en plan, no, és que el meu pare em diu

I mean, no, it's just that my father tells me.

que m'ho plantegi,

that I consider it,

no, és que el meu pare em diu, no sé què.

No, it's just that my father tells me, I don't know what.

I jo, per exemple,

And me, for example,

vaig anar explicant el meu cas

I gradually explained my case.

o el per què,

or the why,

i és molt xulo,

and it's very cool,

i jo sempre ho dic,

and I always say it,

és molt gratificant,

it is very rewarding,

no només crec que pel que ho rep,

I not only believe that for what it receives,

que vull pensar que el que ho rep

that I want to think that the one who receives it

està molt content,

he is very happy,

sinó pel que ho fa, saps?

but for the one who does it, you know?

I tenir, busquem dones professionals

And having, we are looking for professional women.

i també escoles, universitats,

and also schools, universities,

que es vulguin unir,

that want to unite,

perquè sempre trobem,

because we always find,

o sigui, i tot es replica,

that is to say, and everything is replicated,

no només el que es fa a Barcelona,

not only what is done in Barcelona,

normalment es fa també a Madrid,

it is usually also done in Madrid,

a Bilbao, a Sevilla,

to Bilbao, to Seville,

i aquest curs, per exemple,

and this course, for example,

que van ser sis setmanes,

that were six weeks,

perdona, sis setmanes,

sorry, six weeks,

però no seguides,

but don't continue,

es va fent al mateix moment

it is happening at the same time

a tot arreu


i cada ciutat portava una professional,

and each city brought a professional,

per exemple,

for example,

al món de les finances

in the world of finance

i els feia classes de finances domèstiques,

and I taught them classes on household finances,

tampoc és que busquéssim,

nor were we looking for it,

després, per exemple,

afterwards, for example,

en venia una sobre l'autoconeixement,

one was coming about self-knowledge,

la importància de l'autoconeixement,

the importance of self-knowledge,

perquè si no vas tirant,

because if you don't keep going,

vas tirant, vas tirant,

you keep going, you keep going,

doncs també els ensenyava,

so I was also teaching them,

i això, sobretot,

and this, above all,

és molt important explicar-ho també

it is very important to explain it also

amb el seu llenguatge.

with its language.

Tu no és com si estiguessin tu i jo davant,

You are not as if you and I were in front of each other.

vull dir, tens una nena de 13 anys

I mean, you have a 13-year-old girl.

i tampoc saps el que està passant

and you also don't know what is happening

aquesta persona, saps?

this person, you know?

I amb això feu, diguem,

And with that you do, let’s say,

entrenament a les voluntàries?

training for the volunteers?



Perquè hi ha ambaixadores

Why are there ambassadors?

que és una mica el que faries tu,

that's a bit what you would do,

que s'anomena, que és la part d'organització,

that is called, which is the part of organization,

i les voluntàries que són dones professionals

and the volunteers who are professional women

que van a les escoles

that go to the schools

i que fan aquestes xerrades,

and what do they do in these talks,

o mentoring, o aquest acompanyament.

or mentoring, or this accompaniment.

Això és superinteressant

This is super interesting.

i està com molt ben organitzat,

and it is very well organized,

perquè hem tingut la gran sort

because we have been very lucky

que hi ha moltíssimes dones que ens apoien

that there are many women who support us

i, per exemple, hi ha una actriu

And, for example, there is an actress.

que ens ha ajudat en tot el tema

who has helped us with everything regarding the matter

de com s'ha d'explicar a una nena o a un nen,

on how to explain to a girl or a boy,

perquè aquestes formacions,

because these training sessions,

les formacions més específiques

the most specific formations

sí que són per noies només,

they are indeed only for girls,

però quan tu vas de voluntària

but when you go as a volunteer

a un col·legi tens davant nens i nenes,

at a school you have boys and girls in front of you,

vull dir, el que no pots fer

I mean, what you can't do.

és excloure els nens,

it is to exclude the children,

perquè no és així,

because it is not like that,

o sigui, hem de conviure tots junts

That is to say, we all have to live together.

i fer-ho des d'aquest punt de vista.

and doing it from this point of view.

I t'ensenya com parlar amb ells

It teaches you how to talk to them.

i tot això ho han gravat

And they have recorded all of this.

i tu des de la plataforma pots entrar

And you can enter from the platform.

i vas escoltant les xerrades

and you were listening to the talks

i és molt important que ho facis

and it is very important that you do it

abans d'anar a una classe,

before going to a class,

perquè no et trobis amb què

so that you don't encounter what

et facin preguntes, no?,

They ask you questions, don't they?

com quan un nen petit

like when a small child

i això per què passa

And why does this happen?

i no sabies contestar.

and you couldn't answer.

Volia donar alguna dada

I wanted to give some information.

que des que funciona

since it works

la Fundació Inspiring Girls

the Inspiring Girls Foundation

s'han inspirat a més de 15.000 nenes

they have inspired over 15,000 girls

en diverses activitats

in several activities

i a més hi ha 6.300 dones voluntàries

And there are 6,300 voluntary women.

inscrites a tot Espanya,

registered throughout Spain,

en aquest cas són dades d'Espanya,

in this case, these are data from Spain,

i 1.600 escoles registrades a la plataforma,

and 1,600 schools registered on the platform,

més les empreses que col·laboren, entenc,

more the companies that collaborate, I understand,

en fer possible...

in making possible...

Exacte, és una cosa que també estem promovent

Exactly, it is something that we are also promoting.

moltíssim les empreses,

very much the companies,

perquè és una cosa que també poden sumar

because it is something that they can also add up

amb les seves hores de voluntariat

with their hours of volunteering

per als seus treballadors

for their workers

i que agrada molt,

and it is very pleasing,

o sigui, per retenir el talent,

that is, to retain talent,

agrada molt poder vendre

I really enjoy being able to sell.

als teus empleats

to your employees

aquest tipus de coses.

this type of things.

Sí, creus que això la gent jove ho valora més?

Yes, do you think that young people value this more?

Sí, moltíssim.

Yes, very much.

I la gent no tan jove també,

And the people not so young too,

perquè jo la gran frase que em trobo sempre

because the great phrase that I always encounter

amb gent més gran que jo

with people older than me

és que em diuen

it's that they call me

ojalà jo hagués pogut estar

I wish I could have been.

en una d'aquestes classes.

in one of these classes.

Quan jo era més petita.

When I was younger.

Ojalà ho hagués sapigut.

I wish I had known.

Quan era més referent.

When it was more relevant.

Hi ha també recursos,

There are also resources,

ho estaves explicant,

you were explaining it,

que fomenten la igualtat

that promote equality

i guanyar aquesta força

and gain this strength

i aquesta mirada

and this look

de sentir que pots, no?

to feel that you can, right?

Suposo que és...

I suppose it is...

L'autolímit deu ser el més difícil

Self-limiting must be the most difficult.

de trencar, no?

to break, right?

Els autolímits.

The self-limits.

No sé si això és així.

I don't know if this is the case.

I el límit col·lectiu, jo crec,

"And the collective limit, I believe,"

moltíssimes vegades, perquè

very many times, because

és com que, sobretot en els grups,

it's like that, especially in groups,

jo què sé, de nenes, de neu nenes,

I don't know, about girls, about snow girls,

hi ha uns estereotips que són els que són.

There are some stereotypes that are what they are.

O sigui, dona igual.

So, it doesn't matter.

Encara que sigui l'equip de handball

Even if it is the handball team

o l'equip de futbol, hi ha uns estereotips

Or the football team, there are some stereotypes.

que són els que són

that are what they are

i acabes fent moltíssimes coses per repetició.

and you end up doing a lot of things by repetition.

Som animals socials i és una realitat.

We are social animals and that is a reality.

Per tant, que es normalitzin

Therefore, let them be normalized.

segons quines coses, jo crec que és molt important.

depending on what things, I think it is very important.

Per què vas entrar en contacte, tu,

Why did you get in touch?

amb aquest món, Carlota?

With this world, Carlota?

Jo vaig conèixer la Marta, que és la presidenta...

I met Marta, who is the president...

La Marta Pérez Dorao, que és la presidenta.

Marta Pérez Dorao, who is the president.

És a qui la saludem.

It is to whom we greet.

Que està a Madrid, ella, habitualment.

She is usually in Madrid.

Ella és d'Andalusia i està a Madrid.

She is from Andalusia and is in Madrid.

I la vaig conèixer per un tema molt diferent.

And I met her for a very different reason.

Me la van presentar

They introduced me to her.

i quan em va explicar el que feia,

and when he explained to me what he was doing,

vaig fer la típica frase de

I made the typical phrase of

ojalá yo lo hubiera sabido, Marta.

I wish I had known, Marta.

O sea, no entiendo dónde estabas.

I mean, I don't understand where you were.

I quan em va dir, ostres,

And when he/she told me, wow,

mira, justament a Barcelona,

look, right in Barcelona,

a Catalunya,

in Catalonia,

no hem trobat cap persona

we have not found any person

com més referent, com perquè tingui ganes,

as a reference, so that I feel like it,

perquè, clar, això són ganes perquè és temps,

because, of course, this is desire because it is time,

tingui ganes com de tirar endavant

have the desire to move forward

i vaig dir, ostres, és que em fa feliç.

I said, wow, it makes me happy.

O sigui, em fa feliç fer-ho, eh?

I mean, it makes me happy to do it, you know?

I mira que tinc moltes coses, però jo crec que acabes

And look, I have many things, but I think you finish.

trobant temps per les coses que vols

finding time for the things you want

i m'agrada molt, i sobretot

I like it a lot, and above all.

quan explico a la gent

when I explain to people

o amb coses com aquesta que m'has donat l'oportunitat,

or with things like this that you have given me the opportunity,

és que encara surto més contenta

it's just that I come out even happier

de dir, ai, mira, Garrota,

to say, oh, look, Garrota,

ho estàs fent bé, saps?

You are doing it well, you know?

I sobretot, jo sempre ho dic,

And above all, I always say it,

que la que acaba disfrutant més de tot això

that the one who ends up enjoying this the most

sóc jo, o sigui, ho faig per mi.

It's me, I mean, I do it for myself.

Una de les convidades a les aigüines digitals

One of the guests at the digital waters.

a Montserrat i Gall, que sàpigues que és voluntària

To Montserrat and Gall, know that it is voluntary.

d'Inspiringers, que per això també

of Inspiringers, that's why too

em va servir per connectar amb vosaltres,

it helped me connect with you.

aquella és periodista

she is a journalist

de Ràdio Televisió Espanyola i ara

from Spanish Radio Television and now

és cap de programes, crec que és

he is the head of programs, I think he is

de Ràdio Nacional, ara fa poquet que l'han nomenat.

from National Radio, they have just appointed him/her.

Jojala, a través d'això en sortim més.

I hope that through this we get through it better.

Doncs des d'aquí fem la crida,

Well, from here we make the call,

però jo vull conèixer

but I want to know

una mica més a fons qui és

a little deeper who is

la Carlota. La Carlota, aquest tio és

the Carlota. The Carlota, this guy is

Gómez, que tu vas néixer a Barcelona,

Gómez, you were born in Barcelona,

vas passar bona part de la teva vida també a Vic.

You spent a good part of your life in Vic as well.

Exacte. I vas decidir,

Exactly. And you decided,

bueno, ets enginyera industrial,

well, you are an industrial engineer,



referències així molt directes no en tenies

you didn’t have such direct references

per anar cap aquí, o sí? O sí,

To go this way, or yes? Or yes,

d'enginyeria industrial, clarament sí,

of industrial engineering, clearly yes,

el meu pare. El meu pare és enginyer industrial

my father. My father is an industrial engineer.

i jo quan estava

and I when I was

dubtant, sempre se m'havien donat molt bé

Doubting, I had always been very good at it.

les mates, la física, o sigui, era una persona

math, physics, I mean, she was a person

que tenia facilitat pels estudis en general,

that I had an aptitude for studies in general,

perquè també se'm donaven bé les coses més

because I was also good at things more

de lletres, però no les disfrutava tant.

of letters, but I didn't enjoy them as much.

O sigui, a mi m'agradava resoldre problemes,

That is, I liked solving problems,

i això era una realitat, i com més difícils, millor

and this was a reality, and the more difficult, the better

m'ho passava. Jugaves amb l'ego quan eres petita?

I had a great time. Did you play with your ego when you were little?

No et creguis, eh? He sigut una persona sempre que m'ha agradat

Don't believe it, okay? I've always been a person that I've liked.

molt l'aire lliure, i sobretot, a mi,

very the outdoors, and above all, to me,

o sigui, soc molt extrovertida, i jo relacionar-me

That is, I am very outgoing, and I connect with people.

amb gent, saps? O sigui, jo

with people, you know? I mean, I

crec que creixia molt a base de parlar

I think it grew a lot by talking.

i d'entendre i de preguntar.

and to understand and to ask.

I res,

And nothing,

i bàsicament, quan va ser l'hora de decidir,

and basically, when it was time to decide,

jo no ho tenia gens clar, gens, gens,

I didn't have it clear at all, at all, at all.

gens clar, i de fet, jo sempre he pensat que la persona

not clear at all, and in fact, I have always thought that the person

que devia veure el típic que poses

what I must have seen the typical one you put

opció, opció, devia dir, en plan,

option, option, should have said, like,

pobra nena, que perduda va, perquè és que

poor girl, how lost she is, because she is that

passàvem d'enginyeria a arquitectura

we passed from engineering to architecture

i AD, i això, en plan, o sigui, que pensava,

and AD, and this, like, I mean, that I thought,

jo pensava, bueno, sabia que em tocaria,

I thought, well, I knew it would be my turn,

em donaria enginyeria perquè era la nota més,

It would give me engineering because it was the highest grade.

bueno, la tenia, saps? No tenia cap problema en això.

Well, I had it, you know? I had no problem with that.

Però no havia tingut mai cap referent, i sempre

But I had never had any reference, and always

la promesa amb els meus pares era, si no m'agrada

The promise with my parents was, if I don't like it.

ho deixo, saps? En plan,

I’m quitting, you know? Like,

sempre he intentat buscar, sempre com

I have always tried to search, always like this.

buscar el més ample per

to look for the widest for

intentar no focalitzar-me molt per dir

try not to focus too much on saying

quantes més opcions millor. I jo sabia

the more options, the better. And I knew

que un enginyer pot acabar fent, no, la feina

that an engineer might end up doing, not the job

d'un arquitecte, ni molt menys, però es pot

not an architect, far from it, but it can be

treballar molt de la mà amb un

to work very closely with someone

arquitecte, exacte, segons

architect, exact, according to

si, per exemple, et quedes més en la part d'estructures,

yes, for example, if you stay more in the structures part,

i també pot treballar molt en la part de

and can also work a lot on the part of

negoci, que això també era una de les promeses

business, as this was also one of the promises

que teníem. Sempre m'havia cridat molt

that we had. It had always caught my attention a lot

l'atenció la gent que tenia empreses, no et

the attention the people who had businesses, not you

sabria dir tampoc per què, però és una cosa que

I couldn't say why either, but it's something that

jo sempre ho pensava, en plan, m'agradaria, saps?

I always thought about it, like, I would like to, you know?

En plan, treballar per mi mateixa.

Like, working for myself.

I res, i aquí vam començar

And nothing, and here we began.

la carrera i la vam acabar. Però clar,

we finished the race. But of course,

i després tornem a estar igual, i ara què?

And then we are back to square one, and now what?

Quan vaig estar fent la carrera, lo mateix,

When I was studying for my degree, the same thing.

et podies anar especialitzant, doncs, en termodinàmica,

you could specialize, then, in thermodynamics,

en electrotècnia... Jo sempre,

In electrical engineering... I always,

una vegada més, vaig triar la part més

once again, I chose the best part

àmplia i que menys em tancava les portes,

wide and that closed the doors on me less,

el que jo considerava, que era la part més

what I considered to be the most part

de direcció d'empreses.

business management.

I quan va acabar la carrera vaig dir, ara què faig?

And when I finished my degree, I said, what do I do now?

I la part que és un camí que

And the part that is a path that

fan molts enginyers industrials especials

they make many special industrial engineers

és anar a consultoria.

It's going to consulting.

I aquí vaig estar durant quatre anys

And here I was for four years.

i mig, on vaig aprendre

and a half, where I learned

moltíssim, la veritat, o sigui, va ser

very much, the truth is, I mean, it was

la primera... Havia fet pràctiques, però la

the first... I had done internships, but the

primera experiència laboral, de veritat,

first real work experience,

d'estar en una empresa

of being in a company

moltíssimes hores, perquè allà sí que no et

many hours, because there you really don't

regalen res, jo sempre ho dic,

they don't give anything, I always say,

i va ser superenriquidor,

it was super enriching,

també la gent que vaig conèixer, o sigui,

also the people I met, in other words,

i la gent que vaig conèixer com cap a bé i cap

And the people I met were both good and bad.

a malament, o sigui, també hi ha molta gent que jo crec que

badly, I mean, there are also a lot of people that I think that

a vegades és important veure a qui no et vols assemblar,

sometimes it's important to see who you don't want to resemble,

saps? I després d'haver estat tants anys

You know? And after having been so many years

en una empresa, doncs, ho pots veure.

In a company, therefore, you can see it.

I vaig tenir la gran sort, també, que

I was also very fortunate that

em van donar l'oportunitat

they gave me the opportunity

de marxar d'expatriar de Lima.

to leave expatriating from Lima.

Al Perú? Al Perú.

To Peru? To Peru.

Però molt jove. Amb 27 anys.

But very young. At 27 years old.

Déu-n'hi-do. Sí, sí, sí.

Wow. Yes, yes, yes.

I sent una noia, eh? No saps el que vaig lluitar, eh?

I sent a girl, huh? You don't know what I fought for, huh?

Ostres, però això m'ho has d'explicar.

Wow, but you have to explain this to me.

Al començament era, no, no, o sigui, des de

At the beginning it was, no, no, I mean, since

no per això, però

not for that, but

òbviament no per les persones

obviously not for the people

que, en plan, jo reportava

that, like, I was reporting

a Deloitte, perquè no, això no ho podria dir.

At Deloitte, because no, I couldn't say that.

Treballaves a la Big Four de Deloitte. Exacte.

You worked at the Big Four of Deloitte. Exactly.

Big Four, volia dir aquestes empreses que estan... Exacte.

Big Four, I meant these companies that are... Exactly.

No per ells, perquè per ells m'enviaven,

Not for them, because they were sending me.

o sigui, confiaven en mi i en plan

I mean, they relied on me and like

que roto endavant, sinó més

"how broken forward, but not more"

per la reacció que hi hauria a Lima, no?

for the reaction that there would be in Lima, right?

En plan, ostres, els plantem aquí

Like, wow, we put them here.

una nena de 27 anys. Perquè culturalment

a 27-year-old girl. Because culturally

encara hi ha un salt aquí. Sí, existeix

there's still a leap here. Yes, it exists

i és una realitat.

and it is a reality.

I també per el tipus d'empresa on anava a treballar,

And also for the type of company I was going to work for,

perquè suposo que deu haver-hi de tot,

because I suppose there must be everything,

com a tot arreu, saps? Però també el tipus d'empresa

Like everywhere else, you know? But also the type of company.

i les persones. Jo al meu reporter

and the people. I to my reporter

a Lima tenia 55 anys, vull dir,

at Lima was 55 years old, I mean,

però és que no pots demanar-li més

but you just can't ask for more

aquí. El teu reporter, què seria?

Here. Your reporter, what would it be?

El teu enllaç allà. El meu enllaç allà,

Your link there. My link there,

clar. 55 anys

clear. 55 years

i no li pots demanar més, aquí no et pot donar més,

and you can't ask him for more, here he can't give you more,

vull dir, és que no pots fer més.

I mean, it's just that you can't do more.

I vaig, o sigui, a part jo portava

I was going, I mean, besides I was carrying.

portava 10 persones

it was carrying 10 people

peruanes i treballàvem a 7 països

Peruvians and we worked in 7 countries.

de Latinoamèrica, per lo que volia dir que

from Latin America, so I wanted to say that

una setmana et despertaves a Brasil,

one week you woke up in Brazil,

acabaves a Ecuador, passaves per Bolívia

you just finished in Ecuador, you were passing through Bolivia.

i t'anaves a Xile, saps? Vull dir, no en una

And you were going to Chile, you know? I mean, not in one.

setmana, potser això ho feies en un mes, però clar,

week, perhaps you did this in a month, but of course,

un any i mig així. Saps? Tu et pots imaginar

A year and a half like that. You know? Can you imagine it?

el que vaig créixer, vull dir, brutal

what I grew up with, I mean, brutal

i ho recomano a tothom que pugui

and I recommend it to everyone who can

treballar fora. Sí. Bueno, és

work outside. Yes. Well, it is

un... És molt de xoc cultural, creus,

It's a big cultural shock, don't you think?

a les formes de treballar o aprens molt?

Do you learn a lot from the ways of working?

Aprens molt. Jo crec que aprens molt

You learn a lot. I think you learn a lot.

i aprens molt a modular-te i aprens molt

and you learn a lot to moderate yourself and you learn a lot

a la part de soft skills que aquí

to the part of soft skills that here

normalitzes, des del sol fet

you normalize, from the fact of the sun

que tu vagis a treballar i et

that you go to work and you

trobis a... Soft skills que seria aquella cosa

you find at... Soft skills that would be that thing

que són les eines que et dona a poder

what are the tools that empower you

desenvolupar-te, no? Exacte. Amb el...

develop yourself, right? Exactly. With the...

Sí, com el saber fer. Amb l'entorn, el saber fer.

Yes, like know-how. With the environment, know-how.

Sí. Per exemple, que et trobis

Yes. For example, that you find yourself.

amb una persona

with a person

en un àmbit laboral i sigui un home

in a work environment and be a man

i li donis la mà, saps?

and you give him your hand, you know?

Són aquests xocs que et quedes com una mica així

It's those games that leave you feeling a bit like this.

i en una noia també ho fallis, allà s'ho agafaven

And if you miss it on a girl too, they took it there.

malament. I em deien, o sigui, no,

bad. And they told me, or rather, no,

quan ja em coneixien i em tenien més

when they already knew me and had more of me

confiança, em deien, ai, Carreta, és que al principi

trust, they were telling me, oh, Carreta, it's just that at the beginning

eres com un muy estrecha

you are like a very narrow one

en plan... I jo, però per què? I em deien, ens vas donar

like... And me, but why? And they told me, you gave us

la mà i deia, però és que és l'honor... Bueno, vull dir...

the hand and I said, but it’s just that it’s honor... Well, I mean...

L'honor val no és donar per tots, sinó donar

Honor is not about giving for all, but about giving.

la mà. Exacte. Sí, això és una lluita que...

the hand. Exactly. Yes, this is a struggle that...

Exacte. És molt difícil. La comparteixo.

Exactly. It’s very difficult. I share it.

Bueno, és una cosa que

Well, it's something that

sempre que et quedes allà, tens. Ja comences

As long as you stay there, you have. You're starting now.

la conversa, tens per un cantó o per l'altre.

the conversation, you have on one side or the other.

Sí, sí. I sobretot,

Yes, yes. And above all,

jo tenia un company, gran amic meu,

I had a colleague, a great friend of mine,

que anàvem molt de la mà, però portàvem

that we went hand in hand a lot, but we carried

projectes diferents.

different projects.

I jo me'n recordo que a l'hora de fer

And I remember that when it came to doing

les reunions mensuals, per dir, mira, durant aquest mes

the monthly meetings, to say, look, during this month

s'ha fet això i tal, quan tocava

this has been done and such, when it was time

el del meu company, el presentava ell,

my colleague's, he presented it.

quan tocava el meu, li demanaven que el presentés ell.

when it was my turn, they asked him to present it.

I jo en plan, perdó, hi ha algú

And I’m like, sorry, is there anyone there?

que m'he perdido, saps? En plan, no,

what I've missed, you know? Like, no,

si està a part de l'etxe, jo, ja, Carreta,

if it's aside from the house, I, already, Cart.

no t'enfades. Carreta, et deia. Carreta,

don't get angry. Cart, I was telling you. Cart,

dic, a veure... O sigui,

I say, let's see... So,

no m'han dit Carreta mai ningú

Nobody has ever called me Carreta.

que m'ho diguin ara. I com

let them tell me now. And how

reacciones en una situació d'aquest tipus? Ui, jo m'enfadava.

Reactions in a situation like this? Oh, I would get angry.

M'enfadava molt. O sigui, m'enfadava molt,

I used to get very angry. I mean, I got very angry.

aguantava, perquè això és el que et dic, això és el que

I was holding on because this is what I'm telling you, this is what.

t'ensenya, marxar fora i tal,

it teaches you, to leave and such,

i m'enfadava, aguantava,

I would get angry, I would endure,

els intentava justificar, hi havia moments en què

he tried to justify them, there were moments when

em sortia molt bé, hi havia moments en què no,

it worked out very well for me, there were moments when it didn't,

i trucava

I was calling.

a Barcelona molt enfadada, en plan, mira el que m'ha passat,

in Barcelona very angry, like, look what happened to me,

saps? En plan, què he de fer, saps? En plan,

You know? Like, what do I have to do, you know? Like,

els deia, en els meus jefes,

I told them, in my bosses,

en plan, com ho puc fer, saps?

Like, how can I do it, you know?

I a poc a poc et vas donant compte

And little by little you realize.

com de truquitos, saps?

Like little tricks, you know?

En plan, doncs mira, el que faré és no enviar

So, look, what I'll do is not send.

la presentació abans, així no els hi quedarà més opció

the presentation before, so they will have no other option

que que la presenti jo, perquè sóc

that I introduce her, because I am

l'única que la sé, saps? O sigui, vas aprenent

The only one I know, you know? I mean, you learn as you go.

com truquitos. Estratègies. Sí.

Like little tricks. Strategies. Yes.

De dir, sí, però són estratègies

To say yes, but they are strategies.

de la vida personal, i que això t'ho emportes, eh?

from personal life, and that you take with you, huh?

Això sí que t'ho emportes, a la feina no, però

This you can take with you, not to work, though.

aquestes estratègies te les emportes.

you take these strategies with you.

I res, i després quan vaig tornar

And nothing, and then when I came back.

a Barcelona, el

in Barcelona, the

2018, vaig seguir

2018, I continued

un temps a Deloitte, però jo sabia que Deloitte

a time at Deloitte, but I knew that Deloitte

per mi no era un fi, i ho tenia molt clar des del

for me it wasn't an end, and I had that very clear since

començament, i

beginning, and

i agraeixo, de veritat,

and I truly appreciate,

que només puc estar agraïda a l'oportunitat, i les

that I can only be grateful for the opportunity, and the

oportunitats que m'han donat allà, però tenia

opportunities they gave me there, but I had

molt clar que arribaria al final, i va arribar.

very clear that he would arrive at the end, and he did.

I me'n vaig anar, a mi m'agradava molt el món digital.

I left because I really liked the digital world.

I a part ens trobem en una Barcelona

And besides, we find ourselves in a Barcelona.

que, torno al 2018,

that, around 2018,

és quan comença a

it's when it starts to

enlairar-se moltíssim, tot el tema

to soar very high, the whole subject

de globos, hold it,

of balloons, hold it,

body, o sigui, aquestes, factorial,

body, that is, these, factorial,

totes aquestes empreses del món digital,

all these companies in the digital world,

start-ups que van amb

start-ups that go with

un creixement molt fort, i que estan

a very strong growth, and they are

captant moltíssima gent. I jo em vaig anar

capturing a lot of people. And I left

en una empresa francesa,

in a French company,

que, alguna cosa que també no volia perdre,

that, something else that I also didn't want to lose,

que m'havia agradat molt, era la part internacional.

what I had really liked was the international part.

I era una empresa francesa a Barcelona

It was a French company in Barcelona.

que, bàsicament, el que feia jo era

that, basically, what I was doing was

portar un projecte d'operacions,

carry out an operations project,

perquè a mi sempre m'han agradat molt les operacions,

because I have always really liked operations,

i això crec que tinc la part enginyera 200%,

And I think I have the engineering part 200%.

on bàsicament


portava Boston

I was wearing Boston.

i París. I també,

and Paris. And also,

una altra oportunitat brutal.

another brutal opportunity.

I vaig estar molt a gust, després vaig passar a

I felt very comfortable, then I moved on to

Badi, que potser molta gent la coneix, que és el

Badi, who many people might know, is the

buscador per buscar habitacions,

searcher to find rooms,

o sigui, company de pis.

so, flatmate.

I ho vaig enganxar en un molt mal moment, perquè

I caught him at a very bad time because

començava amb la monetització de Badi i entrava

it started with the monetization of Badi and entered

el Covid. Déu-n'hi-do.

Covid. Goodness gracious.

Va ser un break total, no? Un baró en el Covid.

It was a total break, right? A guy during Covid.

Per ell, sobretot. I per mi,

For him, above all. And for me,

va suposar un abans i un després.

It marked a before and an after.

Ho vaig passar malament, ho vaig passar molt malament,

I had a hard time, I had a very hard time.

perquè a mi el Covid em va sacsejar molt fort.

because Covid shook me very hard.

Suposo que a tothom, eh? I en

I suppose everyone, right? And in

molts moments, a cadascú d'una manera

many moments, each in their own way

diferent. Però va ser quan vaig dir

different. But it was when I said

a les garrotes, no has estudiat des que vas acabar

At the sticks, you haven't studied since you finished.

la carrera, perquè vaig acabar molt cansada d'estudiar.

the degree, because I ended up very tired from studying.

Tampoc sóc una persona que li encanti estudiar,

I'm also not a person who loves studying.

m'agrada molt més treballar que estudiar,

I like working much more than studying.

de tota la vida. O sigui, jo ja quan estava estudiant

all my life. I mean, even when I was studying

tenia tres feines, a part de donar

I had three jobs, apart from giving.

classes, treballava en un bar,

classes, I worked in a bar,

bueno, treballava també de secretària,

Well, I also worked as a secretary.

o sigui, treballava en moltíssimes coses.

In other words, I worked on a lot of things.

Però vaig dir, va, estudia

But I said, come on, study.

en el món digital, perquè realment és

in the digital world, because it really is

una cosa que t'agrada. Veus que és el futur.

One thing you like. You see that it is the future.

Vull dir, és cap on vols anar. Sí. Perquè al final

I mean, it's where you want to go. Yes. Because in the end

has anat fent cap al món digital i no has

you have been heading towards the digital world and you have not

deixat de fer xarxes, no? Que

stop making networks, right? That

també una mica, jo en el programa m'agrada

also a bit, I like it in the program


to highlight

aquestes dues mirades,

these two looks,

que Inspiringers

that Inspiringers

també la té, no? Que

She has it too, right? That


it is

la capacitat que tenim

the capacity that we have

a partir de la tecnologia,

based on technology,

en el cas d'Inspiringers, sí que és molt

in the case of Inspiringers, yes it is very

presencial les xarxes que fas, però

in-person the networks that you make, but

la xarxa que es fa de dones,

the network that is created by women,

suposo que la tecnologia

I suppose that technology

ajuda que es pugui mantenir i que pugui,

help that can be maintained and that can,

no? O sigui, una mica aquesta mirada volia que m'expliquessis,

No? I mean, a bit this gaze I wanted you to explain to me,

no? La teva relació amb

No? Your relationship with

feines o projectes, com el cas

jobs or projects, like the case

d'Inspiringers, que tenen a veure amb tecnologia

of Inspiringers, which are related to technology

i amb xarxes, no? Vull dir, com has

And with networks, right? I mean, how do you have...

anat, per lo que veig, eh?

got it, from what I see, huh?

Mantenint, diguem, com amb aquestes

Keeping, let's say, like with these

dues potes, no?, de

two legs, right?, of

funcionar. Potser perquè t'agrada molt de gent, per una

to function. Maybe because you like a lot of people, for one

banda. O sigui, això sens dubte, i perquè

Band. That is to say, this undoubtedly, and because

també penso que algo que estem perdent

I also think that something we are losing

molt són els detalls, i els detalls és agafar

a lot are the details, and the details are to be taken

i tenir totes les facilitats del món

and have all the facilities in the world

per escriure un WhatsApp a una persona que està,

to write a WhatsApp to a person who is,

tens la gran sort que estigui en l'altra punta del món

you are very fortunate that I am on the other side of the world

i dir-li, ostres, o

and to tell him, wow, or

em va passar la setmana passada amb un amic meu boliviano,

It happened to me last week with a Bolivian friend of mine.

la setmana passada va haver-hi una crisi

Last week there was a crisis.

política molt gran allà, ostres, doncs

very big policy there, wow, then

poder-li dir, escolta'm, com estàs?

Can I tell you, listen to me, how are you?

Clar. O sigui, això és un, és un,

Sure. So, this is a, it's a,

una sort que tenim avui en dia, i que això amb el que

a luck we have nowadays, and that this with which

fas, o sigui, és

you do, that is, it is

que, si tu ho fas perquè vols,

that, if you do it because you want to,

però vull dir que aquesta persona et té en compte, i que

but I mean that this person takes you into account, and that

això també et pot fer, escolta'm, el dia demà

this can also make you, listen to me, tomorrow

li diuen, he tingut un problema de reputació, li vinc jo

They tell him, I’ve had a reputation problem, I’ll come to him.

al cap, i això és així, i això crec que

at the end, and this is how it is, and I believe this

és algo que també no ens ensenyen, la

it's something that they also don't teach us, the

importància de les relacions

importance of relationships

humanes, i d'estar en els detalls,

human, and being in the details,

i de preguntar, perquè, a veure,

And to ask, because, let's see,

sense passar-se, i òbviament mantenir

without overdoing it, and obviously maintain

un respecte, sí, però

a respect, yes, but

preguntar, interessar-te, jo això crec que

to ask, to be interested, I believe this

és molt important, i a sobre que la tecnologia que ens envolta

it is very important, and on top of that the technology that surrounds us

jo crec que avui en dia no cal

I believe that nowadays it is not necessary.

inventar la roda, cal utilitzar-la,

to reinvent the wheel, you have to use it,

i saber-la utilitzar. I t'ho permet. Sí.

And knowing how to use it. And it allows you. Yes.

Ara m'explicaràs

Now you will explain to me.

què és el que estàs fent ara.

What are you doing now?

Hem parlat de xarxes amb

We have talked about networks with

Experience Girls, hem parlat de mirada

Experience Girls, we have talked about gaze.

més humana amb aquestes relacions

more human with these relationships

que t'agrada

what do you like

mantenir, amb aquesta mirada de cuidar

to maintain, with this caring gaze

i dels detalls, hem parlat

And we have talked about the details.

de la teva hiperactivitat, veig,

from your hyperactivity, I see,

que has estat una mica...

that you have been a little...

I hem parlat que va arribar un moment,

And we talked about how a moment came,

després de passar per totes aquestes experiències

after going through all these experiences

amb una empresa,

with a company,

que ja vas decidir que sí que volies

that you already decided that you did want it

fer una cosa que des de petita t'agradava, que era

to do something that you liked since you were little, which was

emprendre. Sí.

to undertake. Yes.

Però aquí no tenies referència, hem dit, al principi.

But here you had no reference, we said, at the beginning.

No, o sigui, la veritat és que no. No hi ha cap

No, I mean, the truth is no. There isn't any.

empresari ni emprenedor a la teva família.

businessman or entrepreneur in your family.

El meu pare sí que era empresari, però

My father was indeed a businessman, but

és una cosa que no...

it's something that doesn't...

Tampoc ho vaig mamar tant, saps?

I didn't suck it that much, you know?

I jo el que penso és que... Abans parlàvem

And what I think is that... We used to talk before.

que les referències eren els pares, eh?

that the references were the parents, right?

Això ho hem dit, eh? Exacte. Bueno, i el meu pare és l'enginyer,

We've said this, right? Exactly. Well, and my father is the engineer,

saps? Això és així. Sí, sí.

You know? That's how it is. Yes, yes.

Però, bueno, jo crec que

But, well, I think that

va arribar un moment en què, també, quan vaig

there came a moment when, also, when I went

passar d'una gran corporació, on saps que tens

to move from a large corporation, where you know you have

una tranquil·litat, tens una estabilitat,

a tranquility, you have a stability,

al final de mes tindràs

at the end of the month you will have

un sou i tot, passes

a salary and everything, passes

al món frenètic de l'estàrtap

in the frantic world of startups

perquè ho és, saps? O sigui, aprens

because it is, you know? I mean, you learn

molt ràpid, que no dic que a l'altre lloc

very quickly, I'm not saying that in the other place

no aprenguis, però és diferent, el que a mi són molt diferents,

don't learn, but it's different, for me they are very different,

d'aprenentatge. Però, sobretot,

of learning. But, above all,

el risc que hi ha d'estar

the risk of being there

en una empresa de nova creació no és el que tens

In a start-up company, it's not what you have.

en una empresa gran. I

in a large company.

va arribar un punt en què vaig veure que estava assumint el risc

There came a point where I saw that I was taking the risk.

dels altres. Jo estava treballant

of others. I was working

moltíssim, però estava assumint el risc

very much, but I was taking the risk

dels fundadors, saps? I que

of the founders, you know? And that

tenia molt mèrit el que havien fet ells,

what they had done was very commendable,

però és que jo pensava, i per què

but I was thinking, and why

no ho puc fer jo? No em veia tan

Can't I do it? I didn't see myself that way.

diferent a ells, saps? O a elles, a qui fos,

different from them, you know? Or from them, whoever they were,

saps? O sigui, pensava, i per què no ho puc fer jo?

You know? I mean, I was thinking, why can't I do it?

Saps? I em costava molt

You know? It was very hard for me.

trobar una idea, molt. I és una cosa

find an idea, very much. And it is one thing

que em matxacava molt a mi mateixa, en plan

that I was very hard on myself, like

Carro, te necessites una idea, necessites una idea.

Cart, you need an idea, you need an idea.

I el que no veia és que

And what I didn't see is that

realment la meva aportació

really my contribution

segurament potser no era tan creativa

surely perhaps it wasn't that creative

amb una idea, ostres, però és que jo

with an idea, wow, but it's just that I

o sigui, jo sóc una persona molt terrenal,

that is to say, I am a very down-to-earth person,

molt. I

very. I

quan la gent fa volar molts coloms

when people fly many pigeons

o quan la gent parla molt

or when people talk a lot

i m'explica moltes coses, m'agrada

It explains many things to me, I like it.

i crec que puc dir que és una cosa que se'm dona

And I think I can say that it's something that comes naturally to me.

bé, doncs com treure conclusions. I realment

Well, then how to draw conclusions. And really

jo crec que és l'aportació que jo podia fer en una empresa,

I believe it is the contribution I could make in a company,

en plan, però m'ha costat molt veure-ho, de dir

It's like, but it has been very hard for me to see it, to say it.

potser no tindré la idea, però te la sabré

Maybe I won't have the idea, but I will know it.

desenvolupar, saps? I et sabré dir

develop, you know? And I will be able to tell you

en cada moment quin és el següent pas.

At every moment, what is the next step?

I aquí el Covid és el que et va marcar al moment.

And here the Covid is what marked you at that moment.

Bueno, el Covid i l'estudiar.

Well, Covid and studying.

Exacte, el Covid és el que em va fer.

Exactly, Covid is what did it to me.

Et vas posar a estudiar el màster. Quin màster vas fer exactament?

You started studying for the master's degree. Which master's degree did you do exactly?

Vaig fer el màster d'Internet Business a ISDI,

I did the Master's in Internet Business at ISDI.

que és una escola digital, o sigui, ho fèiem

what is a digital school, that is, we did it

presencial, però és una escola

in person, but it is a school

com referent al món digital.

as regarding the digital world.

I allà vaig conèixer el meu soci.

And there I met my partner.

I aquí va ser el que jo vaig veure, o sigui,

And here was what I saw, that is,

suposo que com quan coneixes una persona

I guess it's like when you meet someone.

en l'àmbit personal i més

in the personal sphere and more

d'amor i tal, doncs que dius, ostres, és que

of love and such, so what do you say, wow, it’s that

m'hi sento molt còmoda, doncs a mi és el que em va

I feel very comfortable there, as that is what suits me.

passar amb ell. En plan, persones

spend time with him. Like, people

completament diferents, amb passats completament

completely different, with completely different pasts

professionalment completament diferents

professionally completely different

i de dir,

and to say,

ostres, que gust m'hi sento i

wow, how good I feel about it and

té uns valors molt similars a mi.

he has values very similar to mine.

I això per mi és el que marca

And this for me is what defines it.

la diferència. En quin sentit

the difference. In what sense

concret? Bueno, perquè

concrete? Well, because

jo crec que

I believe that

quan tu muntes una empresa i

when you start a business and

els començaments i els finals i tot, pots passar

the beginnings and the endings and everything, you can pass

èpoques bones o èpoques dolentes.

good times or bad times.

Però sobretot hi ha d'haver-hi una essència

But above all, there must be an essence.

que és el que et faci tirar

what makes you move on

endavant i sobretot que al començament

go ahead and above all at the beginning

tingueu més o menys els mateixos objectius. Perquè

have more or less the same goals. Because

si jo m'hagués trobat amb una persona que em digués, mira, Garrota,

if I had found myself with a person who said to me, look, Garrota,

és que jo vull muntar una empresa

It's just that I want to start a business.

que en tres anys la vull

that in three years I want it

vendre, jo no era el

sell, I was not it

tipus d'empresa que volia muntar. Jo volia muntar una empresa

type of business I wanted to set up. I wanted to set up a business

que tingués un recorregut,

that it had a journey,

que naixés per la confiança,

that was born from trust,

fos servei, no fos producte.

it was service, not product.

O sigui, són moltes coses que necessites

That is, there are many things you need.

estar de la mà i caminar junts

to be hand in hand and walk together

amb això. Que algú vagi

with that. Let someone go.

una mica de la mà. Anem a parlar de què és el que

a little bit of the hand. Let's talk about what it is that

fas exactament.

you do exactly.

Digital Reputation. És una empresa del món de la reputació.

Digital Reputation. It is a company in the field of reputation.

Reputació digital.

Digital reputation.

Primer, exacte. Per la gent que ens escolta

First, exactly. For the people who are listening to us.

que alguns ho sabran i altres no.

that some will know and others will not.

O alguns pensaran que ho saben.

Or some will think they know.

Que també ens passa.

That also happens to us.

Primer t'explicaré el nom, perquè

First, I will explain the name to you, because

et dic que som 202 i no som 202.

I tell you that we are 202 and we are not 202.

Perquè jo crec que més o menys

Because I think that more or less

tothom, que hagi navegat una mica per internet,

everyone who has navigated a bit on the internet,

alguna vegada ha volgut apretar sobre

have you ever wanted to press on

un link i s'ha trobat un error.

a link and an error has been found.

No he encontrado 404.

I have not found 404.

Doncs al contrari, quan tot

Well, on the contrary, when everything

funciona bé, és el 202.

It works well, it's the 202.

O sigui, és que tot funciona bé,

So, everything is working well.

que està indexat, que tot està bé.

that is indexed, that everything is fine.

Això és el que volem transmetre.

This is what we want to convey.

Després, alta mar

After, offshore

significa SOS.

it means SOS.

Molts dels nostres clients venen demanant ajuda,

Many of our clients come asking for help,

que és normal. I també en numerologia

that is normal. And also in numerology

significa renovació, renaixement.

it means renewal, rebirth.

Per tant, donar una segona oportunitat,

Therefore, giving a second chance,

en aquest cas, a internet.

in this case, on the internet.

O sigui, està tot molt pensat. I aquí

So, everything is very well thought out. And here.

és on vam començar amb 202.

That's where we started with 202.

I res, vam conèixer el Ruben i jo

And nothing, we met Ruben and me.

en el màster. I ja quan estàvem fent el màster,

in the master's program. And just when we were doing the master's,

els dos treballàvem

the two of us worked

per terceres persones i vam dir

for third parties and we said

ostres, és que els dos ens trobem en un punt

wow, it's just that we both find ourselves at a point

en què tenim ganes d'emprendre.

what we are eager to undertake.

Creiem que ho podem fer.

We believe we can do it.

Vam estar treballant un temps

We were working for a while.

en un pla de negoci

in a business plan

que també et dic

that I also tell you

que el pla de negoci, el paper mullat,

that the business plan, the wet paper,

el paper tot ho aguanta.

Paper withstands everything.

Tot ho aguanta i que es pot quedar

It can hold everything and it can stay.

amb paper mullat, que no es passi.

with wet paper, that it does not go through.

Però vam dir

But we said

és que això l'hi hem de donar.

It's just that we have to give this to him/her.

O sigui, ho hem de començar a accelerar

So, we need to start speeding it up.

perquè no hi ha

because there isn't

unes empreses que facin tant com el que fem nosaltres.

Some companies that do as much as we do.

Que bàsicament ens dediquem a solucionar

That we are basically dedicated to solving.

problemes de reputació digital. És a dir,

digital reputation issues. That is,

una persona o una empresa ha tingut una crisi

a person or a company has had a crisis

a internet, ens contacta

to the internet, contact us

per fer una gestió d'aquesta crisi,

to manage this crisis,

activar un pla de crisi

activate a crisis plan

i sobretot quan l'experiència

and especially when the experience

com més gran que tenim és en l'eliminació

the bigger we have is in the elimination

de dades a internet. L'empremta

of data on the internet. The footprint

digital. Això per un cantó.

digital. This on one hand.

El que li diuen l'oblido, el dret a l'oblit.

What they call oblivion, the right to be forgotten.

Que no sempre és fàcil.

It's not always easy.

I després per una altra part, que aquí és el que

And then on the other hand, that here is what

més nosaltres volem promocionar i és cap a

but we want to promote and it is towards

on més creiem, és en la part de la prevenció.

Where we believe the most is in the area of prevention.

És a dir, com puc

That is to say, how can I

prevenir tenir una crisi reputacional?

how to prevent a reputational crisis?

Perquè clar, la gent sempre es pensa

Because of course, people always think

que això només li passa a uns quines persones

that this only happens to a few people

i no és veritat. I també que li passa a uns quines

And it's not true. And also what happens to some.

empreses i és que li pot passar a qualsevol

companies and it can happen to anyone

persona. I nosaltres el que fem aquí

person. And what we do here

és, hi ha una part d'escolta en línia,

there is an online listening component,

nosaltres treballem, una vegada més dic,

we work, once again I say,

treballem amb una tecnologia que no és nostra, és de tercers

We work with technology that is not ours; it belongs to third parties.

perquè jo crec que en aquesta part

because I believe that in this part

ja està molt inventat.

It's already been very invented.

O sigui, no cal crear-ne una de zero.

That is to say, there is no need to create one from scratch.

El que sí que cal és, òbviament, les llicències.

What is needed, of course, is the licenses.

No són econòmiques i tenir el personal

They are not economical and having the staff.

preparat per fer-ho. Per poder-ho fer.

ready to do it. To be able to do it.

Exacte, això sí que ho necessites.

Exactly, this is what you need.

Això per començar. I segona,

This to start with. And second,

a través sobretot també de la creació d'identitat.

through, above all, the creation of identity.

Perquè quan tu vas creant identitat, vas

Because when you are creating identity, you go

millorant la teva reputació. I això la gent

improving your reputation. And that people

només ho fa quan té un problema i és no. O sigui,

it only does it when it has a problem and it is not. That is,

comença des del començament. Saps?

Start from the beginning. You know?

O sigui, si tu vas dient a la gent com ets,

So, if you keep telling people how you are,

parlaran menys de com

they will talk less about how

et veuen ells, saps?

They see you, you know?

I un exemple que m'agrada molt donar

And an example that I really like to give

és l'exemple del Festival del Sonor,

it is the example of the Sonor Festival,

que va ser fa menys d'un mes,

that was less than a month ago,

aquí a Barcelona.

here in Barcelona.

I bàsicament nosaltres portem tres anys

And basically we have been carrying on for three years.

amb ells treballant i estem super contents.

with them working and we are super happy.

És un projecte molt xulo. I el que fem és,

It's a really cool project. And what we do is,

fem aquesta part d'escolta en línia,

let's do this part of online listening,

que comencem més o menys uns deu dies abans,

that we start about ten days before,

amb tot el que es va dient d'ells, tenim

With everything that is being said about them, we have

una comunicació diària amb l'equip

a daily communication with the team

i mentre hi ha el festival, la tenim

And while the festival is going on, we have it.

en temps real.

in real time.

En plan, veiem que en xarxa s'estan queixant

So, we see that people online are complaining.

que a la barra 3,

that at bar 3,

bueno, la barra 3,

well, the bar 3,

que jo sé que és la barra 3, però és la barra de la dreta

that I know it is bar 3, but it is the bar on the right

de no sé què, les cerveses

of I don't know what, the beers

sense gluten estan calentes.

gluten-free are hot.

Doncs els avisem perquè ho puguin canviar.

So we notify them so they can change it.

Tota aquesta operativa els permet

All this operation allows them

actuar en el moment

act in the moment

i que no desenvolupi una crisi.

and that it does not develop into a crisis.

Això és molt important.

This is very important.

Això és importantíssim. Però a més a més,

This is extremely important. But furthermore,

deies la prevenció,

you mentioned prevention,

això és una empresa, és un gran festival,

this is a company, it is a big festival,

el Sonar, però...

the sonar, but...

Perdona, que t'interrompi, però també hi ha un altre punt

Sorry to interrupt you, but there is also another point.

en què també el que podem veure és, per exemple,

in which we can also see is, for example,

tots aquests festivals, ells del que

all these festivals, they of what

tenen molta part d'ingressos, dels patrocinis.

They have a large part of their income from sponsorships.

I nosaltres el que podem escoltar és,

And what we can hear is,

tu has fet un patrocini amb aquesta empresa,

you have made a sponsorship with this company,

però podem veure si realment a xarxes

but we can see if really on social networks

ha tingut ressò o no. Això a ells els ajuda

Has it resonated or not? This helps them.

moltíssim a negociar.

a lot to negotiate.

I quin és l'element diferencial en aquest tipus de feina?

And what is the distinguishing element in this type of work?

Jo crec que el que fem nosaltres

I think that what we do is...

és, un,

is, a,

jo coneixo moltes empreses,

I know many companies,

bé, moltes no, però coneixo empreses que es dediquen

Well, not many, but I know companies that are dedicated to it.

només en la part de solucionar problemes,

only in the part of solving problems,

en la part d'eliminació, que està molt bé,

in the elimination part, which is very good,

però elles es dediquen a això, i després

but they dedicate themselves to this, and then

hi ha empreses que també es dediquen com més en la part

There are companies that also focus more on the part.

de comunicació i creació d'identitat.

of communication and identity creation.

I la reputació, per començar, que la treballin

And the reputation, to begin with, let them work on it.

a nivell digital, no és el més comú.

digitally, it is not the most common.

Normalment la reputació es treballa en global

Normally, reputation is worked on globally.

i és la gran discussió que tinc

And it is the big discussion that I have.

en molts panells que he anat i així,

in many panels that I have been to and so on,

existe la reputació en digital o és solo reputació?

Does digital reputation exist or is it just reputation?

Nosaltres el que diem és que...

What we are saying is that...

I tu què dius? Jo crec que és una manera diferent de treballar.

And what do you say? I think it's a different way of working.

O sigui, perquè, i a part,

That is to say, because, and besides,

ser de gent que té

to be of people who have

molt mala reputació digital i

very bad digital reputation and

de cara té molt mala reputació,

she has a very bad reputation.

i al revés, gent que per xarxes dius

and vice versa, people you say through networks

no sé amb qui ho ha treballat però està increïble

I don't know who he worked on it with, but it's incredible.

i en canvi, per sotobotxes

and instead, for sub-bottoms

va dient que no té mala reputació.

He keeps saying that he doesn't have a bad reputation.

Jo crec que són dues coses diferents.

I think they are two different things.

El tema és que avui en dia tothom

The issue is that nowadays everyone

googleja tot el que troba. Per tant,

googles everything it finds. Therefore,

és molt important tenir una bona reputació digital.

It is very important to have a good digital reputation.

I jo crec que el que nosaltres promocionem molt

And I believe that what we promote a lot

és, un, que treballem tant en persona física com en empresa,

it is one that we work with both individuals and companies,

que hi ha molta gent que està molt més

that there are a lot of people who are much more

segmentada, però clar, és que

segmented, but of course, it's that

ja és tant una empresa de nitxo

it is already much of a niche company

que, o sigui, nosaltres vam

that, I mean, we did

considerar i vam oferir

consider and we offered

també pels sectors d'on venim cadascú,

also for the sectors from which we each come,

que jo puc treballar molt més tota la part més d'empresa

that I can work much more on the business side

i el meu soci tota la part més de persona física.

And my partner takes care of the more personal aspect.

I aquí és on nosaltres vam

And here is where we went.

trobar que tenia molt sentit.

to find that it made a lot of sense.

I en aquest món,

And in this world,

la part aquesta de la mirada

this part of the gaze

home-dona, igualitària,

man-woman, egalitarian,

o sigui, les preocupacions en reputació

that is to say, the concerns about reputation

són les mateixes pels homes que per les dones?

Are they the same for men as for women?

Trobo que és una superpregunta.

I think it's a super question.

T'he de dir que quan treballem

I have to tell you that when we work

en empresa,

in company,

sí, en empresa, en general,

yes, in business, in general,

treballes amb la persona indicada

you are working with the right person

que pot ser un director de comunicació o una directora de comunicació.

that can be a communication director or a communication director.

He de dir que pel sector

I must say that for the sector

on em trobo, treballo amb moltes dones.

I work with many women.

Això sí que és veritat. En empresa.

This is indeed true. In business.

Ara, persona física,

Now, natural person,

normalment treballo

I usually work.

amb directius i empresaris. I dic directius

with executives and entrepreneurs. And I say executives

i empresaris perquè són homes.

and businessmen because they are men.

Sí que n'he tingut alguna dona,

Yes, I have had a few women.

però n'hi ha molt poques. O sigui, quasi tot és...

but there are very few. That is, almost everything is...

Però perquè no els preocupa o perquè

But why are they not worried or why

no tenen el... Perquè n'hi ha menys.

they don't have the... Because there are fewer.

No tots els directius tenen problemes de reputació

Not all executives have reputation problems.

i no totes les persones que tenen problemes

and not all the people who have problems

de reputació són homes. És que és per un tema

of reputation are men. It's that it's for a matter

de percentatges. És així, 100%.

of percentages. That's right, 100%.

Però hi ha una lluita molt forta

But there is a very strong fight.

des de fa molt de temps en què hi hagi

for a long time that there has been

més dones directives, en què es facin

more women in leadership positions, in which they participate

més visibles.

more visible.

És veritat que jo, el 30% de la facturació em ve

It's true that I get 30% of the billing.

de Sud-amèrica, que això també fa

from South America, which this also does

que allà encara és menys. I, per exemple,

that there is even less. And, for example,

un tema que també entendràs,

a topic that you will also understand,

moltes vegades el que passa és que

many times what happens is that

el pare es diu igual que el fill

The father is called the same as the son.

i el pare ha passat alguna cosa

And something has happened to the father.

i el fill és el que

and the son is the one who

avui en dia busca feina i no ho troba.

Nowadays, he/she is looking for a job and cannot find one.

Clar, això no passa amb una dona.

Of course, this doesn't happen with a woman.

Perquè els seus fills no es diuen com ella.

Because her children are not named like her.

A Portugal o a Brasil...

To Portugal or to Brazil...

Pots canviar el cognom com l'Angelina Jolie, però no és el cas habitual.

You can change your last name like Angelina Jolie, but that's not the usual case.

Sí, però no és la gran majoria de gent, saps?

Yes, but it's not the vast majority of people, you know?

És diferent.

It is different.

Una mirada curiosa. Sí, però és que això també passa

A curious look. Yes, but this also happens.

per això. Perquè a mi em contracta molta gent

That's why. Because many people hire me.

perquè, en general, la gent quan ens contracta

because, in general, people when they hire us

sobretot en la manera

above all in the way

de solució, eh?, pateixen molt

of solution, huh?, they suffer a lot

per la família. I és per això, perquè moltes vegades

for the family. And that is why, because many times

al fill li han posat el mateix nom

the son has been given the same name

al pare i aquí és on hi ha problemes.

to the father and here is where there are problems.

I la intel·ligència artificial com

And artificial intelligence as

impacta en el teu sector? Clar, doncs mira,

does it impact your sector? Of course, so look,

la intel·ligència artificial, tota la para aquesta que us explicava

artificial intelligence, all the stuff I was explaining to you

que treballàvem al Sónar de connectar

that we worked at Sónar to connect

les xarxes a la nostra plataforma i veure

the networks on our platform and see

tot el que s'està dient d'ells, analitzar-ho,

everything that is being said about them, analyze it,

poder treure conclusions, tot això ho fa

being able to draw conclusions, all of this makes it

o sigui, es fa amb intel·ligència artificial.

That is to say, it is done with artificial intelligence.

L'únic és que es necessita la mirada

The only thing is that a look is needed.

d'una revisió. Per què? Moltes vegades

from a review. Why? Many times

la intel·ligència artificial, segur que

artificial intelligence, for sure

dintre de dos anys parlem, ja no passa, però

In two years we will talk, it won't happen anymore, though.

no entenc la ironia. I si jo dic

I don't understand irony. And if I say.

buà, el Sónar aquest any ha sigut

Wow, this year's Sónar has been

brutal, m'he mullat,

brutal, I got wet,

no he menjat i la música m'ha

I haven't eaten and the music has me...

semblat una castanya, jo ho estic dient negatiu.

Like a chestnut, I am saying it negatively.

Saps? Però la intel·ligència artificial no ho

You know? But artificial intelligence doesn't.

entenc. Clar. El mateix em passa

I understand. Of course. The same happens to me.

jo treballo molt en Sud-amèrica.

I work a lot in South America.

Una piscina, aquí és una piscina,

A pool, here is a pool,

allà és una pileta i en un altre lloc és no sé

There is a small pool there, and in another place, I don't know.

què. O sigui, les paraules no són exactament

what. That is, the words are not exactly

iguals. La revisió humana s'ha de fer.

equal. The human review must be done.

I crec molt jo en la revisió humana.

I believe very much in human review.

Sí. És per això que jo sempre dic que nosaltres

Yes. That is why I always say that we

som un servei, no som un producte. O sigui que

we are a service, we are not a product. So that

tenim un producte i l'estem treballant

We have a product and we are working on it.

moltíssim, però jo crec que el nostre

very much, but I think that ours

valor afegit de que puguem anar amb

added value of us being able to go with

l'equip, amb qui sigui, amb el meu soci,

the team, with whoever, with my partner,

amb gent que treballa amb nosaltres,

with people who work with us,

en una de les reunions i dir-los, escolta'm,

in one of the meetings and telling them, listen to me,

t'ho explico jo, més que entris tu i ho miris,

I'll explain it to you, rather than you entering and looking at it.

t'ho explico jo, jo crec que aquest valor

I'll explain it to you, I think this value

no te'l paga ningú. No te'l paga.

Nobody pays you for it. Nobody pays you.

I el món de la mirada de dones,

And the world through the eyes of women,

en el món digital, des de l'àmbit teu,

in the digital world, from your field,

des del punt de vista, no de clientes,

from the perspective, not of clients,

sinó de nenes que puguin tenir interès

but of girls who may have interest

en dedicar-se a això, com ho veus?

in dedicating oneself to this, how do you see it?

Sí, jo mira, jo el que diria és...

Yes, I mean, what I would say is...

Un acte amb Inspiring Girls, si haguessis

An event with Inspiring Girls, if you had

de buscar, què els diries?

If they were looking, what would you tell them?

O sigui, jo no sé si ho diria

I mean, I don't know if I would say it.

tant en el món digital, que crec

both in the digital world, which I believe

que gràcies a Déu amb això

thank God for this

tots tenim cada cop més

we all have more and more

disponibilitat, sinó en el món d'emprendre.

availability, but in the world of entrepreneurship.

Això sí que ho diria. Perquè crec que les noies

I would definitely say that. Because I think that girls

inconscientment hi ha coses que

unconsciously there are things that

per herència en molts moments ho hem patit

We have suffered it at many moments by inheritance.

però hi ha coses molt bones que tenim.

but there are very good things that we have.

I una d'aquestes coses, per exemple, és

And one of these things, for example, is

el tema de

the theme of

les finances, per molt que moltes vegades no en coneixem

finances, even though many times we do not know them

tant, però jo crec que

so much, but I believe that

et trobaràs de tot i hi haurà gent que té la mà superforadada

you will find everything, and there will be people with super-pierced hands

però que en general, el cuidar

but that in general, the caring

que és una cosa que sí que ens ve innat,

that is something that does come to us innately,

ho volem cuidar tot. I una d'aquestes coses que també

we want to take care of everything. And one of those things as well

volem cuidar és la nostra empresa.

We want to take care of our company.

I per tant, jo crec que en moltes ocasions

And therefore, I believe that on many occasions

prenem menys riscos, això també és veritat,

we take fewer risks, this is also true,

però cuidem

but let’s take care

molt bé. I cuidem de les empreses.

Very well. And we take care of the businesses.

Jo crec que això és molt important.

I believe that this is very important.

A nivell financer, a nivell de personal,

At a financial level, at a personal level,

cuidar, o sigui, la paraula cuidar, que moltes vegades

to take care, that is, the word to take care, which many times

s'agafa des d'una connotació com

it is taken from a connotation like

negativa o de

negative or of

poc valor, no és veritat. O sigui,

little courage, it's not true. That is,

cuidar és una cosa preciosa, perquè vol dir que ho aprecies

Caring is a precious thing because it means you value it.

i que mires els detalls i que t'hi fixes.

And that you pay attention to the details and that you notice them.

I que estàs atent. I quin consell

And you are paying attention. And what advice?

li donaries a una noia jove que vulgui

would you give to a young girl who wants

emprendre? De què has après

Start? What have you learned?

tu, que et dius que pugui

you, who say you can

servir amb algú que vingui darrere

serve with someone coming behind

i que busqui una referent que la pugui orientar?

And should I look for a mentor who can guide her?

Jo el que diria,

What I would say is,

sobretot, és

above all, it is

per començar que la seva vida se la coneix ella.

To begin with, she knows her own life.

Això per començar i que

This to begin with, and what.

s'escolti molt a dins. Perquè

it is heard a lot inside. Because

per moltes vegades

many times

tot i que ho tinguis, tu t'encontres. Si hi ha algú a dins

Even if you have it, you find yourself. If there is someone inside.

que et crida l'atenció, escolta-ho. Però això en general, en tota la vida.

What catches your attention, listen to it. But this in general, in all of life.

En la part d'emprendre, jo el que

In the part of entrepreneurship, what I...

diria és, a mi personalment

I would say it is, personally for me.

m'ha anat molt bé treballar per altres.

I have really enjoyed working for others.

I és una cosa que aconsellaria. Que aprenguis

And it's something I would advise. That you learn.

molt. Mentre l'altre està assumint el risc, que tu

a lot. While the other is assuming the risk, that you

aprenguis molt. Que absorbeixis tot el que tens.

Learn a lot. Absorb everything you have.

Quan més tardis en

The longer you take in


to undertake,

tu a mesura que et vas fent gran,

you as you grow older,

això el meu pare sempre m'ho diu, en plan, nens petits, gastos

My father always tells me this, like, small children, expenses.

petits. Nens grans, gastos grans. I és una realitat

small. Big kids, big expenses. And it is a reality.

i això passa amb tot. Tu a mesura que et vas fent

and this happens with everything. You, as you grow up

gran, dius, ostres, abans amb

great, you say, wow, before with

X diners passava no sé quant de temps i ara

X money was passing, I don't know how much time, and now.

és que me'ls gasto en una setmana. Saps? I dius,

It's just that I spend them in a week. You know? And you say,

doncs, i això passa. Per tant, el que diria

well, and this happens. Therefore, what I would say

és, quan abans comencis millor. Això és

Yes, the sooner you start, the better. This is.

una cosa que et diria, però si pots haver passat

One thing I would tell you, but if you could have passed.

abans per una altra empresa, t'ho recomanaria

Before for another company, I would recommend it to you.

molt. I sobretot, rodejar-te

a lot. And above all, surround yourself

de gent que et sumi, tant a la vida

of people who support you, both in life

personal com professional. Perquè

personal as professional. Because

jo crec que si no

I believe that if not

estàs amb una persona que

you are with a person who

veu la visió de l'empresa igual que tu,

he sees the company's vision just like you do,

estàs, o sigui, no caminareu

you are, so you will not walk

molt lluny. Per molt que els dos sigueu uns cracs.

very far. No matter how great both of you are.

I sobretot, perdona, eh?, que

And above all, I'm sorry, okay?, that

busquin una persona que no s'assembli

look for a person who doesn't resemble

a res amb ells. Que complementi

to nothing with them. That it complements.

diferent. Sí.

Different. Yes.

Això és el que has fet tu. Jo sí, jo sí.

This is what you have done. I have, yes, I have.

Jo sí, jo ho he fet així.

I have, I did it like this.

I tot això

And all this

que fas, que fas moltes coses, ho fas sense

What are you doing, you do many things, you do it without.

perdre la mirada social de la col·laboració amb

lose the social perspective of collaboration with

entitats com Inspiring Girls, per exemple.

entities like Inspiring Girls, for example.

Perquè això, diguem-ne, que és la part

Because this, let's say, is the part



em deies abans, dediques temps

You told me before, you dedicate time.

a preparar l'entrevista, no?, que

Let's prepare for the interview, right?

el temps el trobes quan vols

you find the time when you want

trobar-lo, i que això és temps

to find him, and that this is time

però que és una gran satisfacció. Ho dic

but it is a great satisfaction. I say it

per les persones que ens escoltin que vulguin ser

for the people who listen to us who want to be

voluntàries. Va, que jo les animo.

volunteers. Come on, I’ll cheer them on.

Jo crec que és

I think it is

una cosa que disfrutes molt i que...

one thing that you enjoy a lot and that...

O sigui, jo crec que a mesura que passen els

That is, I believe that as time goes by

anys, cada cop hi ha menys coses que

years, there are fewer and fewer things that

et facin com una mica de nervis a la panxa, saps?

it makes you feel a bit of nerves in your stomach, you know?

I plantar-te davant d'una classe de

And I will stand in front of a class of

gent que no coneixes, de nens, que...

people you don't know, of children, that...

que diguis, ai, ai, no sé, em fa com

that you say, oh, oh, I don't know, it makes me like

nervis, tal, o sigui, ho trobo supermaco.

nerves, such, I mean, I find it really beautiful.

Saps? I jo intento, doncs,

You know? And I try, then,

no sé, en plan, buscar com emocions

I don't know, like, looking for emotions.

d'aquestes que puguis anar tenint i que

"of these that you can have and that"

puguis ajudar, a part, saps?

you can help, apart, you know?

I per això animo tothom a que ho

And that's why I encourage everyone to do it.

faci perquè puguin fer alguna mica diferent.

do it so they can do something a little different.

I a part, o sigui, i sobretot per donar-te

And apart, I mean, and above all to give you

valor, perquè és que de vegades no et dónes compte,

value, because sometimes you don't realize,

o sigui, necessitem massa l'aprovació dels altres.

In other words, we need others' approval too much.

I quan tens 30 alumnes o

And when you have 30 students or

20 alumnes davant i et pregunten coses

20 students in front of you asking questions.

o encara que et preguntin com et miren

or even if they ask you how they look at you

com tal, et sents supervalorat.

As such, you feel super valued.

Per tant, ho recomanaria moltíssim

Therefore, I would highly recommend it.

i sobretot que

and above all that

jo crec que també les persones, quan més

I believe that also people, the more

coses fem, més aconseguim

the things we do, the more we achieve

millor el nostre temps, no? Que típic dia que tens

Better our time, right? What a typical day you have.

com totes, en plan, o una setmana

like all, in a way, or a week

que tens no tens res a fer, no acabes fent res.

What you have, you have nothing to do, you end up doing nothing.

En canvi, que, ostres, que per poc que puguin

On the other hand, wow, that for as little as they can.

que s'animin. Sí.

let them be encouraged. Yes.

I cap a on veus el futur de la

And where do you see the future of the

Fundació, en el sentit de quines necessitats

Foundation, in the sense of what needs

hi haurà? O queda molta feina a fer, només

Will there be? Or is there still a lot of work to do, only?

amb la part de fer, d'explicar

with the part of doing, of explaining


of this

contacte amb referents?

contact with references?

Sí. Jo crec

Yes. I believe.





queda que ens coneguin

Let's have them get to know us.

més, tot i que s'està fent una gran

more, although a great effort is being made

labor des de la Fundació,

work from the Foundation,

queda una part que ens coneguin

there's a part that knows us

més, i sobretot que jo el que veig és que

more, and above all that what I see is that

la gent s'enganxa molt a Inspiring

People get very hooked on Inspiring.

Girls, que quan

Girls, what when

entren, per exemple, l'altre dia vam estar als Premis

come in, for example, the other day we were at the Awards

de Madrid, ostres, és que

from Madrid, wow, it's just that

la gent galardonada, és que estaven

the awarded people, is that they were

tan contentes, i també hi havia, per exemple,

so happy, and there were also, for example,

un noi i tal, o sigui, i a mi el que

a boy and such, or rather, and what about me

m'agrada molt també és que, o sigui,

I also really like it, that is,

no és una cosa que

it is not something that

diguin, separen els nois completament, perquè

they say, separate the boys completely, because

no és així, és perquè la realitat no és aquesta, saps?

That's not how it is; it's because reality is not like this, you know?

O sigui, convivim, tant amb nens com

I mean, we coexist, both with children and

amb nois, com amb homes, saps? I també

with boys, like with men, you know? And also

sumen, saps? I això jo crec que és una cosa que

they add up, you know? And I think this is something that

és molt real, saps?

It's very real, you know?

És molt del dia a dia. I jo, com a

It is very much about everyday life. And I, as a

reptes, el que diria és, sobretot, donar-nos a

challenges, what I would say is, above all, to give ourselves to

conèixer, moltíssim, sobretot

to know, a lot, especially

a Barcelona, jo crec que molt, perquè

in Barcelona, I think very much, because

la gran sort és que la Marta fa moltíssima

The great luck is that Marta does a lot.

feina, però ella viu a Madrid, saps? I aquí

work, but she lives in Madrid, you know? And here

costa més que vingui, normal, té

It costs more for him to come, normal, he has.

moltíssimes coses, però que aquí

very many things, but that here

moltíssimes empreses ens coneguin, que moltíssims col·legs ens

many companies know us, many colleagues know us

coneguin, i sobretot que moltes voluntàries diguin

know, and above all that many volunteers say

ostres, és el que vull fer. Això jo crec

Wow, it's what I want to do. I believe that.

que seria ideal. I sobretot que, per exemple,

which would be ideal. And above all that, for example,

jo a vegades quan ho parlo amb gent, a la gent se li acudeixen

I sometimes when I talk to people, people come up with ideas.

una de coses tan xules.

one of those really cool things.

O sigui, parlava amb una noia i em deia, ostres, saps

So, I was talking to a girl and she was telling me, wow, you know.

on crec que seria brutal anar, no sé què,

I think it would be awesome to go, I don't know what,

en una... a temes

in a... to themes



cotxe, o sigui, del circuit

car, that is, from the circuit

de Fórmula 1, per exemple. Perquè

from Formula 1, for example. Because

és que, si m'hi jugo el que vulguis, que si tu mires

it's just that, if I bet you whatever you want, that if you look

els nens de 15 anys,

the 15-year-old children,

de 10 o 16 anys que han anat

from 10 to 16 years old who have gone

allà, és que seran un percentatge super

There, it will be a super percentage.

alt. O sigui, pots fer una excursió de nenes allà.

Oh. I mean, you can take a girls' trip there.

Saps? Perquè puguin entendre què és.

You know? So that they can understand what it is.

Sí, sí. No, no, vull dir, són mons

Yes, yes. No, no, I mean, they are worlds.

que són... Aquí hem tingut una comissària

what are... Here we have had a commissioner

de rallies i ens deia que era

of rallies and he told us that it was

un món super d'homes. Per això.

A super world of men. That's why.

I que és un món, bueno, amb una mirada...

And what a world it is, well, with a glance...

Encara queden molts espais que...

There are still many spaces that...

Sí. Que queda molt de feina

Yes. There is still a lot of work left.

per fer converses sobre la igualtat, que és el que

to have conversations about equality, what is it that

ens agrada fer des d'aquest programa.

we like to do from this program.

Doncs m'ha encantat. Jo crec que hem explicat

So I've loved it. I think we've explained it.

moltes coses, però encara explicarem més

many things, but we will still explain more

perquè entrem en la secció

because we enter the section

de dones amb

of women with



Dones amb tic de tecnologia

Women with technology tic.

i història, vol dir dones que

and history, means women who

han estat, o que són referents

they have been, or that they are references

en el món digital, en el món

in the digital world, in the world

de la tecnologia,

of technology,

com Whitney Wolfhard, que és

like Whitney Wolfhard, who is

el personatge que has triat,

the character you have chosen,

que és una emprenedora filàntropa i activista.

who is an entrepreneurial philanthropist and activist.

Ella va néixer el 5 de

She was born on the 5th of

juliol de 1989

July 1989

a Salt Lake City, a

in Salt Lake City, a

Estats Units, a Utah, en una família mormona.

United States, in Utah, in a Mormon family.

Però va passar la seva infància

But his childhood passed.

a Texas, que és on viu ara, a Austin, Texas.

to Texas, where he currently lives, in Austin, Texas.

I, bueno, va estudiar

I, well, was studying.

relacions internacionals, però va anar cap al

international relations, but it went towards the

màrqueting i d'allà va saltar

marketing and from there it jumped

al món digital a través d'una empresa

in the digital world through a company

que era Tinder. Exacte. Bueno, que és

which was Tinder. Exactly. Well, which is.

Tinder, que encara existeix.

Tinder, which still exists.

I va ser una cofundadora,

She was a co-founder.

bueno, això ets com tu, no?, una cofunder

Well, that's you, isn't it?, a cofunder.

de Tinder,

from Tinder,

que és una de les aplicacions de cites més populars

which is one of the most popular dating apps

del món. Ella tenia 22 anys, era molt jove

of the world. She was 22 years old, she was very young.

i va ser responsable d'estratègia

and was responsible for strategy

de màrqueting i branding en l'aplicació.

of marketing and branding in the application.

Però va tenir un problema,

But he had a problem,

que és que va tenir un assetjament sexual

what is that she experienced sexual harassment

per part d'un company de feina. Exacte.

from a coworker. Exactly.

Un tema que està molt, bueno,

A topic that is very, well,

al cap del dia. Avui, per sort,

at the end of the day. Today, fortunately,

se coneixen. Ho va denunciar

they know each other. He reported it.

la direcció i la falta de resposta

the direction and the lack of response

va fer que, bueno,

made that, well,

que ella veiés que aquella no era, no eren els valors

that she could see that this was not, these were not the values

la companyia on estava

the company where I was

que en veia la movien

that she saw it moving

i que no estava fent prou l'empresa per protegir

and that the company was not doing enough to protect

les seves, les dones

theirs, the women

que estaven allà treballant. I, per tant, va saltar

that they were working there. And, therefore, he jumped.

i va decidir crear,

and decided to create,

Bumble, que és una aplicació

Bumble, which is an application.

de cites on les dones donen

of dates where women give

el primer pas i trenquen amb els rols de gènere

the first step is to break with gender roles

tradicionals. I,

traditional. And,

a més a més, de tenir la iniciativa

furthermore, of having the initiative

que comences la conversa,

that you start the conversation,

diguem-ne que també hi ha com un compromís

Let's say there is also a kind of commitment.

antiassetjament i hi ha tota una sèrie

anti-harassment and there is a whole series

de valors darrere. Per què has triat aquest personatge?

of values behind. Why have you chosen this character?

O sigui, jo l'he triat

So, I have chosen him/her.

bàsicament quan va sortir

basically when it came out

tota la notícia de, doncs,

the whole news of, well,

per quan havia vingut Bumble i tot, em va

by the time Bumble had come and everything, it got me

al·lucinar, però sobretot quan vaig escoltar

to be amazed, but especially when I heard

la història. I,

the history. And,

o sigui, hi ha dues coses d'ella que em van

That is to say, there are two things about her that I like.

literalment al·lucinar. La primera

literally hallucinate. The first

és com en un moment

it's like in a moment

que estàs tan feble, agafes i muntes

that you are so weak, you take and ride

una altra empresa. O sigui, de dir,

another company. That is to say,

jo és el que dic aquestes coses

I am the one who says these things.

quan ho sents a dins, saps? Quan tens alguna cosa que et diu

When you feel it inside, you know? When you have something that tells you.

no de veritat, o sigui, ara és el moment de lluitar

No, really, I mean, now is the time to fight.

o, o sigui, ella hi creia

oh, so she believed in it

molt, realment, en el producte, saps? O sigui,

a lot, really, in the product, you know? I mean,

creia, perquè Tinder i Bumble s'assemblen molt,

I thought so because Tinder and Bumble are very similar,

però és que realment hi creia molt. O sigui,

but I really believed in it a lot. I mean,

a mi això m'al·lucina. O sigui, la força que tenim les noies

This fascinates me. I mean, the strength that we girls have.

en moments

in moments

de molt bajón, tirant davant,

very down, pushing forward,

saps? I amb això, jo vull pensar que

Do you know? And with that, I want to think that

estava molt ben rodejada, saps? O sigui, de

I was very well surrounded, you know? I mean, by

persones, de família, d'amigues, d'amics,

people, family, female friends, male friends,

de qui fos, per tirar endavant

whoever it was, to move forward

i que, ostres, em vaig alegrar moltíssim.

And, wow, I was very happy.

I segona, hi ha

And secondly, there is

una cosa que m'agrada molt, també,

one thing that I really like, too,

pel meu passat d'enginyeria i d'analitzar-ho tot.

for my background in engineering and analyzing everything.

O sigui, ella el que va fer va ser, va analitzar

So, what she did was analyze.

on treballava i el que es va adonar, realment,

he was working and what he realized, really,

és que el rati de

it is that the rate of

fer un matx, no?, que ha funcionat,

have a match, right?, that has worked,

exacte, baixava molt

exactly, it was going down a lot

per culpa que hi havia molts més

because there were many more

nois que noies. I per culpa que quan

boys than girls. And because when

el noi donava el primer pas és quan hi havia

the boy took the first step when there was

por o hi havia desconfiança.

Fear or there was distrust.

I el que va fer

And what he did

va ser dir que primer hi vagin

it was said that they should go first

les noies. Això em sembla brutal.

the girls. I think that's brutal.

Canvi de mirada. Totalment.

Change of perspective. Completely.

O sigui, i és una mirada que, un, crec que

That is, and it's a perspective that, I believe that

només la pots fer treballant allà

you can only do it by working there

i, dos, sent una noia. Perquè estic

I, two, being a girl. Because I am

convençuda que tu parles amb els altres

convinced that you speak with the others

cofundadors, deixant a part el que va passar, eh?, però

co-founders, putting aside what happened, eh?, but

ho parles i

you speak it and

ells no ho haguessin vist. És que ells no ho veien.

They would not have seen it. It's just that they did not see it.

I això, per mi, és agafar una oportunitat

And this, for me, is seizing an opportunity.

o si agafar un punt

or if you take a point

que moltes vegades, el que et dic, en plan,

that many times, what I'm telling you, like,

es veu com un punt com més

it looks like a dot more

dèbil, no?, del fet de, bueno,

weak, right?, from the fact of, well,

jo em faig les meves històries, però me la puc imaginar que

I make up my own stories, but I can imagine that

li deien d'una de les reunions, ai, que pesada, una vegada més

they said about one of the meetings, oh, how tiresome, once again

amb el tema aquest que han de ser les noies les que donin el pas.

with this issue that it should be the girls who take the step.

I va i, pum, els hi demostra que ho ha fet.

And there he goes, bam, he shows them that he has done it.

Bueno, de fet, el que va aconseguir

Well, in fact, what he/she achieved

és que el 2021 Bambel va sortir a

in 2021 Bambel was released to

borsa i Wolfer és la multimilionària

Borsa and Wolfer is the multimillionaire.

més jove del món que ha fet fortuna ella

youngest in the world who has made a fortune she

sola, és a dir, no heretada, diguem-ne, no?

alone, that is to say, not inherited, let’s say, right?

O sigui, que no l'hagi guanyat

So, that I haven't won it.

d'altres. A més, bueno, ha tingut,

others. Besides, well, has had,

és un, el 2020

it is one, the 2020

la revista Forbes la va reconèixer com

Forbes magazine recognized her as

una de les 100 dones més poderoses

one of the 100 most powerful women

del món. La revista Time també

of the world. The magazine Time also

l'ha situat amb una de les dones més

he has placed her with one of the most women

influents del món.

influencers of the world.

I, bueno, a mi m'ha fet gràcia

Well, I found it funny.

perquè jo no sabia el que era Bambel, perquè jo vinc

because I didn't know what Bambel was, because I come

de l'època de que, bueno,

from the time that, well,

els matxes que es diuen ara, no?, és a dir,

the matches that are called now, right? I mean,

el lligar, no?,

the tying up, right?

ho feies al bar, no ho feies?

You did it at the bar, didn't you?

Clar, clar. Per això suposo que ara és la nova,

Sure, sure. That's why I suppose it's the new one now.

també, les xarxes i el nou

also, the networks and the new

moment, no? Sí, sí. Bueno, de fet, té dos milions

Moment, right? Yes, yes. Well, in fact, it has two million.

d'usuaris a Espanya, que això m'he quedat al·lucinada, no?

of users in Spain, which I found astonishing, right?

És la novena aplicació de cites més descarregada

It is the ninth most downloaded dating app.

aquí a Espanya. És molt coneguda, és super

here in Spain. It's very well-known, it's great.

coneguda. És, bueno, és una altra manera

known. It’s, well, it’s another way

de funcionar. Sí, sí, sí, no, no, a veure,

of functioning. Yes, yes, yes, no, no, let's see,

és aprofitar la tecnologia, o sigui, tornem a

it's about taking advantage of technology, that is, let's go back to

estar igual, o sigui, hem de conviure

to be the same, that is, we have to coexist

amb la tecnologia, això és una cosa que no podem negar.

With technology, this is something we cannot deny.

No, no, i aquesta és una, amb una mirada molt

No, no, and this is one, with a very look

d'igualtat i d'antiassetjament

of equality and anti-harassment

i de, bueno, una plataforma

and of, well, a platform

que, com, doncs, que et pot

that, how, then, that can you

generar com a post, no?, que és el que deies,

generate as a post, right?, that's what you were saying,

li gires la truita amb una mirada diferent. Exacte.

You turn the omelette with a different perspective. Exactly.

Doncs amb això entrem en els últims

Well, with this we enter the last ones.

minuts de l'entrevista,

minutes of the interview,

que si no ens donarà temps a que ens

that if we won't have time for us to

expliquis què ens regala.

explain what it gifts us.

Sabeu que al final de les entrevistes

Do you know that at the end of the interviews

de les heroïnes jo sempre demano a la nostra

of the heroines I always ask of our

convidada, la Carlota Gatí

guest, Carlota Gatí

Gómez, que ens regali alguna cosa.

Gómez, let him give us something.

I li he demanat que ens regali

And I have asked him to gift us.

doncs un podcast

so a podcast

que t'agradi, per exemple, no?

that you like, for example, right?

I què ens recomanes de podcast?

And what podcasts do you recommend to us?

A part del vostre?

Apart from yours?



Sí, òbviament. Gràcies, gràcies.

Yes, obviously. Thank you, thank you.

O sigui, penso que és

So, I think it is.

molt distret i que

very distracted and that

va molt bé, o sigui, perquè una cosa que també

it's going very well, I mean, because one thing that also

vull dir és que, per exemple, quan et

I mean, for example, when you

diuen, no?, en plan de quina persona penses

they say, right?, as in which person are you thinking of

en, o sigui, jo he dit la fundadora

yes, in other words, I said the founder

de Bambel, o sigui, que

of Bambel, that is, that

està molt bé pensar en gran, però també hem de pensar

It's very good to think big, but we also have to think.

en real, saps?, i que crec que no ens hem

In reality, you know?, and I think we haven't

de frustrar per no arribar tan alt, perquè, o sigui,

to be frustrated for not reaching so high, because, like,

tu dintre de la teva realitat ho estàs fent molt bé,

you within your reality are doing very well,

saps?, i això també és una cosa que moltes vegades crec que necessitem com un

You know? And that's also something that I often think we need as a...

copet a l'esquena que algú ens ho digui, per tant

a pat on the back for someone to tell us, therefore

ho diria a tothom. I per això també

I would tell everyone. And that's why too.

el podcast que jo us proposo,

the podcast that I propose to you,

que a mi m'ha ajudat moltíssim,

that has helped me a lot,

és el d'Asiem PC,

it's from Asiem PC,

que jo me'n recordo als moments de 2020-2021

that I remember the moments of 2020-2021

escoltar-lo moltíssim,

listen to it a lot,

i és un podcast on hi va,

and it's a podcast where he goes,

on el Beltran, bàsicament, s'entrevista

where Beltran is basically interviewed

amb gent que ha muntat un negoci,

with people who have started a business,

Beltran és el director del podcast,

Beltran is the director of the podcast.

on, bàsicament, el que fan

Well, basically, what they do.

és explicar com van ser els seus inicis,

it is to explain how their beginnings were,

i em va agradar moltíssim,

and I liked it very much,

perquè no té res a veure, per exemple,

because it has nothing to do with it, for example,

en moltes ocasions, amb el creixement

in many occasions, with the growth

de Bambel, no?, d'aquests números

from Bambel, right?, of these numbers

estratosfèrics, sinó d'empreses familiars, o empreses que

stratospheric, but of family businesses, or businesses that

s'han anat invertint

they have been investing

els propis beneficis, però a mi em va ajudar

the own benefits, but it helped me

molt a veure, i a preguntar-me

a lot to see, and to ask me

moltíssimes coses, així que penso que sí.

very many things, so I think so.

T'interessa molt el món de

You are very interested in the world of

crear una nova empresa,

create a new company,

o sigui, per exemple, també hi ha els d'Itnic,

that is to say, for example, there are also those from Itnic,

que també estan superbé, però ells sí que estan, per exemple,

that are also great, but they are indeed, for example,

estan molt més enfocats a temes tecnològics,

they are much more focused on technological issues,

amb gent que ha vengut per moltíssims diners,

with people who have come for a lot of money,

i a mi els d'Asiem PC, n'hi ha alguns

And the ones from Asiem PC, there are some of them.

que em semblen molt reals, terrenals,

that seem very real, earthly to me,

deixem-ho així, saps?, o sigui...

let's leave it like this, you know?, I mean...

Perquè és gent que va més quotidiana, no?

Because they are more everyday people, right?

Exacte. I més propera. Ell parla de desafiaments

Exactly. And closer. He talks about challenges.

amb els que saben, amb aquestes persones

with those who know, with these people

que porta el seu programa,

that carries his program,

que és Bertran Espinosa-Los Monteros,

Who is Bertran Espinosa-Los Monteros,

el presentador d'Asiem PC, suposo que està

the presenter of Asiem PC, I suppose he is

a totes les plataformes, com nosaltres, que també

to all the platforms, like us, that also

estem a totes les plataformes, des de

we are on all platforms, from

Ràdio Molins de Rei, que és

Radio Molins de Rei, what is it?

on ens acullen per enregistrar, i sempre

where we are welcomed to register, and always

ho agraeixo moltíssim.

I greatly appreciate it.

Doncs el que et deia, que

Well, what I was telling you is that

ell parla de desafiaments. Tu recordes

He talks about challenges. Do you remember?

algun desafiament especial que diguessis,

any special challenge that you would say,

ostres, aquí vaig estar jo...

wow, I was here...

Jo crec

I believe.

que a l'hora de...

that when it comes to...

O sigui, per mi,

I mean, for me,

a l'hora d'emprendre, va ser molt de...

at the time of undertaking, it was very much about...

O sigui, un desafió per mi va ser

In other words, a challenge for me was



a mi mateixa, que és el que volia fer, perquè

to myself, which is what I wanted to do, because

tot i que, per exemple, els meus pares,

even though, for example, my parents,

per voler-me ajudar, perquè tot

for wanting to help me, because everything

ho han fet sempre des de l'amor i de voler-me ajudar,

they have always done it out of love and the desire to help me,

em deien, que no ho facis. O sigui, per què et posaràs

They told me not to do it. I mean, why would you put yourself in that position?

ara a emprendre? Saps? En plan, una cosa que no saps

Now to undertake? You know? Like, something you don't know.

ni si anirà bé. Que, o sigui,

nor will it go well. That is,

quan... O sigui, és que et volen

When... That is, they want you.

empreses molt bones. O sigui, en plan, per què?

very good companies. I mean, like, why?

Saps? En plan... I ho feien des de...

You know? Like... And they used to do it since...

Totalment l'amor, però... I moltes vegades, en moments

Totally love, but... And many times, in moments

que estàs com més de bajó, en dubtes.

that you are feeling down, in doubts.

Saps? I t'entra aquella petita pregunteta, la formigueta

You know? That little question, the tiny ant gets to you.

que dóna moltes de dir, i si, i si...

that gives a lot to say, and yes, and yes...

No. O sigui, determinació.

No. I mean, determination.

Si ho vols fer, prova-ho. Prova-ho. Ja estàs contenta.

If you want to do it, go ahead. Go ahead. Now you're happy.

Jo estic molt contenta. Sí?

I am very happy. Yes?

Bé, a més, et permet conciliar, no?,

Well, in addition, it allows you to reconcile, right?

la vida... Sí, jo tinc una filla

Life... Yes, I have a daughter.

que farà dos anys i, per mi,

that will be two years ago and, for me,

o sigui, sempre ho dic que en tinc dos. Tinc la meva filla i tinc

that is to say, I always say that I have two. I have my daughter and I have

dos 0-2. Perquè en els dos els he donat

two 0-2. Because in both I have given them

molt de carinyo i la gran sort és que

a lot of affection and the great luck is that

s'entenen molt bé. Això és una

they get along very well. This is a

gran cosa. S'entenen molt bé. Això és una gran cosa.

Great thing. They understand each other very well. This is a great thing.

Doncs, escolta, m'ha agradat molt que ens

Well, listen, I really liked that we

expliquessis totes aquestes

you would explain all these

iniciatives tan

such initiatives

xules com la Fundació Inspiring Girls i

"cool like the Inspiring Girls Foundation and"

conèixer també una mica la teva trajectòria, que segur

to also know a little about your journey, which surely

que també inspira a persones

that also inspires people

que ens hagin... que ens hagin

that they have... that they have

escoltat. I...

heard. And...

el que volia, també, per acabar

what I also wanted, to finish

el programa, és agrair a Dones en Xarxa, que és

the program, is to thank Dones en Xarxa, which is

l'entitat amb la que fem

the entity we are working with

aquest podcast en col·laboració,

this podcast in collaboration,

per haver-nos donat l'oportunitat de posar

for giving us the opportunity to put

aquesta mirada en el món digital. Perquè en el món digital

this gaze in the digital world. Because in the digital world

de dones, tampoc... Has dit abans

About women, neither... You said earlier.

que treballes amb dones de

that you work with women of

directores de comunicació, però en el món digital

communication directors, but in the digital world

dones referents tampoc sou moltes, eh?

There aren't many reference women either, right?

En general. Encara

In general. Still.

queda... Queda. Sí.

It remains... It remains. Yes.

Camí per... Queda. Per fer.

Path for... remains. To do.

Nosaltres, des d'aquí, fem una miqueta d'impuls.

We, from here, give a little push.

Clar que sí. A veure, i la intel·ligència

Of course. Let's see, and intelligence

artificial ara també és un tema, que també

artificial is also a topic, which is also

amb la mirada a l'escletxa

with the gaze on the gap

de gènere, que també es parla molt... I tant.

of gender, which is also talked about a lot... Absolutely.

Jo el que diria és que la gent

What I would say is that people

llegeixi, el que no llegeixi, que pregunti.

Read, whoever doesn’t read, should ask.

O sigui, tenim a l'abast tanta informació,

That is to say, we have so much information at our disposal,

que a vegades el que ens falta és seleccionar-la.

that sometimes what we lack is to select it.

Però també, o sigui, a tothom

But also, I mean, to everyone.

que puguis, en plan de dir, escolta, anem a fer un cafè,

that you can, as in to say, listen, let's go have a coffee,

si veus alguna persona que creus que és experta

if you see someone you think is an expert

en el seu sector, és que s'agraeix molt, també.

In your sector, it is also greatly appreciated.

Clar. Saps? A mi quan m'ho han demanat,

Sure. You know? When I've been asked about it,

o sigui, ho faig encantada. Òbviament, potser

I mean, I'm happy to do it. Obviously, maybe.

no ho faré el dia i l'hora que tot vagi bé, però

I won't do it when the day and time are right, but

en plan... Quan pots. Exacte, quan pots.

Like... When can you. Exactly, when can you.

I no ho hem dit al principi, ho us direm al final.

And we didn't say it at the beginning, we will tell you at the end.

Si algú vol contactar amb la Fundació Inspiring Girls,

If someone wants to contact the Inspiring Girls Foundation,

hi ha una web, no?, que es busca Inspiring Girls,

There is a website, right?, that is called Inspiring Girls.

allà hi ha un formulari, suposo. Exacte.

There is a form there, I suppose. Exactly.

I les contacten en menys de 24 hores

And they contact you within 24 hours.

i tindran una resposta. Per poder fer de voluntàries

and they will have an answer. To be able to volunteer.

o bé anant com a referents

or by acting as referents

a escoles, o bé si és una empresa

to schools, or if it is a company

poder col·laborar. Exacte. De totes les maneres,

to be able to collaborate. Exactly. In any case,

totes són bones. Totes són...

they are all good. They are all...

Totes són bones. I totes són suficients.

All are good. And all are sufficient.

O sigui, no és a dir, en plan, és que no és suficient. No, no.

I mean, it's not to say, like, it's just that it's not enough. No, no.

Està perfecta. Doncs moltes gràcies

It's perfect. So thank you very much.

que aquí queda. Moltíssimes gràcies a vosaltres.

that here remains. Thank you very much to all of you.

I gràcies per haver estat aquí.

And thank you for being here.

Gràcies, Eli Arjona,

Thank you, Eli Arjona,

com sempre, des de la part tècnica.

As always, from the technical side.

Gràcies, Dones amb Xarxa, pel suport.

Thank you, Women with Network, for the support.

I gràcies per ajudar-nos a conèixer

And thank you for helping us to get to know.

heroïnes quotidianes i heroïnes digitals

everyday heroines and digital heroines

allà on potser no les aniríem a buscar mai.

there where we might never go looking for them.

Recordeu, com sempre dic, que estem

Remember, as I always say, that we are

al segle de les dones, però queda

in the century of women, but it remains

molta feina a fer.

a lot of work to do.

Seguirem aquí fent xarxa.

We will continue here networking.

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