2x26 - Estiu ‘24 • La infancia • Dos bojos fent un pòdcast

Eloi i Joana

Dos bojos fent un pòdcast

2x26 - Estiu ‘24 • La infancia • Dos bojos fent un pòdcast

Dos bojos fent un pòdcast

Això és Dos Bojos fent un podcast.

This is Two Crazy Guys making a podcast.

Realitzat per l'Eloi i la Joana.

Created by Eloi and Joana.

Benvinguts a l'episodi 26.

Welcome to episode 26.

Què tal, com esteu? Com estàs, Joana?

How are you, how are you all? How are you, Joana?

Eh, molt bé, i tu? Perdoneu-nos...

Eh, very good, and you? Sorry...

Queda't quieta, que si no se'n fa soroll.

Stay still, or it will make noise.

Perdó. Perdoneu-nos per no penjar podcast en tant de temps.

Sorry. We apologize for not posting a podcast in such a long time.

Molt de temps, però tenim una justificació.

A long time, but we have an excuse.

No, no, no en tenim.

No, we don't have any.

Sí que en tenim.

Yes, we do have some.

I és que no tenim temes. Se'ns acaben les idees.

It's just that we have no topics. We're running out of ideas.

Hem fet... Quants episodis hem fet?

We have done... How many episodes have we done?

Hem fet...

We have made...

Aquest és el 26, no?

This is the 26th, right?



Doncs he fet 26 episodis, lògicament.

Well, I have made 26 episodes, logically.

Bé, en veritat hem fet 27 perquè va haver-hi un que no vam publicar.

Well, actually we did 27 because there was one that we didn't publish.





Però llavors hi ha...

But then there is...

Hi ha com 20...

There are about 20...

En fi, ens hem saltat un número?

Well, have we skipped a number?



El que no vam publicar no ho vam...

What we didn't publish we didn't...

Doncs aquell era xulo, eh?

Well, that was cool, huh?

Era molt guai.

It was very cool.

Tinc la sensació que sí.

I have the feeling that yes.

Tot i que no me'n recordo quin era.

Although I don't remember which one it was.

Bueno, en ser...

Well, in being...

És que de veritat, us diem pels...

It's just that we really tell you to...

Us dieu...

You say...

Hi ha uns comentaris a Spotify.

There are some comments on Spotify.

Us diem...

We tell you...

Fiqueu-nos idees.

Give us ideas.

I per dins també, però no en fiqueu.

And inside too, but don't put it in.

Fiqueu idees, sisplau.

Please share your ideas.

Bé, sabem que ens escolten molt poca gent,

Well, we know that very few people listen to us,

però com que ens segueix gent,

but since we are being followed by people,

doncs esperem que si algú que ens segueix

so we hope that if someone who follows us

hagi així d'escoltar-nos,

let it be so to listen to us,

que quan pengem una capseta de...

that when we hang a little box of...

M'estic complicant molt.

I'm making things very complicated for myself.

Quan pengem una capseta de preguntes,

When we post a box of questions,

responeu, perquè realment nosaltres

respond, because we really

podríem parlar de molts temes,

we could talk about many topics,

però realment la majoria de temes

but really most of the themes

no us agradarien.

you wouldn't like them.

Ja està.

It's done.



Bueno, avui parlarem sobre un tema...

Well, today we will talk about a topic...

Que ho explicarem després,

We'll explain it later.

perquè primer hem de fer un petit incís

because first we need to make a small digression

d'unes coses ràpides que us volem dir.

about some quick things we want to tell you.


Which ones?

Ah, sí.

Ah, yes.

Jo us l'explico.

I will explain it to you.



Doncs tenim pensat,

Well, we have thought,

no sé si podrà dur-se el terme,

I don't know if it will be able to carry the term,

doncs que...

so that...

La següent temporada faríem com...

The next season we would do like...

No, no el t'has de fer.

No, you don't have to do it.

Aloi, que jo sé.

Aloi, that I know.


Leave me.



La següent temporada seria

The next season would be

la temporada d'estiu.

the summer season.



Vale, està bé.

Okay, that's fine.

Llavors serien programes de 10 minuts...

Then they would be 10-minute programs...

Per què parles així darrere?

Why do you talk like that behind?

Perquè he de cridar.

Why do I have to shout?

Ah, vale.

Ah, okay.

Ara ho he dit, és que no...

Now I've said it, it's just that no...



De 10 minuts,

Of 10 minutes,

perquè així són millor

because this way they are better

i així us agraden més.

And this is how you like it more.

Perquè la gent,

Because people,

la capacitat de concentració

the ability to concentrate

de la societat actual

of today's society

és mínima,

it is minimal,



La gent no es concentra...

People are not focused...

Deixa de dir-te empilipolles.

Stop calling yourself silly.



Haurem d'embarcar explicit content.

We will have to board explicit content.



Que la gent no li agraden

That people don't like him/her.

els episodis llargs,

the long episodes,

llavors farem episodis més curts

Then we will make shorter episodes.

parlant de temes que ens...

talking about topics that concern us...

De temes d'estiu o no?

Summer themes or not?

No, no sé de què parlarem.

No, I don't know what we will talk about.

Ja mirarem.

We'll see.

Però com que no ens deixeu idees,

But since you don't let us have ideas,


You can.

Ara mateix,

Right now,

si esteu escoltant això,

if you are listening to this,

entereu-ho en l'episodi

understand it in the episode

i deixeu-nos una idea

and leave us an idea

de la que vulgueu parlar.

of which you want to talk.

Sisplau, feu-ho.

Please, do it.

Tranquils, que la gent no ho veu.

Calm down; people don't see it.

En plan, només si nosaltres volem...

Like, only if we want to...

En plan, si vosaltres ho envieu,

Like, if you guys send it,

primer ens arriba a nosaltres

first it reaches us

i nosaltres decidim si ho volem publicar.

and we decide if we want to publish it.

No ho publicarem, d'acord?

We won't publish it, okay?

D'acord, cony.

Alright, damn.

Ens ho quedarem per nosaltres.

We'll keep it for ourselves.

D'acord, llavors,

Okay, then,

què més, Joana, hem de comentar?

What else, Joana, do we need to discuss?

També hem de comentar...

We also have to comment...

Espera un moment,

Wait a moment,

una última cosa d'això.

one last thing about this.

Em digues.

Tell me.



Que la idea d'aquests episodis

That the idea of these episodes

és que es publicaran, doncs,

will they be published, then,

cada 15 dies.

every 15 days.

Així tenim més vacances, d'acord?

That way we have more holidays, okay?

I seran més curtets

And they will be shorter.

perquè així nosaltres

because this way we

no hem de treballar tant

we don't have to work so hard

i vosaltres no heu d'escoltar tant.

And you don't have to listen so much.

Com que 15?

How about 15?

És que, en veritat,

It's just that, in truth,

serien cada 14 dies.

they would be every 14 days.

És cada 14,

It's every 14.

però ara es diu així, no sé.

but now it's called that, I don't know.

Un dia vaig posar a comptar-me

One day I started counting.

i vaig dir, hòstia,

I said, holy shit,

si 7 i 7 fa 14, no 15.

if 7 and 7 makes 14, not 15.

7 i 7 i 7 fan 9.

7 and 7 and 7 make 9.

9 i 3 fan 12.

9 and 3 make 12.

7 i 7 i 7 no fan 9.

7 and 7 and 7 do not make 9.

12 i 13 fan 25.

12 and 13 make 25.



7 i 7...

7 and 7...

3 i 3 i 3 fan 9.

3 and 3 and 3 make 9.

9 i 3 fan 12.

9 and 3 make 12.

12 i 13 fan 25.

12 and 13 make 25.

Ja veus que ho diria.

You see, I would say so.

Molt bé.

Very well.

D'acord, doncs,

Okay, then,

de què estàvem parlant?

What were we talking about?

Ah, sí.

Ah, yes.

Cada dues setmanes

Every two weeks

penjarem un episodi, bàsicament.

We will hang an episode, basically.

Perquè la gent no s'acosta.

Because people don't come closer.

Perquè, aixutament,

Because, dryly,

ens els podem deixar preparats

we can leave them ready for us

des d'una mica més abans

from a little bit earlier

i, doncs,

and, therefore,



Potser estem de vacances

Maybe we are on vacation.

i el publiquem directament.

And we publish it directly.

Què t'apareix, Joana?

What do you think, Joana?

No sé si podrem complir-ho

I don't know if we will be able to fulfill it.

perquè som uns incrompidors.

because we are rule-breakers.

Però intentarem complir-ho.

But we will try to fulfill it.



Més ens val.

Better for us.

Deixa'm acabar-ho.

Let me finish it.



També, ara sí...

Also, now yes...

Ara sí.

Now yes.



Us hem de recomanar

We have to recommend you.

un cantant que es diu Lliny.

a singer named Lliny.



Què més?

What else?

Que és un artista emergent,

What is an emerging artist,

molt jove,

very young,

que fa música en castellà.

that makes music in Spanish.

En català.

In Catalan.

Bueno, en català i en castellà.

Well, in Catalan and in Spanish.



De fet.

In fact.

Però ell és català, no?

But he is Catalan, isn’t he?

Sí, ell és català.

Yes, he is Catalan.

I és molt simpàtic

And he is very nice.

i fa molt bona música.

And it makes very good music.

Us recomanem que l'escoltem.

We recommend that you listen to him/her.

Ens ficaríem a dir-te les tècniques

We would start telling you the techniques.

de la seva música,

of her music,

però és que no som experts

but we are not experts

en el món de la música.

in the world of music.

És urbà, jo crec.

He is urban, I believe.

Sí, és urbà.

Yes, it is urban.

És com...

It's like...

Si haguéssim de classificar-ho

If we had to classify it

dins d'un grup,

within a group,

entraria dins del grup

I would join the group.

de 31 fam.

of 31 families.

Potser, no?

Maybe, right?



Passa'm el meu got d'aigua, sisplau.

Pass me my glass of water, please.

Ja, ja ho he dit, sí.

Yes, yes I've said it, yes.

I, doncs res, us el recomanem.

So, well, we recommend it to you.

Es pot trobar a Spotify, òbviament.

It can be found on Spotify, obviously.

I també el podeu seguir

And you can also follow him.

a les xarxes socials.

on social media.

No sé si té TikTok,

I don't know if he/she has TikTok.

o sigui, segurament.

so, probably.

Instagram té.

Instagram has.

Doncs això, el podeu escoltar

Well, you can listen to it.

quan vulgueu.

whenever you want.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Vale, ara sí,

Okay, now yes,

entenem el tema.

we understand the issue.

Ara sí que no hem de parlar de...

Now we really shouldn't talk about...

Ara que hem cantat la cançó

Now that we have sung the song

de 3 i 3 i 3 fa 9,

three and three and three makes nine,

hem entrat en el tema

we have entered the topic

que volem parlar.

that we want to talk.

Avui volem parlar de la infància.

Today we want to talk about childhood.



De la infantesa o de la infància.

Of childhood or of infancy.

Es pot dir de les dues maneres, no?

It can be said in both ways, right?

Què dieu?

What do you say?

Vaig a buscar-ho.

I am going to get it.

Crec que es diu infantesa,

I think it's called childhood,

però bueno, bé.

but well, okay.

Avui parlarem sobre la infantesa.

Today we will talk about childhood.

Tenim com unes poques preguntes

We have a few questions.

que ens farem l'una a l'altra.

what we will do to each other.

I respondré.

I will respond.

Respondré també, sí.

I will also respond, yes.

Com es diu?

What is it called?

Infantesa o infantesa.

Childhood or childhood.

Bueno, és que li costa l'avió.

Well, it's that the plane costs him.

Bueno, jo crec que una és una castellanada.

Well, I think one is a Castilianism.

Es pot dir de les dues maneres.

It can be said in both ways.

Ah, cuny, vale.

Ah, cousin, okay.

Vale, doncs res.

Okay, then nothing.

La infan...

The child...

Sí, o la infantesa,

Yes, or childhood,

doncs això parla...

so this speaks...

Vale, fica les preguntes, hòstia.

Okay, put the questions, damn it.

Crec que és una castellanada, infantesa.

I think it's a Spanishism, childhood.

Ah, clar.

Ah, of course.



No sé, no sabem castellà, tampoc.

I don't know, we don't know Spanish, either.

Vaig a ficar les preguntes.

I'm going to ask the questions.

Bé, bàsicament són unes preguntes

Well, basically they are some questions.

que ens hem preparat

that we have prepared

i a partir de les preguntes,

and from the questions,

doncs, conversarem una mica.

Well, we'll chat a bit.



Quan ets petit,

When you are little,

una de les coses que et marca més

one of the things that marks you the most

i que més recordes

And what else do you remember?

és les sèries que mires,

it's the series you watch,

les pel·lis que mires,

the movies you watch,

la música que escoltes...

the music you listen to...

Llavors, et vull preguntar això, no?

So, I want to ask you this, right?

Quina és la sèrie que miraves més

What is the series you watched the most?

quan eres petit,

when you were little,

o la que més t'agradava?

or the one you liked the most?

Doncs, de fet, no me'n recordo,

Well, in fact, I don't remember.

però una de les que més m'agradava

but one of the ones I liked the most

eren les espies, de veritat.

They were the spies, really.

Jo també.

Me too.

M'encantava les espies, de veritat.

I really loved the spies.

Eren molt guais.

They were really cool.



No me'n recordo.

I don't remember.

No me'n recordo com es deia el senyor aquell.

I don't remember what that man was called.

Quin senyor?

Which gentleman?

El Jerry, no?

Jerry, right?

El que els donava com les missions

What he gave them like the missions

que havien de fer.

what they had to do.



És que a mi m'encantaven.

I used to love them.

I a sobre, era...

And above, it was...

Com vivien als Estats Units

How people lived in the United States.

i tot era com molt modern...

and everything was very modern...

A mi m'agradava molt.

I liked it very much.



I era superemocionant per...

It was super exciting for...

Sempre acabaven resolvent...

They always ended up solving...

Ja, això és el que mola.

Yes, that's what is cool.

Els problemes, però...

The problems, however...

I les eines que tenien

And the tools they had.

totes les màquines,

all the machines,

m'agradava molt.

I liked it a lot.

A mi m'agradava molt.

I liked it a lot.

Però, espies, de veritat,

But, spies, really,

junt amb Super 3.

together with Super 3.

La família Super 3...

The Super 3 family...

Sí, jo també...

Yes, me too...

També ho mirava,

I was also looking at it,

però també és veritat

but it is also true

que és com que crec que...

that is how I think that...

És com que nosaltres ja érem massa grans.

It's like we were already too old.

Què vols dir?

What do you mean?

Que quan nosaltres...

That when we...

Érem com l'edat de mirar la tele,

We were like the age of watching television,

perquè jo entenc que comences a mirar la tele

because I understand that you are starting to watch TV

quan tens 4 o 5 anys,

when you are 4 or 5 years old,

perquè quan tens 1 o 2 anys...

because when you are 1 or 2 years old...

Ja, és veritat.

Yes, it's true.

No estàs allà mirant la tele.

You're not there watching TV.

O almenys mires coses tipus Pocoyo,

Or at least you watch things like Pocoyo,

que no passen gaires coses

that not many things happen

com per recordar-te'n.

as to remember you.

Llavors, penso que Super 3 ens va pillar...

Then, I think Super 3 caught us...

Bueno, la família de Super 3

Well, the Super 3 family.

ens va pillar com més tard.

it caught us later.

Sí, bueno, ja.

Yes, well, already.

És que es va acabar

It has ended.

just quan nosaltres ja estàvem entenent tot.

just when we were already understanding everything.

Es va acabar...

It is over...

De fet, no et diria...

In fact, I wouldn't tell you...

No sé quan es va acabar.

I don't know when it ended.

Es va acabar després que vingués Noam Rock

It ended after Noam Rock came.

i aquests van venir abans que s'acabés.

and these came before it ended.

Bueno, evidentment.

Well, obviously.

Però es va acabar molt aviat, opino.

But it ended very quickly, I think.

Jo crec que ara mateix podria seguir

I believe that right now I could continue.

i seria...

and it would be...

Seria molt guai.

It would be really cool.

És que era molt guai.

It was really cool.



L'únic que el de la nanúfera i la mató

The only thing about the water lily and the mató.

per mi ja va ser com molt raro.

For me, it was already quite strange.

El 19 de juny del 2021.

June 19, 2021.



És a dir, en plena pandèmia.

That is to say, in the midst of a pandemic.

2021, hòstia.

2021, damn.

En pandèmia.

In pandemic.

Bueno, però...

Well, but...

És com que quan nosaltres teníem...

It's like when we had...

Abans del 2021, nosaltres ja érem com prou grans

Before 2021, we were already quite grown up.

com per...

as for...

Ja no ens agradava.

We didn't like it anymore.

Llavors és quan jo vaig començar a mirar Disney Channel.

That's when I started watching Disney Channel.

Que a Disney Channel mirava Jessie.

That I watched Jessie on Disney Channel.

Oh, Jessie.

Oh, Jessie.

Que m'agradava molt.

I liked it a lot.



De fet.

In fact.

I també que mirava Disney Channel Doraemon

And also that I was watching Disney Channel Doraemon.

que jo mirava el Boink.

that I was watching the Boink.

Fuà, jo no me'n recordo on te mirava, què.

Wow, I don't remember where I was looking at you, what.



Tu vas anar a alguna festa del Super 3?

Did you go to any party of Super 3?

Lleva el meu germà moltes, però jo no.

My brother takes many, but I don’t.



Jo tampoc.

Me neither.

Mira que la meva germana...

Look that my sister...

La meva germana era...

My sister was...

Com es diu això?

What is this called?



No, com...

No, how...

Sòcia, o com es digui això.

Partner, or whatever this is called.

Tenia el carnet del Super 3.

I had the Super 3 card.

Tu no?

You not?



No en tenia.

I didn't have any.

No el vaig arribar a fer.

I never got around to doing it.

Sempre li deia, mama, mama,

She always said to me, mom, mom,

feu-me el carnet del Super 3.

make me the Super 3 card.

I no el vaig fer.

And I didn't make it.

Jo sempre el tenia.

I always had it.

Bueno, que hauríem de dir, com es diu ara, X3, no?

Well, what should we say, as they call it now, X3, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sincerament, no m'agrada que ho hagin canviat.

Honestly, I don't like that they changed it.



Sí que l'estètica és més nova

Yes, the aesthetic is indeed newer.

i les noves coses que ofereixen estan bé.

And the new things they offer are good.

No, no.

No, no.

Com que no?

How come not?

No, a mi no m'agrada.

No, I don't like it.

Que ens han de contragar.

That they have to be contracted.

Ai, sí, m'encanta el Super 3, SX3, home...

Oh yes, I love Super 3, SX3, man...

Sí que les coses que fan estan guais

Yes, the things they do are cool.

i tenen propostes guais,

and they have cool proposals,

però que hagin canviat com l'estètica, no?

but they have changed like the aesthetics, right?

Perquè jo et recordo el dibuixat aquell

Because I remember that drawing of yours.

que era de color blau, taronja i vermell,

that was blue, orange, and red,

que era com un...

that was like a...

I groc.

I yellow.

I groc, sí.

And yellow, yes.

Que era com una animació i sortia com un 3.

It was like an animation and it came out like a 3.

Allò em molava molt i a mi m'encantava.

I really liked that and I loved it.

Ja, jo no vaig entendre que era un 3 fins fa poc, eh?

Yes, I didn't understand that it was a 3 until recently, huh?

Perquè en veritat és tan xulo que no et fixes.

Because it's really so cool that you don't notice.



Però, bueno,

But, well,

i no es diu X3.

and it's not called X3.

X3 és el que mirem nosaltres,

X3 is what we look at.

però es diu SX3.

but it is called SX3.

És a dir, X3 és per més grans, no?, en teoria.

That is to say, X3 is for older ones, right?, in theory.

Exacte, i per petits no sé si és X3.

Exactly, and for small ones I don't know if it's X3.

Bé, a part d'això, anem a continuar amb les preguntes.

Well, apart from that, let's continue with the questions.

Bé, no me'n recordo.

Well, I don't remember.

Exacte, la següent pregunta seria la de...

Exactly, the next question would be about...

La que jo he dit.

The one I have said.

...seria que m'estirava, doncs, les que hem dit, bàsicament.

...would be that I stretched, then, the ones we've mentioned, basically.

Sí, i també jo mirava...

Yes, and I was also watching...

Tom i Jerry m'agradava bastant.

I quite liked Tom and Jerry.

Era molt guai, però sí que és veritat que no parlaven i tal.

It was really cool, but it is true that they didn't talk and so on.

Però també mirava...

But I was also looking...

Però ara...

But now...

Això és mira, això és mira.

This is look, this is look.

Les sisters.

The sisters.

Això encara ho fan també.

They still do that too.

O sigui, no compta, perquè això encara ho fan.

So, it doesn't count, because they still do this.

Ja, vull dir, ja no són series que siguin com...

Yes, I mean, they're no longer shows that are like...

Per nosaltres més antigues, que ens direu.

For us older ones, what will you tell us?

No, no són antigues, però per nosaltres...

No, they are not old, but for us...

Són noves.

They are new.

Per nosaltres, sí.

For us, yes.



Creus que ha canviat molt la teva manera de ser des que eres petita?

Do you think your way of being has changed a lot since you were little?

Doncs jo crec que sí.

Well, I think so.

A veure, òbviament canviarà, però sí que, per exemple,

Let's see, obviously it will change, but yes, for example,

jo puc dir que hi ha moltes coses de quan era petit que segueixen igual.

I can say that there are many things from when I was little that are still the same.

Per exemple, jo soc molt xerraira des que soc molt petit,

For example, I have been very talkative since I was very small,

perquè els meus parets m'expliquen que,

because my walls tell me that,

que quan anàvem amb amics o on que sigui,

that when we went with friends or wherever,

la gent es quedava flipant que jo parlava molt i era petit.

People were amazed that I talked a lot and was small.

Ja, sempre parles molt, Eloi.

Yes, you always talk a lot, Eloi.

Jo, doncs, se m'ha quedat res.

Well, then, nothing has been left to me.

Bé, segur que sí, però jo mateixa no ho puc veure, no?

Well, I'm sure that's true, but I can't see it myself, can I?

Ja, és com que això ho hauries de preguntar més a la teva família,

Yes, it's something you should ask your family about more.

perquè des de dins no es pot saber tant, no?

because from the inside you can't know that much, right?

Ja, bé, ha canviat la maduresa.

Yes, well, maturity has changed.

Bé, tampoc he madurat molt, però...

Well, I haven't matured much either, but...

Òbviament, hi ha gent que no, eh?

Obviously, there are people who don’t, right?



Bé, no passa res.

Well, it's okay.

Bé, al fet, sí han canviat coses, però hi ha coses que se'ns han quedat.

Well, in fact, things have changed, but there are things that have stayed with us.

Saps què tens?

Do you know what you have?

És a dir que, si quan eres petit miraves Disney Channel,

That means that if when you were small you watched Disney Channel,

miraves Super 3, canvia molt la teva manera de ser.

Watching Super 3 changes your way of being a lot.

I jo, quan veig una persona, sé que són estereotips i etiquetes,

And I, when I see a person, know that they are stereotypes and labels,

però sé dir-te si mirava Disney Channel, sobretot.

but I can tell you if I watched Disney Channel, especially.

Si no parla català, doncs és molt més probable que mirés Disney Channel,

If he/she doesn't speak Catalan, then it's much more likely that he/she watched Disney Channel.

perquè, doncs, Super 3 no ho entens.

because, then, Super 3 you don't understand it.

Amb Super 3 aprenies català.

With Super 3 you learn Catalan.



Així aprenem el Super 3.

This is how we learn the Super 3.

Hombre, és que Super 3 és el millor.

Well, Super 3 is the best.

X3 i SX3 és el millor.

X3 and SX3 are the best.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Què més? És que no tenim més preguntes, de fet.

What else? It's just that we don't have more questions, in fact.

Ja, en veritat no, però ja portem deu minuts, per tant, estem fent avisatges més curtets.

Yes, actually no, but we've been at it for ten minutes, so we are giving shorter notices.



És això, o sigui...

This is it, I mean...

I quina música escoltaves?

And what music did you listen to?

Quina música escoltaves? Això te'n recordes?

What music did you listen to? Do you remember that?

És que jo no escoltava...

It's just that I wasn't listening...

Bueno, les cançons del Super 3, la del Joan Petit com balla, també.

Well, the songs from Super 3, the one about Joan Petit and how he dances, too.

Les típiques, les... com clar, les clàssiques, no?

The typical ones, the... of course, the classics, right?



I el que escoltaven els meus pares, els meus referents.

And what my parents listened to, my role models.

Jo no tenia una música pròpia, perquè era massa petita.

I didn't have a personal music style because I was too small.

Tu, el que els teus pares manaven al cotxe, no?

You, the one your parents told to get in the car, right?



Doncs jo sí, jo recordo mirar, quan estàvem a casa dels meus avis i la meva germana, amb l'ordinador...

Well, I do, I remember looking, when we were at my grandparents' house and my sister, with the computer...



No, mirar, perquè eren videoclips.

No, look, because they were music videos.

A contra.


Mirar videoclips de Michael Jackson, i jo flipava, perquè hi havia un que sortia en tot de serps i...

Watching Michael Jackson music videos, and I was blown away because there was one with all sorts of snakes and...

No sé, eren guais, els videoclips. I de Katy Perry, també.

I don't know, they were cool, the music videos. And Katy Perry's too.

I miràvem... bueno, bàsicament d'artistes pop, i miràvem els videoclips.

We watched... well, basically pop artists, and we watched the music videos.

I avui en dia, s'hauria escoltat alguna música d'aquests? No.

And nowadays, would any music from these have been heard? No.

Però bueno, mira, no passa res.

But well, look, nothing happens.

I també...

And also...

Jo també escoltava Bruno Mars, però no és que ho escoltés, és com que... jo ho sentia, i llavors ara dic, hòstia, me'n recordo.

I also listened to Bruno Mars, but it’s not that I listened to it, it’s like... I felt it, and now I say, wow, I remember.



És que de fet, jo quan era petita, el que escoltava eren... sónos superantics, però les cançons de Super3 eren en CD's.

The thing is, when I was little, what I listened to was... they're super old sounds, but the songs from Super3 were on CDs.



És veritat, i les ficava del cotxe.

It's true, and I put them in the car.

Claro. Bueno, jo tenia una màquina reproductora.

Sure. Well, I had a reproducing machine.

Sí, també.

Yes, me too.

Però ja l'hem tirada.

But we have already thrown it away.

Doncs bueno, la infància, no?

Well, childhood, right?

Sembla que siguem uns viejos.

It seems like we are some old folks.

Ja, tenim 13 anys, ja vull dir, estem en l'adolescència, però la infància, o sigui, és fa dos dies.

Yes, we are 13 years old, I mean, we are in adolescence, but childhood, well, that was just two days ago.

Però bueno, si féssim aquella divisió d'aquí 10 anys, potser ho explicaríem molt diferent i no ens en recordaríem de la meitat de coses.

But well, if we did that division in 10 years, maybe we would explain it very differently and we wouldn't remember half of the things.

Per això, podrem escoltar aquest podcast.

Therefore, we will be able to listen to this podcast.

És que també és veritat que jo crec que ara la gent madura com molt més abans. És com que ara, de cop, ja deixes de mirar la Super3.

It is also true that I believe people mature much earlier now. It's like suddenly, you stop watching Super3.

És com quan va arribar Netflix, jo ja no mirava Super3.

It's like when Netflix arrived, I no longer watched Super3.

Netflix? Quan va arribar Netflix?

Netflix? When did Netflix arrive?

Bueno, quan va arribar, que ja existia, però quan va arribar la meva família, quan vam subscriure'ns al Netflix.

Well, when it arrived, which already existed, but when my family arrived, when we subscribed to Netflix.

Ah, ja.

Ah, already.

No sé.

I don't know.

Bueno, no passa res.

Well, it's okay.

Sí, però em sap greu perquè a mi és com que, per exemple, si els pregunto als meus avis, quan tu tenies X anys què feies de les tardes?

Yes, but I'm sorry because for me it's like, for example, if I ask my grandparents, when you were X years old, what did you do in the afternoons?

O com eres quan tenies X anys? I li pregunto, per exemple, a la meva edat. I m'explica coses molt diferents a les meves.

Or how were you when you were X years old? And I ask him, for example, at my age. And he tells me things very different from mine.

Sé que hi ha molt de canvi perquè han passat molts anys i la societat ha evolucionat en tots els aspectes i sobretot a la part de la tele, de la música, tot això.

I know there is a lot of change because many years have passed and society has evolved in every aspect, especially in television, music, all of that.



Però jo així crec que la gent és com que madura molt més ràpid ara. Que no dic que maduri, eh?

But I think people mature much faster now. Not that I'm saying they mature, huh?

Ja, ja.

Ha, ha.

Però que es fa gran, es fa gran. M'has entès, no?

But it's growing up, it's growing up. You understand me, right?

Sí, que ara els més petits tenen com mentalitat de gran ja.

Yes, now the youngest ones already think like grown-ups.



Estan ben petits. Això no està bé, fa bastant temps.

They are too small. This is not right, it's been quite a while.

Està bé?

Is he/she/it okay?



No està bé?

Are you not okay?

No està bé. Bueno, hi ha gent que, és com, els veus i penses, tinc la teva infancesa.

It's not okay. Well, there are people who, it's like, you see them and think, I have your childhood.

Infantesa. Relaxa't, noia, relaxa't una mica.

Childhood. Relax, girl, relax a little.

Relaxa't una mica. No passa res.

Relax a little. It's okay.

Doncs jo crec que això és tot, no? Per l'episodi d'avui.

Well, I think that's all, right? For today's episode.



És més curtet. Bueno.

It's a bit shorter. Well.

És com un estiu, un estiu d'episodi, un episodi d'estiu.

It's like a summer, a summer of episode, an episode of summer.

Sí, és que de fet serà el primer, ja.

Yes, in fact, it will be the first one already.



Però de fet això no es publicarà avui. Això es publicarà diumenge, no? Diumenge publiquem els episodis?

But in fact this won't be published today. This will be published on Sunday, right? Are we publishing the episodes on Sunday?

No ho sé, però podríem fer-ho avui.

I don't know, but we could do it today.



Perquè portem un dia sense publicar.

Because we haven't published for a day.

No, ha de ser quadrat, si no em dóna toc.

No, it has to be square, otherwise it bothers me.

Ah, clar. Li dóna toc a l'Eloi. Ho penjarem diumenge.

Ah, of course. It will make contact with Eloi. We will post it on Sunday.

Saps què passa? Que diumenge també publiquen episodis la Pija i la Kinky i ens fan competència.

Do you know what happens? On Sunday, Pija and Kinky also release episodes and they compete with us.



Per culpa d'ells perdem vius. Bueno, vius, escoltes.

Because of them we lose lives. Well, lives, you know.

Doncs si saps.

Well, if you know.

Bueno, i ens ho pensarem. Moltes gràcies per escoltar-nos.

Well, we will think about it. Thank you very much for listening to us.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

I deixeu-nos de temes, perquè que colló, no sabem de què parlar.

And let's stop with the topics, because what the heck, we don't know what to talk about.


Thank you.

Gracias, adéu.

Thank you, goodbye.



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