🎙️Enfoc creatiu #014 | ESPECIAL ESTIU 2024

Enfoc Creatiu

Enfoc Creatiu

🎙️Enfoc creatiu #014 | ESPECIAL ESTIU 2024

Enfoc Creatiu

EstĂ s escoltant EnfocCreatiu

You are listening to EnfocCreatiu.

BĂ©, benvinguts a l'especial estiu d'EnfocCreatiu. Com esteu, noies?

Well, welcome to the summer special of EnfocCreatiu. How are you, girls?

Molt bé, molt bé, molt bé. I tu? Com estàs?

Very well, very well, very well. And you? How are you?

Jo estic sempre bé. Avui estem aquí amb el Joan un altre cop.

I am always fine. Today we are here with Joan again.



Bé, doncs ara sí, per sort nostra, també segurament vostra, tornem a la normalitat

Well, now yes, for our luck, and probably yours too, we return to normalcy.

i comencem aquest especial estiu...

and we begin this summer special...



Estiu, perdĂł. Ăšltim episodi de la temporada.

Summer, sorry. Last episode of the season.

Estem molt malament.

We are very unwell.

Esteu tristes?

Are you sad?



Esteu molt malament, però tristes esteu?

You are very wrong, but are you sad?

SĂ­, estem tristes i bueno...

Yes, we are sad and well...

Estem tristes, però alhora orgulloses, amb molts sentiments.

We are sad, but at the same time proud, with many feelings.

Alhora, sĂ­.

At the same time, yes.

Sentiments trobats.

Mixed feelings.

A veure, estem amb el Joan...

Let's see, we are with Joan...

Un cop més?

One more time?

Però no com a convidat, sinó com a membre més de l'equip que ja és.

But not as a guest, but as a member of the team that he already is.

Perquè avui, com és un especial, molt especial...

Because today, as it is a special day, very special...

L'especial, l'altre especial.

The special, the other special.

Només estarem nosaltres, per tant, com podeu veure, la dinàmica serà diferent.

There will only be us, therefore, as you can see, the dynamics will be different.

No hi haurĂ  entrevista ni debat com a tal, sinĂł que aprofitarem per entrevistar-nos una mica entre nosaltres,

There will be no interview or debate as such, but we will take the opportunity to interview each other a bit.

perquè ens donareu una mica més també.

because you will also give us a little more.



Per tocar-nos una mica de pollites, també.

To touch each other a bit, too.

Ah, això, això. Se m'havia passat.

Ah, that, that. It had slipped my mind.

Una mica de diversiĂł.

A little bit of fun.

SĂ­, per tocar-nos una mica els collons entre nosaltres.

Yes, to annoy each other a little.

Que no ho hem fet durant la temporada.

That we haven't done during the season.

No, gens.

No, not at all.

A part de les seccions que ja tenim normalment, que no sé si també seran una mica especials o no.

Apart from the sections we usually have, I don't know if they will also be a bit special or not.

Qui sap.

Who knows.



La part central la dividirem en dues parts.

We will divide the central part into two parts.

En un, què prefereixes en diferents situacions.

In a, what do you prefer in different situations.





Que ens farem entre nosaltres.

What will we do among ourselves?

I preguntes generals.

General questions.

SĂ­, bueno.

Yes, well.



Doncs, comencem amb les notĂ­cies, si us sembla.

Well, let's start with the news, if that suits you.


Let's get started.

En les notícies d'avui us porto les notícies més rellevants de la temporada.

In today's news, I bring you the most relevant news of the season.

Començant per la foto més cara del món.

Starting with the most expensive photo in the world.

Us en recordeu?

Do you remember us?

Jo me'n recordo.

I remember.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Eren 12,3 milions.

There were 12.3 million.

Ui, ui, t'has acostat molt.

Oh, oh, you've come very close.

Eren 12,3 milions.

There were 12.3 million.



Doncs m'has mentit.

So you lied to me.

12,4 milions de dòlars.

12.4 million dollars.

Això m'acabes de...

You've just done this to me...

Aquesta és el violí d'ingrés.

This is the entrance violin.

Una foto que representa l'esquena nua de Quique Montparnasse.

A photo that represents the bare back of Quique Montparnasse.

Ho ha dit bé.

He said it well.

La model actriu i cantant del Club Nocturn Francesc.

The model actress and singer of the Francesc Night Club.

Que va impregnar i ajudar d'una forma a la cultura parisenca a la dècada dels anys 20.

That impregnated and helped in some way to the Parisian culture in the 1920s.

Fa uns quants anys, de fet.

A few years ago, in fact.

Aquesta foto es va vendre per 12,4 milions, quasi, que ho has dit.

This photo was sold for 12.4 million, almost, as you said.

Però t'ha faltat...

But you have missed...

Hauries perdut 100 mil euros.

You would have lost 100 thousand euros.

Sí. Una de les seves còpies es va vendre també per 120 mil o una cosa així, cosa que...

Yes. One of its copies was also sold for 120 thousand or something like that, which...

Espero que algun dia arribeu a vendre una foto per aquest preu.

I hope that one day you manage to sell a photo for that price.

I si Ă©s aixĂ­, us en recordeu de mi.

And if so, do you remember me?

I tant.

Me too.

I a la comissiĂł.

And to the commission.

També en aquesta temporada hem tingut el sensor més gran del món amb 3.100 milions de píxels.

Also in this season we have had the largest sensor in the world with 3.1 billion pixels.

Això creieu que cabria dins d'alguna de les nostres càmeres per gravar amb foc creatiu?

Do you think this could fit inside any of our cameras to record with creative fire?

PodrĂ­em provar-ho.

We could give it a try.

Això el tècnic de vídeo que se n'ocupi d'investigar ara.

This is the video technician who will take care of investigating it now.

Però amb més píxels millor, eh? Ai, pitjor.

But with more pixels, better, right? Oh, worse.

No, però és perquè ens projectin al Times Square.

No, but it’s because they project us at Times Square.

Però de fet, el que va dir l'Eus l'altre dia...

But in fact, what Eus said the other day...

O sigui, com per coses que es projecten a molt gran, el que fa Ă©s baixar la resoluciĂł als ppi.

That is, like for things that are projected very large, what it does is lower the resolution to ppi.

Ah, ja, sĂ­.

Ah, yes, right.

PĂ­xels per inch.

Pixels per inch.

Sí, per què?

Yes, why?

O sigui, perquè de més lluny ets menys capaç de diferenciar la de dos píxels.

That is, because from further away you are less able to differentiate between two pixels.

Llavors ja ens podrĂ­em projectar.

Then we could already project ourselves.

També, com a tercera i última notícia,

Also, as a third and final piece of news,

més rellevant de la temporada,

most relevant of the season,

hem vist com la IA ha començat a incorporar-se en la nostra vida quotidiana

We have seen how AI has started to integrate into our daily lives.

fent que arribem a veure imatges modificades de les xarxes socials de cases reals,

making us see altered images from social media of real homes,

tant britĂ niques com daneses, diria que eren.

both British and Danish, I would say they were.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Bueno, ha estat bé, un top 3 bastant...

Well, it has been good, a pretty top 3...

I fins aquĂ­.

And until here.

Les notĂ­cies d'aquesta temporada.

The news of this season.

GrĂ cies per escoltar-me.

Thank you for listening to me.

SĂłn les Ăşltimes notĂ­cies.

These are the latest news.

Les Ăşltimes notĂ­cies.

The latest news.

No ploreu, eh?

Don't cry, okay?

No, no, en cap cas.

No, no, in any case.

Doncs passegem amb la meva Ăşltima secciĂł de la temporada.

Well, let's walk with my last section of the season.

Jurassic Park.

Jurassic Park.

No sé per què ha sigut Jurassic Park.

I don't know why it has been Jurassic Park.

Avui com a...

Today as...

com a...

as a...

És un documental i parla sobre els inicis d'aquest senyor i de com va intentar donar-li la volta a la fotografia

It is a documentary and it talks about the beginnings of this man and how he tried to turn photography upside down.

i que comenci a ser una forma d'art, que es consideri un art com el nivell de la pintura i de l'escultura,

and that it starts to be a form of art, to be considered an art on the level of painting and sculpture,

perquè en aquella època encara no ho és tot. I res, més que res, mostra el seu treball i com aquesta transició

because at that time it is still not everything. And nothing, more than anything, shows his work and how this transition

entra a la fotografia més convencionada com a forma d'art.

enters photography as a more conventional form of art.

Què és l'art?

What is art?

Bon debat, eh? Bon debat de què va ser.

Good debate, huh? What a good debate it was.

Doncs ara sĂ­, donem pas a l'entrevista, si us sembla, noies.

Well, now let's move on to the interview, if that sounds good to you, ladies.

Estic nerviosa, eh?

I am nervous, huh?

Estem nerviosos, estic preparat.

We are nervous, I am ready.

Les entrevistes... No, sí, vaig bé, sí.

The interviews... No, yes, I'm fine, yes.

Comencem amb unes preguntes generals que hem de respondre tots, d'acord?

Let's start with some general questions that we all need to answer, okay?

No sou els sorpresos perquè les hem preparat nosaltres mateixos, vull dir, aquestes no ens venen de sorpresa.

You are not surprised because we prepared them ourselves; I mean, these do not come as a surprise to us.

Però les respostes no ens les hem preparat.

But we haven't prepared the answers.

No, això és veritat, jo tampoc.

No, that's true, neither do I.

Quines preguntes eren?

What questions were they?

La primera, ara no, comences tu.

The first one, not now, you start.

Començo jo.

I'll start.

I hem de respondre, o sigui, explicar quin equip tenim.

And we have to respond, that is, explain what team we have.

I per què.

And why.

Em fa veritat.

It makes me feel true.

A mi també.

Me too.

BĂ©, doncs jo vaig tindre la gran sort de que quan era petit, amb el meu primer sou, em vaig comprar una cĂ mera.

Well, I had the great luck that when I was little, with my first salary, I bought myself a camera.

I aquesta cĂ mera ja era Sony.

And this camera was already Sony.

Una A68, amb la qual encara estem gravant, això no ho podeu, això ho tallarem.

An A68, with which we are still recording, you can't have this, we will cut this part.

D'aquĂ­ vaig passar a la A7II, que a recuperacions de fa...

From here I went to the A7II, which at recoveries from...

No t'oblides una Canon, que vas tenir?

Don't forget a Canon, which one did you have?

No, una Nikon, i ara al principi era de mons pares, no s'hi va dir.

No, a Nikon, and at first it belonged to my parents, it wasn't mentioned.



No s'hi va dir, era dels papes.

It wasn't said, it was of the popes.

No sé de què em parles, Joan.

I don't know what you're talking about, Joan.

Doncs això, d'allí vaig passar a una A7II, sense sortir de Sony, a una setmana d'entregar recuperacions.

Well, that's it, from there I moved to an A7II, without leaving Sony, a week before submitting recoveries.

Va explotar la cĂ mera.

The camera exploded.

I vaig passar a l'actual, que Ă©s una A7IV, que la veritat Ă©s molt recomanable, una cĂ mera hĂ­brida, amb una sensibilitat ISO brutal.

I switched to the current one, which is an A7IV, which is really very recommendable, a hybrid camera with amazing ISO sensitivity.

Tot el que has invertit en cĂ meres, no ho has invertit en objectius.

Everything you have invested in cameras, you have not invested in lenses.

Això estem d'acord.

We agree on that.

Perquè fa molt poc que tinc aquesta càmera.

Because I have just recently gotten this camera.

A poc a poc.

Little by little.

Fa molt poc que tinc... Home, tinc un 24-105, que jo cobreixo molt, i un 51.8, que Ă©s...

I have only recently got... Well, I have a 24-105, which I use a lot, and a 51.8, which is...

SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

I poc més.

And a little more.



Et toca, Joan.

It's your turn, Joan.

Em toca.

It's my turn.

Quin equip tens, i per què...

What team do you have, and why...

Bé, jo també vaig començar...

Well, I also started...

Per aquest equip.

For this team.

Jo també vaig començar amb Canon, una 2000D.

I also started with Canon, a 2000D.

És la que tinc jo.

It's the one I have.

I llavors tenia el típic 18-55, i després vaig comprar un 18-200, que no deixa de ser el mateix, la veritat, però amb més rang.

And then I had the typical 18-55, and later I bought an 18-200, which is basically the same, to be honest, but with a greater range.

És a dir, no és un súper atractiu, però bé.

That is to say, he's not super attractive, but he's okay.

SĂ­, Ă©s un sĂşper atractiu.

Yes, it's really attractive.

Un 80-200 Tamron, 2.8, i un 28-85 Nikon, que aquest és més, com el bàsic.

An 80-200 Tamron, 2.8, and a 28-85 Nikon, which is more like the basic one.

I un D750, que vaig comprar de segona mĂ  a Casanova.

And a D750, which I bought second-hand at Casanova.

Molt bé.

Very good.

I aixĂ­ Ă©s com has acabat disparant cotxes de carreres amb un objectiu manual.

And that's how you ended up shooting racing cars with a manual aim.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Manual i analògic.

Manual and analog.

Bueno, sĂ­.

Well, yes.

AquĂ­ no hi ha gaire canvi.

There isn't much change here.

I tu, Marina?

And you, Marina?



Jo vaig començar amb una Olympus, de fet, no me'n recordo quina, en plan, era la típica

I started with an Olympus, in fact, I don’t remember which one, like, it was the typical one.

que també teníem, teníem monslares, i després em vaig veure obligada a comprar-me una altra

that we also had, we had worlds, and then I found myself forced to buy another one.

càmera, i com no tenia diners, doncs em vaig començar a comprar.

camera, and since I didn't have any money, I started to buy it.

I com no tenia diners, doncs em vaig comprar l'actual cĂ mera que tinc, que Ă©s la Canon

And since I didn't have any money, I bought the current camera I have, which is the Canon.



Estic en procés a renovar aquí, però no se puede.

I am in the process of renewing here, but it is not possible.

Cap a on?

Where to?

Cap a Sony.

Towards Sony.

No, no, Canon.

No, no, Canon.

Jo vull Canon.

I want Canon.



Deia R6, segurament.

It said R6, probably.

És la que té l'illa, eh, mira.

It's the one with the island, you know, look.

SĂ­, Ă©s que Ă©s increĂŻble.

Yes, it's just incredible.

Doncs això.

Well, that's it.

I objectiu, doncs això.

The objective, therefore, is this.

Tinc el 18-55 de sempre, de tota la vida, i després tinc un que em vaig comprar per tasca.

I have the 18-55 as always, all my life, and then I have one that I bought for work.

SĂ­, Ă©s que Ă©s increĂŻble.

Yes, it's just incredible.

I objectiu, doncs això.

The objective is, therefore, this.

Tinc el 18-55 de sempre, de tota la vida, i després tinc un que em vaig comprar per tasca.

I have the 18-55 I've always had, all my life, and then I have one that I bought for work.

I objectiu, doncs això.

And the objective, that's it.

Tinc el 18-55 de sempre, de tota la vida, i després tinc un que em vaig comprar per tasca.

I have the 18-55 as always, for all my life, and then I have one that I bought for work.

Segona mà, de fet, que bueno, va bé, però és un 28-90.

Second hand, in fact, that's good, it's fine, but it's a 28-90.

I ja sap.

And you already know.

I jo, bueno, jo...

And me, well, me...

O sigui, quan vaig començar a utilitzar la de mon pare que tenia Nikon, lo que va ser

So, when I started using my father's Nikon camera, what it was.

que es va espatllar.

that got broken.

I llavors, em vaig quedar amb...

And then, I was left with...

O sigui, la meva tieta és fotògrafa, i abans tenia Olympus, es va passar Sony.

That is, my aunt is a photographer, and she used to have Olympus, she switched to Sony.

I llavors, jo em vaig quedar amb la seva cĂ mera, que Ă©s Olympus.

And then, I kept his camera, which is an Olympus.

Olympus, o M10, o no sé què, Mark 3, en plan és un nombre llarg, és igual.

Olympus, or M10, or I don't know what, Mark 3, it's a long number, it doesn't matter.

I tinc dos objectius, també.

I have two objectives, too.

I no va malament, o sigui, jo abans també, però sí que quan em canviï la càmera, també

And it doesn't go wrong, I mean, I used to too, but yes, when I change the camera, I will too.

m'agradaria passar la Canon aquesta.

I would like to spend this Canon.

I esteu dient només digital, però jo puc presumir d'analògic.

You are only talking about digital, but I can boast about analog.

I ho he de dir.

I have to say it.

I jo he de dir que no m'agrada, però a mi em sembla que m'agrada.

And I have to say that I don't like it, but it seems to me that I do like it.

Jo no m'agrada, però m'agrada.

I don't like myself, but I like myself.

Jo m'agrada.

I like myself.

També m'agradaria passar a Canon aquesta.

I would also like to pass this to Canon.

I esteu dient

And you are saying

només digital, però jo puc presumir

only digital, but I can brag

d'analògic. Jo també dic analògic.

of analog. I also say analog.

No m'he comprat ni una sola cĂ mera

I haven't bought a single camera.

ni res analògic, perquè ho era

nor anything analog, because it was.

de tots els meus pares,

of all my parents,

els amics dels meus pares. Els avis, sĂ­.

my parents' friends. The grandparents, yes.

SĂ­, i tinc...

Yes, and I have...

Crec que 5 càmeres analògiques

I think 5 analog cameras.

o aixĂ­. Ah!

Oh, like this. Ah!

Super guais. Una Ă©s una Nikon

Super cool. One is a Nikon.

801. Aquesta la tinc

801. I have this one.

jo també. És increïble.

Me too. It's incredible.

Bueno, a mi m'agrada molt, no sé.

Well, I really like it, I don't know.

La tĂ­pica Olympus aquesta

This typical Olympus.

que Ă©s automĂ tica, aixĂ­ petita.

which is automatic, like this little one.

I bueno, doncs això.

And well, that's that.

Bueno, de fet jo ara també

Well, in fact I am too now.

agrairia una

I would appreciate one.

com d'aquelles que té dues càmeres

like those that have two lenses

que es mira des de dalt. SĂ­, que guai!

that looks down from above. Yes, how cool!

Però de mig format

But of medium format

o d'anar normal.

or to go normally.

Jo tinc una,

I have one.

com la Hasselblad, que Ă©s...

like the Hasselblad, which is...

No, però de dues òptiques.

No, but from two perspectives.

O sigui, hi ha les que mires igual

I mean, there are those that you look at the same way.

i les que estan en dos pisos.

and those that are on two floors.

Que guai. Em sobra un munt d'avisos

How cool. I'm left with a bunch of notifications.

d'un noi a Instagram que

from a boy on Instagram who

fa fotos amb aquesta caméra. Super guai.

Take photos with this camera. Super cool.

Vale, segĂĽent pregunta.

Okay, next question.

Què ens ha motivat a estudiar fotografia?

What has motivated us to study photography?

A veure.

Let's see.

Vale, doncs jo...

Okay, so I...

Jo crec que ja ho vaig explicar en una

I believe I already explained it in a

pisa d'interior, però bueno, ho torno a dir.

interior floor, but well, I'll say it again.



O sigui, que jo sempre havia anat...

So, I had always gone...

O sigui, sabia que volia fer alguna cosa artĂ­stica,

So, I knew I wanted to do something artistic,

però sempre em pensava, quan vaig triar

but I always thought to myself, when I chose

batxillerat artĂ­stic i tal, que anava

artistic baccalaureate and such, that I was going

a fer Belles Arts. El que passa que

to study Fine Arts. What happens is that

quan va acabar batxillerat

when he/she finished high school

i era hora de

it was time to

triar, vaig passar

choose, I went through

completament, no me n'hi ha gens de gust fer Belles Arts.

Completely, I have no desire to do Fine Arts at all.

I hi havia com moltes coses

And there were like many things.

que m'interessaven i fotografia sempre

that interested me and photography always

era com la segona opciĂł. O sigui, no faig

it was like the second option. I mean, I'm not doing it.

una cosa, doncs faig fotografia.

One thing, so I do photography.

Fins que al final vaig dir

Until I finally said

doncs potser Ă©s que

so perhaps it is that

la fotografia sempre estĂ  allĂ .

The photograph is always there.

I doncs vaig triar això.

And so I chose this.

Que també he de dir, vaig triar això sense

That I also have to say, I chose this without

jo ser com una gran... En plan,

I want to be like a big... Like,

no Ă©s que fes moltes fotos.

It's not that I took a lot of photos.

Ja. Saps?

Yeah. You know?

Però bueno. O sigui, ho feia com

But well. I mean, I was doing it like

el tĂ­pic de quan te'n vas de vacances, que

the typical thing when you go on holiday, that

t'endĂşs la cĂ mera i fas fotos,

you take the camera and take photos,

doncs això. Doncs jo de ben petit

so this. Well, when I was very little

que sempre anava

that always went

amb la tĂ­pica cĂ mera que

with the typical camera that

quan ensenies et sortia

when you taught it came out

l'objectiu de dins

the objective from within

a tot arreu, a les excursions

everywhere, on the excursions

del col·le, a les colònies, sempre

from the school, to the colonies, always

anava amb la meva cĂ mera fent fotos

I was going with my camera taking pictures.

a tots els meus amics, a tots

to all my friends, to all

els racons que m'agradaven.

the corners that I liked.

Sempre anava amb

He always went with.

una cĂ mera a la motxilla.

a camera in the backpack.



cĂ mereta.

small room.

A poc a poc, en anar fent-me gran

Little by little, as I grow up.

a l'Insti, vaig col·laborar

At school, I collaborated.

amb diferents projectes

with different projects

de mĂşsica, etc.

of music, etc.

I allĂ  va ser quan vaig decidir

And that was when I decided.

que el volia

that he/she wanted it

tirar per la fotografia.

throw for the photograph.

Vaig descobrir

I discovered.

el mĂłn del fotoperiodisme.

the world of photojournalism.

Vaig tindre un referent molt potent

I had a very strong role model.

que Ă©s el FabiĂ  de Nazul.

what is the FabiĂ  de Nazul.

Encara no ho diguis.

Don't say it yet.



Que ell va ser un dels meus primers

That he was one of my firsts.

profes i allĂ  va ser

teachers and there it was

quan vaig decidir

when I decided

entrar a buscar

come in to look for

una carrera de veritat

a real race

de fotografia i entrar a l'IEF.

of photography and entering the IEF.

I aquĂ­ estem

And here we are.

a dia d'avui fent un podcast

as of today doing a podcast

de fotografia.

of photography.

Joan. I tu, Joan?

Joan. And you, Joan?

A veure...

Let's see...

SĂ­, jo realment no he tingut mai

Yes, I really have never had.

una fotografia com en la meva vida.

a photograph like in my life.

Fora. No em passa res, eh?

Get out. Nothing's happening to me, okay?

És broma. Sí.

It's a joke. Yes.

No em passa res.

Nothing is happening to me.

Jo sĂ­. L'Ăşnic que mai m'ho havia pensat

I do. It's just that I had never thought about it.

com a forma professional, en plan,

as a professional form, like,

simplement era estar allĂ .

It was simply being there.

No, vull dir, jo no ho vaig fer

No, I mean, I didn't do it.

malgrat que a la meva famĂ­lia

despite that in my family

hi ha molta gent que,

there are many people who,

no sé, com el meu pare feia fotos,

I don't know, like my father used to take photos,

no professionalment, però com sí que

not professionally, but as if yes

analògica i així,

analogical and thus,

la meva tieta també

my aunt too

i el meu tiet també.

And my uncle too.

Però no, cap d'ells,

But no, none of them,

com s'hi dedica avui en dia,

how it is dedicated these days,

i no sé, no m'havia creat mai l'atenció,

and I don't know, it had never caught my attention before,

fins un dia que vaig veure

until a day that I saw

una foto,

a photo,

com de,

as of,

quan era petit,

when I was small,

de Brussel·les, a casa meva,

from Brussels, to my home,

i la meva mare em va dir que

and my mother told me that

l'havia fet jo amb la cĂ mera.

I had done it with the camera.

Epa. I llavors,

Hey. And then,

d'això, vaig

From this, I go.

demanar una

request one

cĂ mera per reis.

camera for kings.

Però això va ser un exagerat, eh?

But that was an exaggeration, right?



I, bueno,

I, well,

vaig a la Canon 2010

I'm going to Canon 2010.

i llavors,

and then,

no ho sé, vaig començar a fer fotos,

I don't know, I started taking photos,

i aixĂ­...

and so...

Es pot dir que el Joan del passat

It can be said that the Joan of the past

va inspirar el Joan del futur?

Did it inspire Joan of the future?

Sí, perquè segurament sense haver vist

Yes, because surely without having seen

aquella foto no hauria demanat-la.

I wouldn't have asked for that photo.

Que heavy, que guai.

How heavy, how cool.

I llavors,

And then,

segurament vaig començar a fer fotos

I probably started taking photos.

i altres coses a la meva vida.

and other things in my life.

I també ho vaig explicar una mica.

And I also explained it a little.

I com la Laura tampoc

And neither does Laura.

m'havia plantejat mai

I had never thought about it.

fer fotografia, en plan, estava allĂ ,

take a picture, like, I was there,

com tu, Arnau, has dit, sempre portava

as you, Arnau, have said, I always wore

la típica camareta i tal, però, bueno,

the typical waitress and such, but, well,

no m'ho havia plantejat mai.

I had never thought about it.

Jo vaig fer el batxillerat amb la idea de fer una altra carrera,

I did my baccalaureate with the idea of pursuing another degree.

de fet, la vaig començar,

in fact, I started it,

no va anar bé.

it didn't go well.

Llavors, em vaig començar a plantejar

Then, I started to ask myself

realment, en plan, seriamente,

really, like, seriously,

què és el que vols fer, en plan, com t'hi veus treballant,

What do you want to do, like, how do you see yourself working?

què és el que t'agrada i tal.

What do you like and stuff?

O sigui, més que com t'hi veus treballant,

So, more than how you see yourself working,

va ser com, vale,

it was like, okay,

deixa't de

stop it

què és el que em portarà més sortides, sinó

what will bring me more outings, if not

de, realment, ara mateix estic en un punt

Of, really, right now I am at a point

en què no estic motivada,

in what I am not motivated,

estudiant, llavors vull, o sigui, necessito

student, then I want, that is, I need

estudiar alguna cosa

to study something

que em motivi, que m'agradi,

that motivates me, that I like,

llavors vaig decidir, pues,

then I decided, well,

fer fotografia. I aquĂ­ estem.

take photography. And here we are.

Molt bé, que guai.

Very good, how cool.

La segĂĽent

The following

Ă©s que, diguem,

it's that, let's say,

un referent que tinguem,

a reference that we have,

un referent que tenim nosaltres.

a reference that we have.

Jordi Saragossa.

Jordi Saragossa.

Bueno, o sigui...

Well, I mean...

Qui és i què fa?

Who is he and what does he do?

Fa, o sigui, va ser el

It was, in other words, the

el que va començar a fer-li

what he started to do to him

fotos amb en Kilian Jornet,

photos with Kilian Jornet,

quan ell començava, també,

when he started, also,

i com arreu d'això es va fer

and like everywhere else, it was done

es va fer famĂłs.

he became famous.



o sigui, com es dedica

so, how does one dedicate themselves

a fer fotos de

to take pictures of

de trail,


o sigui, de curses a la muntanya.

that is, trail running.

De cĂłrrer.

To run.

I, bueno, bĂ sicament,

I, well, basically,

perquè la meva mare em va dir, mira,

because my mother told me, look,

mira aquest, que segueixo.

look at this, I'm still following.

I vaig començar a seguir,

I started to follow,

vaig veure que feia, en aquell moment,

I saw what he was doing at that moment.

en estrims de tuits

in tweet threads

de tant en tant, i vaig començar

every now and then, and I started

a mirar alza, em va agradar,

looking up, I liked it,

i, de fet, li vaig preguntar a on havia

And, in fact, I asked him where he had been.

estudiat i em va dir que aquĂ­.

studied and told me that here.

I que, hòstia, que bo, soc aquí també.

And, damn, how good, I'm here too.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Doncs jo, ja ho he dit algun cop,

Well, I have said it before,

soc una mica pesada.

I am a bit annoying.

Sembla que estigui enamorada d'aquesta dona.

It seems that I am in love with this woman.

Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift.



La Marina Bangut,

Marina Bangut,

que fa, bueno, Ă©s que Ă©s com molt propera

what it does, well, is that it is very close

perquè és com d'aquí Barcelona,

because it's like from here, Barcelona,

va estudiar, crec,

he studied, I think,

bueno, Ă©s igual, no t'hi cony.

Well, it doesn't matter, don't worry about it.

Però va estudiar aquí a Barcelona

But he/she studied here in Barcelona.

i fa fotografia de moda,

and does fashion photography,

ja ho he dit, no?

I've already said it, haven't I?

No, hòstia.

No, damn.

I m'agrada molt com la seva visiĂł,

I really like how your vision is.

perquè té una visió com més diferent

because it has a much different perspective

i com, bueno, no sé com dir-ho,

and how, well, I don’t know how to say it,

però m'agrada molt com el seu treball.

But I really like his work.

I estĂ  bastant fort.

And it's quite strong.

O sigui, estĂ  molt ficada

That is, she is very involved.

a dins de la fotografia de moda

inside the fashion photography

a nivell també internacional i tal.

at an international level as well and such.

I no sé, m'agrada trobar molt.

I don't know, I like to find a lot.



Jo, com a cada episodi us he estat recomanant

I, as in every episode, have been recommending you.

fotògrafs i fotògrafes,


que sĂłn gent que a mi m'agrada,

they are people that I like.

em ficaré una mica sentimental, vale?

I'm going to get a little sentimental, okay?

No, no.

No, no.

O sigui, una persona, un referent i una persona

So, a person, a reference, and a person.

que m'inspira molt Ă©s el meu avi,

what inspires me the most is my grandfather,

que no vaig tenir la sort, com diu,

that I didn't have the luck, as you say,

no vaig tenir la sort com de, en plan,

I didn't have the luck like, you know,

conèixer-lo molt, però ell...

to know him very well, but he...

Que no ploris.

Don't cry.

Però que ell era superaficionat a la fotografia

But he was very fond of photography.

i al cinema.

and to the cinema.

De fet, va ser com un dels fundadors

In fact, he was like one of the founders.

del Club Cinefoto de Martorell.

from the Martorell Cinephoto Club.

I llavors també dibuixava i tal.

And then I also used to draw and stuff.

I no sé, com ara jo sent més gran

And I don’t know, like now I feel older.

i sabent quina Ă©s com la meva passiĂł,

and knowing which one is like my passion,

he pogut veure que Ă©s el que feia ell.

I have been able to see what he was doing.

I com que m'ha inspirat molt també

And since it has inspired me a lot too

i és com, doncs no sé, molt guai.

And it's like, well I don't know, very cool.

Saber que potser la meva part artĂ­stica ve d'allĂ .

To know that perhaps my artistic side comes from there.

Que guai, que maco.

How cool, how nice.

Doncs el meu referent el vaig descobrir a Kiliev

Well, I discovered my reference in Kyiv.

i Ă©s el David Ramos,

and it is David Ramos,

que va venir a fer una masterclass,

who came to give a masterclass,

una persona superpròxima

a very close person

i dins del seu Ă mbit o estil fotogrĂ fic,

and within his photographic scope or style,

que Ă©s l'esport,

what is sport,

va voler buscar,

he wanted to look for,

va voler sortir de lo tĂ­pic

he wanted to break out of the typical

i fer un...

and make a...

un altre tipus de foto molt més artística

another type of photo that is much more artistic

i no basar-ho només en

and not base it only on

com creua la lĂ­nia de meta o

how does he/she cross the finish line or

tret de sortida

starting signal

o coses aixĂ­.

or things like that.

Ha anat a buscar coses molt més artístiques

He has gone to look for much more artistic things.

i un altre estil de fotografia esportiva.

and another style of sports photography.

Molt recomanable.

Highly recommendable.

I ja, bueno,

And well,

l'Ăşltima pregunta d'aquestes aixĂ­ generals Ă©s

the last question of these general ones is

de tots,

of all,

Ă©s com una mica la idea d'aquell joc de

it's somewhat like the idea of that game of

casar, besar o matar,

marry, kiss, or kill,

però de tots els convidats

but of all the guests

que hem tingut al llarg de la temporada,

that we have had throughout the season,

no passa res, no, no és això,

it's okay, no, it's not that,

de tots els convidats que hem tingut al llarg de la temporada,

of all the guests we have had throughout the season,

triar-ne tres

choose three

i dir amb qui

and say with whom

series soci,

social series,

amb qui contractaries perquè aquesta persona treballés per tu

who would you hire to work for you?

i qui voldries

And who would you like?

o qui t'agradaria que fos

or who would you like it to be

el teu jefe, diguem.

your boss, let's say.

Qui t'agradaria que et contractés a tu.

Who would you like to hire you?

Qui vol començar? Començo jo?

Who wants to start? Shall I start?

Com vulguis, si ho tens clar.

As you wish, if you are clear about it.

Vale, doncs,

Okay, then,

a mi m'agradaria

I would like.

o seria sòcia,

or would be a partner,

per exemple, del

for example, of the

Pablo que va venir a explicar-nos

Pablo who came to explain to us

de l'experiment del Fotofestival.

of the Fotofestival experiment.

Crec que seria molt guai

I think it would be very cool.

jo codirigir un festival

I co-direct a festival.

com aquest.

like this.

Seria molt guai.

That would be really cool.

Festival en foc creatiu.

Festival in creative fire.

Jo contractaria, per exemple,

I would hire, for example,

el Joan,

the John,

que Ă©s el meu fill.

that is my son.

És veritat.

It's true.

De fet, no l'hem contractat,

In fact, we haven't hired him/her.

però l'hem afegit ara aquí.

but we have added it here now.

I qui m'agradaria?

And who would I like?

Li hem fet contractar de prĂ ctiques.

We have had him/her hired for an internship.

De becari.

As an intern.

Si ens va bé d'aquí tres temporades

If it goes well for us in three seasons.

ja veurem si l'agafem.

We'll see if we catch it.

I m'encantaria

I would love to.

treballar pel Llorenç.

work for Llorenç.

Seria tan fĂ cil.

It would be so easy.

És una escola de fotografia

It is a photography school.

i jo seria professora

and I would be a teacher

en aquella escola.

in that school.

Ara no, et toca.

Not now, it's your turn.

BĂ©, doncs,

Well, then,

a mi m'agradaria

I would like.

ser soci

be a member

de l'Ăşltim convidat

of the last guest

que hem tingut,

that we have had,

que Ă©s el David Aguinaga.

who is David Aguinaga.

Crec que serĂ­em molt bons socis.

I think we would be very good partners.

David, si vols obrir

David, if you want to open.

una entreproductora amb truques.

a producer with tricks.

Contractaria a l'aprenentatge

It would contradict learning.

contractaria a la primera convidada.

would contradict the first guest.

Passem de l'Ăşltima

Let's move on from the last one.

a la primera convidada

to the first guest

ja que


Ă©s una crac.

she's a crack.

És molt gènia

He is very clever.

i supervigida.

and supervised.

És súper gènia

He's a super genius.



en tot el que pot.

in everything it can.

I crec que m'agradaria

I think I would like it.

que em contractés

that you hire me

la Niol.

the Niol.

Crec que té molt bons projectes,

I think he/she has very good projects.

molt bon treball

very good work

i crec que ens portaríem bé

I think we would get along well.

com a jefe i

as a boss and





jo puc repetir.

I can repeat.

No, sĂ­.

No, yes.

Sí, però no els tres iguals.

Yes, but not all three the same.



Jo seria sòcia

I would be a member.

jo crec que de la Yanira.

I believe it's about Yanira.

M'agradaria molt treballar amb ella

I would really like to work with her.

en plan, anem de viatge

Like, we're going on a trip.

a treballar.

to work.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Bueno, no ho sé.

Well, I don't know.

Ens portarĂ­em...

We would take...

Vols mirar?

Do you want to look?

No, a la Bruna.

No, to Bruna.

Perquè trobo que és com molt responsable

Because I find it very responsible.

com molt apassionada

with great passion

no ho sé, ens portaríem bé.

I don't know, we would get along well.



Ens portaríem bé.

We would get along well.

Estic dient només noies.

I'm saying only girls.

I voldria que em contractés

I would like you to hire me.

la Niol.

the Niol.

L'altra noia.

The other girl.

No Ă©s broma.

It's no joke.

Ja ho saps.

You already know.

Si t'interessa una...

If you're interested in a...

una escla...

a ladder...

un assistent.

an assistant.

Ja ho saps.

You already know.

Vale. I ara passem

Okay. And now we move on.

a les preguntes

to the questions

sorpresa. CadascĂş

surprise. Each one

ens hem preparat

we have prepared ourselves

un parell o tres de preguntes

a couple or three questions

unes quantes preguntes sorpresa

a few surprise questions

pels demés. Fem parell.

for others. We make a pair.

Un parell de preguntes. Una.

A couple of questions. One.

Un parell.

A couple.

Un parell de preguntes.

A couple of questions.

Llavors, qui vol començar?

So, who wants to start?

La resta no sabem quines preguntes sĂłn, aixĂ­ que...

The rest we do not know what the questions are, so...

Començo jo si voleu.

I'll start if you want.

Jo us preguntaré, així en general

I will ask you, just in general.

he de respondre a tots.

I have to respond to everyone.

Quin Ă©s el... o sigui

What is the... I mean

vull que m'escriviu el vostre

I want you to write me yours.

dream job, però en plan

dream job, but in a way

us podeu flipar un munt.

you can freak out a lot.

No hi ha llibertat.

There is no freedom.

El que més us agradaria, en plan

What you would like the most, in terms of

que somiĂŻs...

that you dream...


Shall I start?

M'agradaria viure de

I would like to live on

jo fer els meus projectes personals, en plan

I do my personal projects, in plan

prendre'm els temps

take my time

que faci falta per fer un projecte

what is needed to do a project




expose it

en plan o participar als festivals

in order to participate in the festivals

o el que sigui, exposar-lo

or whatever it is, expose it

i viure d'això, no sé com.

And living from this, I don't know how.

I també és veritat que

And it is also true that

m'encantaria, o sigui, m'agradaria molt

I would love to, I mean, I would really like it.

fer rotllo

to make a fuss

com tallers, o sigui

like workshops, that is to say

tenir aquest

to have this

rol de ser una part

role of being a part

de formació. Molt bé.

of training. Very good.



A mi m'agradaria molt

I would really like it.

ser un dels fotògrafs

to be one of the photographers

oficials de Red Bull

Red Bull officials

i que cada dia fos

and that every day was

una aventura que fos com el MartĂ­n MartĂ­n

An adventure that was like MartĂ­n MartĂ­n.

que cada dia m'aixequés

that every day I would get up

en una aventura nova, un dia estar

in a new adventure, one day to be

en un aviĂł fent fotografiana

on a plane taking photographs

per a caigudistes, un dia

for fallers, one day

estar al mig del mar

to be in the middle of the sea

amb l'American's Cup, un dia

with the America's Cup, someday

estar en el Dakar

to be in the Dakar

amb el Carlos Sainz o

with Carlos Sainz or

un dia estar en FĂłrmula 1, cada dia

One day to be in Formula 1, every day.

seria una aventura totalment

it would be a totally adventure

diferent i mil

different and a thousand

experiències de tot moment.

experiences of all kinds.



pura. Veig molt

pure. I see a lot

molt apassionant. SĂ­.

very exciting. Yes.

Red Bull t'agrada?

Do you like Red Bull?

Això sí. Bueno, això no ho puc dir

That’s true. Well, I can’t say that.

però no veuria Red Bull que

but I wouldn't see Red Bull that

després ha patat a explotar.

then it has started to explode.

Però això ho tallaré

But I will cut this.

que si no Red Bull no em contractarĂ .

that if not Red Bull won't hire me.

I tu Joan?

And you Joan?

Jo crec

I believe

que seria com

that would be like


to work

per patrocinadors

for sponsors

i marques sobretot del mĂłn

and brands above all of the world

del motor i que

of the engine and that

aquestes em contractessin per

if they hired me for

alternar entre

alternate between

vĂ­deo i foto

video and photo

per fer

to do

esports publicitaris o

advertising esports or

cobrir esdeveniments de

cover events of

curses automovilĂ­stiques

motor racing

tipus això. Sí,

type this. Yes,

però sobretot no per

but above all not for

estar quiet. Estar sempre

stay still. Always be.

viatjant, com que fos.

traveling, as if it were.

Diferents condicions que

Different conditions that

sempre hagi d'adaptar-me

I always have to adapt.

al medi, no

to the environment, no

que sigui el quotidiĂ .

let it be the everyday.

Jo vull que em digueu

I want you to tell me.

quin ha sigut el vostre

what has been yours



Crec que és perquè va ser molt

I think it's because it was very.

diferent. Vam estar en contacte

different. We were in contact

amb molta gent.

with a lot of people.

Va ser el de la FĂ brica d'Estriadam

It was the one from the Estriadam Factory.

que crec que

that I think that

va ser molt top. A més a més

it was very cool. Moreover

començàvem a entrar amb els nostres

we were starting to enter with ours

espònsors, cosa que

sponsors, which is

també és molt guai.

it's also very cool.

BĂ©, a mi me'ls has robat.

Well, you've stolen them from me.

Perquè anava a dir

Because I was going to say

un dels dos, també.

one of the two, too.

O sigui,

That is,

fotocollectant va ser divertit

Photo collecting was fun.

perquè doncs

why then

fas més coses diferents. No és

you do more different things. It is not

seure en un lloc

sit in a place

i parlar o gravar o el que sigui,

and talk or record or whatever,

sinĂł que havĂ­em d'anar a fer entrevistes

but we had to go for interviews

que m'ha agradat. No

that I liked. No

estigués massa còmode

was too comfortable

haver d'anar amb la gent de dir

have to go with the people of saying

ei, vols parlar? Però

Hey, do you want to talk? But

va ser divertit.

it was fun.

SĂ­, segurament aquest.

Yes, probably this one.

Doncs jo també

Well, me too.

anava a dir el del Llorenç

I was going to say the one about Llorenç.

perquè va ser com molt especial,

because it was very special,

bueno, literalment especial, especial.

well, literally special, special.

MĂ©s que res, o sigui, primer

More than anything, I mean, first.

perquè era Sant Jordi, m'encanta Sant Jordi

because it was Saint George, I love Saint George

perquè era el primer cop que ho fèiem aquí

because it was the first time we did it here

i pel Llorenç.

and for Llorenç.

I per, no sé, com tot en global.

And for, I don't know, like everything overall.

Però també una mica

But also a little bit.

diré el primer que vam gravar.

I will say the first one we recorded.

Oh, que maco. Perquè el recordo

Oh, how nice. Because I remember it.

com molt, en plan, no sé,

Like a lot, like, I don’t know,

estĂ vem com nerviosos, tal,

we were like nervous, you know,

el primer, estàvem, no sé, res.

the first, we were, I don't know, nothing.

El primer, sempre he dit el primer.

The first, I have always said the first.

Sí. I també, o sigui, el moment com

Yes. And also, I mean, the moment like

d'acabar de gravar, saps?

just finished recording, you know?

La sensaciĂł de... Ja estĂ ,

The feeling of... That's it,

ja estĂ  fet, en plan ja no hi ha...

it's done, like there is no more...

I el moment de penjar-lo...

And the moment to hang it...

SĂ­, va ser molt guai.

Yes, it was very cool.

Doncs la segĂĽent pregunta Ă©s

Well, the next question is

on us veieu

we see you

d'aquĂ­ 5 anys?

In 5 years?

5? Doncs

5? Well then

en el meu dream job.

in my dream job.

Epa, molt bé, molt bé.

Hey, very good, very good.

Si no et veus...

If you don't see yourself...

No ho sé, jo crec que

I don't know, I think that

5 anys Ă©s una part molt de temps.

5 years is a very long time.

SĂ­, totalment.

Yes, totally.

SĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes, yes.

Un any començar-te a establir,

One year to start establishing yourself,

donar-te a conèixer,

let you know,

i Ă©s que et queden 4 anys

And you have 4 years left.

per fer algo...

to do something...

Per trucar a moltes portes.

To knock on many doors.

Jo crec que no ha de ser tan complicat

I think it shouldn't be that complicated.

si t'hi fiques.

if you get involved.

SĂ­, totalment.

Yes, completely.

Jo em veig amb fill...

I see myself with a child...

No, eh, no, no.

No, eh, no, no.

Doncs a veure,

Well, let's see,

jo crec que una mica...

I think that a little...

En plan, jo em veig

Like, I see myself

ja com...

as well as...

amb una estabilitat,

with stability,

espero, econòmica,

I hope, economical,



No, ara en sèrio.

No, now seriously.

Doncs això,

Well, that,

em veig com

I see myself as

tenint, no sé si,

having, I don't know if,

treballant per mi,

working for me,

en plan, jo,

like, me,

fent les meves coses,

doing my things,

col·laborant amb artistes

collaborating with artists

guais i tal, i com ja estĂ  molt

cool and stuff, and since it's already a lot

ficada en el mĂłn.

inserted in the world.

Em veig, sĂ­.

I see myself, yes.

Jo no ho sé,

I don't know.

però perquè tampoc tinc encara...

but because I don’t have yet...

O sigui, el que has preguntat

That is, what you have asked.

del dream job Ă©s...

the dream job is...

El meu sĂ­ que Ă©s dream, dream, dream job,

My yes is indeed a dream, dream, dream job.





també és com que alhora m'emociona aquesta part

it also makes me emotional at the same time this part

de no saber...

of not knowing...

molt bé què estaré fent,

very well what I will be doing,

però sí que...

but yes that...

Relacionant-ho com amb el que vam parlar

Relating it to what we talked about.

en l'Ăşltima entrevista amb el David,

in the last interview with David,



O sigui, sí que m'imagino com col·laborant

So, yes, I do imagine collaborating.

amb altres persones.

with other people.

O sigui, no m'imagino tant anant jo com a freelance,

So, I can't imagine myself as a freelancer that much,

que també, o sigui,

that also, I mean,

en quant a projectes personals m'agradaria moure'ls i dir

Regarding personal projects, I would like to move them and say.

això m'agradaria que funcionés, però sí que

I would like this to work, but yes.

a nivell com potser més

at a level perhaps more

professional de guanyar-se la vida,

professional of making a living,

m'imagino col·laborant amb algú

I imagine collaborating with someone.

d'altres i m'agrada molt aquesta idea

of others and I really like this idea

de fer equip i fer

to team up and do

alguna cosa aixĂ­.

something like that.

Si no féssiu fotografia, quin cap mos dedicaríeu?

If you didn't take photographs, what would you dedicate yourselves to?

BuĂ , d'acord.

Well, okay.

Qui la tingui comença.

Whoever has it starts.

SĂ­, jo, o sigui, a part de la fotografia

Yes, me, I mean, apart from the photography.

també a nivell artístic m'agrada molt

I also really like it on an artistic level.

el dibuix i la pintura, però sé que...

the drawing and the painting, but I know that...

O sigui, potser hagués fet com alguna il·lustració

I mean, perhaps I would have done something like an illustration.

i si no, tirar pel disseny,

and if not, go for the design,

que Ă©s una cosa que

what is something that

descarto del tot, en plan, m'agradaria com

I totally discard it, like, I would like like that.

seguir tirant per allĂ ,

keep pulling over there,

o algo aixĂ­.

Or something like that.

Jo no, o sigui, no tinc ni idea, però jo diré que

Not me, I mean, I have no idea, but I will say that

en plan, doncs, del que vaig començar a estudiar

So, then, of what I started to study.

suposo que, en plan, si no hagués

I suppose that, like, if I hadn't...

tingut com aquest punt

held as this point

de reflexiĂł, doncs seguiria,

of reflection, so I would continue,

bueno, hauria, m'hauria graduat aquest any

Well, I should have graduated this year.

d'aquesta carrera i hauria

of this race and would have

començat a buscar feina sobre aquesta carrera.

I have started looking for a job related to this career.

Que la idea era com

That the idea was like

ser com traductora,

to be a translator,

en plan. Que guai.

Like, how cool.

Sí, bé, sí.

Yes, well, yes.

Suposo que sĂ­.

I suppose so.

Que guai. Jo crec que

How cool. I think that

continuaria per la lĂ­nia que estic tirant

I would continue along the line that I am pursuing.

ara, que Ă©s producciĂł de grans esdeveniments

now, it is the production of large events

i amb això

and with that

seria molt feliç, també. Igual de feliç

I would be very happy, too. Just as happy.

ser una fotografia. SĂ­, la veritat.

To be a photograph. Yes, that's true.

Crec que

I believe that

estem amb les preguntes.

We are with the questions.

I comencem, eh?

And we begin, okay?

Què prefereixes?

What do you prefer?

Vale, hem preparat dues situacions

Okay, we have prepared two situations.

perquè és un respon... o sigui, resposta

because it's a response... I mean, answer

rĂ pida. Dues situacions

quick. Two situations

per cada persona, que aquesta persona no la

for each person, that this person is not the

sap, o sigui, no sabem

it knows, so we don't know

què ens tocarà. Maria del Mar,

what will happen to us. Maria del Mar,

què prefereixes?

What do you prefer?

Fer-li fotos, o sigui, tenir l'oportunitat

Take pictures, that is, have the opportunity.

de fer-li fotos a la Taylor Swift, però que

of taking photos of Taylor Swift, but that

quan les vegi no li agradin,

when she doesn't like them,

o no fer-li fotos

or not take photos of him/her

però no poder conèixer-la

but not being able to know her

mai. O sigui, li farĂ s fotos

never. I mean, you'll take pictures of him/her.

i la coneixerĂ s en persona.

And you will meet her in person.

La segona opciĂł.

The second option.

No conèixer-la mai. No conèixer-la mai.

Never know her. Never know her.

Ni veure-la mai més de cap on. Què?

Not to see her ever again. What?

No veure-la mai... No, no, això no és...

Never seeing her... No, no, this is not...

Clar que no, però que no passa res

Of course not, but it's okay.

que no li agradin les teves fotos. Però té el punt

That he doesn't like your photos. But he has a point.

de... O sigui, no li agradaran, però

So... I mean, he/she won't like them, but

no se'n recordarĂ  la setmana, ja estĂ .

He won't remember it next week, that's it.

Però que no és ni per això, és com...

But it's not even for that, it's like...

En plan, no conèixer-la

In the sense of not knowing her.

té el seu punt. Ja.

It has its point. Right.

Mai coneguis els teus Ă­dols,

Never meet your idols,

et decepcionaran. Però no és perquè em pugui

they will disappoint you. But it's not because I can

decepcionar, no ho sé.

disappoint, I don't know.

Ja, ho entenc.

Yes, I understand.

Però a més és com fer-li fotos...

But also it's like taking pictures of him...

No, Ă©s que no...

No, it's just that no...

Què? Una de les fotos? La primera ha dit.

What? One of the photos? She said the first one.

No, la segona.

No, the second one.

No podria fer-li fotos.

I couldn't take photos of him/her.

Lògicament és això. I l'altra?

Logically, it is this. And the other one?

No veure'ns mai més a nosaltres.

Never see us again.

Però tu dedicar-te

But you dedicate yourself

a allò que t'agrada 100%,

to what you like 100%,

a nosaltres volia els teus companys d'EnfocCreatiu.

I wanted your colleagues from EnfocCreatiu.

O seguir amb EnfocCreatiu

Or continue with EnfocCreatiu.

i que això triomfi, però

and that this triumphs, but

només poder fer fotos d'esports

only being able to take sports photos

per la resta de la teva vida.

for the rest of your life.

A veure, un moment, eh? Per què?

Let's see, one moment, okay? Why?

Si pot ser

If possible

qualsevol esport.

any sport.

SĂ­, el gimnĂ s.

Yes, the gym.

L'esport que menys t'agrada.

The sport you like the least.

L'esport que menys m'agrada. Futbol.

The sport I like the least. Football.

Futbol tota la vida.

Football for life.

És el que menys m'agrada, eh?

It's what I like the least, you know?

Es posa la camiseta del Barça.

He puts on the Barça shirt.

I tant.

I certainly do.

No, no.

No, no.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Ai, no ho sé.

Oh, I don't know.

No, no, ja ho has dit. No passa res. Joan.

No, no, you've already said it. It's okay. Joan.

No, no, no. La segona.

No, no, no. The second one.



què prefereixes, que cada vegada que facis

What do you prefer, that every time you do?

un treball fotogrĂ fic

a photographic work

es mori un animalĂł

a small animal died

o no fer cap treball

or do no work at all

fotogràfic mai més?

photographic never again?

Que es mori un animalĂł.

Let an animal die.

SĂ­, a veure.

Yes, let's see.

Que cruel. No, si Ă©s una serp,

How cruel. No, if it's a snake,

tant me fot.

I don't care.

Però el veus morir davant teu, eh?

But you see him die in front of you, right?

Hi ha animals que sĂłn igual.

There are animals that are the same.

El veus agonitzar. Si no sĂłn mamĂ­fers...

You see it agonize. If they are not mammals...

A veure.

Let's see.

Per col·lo.

For colloquial.

I què prefereixes,

And what do you prefer,

no poder utilitzar mai més un tele

to never be able to use a TV again

o només

or only

poder fer fotos als heights?

Can I take photos at the heights?

No utilitzar mai més un tele.

Never use a TV again.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Hi ha maneres diferents de fer fotos.

There are different ways to take photos.


I say.

Visca l'angolar.

Long live the angolar.


Long live.

O sigui, l'únic que he de fer és acostar-me més

So, all I have to do is get closer.

i ja està. Però no pots acostar-te

And that's it. But you can't get close.

a un cèrvol campestre.

to a wild deer.

Ja, però potser

Yes, but maybe

vaig a fer fotos, no ho sé,

I'm going to take photos, I don't know.

més al paisatge. Arnau,

more to the landscape. Arnau,

teniu un molt bon sou assegurat

you have a very good salary guaranteed

de per vida i que puguis

for life and that you can

anar fent les fotos que vols o

taking the photos you want or

que et patrocini Sony.

may Sony sponsor you.



ets bastant mediocre.

you are quite mediocre.



perquè... Perquè sigui més difícil

because... Because it is harder

la teva. SĂ­.

yours. Yes.

Teniu un molt bon sou

You have a very good salary.

i fer les fotos que vulguis. Ă’bviament.

And take as many photos as you want. Obviously.

Per suposat. Sense Sony. Podré tirar...

Of course. Without Sony. I will be able to manage...

SĂ­, sense problema.

Yes, no problem.

Amb una Canon m'adapto que no escolti Sony això.

With a Canon, I adapt so that Sony doesn't hear this.

Traïció. És broma, és broma. Traïció.

Betrayal. Just kidding, just kidding. Betrayal.

És broma.

It's a joke.





No tenir mai més autofocus

Never have autofocus again.

o no fer servir mai més un teleobjectiu.

or never use a telephoto lens again.

Uau, uau, uau, uau, uau.

Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

Òbviament no poder fer servir mai més

Obviously, never being able to use it again.

un teleobjectiu.

a telephoto lens.

No puc anar a fer fotos

I can't go take photos.

a qualsevol esport

to any sport

del mĂłn del motor

from the world of motors

amb el manual. Però el Joan

with the manual. But Joan

és super... És com...

It's super... It's like...

No t'adaptes, no t'adaptes.

You don't adapt, you don't adapt.

El Joan...


A veure, el Joan Ă©s com si no fos d'aquest

Let's see, Joan is as if he doesn't belong to this.

planeta. TĂ© un do que, en plan,

planet. It has a gift that, in a way,

no tothom... Però, o sigui, al final

not everyone... But, I mean, in the end

has acabat amb el mateix barco que jo,

you have ended up with the same boat as me,

que no fem servir un teleobjectiu. No?

that we don't use a telephoto lens. Right?

Sí, però normal,

Yes, but normally,

a mi m'han posat a llintar...

they have put me to bed...



Laura, què prefereixes?

Laura, what do you prefer?

No poder fer mai més fotos

To never be able to take photos again.

en analògic,

in analog,



Però guanyar-se

But to earn oneself

la vida, o sigui, guanyar-se la vida

life, that is to say, earning a living

amb fotografia artĂ­stica,

with artistic photography,

o sigui, el que has dit abans,

that is to say, what you said before,

o poder fer fotos en analògic

or to be able to take photos in analog

però fent només esport?

But only doing sports?



No fer mai més analògic.

Never be analog again.

Amb digital puc simular que és analògic,

With digital I can simulate that it is analog.

no, és broma, però és que fer només esport, no.

No, it's a joke, but it's just that doing only sports, no.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Molt bé. I l'altra és

Very well. And the other is

no participar mai més

never participate again

a un festival o haver de fer

to a festival or having to do



les fotos amb un trĂ­pode.

the photos with a tripod.



Si sempre més fas fotos

If you always take pictures.

i les has de fer amb un trĂ­pode?

And do you have to do them with a tripod?

Sí. O no participes mai més

Yes. Or don't participate ever again.

a un festival?

to a festival?

Però hi ha més coses a part de festivals,

But there are more things besides festivals,

doncs no participes mai més a un festival.

then don't participate in a festival ever again.

Un festival, concurs, vull dir, com...

A festival, a competition, I mean, like...

I llavors què faig amb les fotos?

And then what do I do with the photos?

Fer-les amb un trĂ­pode.

Do them with a tripod.

Sempre més, amb un trípode.

Always more, with a tripod.

I vas a tot arreu amb el trĂ­pode.

You went everywhere with the tripod.

Si vols fer un angular des de dalt,

If you want to make an angle from above,

has de muntar el trĂ­pode fins a dalt de tot.

You have to set up the tripod all the way to the top.

Però és que si no, llavors faig treballs

But if not, then I end up doing work.

i què faig amb ells? I no puc fer res.

And what do I do with them? I can't do anything.

No, no. Molt bé, molt bé.

No, no. Very good, very good.

Vale, va.

Okay, go ahead.

Us porto...

I bring you...

Fem fotògraf del dia.

Let's make a photographer of the day.

Fotògraf del dia. Avui, simplement,

Photographer of the day. Today, simply,

no us vinc a recomanar cap...

I'm not going to recommend any to you...

O sigui, sĂ­ que us vinc a recomanar

So, yes, I do recommend you.

quatre fotògrafs, que som nosaltres.

four photographers, who are us.

SĂ­, Ă©s com ho sabia.

Yes, it's how I knew it.

És que ho sabies, perquè portem molt l'atenció

It's just that you knew it because we attract a lot of attention.

recomanant a gent... Us deixarem aquĂ­

recommending to people... We'll leave you here.

les nostres xarxes.

our networks.





SĂ­, ho posarem aquĂ­. Ferrefoto...

Yes, we will put it here. Ferrophoto...

Som oficialment fotògrafs.

We are officially photographers.

Ja estĂ .

It is done.

I tenim la nostra feina, mireu la nostra feina,

And we have our work, look at our work,

que som bonĂ­ssims.

that we are very good.

Això ho veurem el 2 de juliol.

We will see this on July 2nd.

El meu Insta no em representa.

My Insta doesn't represent me.

Bueno, pues Ă©s igual.

Well, it’s the same.

Ja no tireu fotoperidisme.

Don't give up on photojournalism anymore.

Pues actualitza l'Instagram.

Well, update Instagram.

Ja us deixaré el nou

I will let you have the new one.

quan el tinguis.

when you have it.

Deixa la web quan la tinguis.

Leave the website when you have it.

L'havia de fer el març. No, de fet, l'havia de fer

I had to do it in March. No, in fact, I had to do it.

el novembre.


Va sortir Infocreatiu

Infocreatiu was released.

i m'ha menjat el temps.

It has eaten up my time.

Que també mireu la nostra feina,

So that you also look at our work,

que estem aquĂ­ parlant molt de fotografia.

That we are here talking a lot about photography.

Bona recomanaciĂł.

Good recommendation.

Miraré la vostra feina, a veure què feu.

I will look at your work to see what you do.

Tinc web, jo.

I have a website, I do.

A mi em queda poquet.

I have a little left.

A veure, tinc web, però està molt mal programada.

Let's see, I have a website, but it is very poorly programmed.

No us diré com.

I won't tell you how.

I llavors,

And then,

ja per anar acabant,

to finish up,

responem les preguntes que fem

we answer the questions we ask

a tots els convidats,

to all the guests,

que sĂłn les de sempre.

they are the usual ones.

Primer, experiència més surrealista amb la que us heu trobat.

First, the most surreal experience you have encountered.

A mi ja me la vau fer.

You already did it to me.

Jo diria

I would say

acabar el graduat sense ordinador.

finish the degree without a computer.

Passar-te un any del teu graduat sense ordinador.

Spending a year of your graduation without a computer.

Jo no sé què dir.

I don't know what to say.

Podem pensar i al final

We can think and in the end

si ens ve. És que és molt complicat.

If it comes to us. It's just that it's very complicated.

La deixem pel final, perquè és

We leave it for the end because it is

molt difĂ­cil. Quants diners hem

Very difficult. How much money do we have?

invertit en total en material fotogrĂ fic?

invested in total in photographic material?

Jo he dedicat bastant. Molts.

I have dedicated quite a bit. A lot.

Jo super pocs. Jo poc, perquè he

I overcome few. I little, because I have

dat bastantes coses. Potser m'he gastat

gives quite a few things. Maybe I've spent

Ă©s que ni dos mil euros.

it's not even two thousand euros.

En plan, mil i pico

Like, a thousand and something.

d'euros. Jo diria.

of euros. I would say.

O dos mil euros.

Or two thousand euros.

Sense comptar cursos?

Without counting courses?

Sense comptar cursos.

Without counting courses.

Ni ordinadors.

Neither computers.

És que la càmera

It's just that the camera

em va costar

it was hard for me



I jo

And me.

ja salia.

I was already leaving.

I amb filtres d'altres coses, potser

And with filters of other things, perhaps.

pujo fins als mil 300.

I climb up to one thousand three hundred.





Tu molt més.

You much more.

Calculo, en plan fent nĂşmeros molt

I calculate, like doing very rough numbers.

rĂ pids, uns 6.000 euros.

fast, about 6,000 euros.

Ja és més que

It is already more than

un convidat. Per això flipava

a guest. That's why I was freaking out.

amb els convidats.

with the guests.

Que també molts van començar

That many also started.

molt més tard que jo.

much later than me.

Llavors, també un mig

Then, also a half.

entenc, perquè molts, és el primer cos

I understand, because for many, it is the first body.

que tenen.

what they have.

Un mig entenc. Clar, Ă©s que el teu cos

I half understand. Of course, it’s that your body.

era nou. No, ja no

It was new. No, not anymore.

és això. Era dos cossos. En plan, jo ja he passat per tres

That's it. There were two bodies. It's like, I've already gone through three.

cossos. SĂ­, sĂ­. I

bodies. Yes, yes. And

dos de... No, els tres nous.

Two of... No, the three new ones.


Of course.

Clar. Has de passar de segona mĂ .

Sure. You have to use second-hand.

No. Ni de breu, una cĂ mera

No. Not at all, a camera.

no es compra de segona mĂ .

it is not second-hand purchase.

Garantia de casa nova.

New home warranty.

Ah, això sí, en això podeu confiar.

Ah, that's true, you can trust that.

Veus? Això sí que podeu

See? This is something you can do.

confiar allò. Has de confiar.

Trust that. You have to trust.

No, però sí que donen una garantia, eh? Sí, sí,

No, but they do offer a warranty, right? Yes, yes.

ja, ja, ja. Jo tinc l'experiència més

Ha, ha, ha. I have the most experience.

surrealista. No sé si és la més surrealista, però

surrealist. I don't know if it's the most surrealist, but

vaig tenir el meu primer stalker.

I had my first stalker.

Em va escriure un home per

A man wrote to me to

Instagram. Ho vas dir, no?

Instagram. You said it, right?

SĂ­. Em va escriure un home per Instagram

Yes. A man wrote to me on Instagram.

amb... No sé si era en anglès o

with... I don't know if it was in English or

amb què era. En plan... No.

with what it was. Like... No.



No me'n recordo. Bueno, en plan... La mĂşsica era el tĂ­pic bot.

I don't remember. Well, like... The music was the typical party vibe.

Ah, no, no. Era en catalĂ , era en catalĂ .

Ah, no, no. It was in Catalan, it was in Catalan.

Però jo m'agradava molt

But I liked it a lot.

el teu treball, un treball

your work, a work

que tenia de nu, no sé què, tal.

that I had naked, I don't know what, such.

Ets de Martorell.

You are from Martorell.

I jo, què? En quin moment?

And me, what? At what moment?

Bueno, ja està. No ho sé.

Well, that's it. I don't know.

Està bé, està bé. El vaig bloquejar al

It's fine, it's fine. I blocked him on the

final. Bueno, està bé, està bé, no?

final. Well, it's okay, it's okay, isn't it?

No està bé.

It is not okay.

La resposta.

The answer.

La meva experiència més surrealista crec que és

My most surreal experience I believe is

col·laborant en un diari

collaborating in a newspaper

amb la feina pagada

with the paid work

i hi havia molta mala comunicaciĂł

and there was a lot of poor communication



Em van enviar a fer unes fotos

They sent me to take some photos.

de campanya,

of campaign,

els hi vaig enviar el WeTransfer de pressa

I sent them the WeTransfer quickly.

i corrent,

and running,

portava l'ordinador a la motxilla

I was carrying the computer in the backpack.

treballant on vaig poder

working where I could

i al cap de molt temps

and after a long time

surt una notícia del Pedro Sánchez

A news story about Pedro Sánchez comes out.

que Ă©s a qui li havia anat a fer les fotos,

who it was that I had gone to take the pictures for,

els dic que encara tenen el WeTransfer

I tell them that they still have the WeTransfer.

actiu per si encara es volen

active for itself if they still want

descarregar les fotos, que poden utilitzar

download the photos, which they can use

una foto que jo havia fet

a photo that I had taken

i van obrir el

and they opened the

WeTransfer en aquell moment quan feia

WeTransfer at that moment when I was doing

dues setmanes que s'havien d'utilitzar

two weeks that were supposed to be used

les imatges per les quals m'havien

the images for which they had me

enviat en aquell esdeveniment

sent at that event

la cosa Ă©s que internament

the thing is that internally

no sabien que tenien

they didn't know what they had

un corresponsal allĂ­ fent les fotos

a correspondent there taking the photos

i això és bastant...

and this is quite...

BĂ©, almenys ja et van pagar, no?

Well, at least they paid you, right?

Em van pagar, sĂ­, sĂ­. Em van utilitzar unes fotos de merda

They paid me, yes, yes. They used some shitty photos of me.

pixelades a més no poder, però

pixelated to the maximum, but

em van pagar.

They paid me.

I tu us agradaria veure com

And would you like to see how

ha convidat en FutCreatiu?

Has he invited FutCreatiu?

Jo no sé

I don't know.

qui dir en concret, però sí que és

who would say specifically, but yes it is

veritat i Ă©s una cosa que ja hem dit en episodis

Truth, and it's something we've already said in episodes.

anteriors, m'agradaria que de cara a la temporada

previously, I would like that for the season

següent, com ampliéssim

next, how we would expand

una mica el...

a little bit of the...

com les professions

like the professions

de les persones que hi venen, que

of the people who come here, that

estĂ  relacionat amb fotografia

it is related to photography

però que no només siguin fotògrafs com a tal

but they should not only be photographers as such

sinó que hi hagi, jo què sé,

but there is, I don't know,

comissaris d'exposicions,

exhibition curators,



no sé què més dir.

I don't know what else to say.

Bueno, sĂ­, que tinguin relaciĂł amb la fotografia

Well, yes, that they have a relationship with photography.

o sigui, amb el món, però que no siguin

that is to say, with the world, but that they are not

directament fotògrafs.

directly photographers.

O inclús ampliar-hi també dins del

Or even expand it also within the

mĂłn del vĂ­deo, barra, cine...

video world, bar, cinema...

Però que també, o sigui, no hem portat

But also, I mean, we haven't brought.

ningĂş de moda, ningĂş de...

nobody fashionable, nobody of...

Tenim molts

We have many

Ă mbits per parlar.

areas for discussion.

La persona que jo

The person that I

convidaria en FutCreatiu i m'agradaria

I would invite in FutCreatiu and I would like to.

veure, repeteixo

see, I repeat

la persona que he dit abans

the person I mentioned before

que Ă©s el meu referent, i Ă©s el David Ramos

he is my reference, and it is David Ramos

crec que pot aportar una

I believe it can contribute one.

visiĂł per a tota la gent d'esport

vision for all people of sport

molt diferent a qualsevol fotògraf

very different from any photographer

d'esport i...

of sport and...

Et convidem.

We invite you.

Intentarem portar-lo per a la temporada

We will try to bring him for the season.

2, si accepta

2, if you accept.

benvingut serĂ .

welcome it will be.





Jordi Saragossa.

Jordi Saragossa.

AixĂ­ aprofito i el conec

That way I can take the opportunity to get to know him.

amb els cervells. Home, jo

with the brains. Well, me

te lo sué.

I swear to you.

Però sí, li comentarem.

But yes, we will mention it to him/her.

No, això

No, this

Ă©s que Ă©s el que has dit tu, realment.

It's just that it's what you said, really.

Oh, la Marina ha vengut, que ja li va morir un correu

Oh, Marina is here, as one of her messengers has already died.

i no ens ha contestat. Doncs, crec

and he hasn't answered us. So, I think

que... Fins aquĂ­. Fins aquĂ­.

that... Until here. Until here.

L'especial estiu

The summer special

i la temporada de FutCreatiu.

and the FutCreatiu season.

Oh, Ă©s veritat. Final de

Oh, it’s true. End of

temporada. Però recordeu que ens podeu

season. But remember that you can contact us

seguir a Instagram, que per allĂ  seguirem

follow on Instagram, where we will keep in touch

actius durant tot el mes d'agost.

active throughout the month of August.

Tenim coses preparades molt guais.

We have really cool things prepared.

Epa. I ens veiem

Hey. And we'll see each other.

al setembre.

in September.

La segona setmana de setembre, aproximadament.

The second week of September, approximately.

Ja ho veureu. Al setembre estigueu atents, sĂ­.

You'll see. In September, stay tuned, yes.

Al setembre. Ho deixarem al setembre.

In September. We will leave it for September.

Quan comenci el curs escolar, nosaltres

When the school year starts, we

començarem. No, que comença

We will begin. No, it starts.

més d'hora, eh, cada vegada. Ja.

Earlier, right, each time. Yeah.

Ha sigut un plaer, ha sigut

It has been a pleasure, it has been.

molt guai aquesta temporada. Esperem que

very cool this season. We hope that

hagueu disfrutat... No sé si la meva càmera

you would have enjoyed... I don't know if my camera

encara grava.

still recording.


We wait...


We wait

que hagueu disfrutat molt aquesta temporada.

I hope you have enjoyed this season a lot.

Esperem la temporada que ve portar.

We hope to bring next season.

SĂ­. Convidats molt

Yes. Very invited.

top. I tots els que ens esteu escoltant,

top. And all of you who are listening to us,

ens podeu recomanar gent que us agradi

Can you recommend people you like?

i que us agradaria que vingués.

And what would you like to come?

Ens podeu comentar els

Can you comment on them?

rells d'Instagram, els vĂ­deos de YouTube.

Instagram Reels, YouTube videos.

Comenteu, sisplau. Opinions

Please comment. Opinions.

constructives ens agraden.

We like constructive things.

I no constructives.

And non-constructive.

El que sigui, Ă©s igual, comenteu.

Whatever it is, it doesn't matter, just comment.

I, fins aquĂ­

Me, up to here

l'Ăşltim episodi

the last episode

de la temporada 1 d'Enfocreatiu.

from season 1 of Enfocreatiu.

Moltes grĂ cies Joan, moltes grĂ cies

Thank you very much, Joan, thank you very much.

Maria del Mar i moltes grĂ cies Laura

Maria del Mar and thank you very much, Laura.

i moltes grĂ cies Arnau.

And thank you very much, Arnau.

I moltes grĂ cies Joan.

And thank you very much, Joan.

I grĂ cies

And thank you

sobretot a vosaltres per tota aquesta gent

above all to you for all these people

que ens heu estat escoltant i apujant.

that you have been listening to us and supporting us.

Moltes grĂ cies per donar-nos suport.

Thank you very much for supporting us.

Moltes grĂ cies i fins

Thank you very much and see you.

la propera temporada.

the next season.


Let's go!

Fins la propera!

Until next time!

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