

En el punt de mira


En el punt de mira

La policia de Guatemala detuvo el viernes 29 de julio

The police of Guatemala arrested on Friday, July 29.

al periodista José Rubén Zamora,

to journalist José Rubén Zamora,

el presidente y fundador del diario El Periódico,

the president and founder of the newspaper El Periódico,

que había presentado pruebas de la supuesta implicación

that he had presented evidence of the supposed involvement

del jefe de Estado, Alejandro Llamatey,

from the head of state, Alejandro Llamatey,

y de la fiscal general Consuelo Porras

and Attorney General Consuelo Porras

en casos de corrupción y abuso de poder.

in cases of corruption and abuse of power.

Aquesta història podria començar el 2022

This story could start in 2022.

amb la detenció irregular i l'empresonament de José Rubén Zamora,

with the irregular detention and imprisonment of José Rubén Zamora,

un dels periodistes d'investigació més prestigiosos del continent.

one of the most prestigious investigative journalists on the continent.

¿Jura usted cumplir con amor patriótico

Do you swear to fulfill with patriotic love?

el cargo de presidente de la República para el cual ha sido electo?

the position of president of the Republic for which he has been elected?

Sí, juro.

Yes, I swear.

També podria començar amb la tensa proclamació de Bernardo Arevalo

It could also start with the tense proclamation of Bernardo Arevalo.

com a nou president de Guatemala

as the new president of Guatemala

i amb la seva promesa d'acabar amb la corrupció.

and with his promise to end corruption.

Però aquesta història ha decidit començar aquí,

But this story has decided to start here,

en el silenci del bosc comunitari de San Francisco el Alto,

in the silence of the communal forest of San Francisco el Alto,

al municipi indígena de Totonicapán.

to the indigenous municipality of Totonicapán.

Som al setembre de 2020

We are in September 2020.

i la periodista Lucía Ixchú

and journalist Lucía Ixchú

vol deixar enrere els mesos més crítics de la Covid.

wants to leave behind the most critical months of Covid.

Quería ir a mi pueblo, quería ver a mi familia, quería descansar.

I wanted to go to my hometown, I wanted to see my family, I wanted to rest.

Y entonces regresamos a Totonicapán.

And then we returned to Totonicapán.

Y en realidad íbamos...

And we were actually going...

La segona era donar suport a la seva germana

The second was to support her sister.

en la tasca de documentar la tala il·legal del bosc,

in the task of documenting the illegal logging of the forest,

una pràctica que durant els primers mesos de la pandèmia

a practice that during the first months of the pandemic

havia incrementat a tot el país.

had increased across the entire country.

Lucía s'hi endinsa amb el seu company Carlos Cano

Lucía delves into it with her partner Carlos Cano.

i un guardabosc.

and a gamekeeper.

Entonces estábamos muy indignadas

So we were very indignant.

porque cuando hubiera un guardabosc

because when there would be a gamekeeper

vimos el bosque que solíamos ver ya no existía

we saw the forest we used to see no longer existed

y entonces, bueno, acompañamos a los guardarrecursos

And then, well, we accompany the resource keepers.

y después lo que vino fue una emboscada de pick-ups

And then what came was an ambush of pick-ups.

de mucha gente que nos vapulearon.

of many people who battered us.

Bueno, fue realmente una cuestión muy compleja

Well, it was really a very complex issue.

que creo que no vale la pena explicitar,

that I think is not worth making explicit,

pero entonces tuvimos que salir de ahí.

but then we had to get out of there.

Incluso yo recuerdo que un guardarrecursos

Even I remember that a resource guard

nos logró jalar al camino y rodamos.

he managed to pull us onto the path and we rolled.

Y yo dije, bueno, a mi hermana la...

And I said, well, my sister...

la voy a encontrar...

I'm going to find her...

al regresar al camino voy a recoger a mi hermana en pedazos.

Upon returning to the path, I will pick up my sister in pieces.

Era lo que yo estaba ya preparándome en ese momento

It was what I was already preparing for at that moment.

y afortunadamente no fue así.

and fortunately it was not like that.

Comença aleshores un llarg procés de revictimització

This initiates a long process of revictimization.

i desídia judicial que corre paral·lel, segons Jik Chiu,

and judicial negligence that runs parallel, according to Jik Chiu,

a estratègies de difamació que desuneixen la pròpia comunitat

to defamation strategies that divide the community itself

de tot on hi capen.

from everywhere they fit.

Finalment, la Lucía i el Carlos

Finally, Lucía and Carlos.

atenen els precs d'amistats i organitzacions socials

they attend to the pleas of friendships and social organizations

i marxen a l'exili.

And they go into exile.

Periodistes en el punt de mira.

Journalists in the crosshairs.

Un podcast de contrast amb el suport de la Taula Catalana

A contrasting podcast with the support of the Catalan Table.

pels Drets Humans i la Pau a l'Amèrica Central.

for Human Rights and Peace in Central America.

Lluny dels focus de la capital,

Far from the spotlight of the capital,

el cas de Lucía i Chiu és només un punt per pallejar

The case of Lucía and Chiu is just a point for discussion.

en el mapa de la impunitat a Guatemala.

on the map of impunity in Guatemala.

Però exemplifica molt bé la violència i desprotecció

But it exemplifies very well the violence and lack of protection.

a què periodistes i defensors dels drets humans

to journalists and human rights defenders

estan sent sotmesos al país.

they are being subjected to the country.

Una violència i una desprotecció

A violence and a lack of protection.

que han incrementat en els darrers quatre anys.

that have increased in the last four years.

Guatemala ja era tristament conegut

Guatemala was already sadly known.

per ser un dels països més perillosos

to be one of the most dangerous countries

per a defensors dels drets humans.

for defenders of human rights.

I això no ha canviat.

And this has not changed.

Al contrari.

On the contrary.

Segons la Unidad de Protección a Defensoras y Defensores

According to the Unit for the Protection of Defenders.

de Derechos Humanos de Guatemala,

of Human Rights of Guatemala,

el 2022 es van documentar 3.754 agressions

In 2022, 3,754 assaults were documented.

contra defensors de drets humans.

against human rights defenders.

La xifra més alta en el que va de segle.

The highest figure so far this century.

Però és que des que el dretà Alejandro Jean Matei

But ever since the right-wing Alejandro Jean Matei

ha assumit la presidència del país el gener de 2020,

he assumed the presidency of the country in January 2020,

la persecució s'ha estès a altres comunitats,

the persecution has spread to other communities,

com els col·lectius.

like the groups.

Diguem que l'inici del govern d'Alejandro Jean Matei

Let's say that the beginning of Alejandro Jean Matei's government.

a gener, febrer i març, abans de la pandèmia,

January, February, and March, before the pandemic,

va començar amb estats de lloc i militarització

it started with states of emergency and militarization

en territoris que estaven fent defensa de l'indústria extractiva

in territories that were defending the extractive industry

en contra de la mineria, etcètera, etcètera,

against mining, etcetera, etcetera,

en diverses parts del país.

in various parts of the country.

Això era com una part de l'estratègia

This was like a part of the strategy.

del dictador Alejandro Jean Matei.

of the dictator Alejandro Jean Matei.

Però, òbviament, amb la pandèmia,

But, obviously, with the pandemic,

l'enquarentenar-nos a tots i prohibir-nos sortir

quarantining us all and prohibiting us from leaving

va ser una estratègia que li va quedar com un anell al cap,

it was a strategy that stuck in his mind like a ring.

jo el dedo al Govern.

I point my finger at the Government.

Des de l'inici del seu mandat,

Since the beginning of his/her term,

l'Observatorio de Periodistas ha documentat

The Journalist Observatory has documented

més de 500 incidents contra periodistes.

more than 500 incidents against journalists.

Només el 2022, segons Nacions Unides,

Only in 2022, according to the United Nations,

com a mínim 6 periodistes van haver d'exiliar-se.

At least 6 journalists had to go into exile.

El 2023, premsa comunitària va registrar

In 2023, community media recorded

215 atacs contra la premsa,

215 attacks against the press,

39 casos d'assetjament judicial,

39 cases of judicial harassment,

49 restriccions a les fonts,

49 restrictions on the sources,

29 ciberatacs,

29 cyberattacks,

i 13 agressions.

and 13 assaults.

Però és que també jutges, advocats i fiscals

But it's that judges, lawyers, and prosecutors also...

han estat amenaçats i perseguits els darrers anys.

They have been threatened and persecuted in recent years.

Una quarantena són també a l'exili.

A quarantine is also in exile.

Quin és l'origen d'aquesta persecució

What is the origin of this persecution?

a jutges, fiscals i periodistes?

to judges, prosecutors, and journalists?

Organitzacions locals i algunes entitats

Local organizations and some entities

com Human Rights Watch tenen molt clar

as Human Rights Watch is very clear

a quina data cal remuntar-se per trobar-lo.

What date do we need to go back to find it?

1 de setembre de 2018.

September 1, 2018.

El secretario general de Naciones Unidas

The Secretary-General of the United Nations

la no renovación del mandato de la CICIG

the non-renewal of the CICIG mandate

y que de inmediato se inicien las transferencias de capacidades

and that the transfers of capacities begin immediately

a las instituciones correspondientes.

to the corresponding institutions.

Qui parla és Jimmy Morales, l'aleshores president de Guatemala,

The speaker is Jimmy Morales, the then president of Guatemala,

i el que aquell dia anuncia envoltat de tot el govern

and what that day announces surrounded by the whole government

i de la plana major de l'exèrcit

and from the high command of the army

és que no renovarà la presència de les Nacions Unides al país.

It will not renew the presence of the United Nations in the country.

Horas antes de este importante anuncio,

Hours before this important announcement,

en las calles de Guatemala transitaron varios vehículos

Several vehicles traveled through the streets of Guatemala.

artillados del ejército que pasaban de manera amenazante

artillery of the army that passed by in a threatening manner

frente a las instalaciones de la Comisión Internacional,

in front of the facilities of the International Commission,

lo que el pueblo calificó como un retroceso a los años 80.

what the people described as a setback to the 80s.

Morales era un actor còmic molt popular al país,

Morales was a very popular comic actor in the country.

que dos anys abans havia arribat al poder

that two years before had come to power

trencant amb la política partidària tradicional,

breaking with traditional party politics,

però que aquell 2016 començava a veure's esquitxat

but in 2016 it was starting to be splashed.

per acusacions de corrupció en el seu entorn.

for accusations of corruption in his environment.

La Comissió Internacional contra la Impunitat de les Nacions Unides,

The International Commission against Impunity of the United Nations,

la CICIC, havia arribat al país deu anys abans

the CICIC had arrived in the country ten years earlier

amb l'objectiu de promoure i acompanyar

with the aim of promoting and supporting

l'enfortiment institucional del seu sistema judicial

the institutional strengthening of its judicial system

i de recolzar la persecució penal d'alguns casos d'alta complexitat.

and to support the criminal prosecution of certain high-complexity cases.

El seu paper, però, passa a la història quan el 2015

His role, however, goes down in history when in 2015

estira el fil d'uns indicis de contrabanda a gran escala

stretches the thread of some clues of large-scale smuggling

i de substracció de fons de duanes.

and the subtraction of customs funds.

Y se dan cuenta que,

And they realize that,

la estructura está integrada por gente de la vicepresidencia

The structure is made up of people from the vice presidency.

y después de gente de la presidencia también,

and after people from the presidency as well,

y el mismo presidente y la vicepresidenta en realidad

and the president himself and the vice president actually

eran los grandes beneficiarios.

they were the main beneficiaries.

A partir de ahí, en Guatemala se produce un parteaguas.

From there, a turning point occurs in Guatemala.

Hay un antes y un después.

There is a before and an after.

Qui parla ara és Juan Luis Font,

The person speaking now is Juan Luis Font,

un dels periodistes més prestigiosos del país

one of the most prestigious journalists in the country

quan l'antecessor de Jimmy Morales, Otto Pérez Molina,

when Jimmy Morales's predecessor, Otto Pérez Molina,

dimiteix pel cas de corrupció destapat per la CICIC.

resigns due to the corruption case uncovered by the CICIC.

Feia 40 anys que Font es dedicava al periodisme.

Font had been dedicated to journalism for 40 years.

Quan s'hi va iniciar, en plena guerra civil, els anys 80,

When it started, in the midst of the civil war, in the 80s,

les massacres de civils, la tortura i la desaparició forçada

the massacre of civilians, torture, and enforced disappearance

estaven a l'ordre del dia.

they were on the agenda.

Tú mismo te sentías en riesgo de que esas cosas te ocurrieran a ti

You yourself felt at risk of those things happening to you.

y se estilaba que enviaran coronas de muerto

and it was customary to send funeral wreaths

cuando te metías en temas que no te debías meter

when you got involved in things you shouldn't get into

o que se te pasearan delante gentes como tú,

or that people like you will walk in front of you,

que te pasearan delante gentes con armas cubiertas por una chaqueta

that they will walk you in front of people with guns covered by a jacket

y la descubrían en un restaurante,

and they discovered her in a restaurant,

porque tú estabas hablando con algún cuadro cercano a la insurgencia

because you were talking to some figure close to the insurgency

en un restaurante guatemalteco.

in a Guatemalan restaurant.

Eran altres temps.

They were other times.

¡No ando!

I'm not walking!

En Guatemala la paz ha sido firmada.

In Guatemala, peace has been signed.

Es el principio de una nueva era para Guatemala.

It is the beginning of a new era for Guatemala.

Una nueva era en la que todos tenemos algo que decir y algo que hacer.

A new era in which we all have something to say and something to do.

En ese momento lo que nosotros sentíamos ya hacia la firma de los acuerdos de paz

At that moment, what we felt was already towards the signing of the peace agreements.

era una libertad gigantesca porque por fin podíamos hablar

It was a gigantic freedom because we could finally speak.

sobre asuntos militares y de guerra

on military and war matters

que no habíamos podido hablar en los años previos.

that we had not been able to talk in the previous years.

Apenas nos metíamos con la corrupción,

We barely got into corruption,

pero ya entendíamos que al amparo de la guerra

but we already understood that under the shelter of the war

los principales cuadros contrainsurgentes habían creado negocios opíparos

the main counterinsurgency leaders had created lavish businesses

como el de la importación de contrabando de electrodomésticos

like the smuggling import of appliances

que vendían en grandes cadenas.

that were sold in large chains.

Sobre todo el contrabando era el gran negocio de los militares en ese momento.

Above all, smuggling was the big business for the military at that time.

Quan escoltes Juan Luis Font t'adones que qualcom similar

When you listen to Juan Luis Font, you realize that something similar.

devien sentir els periodistes del país quan 10 anys després

they must have felt the journalists of the country when 10 years later

de la signatura dels acords de pau la SICIC va arribar a Guatemala.

After the signing of the peace agreements, the SICIC arrived in Guatemala.

Els acords de pau havien estat incapaços de consolidar

The peace agreements had been unable to consolidate.

la nova institucionalitat democràtica.

the new democratic institutionality.

La corrupció s'havia estès com una taca d'oli,

Corruption had spread like an oil stain,

però ara tot començava a sortir a la llum.

but now everything was starting to come to light.

Yo exalto la labor de SICIC y la veo como algo fundamental

I exalt the work of SICIC and see it as something fundamental.

en abrir los ojos a la mayoría de la población

in opening the eyes of the majority of the population

sobre cómo nuestro sistema,

about how our system,

lejos de ser verdaderamente un sistema democrático,

far from being truly a democratic system,

es una especie de dictadura corporativa

it is a kind of corporate dictatorship

en la que cada cuatro años cambiamos de gobernante

in which every four years we change rulers

que por lo general sale enriquecido junto a muchos de sus ministros,

that generally comes out enriched alongside many of his ministers,

pero que al mismo tiempo mantiene una estructura

but which at the same time maintains a structure

que concentra la mayoría del dinero en muy pocas manos

that concentrates the majority of money in very few hands

y que hace muy poco por convertirse

and that does very little to become

en una herramienta eficaz para vencer pobreza

an effective tool to overcome poverty

y para luchar contra auténticas iniquidades que hay en el país.

and to fight against the real injustices that exist in the country.

Per a l'altra protagonista d'aquest capítol, la Lucía Icchiu,

For the other protagonist of this chapter, Lucía Icchiu,

la importància de la SICIC recau també en l'accés

the importance of the SICIC also lies in access

a la informació que va promoure, sobretot a partir del 2015,

to the information that was promoted, especially from 2015 onwards,

quan el colombià Iván Velázquez es fa càrrec de la missió.

when the Colombian Iván Velázquez takes charge of the mission.

Nosotros teníamos claro que el Estado guatemalteco

We were clear that the Guatemalan state

es corrupto desde la creación.

he is corrupt from the creation.

Hace 200 años nuestros pueblos estaban levantados,

Two hundred years ago our towns were rising up,

los pueblos estaban levantando para la emancipación

the towns were rising for emancipation

y las autonomías de nuestros pueblos.

and the autonomies of our peoples.

Y lo que ocurre obviamente es que la SICIC puso las pruebas,

And what obviously happens is that the SICIC provided the evidence,

que a eso sí no habíamos tenido acceso como población común que éramos.

that we, as ordinary people, had not had access to that.

No habíamos llegado nunca a poder identificar

We had never been able to identify.

y fue realmente un proceso para mí de sensibilización,

and it was really a process of awareness for me,

de politización para la población en general

of politicization for the general population

y sobre todo de democratización de la información.

and above all, the democratization of information.

Lucía Icchiu havia començat a fer periodisme

Lucía Icchiu had started to do journalism.

empesa per la violència que seguia patint la població indígena

driven by the violence that the indigenous population continued to suffer

en temps de suposada pau.

in times of supposed peace.

El 4 d'octubre de 2012, 6 habitants de Totonicapán

On October 4, 2012, 6 inhabitants of Totonicapán

són assassinats amb armes de foc

they are murders with firearms

quan l'exèrcit acudeix aturar la protesta pacífica dels pobladors

when the army comes to stop the peaceful protest of the inhabitants

contra l'alça del preu de l'energia.

against the rise in energy prices.

34 veïns més són ferits de bala.

34 more neighbors are injured by gunfire.

La Lucía es troba aleshores a la capital del país estudiant.

Lucía is then in the capital of the country studying.

Pero entonces sí pude hacer desde la distancia un monitoreo

But then I could monitor from a distance.

del discurso de medios oficiales hegemónicos

from the discourse of hegemonic official media

que había al respecto de la masacre

what there was regarding the massacre

y sí pude sin tener obviamente digamos la información al 100%

And yes, I could without obviously having the information at 100%.

porque no estaba en territorio

because it was not on territory

sí pude constatar el discurso de odio racista colonial

yes, I could confirm the colonial racist hate speech

que los medios televisivos escritos y radiales

that the written and radio broadcasting media

hicieron de lo que pasaba en la masacre.

They made what was happening in the massacre.

Recordeu que som al 2012

Remember that we are in 2012.

i qui presideix el país aleshores és Otto Pérez Molina,

and who presides over the country then is Otto Pérez Molina,

un exmilitar membre de les forces d'elit durant la Guerra Civil.

A former soldier and member of the elite forces during the Civil War.

Quina creieu que va ser la resposta davant la massacre?

What do you think was the response to the massacre?

Heu imaginat bé.

You have imagined well.

Molina va exculpar públicament l'exèrcit

Molina publicly exonerated the army.

atribuint als manifestants la comissió del Darulls

attributing to the demonstrators the commission of the Darulls

que segons la versió oficial havien acabat amb trets de civils.

that according to the official version had ended with shots at civilians.

Yo dije los indios ya no necesitamos que nadie cuente la historia por nosotros.

I said the Indians no longer need anyone to tell the story for us.

Nosotros podemos hacerlo, ya sabemos hablar la castilla dirían mis abuelos,

We can do it, we already know how to speak Spanish, my grandparents would say.

ya podemos escribir, ya sabemos usar el internet

We can write now, we know how to use the internet.

y podemos nosotros contar nuestra propia historia.

and we can tell our own story.

Y esa es la razón realmente por la que yo,

And that is the reason really why I,

de alguna manera se puede decir que decidí hacerme periodista

In a way, you could say that I decided to become a journalist.

aunque en realidad no tuve opción.

Although I actually had no choice.

Així és com Ixiu decideix fundar Festivales Solidarios,

This is how Ixiu decides to found Festivales Solidarios,

una organització que a través de l'art i del periodisme comunitari

an organization that through art and community journalism

confrontava la versió oficial de la massacre de la Cumbre d'Alaska

he confronted the official version of the Alaska Summit massacre

i d'altres realitats de les comunitats indígenes.

and other realities of indigenous communities.

Otto Pérez Molina, per la seva part, mai va ser jutjat per aquest cas,

Otto Pérez Molina, for his part, was never tried for this case,

però en canvi,

but on the other hand,

renunciaria al seu càrrec tres anys després,

he would resign from his position three years later,

assetjat, com dèiem, per la corrupció destapada per la CSIC

harassed, as we said, by the corruption uncovered by the CSIC

i per les mobilitzacions massives al carrer.

and for the massive mobilizations in the streets.

Otto Pérez Molina ya no es presidente de Guatemala.

Otto Pérez Molina is no longer the president of Guatemala.

Esta madrugada renunció a su cargo

Early this morning, he/she resigned from his/her position.

y hoy se presentó ante los tribunales para someterse a la justicia

and today he appeared before the courts to submit to justice

por denuncias de corrupción.

for corruption complaints.

Esta es una historia única en América Latina.

This is a unique story in Latin America.

Los guatemaltecos indignados tumbaron a un presidente.

Outraged Guatemalans toppled a president.

Y hay un momento en el que,

And there comes a moment when,

felizmente nos encontramos, diría yo,

happily we meet, I would say,

que casi todas las clases sociales en la plaza

that almost all social classes are in the square

y grupos indígenas y campesinos y neocomunistas y conservadores extremos

and indigenous groups and peasants and neocommunists and extreme conservatives

protestando por la misma causa.

protesting for the same cause.

Queríamos que se abatiera la corrupción

We wanted corruption to be eradicated.

y que se demostrara que se podía llegar hasta el presidente de la República

and it would be demonstrated that one could reach the President of the Republic

y deshacernos del presidente de la República

and get rid of the president of the Republic

si éste estaba involucrado con corrupción.

if he was involved in corruption.

Pero luego empieza a extenderse.

But then it starts to spread.

Esa lucha contra la corrupción

That fight against corruption.

y llega a tocar a grandes cabezas del empresariado

and reaches out to major business leaders

me parece que también se desarrolla una

I think that one is also developed.

virulencia, debo decir, en esta lucha contra la corrupción

virulence, I must say, in this fight against corruption

que después terminaría revirtiéndose en contra de todos nosotros

that would later turn against all of us

de una forma muy cruenta.

in a very brutal way.


Let's recap.

Recordeu que, després d'Otto Pérez Molina,

Remember that, after Otto Pérez Molina,

Jimmy Morales va arribar al poder el 2016

Jimmy Morales came to power in 2016.

amb un discurs anticorrupció

with an anti-corruption speech

i que, quan l'entorn més proper d'aquest va ser assenyalat,

And when the closest environment of this was pointed out,

la SICIC va ser expulsada, oi?

The SICIC was expelled, right?

Bé, doncs, com dèiem, el 2020,

Well then, as we were saying, in 2020,

amb l'arribada d'Alejandro Giammattei a la presidència,

with the arrival of Alejandro Giammattei to the presidency,

les coses empitjoren.

Things are getting worse.

Al front de la Fiscalia, el nou president col·loca

At the front of the Prosecutor's Office, the new president places

o manté figures molt controvertides que atien la persecució de jutges,

or maintains highly controversial figures that fuel the persecution of judges,

de fiscals anticorrupció com el prestigiós Juan Francisco Sandoval

of anti-corruption prosecutors like the prestigious Juan Francisco Sandoval.

i d'exfuncionaris de la SICIC.

and former officials of the SICIC.

També de periodistes crítics.

Also of critical journalists.

Paral·lelament, organitzacions d'exmilitars acusats de violacions

At the same time, organizations of ex-military accused of violations.

als drets humans, com l'anomenada Fundación contra el Terrorismo,

to human rights, such as the so-called Foundation against Terrorism,

maniobren per dur aquestes veus als tribunals.

they maneuver to take these voices to the courts.

Les alertes s'activen.

The alerts are activated.

La sensación de persecución

The feeling of persecution

viene realmente desde que la fiscal general

It really comes since the Attorney General.

decide deshacerse de Juan Francisco Sandoval

decide to get rid of Juan Francisco Sandoval

una vez que ya han expulsado a la SICIC.

once they have expelled the SICIC.

Cuando decide deshacerse de él,

When he decides to get rid of him,

yo me doy cuenta que cada vez más estamos a merced de ellos

I realize that we are increasingly at their mercy.

para que hagan lo que quieran.

so that they can do whatever they want.

Y no pasaron ni cinco meses antes de que me enterara

And not even five months passed before I found out.

de la primera denuncia seria en contra mía

of the first serious complaint against me

de parte de un exministro del gobierno de Pérez Molina.

on behalf of a former minister of the Pérez Molina government.

L'exministre es diu Alejandro Sinibaldi

The former minister is named Alejandro Sinibaldi.

i des de la presó, on s'hi està després d'acumular sis ordres,

And from prison, where one ends up after accumulating six orders,

de captura per casos de corrupció,

of capture for corruption cases,

acusa el periodista Juan Luis Font d'acceptar suborn

accuses journalist Juan Luis Font of accepting bribes

a canvi de recolzar la seva candidatura presidencial.

in exchange for supporting his presidential candidacy.

Font no se n'anava bé.

The fountain was not going well.

Però una cosa té clara.

But one thing is clear.

Sap que no es podrà defensar amb garanties

He knows he won't be able to defend himself with guarantees.

en un sistema judicial viciat.

in a corrupted judicial system.

Per això s'exilia.

That is why he/she goes into exile.

Bé, o ho simula.

Well, or it's just pretending.

Yo por esos días fingía que no estaba en el país.

I pretended that I wasn't in the country during those days.

Había contratado un VPN

I had contracted a VPN.

que coloqué en los aparatos electrónicos de mi casa

that I placed in the electronic devices of my house

y fingía que hacía mi programa de radio desde Estados Unidos.

and pretended that I was doing my radio show from the United States.

Mi madre estaba muy enferma de cáncer

My mother was very sick with cancer.

y yo quería pasar ese tiempo en Guatemala

and I wanted to spend that time in Guatemala

para... me ocultaba por los días en mi casa

stop... I was hiding at home during the days

y por las noches iba a su apartamento a estar con ella.

And at night he would go to her apartment to be with her.

Y en mayo justo estaba en Francia

And in May, I was just in France.

y llamé a José Rubén para decirle

and I called José Rubén to tell him

que yo quería regresar por esta causa

that I wanted to return for this reason

y él me habló con mucha vehemencia, con enojo.

And he spoke to me with great vehemence, with anger.

Me dijo, no seas idiota, no regreses a Guatemala.

He told me, don't be an idiot, don't go back to Guatemala.

En cuanto vengas te van a capturar.

As soon as you come, they will capture you.

El José Rubén que menciona Juan Luis Font

The José Rubén mentioned by Juan Luis Font.

i que recordareu que ha aparegut a l'inici d'aquest capítol

And you will remember that it has appeared at the beginning of this chapter.

és José Rubén Zamora,

it's José Rubén Zamora,

el periodista d'investigació més prestigiós del país.

the most prestigious investigative journalist in the country.

Una llegenda dintre del gremi

A legend within the guild.

amb qui Font havia compartit redacció

with whom Font had shared editing

al diari El Periódico.

in the newspaper El Periódico.

Y yo le contesté con...

And I answered him with...

con desconfianza hacia él

with distrust towards him

¿y vos por qué sí podés estar en Guatemala?

And why can you be in Guatemala?

Y en mi cabeza yo me respondía

And in my head, I was responding to myself.

porque él ya tiene un acuerdo con la fiscal general

because he already has an agreement with the Attorney General

y a él no lo van a tocar.

and they are not going to touch him.

El cas és que el 27 de juliol de 2022

The fact is that on July 27, 2022

Juan Luis Font és a Ciudad de Guatemala, ocult,

Juan Luis Font is in Guatemala City, hidden,

quan esclata la notícia.

when the news breaks.

Yo estaba haciendo una siesta

I was taking a nap.

y me empiezan a llamar insistentemente

and they start calling me insistently

y yo apagué mi teléfono.

And I turned off my phone.

Y a los 20 minutos,

And after 20 minutes,

entra mi esposa a despertarme para decirme

my wife comes in to wake me up to tell me

te está llamando todo el mundo,

everyone is calling you,

todos están preguntando que dónde estás,

everyone is asking where you are,

acaban de agarrar preso a José Rubén.

They just arrested José Rubén.

Y yo, bueno, me asusté muchísimo, por supuesto.

And I, well, I was very scared, of course.

Sense evidències, Zamora és acusat

Without evidence, Zamora is accused.

de blanqueig de diners per un exbanquer

money laundering by a former banker

i després de 12 mesos empresonat

and after 12 months in prison

i d'un judici farcit d'irregularitats,

and a trial filled with irregularities,

és sentenciat a 6 anys de presó.

he is sentenced to 6 years in prison.

De fet, són tantes les irregularitats del procés,

In fact, there are so many irregularities in the process,

que el passat mes d'octubre

that last month of October

la Sala Segona del Tribunal d'Apel·lacions de Guatemala

the Second Chamber of the Court of Appeals of Guatemala

va ordenar repetir el judici.

he ordered a retrial.

Abans de la seva anul·lació, però,

Before its cancellation, however,

un altre magistrat va manar investigant

another magistrate ordered an investigation

9 periodistes més, la majoria del periòdico,

9 more journalists, mostly from the newspaper,

per haver publicat, obro cometes,

for having published, I open quotes,

publicacions malicioses al voltant del judici.

malicious publications regarding the trial.

El gremi periodístic de Guatemala entra en xoc.

The journalism guild of Guatemala is in shock.

Es té la sensació d'haver travessat una línia vermella.

One has the feeling of having crossed a red line.

L'abisme és a tocar. Parla Lucía Ekju.

The abyss is close at hand. Lucía Ekju speaks.

Òbviament no és que hi hagi persones

Obviously, it's not that there are people.

més valuoses que altres, perquè nosaltres sempre

more valuable than others, because we always

hem denunciat la criminalització,

we have denounced the criminalization,

la violència, els assassinats

violence, the murders

als periodistes comunitaris,

to community journalists,

als defensors del territori,

to the defenders of the territory,

sempre n'hem parlat.

We've always talked about it.

Però evidenciar el cas de José Rubén Zamora

But to highlight the case of José Rubén Zamora

és mostrar fins on han estat capaços

it is to show how far they have been able

de arribar a conserrar un dels mitjans

to manage to conserve one of the means

més importants de contrapesos

most important counterweights

en l'opinió democràtica del país.

in the democratic opinion of the country.

Perseguir una persona prominent com José Rubén Zamora

Pursuing a prominent person like José Rubén Zamora.

fa que el restant de periodistes

makes the remaining journalists

ens percatem que hi ha una amenaça real

we realize that there is a real threat

i certa per a tots.

and certain for everyone.

Si la persona més reconeguda al país

If the most recognized person in the country

pot ser


danyada d'aquesta manera, com no pot ser-ho

damaged in this way, how can it not be?

un reporter que

a reporter who

faci la cobertura

make the coverage

més imprudent

more imprudent

en termes d'interès del sistema.

in terms of system interest.

Finalment, Juan Luis Font

Finally, Juan Luis Font

empren l'exili als Estats Units.

They undertake exile in the United States.

Des d'allà, a través del seu mitjà,

From there, through their medium,

Concriterio, seguirà la cursa

With criteria, the race will continue.

d'obstacles de Bernardo Arevalo

of obstacles by Bernardo Arevalo

per guanyar les eleccions presidencials del país

to win the presidential elections of the country

amb un programa de progrés

with a progress program

i justícia social.

and social justice.

El poble de Guatemala surt de nou al carrer

The people of Guatemala take to the streets again.

per assegurar la victòria i esperança.

to ensure victory and hope.

Así es como están festejando acá,

This is how they are celebrating here,

gritando el pueblo unido jamás será vencido,

shouting the united people will never be defeated,

con las banderas, con las pancartas...

with the flags, with the banners...

Jamás permitiremos que la violencia

We will never allow violence.

sea empleada como medio

be used as a means

para promover agendas políticas

to promote political agendas

o preservar privilegios.

or to preserve privileges.

Fill de l'expresident Juan José Arevalo,

Son of former president Juan José Arevalo,

el primer que farà el nou cap del govern

the first thing the new head of government will do

és demanar la renúncia dels fiscals

it is to ask for the resignation of the prosecutors

Consuelo Porras i Rafael Curruchiche

Consuelo Porras and Rafael Curruchiche

i del jutge Freddy Orellana,

and from Judge Freddy Orellana,

cares visibles de la persecució

visible scars of persecution

a periodistes i al propi partit d'Arevalo.

to journalists and to Arevalo's own party.

Como presidente electo

As elected president

me dirijo a estos funcionarios

I address these officials.

para exigirles

to demand them

que renuncien inmediatamente

that they immediately resign

de sus cargos,

from their positions,

que cesen este asalto a la Constitución

that this assault on the Constitution ceases

y que detengan esta persecución

and that they stop this persecution

comandada por grupos y élites mafiosas.

controlled by groups and mafia elites.

Sólo su salida del cargo

Only his departure from office.

permitirá garantizar

will allow to guarantee

el orden constitucional del país.

the constitutional order of the country.

Però perquè refloreixi

But to bloom again.

la llibertat d'expressió necessària

the necessary freedom of expression

per afrontar els reptes de país,

to face the country's challenges,

n'hi haurà prou amb la renúncia d'aquestes persones?

Will the renunciation of these people be enough?

Què més caldrà?

What else will be needed?

Serà capaç Arevalo de modificar

Will Arevalo be able to modify?

les estructures de poder que sostenen

the structures of power that sustain

l'estatus quo a Guatemala?

the status quo in Guatemala?

El temps dirà.

Time will tell.

Has escoltat?

Have you listened?

Periodistes en el punt de mira.

Journalists in the crosshairs.

Un podcast de contrast

A podcast of contrast

amb el suport de la Taula Catalana pels Drets Humans

with the support of the Catalan Table for Human Rights

i la Pau a l'Amèrica Central.

and peace in Central America.

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