Escàndol! Apple fa fora les dones directives

Neurones Fregides

La Hipòtesi Absurda

Escàndol! Apple fa fora les dones directives

La Hipòtesi Absurda

Polèmica Silicon Valley, seu de les grans tecnològiques mundials.

Silicon Valley controversy, home to the world's major tech companies.

Fa uns pocs minuts ens han arribat notícies que els principals accionistes d'Apple

A few minutes ago we received news that the main shareholders of Apple

han decidit fer lobby i fer fora totes les dones de qualsevol posició directiva.

They have decided to lobby and push all women out of any leadership position.

Encara no hi ha hagut cap comunicat oficial al respecte,

There has not yet been any official communication regarding this.

ni cap reacció, ni de la borsa, ni d'altres empreses tecnològiques.

neither any reaction, nor from the stock market, nor from other technology companies.

S'esperen notícies aviat.

News is expected soon.

Els mantindrem informats.

We will keep them informed.

No podem pujar més amunt.

We cannot go up any higher.

Ei, Irene Puat!

Hey, Irene Puat!

Uà, hòstia, el món em sembla que estigui...

Wow, damn, the world seems to me to be...

Bé, anava a dir del revés, però és que realment és una mica com sempre,

Well, I was going to say the opposite, but it really is a bit like always,

una mica més hardcore.

a little more hardcore.

Sí, si vols, parlem-ne, perquè he estat mirant unes notícies

Yes, if you want, let's talk about it, because I have been looking at some news.

i sembla que han fotut fora totes les dones de l'equip directiu

And it seems that they have kicked all the women out of the management team.

i té pinta que volen fer més mesures en aquesta direcció.

And it seems that they want to take more measures in this direction.

O sigui que, si vols, anem a la hipòtesi absurda

So, if you want, let's go to the absurd hypothesis.

i anem a cremar el puto patriarcat.

Let's go burn the fucking patriarchy.

La hipòtesi absurda amb Toni Berdollet i Irene Seara.

The absurd hypothesis with Toni Berdollet and Irene Seara.

Vale, Irene, sembla que en l'estona que hem vingut fins aquí

Okay, Irene, it seems that in the time we have come here.

no ha passat gaire cosa nova, però, bueno,

not much has happened, but, well,

sembla que les reaccions, almenys les primeres, ja han arribat

It seems that the reactions, at least the first ones, have already arrived.

i no semblen gaire positives.

and they don't seem very positive.

De manera...

In a way...

Sí, bueno, primer de tot, benvinguts a la hipòtesi absurda,

Yes, well, first of all, welcome to the absurd hypothesis,

encara que haig de dir, mira, tot i que estic enfadada,

even though I have to say, look, even though I am angry,

perquè em veus, Toni, que estic enfadada.

because you see me, Toni, that I am angry.

Jo et conec quan estàs enfadada i no sé si vull que estiguis enfadada

I know you when you are angry and I don't know if I want you to be angry.

perquè ho cremes tot.

because you burn everything.

O sigui, estic enfadada, però és que tampoc em sembla tan absurd, al final.

So, I’m angry, but it doesn’t seem that absurd to me, in the end.

Vull dir, em sembla absurd, sí, però és com tan absurd com sempre.

I mean, it seems absurd to me, yes, but it’s as absurd as always.

Ja, és veritat que la realitat a vegades supera la ficció

Yes, it is true that reality sometimes surpasses fiction.

i a vegades ja no sé què estic fent aquí, no?

And sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing here, right?

O sigui, realitat, ficció, quarta paret, bueno...

So, reality, fiction, fourth wall, well...

La quarta paret ha caigut avui, avui.

The fourth wall has fallen today, today.

I, bueno, no tots som els únics, no?

Well, not all of us are the only ones, are we?

Hi ha molta gent que ha parlat d'això,

There are many people who have talked about this.

sobretot una persona que està molt enfadada, també, com jo.

above all, a person who is very angry, like me.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Sí, qui creus que és?

Yes, who do you think it is?

Qui està enfadat?

Who is angry?

La Míriam Comet, que va venir l'última setmana, segur.

Míriam Comet, who came last week, for sure.

Sí, hem quedat després.

Yes, we have arranged to meet later.

Monté, la Irene Monté.

Monté, Irene Monté.

Irene Monté.

Irene Monté.

Amb un te.

With a tea.

La Irene Monté.

The Irene Monté.

Amb un te, no amb un cafè, amb un te.

With a tea, not with a coffee, with a tea.

Amb una camamilla, perquè s'ha de relaxar, no ho sé.

With a chamomile, because you have to relax, I don't know.

Va, us ho dic, és Trump.

Come on, I'm telling you, it's Trump.

Però està enfadadíssim, eh?

But he is extremely angry, isn't he?

Està enfadat, Trump.

Trump is angry.


Very angry.

Sí, perquè clar, diu...

Yes, because of course, it says...

No ho entenc, però si va anar un jurat l'altre dia que havia fet...

I don't understand it, but there was a jury the other day that had done...

No, no, perquè diu...

No, no, because he says...

Com pot ser que no s'hagi fet això abans?

How can it be that this hasn't been done before?

O sigui, aquesta discriminació dels homes havia d'acabar.

So, this discrimination against men had to end.

Això és el que ha dit.

This is what he/she has said.

Ah, és a dir, valeu, s'hi està dient que gràcies a Déu a Apple

Ah, that is to say, okay, it's being said that thanks to God for Apple.

i que ara començarà a posar diners a Apple

And now he will start putting money into Apple.

aconseguint que aquesta discriminació, doncs...

achieving that this discrimination, therefore...

Que s'acabi el xolló del feminisme, no?, bàsicament.

Let the exploitation of feminism end, right? Basically.

Exacte, que ja era hora.

Exactly, it was about time.

I qui se li ha sumat?

And who has joined him?

Bé, a veure, quan Trump diu alguna cosa,

Well, let's see, when Trump says something,

doncs suposo que tots els ultrafeixistes que tenim per aquí,

well, I suppose all the ultrafascists we have around here,

per allà, pel món, no?

over there, in the world, right?

És que és la globalitat, el món, el bonic, que s'ajunta.

It is the totality, the world, the beautiful, that comes together.

Ja, suposo que...

Yes, I suppose that...

Déu els cria i ells s'ajunten.

God creates them and they come together.

S'ajunten, i ara mateix no parlen d'ajuntar-se,

They are coming together, and right now they are not talking about coming together.

a mi em fa una mica de por.

It makes me a bit scared.

I mira, si la cosa pública ja va malament,

And look, if the public matter is already going badly,

ara també la cosa privada també va malament.

Now the private thing is also going badly.

Però és que et diré una cosa, eh?

But I'll tell you something, okay?

Si ells s'ajunten, Toni, nosaltres, també.

If they join together, Toni, we will too.

Tens raó, tens raó.

You are right, you are right.

Irene, és que ets tan inspiradora...

Irene, you are so inspiring...

Molt bé, molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good, very good.

Jo... Sí.

Me... Yes.

Inspiro a la manifestació!

I inspire the demonstration!

Bueno, sigui com sigui,

Well, anyway,

sembla que el món real no es juga tampoc només a la política,

it seems that the real world isn't just played in politics either,

sinó també es juga al carrer,

but it is also played in the street,

i sembla que s'ha convocat, justament el que deies tu,

And it seems that it has been summoned, just what you were saying.

una manifestació feminista enfront de l'Apple Store, Apple.

a feminist demonstration in front of the Apple Store, Apple.

O la plaça Catalunya, l'Apple.

Or Plaça Catalunya, the Apple.

A la plaça Catalunya, justament allà,

In Plaça Catalunya, right there,

amb bengales, pancartes, ous durs,

with sparklers, banners, hard-boiled eggs

i fins i tot sembla que ha arribat imatges

And it even seems that images have arrived.

de gent que està rebentant iPhones amb Satisfyers.

of people who are smashing iPhones with Satisfyers.

Home, és que això, tu veus?

Home, is that so, do you see?

A més, creativitat.

In addition, creativity.

És que agafes un dildo d'aquells llargs

It's that you take one of those long dildos.

i li fots un latigal.

And you give him a slap.

Però allò dels ous també és una metàfora.

But the thing about the eggs is also a metaphor.

Ah, clar, segur que deuen anar...

Ah, of course, they must be going...

Però no són durs, són tous.

But they are not hard, they are soft.

És una bona performance, no?

It's a good performance, isn't it?

Anar a ensenyar a la càmera els ous

Go show the eggs to the camera.

amb cara agressiva

with an aggressive face

i fer pram!

and make pram!

I tram, i tram!

I tram, I tram!

M'ha fet mal.

It hurt me.



Bueno, exacte.

Well, exactly.

M'ha fet mal, a mi, d'imaginar-m'ho.

It has hurt me, to imagine it.

Però no som les úniques, clar,

But we are not the only ones, of course,

quan ens manifesten diuen

when they manifest to us they say

no pot ser que siguin les úniques aquí.

It can't be that they are the only ones here.

Sempre ens fan suport.

They always support us.

Home, clar que ens fan suport.

Of course they support us at home.

Qui us fa suport?

Who supports you?

Evidentment els canis que hi havia per allà.

Obviously the dogs that were around there.

Ah, clar, que els pobres deuen haver fotut fora, no?

Ah, of course, the poor must have been kicked out, right?

Perquè allà no hi ha lloc per tant.

Because there is no room for that there.

Clar, però no s'han volgut anar fora

Of course, but they haven't wanted to go outside.

perquè, clar, ells han de xupar el wifi de la pell.

Because, of course, they have to suck the Wi-Fi from the skin.

Ja, és veritat.

Yes, it is true.

I mira, de fet, ara que ho dius,

And look, in fact, now that you mention it,

sembla que molts polítics,

it seems that many politicians,

tenim una manifestació i una contramanifestació

we have a demonstration and a counter-demonstration

d'aquests canis que no volen marxar

of these dogs that don't want to leave

i sembla que els polítics s'han posicionat a favor.

And it seems that the politicians have taken a stand in favor.

Ah, no, va dir una contra-contramanifestació

Ah, no, he said a counter-counter-demonstration.

que llavors seria una a favor.

that would then be a yes.

Exacte, contra de la contra,

Exactly, against the against,

que és a favor dels canis que s'estan quedant sense wifi.

that is in favor of the dogs that are running out of wifi.

I estan argumentant, doncs, justament,

And they are arguing, then, precisely,

que la violència no és la solució a aquest problema.

that violence is not the solution to this problem.

Per molt enfadades que estiguin,

No matter how angry they are,

des de Vox cal que siguin lògiques

From Vox, they need to be logical.

i vegin que cremar material de la via pública

and see that burning material from the public road

i apartar a la pobra gent

and push away the poor people

que està fent un ús d'un servei

that is making use of a service

que, per si no fos poc,

that, as if it weren't enough,

Apple ofereix gratuïtament,

Apple offers for free,

no és la solució.

it is not the solution.

Això no pot ser!

This can't be!

És una vergonya!

It's a shame!

És violència!

It's violence!



Sisplau, algú li pot donar un satisfaire a aquest home?

Please, can someone give this man a satisfaction?

Així es rebaixa?

Is it discounted like this?

Amb la mateixa medicina?

With the same medicine?

Un satisfaire pel cul?

A satisfy for the ass?

Com una tila, potser.

Like a linden tree, maybe.

Jo crec que el que no són conscients

I believe that what they are not aware of.

és que la violència és part per seva.

It is that violence is part of it.

És la veritadera violència, Toni.

It is true violence, Toni.

Ja, suposo que el que passa

Yes, I suppose what happens

és que hi ha dos tipus de violència.

There are two types of violence.

La violència més explícita i la violència més implícita.

The most explicit violence and the most implicit violence.

Normalment solen quedar amb la gent

They usually tend to meet with people.

que rebenta iPhones amb un satisfaire,

that bursts iPhones with a satisfying,

que és violència, clarament.

that is violence, clearly.

Però violència bonica.

But beautiful violence.

És violència que a mi em fa gràcia.

It's violence that makes me laugh.

Amb la violència que exerceixes de manera invisibilitzada,

With the violence you exercise in a hidden way,

mantenint el poder,

maintaining power,

evitant que les dones agafin el poder...

avoiding that women gain power...

Exacte, i al final es protegeixen entre ells,

Exactly, and in the end, they protect each other.

perquè són els seus interessos.

because they are his/her interests.

Creus que algun altre

Do you think any other?

polític empresari

political businessman

i tecnològic ha criticat aquesta decisió?

And who in technology has criticized this decision?

No, ningú ha dit res encara.

No, no one has said anything yet.

Perquè paciència.

Because patience.

Paciència, sí.

Patience, yes.

Cal poder veure la imatge al complet,

It is necessary to see the image in full.

cal formar-se una opinió

one should form an opinion

ben formada,


o el que sigui.

or whatever it is.

Però sí que és veritat

But it is true.

que suposo que quan ets un home

that I suppose when you are a man

i estàs al poder,

and you are in power,

no veus, no empatitzes

you do not see, you do not empathize

realment amb el que s'està reivindicant

really with what is being claimed

des del feminisme.

from feminism.

És com quan tens els cabells llargs

It's like when you have long hair.

i els talles i te n'adones que et cremes

And you cut them, and you realize that you're burning.

que tenies un privilegi

that you had a privilege

i no tenies un cabell llarg.

and you didn't have long hair.

No té cap sentit.

It makes no sense.

Quan et tenen constipat,

When you have a cold,

no sé què té a veure amb aquesta metàfora,

I don't know what this has to do with the metaphor,

però te n'adones o què ve si estava

but do you realize or what comes if I was

quan no estaven constipats.

when they were not cold.

Ens quedem del Ministeri de Metàfora.

We stay at the Ministry of Metaphor.

Per tant, el que hem de fer

Therefore, what we have to do

és fotre tots els homes fora del poder,

it's about screwing all men out of power,

perquè puguin empatitzar.

so they can empathize.

És com aquella sèrie que feien

It's like that series they used to show.

de jefe treballador,

of working boss,

que el posaven a treballar al cap.

that they put him to work at the top.

Per curiositat, he buscat la llista

Out of curiosity, I have searched for the list.

de les 10 persones

of the 10 people

més riques del món.

richest in the world.

M'he quedat super sorprès.

I am super surprised.

Que són tot dones.

They are all women.

Gent com trans que ha arribat

People like trans who have arrived.

de treballar en una panaderia

to work in a bakery

des de ben petit i ha arribat a tenir

since he was very small and has come to have

molts diners.

a lot of money.

Un garatge, no?

A garage, right?

Això passa, no tens res de diners,

This happens, you don't have any money.

estàs a la banca rota i dius

you are bankrupt and you say

que vas a crear una empresa

that you are going to create a company

que potser per dret no...

that perhaps by right not...

Però puc fer-ho, no?

But I can do it, right?

Perquè encara tinc diners...

Because I still have money...

Bueno, tot homes blancs, a certa edat.

Well, all white men, at a certain age.

Amb homes blancs heterosexuals...

With heterosexual white men...

Això potser encara no ho tenen tant.

Maybe they don't have that yet.

Bueno, sigui com sigui.

Well, anyway.

La qüestió és que realment els homes

The question is that really men

solen estar freqüentant

tend to be frequenting

les posicions de poder.

the positions of power.

I a vegades passa que

And sometimes it happens that

això també forma part de les normes mateixes

this is also part of the rules themselves

que eviten que les dones puguin arribar

that prevent women from being able to reach

a posicions de poder.

to positions of power.

Clar, però per què no arriben?

Sure, but why don't they arrive?

Perquè ara, com estàvem dient,

Because now, as we were saying,

segur que són homes que han treballat,

surely they are men who have worked,

han esforçat,

they have struggled,

vull dir, estaven explotadíssims

I mean, they were extremely exploited.

i després han arribat, no?

And then they arrived, right?

Sí, sí, no.

Yes, yes, no.

Tenint tots els diners, sí, sí, sí, ok.

Having all the money, yes, yes, yes, okay.

El relat de la meritocràcia, no?

The narrative of meritocracy, right?

Llavors, clar, les dones què?

So, of course, what about the women?

Són totes noves vagues.

They are all new strikes.

No fan res.

They don't do anything.

Doncs mira, per posar-te un exemple,

Well, look, to give you an example,

a la Universitat de Barcelona,

at the University of Barcelona,

fins fa uns anys,

until a few years ago,

que és la meva universitat...

what is my university...

Home, uvitos.

Man, little grapes.

Uvitos som.

We are uvitic.

Som uns uvitos.

We are some little grapes.

Jo sóc uvé.

I am uvé.

Doncs fins fa relativament poc,

Well, until relatively recently,

ara ho hem canviat,

now we have changed it,

per ser rector era necessari ser catedràtic.

To be a rector, it was necessary to be a professor.

Llavors, tot el personal de la UB

Then, all the staff of the UB

és més o menys paritari,

it is more or less equal.

les persones de catedràtiques són dones.

The people of tenured professors are women.

Llavors, clar,

Then, of course,

si tu ja fiques una condició

if you already set a condition

que ha estat literalment esbiaixant-te

that has been literally distorting you

la gent que es pot presentar,

the people who can present themselves,

doncs evidentment que les dones

so obviously women

ho tindran més complicat

they will have a harder time

per arribar a posicions de poder.

to reach positions of power.

És que són catedràtiques perquè no volen.

It's just that they are professors because they don’t want to.

És broma,

It's a joke,

és que estem cremades pels rajos UB.

It's just that we are burned by the UB rays.

Vale, a veure, una cosa, Toni.

Okay, let's see, one thing, Toni.

És que el sol crema el més a les dones, no?

It's that the sun burns women the most, right?

Jo t'hi cuento.

I'll count on you.

Vale, digue'm.

Okay, tell me.

No, jo t'hi explico,

No, I'll explain it to you.

jo t'hi cuento,

I'll tell you about it.

per què no arriben.

Why don't they arrive?

Per què no arriben?

Why aren't they arriving?

Per què no arriben, no ho sé.

Why they are not arriving, I don't know.

T'has d'imaginar unes tisores.

You have to imagine a pair of scissors.

Això, per un capítol de dones...

This, for a chapter of women...

Visualitza les Muppets, les tisores.

Visualize the Muppets, the scissors.



Vale, què passa?

Okay, what's happening?

No, tu quan vas començar la uni...

No, when you started university...

Vale, no, no.

Okay, no, no.

El teu cas...

Your case...

Estem seriosos?

Are we serious?

Estic seriós.

I am serious.



El teu cas no compta perquè ets físic.

Your case doesn't count because you are a physicist.

Sí, en el cas de la...

Yes, in the case of the...

No, són línies paral·leles.

No, they are parallel lines.

Vale, imagina't la uni.

Okay, imagine university.

Què va passar quan vas entrar a la uni?

What happened when you entered university?

Tot home.

All man.

Vale, perquè el Toni és físic, vale?

Okay, because Toni is a physicist, okay?

Però diguem biologia.

But let's say biology.

Sí, jo faig ciències del mar.

Yes, I study marine sciences.

Més o menys.

More or less.

Fins i tot 60-40.

Even 60-40.

Bueno, en general, 50-50, sobretot en l'àmbit de la salut.

Well, in general, 50-50, especially in the field of health.

Sí, en l'àmbit de la salut, sobretot és més, eh?

Yes, in the field of health, it is mainly more, eh?

60-40, 60-40.

60-40, 60-40.

Doncs posem l'exemple de la salut, que és 50-50, una mica més, potser, de dones, no?

Well, let's take the example of health, which is 50-50, perhaps a little more so for women, right?

També és un tema, eh?

It's also a topic, huh?

Que la salut sigui més femení que física, per exemple.

May health be more female than physical, for example.

Podrem parlar-ne.

We can talk about it.

Això, podem parlar-ne.

We can talk about this.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Això a la universitat.

This at the university.

Pugem un nivell més, no?

Shall we level up?



Un nivell més seria doctorat?

Would a doctorate be a higher level?

Bueno, màster seria doctorat.

Well, a master's would be a doctorate.

Llavors ja el percentatge dius...

Then you say the percentage...

Bueno, no, el doctorat encara.

Well, no, the doctorate still.

Jo dic que més o menys, en els campos de la salut, més o menys 50-50, el percentatge encara es manté.

I say that more or less, in the field of health, it is still about 50-50, the percentage remains.

Vale, pugem més.

Okay, let's go up more.

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.

Què fer de doctorat? Seria?

What to do for a doctorate? Would it be?

Seria professor, diguem-ne professor.

It would be teacher, let's call it teacher.

I què passa amb els professors?

And what about the teachers?

Doncs que aleshores ja els homes, diguem-ne que les línies es creuen, no?

Well, then the men, let's say the lines cross, right?

Si abans la dona estava per sobre, ara a mesura que es fan posicions de poder, bueno, més avançades...

If before the woman was above, now as power positions are created, well, more advanced...

I ja si diem caps, diem directors...

And if we say heads, we say directors...

Catedràtics, no?, com dèiem.

Professors, right? As we said.

Llavors ja la proporció, bueno, molt mínima.

Then the proportion is, well, very minimal.

I això és aquest diagrama com de tisores, no?, que suposo que també molta gent que estigui ficada en el tema ja sabrà una mica de què va la cosa.

And this is this diagram like scissors, right?, which I suppose many people involved in the topic will already know a bit about what it is about.

O sigui, bàsicament, què hem de fer, com ho diu la Rosalía?

So, basically, what do we have to do, as Rosalía says?

Ara parlem que és coge-la i corta-la.

Now we talk about picking it up and cutting it.

Coge-la i corta-la.

Grab it and cut it.

Perquè si la cortes, llavors veus que es torna tot igual.

Because if you cut it, then you see that everything becomes the same.

Coge-la i corta la pitxa de la gent.

Take it and cut the people's d*ck.

Visualitzeu les tisores, sisplau.

Please visualize the scissors.

Bueno, per ficar-te en aquest context amb això de les tisores, moltes vegades la gent el que diu és que, bueno,

Well, to get you into this context with the scissors, many times what people say is that, well,

el fet que ara mateix hi hagi més dones en els perfils baixos vol dir que amb el temps,

the fact that right now there are more women in lower profiles means that over time,

això és una cosa que es solucionarà, no?

This is something that will be resolved, right?

Però, bueno, és divertit perquè en camps com la física estàs tancat.

But, well, it's fun because in fields like physics you are confined.

O sigui, la gent que es gradua jove no està pas augmentant la proporció de dones versus homes.

In other words, the number of young graduates is not increasing the proportion of women versus men.

És a dir, que s'està mantenint constant i, per tant, no sembla que vagi millor anant amb el temps.

That is to say, it is remaining constant and, therefore, it does not seem to be improving over time.

I això tampoc és una falta de referents, no? Bueno, si...

And this isn't a lack of references either, right? Well, yes...

També, també. Poden ser molts factors. Si vols, després en parlem.

Also, also. There can be many factors. If you want, we can talk about it later.

Jo et puc dir molts noms.

I can tell you many names.

Vale, doncs digue'm noms.

Okay, then tell me names.

Va, jo et dic noms.

Come on, I'll name you.

De què? De referents?

About what? About references?



Maria! Roger!

Maria! Roger!



Sí, no? Va, va. Lisa Meitner et sona.

Yes, right? Come on, come on. Lisa Meitner rings a bell.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ah, bueno, clar, a tu et sona.

Ah, well, of course, it sounds familiar to you.

Jo soc físic, per tant, m'has sonat.

I am a physicist, therefore, you sound familiar to me.

Sí, sí. Jo us dic Ullens, escolteu.

Yes, yes. I call you Ullens, listen.

Aixequeu la mà, d'acord? Vull imaginar-vos a casa aixecant la mà, si sabeu de qui està parlant.

Raise your hand, okay? I want to imagine you at home raising your hand if you know who I'm talking about.

Lisa Meitner.

Lisa Meitner.

Jo, jo!

Me, me!



Rosalind Franklin.

Rosalind Franklin.

Sí, sí, la Rosalind, sí.

Yes, yes, Rosalind, yes.

Jocelyn Bell.

Jocelyn Bell.

També, també la conec, sí.

Yes, I know her too.

Bueno, a què volia arribar això?

Well, what was I trying to get at with this?

Totes dones super...

All women are super...

Novelistes, no.

Novelists, no.

Sí, no, una mica aquest discurs que deies abans, no?

Yes, no, a little bit that speech you mentioned before, right?

De que el...

That he...

Sóc a posar-se a ordenar els meus discursos.

I am about to organize my speeches.

Que els homes treballen molt i que és per això que poden arribar al poder, no?

That men work a lot and that is why they can reach power, right?

I potser les dones no estan treballant tant, doncs aquells són realment exemples de, no sé,

And maybe the women are not working as much, because those are really examples of, I don't know,

Lisa Meitner, Rosalind Franklin, no? Que realment van treballar molt.

Lisa Meitner, Rosalind Franklin, right? They really worked hard.

Van treballar molt amb el reconeixement de...

They worked hard on the recognition of...



Que els hi van robar el Nobel.

That they were robbed of the Nobel.

Bueno, robar.

Well, to steal.

Robar, sí.

Steal, yes.

Que ha quedat malament.

It has turned out badly.

Sí, és això que es diu l'efecte Matilda, no?

Yes, that's what is called the Matilda effect, isn't it?



Que l'home es posa...

That the man puts on...

Tot i no tenir la responsabilitat del descobriment,

Even though I do not have the responsibility for the discovery,

s'ha de posar per davant i amagar la feina que ha fet la dona, no?

It needs to be put in front and hide the work that the woman has done, right?

Doncs sí, tot això són estratègies que són...

Well, yes, all of this are strategies that are...

Bueno, estratègies, fenòmens que estan passant a la ciència, però bueno,

Well, strategies, phenomena that are happening in science, but well,

a Apple no parlem de ciència, sinó que estem parlant de tecnologia.

At Apple, we're not talking about science; we are talking about technology.

Tot i que realment hi ha moltes paral·lelismes,

Although there are really many parallels,

suposo que el mateix rotllo està passant a les empreses tecnològiques, no?

I suppose the same thing is happening in tech companies, right?

Exacte, vull dir...

Exactly, I mean...

Podríem dir, no?, també allò de quantes dones estan dirigint una empresa tecnològica.

We could say, right?, also about how many women are leading a technology company.

Bueno, suposo que tothom...

Well, I suppose everyone...

Bueno, no vull dir noms, no diré noms...

Well, I don't want to name names, I won't name names...

És que no et saps noms de gent tecnològica.

It's just that you don't know the names of tech people.

Mark Zuckerberg?

Mark Zuckerberg?

La Jeff Bezos?

The Jeff Bezos?

Jeff Bezos Calvo, segur.

Jeff Bezos Bald, for sure.

Clar, però els estem dient els noms, no? Va, no els diem els noms.

Sure, but we are telling them the names, aren't we? Come on, let's not tell them the names.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Però què passa?

But what is happening?

El Jeff Bezos.

The Jeff Bezos.

I la J.K. Rowling, què?

And J.K. Rowling, what about her?

Si no la trobes la J.K. Rowling, eh?

If you don't find her, J.K. Rowling, huh?

No tens una fixació amb aquesta dona?

Don't you have a fixation on this woman?

Jo no ho vull comentar, i menys en aquest capítol sobre ella.

I do not want to comment on it, especially not in this chapter about her.

Harry Potter.

Harry Potter.

No, d'acord.

No, okay.

Però sí, és veritat, no?, que tinc les dades aquí.

But yes, it's true, right?, that I have the data here.

Dates, dates.

Dates, dates.

Doncs, una de cada quatre persones que són dirigents d'empreses tecnològiques,

Well, one in every four people who are leaders of technology companies,

una de cada quatre són dones.

one in every four is a woman.

I diem, això està millorant, no?

And we say, this is getting better, isn't it?

Sí, doncs no, eh? No està millorant, perquè jo tinc una altra dada, Toni.

Yes, well no, huh? It's not improving, because I have another piece of information, Toni.

Dona una altra dada.

Give another piece of information.

En 1984 era una de cada tres.

In 1984 it was one in three.

Una de cada tres, o sigui que ha empitjorat, no?

One in every three, so it's gotten worse, right?

Ha empitjorat.

It has worsened.

I no sé si se t'acudeix pensar una mica per què pots creure que ha empitjorat.

I don't know if it occurs to you to think a little about why you might believe it has worsened.

Bueno, totalment, perquè anem cap al millor.

Well, absolutely, because we are heading towards the best.

Aquest món s'està fent molta feina, estem assolint la igualtat.

This world is doing a lot of work, we are achieving equality.

Sí, o sigui...

Yes, I mean...

Vull dir...

I mean...

D'acord, imagina't...

Okay, imagine...

Per què creus que les dones potser no arribarien a aquesta posició?

Why do you think women might not reach this position?

No és una posició de molta responsabilitat, de dedicar-se molt temps...

It is not a position of much responsibility, requiring a lot of time...

Què és el primer que et ve al cap? Per què creus que ho deixen?

What is the first thing that comes to mind? Why do you think they leave it?

Bueno, és que poden ser mil coses.

Well, it could be a thousand things.

Maternitat suposo que és una important, però no deu ser l'únic.

Maternity I suppose is important, but it can't be the only thing.

Jo el que volia referir-me, d'acord, i amb això ja acabaré,

What I wanted to refer to, okay, and with this I will conclude,

és que jo crec que un dels motius importants pels quals les tecnològiques han empitjorat en veritat

is that I believe one of the important reasons why technology has truly worsened

és pel fet que justament les tecnològiques s'han demostrat que ara mateix són els sectors

It is because the tech sectors have proven to be the ones right now.

on s'està generant més diners...

where more money is being generated...

I més poder, no?

And more power, right?

Perquè ho veiem molt amb la IA, no?

Because we see it a lot with AI, right?

La intel·ligència artificial, que és un camp que està cridat a ser el futur

Artificial intelligence, which is a field that is destined to be the future.

i que genera diners i genera valor i que tot serà ia, ia, ia, ia, ia...

and that generates money and generates value and that everything will be ia, ia, ia, ia, ia...

I justament jo crec que també hi ha una certa tendència, no?

I just think that there is also a certain tendency, isn't there?

De que les disciplines que comporten més poder i més diners

That the disciplines that involve more power and more money.

són normalment més masculines.

they are usually more masculine.

I no l'he que sigui que és l'únic.

And not that it is the only one.

Però t'estava escoltant, ja, perquè en lloc d'oe, oe, he pensat ia, ia...

But I was listening to you, yes, because instead of oe, oe, I thought ia, ia...

Ia, ia, ia...

Ia, ia, ia...

Sí, bueno, és que imagina't ara que netejar la casa donés molts diners.

Yes, well, just imagine if cleaning the house brought in a lot of money.

M'imagino els homes ben vestits amb corbata netejant la casa davant dels seus clients.

I imagine well-dressed men in ties cleaning the house in front of their clients.

És que literal.

It's literally.

O per exemple, això és un cas potser que m'he forçat una mica,

Or for example, this is a case perhaps that I have forced myself a bit,

però jo què sé, imagina't la medicina.

But what do I know, just imagine medicine.

O sigui, la medicina com és?

So, what is medicine like?

Qui són els metges?

Who are the doctors?

Homes o dones, normalment?

Men or women, usually?

I els metges més prestigiosos què són?

And what are the most prestigious doctors?

Homes o dones?

Men or women?

Els cirurgians.

The surgeons.

Normalment són homes.

They are usually men.



Però en canvi, les infermeres què són?

But instead, what are nurses?

Homes o dones?

Men or women?

I fixa't en el meu llenguatge.

And pay attention to my language.

Ja he dit les infermeres i els metges.

I have already mentioned the nurses and the doctors.

Llavors, normalment no les coses que donen prestigi,

Then, normally not the things that provide prestige,

donen diners,

they give money,

doncs solen ser les que...

well, they tend to be the ones that...

solen estar més masculinitzades.

tend to be more masculinized.

I jo us diria que per això les empreses tecnològiques

And I would tell you that for this reason technology companies

també estan perdent en aquest sentit.

they are also losing in this regard.

Perquè potser abans no donaven quatre peles

Because maybe before they didn't give a damn.

i ara sí que les donen.

And now they really give them.

Sí, no et preocupis,

Yes, don't worry,

perquè Apple ja està posant solució.

because Apple is already working on a solution.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?



Què està fent ara Apple?

What is Apple doing now?

Mira, escolta, escolta.

Look, listen, listen.

Per un futur més brillant,

For a brighter future,

Apple vol el millor dels seus treballadors.

Apple wants the best from its employees.

Vols tenir fills i formar una família?

Do you want to have children and start a family?

T'animem a fer-ho.

We encourage you to do it.

Digues-nos-ho en les properes

Tell us in the next ones.

entrevistes de revaloració que farem

revaluation interviews that we will conduct

i ens assegurarem que se't reubiqui

and we will ensure that you are relocated

a una posició més adequada per a tu.

to a more suitable position for you.

Creus que el teu company de feina home

Do you think your male colleague?

ha aconseguit la plaça que et mereixies tu més?

Has he/she achieved the position you deserved more?

No pateixis,

Don't worry,

t'assignarem un servei de psiquiatria personalitzada

we will assign you a personalized psychiatric service

per ajudar-te en possibles atacs d'enveja i histèria

to help you with possible attacks of envy and hysteria

sense cap mena de costa adicional.

without any additional cost.

Apple es preocupa per tu.

Apple cares about you.

Ostres, que distòpic que...

Wow, how dystopian that...

O sigui, això...

So, this...



És de Black Mirror

It's from Black Mirror.

i literalment crec que m'ho crec.

I literally think I believe it.

A mi em posen la musiqueta de Crims

They play me the music from Crims.

i també m'entra.

and it also enters me.

Bueno, a mi amb la música de Crims m'entra tot.

Well, everything gets to me with the music of Crims.

Bé, sigui com sigui.

Well, whatever the case.

He estat mirant avui també jo

I have been watching today too.

aquestes entrevistes que estan fent

these interviews they are conducting

i les pregunto, o sigui, si t'ho dic ara mateix,

and I ask you, that is, if I tell you right now,

o sigui, crec que voldràs sortir,

I mean, I think you will want to go out,

tirar el teu iPhone per la finestra,

throw your iPhone out the window,

trencar-lo, rebentar-lo...

break it, burst it...

Ja jo ja el tinc trencat.

I already have it broken.

Tens molts vibes,

You have a lot of vibes,

molts llibres de tenir el mòbil trencat.

many books about having a broken phone.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Però és que es cau molt.

But it falls a lot.

Es cau.

It falls.

Bé, es cau.

Well, it falls.



És com la gravetat fa les seves coses.

It's how gravity does its things.

Bueno, llavors, algunes de les preguntes són que

Well, then, some of the questions are that

pregunten a les dones si es plantegen tenir fills,

they ask women if they are considering having children,

fins i tot ofereixen ajuts per a congelació d'òvuls,

they even offer assistance for egg freezing,

pregunten si és correcte que un panell directiu

they ask if it is correct for a steering committee

sigui només masculí,

be only masculine,

o fins i tot si ho veurien amb bons ulls

or even if they would look upon it favorably

que se'ls encarreguessin tasques de cura

that they be assigned care tasks

no reconegudes dins de l'empresa.

not recognized within the company.

Home, com és que això és el més important de saber, eh?

Man, how is it that this is the most important thing to know, huh?

A veure, és heavy perquè són coses que, així,

Let's see, it's heavy because these are things that, like this,

dites explícitament,

you say explicitly,

són salvatges,

they are wild,

però és que són coses que realment passen.

but these are things that really happen.

Passen, sí, sí.

Come in, yes, yes.

Home, i tant.

Of course, home.

A més, de fet, l'altre dia hi hagia

Moreover, in fact, the other day there was.

que quan ets catedràtic,

that when you are a professor,

quan ets dona, o sigui,

when you are a woman, I mean,

et costa...

it's hard for you...

O sigui, bueno, ara no sé el que hi hagia, d'acord?

I mean, well, now I don't know what there was, okay?

Però bàsicament que les dones catedràtiques

But basically, that the female professors

tenir fills els anava pitjor

having children was worse for them

en el seu carrer.

in his street.

En canvi, els homes els promocionaven més.

Instead, men promoted them more.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Perdó, potser no la catedràtica.

Sorry, maybe not the professor.

Bueno, sí, no, no, però més o menys t'he entès.

Well, yes, no, no, but more or less I understood you.

Sí, jo...

Yes, I...

En el sentit que els homes tenir fills

In the sense that men have children.

els anava bé per promocionar, ja està.

It was good for promoting, that's it.

Sí, jo recordo, no sé,

Yes, I remember, I don't know,

l'entrevista que li vam fer a l'últim guanyador

the interview we did with the latest winner

de la medalla fills de matemàtiques,

from the mathematics children medal,

la més prestigiosa de matemàtiques,

the most prestigious in mathematics,

i el tio deia, bueno,

and the guy said, well,

és que si no fos per la meva dona,

it's that if it weren't for my wife,

jo és que, o sigui,

I mean, or rather,

o sigui, el 99% de...

that is, 99% of...

O sigui, li deia alguna cosa com

I mean, I was saying something like

estic agraïda a la meva dona

I am grateful to my wife.

perquè, tot i que només li dedico l'1% de la meva mort,

because, even though I only dedicate 1% of my death to him,

l'altre 99% de les matemàtiques

the other 99% of mathematics

segueix estant allà, saps?

He's still there, you know?

I és com, uau.

And it's like, wow.

Però bueno, jo perdó,

But well, I apologize,

és que desverio una mica.

It's just that I'm a bit delirious.

Bueno, i després ens sorprenem

Well, and then we wonder.

de per què les dones no volen estar als carrers.

of why women do not want to be in the streets.

Hi estem?

Hi, are we?

Sí, i clar, i per què no arriben al poder, no?

Yes, and of course, why don't they come to power, right?

I és que potser no és això que dèiem, no?

And is it perhaps not what we were saying, is it?

Aquesta meritocràcia, no?

This meritocracy, isn’t it?

Que els homes s'ho corren més,

That men run it more.

les dones són més mandroses.

Women are lazier.

Potser és que no és que siguin mandroses,

Perhaps it's not that they are lazy,

potser és que realment

maybe it really is

se'ls està fotent traves.

They are being hindered.

I abans parlàvem d'això de la maternitat,

And before we talked about this motherhood thing,

que és el primer que a tots ens ve al cap, no?

What is the first thing that comes to all our minds, right?

Clar, és que si volen ser mares,

Of course, it's just that if they want to be mothers,

és que clar, l'embràs comporta,

it's just that the embrace involves,

perquè la paternitat no comporta res, vull dir,

because parenthood doesn't entail anything, I mean,

tot això emporta la maternitat, no?

All of this comes with motherhood, doesn’t it?

A veure si anem per aquesta línia.

Let's see if we go in this direction.

Sí, és el típic tòpic que, bueno,

Yes, it's the typical topic that, well,

els homes estan contents amb aquest tòpic, però...

men are happy with this topic, but...

Però què és el que passa?

But what is happening?

Si, Toni, tu imagina't la teva feina ideal,

Yes, Toni, just imagine your ideal job,

quina és?

Which one is it?

A veure, la meva feina ideal és no treballar,

Let's see, my ideal job is not to work,

és renda bàsica universal,

it is universal basic income,

o si vols quatre hores de feina...

or if you want four hours of work...

Euromillones, que sabem que a algú d'aquí li agradaria.

Euromillions, as we know that someone here would like it.

Sí, euromillones, tant de bo l'euromillones,

Yes, EuroMillions, hopefully the EuroMillions.

però no aposteu que és estadísticament

but don't bet that it is statistically

poc probable que guanyeu.

Not very likely that you will win.

Som científics, no juguem.

We are scientists, we don’t play.

Perdó, perdó, tècnic.

Sorry, sorry, technician.

Però, Toni, home...

But, Toni, man...

Bueno, tornem-hi, tornem-hi,

Well, let's get back to it, let's get back to it.

agafem el fil, agafem-lo...

let's take the thread, let's take it...

Ai, jo volia dir una cosa.

Oh, I wanted to say something.

Digues la cosa, digues la cosa i t'ho demano al fil.

Say the thing, say the thing and I ask you on the thread.

Totes les dones volen anar,

All women want to go,

vamos todas a trabajar

let's all go to work

a las siete de la mañana, venga.

At seven in the morning, come on.

Que estem molt contentes d'anar a treballar nosaltres.

We are very happy to go to work.

A trabajar!

Let's work!

Bé, encara que sigui en castellà,

Well, even if it's in Spanish,

jo, si és Pep Rubianes, endavant.

Me, if it's Pep Rubianes, go ahead.

És Pep Rubians.

It's Pep Rubians.

Pep Rubians.

Pep Rubians.

El treball, sí, el treball dignifica.

Work does dignify, yes; work does dignify.

Però bé, Irene, tornem al fil que m'estaves dient, d'acord?

But well, Irene, let's go back to the point you were telling me, okay?

Dèiem que les dones no només ho deixen, no?,

We said that women don't just quit, right?

per la maternitat, sinó que realment hi ha altres motius, no?

for maternity, but there are really other reasons, right?

Sí, sí, és aquest ambient hostil cap a elles, no?

Yes, yes, it is this hostile environment towards them, isn't it?

Ho hem vist en aquest tipus d'entrevistes.

We have seen it in this type of interviews.

Però és com aquesta exclusió

But it's like this exclusion.

que no és explícita.

that is not explicit.

Evidentment, bueno, ara això sí que ens enxerria.

Obviously, well, now this really does annoy us.

Enxerria, no?

You're kidding, right?

Sí, però si no tens les ulleres posades, no?

Yes, but if you don't have your glasses on, right?

Potser llegiries aquesta entrevista i dius

Maybe you read this interview and say

bueno, t'estan preguntant coses, tu dius que no, ja està, no?

Well, they are asking you things, you say no, that's it, right?

Però clar, és com la sensació de violència, no?,

But of course, it's like the sensation of violence, right?

que et genera, com de dir

what it generates for you, so to speak

hòstia, m'estic sentint jutjat per això, no?

Damn, I'm feeling judged for this, right?

Bueno, és que fins fa poc era com normal preguntar

Well, until recently it was like normal to ask.

en entrevistes si estaves casada, no?

In interviews, you were married, right?

Vull dir, és com, per què?

I mean, it's like, why?

T'he d'aprendre, saps? Vull dir, com a exemple, eh?

I have to learn it, you know? I mean, as an example, okay?

Jo soc capaç, no?, de fer la feina perfectament igual, no?

I am capable, right?, of doing the job perfectly the same, aren't I?

O millor.

Or better.

O millor inclús, no?

Or better yet, right?

Perquè tindré polvos.

Because I will have powders.

No, jo, el sexe, jo segur que

No, I, the sex, I am sure that

augmenta el bon humor.

it increases good humor.

Tornarem a portar un expert en sexe, com la Míriam.

We will bring back a sex expert, like Míriam.

Però aquest cop, sexe...

But this time, sex...

del que ens...

of what we...

Bueno, va, ara et torno.

Alright, I'm coming back to you now.

En aquest cas, l'exclusió

In this case, the exclusion

ara està sent explícita, però normalment

now it is being explicit, but normally

és implícita, són aquestes conductes

it is implicit, these behaviors are

micromesclistes que tenim mala feina

micromixers that we have bad work

o que aviam mala feina, bueno, en el nostre diàleg, diria,

or, let's see, bad job, well, in our dialogue, I would say,

a tot arreu, i que estan supernaturalitzades.

everywhere, and they are supernaturalized.

Sí, i això, a mi m'agrada relacionar-ho

Yes, and I like to relate it.

amb una cosa que diu la Sònia Estradé,

with something that Sònia Estradé says,

que, bàsicament,

that, basically,

parla del síndrome de la impostora, no?

It talks about the impostor syndrome, right?

I sovint, no?, es parla del síndrome de la impostora

And often, right?, we talk about the imposter syndrome.

com una cosa que és culpa

like something that is blame

de la persona que el viu, no?

of the person who lives it, right?

És que dius que realment, o tia, no t'estàs realment valorant,

It's just that you say that really, girl, you are not really valuing yourself.

sigues objectiva

be objective

amb tu mateixa, no?, realment

with yourself, right?, really

et vals molt, si tu lo vales...

you are worth a lot, if you think you are...

Perquè tu ho vals. Perquè tu ho vals, no?

Because you are worth it. Because you are worth it, right?

Però crec que no es posa

But I think it doesn't apply.

gaire en el focus, no?, en què

hardly in the spotlight, right?, in what?

el culpable no és la persona, el culpable és tot el sistema,

the culprit is not the person, the culprit is the entire system,

no?, l'estructura que hi ha al teu voltant, que t'està,

no?, the structure that is around you, that is,

encara que tu no t'adonis, fent-te sentir així

even if you don’t realize it, making you feel this way

i menys tenint-te, no?

and less having you, right?

I, justament, això, el que fa

I, exactly, this, what does

és que el síndrome de la impostora

is that the impostor syndrome

predomini en dones. Exacte. I per algun motiu

predominance in women. Exactly. And for some reason

serà. I, vull dir, ara estem tenint

will be. I mean, now we are having

aquesta conversa de bar, que dèiem abans...

this bar conversation, as we said before...

Sí, que és com un súper de bar. Però anem a posar exemples,

Yes, it’s like a bar supermarket. But let’s put examples,

vull dir, perquè això s'ha estudiat, no?, en estudis socials.

I mean, because this has been studied, right?, in social studies.

Ciència, senyors, crec que si és ciència social

Science, gentlemen, I believe it is social science.

estem fent ciència. Home, jo...

We are doing science. Well, I...

Perfecte. No m'ha dit Jordi. Jordi...

Perfect. Jordi didn't tell me. Jordi...

Jordi... Jordi... No sé.

Jordi... Jordi... I don't know.

Mira, anem a posar l'exemple. No l'hem

Look, let's take the example. We don't have it.

fet nosaltres, però ho va portar

done by us, but he brought it

a terme la investigadora Corin

researcher Corin

Mos Rascussin, espero que ho estigui

Mr. Rascussin, I hope it is.

dient bé. Raccussin, aquesta. Raccussin.

saying well. Raccussin, this one. Raccussin.

Vale, perdó, jo no m'ho estic dient bé. Rasputin.

Okay, sorry, I'm not saying it right. Rasputin.

Rà, rà, rasputin.

Raa, raa, Rasputin.

Sí, sí que sona això, eh?

Yes, that does sound like it, huh?

Segur que li cantem i li fa gràcia.

I'm sure we'll sing to him and it makes him happy.

Vale. Doncs, mira, què va fer? Va fer dos currículums,

Okay. So, look, what did he do? He made two resumes,

no?, per un costat. Bueno, no, dos currículums, no.

No? On one side. Well, no, two resumes, no.

Va fer un currículum, un supercurrículum d'aquests

He made a resume, one of those super resumes.

d'anem a enviar-lo a un centre de

we are going to send it to a center of

recerca, que segur que em contracten. Vale.

research, I'm sure they'll hire me. Okay.

Però en un li va posar que es deia John,

But one called him John,

la persona, i a l'altre, Jennifer. Vale.

the person, and the other, Jennifer. Okay.

És a dir, l'única diferència... Vale.

That is to say, the only difference... Okay.

Tota la resta era exactament igual. Sí, sí, exactament igual.

Everything else was exactly the same. Yes, yes, exactly the same.

L'única diferència era el gènere. Vale.

The only difference was the gender. Okay.

Llavors va començar a enviar-ho a grups de recerca, a la

Then he started sending it to research groups, to the

meitat hi va enviar el del John i a l'altra meitat

half sent it from John and to the other half

hi va enviar el de la Jennifer.

He sent it to Jennifer.

Llavors, doncs, els va fer preguntes, no?, com si

Then, he asked them questions, right?, as if

l'agafaven o no l'agafaven, i

they took him or they didn't take him, and

quants diners li pagarien. Vale,

how much money would they pay him. Okay,

perfecte. I llavors què va sortir?

Perfect. And then what came out?

Igual, perquè els currículums eren

Same, because the curricula were

iguals. Clar, això és el que, no?,

Equal. Sure, that's what it is, right?

teòricament hauria d'haver sortit igual,

theoretically it should have come out the same,

però és que agafaven molt més el

but they were taking much more the

currículum del John, i no només això, sinó

John's curriculum, and not only that, but

que pel John li pagaven 4.000

that for John they paid 4,000

dòlars més de mitjana.

dollars above average.

És a dir,

That is to say,

no?, que potser després tu li pots estar dient a la Jennifer

No? That maybe later you can be telling Jennifer.

és que no et valores prou, però és que no només no es valora

It's that you don't value yourself enough, but it's not just that you don't value yourself.

prou, sinó que al seu voltant

enough, but around him

ja no la valorarà exactament

he will no longer assess it precisely

pels mateixos

for the same ones

successos o èxits. I és fort,

events or successes. And it's strong,

perquè realment no crec que... Tu li preguntes a la persona

because I really don't think that... You ask the person

que està avaluant i segurament no ho ha ni tingut en

that is being evaluated and probably hasn't even had it in

compte, no? Si jo crec que deu sonar com un viatge com quasi inconscient.

Careful, right? I mean, I think it must feel like a trip that's almost unconscious.

Sí, perquè a més no hi havia cap

Yes, because there wasn't any.

diferència entre homes i dones contractants.

difference between contracting men and women.

Ja. I a sobre, clar, és que

Yes. And on top of that, of course, it's that

el tema dels 4.000... És que, clar,

The issue of the 4,000... It's just that, of course,

bueno, 4.000 dòlars, però, hòstia, realment

Well, 4,000 dollars, but, damn, really.

4.000 dòlars és una diferència

4,000 dollars is a difference.

que pot realment canviar, no?, la teva carrera.

What can really change, right?, your career.

Que pots comprar molt de pa, aquests 4.000 dòlars.

You can buy a lot of bread with those 4,000 dollars.

Doncs mira, seguim amb més exemples, així no

Well, look, let's continue with more examples, not like this.

hi ha que més científics. Has conegut, saps qui és?

There are more scientists. Have you met, do you know who it is?

Bueno, no l'has conegut, perquè...

Well, you haven't met him because...

Està mort. Està mort. En sèrio?

He is dead. He is dead. Seriously?

Vale. Bàsicament, bon.

Okay. Basically, good.

Però saps la història

But you know the story.

d'en Ben Barres? No.

Of Ben Barres? No.

Doncs mira, t'explico. Em fa una barrita energètica.

Well, look, I'll explain. It makes me an energy bar.

En Ben Barres

In Ben Barres

és un investigador, d'acord, que és

he is a researcher, okay, that he is

trans, que va transicionar de dona

trans, who transitioned from woman

a home l'any 1997.

at home in 1997.

Estava a Stanford, d'acord? I era quan

I was at Stanford, alright? And it was when.

vam néixer. Exacte. I és una universitat

we were born. Exactly. And it's a university

bastant top, per tant era una persona

quite cool, therefore she was a person

realment bona.

really good.

Doncs com és típica en ciència,

Well, as is typical in science,

normalment el que solem anar a fer és explicar

normally what we usually go to do is explain

la nostra recerca en congressos i rebre

our research in conferences and receiving

comentaris de l'altra gent. Doncs el que

comments from other people. So what

explicava Ben Barres en les seves

Ben Barres explained in his

memòries és que un cop

memories is that once

va assistir a un congrés on va explicar la seva

he attended a conference where he explained his

recerca, poc després de fer la transició,

research, shortly after making the transition,

és a dir, quan ja era home, i va rebre

that is to say, when he was already a man, and he received

el següent comentari. Ostres, la recerca

the following comment. Wow, the research

que fas tu, Ben, és molt, molt interessant.

What you do, Ben, is very, very interesting.

És molt més interessant que

It is much more interesting than

no pas la feina que la teva germana, la doctora

Don't do the work that your sister, the doctor, does.

Barres, fa uns anys ens ho explica.

Bars, a few years ago he told us.

Que dius, Ben Barres tenia germana,

What do you mean, Ben Barres had a sister,

germana? No, Ben Barres no tenia

Sister? No, Ben Barres did not have one.

germana. Era fill únic.

sister. He was an only child.

Bueno, no sé si era fill únic. Filla única

Well, I don't know if he was an only child. Only daughter.

i després fill únic. La qüestió és que

and then only child. The question is that

la germana era ell mateix abans

the sister was him before

de transicionar. O sigui que

to transition. That is to say that

el que ha passat és que la gent el tractava amb molt més

What happened is that people treated him with much more.

de respecte pel fet, no tant de que la seva

of respect for the fact, not so much that his

recerca fos millor, que segurament també,

search for better, which probably will also,

sinó perquè era un home. Que fort, eh?

but because he was a man. How strong, right?

I després, vinga tu, creu-t'ho.

And then, come on, believe it.

Tu pots. Where's the limit?

You can. Where's the limit?

Doncs això, justament Ben Barres no va

Well, that's it, just Ben Barres isn't going.

morir fa uns pocs anys, era un gran

to die a few years ago, he was a great

defensor que, si hi ha menys dones en ciència, no és perquè

defender that, if there are fewer women in science, it is not because

hi hagi menys aptes, que és una cosa evident, que no ho són,

there are fewer capable individuals, which is something evident, as they are not.

sinó perquè hi ha un ambient

but because there is an atmosphere

una mica hostil, que no,

a bit hostile, isn't it?

que tampoc no estem ara volent assenyalar als homes

that we are not wanting to point fingers at men now either

de, eh, homes, sou hostils, no sigueu

from, eh, men, you are hostile, do not be

hostils, sinó que, bueno,

hostile, but, well,

hem crescut en una societat, no?, que

we have grown up in a society, right?, that

vivim en una societat que ens ha generat

we live in a society that has generated us

aquests viaixos inconscients

these unconscious biases

i que a vegades no ens ho volem,

and that sometimes we don't want to.

però potser tractem millor

but perhaps we treat better

a un sexe, a un gènere o a un altre.

to one sex, to one gender or another.

Doncs mira, Toni, ara amb la línia del

Well, look, Toni, now with the line of the

que deies m'acaba d'arribar un WhatsApp

What were you saying? I just received a WhatsApp.

de... m'ho acaben de

they just... did it to me

passar, d'un anunci d'un programa

to go from an announcement of a program

d'orientació que fa Apple.

of orientation that Apple does.

Ostres, Apple està liant encara, eh? Això, a Califòrnia.

Wow, Apple is still causing a stir, huh? This, in California.

O sigui que, ara mateix, Apple

So, right now, Apple

no només ha tingut problema amb fotre les dones

not only has he had a problem with screwing women

fora de l'equip directiu

outside the management team



fer-los aquest missatge, no?, que si no

Send them this message, right?, because if not

s'hi avanceu no és culpa vostra

If you advance there, it is not your fault.

i a sobre... No, les orienta,

And above... No, they orient you,

home, perquè estan perdudes, ara.

man, because they are lost, now.

Ah, d'acord, i les vol orientar.

Ah, okay, and do you want to guide them?


Let's listen to it.

Et preocupa el teu futur laboral?

Are you worried about your job future?

Busques feina?

Are you looking for a job?

T'agradaria fer pràctiques

Would you like to do an internship?

a una de les empreses més potents

to one of the most powerful companies

a nivell mundial?

at a global level?

Et podem atendre amb videotrucada

We can assist you with a video call.

des de casa o presencialment.

from home or in person.

Truca'ns i demana cita ja

Call us and make an appointment now.

per parlar amb el nostre personal

to speak with our staff

tècnic, que t'aconsellarà

technician, who will advise you

les millors opcions laborals

the best job options

segons el teu gènere i les teves

according to your gender and your

necessitats. Treu

needs. Take out

el màxim de les teves habilitats

the maximum of your abilities

lògiques i sigues el CEO

Logics and be the CEO.

que sempre t'has proposat.

that you have always set for yourself.

Descobreix el teu potencial

Discover your potential.

en gestió i sigues la secretària

in management and be the secretary

dels teus somnis.

of your dreams.

Quin bon català

What a good Catalan!

que parlen a Califòrnia, eh?

that they speak in California, huh?

No, però és molt ràpid.

No, but it's very fast.

Que ets àpagos.

That you are a fool.

Després em preguntin el català perquè el vols,

Then they ask me why I want Catalan.

per anar a Califòrnia i parlar català amb els d'allà, home, que en parlen.

To go to California and speak Catalan with the people there, man, who speak it.

Que bé, que bé això, no?

How good, how good this is, isn't it?

Sí. Fixa't una cosa interessant, eh?

Yes. Notice an interesting thing, huh?

Que han dit el CEO i la secretària.

What have the CEO and the secretary said?

Home, jo sempre he volgut ser secretària, eh?

Well, I have always wanted to be a secretary, right?

Sisplau, eh? Si la teva passió

Please, huh? If your passion

és ser secretària, respecte.

It's about being a secretary, respect.

Sí, no, no, oju, que el món s'aguanta

Yes, no, no, watch out, the world holds itself up.

gràcies a les secretàries, eh? També et dic.

Thanks to the secretaries, right? I'm telling you.

Però també estaria bé que hi haguessin secretaris

But it would also be good to have secretaries.

o, no sé, que veiessis coses així

Oh, I don't know, that you saw things like that.

i no se't passessin les ganes

and you wouldn't lose the desire

de fer una carrera de ciència i tecnologia, no?

to do a degree in science and technology, right?

Clar, perquè sempre hi ha

Of course, because there is always

tota aquesta idea, no?, de per què

all this idea, right?, of why

les dones no poden ser CEO. És una qüestió

Women cannot be CEO. It's a question.

biològica, és una qüestió de...

biological, it's a matter of...

A veure, evidentment, els estudis

Let's see, obviously, the studies

ho tenen demostradíssim

they have it proven

que no hi ha una diferència inherent

that there is no inherent difference

entre sexes,

between sexes,

de com aprenem o de quines

of how we learn or of which ones

actituds acadèmiques tenim. Per tant, això d'aquí

academic attitudes we have. Therefore, this here

no està basat en genètica.

it is not based on genetics.

Ni de servei.

Not even service.

Perquè, al final, el servei és molt plàstic,

Because, in the end, the service is very flexible,

depèn de si t'agraden les dromes,

it depends on whether you like dromes,

aquestes coses, o t'agrada fer sudokus,

these things, or you like to do sudokus,

doncs si vas d'una línia a l'altra...

so if you go from one line to the other...

Sí, a veure, si un nen de 3 anys que el seu servei és plàstic...

Yes, let's see, if a 3-year-old child whose service is plastic...

Perquè ha menjat molt plàstic...

Because he has eaten a lot of plastic...



Ha menjat molt plàstic.

He has eaten a lot of plastic.

Ha menjat plastilina.

He has eaten modeling clay.

M'he comido un poco de plástico.

I ate a little bit of plastic.

El Ralf, el Ralf, pobre.

The Ralf, the Ralf, poor thing.

Bueno, si el pobre nen es fot drogues,

Well, if the poor kid is doing drugs,

doncs, evidentment, no crec que surti molt bé la cosa.

Well, obviously, I don't think things will turn out very well.

Anyway, que realment,

Anyway, that really,

aquest servei plàstic, doncs, també,

this plastic service, then, also,

el que fa és que els nens siguin molt susceptibles

What it does is make the children very susceptible.

al que els hi diguis. Si tu a un infant

to whom you tell them. If you to a child

i ara li dius que no estudia segons quines coses,

and now you tell him that he doesn't study certain things,



És igual.

It doesn't matter.

És que s'ha acabat de caure un nen

A child has just fallen.

en generació de plàstic.

in plastic generation.

És que m'he caït al suelo.

I fell on the floor.

Bueno, però és evident que si a un nen de 3 anys

Well, it is evident that if to a 3-year-old child

tu li fots droga, doncs, pobre, segur que no sortirà

you give him drugs, then, poor thing, he probably won't get out

molt alineat.

very aligned.

Ara el Departament d'Educació està apuntant tot.

Now the Department of Education is documenting everything.

Ara que hi haurà canvi de govern, estan tots allà

Now that there will be a change of government, they are all there.

i cogeix, agafa idees, agafa idees, agafa idees.

And grabs, takes ideas, takes ideas, takes ideas.

No drogues no, eh, drogues no.

No drugs, no, eh, no drugs.

Bueno, això que dèiem, que el servei és molt plàstic,

Well, what we were saying, that the service is very flexible,

llavors, justament, si a un infant tu li dius

then, precisely, if you tell a child

que no estudia segons quines carreres,

that does not study certain degrees,

doncs, segurament, potser s'ho acabi creient.

so, probably, maybe they'll eventually believe it.

Però és que, a més,

But also,

s'ho acaben creient molt d'hora, eh?

They end up believing it very quickly, huh?

Vull dir, hi ha una edat superavançada.

I mean, there is a super advanced age.

Vull dir, aquesta separació ja hi és quasi

I mean, this separation is almost already there.

als 5 anys. I al 7 és greu.

at 5 years old. And at 7 it is serious.

Ah, vale, sí. Em dius que hi ha

Ah, okay, yes. You tell me that there is

estudis que estan dient que

studies that are saying that

amb la autoavaluació de les

with the self-assessment of the

infants, no?,

children, right?

ja divergeix entre homes i dones

it already diverges between men and women

a partir dels 6 anyets, no?

Starting from 6 years old, right?

És a dir, que... Sí, dels 5-6 anys.

That is to say, yes, from 5-6 years old.

Però el 7, és greu,

But on the 7th, it's serious,

vull dir, ja ho tenen bastant

I mean, they already have quite a lot.

interioritzat, i el 10, els 10 anys,

internalized, and the 10, the 10 years,

ja anem bastant tard en

we're already quite late in

tornar a revertir els estereotips.

to revert the stereotypes.

És allò de la construcció.

It's about construction.

Sí, és a dir,

Yes, that is to say,

l'estereotip, no?, que les dones, per exemple,

the stereotype, right?, that women, for example,

o les nenes, en aquest cas, són

or the girls, in this case, are

més dolentes en fer, jo què sé, matemàtiques,

worse at doing, I don't know, mathematics,

enginyeria, no? Llavors,

engineering, right? Then,

pel que m'estàs dient, no?, que aquesta em sembla

For what you're telling me, right?, that this seems to me

un estudi molt, joder, molt

a study very, damn, very

impactant, no?, que realment

impactful, right?, that really

com a societat

as a society

estem fent alguna cosa

we are doing something

que realment ja de ben petites les nenes s'estan creient

that since they are very small, girls are already believing

que no són prou vàlides. Exacte.

that are not valid enough. Exactly.

I no és com una demolition place,

And it's not like a demolition place,

no ho trencaràs d'un dia per l'altre.

You won't break it overnight.

Llavors, qui són

So, who are they?

aquests factors que estan fent que s'ho creguin?

what factors are making them believe it?

Perquè diem, s'ho estan creient, ja sabem

Because we say, they are believing it, we already know.

que és la societat, però si volem

What is society, but if we want

alguna cosa més en concret,

something more specific,

doncs, primer de tot, no,

well, first of all, no,

on, quina és la part

Oh, what is the part?

de la seva educació?

of their education?

Professorat? Sí, a veure, jo crec

Teaching staff? Yes, let's see, I think

que hauríem de treballar en dos fronts.

that we should work on two fronts.

Primer, més educació en l'àmbit de

First, more education in the field of

professorat, no?, que estigui més sensibilitzat amb aquests temes,

faculty, right?, to be more aware of these issues,

perquè al final, jo crec que, i això també

because in the end, I believe that, and this too

passa, per exemple, amb el català, que depèn

It happens, for example, with Catalan, that it depends.

que els professors realment siguin gent supermilitant,

that teachers are really super militant people,

no?, com que es cregui a fondo

No? As if he really believes it.

aquest feminisme

this feminism

o aquesta lluita per la llengua, no?,

or this struggle for the language, right?

i clar, un sistema no el pot

And of course, a system cannot do it.

revertir a través de

reverse through

militància d'uns pocs, no?

militancy of a few, right?

I si no, a veure, estudiau.

And if not, let's see, study.

Sí, exacte. Llavors,

Yes, exactly. Then,

crec que, no?, doncs,

I think that, right?, well,

cal posar una mica més d'educació

we need to show a bit more respect

en aquest feminisme.

in this feminism.

Bueno, en els mateixos profes, que ja tenen

Well, in the same teachers, who already have

també aquests estereotips. Però ja no només

also these stereotypes. But not only anymore

parlem dels profes,

let's talk about the teachers,

que n'hi tens profes.

You have teachers.

Bueno, que jo me'ls estimo, sí, que jo,

Well, I love them, yes, I do,

professors de tecnologia i de ciència, me'ls estimo molt

I love my technology and science teachers very much.

i crec que són grans referents

I believe they are great role models.

i crec que tenen un rol molt important

I believe they have a very important role.

en decidir, doncs, els joves

in deciding, therefore, the young people

quina carrera escollir.

which career to choose.

Per això també hem d'incorporar aquests

That is why we must also incorporate these.

valors, no? Sí, però no només els

Values, right? Yes, but not only them.

professors, sinó també els

professors, but also the

pares, els meravellosos pares que

parents, the wonderful parents who

et diuen, tu has d'estudiar

they tell you, you have to study

això. Ai, això ha quedat

this. Oh, this has stayed

molt discriminatori.

very discriminatory.

No, jo l'altre dia llegeixia una mica,

No, the other day I was reading a bit,

no?, de si a un metge tu no

No? From seeing a doctor, not you.

li vas i li diràs, no?,

You'll go and tell him, right?

això que estàs fent no ho estàs fent bé, o

what you are doing is not being done well, or

a un professor tampoc li aniràs a dir, no?

You wouldn't go tell a teacher, would you?

No ho estàs educant bé, el meu fill. No t'he entès.

You are not educating him well, my son. I did not understand you.

Què vols dir? Al metge no li diràs?

What do you mean? Aren't you going to tell the doctor?

Hi ha un professor que els hi diuen, no?

There is a teacher that they call, right?

Els professors tota l'estona estan com a perill dels pares

The teachers are always at risk from the parents.

dient-los, ei, això no ho estàs fent bé, saps?,

telling them, hey, you’re not doing this right, you know?

tota l'estona.

the whole time.

Sí, sí, total, molt d'acord. Vale.

Yes, yes, totally, very agreed. Okay.

Toni, on vols arribar?

Toni, where do you want to go?

On volem arribar? Jo on vull arribar,

Where do we want to get to? Where I want to get to,

d'acord, és que crec que una cosa important,

Okay, I think that an important thing,

a part de reforçar l'educació dels professors,

in addition to strengthening the education of teachers,

és també que siguin no només referents

it is also that they are not only references

els professors, sinó que també hi hagi referents

the teachers, but also there should be role models

on els joves

where the young people are

puguin emmirallar-se, no?

they can mirror themselves, right?

Per exemple, jo què sé, una cosa tan senzilla

For example, I don't know, something as simple as that.

com els llibres de text, en lloc de posar

like the textbooks, instead of putting

potser el Messi en un llibre de text,

maybe Messi in a textbook,

doncs hauríem de posar l'Alexia Botellas, no?

So we should put Alexia Botellas, right?

Necessiten referents. Sí, també per poder

They need role models. Yes, also to be able to.

identificar-se amb elles,

identify with them,

amb el seu món, perquè al final també

with its world, because in the end also

el sentiment de pertinença és molt important

the sense of belonging is very important

per voler-te quedar aquell món, no? Si tu veus que

to want to stay in that world, right? If you see that

doncs només hi ha homes,

so there are only men,

ho associaràs a que no és el teu lloc.

you will associate it with not being your place.

Exacte, no? Llavors això passa, no?

Exactly, right? So this happens, doesn't it?

Que amb tot aquest context que hi ha de tecnologia,

That with all this context of technology,

doncs qualsevol dona es posarà a estudiar

then any woman will start studying

ara una carrera tecnològica.

now a technological race.

Bueno, i a més, les que arribin es toparan

Well, and furthermore, those who arrive will run into.

amb el sostre de vidre.

with the glass ceiling.

Mama, ja sé què vull ser de gran.

Mom, I already know what I want to be when I grow up.



Astronauta? Però que no veus que s'ha d'estar

Astronaut? But can't you see that you have to be?

molt fort? Doncs construiré

Very strong? Then I will build.

els coets per anar a l'espai.

the rockets to go to space.

Però això és molt perillós.

But this is very dangerous.

I si t'equivoques, explotarà?

And if you make a mistake, will it explode?

Doncs faré els càlculs

Well, I will do the calculations.

perquè el coet viatgi a l'espai.

so that the rocket travels to space.

Però això és molta

But that's a lot.

responsabilitat. Cal pensar

responsibility. We must think

molt. Doncs

very. So

ajudaré a preparar els astronautes

I will help prepare the astronauts.

perquè hi vagin. Nena,

so that they go there. Girl,

però això no et donarà ganes de ser

but this won't make you want to be



Crec que em casaré amb un astronauta

I think I'm going to marry an astronaut.

i li donaré copets

and I will give him pats

a l'espatlla dient-li que

on the shoulder telling him that

olé ell i que disfruti

Hooray for him and may he enjoy it.

de la feina per mi.

of the work for me.

Bé, doncs amb exemples com aquest,

Well, then with examples like this,

que és més real que fictici,

that is more real than fictional,

el que passa és que al final

what happens is that in the end

la ciència acaba estant

science ends up being

dominada o poblada, diguem-ne,

dominated or populated, let's say,

per homes blancs, si és que el que fan

for white men, if that's what they do

és fer la ciència.

it is doing science.

Sí, i a més d'aquests interessos tenim molts

Yes, and besides these interests, we have many.

exemples. Imagina't, per als maniquís que

examples. Imagine, for the mannequins that

s'utilitzen per al cotxe, per provar

They are used for the car, to try out.

els accidents, és a dir, posen

the accidents, that is to say, put

un exemple de senyor

an example of a gentleman

i, pumba, l'estrellen

and, boom, they crash it

figures masculines. Què passa?

masculine figures. What happens?

Les dones no conduïm.

Women do not drive.

O que conduïm molt bé.

What we drive very well.

Conduïm molt bé i no els fan falta, no?

We drive very well and they don't need them, do they?

O sigui, tampoc no vull entrar en la dinàmica de criticar

That is to say, I also don't want to get into the dynamic of criticizing.

els homes com a homes, no?

men as men, right?

És com un any que el trailer de vam fer la CUP

It's like a year since we made the trailer for the CUP.

fa un temps, no?, que

It's been a while, hasn't it?

voldríem fotre un rifle pels turistes, que el CUP no són els turistes.

We would like to screw a rifle for the tourists, because the CUP are not the tourists.

Ah, jo sí que vull els turistes.

Ah, I do want the tourists.

Els turistes. Estic intentant ser políticament correcte.

The tourists. I am trying to be politically correct.

Sí, jo crec que

Yes, I think that.

també no se n'adonen, no? O sigui,

they also don't realize it, do they? I mean,

senzillament és el fet que tu tens una mirada d'home blanc

simply put, it's the fact that you have the gaze of a white man

sis, que a vegades potser no te n'adones

yes, because sometimes you might not realize it

que potser el que estàs fent no és prou general, no?

Maybe what you're doing isn't general enough, right?

I, no sé, crec que això

I don't know, I think this.

també era un exemple molt divertit, que no sé si m'ho explicaves

it was also a very funny example, which I don't know if you were explaining to me

tu, de quan van enviar la primera astronauta

You, since when was the first astronaut sent?

a l'espai, no?,

in space, right?

que li preguntaven quantes...

that they asked him how many...

Que no hem buscat el nom. No, no me'n recordo com es deia.

We haven't looked for the name. No, I don't remember what it was called.

Però que li hauríem de demanar,

But what should we ask him?

no?, és igual, que li hauríem de demanar

no?, it doesn't matter, what should we ask him?

quantes, com es diu,

how many, what is it called,

tampons necessitava, no?

You needed tampons, right?

I que, no sé, 300 tampons

And what, I don't know, 300 tampons.

per un mes, o així.

for a month, or so.

Li van dir això? Crec que em sona així, no sé,

Did they tell you this? I think it sounds familiar to me, I don't know.

com m'explicava això. Que clar, dius...

as you explained it to me. That of course, you say...

La noia desagrada. Ho feien amb tota la bona fe del món,

The girl is unpleasant. They did it with all the good faith in the world,

però t'adones que realment,

but you realize that really,

és que potser no tens totes les perspectives, no?

It's just that maybe you don't have all the perspectives, right?

No sé tant por...

I'm not so afraid...

És bastant...

It's quite...

Quantes regles tenen un mes?

How many rules does a month have?

És bastant divertida, és divertida.

It's quite funny, it's funny.

Bueno, parlant de regla...

Well, speaking of rules...

Però, espera, espera, deixa'm acabar.

But wait, wait, let me finish.

Deixa'm acabar.

Let me finish.

Això és un exemple divertit, però també hi ha exemples més perillosos, no?

This is a fun example, but there are also more dangerous examples, right?

Que, per exemple, quan es dissenya un medicament,

That, for example, when designing a medication,

hi ha molts medicaments que s'han tastat

There are many medications that have been tested.

que estan fets per a dones, però s'han tastat

that are made for women, but have been tasted

90% amb homes, que dius, quin sentit

90% with men, what do you mean, what sense does it make?

té això? Perquè no hi penses dos cops, que això

Do you have this? Because you don't think twice about this.

és una variable. O també hi ha

It is a variable. Or there is also.

estudis que demostren que les dones estan

studies that show that women are

sobremedicades perquè les dosis que

overmedicated because the doses that

se solen administrar estan pensades per a homes.

They are usually administered and are designed for men.

O perquè no els detecten la malaltia.

Or because they don't detect the disease.

Ara sí que puc parlar de regla.

Now I can talk about the rule.

Ara pots parlar de regla. L'endometriosi, no?

Now you can talk about menstruation. Endometriosis, right?

Bàsicament, la malaltia històricament

Basically, the disease historically

oblida de per què, perquè a qui li afecta?

forget why, because who does it affect?

Doncs, bàsicament, a les dones. I, per tant,

Well, basically, to women. And, therefore,

o histèrica, et fa mal. Bueno, em fa mal

Oh hysterical, it hurts you. Well, it hurts me.

perquè potser tinc alguna cosa que m'està fent mal.

because I might have something that is hurting me.

Tens el dimoni aquí dins, no? Estàs posseguita

You have the devil inside you, don't you? You're possessed.

i t'han de tirar aigua beneïda.

and they have to sprinkle you with holy water.

I de cop li gira el cap en el llit.

And suddenly he turns his head in bed.

Què jo faig quan em fa mal, de veritat?

What do I do when it really hurts?

Et donen una uniqueta de menjar

They give you a little bit of food.

i ja està.

And that’s it.

I això en el tubular veus.

And this in the tube, you see.

I després, bueno, evidentment

And then, well, obviously.

amb el Covid, que no es va

with Covid, that doesn't go away

tastar prou la vacuna i no es va veure

tasted enough of the vaccine and did not see it.

els efectes que tenia la regla. Però, clar, també

the effects of having the period. But, of course, also

dius, ens és igual, no? Si t'afecta la regla

You say, it doesn't matter to us, right? If the rule affects you.

com que només la tires i només

as you only throw it and only

et desencrenes amb 300 tampons

you get uncoupled with 300 tampons

un cop més.

once again.

En donem 300 tampons i així arreglem el problema

We'll give 300 tampons and that will solve the problem.

sense cap merda.

without any crap.

És que la medicina

It's just that medicine

androcèntrica és increïble, eh?

Andocentric is incredible, right?

Bueno, però s'entén, no, Toni?

Well, it’s understandable, right, Toni?

Només som el 50% de la població.

We are only 50% of the population.

Sí, no, no, a veure, realment

Yes, no, no, let's see, really.

imagina't que si vosaltres

imagine that if you all

que sou el 50% ja us discrimina

that you are 50% already discriminates you

imagineu la pobla gent que no arriba ni al 50%,

imagine the poor people who don't even reach 50%,

no? Si hi ha col·lectius de la JTB

No? If there are groups from the JTB.

que us sigui persones racialitzades,

that you be racialized people,

doncs, també, doncs, pateixen

well, also, well, they suffer

aquests problemes d'invisualització,

these display issues,

de falta de reconeixement, de discriminació,

of lack of recognition, of discrimination,

els processos d'avaluació

the evaluation processes

i medicació, etcètera. Exacte.

and medication, etcetera. Exactly.

No arriben a aquestes posicions altes,

They do not reach these high positions,

no? Estem, bueno, les posicions estem, que ja són

No? We are, well, the positions we are, which already are.

altes de per si, més que altes

higher than itself, more than high

generen molta ascensió social.

they generate a lot of social mobility.

O sigui, és a dir, som més relleixients

That is to say, we are more resilient.

a l'atur, no? Una persona que

unemployed, right? A person who

està en aquestes posicions, diguéssim

it's in these positions, let's say

que cobrarà més, no tindrà tants problemes

who will earn more, will not have so many problems

econòmics, no tindrà tants problemes de

economic, will not have as many problems with

feina, de trobar feina.

work, to find work.

I sembla que es limiti a una part

It seems that it is limited to a part.

de la població. Sí, no? Sembla que les carreres estem, no?

of the population. Yes, right? It seems that we are in the races, right?

Que, generalment, no? O sigui, jo

What, generally, not? I mean, I

els meus amics informàtics, no sé tu, però estan tots forrats

My computer friends, I don't know about you, but they're all loaded.

i estan comprant pisos

and they are buying apartments

i els enginyers igual. Sí, sí, els 30 anys

And the engineers too. Yes, yes, the 30 years.

que dius, si vius a Barcelona, com t'has de comprar

What do you mean, if you live in Barcelona, how do you have to buy?

pisos? No ho sé, eh? També no vull

Apartments? I don't know, huh? I don't want that either.

ser advocat del diable, però

to play devil's advocate, but

és veritat que hi ha la sospita, no? De, realment,

It's true that there is suspicion, isn't it? Of, really,

si aquestes professions que generen tanta pasta

if these professions generate so much money

i que generen aquest ascensor social

and that generate this social elevator

s'estan limitant

they are being limited

a aquesta part de la població, és una gran

to this part of the population, it is a great

cosa, com a mínim. No, jo sé, al final has d'acabar

Thing, at least. No, I know, in the end you have to finish.

buscant partidazos i això no és correcte.

looking for big games and that is not correct.

Jo sóc partidazo. Sí, Sugar Daddies, no, no.

I am a big fan. Yes, Sugar Daddies, no, no.

Tu ets un partidazo. No, no, Sugar Daddies, i ja està passant

You are a great match. No, no, Sugar Daddies, and it's already happening.

el... Sugar Babies, o sigui, en plan, ja

the... Sugar Babies, meaning, I mean, already

no és més jove, tenen més diners, o sigui,

he is not younger, they have more money, that is,

què està passant? Bueno, total,

What's happening? Well, anyway,

evitem. Què hem d'evitar?

let's avoid. What should we avoid?

Llenguatge? Jo et dic, què hem d'evitar?

Language? I tell you, what should we avoid?

Què hem de fer? Llenguatge sexista?

What should we do? Sexist language?

Sí, o sigui, hem de generar

Yes, so we have to generate.

una carreres estem que sigui, que doni la

a race we are that gives the

benvinguda, no? A totes aquestes

Welcome, right? To all of these.

persones. I així quedaran

people. And this is how they will remain.

tots els interessos de la societat

all the interests of society

reflectits, i encara diré més,

reflected, and I will say even more,



Ei, Cari! Ei, Doc!

Hey, Darling! Hey, Doc!

Vols fer una endoscòpia?

Do you want to have an endoscopy?

Clar, Doc!

Sure, Doc!

Sóc un estem gell

I am a gel stem.

en un estem bon

in a good mood

sabem a test

we know as a test

és fantàstic

it's fantastic

puc fer-te un coer

I can make you a heart.

o potre tal parlant

I will be able to speak如此.

no sóc horòloga i no tinc novel

I am not a watchmaker and I do not have a novel.

però tinc un apel

but I have an apple

Vinga, Cari, som-hi, Cari!

Come on, darling, let's go, darling!

Bé, Toni, ens faltarà entrenar-nos

Well, Toni, we'll need to train.

molt per arribar

a lot to arrive

a que la ciència sigui...

to make science...

Per rebentar el patriarcat

To burst the patriarchy.

i per aconseguir una ciència per totes

and to achieve a science for everyone

que realment no es perdi cap perspectiva

that no perspective is truly lost

i que realment pugui ser diversa i avançar en totes les direccions

and that it can truly be diverse and advance in all directions

ens hem de posar

we have to get ready

tope forts, tope forts, fucking forts

strong tops, strong tops, fucking strong

i molts exemples de la cultura

and many examples of culture

El culturista!

The bodybuilder!

Fucking fuertes!

Fucking strong!

Què creus que et porto?

What do you think I brought you?

Jo crec que em portaràs una pel·lícula

I think you will bring me a movie.

Una pel·lícula!

A movie!

És tan fàcil d'endevinar

It is so easy to guess.

És que és el coràs

It is that it is the heart.

I la part de l'espolamita

And the part of the spoletta

Què creus que et porto jo, també?

What do you think I bring you, too?

Un llibre!

A book!

Un llibre et porto, evidentment

I bring you a book, of course.

Jo, Figures ocultes

I, Hidden Figures

de la història de Katherine Johnson

of the story of Katherine Johnson

una treballadora del nas als anys 60

a worker of the nose in the 60s

No només dona

Not only woman

sinó afroamericana

but African American

Ho té tot

He/She has it all.

per ser brillant

to be brilliant

Ho tenia tot per ser brillant

I had everything to be brilliant.

Però bueno, i realment

But well, and really

que al final, amb tots els seus companys

that in the end, with all his companions

eren, no va dir com tu, blancs, primets

they were, did not say like you, white, thin

però amb diners

but with money

És l'estereotip de físic que ensenyés

It is the stereotype of the physicist that he taught.

Que en Toni és doctorat

That Toni has a doctorate.

Vale, perdó Toni

Okay, sorry Toni.

Està bé, pots fer-ne tota la badella que vulguis

It's fine, you can mess it up as much as you want.

Tira badella, tu tira badella

Throw the badella, you throw the badella.

Ja està, i simplement a mi m'emociona molt

That's it, and it simply moves me a lot.

com una escena que, clar, ha d'anar al lavabo

like a scene that, of course, has to go to the bathroom

però no hi ha lavabo per dones de color

but there is no restroom for women of color

i ha d'anar al superior

I had to go to the superior.

i li diuen, on estàs cada dia?

And they ask him, where are you every day?

I li diu, bueno, comença les que se dien

And he tells him, well, start the ones that were said.

és que he d'anar cada dia al puto lavabo

It's just that I have to go to the damn bathroom every day.

a l'altre lloc

to the other place

i m'obligueu a portar unes coses

You are forcing me to bring some things.

que no tingués

that I didn't have

perquè no teniu lavabos per dones en aquest edifici

Why don't you have women's restrooms in this building?

Llavors, us recomano aquesta pel·li

Then, I recommend this movie to you.

i aquesta escena en concret

and this specific scene

m'emociona molt

It moves me a lot.

i de dones, realment, sí que hi ha dones molt potents

And of women, there are really very strong women.

simplement com se les ha invisibilitzat

simply how they have been made invisible

Sí, se'ls ha donat tasques

Yes, they have been given tasks.

normalment menys preades

normally less valued


Doncs, bé, jo també vull parlar una mica d'un llibre

Well, okay, I also want to talk a bit about a book.

Llibre, llibre

Book, book

Llibre que és una mica de ciència-ficció, d'acord

A book that is a bit of science fiction, alright.

però alhora molt realista

but at the same time very realistic

que es diu Kim Ji-yong

her name is Kim Ji-yong

nascuda el 1982

born in 1982

és un llibre de Cho Nam-ju

It is a book by Cho Nam-ju.

s'ho havíem pronunciat malament

we had pronounced it wrong

però, vaja, és un llibre

but, well, it's a book

Bàsicament, doncs, narra la història d'aquesta dona

Basically, it tells the story of this woman.

la Kim Ji-yong, que és una dona normal i corrent

Kim Ji-yong, who is an ordinary woman.

però que, de sobte, comença a parlar

but then, suddenly, starts to speak

amb la veu d'altres dones

with the voice of other women

Llavors, a través d'aquesta mena de possessió

Then, through this kind of possession

demoníaca que té d'altres dones

demonic that he has from other women

La regla

The rule

Sí, la regla

Yes, the rule.

Això no salva ni els 300 tampons

This doesn't even save the 300 tampons.

t'explica com és la bretxa de gènere

It explains how the gender gap is.

a Corea del Sud i com s'exemplifica

to South Korea and as exemplified

Llavors, és guai

Then, it's cool.

perquè, normalment, tenim molt la visió

because, normally, we have a very clear vision

de la bretxa de gènere aquí occidental

of the gender gap here in the West

però t'adones que, realment, a l'Orient també passa

But you realize that, really, it also happens in the East.

i d'una forma, tot i que diferent

and in one way, although different

també bastant similar

also quite similar

Doncs res, tenim moltíssimes gràcies

Well, thank you very much.

per aportar una mica més de diversitat

to bring a bit more diversity

en aquest món en què estem

in this world we are in

Sí, doncs, Irene, sembla que tenim notícies

Yes, well, Irene, it seems we have news.

Notícies sucoses, bones, oi?

Juicy news, good, right?

Sí, jo opino que són prou bones

Yes, I think they are quite good.

O sigui, mira, després que hagin fet fora

I mean, look, after they have kicked out.

les dones d'Apple i totes les traves que els han posat

the women of Apple and all the obstacles they have faced

per la seva carrera

for his/her career

les dones es veu que han decidit

the women have decided

organitzar-se, deixar Apple

organize oneself, leave Apple

i fundar un spin-off

to found a spin-off

Uh, com el de Better Call Saul

Uh, like the one from Better Call Saul.

o què?

or what?

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

Estic molt fora

I am very out of it.

Ah, d'acord, d'acord, és veritat

Ah, okay, okay, it's true.

És igual

It's the same.

I aquest spin-off es diu Snake

And this spin-off is called Snake.

com la serp, com la nieva i la poma

like the serpent, like the snow, and the apple

I llavors es veu que

And then it turns out that

inclou no només dirigents i enginyeres

includes not only leaders and engineers

sinó també les secretàries, personal de neteja

but also the secretaries, cleaning staff

i altres professions feminitzades d'Apple

and other feminized professions at Apple

han marxat a fer aquest spin-off

they have gone to do this spin-off

O sigui que ara Apple haurà de sobreviure

So now Apple will have to survive.

sense cap mena d'aquestes dones

without any of these women

Uh, això sí que m'agradarà veure

Uh, that I will definitely like to see.

el futur d'Apple

the future of Apple

Steve Jobs sense

Steve Jobs without

sense el seu personal

without their staff

de neteja

of cleaning

que haurà de rentar el lavabo d'Apple

that will have to clean Apple's restroom

Ja no serà tan blanc

It will no longer be so white.

Bueno, està mort per part d'això

Well, he is dead because of that.

Sí, com sigui el millor

Yes, whatever is best.

el millor dels millors desitjos

the best of the best wishes

d'aquesta nova start-up, Snake

from this new start-up, Snake

Bona sort, Jobs

Good luck, Jobs.

La hipòtesi absurda és un podcast que és possible

The absurd hypothesis is a podcast that is possible.

gràcies al suport de la Fundació Catalana

thanks to the support of the Catalan Foundation

per a la recerca i la innovació

for research and innovation

Ajut Joan Oro 2024

Help Joan Oro 2024

i possible gràcies a la màgica edició

and possible thanks to the magical edition

de Joan Misses i a la locució divertidíssima

by Joan Misses and the very funny voice-over

de la Maria Florença

of Maria Florença

I si el nostre disseny és xulíssim

And if our design is super cool

és gràcies a la Gemma Rozas

it is thanks to Gemma Rozas

I moltes gràcies també a l'associació Boca Ràdio

And many thanks also to the Boca Ràdio association.

que ens ha cedit l'espai a l'Espai Jove a Boca Nord

who has given us the space at the Youth Space at Boca Nord

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