A la fresca amb Les veïnes del tercer - 1x12

Les veïnes del tercer

Les veïnes del tercer

A la fresca amb Les veïnes del tercer - 1x12

Les veïnes del tercer





Ui, ui, ui, ui.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Una pregunta.

A question.

Què feu així?

What are you doing here?

No ho entenem.

We don't understand it.



benvingudes, totes i tots,

welcome, everyone,

ui, que no vos veig, ara,

Oh, I can't see you now.

al capítol

in the chapter



Dotze? Dotze.

Twelve? Twelve.

Final de temporada de les veïnes del tercer.

End of season for the neighbors on the third floor.

Gràcies per vindre a la fresca

Thank you for coming to the coolness.

esta vesprà fresca

this cool evening



Per favor, és que no entendo nada.

Please, I just don't understand anything.

Hablar o algo, tio?

Talk or something, dude?

Jo estic flipant, perquè, exacte,

I'm freaking out, because, exactly,

jo no entenc per què

I don't understand why.

ha volgut gastar

has wanted to spend

una vesprà sencera

a whole evening

per vindre a veure aquestes tres mamarratxes

to come and see these three fools

per dir lo de sempre.

to say the same thing as always.

Les seues mogudes, les seues coses,

Their moves, their things,

supose, no?

I suppose so, don't I?

Bueno, lo primer, tenim que agrair

Well, first of all, we have to thank.

a tota la gent, a vosaltres, per vindre.

to all the people, to you, for coming.

És que n'hi ha 80 hasta allà, tia.

There are 80 up to there, girl.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No, es que contra todo pronóstico.

No, it's just that against all odds.

Tenim la plaça plena.

We have the square full.

Un fort aplaudiment per vosotros.

A big round of applause for you.

Claro que sí.

Of course.

Aplaude tu, que se no queda más.

Applaud yourself, because there's nothing left.

Bueno, agraïm

Well, we thank you.

tamé a tots, eh?

also to everyone, right?

A la falla pensatife per disarmos

At the thought of the fireworks for the festival.

les neveres i les taules, eh?

the fridges and the tables, huh?

Senyor Casalero, no us preocupeu, que

Mr. Casalero, don't worry, that

ja pagarem el alquiler, vale, Pasco?

We'll pay the rent, okay, Pasco?

A la falla alcohol per disarmos les barres,

At the bonfire, alcohol to toast the bars,

per disarmos el datàfono, per pagar en

to set up the card terminal, to pay in

tarxeta, que se pot pagar en tarxeta.

card, that can be paid by card.

No mos val l'excusa de no n'hi ha solt.

The excuse of there being none available does not work for us.

Se pot pagar en tarxeta.

You can pay by card.

Qui més tenim que agrair?

Who else do we have to thank?

A vosaltres, per vindre, ja està, no?

For you all, for coming, that’s it, right?

L'associació 9 d'octubre, que està en la barra,

The association 9 d'octubre, which is at the bar,

per favor, vos ho demaneu. Un fort aplaudiment.

Please, ask for it. A big round of applause.

Gràcies, gràcies.

Thank you, thank you.


Thank you!

A l'Ajuntament,

At the Town Hall,

per disarmos les taules, les caïres

to disarm the tables, the falls

i disarmos estar ací fent les mamarratges

We should be here doing the ridiculous things.

en una plaça pública.

in a public square.

Bueno, vale, aplaudiment.

Well, alright, applause.


Well done!


Thank you.

Ja està?

Is that it?

Ja no n'hi ha més agraïments.

There are no more thanks.

Si fa falta algun agraïment més, que alce la mà.

If any further thanks are needed, let them raise their hand.

Alce la mà i te donem les gràcies davant de tots.

Raise your hand and we thank you in front of everyone.


Thank you.

Tenim que donarles gràcies.

We have to thank them.


Thank you.

Un aplaudiment.

A round of applause.

Alça, per favor.

Raise, please.

Que se alce.

Let it rise.



Ja està.

It's done.



Ara ja, de què anem a parlar?

Now then, what are we going to talk about?

Bueno, espera, no.

Well, wait, no.

Antes de comenzar también,

Before starting as well,

yo voy a hacer un chicote disclaimer.

I am going to make a chicote disclaimer.

Voy a demanar perdón a todos los filólogos

I am going to apologize to all the philologists.

que están así sentados,

that are sitting like this,

porque anem a soltarme esas pardeñades.

Why are we going to let those insults slide?

Y también que seguramente

And also that surely

soltemos algún taco.

Let's drop a few swear words.

Imagina que es lo que hay, ¿vale?

Imagine that it is what it is, okay?

Y no se puede aplicar un pip.

And a pip cannot be applied.

Exacto, ahora no se puede aplicar un pip.

Exactly, now a pip cannot be applied.

Si diemos un taco es culpa de Marta.

If we say a swear word, it's Marta's fault.

Bueno, perdone.

Well, excuse me.



Ah, recordeu que se pot comprar bingo.

Ah, remember that you can buy bingo.

Que quan s'acabi l'episodi anem a fer un bingo.

When the episode is over, let's go play bingo.

Allà on està Paula, en el Merchant,

Where Paula is, in the Merchant,

podeu comprar un bingo, un abanico, lo que vulgueu.

you can buy a bingo, a fan, whatever you want.

Mireu que abanicos preciosos.

Look at those precious fans.





De què anem a parlar?

What are we going to talk about?

Anem a parlar d'un tema

Let's talk about a topic.

que també mos persegueix molt,

that also pursues us a lot,

que mos ha descorregat a mi,

that has revealed to me,

mos captura i tot,

it captures us and everything,

i un tema que a tots ens uneix.

and a topic that unites us all.

Les misèries.

The miseries.

Tots tenim misèries.

We all have miseries.

A Patades ja anem a parlar d'aquest tema perquè

We are already going to talk about this topic because

és que Jacob i jo, inclús d'última hora,

it's that Jacob and I, even at the last minute,

n'hem tingut.

we have had.

No enteníem...

We didn't understand...

Fa migdia hem aconseguit

At noon we have achieved.

tindre misèria. Una no,

to be in misery. Not one,

dos misèries.

two miseries.

Que contarem més endavant, per supost.

We will talk about it later, of course.

I ja està.

And that's it.

Se me ha ocurrido ahora mismo una miséria.

I just thought of a misery.

Si voleu la comencé contando.

If you want, I started telling it.

Jo crec que soc l'única persona

I think I am the only person.

que li ha passat això.

what happened to him/her.

Perquè jo, aquest any, per primera vegada

Because this year, for the first time,

vaig anar a la Magdalena, a Castelló.

I went to Magdalena, in Castellón.

I a mi, a lo que és

And to me, to what it is

la nit màgica...

the magic night...

Jo crec que soc l'única persona

I believe I am the only person.

a la que en la nit màgica se li han cremat les ulleres.

to which on the magical night the glasses have burned.

Per què?


Perquè si mireu les ulleres,

Because if you look at the glasses,

n'hi ha un puntet negre ahí.

There's a little black dot there.



Algú li ha passat alguna vegada...

Has anyone ever happened to you...

De veres, jo no ho entenc. Tinc la meva parella allí que du...

Really, I don't understand it. I have my partner there who is carrying...

Que salse tamé! Que salse!

Let it sizzle too! Let it sizzle!





Ja està.

That's it.

20 anys anant a la

20 years going to the

ditxosa nit màgica, tamé d'ulleres,

blissful magic night, also of glasses,

igual que jo, no li ha passat això mai

just like me, this has never happened to him/her

en la vida. Perquè jo crec que soc l'única desgraciada

In life. Because I believe I am the only unfortunate one.

que li ha passat alguna cosa.

that something has happened to him/her.

Sí. I, pues, eso.

Yes. And, well, that.

Esa és la meua misèria, la que he de contar.

That is my misery, the one I have to tell.

Jo tinc una misèria, tamé, en ulleres.

I have a misery, too, in glasses.

Ah, dila.

Ah, say it.

Eh, jo...

Eh, I...

No cal si ja m'haurà d'anar.

It's not necessary if I will have to go already.

Eh, jo soc una persona molt, molt...

Eh, I am a person very, very...

No sé com se diu en valencià la primera espardenya.

I don't know how to say "the first espardenya" in Valencian.



Jo ara en estiu, hasta fa dos dies,

I now in summer, until two days ago,

dormia en franela. O sea,

I slept in flannel. That is,

jo me tape en manta i tot a dormir.

I cover myself with a blanket and go to sleep.

Soc una exagerada. Entonces,

I am an exaggerator. So,

jo estava fent-me la rutina de

I was doing my routine of

skin care. En castellà,

skin care. In Spanish,

intentar que la cara te bache un poqueta millor.

try to make your face look a little better.

Exacte. Sense ningú efecte

Exactly. Without anyone effect

gastant-te moixinés. Entonces,

spending you moixinés. So,

jo me estava ficant cremes. I me van ficar

I was putting on creams. And they put me in.

el contorno de ojos. Entonces,

the eye contour. So,

em van posar davant una estufeta.

They placed me in front of a small heater.

Una estufeta que tirava xorra de calor

A small heater that emitted a lot of heat.

de que fiqués la maig de cremes, vale?

that you put the cream on, okay?

Teniu i sols a l'estufeta tirant xorro.

You have the little stove running.

Jo encenc l'estufa,

I light the stove,

faig eixinar les ulleres i les deixe davant de l'estufa.

I clean the glasses and leave them in front of the stove.

Me fiqué crema,

I put on cream,

me fiqué sèrum,

I put serum,

me ho fiqué tot.

I put it all in.

L'estufa en marxa, vale? Tirant xorro.

The stove is on, okay? Blasting heat.

Al sis. Al sis que és

At six. At six what is it?

de sis. Tirant xorro, tirant xorro.

of six. Pulling stream, pulling stream.

I jo ficant-me cremes,

And me putting on creams,

hauríc una crema nova que m'havien regalat.

There was a new cream that someone had given me.

Una llarga per dir que serien

A long way to say that they would be

fort les ulleres.

strong the glasses.

Doncs quan passa mitja hora, perquè tot això

Well, when half an hour passes, why all this?

ha passat un capítol sencer,

a whole chapter has passed,

de l'Osserra, no sé, una hora de capítol, imagineu-vos,

of the Osserra, I don't know, an hour of chapter, imagine that,

l'estufa al sis. Jo apague

The stove at six. I turned it off.

l'estufa, guarde les cremes, faig

the heater, I store the creams, I do

eixina i veig borrós

I wake up and see blurry.

i dic, les ulleres, ja no me les he deixat.

I say, the glasses, I haven't left them behind anymore.

Ha tocat una crema, toca la ullera,

It has touched a cream, touch the glasses,

marran al canto.

pigs in the corner.

Bueno, havia fundit les ulleres.

Well, I had melted the glasses.

Les fundí, o sea,

I melted them, that is,

uns cristals fundits. Literalment,

some melted crystals. Literally,

ja n'hi ha l'òptica i la de l'òptica.

There is already the optics and the optics.

No patisques, és normal.

Don't worry, it's normal.

Les ulleres tenien menys de sis mesos.

The glasses were less than six months old.

Fundit, però fundides.

Melted, but melted together.

O sea, cremades. I he de canviar

I mean, burnt. I have to change.

les senceres. Tot perquè

the whole ones. All because

el skin care i no passar fred.

skin care and not being cold.

Se mos alarga el skin care. I sí, sí, he fundit

Our skincare routine is getting longer. And yes, yes, I have melted.

unes ulleres. Si alguna ha passat, no passa res.

a pair of glasses. If any has passed, it doesn't matter.

És el més normal del món. Heavy metal.

It's the most normal thing in the world. Heavy metal.

Si se preocupa de tindre una cara,

If you care about having a face,

pues eixina, eixina, esta cara.

Well, like this, like this, this face.

De terça, totalmente. Ha costat unes ulleres,

On Tuesday, totally. It cost a pair of glasses,

pero quina cara tinc jo, l'artista barata.

but what a face do I have, the cheap artist.



Pues ja està, que se le va a hacer.

Well, that's it, what can you do?

La miseria. Bueno, la miseria

The misery. Well, the misery.

de mos pares, perquè pagaren ellos les ulleres.

of our parents, because they paid for the glasses.

No, claro, al final. Pagaren ellos a la sega de turno.

No, of course, in the end. They will pay for the harvest on duty.

Claro, evidentment.

Of course, obviously.

Bueno, contem la miseria conjunta.

Well, let's share the collective misery.

Ai, per favor. Tu portes el temps, no?

Oh, please. You have the time, right?

Ah, vale, vale.

Ah, okay, okay.

Això. La miseria conjunta

This. The shared misery.


it begins

fa un mes, que

a month ago, that

sobre ello decidirem anar-se'n a Europeça.

about it we will decide to go to Europe.

Europeça del mar.

European of the sea.

Marinador. No, Magic World.

Marinator. No, Magic World.

És que ja no és marinador, clar.

It's just that he's no longer a mariner, of course.

Bueno, se n'anarem, vale?

Well, we'll go then, okay?

Un dia. One day.

One day.

Bueno, no, menys. No, no, no.

Well, no, less. No, no, no.

12 hores, aproximadament. Calcudillo, estiguerem

12 hours, approximately. Calculated, we will be.

fora de casa 25 hores i mitja.

out of the house 25 and a half hours.

25 hores i mitja.

25 and a half hours.

Un dia, no està mal. I mos donar, vamos.

One day, it's not bad. And let's go.

Estirarem la miseria esta que donàvem a vos.

We will stretch this misery that we used to give you.

Què passa? Matos de normal anem i se quedem en un apartament

What's happening? Usually, we go and stay in an apartment.

d'una amiga. No n'hi havia puesto en el apartament

from a friend. I hadn't put it in the apartment.

d'ixa amiga. Exacte. I matos diquerem, era l'únic cap de setmana

Of that friend. Exactly. And we said, it was the only weekend.

que jo tenia lliure, i diqueren, se n'anem.

that I had free, and they said, let's go.

Tot això, 12 hores

All this, 12 hours

antes, o sea... És de veres.

Before, that is... It's true.

Se n'anaren dissabte a les 6 del matí. Sí.

They left Saturday at 6 in the morning. Yes.

I el divendres, però després, estarem agarrant

And on Friday, but afterwards, we will be grabbing.

totes les fases. A les 6 i mitja estarem parlant. Totalment.

All the phases. At half past six we will be talking. Totally.

Aún anem a dormir, perquè de moment dormim en baix del poble. Total.

We still go to sleep, because for now we sleep below the village. That's it.

Que s'agarrarem una nit en el hotel Neptuno.

We will spend a night at the Neptuno hotel.

Coneixeu l'hotel Neptuno?

Do you know the Neptuno hotel?

En la Playa de la Concha. En la Playa de la Concha. A propesa del mar.

On La Concha Beach. On La Concha Beach. Close to the sea.

Bueno, i si tu fiques,

Well, and if you put in,

fica con vistas al mar.

house with sea views.

He especificao, eh? Vale. Con vistas al mar.

I have specified, huh? Alright. With sea views.

Con vistas al mar. Ok. De fet,

With sea views. Okay. In fact,

ixe hotel, molta part del hotel

that hotel, a large part of the hotel

dona al mar. Casi tot.

woman to the sea. Almost everything.

Les finestres donan directament a la platja.

The windows overlook the beach.



Perquè cruzes i estàs en la platja.

Because you cross and you are on the beach.

S'alcem allí. Bueno, s'alcem a les 5 i mitja

We get up there. Well, we get up at half past five.

del matí, per anar pront i aprofitar el dia,

in the morning, to go early and make the most of the day,

perquè ja que se n'ha anat 20 hores,

because since he has been gone for 20 hours,

anem a aprofitar les 20 hores. Mon pare també

Let's make the most of the 20 hours. My father too.

s'ha alçat per aprofitar les hores. Pobre Fernando.

He has gotten up to make the most of the hours. Poor Fernando.

Gràcies, Fernando, per tant. Gràcies, Fernando.

Thank you, Fernando, for everything. Thank you, Fernando.

Gràcies. Total, que se n'anem allí i arribem,

Thank you. So, we go there and arrive,

i no podíem entrar.

and we couldn't enter.

Sí, és clar, és que esto es muy cutre.

Yes, of course, it's just that this is very shabby.


We had

en el hotel 10 hores, perquè el check-in

at the hotel 10 hours, because the check-in

era a les 4 i mitja de la vesprà.

It was half past four in the afternoon.

I nosaltres arribàvem a les 8 del matí.

And we arrived at 8 in the morning.

Estàvem allí en Oropesa. A les 8 i 18.

We were there in Oropesa. At 8:18.

Perquè se retrasa el tren, si no... Total.

Why is the train delayed, if not... Anyway.

A les 8 i 10 estem allí. Entonces,

At 8:10 we will be there. So,

bueno, se queda en el apartament d'una amiga, no sé què,

Well, she's staying at a friend's apartment, I don't know what.

se n'anem a l'hotel Neptuno, i quan arribem

we are going to the Neptuno hotel, and when we arrive

allí a l'habitació 3 en su...

there in room 3 in su...

Sí. 3 en su...

Yes. 3 in his...

Tot és el 3.

Everything is 3.


We arrive...

I, bueno,

I, well,

arribem a l'habitació, vale? Una habitació

we arrive at the room, okay? A room

respetable, per lo que

respectable, for what

mos havia costat, Soraya. Sí,

it had cost us, Soraya. Yes,

contant que això era 12 hores antes, que mos havíem

considering that this was 12 hours earlier, that we had

portat en un fin de setmana, perquè n'hi havia un festival allí

taken over a weekend, because there was a festival there

en Oropesa. Molt

in Oropesa. Very

demanàvem, mosatros, també, la veritat. Era com un

we asked, we too, for the truth. It was like a

quart de graneres. Sí. O sea, que tu entres

quarter of brooms. Yes. I mean, you enter

de cara i ixes de cul. Sí.

facing forward and those facing backward. Yes.

Si vols seguir de cara, t'estampes. Correcte.

If you want to keep going head-on, you'll crash. Correct.

Arribem, vale?

We arrive, okay?

Un finestral,

A window,

com tota la paret de gran. No era gran la paret, però

like the whole big wall. The wall wasn't big, but

era com tota la paret. Sí.

It was like the entire wall. Yes.

I la persiana era devotoa.

And the blind was devoted.


It was...

Estava tot electrificat. Bueno, bueno, bueno,

I was all electrified. Well, well, well,

bueno. Abrir les cortines,

Okay. Open the curtains,

todo el mundo expectante.

everyone is expectant.

Esas vistas al mar,

Those sea views,

que nos prometieron en booking.com,

that they promised us on booking.com,

se abren

they open

y se escucha... Apartamentos

Andone can hear... Apartments



Y se veía un balcó que ficaba. En alquiler.

And there was a balcony that was for rent.

Se alquila apartamentos...

Apartments for rent...

¿Cómo ficaba? Oromar. Oromar.

How did it fit? Oromar. Oromar.





643, me recuerdo el número y todo.

643, I remember the number and everything.

Es que... Ixa era la vista. Quidreu

It's just that... That was the view. What do you want?

pa denunciar las vistas al mar. La vista al mar

to report the sea views. The sea view

sa puta mare. N'hi havien soles.

Oh my God. There were only soles.

És que m'ho ha contat jo este fin de setmana de molt. Soles, n'hi ha

It's just that I told you this weekend a lot. Alone, there is.

vien deu habitacions. Gràcies, Marta.

There are ten rooms. Thank you, Marta.

Gràcies, Marta. Soles, n'hi havien

Thank you, Marta. Alone, there were some.

sis habitacions que no donaven al mar.

six rooms that did not overlook the sea.

La 301 era una.

The 301 was one.

No dona. No dona al mar.

No woman. No woman to the sea.

Era la primera. Era ella.

It was the first. It was her.

Mmm... Una puta

Mmm... A whore.

azotea. Tócate los huevos.

rooftop. Touch your balls.

És que damunt de la bauna un terrat d'estos de

It's just that on top of the boar, a roof like this.

roig. Totalment. Al sabonàpols

red. Totally. To the soap bubbles.

allà, un calor. Sí, asquerós. Asquerós.

There, a heat. Yes, disgusting. Disgusting.

De fet, de fet, si

In fact, in fact, yes.

anaves... O sea, el Hotel Neptuno

a ships... I mean, the Hotel Neptuno

té una faixa molt gran, i arribes

it has a very large belt, and you arrive

des de la platja. Claro. Tu entres per la

from the beach. Of course. You enter through the

platja i tot, eh? No sé quantos, no sé menos.

Beach and all, huh? I don't know how many, I don't know less.

I té sis habitacions

It has six rooms.

que són les sis plantes que té, que són les úniques

what are the six floors it has, which are the only ones

que donen a lo que és el terra

that they give to what is the ground

de dins. Pues, uno, dos y tres.

From inside. Well, one, two, and three.

La tres. La tres.

The three. The three.

La del Valcorroños. Uau.

The one from Valcorroños. Wow.

Ara, però ficava que no se podia fumar i fumí.

Now, however, I was saying that one couldn't smoke and I smoked.

Que se jodan. Uau!

Screw them. Wow!

Me la estaves cobrant... Y se cae en el aire

You were charging me for it... And it falls in the air.

tota la puta nit. Eh?

All fucking night. Eh?

A 20 graus. Tapats en mantes. Me dona igual.

At 20 degrees. Covered with blankets. I don't care.

Que pague el Hotel Neptuno. Ni a mi en mantes ni nada más.

Let the Hotel Neptuno pay. Not for me in blankets or anything else.

I arribem, i jo

And we arrive, and I

pff, estic reventa, Jacob, no puc més.

pff, I'm exhausted, Jacob, I can't take it anymore.

Seig i té més dos. No, és que arribem de marinador

It's six and has more two. No, it's just that we arrive from being a mariner.

que estava 40 minuts caminant.

that I was walking for 40 minutes.

És que la misèria era grande. És que estava

It's just that the misery was great. It's just that I was.

en marinador i se n'anàrem a l'altra punta.

in mariner and we went to the other end.

O sea, no sé si ha guanyat una vegà

So, I don't know if he has won once.

en marinador i si no ha guanyat a Oropesa.

in mariner and if he has not won in Oropesa.

Tens que creuar tres platges

You have to cross three beaches.

senceres. Sí. Però, què és esto?

Whole. Yes. But, what is this?



Ai, mireu! Uau!

Oh, look! Wow!

Però con música o algo. Uau!

But with music or something. Wow!

Música! Bravo! Un aplauso!

Music! Bravo! A round of applause!

Gràcies! Uau!

Thank you! Wow!

La foto de les tres de Aquí no hay quien viva

The photo of the three of Here There’s No One Living

con nuestras caras. Exacto.

with our faces. Exactly.

Gràcies por tanto, Perleta Producciones.

Thank you for so much, Perleta Producciones.

Te queremos. Y Caterina, que

We love you. And Caterina, what?

mos ha fet la ilustració. Que se levante,

He has made the illustration for us. Let him get up.

que se levante!

Let him/her rise!





Ficau ahí. O así. Allí, millor.

Put it there. Or like this. There, better.

Llévem esta. No, arrocio jurado.

Take this away. No, I swear I'll throw it.

Ui! Amore, que tenim la bota a tumbar.

Oh! Love, we have the boot to tip over.

Ya no somos. Llega les flors.

We are no more. The flowers arrive.

Bueno, canvi de secció, ja.

Well, change of section, already.

O ahí, pues, nos queda una cosa molt curteta.

Oh there, then, we have something very short left.

Ai, pues, es que la misèria era més bona l'altra. Perfa, perfa.

Oh, well, it's just that the other misery was better. Sorry, sorry.

Express, express. Un minut.

Express, express. One minute.

Un minut. Tira-l'hi, tira-l'hi.

One minute. Throw it, throw it.

És en Oropesa del mar, també. Tornem...

It's in Oropesa del Mar, too. Let's go back...

Com no teníem prou en una, diguerem

As we didn't have enough in one, we would say.

ha travessat Oropesa perquè és el nostre lloc, ja.

He has crossed Oropesa because it is our place, already.

A ir. Nosaltres som oropesines.

Ah yes. We are from Oropesa.

Oropesines ja

Oropesines already

adoptades. Totalment. Bueno.

adopted. Totally. Well.

Decidim tornar a confiar

We decide to trust again.

en un ex, molt mala persona, que

in an ex, very bad person, that

se diu Renfe. Uau! Que sempre

it's called Renfe. Wow! That always

va en retrats. Nunca es bueno confiar con Renfe.

It goes in portraits. It is never good to trust Renfe.

Bueno, tornem a confiar en Renfe

Well, let's trust Renfe again.

i estarem tornant el nostre tren

And we will be returning our train.

ja a les catorze... Catorze

Already at fourteen... Fourteen.

deu. Deu. Catorze-deu, vale?

Ten. Ten. Fourteen-ten, okay?

Nosaltres, per anar-hi molt bé de temps,

We, to go there very well in advance,

eixim a les onze des de

we leave at eleven from

Atravega-Marinador, Magic World.

Atravega-Marinador, Magic World.

Se n'anem a replegar la meua maleta,

We are going to collect my suitcase,

tornem a agarrar un altre autobús

we take another bus again

i arribem aquí a la una i vint, crec que

And we arrive here at one twenty, I think.

érem. Una i vint, molt bé, molt bé de temps.

We were. One twenty, very good, very good timing.

Nosaltres, perfecte, davant de l'estació

We, perfect, in front of the station.

hi ha un consum. Podíem anar a consum.

There is a store. We could go to the store.

Jo me compro un gaspatxo fresquet.

I'm buying myself a refreshing gazpacho.

Estàvem dins, estàvem tirades allà,

We were inside, we were lying there,

se fermen amigues d'unes iaies. D'unes abueles.

They bond as friends of some grandmothers. Of some grandmothers.

Que se diem Pepa i Mari.

We call ourselves Pepa and Mari.

Rosita. Rosita i Paqui. Un saludo.

Rosita. Rosita and Paqui. A greeting.

Un saludo des d'aquí.

A greeting from here.

Sí, movida con Renfe. Sí, sí. Denuncias.

Yes, moved with Renfe. Yes, yes. Complaints.

Bueno, i estem allà esperant-se

Well, we are there waiting.

i veiem la una

and we see the one

i cincuanta. Bueno, és que crec

and fifty. Well, it's that I think

que ara a l'Atravega hi ha tot. Perfecte.

that now at the Atravega there is everything. Perfect.

Anem sobrats. No, sí que el deber es que n'hi había un letrero

We're all set. No, yes, there was a sign that said so.

que ya nos estaba alertando.

that was already warning us.

Que ponía tiempo estimado

That it indicated estimated time.

dos cincuenta y siete, así.

two fifty-seven, like that.

Estaba en Gran València,

I was in Greater Valencia,

Estació del Nord, davant dos i deu. Matos Diem,

Nord Station, in front of two and ten. Matos Diem,

tiempo estimado de llegar. I vais en Chicotet

Estimated time of arrival. I'm going in Chicotet.

dos cincuenta y siete,

two fifty-seven,

València, Estación del Norte y Matros.

Valencia, North Station and Matros.

Jo pensi, altre tren que té que passar més tard

I think there is another train that has to pass later.

perquè, claro. Lucía, tiempo estimado de llegar.

because, of course. Lucía, estimated time of arrival.

Claro, Matros Diem, una idea, una i cincuenta i set

Of course, Matros Diem, one idea, one fifty and seven.

estàs en València, allà, perquè Renfe,

you are in Valencia, there, because Renfe,

a part de puntual és ràpid. Totalment.

Apart from being punctual, he is fast. Totally.

Ell ho té tot. Sobretot.

He has it all. Above all.

Total, que creuem

Overall, we cross.

i no venia el tren. I de repente se sent.

And the train didn't come. And suddenly you feel.

Se sent.

It feels.

Ja s'acaba, Marta. Entonces se sentia

It's almost over, Marta. Then she felt.

ding-dong-ding, i de repente

ding-dong-ding, and suddenly

recordem als senyors passatgers

we remind the passengers

que el tren, na-na-na-na, el número que no ve.

that the train, na-na-na-na, the number that doesn't come.

El nostre. En destinació València,

Ours. To the destination Valencia,

Estació del Nord, circula

Nord Station, running.

amb cincuenta-set minuts

with fifty-seven minutes

de retras. Uau, al sol, eh?

Lately. Wow, in the sun, huh?

Al sol, però al sol,

In the sun, but in the sun,

literal, tiraes, i verem

literal, strips, and we will harvest

tot el partit de Carlos Alcaraz

the whole match of Carlos Alcaraz

i el Clara mos dona

And Clara gives us

per vore un trosset del futbol masculí

to see a piece of men's football

i el tren vingui

and the train comes

a mitjan partit. I tardat dos hores

at half-time. It took me two hours.

en vindre. Dos hores en vindre. Muy bien,

I'll come in two hours. Very well.

gracias, Renfe, por tantísimo. Exacto. I encara

Thank you, Renfe, for so much. Exactly. And still.

quan arribàrem a València, claro, a replegar

When we arrived in Valencia, of course, to collect.

a tots els trens que tenien que

to all the trains that had to

vindre antes de les tres i quart,

come before a quarter past three,

entonces era un tren tercer

so it was a third train

profundista, literalment. Osea, anaven tots

Deep-seated, literally. I mean, they all went.

de peu, i jo li dic, acolló, me'n vaig a

standing, and I tell him, hey, I'm leaving to

sentar, i me tiré damunt d'una papelera.

sit down, and I threw myself on top of a trash can.

És lo que és. Yo no puc més en la vida, osea,

It is what it is. I can't do more in life, I mean,

yo no me vaig a aguantar así una hora y pico de peu, no puc.

I'm not going to stand like this for over an hour, I can't.

Total. Esto yo, demasiada mayoría. No es necesario.

Total. This, me, too much majority. It is not necessary.

Osea que, Renfe, otro día más,

So, Renfe, another day more,

no nos dejas de sorprender.

You keep surprising us.

Gracias por tanto, Renfe.

Thank you for so much, Renfe.

Exacto. Bueno, que cuando

Exactly. Well, when.

arribaren casi se peguen en unes.

They almost got into a fight.

Unes dones que intentaren botar una...

Some women who tried to jump a...

Chillant-li a la pobra chica, que la chica no tenía culpa

Yelling at the poor girl, who was not to blame.

de que el tren, el del tren, siguiera dentro. Literal, pues si pierdes

that the train, the train itself, would remain inside. Literally, because if you lose

un tren, pues lo siento. Pues ya está, claro.

a train, well I'm sorry. Well that's it, of course.

Bueno, ya está. Pasem, va, pasem.

Well, that's it. Let's go, come on, let's go.

Va, Soraya, te toca. Bueno,

Come on, Soraya, it's your turn. Well,

la meua secció de hui

my section today

se trata de mi nueva personalidad.

It's about my new personality.

És Renfe. Que és...

It's Renfe. It is...

Oropesa del mar. Exacto, que és estació

Oropesa del Mar. Exactly, it is a station.

d'estil Oropesa del mar. No.

of Oropesa del Mar style. No.

La meua secció va de

My section is about

mi nueva personalidad, que és

my new personality, what is it

les olimpiades. Uau. Que de

the Olympics. Wow. How many

ací se traga tot lo de les

here everything is swallowed up

olimpiades, perquè jo a ir començarem i me tragui

Olympics, because I will go to Iran to start and bring me back.

veus la meua amiga Ángela? Gràcies, Ángela.

Do you see my friend Ángela? Thank you, Ángela.

Jo a ir me tragui i Adrián, di que sí.

I will bring myself and Adrián, say yes.

Ípica, hoquei i gerda,

Equestrianism, hockey, and gerda,

natació... Todo, tia, todo.

swimming... Everything, girl, everything.

Todo. Los traguitos no me escondo.

Everything. I don’t hide from the drinks.

Les olimpiades són

The Olympics are

lo millor, són encara millor que quan xua el Mundial,

the best, are even better than when you played in the World Cup,

perquè pots vore tots els teus porcs i criticar-los

because you can see all your pigs and criticize them

tots a ta casa en aire.

everyone at home in the air.

Està molt bé, està molt bé. Viva,

It's very good, it's very good. Long live,

viva. No nos escondamos

Long live. Let's not hide.

al seu lama, no tingau por.

To your soul, do not be afraid.

Entonces, entonces, jo

So, so, I

he decidit que la meua secció de hui va parlar de

I have decided that my section today will talk about

dos coses de les olimpiades.

two things about the Olympics.

La primera de totes... Ui, que se me n'ha anat

The first of all... Oh, it's slipped my mind.

ací el Word. Ui. És que Word va igual.

here is Word. Oops. It's just that Word works the same.

Que Renfe també te dic, eh.

That Renfe also has you, huh.

Bueno, jo no sabia,

Well, I didn't know,

i vaig descobrir fa dos dies, li vaig dir a Jacob, dic,

I discovered two days ago, I told Jacob, I say,

vaig parlar de això. Seu, com s'enseny la llama

I talked about this. Sit down, how is the flame taught?

olímpica? Perquè jo pensava

Olympic? Because I was thinking.

que era en el puesto, en

that it was in the position, in

plan, jo m'imaginava Grècia,

Well, I imagined Greece,

un puesto on s'encenyen les olimpiades fa molts anys

a place where the Olympics were ignited many years ago

i una llama in eternum.

and a flame in eternum.

I allí està, en César, li tenen gasolina

And there he is, César, they have gasoline for him.

de vegan quant, un poquet d'alcohol,

of vegan quantity, a little bit of alcohol,

i allí està la llama. Pues no, cada any

And there is the flame. Well, no, every year.

l'ensenyen. I no és que l'ensenyen en un metxero

They teach it. And it's not that they teach it in a lighter.

dels festeros, que podria ser, però no,

of the partygoers, which could be, but no,

sinó que tenen una

but they have a

espècie de cuenco, de bol,

a kind of bowl

que se diu escafia.

which is called escafia.

Vale? I entonces, lo que té de graciós

Okay? And then, what is funny about it

este bol, és que és

this bowl, it's just that it is

més bo que el dels xinos, entonces, és com

better than the Chinese one, then, it is like

de metal, i refleja la llum.

of metal, and reflects the light.

Entonces, mentre se refleja la llum,

Then, while the light is reflected,

i tu, entonces, n'hi ha una con una dona

And you, then, there is one with a woman.

que se diu la gran sacerdotisa,

that is called the high priestess,

que van vestides, pobres, més lleches que una nevera

they are dressed, poor, more thin than a fridge

per raere, pero lleches...

for crying out loud, but seriously...

Bueno, podeu buscar-ho per internet,

Well, you can look it up on the internet,

cada any va canviant els look-ins.

Every year the look-ins change.

És que m'encanten les olimpiades,

I just love the Olympics.

de debèr, soc una friqui. Entonces,

Of course, I’m a freak. So,

com que és com una espècie de metxero

it's like a kind of lighter

en gas, entonces, de la calor que

in gas, then, of the heat that

refleja en totes les llums, en la escafia,

it reflects in all the lights, in the glare,

s'encén la llama olímpica.

The Olympic flame is lit.

Tot esto passa mentre

All of this happens while

un grup de deu dones van creuant-se

a group of ten women were crossing paths

i xillant entre elles per invocar

and shouting among them to invoke

el dios Apolo. Vale?

the god Apollo. Okay?

Bueno, és que els griegos, jo sempre he pensat...

Well, it's just that the Greeks, I've always thought...

Ahí podria haver una escafia?

Could there be a shortcut there?

Claro, l'escafia és molt gran, o sea, és una cosa així,

Of course, the scaphander is very big, I mean, it's something like this,

ara que ho has dit, mira, si, veus?

Now that you've said it, look, yes, you see?

I bueno, aquelles dones van creuant-se,

And well, those women were crossing paths,

van xillant-se així, literalment,

they were boasting like that, literally,

i s'encén.

and it turns on.

Vale? Ja està. Fin de la gràcia,

Okay? That's it. End of the grace.

después ya se van pasando la antorcha.

Afterwards, they will pass the torch.

Pero me ha parecido súper curioso que en vegada han sido...

But it has seemed really curious to me that instead they have been...

Zidine Zidane pasa la antorcha. Exacto.

Zinedine Zidane passes the torch. Exactly.

Zidine Zidane pasa la antorcha. Y Salma Hayek.

Zinedine Zidane passes the torch. And Salma Hayek.

Que casi pota en el barco.

He almost stepped on the boat.

Ay, no, y sale la Serena Williams.

Oh no, and out comes Serena Williams.

La Serena Williams se puja al barco

Serena Williams boards the boat.

y después digue que ella no soportaba los barcos.

and then said that she couldn't stand boats.

Y es que realmente lo único que me han tirado

And it's that really the only thing they've thrown at me

de los Chucks Olympics es que los franceses

of the Chucks Olympics is that the French

estaban cagantes en el Sena. Sí, es que es poten

they were shitting in the Seine. Yes, it’s that powerful.

lo de las olimpiades de París. No, es que es fuerte.

The thing about the Paris Olympics. No, it's just that it's strong.

Es que, ¿cómo es de fuerte que un Dijuns

It's just that, how strong can a Dijuns be?

anara en un comité científic

she will be in a scientific committee

y tal, para borrar las bacterias del Sena,

and so, to erase the bacteria from the Seine,

diguendo que no habían tres veces más del máximo

saying that there were not three times more than the maximum

permitido, al dicho, la alcaldesa

allowed, to the said, the mayor

de París. Estaba el agua...

from Paris. The water was...

Estaba el agua maravillosa.

The water was marvelous.

A mí me ha dado pena salir.

I felt sad to leave.

Se veía el fondo. Es que ha sido...

You could see the background. It's just that it has been...

Estaba fresquita y todo. Y digo, entonces el pichón

It was quite cool and everything. And I say, so the pigeon.

va a estar fresca. Eso es como en la piscina

It's going to be cool. That's like in the pool.

de los chiquets, que está más calentura.

of the kids, who is more feverish.

Y es que, ¿verdad, ella? ¡Uy, qué bien todo!

And it's true, isn't it, her? Oh, how great everything is!

A todo esto anaba toda tapada

In all this, I was completely covered.

en un neopreno. Y claro, en bikini

in a wetsuit. And of course, in a bikini

no te tires, chula. Toples así.

Don't throw yourself, cool. You bump like this.

¡Lo harás!

You will do it!

Es que, claro. Después... Uy, la escaleta.

It's just that, of course. Then... Oh, the outline.

Adiós. Bueno, eso era simplemente lo de

Goodbye. Well, that was simply about

las cafias, porque me ha hecho mucha gracia.

the cafias, because it made me laugh a lot.

Después, ya una otra cosa. Os voy a contar

Afterwards, that's another thing. I am going to tell you.

el mejor evento olímpico que quien haya estimado

the best Olympic event that anyone has ever valued

no estar viva para haber estado allí y borrarlo.

not being alive to have been there and erase it.

En el año 1904

In the year 1904

van a haber

there are going to be

un maratón en San Luis,

a marathon in San Luis,

Missouri. En San Luis,

Missouri. In St. Louis,

Missouri, que es un puesto

Missouri, which is a position

en el que fa el mateix fred

in which it is just as cold

que fa así todo el año. Ninguno.

It does this all year round. None.

Entonces allí decidieron crear una

So there they decided to create a

molt bona idea, fer una marató

very good idea, to hold a marathon

a les tres del migdia d'un 30 d'agost.

at three in the afternoon on August 30th.

Ah, guau. Perquè dius tu, una hora

Ah, wow. Because you say, an hour.

que ja va baixant el sol,

that the sun is setting.

ja la calor

It's already hot.

apeteix a córrer 42 km.

It makes you want to run 42 km.

Bueno, vale, bé.

Well, okay, fine.

Fer a 32 graus pocs, me pareixen.

Making it 32 degrees seems too few to me.

Passar un 30 d'agost a les tres

To spend August 30 at three o'clock.

de la vesprà. I faran la tercera

in the evening. And they will do the third.

marató olímpica de la història. O sea, que la marató

the Olympic marathon in history. That is, the marathon

tampoco es tan bella, así olímpicamente

she's not that beautiful, so Olympically.

hablando. ¿La quién? La maratón.

Talking. Who? The marathon.



Hay cosas graciosas de este momento.

There are funny things about this moment.

Bueno, graciosas no. Curiosas, perdón. No son graciosas.

Well, not funny. Curious, sorry. They are not funny.

Es la primera vez que

It's the first time that

competiren personas negras.

competed black people.

Y diréu, perquè se reunía el comité

And you will say, why did the committee meet?

olímpic i digué, aquí no entendemos

olympic and said, here we do not understand

de razas. No, era perquè dos negros

of races. No, it was because two black people

passaren per allí, preguntaren si se podien posar

They passed by there and asked if they could sit down.

i els digueren que sí.

And they told them yes.

Però ells no era perquè diuen, hay una marató

But they are not because they say, there is a marathon.

en bachanal. No, no. És perquè ells estaven

in a bacchanal. No, no. It’s because they were

allí perquè era la exposició universal.

there because it was the universal exposition.

En plan, d'aquestes que van a tots els països.

Like, one of those that go to all the countries.

Ells venien de Sud-àfrica.

They were coming from South Africa.

Estan a partir d'una racista. No, no.

They are starting from a racist. No, no.

No és que ells venien de Sud-àfrica.

It's not that they were coming from South Africa.

No, no. És que ells estaven

No, no. It's just that they were

en l'exposició.

in the exhibition.

Gràcies, Marta.

Thank you, Marta.

Això no feia falta, però bueno.

This wasn't necessary, but okay.

Racistades del momento.

Racist remarks of the moment.

Ara ja no, gràcies a Déu.

Now not anymore, thank God.

Bueno, començaren a córrer i era

Well, they started running and it was

cinc voltes a l'estadi,

five laps at the stadium,

se'n ixien de l'estadi i peguen una volta

they leave the stadium and take a turn

per Missouri. O sea, la volta que fem així

for Missouri. I mean, the turn we make like this

pues ellos en Missouri.

well they in Missouri.

Entonces, peguen les cinc voltes

So, they do five laps.

i ixen a les calles de Sant Lluís.

and they go out into the streets of Sant Lluís.

Sant Lluís, que res no està bé.

Saint Louis, everything is not right.

Estaven asfaltats, carros...

They were paved, carts...

No tallaren ningú carrer. Ells estaven corregent

They didn't cut anyone off. They were running.

i al costat, carros. I els sàrbits

And next to it, carts. And the sarbits.

anaven davant i al final del tot

they were at the front and at the very end

en cotxes. O sea, jo pensé

in cars. I mean, I thought

imagina't estar corregent i tindre davant

imagine being in a race and having in front of you

un cotxe al Santé Pols. O sea, un cotxe

a car at Santé Pols. I mean, a car

davant i al costat i el del carro

in front and next to and the one with the cart

i la xica que passa allí, que s'agrega

And the girl who passes there, who joins in.

el carrer i tu corrent una marató olímpica.

the street and you running an Olympic marathon.

Pues bueno, estaven allí

Well, they were there.

corregent i començaren

correcting and they began

crec que 32

I think 32.

persones. 32.

people. 32.

Són les que acabaren 14.

They are the ones that ended 14.

Dos acabaran hospitalitzats

Two will end up hospitalized.

amb problemes respiratoris.

with respiratory problems.

A saber per què. Perquè fumarien segur.

To know why. Because they would definitely smoke.

No tenien prou preparació olímpica.

They did not have enough Olympic preparation.

No seria perquè no hi hagués pols.

It wouldn't be because there wasn't dust.

I bueno,

And well,

¿qué sigue lo gracioso de eso? Que una persona

What's funny about that? That a person

acaba, va allí,

finishes, goes there,

arriba a la primera, 13 hores 13 minuts.

arrives at the first, 13 hours 13 minutes.

Ara el rècord està en 2 hores 2 minuts.

Now the record is 2 hours 2 minutes.

Correguen. 3 hores 13 minuts.

They correct. 3 hours 13 minutes.

Arriba, tots bravo,

Come on, everyone cheer,

no sé què. Ese dia, Jon.

I don't know what. That day, Jon.

Bravo, Jon. Eres el tercer

Well done, Jon. You are the third.

ganador olímpico de la marató.

Olympic marathon winner.

Arriba, Jon. Li posa la filla

Come on, Jon. He puts the daughter.

del president, la miratja, una foto.

of the president, the gaze, a photo.

Li posa un laurel, tot allà

He puts a laurel on him, right there.

sonant l'himne de

sounding the anthem of

Un estadounidense ha ganado

An American has won.

y en Estados Unidos mucho, mucho.

and in the United States a lot, a lot.

Vale, i entonces aquí, quan li donaren el micro

Okay, and then here, when they gave him the microphone.

digué, era broma.

He said, it was a joke.

Perquè jo, en el quilòmetre setze...

Because I, at kilometer sixteen...

En el quilòmetre setze

At kilometer sixteen

m'ha caigut, m'ha

I've fallen, I've

replegat un cotxe, ha marat al quilòmetre

After collecting a car, he has measured at the kilometer.

30, s'ha trencat el cotxe...

30, the car has broken down...

En el quilòmetre

In the kilometer

30 m'ha baixat i ha vingut

30 has come down and has come.

corrent 12 quilòmetres, però això ha arribat.

running 12 kilometers, but this has arrived.

Tan pront.

So soon.

Però tot esto, el president dels

But all this, the president of the

Estats Units, la filla, la medalla,

United States, the daughter, the medal,

el laurel, tots allà així

the laurel, all there like that

n'ha ficats. I ell ho digué... Però ha guanyat o no?

He has put them in. And he said it... But has he won or not?

No, li ho llevaren, perquè havia fet trampes.

No, they took it away from him because he had cheated.

Però arriba el primer.

But the first arrives.

La gent és tonta.

People are stupid.

Clar, si no m'ho haguera dit

Of course, if you hadn't told me.

haguera guanyat, perquè aquest cotxe s'ha escatxarrat i en plan ningú

I would have won because this car has broken down and like, nobody.

estava allí. Entonces, el banear

he was there. Then, banning him

en 6 mesos, li digué

in 6 months, he told her

no paixoren maratons, tio, tonta casa

Don't slow down marathons, dude, silly house.

i ja ho. Al riu, a

And that's it. To the river, to

Turia, baixar i córrer i ja ho.

Turia, go down and run and that's it.

Però, en 6 mesos, li lleven

But, in 6 months, they take it away from him/her.

i puc tornar a córrer.

I can run again.

I ja ho. És que m'ha preguntat, gràcies

And that's it. They asked me, thank you.

que no ho diguera, s'esperava que li posaren

that he wouldn't say it, he was expecting them to put it on him

tot, el filla, la filla del president

everything, the daughter, the president's daughter

dels Estats Units, i quan ja ho té tot i

from the United States, and when he already has everything and

està allà, ha sonat el limne i tot, diu

it's there, the bell has rung and everything, it says

és broma. Era, m'estava quedant

It's a joke. I was, I was running out of time.

amb vosaltres,

with you,

s'ha pensat que jo córrer tant, però

It has been thought that I run so much, but

no, en veritat no. I guanya un altre

no, in truth, no. And another wins.

que tarda 4 hores,

that takes 4 hours,

arriba allí, demana parar, i

get there, ask to stop, and

llavors, quan demana parar, li digueren

then, when he asked to stop, they told him

tu no pares,

you don’t stop,

li punxaren, és que agarra

they stabbed him, it's that he grabs

la caiguda, és forta, li punxaren

the fall, it's strong, they stabbed him

veneno de rates. Per què?

rat poison. Why?

I llavors, tingui al·lucinacions,

And then, have hallucinations,

se fica a córrer tot loco,

he starts running all crazy,

li queda un quilòmetre i feu pum, i se caigui.

he has a kilometer left and boom, he falls.

I anaven els entrenadors i digueren, tu acabes,

The coaches were leaving and said, you finish.

però tu acabes com que jo m'he dit, vamos,

but you end up as I told myself, come on,

John, i se'l penxa al sombro, se creua

John, and he hangs it on the shadow, he crosses.

la línia. I ell no se'n recorda de fer

the line. And he doesn't remember to do it.

el coronari, o sea, li posaren l'orellito

the coronet, or rather, they put the little ear on him

i ella estava aixina.

and she was like that.

Perquè li havien donat brandy, ous i veneno de rates.

Because they had given him brandy, eggs, and rat poison.

Ah, brandy. Que el brandy,

Ah, brandy. That the brandy,

mireu, al final el alcohol, pues,

look, in the end alcohol, well,

també haig de córrer.

I also have to run.

Quan aneu a la volta, però no s'emporteu,

When you go back, but don't take me away.

l'aigua, xelaeta,

the water, little sweetheart,

brandy, ous i estricina.

brandy, eggs, and strychnine.

I mira, marató olímpica, eh?

And look, Olympic marathon, huh?

I que és una cosa... I l'orellito.

And what is a thing... And the little ear.

Sí, i l'orellito, i el

Yes, and the little ear, and the

coronari allà, i el tio, bueno, coronari, no, no sé

coronary there, and the guy, well, coronary, no, I don't know

com se diu, li posaren la medalla, i el tio

how do you say, they put the medal on him, and the guy

desmaiat, i guanyat.

fainted, and won.

El medallar en sí,

The medal itself,

un nou verb. Bueno, va, que Marta diu que

a new verb. Well, come on, because Marta says that

i ja està, Marta, ja ha deixat

And that's it, Marta, he has already left.

el nen. És que Marta sempre m'està tallant.

the boy. It's just that Marta is always interrupting me.

Però calculava a mi els cinc minuts a partir

But I calculated the five minutes from me.

d'ara, eh? Ah, vale.

From now on, huh? Ah, okay.

Bueno, jo vinc a parlar-vos

Well, I come to talk to you.

de la misè...

of the misery...

Ui! De la major

Oh! From the mayor.

misèria que ha hagut de la televisió

misery that has come from television

referent a programes.

regarding programs.

Tinc una altra cosa, però crec que no me va a donar el temps.

I have another thing, but I don't think I will have the time.

Un programa, fa molts anys,

A program, many years ago,

bueno, molts anys, a lo millor sis anys

Well, many years, maybe six years.

o set anys, que es dia

or seven years, what day is it

Splash famosos al agua.

Famous splash in the water.


Do you know?

Bueno, el que salía Falete en bañador.

Well, what Falete was wearing a swimsuit.



Sí, claro, que se tiraba en un trampolín.

Yes, of course, he was diving off a diving board.

Ya sé quién es el bañador.

I already know who the swimsuit is.

Vale, ahora sí, ahora sí.

Okay, now yes, now yes.

Bueno, era un programa

Well, it was a program.

que en varias temporades, eh?

that in several seasons, huh?

Falete, Falete, sí, está comentando ahí

Falete, Falete, yes, he is commenting there.

Falete, Falete en bañador, sí.

Falete, Falete in a swimsuit, yes.

Bueno, vale.

Well, okay.

Era un programa, vale? Sí.

It was a program, okay? Yes.

Que solo se basaba en personas famosas

That was only based on famous people.

tirándose de un trampolín

jumping off a diving board

i diguent, hay que por, hay que por, por Manolo

I’m saying, there has to be fear, there has to be fear, for Manolo.

y se tiraba.

and he/she threw himself/herself.

Es de veres.

It’s true.

O sea, imagina.

I mean, imagine.

El nivell d'aquest programa.

The level of this program.

Sí. El nivell, eh?

Yes. The level, huh?

Que Carmen Lomana,

That Carmen Lomana,

o sea, Carmen Lomana, que ja saben

I mean, Carmen Lomana, that you already know.

que Carmen Lomana porta 20 anys,

that Carmen Lomana has been around for 20 years,

siguen subnormal. Però, o sea,

they are morons. But, like,

no subnormal. Que no...

No, stupid. No...

Yo no veig a Carmen Lomana tirarse por un trampolín

I don't see Carmen Lomana jumping off a diving board.

a dos metros. Bueno, pues la chica...

at two meters. Well, the girl...

Bueno, pues la tía la tiraron en el primer capítol. Veus?

Well, they threw the aunt in the first episode. See?

Algo seria. Però Carmen Lomana,

Something would be. But Carmen Lomana,

la que se desmaya en Masterchef Cerebro.

the one who faints in Masterchef Brain.

Sí. Sí.

Yes. Yes.

En el primer programa diguent

In the first program saying

que estava molt contenta de que l'havien tirat

that she was very happy that they had thrown him out

pa poder animar a Miki Nadal

to be able to cheer on Miki Nadal

Què? Que ja...

What? That already...

Miki Nadal en el trampolín

Miki Nadal on the trampoline

pa tirarse en la final.

to throw oneself into the final.

Quin nivell n'hi hauria

What level would there be?

que estava Miki Nadal tirant-se

that Miki Nadal was pulling himself

pal trampolín a deu metros?

trampoline at ten meters?

Quin era el nivell d'eixe programa?

What was the level of that program?

Però quin era en el resto? El nivell, no, es que calla.

But what was in the rest? The level, no, it's just that hush.

Contra aquí, contra aquí. Que anà

Against here, against here. Let it go.

al trampolín? Uau.

to the trampoline? Wow.

A presentar el seu gil? Recuerdo eso.

Are you going to present your dick? I remember that.

Car Broker, Car Broker.

Car Broker, Car Broker.

Que anà, imagina't el Sánchez que té

What happened, imagine the Sánchez that he has.

que encara no follaven entre ellos ni res.

that they still weren't sleeping together or anything.

Ai, encara no!

Oh, not yet!

Imagina't el Sánchez que té el programa

Imagine Sánchez having the program.

que encara no estaven tots... Ai, perdón.

that not everyone was there yet... Oh, sorry.

Perdón. No, fico pitit

Sorry. No, I don't do that.

perquè, claro, después no quiero hablar de les Olimpiaes,

because, of course, after that I don't want to talk about the Olympics,

saps? Es que...

You know? It's just that...

No, no, no, que no tenia una relación ni res.

No, no, no, she didn't have a relationship or anything.

No. Però perquè encara serien xiquets,

No. But because they would still be children,

pobrets. No. Que encara no

Poor things. No. Not yet.

havien de jutir ni res, eh? I se...

they had to judge nothing, right? And you...

Acabaren la cançó de fer Car Broker...

They finished the song about being a Car Broker...

En quin any discutirem? No me'n recorde, ja.

In which year will we discuss? I don't remember it anymore.

Ai, no ho sé. Però ell... Espera.

Oh, I don't know. But he... Wait.

No ho tinc.

I don't have it.

El... Presentaren el

They presented the...

Car Broker... Sí. I se tiraren

Car Broker... Yes. And they threw themselves.

des d'un metro. Por Car Broker!

From a subway. By Car Broker!

Por Car Broker! Però a la vegà?

For Car Broker! But at the same time?

Eh? Agarrar-se la mà

Huh? Holding hands

si no, no val. Jo ho he vist en un programa. En un programa, no.

If not, it doesn't count. I saw it in a show. In a show, no.

En una notícia. De Antena 3.

In a news report. From Antena 3.

Uau. Que sí, que sí.

Wow. Yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí. No, es que haurien... Carmen Lomana

Yes, yes, yes. No, it's just that they would have... Carmen Lomana.

tirant-se un trampolín a deu metros.

jumping off a ten-meter diving board.

M'he parit, me parlo de Mickey Nadal. Sí.

I have given birth, I am talking to Mickey Christmas. Yes.

I se tira bé.

It throws well.

De veres, eh?

Really, huh?

Jo recorde lo de Falete.

I remember what happened with Falete.

Jo recorde el bot que pega Falete

I remember the kick that Falete delivers.

a la piscina. El bot. Fue divertido.

to the pool. The boat. It was fun.

El bot. Sí. Bueno.

The bot. Yes. Well.

El salto del tigre feo. El bot, ja.

The leap of the ugly tiger. The jump, now.

El bot, ja.

The bot, already.

Ellos tirarse como arriba y arribat.

They throw themselves like up and arrived.

Puc continuar?

Can I continue?

Vale. A vore.

Okay. Let's see.

El cajón mágico.

The magic drawer.

Per favor, un poquet d'orden, chicos.

Please, a little order, guys.

Vale. Vull parlar d'una persona que

Okay. I want to talk about a person who

sí que és una misèria en tota la seua vida

yes, it is a misery throughout his/her life

trajectòria oficial, que és

official trajectory, which is

J. Pelirrojo. Sí. Totalmente.

J. Redhead. Yes. Totally.

Si alguno el conéis...

If any of you know him...

Alce la ma, no tenga vergonya.

Raise your hand, don't be shy.

J. Pelirrojo. Molt bé.

J. Redhead. Very good.

No? No. Voy a por ello.

No? No. I'm going for it.



Per favor, que poca cultura

Please, how little culture.



Bueno, es una persona

Well, it's a person.

delecinable. Maravillosa.

delicious. Wonderful.

Que ara puja vídeos.

That now uploads videos.

No heu vist els vídeos que puja, ara?

Haven't you seen the videos he uploads, now?

No, es que... Vas a explicar-vos un poco la trayectoria

No, it's just that... I am going to explain a little about the trajectory.

de J. Pelirrojo.

by J. Pelirrojo.

Començar en ro en la red.

Start in ro on the network.

No coneixem. Ro en la red.

We don't know each other. Ro in the network.

Ro en internet.

Ro on the internet.

Ro en la red, espera.

Ro in the network, wait.

Ara no és bollera?

Now she isn't a lesbian?

No, ara...

No, now...

Ara està fent, ara està fent.

Now it's happening, now it's happening.

Era ahí de caravana, diciendo...

It was there in a caravan, saying...

Pues yo pensaba que estaban 10.

Well, I thought there were 10.

Sí, literal.

Yes, literally.

Era un tío, un tío.

It was a guy, a guy.

Se venen famosos porque hacen blogs

They sell themselves because they make blogs.

diaris, él grabando

diaries, he's recording

así, con la cámara, todo el mundo. Claro.

So, with the camera, everyone. Of course.

Ay, mira, su mierda de vida, no sé qué.

Oh, look, his crappy life, I don't know what.

Ro en la red se tragaba un alfiler.

Ro in the net swallowed a pin.

Sí. Eso es un hito histórico.

Yes. That is a historical milestone.

Porque también es una persona maravillosa.

Because she is also a wonderful person.

En la vida. Y ella, en vez de portarla

In life. And she, instead of carrying it

al hospital, estaba grabándola, en plan

at the hospital, I was recording her, like

Mireu, Ro se ha tragado un alfiler.

Look, Ro has swallowed a pin.

Y Ro, en plan...

And Ro, like...

Y ella, y ella...

And she, and she...

Bueno, ara puja vídeos,

Well, now upload videos,

que es lo que vas a explicar, que si no, no va a durar temps.

What are you going to explain, because if not, it won't last long.

En el que fica

In what it says.

la canción esta...

the song is...

Sota a los perros porque me he escapado.

I'm under the dogs because I have escaped.

De Art de Bogotá.

Of Art from Bogotá.

Acá no.

Not here.

La normal.

The normal.

En una corda... No ho he vist, tío.

On a rope... I haven't seen it, dude.

Tengo que poner una pantalla para...

I have to put up a screen to...

Dentro de J. Perry Rojo. Claro.

Inside J. Perry Red. Of course.


Coming soon.

Claro, para la próxima temporada.

Of course, for the next season.

Bueno, en una corda, de repente.

Well, on a rope, suddenly.

Sota a los perros

Under the dogs

porque me he escapado.

because I have escaped.

I fica per exemple

And for example

Vive la vida, no te lo pienses.

Live life, don't think about it.

Cómete un rabo.

Eat a tail.

Por ejemplo, podría decir.

For example, I could say.

Vaya tela. O de repente.

What a situation. Or suddenly.

Siéntate bien, que te va a doler la espalda.

Sit up straight, or your back is going to hurt.

Ay, sí.

Oh, yes.

No, pero la tía dijo una frase que posaba.

No, but the aunt said a phrase that was put.

Practica el amor, es la mejor cura todo.

Practice love, it is the best cure for everything.

Ella es china, eh.

She is Chinese, you know.

Imaginemos a un señor de China.

Let's imagine a gentleman from China.

Que costaba tres mil pavos.

It cost three thousand bucks.

Era falso.

It was false.

Pagabais tres mil pavos, pero un culto...

You used to pay three thousand bucks, but a cult...

Voy a por ellos, voy a por tus millones.

I'm coming for them, I'm coming for your millions.

Literal, literal.

Literal, literal.

Segur que vivo en Andorra.

Sure, I live in Andorra.



Yo creo que ni vivo en una cova.

I believe that I don't even live in a cave.

Practica el amor, practica el amor.

Practice love, practice love.

Porque me he escapado.

Because I have run away.

Tía, con una cuerda así dándose vueltas.

Dude, with a rope like that spinning around.

Y yo, ¿pero este tío?

And me, but this guy?

Es que yo diría que practicaba no sé qué.

I would say that I practiced I-don't-know-what.

Sí, no sé qué.

Yes, I don't know what.

Él ha practicado no sé qué toda su vida.

He has practiced I don't know what all his life.

Literal. No ha hecho nada nunca.

Literally. He has never done anything.

Sí, no sé qué, pero míralo.

Yes, I don't know what, but look at it.

Bueno, busqueu JPelirrojo en Instagram

Well, search for JPelirrojo on Instagram.

y vos hicierais vídeos soltados.

and you would make released videos.

No el mireu, no.

Don't look at him, no.

Si no, insulteu en comentaris.

If not, insult in the comments.

No, tampoc.

No, neither.

Sí, home, que sí.

Yes, man, of course.

¿Por qué no?

Why not?

Porque hay que practicar el amor, es la mejor cura.

Because one must practice love, it is the best cure.

Hay que practicar el amor.

We have to practice love.

La mejor cura.

The best cure.

Siéntate en la silla.

Sit in the chair.

Bueno, ya está.

Well, that's it.

Vale, me toca.

Okay, it's my turn.

Es que es express.

It's express.

La merda la llana del cáncer.

The wool shit of cancer.

Perdón, eh.

Sorry, eh.

Que un aplauso a cadeneta también.

Let there be a chain applause as well.





Pon el pitido.

Put the beep.

Vamos, es que de esta,

Come on, it's just that from this,

por hacer la próxima temporada no va a estar ningú.

For the next season, no one will be there.

No va a montar tot y no va a haber ningú.

It is not going to be set up and there will be no one.

No, el pascord.

No, the password.

Este de la abuela también está, vamos.

This is the grandmother's too, come on.

Está muy bien.

It's very good.

Y mira que yo ya tengo que decir que soy chelufa, pero...

And look, I already have to say that I am a chelufa, but...

Bueno, va, Alex.

Okay, go ahead, Alex.

Yo tengo dos cosas de las que hablar

I have two things to talk about.

que si me dan a temps les diré, si no, diré solo una.

If they give me time, I will tell them, if not, I will only say one.

Como es costum, yo siempre vine casi a

As is customary, I always came almost to

recombrar vos series, pelis...

recommend you series, movies...

De animació. No, de animació, oui, no.

Of animation. No, of animation, yes, no.

¡Salte! ¡Bien!

Jump! Good!

Es que va loca la pobra, eh.

She's going crazy, poor thing, huh.

Vaig a contarte. El atre dia

I'm going to tell you. The other day.

me digueren que la secció

they told me that the section

que me le agradaba era la teua.

What I liked was yours.

¡Ay, sí! Sí, no, pero es que la persona que lo digué

Oh, yes! Yes, no, but the person who said it

me ha enfadado yo en ella.

I have gotten angry with her.

¡Es que me ha enfadado yo en ella!

It's just that I got angry at her!

Es que es la nostra amiga.

It's just that she is our friend.

¡Qué fuerte!

How cool!

Y fa...

And it has...

Pues no.

Well, no.

Tus únicos haters somos nosotros.

Your only haters are us.

Literalmente, es que la única chen que no te va a gustar

Literally, it's just that the only person you won't like.

si sentas vosotros.

if you sit down.

En fin.

In short.

Jo, en un capítol,

I, in a chapter,

crec que el de les Americanaes,

I think it's about the Americans,

vaig recomanar una serie que segur que ha vist

I recommended a series that you have surely seen.

la mitad de esta plaça, per lo menos,

half of this square, at least,

que és Pequeñas Mentirosas.

what is Pretty Little Liars.

Al seu l'amant, que ha vist Pequeñas Mentirosas,

To her lover, who has seen Pretty Little Liars,

molt de gent, genial.

a lot of people, great.

De todo se sale, de todo se sale.

Everything can be overcome, everything can be overcome.

Bueno, pues vaig a un resum,

Well, I’m going to give a summary,

bueno, un resum no, una sinopsis,

well, a summary no, a synopsis,

Pequeñas Mentirosas es una serie de 5 chiques,

Pretty Little Liars is a series about 5 girls,

o 4, no me recorde,

or 4, I don't remember,

bueno, un grupe d'amigues que se tornen

well, a group of friends who become

a reajuntar en el funeral d'una de les

to reunite at the funeral of one of the

deues amigues, y a partir d'ahir

your friends, and as of yesterday

comencen a arribar-li missatges

messages are starting to arrive for him/her

i coses d'una persona que se diu

and things about a person named

ah, si vostè l'amiga esta que sabia molt

Ah, yes, your friend who knew a lot.

se diu Alison, ser, pues una cosa

Her name is Alison, well, one thing.

de que li està enviant a elles missatges,

that he is sending them messages,

bueno, una movida, vale?

Well, a thing, okay?

Pues, això.

Well, that's it.

Que la te diuen, quiero que seas

What they call you, I want you to be.

col·laboradora de TikTok.

TikTok collaborator.

Vas a cobrar un millón de euros.

You are going to earn a million euros.

Dime tu cuenta bancaria.

Tell me your bank account.

Para ganar el millón.

To win the million.

A lo mejor Jota per irlo.

Maybe Jota to go.

La cosa es que el año pasado

The thing is that last year

tragueren una secuela,

they took out a sequel,

que se diu Pequeñas Mentirosas

which is called Pretty Little Liars

Pecado Original. No té res que veure en la sèrie

Original Sin. It has nothing to do with the series.

de Pequeñas Mentirosas, pero es como el mateix

from Pretty Little Liars, but it's like the same

universo, no sé cuánto, no sé menos.

universe, I don’t know how much, I don’t know less.

Pues, parlant de missatges, jo crec que

Well, speaking of messages, I think that

a ixes xiques són les majors

those girls are the oldest

missatges que li han passat en la seua vida, perquè són

messages that have happened to him in his life, because they are

5 xiques a travegar que

5 girls to sail that

per culpa de les teues mares

because of your mothers

de repente


n'hi ha una cosa or que les està

There is one thing that is.

Desopte, per favor.

Please, do not disturb.

De cop i repet.

Suddenly and repeatedly.

N'hi ha una cosa or que

There is one thing gold that

per culpa d'una cosa que feren les teues mares fa

because of something that your mothers did a long time ago

30 anys, doncs estan pagant

30 years, so they are paying.

estes 3 xiques, no? Estes 5 xiques.

These 3 girls, right? These 5 girls.

I de sobte n'hi ha una

And suddenly there's one.

que té un embaràs adolescent. No, és que comença

that has a teenage pregnancy. No, it's just that it begins

literalment, comença en una xica

literally, it starts with a girl

rúbia que tindrà 16 anys

blonde who will be 16 years old

prenyar entrant

impregnate entering

al bany en

to the bathroom in

sa mare morta. Això és l'embaràs adolescent

her dead mother. This is adolescent pregnancy.

de l'MTV que jo ho veia.

from MTV that I used to watch it.

I teniendo de 16 anys.

I was 16 years old.

Embarazada a los 16. Claro.

Pregnant at 16. Sure.

Que renyen.

They are scolding.

Això ho veia la meua germana, lo del embarazo a los 16.

My sister saw this, the pregnancy at 16.

Lo del embarazo a los 16? No se escoltai!

Pregnancy at 16? Don't listen to that!

No, que ho veia.

No, I could see it.

Ui, que susto.

Oh, what a scare.

Me cagao.

I’ve messed up.

Y la cosa a lo que iba...

And the thing I was getting to...

Perdón, perdón.

Sorry, sorry.

Es que después, no.

It's just that later, no.

Lo que anava tot a saber és que este año

What I was really going to find out is that this year

farà un parell de mesos tragueren la segona

A couple of months ago they released the second one.

temporada d'esta sèrie que

season of this series that

la major miseria de tot és que li hagin ficat

the greatest misery of all is that they have put him in

pequeñas mentirosas, pecado original, que dius

Little liars, original sin, what do you say?

wow, no sé qué, es potente, no sé

wow, I don't know what, it's powerful, I don't know

cuántos. Escuela de verano.

how many. Summer school.

Escuela de verano? Literalment se di guaisina.

Summer school? Literally, it's called guaisina.

Van al campus? Pequeñas mentirosas.

Are they going to campus? Little liars.

Pecado original. Escuela de verano.

Original sin. Summer school.

I apareixen en la portada les cinc xiques

The five girls appear on the cover.

que tindran set seances en la sèrie. En bikini?

They will have seven sessions in the series. In a bikini?

En bikini. Claro que sí, por supuesto.

In a bikini. Of course, yes, certainly.

Però bueno, la sèrie està molt bé.

But well, the series is very good.

Escuela de verano. I què fan?

Summer school. And what do they do?

Sí, la sèrie està xula. Aleshores he vist

Yes, the series is cool. So I have seen

un capítol, dóna'm el rotllo, però està guai.

A chapter, give me the spiel, but it's cool.

La recomano a tots.

I recommend it to everyone.

Allò és com el de l'infern que baixaven

That is like what came down from hell.

els Sánchez. Igual, claro que sí.

the Sánchez. Of course, sure.

Y si me dóna temps diré lo último

And if I have time, I will say the last thing.

que tenía que decir y es que

that I had to say and it is that

últimamente en TikTok y en

lately on TikTok and in

Instagram, todos son, n'hi ha una xica

Instagram, everyone is, there is a girl.

que s'ha fet molt famosa de música

that has become very famous in music

i tal, que es diu Charli X i X.

And so, it's called Charli X and X.

No sé si sabreu qui és, però el

I don’t know if you will know who he is, but the

caso no viene, da igual. Si no coneixen a

If he doesn't come, it doesn't matter. If they don't know about

J. Pérez Rojo... La cosa

J. Pérez Rojo... The thing

és que fa poc també tragué

it's just that recently he/she also took out

un nou disc i vinc a queixar-me

a new album and I'm coming to complain

de... N'hi ha algun dissenyador, dissenyadora

Is there any designer?

gràfica per a si? Alceu la mà, no tingueu por.

Graph for you? Raise your hand, don’t be afraid.

No n'hi ha ninguno. Pues anem a tirar de la plaza.

There are none. Well, let's go to the square.



Me pareix

It seems to me.

insultant que literalment

insulting that literally

el àlbum, la portada del àlbum,

the album, the album cover,

és un fondo verd

it's a green background

fosforito i el nom del

phosphorite and the name of the

títol en arial 20.

title in arial 20.

Però això és perquè la gent és rara

But that's because people are weird.

i li agrada ser rara. No, és que jo vinc a queixar-me

And she likes to be strange. No, it's just that I'm here to complain.

de la gent moderna. Que no vaig a comentar lo de la gent rara

of modern people. I'm not going to comment on the strange people.

perquè com que fiquen la gent rara és un pitido

because since they put weird people it's a beep

continuo i tot el joc. No, passa el pitit perquè

I continue and all the game. No, pass the little one because

mare meua. Jo vull queixar-me de la gent moderna

My goodness. I want to complain about modern people.

per favor. Pareu, pareu, no és

please. Stop, stop, it's not

bonico. És un fondo verd en

Beautiful. It's a green background in

arial 20.

Arial 20.

El nom del disco

The name of the album

en arial 20. Pareu, no eres moderna, no eres

in Arial 20. Stop, you are not modern, you are not

alternativa. Eres igual que tot el nom.

alternative. You are just like the whole name.

Para. Lo que eres, eres imbécil, tia.

Stop. What you are, you are an idiot, girl.

Lo que eres es... Dale, cuando yo te diga

What you are is... Come on, when I tell you.

una, dos... Espera't. Esperes que

one, two... Wait. You wait that

la tenim ploria empleada, pobra.

We have her crying employed, poor thing.

Cuando yo le diga uno, dos y tres, tú pones el

When I say one, two, and three, you put the

pitido, ¿eh? Una, dos y tres.

Whistle, huh? One, two, and three.

Exactamente. Eres subnormal,

Exactly. You are an idiot.

para que no...

so that not...

Es que yo no sé,

It's just that I don't know,

literalment, yo vull ser la persona

literally, I want to be the person

a la que li han pagat pa ficar un

to which they have paid to put one in

fondo verd en arial 20, en el títol de arial 20.

green background in Arial 20, in the title of Arial 20.

No, no, yo vull que estar en la reunión

No, no, I want to be in the meeting.

en la que ha anat esa persona

in which that person has gone

y ha dicho, he puesto un fondo

and he said, I have set up a fund

verde. Es que...

green. It's just that...

Porque representa la naturaleza

Because it represents nature.

y un arial 20 que representa

and a 20 arial that represents

la sencillez.

the simplicity.

No, es que se nos está

No, it's just that we are...

yendo de las manos el minimalismo. Se nos está

losing our grip on minimalism. We are losing it.

yendo de las manos. Estem loques, sí, sí.

going out of hand. We are crazy, yes, yes.

Pareu, ja. Nosotras no somos

Stop, already. We are not

minimalistas. No, no. Un cuadro

minimalists. No, no. A painting

blanco, nosotros portamos algo.

White, we carry something.

No voy a ser. Pero sí, tú imagínalo

I'm not going to be. But yes, you imagine it.

la reunión. En plan, chicas,

the meeting. Like, girls,

tenemos que hacer algo trascendental. Sí, algo

we have to do something transcendental. Yes, something

transgresor. Que no se haya visto

transgressor. That has not been seen.

antes. Sí, rompedor, súper novedoso.

Before. Yes, groundbreaking, super innovative.

Original. Que somos súper alternativas.

That we are super alternatives.

Pam. Arial 20.

Pam. Arial 20.

Y lo hemos conseguido. Y lo hemos conseguido,

And we have succeeded. And we have succeeded.

tía. Es que me pareís fort. Y lo que hauran cobrat.

Aunt. I find it strong. And what they must have earned.

Es que me pareís fort. Heavy metal.

I think it's strong. Heavy metal.

Heavy metalero.

Heavy metal fan.

Y bueno, hasta aquí. Y ya está.

And well, that's it. And that's all.

¿Ya? Ya estamos

Already? We are ready.

express. No se ha acabado, no se pensó que se ha acabado.

express. It is not over, it was not thought that it is over.

Ya a la casa. Eh, no.

Already at home. Eh, no.

Espérate, que voy a buscar el móvil.

Wait, I'm going to get the phone.

Ahora, vos conté. Conta más.

Now, you tell me. Tell me more.

El següent minús del capítol, mosatros

The following minus from the chapter, we

ficarem per Instagram

We will post on Instagram.

qui volia a contar les seues miseries

who wanted to tell his miseries

en el capítol, para no contar soles les

In the chapter, in order not to tell only the...

nostres. Pero si nos traían para Andorra

ours. But if they brought us to Andorra

o Pesa, uno. No, pero es que

Oh come on, one. No, but it's just that...

anem a Oropesa y de gracia trata gracia.

Let's go to Oropesa, and from grace, it concerns grace.

Entonces, mosatros volien preguntar

So, we wanted to ask.

a la Chen si volia a contar les seues miseries o no.

to Chen if he wanted to tell his miseries or not.

Pero no, en fe. Pero somos así, después.

But no, for faith. But we are like this, afterwards.

Nosatras. Esto ha sido, es que claro,

Us. This has been, it's just that of course,

amor, no sabíamos que iba a venir

Love, we didn't know you were coming.

un millón de personas, cuento yo.

a million people, I count.

Un millón. Un, dos, tres, cuatro, cien mil,

One million. One, two, three, four, one hundred thousand,

un millón. Un millón.

a million. A million.

Entonces, mosatros

So, we

anem a llegir les miseries que tenim en Instagram.

Let's go read the miseries we have on Instagram.

Si eres tu, alça la mà. Sí.

If it's you, raise your hand. Yes.

Anem a aplicar la mecànica, vale?

Let's apply the mechanics, okay?

Si algú

If someone

mosatros hi ha llegit la miseria i no voleu

We have read the misery and you don't want.

que diguem el nom ni res, ningú

that we say the name or anything, nobody

alça la mà. O sea,

raise your hand. That is,

ninguna persona, no sigo fill de puta si

no person, I am not a son of a bitch if

li valeu la mà i que no siga la persona, vale?

you value your hand and that it is not the person, okay?

I si voleu que sí

And if you want it to be so.

i desarrollar el tema,

and develop the topic,

alceu la mà i va a nuestra

raise your hand and come to us

azafata i os lleva al micro. Exacto.

Stewardess and bear goes to the microphone. Exactly.

Vale? S'ha quedat clar, no? Exacto.

Okay? It has become clear, hasn't it? Exactly.

Vaig en la primera.

I'm in the first one.

Deixi-me una cada una.

Leave me one of each.



Vaig tindre, atenció,

I had, attention,

atenció que va de f's, que és lo que nos gusta.

Attention, it's all about the f's, which is what we like.

Vaig tindre que dir-li

I had to tell him/her.

a la meua jefa que m'havia cagat

to my boss that I had messed up

a munt en el treball com

up in the work as

tenia gansenteritis.

I had gastroenteritis.

Que alça la mà i vull

That raises the hand and I want

a desarrollar el tema, però crec que no està. Sí, no? No.

to develop the topic, but I don't think it is. Yes, right? No.

Pues sí, sí que está, sí, sí.

Well, yes, it is indeed, yes, yes.

No alça la mà, no diguis.

Don't raise your hand, don't say it.

Te hemos cazado. No diguis.

We've caught you. Don't say.

No diguis.

Don't say.

Calla, calla, calla.

Shut up, shut up, shut up.

Esta historia tiene chicha ellos.

This story has substance for them.

Es que yo pensé que es una historia que podria desarrollar.

I thought it was a story that I could develop.

Següent. Va, llisla tu.

Next. Go on, you can do it.

Vale. Que tiene parentesco.

Okay. It has a relationship.

No volem saber

We don't want to know.

quién es. Es el de la The Watcher Man.

Who is he? He's the one from The Watcher Man.

Sí, exactamente.

Yes, exactly.

Vas a alçar-te i explicar-la

You are going to get up and explain it.

ya de una.

Let's go for it.

Que se levante, que se levante.

Let it rise, let it rise.

Bueno, la llis, no quiere.

Well, the flat, doesn't want.

La llis, la llis. Ay.

The smooth, the smooth. Oh.

He vingut als 40 graus valencians

I have come to the 40 degrees of Valencia.

quan tenia una casa a la fresqueta

when I had a house in the coolness

suïssa en front del llac.

Switzerland by the lake.

Descansa en paz. Hola.

Rest in peace. Hello.

Mari. Ay, chica.

Mari. Oh, girl.

Pero venía pa voremos.

But he/she was coming to see us.

Claro. No?

Of course. Right?

Sí, sí, sí. Bravo, un aplauso.

Yes, yes, yes. Bravo, a round of applause.

Claro que sí. Gracias por sacrificar

Of course. Thank you for sacrificing.

un llac y muy buena temperatura

a lake and very good temperature

para vosotros.

for you.

Esta la vamos a pasar la siguiente, ¿vale?

We're going to pass this one to the next, okay?

¿Que es la teua? No.

What is yours? No.



Es que compartís

It's that you shared.

miseria en esta persona. Tira, tira, va.

misery in this person. Go on, go on, come on.

El meu dit, xicotet del peu,

My little toe.

es una autèntica miseria

it's a real misery

d'entre altres. El meu dit,

among others. My finger,

xicotet del peu, tamé. Si està calçant

little foot, too. If he is putting on shoes

la mà, no està sola. Jo tinc

the hand, is not alone. I have

un dit del peu, xicotet.

a little toe

Ay, que lleig. Que no està, no està, no?

Oh, how ugly. It’s not there, is it?

Que lleig és, pobret meu. Té hasta un muñonet

How ugly it is, my poor thing. It even has a little doll.

i tot. És que és lleig.

And everything. It's just ugly.

Bueno. Dile que no está. No está.

Okay. Tell him that he is not here. He is not here.

Yo no veo a la persona. No está, por bueno.

I don't see the person. They are not here, for good.

Nos reímos de su dedo gordo, ya.

We laughed at his thumb, already.

Que queñito. Que li passa com a mi,

What a little cutie. What's wrong with him/her, like with me?

pobre. És que pobra persona.

Poor. She is such a poor person.

Yo tinc una

I have one.

coneguda, que no vaig a dir qui és,

known, that I'm not going to say who it is,

eh, mami?

Hey, mommy?

Que té el dit

What does the finger have?

del peu, xicotet, que pareix

from the foot, small, that seems

una Among Us.

an Among Us.



Among Us coneguem?

Did we meet on Among Us?

Pues, literal, eh?

Well, literally, huh?

Després aneu i li mireu el dit a ma mare.

Then go and look at her finger to my mother.



Queda una.

There's one left.

Esguarra, prepárate los pitidos, Marta.

Esguarra, get your whistles ready, Marta.


Break it to him/her.

el pe...

the fish...





Yo tallo después en el vídeo y si no, no oís

I cut later in the video, and if not, you won't hear.

sin la paraula, ¿vale? Ay, madre de Dios.

without the word, okay? Oh, mother of God.

A mi ex

To my ex

en una fiesta... Eso no es lo

at a party... That is not the

pichón, es lo del prepucio esta vez.

Pigeon, it's about the foreskin this time.

Y tener que ir a urgencias

And have to go to the emergency room.

con uno de la fiesta.

with one from the party.



persona X. ¿Qué?

Person X. What?

Persona que ahora se me rompe a mí el prepucio y, por ejemplo,

Person that now my foreskin breaks and, for example,

esa persona de esa mesa que no conozco

that person at that table whom I don't know

me tiene que llevar a López. Ah, guau.

You have to take me to López. Oh, wow.

Gràcies per tant, no? No voy a romperme el prepucio.

Thank you for so much, right? I’m not going to tear my foreskin.

No, tampoc va a faltar. Es una cosa no necessària.

No, it won't be missed either. It's something unnecessary.

¿Vas a contarlo o no?

Are you going to tell it or not?

¿O te ha dado vergüenza ahora lo del

Or are you embarrassed now about the...

prepucio delante de un millón de personas?

foreskin in front of a million people?

En el WeThink estem.

We are in WeThink.

En el WeThinkCenter, la siguiente. Sí, claro.

In the WeThinkCenter, the next one. Yes, of course.

¿Prepareu bursos pa Madrid?

Are you preparing bags for Madrid?

¿Lo vas a contar o no?

Are you going to tell it or not?

¿O cuento lo de López? Camore, yo lo he leído

Should I tell the story of López? Camore, I have read it.

la sinopsis.

the synopsis.

Pero yo con esto no tengo suficiente. La sinopsis me ha paregut

But I don't have enough with this. The synopsis seemed to me

espectacular. Podría ser, no sé, una

spectacular. It could be, I don't know, a

temporada de pequeñas mentirosas.

season of little liars.

Sí, literal. El

Yes, literally. The

campamento de verano. No, ahora

summer camp. No, not now

ya es baile de primavera.

It's already spring dance.

Baile de primavera. Promo.

Spring Dance. Promo.

La prom. Claro, ya es.

The promotion. Of course, it is.

Ah, joder, por favor.

Ah, damn, please.

Digamos que de mis series. ¿Ustedes tienen mis series?

Let's say from my series. Do you have my series?

Ah, que ni han mes.

Ah, that there are no more.

Ay, ay, ay, chicas, es que no...

Oh, oh, oh, girls, it's just that no...

Aplausos, gracias,

Applause, thank you.

jefa. Que ni han mes mis series.

Boss. That I don't have my series anymore.

Aplausos a todo el mundo.

Applause to everyone.

Llenar el capítulo sin nosotros pensar nada.

Fill the chapter without us thinking of anything.

Vamos. Arriba los prepucios.

Let's go. Raise the foreskins.

Digo, arriba.

I say, come on.



Uy, de verdad. Aquí la concejala y todo.

Oh, really. Here is the councilor and everything.

Aquí con los prepucios. Es que estén tan emocionades

Here with the foreskins. It's just that they are so excited.

de que la Chen venga por hemos. Esto es

that Chen comes for us. This is

surrealista. Claro, es que claro.

surrealist. Of course, it's clear.

Cuando estén grabando, está Marta y ya.

When they are recording, it’s just Marta.

Y está Marta ya eixina. Y una pared.

And Marta is already out. And a wall.

En el micros, está eixina. La pobra chica.

In the bus, she is like that. The poor girl.

Sí. ¡Un aplauso a Marta!

Yes. A round of applause for Marta!

¡Bravo! ¡Guapa!

Bravo! Beautiful!

Mos aguanta, vamos.

It holds us, come on.

Carros y carretes aguanta esta chica,

Wagons and carts this girl can hold.

pobra. Anem allí mos diu. ¿Qué tal?

Poor. Let's go there, he says. How are you?

A la obra para tal o madros.

To the work for such or ripe.

La sentem allí.

We feel it there.

Allí està ella, la càmera.

There she is, the camera.

Enfocar, afica els focos.

Focus, sharpen the lights.

Per favor, senteu-vos y madros.

Please, sit down and relax.

A veure. Tenim una que no saben

Let's see. We have one that they don't know.

quién la digué, pero se'n recordem

who said it, but we remember it

de la historia. Vale, va.

of history. Okay, go ahead.

Vaig a mirar-ho mentre.

I will look at it in the meantime.

És d'una persona celíaca.

It belongs to a celiac person.

P-A-C, persona celíaca.

P-A-C, celiac person.

O, persona que no puede comer equis.

Oh, person who cannot eat x.

Como yo.

Like me.

Espera, que

Wait, that

crec que escribe así. Pues no.

I think he writes like this. Well, no.

Y no poder

And not being able to

menjar algo. Vale.

eat something. Okay.

En plan, ser celíaca y no poderme comer

Like being celiac and not being able to eat.

un postre. Ai, sí, i ja és ma mare.

a dessert. Oh, yes, and it's my mother already.

Pot alçar-se i explicar-ho. ¡Aplausos!

He can stand up and explain it. Applause!

Vols explicar-ho.

Do you want to explain it?

Yo sé que vols. ¡Bien!

I know what you want. Great!

¡Muy bien, muy bien!

Very good, very good!

¿Lo explica o no lo explica? ¡Lo explica, lo explica!

Does he explain it or not? He explains it, he explains it!

¡Dale el micro!

Give him the mic!

Desde aquí un abrazo a todos los

From here, a hug to everyone.

intolerantes y celíacos en la vida.

intolerant and celiac in life.

¡Bravo! ¡Buenas, buenas!

Bravo! Good, good!

¡Un aplauso! ¿Se le escolta?

A round of applause! Can you hear me?

Confirmem que se le escolta.

We confirm that we can hear you.

¡Hola, hola! Sí, se le ha escoltao.

Hello, hello! Yes, you have been heard.

¡Qué bonita voz, Vicky! Estamos dentro.

What a beautiful voice, Vicky! We are in.

¡Ay, cuán buigao! Yo vais ahí, cuán buigao.

Oh, how foolish! I'm going there, how foolish.

Si me convideu...

If you invite me...

No, no, que no riñen.

No, no, they're not arguing.

Ahora, ir a dinar a un

Now, go to have lunch at a

restaurante o a sopar

restaurant or for dinner

y tendré lo que es el menjar

and I will have what is the food



Que si menges arroz, normalmente es

If you eat rice, it is usually

sense gluten. Y si no, pues

gluten-free. And if not, well

carne o peix en verdures.

meat or fish with vegetables.

Perfecte. Arriba l'hora del postre.

Perfect. Dessert time has arrived.

Brownie de chocolate,

Chocolate brownie,



tarta de queso,


etcétera, etcétera, etcétera.

etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

¿Y qué puede un menjar?

And what can one eat?



¡Es que dicho es una desgracia máxima!

It's just that saying it is a maximum misfortune!

¡Que hay somen cheto!

What's up, dude!

¡Toches diez!

Ten touches!

Me como una piña fuera de temporada

I eat a pineapple out of season.

que está más mala que su puta madre.

she's worse than her mother.

Pero digo, es que me entra en el menú, cariño.

But I say, it fits into the menu, darling.

¡Cómese y me la come!

Eat it and I eat it!

Yo, voy a explicarle,

I will explain to you,

hay calorías al cos y no me dicen

There are calories in the body and they don't tell me.

que si piña, melón,

that if pineapple, melon,

poma, pera y res.

apple, pear and nothing.

Pero espera, que ahí no acaba.

But wait, that's not the end.

¡Ah, no acaba!

Ah, it doesn't end!

¡Aún hay más!

There's even more!

¡Ay, flan!

Oh, flan!

Flan se suposa que no té gluten, ¿no?

Flan is supposed to be gluten-free, right?

El flan está fet de sucre, ous i llet.

The flan is made of sugar, eggs, and milk.

No té sucre.

It has no sugar.

Pero bueno, per si no es casero,

But well, just in case it's not homemade,

per si és tal, preguntes.

in case it is so, questions.

Si li dius, mira a veure si en cuina

If you tell him, see if he cooks.

te diuen que això és sense gluten

they tell you that this is gluten-free

y me portes un flan.

and you bring me a flan.

Si no, me portes el meló.

If not, you bring me the melon.

Y digo, no,

And I say, no,

es que el flan tiene nata.

It's that the flan has cream.



Anda guapa.

Come on, beautiful.

Es que, perdón, la bandeja...

It's just that, sorry, the tray...

¡A la lactosa!

To lactose!

No tinc alercia a la lactosa,

I am not allergic to lactose.

tinc alercia al cereal.

I am allergic to cereal.

¡Ay! Yo pensaba que sí.

Oh! I thought so.

Ellos juntan todo, cariño, ellos lo juntan todo y ya está.

They gather everything, darling, they gather everything and that's it.

Mira, a mi me da una molta pena,

Look, it makes me very sad.

pero cuando fico algo sense gluten o sense lactosa

but when I put something gluten-free or lactose-free

siempre fico light.

I always go light.

¿Por qué? ¡Pobres celiacos!

Why? Poor celiacs!

En plan, que me da igual.

I mean, I don't care.

Lo que pasa, que gracias a esas cosas, Vicky,

What happens is that thanks to those things, Vicky,

aprende mi idiomes.

learn my languages.

Yo sé dir, soc intolerant a la lactosa en italiano.

I know how to say, I am lactose intolerant in Italian.

¡Ay, mira!

Oh, look!

Yo venía a Italia y tenía que dirlo.

I was coming to Italy and I had to say it.

Yo venía a la cámara y le decía,

I was coming to the chamber and I said to her,

¡Sense la tos!

No coughing!

Y ella no entendía.

And she didn't understand.

En este gesto, porque si no pasas al italià,

In this gesture, because if you don't switch to Italian,

fica lactosa.

it contains lactose.

Pues claro, claro, vale, vale.

Well, of course, of course, okay, okay.

Y yo decía, ¡Sense la tos!

And I said, "Without the cough!"

Y ya está, y me comía una mierda

And that's it, and I was eating bullshit.

pinchado en un palo, como siempre.

stuck on a stick, as always.

Y ya está, y no pasa res. Macarrón sin tomata,

And that's it, and nothing happens. Macaroni without tomato,

¡Ole, ole, ole!

Yay, yay, yay!

Como nos gusta, lo que nos encanta.

As we like, what we love.

Y aquí estamos, vivas.

And here we are, alive.

Ay, a mí de deberes tenéis todos...

Oh, you all have me as your homework...

Vamos, yo es que, empecé con lo de celiacos,

Come on, I started with the celiac thing,

yo me hinché una cantita de pa, que no es normal.

I stuffed myself with a loaf of bread, which is not normal.

Pa, pasta, pizza,

Bread, pasta, pizza,

todo lo que puedan saber. ¿Pe?

Everything they can know. What?

Yo no me hinché.

I did not swell.



¡Pasa el pitido!

Pass the beep!

¡Por favor, eh!

Please, huh!

¡Una, dos y tres!

One, two, and three!


Come back!



¡Todo, todo!

Everything, everything!

Podría haber dicho polla y no lo he dicho.

I could have said cock and I didn't say it.

Has parlat bé,

You have spoken well,

perquè parlar bé no costa una merda.

Because speaking well doesn't cost anything.

Pues ya está. Correcte.

Well, that's it. Correct.

¿Poleu tallar ya?

Can you cut it already?

No, yo es que lo veig molt a gust.

No, I just find it very pleasant.

¿Algú té alguna miseria que contar?

Does anyone have a misery to share?

Va, no seáis tímidos.

Come on, don't be shy.

Va, animeu-se, segur que algú ja ha passat algo.

Come on, cheer up, I'm sure something has already happened.

Un se m'ha escapat un pé davant de la

I let a foot slip in front of the...

mon novio.

my boyfriend.

Un se m'esquela amb la mella a la mitja de la playa.

A seagull is squawking at me on the beach.

Uy, yo tinc una, pero no la vas a contar.

Oops, I have one, but you’re not going to tell it.

No, no. No va a faltar.

No, no. It won't be missing.

Algú, alguna mà, vamos.

Someone, some help, come on.

Tinc un arrepreto i arrepreti massa.

I have a grudge and I hold it too much.

Una cosa aixina, no?

Something like this, right?

Per exemple, molt bona.

For example, very good.

És que això és duro, duro, duro, duro.

It's that this is hard, hard, hard, hard.

Que així la gent no comenta res.

So that people do not comment on anything.

A vore, per favor,

Let's see, please.

una cosa que no siga aixina molt personal.

one thing that isn't too personal.

Aceptamos todo.

We accept everything.

Una amiga meua,

A friend of mine,

una cosina.

a cousin.

Te voy a decir, la amiga soy yo.

I'm going to tell you, the friend is me.

Una amiga meua soc l'amiga.

A friend of mine I am the friend.



No, se veu que no.

No, it seems not.

Que un molt timides.

They are very shy.

Pues ya está, despedimis a la neu.

Well, that's it, say goodbye to the snow.

Pues adiós.

Well then, goodbye.

Venga. No. Que no, és broma.

Come on. No. No, it's a joke.

Fins ací el capítol 12.

Until here is chapter 12.

Moltes gràcies per vindre al directe.

Thank you very much for coming to the live event.

El millor capítol. De veres estem molt contentes

The best chapter. We are really very happy.

i molt agraïdes de vore la plaça plena.

and very grateful to see the square full.

Esto es espectacular.

This is spectacular.

És que jo no. Somos una gente que muy bien pasa.

It's just that I don't. We are a people that gets along very well.

Es que sí.

It is true.

Yo seguí flipante.

I kept tripping out.

Es que no tiene ningún tipo de sentido. Es fuerte.

It just doesn't make any sense. It's strong.

De fet, tot el món m'ho ha preguntat en plan

In fact, everybody has asked me about it like

no sé qué no. Estem flipant.

I don't know what no. We're freaking out.

Sí, exacto.

Yes, exactly.

Es que yo esperaba que vinieran

I was expecting them to come.

mon pare, ma mare, et vostres i Marta.

my father, my mother, your (plural) and Marta.

I Marta, perquè té que vindre obligada.

I Marta, because she has to come by force.

I Marta sí, perquè la pobra persona amb més paciència del món.

Yes, me Marta, because the poor person with the most patience in the world.

Mos aguanta per el WhatsApp

Hold on to us on WhatsApp.

en persona i en tot.

in person and in everything.

I anem allí.

Let's go there.

Que me lo den todo hecho, por favor.

Please give it all to me done.

I gràcies.

And thank you.

La sentem. No fem res.

We feel it. We do nothing.

Nosaltres la sentem i agarrem el micro.

We hear her and grab the microphone.

Ella mos explica tot. Gràcies, Marta.

She explains everything to us. Thank you, Marta.

Que volem tornar a donar-li gràcies

We want to thank you again.

a la Falla Pensatife per deixar-nos tot,

to the Falla Pensatife for giving us everything,

a la Falla Alcor per deixar-nos tot,

to the Falla Alcor for giving us everything,

a l'Ajuntament per deixar-nos fer les mamarratxes

to the Town Hall for letting us do the silly things

en la plaça, per deixar-nos les taules,

in the square, to leave us the tables,

les caïres, tot el que hem necessitat.

the cliffs, everything we have needed.

A l'associació Nou d'Octubre, per favor,

To the association Nou d'Octubre, please.

moltíssimes, moltíssimes gràcies per posar-nos la barra

thank you very much for setting up the bar for us

i per unir-se a totes les mamarratxes

and to join all the nonsense

que fem sempre. Volem posar-hi això?

What do we always do? Do we want to put this in?

Posem-hi això?

Shall we put this in?

Donem les gràcies a tot el món que ha vingut.

We thank everyone who has come.

Sí. És que és fort.

Yes. It’s just that it’s strong.

Gràcies per invertir temps en nosaltres.

Thank you for investing time in us.

A veure.

Let's see.

Per favor, demane que se fiquem en peu.

Please, I ask that we stand up.

Un momento, por favor.

One moment, please.

Escucha un poco la música,

Listen to the music a bit,

que viene un momento muy importante.

A very important moment is coming.

Demane, por favor, que Quipuga del public

I ask, please, that Quipuga be removed from the public.

se fiquem en peu.

we stand up.


Come on,

que salse, por favor.

please salsa.

Para este momento, que es uno de los momentos

At this moment, which is one of the moments

posiblemente más importantes de los demás.

possibly more important than the others.

No, es que estoy súper emocionada.

No, it’s just that I am super excited.

Después de toda la proyección

After all the projection

que Alema tindre, que nosotras nos vemos

When Alema has, we will see each other.



Después de recoger el Onda.

After picking up the Onda.


Thank you.



Volem fer una cosa que no hem fet mai.

We want to do something we have never done before.

Pero porque es el primer de la temporada.

But because it is the first of the season.

Volem nombrar

We want to name

a dos veïnes de honor.

to two honor guests.



Más dos veïnes del tercer.

Plus two neighbors from the third floor.

Una, dos y tres.

One, two, and three.

Volem demanar un fort aplaudiment

We want to ask for a big round of applause.

y una ovació, que no es un fort aplaudiment,

and a standing ovation, which is not a loud applause,

es una ovació.

It is a standing ovation.

Amparo y Enrique, por favor, que puchen al escenari.

Amparo and Enrique, please come up on stage.

Por favor.


Per el nombrament de veïnes d'honor

For the appointment of honorary neighbors.



No aneu a tindre si i jo, perquè no cabem.

Don't go thinking that you and I will fit, because we don't.

És que no mos donava ja el pressupost.

It's just that the budget was no longer giving us.

Però un fort aplaudiment,

But a loud applause,

per favor. Si això és

please. If this is

aixina, és gràcies a Enrique i a Amparo.

So, it is thanks to Enrique and Amparo.

Perquè mosatros

Because we

no hem fet absolutament res.

we haven't done absolutely anything.

Gràcies, amor.

Thank you, love.

No fem ni el ou.

We don't even do the egg.

Aixina, que en la pròxima temporada

Thus, in the next season

ja podeu posar-ho en una foto guapes.

You can now put it in a beautiful photo.

Exacto, feu-nos una foto.

Exactly, take a photo of us.

Un poquet xicotet.

A little small.

Som un poc renfe.

We are a bit of a mess.

Un poc sí, exacte. Regional València.

A little yes, exactly. Regional Valencia.

I ja sí, acabant el capítol,

And yes, finishing the chapter,

Marta agarra el micro i

Marta grabs the microphone and

ha despedit el capítol de mosatros

he has dismissed the chapter of us

i que ja està, tia.

And that's it, girl.

Volem donarles gràcies, les tres.

We want to thank you, the three of you.

Bueno, les cinc.

Well, it's five.

Ara som la veïna del quinto!

Now we are the neighbors from the fifth!



Volem donarles gràcies a Marta

We want to thank Marta.

de veres per suportar-nos.

truly to support us.

No tindre una jefa,

Not having a boss,

tindre una amiga.

to have a friend.



Ui, mira la llum i tot.

Oh, look at the light and everything.

Vam posar perleta!

We were fussy!

Bravo, perleta!

Bravo, little pearl!



Puts així, home, que caps encara.

Don't be like that, man, come on.

Si això no se cau.

If this doesn't fall.

Si se cau ja ho arreplegarem.

If it falls, we will pick it up.

Aixina, que moltes gràcies. Fins a ser el capítol 12

Thank you very much. Until chapter 12.

que se vegem no sé quan,

that we see each other I don't know when,

però n'hi haurà segona temporada.

but there will be a second season.

Anem a agarrar vacacions.

Let's go on vacation.

I a veure si ho fem en un directe,

And let's see if we do it live,

però que no vinga tanta gent, per favor.

but please don't let so many people come.

Anem a fer turnos.

Let's take turns.

Me'l robo a l'Holitaland.

I steal it at Holitaland.

Aixina, que moltes gràcies,

So, thank you very much.

que no serà neu.

that it will not be snow.

Qui no ha comprat bingo, per favor,

Who hasn't bought bingo, please,

que torneu a donar-li gràcies a la senyora Paula.

Please thank Mrs. Paula again.

Moltíssimes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Tenim a tota la família esclavitzada.

We have the whole family enslaved.

No paramos, no paramos.

We don't stop, we don't stop.

Si algú de la família també l'ha agarré.

If someone from the family also grabbed it.

Gràcies a cada persona que ha fet algo,

Thanks to every person who has done something,

perquè això és que avui,

because this is that today,

gràcies a mon pare per portar la furgoneta,

thanks to my dad for bringing the van,

gràcies a mon tio Ramon per portar un tableró,

thanks to my uncle Ramon for bringing a board,

gràcies a tothom que m'ha emocionat,

thanks to everyone who has moved me,

que qui vulgui comprar bingo,

that whoever wants to buy bingo,

que compre bingo, que anem a fer ara el bingo.

I bought bingo, what are we going to do now, the bingo.

A mamare, que està coixa ahí.

To the mom, who is limping there.



Bueno, de veres, que gràcies.

Well, really, thank you.

Gràcies per vindre.

Thank you for coming.

Que se vese en el bingo.

Let it be seen in the bingo.

Compreu bingo, moltes aspereu a que compreu.

Buy bingo, many are waiting for you to buy.


Thank you.

Hay una foto, como en los conciertos.

There is a photo, like at the concerts.

Espereu, se anem a fer una foto.

Wait, we are going to take a photo.

No me hace caso nadie.

Nobody pays attention to me.

Per favor, el bingo no se'n va.

Please, the bingo isn't going away.

Sabem que voleu guanyar.

We know that you want to win.



Compreu, que hay premios.

Buy, there are prizes.

Es premios.

It is awards.

Después del primer bingo será el sopar.

After the first bingo, there will be dinner.

Sí, per favor, cero estreses.

Yes, please, zero stress.

Después del primer bingo,

After the first bingo,

que anem a fer-ho ara.

let's do it now.

Es que no hace caso nadie.

Nobody pays attention.

Es que están en el bingo.

It's because they are at the bingo.


Thank you.

Que después del primer...

That after the first...

A tomar por culo.

Go to hell.

Per favor, después del primer bingo soparemos.

Please, after the first bingo we will have dinner.

Este lo que es en el bingo.

This is what it is in bingo.

Es que somos nosotras.

It's just us.

En veritat, vosaltres serem sols un entreteniment.

In truth, you will be nothing more than entertainment.

Les veïnes del tercer.

The neighbors from the third.

Un podcast produït per Perleta.

A podcast produced by Perleta.

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