11. Murano, Burano i Torcello

Edu i Pere Andreu

No t'ho perdis!

11. Murano, Burano i Torcello

No t'ho perdis!

Hola Edu. Hola papa. I hola Anna. Hola.

Hello Edu. Hello dad. And hello Anna. Hello.

Avui capítol continuació del capítol anterior que vam dedicar al nostre viatge a Venècia.

Today is a continuation of the previous chapter that we dedicated to our trip to Venice.

Vam dir que dedicaríem un capítol específicament a les illes que envolten Venècia,

We said that we would dedicate a chapter specifically to the islands surrounding Venice,

que vam poder visitar, que són... te'n recordes?

that we were able to visit, which are... do you remember?

Sí, Murano, Burano i Torchelo.

Yes, Murano, Burano, and Torcello.

Exacte. De seguida parlem d'aquestes illes, però abans parlem una mica dels vaporetos

Exactly. We'll talk about these islands shortly, but first let's discuss the vaporetto a bit.

i de com de bé ens va anar treure'ns els abonaments per tres dies, oi?

And how well it went for us to get our passes for three days, right?

Sí, perquè al principi vam dubtar perquè costaven 45 euros per persona els tres dies.

Yes, because at first we hesitated because they cost 45 euros per person for three days.

Un dia sol et costava 25.

One sun cost you 25.

I al principi pensàvem, bueno, només ens traiem el de 25 euros pel dia que volem anar a Burano, Murano...

And at first we thought, well, we would only take out the 25 euros for the day we want to go to Burano, Murano...

Però sort que ens els vam treure perquè vam agafar molts vaporetos tots els dies

But luckily we took them off because we took many little boats every day.

i era la manera de no haver d'estar pendent de com s'arriba caminant a tal lloc, no?

And it was a way to not have to worry about how to get there walking, right?

Perquè un viatge sol és molt car. O sigui, si tu agafes... vaig agafar un bitllet per agafar un vaporeto...

Because a solo trip is very expensive. I mean, if you take... I took a ticket to catch a vaporetto...

Clar, valia 9,5 euros.

Of course, it was worth 9.5 euros.

Molt car.

Very expensive.

I en vam fer potser, no ho sé, 15, 20 en total?

And we probably did, I don't know, 15, 20 in total?

No ho sé.

I don't know.



Molts, molts.

Many, many.



De fet, és com agafar un autobús. Allà la gent es mou amb vaporetos.

In fact, it's like taking a bus. There, people move around by vaporetto.

Vaporetos, no?

Vaporetos, right?



I és molt ràpid. Perquè a vegades et mou una miqueta, una miqueta, quan va ràpid i gira.

And it's very fast. Because sometimes it moves you a little bit, a little bit, when it goes fast and turns.

Clar, això ho vam experimentar sobretot quan vam haver d'anar a les illes, perquè, diguem, navegant per els canals de Venècia no acostuma a passar.

Of course, we mainly experienced this when we had to go to the islands, because, let's say, it doesn't usually happen when sailing through the canals of Venice.



Però, en canvi, quan vam agafar allò que hi havia una distància més gran...

But, on the other hand, when we took that which had a greater distance...



Sí que...

Yes, indeed...

Això sí.

That is true.

Allà esquitxava una mica, no?

It was splashing a little there, wasn't it?

Sí, una miqueta.

Yes, a little bit.

Clar, també hem de dir que hi ha...

Of course, we also have to say that there is...

Hi ha uns traguetos, que són unes embarcacions que, en teoria, travessen de banda a banda el Gran Canal.

There are some traguetos, which are small boats that, in theory, cross from one side to the other of the Grand Canal.

I vam arribar a la conclusió que potser eren gòndoles, no? Estava sempre buida aquella parada, oi?

And we concluded that they might have been gondolas, right? That stop was always empty, wasn’t it?

Sí. A vegades hi havia gent esperant, però no vam aconseguir saber què era un tragueto o com s'agafava, no?

Yes. Sometimes there were people waiting, but we couldn't find out what a tragueto was or how to take it, right?

Ni com era.

Neither how it was.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però semblaven gòndoles, no? O sigui, gòndoles de dos gondolers. Jo vaig arribar a aquesta conclusió.

But they looked like gondolas, didn’t they? I mean, gondolas with two gondoliers. I came to this conclusion.

No ho sabem. Això ens ho haurà d'explicar algú.

We don't know. Someone will have to explain this to us.

Si algú sap que ens ho digui. Això queda pendent als traguetos, exactament.

If anyone knows, let them tell us. This remains pending for the traguetos, exactly.

Això potser algú ho sap, eh?

Maybe someone knows this, huh?

Bé, doncs si voleu comentar-ho i compartir-ho, la nostra adreça de correu electrònic és notuperdispodcast.gmail.com

Well, if you want to comment on it and share it, our email address is [email protected].

I ens ho podeu enviar.

And you can send it to us.

Exacte. O, si no, podem deixar el comentari en aquest capítol del podcast.

Exactly. Or, if not, we can leave the comment in this chapter of the podcast.

Bé, expliquem aquestes illes que vam visitar i les explicarem en l'ordre en què les vam visitar.

Well, let's explain these islands that we visited and we will explain them in the order in which we visited them.

Els vaporetos que van cap a les illes passen de manera bastant regular. Cada 20 minuts tens un vaporeto. Són molt puntuals.

The boats heading to the islands run quite regularly. Every 20 minutes there is a boat. They are very punctual.

Sí, i això està molt bé.

Yes, and that is very good.

Està molt bé, exacte.

It's very good, exactly.

Burano. Burano era la primera illa. Què destaca de Burano, Edu?

Burano. Burano was the first island. What stands out about Burano, Edu?

Doncs que totes les cases que hi ha, no és que siguin edificis, i estan totes pintades de colors diferents.

Well, all the houses that there are, they are not exactly buildings, and they are all painted different colors.

De colors vius, eh?

Bright colors, huh?



Rosa, blau, verd, groc...

Pink, blue, green, yellow...



Jo em pensava, perquè havia vist alguna fotografia, que era com un carrer, allò com el carrer principal té les cases de colors.

I thought, because I had seen some photographs, that it was like a street, the way the main street has the colorful houses.

I no, és tota l'illa.

And no, it's the whole island.



Això és molt xulo, eh?

This is really cool, isn't it?

Sí, sí, realment.

Yes, yes, really.

I, a més, com molt ben pintat, no? O sigui, no eren pintures velles. Es nota que deuen anar pintant regularment.

And also, as very well painted, right? I mean, they weren't old paintings. You can tell they must be painting regularly.

Es veia supernet.

It looked super clean.


Super handsome.

Sí, molt, molt.

Yes, very, very.

Són molt pintoresques, totes aquestes cases.

They are very picturesque, all these houses.



Bé, de fet, veiem la vida de la gent. Diguem, no és un museu o no és un espai, sinó que la gent fa vida.

Well, in fact, we see people's lives. Let's say it's not a museum or a space, but rather that people live their lives.

I penja la roba, vull dir que tot això es veu, no?

I hang the clothes, I mean, all of this is visible, right?





Què més hi havia?

What else was there?

Doncs, també hi havia moltes botiguetes de records, de menjar, bars, tot aquest tipus de coses.

Well, there were also many souvenir shops, food, bars, all that kind of stuff.

Sí, botiguetes de tot tipus. I tu vas fer un bon gelat, oi que sí?

Yes, little shops of all kinds. And you made a good ice cream, right?



Oh, perquè anar a Itàlia i no fer gelat és un pecat.

Oh, because going to Italy and not having ice cream is a sin.



I què vas fer?

And what did you do?

Un gelat de maduresa.

A maturity ice cream.

Un gelat de maduresa i xocolata.

A chocolate and raspberry ice cream.

Déu-n'hi-do. Un senyor gelat.

Wow. A frozen man.



Que et va haver d'ajudar, eh?

That you had to be helped, huh?

Bueno, sí.

Well, yes.

Una mica.

A little.



Què més?

What else?

I tu també, eh?

And you too, right?

Jo també, jo també. Una mica, una mica.

Me too, me too. A little, a little.

La plaça més important de Burano té una estàtua d'un músic il·lustre que és Valdés Aregalupi,

The most important square in Burano has a statue of an illustrious musician named Valdés Aregalupi.

que l'anomenaven Il Buranelo perquè va néixer a Burano.

they called him Il Buranelo because he was born in Burano.

I allà mateix també hi ha un museu que no vam visitar, però és un museu important.

And right there there is also a museum that we did not visit, but it is an important museum.

Si us interessa o si us agrada, l'encaix.

If you are interested or if you like it, the fit.

En castellà.

In Spanish.

L'encaix, perquè és una de les característiques que té Burano.

The fit, because it is one of the characteristics that Burano has.

Sí, de fet, hi havia botigues on hi havia una roba que realment es veia molt maca.

Yes, in fact, there were stores where there was clothing that really looked very nice.


Very cute.

I com era el campanile? Què li passava al campanile de Burano?

And how was the bell tower? What happened to the bell tower of Burano?

Doncs que estava una miqueta torsat.

Well, I was a little twisted.

Una mica torsat.

A little twisted.



Fa cosa, no?, veure una torre així que està com inclinada.

It's strange, isn't it?, to see a tower like this that is tilted.

Una mica, sí.

A little, yes.

De fet, només n'hi havia un de campanile a Burano, eh?

In fact, there was only one bell tower in Burano, right?



Molt bé, doncs des de Burano el que vam fer va ser anar a l'illa del davant.

Very well, then from Burano what we did was go to the island in front.

De fet, Burano i aquesta illa que ara direm que és...

In fact, Burano and this island that we will now say is...



Són les més allunyades, o sigui, van començar pel final.

They are the furthest away, that is, they started from the end.

I, en canvi, si el viatge a Murano o a Burano, els vaporetos passen cada 20 minuts, aproximadament,

I, on the contrary, if the trip to Murano or Burano, the vaporettos pass every 20 minutes, approximately,

de Burano a Torchelo passen molt més sovint, perquè, de fet, és un vaporeto que ve i torna, no?

From Burano to Torcello passes much more often, because, in fact, it is a vaporetto that goes back and forth, right?

Exacte, 15 minuts.

Exactly, 15 minutes.

De fet, trigues 7 minuts a fer el recorregut.

In fact, it takes you 7 minutes to complete the route.

I, per tant, tu el pots anar agafant cada 15 minuts i a un vaporeto.

And therefore, you can take it every 15 minutes and on a vaporetto.

Què et va agradar més de Torchelo, Edu?

What did you like most about Torcello, Edu?

Doncs un pont que hi havia, que no tenia branes, era bastant alt i em vaig fer una foto.

Well, there was a bridge that had no branches, it was quite high, and I took a photo.

I com era aquest pont?

And how was this bridge?

De pedra.

Of stone.

Era el pont del diable.

It was the devil's bridge.



Del diàbolo, oi?

Of the diabolo, right?



Era xulo.

It was cool.

De fet, Torchelo és molt de natura.

In fact, Torchelo is very much about nature.

Hi ha poques botigues.

There are few shops.

Hi ha llocs per anar a prendre alguna cosa, però no hi ha molt a veure, no?

There are places to go have a drink, but there isn't much to see, is there?

De fet, vam llegir que era la preferida de Hemingway i que li havia servit d'inspiració.

In fact, we read that it was Hemingway's favorite and that it had served as his inspiration.

Per això, una mica, volíem veure-la.

For that reason, we wanted to see her a little.

També havíem llegit que hi havia molts ocells.

We had also read that there were many birds.

No és que en veiessin molts, a l'illa, però sí que els vam veure.

It's not that many were seen on the island, but we did see them.

Doncs, quan anaves amb el vaporeto, sí que veies que hi havia, doncs, gavines, de fet...

Well, when you were on the waterbus, you could see that there were, well, seagulls, in fact...

En els pals, que estaven lligats a l'aigua.

In the poles, which were tied to the water.



I llavors és una illa que has de, per arribar a una basílica que tu vas visitar,

And then it is an island that you have to, to reach a basilica that you visited,

has de fer un camí bastant llarg i bastant recte.

You have to take a fairly long and fairly straight path.

De fet, aquesta basílica és molt recomanable.

In fact, this basilica is highly recommended.

És la Basílica de Santa Maria.

It is the Basilica of Santa Maria.

Visitar-la val 5 euros.

Visiting it costs 5 euros.

I val la pena perquè té dos mosaics, un a l'abscis,

It's worth it because it has two mosaics, one in the apse,

que és un mosaic daurat de l'estil de Sant Marc.

It is a golden mosaic in the style of Saint Mark.

I, diguem, això seria l'abscis.

I, let's say, this would be the abscissa.

I a la part posterior, és a dir, a la paret,

And at the back, that is, on the wall,

a la part contrària, hi ha tot un altre mosaic espectacular

On the opposite side, there is a whole other spectacular mosaic.

amb escenes del judici final.

with scenes of the Last Judgment.

Els sostres de fusta, també té un campanile, només un, com a Burano.

The wooden roofs also have a bell tower, just one, like in Burano.

I està molt bé, és una basílica molt recomanable.

And it is very nice, it is a highly recommended basilica.

En l'altre podcast no vam comentar gaire cosa de Sant Marc,

In the other podcast, we didn't comment much about Saint Mark,

però Sant Marc és espectacular, també.

but Saint Mark is spectacular, too.

Ara feia referència a això, però Venècia...

Now he was referring to that, but Venice...

Has d'anar a la plaça i has d'anar a Sant Marc,

You have to go to the square and you have to go to Saint Mark.

perquè és una església absolutament diferent a qualsevol església que haguem vist.

because it is an absolutely different church from any church we have seen.

Si més no, a Europa.

At least, in Europe.

Sí, sí, és impressionant.

Yes, yes, it's impressive.

Ens queda una illa, Edu, que aquí tu t'ho vas passar pipa,

We have an island left, Edu, where you had a great time.

buscant i remenant, no?

looking and rummaging, right?



A quina?

To which one?



Murano, que és l'illa del vidre, no?

Murano, which is the island of glass, right?



Només arribar, què vam veure?

As soon as we arrived, what did we see?



Sí, home, clar, però vam veure un taller, no?

Yes, man, of course, but we saw a workshop, didn’t we?



Què feien en aquest taller?

What were they doing in this workshop?



Exacte, però com, com?

Exactly, but how, how?

Modelant, en pal de ferro, en un forn.

Modeling, in iron, in a furnace.

Exacte, vam veure una mena de demostració.

Exactly, we saw a kind of demonstration.

Oi? Des de fora del carrer, com feien...

Right? From outside on the street, how they used to...

Això, perquè és que de vidre es pot fer qualsevol cosa, no?

That's because you can make anything out of glass, right?

Ja, que si voles, personetes miniatura, aranyes petites o grans, de tot tipus.

Yes, if you want, miniature little people, small or large spiders, all kinds.

Tot tipus de recipients, oi?

All kinds of containers, right?



I vam veure una noia que feia música.

We saw a girl making music.

Te'n recordes o no? Just al costat d'aquest taller, hi havia una noia...

Do you remember or not? Right next to this workshop, there was a girl...

Ah, sí.

Ah, yes.

Com feia música?

How did he/she make music?

Amb gots de vidre, amb els dits mullats, i els gots estaven plens d'aigua,

With glass cups, with wet fingers, and the cups were full of water,

i anava tocant-los.

I was playing them.

Sí, de fet, són copes musicals, se'n diu, d'aquest instrument.

Yes, in fact, they are musical cups, that’s what this instrument is called.



Però sona bé, eh? Sona com màgic.

But it sounds good, right? It sounds magical.

Ja, ho fa molt bé.

Yes, he/she does it very well.

Què més? Hi ha un far a Murano, de fet és l'únic far que vam veure a Venècia.

What else? There is a lighthouse in Murano, in fact, it is the only lighthouse we saw in Venice.

Un far blanc molt bonic, el vam veure per fora,

A very nice white lighthouse, we saw it from the outside.

i a diferència de Murano i Torchelo, aquí sí que hi ha bastants campanars, bastants campaniles.

And unlike Murano and Torcello, here there are quite a few bell towers, quite a few campaniles.



I molta botiga.

And a lot of shop.

Molta, molta.

Very, very.


Very much.

Sí, moltíssima.

Yes, a lot.

I vosaltres vau entrar i sortir molt de botigues.

And you all went in and out of stores a lot.

Què buscàveu?

What were you looking for?

Mira, primer jo buscava una boleta per fer-me una polsereta,

Look, at first I was looking for a bead to make myself a bracelet,

i al final la vaig aconseguir trobar, i vaig comprar-ne dues al final,

and in the end I managed to find it, and I ended up buying two of them.

i la mama em buscava...

And mom was looking for me...

Què buscava la mama?

What was mom looking for?

A veure, no és que ho busqués, però vaig veure uns panjolls molt xulos, en forma d'estrella,

Let's see, it's not that I was looking for it, but I saw some really cool pendants in the shape of a star.

i vaig dir, mira, doncs m'hi veig.

I said, look, then I see myself there.

Amb aquests panjolls, i vam estar buscant el que fos més xulo, així, de color,

With these decorations, we were looking for something cooler, like in color.

i al final, doncs és una estrella de color verd.

And in the end, it is a green star.

Sí, molt bonica.

Yes, very beautiful.

Però de botigues n'hi ha desenes i desenes, vull dir que allà la competència deu ser ferotge, no?

But there are dozens and dozens of shops, I mean that the competition there must be fierce, right?

Sí, també hi havia botigues que es notava que eren com de luxe, o sigui, allà...

Yes, there were also stores that clearly looked luxurious, in other words, there...

Ja, ja.

Yes, yes.

Entraves i sorties.

Obstacles and outputs.

I n'hi havia d'altres que estava molt bé per això, perquè hi havia cosetes petites, cosetes molt assequibles,

And there were others that were very good for that, because there were small things, very affordable things.

i feia com...

and it was like...

Com gràcia trobar-ho.

How nice to find it.

Molt, sí.

Very much, yes.

A Murano també vam veure la catedral, que és l'església més antiga que hi ha a l'illa,

In Murano, we also saw the cathedral, which is the oldest church on the island.

i que té un campanile separat, és a dir, una torre,

and it has a separate bell tower, that is to say, a tower,

i la veritat és que les tres illes ens van agradar, oi?

And the truth is that we liked all three islands, right?

Tan Murano com Torchelo com Murano, valen la pena visitar-les, no?

Both Murano and Torcello, worth visiting, right?

Sí, molt.

Yes, a lot.

Són diferents entre si, però estan bé.

They are different from each other, but they are fine.

Sí, són illes.

Yes, they are islands.

N'hi ha més d'illes al voltant de Venècia, per exemple, tornant de Murano,

There are more islands around Venice, for example, returning from Murano,

vam fer una bona volta i vam anar, vam passar per una altra illa, tot i que no vam baixar,

we went for a nice trip and we went, we passed by another island, although we didn't get off.

però té una parada allà, que és Sant Míxele.

But it has a stop there, which is Sant Míxele.

Que allà hi ha un cementiri.

That there is a cemetery.

Tota l'illa és el cementiri.

The whole island is the cemetery.

I és molt maca.

And she is very pretty.

Sí, de fet, allà és on hi ha enterrats personatges il·lustres com Stravinsky, o Diaghilev.

Yes, in fact, that is where illustrious figures like Stravinsky or Diaghilev are buried.

Stravinsky, un compositor rus, saps, Edu?

Stravinsky, a Russian composer, you know, Edu?

Diaghilev és un gran empresari també rus, sí, de fa molts anys,

Diaghilev is a great businessman, also Russian, yes, from many years ago.

que van voler, doncs, ser enterrats allà, a Venècia.

they wanted, therefore, to be buried there, in Venice.

Tampoc vam anar a Lido, que és una illa també molt famosa,

We didn't go to Lido either, which is also a very famous island.

que en aquells dies feien la mostra, és a dir, el Festival de Cinema de Venècia.

that in those days they held the exhibition, that is to say, the Venice Film Festival.

I, vaja, hi ha altres illes, però diguem que aquestes són una mica les més conegudes.

Well, there are other islands, but let's say that these are somewhat the most well-known.

No vam veure cap vehicle, Edu.

We didn't see any vehicle, Edu.

Ni a les illes, ni a Venècia.

Neither to the islands, nor to Venice.

No vam veure bicis, alguna?

We didn't see any bikes, did we?





No, ni elèctrics, no.

No, not electric ones, no.



Patinets, sí.

Scooters, yes.

Sí, a Venècia.

Yes, in Venice.

Però d'un nen petit.

But of a small child.

Sí, patinets d'aquesta.

Yes, scooters like that.

Però això no compta, això és una joguina.

But that doesn't count, that's a toy.



Bicis, hem dit que no.

Bikes, we said no.









O sigui, cap vehicle.

So, no vehicle.

Sembla increïble, no?

It seems incredible, doesn't it?

Que et puguis bellugar per un...

That you can move around for a...

Només un.

Only one.


Which one?



No, baixells els que vulguis.

No, ships whichever you want.

Nàutics, sí.

Nautical, yes.

Però em va sorprendre que, fins i tot, a les illes, a Torxell, o...

But I was surprised that, even in the islands, in Torxell, or...

Sí, però com que els carrers són petits, hi ha molta gent,

Yes, but since the streets are small, there are a lot of people,

m'imagino que és com bastant impossible.

I imagine it is quite impossible.

Va, abans d'acomiadar aquest capítol del podcast, Edu,

Come on, before we close this chapter of the podcast, Edu,

tenim alguns comentaris pendents, perquè se'ns han acumulat aquí uns quants.

We have some pending comments, because a few have piled up here.

Et sembla que els llegim?

Do you think we read them?

Ok, vale.

Okay, fine.

Mira, del capítol de Caralbs.

Look, from the chapter of Caralbs.

Comentari de la Ruth.

Comment from Ruth.

Mira, diu...

Look, it says...

Hola, nois.

Hello, guys.

A Caralbs no hi he estat mai.

I have never been to Caralbs.

I a Núria hi vaig anar de ben petita.

And I went there with Núria when I was very young.

Amb el vostre podcast m'heu engrescat a tornar-hi i relaxar-me per aquelles terres.

With your podcast, you have inspired me to return and relax in those lands.

Com sempre, moltes gràcies.

As always, thank you very much.

A tots dos.

To both of you.

Doncs moltes gràcies a la Ruth per aquest comentari.

Well, thank you very much to Ruth for this comment.

Encara, del capítol de Caralbs, n'hi ha un altre de l'Albert, oi?

Still, from the chapter of Caralbs, there is another one from Albert, right?

Sí, que diu...

Yes, it says...

Fantàstic, moltes gràcies a l'Albert, que també és dels que ens deixa comentaris sovint.

Fantastic, thank you very much to Albert, who is also one of those who often leaves us comments.

Del capítol següent, el vuitè, que vam dedicar als jocs de taula,

From the following chapter, the eighth, which we dedicated to board games,

tornem a tenir un comentari de la Ruth.

We have a comment from Ruth again.

Que diu...

What does it say...

Hola, família.

Hello, family.

Que bé escoltar-vos a tots tres.

How nice to hear all three of you.

Això ho diu per l'Anna, eh?

This is said for Anna, right?



El vostre podcast sobre jocs em serà molt útil per ampliar la caixa de jocs de taula de l'escola.

Your podcast about games will be very helpful for expanding the school's board game collection.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Aquest estiu jo he jugat al Rei de los Dados i he passat estones ben distretes.

This summer I played King of the Dice and had a great time.

Us el recomano.

I recommend it to you.

Doncs jo aquest no el conec, tu el coneixes?

Well, I don't know this one, do you know him?

Ni jo. Jo vull jugar.

Not me. I want to play.

Doncs ens l'apuntem.

So we’ll note it down.

El Rei de los Dados és la recomanació que ens fa la Ruth.

The King of the Dice is the recommendation that Ruth gives us.

I encara, d'aquest capítol que vam dedicar als jocs de taula,

And still, of this chapter that we dedicated to board games,

hi ha el comentari del Joaquim, que també és un altre dels...

there is the comment from Joaquim, who is also another of the...

que sempre ens deixa comentaris.

that always leaves us comments.



Què diu?

What does it say?


It says...

Fantàstic. Doncs moltes gràcies, Joaquim.

Fantastic. Well, thank you very much, Joaquim.

I, finalment, un parell de comentaris molt breus del capítol...

I, finally, a couple of very brief comments on the chapter...

Del Duolingo.

From Duolingo.

Del Duolingo, que tu segueixes en quant estàs ara? Quants dies?

From Duolingo, how many days are you currently on?

180 llargs, no?

180 long ones, right?

Oh, moltíssim, sí.

Oh, very much, yes.

180 llargs.

180 longs.

Arribaràs a 200, m'imagino, no?

You'll reach 200, I imagine, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Està claríssim.

It's very clear.

Va, el primer és de l'Albert.

Come on, the first one is from Albert.



Molt bé, hi ha encara un altre del Joaquim.

Very well, there is still another one from Joaquim.

Molt interessant, gràcies.

Very interesting, thank you.

Molt bé. Hi ha molta gent que no el coneix, el Duolingo,

Very well. There are many people who do not know it, Duolingo.

i que l'han descobert una mica, potser, gràcies al podcast.

And they have discovered it a bit, perhaps, thanks to the podcast.

Pot ser molt interessant pels que comencen a conèixer el Duolingo.

It can be very interesting for those who are starting to get to know Duolingo.

Per cert, Anna, tu el Duolingo italià, què? Et va servir o no?

By the way, Anna, what about your Italian Duolingo? Did it help you or not?

Home, doncs... Sí, no? O sigui, si em comparo amb fa un any.

Home, then... Yes, right? I mean, if I compare myself to a year ago.

Vas dir unes quantes coses.

You said a few things.

Unes quantes.

A few.

En algun moment em vaig quedar molt bloquejada

At some point I became very blocked.

i ja no sabia si parlava italià, anglès, espanyol...

and I didn't know if I was speaking Italian, English, Spanish...

No sabia què.

I didn't know what.

Però quan tenia temps de pensar-ho, vaig construir algunes frases...

But when I had time to think about it, I constructed some sentences...



...que no em puc queixar.

...that I can't complain.



Van descobrir que eres catalana, però...

They discovered that you are Catalan, but...

És veritat, igualment ho descobria.

It's true, I was discovering it anyway.

Jo, catalani?

Me, a Catalan?

Molt bé, doncs...

Very well, then...

Què us sembla? Ho deixem aquí?

What do you think? Should we leave it here?



Doncs, moltes gràcies, Anna.

Well, thank you very much, Anna.

Moltes gràcies, Edu.

Thank you very much, Edu.

I fins la propera.

And until next time.

Fins la propera.

See you next time.

No t'ho perdis.

Don't miss it.

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