L'home que volia tornar a ser xiquet

UNL Diputació de València

Contes de Nadal

L'home que volia tornar a ser xiquet

Contes de Nadal

La unitat de normalització lingüística de la Diputació de València presenta

The linguistic normalization unit of the Valencia Provincial Council presents

Contes de Nadal.

Christmas Tales.

Soc Marina Molet i et contaré el conte

I am Marina Molet and I will tell you the story.

L'home que volia tornar a ser xiquet

The man who wanted to be a child again.

de Francesc Gisbert.

by Francesc Gisbert.

L'avi Nicolau vivia en una casa més vella que les pedres del campanar.

Grandpa Nicolau lived in a house older than the stones of the bell tower.

Una casa alta i estreta, al final d'un dels carrers més costeruts de la ciutat del Coi,

A tall and narrow house, at the end of one of the steepest streets in the city of Cocentaina,

el carrer de Sant Francesc.

Saint Francis Street.

De jove va treballar en una fàbrica tèxtil, teixint teles i mantes.

As a young man, he worked in a textile factory, weaving fabrics and blankets.

Tot hora envoltat del soroll dels telers, unes màquines endimoniades que no callaven mai.

Always surrounded by the noise of the looms, cursed machines that never stopped.

Des d'aleshores es va tornar mig sort i parlava a crits.

Since then, he became half lucky and spoke loudly.

De gran, treia el carro pel portal de casa de bon matí.

As a child, I would take the cart out through the front door of the house early in the morning.

Parava el carro a la plaça de l'Ajuntament, on hi havia el mercat.

I was stopping the cart at the town hall square, where the market was.

I a la vesprada, pujava al Parc de la Glorieta, on seia vora la Font dels Ànecs, en una cadira de boga.

And in the evening, I would go up to the Glorieta Park, where I would sit by the Fountain of the Ducks, in a wicker chair.

Espenta que espentaràs, pujava i baixava a la costera del carrer de Sant Francesc per vendre de tot i més.

Push as you will, I went up and down the slope of Sant Francesc street to sell all sorts of things and more.

Al carro de l'avi Nicolau hi trobaves caramels.

In Grandpa Nicolau's cart, you would find candies.

Caramels i llepolies de desenes de gustos i colors, tabac amb fulla i paper de fumar, forquetes i culleres de boix, pitxers de fang i perols de llanda.

Candies and sweets in dozens of tastes and colors, tobacco with leaves and rolling paper, forks and spoons made of boxwood, clay jugs and tin pans.

Comptat i debatut, qualsevol cosa que poguera embotir en aquell carro sense fons.

Counted and debated, anything that could be stuffed into that bottomless cart.

A més de venedor ambulant, l'avi Nicolau posseïa un cabàs d'oficis i habilitats.

In addition to being a street vendor, Grandpa Nicolau possessed a basket of trades and skills.

Que tenies un forat a la sabata? Et cosia un tros de cuir.

That you had a hole in your shoe? I was sewing a piece of leather for you.

Que es trencava la sabata? Et cosia un tros de cuir.

What was the shoe breaking? I would sew a piece of leather on it.

Que es trencava la pota d'una cadira? Te'n feia una de nova.

That if a chair's leg broke? They would make you a new one.

D'altra banda, havia nascut en vespre de Sant Joan.

On the other hand, he was born on the eve of Saint John.

I de tots és conegut que les persones nascudes dijous sant o la nit més màgica de l'any adquireixen qualitats extraordinàries.

And it is well known that people born on Holy Thursday or the most magical night of the year acquire extraordinary qualities.

Uns es fan bruixots, d'altres endevinadors i ben bé tots, remellers.

Some become sorcerers, others diviners, and almost all are witches.

L'avi Nicolau, a més de reparar desperfectes, arreglava persones.

Grandpa Nicolau, in addition to repairing damages, fixed people.

Coneixia les propietats de les plantes de la salut.

He knew the properties of health plants.

Tenia l'ull cremat per a detectar l'origen dels dolors.

I had the burnt eye to detect the source of the pain.

I no la pensava que no l'encertava.

And I didn't think I was missing it.

A l'hora de proposar-te un remei natural capaç de reviscolar un moribund.

When it comes to proposing a natural remedy capable of reviving a dying person.

Per si fora poc, només pagaves la voluntat.

As if that weren't enough, you only paid what you wanted.

En aquella època, no hi havia seguretat social.

At that time, there was no social security.

I els metges cobraven el seu temps i les medicines a pes de safrà.

And the doctors charged for their time and medicines by the weight of saffron.

Imagineu-vos la processió.

Imagine the procession.

La processió de persones anant i venint de casa a l'avi Nicolau.

The procession of people coming and going from home to Grandpa Nicolau.

A més a més, era un conversador excel·lent, un rondellaire i un narrador d'històries excepcional.

Moreover, he was an excellent conversationalist, a storyteller, and an exceptional storyteller.

No sabia llegir ni escriure.

I didn't know how to read or write.

Ben pocs anaven a escola si no naixien en una família acomodada.

Very few went to school if they were not born into a wealthy family.

Els xiquets es posaven a treballar als 8 o 10 anys i no descansaven fins el dia de la mort.

Children started working at 8 or 10 years old and did not rest until the day of their death.

Havia viscut tant i passat per tantes situacions.

I had lived so much and gone through so many situations.

Que amollava un consell, una dita o una història adequada a cada problema que li comentaves.

That would provide a piece of advice, a saying, or a story suitable for each problem you mentioned to him.

A poqueta nit, quan tornava a casa després de passejar el carro, acostumava de seure al portal.

Late at night, when I returned home after walking the cart, I usually sat on the doorstep.

No penseu que per a descansar, sinó per a adobar i reparar tot allò que li portaven, objectes o persones.

"Do not think that it is for resting, but for preparing and repairing all that was brought to him, objects or people."

Seia a la cadira de boga.

She sat in the wicker chair.

Es posava un tronc de regalícia o un bri de fenolla a la boca.

He would put a piece of licorice or a sprig of fennel in his mouth.

I començava la segona part de la jornada laboral.

The second part of the workday was beginning.

Les reparacions, les consultes i les històries.

Repairs, consultations, and stories.

Els xiquets hi feien rogle, als escalons de l'escala, al terra, a l'entrada.

The children were forming a circle, on the steps of the staircase, on the floor, at the entrance.

I com qui no vol la cosa, pidolaven un conte rere l'altre.

And as if by accident, they begged for story after story.

No em maregeu, tinc molta feina.

Don't bother me, I have a lot of work.

No estic per a romansos.

I'm not in the mood for romance.

Per què no demaneu als reis usninots que contem històries?

Why don't you ask the kings to tell us stories?

Els xiquets, mig de broma, mig seriosament,

The kids, half jokingly, half seriously,

li contestaven.

they answered him.

D'acord, enguany escriurem això a la carta dels reis.

Okay, this year we will write this in the letter to the kings.

I demanarem que els patges ens deixen el regal a sa casa.

We will ask the pages to leave the gift at their house.

Ara, una rondalla.

Now, a fairy tale.

Al principi, l'avi Nicolau es feia el desmenjat.

At first, Grandpa Nicolau pretended to be feeble.

Però tant li pregaven que no tardava a recordar alguna història.

But no matter how much they begged him, he would soon remember some story.

Segons deia, ell no s'inventava res.

According to what he said, he wasn't making anything up.

Tot eren anècdotes o rondalles que li havien contat feia temps.

They were all anecdotes or tales that had been told to him long ago.

Sigronet, la Mala Aventura, el gegant d'esclafamuntanyes,

Sigronet, the Bad Adventure, the giant of mountain-crushing.

el barranc de l'encantada, el dimoni xicotet,

the ravine of the enchanted, the little demon,

Peret i Marieta, la Favera Màgica, cobraven vida als seus llavis.

Peret and Marieta, the Magic Favera, came to life on their lips.

Tot no era alegria en la vida de l'avi Nicolau.

Not everything was happiness in the life of grandfather Nicolau.

Aquell Nadal se li complicaven les coses.

That Christmas was getting complicated for him.

El fill major va perdre la feina per culpa d'una crisi econòmica

The oldest son lost his job due to an economic crisis.

que convertia els pobres en més pobres i els rics en més rics.

that turned the poor into poorer and the rich into richer.

En perdre el treball no va poder pagar la hipoteca de sa casa.

Upon losing his job, he could not pay the mortgage on his house.

En aquell temps en deien lletres.

At that time, they called it letters.

I en no poder pagar les lletres de sa casa, el banc l'envia al carrer.

And by not being able to pay the mortgage on his house, the bank sends him to the street.

Aquí penseu que se'n comanaren el fill, la nora, els dos nets i el gos?

Here do you think they will eat the son, the daughter-in-law, the two grandchildren, and the dog?

Se'n van anar a viure al piset de 40 metres quadrats de l'avi Nicolau.

They went to live in the 40-square-meter apartment of Grandpa Nicolau.

Aquell Nadal el passaren com sardines en llanda,

That Christmas they spent it like sardines in a can,

vivint només del poc que guanyava l'avi.

living only on the little that grandfather earned.

El fill i la nora li feien passar més gana que un ratolí a Calferrer.

The son and the daughter-in-law made him hungrier than a mouse at Calferrer.

No menge tant, que li senta malament.

Don't eat so much, it will make you feel bad.

Vostè amb poc ja en té prou.

You have enough with just a little.

A la seua edat ja li va bé menjar miquetes.

At his age, it's fine for him to eat crumbs.

Tots ho menjaven i gastaven ells.

They all ate it and spent it themselves.

I per a l'avi Nicolau un rosego de pa i aigua bullida.

And for grandfather Nicolau, a crust of bread and boiled water.

Pere i Maria, els nets, eren els únics que l'ajudaven.

Peter and Maria, the grandchildren, were the only ones who helped him.

Totes les nits li guardaven una poma, un entrepà, una peça de xocolata.

Every night they saved an apple, a sandwich, a piece of chocolate for him.

Sempre que es gitava, li venia a la memòria el desig dels xiquets del barri,

Whenever he lay down, the desire of the neighborhood kids would come to his mind,

també compartit pels nets.

also shared by the grandchildren.

Heu escrit ja la carta als reis?

Have you already written the letter to the kings?

L'estem pensant encara, contestava Maria.

We are still thinking about it, Maria replied.

Faena feta no corre pressa. Afanyeu-vos i no vos encanteu.

Work done is not in a hurry. Hurry up and don't dawdle.

Ja sabeu el que demanaran els altres xiquets?

Do you already know what the other kids will ask for?

Tu ho saps, Pere?

Do you know it, Pere?

Sí, ens ho han dit, nosaltres també.

Yes, they have told us, we have too.

Uns ninots que contén una història especial, nova i només per a nosaltres.

Some dolls that hold a special story, new and just for us.

Tu creus que ens els duran?

Do you think they will take us there?

Porteu-vos bé i ja veurem.

Behave yourselves and we'll see.

El que les paraules callen, els papers canten.

What the words silence, the papers sing.

Un diàleg similar es repetia ara i adés, quasi totes les nits.

A similar dialogue was repeated now and then, almost every night.

Els nets li donaven menjar d'amagat dels pares.

The grandchildren secretly gave him food away from the parents.

La nora havia tingut el pensament de posar-lo a dieta.

The daughter-in-law had the thought of putting him on a diet.

Segons ella, calia estalviar en la factura de la compra.

According to her, it was necessary to save on the grocery bill.

I l'avi estava massa gros per a la seva edat.

And the grandfather was too big for his age.

Tinc fam, dóna'm la clau del rebost.

I'm hungry, give me the key to the pantry.

Fuig, home, fuig. Les persones grans com vostè,

Run, man, run. Older people like you,

amb una taceta de caldo i un poc de sol al dia, ja en tenim prou i massa.

With a little bit of broth and a bit of sun in the day, it's already enough and too much.

El dia dels reis s'acostava.

The Day of the Kings was approaching.

El carrer de Sant Francesc boia d'agitació.

The street of Sant Francesc buzzes with agitation.

El propietari de l'hostal decorava els balcons.

The owner of the hostel decorated the balconies.

Les dones matineres anaven a missa o a mercat.

The early women went to mass or to the market.

El sereno feia la ronda.

The watchman was on his round.

Però l'avi Nicolau se sentia trist.

But Grandpa Nicolau felt sad.

Feia molts anys que vivia tot sol.

He had been living alone for many years.

Pel Nadal se'n recordava de la família, dels pares, dels germans, de la dona.

At Christmas, he remembered the family, the parents, the siblings, the wife.

Tots havien mort, tret del fill i la nora.

Everyone had died, except for the son and the daughter-in-law.

Ara vivien en un piset propi i no se'n recordaven de l'avi,

Now they lived in their own little apartment and did not remember their grandfather.

si no era per a demanar-li estrenes i emprar-li diners.

if it wasn't to ask him for premiums and to use his money.

Els nets comprenien com se sentia

The grandchildren understood how she felt.

i tenien la seguida de passar pel taller almenys una volta al dia.

And they had to pass through the workshop at least once a day.

Van arribar quan seia la cadireta de boga amb els ferraments de fuster.

They arrived when he was sitting in the wicker chair with the carpenter's tools.

En sentirlos entrar, a pesar de la sordesa aparent,

Upon hearing them enter, despite the apparent deafness,

amagar el que estava fent en un begul

hiding what I was doing in a bugle

i el tancar de cop i volta.

and the sudden closure.

Era el regal de reis.

It was the Three Kings gift.

Una sorpresa!

A surprise!

Jaio, ens ajudes a escriure la carta?

Jaio, can you help us write the letter?

Sabeu que no s'escriuré.

You know I won't write it.

Ja, però parles millor que un ministre.

Yes, but you speak better than a minister.

Del vell el consell i del jove el remei.

From the old the advice and from the young the remedy.

No dius sempre això?

Don't you always say that?

Hem pensat començar a refilar Maria Indecisa.

We have thought about starting to refine Maria Indecisa.

Què heu pensat?

What have you thought?

Si fa massa pensar, fa mal acabar.

If it hurts too much to think, it hurts to end.

Qui molt pensa, poc espentar.

He who thinks a lot, is not easily frightened.

Hem pensat, Jaio, és decidir Pere,

We have thought, Jaio, it is to decide, Pere.

que els reis reben un fum de cartes cada any.

that the kings receive a bunch of letters every year.

Amb tantes, és normal que no ens porten el que demanem.

With so many, it's normal that they don't bring us what we ask for.

Els nostres reis són pobres, xiquets.

Our kings are poor, children.

Demaneu amb trellat.

Request with consideration.

Per això ens agradaria escriure'ls una carta especial,

That is why we would like to write them a special letter.

perquè s'hi fixin en nosaltres,

so that they pay attention to us,

una carta amb una història de regal.

a letter with a gift story.

Un regal als reis?

A gift for the Three Kings?

L'avi Nicolau és gratalbescoi.

Grandpa Nicolau is from Gratalbs.

Mai de la vida havia sentit una idea igual.

Never in my life had I heard such an idea.

Quines eixides tenen els xiquets, pensar.

What exits do the children have, to think.

Tant van insistir,

They insisted so much,

que el remat no va poder passar per altre punt

that the shot could not go through any other point

que contar-los una història.

to tell them a story.

Va triar la història de la favera màgica,

He chose the story of the magic bean.

per allò dels desitjos i els regals.

for the sake of wishes and gifts.

Pere i Maria feien torns per a no cansar-se

Pere and Maria took turns to avoid getting tired.

escrivint també el tinter de l'escola.

also writing the school inkpot.

En acabant, van anotar els regals

In the end, they noted the gifts.

que els agradaria rebre.

that they would like to receive.

Heu apuntat el regal que voleu

Have you noted down the gift you want?

que vos deixen els patges a ma casa?

Do the pages leave you at my house?

Sí, ja jo.

Yes, already me.

Uns ninots que ens conten una història nova i especial.

Some dolls that tell us a new and special story.

Ara tu.

Now you.

Ara jo què, Maria?

Now what do I do, Maria?

Demana un desig i l'escriurem a la carta.

Make a wish and we will write it on the letter.

Si els agrada, potser te'l concediran, si ets bo.

If they like it, maybe they will grant it to you, if you are good.

L'avi Nicolau restà pensarós.

Grandpa Nicolau remained thoughtful.

Què podia demanar a la seua edat?

What could he/she ask for at his/her age?

M'agradaria tornar a sentir-me xiquet,

I would like to feel like a child again.

poder regressar a la infantesa ni que fora per uns instants

to be able to return to childhood even if only for a few moments

i ajudar les persones que també hi volgueren tornar.

and help the people who also wanted to return.

Pere i Maria van deixar la carta en una lleixa del taller.

Pere and Maria left the letter on a shelf in the workshop.

El dia del Banc Reial, quan tots els xiquets portaven la carta

The day of the Royal Bank, when all the kids brought the letter.

a l'ambaixador dels Reis

to the ambassador of the Kings

i les dipositaven a les bústies de les burretes reials,

and they deposited them in the royal mailbox.

sempre passaven abans per casa de l'avi,

they always passed by grandpa's house first,

tancar la porta del taller i començar a replegar els ferraments.

Shut the workshop door and start gathering the tools.

El regal especial que preparava era un conjunt de titelles.

The special gift I was preparing was a set of puppets.

Per Sant Dionís arribava al coll una companyia de comedians

On Saint Dionysius' day, a company of comedians would arrive at the collar.

que representava un curiós espectacle amb titelles.

that represented a curious puppet show.

I va dur els nets.

He took the grandchildren.

Quedaren impressionats i encaterinats.

They were impressed and enchanted.

Decidí fabricar-los un teatre de titelles per a regal de Reis.

I decided to make them a puppet theater as a gift for the Three Kings.

El dia 6, en obrir el taller, els donaria una sorpresa inoblidable.

On the 6th, when they opened the workshop, I would give them an unforgettable surprise.

Allò sí que seria una història especial.

That would indeed be a special story.

No contada, sinó representada.

Not told, but represented.

Els titelles estaven ben bé acabats.

The puppets were completely finished.

Els havia confeccionat en secret durant el poc temps lliure.

He had secretly made them during the little free time.

Eren de fusta, units a una vareta.

They were made of wood, attached to a stick.

Una modista del veïnat, Tereseta, la dona de l'hostaler, va cosir els vestits.

A seamstress from the neighborhood, Tereseta, the innkeeper's wife, sewed the dresses.

L'avi s'inspira en els veïns.

The grandfather draws inspiration from the neighbors.

Hi havia una titella molt ben vestida, Tereseta.

There was a very well-dressed puppet, Tereseta.

Un altre, amb abric i fanal, representava el seu amic, el sereno Boncresol.

Another, with a coat and lantern, represented his friend, the watchman Boncresol.

Un vell amb boina i capa negra figurava l'agüelo Pollastre, amb geni de traca.

An old man with a beret and a black cloak resembled Grandpa Chicken, with a fiery temperament.

Dos més eren les Beates Arrapaltars.

Two more were the Blessed Arrapaltars.

També el capellà Seculòrum i el sagristà Tocalí.

Also the priest Seculòrum and the sacristan Tocalí.

I molts titelles més, encara sense nom, d'altres oficis i veïns.

And many more puppets, still unnamed, from other trades and neighbors.

Fins i tot n'havia fet un amb un bou i un torero de gran anomenada.

He even made one with a bull and a famous bullfighter.

El begul era un rusc de personatges.

The begul was a hive of characters.

Els nets s'ho passarien d'allò més bé.

The grandchildren would have a great time.

Només faltava acabar l'última figura.

Only the last figure remained to be completed.

Havia de ser una titella especial.

It had to be a special puppet.

La capitana de la resta.

The captain of the rest.

Però no se li n'acudia cap.

But he/she could not think of any.

Havia començat diversos projectes i sempre els havia rebutjat.

I had started several projects and I had always rejected them.

No li feia el pes el resultat.

The result didn't weigh on him.

Mentre observava les obres, van tocar a la porta amb el toc de ferro.

While I was observing the works, they knocked on the door with a metal knock.

Tres voltes.

Three times.

Està tancat! crida.

It's closed! she shouts.

Tornem demà!

See you tomorrow!

Una altra volta! Són sords o què?

Another time! Are they deaf or what?

Quina manera de destorbar!

What a way to disturb!

Està tancat!

It's closed!

La porta va tremolar.

The door shook.

Com embestida per un gegant geniut.

Like struck by a giant genius.

A contracor, l'avi Nicolau va obrir.

Against his will, grandfather Nicolau opened.

Davant seu, va veure tres vellets.

In front of him, he saw three old men.

Tres vellets molt lluïts i ben vestits de fil de vint.

Three very bright old men well dressed in fine thread.

El primer tenia la barba blanca.

The first had a white beard.

El segon, pèl roja.

The second, red hair.

I el tercer, fosca.

And the third, dark.

El tercer no en tenia.

The third one didn't have any.

Però era negre.

But it was black.

Bona nit!

Good night!

Saludaren els tres amb una reverència.

The three greeted with a bow.

Què volen? Ja tancat!

What do they want? Already closed!

Oh, quina contrarietat!

Oh, what a disappointment!

Realment lamentable!

Truly lamentable!

Per totes les estrelles del firmament, i ara què farem?

For all the stars in the firmament, what will we do now?

Quins individus tan estranys!

What strange individuals!

Parlaven amb gran pompa i cerimònia.

They spoke with great pomp and ceremony.

Sense demanar permís, van entrar al taller,

Without asking for permission, they entered the workshop.

un rere l'altre, xerrant i escorcollant

one after another, chatting and rummaging

amb els colls tibats d'un ramat de titots.

with the tight necks of a herd of rams.

L'avi Nicolau no gosar barrar-los el pas.

Grandpa Nicolau doesn't dare to block their way.

El de la barba blanca, donar les explicacions pertinents.

The one with the white beard, to give the relevant explanations.

Ens sap greu molestar-lo tan a deshora,

We are sorry to disturb you at such an hour,

però hem patit un terrible accident.

but we have suffered a terrible accident.

Ens han dit que vostè ho arregla tot, veritat?

They told us you fix everything, right?

Home, tot, tot!

Man, everything, everything!

No siga modest.

Don't be modest.

Retrucar el de la barba pèl roja.

Reply to the one with the red-bearded hair.

Venim de fer unes compres a la capital

We just went shopping in the capital.

i al nostre amic se li ha esgarrat el sac.

and our friend has torn his bag.

L'ha carregat massa, i a mitjan camí

He has overloaded it, and halfway there.

li han caigut tots els paquets.

All the packages have fallen.

Quina escampadissa!

What a mess!

Els hem deixat fora, apilats.

We have left them outside, piled up.

Seria tan amable de sargir-me el sac

Would you be so kind as to sew my bag?

per a poder continuar el nostre viatge?

to be able to continue our journey?

Demanar amb la veu rogallosa.

To ask with a hoarse voice.

L'avi agafar el sac amb desgana.

The grandfather grabs the bag reluctantly.

Bon gènere i resistent.

Good quality and durable.

Tinc una agulla de cosir sacs i fil gros.

I have a sack sewing needle and thick thread.

Va seure a la cadira de boga amb el sac damunt dels genolls.

He sat in the wicker chair with the sack on his knees.

Xino-xano el va cosir.

He sewed it slowly.

En acabant, es girà tot d'una.

At last, he turned around suddenly.

Se sorprengué de veure els tres vellets amb escoltetes de reunió.

He was surprised to see the three old men with little helpers in a meeting.

Ei, què fan llegint la carta als reis dels meus nets?

Hey, what are they doing reading the letter to the Three Kings from my grandchildren?

Oh, perdone, s'escusa el de la pell fosca.

Oh, sorry, the one with the dark skin is excused.

És el costum de llegir-ho tot.

It is customary to read everything.

Així tenen el sac. Ja se'n poden anar.

So they have the bag. They can leave now.

Què li devem?

What do we owe him/her?

Demanar al de la barba blanca.

Ask the one with the white beard.

No res.


S'ho emporten de bades.

They are taking it for granted.

Al cap i a la fi, som al Nadal.

After all, we are at Christmas.

Bona nit.

Good night.

L'avi va acompanyar-los a la porta,

Grandpa accompanied them to the door.

entre mostres d'agraïment exagerades

among exaggerated expressions of gratitude

i paraules ensucrades que no entenia.

and sugary words that I didn't understand.

En això, s'adonà que el vellet negre

In this, he realized that the little black man

s'havia quedat darrere mirant el bagul obert.

He had stayed behind looking at the open trunk.

Esperar amb la mà al pom de la porta.

Waiting with the hand on the doorknob.

En passar pel costat, va somriure.

As she passed by, she smiled.

És el desig més original que he llegit mai de la vida.

It is the most original wish I have ever read in my life.

Poder regressar a la infantesa,

To be able to return to childhood,

ni que fora per uns instants,

even if it were for just a few moments,

i ajudar les persones que també vulguen tornar.

and help the people who also want to return.

Recordar el que és sentir-se un xiquet

Remember what it feels like to be a child.

i fer que els altres recuperin la il·lusió de la infantesa.

and make others regain the excitement of childhood.

Els tres vellets,

The three little old men,

escarregaren els sacs a l'esquena

they loaded the bags on their backs

i s'allunyaren carrer de Sant Francesc amunt

and they walked away up Sant Francesc Street

en la més absoluta soledat.

in the most absolute solitude.

Era increïble que pogueren dur uns sacs més grans que ells.

It was incredible that they could carry bags bigger than themselves.

El rellotge del campanar va tocar a la una de la nit,

The clock of the bell tower struck one o'clock at night.

l'hora de les bruixes i dels encantaments.

the hour of witches and enchantments.

Alçar els ulls,

Lift your eyes,

en acabar de sonar la campanada solitària,

upon finishing the sound of the solitary bell,

abaixar la vista al carrer.

lower the gaze to the street.

Els tres vellets havien desaparegut.

The three old men had disappeared.

Engolits pel silenci i la foscor de la nit.

Swallowed by the silence and darkness of the night.

L'avi Nicolau es va agitar.

Grandpa Nicolau became agitated.

No aconseguia agafar la sonada.

I couldn't get to sleep.

Pensava en la faena pendent.

I was thinking about the pending work.

Reparar una còmoda,

Repair a dresser.

canviar la pota d'una cadira

change the leg of a chair

i preparar una altra mescla de plantes medicinals

and prepare another mix of medicinal plants

per a un veí que patia una pedra al renyó.

for a neighbor who suffered from a kidney stone.

Escolgar entre les flassades cap i tot.

To choose among the blankets after all.

Pels badalls del balcó entrava una gelor que mossegava.

From the balcony's drafts, a coldness came in that bit.

El fred de les serres nevades.

The cold of the snowy mountains.

Només tenia un braser per escalfar tota la casa.

She only had one heater to warm the whole house.

Els diners cortejaven

The money was courting.

i no podia comprar llenya ni carbó.

and I couldn’t buy firewood or coal.

El vent bufava i xiulava entre els carrerons de la ciutat.

The wind was blowing and whistling through the alleys of the city.

El campanar va tocar a les dues.

The belfry rang at two o'clock.

L'hora dels genis i dels donyets.

The hour of the geniuses and the little fairies.

En això, escoltar una remor de veus.

In this, listening to a murmur of voices.

Devia ser el vent.

It must have been the wind.

Però no. Les veus procedien del balcó.

But no. The voices came from the balcony.

Es va alçar a les fosques.

He stood up in the dark.

En cingueu un cressol,

In a crucible,

caminant de puntetes i mig a les palpentes,

walking on tiptoes and half by touch,

per a l'orella.

for the ear.

Els portellons estaven tancats.

The small doors were closed.

Hi havia algú a fora parlant en veu baixa.

There was someone outside speaking in a low voice.

Li portem un paquet.

We are bringing you a package.

Un paquet?

A package?

Jo no he demanat res.

I haven't asked for anything.

A nosaltres ens manen.

They command us.

Estem blaus de fred.

We are blue from the cold.

Ja sol, va obrir el paquet, ben embolcallat en paper de regal.

He alone opened the package, well wrapped in gift paper.

Destapar la capsa de cartó amb la il·lusió d'un infant.

Uncovering the cardboard box with the excitement of a child.

Va obrir uns ulls com llunes.

He opened his eyes like moons.

A l'interior hi havia un titella.

Inside there was a puppet.

Un titella del mateix estil que els seus, però distint.

A puppet of the same style as theirs, but different.

Representava un jove amb jaqueta roja, pantalons foscos

He represented a young man in a red jacket and dark pants.

i una curiosa barretina al cap.

and a curious cap on his head.

És el titella perfecte.

It is the perfect puppet.

Tu faràs d'hostaler. Seràs l'home de Tereseta.

You will be the innkeeper. You will be Tereseta's man.

Et presentaré els teus companys.

I will introduce you to your colleagues.

L'avi Nicolau baixà l'escala fins al taller,

Grandpa Nicolau went down the stairs to the workshop,

saltant els escalons de dos en dos

jumping the steps two at a time

i deixà el nou titella dins del bagul,

and left the new puppet inside the chest,

al costat dels altres.

next to the others.

Va rodar la vista al voltant.

He/She rolled the view around.

Com que no podia dormir, decidí quedar-se a treballar.

Since he couldn't sleep, he decided to stay and work.

Era pobre i tenia molts deutes.

He was poor and had many debts.

Quan el campanar toca l'estrès, va caure rendit.

When the bell tower rings the stress, it falls exhausted.

S'adormia sobre la taula.

He was falling asleep on the table.

Aquella nit, abans d'agitar-se,

That night, before tossing and turning,

va donar un últim colp d'ull als titelles del bagul.

she took one last glance at the puppets in the trunk.

Ja tinc preparada l'obra que representarem

I have already prepared the play we will perform.

el Dia dels Reis per a tots els xiquets del barri.

The Day of the Kings for all the kids in the neighborhood.

Com a mínim, els farem feliços.

At least, we will make them happy.

Són tots molt pobres i tenen poc que menjar.

They are all very poor and have little to eat.

Ja que no han omplit la panxa,

Since they haven't filled their belly,

almenys els omplirem de somriures i il·lusió.

at least we will fill them with smiles and hope.

Si fora ric, els regalaria bon menjar.

If I were rich, I would gift them good food.

Bona nit, perotets!

Good night, little birds!

Tancar el bagul amb suavitat

Close the trunk gently.

i apagar el llum d'oli que il·luminava el taller.

and turn off the oil lamp that lit up the workshop.

L'etapa ressonà en la quietud d'una forma misteriosa.

The stage resonated in the stillness in a mysterious way.

L'avi Nicolau se'n va anar a dormir.

Grandpa Nicolau went to sleep.

L'endemà, en clarejar el dia,

The next day, as the day broke,

va baixar corrents les escales fins al taller.

He ran down the stairs to the workshop.

I què penseu que hi va haver?

And what do you think happened?

La taula i la banqueta estaven cobertes de desenes de mantes.

The table and the bench were covered with dozens of blankets.

Al pati humit del taller havia crescut un hort esplendorós

In the damp yard of the workshop, a splendid garden had grown.

amb tota classe de fruites i verdures.

with all kinds of fruits and vegetables.

De les parets penjaven fileres de pernils

Rows of hams hung from the walls.

i del sostre rastreres de botifarres i llonganisses.

and from the ceiling, sausages and blood sausages.

Ho han engalanat com una festa!

They have decorated it like a party!

L'avi Nicolau ho carrega tot al carro.

Grandpa Nicolau loads everything onto the cart.

L'espentà pel poble i anà repartint mantes i menjar entre les necessitats.

He frightened the villagers and went distributing blankets and food among those in need.

El prodigi torna a repetir-se una nit rere l'altra.

The miracle continues to repeat itself night after night.

Al taller tot eren cavòries

In the workshop, everything was nonsense.

per esbrinar la procedència de tant de menjar.

to find out the origin of so much food.

Per arreglar el clau, va començar a córrer la veu

To fix the nail, he/she started to spread the word.

que diversos personatges benestants de la ciutat,

that various wealthy characters from the city,

de reconeguda i demostrada altra vegada,

of recognized and demonstrated once again,

patien atacs inexplicables de generositat.

they suffered from inexplicable fits of generosity.

L'amo de la fàbrica que havia fet fort el treballador accidentat

The owner of the factory who had made the injured worker strong.

acceptava pagar-li la baixa.

I accepted to pay him the sick leave.

Segons els criats, el sentiren cridar tres nits seguides.

According to the servants, they heard him call for three consecutive nights.

La causa, un estrany malson

The cause, a strange nightmare.

en què se li apareixien uns titelles que l'estiraven de les orelles,

in which puppets appeared to him, pulling his ears.

li arrencaven els cabells i el punxaven dins del llit tota la nit.

They were pulling her hair and poking her in bed all night.

Només l'avi Nicolau,

Only Grandfather Nicolau,

intuïa la resposta.

I sensed the answer.

Però no gosava baixar mai al taller de nit

But she never dared to go down to the workshop at night.

per por de destorbar i provocar la ira dels titelles.

for fear of disturbing and provoking the anger of the puppets.

No obstant això, era tan gran la curiositat

However, the curiosity was so great.

que la vespre de Reis no pogués tar-se de donar un col d'ull.

that the evening of Kings couldn't help but take a glance.

Quan el campanar toca a les dos,

When the bell tower strikes two,

l'hora dels genis i els donyets encengue un llum

the hour of the geniuses and the little goblins lights a lamp

i amb peus plans baixar l'escala sense fer soroll.

and with flat feet go down the stairs without making a sound.

A mesura que s'hi aproximava, sentia un remor.

As he got closer, he heard a murmur.

Una multitud es movia i treballava a la planta baixa

A crowd was moving and working on the ground floor.

com abelles dins d'un rusc.

like bees in a hive.

Va espentar suaument la porta per a mirar pel badall.

He gently pushed the door to look through the crack.

Tots els titelles s'havien desenganxat de la vareta

All the puppets had unhooked from the stick.

i trescaven d'una banda a una altra.

and they wandered from one side to another.

Unes cavaven i regaven l'hort del pati,

Some were digging and watering the garden in the yard,

on creixien en sisams, creïlles i carxofes

they grew in legumes, potatoes, and artichokes

a una velocitat vertiginosa.

at a dizzying speed.

Altres cosien mantes i vestits en uns telers fabulosos

Others sewed blankets and dresses on some fabulous looms.

que movien pedalant.

that were moving by pedaling.

Un parell tallava fustes i clavava claus per a reparar mobles.

A carpenter was cutting wood and hammering nails to repair furniture.

I de director d'orquestra, la figura nouvinguda.

And of the orchestra conductor, the newcomer figure.

L'homenet de la barretina roja donava ordres sobre la taula,

The little man in the red beret was giving orders at the table,

amb la veueta més aguda i peculiar que mai no havia sentit.

with the highest and most peculiar little voice that I had ever heard.

«Rigueu bé les plantes! Tu, digue-ho! Digue-ho!»

"Water the plants well! You, say it! Say it!"

L'avi Nicolau no s'atrevia a interferir.

Grandpa Nicolau did not dare to interfere.

Va somriure i tornar al llit.

She smiled and returned to bed.

L'endemà, dia de Reis, els xiquets s'alçaren d'hora

The following day, Epiphany, the children woke up early.

per a jugar amb els regals.

to play with the gifts.

Cap al migdia, es congregaren a la porta del taller

Around noon, they gathered at the workshop door.

com havien acordat.

as they had agreed.

Tots, inclosos els seus nets,

Everyone, including their grandchildren,

esperaven aquell regal especial que els havia promès.

they were waiting for that special gift that was promised to them.

No solament s'hi aplegaren els menuts,

Not only did the little ones gather there,

també els pares, els avis i bona part del veïnat.

also the parents, the grandparents, and a large part of the neighborhood.

Per molt que tocaven a la porta, no obria ningú.

No matter how much they knocked on the door, no one opened.

I si li havia passat alguna desgràcia? Ja era gran.

And if something unfortunate had happened to him? He was already old.

En això va aparèixer el sereno Boncresol.

In this, the watchman Boncresol appeared.

«Què no ho sabeu? L'avi Nicolau em va dir a nit

"Don't you know? Grandpa Nicolau told me last night."

qui vulgui el regal, que baixi a la plaça!»

"Whoever wants the gift, come down to the square!"

Xiquets, pares, avis i veïns van baixar a la plaça

Kids, parents, grandparents, and neighbors went down to the square.

més de pressa que corrents.

faster than running.

Hi havia una barraca.

There was a shack.

Una gran tela, cosida amb restes de moltes peces diferents,

A large cloth, sewn with remnants of many different pieces,

formava una carpa allargada sobre una bastida de canyes.

It formed an elongated tent over a framework of reeds.

S'hi accedia per una única entrada,

It was accessed through a single entrance,

amb un cartell on es podia llegir

with a sign that read

«Benvinguts al Bellem de Tirisiti».

"Welcome to the Bellem de Tirisiti."

Des d'aquell dia, per Nadal,

Since that day, for Christmas,

l'avi Nicolau va oferir una història especial

Grandpa Nicolau offered a special story.

a tots els que entraven al teatre.

to all those who entered the theater.

El públic només veia estitelles sobre l'escenari,

The audience only saw scaffolding on stage,

un decorat que representava el poble.

a decoration that represented the village.

Intuïa l'avi Nicolau davall movent-les per les canals i parlant.

I sensed Grandpa Nicolau below, moving them through the channels and talking.

Tots els que entraven al Bellem de Tirisiti

All those who entered the Bellem de Tirisiti.

experimentaven una sensació fabulosa.

they were experiencing a fabulous feeling.

Tornaven a la infantesa gràcies a la màgia dels personatges,

They were returning to childhood thanks to the magic of the characters,

de l'espai i de la història.

of space and history.

Alguns atrevits gosaren mirar sota l'escenari durant la representació.

Some daring ones dared to look under the stage during the performance.

Afirmen que de tant en tant els titelles actuaven sols

They claim that every now and then the puppets acted on their own.

sense intervenció de l'avi Nicolau.

without the intervention of Grandpa Nicolau.

Raó per la qual la representació

Reason for the representation

no era mai exactament igual a la anterior.

it was never exactly the same as the previous one.

El teatre del Bellem de Tirisiti va passar per moltes mans.

The Tirisiti Nativity theater has passed through many hands.

Quan l'avi Nicolau va morir,

When grandfather Nicolau died,

amb més anys que la Picor,

older than Picor,

se'n feren càrrec altres persones.

Other people took care of it.

Tots els propietaris del Bellem han guardat silenci

All the owners of the Bellem have remained silent.

sobre una llegenda que corre de boca en boca.

about a legend that circulates from mouth to mouth.

La sospita que els titelles estan vius

The suspicion that the puppets are alive

i cobren vida en la intimitat de la tramolla del teatre.

and they come to life in the intimacy of the theater's rigging.

La probable certesa que davall l'escenari

The probable certainty that beneath the stage

ocorren fets insòlits que fan la seua quan menys t'ho esperes.

Unusual events happen when least expected.

Fa uns quants anys,

A few years ago,

diuen que els titelles es trobaven en molt mal estat.

They say that the puppets were in very bad condition.

Tenien els vestits bruts i esgarrats,

They had dirty and torn clothes,

la pell arrapada i descolorida,

the rough and discolored skin,

algunes peces trencades i altres fetes malbé.

some broken pieces and others damaged.

Per no tindre, no tenien ni casa.

They didn't even have a house.

Aleshores va arribar un artista

Then an artist arrived.

que va entendre, com l'avi Nicolau,

what he understood, like Grandfather Nicolau,

la capacitat d'aquelles figures

the ability of those figures

per a transportar-nos a la infantesa.

to transport us back to childhood.

Les reparar, els donar vida nova

Repair them, give them new life.

i des d'aleshores una companyia de teatre

And since then a theater company.

s'ocupa de les representacions.

takes care of the representations.

A aquell artista li deien Alejandro Soler

That artist was called Alejandro Soler.

i a la companyia la Dependent.

and to the company La Dependent.

A ell i a tots els que fan possible

To him and to all those who make it possible.

la màgia del vellem de Tirisiti del coll

the magic of the Tirisiti of the neck

davant i davall de l'escenari

in front of and behind the stage

va dedicada la història de l'home

It is dedicated to the history of man.

que volia tornar a ser xiquet.

that wanted to be a child again.

L'home que volia tornar a ser xiquet.

The man who wanted to be a child again.

De Francesc Gisbert.

By Francesc Gisbert.

Podcast realitzat per Nacho Andreu

Podcast created by Nacho Andreu.

per a la Unitat de Normalització Lingüística

for the Language Normalization Unit

de la Diputació de València.

from the Valencia Provincial Council.

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