550 anys de la Capella de Música de la Catedral de Girona - 1. L'origen

FICTA edicions

PAPERETS, el podcast sobre patrimoni musical de Ficta Edicions

550 anys de la Capella de Música de la Catedral de Girona - 1. L'origen

PAPERETS, el podcast sobre patrimoni musical de Ficta Edicions

Aquí comença una sèrie de capítols del podcast que, durant els pròxims mesos,

Here begins a series of podcast episodes that, over the next few months,

dedicarem a la Capella de Música de la Catedral de Girona,

we will dedicate it to the Chapel of Music of the Cathedral of Girona,

amb motiu dels 550 anys de la seva creació.

on the occasion of the 550th anniversary of its creation.

Uns capítols que compartirem amb arxivers, musicòlegs, bibliotecaris,

Chapters that we will share with archivists, musicologists, librarians,

músics i estudiosos que coneixen la capella i la seva història.

musicians and scholars who know the chapel and its history.

Capítols de la Catedral de Girona

Chapters of the Cathedral of Girona

a l'origen de la capella, és a dir, el context en què va ser creada

at the origin of the chapel, that is, the context in which it was created

i per iniciativa de qui es va formar.

and by whose initiative it was formed.

Un capítol que compartirem amb Joan Villar, arxiver de l'Arxiu Capitular

A chapter that we will share with Joan Villar, archivist of the Chapter Archive.

i l'Arxiu Diocesà de Girona,

and the Diocesan Archive of Girona,

Marc Miranda, musicòloga,

Marc Miranda, musicologist,

Josep Maria Gregori, musicòleg i professor de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,

Josep Maria Gregori, musicologist and professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona,

i Josep Pujol, musicòleg, escriptor i professor a l'Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya.

I Josep Pujol, musicologist, writer, and professor at the Higher School of Music of Catalonia.

Capítols de la Catedral de Girona

Chapters of the Cathedral of Girona

Joan Villar és arxiver de l'Arxiu Capitular i de l'Arxiu Diocesà de Girona

Joan Villar is the archivist of the Chapter Archives and the Diocesan Archives of Girona.

i ha treballat a les ordres de mossèn Gabriel Roura

He has worked under the orders of Reverend Gabriel Roura.

i ara de mossèn Joan Nespleda, responsables d'aquests arxius.

And now of Monsignor Joan Nespleda, responsible for these archives.

Va començar com a arxiver a la catedral l'any 1991.

He started as an archivist at the cathedral in 1991.

Per descobrir l'origen de la capella de música

To discover the origin of the chapel of music

hem de consultar la documentació que s'ha conservat a la catedral,

we must consult the documentation that has been preserved in the cathedral,

que ara es troba en un altre edifici,

that is now in another building,

situat a uns 350 metres d'allà, al Seminari Diocesà de Girona.

located about 350 meters from there, at the Diocesan Seminary of Girona.

A la catedral hi ha dues sèries molt importants

In the cathedral, there are two very important series.

pel coneixement de la història de la catedral, de Girona i del bisbat,

for the knowledge of the history of the cathedral, of Girona and of the bishopric,

que són els llibres d'obra,

what are the construction books,

on s'hi nota totes les entrades i les sortides, les despeses de la catedral,

where all the entries and exits, the expenses of the cathedral, are noted.

allà es pot reseguir tota la construcció de la catedral,

there you can retrace the entire construction of the cathedral,

i els actes capitulars,

and the chapter acts,

que anotaven les decisions del capítol,

that noted the decisions of the chapter,

les seves reunions, que en principi eren anuals,

their meetings, which were initially annual,

però després es van anar fent cada vegada més freqüents,

but then they started becoming more and more frequent,

fins que van quedar mensuals.

until they were left monthly.

Cada mes el capítol encara es reuneix per prendre les seves decisions.

Each month the chapter still meets to make its decisions.

En el cas de la fundació de la capella de música,

In the case of the founding of the chapel of music,

doncs, se troba reflexada dins dels actes capitulars.

well, it is reflected in the chapter acts.

Fem ara una mica d'història, anem uns quants segles enrere,

Let's look at a bit of history, let's go back a few centuries,

i ens situem a l'origen de la catedral de Girona.

And we find ourselves at the origin of the cathedral of Girona.

Als 785, els carolingis entren a Girona

In 785, the Carolingians entered Girona.

i alliberen la ciutat al poder dels musulmans.

and they free the city to the power of the Muslims.

De seguida ja, som als temps de Carlemany

Right away, we are in the times of Charlemagne.

i del seu fill Lluís el Piedós, de les reformes religioses,

and of his son Lluís the Pious, of the religious reforms,

doncs aquí, a la catedral, es comença a organitzar.

So here, at the cathedral, it starts to be organized.

La catedral, com altres catedrals i monestirs de l'època,

The cathedral, like other cathedrals and monasteries of the time,

doncs tenen el seu escriptori, on s'acopiaven llibres,

so they have their desk, where books were accumulated,

i també tenien la seva escola,

and they also had their school,

en què els futurs capellans i no capellans,

in which future priests and non-priests,

doncs rebien una formació cultural.

so they receive a cultural training.

Aprenien a llegir i a escriure,

They were learning to read and write,

aprenien música, aprenien filosofia...

they were learning music, they were learning philosophy...

Les ensenyaments que es donaven

The teachings that were given

en l'època que ja procedien del temps dels romans.

in the time that they already came from the time of the Romans.

A la catedral de Girona ja hi havia en aquella època una escola,

At the Girona cathedral, there was already a school at that time.

els estudiants de la qual aprenien no només a llegir i escriure,

the students of which learned not only to read and write,

sinó també música.

but also music.

A més, participaven en els actes litúrgics de la catedral.

In addition, they participated in the liturgical acts of the cathedral.

Aquesta escola, els nens que hi aprenien,

This school, the children who learned there,

doncs ara en diríem escolars,

so now we would call them schoolchildren,

però és el que ha donat el nom d'escolans.

but it is what has given the name to choirboys.

Els orígens dels escolans, això,

The origins of the choir boys, that,

són els nens que aprenien en una escola.

They are the children who learned in a school.

Encara continua Montserrat que tenia l'escolania, no?

Montserrat still has the choir, right?

Allà aprenen i canten.

There they learn and sing.

I a la catedral de Girona, doncs, d'aquesta època,

And in the cathedral of Girona, then, from this time,

doncs ja també hi havia una escolania.

so there was also a choir school.

Els membres de l'escola que participaven en els actes litúrgics.

The members of the school who participated in the liturgical acts.

Però com sabem que hi havia una escolania?

But how do we know that there was a choir school?

Sabem això, queda demostrat, perquè

We know this, it is proven, because

en el segle XIV, la confeta més antiga que tenim,

in the 14th century, the oldest confetti we have,

en el dia 6 de desembre,

on the day of December 6,

doncs hi ha la descripció de la cerimònia del bisbató,

so there is the description of the bishop's ceremony,

que encara s'ha conservat a Montserrat,

that has still been preserved in Montserrat,

però que en aquella època estava estesa a totes les catedrals i monestirs.

but which at that time was widespread in all cathedrals and monasteries.

Llavors, això vol dir que,

Then, that means that,

si se salvarava de la cerimònia del bisbató al segle XIV,

if he saved himself from the bishop's ceremony in the 14th century,

és que ja hi havia una escolania.

It’s just that there was already a choir school.

Més endavant us explicarem què són exactament les consuetes,

Later we will explain to you what the consuetes actually are.

però abans us direm que la festa del bisbató,

but first we will tell you that the festival of the bisbató,

que comenta en Joan Villar,

that Joan Villar comments,

fa referència a una celebració divertida,

it refers to a fun celebration,

que, com bé deia, encara se celebra a Montserrat,

that, as was rightly said, is still celebrated in Montserrat,

i que consisteix en nomenar a bisbató un dels escolans,

and it consists of appointing one of the choir boys as bishop.

escollit pels seus companys,

chosen by his peers,

que es converteix per un dia en la màxima autoritat del monestir.

who becomes for one day the highest authority of the monastery.

Abans de la creació de la capella de música,

Before the creation of the music chapel,

que tindrà lloc al segle XV,

that will take place in the 15th century,

sabem que el cant ja s'organitzava dins la catedral de Girona.

We know that singing was already organized within the cathedral of Girona.

Ens ho explica en Josep Pujol,

Josep Pujol explains it to us,

musicòleg i professor a l'Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya.

musicologist and professor at the Higher School of Music of Catalonia.

Al segle XIII-XIV, fins i tot si et passeges pel claustre,

In the 13th-14th century, even if you strolled through the cloister,

trobaràs que hi ha alguns sepulcres de cabísculs o praecentor,

you will find that there are some tombs of cabisculus or praecentor,

que són els que s'encarregaven del cant,

who were in charge of the singing,

i més ho diu a la làpida,

and more it says on the gravestone,

que s'ocupaven dignament del cant,

who were appropriately engaged in singing,

com per exemple teníem en Bernat de Caixans o en Berenguer de Pau,

such as we had Bernat de Caixans or Berenguer de Pau,

que estan enterrats al claustre,

that are buried in the cloister,

i per tant doncs s'ocupaven de l'aparat musical.

And therefore they took care of the musical apparatus.

El que no hi havia era una capella estructurada

What there wasn't was a structured chapel.

tal com l'entenem en el barroc o més endavant.

as we understand it in the Baroque or later.

És a dir, segurament estaríem parlant que organitzaven el cant,

That is to say, we would probably be talking about organizing the singing,

fins i tot com polifoni,

even as polyphonic,

perquè d'alguns parla que organitzaven les veus,

because some say they organized the voices,

però dintre la mateixa cúria,

but within the same curia,

és a dir, dintre els càrrecs eclesiàstics mateixos

that is to say, within the ecclesiastical offices themselves

que ja hi havia a la catedral, potser al capítol, etc.

that was already in the cathedral, perhaps in the chapter, etc.



L'any 1474 es crea l'escolania que donarà lloc posteriorment

In 1474, the choir school is created which will later give rise to

a la capella de música de la catedral de Girona.

to the music chapel of the cathedral of Girona.

El seu impulsor és el bisbe Joan Margarit.

Its promoter is Bishop Joan Margarit.

Un bisbe renaixentista, que arriba a Cardenal,

A Renaissance bishop, who becomes a Cardinal,

que se'n va a Itàlia i que fa molta feina,

that she is going to Italy and that she is working a lot,

i que llavors ell organitza ja el que seria una escolonia.

And then he organizes what would be a school camp.

Una escolonia amb sis o vuit escolans,

A school with six or eight students,

dedicats sobretot pràcticament a cantar,

dedicated mainly practically to singing,

i que aquesta escolonia, fins i tot el capítol,

and that this school, even the chapter,

el que ell posava de la seva part,

what he contributed,

era una casa, que va ser la casa del campaner

It was a house, that was the house of the bell ringer.

i que és ara la recepció,

and what is now the reception,

que estiguessin mantinguts també aquests escolans

that these students were also maintained

a càrrec d'un càrrec que els educaria en el cant, etc.

in charge of a position that would educate them in singing, etc.

El primer mestre de cant responsable d'aquesta escolania,

The first singing teacher responsible for this choir school,

que apareix en un document de 1474, és Bartomeu Cots.

who appears in a document from 1474, is Bartomeu Cots.

Però perquè aquesta escolania es converteixi pròpiament

But for this choir to properly become

en una capella musical haurem d'esperar encara uns quants anys.

In a musical chapel, we will have to wait a few more years.

A finals del segle XVI, concretament en 1598,

At the end of the 16th century, specifically in 1598,

el bisbe de Girona, Francesc Arevalo de Suaso,

the bishop of Girona, Francesc Arevalo de Suaso,

el que fa és oferir quatre beneficis

What it does is offer four benefits.

que eren del patronat de la mitra,

that were from the patronage of the mitre,

és a dir, que era ell qui designava les persones

that is to say, it was he who designated the people

que els havien d'ocupar,

that they had to occupy them,

doncs, quan quedessin vacants,

well, when there are vacancies,

els rèdits d'aquests quatre beneficis

the returns of these four benefits

anessin a parar per la capella de música.

they would go to the music chapel.

Això no va tenir efecte.

This had no effect.

Després, uns anys més tard,

Later, a few years later,

el bisbe Pere de Moncada,

Bishop Peter of Moncada,

el 1621, ho torna a intentar

In 1621, he tries again.

i, en comptes d'oferir els beneficis,

and, instead of offering the benefits,

ofereix la comutació de les rendes de la pil moina del Pa de la Seu,

it offers the conversion of the incomes of the moina flour from Pa de la Seu,

que repartia en pas Girona entre els pobres de la ciutat

that was distributed in Pas Girona among the poor of the city

i els que venien de fora.

and those who came from outside.

Una part dels diners d'aquestes rendes,

A part of the money from these incomes,

doncs, en comptes de destinar-les a pa,

well, instead of allocating them to bread,

es destina a manteniment d'aquests músics,

it is allocated for the maintenance of these musicians,

d'aquesta capella de música.

of this music chapel.

Ho va demanar en el papa de Roma,

He asked it from the Pope of Rome,

que en aquells moments era Gregòria XV,

that at that time was Gregory XV,

el papa els hi concedeix un breu,

the pope grants them a brief,

en el que els hi concedia el que havien demanat,

in which he granted them what they had asked for,

però amb la mala sort que,

but with the bad luck that,

abans que s'executés el breu,

before the brief was executed,

el papa es mort i queda sense efecte, novament.

the pope is dead and it is rendered ineffective, again.

Caldrà esperar encara uns anys més.

We will have to wait a few more years.

Finalment, a la tercera, serà la vençuda.

Finally, on the third attempt, it will be conquered.

I hem d'esperar.

And we have to wait.

El 1629,

In 1629,

en temps del bisbe García Gil Manrique,

in the time of Bishop García Gil Manrique,

fa un decret que torna a aplicar les rendes de la Pielmoina

issues a decree that re-applies the incomes from the Pielmoina

a la constitució de diverses obres de caritat

the establishment of various charitable works

que no eren aquestes del repartiment del pacte

that these were not part of the distribution of the pact

com eren els objectius de la institució,

what the institution's objectives were,

sinó que argumentant que els pobres

but arguing that the poor

que venien a demanar pa de la Pielmoina

that came to ask for bread from the Pielmoina

afavorien la vagància, les baralles,

they encouraged laziness, fights,

provocaven situacions que es consideraven indecents,

they provoked situations that were considered indecent,

llavors el que fa és un decret conmutant aquesta almoina

then what he does is a decree commuting this alms

a les funcions del pagament d'unes càtedres,

to the functions of the payment of some chairs,

a les càtedres del recentment creat Estudi General de Girona,

to the chairs of the recently created General Study of Girona,

de la universitat,

of the university,

la distribució de pa que es mantenia, però,

the distribution of bread was maintained, however,

només en el cas de les presons reials de Girona,

only in the case of the royal prisons of Girona,

la dotació de donzelles gironines, naturals i residents de la ciutat,

the endowment of maidens from Girona, natives and residents of the city,

els socors, el convens de monges pobres

the succors, the convent of poor nuns

i 600 lliures que havien d'anar destinades altre cop

and 600 pounds that were to be allocated again

al funcionament de la capella de música.

to the functioning of the music chapel.

Això, el 1629, va començar a funcionar,

This began to operate in 1629,

es va començar a escollir el mestre de capella,

the chapel master was started to be chosen,

que el primer va ser Tomàs Cirera,

that the first was Tomàs Cirera,

i a partir d'aquí va començar a funcionar la nova capella de música.

And from here the new music chapel started to operate.

Amb aquesta dotació econòmica destinada a la capella,

With this financial allocation intended for the chapel,

la funció del responsable musical

the role of the music director

deixarà de ser la de mestre de cant

it will stop being the singing teacher's

per a convertir-se en mestre de capella.

to become a chapel master.

Josep Maria Gregori és musicòleg i professor

Josep Maria Gregori is a musicologist and professor.

a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

En el pas del 16 al 17,

In the transition from 16 to 17,

es veu en la mateixa documentació de la catedralícia

it is seen in the same documentation of the cathedral

com es va deixant d'anomenar mestre de cant.

how he is gradually being referred to less as a singing master.

El mestre de cant es va començar a anomenar mestre de capella.

The singing master began to be called the chapel master.

Per què?


Perquè el mestre de cant ja no és només el responsable de la polifonia,

Because the singing teacher is no longer just responsible for polyphony,

del cant polifònic, de la capella de cantors,

of polyphonic singing, of the choir chapel,

sinó que també assumeix cada vegada més la presència dels ministrers.

but it also increasingly embraces the presence of the ministers.

I per tant, la capella es va transformant en una capella.

And therefore, the chapel is transforming into a chapel.

És a dir, la cantoria ja no només és una cantoria,

That is to say, the choir is no longer just a choir,

sinó que també té els sacabutxos, les cinemies, etc.

but also has the sacabutxos, the cinemies, etc.

El baixó, bé, el baixó sempre hi és, eh, acompanyant.

The bass, well, the bass is always there, right, accompanying.

És a dir, aquest pas del mestre de cant al mestre de capella

That is to say, this transition from singing master to chapel master.

es viu gairebé a tot Catalunya.

It is found in almost all of Catalonia.

Jo he estat mirant en les documentacions de la catedralícia

I have been looking at the documentation of the cathedral.

el pas del 16 al 17.

the passage from 16 to 17.

En Josep Maria Gregori ens explicava com el mestre de capella

Josep Maria Gregori was explaining to us how the chapel master

s'ocupava no només de les veus, sinó també dels instruments.

he was responsible not only for the voices but also for the instruments.

Però el mestre de cant, o mestre d'accent, com de vegades

But the singing master, or accent master, as sometimes

també se l'anomenava, què feia, exactament?

also known as, what did he do, exactly?

Tenia la funció d'ensenyar uns minyons,

It had the function of teaching some kids,

no sabem massa bé quants eren ni com anava la cosa,

we don't really know how many there were or how it went,

però sabem que hi havia aquest càrrec.

but we know that there was this position.

Però la seva principal funció, com a mestre d'accent,

But its main function, as a stress teacher,

era que els cantants, doncs, les persones que cantaven,

were the singers, therefore, the people who sang,

sapiguessin com havien d'accentuar les paraules llatines.

they knew how to accentuate the Latin words.

En Joan Villar ens explicava fa un moment com la capella de música

Joan Villar was telling us a moment ago how the music chapel

va quedar conformada l'any 1629

it was established in 1629

i citava també el nom del primer mestre de capella, Tomàs Cirera.

I also mentioned the name of the first chapel master, Tomàs Cirera.

D'aquest mestre, malauradament, conservem molt poques obres.

Unfortunately, we have very few works by this master.

Josep Pujol.

Josep Pujol.

Un dels primers que ja està com a mestre de capella, aquesta capella polifònica,

One of the first who is already serving as a chapel master, this polyphonic chapel,

doncs, és Tomàs Cirera.

well, it's Tomàs Cirera.

Tomàs Cirera, ens n'han conservat només tres peces,

Tomàs Cirera, only three pieces have been preserved for us.

polifòniques o quatre veus, bé, sí,

polyphonic or four voices, well, yes,

però es fa difícil de jutjar com funcionava una capella així.

but it is difficult to judge how such a chapel functioned.

Aquest model de capella continuarà durant bona part del segle XVII.

This model of chapel will continue throughout much of the 17th century.

Tira durant 70 anys amb aquesta organització,

It has been 70 years with this organization,

però amb una certa estabilitat.

but with a certain stability.

Primer, per aquesta mateixa estructura econòmica,

First, for this same economic structure,

no estava tan clara, això li costarà alguns plets,

it wasn't that clear, this will cost him some lawsuits,

a la catedral,

to the cathedral,

perquè no estava tan clar que aquestes rendes

because it wasn't so clear that these incomes

es poguessin destinar així com així a la capella.

they could be allocated just like that to the chapel.

Això d'una banda.

On one hand.

I d'altra banda, que tenim esclar que el segle XVII

And on the other hand, we must clarify that the 17th century.

és molt inestable políticament, amb altres guerres, etc.

It is very politically unstable, with other wars, etc.

I per tant, els mestres de capella que travessen el segle XVII,

And therefore, the chapel masters who traverse the seventeenth century,

doncs, van passant i deixen poca petja a la capella musical.

So, they go by and leave little trace in the musical chapel.

En aquest capítol estem veient els inicis de la capella,

In this chapter we are examining the beginnings of the chapel,

el pas de cantoria, d'un grup de cantors,

the choir's passage, of a group of singers,

a un conjunt de veus i instruments.

to a set of voices and instruments.

La capella de música continuarà creixent i es transformarà

The music chapel will continue to grow and will transform.

assolint la màxima esplendor durant el segle XVIII.

reaching its maximum splendor during the 18th century.

Ens ho explica la musicòloga Mar Miranda.

The musicologist Mar Miranda explains it to us.

Evoluciona per les necessitats de solemnitzar les celebracions

It evolves for the needs of solemnizing celebrations.

i també, justament, adaptant-se al paisatge sonor.

and also, precisely, adapting to the soundscape.

S'incrementa en una sèrie de músics al llarg dels segles

It increases among a series of musicians over the centuries.

i es contracta ministrils i músics externs,

and external musicians and minstrel are contracted,

també per donar aquesta pompa a les festivitats

also to give this pomp to the festivities

que eren moltes que celebrava la ciutat.

that there were many that the city celebrated.

De manera que al final,

So in the end,

inclús aquests ministrils acaben consolidant-se

even these minstrels end up consolidating

dintre del que és la capella de música,

within the music chapel,

formant part com a membres d'aquesta capella

forming part as members of this chapel

que inicialment era només una capella de cantors.

which was initially just a chapel for singers.

Un fet sorprenent d'aquesta primera etapa de la capella,

An astonishing fact of this first stage of the chapel,

sobretot quan era escolania,

especially when I was in the choir,

és que no s'hagi conservat cap peça polifònica.

it is that no polyphonic piece has been preserved.

Celebrem els 550 anys

We celebrate 550 years.

de la capella de música de la Catedral de Girona.

from the music chapel of the Cathedral of Girona.

La Catedral de Girona

The Cathedral of Girona

La Mar Miranda és musicòloga i autora de la tesi doctoral

Mar Miranda is a musicologist and author of the doctoral thesis.

Música i cerimònia Girona 1500-1650.

Music and ceremony Girona 1500-1650.

En el seu treball es va centrar en la presència de la música a Girona

In his work, he focused on the presence of music in Girona.

en aquell període històric,

in that historical period,

no només en l'àmbit de la catedral,

not only in the area of the cathedral,

sinó també arreu de la ciutat.

but also throughout the city.

Girona com a escenari.

Girona as a stage.

Girona com un tot.

Girona as a whole.

És a dir,

That is to say,

no és la catedral, és en Daniel,

it's not the cathedral, it's Daniel,

és Girona com a escenari,

it is Girona as a setting,

com a un subjecte, un protagonista,

as a subject, a protagonist,

doncs susceptible de generar totes aquestes celebracions

thus susceptible to generating all these celebrations

o d'assumir tots aquests festejos i tot aquest cerimonial.

or to undertake all these festivities and all this ceremonial.

Aquesta era la idea.

This was the idea.

No veure d'una manera parcel·lada

Not seeing in a fragmented way.

o no veure la música de la catedral

or not seeing the music of the cathedral

descontextualitzada de la ciutat,

detached from the city,

tot i que es pugui connectar amb altres estudis catedralicis.

although it can be connected with other cathedral studies.

No era aquesta la idea.

That was not the idea.

Per tot plegat,

For all of the above,

es va consultar una gran varietat de fons.

A wide variety of sources were consulted.

Hi ha tot un ventall de documentació molt diversa,

There is a wide range of very diverse documentation,

com pot ser la consueta de la catedral,

how can the consuea of the cathedral be,

les ordinacions de Sant Daniel,

the ordinations of Saint Daniel,

el llibre de visites de Sant Daniel

the visitor book of Sant Daniel

i també hi ha un costumari de la defunció de Navadesa.

And there is also a custom book about the death of Navadesa.

La resta són fons primàries,

The rest are primary funds,

però molt, molt diferents i molt diverses,

but very, very different and very diverse,

com els manuals de cors,

like the course manuals,

aquest llibre de pagès,

this farmer's book,

hi ha també cròniques, dietaris.

There are also chronicles, diaries.

Llavors es tractava,

Then it was about,

a partir de tota aquesta documentació,

based on all this documentation,

refer el cerimonial

refer the ceremony

i veure què passava en aquests 150 anys

and see what happened in these 150 years

en una ciutat com Girona.

in a city like Girona.

Com ens hem d'imaginar la Girona d'aquell temps?

How should we imagine Girona at that time?

Està clar que era una ciutat important,

It is clear that it was an important city,

molt important, del Principat de Catalunya,

very important, from the Principality of Catalonia,

geostratègicament molt interessant,

geostrategically very interesting,

que hi havia un pas impressionant de personalitats,

that there was an impressive array of personalities,

reis, virreis, ducs, comtesses, inquisidors, cardenals, bisbes.

kings, viceroys, dukes, countesses, inquisitors, cardinals, bishops.

Era la flor innata de l'aristocràcia,

She was the innate flower of the aristocracy,

de la noblesa, de la reialesa.

of the nobility, of the royalty.

I, a més a més, Girona, la capella,

And furthermore, Girona, the chapel,

estava connectada amb altres capelles

it was connected with other chapels

de l'arxiu de la Corona d'Aragó,

from the archive of the Crown of Aragon,

de manera que no ens hem d'imaginar

so we don't have to imagine

una ciutat petita i desconnectada,

a small and disconnected city,

sinó, al contrari, una ciutat connectada,

on the contrary, a connected city,

sobretot, amb les catedrals i les capelles

above all, with the cathedrals and the chapels

del sud de França, on, aquí,

from the south of France, where, here,

tothom es buscava la vida,

everyone was trying to make a living,

i els mestres de capella, els organers,

and the chapel masters, the organists,

anaven on trobaven millors opcions laborals.

They went where they found better job options.

Aquest pas feia que Girona

This step made Girona

estigués actualitzada i modernitzada.

was updated and modernized.

Queda clar que Girona era una ciutat viva,

It is clear that Girona was a lively city,

connectada amb altres centres importants del seu entorn

connected to other important centers in its surroundings

i amb una ànima festiva.

and with a festive spirit.

Jo he recollit una quantitat de cerimònies i celebracions,

I have collected a number of ceremonies and celebrations,

que segur que me n'ha quedat alguna, però és impressionant.

I'm sure I've missed some, but it's impressive.

I quin paper jugava la capella de música

And what role did the music chapel play?

en tots aquests actes festius o cerimonials?

in all these festive or ceremonial acts?

La capella de música gaudia d'una sèrie de prerrogatives

The music chapel enjoyed a series of prerogatives.

que no tenien, per exemple, a Sant Feliu,

that they did not have, for example, in Sant Feliu,

i tenia permís per sortir de la catedral.

I had permission to leave the cathedral.

De fet, entre ells també s'enfadaven,

In fact, they also got angry with each other.

també hi havia litigis perquè la capella de la catedral

there were also lawsuits because the chapel of the cathedral

volia fer-se valer,

wanted to assert himself,

i el que feia és que solenitzava aquestes festivitats.

And what he did was to solemnize these festivities.

Tenia un paper important, així com els músics externs,

He had an important role, as did the external musicians,

els ministrils, que n'he pogut documentar el nom de molts,

the ministers, of whom I have been able to document the names of many,

i ara que també estic fent una recerca a Sant Daniel el XVIII,

And now that I am also doing research at Sant Daniel the XVIII,

hi ha alguns que, com aquells que sempre estan a tot arreu,

there are some who, like those who are always everywhere,

hi ha algun ministril que està des dels principis,

there is a minister who has been here since the beginning,

va seguint tota la documentació fins al final.

It keeps following all the documentation until the end.

De fet, Sant Daniel també comptava amb la capella

In fact, Sant Daniel also had the chapel.

de la catedral i també amb aquests músics

from the cathedral and also with these musicians

que es contractava de manera externa

that was contracted externally

per donar aquesta pompa a aquestes celebracions.

to give this pomp to these celebrations.

A Girona, d'actes n'hi havia de molts tipus

In Girona, there were many types of events.

i la presència de la capella de música de la catedral era molt important.

And the presence of the cathedral's choir was very important.

Les visites reials, exclusivament les que es feien a Girona,

The royal visits, exclusively those that took place in Girona,

o les que es feien pels enterraments per les exèquies o abatejos,

or those that were held for burials for the funerals or ablations,

o les promenades, que n'hi ha moltíssimes,

or the promenades, of which there are many,

o processons o altres celebracions que,

either processions or other celebrations that,

en un principi, podrien semblar menors o menys importants,

at first, they may seem minor or less important,

però és que al final formen part d'aquest paisatge sonor,

but in the end they are part of this sound landscape,

de la música que hi havia, del que s'escoltava a la ciutat en aquest moment.

of the music that was there, of what was being heard in the city at that moment.

L'activitat de la capella anava més enllà de la catedral

The activity of the chapel went beyond the cathedral.

i la vinculació amb la ciutat i els actes que s'hi celebraven era molt estreta.

And the connection with the city and the events that were held there was very close.

La capella participava quan venia un rei.

The chapel participated when a king came.

Els rebia i, quan entraven a sentir missa,

He would receive them, and when they entered to attend mass,

doncs cantaven i fins i tot a les processons.

so they sang and even at the processions.

Llavors, molts músics externs també participaven en aquesta capella

Then, many external musicians also participated in this choir.

i la capella contractava músics no només de Girona sinó de Rodalies

And the chapel hired musicians not only from Girona but also from the surrounding areas.

i, per exemple, per Sant Narcís sabem que a finals del XVI

and, for example, for Sant Narcís we know that at the end of the XVI

es van contractar músics de Barcelona,

musicians from Barcelona were hired,

que en els registres de pagaments es veu clarament

that in the payment records it is clearly seen

que cobren quasi el doble que músics de Girona.

they earn almost double what musicians from Girona do.

Llavors, aquesta connexió entre...

Then, this connection between...

o sigui, de la capella amb la ciutat

that is, from the chapel with the city

és que sovint està tot molt interrelacionat

it's just that often everything is very interconnected

perquè és un moment en què les celebracions totes tenen aquest component

because it is a time when all celebrations have this component

què és el que és religiós i el que no.

what is religious and what is not.

El mestre de capella era una figura clau en tot aquell engranatge.

The chapel master was a key figure in that whole mechanism.

Tenia moltes funcions.

It had many functions.

Per començar, era el responsable dels escolans de l'escola de cant.

To start, he was in charge of the students at the singing school.

També era el responsable de composar, de dirigir i de ballar

He was also responsible for composing, directing, and dancing.

perquè tot funcionés.

so that everything would work.

Era una persona molt polivalent

He was a very versatile person.

i, de vegades, tenia conflictes amb els organistes

And sometimes, I had conflicts with the organists.

o feia coses que no tocaven.

or did things that weren't appropriate.

Hi havia alguns que se'ls estimava més perquè s'implicaven més,

There were some who were loved more because they got more involved,

alguns que descuidaven les seves funcions,

some who neglected their duties,

però era una persona molt important

but he was a very important person

que, tot i que tingués el capítol per sobre,

that, even though it had the chapter above,

era el que s'encarregava de la part artística de la posada en escena.

he was in charge of the artistic part of the staging.

Era una persona molt important.

He was a very important person.

El mestre de capella era també el responsable

The chapel master was also the person responsible.

de la contractació d'altres músics per reforçar el conjunt de la capella,

for the hiring of other musicians to strengthen the ensemble of the chapel,

uns instrumentistes que van anar tenint cada vegada més presència.

musicians who gradually became more present.

Tenia la potestat, sempre amb la supervisió,

He had the authority, always under supervision,

amb el consentiment del capítol,

with the consent of the chapter,

de proposar, de contractar aquests músics.

to propose, to hire these musicians.

Sobretot, hi ha un moment en què calen músics

Above all, there is a moment when musicians are needed.

per reforçar la corda dels greus.

to reinforce the bass string.

Llavors, es contracta amb baixons, però també hi ha sacabuts,

Then, it is contracted with downs, but there are also sour grapes.

també hi ha tota una sèrie d'instruments.

There is also a whole series of instruments.

Inclús, alguns que havien estat antics escolans,

Even some who had once been former altar boys,

doncs que es valorava molt la polivalència d'un músic

therefore the versatility of a musician was highly valued

que pogués tocar la flauta,

that I could play the flute,

però que també pogués tocar, de vegades, el violí.

but that I could also play the violin sometimes.

A més del mestre de capella,

In addition to the chapel master,

hi havia també una altra figura important

there was also another important figure

pel que fa a la música, l'organista.

As for the music, the organist.

Era una persona que estava totalment vinculada a la capella,

She was a person who was totally linked to the chapel.

perquè era el que acompanyava moltes vegades.

because it was what accompanied many times.

De vegades s'havia coincidit que el mestre de capella

Sometimes it would happen that the chapel master

era organista.

he was an organist.

Pel que fa a les grans cerimònies,

As for the grand ceremonies,

tot tenia el seu protocol establert i clarament definit.

everything had its established and clearly defined protocol.

Quan s'entrava a la catedral a fer les solemnitats que calien,

When one entered the cathedral to carry out the necessary solemnities,

els jurats havien d'estar.

the jurors had to be.

Els jurats eren les personalitats importants del Consell de la Ciutat,

The jurors were the important personalities of the City Council,

del que després va ser l'Ajuntament.

of what later became the City Hall.

Hi havia una jerarquia i havien de seure en un lloc concret.

There was a hierarchy and they had to sit in a specific place.

I la resta, doncs, el capítol també havia de seure en un lloc concret.

And the rest, then, the chapter also had to sit in a specific place.

Estava tot molt establert, sí, sí.

It was all very established, yes, yes.

Inclús per triar aquests jurats es feia per insaculació,

Even for choosing these jurors, it was done by drawing lots.

és a dir, hi havia un procés, es posava una bola,

that is to say, there was a process, a ball was placed,

es triava dintre d'una sèrie...

it was chosen from a series...

Estava tot molt ordenat i molt jerarquitzat.

Everything was very organized and very hierarchical.

No tothom podia ser un jurat de la ciutat.

Not everyone could be a juror of the city.

Tenia unes funcions molt específiques i eren gent molt considerada.

They had very specific functions and were very considerate people.

Els jurats jugaven també un paper clau

The juries also played a key role.

en l'organització dels diferents actes que tenien lloc a la ciutat.

in the organization of the different events that took place in the city.

Llavors, els jurats eren personalitats importants

At that time, the jurors were important personalities.

que acudien a aquestes festivitats

that attended these festivities

o, inclús, quan s'havia de rebre el rei,

or even when the king was to be welcomed,

el rei es rebia fora de la ciutat, a les portes de la ciutat.

The king was received outside the city, at the city gates.

Uns dies abans s'enviava també algú,

A few days before, someone was also sent.

s'escrivia als jurats per comunicar

it was written to the jurors to communicate

que aquella personalitat venia i que estigués tot a punt.

that this personality was coming and that everything was ready.

Tota la ciutat, també alguna taverna a punt, també,

The whole city, also some tavern at the ready, too,

pels que venien, que venien en massa, i clar,

for those who were coming, who were coming in masses, and of course,

per tenir content també els que els acompanyaven.

to keep content those who accompanied them as well.

La participació de la població gironina

The participation of the Girona population

en les celebracions que tenien lloc a la catedral

in the celebrations that took place at the cathedral

també era molt important.

it was also very important.

Se'ls convidava, es feien crides per la ciutat,

They were invited, calls were made throughout the city,

també amb música, amb tambors, amb tabals,

also with music, with drums, with tabals,

i se'ls cridava i se'ls convidava,

and they were called and invited,

i inclús era una invitació molt recomanada

and it was even a highly recommended invitation

a que vinguessin a celebrar amb tota la pompa,

so that they would come to celebrate with all the pomp,

amb tota l'alegria, amb els vestits.

With all the joy, with the clothes.

Els negocis s'havien de tancar, s'havia d'escombrar,

The businesses had to be closed, it had to be swept.

i hi havia també una sèrie de prohibicions.

And there were also a series of prohibitions.

Per exemple, quan hi havia exèquies

For example, when there were funerals.

o alguna celebració més solemne que requeria un rigor,

or some more solemn celebration that required rigor,

estava prohibit ballar, cantar...

it was forbidden to dance, to sing...

De fet, es recull alguna notícia d'algunes prohibicions

In fact, some news about certain prohibitions is mentioned.

i hi ha músics que se l'assalten i que se'ls castiga

And there are musicians who are assaulted and punished.

amb penes de presó. Hi ha pa i aigua.

with prison sentences. There is bread and water.

Més enllà d'aquestes festes i actes de celebració,

Beyond these festivities and celebrations,

en aquells anys Girona viu també moments convulsos,

In those years, Girona also experiences tumultuous moments,

com ara la Guerra dels Trenta Anys o la Guerra dels Segadors,

like now the Thirty Years' War or the Reapers' War,

episodis de sequera i també epidèmies de pesta.

episodes of drought and also epidemics of plague.

Hi ha un període molt important de pesta negra

There is a very important period of the Black Death.

que a la documentació es fan crides del morbo.

that the documentation stirs up morbid curiosity.

El morbo és la pesta negra.

The morbid fascination is the black plague.

Llavors, hi ha èpoques en les que no he pogut documentar

Then, there are times when I haven't been able to document.

cerimònies o balls o saraus justament per aquesta pesta negra.

ceremonies or dances or gatherings precisely for this black plague.

De fet, es fan algunes prohibicions,

In fact, some prohibitions are made,

i en algun moment hi ha alguns càstigs per no complir

And at some point there are some punishments for non-compliance.

aquest protocol de solemnitat per culpa d'aquestes epidèmies.

this protocol of solemnity due to these epidemics.

Hi ha uns quants anys que la pesta negra passa factura

A few years ago, the Black Death is taking its toll.

i que es veu molt reflectit en la documentació

and it is very much reflected in the documentation

aquesta manca de celebracions.

this lack of celebrations.

Són molt concretes les que es recullen en aquests anys.

They are very specific ones that are gathered in these years.


It seems that the message is incomplete. Could you please provide the full text that you would like to be translated?

Uns llibres molt importants per conèixer tot allò que tenia lloc

Very important books to understand everything that was happening.

a la Catedral de Girona són els de la primera etapa de la nova etapa de la new era,

At the Cathedral of Girona, they are from the first stage of the new era.

La catedral de Girona, especialment pel que fa a la seva organització i activitat,

The cathedral of Girona, especially regarding its organization and activity,

són les consuetes.

they are the chores.

A Girona se'n conserven un total de nou.

In Girona, a total of nine are preserved.

En tres d'elles hi ha referències a la música i a l'activitat musical.

In three of them, there are references to music and musical activity.

La més completa de totes és, en aquest sentit, la de l'any 1655,

The most complete of all is, in this sense, the one from the year 1655,

una consueta que va estudiar a fons Mar Miranda

a custom that Mar Miranda studied in depth

per poder elaborar la seva tesi doctoral.

to be able to develop his doctoral thesis.

Les consuetes són revisions i, de vegades, incorporacions,

The consuetes are reviews and, sometimes, incorporations.

i aquesta és la que està molt completa, tot molt clar,

and this one is very complete, everything is very clear,

i perquè incorpora música.

and because it incorporates music.

Hi ha uns himnes, a darrere, 62, on hi ha tota una sèrie de músiques

There are some hymns, in the back, 62, where there is a whole series of music.

que indica, a dintre de la consueta,

that indicates, within the custom,

himne 32 en tonalitat de fa.

hymn 32 in the key of F.

Tota la litúrgia està explicada, explicadíssima.

The whole liturgy is explained, very thoroughly explained.

Doncs, com havia de ser, cada una de les cerimònies,

Well, as it had to be, each of the ceremonies,

quins himnes s'havien de cantar, quines eren les oracions,

what hymns were to be sung, what were the prayers,

què era el que s'havia de fer en cada moment,

what had to be done at each moment,

està escrit en llatí.

It is written in Latin.

En aquesta consueta s'especifica quina música havia de sonar

This decree specifies which music was to be played.

a les grans celebracions de l'any litúrgic,

at the major celebrations of the liturgical year,

com ara Nadal, Santa Esteve, Corpus, Sant Joan, Sant Jaume o Sant Narcís.

like now Christmas, Boxing Day, Corpus, Saint John, Saint James or Saint Narcissus.

El detall de les explicacions que podem trobar

The detail of the explanations that we can find.

relacionades amb aquestes grans celebracions que es feien a la catedral

related to these grand celebrations that took place at the cathedral

fa que ens puguem plantejar de recuperar algunes d'aquestes cerimònies,

it makes us consider recovering some of these ceremonies,

com ara la de Sant Narcís.

like now the one of Sant Narcís.

Trobo que seria interessant,

I think it would be interesting,

poder recuperar aquest cerimonial tal com es feia,

to be able to recover this ceremonial as it was done,

perquè crec que és una cosa, és patrimoni que es pot rescatar.

because I think it is something, it is a heritage that can be rescued.

És a dir, fins i tot seguia el mateix itinerari que es feia

That is to say, it even followed the same route that was taken.

perquè està absolutament indicat.

because it is absolutely indicated.

Es sortia d'aquí, es feia això, això es cantava aquí,

It came out from here, this was done, this was sung here,

l'altre es cantava en l'altre lloc,

the other was sung in the other place,

venien juglars i fins i tot el que es pagava.

jugglers came and even what was being paid.

Està tot molt, molt detallat.

Everything is very, very detailed.

Per Sant Narcís diu que hi ha tres motets, triamotecta,

For Saint Narcissus, it is said that there are three motets, triamotecta.

que es canten una a Sant Feliu, una a la Pressa de les Cols

that are sung one in Sant Feliu, one at the Cols Dam

i una a la plaça del Call.

and one in the Call Square.

Llavors, els himnes sí que sabem els que són,

Then, we do know what the anthems are.

perquè estan darrere de tota la consueta

Because they are behind the whole custom.

i especifica himne 31.

and specify anthem 31.

Llavors, sabem la música que sonava, la sabem.

Then, we know the music that was playing, we know it.

En la seva tesi doctoral, Mar Miranda va transcriure

In her doctoral thesis, Mar Miranda transcribed

dues misses de Can Pla dedicades a Sant Narcís

two masses from Can Pla dedicated to Saint Narcissus

per ser cantades durant la festivitat del Patró de Girona.

to be sung during the feast of the Patron of Girona.

Aquestes misses formen part d'uns cantorals del segle XIX

These masses are part of some choir books from the 19th century.

que molt probablement van ser copiats

that were very likely copied

de llocs de la plaça del Call.

from places in the Call square.

Per cert, parlant de Sant Narcís,

By the way, speaking of Sant Narcís,

ara se celebra el 29 d'octubre,

now it is celebrated on October 29th,

però durant un temps es va celebrar el 18 de març.

but for a time it was celebrated on March 18.

No va ser fins l'any 1666 en què es va establir

It was not until the year 1666 that it was established.

que Sant Narcís se celebraria el 29 d'octubre.

that Saint Narcissus would be celebrated on October 29.

Una de les raons per no celebrar-ho el 18 de març

One of the reasons for not celebrating it on March 18.

era que aquella data coincidia amb les fires de la ciutat.

It was that the date coincided with the fairs of the city.

L'any 1684, però, arran d'un setge francès,

In the year 1684, however, as a result of a French siege,

es va celebrar dues vegades, en les dues dates.

It was held twice, on both dates.

El 18 de març i el 29 d'octubre.

March 18th and October 29th.

Fins aquí aquest capítol de paperets

So far this chapter of paper scraps.

dedicat a la creació de la capella de música

dedicated to the creation of the music chapel

de la Catedral de Girona.

of the Cathedral of Girona.

Si us ha agradat, seguiu-nos a Spotify

If you liked it, follow us on Spotify.

o qualsevol altra plataforma de podcast

or any other podcast platform

i també visiteu, si us ve de gust,

and also visit, if you feel like it,

la nostra pàgina web on podeu trobar, per exemple,

our website where you can find, for example,

l'enllaç a la tesi doctoral

the link to the doctoral thesis

de la Marc Milínez.

of Marc Milínez.

I també l'enllaç a la miranda dedicada a la música

And also the link to the lookout dedicated to music.

i les cerimònies que van tenir lloc a Girona

and the ceremonies that took place in Girona

entre els anys 1500 i 1650.

between the years 1500 and 1650.

L'adreça web és podcast.ficte.cat

The website address is podcast.ficte.cat.

barra paperets.

paper strips.

I un agraïment, finalment, a les persones

And a thank you, finally, to the people.

que ens han ajudat a realitzar aquest primer capítol

who have helped us to complete this first chapter

de la sèrie amb la qual volem celebrar

from the series with which we want to celebrate

els 550 anys de la creació de la capella de música

the 550 years of the creation of the music chapel

de la Catedral de Girona,

of the Girona Cathedral,

que han estat Joan Villar, arxiver de l'Arxiu Capitular

who have been Joan Villar, archivist of the Chapter Archive

i l'Arxiu de la Catedral de Girona.

and the Archive of the Cathedral of Girona.

I també a l'Arxiu Cesar de Girona,

And also at the Cesar Archive in Girona,

Marc Miranda, doctor en musicologia,

Marc Miranda, doctor in musicology,

el professor de l'ESMUC Josep Pujol

the professor of ESMUC Josep Pujol

i el professor de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,

and the professor of the Autonomous University of Barcelona,

Josep Maria Gregori.

Josep Maria Gregori.

A reveure i fins al pròxim capítol.

Goodbye and until the next chapter.

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