
with Cali Farquharson & Mackenzie Semerad

Dot Vote Sports Podcast


Dot Vote Sports Podcast

Hola a tots, benvinguts a el nostre primer podcast de tota la vida.

Hello everyone, welcome to our first podcast ever.

Soc la vostra hosta, una de les vostres hostes, Callie Farquharson,

I am your host, one of your hosts, Callie Farquharson.

i soc aquí amb el meu cohost, Mackenzie Semerat.

I am here with my co-host, Mackenzie Semerat.

Hola, això és esponsorat per DotVoteSports.

Hello, this is sponsored by DotVoteSports.

DotVoteSports connecta teams, atlètes i fans

DotVoteSports connects teams, athletes, and fans.

amb una plataforma online de votació que és simple d'utilitzar.

with an online voting platform that is easy to use.

I convidarem atlètes a tots els nivells a l'escenari

We will invite athletes of all levels to the stage.

per entendre la seva jornada única

to understand her unique journey

i conèixer-los a un nivell personal.

and to get to know them on a personal level.

Bé, bon joc!

Well, good game!

El nostre primer convidat és una de les meves amigues, Ella Diedrich.

Our first guest is one of my friends, Ella Diedrich.

Hola, Els, com estàs?

Hello, Els, how are you?

Estic bé, feliç de ser aquí.

I am fine, happy to be here.

Gràcies per venir al programa i per ser pacients amb nosaltres

Thank you for coming to the program and for being patient with us.

mentre intentem descobrir tot això de la tecnologia.

while we try to uncover all this about technology.

Primer podcast.

First podcast.



Gràcies per ser el nostre primer testador.

Thank you for being our first tester.

Sí, no, està totalment bé.

Yes, no, it's totally fine.

Estic feliç.

I am happy.

Puc fer-ho.

I can do it.

Estic feliç de ser aquí i estic feliç que puc suportar-te.

I am happy to be here and I am happy that I can support you.

Gràcies, Bill.

Thank you, Bill.



crec que la primera vegada que vaig conèixer Ella

I think that the first time I met her.

vaig jugar a The Dash l'any abans

I played The Dash the year before.

i vaig veure aquesta bonica noia

I saw this beautiful girl.

caminar a l'escenari

walk to the stage

i la seva cabella era absolutament fantàstica

and her hair was absolutely fantastic.

i jo estava com, oh, meu Déu, m'agrada la teva cabella.

And I was like, oh my God, I love your hair.

I ella estava com, gràcies.

She and I were eating, thank you.

I després, no hem parlat mai des de llavors.

And then, we haven't talked since then.

Aleshores, écret,

Then, write,

vam fer una jornada anual a...

we held an annual gathering in...





La Dash.

The Dash.

Vaig anar a México

I went to Mexico.

i l'uís A volia rondar amb l'uís B

And the Louis A wanted to flirt with the Louis B.

i van preguntar si l'Ella i jo volíem rondar-nos juntes.

They asked if Ella and I wanted to hang out together.

I vam acabar rodant-nos juntes i tancant-la

And we ended up rolling together and closing it.

i ella ha sigut una de les meves mejores amics

And she has been one of my best friends.

en tot el món.

around the world.

Així que deia aquilo que vam fer.

So I was saying what we did.

met but what's crazy is i didn't know how much of a bad badass you were like i'm looking at all your

met but what's crazy is I didn't know how much of a badass you were like I'm looking at all your

stats from like college um and i feel like a bad friend like yeah like here we go well then let's

Stats from like college um and I feel like a bad friend like yeah like here we go well then let's.

start yeah you know let's rewind a bit let's get to know ella ella who are you you know what is

start yeah you know let's rewind a bit let's get to know her her who are you you know what is

your story and then how did you get to be here now which is on the houston dash um so my name

Your story and then how did you get to be here now which is on the Houston Dash um so my name.

is ella diderich i was born and raised in camarillo california um we love you we love cali girls

I'm Diderich and I was born and raised in Camarillo, California. Um, we love you, we love Cali girls.

um i i love california so much i love the mountains i love the ocean everything that it has

I love California so much, I love the mountains, I love the ocean, everything that it has.

um i'm not cali girl too yeah

Um, I'm not a California girl either, yeah.

i want i just like i want people to like look at me and be like she's from california like i

I want people to look at me and be like she's from California, just like I do.

would like that's a goal you're doing good you're doing good you know one time i had someone tell me

I would like that’s a goal you’re doing good you’re doing good you know one time I had someone tell me

that i looked like i was from christian it was michael it was michael no michael told me

that I looked like I was from Christian it was Michael it was Michael no Michael told me

it looked like i was from chicago or something like that and i was insulted

it looked like I was from Chicago or something like that and I was insulted

like i was going to take that back right now

like I was going to take that back right now


I do.

um yeah born and raised in california i went to washington state university

Um yeah, born and raised in California, I went to Washington State University.

i played six seasons you crushed it there you had 53 wins your first all-time

I played six seasons, you crushed it there, you had 53 wins, your first all-time.

your first all time in minutes like 90 game play 90 games played first all time yeah

your first all time in minutes like 90 game play 90 games played first all time yeah

this is going on how many red shirts did you have

this is going on how many red shirts did you have

that's too red shirts and is that one medical one or two different red shirts did you have red shirts?

That's too many red shirts, and is that one a medical shirt or are those two different red shirts? Did you have red shirts?

Yeah, I registered my freshman year

Yeah, I registered my first year.

and then my fifth year

i després el meu cinquè any

I tore my ACL

I tore my ACL.

I went through this major thing

I went through this major thing.

where I was like

on deia com

I just

I just

I felt like I was at the age

I felt like I was at the age.

where I shouldn't be in college anymore

where I shouldn't be in college anymore

and I was just like

i jo era així com

do I

do I

stay for a six year

stay for six years

or do I just get healthy

or should I just get healthy

and enter the draft

i introdueix el esborrany

or try and get on a team

or try to join a team

but I'm very happy I stayed around

però estic molt content que hagi quedat per aquí

for my sixth year because that year

for my sixth year because that year

my team made history

my team made history

and we made it to the college cup

and we made it to the college cup

and I wouldn't have

i no hauria tingut

been a part of that if I didn't

been a part of that if I didn't

stay and tear my ACL

quedat i trenca'm el LCA

and rehab it there

i reformat it there

Right, and that was the final four?

Right, and was that the final four?



What is the final four like?

What is the final four like?

Because Seven and I never made it to the final four in college

Perquè el Set i jo mai vam arribar a les quatre finals a la universitat.

It was

It was

very cool

molt genial

Did they treat you guys?

Did they treat you guys?

Like professionals?

Like professionals?



We got

We got

these little backpacks

these little backpacks

It was pretty cool

It was pretty cool.

More professional than

More professional than

actual professional

current professional

College sports has money

College sports has money.

It was a lot of fun

It was a lot of fun.

and the night before we played our game

and the night before we played our game

we all dressed up and we went to this

we all dressed up and went to this

dinner banquet and

dinner banquet and

people got awards and it was really fun

People received awards and it was really fun.

to just kind of be with your team

to just kind of be with your team

before entering

before entering

a stadium that you're not used

a stadium that you're not familiar with

to playing in

a jugar en

but it all went by very fast

but it all went by very fast

and I was just

i jo estava justament

talking with one of my other good friends

talking with one of my other good friends

we were talking about

we were talking about

college feels like a fever dream

college feels like a fever dream

I can't

I can't

even remember college

even remember college

better yet

better yet

that part of my life

that part of my life

it all went by so fast

it all went by so fast

and it's like the best time

and it's like the best time

of your life too did you see um that one girl in the washington spirit just get signed she's like

Of your life too did you see that one girl in the Washington Spirit just get signed she's like

15 years old yeah yeah and i like tweeted something like why best or like your best time college is

15 anys sí sí i m'agrada haver tuitejat alguna cosa com per què és millor o com és el teu millor moment a la universitat.

the best time of your life you know yeah wait ella so when you went to washington state your last

the best time of your life you know yeah wait her so when you went to washington state your last

year was that prior to the coven year yeah it was it was literally 2019 yeah so i actually i

year was that prior to the coven year yeah it was it was literally 2019 yeah so i actually i

graduated from college i graduated the year prior i stuck around for like to do like a mba

Graduated from college, I graduated the year before; I stuck around to do an MBA.

and it was like just i just kind of did my mba when i was like playing soccer

and it was like I just kind of did my MBA while I was playing soccer

but i i ended up taking almost like a year off of soccer

but I ended up taking almost a year off from soccer

because it happened and i tried to get on the red stars and then

because it happened and I tried to get on the red stars and then

they like went in lockdown and then they had their fall or no i'm sorry

They liked going into lockdown and then they had their fall or no I'm sorry.

they had the first challenge cut and then i got invited back for fall series and then

they had the first challenge cut and then I got invited back for the fall series and then

my knee like moved and i thought like i tore a little bit of my meniscus so i went home

my knee kind of moved and I thought I tore a little bit of my meniscus so I went home

to get a surgery and then thankfully i i got a contract with the rain like a couple months later

To get surgery and then thankfully I got a contract with the rain like a couple of months later.

but it's the new year and time for the new you you've thought about running for political

but it's the new year and time for the new you you've thought about running for political office

office but don't know where to start before you start any planning you need to secure your name

office but don't know where to start before you start any planning you need to secure your name

online with a web domain this means your constituents will know they are learning about

online with a web domain this means your constituents will know they are learning about

the real you when they surf the web secure your domain from today and during that time

The real you when they surf the web secure your domain from today and during that time.

that year you had um

that year you had um

what did you do to like they fit you also had some side jobs right that you were doing as well

What did you do to make them fit? You also had some side jobs that you were doing as well, right?

i was i was one of those people that followed the instagram accounts that would run lives and like

I was one of those people that followed the Instagram accounts that would run live streams and liked.

to do the workouts and that's what held me accountable and um i i remember i actually went

to do the workouts and that's what kept me accountable and um I remember I actually went

through like this really

through like this really

like hard time where like i was at home and i was eating a lot and i was bored so i would eat so

Like a tough time when I was at home and I was eating a lot and I was bored, so I would eat a lot.

i like kind of went through like a hard time where i just also felt like i was like not doing the

I liked that I kind of went through a hard time where I also felt like I was not doing the...

right thing so that was also kind of like a hard time in my life but thankfully like i was able to

I'm sorry, but I need the original text in Catalan for translation.

turn it around yeah i think it's hard because like a lot of soccer players like

turn it around yeah i think it's hard because like a lot of soccer players like

their identity is like so wrapped up in a way that i can't even explain or even express myself

their identity is so wrapped up in a way that I can't even explain or express myself

en el futbol que quan t'agafes un pas endavant o no ets en aquest ambient, és difícil

In football, when you take a step forward or you're not in this environment, it's difficult.

quan ets tan assegut i rutinat en aquest escenari per tota la teva vida, gairebé.

when you are so seated and routine in this scenario for your whole life, almost.

Sí, és una cosa que crec que l'any passat i aquest any he definitivament adonat que

Yes, it is something that I believe I definitely realized last year and this year that

encara que el futbol sigui una part tan gran de la meva vida, no és l'únic

although football is such a big part of my life, it is not the only one

que m'agrada i que és més que només un jugador de futbol, i això ha estat molt difícil per a mi

that I like and that is more than just a football player, and that has been very difficult for me

d'entendre i sé que moltes de nosaltres

to understand and I know that many of us

realment només anem a entrenar. Si vam tenir un bon entrenament, vam tenir un bon dia

we are really just going to train. If we had a good training session, we had a good day.

després del futbol, i si vam tenir un mal entrenament, doncs no fem gaire i

after football, and if we had a bad training session, then we don't do much and

ets una mica triste per la resta del dia perquè no t'has satisfet

You are a bit sad for the rest of the day because you haven't satisfied yourself.

de la teva vida.

of your life.

Sí, és molt difícil, és un ambient de molt gran estrès, i no depèn de què

Yes, it is very difficult, it is an environment of great stress, and it does not depend on what.

t'ho diguis, com avui, com que m'ho deixaré anar, com que vaig tenir un mal entrenament,

I'll let it go, like today, since I had a bad training session.

encara que just t'afecta, saps?

Even if it just affects you, you know?

Tinc una pregunta de algú que òbviament no va jugar a l'NWSL,

I have a question from someone who obviously did not play in the NWSL,

aquest és McKenzie, tu saps, vau tenir recursos d'alguna mena a l'NWSL

this is McKenzie, you know, you had some kind of resources in the NWSL

per a la salut mental? Perquè això és una gran part de la seva vida.

for mental health? Because this is a big part of their life.

Sí, en l'endemà de, tu saps, sí, en realitat, el meu primer any, quan estava amb, quan

Yes, on the day after, you know, yes, in reality, my first year, when I was with, when

estava amb la Rain, vam tenir una noia anomenada, una dona anomenada Mariah, no sé

I was with Rain, we had a girl named, a woman named Mariah, I don't know.

el seu últim nom, i després, crec que l'any passat, vam portar l'Ennyi a la meitat

his last name, and then, I think last year, we brought Ennyi halfway.

o alguna cosa així. Sí, i vaig fer, com a meitat de l'any passat, vaig rebre

or something like that. Yes, and I did, like halfway through last year, I received

i vaig parlar amb algú, no era l'Ennyi, però era algú que m'havia donat

I spoke with someone, it wasn't Ennyi, but it was someone who had given me.

a mi de l'NWSL. Així que nosaltres, gràcies a Déu, tenim aquests recursos.

To me from the NWSL. So we, thank God, have these resources.

Jo crec que l'NWSL, sí, està fent un joc molt millor sobre, sí, sobre donar

I believe that the NWSL is indeed playing a much better game about, yes, about giving.

jugadors amb aquests recursos. I és que és cobert per l'NWSL o per la team

players with these resources. And it is covered by the NWSL or by the team

que ets afiliada amb? Sí, sí, ho és, sí.

Who are you affiliated with? Yes, yes, she is, yes.

Així que, jo just sé, en els anys abans, no era així, saps? Era

So, I just know that in the years before, it wasn't like this, you know? It was

tan greu, m'agradava parlar sobre, com, el meu primer any a la Lliga, i, com,

so serious, I liked talking about, how, my first year in the League, and, how,

jo estava fent, com, 9, 9 anys, sí, i, com, el meu últim any, em dic, oh, my

I was doing, like, 9, 9 years, yes, and, like, my last year, I said, oh, my.

God, I'm rich, i encara, com, res, saps? Com, és difícil, com, la gent

God, I'm rich, and still, how, nothing, you know? How, it's difficult, how, people.

no està conscient de l'estil financier, moltes de les jugadores de l'NWSL

"She is not aware of the financial style, many of the players in the NWSL."

tenen, i llavors, quan jo, com, porto això, com, hey, el mínim és 35,

they have, and then, when I, like, carry this, like, hey, the minimum is 35,

que és tan mínim, la gent és, com, què? Saps? És tan

What is so minimal, people are, like, what? You know? It's so

com un curs glorificat, perquè ets, com, aquest

like a glorified course, because you are, like, this

pro-atlete, iba percsった estanyen molt nets, com,

pro-athlete, they were very clean, like,

tornat, com, jo he de pagar apostar ara, i, com, com, com

returned, how, do I have to pay to bet now, and, how, how, how

jo ho faig? Com, com, com, com, com, com, com, com, com, com, com, com, smell

Do I do it? How, how, how, how, how, how, how, how, how, how, how, how, smell.

mira jubilat, que fa tôsei molts mesos que

Look retired, it's been many months since

és com, com, dos, liquidar la Both tribes y occupant-la muy poco

It is like, like, two, to settle the Both tribes and occupy it very little.

long because i was like wow that's like nothing i know i'm like that's a lot of money i was like

long because I was like wow that's like nothing I know I'm like that's a lot of money I was like

wait is that what you pay now kelly no no we said it we were talking hypothetically yeah i my jaw

Wait, is that what you pay now, Kelly? No, no, we said it; we were talking hypothetically. Yeah, my jaw.

was on the floor i know it's just like i'm learning all about life now just rent um what else yeah

I was on the floor, I know it's just like I'm learning all about life now, just rent, um, what else, yeah.

just having a a job like working kind of normal hours like odd hours yeah yeah but your hours are

just having a job like working kind of normal hours like odd hours yeah yeah but your hours are

still really nice huh like what time do you guys train uh we start activation at 10 10 and then

still really nice huh like what time do you guys train uh we start activation at 10 10 and then

what time do you have to report like how what time do you have to get in the facility you have to get

What time do you have to report, like what time do you have to get into the facility?

in there by 9 15 the 2020

in there by 9:15 on 2020

so like speaking of that like what is your everyday schedule what is the day in the life

So, speaking of that, what is your everyday schedule? What is a day in the life like?

right now to be you know a houston dash player yeah um i think it could go

Right now to be, you know, a Houston Dash player, yeah, um, I think it could go.



personally it's different than some of the other girls right now um i'm i'm rehabbing uh

Personally, it's different from some of the other girls right now, um, I'm rehabbing.

i had to get my acl redone i didn't tear it but i had i my from my first surgery my surgeon

I had to get my ACL redone; I didn't tear it, but I had issues from my first surgery with my surgeon.

screwed like screwed in my acl too vertically so um it caused a lot of shifting and

screwed like screwed in my ACL too vertically so um it caused a lot of shifting and

um i i was tearing my meniscus slowly

Um, I was slowly tearing my meniscus.

that was a really hard time for you because i remember you would come up to me and like

that was a really hard time for you because I remember you would come up to me and like

tears like welling and you'd be like my knee shifted again and then it's happening really

tears like welling and you'd be like my knee shifted again and then it's happening really

frequently and you're like and twice in one session and that was like rare for her

frequently and you're like and twice in one session and that was like rare for her

very rare because i i you know i was probably like after it was my first like one of my first

very rare because I know that I was probably like after it was my first like one of my first

shifts was actually when um i was

shifts was actually when um i was

en Chicago, i vaig anar a casa.

in Chicago, and I went home.

Va ser una de les primeres que vaig sentir

It was one of the first ones I heard.

que no sabia què era,

that she didn't know what it was,

però em vaig adonar que era dolorós,

but I realized it was painful,



així vaig anar a casa per

so I went home to

fer una cirurgia, però no

to have surgery, but no

vaig treure la menisca o res,

I either had the meniscus removed or nothing.

però va continuar. Ha estat

but he/she continued. He/She has been

una cintura bastant aixecada

a rather high waist

durant els últims tres anys,

during the last three years,

i he tingut

and I have had

moltes xifres de cintura

many waist sizes

on he hagut de

I have had to

posar-me a la cintura

putting me at the waist





veia la cintura

I saw the waist.



la cintura, no ho sé,

the waist, I don't know,

però es va canviar

but it changed

de lloc, i

of place, and

va ser

it was

molt dolorós,

very painful,



ho podia sentir,

I could feel it,

com si fos un xicot de tot el meu cos,

like it were a boy of my whole body,

i va arribar a un punt

and it reached a point



no només

not only

era dolorós,

it was painful,

però també era dolorós

but it was also painful

físicament, perquè

physically, because

per els darrers dos dies

for the last two days

el meu quadre seria

my painting would be

dolent, perquè

bad, because

havia de tornar a

had to return to

no deixar que el meu càlcul

not to let my calculation

fos completament

was completely



recordo el meu MCL,

I remember my MCL,

la meva menisca,

my meniscus,

aquests eren sempre dolorosos,

these were always painful,

però també mentalment.

but also mentally.

Si tinc un bon treinent

If I have a good trainer.

i el meu càlcul s'escapa,

and my calculation escapes,

m'ha matat mentalment

It has killed me mentally.



no sabia què era el problema

I didn't know what the problem was.

per l'última vegada,

for the last time,



em va demanar

he asked me

dos i mig anys

two and a half years

per adonar-me que el meu càlcul

to realize that my calculation

era molt vertical

it was very vertical

i que havia d'haver d'aconseguir

and what I should have achieved

que el fos completament retornat.

that it was completely returned.

Com va ser per tu

How was it for you?

la teva segona vegada

your second time


going there?


Accept it



molt difícil.

very difficult.

Sé que

I know that

hi ha moltes persones

there are many people

que treuen el seu càlcul,

that they take out their calculation,

i que, òbviament,

and that, obviously,

han d'aconseguir la cirurgia,

they must achieve the surgery,



vaig arribar a un punt

I reached a point.

en què em vaig dir

in what I said to myself

que puc jugar,

what can I play,

però que estic molt malalt,

but I am very sick,

però que puc jugar.

but I can play.

I això va tornar a la part

And that returned to the part.

en què

in what

sóc més que només

I am more than just

un jugador de joc.

a game player.



I va ser molt difícil per mi

It was very difficult for me.

de, com,

of, how,

haver de tirar-me'n

have to get away

de l'esport.

of sport.

I, com,

I, like,

d'alguna manera,


va ser més fàcil,

it was easier,

perquè sabia què m'explicava,

because I knew what he/she was telling me,

però era molt difícil

but it was very difficult

per mi

for me


to accept it.

I tenia una por

I was scared.




I would accept it.

després de la cirurgia.

after the surgery.

I no podia caminar.

I couldn't walk.

I, per desgràcia,

And, unfortunately,


I accepted it.

Quan la meva mare

When my mother

va venir a la ciutat

he came to the city

i ens preparàvem

and we were preparing

les coses

the things


the day after



feia les acompanyaments

I was making the accompaniments.

de la doctora

of the doctor

i tot això.

and all this.



ja fa 5 mesos

It's been 5 months.

i va anar bé.

It went well.

Puc marxar,

I can leave,

puc fer un joc de joc.

I can play a game.

És lenta,

She is slow.



estic feliç.

I am happy.

Tinc una bona cintura.

I have a good waist.

O bé,

Or else,

una bona cintura.

a good waist.



Crec que aquesta

I think that this

era la part més difícil

it was the hardest part

de la teva situació.

of your situation.



t'havies d'eleccionar

you had to be elected

per fer la cirurgia.

to undergo surgery.

T'havies d'explicar.

You had to explain yourself.

No era com

It was not like.



s'havia rupturat

it had ruptured

o res d'això.

or none of that.



Va ser

It was.

l'última setmana

the last week

de l'estiu

of the summer

en què

in what

volia acabar

I wanted to finish.

tan malament,

so bad,



la doctora

the doctor

m'ha dit

he/she told me



el meu






molt malament.

very bad.

O que




un risc

a risk

més alt,






Tens que fer

You have to do.

la decisió

the decision

a llarg termini,

in the long term,



Per fer-la.

To do it.

Potser no pots jugar ara,

Maybe you can't play now,

però en 9 o 10 mesos

but in 9 or 10 months


will be

una cintura

a waist

molt saludable.

very healthy.



No l'hauríem de parlar.

We shouldn’t talk about it.

Vull dir que,

I mean that,

per exemple,

for example,

era possible

it was possible

que s'hagués ficat

that he/she would have gotten in

el meniscus,

the meniscus,



en aquell moment

at that moment

estic tan gran

I am so big.

de ser

to be





no ho volia fer.

I didn't want to do it.



L'únic que havia tornat

The only one that had returned.

era el meniscus,

it was the meniscus,

però l'ACL

but the ACL

era tan museal

it was so museum-like



o no tan museal,

or not so museum-like,









altres les ligamentes

other ligaments



no era

it was not

I bet you the team is happy to have you

I bet the team is happy to have you.

kind of around and kind of out there

a bit around and a bit out there

because you're such a light and you bring so much

because you're such a light and you bring so much

positive energy and you're so fun to be around

positive energy i ets tan divertit estant a prop

which was why I was attracted to you

which was why I was attracted to you

in a sense, like our friendship

in a sense, like our friendship

so I bet

so I bet

they're looking forward to having you back

They are looking forward to having you back.

Thanks, Callie

Thanks, Callie.

She always gets weird when I

She always gets weird when I.

compliment her

compliment her

Some blushing going on

Hi ha alguns enrojolaments en marxa.

Yeah, she's like

Yeah, she's like

I was gonna say that

I was going to say that.

and Callie knows this

and Callie knows this

because I wrote it on her birthday card

because I wrote it on her birthday card

I sent her this year

I sent her this year.

but I was gonna say literally

però volia dir literalment

my first memory

my first memory

of Callie was our first day

of Callie was our first day

of preseason and she was

of preseason and she was

sitting in the front row

sitting in the front row

and our old coach

i el nostre vell entrenador

was like

was like

trying to find

trying to find

someone to like pick a smile

someone to make me smile

to draw a smiley face

to draw a smiley face

and he picked Callie

i va escollir Callie

and I was like

i jo estava com així

that is just so

that is just so



She was like weird

She was like strange.

Well, then

Well, then

we always sat next to each other

we always sat next to each other

in like a film

in like a film

and she, I would like take it seriously

and she, I would like to take it seriously

like I would watch the screen

like I would watch the screen

I would too

Jo també.

Yes, you would

Sí, ho faries.

but she does this thing with her toes

but she does this thing with her toes

she's like very

she's like very

it's kind of gross

it's kind of gross

she has really pretty feet

She has really pretty feet.

but like she can like pinch you with her toes

but like she can pinch you with her toes

so she would like pinch me

so she would like to pinch me

during the film

during the film

and I would like

I would like

just like try to focus

just like try to focus

or she would like

or she would like

mess with my hair

mess with my hair

or like pull it back

or like pull it back

or she would always mess with like Maria

or she would always mess around with someone like Maria

in front of us

in front of us

like we were always like digging around

like we were always digging around

Maria always had just

Maria sempre va tenir just.

she gets her hair cut like once a week

She gets her hair cut about once a week.

so her hair is always so fresh

so her hair is always so fresh

it was always such a perfect little like

It was always such a perfect little life.

look at the hair

look at the hair

causing chaos during film

causant caos durant la pel·lícula

yes, yes

yes, yes

it's always chaos at that point

It's always chaos at that point.

and then one day

i després un dia

she just came in

ella acaba d'entrar

and started calling everyone fart heads

i va començar a dir a tothom caps de bufador

and then it stuck

i llavors es va quedar enganxat

and then now fart heads

i després ara cap de ventalls

has become like the whole

has become like the whole

like everyone is called a fart head

like everyone is called a fart head

I call

I call

I think I called my dad today

I think I called my dad today.

I was like hey fart head

I was like hey fart head.

I like to say Kelly and I

I like to say Kelly and I.

are co-captain fart heads

are co-captain fart heads

you are team captain of the fart heads

you are team captain of the fart heads

thank you

Thank you

you're welcome

de res

the political field

the political field

is all about reputation

és tot sobre la reputació

so don't let someone squash yours online

so don't let someone squash yours online

secure your name and political future

secure your name and political future

with a web address

amb una adreça web



your political career depends on it

your political career depends on it

but more on a serious note

però més en un to seriós

did you know

did you know

when you were like playing in high school

when you were playing in high school

and like for your club team

i like for your club team

that you wanted to play professional soccer

that you wanted to play professional soccer

like was that like an aspiration

Was that like an aspiration?

you had as like a kid

you had like a kid

or was it more so like

Or was it more like

oh I'm good at soccer

oh I'm good at soccer

I'm gonna go play in college

I'm going to go play in college.

and then oh yeah

i després oh sí

I'm gonna you know or

I'm going to let you know or

yeah I think it

Yeah, I think so.

kind of embarrassing this

kind of embarrassing this

but judgment free zone here with us

but judgment-free zone here with us

I didn't really know

I didn't really know.

there was a woman's professional soccer league

there was a women's professional soccer league

until I was in college

fins que vaig estar a la universitat

it's still an issue with kids nowadays

It's still an issue with kids nowadays.

like I did an appearance the other day

like I made an appearance the other day

and I was like do you guys watch the NWSL

i jo estava com a dir, vosaltres mireu la NWSL?

and they're like what's that?

and they're like what's that?

yeah I didn't know

yeah I didn't know

and then like I just

i llavors com només jo

I knew nothing about it

I knew nothing about it.

and I remember my goalkeeper coach

and I remember my goalkeeper coach

was like would you want to do this

Was it like, would you want to do this?

like would you want to play professional

Like, would you want to play professionally?

I made a comment

I made a comment.

I was like I only want to play professional

I was like I only want to play professionally.

if I'm with the national team

if I'm with the national team

because I literally was like

perquè literalment estava com

if I'm with the national team

if I'm with the national team

I need to be playing soccer

I need to be playing soccer.

like not like almost year round

like not like almost year round

but that didn't happen

però això no va passar

but I'm just

però només soc

I am playing professional soccer

I am playing professional soccer.

but the other part didn't happen

but the other part didn't happen

hopefully maybe one day

hopefully maybe one day

I'll get invited back

I'll get invited back.

cross your fingers

cross your fingers

so what happens with the NWSL draft

So what happens with the NWSL draft?

do you guys enter your name

Do you guys enter your name?

or does your

or does your

like how does that work?

how does that work?

yeah so

yes, so

you take it over

you take it over

you're the one that actually got drafted

you're the one that actually got drafted

I did

I did

and Mac you were there with me

and Mac you were there with me

so Mackenzie was the only one with me

so Mackenzie was the only one with me

when I got drafted

when I was drafted

and it was so sweet

and it was so sweet

you were ridiculous

you were ridiculous

because like we all knew

perquè com tots sabíem

how good Callie was in college

how good Callie was in college

and we all knew that she was going to get drafted

and we all knew that she was going to be drafted

and she was just so humble

and she was just so humble

and just like so low key about it

i només així de dissimulat sobre això

that like she didn't want anybody

that like she didn't want anyone

anybody with her

anybody with her

like God forbid she even like went to the draft

like God forbid she even like went to the draft

and I was like okay Callie

and I was like okay Callie

like I'm coming over

like I'm coming over

like we're going to do something about this

like we're going to do something about this

make it like a celebration

make it like a celebration

because she just wanted to watch it

because she just wanted to watch it

by herself in bed

per ella mateixa al llit

I didn't think

I didn't think.

well I didn't think

well I didn't think

I was going to get like drafted

I was going to be drafted.

you just I don't know

you just I don't know

I was never that confident at that point

I was never that confident at that point.

but now with my first year

però ara amb el meu primer any

when I after my first year

quan jo després del meu primer any

I gained so much more confidence

I gained so much more confidence.

because I was like oh wow

perquè estava com oh wow

like I had a contract

like I had a contract

I could hang you know

I could hang you know.

but yeah to go back on the draft

but yeah to go back on the draft

you just enter your name

you just enter your name

and like some credentials

i com algunes credencials

and then they have like a list

i llavors tenen com una llista

and they get to pick

and they get to choose

yeah we just sat there

yeah we just sat there

and we watched the TV

and we watched the TV

and I'm like I know your name is coming

and I'm like I know your name is coming

and you're like probably not

i tu ets com probablement no

you know like whatever it's okay

you know like whatever it's okay

and I'm like no your name is definitely coming

and I'm like no your name is definitely coming

and you were the what pick

and you were the what pick

the 12th

the 12th

that's incredible

that's incredible

yeah thanks

yes, thank you

very cool

molt xulo

thanks boo

gràcies, estimat/estimada

well I got text messages before

Well, I received text messages before.

I even like

I even like

because my feed was slower

because my feed was slower

so I was getting congratulations

so I was receiving congratulations



and then

i després

oh no

oh no

yeah and then it kind of like

yeah and then it kind of like

wasn't like as surprising

wasn't as surprising

but yeah

but yes

that is right

that is right

I forgot about that

I forgot about that.

I know

I know

but yeah so

but yeah so

Mackenzie's the day one

Mackenzie's the day one.

she was there with me

she was there with me

she drove all the way to my parents house

Ella va conduir tot el camí fins a casa dels meus pares.

so you guys both played

so you both played

NWSL for two different teams

NWSL per a dos equips diferents

so Spirit

so Spirit



you played from the Spirit

you played from the Spirit

and then you went to the Dash right

And then you went to the Dash, right?

and then Ella went from the Rain to the Dash

And then Ella went from the Rain to the Dash.

or maybe even Chicago in there somewhere

o potser fins i tot Chicago en algun lloc allà dins

no I was

no I was

I was never contracted with Chicago

I was never contracted with Chicago.



are there like big differences

Are there big differences?

between teams you play for

entre equips pels quals jugues

in terms of

in terms of

maybe culture

potser cultura



or like what was that like

or like what was that like

playing for two different teams

jugant per a dues equips diferents

and you know

i sabeu

either getting traded

o ser intercanviat

or having to

or having to

you know

you know

pick up your life

pick up your life

and move somewhere else

i moure's a un altre lloc



I think it was

I think it was

it was definitely challenging

It was definitely challenging.



I was going to leave Washington

I was going to leave Washington.





went to college at Washington State

went to college at Washington State

and then

i després

my time there at Washington State

el meu temps allà a l'Estat de Washington

I would travel back and forth

I would travel back and forth.

from Pullman

from Pullman

to Seattle

a Seattle

and Bellevue

and Bellevue

and those places over there

and those places over there

so like

so like

I was very

I was very

very familiar

very familiar

and like

and like

I was there for seven years

I was there for seven years.

I lived in Washington

I lived in Washington.

for seven years

for seven years





I walked

I walked

I would walk out of my apartment

I would walk out of my apartment.

in Washington

in Washington

and see the water every day

and see the water every day

I would drive to practice

I would drive to practice.

every morning

cada matí

and I would see Mount Rainier

i veuria el Mount Rainier





there was this beautiful

there was this beautiful

it's called Five Mile

it's called Five Mile

it was right by our apartment

it was right by our apartment

and it was just a beautiful drive

and it was just a beautiful drive

and you're just like

i ets com només

enclosed by trees

enclaved by trees

and it was

and it was

it was

it was

it was so beautiful

It was so beautiful.

that like

like that

if you had a bad day at training

if you had a bad day at training

like you just

like you just

you literally just get to see water

you literally just get to see water

and you get to hear water

and you get to hear water

and you get to see

and you get to see

beautiful mountains

beautiful mountains

that are so much bigger than you

that are so much bigger than you

so realizing

so realizing

I was

I was

getting traded to the Dash

being traded to the Dash

it was a little challenging

it was a little challenging

like realizing

like realizing

I was leaving the West Coast

I was leaving the West Coast.

but I knew that there was

but I knew that there was

probably a better opportunity

probablement una millor oportunitat

for me here

for me here

and I was like

i jo estava com a

I'm going to get back

I'm going to get back.



I did

I did.

I also moved into

I also moved into

another great apartment

un altre gran apartament

and I had

i had



I've moved out since

I've moved out since then.





I had like floor to ceiling windows

I had floor-to-ceiling windows.

and that was beautiful

and that was beautiful

and I loved it

i em va encantar



I also

I also

I also had a roommate

I also had a roommate.

that really like

that really like

helped me adapt

helped me adapt



it was

it was

it was a little challenging

it was a little challenging

but like

but like

it was a little challenging

It was a little challenging.

but I definitely

però jo definitivament

found the things

found the things

that like

that like

make me happy again

make me happy again

I lived across

I lived across.

from like

from like

a beautiful park

a beautiful park

and I would

i ho faria

walk in the park

walk in the park

and I would see ducks

i veuria ànecs

and I would see squirrels

i veuria esquirols

and I would see lizards

and I would see lizards

and like

and like

I love that stuff

I love that stuff.

and I

and I

I would really force myself

I would really push myself.

even though like

even though like

I wanted to be in bed

I wanted to be in bed.

and I wanted to be on TikTok

and I wanted to be on TikTok

and I wanted to just

i només volia

not do anything

not do anything

I forced myself

I forced myself.

to get outside

to get outside

and I found the things

and I found the things

that like I loved again

that I loved again



and she forced me

and she forced me

to get outside too

to get outside too

and I forced you

and I forced you

to delete TikTok

to delete TikTok

off your phone too

turn off your phone too

but it's probably back on it

però probablement ja hi és de nou

well I just find that

bé, només trobo que

so interesting

so interesting

because I think

perquè penso

as like me

like me

just being a sports fan

just being a sports fan

like I

like me

we romanticize

we romanticize

the idea of like

the idea of liking



being like

being like

oh this player's

oh, this player's

coming to my team

coming to my team

or like we traded

or like we exchanged

this player for

this player for

you know this

you know this

and as fans

i com a aficionats

it's one thing

it's one thing

but like

però com

you don't really think

you don't really think

about what it's like

about what it’s like

to be that athlete

to be that athlete

that just

that just

has to actually

has to actually

get up

get up

and pack all their bags

i fer les maletes

and change their life

i canviar la seva vida



and you're rebuilding

i estàs reconstruint

like a community

like a community

you know

you know



you're moving somewhere

you're moving somewhere

you don't know a lot of people

you don't know a lot of people



being new

being new

to a team

to a team

you're like

you’re like

who's gonna be my friend

who's going to be my friend



who am I gonna

who am I gonna

gonna connect with

gonna connect with

and then you have to

i després has de

kind of restart

kind of restart

that whole like

that whole like

community process

community process

yeah that's a whole

yeah that's a whole

another outlook

another outlook

on the situation

on the situation



like how did you find out

Like, how did you find out?



that you were getting traded

that you were being traded

how did I find out

how did I find out


I have a bad memory

I have a bad memory.



I think I was

I think I was

I was at home

I was at home.

in California

in California

and I was kind of

i jo estava una mica

talking with my GM

talking with my GM

at the time

at the time



like I said

like I said

I knew

I knew



I got

I got

I got told

I was told.

some things

algunes coses



really just didn't

realment simplement no ho va fer

sit right with me

sit right with me



I knew

I knew

I wanted

I wanted

to push myself

to push myself

so I

so I

I asked for a trade

I asked for a trade.





and he just came to me

i ell just va venir a mi

and told me

i em va dir

that the Dash

that the Dash

were interested

were interested

and like

and like

if I was interested

if I were interested

and I said yes

and I said yes



and it just kind of

and it just kind of

happened like that

happened like that

and then

and then

I talked to James

I talked to James.

he was our coach

he was our coach

at the time

at the time

and I talked with James

i vaig parlar amb en James

and he kind of told me

i em va dir una mica

a little bit about the Dash

a little bit about the Dash

and I was like

i jo era com

okay yeah

okay yeah

like I would like to

com m'agradaria de





I think

I think

that happened in

that happened in



and then I

i després jo

drove my car there

drove my car there

with my dad

amb el meu pare

in January

in January



I was like

I was like



the NWSL

the NWSL

is really tough

is really tough

because a lot

because a lot

of it is

of it is

coaches discretion

coaches' discretion



there's percentage

there's a percentage



between the players

between the players

like for example

like for example

Ebony Salmon

Ebony Salmon

wasn't playing

wasn't playing

at all

at all

at Louisville

at Louisville

and then she comes

i després ella ve

to the Dash

to the Dash

and scores like

i puntuacions com

10 goals

10 goals

you know what I mean

you know what I mean

so it

so it

does that have to do

Does that have to do?

like fitting into a system

like fitting into a system

better or the coach

better or the coach

just being able

just being able

to utilize their skill

to utilize their skill



I think it would be both

I think it would be both.



Ebony fit our system

Ebony fits our system.

and granted

i concedit



they built the system

they built the system

for her

per ella



when Juan came in

when Juan came in

was like

was like

let's play Ebony

let's play Ebony

you know

you know

and then

i després



some of it is

some of it is

coaches discretion too

coaches' discretion too

like hey

like hey

we want this player

we want this player

and we're gonna play her

and we're going to play her

no matter what

no importa què

you know

you know

which is again

which is again

like really tough

like really tough

it's a tough lifestyle

it's a tough lifestyle



then you're like

then you're like

well there's nothing

well there's nothing

I can do

I can do

you know

you know

they like this player

they like this player

and that's why

i per això

a lot of times

a lot of times

like players

like players

really have to advocate

really have to advocate

for themselves

for themselves

with playing

amb jugar

time and or trades

temps i/o comerços

like hey

like hey

I need to be

I need to be

in a place

in a place

where I'm gonna get

where I'm going to get

the best opportunity

the best opportunity

and then sometimes

i després de vegades

trades just

fair trades

so scandalous

so scandalous

this year

this year

like Lynn Williams

like Lynn Williams

going to Gotham

going to Gotham

I was like

I was like

where did that come from

D'on va això?



and also girls

i també noies

being waived

being waived





that was

that was



that's another thing

that's another thing

that like

that like

it's worse

it's worse

than being traded

than being traded



you're left

you’re left







if you

if you



if you get

if you get



in that

in that

like a period

like a period

of time

of time

that you can

that you can

get cut

get cut



you have

you have

one month

one month



what are you gonna do

what are you going to do

you know

you know

it's like

it's like

you have to

you have to

you then have to

you then have to



pick the pieces

pick the pieces



and put them

i posa'ls





and like

and like



figure it out


and it's hard

and it's hard

and like

i like

with being traded

amb ser negociat

it's like

it's like



I'm gonna live

I'm going to live

in this apartment

in this apartment

and I'm gonna

and I'm gonna

play with this

juga amb això



and I'm gonna

i vaig a



you're like

estàs com



it's hard

it's hard



you obviously

you obviously

have to adapt

have to adapt

but like

però com

when you're

when you're





or cut

or cut

it's just like

it's just like

I'm moving

Em moc.

back in

back in

with my mom

amb la meva mare

and dad

i dad



or like

or like

unless like

unless like

a team

a team



invites you

invites you

to a camp

to a camp

or like

or like

you get picked up

you get picked up

by another team

per un altre equip

but like

però com

sometimes that

a vegades això

does happen

does happen

where like

On where

girls just

girls just

go home

go home

can you get

can you get

waived at any time

waived at any time

does this have to do

does this have to do

with what your

with what your



you know

you know



what is

what is

what is getting

what is getting



yeah so

yeah so

there's a

there's a



in your contract

in your contract

that says like

that says like

guaranteed or

guaranteed or



if you're

if you're



you can get cut

you can get cut

at any time

at any time

so that's why

so that's why

again it's like

again it's like

really nice dress

molt bonic vestit

but there's like

però hi ha com

a time

a time



so like

so like

I think so

I think so.

you can get cut

you can get cut



but as soon as

but as soon as

it hits August

it hits August

it closes

it closes

so you can't get cut

so you can't get hurt

but that's like

però això és com

yeah but it's August

sí, però és agost.

and like

and like

season's over October

the season's over October

so it's like

so it's like



that's like

that's like

two months

two months

of like

of like

you're locked in

estàs tancat

but that's

però això és

the season starts

the season starts

oh my gosh

oh my gosh

the season started

the season started

for you guys

per a vosaltres

in February this year

in February this year



that's another

that's another

crazy thing

crazy thing

so now

so now

oh my gosh

oh my gosh

are you guys

are you guys

sick of each other yet

sick of each other yet

or what

or what

no I actually

no jo en realitat

want more of my teammates

I want more of my teammates.

I don't really get

I don't really understand.

to see them often

to see them often

I know

I know

that was always

that was always

like hard for me

like hard for me

when like

when like

I didn't make

I didn't make

the travel roster

the travel roster

is like

is like

I didn't have anyone

I didn't have anyone.

to like

to like

really hang out with

really spend time with

and then as soon as

i després tan aviat com

everyone got back

tothom va tornar

I wanted to see them all

I wanted to see them all.

but everyone was already

but everyone was already

so sick of each other

tan tips uns dels altres

from hanging out

from hanging out

with each other

els uns amb els altres

all the time

all the time

they're like

són com

I have to see today

I have to see today.

I know

I know

I'm like

I'm like



can I come over

Can I come over?

no you would come over

no, you would come over

you would come over

you would come over

to Emily's

to Emily's



and you're

i tu ets

how am I

how am I

the funniest thing

the funniest thing

about this

about this

is that

is that







Callie and I

Callie i jo

became friends

became friends

and then

i després

I started coming over

I started coming over.

to Callie's house

to Callie's house

and Callie

and Callie

and Emily

i Emily

were roommates

eren companys de pis

Callie decided

Callie decided



leave me

leave me

high and dry

high and dry



I'm not kidding

No estic fent broma.



I'm kidding

Estic bromejant.

Callie decided

Callie decided



leave me

leave me











I am roommates

I am roommates.

with Emily

amb Emily



where's her puppy

Where's her puppy?

oh Mr. Tucker

oh Mr. Tucker

he's right

he's right



I saw him

I saw him.



oh he's so handsome

oh, és tan atractiu

I miss him so much

I miss him so much.

he's adorable

he's adorable

we got Mr. Tucker

we got Mr. Tucker

in the building

in the building

did Ella move

Did Ella move?

into your old apartment

a la teva antiga casa





different apartment

different apartment

she stole my roommate

She stole my roommate.

that's all

això és tot



there's some beef then

So there's some conflict then.

my roommates

my roommates





and McKinley

and McKinley



I live with

I live with

a married couple

a married couple



so that's another

so that's another

odd thing right

odd thing right

like some of these girls

like some of these girls

are married

are married

in the league

in the league

and they still have to have

and they still have to have



or they're still living

or they're still living

away from their partner

lluny de la seva parella



if you get traded

if you get traded





is your

is your

your partner's coming with

your partner's coming with



the lifestyle is really rough

the lifestyle is really rough





not married yet

not married yet

and I'm retired

and I'm retired



didn't affect me

didn't affect me

at all

not at all







do you want to play

Do you want to play?

a little game

a little game



of uh

of uh

drink or spell

beu o lletreja



did you come up

did you come up

with this game

amb aquest joc





I saw it

I saw it.

on a

on a







or something

or something

she did start out

ella va començar

by saying


she invented it

she invented it

yeah I did

sí, ho vaig fer

I'm like

I'm like



I'm pretty sure

Estic bastant segur.

I've seen it

I've seen it.

plenty of times

plenty of times

but it's a great idea

but it's a great idea

very fun for the show

very fun for the show

I like the idea

I like the idea.

on their show

on their show

instead of like

instead of like



like something

like something

like water

like water

they have to drink

they have to drink

or eat something

or eat something





I saw that

I saw that.



I do know

I do know

I do

I do

I have seen that

I have seen that

I've seen

I've seen

celebs do that

celebrities do that



am I

am I





but I think

però crec

that's like

that's like

another thing

another thing



when I was in the NWSL

when I was in the NWSL

I was waiting

I was waiting

just to like

just to like

get big

get big

you know what I mean

you know what I mean



oh man

oh home

I'm a pro athlete

Sóc un atleta professional.

like I should be

like I should be

so famous

so famous

and like

i com

I still

I still

have like

have like



and I'm like

i sóc com

can we

can we

need to try

need to try

to get Ella famous

to make Ella famous

because first of all

perquè primer de tot

you're gorgeous

you’re gorgeous

so like

so like

marketing potential

marketing potential

is unreal

is unreal

for her

per ella

second of all


you're funny

Ets divertit.

so like

so like

the more jokes

the more jokes

you say

you say

on this podcast

on this podcast



but we're

però som

gonna go viral

gonna go viral

and then

and then

you're gonna be

you're going to be

making millions

fent milions

and I get a cut

and I get a cut

and a portion

and a portion



can we talk about

can we talk about

manifesting this

manifestant això

can we just talk about

can we just talk about

your DM

el teu DM

which one

which one

you know who

you know who

oh my gosh

oh my gosh

it's really embarrassing

és realment vergonyós



famous celebrities

famous celebrities

this drinker

this drinker

just somehow

just somehow

like reverse

like reverse

into being

into being





like spill

like spill

drinker spill

drinker spill



famous celebrities

famous celebrities

to try to get them

to try to get them

to support

to support

the NWSL

the NWSL

so I've like

so I've like

DM'd Kim Kardashian

DM'd Kim Kardashian

who else

who else

have I DM'd

have I sent a direct message

I DM'd this like

I DM'd this like

famous French pastry

famous French pastry

like how do you go

like how do you go

from Kim Kardashian

from Kim Kardashian

to like a French pastry chef

to like a French pastry chef

honestly like

honestly like

I have just

I have just

no shame in it

no shame in it

you know

you know



no one ever replies

no one ever replies

there will be

there will be

that one person

that one person

that does

that does









I'm really trying

Estic realment intentant.

to get like

to get like

the really famous people

the really famous people

to like support

to like support

and post about the NWSL

And post about the NWSL.

so we can

so we can

you know

you know

advocate for women

advocat per a les dones

in sport

in sport

well what I thought

well what I thought

was like

was like

owners now

owners now

are becoming a big thing

are becoming a big thing

like how

like how

Patrick Mahomes

Patrick Mahomes

is now on board

is now on board

with Kansas

with Kansas

and so like

and so like

that brings in

that brings in

a lot of attention

a lot of attention

for obviously

for obviously

people who aren't

people who aren't

soccer fans

soccer fans

who everyone

who everyone

who is Patrick Mahomes

Who is Patrick Mahomes?



well Angel City

well Angel City

they get like

they become like

bring in Jennifer Gardner

bring in Jennifer Gardner

like how cool is that

how cool is that

being in LA

being in LA

has a lot of parts

has a lot of parts



Sophia Bush

Sophia Bush

like all

like all

Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman

I'm like

I'm like

oh man

oh home



how am I in

how am I in

I should

I should

I should DM them

I should DM them.

can you

can you

can you please

Can you please

remind me

remind me

of what you DM'd

of what you DM'd

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

I DM'd

I sent a direct message.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

were you like

were you like

sober for this

sober for this



I was

I was

I DM'd her

I sent her a direct message.

and they said

i van dir

because it was

because it was

it was during

it was during

her divorce

her divorce

with Kanye

amb Kanye

and she was

i ella era

he was being

he was being

a little cray cray

a little crazy

he was a little

he was a little





and I felt

i em vaig sentir

so bad for her

so bad for her

yeah I felt

Sí, em vaig sentir.

so bad for her

so bad for her

and I was like

i jo era com



you are a strong

you are strong

like powerful woman

like a powerful woman

I don't know what

I don't know what



I mean

I mean

I was like

I was like

keep doing your thing

keep doing your thing

and if you want

and if you want

to support

to support

watch the NWS

watch the NWS

I don't know

I don't know

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

if you're listening

if you're listening



offer still on the table

offer still on the table

I like

I like

it's so embarrassing

it's so embarrassing

but like

but like



so I've been trying

So I've been trying.

to like hook

to like to hook

Ella up

She up

with some marketing

amb una mica de màrqueting



so I've literally

so I've literally

been DMing

been DMing

DMing every company

DMing every company

out of my mind

out of my mind

for her

for her

it's a good friend

it's a good friend

yeah so

sí, així que

I mean

I mean

still waiting

encara esperant

on some replies

on some replies

can anyone reply to me

can anyone reply to me

all right

all right

so before we wrap it up

so before we finish it up

let's do a few

let's do a few

drinker spills

drinker spills



and then

i després

unfortunately our time

unfortunately our time

is coming to an end

is coming to an end

but let's get some tea first

però primer anem a prendre un te

should we do some questions

Should we ask some questions?

from your viewers as well

de les teves audiències també



okay let's get some tea

d'acord, anem a prendre una tassa de te



we're gonna go tea first

We're going to have tea first.

okay drinker spill

okay drinker spill

dash edition

dash edition





who is the most dramatic

who is the most dramatic

on the team

on the team













I'm drinking dude

I'm drinking dude

I'm drinking

I'm drinking



and it's water of course

and it's water of course

because she's a person

because she's a person

professional athlete

professional athlete

and we only hydrate

and we only hydrate

with water

amb aigua

and I'm a little sicky

i estic una mica malalt





so who is the funniest

so who is the funniest

on the team

on the team

you know

you know

you want to know

you want to know

who has a good personality

who has a good personality



and not a lot of people

and not many people

get to see it

get to see it







she's the best

she's the best

I've been hanging out

He estat passant temps.

with her

amb ella

and like

and like

we like

we like

we would do our 7am

we would do our 7am

rehab times

rehab times

and I kid you not

and I kid you not

being able to do

being able to do

our rehabs together

our rehabs together

has like

has like

really helped me

really helped me

get through it

get through it

because one

perquè un

I got to know her

I got to know her.

a little bit more

a little bit more



I didn't really get to

I didn't really get to

hang out with her

spend time with her

that much last year

that much last year

but like we've really

però com que realment hem

been able to like

been able to like

and like

and like



get so distracted

get so distracted



just talking

just talking

like it's so good

like it's so good

do you like her so much

Do you like her so much?

because she laughs

because she laughs

at your jokes

at your jokes



Michelle is like sneaky

Michelle és com astuta.

because she's like

perquè ella és com

very quiet

very quiet

but like

pero com

she likes to have a good time

She likes to have a good time.

you know

you know




like she has a little

like she has a little

she has a little attitude

ella té una mica d'actitud

which like

which like

you wouldn't expect

you wouldn't expect

because she's so nice

perquè és tan amable


but then

però llavors



she's definitely

ella és definitivament

one of my favorites

one of my favorites



who's your favorite coach

who's your favorite coach



who's Hiro

Who is Hiro?



is one of the

is one of the

I just like Hiro

I just like Hiro



we have this thing

tenim aquesta cosa



he's like

he's like





but it like

but it like

it's Hiro

it's Hiro

you know

you know

he's like

he's like

good morning

good morning





and that's

i això és

like a personality trait

like a personality trait

that just works

that just works



that's the thing

això és el que hi ha

that I like so much

that I like so much

about him

about him

is because

is because



good morning Ella

good morning Ella

and I'm like

i sóc com

hey Hiro

Hey Hiro



when he doesn't

quan no ho fa

say hi to me


you can defend it

you can defend it



you're like Hiro

you’re like Hiro

come on

come on



and before film

i abans de filmar

he would always start

he would always start

what would he always say

what would he always say

good morning everybody

Good morning everybody.





like clockwork

like clockwork

wait is it good morning everybody

Wait, is it good morning everybody?



is it




I don't know

I don't know

oh shoot

oh shoot

we missed

we missed

I don't know

I don't know

but there was something

but there was something

he would always say

he would always say

okay ready

Okay ready.

who's the smelliest

who's the smelliest



who smells

who smells

pretty nasty

molt lleig







I do

I do

I'm not gonna say

No diré.



all right

all right

who's the messiest

who's the messiest

who has the messiest

who has the messiest



I don't know

I don't know

it's really hard

it's really hard

because our locker

perquè el nostre armari

was split

was split

so I only go

so I only go

to one half

to one half

who's the messiest

who's the messiest

in your locker

in your locker

I don't know

I don't know



I don't know

I don't know.

Shay's always got

Shay sempre té

some Adidas shoes

uns sabates Adidas

in there

in there

she always

ella sempre

she's always

ella sempre és



she has like

she has like

shoe boxes

shoe boxes

I was

I was

but it's not because

però no és perquè

she's messy

ella és desordenada

it's because she gets

it's because she gets

set Adidas stuff

set of Adidas gear



that sounds like

that sounds like

a great problem

a great problem

to have

to have

Rose Lavelle's

Rose Lavelle's

locker buddy

locker buddy

back on the spirit

back on the spirit

and you come in

and you come in

and there's just like

i hi ha només com

new balance boxes

new balance boxes

like all the way up

completament amunt

she gave me a pair

she gave me a pair

once I felt pretty

once I felt pretty





did you start

did you start

for you

per a tu

she did

ella ho va fer

big fan

big fan

she did

ella ho va fer

okay so who is

okay so who is

your favorite

your favorite



past or current

past o present





at the dash

at the dash

or just like

or just like

ever in the world

ever in the world







I'll do

I'll do

ever in the world

ever in the world

and NWSL

and NWSL



ever in the world

ever in the world







would have to be

would have to be






espere que sí

on the show

on the show

one day too

un dia també


ella és



and then

i després





wait no

espera no







Emma Dolly

Emma Dolly





oh yeah

oh yeah

and Kelly

i Kelly

she was waiting

ella estava esperant

for that

for that

I was like

I was like

lowkey expecting me

secretly expecting me

and then she said

i llavors ella va dir

Emma and I was like

Emma i jo érem com



like dagger

like a dagger

to my heart

to my heart

no no

no no

okay but I'm gonna say

d'acord però diré

why Emma

per què Emma

but you've known her

però l'has conegut

for so long

for so long

I know

I know

but this is

però això és



and this is why

i és per això

I think

I think



the best teammate

the best teammate

a player could have

a player could have

we both were goalkeepers

we both were goalkeepers



when I came

quan vaig arribar

when she came in

quan ella va entrar

I was starting

I was starting.





it's not easy

it's not easy



you're being a backup goalkeeper

you're being a backup goalkeeper



and she

and she









got down on me

got down on me

she would always

ella sempre ho faria

lift me up

lift me up

even if I was having

even if I was having

a bad day

a bad day

she would call me out

ella em cridaria

and be like

i ser com

Ella you were better

She was better.

than that

than that

and she would always

i ella sempre

want me to do

do you want me to do

a good job

a good job

and like

i like

there was never

there was never

any cat fights

any cat fights

like we never

like we never



okay we would fight

okay, we would fight

all the time

all the time

but it was never

però mai va ser





and like

and like

you know

you know





I just think that like

I just think that like

and that's why she's my best friend

and that's why she's my best friend

to this day

to this day

that like

that like

I just think that

I just think that

it just shows

it just shows

who she is

who she is

as a person

as a person

and it shows

and it shows



amazing she is

she is amazing

and like

and like

how much she actually like

how much she actually likes



and cares for me

i cuida de mi



I think that's one thing

I think that's one thing.

I miss about college too

I miss college too.

is like

is like

everyone celebrates

tothom celebra

isn't afraid to celebrate

isn't afraid to celebrate

your success

el teu èxit

whereas in the end of ESL

whereas in the end of ESL

you don't get that as

you don't get that as





team camaraderie

team camaraderie

with like

with like

the support

the support

you know

you know

okay last one

okay last one

who is the meanest

qui és el més dolent

on the dash

on the dash

you have my attention

you have my attention

no I can't say

no, no puc dir

all right

all right



your water

your water

all right

all right

I would

I would

I would like to

I would like to

I could

I could

tell you

tell you



it would have to be

it would have to be

a separate phone call

a separate phone call

and you know what

and you know what

you already know

you already know



I already know

I already know.

I played for that team

I played for that team.

I know

I know

all right

all right

well Ella

well Ella

it was so nice

it was so nice

having you

having you

thank you for being

thank you for being

our first

our first

ever guest

ever guest

on dot vote sports

on dot vote sports



I loved learning about you

I loved learning about you.

hopefully you

hope you

can come back again

can come back again



maybe like

potser com

it could be like

it could be like

an annual thing

an annual thing

and it can be like

and it can be like

I'll come back on

I'll come back on.

after every

després de cada

50 episodes

50 episodis



you'll be our go-to

you'll be our go-to



featured guest

featured guest





when you can't get

when you can't get

anybody else

anybody else

you know who you call

you know who you're calling



just less sipping

just less sipping

next time

next time

more tea

more tea



this podcast

this podcast



you should have asked me

you should have asked me

about past teams

about past teams

next time

next time



we're running

estem corrent

we're out of time

we're out of time



but this podcast

but this podcast

was sponsored

was sponsored

by dot vote sports

by dot vote sports

find out more

find out more

about dot vote sports

about dot vote sports

at athlete dot vote

at athlete dot vote

and thank you

and thank you

all for listening

everything for listening

that is a wrap

that's a wrap

first one done

first one done

cheers everybody

cheers everybody

I finished

I finished.

an hour ago

an hour ago



oh my god

oh my god

Kelly's drunk

Kelly està borratxa.

that was good

that was good

I know

I know

she was drinking

ella estava bevent

her first top

her first top

and she was like

i ella era com

oh my god

oh my god

I make it a little

I make it a little.

tipsy off this

tipsy off this

I'm like

I'm like

we have other problems

we have other problems

I'm still recording

Estic encara gravant.

that's what cutting is for

per això serveix el tall

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