#Reposició #Delirium 3-5 | Rajoy o Jesucrist? Qui sap més de podcasts?

Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona


#Reposició #Delirium 3-5 | Rajoy o Jesucrist? Qui sap més de podcasts?



Thank you.

Bona nit a tot, casa de Lirium. Jo sóc el Magí i anava a dir com sempre, però avui és una situació una mica irregular.

Good night everyone, Lirium's house. I am Magí and I was going to say as always, but today it is a bit of an irregular situation.

Bé, m'acompanyen en primer lloc el Robert i el Llorenç.

Well, I am accompanied first by Robert and Llorenç.

Bé, Robert, si vols explicar aquesta situació típica avui...

Well, Robert, if you want to explain this typical situation today...

Bé, a veure, avui el Marc no ha pogut venir perquè està fent la volta al món i ara mateix es troba a Perú.

Well, let's see, today Marc couldn't come because he is traveling around the world and is currently in Peru.

I bé, hem pensat que un bon replacement pel Marc seria el Llorenç.

And well, we have thought that a good replacement for Marc would be Llorenç.

I això, aquí estàs, presenta't una mica, no?

And this, here you are, introduce yourself a bit, right?

Bé, soc el Llorenç Martín i soc el reemplaçador.

Well, I am Llorenç Martín and I am the replacement.

I el brazo del Marc ho intentaré fer igual de bé, per lo menys.

And I will try to do Marc's arm just as well, at least.

Bé, ja està bé. L'intenció és el que compta, no?

Well, that's fine. The intention is what matters, isn't it?



Bé, Magí, explica'ns, què farem avui? Sobre què parlarem?

Well, Magí, tell us, what will we do today? What will we talk about?

Avui hem preparat una secció, bé, un programa diferent basat en seccions.

Today we have prepared a section, well, a different program based on sections.

Llavors, cadascú ha preparat la seva, més o menys, però...

Then, each one has prepared their own, more or less, but...

Bé, teníem una pel Marc, però clar, no comptàvem amb això que has dit tu, no?

Well, we had a plan for Marc, but of course, we didn't anticipate what you just mentioned, did we?

Llavors, comencem primer amb la teva i hem parlat que avui ho faríem una mica tot relacionat amb aquest món,

So, let's start first with yours, and we talked about how we would do everything a bit related to this world today.

amb el món de la comunicació, dels programes...

with the world of communication, of programs...

Fins i tot de la televisió i dels podcast en general.

Even from television and podcasts in general.

Llavors, això que al final ens interessa bastant també a nosaltres, a la gent jove.

So, this is something that ultimately interests us quite a bit as well, as young people.

M'agradaria fer un incís abans de començar amb la comunicació.

I would like to make a brief remark before starting with the communication.

I és que, bueno, ja veieu que el Marc ha preparat la seva secció,

And it's just that, well, you can see that Marc has prepared his section,

però no ha tingut comunicació amb nosaltres per dir-nos.

but he/she has not communicated with us to tell us.

És fort, que és el nostre amic i no ens ha dit que està fent la volta al món.

It's strong that he is our friend and hasn't told us that he is traveling around the world.

Ni ens ha convidat, ni res.

She hasn't invited us, or anything.

I ens ha avisat ara a última hora fa cosa d'una hora que estava fent la volta al món.

And he just informed us at the last minute about an hour ago that he was traveling around the world.

Vosaltres creieu que això és una bona comunicació?

Do you all think this is good communication?



Jo, personalment, no.

Me, personally, no.

Jo tampoc. Aquí en Perú, ens ha passat una foto aquí en Perú, un selfie, i ja està.

Me neither. Here in Peru, we took a photo, a selfie, and that's it.

Bueno, no sé.

Well, I don't know.

No m'ha donat ni temps de preparar algú de backup, però bueno...

It hasn't even given me time to prepare a backup person, but well...

Bueno, no passa res, no passa res. El Magí ho porta tot preparat.

Well, it's okay, it's okay. Magí has everything ready.

Sempre, sempre, sempre.

Always, always, always.

Bueno, Magí, si vols et dono pas a la teva secció.

Well, Magí, if you want, I'll pass it to your section.

No m'has dit que començaves tu, m'està fent el lío, no hi ha comunicació.

You didn't tell me that you were starting, it's confusing me, there is no communication.

Ah, començo jo.

Ah, I'll start.

Som com una parella.

We are like a couple.

No, comença tu, comença tu.

No, you start, you start.

Som com un trio amoroso, no hi ha comunicació.

We are like a love trio, there is no communication.

Ara m'has pillat.

Now you've caught me.

Vale, la meva secció està relacionada amb els podcasts. O sigui, no el nostre en general. Us agraden bastant o com aneu de podcast?

Okay, my section is related to podcasts. I mean, not our podcast in general. Do you like them a lot or how do you feel about podcasts?

Jo bé, jo sóc... M'agrada molt Busa Escola, que és un podcast, i després, bueno, el de Wild Project, el de SMAE, Sin Miedo al Éxito es diu, el de Worldcast, sóc fanàtica dels podcasts.

I'm fine, I am... I really like Busa Escola, which is a podcast, and then, well, the Wild Project, the SMAE, Sin Miedo al Éxito it's called, the Worldcast, I’m a fan of podcasts.

No els diguis tots tampoc perquè ara veuràs per què ho dic. I tu, Llorenç, què? Com vas?

Don't tell them all either because now you'll see why I say this. And you, Llorenç, how are you?

Bueno, jo sóc fan de Delirium.

Well, I am a fan of Delirium.



Em sona d'alguna cosa que... Crec que està bastant bé.

It sounds familiar to me that... I think it’s pretty good.

Sí, sí, també està... Fanà Tarragona, crec.

Yes, yes, it is also... Fanà Tarragona, I think.

Normalment participo com a escoltant i avui com a integrant, potser està bastant bé. És quasi un somni.

Normally I participate as a listener and today as a participant, which might be quite nice. It's almost a dream.

És el meu somni des de petit, no ho he de fer.

It has been my dream since I was little, I shouldn't do it.

Però no molts més, eh? Jo no controlo més podcasts.

But not many more, okay? I don't control more podcasts.

Vale, no, jo realment tampoc. O sigui, no n'escolto tants com has dit tu, o no sé si has dit el nom i no els escoltes, o...

Okay, no, I really don't either. I mean, I don’t listen to as many as you said, or I don’t know if you said the name and you don’t listen to them, or...

No, sí, sí, sí que els... Bueno, el que menys potser és Worldcast, que l'he escoltat un parell de cops, però els altres sí que sóc. Per dormir...

No, yes, yes, yes I do... Well, maybe the least is Worldcast, which I've listened to a couple of times, but the others I definitely am. To sleep...

Vale, jo el que he pensat és anar dient podcasts, o sigui, una successió, contínuament anar dient podcasts. Llavors, clar, perdria, doncs, el primer que és Quedi en Blanc. Llavors, què us sembla que ho podem fer?

Okay, what I thought is to keep mentioning podcasts, that is, a succession, continuously mentioning podcasts. So, of course, I would lose the first one, which is Quedi en Blanc. So, what do you think, can we do it this way?

Però si he perdut ja!

But I have already lost!

No, com has dit... Home, els pots dir, els pots tornar a repetir. Podcasts mitjanament rellevants.

No, as you said... Well, you can tell them, you can repeat them. Somewhat relevant podcasts.

Però t'has guanyat, ja!

But you've earned it, already!

I aquest de Delirium a mi no em sona gaire, per tant no, però els que has dit, per exemple, que us escola, vale, t'ho passo. Llavors, com ho voleu fer? Perquè ho he pensat, però no sé com ho voleu fer. Si, per exemple, durant un minut, un minut i algun hem dient, i el primer, potser, que tardi més de cinc segons, en dir un podcast...

And this one from Delirium doesn’t ring a bell for me, so no, but the ones you mentioned, for example, that you school, okay, I’ll pass it to you. So, how do you want to do it? Because I’ve thought about it, but I don’t know how you want to do it. If, for example, during a minute, a minute and some seconds we’re talking, and the first one, maybe, takes longer than five seconds to name a podcast...

Vale, jo faria...

Okay, I would do...

Sí, aquesta era la idea.

Yes, that was the idea.

Però no fem un minut, fem fins que caiguin tots. Vale.

But let's not do it for a minute, let's do it until they all fall. Okay.

Però has de tenir un temps, o sigui, jo si estic sis hores així pensant...

But you have to have a time, that is, if I spend six hours like this thinking...

Fem així.

Let's do it this way.

Cinc segons, hòstia, però així m'ha posat les nervioses per mi.

Five seconds, damn it, but that's made me nervous.

No, però...

No, but...

No, no miraré. Sí, sí.

No, I won't look. Yes, yes.

Si no has d'estar pendent del crono. Fem així, tranquilos.

If you don't have to keep an eye on the clock. Let's do it this way, calmly.

Vale, per cap, més o menys.

Okay, per head, more or less.

Vale, va.

Okay, come on.

Dóna-li, dóna-li, va.

Give it to him, give it to him, come on.

Bueno, però no em deixes mirar, jo tenia com una llista, també, però no els miraré, no, home, no. Home, li he parlat...

Well, don’t let me look, I also had a list, but I won’t look at them, no way. Well, I talked to him...

És una mica de...

It's a bit of...

Home, li he parlat...

Man, I spoke to him...

Ets tramposillo, eh.

You’re a little cheater, huh?

No, no estic tramposillo, estic a la meitat, ja.

No, I'm not cheating, I'm halfway there, already.

Bueno, va, dóna-li.

Well, go on, give it a try.

Bueno, o sigui, el primer que perdi, si et sembla bé, l'eliminem i que quedin els altres dos.

Well, I mean, the first one to lose, if that's okay with you, we'll eliminate and the other two will remain.

Vale, va.

Okay, go ahead.

Qui comença?

Who starts?

El Llorenç, va.

Llorenç is going.

Home, jo començo jo.

Home, I start.

I com anem?

And how are we going?

Podem repetir els altres detalls, llavors, si vols.

We can repeat the other details, then, if you want.

Posem tres.

Let's put three.



Quins n'havies de dir??

Which ones were you supposed to say??

Només per saber...

Just to know...

No, no, ja no, ja no...

No, no, not anymore, not anymore...

3, 2, 1.

3, 2, 1.

El The Wild Project.

The Wild Project.

Buss Eskola.

Buss School.



El de Crimx.

The Crimx one.

Club 113.

Club 113.

No, no, no, no, no...

No, no, no, no, no...

Com es diu?

What is it called?



Wallah, m'he quedat...

Wallah, I am left...





El de Joe Rogan.

The one by Joe Rogan.

Vai a vaina.

Go to hell.

Pariku que bola.

Pariku, what a ball.

Au, sau!

Come on, get out!

el podcast de Draymond Green

the podcast of Draymond Green

jugador de l'NBA

NBA player

amb la pija i la kinky

with the bitch and the kinky

3, 2, 1

3, 2, 1

salta tu si vols

jump if you want

el podcast de Patrick Beverley

the podcast of Patrick Beverley

un altre jugador de l'NBA

another NBA player

jo estic flipant

I am freaking out.

només si els conec perquè són jugadors

only if I know them because they are players

a veure, vés comptant tu si vols

let's see, you can count if you want

és que m'he quedat

it's just that I have stayed

és que no puc dir

I just can't say.

ha guanyat

has won

el més humil

the humblest

el que ha fet veure

what it has made see

i per què te saps tots els podcast dels jugadors de l'NBA?

And why do you know all the podcasts of the NBA players?

la meva font més confiable

my most reliable source

és TikTok

it's TikTok

jo no m'he escoltat un podcast

I haven’t listened to a podcast.

a part de Rium

apart from Rium

però tu vas saltant

but you keep jumping

i et surten allà

and they come out there

i dius hosti

and you say host

he començat a dir a jugadors que podeu buscar-ho

I have started to tell players that you can look for it.

sé que tenen els podcast

I know they have the podcasts.

perico que vola

parakeet that flies

tu també has dit alguna cosa

you have also said something

jo anava a dir el del Barça

I was going to say the one from Barça.

però no m'ha vingut el nom

but the name hasn't come to me

el que fan els fans del Barça

what the Barça fans do

a mi me'n surten bastants

I get quite a few of them.

hòstia la sotana

Holy shit!

sí, la sotana

yes, the cassock

no passa res

it's okay

sembla que estigui trucat

it seems that it is rigged

però realment els dos que continuament estem aquí

but really the two of us who are constantly here

ens hem quedat bloquejats

we are stuck

jo també, quan has passat tu

me too, when did you pass?

si diu un ja...

if one says already...

m'he quedat que anava a dir el del Barça

I was going to say the one from Barça.

però m'ha sortit perico

but I ended up with a parakeet

la sotana

the soutane

la meva secció

my section

és que ha sigut molt ràpida

it's just that it has been very quick

per això t'ho deia

that's why I was telling you

depenia de la nostra competència

it depended on our competence

jo pensava que estaríem aquí un bon rato

I thought we would be here for a good while.

hauríem de fer trampes i tenir una llista

we should cheat and have a list

perquè és que si no

because if not

jo he fet una secció

I have made a section.

que considero les dos persones

that I consider the two people

millors comunicadores

better communicators

de la història

of history

podríem dir

we could say

que són

what are

el fill del fuster més famós

the son of the most famous carpenter

sabeu qui és?

Do you know who it is?






Jesus Christ?

i l'altra persona

and the other person

el president més famós

the most famous president

de què?

What about?

president de què?

president of what?

per la seva milloratòria

for its improvement

Mariano Rajoy

Mariano Rajoy



ja us diré

I'll let you know.





heu d'endivinar

you have to guess

de si són de Mariano Rajoy

whether they are from Mariano Rajoy

o si són de Jesucrist

or if they are of Jesus Christ

però que has anat a la Bíblia

but have you gone to the Bible

per buscar les de Jesucrist?

to search for those of Jesus Christ?

m'ho he currat

I've put in the effort.

bueno, no m'has dit que sí

well, you haven't said yes to me

però vale, vale

but okay, okay

Magí, jo et demanaré

Magí, I will ask you.

perquè sé que tu tens

because I know that you have

molta habilitat

a lot of skill

jo molta

I a lot

a imitar

to imitate

a Mariano Rajoy

to Mariano Rajoy

bueno, tu dius una frase

Well, you say a sentence.

mira, jo la dic

look, I say it

si vols la dic

if you want, I say it

en plan Rajoy

in a Rajoy style

i si no m'ha sonat Rajoy

And if I haven't heard Rajoy.

doncs la descarto

then I discard it



fan no

don't do it

però controlo

but I control

les frases que diu

the sentences he/she says

perquè era un personatge

because he was a character

has dit

you have said

i les asseguro

and I assure you

que estaré con ustedes

that I will be with you



hasta el fin del mundo

to the ends of the earth

o sigui

that is to say

seria algo així com

it would be something like

i les asseguro

and I assure you

que estaré con ustedes

that I will be with you.



hasta en el fin del mundo

even at the ends of the earth



qui creieu que l'ha dit?

Who do you think said it?

diràs tu, Llorenç

you will say, Llorenç

jo després dic

I will say later.

el que penso

what I think



jo és que anava a dir

I was just going to say.

si la frase està ben construïda

if the sentence is well constructed

no pot ser

it can't be

de Rajoy

of Rajoy

però ara estic dubtant

but now I am doubting

i jo crec que és de Rajoy

And I think it's from Rajoy.

tu, Magí?

you, Magí?



des del primer moment

from the first moment

t'ho juro que he pensat

I swear to you that I have thought.

que era de Jesús Cris

that it was of Jesus Christ

o sigui

that is to say

és molt Jesús Cris

It is very Jesus Christ.

si la diu el Rajoy

if Rajoy says so



la pot dir, eh?

You can say it, right?





del fill del fuster més famós

of the son of the most famous carpenter

és de Jesús Cris

It is of Jesus Christ.



Magí, suma't un punt

Magí, add a point.


let's go

venga, va

come on, let's go



així que les digo yo

so I tell them


they ask

i se les darà

and they will be given to them


they search

i encontraran

and they will find



jo aquesta crec

I believe this.

que és

what is it

que és bastant

that is quite

de Jesús

of Jesus





la d'abans era de Jesús

The one from before was Jesus.



és que està ben estructurada

it is well structured

ho he dit allà abans

I said it there before.

no, jo dic Rajoy

No, I say Rajoy.


it is

no em sona però

it doesn't ring a bell to me though

de Jesús

of Jesus

és que si l'havés dit

it's just that if I had said it

Rajoy aquesta

Rajoy this

tenia massa complexa

it was too complex

la masia

the farmhouse

és veritat

it's true

però dic

but I say

bueno, potser s'ho va a currar

Well, maybe he's going to put in the effort.

no sé

I don't know.

home, si s'hi va a currar

man, if you go to work there

la veritat és que

the truth is that

és un aplaudiment

It is an applause.

no, no, pues no

no, no, well no





perdó, perdó

sorry, sorry

és usted

it is you

una persona ruin

a vile person



jo crec que Rajoy

I believe that Rajoy.

jo crec que també

I think so too.

Jesús no pot dir

Jesus cannot say.

aquestes verbalitats

these verbalities

molt bé, ho ha sortat

very good, it has turned out

és de Mariano Rajoy

it is from Mariano Rajoy

bé, bé, bé

well, well, well

perquè de l'abundància

because of abundance

del cor

from the heart

habla la boca

talks the mouth



això sonava bastant

that sounded quite a lot


Jesus Christ

jo crec que el fill del fuster

I believe that the carpenter's son.

aquest que has dit

this that you have said

va, jo també diré Jesús

Okay, I will also say Jesus.


Jesus Christ

vale, bé

okay, good

està igualat, eh

it's even, huh

tens alguna més o no?

Do you have any more or not?

sí, sí

yes, yes

això enganxa, eh

this is addictive, huh

Somos seres humanos

We are human beings.

y tenemos sentimientos

and we have feelings

esto es un clàssic

this is a classic

esta va a ser Rajoy

this is going to be Rajoy

Rajoy, home, clar

Rajoy, man, of course.

home, és que tu diràs

man, it's that you will say

amb aquest ordre

with this order

l'has dit malament, no?

You said it wrong, didn't you?



l'has dit

you said it

o sigui, l'has dit

so, you said it

com al revés

like the reverse

perquè és així

because it is like this

com l'has dit?

How did you say it?

torna a repetir

repeat again

Somos seres humanos

We are human beings.

y tenemos sentimientos

and we have feelings

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

jo el TDR

I the TDR

saps que el faig de programa

do you know that I make it a program

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

pues al final

well, in the end

he acabat el TDR

I have finished the TDR.

o sigui

that is to say

jo imitant el Rajoy

me imitating Rajoy

en plan

in plan

comença el vídeo

the video begins


Do you know?


I turn around.

i llavors

and then

de cara a la càmera

facing the camera


I do





pues esto es todo

Well, that's all.

muchas tardes

good afternoon

y buenas gracias

and good thanks

pero porque ho va a dir ella

but why is she going to say it

en serio


no, no, ja ho vaig veure

no, no, I already saw it

que s'equivoca un munt

that makes a lot of mistakes

buenas tardes

good afternoon

muchas gracias

thank you very much

sí, així

yes, like this

no, al revés

no, the other way around

buenas gracias

Good, thank you.

muchas tardes

good afternoon

ho veus?

Do you see it?

és que ho intentes dir malament

It's that you're trying to say it wrong.

i no et surt

and it doesn't come out for you

no, no

no, no

pues va a acabar el TDR

well, the TDR is going to finish

i sí

and yes

ho veurà el meu tribunal

My court will see it.

que d'aquí uns dies el tenim

that in a few days we will have it



ho veurà

he will see it

perquè si faig el treball d'això

because if I do the work of this

i a part

and apart



puc aprofitar les seves frases

Can I make use of your sentences?

pues millor

well better

ets un loquito

you are a little crazy


thank you

i l'última

and the last

hay que sorcer

we have to see

hay que ser solidario

We must be supportive.

en la medida de lo posible

to the extent possible



esta es la més dubtosa

this is the most doubtful

jo crec que tinc una decisió ja

I think I have a decision already.

vols que la digui?

Do you want me to say it?

no, no

no, no

que digui el primer

let the first one speak

bueno va

well, come on

jo diré Rajoy

I will say Rajoy.



jo també Rajoy

me too Rajoy

molt bé

very good

és de Mariano Rajoy

It is from Mariano Rajoy.

tinc l'última de tots

I have the last one of all.


I am



aquí ens ho juguem tots

here we risk it all

soy hijo de Dios

I am a child of God.

a ver

let's see

és que estàs molt jesús

it's just that you are very jesus

però em molaria molt

but I would really like it

que haguessis dit Rajoy

what you would have said Rajoy

soy hijo de Dios

I am a child of God.

jo diré Rajoy

I will say Rajoy.

perquè és que si

because it is that if

l'ha dit

he/she said it



pues jo diré Jesús

Well, I will say Jesus.

pues ha guanyat el màgic

Well, the magic has won.

per què a David

why to David

també és el hijo de Dios

he is also the Son of God



no, era per liar-vos

No, it was to mess with you.

perquè clar

because of course

sabia que si

I knew that if

no, el Rajoy

no, Rajoy

no tenia aquesta xuleria

I didn't have this swagger.

potser tampoc

maybe not either


share it

no, no, això és en seriós

no, no, this is serious

i tampoc

and neither do I

no veus que ja anava

Don't you see that I was already going?


just a little

com per una farda

like for a skirt



hijos de Dios

children of God

somos todos

we are all

bueno, vale

okay, fine

però el Rajoy

but Rajoy

que surti allí

let it come out there

jo soy hijo de Dios

I am a son of God.

que vols que te digui

What do you want me to say?

no, potser

no, maybe

bueno, él es Dios del hijo

Well, he is the God of the Son.



vols que

do you want that

bueno, prepari

well, prepare

mig prepari la del Marc

half prepare Marc's one

que a la passada

that in the past

des d'allí on estic

from where I am

ara mateix

right now

potser està

maybe he/she is

a Venezuela

to Venezuela

bueno, ara ja

well, now already

amb les hores que són

given the time it is

igual ja ha arribat a Argentina

maybe it has already arrived in Argentina

i tot

and everything

ell volia fer

he wanted to do

una cosa relacionada

something related

amb els programes

with the programs

i els realities

and the realities



i tot això

and all this



també controleu bastant

you also control quite a bit

no més a menys

no more or less

per on van aquestes coses

where do these things come from

sí, més que els podcasts

yes, more than the podcasts

espero que sí

I hope so.

sí, sí

yes, yes

possiblement sí

possibly yes

m'ha fet com un top 10

it has given me like a top 10



què voleu?

What do you want?

o sigui, tu per exemple

that is to say, you for example

si vols digue'm un

if you want, tell me one

o sigui, jo ara

that is, me now

ja ho estic veient

I'm already seeing it.

per tant no puc

therefore I cannot

participar perquè

participate because

ho estic veient

I am seeing it.

però si vols

but if you want

dieu alguns programes

say some programs

que altres us posaríeu

what others would you use

i jo us dic el top

And I tell you the top.

que els ha posat el Marc

that Marc has put them

vale, digues el top

Okay, tell me the top.

i nosaltres diem

and we say

si està bé

if it is okay

o dic el nom del programa

I say the name of the program.

així salteau

that's how you jump

i m'ho dieu

you tell me

aquest hauria de ser el top

this should be the top



va, va, va

come on, come on, come on



a veure

let's see

pesadilla en la cocina

nightmare in the kitchen

que aquest és una història rara

that this is a strange story

però ha agafat un programa

but he/she has taken a program



suposo d'Espanya

I suppose from Spain.



pesadilla en la cocina

nightmare in the kitchen

és el d'Alberto Chicote

It's Alberto Chicote's.

que va als restaurants

that goes to the restaurants

sí, sí

yes, yes

però com s'ordena

but how is it ordered

el tío este

this guy

en plan

in plan

suposo que

I suppose that

no, o sigui

no, I mean

de menys a més

from less to more



el 1 és el més telemesura

1 is the most telemeasure.

i el 10

and the 10

el 2 és el 1 més

2 is 1 more.





jo crec que

I believe that

és 4

it's 4

el top 4

the top 4

tu què dius

What are you saying?

jo dic un 6

I say a 6.

no, és top 8

no, it's top 8

bueno, segons ell

well, according to him

fuente Marc

source Mark

uf, pues ha d'anar

uff, well it has to go



però pesadilla en la cocina

but nightmare in the kitchen

tampoc és un programa

it's not a program either



bueno, tan merda

well, so shit

a veure

let's see

té les seves coses

has its own things

a mi em sembla

it seems to me

un programa boníssim

a very good program

o sigui, boníssim

that is, very good

sí, però també

yes, but also

potser és tan

maybe it's so

bueno, tan bo

well, so good

perquè té la seva part

because it has its part



de dir

to say

on me puc arribar a ficar

Where can I fit in?

doncs sí

well yes

si el tio comença

if the guy starts

allà a vomitar

there to vomit

i comença a fer coses

And he/she starts to do things.



li dóna això

he gives this to him/her

jo crec que molts cops

I think that many times

se li dóna molt d'això

he is given a lot of this

o sigui, no pot ser

that is to say, it can't be

que et vingui Alberto Chicote

may Alberto Chicote come to you

i te comencis a discutir

and you start to argue



com si satanés la vida

as if he or she was ruining life

i no netegis

and don't clean it

ni la cuina

neither the kitchen

ja, ja, ja

ha, ha, ha

que sempre fa unes guarrades

that always makes a mess

llámame loco

call me crazy

tens raó, tens raó

you are right, you are right

el següent és

the following is

el hormiguero

the ant farm



o sigui, com més

that is, the more

com més alt

the higher

menys telebassura, no?

Less trash TV, right?

no, no, al revés

no, no, the other way around

al revés

the other way around

o sigui, com més alt

that is, the higher

més telebassura

more television trash

ja ho he dit allà

I've already said it there.

tu puja, salva-me

you go up, save me

vale, doncs jo crec

okay, so I think

que l'hormiguero ha de ser nou

that the anthill has to be new

perquè no

because not

no, és cinc

no, it is five

és cinc

it's five

perquè al Pablo Motos

because of Pablo Motos

li treuen molt de hate

they take away a lot of hate

bueno, ja, però

well, yes, but

sí, últimament bastant

yes, quite a lot lately

sí, a més amb lo de la Sofia Vergara

Yes, especially with the Sofia Vergara thing.



bueno, la Sofia Vergara

Well, Sofia Vergara.

clar, ara sí que pot haver pujat

Sure, now it may have gone up.

una mica

a little bit

que liada, diu

what a mess, he/she says

què dius, a veure

What are you saying, let’s see?

en què quedem

what do we agree on?

bueno, va, doncs jo

well, okay, then I

baixo a sis

down to six

igual que l'altre

just like the other

vale, i tu?

OK, and you?



cinc, doncs és el quatre

five, so it's four

aquest està bastant ben col·locat

this one is quite well placed

jo crec

I believe.

perquè l'hormiguero

because the ant farm

però és de tele

but it's on TV

o sigui, de menys telebassura

that is, less TV trash

a més telebassura

more teletrash

o sigui, no

that is to say, no

el deu és menys

God is less.

i l'ú és més

and the one is more


Do you understand me?

sí, sí

yes, yes

si tu dius top tres

if you say top three

és que és bastanta telebassura

it's just that it's quite a lot of trash TV

si dius top deu, doncs poc

if you say top ten, then little

vale, Supervivientes

Okay, Survivors



top dos, eh

top two, huh

dos, fàcil

two, easy

doncs sí, top dos

so yes, top two

o sigui, top dos

I mean, top two.

perquè el top u ja està agafat

because the top one is already taken

sí, perquè l'ús salva

yes, because use saves

el top u ja està agafat

the top one is already taken

o té

or has

o perdó

or sorry

Operación Triunfo

Operation Triumph

hòstia, la de gent

Wow, so many people!

és una passadeta

it's a little passage

quatre, eh

four, huh

ah, no, quatre ja estava

Ah, no, I was already four.

bueno, l'hem agafat, no?

Well, we've got it, haven't we?

ja, sí

yes, yes


it depends

si és la de les tentacions

if it is the one of temptations

serà el tres

it will be the three

llavors aquest serà el

then this will be the



sí, jo també ho veig amb cinc

Yes, I also see it with five.

vale, doncs

okay, then

o té és el nou

or it is the new one

el nou?

the new one?

potser el Marc és fan, eh

Maybe Marc is a fan, huh?

és d'aquests fans

it's one of those fans

que tota l'estona està parlant d'OT

that he/she is constantly talking about OT

ai, no

oh no

s'ho mira allà a la classe

he looks at it over there in the class

a veure

let's see

jo m'estic enganxant a l'OT

I am getting addicted to the OT.



jo no, jo no puc, tio

I can't, man.

està bé perquè la gent

it's fine because the people

mostra el seu talent

show your talent

sí, tu d'allí

yes, you from there

pots seure cantants

you can sit singers

per fer

to do



sí, clar

Yes, of course.

per fer cançons

to make songs





pots, poder pots, eh

You can, you can, right?



de ojeador pots anar

you can go as a scout

què més tenim?

What else do we have?

un altre així

another like this



amb bastanta tela

with quite a bit of fabric

és Gran Hermano

it's Big Brother










si el quatre ja hem dit

if the four we have already said

Gran Hermano

Big Brother

és que

it's that

hem dit un, dos i

we said one, two and



que són els primers

what are the first ones

és que el tres jo m'enreservo

it's just that I reserve the three for myself.



per aquí te'ls reserves

You reserve them here.



sí, ja sé per què dius

Yes, I already know why you say.



no, és el top tres

No, it's the top three.

perquè el que deies tu abans

because of what you said earlier

el que heu dit abans

what you said before



qui no he dit

who I have not said

l'isla de les presentacions

the island of presentations

no l'ha ficat

he hasn't put it in

no l'ha posat

he hasn't put it on

o és fan

or they are fans

o se l'ha deixat

or it has been left

mira que pot competir

look what can compete




Save me

la isla de les presentacions

the island of presentations

sí, no, tens raó

yes, no, you are right

tens raó

you are right

però se l'ha deixat

but he/she has left it behind

no sé

I don't know.

vació legal

legal vacuum

tenim algun altre

do we have any others

com First Dates

like First Dates

uf, First Dates

uf, First Dates

és molt bo, eh

it's very good, isn't it?

a mi no m'agrada

I don't like it.

és el sis

it's six

a mi em fa gràcia

It makes me laugh.

però no sé

but I don't know

em fa gràcia

it makes me laugh

de lo

of it

bueno, patètic no

well, pathetic no

però de lo

but of the

show que pot arribar

show that can reach

telebasura, eh

trash television, huh

First Dates

First Dates

que vagi, no

take care, no

al final

in the end

és que al final

it's that in the end



digues, què

say, what

sis, sis, sis

yes, yes, yes

sis, i tu

yes, and you

jo també, sis

me too, sis

més set

more thirst

número set

number seven

First Dates

First Dates

està bastant bé

it's quite good

no ha cert-ho ni una, eh

not even one, huh

porta un munt de ratolins

brings a lot of mice

però perquè és que

but why is it that

és la teva opinió

It is your opinion.

contra la del Marc

against Marc's

i la opinió del Marc

And Marc's opinion

ja saps que és la seva

you already know that it's his/her

o sigui

that is to say

no li faràs canviar

you won't make him change

tampoc si estigués aquí

neither if I were here

no li faries canviar

you wouldn't make him change

fem, a veure

let's see

quines més me falten

which ones am I missing?

la voz

the voice

heu de valorar els tops encara

you still have to evaluate the tops

la voz

the voice



és que no sé

it's just that I don't know

quines ens queden

which ones do we have left

el vuit

the eight

no ho he apuntat

I haven't noted it down.

però us deu quedar

but it must remain with you

la zona baixa, no

the low area, no

el nou no sé si l'hem dit

I don't know if we've mentioned the new one.

el nou potser sí

the new one might yes

i el nou era OT

and the new was OT

us deu quedar

you must have left



no, el vuit l'hem dit

No, we've said eight.

que era pesadilla en la cocina

that it was a nightmare in the kitchen

deu quedar

must remain

el deu

the god

el cinc

the five

jo crec que el deu i el cinc

I think that ten and five.

aquest no serà el deu

this will not be the ten


sí, la voz deu

yes, the voice must


sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

és que la voz està bastant bé

it's just that the voice is quite good

bueno, l'he posat aquí potser

well, I put it here maybe



s'ha confós amb l'isla

has confused it with the island



i a l'últim

and finally

us el faria diabaltos

I would make you devils.



és que no sé

it's just that I don't know

també és un programa

it is also a program

que depèn de com t'ho miris

it depends on how you look at it

pot ser més

can be more

espectacle o menys

show or less

a veure

let's see

algun que trobeu a faltar

is there anything you miss?

a part de l'isla de les tentacions

apart from the island of temptations

i el Sálvame

and the Sálvame

ja està, ja està

that's it, that's it

el Sálvame el contempo

I save it for later.

el gran hermano

the big brother


Save me

l'isla de les tentacions

The Island of Temptations

sí, no, no t'ha de saber

yes, no, it shouldn't matter to you

amb aquesta dinàmica

with this dynamic

és una cosa diferent

it's a different thing

no és Telecinco

it's not Telecinco



todo es mentira

everything is a lie



no, no, no

no, no, no



la sèrie del

the series of

com es diu

what is it called

del Risto Mejide

from Risto Mejide

o sigui

that is to say

el programa

the program

el Risto Mejide

Risto Mejide

ah, el Got Talent

ah, the Got Talent

no, no, no

no, no, no

no sé si l'he dit

I don't know if I've said it.

però no, no, no

but no, no, no

està relacionat amb

it is related to

temes de

themes of

de cuina

of kitchen



ah, l'el

ah, the el

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

Masterchef, Masterchef

Masterchef, Masterchef



vosaltres ho veieu això

do you see this

jo no, tio

not me, man

jo mai

I never

no he vist cap d'aquests programes

I haven't seen any of these programs.

m'estic donant compte que

I am realizing that

mai m'he enganxat

I have never gotten hooked.

a una cosa així

to something like that

o sigui

that is to say

algun cop de passada

sometimes in passing

a casa de la iaia

at grandma's house

hauré vist alguna cosa

I must have seen something.

però mai he sigut fan

but I have never been a fan

de Masterchef

of Masterchef

o fan d'Operación Triunfo

or fan of Operación Triunfo

jo és que

I am that

mai coincideixo

I never coincide.

jo no sé en quins horaris vaig

I don't know what times I'm going.

però puc posar la tele

but I can turn on the TV

que mai estarà lligat

that will never be tied

a mi és que em fa pal

I just can't be bothered.

haver de tenir una constància

have to have a record

i dir

and say

ostres, que és dimecres

Wow, it's Wednesday.

ara és set

now it is seven

he d'anar a mirar

I have to go look.

m'agrada molt una cosa

I really like one thing.

de veure o del que sigui

of seeing or whatever it is

ja, però és que

yes, but it's that

no, a tu no

no, not you

no, no

no, no

no t'agrada

you don't like it

jo és que sóc molt més comodón

I am just that I am much more of a couch potato.


Do you know?

al meu spot hi tinc els podcasts

In my spot, I have the podcasts.

de Delirium

of Delirium

de Busa Escola

of Busa School

de Perico que vola també, no?

From Perico that flies too, right?

t'escoltes o t'has sortit a TikTok

Are you listening or have you gone out on TikTok?

algun dia i

someday I

no me l'escolto

I don't listen to it.

no mentir, eh

don't lie, eh

perquè a mi els podcasts de futbol

because I like football podcasts

ja, bueno, depèn

Yes, well, it depends.

però si t'interessen

but if you're interested

però bueno

but well

és com la sotana

it's like the cassock

de la sotana

of the cassock

però també

but also

però allò és un xou

but that's a show



Perico que vola és la còpia

A flying parakeet is the copy.

per dir-ho d'alguna forma

to put it in some way

home, la còpia però amb una altra

man, the copy but with another one

sí, amb l'altra barra

yes, with the other bar

amb una altra aquí

with another one here

perquè allà no crec que comenci a cridar

because I don't think I'll start shouting there

un podcast de Barça i de Messi

a podcast about Barça and Messi



i fa un podcast de Calero

and makes a podcast about Calero

comença a fotre hòsties

starts to hit hard

a la taula

at the table

bueno, ja està

Well, that's it.

tinc el top 10

I have the top 10.

per tant ja tenim la secció del Marc

therefore we already have Marc's section

voleu afegir alguna cosa d'aquí o

do you want to add anything from here or

jo no

not me

m'ha semblat un

it seemed to me a

un bon top

a good top

tot i que


ha faltat

has been missing

l'Isla de les Tentacions

The Island of Temptations

sí, se l'ha deixat, eh

Yes, he/she has left him/her, right?

l'Isla de les Tentacions

The Island of Temptations

i algun programa més

and some more programs

no ha posat tampoc

he hasn't put either

la resistència

the resistance

suposo que

I suppose that

ah, clar, per què

ah, right, why

és Movistar Plus

It's Movistar Plus.



tampoc ha fet aquí una recerca

neither has he/she done research here

sí, però això és de tele pública

Yes, but this is public television.

sí, en tots els hits sí

Yes, in all the hits, yes.

però no sé si no ho ha posat per

but I don't know if he/she hasn't put it for

jo crec que no

I don't think so.

no, però està bé

no, but it's okay

està prou bé

It's quite good.

molt bé, molt bé

very good, very good



m'has de preguntar l'hora

You have to ask me the time.

tu avui o

you today or

com va la cosa

How's it going?

ja has de preguntar tu

you have to ask yourself

avui és molt fosc, eh

today is very dark, isn't it

quina hora és

What time is it?

bé, doncs són les 10.49

Well, it's 10:49.

i esperem que us hagi agradat molt el podcast

and we hope you really enjoyed the podcast

bona nit

good night

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