#Reposició #Autèntics |10| Moha Quach, la cuina d’alta qualitat i sensibilitat al Terrat

Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

Autèntics | Txaber Allué | Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

#Reposició #Autèntics |10| Moha Quach, la cuina d’alta qualitat i sensibilitat al Terrat

Autèntics | Txaber Allué | Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona presenta Autèntics, Xaver Alluer.

Tarragona City Radio presents Authentic, Xaver Alluer.

Bona nit, també és d'hora i m'agrada més treballar pel matí que no passar res.

Good night, it is also early and I prefer to work in the morning rather than not doing anything.

Que bé, que bé. Anem a començar pel principi.

How good, how good. Let's start from the beginning.

Quin és el teu primer record que dius, ostres, a mi no m'agrada la cuina?

What is your first memory when you think, wow, I don't like cooking?

Doncs mira, a casa meva sempre s'ha cuinat, o sigui, des de la meva àvia a la meva mare.

Well, you see, in my house cooking has always been done, I mean, from my grandmother to my mother.

Les dones sempre?

Women always?

Sí, les dones, correcte. Sí, sí, mon pare s'ha dedicat a moltes coses, no?

Yes, the women, correct. Yes, yes, my father has dedicated himself to many things, hasn't he?

Ha sigut pescador, molts avis tenien camps, o sigui, han sigut pagesos,

He was a fisherman, many grandfathers had fields, that is, they have been farmers.

els meus pares també, vull dir que hem passat una miqueta per tot, no?

My parents too, I mean we've been through a little bit of everything, right?

Però veure el que és la cuina, doncs la meva àvia principalment cuinava molt

But to see what cooking is, my grandmother mainly cooked a lot.

perquè es menjava a casa, no es menjava a fora, no?

because one ate at home, not outside, right?

I després la meva mare ha continuat amb el mateix, no?

And then my mother continued with the same thing, didn't she?

Com era el col·le? Tu sorties del col·le i anaves a dinar a casa?

What was school like? Did you leave school and go home for lunch?

Sí, sí, sí, sí, sortia al col·le.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, I used to go to school.

I havia cuinat la teva àvia.

I had cooked your grandmother.



I el cap de setmana també?

And on the weekend too?

El cap de setmana també, sí, sí.

The weekend too, yes, yes.

La meva àvia o la meva mare i, bueno, de...

My grandmother or my mother and, well, from...

de fer era de tots els fruits dels camps dels avis, no?

to harvest all the fruits from the grandparents' fields, right?

O sigui, quasi pràcticament no es comprava res, no?

So, almost practically nothing was bought, right?

O sigui, es dava al burro i tal, doncs era...

I mean, they gave it to the donkey and such, so it was...

O sigui, cuina de temporada i proximitat, no?

So, seasonal and local cuisine, right?

Exacte, sí, sí.

Exactly, yes, yes.

Que bé.

How good.

I algun plat en concret que recordis?

And any specific dish that you remember?

Doncs mira, ma mare fa un plat que a mi m'encanta, que són peus de vedella amb cigrons.

Well, look, my mother makes a dish that I love, which is calf's feet with chickpeas.

Toma ja.

Take that.

És un plat que a mi em xifla, no?

It's a dish that I'm crazy about, isn't it?

Una mena de capipota, no?

A kind of hood, right?

Sí, exacte, sí, sí.

Yes, exactly, yes, yes.

De fet, és que és una cuina que sembla molt, jo sempre ho he dit, que...

In fact, it's a kitchen that seems very much, I've always said that...

És dolç, aquest plat?

Is this dish sweet?



O sigui, té prunes i té... no.

So, it has plums and it has... no.

No, no és dolç.

No, it is not sweet.

És cigrons, els peus de vedella, porta espècies...

It's chickpeas, veal feet, it has spices...

Que al final és el que...

That in the end is what...


Does it sting?

Sí, un punt de picant sempre n'hi ha, sempre.

Yes, there is always a touch of spiciness, always.

Sí, sí, ens agrada...

Yes, yes, we like it...

O sigui, a casa teva picava des de petit?

So, did you get into the habit of knocking since you were little?

Sí, sí, el picant sempre és present i el coliandre també s'utilitza molt a la cuina.

Yes, yes, the spiciness is always present and coriander is also widely used in the kitchen.

O sigui, que en tots els plats sempre n'hi ha coliandre.

So, in all the dishes, there is always coriander.

O sigui, després la jarira també és un plat, una sopa, doncs, que es prepara sobretot al ramadan,

So, afterwards the jarira is also a dish, a soup, which is mainly prepared during Ramadan.

que és quan s'acaba el dijú, que és a la tarda, que és el primer que es pren, no?

What is it when Thursday ends, which is in the afternoon, which is the first thing you have, right?

Que són els dàtils i la jarira.

What are dates and jarira?

I aquí sí que hi ha moltes espècies, hi ha gengibre, hi ha picant, iogurts,

And here there are indeed many species, there is ginger, there is spicy, yogurts,

carn, pot ser pollastre o vedella...

meat, it can be chicken or beef...

O sigui, que és una sopa contundent.

So, it's a hearty soup.

És plat únic, o no?

It's a unique dish, isn't it?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I es fa a quina hora es menja?

And what time do they eat?

A quina hora es menja això?

What time is this eaten?

Això, doncs, bueno...

So, well...

Si és en ramadan...

If it is during Ramadan...

En ramadan, doncs, pot ser...

In Ramadan, then, it can be...

Ara, en les dates que estem, seria a les set de la tarda...

Now, on the dates we are in, it would be at seven in the evening...

Quan marxa el sol.

When the sun sets.

Sí, quan marxa el sol, sí, sí.

Yes, when the sun sets, yes, yes.

I després d'aquest plat, doncs, es fa el que és el sopar, no?

And after this dish, then, what is done is dinner, right?

Cap d'una hora, una hora i mitja, doncs, tornen a sopar una altra vegada.

After an hour, an hour and a half, they have dinner again.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

I aquests primers records ajudaves o no et tocava?

And in those early memories, were you helping or was it not your turn?

O no podies entrar o com era?

Or you couldn't enter or what was it like?

No, no, no em tocava, però observava, no?

No, no, I wasn't supposed to, but I was watching, right?

O sigui, ja...

I mean, yes...

Ja veia, no?, doncs, el que feia l'àvia, com preparava i...

I already saw, didn't I? Well, what the grandmother did, how she prepared and...

I, bueno, doncs, com se les arreglava amb pocs recursos, eh?

Well, how did you manage with few resources, huh?

O sigui, no gaire, que, de fet, doncs, era com una mena d'arbre a cua,

I mean, not much, because, in fact, it was like a kind of tailed tree,

doncs, allà llançava la llinyà i començava a cuinar,

so, there I would cast the fishing line and start cooking,

marxava una cosa, marxava l'altra, no?

One thing was going away, the other was going away, right?



Tens lligams, encara?

Do you have a partner still?

No, no, perquè els avis ja han marxat i, bueno, doncs,

No, no, because the grandparents have already left and, well, then,

tots els camps d'allà, doncs, estan mig abandonats,

all the fields there, then, are half abandoned,

perquè tot ha marxat fora i, bueno, doncs, també,

because everything has gone outside and, well, also,

t'he de dir que molts avis han viscut aquí a Europa,

I have to tell you that many grandparents have lived here in Europe,

o sigui, han estat a França i a Alemanya durant molts anys, no?

So, they have been in France and Germany for many years, right?

Abans de tornar.

Before returning.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I, bueno, doncs, sempre han mantingut la pagesia

Well, they have always maintained the peasantry.

i han lligat amb el poble on som nosaltres, no?

And they have tied it with the village where we are, right?

I, bueno, doncs, mon pare va a terra aquí i, doncs...

Well, my father goes to the ground here and, well...

Això quin any?

Which year is this?

Mira, mon pare va a terra aquí, jo, si no m'equivoca, al 98 o al 97.

Look, my father went to the ground here, I, if I’m not mistaken, in 98 or 97.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I jo vaig arribar...

And I arrived...

A Tarragona ciutat o...?

In the city of Tarragona or...?

No, a Miami Platja.

No, in Miami Platja.

A Miami Platja.

In Miami Platja.

I jo vaig arribar ben petit, o sigui, no sé si amb 12 anys o alguna cosa així.

I arrived when I was very young, that is, I don't know if it was at 12 years old or something like that.

Bueno, no és tan petit, 12 anys ja tenies, no?

Well, it's not that small, you were already 12 years old, right?



I quan decideixes estudiar?

And when do you decide to study?

Amb 14, amb 16 o abans?

At 14, at 16 or before?

Amb 14...

With 14...

Sí, amb 14.

Yes, with 14.

Mira, un estiu que vaig acabar l'institut,

Look, one summer when I finished high school,

doncs, per allà per les platges de Miami,

well, over there by the beaches of Miami,

doncs, mira, a l'estiu he de fotre alguna cosa, no?

Well, you see, in the summer I have to do something, right?

I vaig fotre un xeringuito a, bàsicament, a rentar plats, eh?

I ended up doing a little job, basically, washing dishes, huh?

O sigui, la primera feina que vaig trobar.

That is, the first job I found.

I vaig estar tot l'estiu allà rentant plats, ajudant a la cuina i tal,

I spent the whole summer there washing dishes, helping in the kitchen and such.

i em va començar a crear curiositat, no?

And it started to pique my curiosity, right?

El món professional, no?

The professional world, right?

Diguem-ne, sempre ho havia vist a casa, però a nivell professional, doncs, pot ser, no?

Let's say, I had always seen it at home, but at a professional level, then, maybe, right?

I vaig decidir, doncs, mira, d'aprovar, estudiar cuina, a veure què passa.

I decided, well, to go ahead and study cooking, to see what happens.

O sigui, no...

So, no...

Vas anar a Cambrils, a l'escola d'Hospitaleria de Cambrils?

Did you go to Cambrils, to the School of Hospitality in Cambrils?



Vaig acabar l'institut i vaig apuntar a l'escola de Cambrils i...

I finished high school and enrolled in the school in Cambrils and...

O sigui, vas fer...

So, you did...

Vas fer cou?

Did you bake?

No, era un grau mitjà, un grau mitjà de cuina, sala, pastesseria, era un pack una mica...

No, it was a medium degree, a medium degree in cooking, dining, pastry, it was a bit of a package...

Sí, vas entrar als 16 o als 14?

Yes, did you enter at 16 or 14?

Als 15 vaig entrar.

I entered at 15.

Als 15?

At 15?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



Soc de...

I am from...

Soc de desembre, llavors soc el més petit de classe sempre.

I am from December, so I am always the youngest in the class.

Molt bé, o sigui, amb 15 ja decideixes que et dediques a això i mai has parat?

Very well, so at 15 you decide that you are going to dedicate yourself to this and you have never stopped?

No, mai t'has dedicat a una altra cosa, des que vas...

No, you have never devoted yourself to anything else since you...

No, no, no, no m'he dedicat.

No, no, no, I haven't dedicated myself.

O sigui, em va agradar i m'ho vaig començar a enganxar i, bueno,

So, I liked it and I started to get hooked on it and, well,

ja a l'estiu arribaven les pràctiques, marxaves a un lloc i aprenies i cada vegada t'enganxaves més i...

already in the summer the internships arrived, you went to a place and learned, and each time you got more hooked and...

Dels teus companys de classe hi ha molts que encara s'hi dediquen o diries que són una minoria o...?

Of your classmates, are there many who are still dedicated to it or would you say they are a minority or...?

Doncs mira, de 30 que érem a classe, 30-32, pot ser que sàpigui ara mateix, pot ser que ens dediquem 3 o 4.

Well, look, out of 30 of us in class, 30-32, I might know right now, maybe 3 or 4 of us are pursuing it.

3 o 4, un clàssic.

3 or 4, a classic.

Sí, sí, perquè, bueno, és un món que sabem que és molt sacrificat

Yes, yes, because, well, it is a world that we know is very demanding.

i els horaris són complicats i són incompatibles amb la gent que té família i és complicat, és un món complicat.

The schedules are complicated and are incompatible with those who have family, and it's complicated; it's a complicated world.

Però, bueno, cada vegada s'estan canviant les coses, o sigui que a poc a poc ho podem canviar entre tots, no?

But, well, things are changing little by little, so together we can change it, right?

Quin horari fas ara, tu?

What schedule do you have now?

Doncs mira, jo al restaurant abans he dit que començarà a les 8 del matí perquè jo vull començar a les 8 del matí, no?

Well, look, I said at the restaurant that it will start at 8 in the morning because I want to start at 8 in the morning, right?

Me començo més tranquil al dia, m'organitzo millor i...

I start the day more calmly, I organize myself better and...

Comença el sol?

Does the sun begin?

Sí, sí, la gent arriba a les 10, que és l'hora que entren ells i acaben a les 4 i mitja de la tarda.

Yes, yes, people arrive at 10, which is the time they start, and they finish at half past four in the afternoon.

De dilluns a divendres, menys el dimecres, que és el dia que tanquem, treballem només al migdia.

From Monday to Friday, except Wednesday, which is the day we close, we only work at noon.

Només fem matí, nit, divendres i el dissabte.

We only do morning, night, Friday, and Saturday.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I la resta de dies només treballem al migdia i la veritat és que la gent va més tranquil·la, menys agullada i menys estrès,

And the rest of the days we only work at noon and the truth is that people are more relaxed, less crowded, and less stressed.

que és el que m'interessa a mi també, cuinar cada vegada que hi hagi menys tensió i que es treballi més a gust.

what interests me too is cooking whenever there is less tension and working is more enjoyable.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Bueno, no sé si hem dit que...

Well, I don't know if we've said that...

És la muda al terrat i al cuiner.

It's the change on the rooftop and to the cook.

Com són aquests?

How are these?

Quan surts d'estudiar, les primeres pràctiques són interessants o encara no arriba al punt que dius...

When you finish studying, the first internships are interesting, or it hasn't reached the point where you say...

Bueno, les primeres pràctiques són interessants perquè és quan entres en el món laboral, no?

Well, the first internships are interesting because it's when you enter the working world, right?

O sigui, ja havia treballat abans, però a nivell professional ja comença a tenir responsabilitats en la cuina, no?

So, he had worked before, but at a professional level he is starting to have responsibilities in the kitchen, right?

Comences com ajudant d'una partida i a la que te'n dones compte, doncs estàs de cap de partida.

You start as an assistant in a game, and before you know it, you're the game master.

O sigui, és a dir, si falla el que està a la partida, doncs t'has de posar...

I mean, that is to say, if the one in the game fails, then you have to get...

T'has de posar a tu perquè no queda un altre.

You have to put yourself first because there's no other way.

És el que més sap de la partida i el que li toca, doncs, aquell dia a cobrir aquella persona,

He knows the most about the game and it's his turn, then, that day to cover that person.

doncs ja comença a adquirir responsabilitat i a començar a ser interessant.

Well, it is starting to take on responsibility and becoming interesting.

I ja comença a tenir una mica de control, no?

And it already starts to have a bit of control, doesn't it?

Dius, ostres, ja comença a ser cuiner, no?

You say, oh wow, he's starting to be a cook, isn't he?

Pels no entesos, explica què és una partida.

For those who do not understand, explain what a "partida" is.

Una partida, doncs, bueno, dins d'un restaurant pot haver-hi una partida d'uns snacks.

A game, then, well, there can be a round of snacks in a restaurant.

Surten els primers aperitius que treuen almenys menys degustació, en aquest cas.

The first appetizers come out that at least have less tasting, in this case.

Després pot haver-hi una partida d'un snack.

Afterwards, there might be a snack.

Una partida de freds, poden ser amanides, poden ser sopes, poden ser cremes...

A dish of cold foods, they can be salads, they can be soups, they can be creams...

Bueno, depèn de la filosofia de cada restaurant i de com ho tenen estructurat, no?

Well, it depends on the philosophy of each restaurant and how they have it structured, right?

I després passem al calent.

And then we move on to the hot one.

Podríem tenir una partida de peix, una partida de carn, una partida d'entren calents...

We could have a fish course, a meat course, a hot appetizer course...

I, per últim, tenim la partida de postres, que és el final del menú, diguem-ne.

And finally, we have the dessert course, which is the end of the menu, so to speak.

Molt bé. O sigui, una partida és...

Very well. So, a game is...

De vegades és un espai, de vegades és un equip, i normalment són les dues coses, no?

Sometimes it’s a space, sometimes it’s a team, and usually it’s both, right?

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

I un espai que es dediquen a una part concreta del menú.

And a space that is dedicated to a specific part of the menu.

Molt bé. Tu, al restaurant, ho tens així estructurat?

Very well. Do you have it structured like this at the restaurant?

Sí, al restaurant tenim la partida d'apetitius, tenim una partida d'entrens freds

Yes, at the restaurant we have a selection of appetizers, we have a selection of cold starters.

i tenim la partida del calent, que es divideix en dos espais.

And we have the hot section, which is divided into two areas.

En el que és el peix i un entrant, i l'altre que fa la carn i un altre entrant.

One that is fish and a starter, and the other that is meat and another starter.

I, acabat, tenim la partida del postre, no?

Well, that's it, we have the dessert course, right?

Jo crec que és una manera molt organitzada, molt intel·ligent, a l'hora de treballar molt eficiente,

I believe it is a very organized, very intelligent way of working very efficiently.

però és molt important.

but it is very important.

Perquè s'ha d'estar ben organitzat, perquè si no serveix no surt bé,

Because one must be well organized, because if not, it doesn't turn out well.

i un menú degustació requereix que tot vagi a un ritme i que no em pari,

and a tasting menu requires everything to go at a pace and not stop.

perquè si hi ha una espera de 15 minuts entre plat i plat ja tens un problema.

Because if there is a 15-minute wait between dishes, you already have a problem.

Molt bé. Recordes aquest primer restaurant?

Very good. Do you remember this first restaurant?

Sí, sí, tant que ho recordo sempre que...

Yes, yes, as much as I always remember that...

Pots dir el nom o no? El prefereixo. Si no vols, no el diem.

Can you say the name or not? I prefer it. If you don't want to, we won't say it.

No, mira, a veure, és que he treballat en diversos llocs, no?

No, look, let's see, it's just that I have worked in several places, right?

És a dir, hi ha alguns de feina.

That is to say, there are some jobs.

Sí, hi ha alguns de pràctiques, no?

Yes, there are some practices, right?

Perquè sempre he estat actiu estudiant i treballant.

Because I have always been active studying and working.

Aquí a Tarragona, per exemple, he treballat al Port,

Here in Tarragona, for example, I have worked at the Port,

un restaurant que es diu Méson del Mar.

a restaurant called Méson del Mar.

Mentre estudiava, anava allà els dijous al vespre a treballar,

While I was studying, I used to go there on Thursday evenings to work.

al cap de setmana, i ho combinava amb l'escola, no?

On the weekend, and I combined it with school, right?

I, de pràctiques, vaig marxar a França, a un restaurant que es diu Catorzo Febrier,

I, for an internship, went to France, to a restaurant called Catorzo Febrier,

i vaig estar superagut.

I was super tired.

Era una cuina molt interessant, feia una cuina fusió francesa i japonesa,

It was a very interesting kitchen, it featured a fusion of French and Japanese cuisine.

i va ser...

and it was...



Va ser molt xulo, i tant que ho recordo, amb molt de carinyo.

It was very cool, and I remember it fondly.

Molt bé.

Very good.

I quan fas el salt, a la Independència, és amb el Terrat?

And when you make the leap to Independence, is it with the Terrat?

No, no, no, és amb el Terrat.

No, no, no, it's with the Terrat.

Ja havia passat per altres endrets, he estat a Barcelona, he estat a Madrid,

I had already been to other places, I have been to Barcelona, I have been to Madrid,

bueno, he estat a uns quants restaurants, mai dic els noms, no?,

Well, I have been to a few restaurants, I never mention the names, right?

perquè, al final, el que a mi tu marques tu, és igual.

Because, in the end, what you mark for me is the same.

No, no, jo deia quan passes a ser propietari, o sigui...

No, no, I meant when you become the owner, that is...

Ah, ser propietari.

Ah, to be a owner.

Sí, bueno, després de...

Yes, well, after...

No sé, han passat...

I don’t know, they have passed...

Vuit, una guanya...

Eight, one wins...

Bastant ràpid, no?

Pretty fast, right?

Sí, sí, de...

Yes, yes, from...

Bueno, quan es presenta una oportunitat, no?, que sempre...

Well, when an opportunity arises, right?, that always...

Jo crec que tot cuinic que té una miqueta d'il·lusió,

I believe that every cook who has a little bit of passion,

té unes idees i té unes ganes de fer coses i tal,

he has some ideas and a desire to do things and such,

sempre té aquesta il·lusió de tenir el seu propi restaurant,

he always has this dream of having his own restaurant,

i quan arriba el moment, doncs, ho has d'aprofitar, no?

And when the moment comes, then you have to take advantage of it, right?

I, bueno, he tingut clar que Tarragona és una ciutat que m'agrada molt,

Well, I've been clear that Tarragona is a city that I really like.

estic molt còmode, em sento tarragoní,

I feel very comfortable, I feel Tarragonese.

per tant, doncs, hauria de ser aquí Tarragona,

therefore, it should be here Tarragona,

i, bueno, vam estar mirant diverses coses,

I, well, we were looking at various things,

i el Terrat és un restaurant que sempre ha funcionat superbé a la ciutat, no?,

And the Terrat is a restaurant that has always done superbly well in the city, right?

i estava en un moment una mica crític, no?, diguem-ne,

I was in a bit of a critical moment, right? Let's say.

perquè va canviar de mans,

because it changed hands,

bueno, va passar...

well, it happened...

Portava una parella, la Laura i el Jordi,

I had a couple, Laura and Jordi,

que van estar molts anys, que em sento molt...

that they were many years, that I feel very...

Un traspàs mític, jo crec que va ser l'últim gran traspàs de Tarragona.

A mythical transfer, I believe it was the last great transfer of Tarragona.

Sí, bueno, doncs, ho va agafar un senyor asiàtic

Yes, well, then, it was taken by an Asian gentleman.

i les coses no van sortir bé,

and things didn't go well,

i, bueno, doncs...

Yes, well, then...

Ha sortit aquesta oportunitat i l'he pogut aprofitar i mirar...

This opportunity has come up and I've been able to take advantage of it and look...

Explica la història de la terrassa, perquè...

Tell the story of the terrace, because...

Se la van portar al vent, això era amb el propietari ja asiàtic, no?

They took her to the wind, that was with the Asian owner already, right?

Sí, just quan vaig agafar el local allò,

Yes, just when I took the place, that,

s'havien portat al vent la terrassa,

they had carried the terrace away in the wind,

i, bueno, la veritat és que jo en la terrassa no tenia gaire interès, no?,

Well, the truth is that I wasn't very interested in the terrace, right?

i després vaig dir, bueno, per què no...

and then I said, well, why not...

Déu-n'hi-do, no?, després amb la pandèmia i tot això,

Wow, right? After the pandemic and all that,

les terrasses hi ha un boom, tothom vol terrassa,

there is a boom in terraces, everyone wants a terrace,

i tu que tens l'espai, encara que és complicat,

and you who have the space, even though it's complicated,

creuar el cafè...

cross the coffee...

L'espai el vam fer acollidor d'alguna manera,

We made the space welcoming in some way,

però era difícilment fer-lo acollidor,

but it was difficult to make it welcoming,

perquè estàs a sobre d'un pàrquing amb un espai obert,

because you are on top of a parking lot with an open space,

que, bueno, no seria la idea d'un restaurant com el que tens tu, no?,

Well, that wouldn't be the idea of a restaurant like yours, would it?

d'alta cuina i menú degustació.

fine dining and tasting menu.



Però, clar, la gent vol fumar,

But, of course, people want to smoke,

vol estar al carrer a l'estiu,

wants to be on the street in the summer,

tens molta més capacitat, no?,

you have a lot more capacity, right?

i al final has decidit que no, què passa?

And in the end, you decided not to. What's wrong?

Sí, sí, bueno, a veure, jo entenc...

Yes, yes, well, let's see, I understand...

Vinga, la gent que vol que està a l'aire lliure i fumar i tal,

Come on, the people who want to be outdoors and smoke and such,

i està bé, i jo crec que a la ciutat hi ha moltes terrasses

It's fine, and I think there are many terraces in the city.

i s'està molt bé, no?

It's very nice, isn't it?

Però en el meu cas, en un primer cas, vaig dir,

But in my case, in the first instance, I said,

doncs vinga, va, per què no...

so come on, why not...

Vaig reparar la terrassa, la vaig tornar a ficar en ordre,

I repaired the terrace, I put it back in order.

i, bueno, estava amb permisos en l'adjuntament,

Well, I was with permits at the town hall.

i, bueno, hi havia coses que a mi no em quadraven,

well, there were things that didn't add up for me,

amb la persona responsable que hi havia en aquell moment a l'adjuntament,

with the responsible person who was at the town hall at that time,

i vaig decidir, doncs, mira,

I decided, well, look,

per raons de logística, de funcionament,

for reasons of logistics, of operation,

de tipus d'oferta que oferim nosaltres,

of the type of offer that we provide,

que no en queixàvem en aquella terrassa,

that we weren't complaining on that terrace,

que no era viable treure un plat d'una cuina com el que fem nosaltres,

that it was not viable to take a dish from a kitchen like the one we have.

allà al carrer, cru al carrer, les temperatures, els plats,

over there on the street, raw on the street, the temperatures, the dishes,

la cuina està a l'altra punta, o sigui, són molts metres de recorre,

the kitchen is at the other end, that is, it’s quite a distance to cover,

els cambrers aniran estressats, aniran agobiats,

the waiters will be stressed, they will be overwhelmed,

estaran cruant al carrer tota l'estona,

they will be crying in the street all the time,

dic que no és el que estic buscant jo, no és el que vull,

I say it's not what I'm looking for, it's not what I want,

i vaig entendre que no era la meva batalla,

I understood that it was not my battle,

que no era la meva batalla,

that it was not my battle,

i vaig decidir que no, o sigui, que no obria terrassa,

I decided not to, so I wasn't opening the terrace.

que un espai que tenia a dins ja estava bé,

that a space that I had inside was already good,

és un espai bastant controlat, molt proper a la gent,

it is a fairly controlled space, very close to the people,

que és el que volia jo, donant atenció molt propera...

what I wanted, paying very close attention...

Són al menjador, tu?

They are in the dining room, you?

Sí, sí, sí, sí, i aleshores vaig decidir que no obria la terrassa,

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and then I decided that I wouldn't open the terrace,

i que amb el que tenia a dintre era més que suficient,

and that with what I had inside was more than enough,

i, bueno, de fet, el restaurant funciona,

Yes, well, in fact, the restaurant is functioning,

i a vegades val més, menys que massa descontrolat,

and sometimes it's better to have less than too much chaos,

perquè si tens la terrassa oberta, tens l'espai de dins,

because if you have the terrace open, you have the indoor space,

necessites duplicar o triplicar la plantilla,

you need to double or triple the workforce,

entres en un joc de donar de dinar i sopar a 100 persones,

you enter a game of providing lunch and dinner for 100 people,

llavors no estàs fent les coses amb el carinyo que voldries fer-les,

then you are not doing things with the love you would like to do them,

i, bueno, pensant bé, bé, bé les coses,

and, well, thinking carefully, okay, okay about things,

i vaig decidir que no, que amb l'espai que tinc a dintre,

I decided that no, that with the space I have inside,

per 42 persones, per un restaurant gastronòmic com el nostre,

for 42 people, for a gourmet restaurant like ours,

que no toca una terrassa.

that does not touch a terrace.

Quant sou ara?

How much are you now?

Doncs ara som 10.

Well, now we are 10.

10, el que porta més.

10, the one who carries the most.

No, des que vam obrir.

No, since we opened.

No, el que porta més temps de l'equip, qui és?

No, who has been in the team the longest, who is it?

O sigui, a part de tu, evidentment.

So, apart from you, obviously.

A part d'allò, mira, a la cuina tinc un noi,

Apart from that, look, I have a boy in the kitchen,

que ja porta a mi des que vam obrir,

that has been with me since we opened,

i a sala també tinc un altre noi.

And in the room, I also have another boy.

Tens problemes de rotació?

Do you have rotation problems?

Com tothom es queixa o tu estàs bastant còmode?

As everyone complains or are you quite comfortable?

Bueno, amb l'equip que tenim actualment estem còmode,

Well, with the team we currently have, we are comfortable.

però hem d'entendre que la gent, al final, són etapes,

but we must understand that people, in the end, are stages,

sobretot en aquest ofici, i volen passar per diverses cuines,

especially in this profession, and they want to go through various kitchens,

doncs estar amb mi, després marxar a un altre restaurant,

so be with me, then leave for another restaurant,

després crear el seu projecte,

after creating your project,

i hem d'entendre respectar aquestes coses

We must understand and respect these things.

i hem d'estar disposats a formar la gent, no?

And we must be willing to train people, right?

Doncs tots aquests nois que ens arriben de pràctiques

So all these guys who come to us for internships.

poden estar amb nosaltres un any o dos

they can be with us for a year or two

i després arribaran nosaltres

and then we will arrive

i estarem formant contínuament, creant riqueses, no?

And we will be continuously training, creating wealth, right?

I formant la gent.

I am training people.

És una manera de pensar.

It's a way of thinking.

No hem de pensar que la gent ha d'estar tota una vida amb nosaltres.

We should not think that people have to be with us for a lifetime.

Molt bé, molt bona filosofia.

Very good, very good philosophy.

O sigui, explica'ns una mica com és la carta.

So, tell us a bit about what the letter is like.

O sigui, què es troba quan arribes, has de reservar,

So, what you find when you arrive, you have to book,

perquè avui dijous ho tens ple, això és molt bona notícia,

because today Thursday you are busy, this is very good news,

que el client ha d'escollir abans o arriba el moment

that the client must choose before the moment arrives

i només hi ha menú degustació, no hi ha carta,

And there is only a tasting menu, there is no menu.

explica'ns una mica com és.

tell us a little about what it's like.

Nosaltres funcionem amb dos menús degustació,

We operate with two tasting menus,

que és l'Olivos i el Mari Nostro,

what is Olivos and the Mari Nostro,

i després tenim una carta molt petita,

and then we have a very small letter,

perquè tenim també clients que els agrada fer un primer i un segon

because we also have clients who like to have a first and a second course

i, bueno, doncs ho respectem

Yes, well, then we respect it.

i mantenim la carta.

And we keep the letter.

La carta, però quasi de la majoria dels plats que hi ha a carta

The menu, however, almost for the majority of the dishes that are on the menu.

hi són al menú degustació també, no?

Hi, they are on the tasting menu too, right?

Perquè s'entén i té molta lògica,

Because it is understood and makes a lot of sense,

perquè si tu fas una carta amb un munt de plats diferents

because if you make a menu with a lot of different dishes

als menús degustació que tens, tens un lliure a la cuina tremendo.

In the tasting menus you have, you have an amazing book in the kitchen.

Perquè rotació de gènere,

Because gender rotation,

si treballes amb producte fresc,

if you work with fresh produce,

és molt complicat que surti tot el dia,

it's very complicated for him to go out all day,

llavors has d'unificar perquè hi hagi una millor qualitat

then you have to unify for there to be better quality

i perquè hi hagi una rentabilitat dins de la cuina,

and so that there is profitability within the kitchen,

que és molt important.

that is very important.

Bé, que no es tracta només de fer un munt de coses

Well, it's not just about doing a lot of things.

si no tenen una rentabilitat i que no hi hagi mermes.

if there is no profitability and no losses.

Llavors ho tenim estructurat d'una manera que és cas a conjunt,

Then we have it structured in a way that it is a case in context,

però donem aquesta elecció al client que no vol menjar tant

but we give this choice to the client who does not want to eat so much

i que no pot acabar un menú degustació.

And that one cannot finish a tasting menu.

Però, en general, surten més els menús degustació

However, in general, tasting menus are more popular.

que no pas la carta.

that the letter doesn't pass.

La carta pot ser que en un dia com avui faríem dues cartes

The letter may be that on a day like today we would write two letters.

i les restes seran tots menús.

And the leftovers will all be menus.

Ho hem d'escollir abans?

Do we have to choose it beforehand?

No, quan arriben al restaurant,

No, when they arrive at the restaurant,

nosaltres els presentem la nostra proposta,

we present to you our proposal,

els menús degustació, la carta,

the tasting menus, the menu,

i ells trien què és el que volen fer,

and they choose what they want to do,

preguntem al·lèrgies, intoleràncies,

we ask about allergies, intolerances,

adaptem menús a visitarians,

we adapt menus to visitors,

intoleràncies a lactosa,

lactose intolerance,

al marí...

to the sailor...

Bueno, hi ha moltes al·lèrgies,

Well, there are many allergies,

és una altra batalla, no?,

it's another battle, isn't it?

el món de les al·lèrgies,

the world of allergies,

però estem bastant al dia

but we are quite up to date

i ho tenim estructurat tot d'una manera

and we have everything structured in a way

que es pugui adaptar per certes al·lèrgies

that can be adapted for certain allergies

que en general no es fan.

that generally are not done.

Com un intolerant a lactosa

Like a lactose intolerant person

intentem que la majoria dels plats

we try to ensure that most of the dishes

no portin mantegues ni nates ni...

don't bring butter or cream or...

Ja directament?

Already directly?

Directament, sí, sí, sí,

Directly, yes, yes, yes.

perquè jo crec que és molt pràctic,

because I think it is very practical,

és molt fàcil i...

it's very easy and...

I tu que has estat en una cuina francesa

And you who have been in a French kitchen.

no et trobes a faltar

I miss you.

la nata i la mantega,

the cream and the butter,

que són quasi omnipresents en la seva cuina?

that are almost omnipresent in their kitchen?

Bueno, jo crec que

Well, I think that

tant a zona on som tenim un oli-oliva

both in the area where we are, we have olive oil.

que és meravellós

that is wonderful

i la mantega està molt bona,

and the butter is very good,

però l'oli-oliva...

but the olive oil...

per mi té més valor,

for me, it has more value,

o sigui, vol dir que

that is to say, it means that

es pot substituir la mantega,

butter can be replaced,

no és imprescindible.

it is not essential.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Quina és la gran diferència entre els dos menús?

What is the big difference between the two menus?

Entre els dos menús?

Between the two menus?

Mira, al Marinostrum

Look, at the Marinostrum.

ens centrem molt en el producte de mar,

we focus a lot on seafood,

marisc, peix...

seafood, fish...

Intentem recuperar també receptes antigues

We also try to recover old recipes.

de l'antiga cuina romana Tàrraco

from the ancient Roman kitchen Tarraco

i en l'olivos

and in the olive trees

és com una espècie d'un viatge

it's like a kind of journey

per tot el Mediterrani,

throughout the Mediterranean,

el nom ja ho deu,

the name must already do it,

és un nom de...

it's a name of...

que em va passar el Joaquí Árbulo

what happened to me was Joaquín Árbulo

que és un historiador d'aquí a Tarragona

what is a historian here in Tarragona

que està a l'Orribe

that is at the Orribe

que és un vaixell que feia

What is a ship that was making

de la flota de l'emperi romà

of the fleet of the Roman Empire

que feia un viatge per tot el Mediterrani.

that was taking a trip across the Mediterranean.

Doncs dins d'olivos juguem

Well, let's play inside the olive trees.

entre la cuina marroquí

between Moroccan cuisine

perquè també els romans

because the Romans too

van arribar al Marroc

they arrived in Morocco

i l'antiga cuina romana

and the ancient Roman kitchen

a Tàrraco.

to Tàrraco.

Llavors és una minada de viatge

Then it's a mine of a journey.

per tot el Mediterrani

across the Mediterranean

i allà trobem

and there we find

des de car, peix, espècies...

from meat, fish, spices...

O sigui, anem a jugar

So, let's go play.

una miqueta més en aquest menú.

a little bit more in this menu.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Llavors no és una qüestió

Then it is not a question.

de si és més o menys llarg

of whether it is longer or shorter

sinó que són dues versions

but they are two versions

de menús diferents, no?

different menus, right?

Exacte. Són diferents

Exactly. They are different.

però el Mar i Nostrum sí que és cert

but the Mare Nostrum is indeed true

portar algun plat que altre més.

bring one dish or another as well.

És més llarg que l'olivos.

It is longer than the olive trees.

De vegades cal explicar, no?

Sometimes it's necessary to explain, isn't it?

Perquè hi ha molta gent

Because there are many people.

que no ho ha provat mai,

who has never tried it,

això del menú de gust.

this about the taste menu.

I no els hi sona bé, no?

And it doesn't sound good to them, does it?

La filosofia és

Philosophy is

entre un menú curt

between a short menu

i ample,

and wide,

que són un primer, un segon

what is a first, a second

i un postre,

and a dessert,

o llarg i estret, no?

Oh long and narrow, right?

Que és una oportunitat

What is an opportunity?

perquè el que va al restaurant

because the one who goes to the restaurant

pugui provar moltes elaboracions

I can try many preparations.

que dius, aquesta gent

What are you saying, these people?

que diu, em quedaré amb ganes

what he says, I’ll be left wanting

perquè no han anat mai, probablement,

because they have probably never gone

perquè són menús molt llargs

because they are very long menus

i estrets.

and narrow.

Tant d'amb una, dues o tres mossegades

Whether it's one, two, or three bites.

provar una elaboració

try a preparation

i dius, vale, ja l'he provat,

and you say, okay, I've already tried it,

no em vull omplir

I don't want to fill myself up.

amb un primer plat,

with a first course,

sinó que vaig a poc a poc

but I go slowly

gaudint, normalment hi ha un discurs,

enjoying, there is usually a speech,

hi ha un estudi

there is a study



de si funciona millor

of whether it works better

un picant per obrir el paladar

a spicy touch to open the palate

al principi, o si és millor

at the beginning, or if it is better

acabar amb un plat més fort

end with a main dish

i més contundent, és a dir,

and more conclusive, that is to say,

que això és una cosa que ha pensat el cuiner

that this is something the chef has thought of

i són dues maneres

and there are two ways


to understand

la gastronomia. Les dues són

the gastronomy. Both are

interessants, no? La majoria de dies

Interesting, right? Most days.

no fem un menú degustació,

we don't have a tasting menu,

però si vols anar a un restaurant

but if you want to go to a restaurant

d'alta cuina, que el cuiner

of high cuisine, that the chef

té coses a explicar,

has things to explain,

no sóc molt partidari jo d'aquestes cuines

I'm not a big fan of these kitchens.

que necessiten molta explicació,

that need a lot of explanation,



No vull que cada...

I don't want every...

Està més pendent del metre

He is more focused on the meter.

o de qui vingui...

or whoever comes...

que vingui cada plat i t'expliquin

let each dish come and explain to you

deu minuts, sinó

ten minutes, otherwise

un apunt, igual, o...

a note, perhaps, or...

Sóc més partidari

I am more in favor.

d'una resposta

of an answer

reactiva, és a dir, si a taula

reactive, that is, if at the table

pregunten, doncs ho expliques, i si no

they ask, so you explain it, and if not

breument dius, mira, això és això,

briefly you say, look, this is this,

igual que les cartes, no?

just like the cards, right?

Aquestes cartes que semblen la Bíblia,

These letters that seem like the Bible,

hòstia, ara he de fer un examen,

Wow, now I have to take an exam.

a veure què esculli.

let's see what I choose.

Mira, jo,

Look, I,

respecte a això que dius, no?, doncs ho hem analitzat

Regarding what you said, right? Well, we have analyzed it.

diverses vegades al restaurant, no?, perquè, clar,

several times at the restaurant, right?, because, of course,

per mi, o sigui,

for me, I mean,

a banda de


fer tot el que faig,

do everything I do,

que m'agrada, que ho volem

what I like, that we want it

explicar i tal, però vull

explain and such, but I want

practicitat, perquè, clar, el cambrer que t'està explicant

practicality, because, of course, the waiter who is explaining to you

no vull que estigui deu minuts

I don't want it to be ten minutes.

donant-te pel sac,

giving you a kick in the pants,

d'alguna manera, tampoc

Somehow, neither.

vull això, i sempre busco

I want this, and I'm always searching.

que expliquin les coses

let them explain things

d'una manera molt senzilla i que el client

in a very simple way and that the client

ho entengui i que no siguin pesats amb el client,

I understand it and that they are not annoying with the client.

perquè jo ho entenc, que al final

because I understand it, that in the end

tu véns a gaudir de l'experiència,

you come to enjoy the experience,

de l'astronòmica, però tampoc vols

of the astronomical, but you don't want either

que et facin una redacció

make you write an essay

de la Bíblia allà, no?, o sigui, vol dir

from the Bible there, right? That is to say, it means

tampoc vull això, vull que el client

I don't want this either, I want the client to

entengui el concepte

understand the concept

que és el que estem fent, un moment que el client

What we are doing, a moment that the client

ho capta, jo en això ja en tinc

I understand, I already have that covered.

prou, o sigui, ja estic content

enough, I mean, I'm already happy

i sempre els dic als cambrers que no cal

And I always tell the waiters that it's not necessary.

que siguin pesats, que

let them be annoying, that

com que expliquin el que aporta el plat i el per què

as they explain what the dish contributes and why.

ja n'hi ha prou. I ho fem,

That's enough now. And we do it.

la veritat, perquè, clar, nosaltres també necessitem

the truth, because, of course, we also need

practicitat i necessitem que el servei vagi

practicality and we need the service to go

ràpid, que no

quick, that no

s'estanqui, que tot

let it stagnate, that everything

vagi rodant. I si un cambrer

keep it rolling. And if a waiter

està explicant

is explaining

un plat durant 10 minuts,

a dish for 10 minutes,

doncs el plat ja s'ha refredat

well, the plate has already cooled down

i el client pot ser que ja

and the client may already be

s'està agobiant, no?, vol dir que també

She's getting overwhelmed, isn't she? It means that too.

anem amb cuida d'aquestes coses

let's be careful with these things

perquè considerem que és important que el client

because we believe it is important that the client

estigui a gust i que no cal

be at ease and that it's not necessary

donar-li la volta

to turn it over

tant a les coses. A vegades

so much to the things. Sometimes

jo he anat a llocs, això que dius tu,

I have been to places, what you say,

que tens el cambrer allà com

What do you have the waiter there like?

una hora explicant-te, com

an hour explaining to you, how

colleixen una tomàquet, que dius

they pick a tomato, you say

pot ser que no cal, no?, com que m'expliquis

It may not be necessary, right? Just as long as you explain it to me.

el plat i el que aporta i en tinc prou,

the plate and what it brings, and I have enough,

des de casa nostra

from our house

pots estar tranquil,

you can be calm,

que no fem això, no?

let's not do that, shall we?

I respecte a lo que

And regarding what

deies abans dels menús

you said before the menus

de gustació, sí que és veritat que hi ha molta gent

Of tasting, yes it is true that there are many people.

que veu la quantitat de plats

what do you see the number of dishes

que hi ha, és com que es tira una mica enrere,

what there is, is as if it pulls back a bit,

ostres, i això no m'ho acabaré.

Wow, I won't finish this.

Mentira, perquè enganya una mica.

Lie, because it misleads a bit.

Nosaltres anem en porcions molt petites,

We go in very small portions,

hem tastat nosaltres els

we have tasted the

menús i no volem que la gent tampoc

menus and we don't want people to either

vagi antipada ni que vagi

it doesn't matter if it happens or not

engana. Llavors, intentem

It deceives. Then, let's try.

buscar un equilibri molt complicat

to find a very complicated balance

de trobar, perquè

to find, because

tots som

we all are

diferents a l'hora de menjar, potser hi ha

different when it comes to eating, perhaps there are

alguns que ens agrada menjar massa, alguns menys,

some of us like to eat too much, some less,

però intentem buscar aquest punt

but let's try to find this point

intermig de no quedar-te

in between not staying



i no de quedar-te engana

And not to be deceived.

tampoc, perquè no vull que sortigues enganada

neither, because I don't want you to end up trapped.

a casa meva. Llavors, el que fem, que quan

at my house. So, what we do is that when

acaba el menú,

the menu ends,

intentem, si volem algun plat més, no hi ha cap

let's try, if we want any more dishes, there are none

problema, no? I normalment la gent

problem, right? And usually people

queda perfecta, arriba als postres perfecta

it looks perfect, for the desserts it’s perfect

i amb el cafè i els petifugs, doncs ja

And with the coffee and the pastries, then already.

genial. I el que deies abans,

great. And what you said before,

que és una oportunitat,

what is an opportunity,

i aquí vas a un restaurant gastronòmic

And here you go to a gourmet restaurant.

a fer una degustació,

to go for a tasting,

perquè t'està donant l'oportunitat

because it is giving you the opportunity

de tastar un munt de plats

to taste a lot of dishes

en un àpat, i això

in a meal, and this

és una experiència, depèn del que busques.

It's an experience, depending on what you're looking for.

Si busques menjar,

If you are looking for food,

doncs potser pots anar a un altre lloc

then perhaps you can go somewhere else

i pots menjar, però si busques una experiència,

you can eat, but if you are looking for an experience,

gastronòmica, tastar

gastronomic, to taste

diferents plats, diferents gustos, diferents

different dishes, different tastes, different

textures, doncs ja que estàs allà

textures, since you are already there

en aprofita i ho proves, no?

You take advantage of it and try it, right?

I si no t'agrada, doncs ja en saps

And if you don't like it, then you already know.

que no t'agraden els menús de degustació, però

that you don't like tasting menus, but

atreveix-te a fer el pas

dare to take the step

de tastar, perquè a vegades la gent

to taste, because sometimes people

hi parla i no ha fet mai

he talks and has never done

un menú degustació i no ho ha tastat mai.

a tasting menu and has never tasted it.

Dius, doncs

You say, then.

tasta-ho, prova-ho, experimenta,

taste it, try it, experiment.

no? Pot ser que no t'agradi,

No? Perhaps you don't like it,

doncs ja està, no és el teu...

so that's it, it's not yours...

No cal que vagi,

There's no need for me to go.

així, si no t'agrada, no passa res, no passa res.

So, if you don't like it, it's fine, it's fine.

Jo, realment,

I, really,


the only...

que no és el teu cas, perquè ofereixes carta, no?

that is not your case, because you offer a menu, right?

És que quan es van posar de moda

It's just that when they became fashionable

a Saco, fa uns 10 anys,

in Saco, about 10 years ago,

hi havia una quantitat enorme de restaurants

there was a huge number of restaurants

que només oferien

that only offered

menú degustació. Això realment

tasting menu. This really

és molt eficient, no? És com

It's very efficient, isn't it? It's like

el marge que deixa un casament,

the margin that a marriage leaves,



Aquests banquets, no?

These banquets, right?

Que tothom menjarà

That everyone will eat.

el mateix, al mateix moment,

the same, at the same moment,



a la cuina ho pot fer supereficient,

in the kitchen it can be done super efficiently,

no? Pot fer una cuina de producció

No? You can make a production kitchen.

i tenir-ho fet, que no és la teva cuina,

And having it done, that is not your kitchen,

eh? Però,

Huh? But,

clar, no pots tornar a aquests restaurants.

Sure, you can't go back to those restaurants.

Dius, entenc que tu

You say, I understand that you.

varies, perquè si fas cuina de temporada,

varies, because if you cook with seasonal ingredients,

el varies cada quant, o cada dia,

It varies every once in a while, or every day.

igual. Pot ser que cada dia

same. It may be that every day

hi hagi algun canvi. De fet, quan

there is any change. In fact, when

presentem els menús als clients, sempre

we always present the menus to the customers

diem que pot haver algun canvi en els menús.

We say that there may be some changes in the menus.

O sigui, pot ser que avui m'arribaran

So, it may be that they will arrive for me today.

pesos d'àgrima, no?

weights of tears, right?

Doncs avui farem un plat amb pesos d'àgrima

So today we will make a dish with weight of tear.

i amb tòfona, no?

And with truffle, right?

I traiem algun entrant dels que hi ha habitualment

Let's remove one of the usual appetizers.

al menú i canviem, no?

We change on the menu, right?

Però normalment un canvi total de tots els menús

But normally a complete change of all the menus.

és cada tres mesos.

it is every three months.

Però també és veritat el que deies tu,

But it is also true what you said,

que si tens una carta,

that if you have a letter,

doncs pots

so you can

introduir suggerències del dia,

introduce daily suggestions,

et pot arribar un peix, et pot arribar

A fish can come to you, it can come.

un bolet, et poden arribar

A mushroom, they can reach you.

moltes coses i ofereixes

many things and offers

una segona oferta, i això està molt bé.

a second offer, and that is very good.

T'ha donat molt de joc,

It has given you a lot of play,

i t'ha donat el que tu deies abans, que pots tornar

And it has given you what you said before, that you can return.

al restaurant, perquè un cop has fet

to the restaurant, because once you have done

el menú degustació, doncs t'has d'esperar tres mesos

the tasting menu, so you have to wait three months

per tornar al restaurant, perquè clar, tornaries

to return to the restaurant, because of course, you would return

a menjar el mateix, i ja no és tan

to eat the same, and it is no longer so

interessant, perquè estàs repetint el menú

Interesting, because you are repeating the menu.

la primera vegada, potser

the first time, perhaps

agafes amb unes ganes i amb una il·lusió,

you take it with such eagerness and excitement,

però la segona vegada ja és com

but the second time is already like

que ja l'he fet, ja

that I have already done it, already

el mateix, n'hi ha gent també que li agraden moltes coses

the same, there are people who also like many things

de menú, i quan tornen i

for the menu, and when they return and

treus coses, diuen, ostres, és que l'última vegada

You take things, they say, wow, it's just that the last time.

he menjat no sé què, i torno per menjar tal.

I've eaten I don't know what, and I'm coming back to eat such and such.

Això ens ha passat, també.

This has happened to us too.

Però sí que és veritat, estic

But it is true, I am

entuent que ha d'haver

there must be

alternatives perquè la gent torni a casa.

alternatives for people to return home.

Com, per exemple, avui,

Like, for example, today,

que ho tens ple,

that you have it full,

quanta gent és repetidora?

How many people are repeating?

És aproximat, evidentment.

It is approximate, obviously.

Doncs no sé, d'erta, pot

Well, I don't know, maybe.

haver-hi tres o quatre taules,

to have three or four tables,

sobretot d'empresa,

especially of company,

ve molta gent i, bueno, sempre tenen

a lot of people come and, well, they always have

convidats, i aquí sí que és veritat

guests, and here it is true

que no n'hi ha... Sí que

that there aren't any... Yes there are

la persona que ve sempre, doncs

the person who always comes, then

intento canviar-li algun plat que altre,

I try to change some dish from time to time.

però sempre té convidats diferents

but he/she always has different guests

i ell allò que vol és que provi una oferta

And all he wants is for me to try an offer.

de restaurant, i aquí

from the restaurant, and here

sí que no és tant de problema, però sí que

it is not such a problem, but yes

és veritat, n'hi ha altra gent que venen

It's true, there are other people who come.

d'habituar-se al restaurant, doncs potser

to get used to the restaurant, so perhaps

avui m'arribarà una llagosta, els faran una llagosta.

Today a lobster will arrive for me, they will make a lobster for them.

Molt bé. O sigui,

Very well. So,

tens un client que li pots explicar

you have a client that you can explain to him/her

el que t'ha arribat avui.

what has reached you today.

Com ho fas, això?

How do you do that?

Avui hi ha

Today there is

pesos llàgrima, o

tear weights, or

avui ha arribat una llagosta,

today a locust has arrived,

què fas? T'ho diu el proveïdor?

What are you doing? Does the supplier tell you that?

Sí, bueno, mira,

Yes, well, look,

en tenim un noi que ha posat la ràpida,

we have a guy who has put the quick one,

doncs arribarà amb

so it will arrive with

el camió i em dirà, doncs mira,

the truck will tell me, so look,

avui porto calamar, porto llagosta,

Today I'm bringing squid, I'm bringing lobster,

porto... normalment

I wear... normally.

ve cada dia, i doncs mira,

come every day, and so look,

doncs és el més

then it is the most

que em pot interessar, o espardenyes,

that might interest me, or espadrilles,

doncs mira, doncs em diràs avui llagosta,

Well look, then you'll tell me today lobster,

espardenyes, tal, tal. Encara

Espadrilles, such, such. Still.

que no tinguis a la carta, igual agafes

that you don't have on the menu, you might still take.

unes espardenyes, una llagosta,

a pair of espadrilles, a lobster,

perquè, bueno, sempre tinc algun client

because, well, I always have some client

d'aquests, com deies tu abans, que són

of these, as you said before, what are they

repitedors, i hi ha

repeaters, and there are

confiança, i al final arriben a la seva

trust, and in the end, they get their way

taula, i no, no, quasi

table, and no, no, almost

no demanen mai d'aquests... És complicat, eh,

they never ask for these... It's complicated, huh?

perquè d'aquests clients a Tarragona n'hi ha

because there are some clients in Tarragona

poquets, no? Després també a qualsevol

Few, right? Afterwards also to anyone.

llagosta, especialment

lobster, especially

a Madrid, no?,

to Madrid, right?

que a la penya li encanta

that the group loves it

ensenyar bitllets, i aquí som

show tickets, and here we are

més discrets, i som

more discreet, and we are

un públic més austè,

a more austere audience,

que tampoc ens agrada, no?

which we also don't like, right?

La gent de quartos de Tarragona no

The people from Tarragona's quarters do not

porten un porc rosa,

they are carrying a pink pig,

hi havia un constructor que sí, però crec que

There was a builder who yes, but I think that

s'ha arruïnat. Aquí la gent

has gone bankrupt. Here people

és més, no?

It's more, isn't it?

I llavors aquesta cuina

And then this kitchen

costa més, però clar, quan trobes els clients,

it costs more, but of course, when you find the clients,

que evidentment, per número

that obviously, by number

d'habitants, n'hi ha d'haver, aquests clients

there must be residents, these clients

que poden gastar, que no han de mirar...

that they can spend, that they don't have to check...

Sí, sí que n'hi ha

Yes, there are indeed.

aquests clients a Tarragona, i

these clients in Tarragona, and

bueno, però al final nosaltres també som discrets,

well, but in the end we are also discreet,

no? No diem què ve a casa nostra

No? We don't say what comes to our house.

i què fa, què s'ha de fer, però al final

And what does it do, what should be done, but in the end.

ens tractem com un client

we treat each other like a client

més, i... No tens un client.

more, and... You don't have a client.

Tu tens un privat, no? No, no, no tinc

You have a private one, right? No, no, I don't have one.

cap privat, no, no, no, no, no, i...

No private, no, no, no, no, no, and...

Això als polítics els encanta.

Politicians love this.

Quan hi havia, com es deia aquell, el carrer

When there was, what was that street called?

Cavallers, que tenia

Gentlemen, what I had

un privat, que tenia molt

a private one, who had a lot

d'èxit entre els polítics...

of success among politicians...

El de Gusta. El de Gusta. Mira, de fet

The one of Gusta. The one of Gusta. Look, in fact.

va ser un dels locals que vaig mirar,

it was one of the places I looked at,

el de Gusta, i bueno, al final no van

the one from Gusta, and well, in the end they don't go.

sortir les coses bé. Bueno, a mi

to make things turn out well. Well, for me

aquell local m'han parlat molt malament de l'amo,

I have heard very bad things about the owner of that place.

que et vas tenir

that you had

intransigent, es veu. Bueno,

intransigent, it shows. Well,

no vam arribar a un acord, i bueno,

we didn't reach an agreement, and well,

doncs mira, ja està. És xulo, això,

Well, look, that's it. It's cool, this.

el local és espectacular, té les

the venue is spectacular, it has the

escales aquelles que molesten una mica, però

those stairs that are a bit annoying, but

però a mi

but to me

m'havien dit que l'amo era bastant

They had told me that the owner was quite...

complicat. Molt bé.

Complicated. Very good.

Parlem una mica

Let's talk a bit.

de quin és el plat

which dish is it



no et diré que no pots treure, perquè

I won't tell you that you can't take out, because

el ser de gustació és més complicat, però

the tasting being is more complicated, but

hi ha algun que sigui la teva

Is there any that is yours?

identitat, o que els clients recordin

identity, or what clients remember

especialment. Mira, tenim

especially. Look, we have

en els aperitius tenim dues coses que

In the appetizers, we have two things that

hem pogut treure amb ell, no? Fem una oliva,

we have been able to get along with him, haven't we? Let's have an olive,

que és una falsa oliva,

what is a false olive,

això, doncs, ho he intentat

so, I have tried this

canviar alguna vegada, i bueno,

change sometimes, and well,

doncs la gent sempre que torna, doncs

so people always come back, so

la volen. I un sànduix

They want it. And a sandwich.

que fem de foie, amb sardina,

what do we do with foie, with sardine,

sés amb negre, i porta

be dressed in black, and wear

un gel de virrància de Tarragona. Doncs aquest

a virulence gel from Tarragona. Well, this

aperitiu tampoc no hi ha manera de treure-ho,

there is also no way to get rid of the appetizer,

o sigui que impossible.

so it's impossible.

I després tenim un entrant que fem

And then we have a starter that we make.

com una mena de reinterpretació

as a kind of reinterpretation

de romesco de Tarragona, amb gambava

Tarragonese romesco, with prawns.

vermella, que aquest també,

red, that this one too,

doncs, bueno, és un plat que no

well, it's a dish that doesn't

presentem en una columna romana,

we present in a Roman column,

i no hi ha manera

and there is no way

de treure-lo. Doncs agrada tant a la gent que

to take it out. Well, people like it so much that

cada vegada que he intentat

every time I have tried

treure-lo, canviar per un altre plat, doncs

take it out, change it for another plate, then

la gent ho torna a demanar, i la veritat

people are asking for it again, and the truth

és que està boníssim, i

it's that it's really delicious, and

ho tenim allà, perquè al final, doncs mira,

we have it there, because in the end, well look,

és un plat ja

it's a dish already

ja és un clàssic a casa, o sigui, tal com

it's already a classic at home, so, just like

els dos aperitius, com aquest plat, doncs

the two appetizers, like this dish, then

no s'han mogut mai dels menús

they have never moved from the menus

ni de la carta. Molt bé, i ja,

not from the letter. Very well, and that's it,

algun que recordis

any that you remember

que a tu t'agradava, però que no ha agradat?

What did you like, but that didn't please?

O ja tens el paladar molt

Oh, you already have a very refined palate.

tarragoní, ja saps que aguantaran,

Tarragonian, you already know that they will endure,

que no aguantaran...

that they will not endure...

Poses picants, per exemple?

Spicy poses, for example?

Els picants, a veure, anem

The spicy ones, let's see, let's go.

amb cuidado, perquè sempre busquem

with care, because we always seek

un picant que sigui suau,

a mild spicy one,

que no... Exacte,

not... Exactly,

per a tots els públicos, sí, sí, no anem

for all audiences, yes, yes, we are not going

a coses greus, perquè, bueno, dins d'una

to serious things, because, well, within a

mena d'agostació, també pot fer una mala

August's behavior can also lead to a bad outcome.

jugada un picant molt

played a very spicy one

potent, perquè fots picant

potent, because it stings

d'aquests de l'hòstia, i la gent, durant

of these from the hell of it, and the people, during

tot el manut té la boca, que

"everything the man has the mouth, that"

el que vols és un got de llet, o...

What you want is a glass of milk, or...

Home, si et passes...

Dude, if you go too far...

Però jo he començat amb picants a molts restaurants

But I have started with spicy dishes at many restaurants.

d'aquests d'estrelles Michelin i tal,

of these Michelin stars and such,

picants suaus, eh?

mild spicy, huh?



d'aquests que pugen i baixen

of those that go up and down



d'aquests que es queden, però que et diuen

"Of those who stay, but who tell you."

que t'obren el paladar. També

that open your palate. Also

trobo que és una llàstima que plats

I find it a shame that dishes

de tota la vida

of a lifetime

els hagin tret el picant

they have taken the spiciness out of it

i te l'hagis d'afegir, no a

and you have to add it, not to

l'alta cuina, però, per exemple, als callos,

haute cuisine, however, for example, in tripe,

doncs els callos

so the tripe

tradicionalment piquen, i ara

traditionally they sting, and now

vas a molts llocs i ja no piquen, i llavors

you go to many places and they no longer sting, and then

et posen al costat la salsa picant

they put the hot sauce next to you

perquè n'hi posis, però

"so you can put some there, but"

no és el mateix. Bueno, jo no sóc

it's not the same. Well, I'm not

partidari de treure res a una recepta,

supporter of taking nothing out of a recipe,

no?, perquè al final

no?, because in the end

uns callos amb un punt de picant,

tripe with a hint of spiciness,

doncs és la gràcia per mi, a part

well, it's the grace for me, apart

de que sigui un plat gelatinós

that it is a gelatinous dish

i que, bueno, doncs pel que

And that, well, then for what

ens agrada aquest punt de col·làgen

we like this point of collagen

i que hagi aquest

and let there be this

que se te'n pape, no?,

What do you care, right?

els llavis i tal,

the lips and such,

jo no sóc partidari

I am not in favor.

que es tregui el picant, perquè al final és la gràcia

to remove the spiciness, because in the end that's where the fun is

i suavitza

and softens

el plat i te dona el pas

the plate gives you the pass

a continuar menjant, perquè a vegades

to continue eating, because sometimes

no entenem la importància del picant

we do not understand the importance of spicy

dins d'un plat, no?, i en el cas dels

inside a plate, right?, and in the case of the

callos, a mi m'encanta perquè

tripe, I love it because

té aquesta xispa, no?, perquè si a tot el temps

it has this spark, right?, because if all the time

estàs menjant gelatina és com una mica avorrit,

you are eating gelatin it's a bit boring,

per dir-ho d'alguna manera, des del meu punt de vista.

To put it somewhat, from my point of view.

I al tindre aquesta xispa

And having this spark

de punt de picantet, doncs

a bit spicy, then

ho fa més agradable

it makes it more pleasant

i que et ve de gust, doncs continua

If you enjoy it, then keep going.

menjant. A més, atipa.

eating. Furthermore, it fills you up.

O sigui, és molt tradicional

So, it is very traditional.

a cuinar els més pobres,

to cook for the poorest,

perquè és un...

because it is a...

No sé què és,

I don't know what it is,

és un...

it's a...

Bueno, no té gust, no?, el picant

Well, it doesn't taste good, does it? The spiciness.

és una sensació, no sabria classificar-ho.

It's a feeling, I wouldn't know how to classify it.

Però el que sí que fa

But what it does do

és que atipa i pots menjar

it's filling and you can eat

menys i

less and

et quedes satisfet, no?

Are you satisfied, right?

Estem parlant ara de callos, tu no ets

We are talking about calluses now, you are not.

practicant? És a dir, proves

practitioner? That is to say, tests

porc? No menjo porc,

Pig? I don't eat pork.

però a casa meva es fan callos.

but at my house they make tripe.

Es fan callos de cordell, es fan callos de vedella,

They make tripe from beef tripe, they make tripe from veal.

també, o sigui... I al restaurant tens?

Also, I mean... Do you have it at the restaurant?

Al restaurant, mira, fèiem abans un plat

At the restaurant, look, we used to make a dish before.

de callos, però, bueno, a la nostra manera una mica.

of tripe, but, well, in our own way a little.

El que fèiem era

What we did was

caure els callos, fer una recepta

remove the calluses, make a recipe

tradicional... De vedella. De vedella, sí, sí.

Traditional... Beef. Beef, yes, yes.

Llavors, els hi trèiem

Then, we took them away.

només el caldo,

only the broth,

no?, el que és el suc.

No, what the juice is.

Doncs ho deixàvem,

So we would leave it,

no sé, durant bastantes hores, 8 o 9 hores,

I don't know, for quite a few hours, 8 or 9 hours,

deixàvem allà fent xup-xup i, en cap cas,

we left it there simmering and, in no case,

traiem tota aquesta substància

we will remove all this substance

i, en el que ens sobrava de carn,

and, what we had left over from meat,

doncs fèiem com una pasta. Llavors,

so we were making some dough. Then,

fèiem com una oblea cruixent, com una galeta

we made something like a crispy wafer, like a cookie

de callos, ho estiràvem

we stretched it from tripe

entre dos silpats de cuina

between two kitchen spatulas

i ho ficàvem al forn a desadreçar

and we put it in the oven to unstick

i ens quedava com una mena de cruixent

and it felt like a kind of crunch.

que ens recordava el gustet aquest

that reminded us of this little taste

de callos, no? I presentàvem

of tripe, right? We presented

en la base d'un plat la sopa

at the bottom of a plate, the soup

aquesta de callos de base,

this one of tripe base,

que amb un rovell d'ou, tòfona,

with an egg yolk, truffle,

i el cruixent aquest de callos.

and the crunchy tripe.

I era un plat que agradava moltíssim.

It was a dish that was very much liked.

Molt bé, molt curiós. Llavors, tu,

Very well, very curious. So, you,

el porc no el serveixes, o sí?

You don't serve the pig, do you?

Sí, sí, sí. Llavors no el proves i ja està.

Yes, yes, yes. Then just don't try it and that's it.

No el provo, però, bueno,

I'm not provoking him, but, well,

sí, m'agrada cuinar amb porc,

Yes, I like to cook with pork.

però, bueno, no em menjo, doncs, ja

well, I won’t eat it then, already

per religió, per tradició,

for religion, for tradition,

perquè a casa meva no s'ha menjat mai

because at my house it has never been eaten

i, bueno, però sí, m'agrada cuinar

Yes, well, but yes, I like to cook.

amb el porc, donar molt de joc i

with the pig, give a lot of play and

és bastant interessant. De fet, tenim...

It's quite interesting. In fact, we have...

Fa poc vaig fer un vídeo,

I recently made a video,

el Gordo 2, que té,

the Gordo 2, what does it have,

bueno, que ha guanyat tots els premis, que és

well, that has won all the awards, that is

els millors callos de Catalunya, no? Va sortir

the best tripe in Catalonia, right? It came out.

la notícia i, bueno, estan a

the news and, well, they are at

rebentar, que està aquí al polígon del riu clar

burst, which is here in the river clear industrial estate

i vaig fer el vídeo i la cuina,

I made the video and the kitchen.

la cuinera és musulmana, llavors tampoc

the cook is Muslim, so neither is she

els prova.

he tests them.

I, bueno, i porta xoriço,

Well, and it has chorizo.

i porta, encara que siguin de vedella, la recepta

And it takes, even if they are beef, the recipe.

i, bueno, i després

and, well, and then

tenen galtes de porc,

they have pork cheeks,

tenen cua,

they have a tail,

bueno, cua de bou si podria, però no,

well, I could have a tail of an ox, but no,

la cua de bou no, perquè també la fan amb manteca.

The oxtail no, because they also make it with lard.

O sigui, que hi ha

That is to say, there is.

moltes coses que no

many things that do not

pretenen a una provadora oficial

they aim for an official tester

i em va fer molta

and it made me a lot

gràcia, que dius, mira, la cuinera

Grace, what are you saying, look, the cook.

és responsable de tot això, no?

He's responsible for all this, right?

Però jo crec que quan portes uns anys

But I think that when you have been doing it for a few years

a la cuina, ja tens un punt de sal

In the kitchen, you already have a point of salt.

controlat, és a dir,

controlled, that is to say,

jo què sé, fem nosaltres el garri i abaixa

I don't know, let's make a fuss and lower it down.

la temperatura a vegades, no? És a dir, doncs ja

The temperature sometimes, right? I mean, well then.

per cada quilo de carri ja sabem que

for every kilo of curry we already know that

una quantitat de sal hem de posar, no?

We have to put in a certain amount of salt, right?

I com fem les salses,

And how do we make the sauces,

ja portes molts anys,

you have been around for many years,

toquen muntes salses i saps quina

they play many sauces and you know which one

quantitat has de posar i que el problema

how much you have to put and what the problem is

que pots tenir és això, el punt de sal, no?

What you can have is this, the point of salt, right?

Que se te'n vagi de les mans, que és un problema

Let it slip through your fingers, it's a problem.

o que en falti sal. Si en falta sal,

or that it lacks salt. If it lacks salt,

doncs mira encara, no? Pots afegir.

So look, not yet, right? You can add.

Si és una mica de sal i ja està, però si et passes

If it's just a little salt and that's it, but if you overdo it

tens un problema greu. Però de totes maneres

You have a serious problem. But anyway

la gent que tinga la cuina s'hi dona a tastar

the people who have the kitchen let themselves be tasted

també, vol dir que...

also, it means that...

Hi ha cuiners que no... Vaig fer un altre vídeo a Camillado,

There are cooks who don't... I made another video at Camillado,

a Constantí, que també tenen

in Constantí, which they also have

uns callos molt coneguts, i el cuiner

very well-known tripe, and the cook

no prova res.

doesn't test anything.

No per creença, sinó perquè

Not for belief, but because

al final

in the end

els cuiners

the cooks

són una mica com els arquitectes,

they are a bit like architects,

que amb 40 anys se'ls considera joves

that at 40 years old they are considered young

perquè saber de cuinar és bastant

because knowing how to cook is quite

complicat perquè hi ha moltes variables.

complicated because there are many variables.

Però després,

But then,

quan portes temps, cuines

when you spend time, you cook

amb tots els sentits. És a dir,

with all the senses. That is to say,

per exemple, jo a casa

for example, I at home

poso una ceba

I put an onion.

i per...

and for...

puc sentir quin soroll fa

I can feel what noise it makes.

i sé en quin punt està.

And I know at what point it is.

Sí, sí, exacte. Quan es comença a enganxar

Yes, yes, exactly. When it starts to get stuck.

fa un soroll diferent,

it makes a different noise,



si està coberta no tens problemes

if it is covered you have no problems

perquè anirà deixant aigua

because it will keep dripping water

i no s'enganxarà, però bueno,

and it won't stick, but well,

que estàs cuinant amb l'orella,

what are you cooking with your ear,

amb el nas,

with the nose,

en el moment que també la ceba es comença a enganxar,

when the onion also starts to stick,

o quan tens una cosa al forn,

or when you have something in the oven,

també és bastant habitual que comenci

it is also quite common that it starts

a fer olor quan està

to smell when it is

al seu punt, que primer no

at its point, why not first

surten aromes i de sobte

aromas emerge and suddenly

comença la cuina a fer olor.

the kitchen begins to smell.

Bueno, doncs...

Well, then...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Amb l'olfacte també...

With the sense of smell too...

També estàs controlant el temps

You are also controlling the time.

després amb la vista.

after with the view.

La sal o la consistència d'un plat

The salt or the consistency of a dish.

també es pot veure

it can also be seen

si està més o menys espès una salsa

if a sauce is more or less thick

té a veure també amb el punt de sal

it also has to do with the point of salt

i tampoc caldria

and it wouldn't be necessary either

si ja tens tota l'experiència d'any

if you already have all the experience of the year

sobretot si és un plat que has fet moltes vegades

especially if it's a dish you've made many times

el mires i saps si està bé o no està bé.

you look at him and know if he is okay or not.

O sigui que estàs...

So you are...

I després tocant, no?

And then playing, right?

El tacte.

The touch.

El tacte és molt important.

Touch is very important.

Un pit de pollastre,

A chicken breast,

a la planxa i tocant,

on the grill and touching,

si tens experiència i la seva resistència,

if you have experience and its resistance,

si està més tou o està més dur,

if it's softer or if it's harder,

pots saber si està a dins a 70 graus o no està a 70.

You can tell if it is inside at 70 degrees or not at 70.

És una qüestió d'experiència i d'anar a provar-ho,

It's a matter of experience and trying it out.

que és una de les coses que la gent no fa a casa,

which is one of the things that people don't do at home,

que és provar alternatiu.

what is alternative testing.

Bé, fer ciència, no?

Well, doing science, right?

Si poso la sal abans és millor que la posi després

If I put the salt in beforehand, it's better than putting it in afterwards.

o la vaig posant a poc a poc.

or I'm putting it little by little.

Mira que tenim oportunitats, no?

Look at the opportunities we have, right?

Perquè al final cuinem cada dia,

Because in the end we cook every day,

els que cuinem, la majoria de gent...

those of us who cook, most people...

Bueno, jo considero sempre que,

Well, I always consider that,

qualsevol elaboració en salat, un guis,

any preparation in savory, a stew,

o ho vagis a guisar, o fer un sofregit de ceba,

either go cook it, or make a sauté with onion,

jo sempre soc partidari que la sal l'has de tirar al principi.

I am always in favor of adding salt at the beginning.

O sigui, les coses han d'agafar el punt de sal des de l'inici, no?

So, things have to reach the right level of salt from the start, right?

Tot pots rectificar al final, si en falta,

You can correct everything in the end, if needed.

però sempre ha d'haver-hi una mica a l'inici.

but there always has to be a little at the beginning.

Quan fiques una ceba a pujar,

When you put an onion to grow,

jo soc partidari de tirar-li sal al principi,

I am in favor of adding salt at the beginning,

que és quan comença a agafar tots els gustos,

that is when it begins to take on all the tastes,

comença a barrejar les coses,

start mixing things up,

la sal comença a integrar-se

the salt begins to integrate

amb el...

with the...

amb l'elaboració que estàs fent.

with the elaboration that you are doing.

O sigui, vol dir, soc partidari de que s'han de salar les coses abans.

That is to say, it means I am in favor of salting things beforehand.

I això, mira, és una cosa que...

And this, look, is something that...

De molt jo vaig anar a un concurs que es diu

A long time ago, I went to a competition called

Jove Cuiner Catalunya,

Young Cook Catalonia,

que, bueno, vaig guanyar un premi en aquest concurs

Well, I won a prize in this contest.

i havia d'haver jurat l'Albert Adrià.

I should have sworn Albert Adrià.

I deia això, no?, que quan arrencaven,

And I said this, right?, that when they started,

doncs, certes elaboracions és molt important el punt de sal

Well, in certain preparations the point of salt is very important.

des de l'inici de l'elaboració.

since the beginning of the preparation.

I estic d'acord perquè agafa un gust totalment diferent.

I agree because it takes on a completely different flavor.

Tot quan comences una elaboració sense res de sal

Every time you start a preparation without any salt.

i la fesesses al final de tot,

and you would do it at the end of it all,

la sal no acaba d'integrar-se de la manera

the salt does not fully integrate in the way

que s'hagi integrat a l'inici de l'elaboració.

that has been integrated at the beginning of the preparation.

Però sí que és veritat el que deies abans,

But what you said before is true,

que arriba un moment, no?,

that a moment arrives, doesn't it?

si t'agrada la cuina i tens curiositat

if you like cooking and are curious

i comences a aprendre i tal,

and you start to learn and such,

arriba un moment que comences a controlar.

there comes a time when you start to take control.

O sigui, controlar vol dir, doncs, tot el que deies abans, no?,

So, to control means, then, everything you were saying before, right?

doncs ja tens l'olor i escoltes tot el que està passant.

Well, you already have the smell and you hear everything that is happening.

O sigui, pot ser que estiguis fent una altra cosa

So, it could be that you are doing something else.

i tens una cosa en marxa,

and you have something in progress,

però estàs atent i te'n dónes compte del que està passant.

But you are aware and you realize what is happening.

O pot ser que tinguis quatre coses al forn.

Or maybe you have four things in the oven.

O sigui, vas fent diverses coses alhora,

I mean, you do several things at the same time,

perquè és que si no, no treus la partida,

because if you don't, you won't win the game,

t'has d'organitzar d'alguna manera.

You need to get organized somehow.

Però sí que és veritat, doncs ja veient una ceba,

But it is true, since just seeing an onion,

ja veus en quin punt està, no?

You can see at what point it is, right?

Realment sou, els cuiners sou, teniu una capacitat de fer 24 coses

You are truly, chefs you are, you have the ability to do 24 things.

a la vegada, que és sorprenent, no?

At the same time, it's surprising, isn't it?

Que a més ho veus a restaurants que tenen molts recursos

That you also see it in restaurants that have many resources.

i com ho fan, que és amb un fotimer de gent,

and how do they do it, with a load of people,

però després vas a bons cuiners que tenen pocs recursos,

but then you go to good cooks who have few resources,

o per espai, o per preu, o per no poden tenir...

or by space, or by price, or because they cannot have...

I ho fan tot ells, no?

They do it all, don't they?

I estan controlant el tio que està fent el post, tal, no sé què.

And they are monitoring the guy who is making the post, like, I don't know what.

Tot alhora arriben els 40 comensals alhora

All at once, the 40 diners arrive at the same time.

i és un caos, sembla, de fora, però després tot surt en ordre, no?

And it's chaos, it seems, from the outside, but then everything comes out in order, right?

És realment...

It is really...

Sí, si t'organitzes bé i...

Yes, if you organize yourself well and...

Bé, al final la cuina t'ensenya això, que t'has d'organitzar molt bé

Well, in the end, cooking teaches you this: that you have to organize yourself very well.

i has de tenir la capacitat de posar en marxa 7-8 coses alhora

You must have the ability to get 7-8 things underway at the same time.

i controlant-les totes, i surten al moment.

I control them all, and they come out immediately.

Jo sempre ho dic, no?

I always say it, right?

A vegades la gent arriba i vol menjar ràpid i tal,

Sometimes people arrive and want to eat quickly and all that,

i dius...

and you say...

Anem pausats, o sigui, perquè al final la cuina és...

Let's take it slow, I mean, because in the end cooking is...

Quan arriba el moment del servei és que tu no pots fallar

When the moment of service arrives, it's that you cannot fail.

i tens només una oportunitat.

And you have only one opportunity.

No és com una botiga, que tu arribes i tries unes sabates

It's not like a store, where you arrive and try on some shoes.

i, bueno, doncs les proves i tal, i les compres,

Yes, well, then the tests and such, and the purchases,

te les emportes a casa, si no t'agraden les tornes,

You take them home, if you don’t like them you return them.

però en un restaurant, no, jo t'atric un plat fet al moment

but in a restaurant, no, I will offer you a dish made at the moment

i no puc fallar.

and I cannot fail.

Llavors, doncs, tot això requereix temps,

Then, all of this requires time,

ja intentem que tot vagi com toca,

we are already trying to make everything go as it should,

doncs darrere hi ha una organització, hi ha una preparació

So behind there is an organization, there is a preparation.

i quan arriba el moment, doncs, de fer un peix,

And when the moment arrives, then, to make a fish,

doncs s'ha de treure aquest peix al punt.

So it needs to be cooked perfectly.

I, a més, has de calcular en quin moment

And also, you have to calculate at what moment.

has de posar la planxa i has d'estar al loro

You need to put the iron on and you have to keep an eye out.

i has de calcular quant de temps tardarà aquest client

You have to calculate how long this client will take.

en acabar el plat que ha sortit abans.

after finishing the dish that came out earlier.

Sí, perquè de vegades són lents, són ràpids.

Yes, because sometimes they are slow, they are fast.

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

Llavors, nosaltres sempre tenim molta comunicació amb sala

So, we always have a lot of communication with the room.

perquè ens vagin dient com van les taules.

so they can keep telling us how the tables are going.

Porteu pinganillo o no?

Do you have an earpiece or not?

No portem pinganillo, però, bueno...

We don't wear an earpiece, but, well...

Això em sembla una tortura, allò del pinganillo.

This seems like torture to me, that thing with the earpiece.

Sí, no, no, no el portem perquè mai m'ha agradat, o sigui, no...

Yes, no, no, we don't take it because I've never liked it, so no...

Fa poc vaig anar a un restaurant a Girona

Not long ago, I went to a restaurant in Girona.

que té molta fama.

that is very famous.

No era el Roca, però em va semblar...

It wasn't Roca, but it seemed to me...

L'experiència era...

The experience was...

Estaven com a soldats, amb una rigidesa,

They were like soldiers, with a rigidity,

i cada vegada que anaves a agafar l'ampolla de vi

and every time you went to grab the bottle of wine

venia un cambrer i te la posava ell.

A waiter would come and place it for you.

I a mi això em molesta perquè t'estan mirant constantment.

And this annoys me because they are constantly watching you.

Jo no estava relaxat, realment.

I was not relaxed, really.

I portaven pinganillo i llavors no entens molt bé com...

They were wearing earpieces and then you don't understand very well how...

Perquè, clar, els estan parlant

Because, of course, they are talking to them.

i de sobte com que reaccionen ràpidament.

And suddenly they react quickly.

I a mi em va semblar que això, ho recordo,

And it seemed to me that this, I remember,

que vaig treballar durant un temps, fa 20 anys,

that I worked for a while, 20 years ago,

en una empresa de relacions públiques que feien esdeveniments.

in a public relations company that organized events.

I l'amo, bueno, jo era com soci, però ell estava a ells i jo a l'acant.

And the owner, well, I was like a partner, but he was with them and I was on the sidelines.

Quan fèiem un sarau així gran,

When we had such a big gathering,

ell estava nerviós, suat,

he was nervous, sweaty,

amb una tensió amb el pinganillo,

with a tension with the earpiece,

totes les hosteses estaven així,

all the hostesses were like this,

i jo deia, vols dir que així...

And I said, do you mean that like this...

Jo com a client, això no m'agrada gens.

As a customer, I don't like this at all.

I diu, doncs el client d'aquí ho paga, això.

And he says, then the client here pays for this.

Em vol veure suar, em vol veure tot vermell,

He wants to see me sweat, he wants to see me completely red,

em vol veure que corro, que estic preocupat per tot el que passa.

He wants to see me run, that I'm worried about everything that's happening.

I sobretot va ser amb una cosa de l'UNESCO,

And above all, it was something with UNESCO.

que la de relacions públiques de l'UNESCO també era així.

that the UNESCO public relations were also like that.

I hi havia una planta que potser feia 200 quilos

And there was a plant that might have weighed 200 kilos.

i la va fer moure quatre vegades.

and made her move four times.

I jo pensava, és totalment irrelevant la planta,

And I thought, the plant is completely irrelevant,

on està la planta.

Where is the plant?

I jo realment aquesta...

And I really this...

M'agrada molt més, o m'ho passo molt millor,

I enjoy it much more, or I have a much better time.

a restaurants on veig que no són perfectes,

I see that restaurants are not perfect,

però que ells estan relaxats,

but that they are relaxed,

o per mi el paradigma és el cortijo,

or for me the paradigm is the farmhouse,

que ells estan dins de la festa, no?

That they are at the party, right?

Ells estan fent la copa de vi amb tu,

They are toasting with you.

i l'altre està menjant-se un tros de pernil...

and the other is eating a piece of ham...

Que això no és per tothom, evidentment,

That this is not for everyone, obviously.

però jo gaudeixo quan veig que tothom està...

but I enjoy when I see that everyone is...

Està gaudint també, d'alguna manera.

He is also enjoying it, in some way.

Sí, bueno, jo sé que no es pot gaudir,

Yes, well, I know that one cannot enjoy,

de tot, és a dir, si estàs allà de cambrer

of everything, that is to say, if you are there as a waiter

i has sortit la nit abans,

I went out the night before.

doncs fas el que pots,

then you do what you can,

i no cal que estiguis allà amb un somriure i tal,

and you don't need to be there with a smile and all that,

però sí que no notis que això ha passat molt a l'alta cuina, no?

But you do notice that this has happened a lot in haute cuisine, right?

Que hi ha una pressió i que hi ha un ambient laboral...

That there is pressure and that there is a work environment...

La majoria de gent no ho veu, eh?

Most people don't see it, right?

Sí, bueno, jo, de veritat, per allò que et deia abans,

Yes, well, I, really, for what I was telling you earlier,

jo no vull que passi això a casa meva,

I don't want this to happen in my house,

perquè ho he viscut.

because I have lived it.

He estat a cases, doncs, bueno,

I've been at home, so, well,

que ha hagut molta...

that there has been a lot of...

Cada dia tens aquesta tensió,

Every day you have this tension,

cada dia vas a mil...

every day you go to a thousand...

Per hora, i fas un fotiment d'hores,

Per hour, and you work a hell of a lot of hours,

i la veritat és que jo no vull que passi això a casa meva,

and the truth is that I don't want this to happen in my house,

no és el que busco,

it's not what I'm looking for,

perquè podem fer les coses bé,

because we can do things right,

podem fer un menú de gustació igual,

we can make a tasting menu the same,

podem ser creatius igual,

we can be creative too,

però tractant amb respecte

but dealing with respect

i fent que la gent treballi a gust, no?

And making sure people work comfortably, right?

Al final, jo hi ha una cosa,

In the end, there is one thing for me,

que de meri això de la gent que tinc a sala,

What a pity about the people I have in the room.

que tenen una telepatia brutal,

that they have a brutal telepathy,

o sigui, que es miren entre ells

that is, they look at each other

i ja saben que necessiten cada moment

And they already know what they need at each moment.

el company,

the companion,

cada manada, cada marxar,

each herd, each departure,

o sigui, no necessiten pinganyillos,

that is, they don't need little trinkets,

necessiten nassuats,

they need nosebleeds,

ni només amb una mirada ja ho veuen tot,

not only with a glance they can see everything,

i entre ells, doncs,

and among them, therefore,

un està aixecant una taula

One is raising a table.

i en seguida veuràs que l'altre va darrere

And soon you will see that the other is behind.

per marcar amb els coberts

to mark with the cutlery

el següent plat que hi va.

the next dish that goes there.

O sigui, en tot moment tenen tot controlat

So, at all times they have everything under control.

i jo crec que això s'aconsegueix

And I believe that this is achievable.

amb una filosofia més relaxada

with a more relaxed philosophy

i ha d'haver-hi més comunicació,

there should have been more communication,

han d'entrenar entre ells,

they have to train among themselves,

doncs, ells tenen

well, they have

moltes coses a fer,

many things to do,

tenen les seves eines de comunicació

they have their communication tools

de telepatia, no?,

of telepathy, right?

mirant-se l'un a l'altre,

looking at each other,

doncs ja en saben el que vol,

so they already know what they want,

ja en saben el que necessita

they already know what is needed

i això m'encanta perquè al final

and I love that because in the end

no necessiten ni cridar-se, ni parlar-se,

they do not need to call each other, nor to speak to each other,

ni pinganyillos, ni nassuats,

neither small (things), nor noses (ones)

només es miren, aixecant la mirada,

they only look at each other, lifting their gaze,

doncs ja sap que l'està dient, no?

So you know what he's saying, right?

Suposo que ho proven tot, ells?

I suppose they try everything, right?

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Exacte, i entre ells, doncs,

Exactly, and among them, then,

busquen aquesta comunicació

they are looking for this communication

que funciona superbé a sala

that works great in the room

i el client a vegades fa així

and the client sometimes does this

i a terra darrere l'altre

and on the ground behind the other

marcant-li els plats, no?,

marking the dishes for him, right?

diu, ostres, ha d'haver-hi una mica de coordinació

He says, wow, there has to be a bit of coordination.

i després de cuinar nosaltres

and after cooking we

ens informen de totes les taules

they inform us of all the tables

i el que està passant, és a dir,

and what is happening, that is to say,

quan veuen que una taula menja lent

when they see that a table eats slowly

i no vol anar ràpid, doncs ens avisen

And he doesn't want to go fast, so they warn us.

la taula tal, calma, que...

the table such, calm, that...

Que no tenen pressa.

They are not in a hurry.

No tenen pressa, no?, i bueno,

They are not in a hurry, are they? And well,

jo crec que és comunicació

I believe it is communication.

i sobretot parlar molt amb l'equip

And above all, talk a lot with the team.

perquè funcioni, perquè si no hi ha comunicació,

to make it work, because if there is no communication,

doncs no... Dineu junts?

So no... Do you have dinner together?



Sí, sempre, sí, sí.

Yes, always, yes, yes.

A les 12? Qui cuina?

At 12? Who cooks?

Depèn, cada dia cuina un de cuina,

It depends, every day a different person cooks.

pot ser que cuini el del fred o el del calent,

it could be that I cook the cold one or the hot one,

doncs ho enroten tots o algun dia cuino jo,

So they all take turns or one day I'll cook.

o sigui que...

that is to say...

Què feu? Teniu alguna mania

What do you do? Do you have any quirks?

o alguna preferència?

or any preference?

O els dijous feu arròs o és...?

Or do you make rice on Thursdays or is it...?

L'arròs ho fem el diumenge, sempre.

We always make the rice on Sunday.

Hòstia, el diumenge el segon arròs.

Damn, the second rice on Sunday.

Diumenge és el dia d'arròs, doncs, bueno, mira,

Sunday is rice day, so, well, look,

avui pot ser que toca pasta,

today could be pasta day,

una amanida i pasta, no?, i pollastre al forn,

a salad and pasta, right? and roasted chicken,

amb patates,

with potatoes,

pot ser costelles d'al·letxar

it can be ribs of al·letxar

algun dia, o sigui, vol dir que...

someday, I mean, it means that...

Uau, doncs cuineu bé, eh?

Wow, so you cook well, huh?

Sí, bueno, i que fem una pata a casa,

Yes, well, what do we do, we make a leg at home,

doncs ho hem de fer bé, també, no?,

so we have to do it well, too, right?

o canelons, mira, l'altre dia vam fer canelons

Oh cannelloni, look, the other day we made cannelloni.

per dinar, o sigui, vol dir que, bueno,

for lunch, I mean, it means that, well,

doncs s'ho van rotant entre ells i cada dia

so they take turns among themselves every day

s'ho curra un o l'altre.

One works hard at it or the other.

I divendres també, i dissabte, també sopeu o no?

And Friday too, and Saturday, do you have dinner or not?

No, perquè marxem a les 4 de la tarda,

No, because we leave at 4 in the afternoon.

normalment sopem a casa i arribem a les 8

We usually have dinner at home and arrive at 8.

i ja comença el servei.

And the service is starting now.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Obriu l'horari.

Open the schedule.



En els últims anys us ha canviat?

Have you changed in recent years?

O sigui, noteu que la gent va abans?

So, do you notice that people go first?

Bueno, ho hem canviat nosaltres.

Well, we have changed it ourselves.

No és que la gent no hagi canviat,

It's not that people haven't changed,

perquè hem començat a implementar uns horaris

because we have started to implement some schedules

de dir, doncs has de triar una hora per vindre.

So you have to choose a time to come.

No pot ser que tothom vingui a dinar a les 2.

It can't be that everyone comes to eat at 2.

O sigui, és inviable, perquè, bueno,

So, it's unfeasible, because, well,

imagina't aquí ara mateix

imagine yourself here right now

que t'arribin 10 persones

may 10 people arrive to you

i que els has d'entrevistar a l'hora.

And you have to interview them on time.

No, clar, no pot ser.

No, of course, it can't be.

És un caos, no?

It's a chaos, isn't it?

Doncs un restaurant passa el mateix.

Well, a restaurant is the same.

Tothom vol a les 2 i que t'arribin

Everyone wants at 2 and for it to arrive to you.

els 40 comensals a les 2

the 40 diners at 2

és impossible.

It's impossible.

O sigui, totes les partides estaran...

That is, all the games will be...



Col·lapsades i no donen pas a l'altra.

Collapsed and do not give way to the other.

O sigui, vol dir, al final el que hem fet

So, it means, in the end what we have done.

és dividir els horaris.

It is to divide the schedules.

Hi ha gent que arriba a la 1, a la 1 i quart,

There are people who arrive at 1, at quarter past 1,

a la 1 i mitja, 2 menys 4 a les 2,

at half past one, 2 minus 4 at 2,

2 i mitja.

Two and a half.

Vale, o sigui que t'anen per escollir

Okay, so they are going to choose you.

i el primer que, no?

And the first thing, right?

Suposo que és, bueno, a les 10 i quart

I suppose it's, well, at a quarter past ten.

ja no pot ser, t'has d'anar a la 1 i mitja.

It can't be anymore, you have to go at 1:30.

Però bueno, que per un quart d'hora...

But well, just for a quarter of an hour...

Per la nit, nosaltres, l'última taula

For the night, we, the last table.

l'agafem a les 9 i mitja, perquè clar,

we'll pick him up at half past nine, because of course,

si tu em fas un menú degustació,

if you make me a tasting menu,

t'estaràs dues hores.

You will be there for two hours.

Una hora i mitja, dues hores...

An hour and a half, two hours...

O sigui, el mínim, hora i mitja,

So, the minimum is an hour and a half.

el màxim no té límit, no?

The maximum has no limit, right?

Si són nens...

If they are children...

Exacte, vol dir que nosaltres

Exactly, it means that we

intentem que a les 12 del vespre

we try to have it by midnight

les taules hi estiguin amb el cafè

the tables are there with the coffee

i acabades per marxar, perquè clar,

and just about to leave, because of course,

nosaltres hem de marxar perquè demà

we have to leave because tomorrow

tenim un servei, no pot ser que ens estiguessim allà

We have a service, it cannot be that we were there.

fins les 2 i el dia següent a les 8.

until 2 and the next day at 8.

Fins les 2 i el dia següent a les 8

Until 2 and the next day at 8.

i de vindre a obrir el matí, no?

And you come to open in the morning, right?

No tens vida.

You have no life.

Sí, sí, però bueno,

Yes, yes, but well,

la gent, al final,

people, in the end,

ho respecta, no?

It respects it, doesn't it?

Qualsevol altra cosa, tu truques

Anything else, you call.

a un metge i agafes l'hora i és d'anar a la teva hora

To a doctor, you make an appointment, and it is to go at your scheduled time.

que et toca i en un restaurant, doncs, penso

that it touches you and in a restaurant, then, I think

igual, no? No pot ser que

Same, right? It can't be that...

tothom arribi a l'hora i que vulgui la meva

everyone arrives on time and wants my

atenció i que vulgui que li portis

attention and what do you want me to bring you

el menjar allà.

the food there.

Jo entenc que és impossible.

I understand that it is impossible.

O sigui, vol dir que els restaurants, jo crec

So, it means that the restaurants, I think.

que cada vegada estan

that each time they are

posant més ordre en aquest sentit, perquè

putting more order in this regard, because

al final implica que

in the end implies that

el personal faci menys hores,

the staff work fewer hours,

implica ser més eficients

it implies being more efficient

a l'hora de treballar, donar un millor servei,

at work, providing a better service,

o sigui, hi ha moltes coses darrere d'aquests

That is to say, there are many things behind these.

horaris si anem ordenats, però si

schedules if we go orderly, but if

arribem tots a les 2, doncs, tenim un problema.

We all arrive at 2, then we have a problem.



Feu maridatges? Sí.

Do you do pairings? Yes.

Amb els dos menús? Sí, sí, sí, amb els dos menús.

With both menus? Yes, yes, yes, with both menus.

És voluntari.

He is a volunteer.

Bueno, nosaltres sempre ho farem i

Well, we will always do it and

hi ha gent que sí que en vol,

there are people who do want it,

hi ha gent que no, perquè no està acostumat a un

There are people who don't, because they are not used to it.

maridatge, però sí que en fem bastants.

pairing, but we do make quite a few.

Què prioritzeu?

What do you prioritize?

Si sou vins de la terra,

If you are wines of the land,

si són del món, com ho feu, això?

If they are from the world, how do you do that?

Nosaltres, mira, tenim una carta de vins

We, look, have a wine list.

de 600 referències.

of 600 references.

Uau, tens 600, bueno,

Wow, you have 600, well,

600, més les repetides.

600, plus the repeated ones.

Bueno, repetides totes,

Well, repeated all,

perquè si no tens repetides, malament,

because if you don't have repeats, it's bad,

perquè si te'n demanen una i ja no te'n queden...

because if they ask you for one and you don't have any left...

Quantes ampolles de vida? Sempre n'hi ha 3.

How many bottles of life? There are always 3.

Què deus tenir? Mínim 3?

What must you have? At least 3?

Doncs 6 per 3, no?

So 6 times 3, right?

O sigui, com a mínim tens 2.000 ampolles de vida.

That is, at least you have 2,000 bottles of life.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Maridatge, sempre vida territori.

Pairing, forever life territory.

Molt bé.

Very good.

En una zona que, a veure,

In an area that, you see,

tenim de tot, no? Doncs tenim el Pinedès,

We have everything, right? Well, we have the Penedès.

tenim el Piorà, tenim el Montsant, Terra Alta,

we have the Piorà, we have the Montsant, Terra Alta,

Conca de Barbarà, si vull dir que hi ha molt

Conca de Barbarà, if I want to say that there is a lot.

de joc i nosaltres sempre busquem

of play and we always seek

un maridatge de territori.

a pairing of territory.

Teniu naturals o encara no? Naturals tenim

Do you have naturals or not yet? We have naturals.

algú que altre, però jo no controlo massa,

someone or another, but I don't really know much,

eh? En tema de vins estarà Carolina,

Huh? Carolina will be on the topic of wines.

que és la que porta el tema de vins

who is in charge of the wine topic

i la bodega i tal, i bueno, doncs

and the cellar and so on, and well, then

ho fan millor que jo.

they do it better than me.

Bueno, està bé, tenir especialistes,

Well, it's okay to have specialists,

per això tens els especialistes.

That's why you have specialists.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Última pregunta. Com

Last question. How?

m'aprens tu ara mateix? A YouTube?

Are you teaching me right now? On YouTube?


You do

quatre humanos?

four humans?

No ho necessites?

Don't you need it?

Ho fas tu sol?

Do you do it alone?

Vas a congressos?

Are you going to conferences?

Bueno, abans sí que

Well, before yes that

tenia curiositat, no? Doncs anava

I was curious, right? Well, I was going.



què es fa, no? Llibres,

What do you do, right? Books,

tinc un munt de llibres de cuina, de grans

I have a lot of cookbooks, from great authors.

cuines d'aquest país, no?, que en tenim

kitchens of this country, right?, that we have

molts, i

many, and

bueno, doncs anaves mirant i

well, then you were looking and

tenen idees, cop ja no, però sí que

they have ideas, not as before, but yes

pots reinterpretar alguna recepta, alguna

can you reinterpret some recipe, any

tècnica, sempre pots treure coses d'un

Technique, you can always take things out of one.

llibre, no? Però estic en un punt que

book, right? But I am at a point where

busco una cuina personal, o sigui, el que

I'm looking for a personal kitchen, that is, what

et deia abans, no?, que al final busco el

I was telling you earlier, right?, that in the end I look for the

Marroc, busco l'antiga cuina romana

Morocco, I am looking for the ancient Roman kitchen.

tàrrega o la cuina tarragonina, doncs

Tàrrega or the Tarragona cuisine, then.

jugo amb aquestes tres coses i intento

I play with these three things and I try.

buscar, doncs, la meva cuina i el que

so, look for my kitchen and what

sóc jo, no?, la meva essència i que

It's me, right? My essence and what else.

és el que vull plasmar en cada

it's what I want to capture in each

menú, estic en aquest punt, o sigui, no...

menu, I'm at this point, that is, no...

Com ho fas? És a dir, estàs a punt de...

How do you do it? That is to say, you are about to...

d'arribar als tres mesos que portes

of reaching the three months that you have

amb una carta i dius, bueno, ara

with a letter and you say, well, now

toca canviar, i t'hi poses

it's time to change, and you get to it

o durant aquests tres mesos

or during these three months

vas dir, ara mira, aquí trobo

you said, now look, here I find

un camí i vaig

a path and I go

explorant aquest plat durant els tres

exploring this dish during the three

mesos, o com ho fas? Com és el teu procés?

Months, or how do you do it? What is your process like?

Com ara ja tinc

As now I have

una filosofia, tinc unes bases

a philosophy, I have some foundations

en ser en què ets tu, i m'agrada

in being what you are, and I like it

això de recuperar

this about recovering

l'antiga cuina romana,

the ancient Roman cuisine,

la cuina del Marroc on sóc jo, no?,

the kitchen of Morocco where I am, right?



el que busco són plats de...

what I'm looking for are dishes of...

plats tradicionals

traditional dishes

del Marroc, o plats que es feien a casa

from Morocco, or dishes that were made at home

meva, de l'antiga cuina

mine, from the old kitchen

roma, doncs tot el que vaig llegint

Rome, so everything I keep reading

des d'un garum, des de no sé què,

from a garum, from I don't know what,

doncs el mateix que feia abans en creativitat

so the same as I was doing before in creativity

doncs ho faig amb aquests plats que

so I do it with these dishes that

són antics, els reinterpreto

they are ancient, I reinterpret them

doncs a la meva manera, no?, doncs ara

well, in my own way, right? well, now

tenim un snack que és un moretum,

we have a snack that is a moretum,

no?, doncs un moretum es feia en un

no? well, a moretum was made in a

morter, amb herbes, amb formatge,

mortar, with herbs, with cheese,

oli d'oliva, i es matxacava tot,

olive oil, and everything was crushed,

i es servia en aperitiu, doncs

and it was served as an appetizer, then

aquí què hem fet? Agafar la pell

What have we done here? Take the skin.

del formatge, fer com un

of the cheese, do like a

suflat cruixent, i lo que és

crispy soufflé, and what it is

el cor de formatge, hem fet una terrina,

the cheese heart, we have made a terrine,

li hem donat un toc de fum, i

we have given it a hint of smoke, and

una imulsió d'herbes del Mediterrani,

an impulse of Mediterranean herbs,

doncs això ja és el nostre moretum, no?,

so this is our moretum, right?

doncs ja tenim un snack

well, we already have a snack

amb identitat pròpia, no?

with its own identity, right?

Te'n vas a... no necessites llibres

You're going to... you don't need books.

molt moderns, no?, són tècniques

Very modern, aren't they? They are techniques.

modernes, agafes una recepta

modern, you take a recipe

tradicional i fas la traducció

traditional and you do the translation

al terrat, doncs...

on the roof, then...

Molt bé, molt bona filosofia.

Very good, very good philosophy.

A l'Instagram

On Instagram

com sou?

How are you?

No ho portes tu? No ho porto jo.

Aren't you bringing it? I'm not bringing it.

Bueno, si busqueu

Well, if you look for

el Terrat Tarragona, a l'Instagram

el Terrat Tarragona, on Instagram

segur que el trobareu, teniu

I'm sure you will find it, you have.

la web, que és el terrat...

the web, which is the roof...



i és

and it is

una molt bona experiència gastronòmica,

a very good gastronomic experience,

doncs ja sabeu, si veniu per Tarragona,

well, you know, if you come to Tarragona,

esteu a Tarragona, sou de Tarragona,

you are in Tarragona, you are from Tarragona,

i voleu provar la cuina del Moha,

and you want to try Moha's cuisine,

que és molt interessant

that is very interesting

i molt atractiva, i tenim molta sort

and very attractive, and we are very lucky

que estiguis aquí, doncs ja sabeu. Gràcies.

That you are here, well you know. Thank you.

Gràcies a vosaltres, un plaer.

Thank you, a pleasure.

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