#Reposició #Guioneando 1-9 | El Viatge del Guionista

Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona


#Reposició #Guioneando 1-9 | El Viatge del Guionista


A continuació, escoltaràs un capítol de Podcast City,

Next, you will listen to a chapter of Podcast City.

la plataforma de podcast de Ràdio Ciutat.

the podcast platform of Ràdio Ciutat.

David, David.

David, David.

Què, què, què?

What, what, what?

És meravellós.

It is wonderful.

Ha passat el miracle que esperaves.

The miracle you were waiting for has happened.

Ho has fet.

You have done it.

Vull programes, eh?

I want programs, huh?

Hem canviat la sintonia, a més a més, a la de Weeblers,

We have changed the tune, moreover, to that of Weeblers.

que és una de les meves favorites de tots els temps.

which is one of my favorites of all time.

Justin Orbitx és una banda sonora extraordinària,

Justin Orbitx is an extraordinary soundtrack,

una pel·lícula amb antagonistes.

a movie with antagonists.

Si us recordeu l'episodi anterior,

If you remember the previous episode,

que parlàvem de les antagonistes,

that we were talking about the antagonists,

aquí hi ha un antagonista de llibre.

Here is a textbook antagonist.

I poderós, i amb víncula amb el protagonista,

And powerful, and with a bond to the protagonist,

i que el fa créixer d'alguna manera,

and that makes it grow in some way,

bueno, d'alguna i de totes.

Well, of some and of all.



Jo crec que hem arribat a un...

I think we have reached a...

Bueno, clar, avui és el vuitè programa,

Well, of course, today is the eighth program,

i jo he fet el sobresforç,

and I have made the extra effort,

tot i que, el que recordi, no?,

although, what I remember, right?

el detall sutil,

the subtle detail,

que tu no ho vas acabar de percebre,

that you didn't fully perceive it,

quan acabàvem el capítol anterior,

when we finished the previous chapter,

sonava una musiqueta de fons,

a soft background music played,

així com suau ment,

just as soft as a mind,

i jo vaig veure que em miraves així,

and I saw that you were looking at me like that,

una mica despistat,

a bit distracted,

i jo em vaig somriure, perquè, francament,

and I smiled to myself because, frankly,

era una sorpresa.

It was a surprise.

Estàvem preparant, a la manera de Hitchcock,

We were preparing, in the style of Hitchcock,

estàvem preparant aquest canvi.

We were preparing this change.

Doncs sigui benvingut a aquest canvi,

Well, welcome to this change,

a més a més, jo crec que sí.

Furthermore, I believe so.

Jo crec que és una música meravellosa

I believe it is wonderful music.

per començar i per acabar.

to begin and to end.



I parlem dels finals, també,

And we talk about the finals, too,

parlem que tot arriba a un punt...

let's talk about everything reaching a point...

A un continu, no?,

At a continuous, right?

a un continuarà, potser,

to one will continue, perhaps,

a un...

to a...

Hi queden tantes coses per a dir,

Hi, there are so many things left to say,

però parlem, si vols,

but let's talk, if you want,

de com hem d'animar, no?,

how we should cheer up, right?

de com hem d'animar la gent, també,

about how we should encourage people, too,

a participar en aquest viatge, no?,

to take part in this journey, right?

de convertir-se en guionista,

of becoming a screenwriter,

si és el que vols explicar històries

if that is what you want to tell stories

d'una manera diferent, visual...

in a different, visual way...

Correcte. Tenim idees, o sigui,

Correct. We have ideas, that is,

jo, d'entrada, som germans,

I, to begin with, we are brothers,

però, bueno, germans que ens portem molt bé,

but, well, we get along really well, brothers,

o sigui, antagonistes, no?,

So, antagonists, right?

però que tenim moltes coses en comú,

but we have a lot in common,

encrescut, tu sempre dius que jo soc

angry, you always say that I am

el teu inspirador, no?, audiovisual,

your inspirer, right?, audiovisual,

d'entrada, no?, encara ho mantens, no?

At first, right? You still keep it, don’t you?

Sí, sí, encara ho mantinc, encara ho mantinc.

Yes, yes, I still maintain it, I still maintain it.

Bueno, jo soc el cinèfil, porto tota la vida

Well, I am the film lover, I have been a fan all my life.

aquí fent programes de ràdio,

here making radio programs,

i escrivim, i veiem pel·lícules,

and we write, and we watch movies,

jo ja no ho sé, però hem fet moltes

I don't know anymore, but we have done many.

reflexions, o sigui, aquest programa, aquest any,

reflections, that is, this program, this year,

ha estat un any complicat, o sigui,

it has been a complicated year, I mean,

tots hem tingut les nostres històries,

we all have had our stories,

i des de l'humà,

and from the human,

hem fet una reflexió profunda sobre què pot ser

we have made a deep reflection on what it can be

el proper, la propera temporada

the next season

de Guioneando, d'on venim,

from Guioneando, where we come from,

cap a on anem, una miqueta així, preparant,

where are we going, a little bit like this, preparing,

bueno, com es preparen les sèries,

Well, how series are prepared,

fer aquesta petita escaleta,

make this small scale,

petita sinopsis, no?, buscant

small synopsis, right?, searching

la idea matriu del que podria ser

the central idea of what it could be

el nostre viatge del guionista.

our journey of the screenwriter.

Bueno, i precisament, això seria molt

Well, and precisely, that would be very

interessant parlar, perquè estem,

interesting to talk, because we are,

tenim entre mans projectes,

we have projects in hand,

tenim entre mans

we have in hand

cursos, tenim entre mans

courses, we have in hand



seria una tragèdia que no tinguéssim guions,

it would be a tragedy if we didn't have scripts,

però també podria ser, podria ser un objectiu.

but it could also be, it could be a goal.

I podem compartir tot allò que ens passi, i també

And we can share everything that happens to us, and also

el camí comú que tothom que

the common path that everyone who

tingui una bona història entre les mans, que vulgui

have a good story in hand, that you want

posar-se en contacte amb una productora,

get in touch with a producer,

que se topi amb un mercat

that encounters a market

que sol ser bastant

that is usually quite

aspre en les rebudes, no?,

harsh in the receipts, right?

sobretot a la gent que comença.

especially to the people who are starting.

Anècdotes, com comentar, per exemple,

Anecdotes, such as commenting, for example,

la possibilitat real d'entrar

the real possibility of entering

en contacte amb els companys de la professió

in contact with colleagues in the profession

i de vegades, doncs, fer algun especial,

and sometimes, then, do something special,

no?, parlant precisament amb aquests

no?, talking precisely with these

guionistes que ja estan

scriptwriters who are already here

batent-se el cobre, no?,

hitting copper, right?

en el món, les experiències

in the world, experiences

directes, bueno, nostres, personals,

direct, well, our, personal,

d'intentar aixecar els nostres projectes, perquè no tots,

to try to lift our projects, because not all,

tenen que ser guions, poden ser novel·les,

they must be scripts, they can be novels,

poden ser, és el món de l'escriptura, és el món

they can be, it's the world of writing, it's the world

de la narrativa, bueno, de tot això

of the narrative, well, of all this

farem el viatge, i el viatge del guionista

we will make the trip, and the trip of the screenwriter

és un viatge feixú, perquè, evidentment,

it's a heavy journey, because, obviously,

en altres albergars d'aquests capítols

in other shelters of these chapters

hem fet pincellades, o sigui,

we have made brush strokes, that is,

ha estat una miqueta,

it has been a little bit,

bueno, fer

well, do

els petits apunts

the small notes

del que és escriure,

of what it is to write,

i hem apuntat, o sigui, en altres no

and we have noted, I mean, in others not

hem volgut fer un programa

we wanted to make a program

massa teòric, de fet,

too theoretical, in fact,

fins i tot vam passar de

we even moved away from

fer-ho amb un guió

do it with a script

de ferro,

of iron,

de fer un programa,

to make a program,

doncs, alliberar-nos una miqueta, i que sigui

well, let’s free ourselves a little, and let it be

una conversa entre amics,

a conversation between friends,

qui ho sap, la possibilitat de fer, per exemple,

who knows, the possibility of doing, for example,

bueno, d'explorar els canals

Well, from exploring the canals.

de les nostres xarxes socials,

from our social networks,

que això

that this

ho farem amb cura,

we will do it carefully,

sobretot de cara a l'any que ve,

especially looking ahead to next year,

però ja començarem a desenvolupar

but we will start developing

petites idees i petits projectes que

small ideas and small projects that

poden ajudar, precisament, a

they can help, precisely, to

connectar amb el que vulgui explicar històries,

connect with those who want to tell stories,

precisament, ser guionista,

precisely, to be a screenwriter,

o sigui, gent que vol expressar,

that is to say, people who want to express themselves,

que té coses a explicar,

that has things to explain,

i que jo sempre dic,

and that I always say,

tots tenim pel·lícules, no

We all have movies, right?

una pel·lícula, tots tenim pel·lícules dintre nostre.

A movie, we all have movies inside us.

Bueno, David, però aquí...

Well, David, but here...

Discrepo. Discrepo.

I disagree. I disagree.

Enèrgicament. Ai, m'ha matat. Mira,

Energetically. Oh, it has killed me. Look,

una de les coses que ens passa a tots els guionistes,

one of the things that happens to all of us screenwriters,

quan algú se n'entén d'aquests guionistes, és, ah,

when someone understands these screenwriters, it's, ah,

doncs jo tinc una pel·li, o si fessis una pel·li

So I have a movie, or if you made a movie.

de la meva vida, o si, uh,

of my life, or yes, uh,

si jo t'explicassi, i, de fet,

if I were to explain it to you, and, in fact,

ja arriba un punt que,

there comes a point that,

doncs, sí, però això és no

well, yes, but this is no

entendre... Exactament.

to understand... Exactly.

Que, d'una forma, una història

That, in a way, a story.

no és precisament fer un reflex

it's not exactly making a reflection

de la vida real, no és un documental. Correcte.

of real life, it is not a documentary. Correct.

Estem parlant de la ficció, estem parlant

We are talking about fiction, we are talking.

de que hi ha una... pot ser unes normes

that there are... it could be some rules

que no s'han de notar

that should not be noticed

a l'hora d'explicar les històries.

when it comes to telling stories.

Ell sabe. Merci.

He knows. Thank you.

Però es tracta de que... però això,

But it’s about that... but this,

tu t'has fet triomfar, també. Soc guionista.

You have also made yourself succeed. I am a screenwriter.

Ah, doncs si jo t'explicassi mi vida...

Ah, well if I were to tell you my life...

I segurament és molt interessant,

And it is probably very interesting,

en petites pinzellades, i segurament

in small strokes, and surely

podria ser inspirador d'una pel·lícula,

it could be inspirational for a movie,

però la vida per se no és

but life in itself is not

una pel·lícula. Hi ha tants moments

a movie. There are so many moments

avorrits que acabaríem

bored that we would end up

vivint la... Bé, jo estic a favor

living the... Well, I am in favor

de viure la vida en temporades.

of living life in seasons.

Ho compro ara mateix.

I'll buy it right now.

Si fos així... Ho compro ara mateix.

If it were like that... I would buy it right now.

Seria meravellós. I a més acabar amb aquests

It would be wonderful. And also to put an end to these.

punts àlgids, no?, de dir, ui, i ara què passarà, no?

high points, right?, to say, oh, and now what will happen, right?

Però no tenim

But we don't have

aquesta estructura, precisament per la falta

this structure, precisely due to the lack

d'estructura, per la falta de...

of structure, due to the lack of...

La narrativa

The narrative

té les seves normes.

it has its rules.

La prehistòria del

The prehistory of the

guió, no?, des del moment en què un

script, right?, from the moment when one

vol explicar una història o una altra,

want to tell one story or another,

segueix aquestes pautes de captem

follow these guidelines for capturing

l'interès, presentem uns personatges,

the interest, we present some characters,

presentem un univers

we present a universe

en el que vulguis habitar o del que vulguis

in what you want to inhabit or what you want

fugir, no? Hem vist

To flee, right? We have seen.

fa molt poc aquesta pel·lícula

this movie was very recent

que ara està

that now is

trontollant-ho tot, la més cita del

trembling it all, the most quoted of

comedor. Ah, mira.

dining room. Ah, look.

La tauleta del menjador, no?, seria?

The dining table, right? Would it be?

Sí, sí. Bueno, sí, de calle...

Yes, yes. Well, yes, on the street...

De Nostada

Of Our Toast

al festival de Sitges,

at the Sitges festival,

tio, i això em va deixar

dude, and that left me

glaçat. A mi també, perquè en altres són molt

frozen. Me too, because in others they are very

de Sitges, i aquesta pel·lícula, jo crec

from Sitges, and this movie, I believe

que a més aquesta pel·lícula hagués arrasat.

that this movie would have been a hit.

Però és que ho has fet a col·laboració

But you did it in collaboration.

i m'agrada molt,

I like it a lot.

m'agrada molt perquè ho has expressat molt bé, o sigui,

I like it a lot because you expressed it very well, I mean,

hi ha una segona part, el que jo deia,

there is a second part, what I was saying,

l'afirmació que jo deia, que tots tenim històries,

the statement that I made, that we all have stories,

ve lligada amb el que parlàvem en un

is linked to what we were talking about in one

capítol que és la sobrescritura.

chapter that is the override.


The spill

tot aquell residu

all that waste

que tots tenim, perquè tots tenim,

that we all have, because we all have,

coses. A vegades ens neguem

things. Sometimes we deny ourselves

la realitat, però tots hem viscut, tots

the reality, but we have all lived, all

compartim. No, si estem

we share. No, if we are

tots en psiquiàtric, o sigui, és alberíssim. No, no, exactament.

Everyone in the psychiatric hospital, I mean, it's really crazy. No, no, exactly.

Però llavors, tu has aplicat

But then, you applied

el que per mi és la base, no?,

What is the basis for me, right?

la regla de la narrativa,

the rule of narrative,

no?, o sigui, agafar tot això,

no?, I mean, take all this,

passar-lo per el col·laborador,

pass it through the collaborator,

per l'escedazo, no?, que se diu

for the slip, right?, that's what they say

quan busquem d'or,

when we search for gold,

agafar i

take and

anar captant aquestes

catching these

peces valuoses

valuable pieces

d'or, i

of gold, and

recordar-los, i

remind them, and

reconvertir-les. És a dir, hi ha un

reconvert them. That is to say, there is a



narratiu, dramàtic,

narrative, dramatic

perquè hi ha aquestes normes,

because there are these rules,

per sortir de l'ensupiment

to get out of the stupor

i posar-ho tot sobre, bueno,

and put it all on top, well,

sobre el negre sobre el blanc,

about the black on the white,

i acabar desenvolupant

and end up developing



que es parlen d'en altos mateixos.

that they talk about the same high ones.

Però no necessàriament,

But not necessarily,

t'heu de contar la meva vida, no?, aquello de la barra del bar,

You have to tell my life, right? That thing about the bar counter,

no?, de, tengo la...

No?, of, I have the...

No és una...

It is not a...

No és una torra, no,

It's not a tower, no.

no, té que ser entretingut,

no, it has to be entertaining,

sempre hem parlat que una idea matrícula té conflicte,

we have always said that a matriculation idea has conflict,

o sigui, buscar que aquest

that is, to seek that this

petit argument el tenim

we have a small argument

que fer créixer, i jo en programes anteriors

which to grow, and I in previous programs

parlava de l'organi, però sí que té que créixer

It was talking about the organ, but it does have to grow.

com un arbre, o sigui, trames,

like a tree, that is, branches,

subtrames, ficar tot això dins d'aquesta

subframes, put all this inside this

termomix creativa,

creative thermomix

i no estic parlant d'HGPT,

and I am not talking about HGPT,

ni estic parlant d'interessos artificials, que ja veurem,

nor am I talking about artificial interests, which we will see.

i ja parlarem l'any que ve, segurament,

and we'll talk next year, probably,

perquè fa molta... Bueno, l'any que ve

because it makes a lot of... Well, next year

segurament passaran coses.

Surely things will happen.

Bueno, jo penso que sí,

Well, I think so,

passaran coses sempre, però

things will always happen, but

des del punt nostre, o sigui,

from our point of view, that is to say,

la feina, no?, la tasca del guionista

the job, right?, the task of the screenwriter

de desenvolupar tot aquest art dramàtic

to develop all this dramatic art

de la creativitat,

of creativity,

repetim, mira, ja tinc el nom del capítol

Let's repeat, look, I already have the name of the chapter.

d'avui, serà el Camino del

of today, will be the Way of the

Guionista, no?, perquè és un viatge,

Screenwriter, right? Because it’s a journey.

el viatge. Dins d'aquest viatge,

the journey. Within this journey,

descartar, tallar,

discard, cut

polir, no tens que abocar

Polish, you don't have to pour.

la teva vida tal qual,

your life as it is,

tens que captar

you have to capture

les idees força,

the driving ideas,

el que realment

what really

té conflicte, que té moviment,

it has conflict, it has movement,

i traslladar-lo

and transfer it

i fer la prova, perquè, evidentment, aquí

And take the test, because, obviously, here

no hi ha, o sigui, no hi ha una

there is not, I mean, there is not one

norma, aquí parlàvem de l'èxit, o qui en sabe,

Norma, here we were talking about success, or who knows.

no?, o sigui, ningú en sabe nada.

No? I mean, nobody knows anything.

David, jo posaria en aquesta maleta de viatge,

David, I would put in this suitcase for the trip,

no?, jo posaria, per començar,

no?, I would say, to start with,

una constància a l'hora d'escriure.

a consistency when writing.

No sentir que si val,

Don't feel that if it is worth it,

si no val, si no... Primer ho has de provar.

If it’s not worth it, if not… First you have to try it.

I jo,

And I,

per fer un paral·lelisme, quan tu vas al gimnàs

to draw a parallel, when you go to the gym

i te sents

and you feel

el més amorat,

the most purple,

orfo del lugar,

orphan of the place,

i vas pel primer dia, no tornaries mai més,

and you go on the first day, you would never return again,

però, a base de la constància,

but, based on perseverance,

vas veure uns progressos,

did you see any progress,

vas veure que les històries

did you see that the stories

van creixent, van prenent forma,

they are growing, they are taking shape,

i en aquesta constància seria el primer que jo

And in this certainty, I would be the first.

em posaria en aquesta maleta.

I would put myself in this suitcase.



doncs, acabar les coses, acabar allò

so, finish things, finish that

que es comença. Moltes vegades comencem

that it begins. Many times we start

les coses i les deixem a mitges,

we leave things half done,

perquè la vida és complicada, perquè no trobem

because life is complicated, because we don't find

el moment, perquè hem de fer altres coses.

the moment, because we have to do other things.

Perfecte, evidentment que hem de fer altres coses,

Perfect, obviously we have to do other things,

però acabem amb allò que comencem, perquè

but we end with what we start, because

segur que val la pena. No et deixis convèncer

sure it's worth it. Don't let yourself be convinced

del contrari. Aquestes idees

on the contrary. These ideas

que tu parles, que trobes dins la teva

that you speak, that you find within your own

vida, d'allò que coneixes, perquè al final

life, of what you know, because in the end

de què escrivim, no? Jo ara

What are we writing about, right? Me now.

podria escriure una història

I could write a story.

de, no sé,

from, I don't know,

de viatges en el temps,

of time travel,

però m'hauria de documentar.

but I would have to document myself.

És més fàcil començar amb històries properes.

It's easier to start with familiar stories.

Aquí sí que pots

Here you can.

buscar una miqueta en el teu

search a little in your

baúl, podríem dir, baúl?

trunk, could we say, trunk?

Sí, sí, el baúl.

Yes, yes, the trunk.

Sí, on?

Yes, where?

Allò que tu has sentit, ho pots

What you have felt, you can.

multiplicar per un milió, precisament per fer,

multiply by a million, precisely to make,

per donar a entendre, per donar a sentir.

to imply, to make feel.



Acaba allò que es comença,

Finish what you start.

i ara posem pel cas que s'ha acabat.

And now let's say that it has ended.

Què ens trobem, David? Què et trobes

What do we find, David? What do you find?

en aquest món audiovisual, quan tu ja

In this audiovisual world, when you already

tens un guió més bo o més

do you have a better or worse script

dolent, has donat a llegir a tres o quatre persones,

bad, you have given it to read to three or four people,

tothom t'ha dit que està molt bé, perquè

everyone has told you that it's very good because

li has donat a llegir a ta mare, als teus amics,

you have let your mother read it, to your friends,

eh? La parella no s'ha llegit,

Huh? The couple hasn’t read it,

no ho llegeixen mai.

they never read it.

Mai ho diuen.

They never say it.

Tu vols donar a conèixer

You want to make known.

aquesta història. Què és el primer que hauries de fer?

this story. What is the first thing you should do?

Doncs, bueno, a partir

Well, then, starting from

d'aquí, doncs, saps

from here, then, you know

que és una partitura per professionals.

what is a score for professionals.

Llavors, el que tens que fer és agafar

Then, what you have to do is take

aquesta història, aquest primer

this story, this first

borrador, per dir-ho d'una manera,

draft, to put it one way,

i saber que no és el final.

and to know that it is not the end.

Que això anirà a...

That this will go to...

Bueno, si té que anar de cara a una productora,

Well, if you have to go to a production company,

serà una partitura sobre la qual

it will be a score on which

reescriviran molta més

they will rewrite much more

gent, gent que sap molt.

people, people who know a lot.

Bueno, d'on és perfecte que te'l compren?

Well, where is it perfect for you to buy it?

Jo sí, jo soc molt optimista.

I am, I am very optimistic.

Final de programa, final de temporada.

End of program, end of season.

És una comèdia...

It's a comedy...

Comença un altre viatge.

Another journey begins.

Comença a enfrontar-te a una realitat on ningú

Start facing a reality where no one

t'espera. Però hi ha

is waiting for you. But there is

possibilitats. Tens tallers,

possibilities. You have workshops,

tens concursos, tens

you have contests, you have



de guions on pots inscriure

of scripts where you can enroll

i fins i tot fer un anàlisi del teu guió

and even do an analysis of your script

per professional. Nosaltres fem

for professionals. We do

anàlisis de guions. Sí, sí.

script analysis. Yes, yes.

On et puguin donar una opinió professional.

Where you can get a professional opinion.

I et diguin

I'll tell you.

això així o això

this like this or this

podria mirar d'una alternativa.

I could look for an alternative.

No parlem d'allò que és subjectiu.

We do not speak of what is subjective.

Parlem de la forma en el sentit

Let's talk about form in the sense.

estricte. Hi ha coses que jo quan

strict. There are things that I when

analitzo és per forma i

I analyze it is by shape and

l'altre ja són opinions personals. Allò és

the other is already personal opinions. That is

subjectiu que, escolta, m'ha semblat que

Subjective that, listen, it seemed to me that

si vas per aquí, llavors si vols

if you go this way, then if you want

ho canvies i si no et mantens no passa res.

You change it, and if you don't keep it, it's no problem.

Però hi ha qüestions de forma que has de mantenir.

But there are formal issues that you have to maintain.

Bueno, però t'enfrontes en aquest mercat

Well, but you are facing this market.

on ningú t'espera

no one is waiting for you

però no has de defallir.

but you must not falter.

El viatge no acaba. Té una cosa

The journey does not end. It has one thing.

molt bona al guió que és que no caduca.

very good at the script which does not expire.

Sí, això és veritat. Sempre es pot posar al dia

Yes, that is true. You can always catch up.

o bé fins i tot tenir aquest toc

or even having this touch

de vintage, de dir

of vintage, of saying

això ja no està de moda. Espera't.

this is no longer in fashion. Wait.

Tampoc estaven de moda els pantalons de campana

Bell-bottom pants were also not in fashion.

i van tornar i després

and they returned and then

tornarà la corbata i la pajarita i veuràs.

The tie and the bow tie will return, and you will see.

Sí, sí. Mai se sap.

Yes, yes. You never know.

Aquest viatge és el que deies tu. O sigui, naltros

This trip is what you were talking about. In other words, us.

en el nostre programa guionando

in our program scripting

evidentment que té un

obviously it has one

bueno, té un objectiu que és que

well, it has a goal which is that

la gent escrigui,

the people write,

que vegin pel·lícules, que llegeixin.

that they watch movies, that they read.

Llegir és molt important

Reading is very important.

perquè per mi és clau.

because for me it is key.

Jo com a bon cinèfil, si no

I as a good movie buff, if not

hi ha lectura, si no hi ha un aprenentatge

There is reading, if there is no learning.

de lectures

of readings

de tot tipus,

of all kinds,

penso que vas mancar precisament d'elements

I think you precisely lacked elements.

bàsics per desenvolupar

basics for development

aquesta tasca. I viure. I viure.

this task. And live. And live.

I viure. I viure i veure.

And live. And live and see.

I observar. En ve baix, eh?

And I observe. It's coming down, right?

Sí, sí, sí. Jo havia pensat

Yes, yes, yes. I had thought

jo m'anava a donar la beguda ràpidament.

I was going to have the drink quickly.

I vaig, jo ja estic a la cafina.

I'm going, I'm already at the café.

Què deia Hemingway?

What did Hemingway say?

Escriu borratxo i et dit a sobre.

Write drunk and you'll regret it.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

Jo penso que era una metàfora.

I think it was a metaphor.

Era una metàfora i la metàfora és que això s'ha acabat.

It was a metaphor and the metaphor is that this is over.

El viatge comença, no acaba.

The journey begins, it doesn't end.

I esperem que

And we hope that

l'any que ve tornarem

Next year we will return.

tornarem històries, tornarem

we will return stories, we will return

amb moltes més ganes. Noves aventures.

with much more enthusiasm. New adventures.

I noves aventures. I sobretot

And new adventures. And above all

desitjant que

wishing that

la nostra comunitat es manifesti.

our community manifests itself.

I ens acompanyi. I ens acompanyi.

And accompany us. And accompany us.

Com la força. Exactament.

Like the force. Exactly.

Por solidismo.

For solidism.

Nada. Déixalo ahí.

Nothing. Leave it there.

Gràcies, amics. Ha estat fantàstic.

Thank you, friends. It has been fantastic.

El viatge no acaba. Continuem.

The journey doesn't end. We continue.

I primera temporada

And first season

guionando. Germà,

screenwriting. Brother,

tenim banda sonora.

we have a soundtrack.

Tu vi, continua't.

You live, continue yourself.

Has escoltat un capítol

Have you listened to a chapter?

de Podcast City, la plataforma

from Podcast City, the platform

de podcast de Ràdio Ciutat.

of Radio Ciutat's podcast.

N'ha Doesn't have to docent.

It doesn't have to teach.

De memory of the past.

In memory of the past.

No has sausages as a

You do not have sausages as a

a la back to the

to the back of the







book got

book got

les i

the i






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