Mahler a Nova York (5/5)

Catalunya Ràdio

El compositor de la setmana

Mahler a Nova York (5/5)

El compositor de la setmana

A Catalunya Música, el compositor de la setmana.

On Catalunya Música, the composer of the week.

La música i els autors en el seu context.

Music and authors in their context.

Una nova mirada sobre la creació musical.

A new perspective on musical creation.

Amb Xavier Chavarria.

With Xavier Chavarria.

Avui, cinquè i últim capítol de la setmana dedicada a Gustav Mahler

Today, the fifth and final chapter of the week dedicated to Gustav Mahler.

i a les obres que va compondre en els últims anys de la seva vida.

and in the works he composed in the last years of his life.

Tres últims anys d'una gran agitació,

Three last years of great agitation,

li van passar moltíssimes coses en aquests tres anys

A lot of things happened to him/her in these three years.

i va fer autèntiques obres mestres,

and he created genuine masterpieces,

les que hem anat escoltant al llarg d'aquests dies.

the ones we have been listening to over the past few days.

I, finalment, El cant de la terra,

I, finally, The Song of the Earth,

aquesta obra que estem a mig escoltar,

this work that we are half-listening to,

perquè ahir en vam escoltar tres fragments

because yesterday we listened to three excerpts

que duraven gairebé tres quarts d'hora

that lasted almost three quarters of an hour

i avui podrem escoltar el primer, el segon i el tercer dels fragments,

And today we will be able to listen to the first, the second, and the third of the fragments.

aquests líders simfònics que integren Das Lied von der Erde,

these symphonic leaders that integrate Das Lied von der Erde,

és a dir, el cant.

that is to say, the singing.

El cant de la terra.

The song of the earth.

I avui, atenció, també escoltarem l'Adagio de la Desena Sinfonia,

And today, attention, we will also listen to the Adagio of the Tenth Symphony,

l'únic fragment completat per Gustav Mahler

the only fragment completed by Gustav Mahler

de la seva Desena Sinfonia,

of his Tenth Symphony,

una obra incompleta que no va poder acabar perquè va morir,

an incomplete work that he was unable to finish because he died,

recordem-ho, el 18 de maig de 1911.

let's remember, on May 18, 1911.

Avui us parlem d'aquests últims dies de vida de Gustav Mahler.

Today we talk to you about these last days of the life of Gustav Mahler.

I tot escoltant fragments d'aquestes últimes músiques

And while listening to fragments of this latest music

que va compondre Mahler en aquests anys inicials del segle XX,

what Mahler composed in these early years of the 20th century,

quan se li acabava la vida, se li esculava entre les mans,

when his life was coming to an end, it slipped away between his hands,

gairebé per aquests problemes cardíacs,

almost because of these heart problems,

doncs ens situarem just en el moment en què va compondre el cant de la terra.

So we will find ourselves right at the moment when he composed the song of the earth.

Ahir vam escoltar tres moviments, el quart, cinquè i sisè,

Yesterday we listened to the third movements, the fourth, fifth, and sixth.

que duren gairebé tres quarts d'hora.

that last nearly three-quarters of an hour.

Avui sentirem el primer, segon i tercer.

Today we will hear the first, second, and third.

Una obra composta durant l'estiu de 1908,

A work composed during the summer of 1908,

tot i que l'orquestració no va ser acabada fins a l'hivern següent.

although the orchestration was not finished until the following winter.

Ja instal·lat a Nova York, novament,

Already settled in New York, once again,

com a director titular de la filarmònica d'aquesta ciutat,

as the principal conductor of the philharmonic of this city,

als Estats Units.

in the United States.

Una sinfonia per a tenor, contralto,

A symphony for tenor, alto,

o baríton i orquestra basat en poemes traduïts del xinès per Hans Betge.

for baritone and orchestra based on poems translated from Chinese by Hans Betge.

Una obra que es va estrenar després de la mort del compositor,

A work that premiered after the composer's death,

a la ciutat de Munic.

in the city of Munich.

Bruno Walter la va dirigir amb William Miller,

Bruno Walter conducted it with William Miller.

Baríton i Madame Charles Cahier com a solistes,

Baritone and Madame Charles Cahier as soloists,

i això va ser el dia 20 de novembre de 1911,

and this was on the 20th of November 1911,

durant un concert a la memòria del Mahler,

during a concert in memory of Mahler,

que havia mort sis mesos abans.

that had died six months earlier.

Avui escoltarem els tres primers fragments d'aquesta obra

Today we will listen to the first three excerpts from this work.

composta precisament entrant,

composed precisely when entering,

entre la vuitena sinfonia, entre el 1907 i la novena, el 1909.

between the eighth symphony, between 1907 and the ninth, 1909.

És una gran sinfonia cantada de principi a final per dues veus solistes.

It is a great symphony sung from beginning to end by two solo voices.

Els textos es basen, recordem-ho, en la flauta xinesa,

The texts are based, let us remember, on the Chinese flute,

una antologia de poemes xinesos traduïts i recollits

an anthology of translated and collected Chinese poems

pel jove poet alemany Hans Betge,

for the young German poet Hans Betge,

que Mahler havia rebut com a regal d'un amic.

that Mahler had received as a gift from a friend.

Aquest recull de 83 poemes, adaptacions de poemes xinesos.

This collection of 83 poems is adaptations of Chinese poems.

L'obra s'estructura en sis cançons,

The work is structured in six songs,

ahir en vam escoltar 3 i avui en sentirem 3 més.

Yesterday we heard 3 and today we will hear 3 more.

I començarem escoltant el primer moviment,

And we will start by listening to the first movement,

Allegro pesante, que és un brindis per la misèria de la terra,

Allegro pesante, which is a toast to the misery of the earth,

i que sona així...

and it sounds like this...

Brindis per la misèria de la terra

A toast to the misery of the earth.

es titula aquest primer moviment

it is titled this first movement

de Das Lied von der Erde

from The Song of the Earth

és a dir, del cant de la terra

that is to say, of the song of the earth

que ens proposa una desesperada invocació

that proposes a desperate invocation to us

en favor de la beguda

in favor of the drink

com a consol per la fugacitat

as a consolation for transience

artificiosa de la vida

artificiality of life

aquest és el primer moviment

this is the first movement

que sentirem, el segon es titula

what we will feel, the second is titled

El solitari a la tardor

The solitary in autumn

i el tercer i últim es titula

and the third and final one is titled

De la joventut

Of youth

els intèrprets són excepcionals

the interpreters are exceptional

Jesse Norman, soprano, Siegfried Jerusalem

Jesse Norman, soprano, Siegfried Jerusalem

Bariton, amb l'orquestra filarmònica

Baritone, with the philharmonic orchestra.

de Berlín i la direcció de James Levine

from Berlin and the direction of James Levine

així comença

this is how it begins

i així sonen els tres moments

And so the three moments sound.

inicials d'aquest

initials of this

Das Lied von der Erde

The Song of the Earth

el cant de la terra

the song of the earth

de Gustav Mahler

by Gustav Mahler

El cant de la terra

The song of the earth

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Mein Herz ist müde.

My heart is tired.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Eren els tres

It was three o'clock.

moviments inicials d'aquest

initial movements of this

obra d'August en Mahler que no va

August's work in Mahler that doesn't go.

gozar qualificar Batejar

enjoy qualify baptize

com a simfonia i la va titular

as a symphony and titled it

Simfonia per a

Symphony for a

veus solistes de contralto, iberíton i orquestra d'Aslit Fondererde,

soloists of contralto, iberiton, and Aslit Fondererde orchestra,

El cant de la terra, una obra que va acabar el 1909.

The song of the earth, a work that was completed in 1909.

Hem sentit el primer, el segon i el tercer moviments.

We have heard the first, the second, and the third movements.

El primer es titulava Brindis per la misèria de la terra,

The first was titled Toast to the Misery of the Earth,

el segon, El solitari a la tardor, i el tercer, De la joventut.

the second, The solitary in autumn, and the third, Of youth.

Recordem que el quart, el cinquè i el sisè moviments els vam escoltar en el programa d'ahir.

Let us remember that we heard the fourth, fifth, and sixth movements in yesterday's program.

L'Orquestra Filarmònica de Berlín tocava a les ordres de James Levine,

The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra was conducted by James Levine,

director, amb Jesse Norman, soprano i Siegfried Jerusalem, beríton.

director, with Jesse Norman, soprano and Siegfried Jerusalem, baritone.

Un enregistrament de l'any 1998 pel segell Deutsche Gramofon.

A recording from 1998 by the label Deutsche Gramofon.

A Catalunya Música, el compositor de la setmana.

At Catalunya Música, the composer of the week.

Explorant aquí el compositor de la setmana de Catalunya Música,

Exploring here the composer of the week from Catalunya Música,

els últims mesos, els últims dies de vida de Gustav Mahler

the last months, the last days of the life of Gustav Mahler

i escoltant la música que va compondre.

and listening to the music he composed.

Hem sentit aquest cant de la terra i ara,

We have heard this song of the earth and now,

en aquesta recta final de l'últim programa dedicat a Gustav Mahler,

in this final stretch of the last program dedicated to Gustav Mahler,

escoltarem la Daggio, l'únic moviment que va poder compondre, complet,

we will listen to the Daggio, the only movement he was able to compose, complete,

de la seva desena simfonia.

of his tenth symphony.

Situem-nos, però, i posem-nos en context.

Let's situate ourselves, however, and put ourselves in context.

Ens situem en els últims mesos de vida de Gustav Mahler.

We find ourselves in the last months of Gustav Mahler's life.

El 21 de febrer de 1911,

On February 21, 1911,

Gustav Mahler va estrenar a Nova York,

Gustav Mahler premiered in New York,

la cançó de bressol al costat de la tomba de la meva mare,

the lullaby beside my mother's grave,

una obra del compositor Ferruccio Bussoni.

a work by the composer Ferruccio Busoni.

A la mitja part d'aquest concert,

At half-time of this concert,

Mahler tenia una febre molt alta

Mahler had a very high fever.

i es va haver de sobreposar

and had to overcome

per poder sortir i dirigir la segona part.

to be able to go out and direct the second part.

Després d'unes quantes setmanes d'anàlisis i de molta medicació,

After a few weeks of analysis and a lot of medication,

el doctor Frenkel va recomanar

Dr. Frenkel recommended.

que Mahler i la seva esposa i la seva filla

that Mahler and his wife and his daughter

es traslladessin novament cap a Europa.

they move again towards Europe.

Finalment, hi van desembarcar,

Finally, they landed there,

a Cherbourg, els primers dies de maig,

in Cherbourg, the first days of May,

i se'n van anar de seguida cap a París.

And they went off right away to Paris.

El doctor Zewostek, arribat des de Viena,

Doctor Zewostek, arrived from Vienna,

va aconsellar a Mahler que tornés ràpidament cap a Àustria,

he advised Mahler to return quickly to Austria,

tot i que ja no hi ha cap esperança.

even though there is no hope left.

Això és el que li va dir el doctor Gustav Mahler,

This is what Dr. Gustav Mahler told him.

segons paraules, en les memòries de la seva esposa, Alma.

according to words, in the memoirs of his wife, Alma.

El 12 de maig va començar el penúltim viatge.

On May 12, the penultimate journey began.

Era horrible, diu Alma,

It was horrible, says Alma.

veure'l manipulat pel tren,

to see him manipulated by the train,

sobre una llitera al llarg d'aquell estret passadís.

on a stretcher along that narrow corridor.

A mesura que arribaven a cadascuna de les estacions,

As they arrived at each of the stations,

en aquell trajecte de tren entre París i Viena,

on that train journey between Paris and Vienna,

els periodistes l'esperaven en cadascuna d'aquestes estacions

The journalists were waiting for him at each of these stations.

i li demanaven dades sobre el seu estat de salut.

and they were asking him for information about his health condition.

En arribar a Viena, va ser dut en ambulància al Low Sanatorium.

Upon arriving in Vienna, he was taken by ambulance to the Low Sanatorium.

El dia 18 de maig va tenir dificultats serioses per respirar

On May 18, he had serious difficulties breathing.

i van haver de donar-li oxigen.

and they had to give him oxygen.

Mahler va mirar a tots amb els ulls esbatenats,

Mahler looked at everyone with wide eyes,

va somriure i va dir dues vegades

he smiled and said twice



Alma va demanar que li administressin morfina per pal·liar el patiment

Alma requested to be given morphine to alleviate her suffering.

i que li portessin música de Mozart.

and that they bring him music by Mozart.

El doctor Tsevostek li va respondre que ja no era necessari,

Doctor Tsevostek replied that it was no longer necessary.

ja no pot escoltar res.

he can no longer hear anything.

Aquella mateixa mitjanit, enmig d'una tempesta,

That same midnight, amidst a storm,

Mahler havia emprès el seu últim viatge,

Mahler had embarked on his last journey,

el seu viatge definitiu.

his definitive journey.

El dia següent, el seu cos va ser depositat al costat de la petita Puzzi,

The next day, his body was placed next to little Puzzi,

de la seva filla gran, que havia mort tres anys enrere,

of his eldest daughter, who had died three years earlier,

al cementiri de Grinzing, sense cap mena de cerimònia.

at the Grinzing cemetery, without any ceremony.

Uns dies abans, ell mateix li havia dit a Anna,

A few days earlier, he had told Anna himself,

a la mare d'Alma, la seva sogra,

to Alma's mother, her mother-in-law,

que a la tomba només hi figuri el meu nom, Mahler.

that only my name, Mahler, appears on the tomb.

Els que vinguin a veure'm sabran que jo estic allà.

Those who come to see me will know that I am there.

Als altres, no els cal saber-ho.

They don't need to know.

Però abans de morir, precisament, Gustav Mahler encara va escriure uns esborranys

But before dying, precisely, Gustav Mahler still wrote some drafts.

del que seria la seva desena sinfonia,

of what would be his tenth symphony,

i només va poder cloure la Dajo, el primer moviment.

And he could only conclude the Dajo, the first movement.

I ara us en parlem perquè és la història tràgica, dramàtica,

And now we talk about it because it is the tragic, dramatic story,

també d'una altra obra molt, molt important en la seva trajectòria.

also from another very, very important work in his career.

De fet, estem sentint uns compassos d'aquesta desena sinfonia.

In fact, we are hearing some measures of this tenth symphony.

Durant el que havia de ser l'últim estiu de vida de Gustav Mahler,

During what was to be the last summer of Gustav Mahler's life,

estem parlant del 1910,

we are talking about 1910,

va compaginar els ardos preparatius a l'estrena de la seva vuitena sinfonia,

he juggled the arduous preparations for the premiere of his eighth symphony,

i els concerts a la ciutat de París, a Roma i a Colònia,

and the concerts in the city of Paris, in Rome and in Cologne,

amb la composició d'una nova sinfonia, aquesta que estem sentint.

with the composition of a new symphony, this one that we are hearing.

La pàgina que supersticiosament significava

The page that superstitiously meant

traspassar la barrera de les nous sinfonies,

to transcend the barrier of the new symphonies,

aquella que no havia pogut traspassar ni Beethoven,

that which even Beethoven had been unable to transcend,

ni Schubert, ni Bruckner, ni Bòrgec.

neither Schubert, nor Bruckner, nor Borges.

I de fet, la nova composició era l'onzena pàgina

In fact, the new composition was the eleventh page.

dins del gènere sinfònic, perquè el Cant de la Terra,

within the symphonic genre, because the Song of the Earth,

aquest que acabem d'escoltar, la Cançó de la Terra,

this that we have just listened to, the Song of the Earth,

d'Aslit von der Erde, encara que no estava numerada com a sinfonia,

of Aslit from the Earth, although it was not numbered as a symphony,

va ser batejada com a sinfonia per a solistes,

it was baptized as a symphony for soloists,

i orquestra.

and orchestra.

En qualsevol cas, Mahler entenia que la partitura que ara abordava

In any case, Mahler understood that the score he was now tackling

era la desena sinfonia del seu cicle, que va quedar inacabada.

It was the tenth symphony of his cycle, which remained unfinished.

L'esquema que va pensar per aquesta sinfonia

The scheme he devised for this symphony.

era similar al de la setena sinfonia,

it was similar to the seventh symphony,

el que vam escoltar ara fa tres setmanes.

what we heard three weeks ago.

Cinc moviments, adatjo al primer i l'últim,

Five movements, related to the first and the last,

esquersos al segon i al quart,

lures at the second and fourth,

i un breu allegretto com a episodi central.

and a brief allegretto as the central episode.

Només va poder compondre la música del primer.

He could only compose the music for the first one.


Let's get started!

Un primer moviment, per cert, que estem sentint

A first movement, by the way, that we are feeling.

Fins l'any 1964, Erwin Ratz el va editar a Viena, tal com havia estat redactat per Mahler,

Until 1964, Erwin Ratz edited it in Vienna, as it had been written by Mahler.

perquè aquest moviment havia quedat acabat i orquestrat en el manuscrit de Mahler.

because this movement had been finished and orchestrated in Mahler's manuscript.

I és aquest el que sentirem i el que estem sentint de fons.

And this is what we will hear and what we are feeling in the background.

Recordem que va ser durant l'estiu de 1910 que Mahler també va viure una crisi conjugal gravíssima amb la seva esposa Alma,

Let us remember that it was during the summer of 1910 that Mahler also went through a very serious marital crisis with his wife Alma,

sens dubte la causa també que no pogués acabar la desena sinfonia.

undoubtedly the reason that he could not finish the tenth symphony.

En el manuscrit d'aquesta obra apareixen fins i tot algunes citacions en aquesta crisi.

In the manuscript of this work, there are even some quotations regarding this crisis.

Literalment, escrivia paraules a la partitura manuscrita com

Literally, I wrote words on the handwritten score like

L'únic moviment, però, que va acabar Mahler és aquest adatjo inicial,

The only movement, however, that Mahler completed is this initial adagio,

que estem escoltant i que ara sentirem sencer, una pàgina absolutament austera de sonoritats tallants,

that we are listening to and that we will now hear in full, an absolutely austere page of cutting soundscapes,

aspres i que fugen gairebé de la vida com la vida mateixa de Mahler

harsh and almost fleeing from life like Mahler's life itself

i que no té res a envejar els millors moments de la novena sinfonia,

and it has nothing to envy the best moments of the Ninth Symphony,

la que vam escoltar dimecres en el tercer capítol.

the one we listened to on Wednesday in the third chapter.

Aquesta desena sinfonia va quedar inacabada per la mort de Gustav Mahler,

This tenth symphony was left unfinished due to the death of Gustav Mahler.

que us hem relatat ara fa uns minuts, a Viena, el 18 de maig de 1911.

that we have recounted to you just a few minutes ago, in Vienna, on May 18, 1911.

En qualsevol cas, ara el que us presento és un dels moments que ens han fet sentir

In any case, what I present to you now is one of the moments that has made us feel.

i el que ens proposem és escoltar només el moviment que va poder cloure,

and what we aim for is to listen only to the movement that was able to conclude,

orquestrat completament per Gustav Mahler.

fully orchestrated by Gustav Mahler.

És el primer moviment, és un adatjo, i com molt bé diu Donald Mitchell,

It is the first movement, it is an adagio, and as Donald Mitchell rightly says,

la desena sinfonia ens revela que el Mahler dels últims dies havia passat

The tenth symphony reveals to us that the Mahler of his last days had passed.

de la resignació de la novena i del cant de la terra a una mena de reconciliació

from the resignation of the ninth and the song of the earth to a kind of reconciliation

amb el món i amb la mort.

with the world and with death.

Sentim-la, sentim aquesta música fantàstica, l'última música que va compondre,

We feel it, we feel this fantastic music, the last music he composed,

ara sí.

now yes.

Gustav Mahler.

Gustav Mahler.

És l'adatjo, primer i únic moviment d'aquesta desena sinfonia,

It is the adagio, the first and only movement of this tenth symphony,

la sentirem interpretada per l'Orquestra Sinfònica de la Ràdio del Sud-Oest d'Alemanya

We will hear it performed by the Southwest German Radio Symphony Orchestra.

amb seu a Baden-Baden i a Friburg, dirigida per Michael Gillen.

based in Baden-Baden and Freiburg, led by Michael Gillen.

Un enregistrament de l'any 2003 pel segell Hensla.

A recording from the year 2003 for the label Hensla.

Escoltem doncs aquest adatjo de la sinfonia número 10 de Gustav Mahler,

Let's listen to this adagio from Symphony No. 10 by Gustav Mahler.

el seu comiat a la vida.

his farewell to life.

Un enregistrament de l'any 2003 pel segell Hensla.

A recording from the year 2003 for the Hensla label.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Bona nit.

Good night.

agraeix la vostra atenció i la vostra confiança

thank you for your attention and your trust

i espera de tot cor que hagueu descobert

and I sincerely hope that you have discovered

un munt de música meravellosa de Gustav Mahler

a lot of wonderful music by Gustav Mahler

si no la coneixeu

if you don't know her

doncs ens acomiadem que acabeu de passar un molt bon cap de setmana

Well, we say goodbye and hope you have a great weekend.

i ens tornem a trobar dilluns

And we will meet again on Monday.

Bon cap de setmana, a reveure!

Have a good weekend, goodbye!

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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