
Catalunya Ràdio

Tenim paraula


Tenim paraula

Bona nit

Good night

paraula pel seu últim llibre, és

word for his latest book, it is

Jordi Puntí,

Jordi Puntí,

que el tenim avui acompanyant-nos en l'últim programa.

that we have today accompanying us in the last program.

Jordi, què tal?

Jordi, how are you?

Hola, Jordi Puntí!

Hello, Jordi Puntí!



Puntí! No hi és?

Puntí! Is he not here?

Sí que hi és? Bé, ara provarem

Is it there? Well, let's try now.

de connectar amb el Jordi.

to connect with Jordi.

Heu llegit el llibre del Jordi Puntí?

Have you read the book by Jordi Puntí?

La biografia, aquesta novel·lada

The biography, this novelized one

del Xavier Cugat? Heu tingut l'oportunitat?

of Xavier Cugat? Have you had the opportunity?

Ah, no, perquè estaves entretingut.

Ah, no, because you were busy.

No, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

Jo no l'he llegit, me la vull llegir, però sí que em conec

I haven't read it, I want to read it, but I do know myself.

una mica la vida d'en Cugat,

a bit of Cugat's life,

que em sembla fantàstic perquè

I think it's fantastic because

m'estic bastant una mica amb la tesi que diu

I agree somewhat with the thesis that says.

en Puntí, que és un gran simulacre

in Puntí, which is a great simulation

de si mateix, i és un gran

of oneself, and is a great

venedor, i la metàfora del confeti

seller, and the metaphor of confetti

em sembla molt encertada

I think it's very fitting.

en aquest sentit, i que després ja ens lliga

in this sense, and that later links us up

amb totes les coses,

with all the things,

ens lliga amb Warhol, ens lliga abans amb

it ties us to Warhol, it ties us to before with

Pujols, és el proto-Warhol,

Pujols is the proto-Warhol.

i al final ens lliga amb

and in the end ties us with

tots aquests moments,

all these moments,

aquests minuts de fama o de

these minutes of fame or of

popularitat i tot això, però no l'he llegit.

popularity and all that, but I haven't read it.

Aquests personatges que volen fer de la seva vida una festa

These characters who want to make their life a celebration.

contínua, no?, i que acaben fent una màscara.

It continues, right?, and they end up making a mask.

La confusió entre obra i vida,

The confusion between work and life,

i tot això és molt interessant.

And all of this is very interesting.

Doncs ara parlarem amb el Jordi Puntí, però

Well, now we will talk to Jordi Puntí, but

fem una altra ronda per aquí

let's have another round around here

de confetisme.

of confettism.

Aprofitant això que deia el Pau

Taking advantage of what Pau was saying

de les paraules que en català s'acaben amb

of the words that in Catalan end with

eti, que n'hi ha molt poques,

you, there are very few of them,

m'he dedicat a buscar quantes n'hi ha.

I have been dedicated to finding out how many there are.

Home! A part d'espagueti.

Home! A piece of spaghetti.

Els bons filòlegs fan aquestes coses.

Good philologists do these things.

S'estan agradant avui els filòlegs.

The philologists are liking each other today.

Perquè he pensat, deuen ser totes

Because I thought, they must all be.

italianismes. Però no, bé,

Italianisms. But no, well,

més o menys. O sigui, només hi ha set paraules.

More or less. I mean, there are only seven words.

És a dir, confeti...

That is, confetti...

Petit i petit.

Small and small.

Clar, petit i petit no l'he trobat

Sure, small and small I haven't found it.

perquè seria dins de l'expressió, no?

because it would be within the expression, right?

Però sí, ho seria també petit i petit, però és el verb

But yes, it would also be small and small, but it is the verb.

petar. No seria aquest cas.

burst. This would not be the case.

Doncs això.

Well, that.

I n'hi ha quatre

There are four.

que sí que venen de l'italià.

that they do come from Italian.

Que són confeti, espagueti,

What are confetti, spaghetti,

i llavors hi ha rosetti

And then there is Rosetti.

i jonqueti.

and jonqueti.

Ui, què és això?

Oh, what is this?

Que bé, eh? Algú sap què és?

How nice, right? Does anyone know what it is?

Algú sap què són rosetti i jonqueti?

Does anyone know what rosetti and jonqueti are?

Són a licor.

They are a liquor.

És un duet que va actuar al Circo de Ancona,

It is a duet that performed at the Ancona Circus.

no? Al segle...

no? In the century...

Doncs rosetti

So Rosetti.

sembla que ve de rosso,

it seems to come from rosso,

o sigui, fa referència al color.

So, it refers to the color.

Bé, tots dos són per referir-se a peixos.

Well, both are used to refer to fish.

El xanguet.

The stickleback.



Una altra manera de dir el peix xanguet, diguéssim.

Another way to say the xanguet fish, let's say.

Molt bé. Xanguet ha mort.

Very well. Xanguet has died.

És això, no?

Is this it, right?

És de... Xanguet, xanguet.

It's from... Xanguet, xanguet.

Xanguet, xanguet, xanguet.

Little frog, little frog, little frog.

Xanguet. Barà azul.

Xanguet. Blue bar.

Doncs sí, tots dos són peixos

Well, yes, both are fish.

i es veu que venen del genovès, concretament.

And it seems they come from Genoa, specifically.

El jonquet.

The little oak.

Que jonquet...

What a mess...

Vindria també d'un color,

It would also come in a color,

perquè és de...

because it is from...

O sigui, ve de janquetu.

So, it comes from janquetu.

Bé, no sé com es pronuncia en italià.

Well, I don't know how it's pronounced in Italian.

Que és un diminutiu de

What is a diminutive of

janco, que seria una evolució de blanco.

janco, which would be an evolution of blanco.

Per tant, també fa referència al blanc,

Therefore, it also refers to the white.

en aquest cas, al peix.

in this case, to the fish.

Són xanquets petits,

They are small sandals,

és a dir, joves, per entendre'ns,

that is to say, young people, to understand each other,

i llavors són blancs.

And then they are white.

Aquestes són aquestes dues,

These are these two,

i després n'hi ha tres més

and then there are three more

que no venen de l'italià.

that do not come from Italian.

Ah, però no m'interessa.

Ah, but I'm not interested.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

A veure si sabeu què són.

Let's see if you know what they are.


I promised.

No és el verb prometre.

It is not the verb to promise.

No ho sabem.

We don't know.

És un element químic.

It is a chemical element.

És molt poc, molt prosaic, la cosa.

It's very little, very mundane, the thing.



Un seti.

A seti.

Ah, un seient gran.

Ah, a big seat.



He pensat en el programa d'aquell que busca vida intel·ligent.

I have thought about the program of that which searches for intelligent life.

Seti at home.

Settle at home.

Visca Calçaga.

Long live Calçaga.

Mare de Déu.

Mother of God.

Jo no l'entenc encara.

I don't understand it yet.

Portem dues temporades i no l'entenc.

We've been here for two seasons and I don't understand him/her.

Il·luminant la perla.

Illuminating the pearl.

Ho diu tot tan bé i tan segura.

She says everything so well and so confidently.

I finalment, l'última, que m'he deixat fer la que trauré més.

And finally, the last one, which I have left to do, is the one I will remove the most.

L'última és com setial, no?

The last one is like a seat, isn't it?

Sí, bé, sí.

Yes, well, yes.

Un trono així gros.

A throne this big.

Sí, però també és un sinònim de seient,

Yes, but it is also a synonym for seat.

segons he vist pels usos que ja ho feia servir Jaume I.

according to what I have seen for the uses that Jaume I was already using it.

I l'última és espermaceti.

And the last one is spermaceti.

Ah, l'espermaceti és l'esperma de balena.

Ah, spermaceti is whale sperm.



Amb el que es feia...

With what was done...

que tenien espelmes.

that had candles.

No, però perquè ho vaig utilitzar

No, but because I used it.

una vegada per una rima.

once for a rhyme.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

És una excusa que tenc sempre.

It's an excuse I always have.

Ara veurem els usos.

Now we will see the uses.

Però clar, no és esperma.

But of course, it's not sperm.

No, és una falsa cosa.

No, it is a false thing.

Em sembla que és el líquid

I think it's the liquid.

que els permetia l'equilibri

that allowed them balance

de les balenes.

of the whales.

Sí, és un líquid que tenen al cap, les balenes.

Yes, it is a liquid that they have in their heads, the whales.

Que li deien esperma, però no era ben bé l'esperma.

They called it sperm, but it wasn't exactly sperm.

Però que se feia servir per moltes coses.

But it was used for many things.

El passat mateix amb el castori,

The past itself with the beaver,

que es pensaven que era esperma dels castors

what they thought was beaver sperm

i resulta que és una cosa que fan servir per...

And it turns out that it's something they use for...

Quina imatge, no?, també, el castor allà, tiqui-tiqui-tiqui.

What an image, right? Also, the beaver there, tick-tick-tick-tick.

Bueno, és igual.

Well, it doesn't matter.

En devien dir esperma perquè és blanc.

They must have called it sperm because it is white.

I llavors, per la semblança...

And then, for the resemblance...

I això es diu espermaceti.

And this is called spermaceti.

Espermaceti, clar, d'esperma i d'aceti, d'acetaci.

Spermaceti, clear, of sperm and of aceti, of acetaci.

Doncs del confeti hem anat a l'espermaceti

So from confetti we went to sperm whale oil.

i hem intentat parlar amb el puntí

And we have tried to talk with the little dot.

del confeti

of the confetti

i no hi era, i ara sí que hi és.

I wasn't there, and now I am.

Jordi Puntí, bona tarda.

Jordi Puntí, good afternoon.

Què tal? Bona tarda.

How are you? Good afternoon.

Com esteu?

How are you?

Molt bé, encantats que siguis.

Very well, glad you are.

Avui amb nosaltres a l'últim programa

Today with us in the last program.

tirem confeti a l'aire i et saludem.

we throw confetti in the air and greet you.

I et volem preguntar

We want to ask you.

per què esculls confeti, tu,

why do you choose confetti, you,

aquesta paraula, per parlar de la vida de Xavier Cugat?

this word, to talk about the life of Xavier Cugat?

Bueno, perquè era...

Well, because it was...

O sigui, el confeti

So, the confetti.

m'anava molt bé per resumir una mica

it was going very well for me to summarize a bit

l'atmosfera que hi ha

the atmosphere that exists

al llarg del llibre, que és aquesta sensació

Throughout the book, what is this feeling?

de festa continuada

of continuous celebration

que tenia en Xavier Cugat,

that Xavier Cugat had,

de tenir sempre confeti al seu voltant

of always having confetti around you

i alhora aquella imatge

and at the same time that image

que és el confeti quan ja s'ha tirat

What is confetti once it has already been thrown?

a terra i que algú l'ha d'escombrar.

on the ground and someone has to sweep it up.

I que és una mica incòmode,

And it is a bit uncomfortable,

sense ser terrible

not being terrible

ni lamentable, però sí que hi ha aquest punt

not regrettable, but there is indeed this point

de dir, bueno, algú altre l'haurà d'escombrar.

to say, well, someone else will have to sweep it up.

I ell, evidentment, no escombrava res.

And he, obviously, didn't sweep anything.

O sigui, que ja tenia gent al voltant

That is, I already had people around.

que l'hi feia, però

what he/she was doing about it, though

m'agradava el moment aquest

I liked this moment.

de festa continuada, que

on a continuous party, that

sempre que hi ha algun acte de celebració

whenever there is a celebration event

hi ha confeti.

there is confetti.

Personatges com el Xavier Cugat,

Characters like Xavier Cugat,

ara ho parlàvem aquí, el tenim paraula,

now we were talking about it here, we have a word,

intenten crear aquesta imatge,

they try to create this image,

que tota la seva vida és una festa

that his whole life is a party

contínua, és alegre,

continuous, it is cheerful,

hi ha diversió, però clar,

there is fun, but of course,

si t'hi apropes, veus coses

if you get closer, you see things

que potser ni ell voldria que veiessis.

that perhaps he wouldn't want you to see.

I llavors no sé fins a quin punt

And then I don't know to what extent.

tu entres amb la il·lusió

you enter with the illusion

de descobrir coses, però també en surts

to discover things, but you also come out of it

decebut d'haver descobert aquestes coses,

disappointed to have discovered these things,

o trist, o tocat.

or sad, or touched.

Bueno, és la feina

Well, it's the job.

també d'escriure a partir

also to write from

d'una figura real, que a més a més

of a real figure, which furthermore

ha fet tants esforços al llarg de la seva vida,

he has made so many efforts throughout his life,

per mostrar-se sempre

to always show oneself

feliç, jo

happy, me

t'he de dir que no he trobat ni una foto

I have to tell you that I haven't found a single photo.

del Cugat on no estigui rient

from Cugat where he is not laughing

o somrient. Sempre,

or smiling. Always.

sempre hi ha aquesta mena d'alegria,

there is always this kind of joy,

però evidentment, com tothom,

but obviously, like everyone else,

havia de tenir moments tristos,

there had to be sad moments,

i això, per un narrador, per un escriptor,

and this, for a narrator, for a writer,

és or. O sigui,

it's gold. That is to say,

poder-te intentar

to be able to try you

imaginar com eren els moments

imagine how the moments were

on no era feliç, sobretot quan era

he was not happy, especially when he was

un gelós amb les seves dones

a jealous man with his women

tan fort, que

so strong that

sempre patia molt en aquest sentit

I always suffered a lot in this regard.

i s'enfadava,

and he/she got angry,

doncs intentar-ho imaginar era

so trying to imagine it was

molt agraït, la veritat, i era

very grateful, the truth is, and it was

el contrapunt a aquesta felicitat

the counterpoint to this happiness

constant. Confeti, algú

constant. Confetti, someone

li vol dir alguna cosa amb el puntillet?

Does he want to say something to her with the little dot?

Pau Vidal.

Pau Vidal.

Ara aquí es feia esment d'una metàfora molt bonica

Now here a very beautiful metaphor was mentioned.

que ha fet algú, aquí en la relació

what someone has done, here in the relationship

el confeti es llença amunt i després cau.

The confetti is thrown up and then falls down.

Llavors, escriure és més

Then, writing is more

aviat llançar confeti a l'aire

soon throw confetti in the air

o escombrar el que ha caigut.

or sweep up what has fallen.

Home, tu

Home, you.

saps prou bé. Jo crec que són les dues

you know well enough. I think it’s two o'clock.

coses. La il·lusió

things. The illusion

de llançar paraules,

of throwing words,

si tu vols dir-ho així, d'agafar

if you want to put it that way, to take

i d'anar jugant i jugant

and to keep playing and playing

i alhora, quan ho tens posat

and at the same time, when you have it set

i tu mires, recollir

and you look, collect.

i passar el resclet

and pass the hearth brush

i llançar allò

and throw that

que no funciona. Així que hi ha

that does not work. So there is

les dues coses alhora i està bé.

The two things at once and that’s okay.

És veritat que és una bona metàfora

It is true that it is a good metaphor.

per la feina que significa

for the work it entails

escriure i, sobretot,

to write and, above all,

allò que diuen no, contra el vice,

what they say no, against vice,

si d'escriure o la virtut de saber tallar.

if writing or the virtue of knowing how to cut.

Passar l'aspiradora.

Vacuum the floor.

Sí, perquè, realment, Jordi, tu t'hi vas

Yes, because, really, Jordi, you're going there.

passar molts anys preparant aquest llibre. Jo

spend many years preparing this book. Me

recordo que me n'havies parlat fa molt temps, que ja

I remember you told me about it a long time ago, that you already...

estaves investigant al voltant del

you were investigating around the

Cugat, i vas

Cugat, and you go.

trigar molt a veure que el confeti

it takes a long time to see the confetti

diguéssim, seria el

let's say, it would be the

desllurigador de tot plegat, per dir-ho així?

unraveling of it all, so to speak?



era, a veure,

was, let's see,

t'he de dir que la imatge em venia

I have to tell you that the image was coming to me.

d'una biografia d'Escot

from a biography of Escot

Fitzgerald, de l'escriptor, que,

Fitzgerald, the writer, who,

explicava que, quan va vendre el primer

he explained that when he sold the first

conte en una revista,

story in a magazine,

li van pagar amb dòlars

they paid him in dollars

i, quan va arribar a l'hotel on s'estava,

and when he arrived at the hotel where he was staying,

va llençar els dòlars en l'aire

he threw the dollars in the air

com una pluja de confeti. I vaig pensar

like a shower of confetti. And I thought

que això, en aquell moment, quan ho vaig veure,

that this, at that moment, when I saw it,

vaig pensar, hòstia, això és molt cugatià,

I thought, wow, this is very cheeky.

agafar dòlars i tirar-los en l'aire i jugar.

take dollars and throw them in the air and play.

I, bueno, a veure,

Well, let's see,

era sempre

it was always

el procés d'escriure, i tots aquests anys

the process of writing, and all these years

tenia sempre una mica

I always had a little.

aquesta sensació de

this feeling of

dir, hòstia, estic fabulant i estic jugant,

say, damn, I'm rambling and I'm playing,

amb una figura real,

with a real figure,

però, alhora, em demanen a mi

but, at the same time, they ask me

un punt d'imaginació

a point of imagination

i de joc, també,

and of play, too,

que era molt agraït, saps?

that he was very grateful, you know?

I suposo que

I suppose that

la idea del confeti es va anar

the idea of the confetti was gone

construint, també, al mateix

building, also, at the same

temps, diguem, no?

time, let's say, right?

Sé que recordo que, en algun moment, vaig

I know I remember that, at some point, I did

jugar amb la imatge

play with the image

de trobar-te confeti

to find you confetti

a la butxaca quan et poses

in your pocket when you put it on

una americana, no?, i que ve d'una altra

a jacket, right?, and it comes from another one

festa on havies anat amb aquella americana.

party where you had gone with that blazer.

Per exemple.

For example.

Sí, no, mira, Jordi, és que ara m'ha vingut al cap

Yes, no, look, Jordi, it's just that it has come to my mind now.

Xavier Cugat, no?, que és aquesta imatge,

Xavier Cugat, right? What is this image?

no?, d'home

no?, man

superpopular, etcètera, m'ha vingut al cap, també,

superpopular, etcetera, it came to my mind, also,

perdona, amb una cançó de Rosalia, no?,

Sorry, with a song by Rosalia, right?

de Vull ser milionari, que és aquesta idea que, al final,

"I Want to Be a Millionaire, what is this idea that, in the end,"

també, els, no sé si els catalans, no sé

also, the, I don't know if the Catalans, I don't know

com ho veus, amb un personatge tan internacional

How do you see it, with such an international character?

com Xavier Cugat, o ara Rosalia,

like Xavier Cugat, or now Rosalía,

al final tirem molt confeti a l'aire, no?, que són

In the end, we throw a lot of confetti in the air, right? That’s what it is.

personatges molt de confeti, que

very confetti characters, that

potser més de cara fora, no?, el Cugat és un tio

maybe more outwardly, right? Cugat is a guy

conegut, reconegut internacionalment,

known, internationally recognized,

o la Rosalia, però que, al final, és el

or the Rosalia, but, in the end, it is the

confeti, hi ha sempre els altres i l'escombrem per

confetti, there are always others and we sweep it for

de cara a casa, no?, que són personatges

Facing home, right?, that they are characters.

molt novel·lescos, no?, no sé com ho veus.

very novelistic, right? I don't know how you see it.

Sí, sí, totalment,

Yes, yes, totally,

aquesta figura, és que, a veure, per exemple,

this figure is that, let's see, for example,

amb el Cugat, sempre li diuen

with Cugat, they always tell him

el català universal, no?, que és

the universal Catalan, right?, which is

aquesta imatge que aquí ens agrada molt,

this image that we like very much here,

el català que se n'ha anat a fora

the Catalan that has gone abroad

i ha triomfat. També és veritat que

and has triumphed. It is also true that

en el cas del Cugat, va marxar

in the case of Cugat, he left

quan tenia cinc anys i va tornar quan

when I was five years old and returned when

en tenia setanta-set o setanta-vuit,

I was seventy-seven or seventy-eight.

això vol dir que, en realitat, de català

this means that, in reality, of Catalan

relativament poc. El que era fascinant,

relatively little. What was fascinating,

i suposo que en un programa

and I suppose that in a program

com el vostre, això també és

like yours, this is also

interessant, i és que va

interesting, and it goes

marxar, ja et dic, de petit,

to leave, I tell you, when I was little,

però quan va tornar continuava de parlar en català.

But when he returned, he continued to speak in Catalan.

S'havia passat setanta anys de la seva vida

Seventy years of his life had passed.

fora, i, curiosament, a vegades

out, and, interestingly, sometimes

parlava amb un accent cubà,

she spoke with a Cuban accent,

a vegades amb un accent anglès, però és que

sometimes with an English accent, but it is that

a vegades podia dir coses, sobretot

sometimes I could say things, especially

quan ja feia un temps que estava aquí,

when I had been here for a while,

amb un accent tancat de l'empordà

with a closed accent from the Empordà

que a mi em feia molta gràcia,

that made me very laugh,

quan el sentia en alguna entrevista que així

when I heard him in some interview like that

que recuperava i tal, pensava

that was recovering and so on, I thought

hòstia, aquest home,

wow, this man,

d'on té aquest accent?

Where does that accent come from?

Evidentment el tenia de la infantesi

Obviously, I had it from childhood.

dels seus pares, però hi havia

of their parents, but there was

aquesta cosa del català

this thing about Catalan

que havia marxat i que tornava, que suposo

that had left and that was returning, which I suppose

que l'empenyia també a parlar un

that pushed him to speak one too

català una mica més decent,

Catalan a little more decent,

diguem-ho així. Doncs avui llancem

let's put it this way. So today we launch.

confeti amb el Jordi

confetti with Jordi

Puntí, i ja que hi som, i som

Point, and since we are here, we are.

el Tenim Paraula,

We have a word,

te'n demanaria moltes, tu

I would ask you for many.

en controles moltes, i segur que

you control many, and I'm sure that

n'hi ha moltes que t'agraden, però si haguessis

There are many that you like, but if you had...

d'escollir tres paraules,

to choose three words,

tres paraules catalanes que dius

three Catalan words that you say

són les meves, les que m'agraden

They are mine, the ones I like.

més, quines diries, Jordi?

more, what would you say, Jordi?

Realment passa una cosa,

Something really happens,

confeti no sé si hi és, però...

I don't know if there's confetti, but...

triar paraules sempre, evidentment,

always choose words, of course,

això crec que ens passaria a tots, si demà

I think this would happen to all of us if tomorrow.

m'ho demanes te'n diria tres de diferents.

If you ask me, I would tell you three different ones.

Ara pensant-hi, per exemple,

Now thinking about it, for example,

una paraula que em ve al cap, que em fa

a word that comes to mind, that makes me

molta gràcia sempre, és passarell.

Thank you very much always, it's a footbridge.

Passarell, que evidentment

Passarell, which obviously

és el nom de l'ocell, però

it is the name of the bird, but

alhora és la persona

at the same time it is the person

que, faltada d'experiència,

that, lacking experience,

però resulta que

but it turns out that

si ho mires al diccionari, passarell també és

if you look it up in the dictionary, passarell is also

algú molt espavilat i molt llest.

someone very clever and very smart.

O sigui, que són les dues coses.

So, it's both things.

És una mica un contrasentit, però són

It's a bit of a contradiction, but they are.

les dues coses alhora.

the two things at once.

Una altra paraula que m'agrada

Another word that I like.

és claca. La claca, que la faig

It's a claque. The claque, that I do.

a la novel·la, a confeti surt

In the novel, confetti comes out.

segur més d'una vegada. La claca

sure more than once. The audience

com el grup de gent

with the group of people

que anima i que

that encourages and that

celebra alguna cosa, no?

Are you celebrating something?

I quan busques, quan tens

And when you search, when you have.

claca, quan algú té claca,

claque, when someone has a claque,

doncs, és una bona.

well, it's a good one.

És una bona notícia.

It's good news.

Jordi, moltíssimes gràcies per ser

Jordi, thank you very much for being.

amb nosaltres a l'últim programa del Tenim

with us in the last episode of Tenim

Paraula. Una abraçada ben forta i

Word. A big strong hug and

confeti per tu. Tot un honor.

Confetti for you. It's a real honor.

Tot un honor. Gràcies.

It's an honor. Thank you.



Ai, senyor, què dius?

Oh, my Lord, what are you saying?

La perla, avui, avui

The pearl, today, today.

quan la farem, la perla? La fem ara, la fem

When are we doing it, the pearl? We are doing it now, we are doing it.

després? Manes tu, eh? La fem després.

Afterwards? You’re in charge, huh? We’ll do it later.

La fem després? Sí. Doncs vinga, va. Acabem de parlar

Shall we do it later? Yes. Alright then, let's go. We just finished talking.

tots i així... Ronda

everyone and yet... Ronda

de paraula que demana

of word that asks

la Climent. Confeti.

the Climent. Confetti.

Vos porta unes delicatessen

It brings you some delicacies.

de localismes del Delta.

of localisms from the Delta.

Vinga, va. De gresca

Come on, let's party.

i xerinola. Què dieu, vatros?

and chitchat. What do you say, you all?

Nosaltres diem portar convoi

We say to carry a convoy.



mos referim a portar tràfecs

we are referring to carrying out tasks

relacionats amb la festa i la celebració.

related to the party and the celebration.



rebombori, que és una paraula que

ruckus, which is a word that

també la fem servir bastant.

We also use it quite a bit.

Sí. Us sonarà.

Yes. It will sound familiar to you.

Llavors, portem un castellanisme

Then, we bring a Castilianism.

molt nostrat allà baix,

very much ours down there,

que és la verbena.

what is the festival.

Perquè no ho diem mai

Why do we never say it?

rebella, no ho diem mai. Si algú ho diu,

rebell, we never say it. If someone says it,

se nota que és perquè hi ha algú de fora

It shows that it's because there is someone from outside.

i vol fer veure que

and I want to make it clear that

ho diu bé, però... Per tant, és la

he says it well, but... Therefore, it is the

verbena de Sant Joan. La verbena. Avui hi ha

Saint John's Eve. The festivity. Today there is

verbena. I encara que no sigui Sant Joan,

bonfires. And even though it isn't Saint John's,

si hi ha l'all, és verbena.

If there is garlic, it's a party.



Sí. Això ho dieu, no?

Yes. You say this, don't you?

Recapte, sí. Sí, la coca.

Collection, yes. Yes, the cake.

Sí, la coca de Recapte.

Yes, the coca de Recapte.

Sí, i vosaltres? I el gran recapte

Yes, and you? And the big harvest?


of advent.



Recapte, doncs, jo crec que se fa

Fundraising, then, I believe it is done.

servir una mica més extensivament.

serve a little more extensively.

Per a dir, doncs,

To say, then,

portem coses, no? Per a menjar,

We bring things, right? For eating,

una mica fem recapte

let's gather a bit

i fem, doncs,

And so we do,

un iopongo, que es diu?

a yoyo, what's it called?

Sí, sí, aquesta cosa.

Yes, yes, that thing.

És allò que la gent porta hummus, vols dir?

Is that what people bring, hummus, you mean?



I la quix, també.

And the quix, too.

Llavors, una paraula

Then, a word.

superfamosa del Delta que la gent li agrada

super famous in the Delta that people like

i jo crec que

and I believe that

se l'ha fet seua, que és

"she has made it her own, which is"



Relacionada amb el confeti, per extensió, a la festa.

Related to confetti, by extension, to the party.

Una expressió

An expression

que a mi m'agrada molt, que es diu

that I like a lot, it's called

aigua xirla. Aigua xirla.

splashing water. Splashing water.

Aigua xirla, és brutal. Quan algo està igualit,

Whistle water, it's brutal. When something is equal,

quan tu tens un cubata i dius

when you have a drink and say

això és aigua xirla, ja, no?

this is river water, right?

Perquè ja s'ha desfet tot el gel i...

Because all the ice has melted and...

Molt bé.

Very good.

No, ja no vol res, no? Aigua xirla.

No, he doesn't want anything anymore, does he? Fizzy water.

Fer momos, ho dieu, fer momos?

Make momos, you say, make momos?

No. Mare de Déu, de veritat, eh?

No. Mother of God, really, huh?

Farem 20 temporades i encara tindrà coses

We will make 20 seasons and it will still have things.

per dir-nos, eh? Jo crec que s'ho inventa.

to tell us, huh? I think he/she is making it up.

Fer nomos, o momos?

Make laws, or mockery?

Momos. Momos, fer momos.

Momos. Momos, to make momos.

Ma filla ja ho sap, a veure si us poseu les...

My daughter already knows, let's see if you guys get your...

Fer momos, ho diem.

Making momos, we say.

Fer momos és treure la llengua, no?

Making momos is sticking out the tongue, right?

Ah, d'acord. Molt bé.

Ah, okay. Very good.

Ho esteu fent, no? Ara tots...

You're doing it, right? Now everyone...

Tots a casa vostra, practicant.

Everyone at your home, practicing.

I llavors, una cosa que...

And then, one thing that...

que, a veure si és bastant

that, let's see if it's enough

absurda, i no li veig

absurd, and I don't see it


the explanation,

però és...

but it is...

s'usa moltíssim, val?

It's used a lot, okay?

S'usa moltíssim als pobles del Delta

It is very much used in the villages of the Delta.

l'expressió oco baix.

the expression hollow low.

Vull dir, jo ho he vist estar

I mean, I have seen it being.

en homes de bar. Anem a l'oco baix.

in men of the bar. Let's go to the lower oca.

No és que jo hi vaig,

It's not that I'm going there,

però existeix, del Delta.

but it exists, from the Delta.

I és una expressió

And it is an expression.

com vulguem dir...

as we want to say...

Oco baix. A veure.

Okay, down. Let's see.

Això ho he sigut, he pensat pel gust pujant.

I have been this, I have thought for the pleasure of climbing.

Com de verda. Ulls.

How green. Eyes.

Oco baix, com vulguem dir, que fort.

Wow, as we say, that's strong.

Jo què sé...

I don't know...

Oco és...

Oco is...

Ojo, és per dir ojo.

Watch out, it's just to say watch out.

Oco, oco baix.

Watch out, watch out below.

Oco baix és com...

Oco baix is like...

Atenció, oco baix de la feta grossa.

Attention, watch out for the big deed.



Oco baix, aquell.

Look down, that one.

S'ha liat en sa cunyada, saps?

He's got involved with his sister-in-law, you know?

I oco alt existeix, no?

There is a high place, isn't there?

No, oco baix, no sé per què es diu baix.

No, low oco, I don't know why it's called low.



Són dos comarques, oco baix i oco alt.

They are two regions, Oco Baix and Oco Alt.

Hosti, indagaré una mica més,

Damn, I'll investigate a bit more.

no sé, d'això, però ho diu tothom.

I don’t know about that, but everyone says so.

Jo tota la vida ho he sentit i et dic

I have felt it my whole life and I tell you.

i en bars que es diuen així.

and in bars that are called that.

Jo faré una foto i la pengem a Twitter.

I will take a photo and we will post it on Twitter.

I el bar.

And the bar.

Si hi ha un bar, és que és menys.

If there is a bar, it means it is less.

Oco baix.

Low beam.

Obert fins a la matinada, sona una mica, això.

Open until dawn, it sounds a bit like that.

Sí, totalment.

Yes, totally.

Fantàstic, Maria Climent, gràcies pel teu confeti.

Fantastic, Maria Climent, thank you for your confetti.

Fem una perla, no?

Let's make a pearl, shall we?

La fem?

Shall we do it?

La perla.

The pearl.

Va, serà una perla una mica express,

Come on, it will be a bit of an express pearl,

perquè el que són tanta colla, tots volem parlar d'això.

because there are so many of us, we all want to talk about this.

Teníeu una cosa llarguíssima

You had a very long thing.

i teníeu una cosa per explicar-vos

I had something to explain to you.

la història del sucre

the history of sugar

i el sucre de canya remolat.

and the cane sugar beet.

Una cosa increïble, sóc tan pesada com vull.

An incredible thing, I am as annoying as I want.

Al final,

In the end,

he pensat en els confits

I have thought about the confits.

i ja ho ha dit abans el Canosa,

And Canosa has already said it before,

on es repartien confits

where sweets were distributed



popularment, són els batejos.

Popularly, they are the baptisms.

Però és que els batejos

But it's just that the baptisms

es tiraven confits, també.

They also threw sweets.

I és una cosa que es diu tirar bate...

And it's something called throwing a bat...

Ui, perdó, tirar bateig.

Oops, sorry, throw baptism.

Es diu així.

It is called that.

Però també es pot dir, atenció,

But it can also be said, watch out,

que no me'n recordo, tirar bateada,

I don't remember, throw a bat.

fer relleu, el Rosselló es diu,

to take over, it is called Rosselló,

tirar aninoves, a la bisbalda, falseta, priorat,

throw aninoves, to the bisbalda, falseta, priorat,

bateig directament,

direct baptism,

o collir bateig,

or to collect baptism,

perquè el bateig no és l'aigua,

because baptism is not the water,

sinó és el que es llença.

but it is what is thrown away.

Des del balcó de la criatura

From the child's balcony

no onada, la família

no wave, the family

s'enfila allà, bueno, s'enfila, no, no s'enfila,

he climbs up there, well, he climbs up, no, he doesn’t climb up,

entra per dintre, espero,

come in from the inside, I hope,

entra per dintre a casa, i surten al balcó els padrins

they go inside the house, and the grandparents come out to the balcony.

i són els que reparteixen

and they are the ones who distribute


candied fruits.

Creus que hi ha hagut morts

Do you think there have been deaths?

per confit a Catalunya?

Why confit in Catalonia?

No, però hi ha una cosa tèrbola aquí.

No, but there is a murky thing here.

Jo conec gent, perdoneu-lo per èntesi,

I know people, forgive him for the sake of understanding.

però conec gent,

but I know people,

una gent adulta que està viva de miracle

an adult person who is alive by a miracle

perquè s'ha quedat ennuagada

because it has become cloudy

en els confits.

in the candies.

Els confits grossos, sí.

The large sweets, yes.

Els confits, vull dir, són la mida perfecta

The candies, I mean, are the perfect size.

perquè... Però gent que tenia la boca oberta

because... But people who had their mouths open

i l'hi han tirat. No, no, els xiquets, sí.

And they threw it at him. No, no, the kids, yes.

Doncs potser li dones a un xiquet

Well, maybe you give it to a child.

d'un o dos anys un confitet d'estos

in one or two years a candy like this



I el cobaix. El cobaix que no baixa.

And the cobweb. The cobweb that does not go down.

Jo t'ho corroboro perquè a mi

I corroborate it to you because for me

els confits mai em van agradar.

I never liked candied fruits.

Jo recordo, és que tinc aquells grans episodis, sabeu?

I remember, it's just that I have those great episodes, you know?

Aquella roba de...

That clothing of...

De canxet, que hi havia els confits.

From the stand, there were the sweets.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Jo és que els confits ho tinc tan associat

I have such an association with the candied fruits.

a la meva vida, i el que diu,

in my life, and what he says,

no me'ls podia fotre.

I couldn't stand them.

Era com l'espina d'una arengada

It was like the spine of a herring.

perquè se'm quedaven aquí clavats.

because they got stuck here.

Sí, així com hi ha gent que li costa

Yes, just as there are people who find it difficult.

passar una pastilla o així, el confit encara

pass a pill or something, the confit still

és més gran, no?

It's bigger, right?

Estava pensant això que... Tirar bateig.

I was thinking this that... to take a plunge.

Llavors el batejador del beisbol

Then the baseball batter

també ve d'aquí, del fotre-l'hi.

it also comes from here, from messing with it.

El Roger ho ha dit

Roger said it.

que està convençut, però no ho sé.

that is convinced, but I don't know.

Una cosa que us volia dir,

One thing I wanted to tell you,

perdoneu abans, els confits

excuse me before, the candied fruits

a la península ibèrica se'n té...

In the Iberian Peninsula, it is believed...

A la península, eh?

On the peninsula, huh?

Se'n té constància en llibres de

There is evidence in books of

dolços i llapolies i aquestes coses

sweets and treats and those things

des del segle XV, però

since the 15th century, however

la indústria confitera no va començar

the confectionery industry did not begin

fins a finals del XIX i va ser

until the end of the 19th century and it was

a un poble

to a village

que es diu...

that is called...

Que no ho sabeu. Casinos.

You don't know. Casinos.



Que resulta que és l'últim poble de la comarca

That turns out to be the last village of the region.

del Camp de Túria, allà a València, on es parla valencià.

from the Camp de Túria, over in Valencia, where Valencian is spoken.

És el límit

It's the limit.

interior del valencià.

interior of Valencian.

M'ha semblat curiós i per això us ho explico.

I found it interesting and that's why I'm telling you.

A veure, el de la tira-bateig

Let's see, the one with the baptismal font.

a part dels confits

aside from the sweets

també es podia llançar

it could also be thrown

joguines petites, que són d'aquestes

small toys, what are these?

que també serveixen perquè els nens ho feguin.

that also serve for children to do it.

Abans es tirava tot, no?

Before, everything was thrown away, right?

I resulta que, com totes les tradicions

And it turns out that, like all traditions

o moltes tradicions d'aquest tipus, populars

or many popular traditions of this type

i així, tenen

and thus, they have

cançonetes associades.

associated songs.

I llavors,

And then,





Tiren confits i això, que és per celebrar

They throw confetti and that, which is to celebrate.

una cosa... un futur

one thing... a future

bonic i una nova vida, no sé què...

beautiful and a new life, I don’t know what…

Llavors, la gent des del carrer

Then, the people from the street

criden confits,

they call them candied.

confits, confits, o el que sigui.

candied, candied, or whatever it is.

O, si resulta que

Oh, if it turns out that

no n'estan llançant prou,

they are not throwing enough,

la gent del carrer deien coses com

the people on the street said things like

és bord, aquest bateig és bord.

it's dull, this baptism is dull.

Això ho deien a Pordà,

They said this in Pordà,

per exemple. O tireu

for example. Or throw.

confits que naltros són pobres i naltros són rics.

Confits that we are poor and we are rich.

Això cap a Tarragona.

This way to Tarragona.

Però, una de les més conegudes,

But one of the most well-known,

és una cançoneta que va una mica

it's a little song that goes a bit

més cap a la zona

more towards the area

trucraim, quasi. No, trucraim no,

we'll call, almost. No, we won't call,

però mort sí. A veure...

but dead yes. Let's see...

Tireu confits que són pudrits,

Throw out the spoiled ones,

tireu ballanes

throw away the ballasts

que són corcades, si no en voleu

that are eaten away, if you don't want them

tirar, el nen es morirà.

Throw it, the child will die.



Carles Porta, sisplau, investiga això.

Carles Porta, please investigate this.

Aquest senyor és Esteve Palau de Roses.

This gentleman is Esteve Palau de Roses.

Això és un dels àudios recollits

This is one of the recorded audios.

del projecte Cantut, que és un tresor que tenim

from the Cantut project, which is a treasure that we have

aquí. Sisplau, visiteu-lo.

Here. Please visit it.

Descobrireu unes coses increïbles, com jo mateixa.

You will discover incredible things, just like me.

Doncs sí, amenaçant el personal,

Well yes, threatening the staff,

per si no els envien

in case they don't send them

els illens endolços,

the sweetening islands,

doncs hi ha moltes d'aquestes així

so there are many of these like this

d'amenaçants. Aquí, aquí,

of threatening. Here, here,

bateig, rancis, podrits, tireu confits,

baptism, rancid, rotten, throw in candied fruits,

bateig, bord, tireu criatura i tot.

baptism, nonsense, throw the creature and all.

Per exemple. Això és Michael Jackson.

For example. This is Michael Jackson.

Això ara està prohibidíssim.

This is now absolutely prohibited.

Prohibidíssim. És viu, és mort,

Prohibited. It is alive, it is dead,

tireu-lo a l'hort, és mort, és viu,

pull it to the garden, it's dead, it's alive,

tireu-lo al riu. Directament.

Throw it in the river. Directly.

Aquí, aquí, bateig,

Here, here, baptism,

rancis, podrits, tireu confits,

rancid, rotten, throw out preserves,

bateig, bord, tireu criatura i tot.

baptism, edge, throw the creature and all.

És viu, és mort, tireu-lo a l'hort,

He is alive, he is dead, throw him into the garden,

és mort, és viu, tireu-lo al riu. A Girona.

He is dead, he is alive, throw him into the river. In Girona.

Són molt creatius, trobo.

They are very creative, I find.

Mare meva. Han tirat

My goodness. They have thrown.

molts cops el nen, també t'ho diré. Sí, sí.

Many times the child, I will also tell you. Yes, yes.

Estic una mica esperverat. Però torna a casa, el nen.

I’m a bit startled. But come home, the boy.

Tot magullat.

All bruised.

Dóna'm un confit i llavors s'ofega.

Give me a confit and then it drowns.

Tireu aquí, tireu allà,

Pull here, pull there,

si no el xiquet se morirà. Pedri pollós,

if not the boy will die. Pedro chick,

tireu confatura, si no que es rebenti la criatura.

Remove the confinement, or let the creature break free.

Va, un altre cop.

Come on, again.

El pedri golondrí, la pedrina golondrina,

The little swallow, the little swallows,

si no tireu confitura, morirà la criatura.

If you don't throw jam, the creature will die.

Tot és horrorós.

Everything is horrific.

Això et diuen al coi. El pedri picolí,

This is what they tell you at the boy. The little stone,

la pedrina picolina, si no tireu confitura,

the little pebble, if you don't throw jam,

que es mori la criatura. Molt bé, molt bé.

Let the creature die. Very good, very good.

N'han mort com a 26, ja.

They have already died about 26.

Doncs ja, per acabar,

Well then, to finish,

tot això

all this

passa tant al Principat

it happens so much in the Principality

com a Catalunya Nord i al

as in Northern Catalonia and to the

País Valencià. A les Balears i a la Franja

Valencian Country. In the Balearic Islands and in the Fringe.

això de tirar bateig no es fa.

This thing of throwing christening is not done.

A la Franja ho desconec, però a les Balears

In the Franja I don't know, but in the Balearic Islands

la gent fa el que s'ha de fer, que és convidar la gent

People do what needs to be done, which is to invite others.

i donar-los els confits amb mà, amb uns licors

and give them the sweets by hand, with some liqueurs.

i fer festa. Gent civilitzada.

And celebrate. Civilized people.

Sí senyor, un aplaudiment per la Merla.

Yes sir, a round of applause for Merla.

Molt bé, bravo.

Very good, well done.

Va, nois, ronda final

Come on, guys, final round.

de confeti. Tu tenies algun misteri

of confetti. Did you have any mystery?

per tancar? Ja no me'n recordo. Jo diré ràpid, faré una versió

To close? I don't remember anymore. I'll say it quickly, I'll make a version.

rock'n'roll. Jo he fet una petita investigació

rock'n'roll. I have done a little research.

d'Irbos des que pràcticament

from Irbos since practically

apareix un altre cop la premsa catalana

the Catalan press appears again

des de 1714, per tant ens n'anem

since 1714, therefore we are leaving

a mitjans del segle XIX. La paraula

in the mid-19th century. The word

confeti ja apareix des del primer moment. És una

confetti appears from the very first moment. It is a

paraula absolutament usual,

absolutely common word,

sempre associada a confeti i serpentina.

always associated with confetti and streamers.

Estic fent un resum, després em truqueu

I'm making a summary, call me later.

i feu una versió directorscat.

And make a directors' version.

Però que diguem-ne que és una paraula associada

But let's say it is an associated word.

i m'interessa

I'm interested.

molt perquè el confeti s'associa a moltíssimes

a lot because confetti is associated with many many

coses. Per exemple, hi ha una cosa que m'ha fascinat

things. For example, there is one thing that has fascinated me

que s'associa, per exemple, molt a

that is associated, for example, very much with

que és una cosa molt catalana, que és el torrisme, les festes

what is a very Catalan thing, which is tourism, the festivals

a torres, les festes d'estiu. O sigui, el confeti

to towers, the summer parties. That is, the confetti

s'ho usava... Hi havia una socialització del confeti.

it was used... There was a socialization of confetti.

Hem d'anar cap aquí.

We have to go this way.

Confeti per a tots.

Confetti for everyone.

És a dir, no el confeti només a festes sectorials.

That is to say, not just confetti at sectorial parties.

Confeti per a tots. Per tant,

Confetti for everyone. Therefore,

era un confeti tot l'any. És a dir,

it was confetti all year round. That is,

això ho trobo magnífic. I trobes de faltar això una mica?

I find this magnificent. Do you miss this a little?

Home, ho trobo... Que fos una festa cada dia.

At home, I find it... That it were a party every day.

Clar, el confeti...

Of course, the confetti...

Confeti i serpentina, que aquest matrimoni

Confetti and streamers, may this marriage

jo no l'entenc. Bueno, si t'animàs

I don't understand it. Well, if you encouraged me.

tires la serpentina, no? Jo sé que l'altre dia et diré una cosa

You pull the streamers, right? I know that the other day I will tell you something.

que hauràs esperat, que podria explicar-ho.

What you must have waited for, that I could explain it.



és un mot orfe.

It is an orphan word.

De? No té parents.

Where? He/She has no relatives.

No té parents. No té parents. O sigui, és

He has no relatives. He has no relatives. That is to say, he is

tot sol al món. Tu digues qualsevol

All alone in the world. You say anything.

paraula que et vingui al càrcel, el mateix que l'has fet amb un puntiu.

word that comes to your mind, the same as you did with a dot.

Sí. Ja que sé, taula, va. Un derivat

Yes. Since I know, table, go ahead. A derivative.

de taula. Entaulat. Entaulat, eh?

of the table. Tabled. Tabled, huh?

No, hi ha 50.000.

No, there are 50,000.

O podria ser 50.000, però la majoria

Or it could be 50,000, but the majority.

de paraules tenen parents,

words have relatives,

derivats. I de molts orfes n'hi ha poquíssims,

derivatives. And there are very few orphans,

al diccionari. I confeti

in the dictionary. And confetti

n'és un. El confeti et busca.

It's one. The confetti is looking for you.

Sempre et cau a sobre. Per això podria ser

It always falls on you. That's why it could be.

amb la serpentina, per tenir...

with the streamer, to have...

Bé, bé, és una bona resposta, aquesta.

Well, well, that’s a good answer.

I la fecundació que hi havia dins del confeti.

And the fertilization that was inside the confetti.

Pam, ja està. I els fills, els confets.

Boom, it's done. And the kids, the confetti.

Escolta'm, la Climent

Listen to me, Climent.

ens vol fer un últim

he wants to make us a last one

apunt. Tens una cançó, alguna cosa?

Note. Do you have a song, something?

Sí, he portat una cançó que trobo que fa molt de confeti,

Yes, I brought a song that I think makes a lot of confetti,

que trobo que sempre que sona, hauria

that I find that whenever it sounds, it should

de caure, també, confeti, no?

Falling, also, confetti, right?

Dins del meu cap, això.

Inside my head, that.

Que quedaria bé. Que és

It would look good. What is it?

esta de...

it's from...

de los Manolos. El meu grup.

of the Manolos. My group.

Nona meva,

My grandmother,

la voldria cantar sencera,

I would like to sing it in full,

però no tenim temps.

but we don't have time.

Per què l'associes a que caigui confeti?

Why do you associate it with confetti falling?

Perquè és com molt festera, no?

Because she's quite the party girl, isn't she?

Sí. No sé, és com molt alegre.

Yes. I don't know, it's just very cheerful.

A mi m'agrada.

I like it.

Em recorda aquell senyor dient

It reminds me of that man saying.

baixeu de l'escenari, no?

Get off the stage, right?

Constantino Romero, és veritat.

Constantino Romero, it's true.

No sé si estaven tirant confeti en aquell moment,

I don't know if they were throwing confetti at that moment,

però en tot cas hi havia una gentada allà dalt

but in any case, there was a huge crowd up there.

que a cop de confeti podríem baixar.

that we could go down with a shower of confetti.

Algun últim apunt, Climent, o no?

Any final remark, Climent, or not?



Maria, va, confeti.

Maria, go, confetti.

Dues coses molt breus.

Two very brief things.

Una, per vosaltres és el mateix

One, for you is the same.

un confit que una paladilla?

A candy than a paddle?

O sigui, els confits i les paladilles

That is, the candied fruits and the paladins.

són el mateix? És que porto tot el programa...

Are they the same? It's just that I have the whole program...

Per mi el confit és més general.

For me, the confit is more general.



Són dolços.

They are sweet.

Sí, és el que tu pots confitar.

Yes, it's what you can candy.

És com la confitura, també.

It's like the jam, too.

És que per mi els confits, potser només és el Forge això, eh?

It's just that for me, the confits, maybe it's just the Forge, right?

Són els petits.

They are the little ones.

Ah, no, són anissets.

Ah, no, they are aniseed cookies.

No, no són anissets.

No, they are not anisette cookies.

Les paladilles són més les d'ametlla.

The paladins are more the almond ones.

I abans hi havia les confiteries,

And before there were the confectioneries,

que ara s'han perdut.

that have now been lost.

I jo recordo la meva àvia parlant de confits,

And I remember my grandmother talking about preserves,

de dolços en general.

of sweets in general.

Pot ser? No sé si referir-me més a...

Could it be? I don't know if I should refer more to...

Sí, de fet, segons el diccionari pot ser qualsevol cosa confitada.

Yes, in fact, according to the dictionary, it can be anything preserved in sugar.

Un confit.

A candy.

Sí, sí, hi ha aquesta línia.

Yes, yes, there is this line.

I després hi ha una segona...

And then there is a second...



Molt bé, que hi ha aquella expressió d'aquestes que també hem perdut,

Very well, there is that expression we have also lost.

que en el tenim paraula del segle XIX la fem servir molt,

that in the 19th century we use it a lot,

quan engeguem algú i li posem això,

when we start someone and put this on them,

ara diria, ja t'ho pots fotre al cul, ja t'en posen el...

now I would say, you can stick it up your ass, they're already putting it on you...

Diem, ja t'ho pots confitar.

We say, you can already confide it.

T'ho recordes?

Do you remember it?

Ja t'ho pots confitar.

You can already preserve it.

Aquest és un clàssic contemporani.

This is a contemporary classic.

Contemporani no.

Contemporary no.

I la segona és, molt breu,

And the second one is, very brief,

que també ho he estat observant durant tot el programa,

that I have also been observing it throughout the whole program,

el confeti es tira o es llença?

Is confetti thrown or tossed?

O es llança?

Or is it launched?



I tu què creus?

And what do you think?

I què s'ha de fer?

And what should be done?

No, perquè el que passa normalment és que...

No, because what usually happens is that...

O sigui, el que potser ens sortiria més espontàniament seria tirar,

So, what might come to us more spontaneously would be to throw.

el que passa que ens ultracorregim, jo crec,

what happens is that we overcorrect ourselves, I believe,

jo mateixa la primera, perquè he dit llançar al principi,

I myself the first, because I said to throw at the beginning,

i ens pensem que tirar és incorrecte i llavors diem llançar,

and we think that to throw is incorrect and then we say to launch,

però potser és més aviat tirar,

but perhaps it's more about throwing,

o sigui, el fet d'empenyar una cosa cap amunt, no?

So, the act of pushing something upwards, right?

I que caigui cap avall.

And let it fall down.

Què diria l'altre lingüista? Diries tirar.

What would the other linguist say? You would say throw.

Em fa recordar una cosa que m'ha passat avui,

It reminds me of something that happened to me today,

i, en fi, no sé si...

Well, I don't know if...

Bueno, estem en horari protegit o no?

Well, are we in protected hours or not?

No ho sé, depèn de l'hora, que l'escoltis, amic,

I don't know, it depends on the time, that you listen to it, my friend,

uient, i uient.

flowing, and flowing.

Hi ha una enquesta d'aquesta sobre l'ús d'una expressió molt bonica,

There is a survey about the use of a very beautiful expression,

també no tan nostral, però d'una expressió bonica,

also not so ours, but of a beautiful expression,

que jo he sentit algunes vegades, que és

that I have heard some times, that it is

ui, aquesta casa, aquesta gent viuen a tomar pel cul.

Oh, this house, these people live in a terrible way.


Do you know?

Com dient, molt lluny.

As I said, very far away.

I tota gent que...

And all the people who...

No m'ho esperaves, eh?

You didn't expect it from me, did you?

I tota gent que em corregia em deia

And all the people who corrected me told me

no, es diu a prendre pel cul.

No, it's called to take it up the ass.

Al Tomà no els agrada.

Tomà doesn't like it.


You know?

Una mica és aquesta...

A little bit is this...

Tira confeti...

Throw confetti...

Sí, el problema de tirar és que tirar,

Yes, the problem with throwing is that throwing,

quan llancem una cosa al paperera,

when we throw something in the bin,

no és correcte, en aquest sentit.

it is not correct, in this sense.

Tirar cap a un lloc, sí.

Throw towards a place, yes.

Tirar, sí, i llançar cap amunt...

Throw, yes, and throw upwards...

Tirar pel dret.

Cut to the chase.

És tirar.

It's throwing.

I tirar la tovallola,

I throw in the towel.

però moltes vegades sentim llançar la tovallola.

but many times we feel like throwing in the towel.

I tant, i tant, moltíssimes.

Yes, of course, very much.

I és per això, per aquests dubtes que tenim

And it is for this reason, for these doubts that we have.

entre la diferència entre tirar i llançar.

between the difference of throwing and launching.

Doncs, escolta,

Well, listen,

estàs aquí per donar respostes, no per fer preguntes,

you are here to give answers, not to ask questions,

perquè, si no, ens fem un embolic.

because, otherwise, we get ourselves into a mess.

No, moltíssimes gràcies a la Maria, al Pau,

No, thank you very much to Maria, to Pau,



Rematem-ho, si algú té alguna cosa a dir,

Let's finish it, if anyone has something to say,

em sembla que el Pedral us ho hauria de dir.

I think Pedral should tell you.

Sí, jo tinc una història molt curiosa,

Yes, I have a very curious story.

però que és sobre Giacomo Leopardi.

but it is about Giacomo Leopardi.

Leopardi va morir

Leopardi died.

el 14 de juny de 1837,

on June 14, 1837,

l'endemà de Sant Antoni.

the day after Sant Antoni.

I hi ha tot de temes

And there are all kinds of topics.

sobre com va morir Leopardi,

about how Leopardi died,

perquè estava malalt, però no sé què,

because I was sick, but I don't know what,

i per què aquell dia...

And why that day...

I el seu millor amic, que era Antonio Ranieri,

And his best friend, who was Antonio Ranieri,

va escriure un llibre que era set anys de sud-alici

he wrote a book that was seven years of South-Alice

amb Leopardi, que explicava la seva amistat,

with Leopardi, who explained his friendship,

i que,

and that,

explica la fi de Leopardi, perquè ell hi era.

Explain the end of Leopardi, because he was there.

I llavors, diu que,

And then, he/she says that,

el dia abans, era el seu sant, el 13 de juny,

the day before was his feast day, June 13,

era Sant Antoni,

it was Saint Anthony,

ell va anar-lo a veure una estona,

he went to see him for a while,

perquè li va dir, osti, estic molt fotut,

because he told him, damn, I’m really messed up,

i va portar uns confits

and brought some candied fruits

d'un lloc que és Solmona,

from a place that is Solmona,

que Solmona és allà a l'Àquila.

that Solmona is there in the Aquila.

En efecte és Solmona, no és casament.

Indeed, it's Solmona, it's not a wedding.

Sí, i són molt famosos els confits,

Yes, and the candied fruits are very famous.

els confetti de Solmona.

the confetti of Sulmona.

I va portar-ne, però en plan,

And he brought some, but like,

a cabassades, i explica

a basketful, and explain

a Antonio Ranieri

to Antonio Ranieri

que Leopardi es va quedar,

that Leopardi stayed,

un quilo i mig de confetti,

a kilo and a half of confetti,

i que va morir

and he/she died

de coma diabètic.

diabetic coma.

No! No perquè s'ofegués!

No! Not because he drowned!

No, no, no, perquè es va

No, no, no, because it goes.

cardar tant de sucre que...

put so much sugar that...

Perquè estava ja fotut, l'home no...

Because he was already fucked up, the man didn't...

Clar, aquesta teoria després no

Of course, this theory then not.

s'ha pogut... Contrastar?

Has it been possible to... Contrast?

Contrastar, perquè el pobre home

Contrast, because the poor man

el van fotre, em sembla, a un...

they put him, it seems to me, in a...

Com que hi havia també una passa de còlera,

As there was also a case of cholera,

el van fotre en una fossa comú.

they put him in a mass grave.

Però és el mite

But it is the myth.

de la mort de Leopardi,

of the death of Leopardi,

ben bé, hi ha quatre o cinc teories,

well, there are four or five theories,

però aquesta m'encanta, la del quilo i mig de confetti.

but I love this one, the one with a kilo and a half of confetti.

L'hauríem volgut confitar.

We would have liked to candy it.

Un amfit de confit.

A host of confit.

Mai millor dit.

Never better said.

Que ara que parlava de morts,

Now that I was talking about dead people,

morts per confeti,

dead from confetti,

hi ha una...

there is a...

Això que feien abans

What they used to do before

de tirar pètals de flors

to throw flower petals

en lloc de paperets.

instead of paper slips.

Hi ha un episodi a la vida

There is an episode in life

d'un emperador romà, ja sabeu que moren els romans,

of a Roman emperor, you know that the Romans die,

que és el Gàbel, o Elio Gàbel,

what is Gàbel, or Elio Gàbel,

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it's true.

Que era considerat un dels emperadors Cucu.

He was considered one of the Cucu emperors.

Sí, però ara és per l'hora de teatre d'Artó, eh?

Yes, but now it's for Artó's theater time, right?

No és pel...

It's not for the...

Ja ho sabia.

I already knew it.

Que es veu que va muntar una festa

It seems that he/she organized a party.

a casa seva, o no sé on,

at your house, or I don't know where,

i va muntar un falsostre

and he set up a false ceiling.

tan carregat de pètals de flors,

so loaded with flower petals,

perquè en un moment donat volia que caiguéssim,

because at one point I wanted us to fall,

que un cop van obrir el falsostre,

that once they opened the false ceiling,

van caure sobre els convidats

fell upon the guests

i va veure que van morir ofegats

and saw that they drowned

sota els pètals de roses.

under the rose petals.

Hi ha un quadre increïble,

There is an incredible painting,

és una cosa molt rabiofònica parlar de quadres,

it's a very rage-provoking thing to talk about paintings,

d'un senyor que es deia

of a man who was called

Lorenz Almatadema, que va sobre això.

Lorenz Almatadema, who is about this.

El pobre Elio Gàbel,

Poor Elio Gàbel,

pobre d'una merda, perquè era una persona bastant xunga,

poor piece of shit, because he was a pretty nasty person,

el van assassinar els pretorians.

The praetorians assassinated him.

M'ha vingut la imatge...

The image has come to me...

I el quadre, després m'ho ensenyes.

And the painting, show it to me later.

Es diu Els pètals d'Elio Gàbel,

It's called The Petals of Elio Gàbel.

o una cosa així, o Les roses d'Elio Gàbel.

or something like that, or The Roses of Elio Gàbel.

O sigui, ens hem d'imaginar una mica

So, we have to imagine a little bit.

l'escena aquella de càrrec, no?, del final,

that scene of charge, right?, at the end,

quan li cau tot...

when everything falls on him...

Sí, però en versió pètal de flor,

Yes, but in flower petal version,

que és com bastant menys...

which is like quite a bit less...

I tot el sostre i tot.

And all the ceiling and everything.

Sí, sí, el quadre és xulíssim,

Yes, yes, the painting is super cool,

és academicista, bueno, és igual.

he is an academic, well, it doesn't matter.

Mireu, aneu a buscar aquest quadre, sisplau,

Look, please go and fetch this painting.

i us el mireu, que és molt guai.

And you look at it, which is very cool.

Fantàstic, festàstic, que diria.

Fantastic, festive, that's what I would say.

Escolta'm, gràcies a tots per venir

Listen to me, thank you all for coming.

a l'últim programa del Tenim Paraula.

in the latest episode of Tenim Paraula.

Ha sigut una festa meravellosa.

It has been a wonderful party.

És l'últim, però...

It's the last one, but...

Ja veurem si ens tornem a trobar

We'll see if we meet again.

en una tercera temporada, esperem que sí,

in a third season, we hope so,

tirem confeti i ens veiem.

we throw confetti and see each other.

Sempre podem fer un...

We can always make a...

Enviam-ho per a Ola.

Send it to Ola.

El racó d'Itàlia, i llavors farem el racó de Catalunya.

The corner of Italy, and then we will do the corner of Catalonia.



I serem per l'encanosa.

And we will be for the charming one.

Això va bé, gràcies.

That's fine, thank you.

Moltes gràcies a totes i a tots

Thank you very much to everyone.

per haver-nos acompanyat en aquesta segona temporada

for joining us in this second season

del Tenim Paraula, gràcies a tots vosaltres per ser-hi,

From Tenim Paraula, thank you all for being there,

gràcies a la Maria Rodríguez,

thanks to Maria Rodríguez,

al Pau Vidal,

to Pau Vidal,

la Maria Climent, que ja ha marxat,

Maria Climent, who has already left,

a Roser Cabré, que no ens ha pogut acompanyar avui,

to Roser Cabré, who has not been able to join us today,

però que ens escolta i que ens estima

but who listens to us and loves us

i ens envia un petó molt gran

and sends us a very big kiss

a tots els qui ens escolteu.

to all of you who are listening to us.

Gràcies també a l'Andrea, a Jofre...

Thanks also to Andrea, to Jofre...

A vosaltres. Gràcies, al Pedrals.

To you. Thank you, to the Pedrals.

A vosaltres. Canosa. Moltíssimes gràcies.

To you. Canosa. Thank you very much.

Ens veiem a la propera. Gràcies a tot, confeti.

See you next time. Thanks for everything, confetti.

Adeu, gràcies.

Goodbye, thank you.


Thank you.

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