De la Mediterrània al món

Catalunya Ràdio

Les cordes de l'ukelele

De la Mediterrània al món

Les cordes de l'ukelele

Les cordes de l'Ukelele.

The strings of the Ukulele.

Les músiques del món a Catalunya Música.

The music of the world on Catalunya Música.

Creuant l'espai i el temps.

Crossing space and time.

Amb Marta Lanau.

With Marta Lanau.

Salutacions, com esteu? Seguiu a la sintonia de Catalunya Música

Greetings, how are you? Stay tuned to Catalunya Música.

i aquí comença una nova edició de Les cordes de l'Ukelele.

And here begins a new edition of The Ukulele Strings.

És aquest espai dedicat a les músiques del món,

It is this space dedicated to the music of the world,

que no és, si no, una reunió de moltíssimes coses,

that is, if not, a meeting of countless things,

és a dir, músiques.

that is to say, music.

Basades en l'arrel, en les tradicions,

Based on the roots, on the traditions,

en llocs concrets de l'àrea planetària

in specific places of the planetary area

i que, d'alguna manera, miren el segle XXI.

and that, in some way, look at the 21st century.

Això per dir-ho d'una manera molt resumida.

This is to put it very briefly.

Avui ens centrem en un àrea del planeta que ens és molt propera

Today we focus on an area of the planet that is very close to us.

i que tant i tant diversa música ha produït i produeix,

and that so much and so diverse music has produced and produces,

i això ho diem sovint.

And we often say this.

Ara ens estem referint a l'àrea mediterrània,

Now we are referring to the Mediterranean area,

la qual cosa vol dir, evidentment, territori extens,

which means, obviously, extensive territory,

moltes cultures i molta diversitat sonora.

many cultures and a lot of sound diversity.

Justament això és el que ho fa interessant.

Exactly that is what makes it interesting.

Avui comencem amb una proposta que ens sembla del tot suggerent.

Today we begin with a proposal that seems truly intriguing to us.

Per una banda, una veu, la de Maria Mazzotta,

On one hand, a voice, that of Maria Mazzotta,

un artista natural de Salento,

an artist from Salento,

un lloc ubicat a la Pulla, al sud-est italià,

a place located in Apulia, in southeastern Italy,

i, de fet, n'és una ara mateix de les veus ambaixadores

and, in fact, it is currently one of the ambassador voices.

ara mateix, avui en dia.

right now, nowadays.

És una artista inquieta,

She is a restless artist.

interessada en portar la tradició als temps actuals,

interested in bringing tradition to modern times,

i un dels seus treballs ha estat al costat del quartet Pulcinella,

and one of his works has been alongside the Pulcinella quartet,

que és una formació de la ciutat francesa de Toulouse,

that is a formation of the French city of Toulouse,

que juga amb molts elements que van del jazz a la música,

that plays with many elements ranging from jazz to music,

a la música balcànica,

to Balkan music,

i passant també per patrons com la muset o el tango, fins i tot.

and also passing through patterns like the musette or the tango, even.

Tots plegats van fer fa uns anys un àlbum titulat Grifone,

A few years ago, they all made an album titled Grifone.

i n'escollim avui una de les peces

and we choose one of the pieces today

per començar amb energia aquest recorregut.

to start this journey with energy.



Tren d'afil, moi, que et vienerà

A sharpening train, soft, that will come to you.

T'hi m'embuix, mei, t'aixurí

I will cover you, my love, I will caress you.

Tren d'afil, moi, que et vienerà

Sharp train, soft, that will come to you.

T'hi m'embuix, mei, t'aixurí

I will wrap you up, my love, I will embrace you.

Un metí, moi, te pogo el xeva

A doctor, hey, I have your back.

I te na te mendoi per tu

And I have no fear for you.

Un metí, moi, te pogo el xeva

A doctor, buddy, I can call you later.

I te na te mendoi per tu

I have a message for you.

Mos emmerietes per tu

You make us miserable because of you.

I a mei, jo t'hi aprop de tu

And to me, I bring it closer to you.

Mos emmerietes per tu

You make us dizzy for you.

I a mei, jo t'hi aprop de tu

And I, I bring it closer to you.



Mos emmerietes per u, ja me llotja pràp de du.

You make me dizzy, I already have a place ready for you.



Mos emmerietes per u, ja me llotja pràp de du.

You annoy me for one, I'm already getting ready to give you.



Interessant i molt interessant fusió musical amb diferents tastos mediterranis,

Interesting and very interesting musical fusion with different Mediterranean flavors,

en aquest cas amb la veu energètica de Maria Mazzotta i els també energètics Pulcinella,

in this case with the energetic voice of Maria Mazzotta and the also energetic Pulcinella,

un quartet ubicat a la ciutat francesa de Toulouse.

a quartet located in the French city of Toulouse.

Així hem començat aquest recorregut amb gust mediterrani,

Thus we have begun this journey with a Mediterranean flavor,

que continuem amb l'energia del jove duet Alosa.

let's continue with the energy of the young duo Alosa.

Elles són Julieta Vidal i Irene Romo, proposta sorgida del taller de músics amb veus percussió.

They are Julieta Vidal and Irene Romo, a proposal that emerged from the musicians' workshop with voices and percussion.

També un violoncel i, en tot cas, llegat tradicional, revisat i amb ingredients de nova fornada.

Also a cello and, in any case, a traditional legacy, revised and with new ingredients.



El dia de Sant Joan és dia de senyalada,

The day of Sant Joan is a day of signal.

jo m'anava a carrer avall,

I was going down the street,

carrer de l'enamorada,

Street of the Enamored

hola i l'hom,

Hello and the man,

sota de l'hom,

under the man,

quan ombrejava,

when it was shading,

hola i l'hom.

hello and the man.

Quan soc a mig carrer,

When I am halfway down the street,

trobo la porta tancada,

I find the door closed,

amor meu,

my love,

baixa'm a obrir,

"Come down to open for me,"

que duc la barba gelada,

that I have a frozen beard,

hola i l'hom,

Hello and the man,

sota de l'hom,

under the man,

quan ombrejava,

when it shaded,

hola i l'hom.

hello and the man.

A un costat tinc el marit

On one side I have the husband.

i a l'altar,

and at the altar,

i tinc la mainada,

I have the kids,

estan en aquest parlar.

they are in this speech.

Són marites,

They are marites.


I woke up,

hola i l'hom,

hello and the man,

sota de l'hom,

under the man,

quan ombrejava,

when it cast a shadow,

hola i l'hom.

Hello and the man.

Sota de l'hom,

Under the man,

Em diries, mamuller, amb qui ara ens reuneves, és el mosso del forner

You would tell me, mamuller, with whom you are now meeting, it's the baker's assistant.

que ve a beure si pastava, hola i l'hom, sota de l'hom, quan ombrejava, hola i l'hom.

who comes to drink if he was grazing, hello and the man, under the man, when it was shady, hello and the man.

Deira, ira, ira, raira, ira, ira, roussinyol que vas a França, roussinyol.

Deira, anger, anger, raira, anger, anger, nightingale that goes to France, nightingale.

Deira, ira, ira, raira, ira, raira, ira, raira, ira, raira, ira, raira, ira, raira, ira, raira, ira.

Deira, ire, ire, raire, ire, raire, ire, raire, ire, raire, ire, raire, ire, raire, ire, raire, ire.

Traïdora de muller, quina ja te n'has pensat.

Traitor woman, which one have you already thought of?

De tu me'n vols fer anar al bosc, quan tens el galà a la casa, hola i l'hom, sota de l'hom, quan ombrejava, hola i l'hom.

You want to take me to the woods, when you have the gala at home, hello and the man, under the man, when it was shady, hello and the man.

Que et pogués veure marir a dintre d'un munt de palls, un munt de palls amb foc a tots cantons

That I could see you die inside a pile of straw, a pile of straw with fire in every corner.

i l'ascendre ben baix.

And the ascend well low.

De tu me'n vols fer anar al bosc, quan tens el galà a la casa, hola i l'hom, sota de l'hom, quan ombrejava, hola i l'hom.

You want to take me to the forest, when you have the gala at home, hello and the man, under the man, when it was shady, hello and the man.

La proposta de l'osa, això es deia i es diu sota de l'hom i és el segon tast amb sabor mediterrani que fem avui.

The proposal of the bear, this was said and is said under the shoulder and it is the second tasting with Mediterranean flavor that we are doing today.

El tercer, un que també duu la Mediterrània com a inspiració tant pel bo com pel dolent.

The third, one that also draws inspiration from the Mediterranean for both the good and the bad.

És a dir, per exemple, el drama humà dels qui s'arrisquen a fugir de realitat.

That is to say, for example, the human drama of those who risk escaping reality.

molt dures en aigües d'aquest mar.

very hard in the waters of this sea.

En definitiva, estem parlant de Vivid,

In short, we are talking about Vivid.

un disc que també hem fet sonar diverses vegades en aquest espai,

a record that we have also played several times in this space,

que és el darrer treball del grup liderat

what is the latest work of the led group

per la pianista i compositora Marc Serra.

for the pianist and composer Marc Serra.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Les cordes de l'Ukulele.

The strings of the Ukulele.

Tots els sons, totes les ciutats, totes les veus.

All the sounds, all the cities, all the voices.

A Mallorca hi ha una dama, dama de molta valor.

In Mallorca, there is a lady, a lady of great worth.

Té sa cava i era rossa, li arriba fins a Estelons.

It has its cellar and the red one reaches up to Estelons.

Ai, adéu, ai, na Maria, robadora de l'amor.

Oh, goodbye, oh, Maria, thief of love.

Ai, adéu.

Oh, goodbye.

Ella la fresca prenia, asseguda al nesbalcó.

She was taking the fresh air, sitting on the balcony.

Sa mare la pentinava amb una pinteta d'hora.

Her mother used to comb her hair with a small comb.

Ai, adéu.

Oh, goodbye.

Ai, na Maria, robadora de l'amor.

Oh, Maria, thief of love.

Ai, adéu, s'ha estimat, s'admirava amb un oïtó amorós.

Oh, goodbye, she was in love, she admired with a tender ear.

Ella la fresca prenia, asseguda al nesbalcó.

She was taking the fresh one, sitting on the balcony.

Ai, adéu.

Oh, goodbye.

La mella missa major, ai, adéu.

The great mass hole, oh, goodbye.

Ai, ay, na Maria, robadora de l'amor, robadora de l'amor, robadora de l'amor.

Oh, oh, na Maria, thief of love, thief of love, thief of love.

Ai, adéu.

Oh, goodbye.

L'amor no l'han vist troopar d'acord amb les netes, ni aquesta, ni aquesta, ni aquesta 누�check.

Love has not seen it troop according to the granddaughters, neither this one, nor this one, nor this one check.

Ai, adéu.

Oh, goodbye.



Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Ai, na Maria, robadora de l'amor, ai, adeu!

Oh, Maria, thief of love, oh, goodbye!

I qui és aquesta dama que llança tant resplendor?

And who is this lady that casts such brightness?

Filla del rei de Mallorca!

Daughter of the King of Mallorca!

I neta del d'Aragó, ai, adeu!

I granddaughter of Aragon, oh, goodbye!

Ai, na Maria, robadora de l'amor, robadora de l'amor, robadora de l'amor, ai, adeu!

Oh, Maria, thief of love, thief of love, thief of love, oh, farewell!

Doncs no caldria analitzar massa el que acabem d'escoltar

So we wouldn't need to analyze too much what we just heard.

per intuir que avui anem de tastos mediterranis.

to sense that today we are going for Mediterranean tastings.

Dama de Mallorca, del projecte Posidònia,

Lady of Mallorca, from the Posidonia project,

és el que acaba de sonar amb una revisió de la dama d'Aragó

It is what just played with a review of the Lady of Aragon.

amb la seva proposta de veu i cordes.

with their proposal of voice and strings.

Un sentit mediterrani que pren també com a eines

A Mediterranean sense that also takes as tools.

el llenguatge del jazz i, per descomptat, del folk

the language of jazz and, of course, of folk

banyat per aquestes aigües,

bathed by these waters,

que també banyen la ciutat de Barcelona.

that also bathe the city of Barcelona.

I d'entre tots els seus sons, ara escoltem

And among all its sounds, now we listen

el de l'Orquestra Àrab de Barcelona.

the Arab Orchestra of Barcelona.

configured for tedev morning screen

configured for tedev morning screen





ab Trending

ab Trending









minutes a

minutes a

12 hours a 10 minutes 30 minutes 20 minutes 15 minutes 50 minutes 15 minutes 2 minutes 4 or all your 4 hours 22 hours 25 minutes 25 minutes 13 minutes 30 minutes 4 hours 0 than 25 minutes 50 minutes 20 minutes, joined your day, we hope you enjoyed watching these 3 episodes, you have a happy depicitions, I will see you us convey scores and buy this video

12 hours, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 20 minutes, 15 minutes, 50 minutes, 15 minutes, 2 minutes, 4 or all your 4 hours, 22 hours, 25 minutes, 25 minutes, 13 minutes, 30 minutes, 4 hours, 0 to 25 minutes, 50 minutes, 20 minutes, joined your day, we hope you enjoyed watching these 3 episodes, you have happy depictions, I will see you convey scores and buy this video.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Doncs així hem seguit

So that's how we've continued.

en aquest recorregut guiat per aquestes

on this guided tour through these

cordes d'Ukelele imaginàries que sempre

imaginary ukulele strings that always

ens acompanyen, i ho hem fet

they accompany us, and we have done it

amb la música de Bronzit, un projecte

with the music of Bronzit, a project

català a trio basat en el ball

Catalan trio based on dance

folk i que ha treballat en un

people who have worked in a

segon disc a través del

second disc through the

micromecenatge per fer-ho possible, com

microfinancing to make it possible, like

passa molt i molt sovint. D'un treball

it happens very, very often. From a job

anterior n'hem fet sonar una de les

previously we've made one of the

peces que lliguem amb sons

pieces that we tie with sounds

occitans, ara, i molt personals.

Occitans, now, and very personal.

Els del duet Cocanya.

The ones from the duo Cocanya.

quan a fer кра d' искru

when to do кра of искru


Well then.

la gola

the throat





they are











Bona nit.

Good night.

Sempre sorprenent duet cocanya,

Always surprising duet cocanya,

tandem de veus de l'àrea occitana

tandem of voices from the Occitan area

que també volíem fer sonar avui

that we also wanted to play today

en aquest Mediterrani tan extens

in this vast Mediterranean

i que esquitxa tants llocs.

and that splashes so many places.

No podíem passar de llarg sense aturar-nos a Grècia.

We couldn't pass by without stopping in Greece.

Una de les artistes, intèrpret i investigadora

One of the artists, performer and researcher.

que es mou per tot aquest llegat

that moves through this legacy

és Marta Mavroidi

it's Marta Mavroidi

i seguim ara amb música vocal

And now we continue with vocal music.

i aquí la sentim en col·laboració amb dos músics més

and here we hear her in collaboration with two other musicians

que aquí utilitzen la veu com a instrument.

that here they use the voice as an instrument.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Hoy un mundo

Today a world

que está

that is




so much

Doncs amb aquesta emotiva

Well, with this emotional

i estem segurs que estareu d'acord amb nosaltres

and we are sure that you will agree with us

peça que ens remet a Terres

piece that refers us to Terres

de Córsega. De fet, escoltàvem

from Corsica. In fact, we were listening

l'artista conegut com Slimane

the artist known as Slimane

al costat del grup vocal Afileta

next to the vocal group Afileta

ens anem acostant al final del programa

we are getting close to the end of the program

un espai on un dia més us hem

a space where one more day we have you

acompanyat amb molt de gust Oriol Pinart

accompanied with great pleasure Oriol Pinart

al control del so i l'edició

to sound control and editing

i qui us ha parlat, Marta Lanau

And who has spoken to you, Marta Lanau?

Acabem amb tints napolitans i per extensió

We end with Neapolitan shades and by extension.

mediterranis, evidentment, de la mà

Mediterranean, obviously, hand in hand.

de La La La Napoli

of The La La La Napoli

i desitgem, com sempre, que la música us segueixi

And we wish, as always, that music follows you.

acompanyant i, sobretot,

accompanying and, above all,

inspirant. Ens retrobem ben aviat

inspiring. We’ll meet again very soon.

la tenda de la música.

the music store.

Demeu-vos que no es parli

Keep it to yourselves that it shouldn't be talked about.

per preocupar-vos, potser,

to worry you, perhaps,

i de la música

and of the music

a partir d'ara.

from now on.

És una música que ens va

It's a music that suits us.


to teach

en les promeses

in the promises


the mail

que ho va fer

that did it

la recollida

the collection

de la música

of the music


I'm sorry, but it seems that the text you've provided is not in Catalan or is not recognizable text. Could you please provide a proper sentence or phrase for translation?

Açò ja n'hi ha

This is already there.

des d'una trenta

from a thirty



i fins a la segona

And until the second.

hem parlat

we have talked

de la música

of the music

que ens ha donat

that has given us

la música

the music

els nostres




que ens ha donat

that has given us

la música

the music

i de la música

and of the music

de la música

of the music

i el llibre

and the book

ens enlaça

it links us

amb el llibre

with the book

que ens va

that goes for us

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Canetella, oh, canetella!

Canetella, oh, canetella!

Uf, fracassa, si en què faig

Phew, I fail, if what I do.

que no catxo

that's not catxo


of igetur

que no catxo

that doesn't matter


of Igestur

Ma me esbota, me rivota

My mom scolds me, she worries me.

quan de po no em posa a quiur

When I don't know what to do.

Canetella, canetella

Canetella, canetella

Canetella, oh, canetella!

Canetella, oh, canetella!

aha canetella

aha canetella

La llàtira mar graphut

The black-winged stilt

era la llàtira

it was the lizard

que no beautificava

that did not beautify

la clave

the key

I com de sangraix curarà

And how the blood will heal.

Canetella, oh, canetella

Canetella, oh, canetella

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