Toni Arbonès, la veu d'una fita històrica al K2

Catalunya Ràdio

Hotel Palestina

Toni Arbonès, la veu d'una fita històrica al K2

Hotel Palestina

Catalunya Ràdio. Catalunya Àudio. Som podcast.

Catalonia Radio. Catalonia Audio. We are podcast.

L'Hotel Palestina es podria dir Comodor, Milcoli no Carabel.

The Palestine Hotel could be called Comodor, Milcoli not Carabel.

L'Hotel Palestina és refugi, trobada i retrobada,

The Palestina Hotel is a refuge, a meeting and reunion place,

l'emblema d'un ofici en risc d'extinció.

the emblem of a profession at risk of extinction.

Però també és enemic hostil i fonest.

But it is also a hostile and sinister enemy.

L'Hotel Palestina és tot això, i per nosaltres,

The Hotel Palestina is all of this, and for us,

un homenatge als que no li han sobreviscut.

A tribute to those who have not survived him.

Hotel Palestina, el podcast de Catalunya Ràdio

Hotel Palestina, the podcast of Catalunya Ràdio.

on reporters i reporteres expliquen l'altra cara del relat.

where reporters explain the other side of the story.

Presentat per Marc Gomes i David Fonseca.

Presented by Marc Gomes and David Fonseca.

Avui tenim el plaer de llotjar el nostre particular hotel,

Today we have the pleasure of hosting our particular hotel,

el Toni Argonès.

Toni Argonès.

Toni, benvingut a l'Hotel Palestina.

Toni, welcome to the Palestine Hotel.

Moltes gràcies, moltes gràcies per rebre'm a l'Hotel Palestina.

Thank you very much, thank you very much for welcoming me to the Palestine Hotel.

Toni, ets d'hotels o quan viatges prefereixes altres tipus de llotjaments?

Toni, are you into hotels or do you prefer other types of accommodations when you travel?

No, a hotels, i més amb l'edat.

No, to hotels, especially with age.

Potser fa anys sí que era de tenda de campanya o de bivac,

Perhaps years ago it was for camping or bivouacking,

però ara sí, més d'hotels, potser, sí, sí.

but now yes, more hotels, maybe, yes, yes.

Tu que tens fama de ser un dels millors d'escrivint el paisatge sonor,

You who have a reputation for being one of the best at writing the soundscape,

on ens has citat avui, Toni?

Where have you summoned us today, Toni?

Bé, us he citat a la llibreria Altaïr,

Well, I have summoned you to the Altaïr bookstore.

que és d'alguna forma on tot comença, no?

that is somehow where everything begins, right?

Tots els viatges, almenys els meus,

All trips, at least mine,

i m'imagino que els de moltíssima gent,

I imagine that many people,

de moltíssimes altres persones,

of many other people,

doncs comencen aquí, a Altaïr, no?

So it starts here, at Altaïr, right?

Sempre, sobretot anys enrere,

Always, especially years ago,

doncs abans de començar un viatge,

so before starting a journey,

el primer pas era venir a Altaïr, no?

The first step was to come to Altaïr, right?

Consultar guies, mapes,

Consult guides, maps,

i per tant, doncs, com no pot ser d'una altra manera,

and therefore, as it cannot be otherwise,

som envoltats de mapamundis,

we are surrounded by world maps,

de grans mides que ens mostren aquest món tan fascinant,

of large sizes that show us this fascinating world,

envoltats de lleixes carregades de llibres,

surrounded by shelves laden with books,

llibres plens d'històries

books full of stories

que per més anys que visquéssim

that for as many years as we lived

no ens les acabarem,

we won't finish them.

de taules també forrades de llibres,

of tables also covered with books,

quin millor escenari,

what better scenario,

o quin millor ambient per trobar-nos

Oh what a better atmosphere to meet in!

i parlar del món que la llibreria Altaïr.

And talk about the world that the Altaïr bookstore.

Toni Arbonès Petit va començar la seva carrera radiofònica

Toni Arbonès Petit started his radio career.

a Radio Minuto.

At Radio Minuto.

El 1983 va entrar a Catalunya Ràdio,

In 1983, he/she joined Catalunya Ràdio.

que començava les emissions aquell mateix any,

that started broadcasting that same year,

i des d'aleshores,

and since then,

ja no ha canviat mai de mitjà.

he has never changed his means.

Per aquesta mesura ha cobert els conflictes armats

For this measure, it has covered armed conflicts.

al Golf Pèrsi, Kosovo, l'Afganistan, el Paquistan

the Persian Gulf, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Pakistan

i més recentment, Ucraïna.

and more recently, Ukraine.

Ha fet cobertures internacionals

He has done international coverage.

a Nova York, Nicaragua, l'Índia,

in New York, Nicaragua, India,

Oman, Etiopia, Algèria, Nepal,

Oman, Ethiopia, Algeria, Nepal.

Tailàndia, Turquia, Israel i Hong Kong.

Thailand, Turkey, Israel, and Hong Kong.

Va cobrir el referèndum

He covered the referendum.

per la pau de l'Uster

for the peace of Uster

i l'expedició catalana al K2 l'any 1988.

And the Catalan expedition to K2 in 1988.

Actualment presenta i dirigeix

Currently presents and directs

els viatgers de la Gran Anaconda,

the travelers of the Great Anaconda,

un dels programes de Catalunya Ràdio

one of the programs of Catalunya Ràdio

amb una trajectòria més dilatada,

with a longer trajectory,

superant les 1.000 emissions

surpassing 1,000 emissions

i que ostenta desenes de premis i reconeixements,

and that holds dozens of awards and recognitions,

entre ells el d'Òmnium Cultural,

among them that of Òmnium Cultural,

el millor programa de ràdio.

the best radio show.

És autor dels llibres Històries d'una guerra invisible,

He is the author of the books Stories of an Invisible War,

cròniques d'un reporter al Paquistan i l'Afganistan,

Chronicles of a reporter in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

K2, massa alt

K2, too high.

per als nostres somnis

for our dreams

i els viatgers de la Gran Anaconda, 25 anys.

and the travelers of the Great Anaconda, 25 years.

A Barcelona Televisió

At Barcelona Television

ha dirigit els programes Conexió Barcelona,

he has directed the programs Conexió Barcelona,

Ulisses a Port i Passaport Barcelona.

Ulysses at Port and Passport Barcelona.

També ha publicat diversos articles

He has also published several articles.

i reportatges a La Vanguardia,

and reports in La Vanguardia,

El Temps, Win Magazine

The Time, Win Magazine

i El Mano, entre d'altres.

and El Mano, among others.

Toni, amb 20 i pocs anys

Toni, in his early 20s.

ja entres a Catalunya Ràdio,

you are now entering Catalunya Ràdio,

una emissora que tot just començava a emetre,

a station that had just begun broadcasting,

i tu ets de les primeres veus

and you are one of the first voices

en sortida d'antena.

on antenna output.

De fet, el primer informatiu

In fact, the first news program

el feu el Joan Carles Pèris,

it was made by Joan Carles Pèris,

la Carme Anglada i tu mateix.

Carmen Anglada and you yourself.

Suposo que els mitjans actuals

I suppose that the current means

amb els d'aquella època són una mica diferents.

with those from that time are a little different.

En canvi, una mica, sí.

On the other hand, a little bit, yes.

Mira, per començar et diré que en aquell moment

Look, to begin with I will tell you that at that moment

bé, els mitjans de comunicació

well, the media

de la Generalitat sempre han tingut

they have always had from the Generalitat

un servei de correcció lingüística.

a linguistic correction service.

És a dir, tots els nostres textos

That is to say, all our texts.

passen per les mans de correctors.

they go through the hands of proofreaders.

Bé, ara

Well, now.

tu poses el sistema

you set the system

i el sistema te'ls torna i no veus allà

and the system returns them to you and you don't see there

on l'has errat, no? No veus les errades.

Where you have made a mistake, right? Don't you see the mistakes?

Veus el text perfectament escrit.

You see the text perfectly written.

Però en aquell moment les correccions es feien a mà.

But at that moment the corrections were done by hand.

Això vol dir que el corrector

This means that the proofreader

tornava el teu full

I was returning your sheet.

amb les correccions fetes. I allò era

with the corrections made. And that was

el text que llegies en directe.

the text you were reading live.

Amb la lletra del corrector, fent filigranes,

With the corrector's handwriting, making filigrees,

depèn de si eres molt bon o...

it depends on whether you are very good or...

molt bon redactor o no ho eres tant,

very good writer or not so much,

doncs tenies més correccions o menys i llavors

so did you have more corrections or fewer and then

sabies de... clar, no ho tornaries a redactar.

you knew about... of course, you wouldn't rewrite it.

No teníem temps per tornar a redactar.

We didn't have time to rewrite.

Penseu que tu has esmentat l'informatiu del matí,

You think that you mentioned the morning news.

el primer informatiu del matí de Catalunya Ràdio,

the first morning news bulletin of Catalunya Ràdio,

entravem a les 5 del matí i a les 7

We enter at 5 in the morning and at 7.

sortíem amb antena.

we went out with an antenna.

Però no teníem xarxa de corresponsals,

But we didn't have a network of correspondents,

tampoc. Per tant,

neither. Therefore,

tot l'informatiu l'escrivíem i el llegíem

We wrote and read all the news.

pràcticament entre el Joan Carles Pèrez, la Carme Anglada

practically between Joan Carles Pérez and Carme Anglada

i jo, no? I...

And me, right? I...

clar, era...

of course, it was...

molt, molt, molt diferent. Era molt difícil.

very, very, very different. It was very difficult.

Teníem un tall de veu perquè

We had a voice cut because

doncs això, no teníem corresponsals, amb qui connectar

well then, we didn't have correspondents, with whom to connect

i els mitjans tecnològics

and the technological means

ni t'explico, no? Clar, doncs els

I won't explain it to you, right? Of course, so the...

telèfons estaven enganxats a les parets...

phones were stuck to the walls...

Hi havia màquines d'escriure...

There were typewriters...

Sí, sí, clar, era un altre...

Yes, yes, of course, it was another one...

amb paper de calc, és a dir, que si volies

with carbon paper, that is to say, if you wanted

fer còpia havies de posar un paper d'aquells que et calcava

to make a copy you had to put one of those papers that would carbon copy it

el que estaves escrivint amb un segon paper.

what you were writing with a second sheet of paper.

És una altra època.

It is another era.

És una mentida que en tan pocs anys

It is a lie that in so few years

haguem fet un salt tan...

we would have made such a leap...

tan contundent.

so contundent.

Tu de seguida, però ja te'n vas d'enviat especial

You right away, but you're already going as a special envoy.

a Nicaràgua, després a Oman,

to Nicaragua, then to Oman,

Etiopia, Algèria, Nepal i una llarga

Ethiopia, Algeria, Nepal and a long

llista que ara repassàvem. Aquesta era

list that we were just reviewing. This was

la teva vocació? És el que volies fer,

your vocation? Is it what you wanted to do,

el que volies ser? O t'hi veus una mica empès

What did you want to be? Or do you see yourself a bit pushed into it?

per les circumstàncies i el moment?

for the circumstances and the moment?

Mira, recordo quan va

Look, I remember when it goes.

esclatar la guerra del golf de l'any 90,

the Gulf War of 1990 broke out,

que era estiu, jo en aquell

that it was summer, I at that

estiu estava editant un informatiu.

summer was editing a news report.

I quan va...

And when it goes...

quan l'Iraq va envair Kuwait,

when Iraq invaded Kuwait,

doncs recordo que vaig

so I remember that I went

entrar al despatx del cap d'informatius i li vaig dir

I entered the news director's office and told him.

escolta, hi hem d'anar. En aquell moment

Listen, we have to go there. At that moment.

res estava estructurat.

Nothing was structured.

Era factible que un redactor entrés

It was feasible for an editor to enter.

al despatx del cap d'informatius i li digués

in the head of news office and told him

crec que hem d'anar allà, que hi ha

I think we need to go there, that there is.

una guerra, escolta, això és terrible i

a war, listen, this is terrible and

bé, doncs malgrat que estava editant

well, so despite the fact that I was editing

un informatiu i que això és difícil de

a news program and that this is difficult to

substituir, doncs sí, sí,

replace, so yes, yes,

em vaig anar cap a la guerra

I went off to war.

del golf. Sí, és una necessitat

from golf. Yes, it is a necessity

que he sentit sempre, no?

that I have always felt, right?

No d'anar a les guerres, sinó d'estar allà on passa

Not about going to wars, but about being there where it happens.

el que sigui, no?

Whatever it is, right?

El fet noticiable, si ho hem de

The noteworthy fact, if we have to

dir d'alguna forma, no? En aquell

say in some way, right? In that one

cas, doncs, era una guerra, però hi ha hagut altres

So, it was a war, but there have been others.

esdeveniments que també

events that also

doncs m'han semblat interessants d'anar-hi, no?

Well, I thought it would be interesting to go there, right?

Sempre és interessant per un periodista

It is always interesting for a journalist.

estar allà on passen les coses.

to be there where things happen.

La situació és de total normalitat

The situation is completely normal.

i res no fa pensar que la guerra

And nothing makes one think that the war.

del golf ha començat.

The golf has begun.

Els carrers estan poc transitats, com és

The streets are not very busy, as it is.

habitual en aquesta hora, i l'escassa activitat

usual at this hour, and the scarce activity

que hi ha es concentra als grans hotels.

What is there is concentrated in the large hotels.

Catalunya Ràdio en directe, la guerra contra

Catalonia Radio live, the war against

l'Iraq ja ha esclatat.

Iraq has already exploded.

El 1990 esclata la guerra del golf,

In 1990, the Gulf War broke out,

pocs dies abans que els americans llencesin

a few days before the Americans launched

l'operació Tempesta del Desert per recuperar

Operation Desert Storm to recover

Kuwait. I tu, com ens deies,

Kuwait. And you, as you were telling us,

ara mateix proposes anar-hi. Ja havies fet

Right now, I propose going there. Had you already done it?

diverses cobertures abans, però aquesta era

various covers before, but this one was

diferent, era anar a la guerra i anar-hi en un temps

different, it was to go to war and to go there in a certain time

incert. Et senties preparat?

Uncertain. Did you feel ready?

Estaves preparat? Bé, tu t'hi pots

Were you ready? Well, you can.

sentir, el problema és que no hi estàs, no?

sorry, the problem is that you're not there, right?

Això era l'any

That was the year.

90, vol dir que jo tenia

90, it means that I had

27 anys, em sembla. Era la teva primera

27 years, I think. Was it your first?

gran cobertura, diguéssim. Era la primera

great coverage, let's say. It was the first

meva gran cobertura, i era la

my great coverage, and it was the

primera vegada que Catalunya Ràdio enviava algú a la

first time that Catalunya Ràdio sent someone to the

guerra. Mai abans

war. Never before

ningú de la ràdio, la ràdio feia

nobody from the radio, the radio was making

molt pocs anys que caminava, havia anat a la guerra.

very few years after he walked, he had gone to war.

Nosaltres no teníem

We did not have.

gent amb qui emmirallar-nos,

people with whom to mirror ourselves,

altres professionals amb qui

other professionals with whom

no, doncs,

no, well,

que ens servissin d'alguna

that would be of some use to us

forma, doncs, de referent a l'hora

form, then, as a reference to the hour

de fer una cosa d'aquestes. Per tant,

to do something like this. Therefore,

clar, és que tot arrencava del

of course, it all started from the

no-res, com aquell que diu, no?

nothing, like someone would say, right?

El que és Catalunya Ràdio, evidentment, hi havia

What Catalunya Ràdio is, obviously, was there.

hagut altres emissores. Per nosaltres era la primera

there had been other broadcasters. For us, it was the first.

vegada que s'enviava algú a la guerra, no?

Every time someone was sent off to war, right?

Cap antecedent, no?

No background, right?

I tu marxes allà sol,

And you go there alone,

marxes pel teu compte, això avui en dia

you go on your own, that's nowadays

seria inviable. Marxes sol,

it would be unfeasible. You leave alone,

marxes sense assistència tècnica,

you leave without technical assistance,

i marxes a un lloc al qual no hi has anat mai,

and you are going to a place you have never been to,

i amb un conflicte que no saps

and with a conflict that you don't know.

de què t'estan parlant, no?

What are they talking to you about, right?

Sí, és a dir, que tot era un seguit d'interrogància.

Yes, that is to say, that it was all a series of questioning.

Ara, doncs, això

Now, then, this

ho intentéssim, però seria certament impossible,

we could try, but it would certainly be impossible,

perquè hi ha d'haver molts requisits

because there must be many requirements

de seguretat, has d'haver fet cursets

for security, you must have taken courses

de supervivència,

of survival,

en fi, has de passar molts filtres per poder fer

Well, you have to pass many filters to be able to do it.

una cosa d'aquestes, no? Però en aquell moment era així,

something like that, right? But at that moment it was like this,

de fàcil i de

easy and of

difícil a l'hora.

difficult at the time.

I tu, a terra-sol, com et mous?

And you, on ground-sun, how do you move?

Com cerques la informació? Com envies les cròniques

How do you search for information? How do you send the reports?

en aquesta època predigital?

in this pre-digital era?

Clar, en aquell moment, ja dic, els telèfons estaven

Sure, at that moment, I already said, the phones were

enganxats a les parets, funcionàvem

stuck to the walls, we functioned

amb màquina d'escriure, pràcticament,

with a typewriter, practically,

funcionàvem també

we also functioned

amb els departaments de premsa,

with the press departments,

amb els teletips, és a dir, tot un seguit

with the teletype, that is, a whole series

d'aparells que a molta gent

of devices that many people

que ens escolti, doncs, no sabrà de què

let us be heard, then, he/she will not know what it is about.

li estic parlant, haurà d'anar al Google,

I'm talking to you, you'll have to go to Google.

a fer una cerca, no?

to make a search, right?

I llavors, doncs, tu t'estableixes

And then, you establish yourself.

en un hotel

in a hotel

i a partir d'aquí intentes

and from here you try

veure on hi ha

see where there is

el centre de comandament

the command center

de la guerra, per dir-ho d'alguna forma, és a dir, sempre

of the war, so to speak, that is to say, always

intentes situar-te a l'hotel

you try to find your way to the hotel

on hi ha altres mitjans,

where there are other means,

alguna ONG,

some NGO,

hi ha hotels d'aquests que són punts que

there are hotels that are points that

esdevenen una mica la referència, on

they become somewhat the reference, where

doncs tothom que vol dir alguna cosa

so everyone who wants to say something

convoca les rodes de premsa

calls the press conferences



aquesta és una possibilitat. Quan no en saps

This is a possibility. When you don't know it.

està bé per començar. Després,

it's good to start. Then,

quan ja saps més el terreny que trepitges,

when you already know more the ground you walk on,

potser és millor

maybe it's better

separar-te del gruix de periodistes

separate yourself from the bulk of journalists

i fer la teva, perquè ja tens els teus contactes

And do your part, because you already have your contacts.

i ja saps a quina porta has de trucar

And you already know which door you have to knock on.

i a on t'has d'anar i com t'has de moure

and where you have to go and how you have to move

per obtenir informació.

to obtain information.

Això que sona ara mateix

This that is playing right now.

és la Dajo for Strings

it's the Dajo for Strings

del Samuel Berber.

of Samuel Berber.

Ara que parlaves de guerra

Now that you mentioned war.

i d'aquests sentiments, on et porta

and these feelings, where do they lead you

justament aquest tema?

just this topic?

Bé, aquest tema bàsicament

Well, this topic basically

em commou, no?

It moves me, doesn't it?

Quan parlem de conflictes armats

When we talk about armed conflicts

i de la tragèdia

and of the tragedy

que suposa qualsevol

what it implies for anyone

conflicte armat, no?

armed conflict, right?

És un tema,

It's a topic,

d'un dramatisme extraordinari

of extraordinary drama

que s'amplifica la tragèdia,

that amplifies the tragedy,

la desgràcia d'arribar a ser una guerra

the misfortune of becoming a war

que és quan, per mi, és

what is when, for me, is

quan l'home perd, no?

when the man loses, right?

Quan hi ha una guerra, és la demostració

When there is a war, it is the demonstration.

de la derrota de l'home, no?

of the defeat of man, right?

Com a tal. I

As such. I

m'evoca aquests

it evokes me these

conflictes, doncs, que

conflicts, then, that

per bé o per mal hem hagut de cobrir

for better or for worse, we have had to cover

des de la ràdio, i sobretot això,

from the radio, and especially this,

no? M'enfronta un sentiment

No? I'm faced with a feeling.

de profunda

of deep

desesperança davant d'una

despair in the face of a

guerra, no?, del final.

war, right?, at the end.

Ja no s'hi pot fer res més.

Nothing more can be done about it.

Hotel Palestina.

Hotel Palestine.

El podcast de Catalunya Ràdio,

The podcast of Catalunya Ràdio,

on reporters i reporteres expliquen

where reporters explain

l'altra cara del relat.

the other side of the story.

Jordi Magrinyà, cap de l'expedició

Jordi Magrinyà, head of the expedition.

a Banc de Sabadell, Alcador.

at Banc de Sabadell, Alcador.

En vista del que passa,

In light of what is happening,

l'expedició de Banc de Sabadell

the expedition of Banc de Sabadell

i l'expedició, com penses que trona

And the expedition, how do you think it thunders?

aquesta recta final per intentar

this final stretch to try

treixir Alcador?

What does Alcador mean?

Mira, jo cada dia em feia una pregunta, que és

Look, every day I would ask myself a question, which is

durant tot un estiu no tindrem

for a whole summer we will not have

cinc dies de bon temps?

five days of good weather?

Està molt estrany

It's very strange.

que no els tinguem, no?

that we don't have them, right?

Però bé, nosaltres encara mantenim

But well, we still maintain

les esperances i mantenim la mateixa

the hopes and we maintain the same

estratègia de dos grups de quatre persones

strategy of two groups of four people

alternant-se en un dia de diferència,

alternating on a day's difference,

però així

but like this

pugueu tindre dues possibilitats

you may have two options

de fer un possible atac.

to carry out a possible attack.

Continuem aquesta conversa,

Let's continue this conversation,

situats a l'Altaïr,

located at l'Altaïr,

on precisament darrere d'en Toni

we are right behind Toni

hi tenim molts llibres de muntanya.

We have many mountain books.

Situem aquest fragment que acabem d'escoltar.

Let’s situate this fragment that we have just heard.

Que la bona qualitat del son no ens confongui, tampoc.

Let the good quality of sleep not confuse us, either.

Estem a l'any 1988,

We are in the year 1988,

una època en la qual no existien

a time when they did not exist

ni telèfons mòbils, ni ordinadors

neither mobile phones nor computers

i encara menys internet.

and even less internet.

Aquesta connexió que escoltàvem venia del camp

This connection that we were listening to was coming from the countryside.

base d'Alcadors, a la glacera de Godwin Austin

Alcadors base, on the Godwin Austin glacier

a una altura de 5.150 metres.

at an altitude of 5,150 meters.

Com us plantegeu, Toni,

How do you propose, Toni,

retransmetre en directe l'ascens

broadcast live the promotion

d'una expedició catalana a Alcadors?

of a Catalan expedition to Alcadors?

Bé, això va ser a la Mísera, no vaig ser jo.

Well, that was at the Mísera, it wasn't me.

A mi, quan m'ho van dir

When they told me.

si volia anar, ja s'ho havien plantejat.

if they wanted to go, they had already considered it.

Bé, va ser una

Well, it was a

d'aquelles coses que s'ha de tenir

of those things that one must have

de sobte, no? Aquesta

suddenly, right? This

capacitat d'imaginar

capacity to imagine

coses i de

things and of

fer-les possibles, no? D'imaginar coses

make them possible, right? To imagine things

impossibles, perquè en aquell moment

impossible, because at that moment

doncs semblava impossible, no? Hi havia

well it seemed impossible, right? There was

cap antecedent, no s'havia fet mai.

No precedent, it had never been done before.

Era una mica

It was a little.

com el que parlàvem abans

like what we were talking about before

de la guerra del golf, no?

from the Gulf War, right?

Hi havia precedents, no? I doncs

There were precedents, weren't there? And then?

era córrer un seguit de riscos, però

it was to run a series of risks, but

els vam assumir, i quan em van dir a mi si

we took them on, and when they asked me if

jo no era al Departament

I was not in the Department.

d'Esports, no? Teòricament dius, bueno, si és

Of Sports, right? Theoretically you say, well, if it is

una expedició al Alcadors, que hi vagi algú d'Esports

an expedition to Alcadors, that someone from Sports goes there

i em van dir si volia anar, vaig dir que sí, ràpidament,

and they asked me if I wanted to go, I said yes, quickly,

evidentment, i

obviously, and

tot i saber, doncs això, que era un...

even though he knew, therefore this, that it was a...

que hi havia molts interrogants, no sabíem si

that there were many questions, we didn’t know if

l'equip que portàvem

the team we had

funcionaria, si el telèfon satèl·lit

would work, if the satellite phone

que portàvem, doncs, agafaria

what we were carrying, then, would take

senyal a la vall on estaríem

signal in the valley where we would be

enclotats, si

enclosed, yes

podíem connectar, si seríem capaços

we could connect, if we would be able

de fer 5 connexions diàries,

to make 5 daily connections,

podien haver-hi accidents, era

there could have been accidents, it was

tot molt, molt... Clar, jo havia

everything very, very... Sure, I had

fet muntanya, però no havia anat mai

made mountain, but had never gone before

a l'Himàlia, o al Caracorum, com és el cas,

in the Himalayas, or in the Karakoram, as is the case,

allò són paraules majors, és a dir,

that is serious talk, that is to say,

penseu que la marxa

do you think that the march

d'aproximació eren 11 dies en aquell moment,

the approximation was 11 days at that time,

actualment són menys.

currently they are fewer.

Amb molt de pes, a més a més. Bé,

With a lot of weight, moreover. Well,

nosaltres portàvem poc pes, perquè

we were carrying little weight, because

portàvem... Cada expedicionari

We carried... Each expedition member

tenia assignat un portador

I had a bearer assigned.

que li portava el seu equip.

that his team brought him.

Tu portaves allò que podies

You carried what you could.

necessitar durant un dia, aigua,

need water for a day,

un impermeable per si plovia,

a raincoat just in case it rained,

una mica de menjar,

a little bit of food,

però res més. Potser portaves

but nothing more. Maybe you brought

10 quilos

10 kilos

i poca cosa més, i la resta

and not much else, and the rest

la portava el portador, que no havies de

the carrier was carrying it, which you didn't have to

perdre de vista, no fos cas que no

lose sight of, just in case not

arribés el teu equip en el

your team arrived in the

següent campament, no? Però, esclar, 11 dies

Next camp, right? But, of course, 11 days.

a peu, després muntar el camp base

on foot, then set up the base camp

5.150, fer les

5.150, make the

connexions, va ser...

connections, it was...

En fi, una...

Well, a...

una expedició amb tota regla. Penseu que

a full-fledged expedition. Think that

les fotografies, no sé si n'heu vist

the photographs, I don't know if you have seen them

alguna, alguna foto

some, some photo

més o menys aèria, feta des d'algun turó

more or less airy, made from some hill

de clars, es veu una cua,

of clear skies, you can see a tail,

una regla, com si fos una cua de formigues,

a rule, as if it were an ant's tail,

no? Perquè hi havia gairebé 300

No? Because there were almost 300.

portegedors. Era com les expedicions del

porters. It was like the expeditions of the

Livingstone del segle

Livingstone of the century

XIX, doncs, a Àfrica, no?

XIX, then, to Africa, right?

És una expedició com

It's an expedition like

les d'abans, no? I al final,

the ones from before, right? And in the end,

després de tres mesos, passa això.

after three months, this happens.

El trekking s'ho prevís quedar-se

The trekking is intended to stay.

dos dies al camp base de l'expedició.

two days at the base camp of the expedition.

Al final, no s'aconsegueix fer el cim.

In the end, the summit is not reached.

Tu, anys després, escrius un

You, years later, write one.

llibre sobre aquesta aventura on ja s'intueix

book about this adventure where it is already hinted at

el desenllaç, amb el títol, no?

the ending, with the title, right?

Massal pels nostres somnis.

Massal for our dreams.

Era això, Toni, era massal, el somni era

It was that, Toni, it was massive, the dream was

massa ambiciós, mala sort,

too ambitious, bad luck,

jo crec que estava a l'abast de l'expedició.

I believe it was within the reach of the expedition.

S'ho va muntar una expedició amb grans alpinistes,

An expedition was organized with great mountaineers,

amb alpinistes de primer nivell, per tant,

with top-level climbers, therefore,

tècnicament, doncs,

technically, then,

estava a l'abast. El que passa és que,

it was within reach. What happens is that,

tal com explicàvem en les cròniques,

as we explained in the chronicles,

doncs, el Cados té un

well, Cados has a

microclima que fa molt difícil que

microclimate that makes it very difficult for

tinguis una finestra de quatre o cinc

you have a window of four or five

dies de bon temps, que era el que calia per fer cim,

days of good weather, which was what was needed to reach the summit,

no? La gent estava preparada, la gent

No? The people were prepared, the people.

estava allà on s'havia d'estar

I was where I had to be.

esperant aquesta finestra de temps, que finalment,

waiting for this window of time, which finally,

doncs, no va aparèixer el dia que es va fer l'atac final

well, he didn't appear on the day the final attack was made

i va haver-hi una ventada,

and there was a strong wind,

i pel vent no es va poder

And because of the wind, it couldn't be done.

culminar el cim, no? Per això

to reach the summit, right? That's why.

la muntanya, al final, doncs, va acabar

the mountain, in the end, therefore, ended up

sent massa alta

feeling too high

pels nostres somnis. Bé, de fet,

for our dreams. Well, in fact,

pels alpinistes, pels somnis dels

for the climbers, for the dreams of the

alpinistes, perquè per la ràdio sí que es va complir

mountaineers, because it was indeed fulfilled over the radio.

el somni. Nosaltres vam

the dream. We went

fer el nostre cim, que era arribar al camp base,

to reach our summit, which was to arrive at base camp,

muntar l'estudi de ràdio

set up the radio studio

més alt que ha tingut mai

taller than ever before

la ràdio en la seva història, a 5.150

the radio in its history, at 5,150

metres, i fer

meters, and do

les connexions que havíem de fer. Nosaltres

the connections we had to make. We

vam fer el cim.

we reached the summit.

Una notícia d'altra banda

Another news item

més esperada que

more expected than

les darreres setmanes. Els indicis

the last weeks. The signs

que es podia produir

that could be produced

d'un moment a l'altre creixien.

They were growing from one moment to the next.

De moment, al Pakistan no s'ha produït

So far, nothing has happened in Pakistan.

cap reacció pel començament dels bombardejos

no reaction to the start of the bombings

nord-americans. De nou, a la tardor del

North Americans. Again, in the fall of

2001, marxes a Pakistan i

2001, you leave for Pakistan and

a l'Afganistan, quan els Estats Units

In Afghanistan, when the United States

decideixen atacar el regent dels

they decide to attack the steward of the

talibans, i

Talibans, and

a partir d'aquí, expliques en el teu

From here, explain in your own.

llibre que vas, marxes una mica amb el cor

book that you go, you leave a little with the heart

dividit, no? Marxes amb aquell cor dividit de dir

divided, right? You leave with that divided heart to say

no vols marxar per deixar la gent que estimes d'aquí,

you don't want to leave to let the people you love from here,

però, per l'altra banda, tu ets

but, on the other hand, you are

un proletari d'aquests de terreny, no?,

a proletarian of these land, right?

d'anar a trepitjar el que passa

of going to tread on what happens

i explicar des de sobre terreny.

and explain from the ground up.

Això és, clar,

This is, of course,

l'altre vessant de les persones

the other side of people

que fan cobertura de conflictes, no?, que és

that cover conflicts, right?, what is it?

la gent que deixes a casa, no?,

the people you leave at home, right?

la teva dona, els teus fills, no?

your wife, your children, right?

Això és un fet difícil,

This is a difficult fact,

suposo que cadascú, doncs, ho porta com

I suppose that each person handles it in their own way.

pot, no?, com sap,

it can, right?, as you know,

però sí, sí, és una faceta que no s'explica,

but yes, yes, it's a facet that cannot be explained,

però que existeix. Cada vegada que tu

but that exists. Every time you

te'n vas a un lloc en conflicte, hi ha

you are going to a conflict area, there is

algú que es queda a casa esperant

someone who stays at home waiting

amb la incertesa de què passa, no?, perquè,

with the uncertainty of what is happening, right?, because,

doncs, moltes vegades parlen amb la Carmina,

well, many times they talk to Carmina,

amb la meva dona, no?, em deia,

with my wife, right?, she was telling me,

diu, ja sé que em truques cada dia, però, esclar,

he says, I know that you call me every day, but, of course,

des que penges el telèfon fins que em tornes a

from when you hang up the phone until you call me back

trucar, jo no sé què t'està

call, I don't know what it's about

passant, no?, i has d'intentar

passing, right?, and you have to try

posar-te en la pell d'aquesta gent que

put yourself in the shoes of these people who

pateix, no?, quan fas una cosa

It hurts, doesn't it, when you do something?


of these.

Clar, d'altra banda, si deixes de fer-la,

Of course, on the other hand, if you stopped doing it,

deixes de ser tu, perquè tu ets

you cease to be you, because you are

en funció del que fas, no?,

depending on what you do, right?

això és el que et constitueix com a persona,

this is what constitutes you as a person,

no?, i és un,

no?, and it is a,

és un, és una assignatura

it is a, it is a subject

difícil d'enllestir,

difficult to complete,

d'aprovar. Durant aquesta cobertura,

to approve. During this coverage,

precisament, aquesta, amb un pas fronterer

precisely, this one, with a border crossing

entre Pakistan i Afganistan, patiu

between Pakistan and Afghanistan, suffer

una situació complicada.

a complicated situation.

Sí, m'agradaria...

Yes, I would like to...

No sé què us passa, i si és en aquests moments

I don't know what’s happening to you, and if it's at this moment.

on tens por i et planteges coses, o no?

When you are scared, do you think about things, or not?

No, por no, jo no n'he tingut.

No, for no, I haven't had any.

Si tens por, no hi has d'anar, tot i

If you are scared, you don't have to go there, even though

que periodistes experimentats i

that experienced journalists and

corresponsals de guerra experimentats

experienced war correspondents

i savis

and wise

sempre diuen que

they always say that

la por i el pànic

fear and panic

no es poden predir, i sempre

they cannot be predicted, and always

et poden

they can you

atrapar, no?, quan menys

catch, right?, at least

t'ho esperes. És a dir que, més val no

You expect it. That is to say, it's better not to.

fer-te el valent amb aquestes coses, perquè no saps

be brave with these things, because you don't know

mai com poden anar, no? I en aquest

Never as they can go, right? And in this

cas, suposo que et refereixes al conflicte

case, I suppose you are referring to the conflict

del 2001,

from 2001,

doncs, quan els nord-americans

well, when the North Americans

bombardegen Afganistan

they bomb Afghanistan

i els talibans a Kandahar,

and the Taliban in Kandahar,

doncs, ens vam

well, we went

acostar, cada dia ens acostàvem a la frontera

approach, every day we got closer to the border.

compartida entre el Paquistan i l'Afganistan,

shared between Pakistan and Afghanistan,

perquè com que nosaltres no podíem

because since we could not

entrar-hi, doncs, per parlar amb la gent que

to get involved, then, to talk with the people who

en sortia, per veure quina era la situació, no?

He went out to see what the situation was, right?

I va haver-hi un dia

There was a day

que anàvem arribant i ja vam

that we were arriving and we already did

veure, doncs, que les coses no

to see, then, that things do not

eren com la resta de dies.

they were like the rest of the days.

Hi havia grups de

There were groups of

paquistanesos i d'afganesos, hi havia un ambient

Pakistanis and Afghans, there was an atmosphere.

enrerit, no sabria dir-vos per què,

Enraged, I wouldn't be able to tell you why.

no? I, efectivament, ja vam

No? I, in fact, we already did.

veure, doncs, que de sobte li robaven

to see, then, that suddenly they were stealing from him

el mocador a un periodista,

the handkerchief to a journalist,


they surrounded him/her,

el feien que

they made him that

correés, no?, per atrapar

You ran, right?, to catch up.

el seu mocador

his/her handkerchief

i després van començar a llençar-nos

and then they started throwing us

pedres, no? Van començar a trencar els vidres

Stones, right? They started breaking the windows.

d'alguns dels cotxes

of some of the cars

i vam sortir per cames,

and we ran away,

literalment, quan vam arrencar, a l'últim

literally, when we started, at the last

instant, un roc va

instant, a rock goes

impactar contra el vidre de darrere

to hit the rear window

de la nostra furgoneta, que per sort no es va

from our van, which fortunately did not go

trencar perquè hi havia una escaleta d'aquelles que puja

to break because there was a ladder that goes up

al sostre, no? Però hi van haver periodistes,

to the ceiling, right? But there were journalists,

per exemple, el Robert Fisk, que era

for example, Robert Fisk, who was

un periodista experimentat de l'Independent

an experienced journalist from the Independent

Veritànic, li van obrir el cap, li van trencar

Veritànic, they opened his head, they broke him.

les ulleres, no? I l'endemà estava a l'hotel

The glasses, right? And the next day I was at the hotel.

amb un esparadrap al cap, no? Sí, sí.

with a bandage on the head, right? Yes, yes.

I quan et trobes

And when do you meet?

o passes moments d'aquests, que segur

or you'll have moments like these, I'm sure

que no és l'únic, et planteja

that it is not the only one, it poses to you

si val la pena fer aquest tipus

if it is worth doing this type

de cobertures?

of covers?

Mira, un periodista mort no és periodista.

Look, a dead journalist is not a journalist.

Per tant, has de ser molt prudent,

Therefore, you must be very careful,

penso, a l'hora de

I think, when it comes to

trepitjar aquest terreny.

to tread on this ground.

També és cert que,

It is also true that,

en el llibre que ho explico,

in the book where I explain it,

que amb l'experiència, la poca

that with experience, the little

experiència que jo tenia, doncs,

experience that I had, then,

veia que si volies explicar un conflicte

I saw that if you wanted to explain a conflict

havies d'estar allà on passaven

you had to be there where it happened

les coses, no? Si volies explicar el patiment

The things, right? If you wanted to explain the suffering.

de la gent, has d'estar on cauen les bombes,

of the people, you have to be where the bombs fall,

d'alguna forma. No vol dir que t'hagis

in some way. It doesn't mean that you have to

de convertir en Diana

to become Diana

de les bombes, no?

of the bombs, right?

Però sí que, si vols

But yes, if you want.

ser èticament correcte,

to be ethically correct,

doncs crec que és un deure de fer-ho,

so I think it is a duty to do it,

no? D'alguna manera.

No? In some way.



i llavors has de vigilar molt i molt, doncs,

and then you have to be very, very careful, then,

en què no

in what not

acabis sent una víctima. Crec que és

you end up being a victim. I think it is

el Marc Maginedes que parla a vegades

Marc Maginedes who sometimes speaks.

de risc calculat, no?

of calculated risk, right?

Sempre has de fer un

You always have to do one.

càlcul de riscos de fins on

risk assessment to what extent

t'has d'acostar i quanta estona t'hi pots

You have to get closer, and how long can you stay there?

estar. Però sempre hi ha imprevissos perquè,

to be. But there are always unexpected events because,

evidentment, estàs en un territori de

obviously, you are in a territory of

guerra i pots estar sopant en un

war and you can be having dinner in a

restaurant i que et caigui un missil balístic.

restaurant and a ballistic missile falls on you.

És a dir, això no ho saps mai. Mai tindràs

That is to say, you never know this. You will never have.

la certesa que no et passarà res, evidentment.

the certainty that nothing will happen to you, obviously.

Com tampoc la tens en la vida real.

As you don't have it in real life either.

Per fer aquesta cobertura portaves

To make this coverage, you wore

dues gravadores, per si una no funcionava,

two recorders, in case one didn't work,

un minidisc, per si no funcionaven

a minidisc, in case they didn't work

les gravadores, dos micròfons,

the recorders, two microphones,

per si no funcionava tota la resta,

just in case the rest didn't work,

cables i bateries de tota mena,

cables and batteries of all kinds,

telèfon mòbil, telèfon satèl·lit, per quan no

mobile phone, satellite phone, for when not

hi hagués cobertura, ordinador portàtil,

there would be coverage, laptop,

llibretes i bolígraf, per si no hi havia

notebooks and pen, in case there weren't any

corrent. No ho has carregat com un ruc, sí.

running. You haven't loaded it like a donkey, yes.

Si vols dir això, sí. Desapercebut

If you mean that, yes. Unnoticed.

no devies passar. No, no passava desapercebut.

You shouldn't have passed. No, it didn't go unnoticed.

Clar, era l'època en què anàvem sols

Of course, it was the time when we went alone.

a cobrir, a fer aquesta mena de cobertures.

to cover, to make this kind of coverings.

Després, a partir del

After, from the

tsunami, aquell tsunami

tsunami, that tsunami

que va afectar una dotzena de països, que hi van haver

that affected a dozen countries, that there were

250.000 morts, si no recordo malament,

250,000 dead, if I remember correctly,

a la ràdio es va

at the radio it is going

decidir fer les cobertures

decide to make the covers

amb l'assistència d'un

with the assistance of one

company d'exteriors.

outdoor company.

I a partir d'aquell moment, doncs, tots els

And from that moment on, then, all the

conflictes o altra mena de cobertures

conflicts or other types of coverage

ja s'han fet amb periodista i

they have already made with journalist and

assistència tècnica. Però inicialment

technical assistance. But initially

si era això, anaves amb tot carregat com un ruc,

if that was the case, you went loaded like a mule,

amb el teu

with your


to eat,

amb la roba de recanvi,

with the spare clothes,

amb les llibretes per escriure,

with the notebooks to write,

perquè les cròniques les escrivies a mà

because you wrote the chronicles by hand

en una llibreta, no en una pantalla d'ordinador,

in a notebook, not on a computer screen,

i amb tota la parafernària

and with all the fanfare

que has explicat, que has definit,

what you have explained, what you have defined,

que has descrit.

What you have described.

Aquest programa es diu Hotel Palestina, però es podria dir

This program is called Hotel Palestina, but it could be called

perfectament Hotel Marriott,

perfectly Hotel Marriott,

o Hotel Dislamabat, on

or Hotel Dislamabat, where

conviviu la majoria de corresponsals que cobriu

you coexist with most of the correspondents you covered

aquesta guerra. Com era aquella convivència

this war. What was that coexistence like

aleshores, Toni? Hi havia

So, Toni? There was

una certa...

a certain...

Quan estàs en aquestes situacions,

When you are in these situations,

el que jo vaig viure

what I experienced


it is

molta cordialitat, perquè estàs

a lot of cordiality, because you are

en un lloc en perill, i quan hi ha

in a dangerous place, and when there is

perill al voltant, la gent s'ajunta

danger around, people gather

i s'ajuda, però, clar,

and it helps, but, of course,

no hem d'oblidar que eren periodistes. Llavors

we must not forget that they were journalists. Then

tu podies esmorzar amb el

you could have breakfast with him

corresponsal, l'enviat especial de Ràdio

correspondent, the special envoy of Radio

Nacional i el del País, i tothom explicava,

National and that of the Country, and everyone was explaining,

però ningú et deia què faria aquell dia.

but no one told you what they would do that day.

En tot cas, si et comentaven

In any case, if they mentioned to you

alguna cosa, era una cosa que ja havien fet.

Something, it was something they had already done.

No fos cas que tu se t'ensengués

Lest it might happen that you get hurt.

la llumeta i fessis el mateix i els eixafessis

the little light and you would do the same and squash them

aquella informació.

that information.

Per tant, hi ha

Therefore, there is

una relació de cordialitat la major part

a relationship of cordiality most of the time

del temps, però ser sempre

of time, but always be

de prudència, també, i de pensar

of caution, too, and of thinking

que treballes per un mitjà i, per tant,

that you work for a medium and, therefore,

has de ser prudent amb allò

You have to be cautious with that.

que expliques.

what you explain.

Toni, hem demanat a una persona

Toni, we have asked a person.

que ens faci un retrat sonor

let us make a sound portrait

i, per tant, l'escoltem.

And therefore, we listen to him/her.

El primer record d'en Toni el tinc

I have the first memory of Toni.

com a oient de Catalunya Ràdio. Recordo

as a listener of Catalunya Ràdio. I remember

aquells diumenges al matí, a la segona meitat

those Sunday mornings, in the second half

dels anys 90, escoltant-lo

from the 90s, listening to it

des del llit quan em transportava

from the bed when it transported me

a llocs remots del planeta amb el seu magnífic

to remote places on the planet with its magnificent

programa, els viatgers de la Gran Anaconda,

program, the travelers of the Great Anaconda,

per cert, Premi RAC, el millor programa

By the way, RAC Award, the best program.

del 2006. La veritat és que no sabria

from 2006. The truth is that I wouldn't know

dir si en Toni és abans viatger que reporter,

say if Toni is more of a traveler than a reporter,

no ho sé, de debò. Crec que les dues coses

I don't know, really. I think both things.

se li solapen, les té entortolligades

they overlap, they are entangled.

de manera que no són destriables.

so they are not distinguishable.

Quan he viatjat amb ell ens hem mirat de roull

When I have traveled with him, we have looked at each other sideways.

quan miràvem i escoltàvem algun personatge

when we looked at and listened to some character

del carrer en el seu dia a dia. M'atreveixo

from the street in their daily life. I dare

a dir que li encanta la vida quotidiana de la gent,

to say that he loves the daily life of people,

com una manera d'explicar la realitat.

as a way of explaining reality.

De fet, crec que aquest element sempre el té present

In fact, I believe that this element is always in mind.

a les seves cròniques, i sovint defuig

in his chronicles, and often avoids

de parlar amb càrrecs polítics quan cobreix

of speaking with political officials when covering

esdeveniments sobre el terreny per prioritzar

events on the ground to prioritize

parlar amb la gent del carrer. Jo us ho diré

talking to people on the street. I will tell you.

si ho faig jo. Però d'en Toni recordo

If I do it myself. But I remember Toni.

les llargues hores compartides a la secció

the long hours shared in the section

d'Internacional, transportant-nos

of International, transporting us

a llocs llunyans llegint els teletips de Reuters

to distant places reading Reuters teletype

o France Press. Llocs llunyans

O France Press. Distant places

com els que ha descrit sovint a les seves cròniques.

like those he has often described in his chronicles.

L'arbonès és el millor

L'Arbonès is the best.

fent descripcions de paisatges i personatges.

making descriptions of landscapes and characters.

Crec que no hi ha ningú que el superi.

I believe there is no one who surpasses him.

I a la ràdio, on no hi ha imatges de cap mena,

And on the radio, where there are no images of any kind,

és un do que moltes vegades no se li ha

it is a gift that many times has not been

valorat prou. Quan et descriu un lloc

valued enough. When it describes a place

te l'imagines, el visualitzes

can you imagine it, do you visualize it?

escoltant-lo, te'l fa present.

Listening to him, brings him to mind.

Ara bé, en Toni sempre ha tingut fama

Well, Toni has always had a reputation.

de fer cròniques més aviat generoses, em refereixo

I mean, to write more rather generous chronicles.

a la llargada. Un tema vital

in the length. A vital topic

quan la teva crònica ha de satisfer els desitjos

when your chronicle has to satisfy desires

de l'editor que volen que vi en un

from the editor they want me to live in one

informatiu més temes dels recomanables.

informative more recommended topics.

Sí, en Toni mai ha estat bo en això de les

Yes, Toni has never been good at that.

donades. La meva teoria és que no ha

given. My theory is that it has not

volgut, no és que no hagi pogut, sinó que no

Beloved, it's not that I couldn't, but rather that I didn't.

ha volgut adaptar-se al món de

has wanted to adapt to the world of

format TikTok, on les cròniques

TikTok format, where the chronicles are.

de 30 segons ja es consideren massa

30 seconds are already considered too much.



El Quim Olivares.

The Quim Olivares.

En Quim parla de les teves descripcions,

In Quim talks about your descriptions,

diu que ets el millor d'escriure

says you are the best at writing

paisatges, llocs, escenaris, persones

landscapes, places, settings, people

i que això de la durada de les cròniques no

And that this about the duration of the chronicles no.

ho portes massa bé. No sé si estaries d'acord.

You're handling it too well. I don't know if you would agree.

Totalment d'acord, de fet

Totally agree, in fact.

tenia un sobrenom a la redacció, era

I had a nickname in the editorial office, it was

el reporter Rapsoda,

the reporter Rapsoda,

que és un tipus de periodisme que no és

that is a type of journalism that is not

gaire comú, però sí, sí,

quite uncommon, but yes, yes,

el reporter Rapsoda, i era

the reporter Rapsoda, and it was

per això, perquè

for that reason, because

no hi havia forma de

there was no way to

fer el minut que et demanaven, els 40 segons,

make the minute they asked you, the 40 seconds,

clar, penseu, un ràdio es treballa

Of course, think about it, a radio is worked on.

amb molt poc temps, no? I

In very little time, right? And

amb aquest temps has de ser capaç

with this time you must be able

d'escriure, de donar la informació

to write, to give the information

pura i dura, però també

pure and hard, but also

de donar context, el context

to provide context, the context

d'aquella informació.

of that information.

Joan Steinbeck diu que

Joan Steinbeck says that

les petites coses són el fonament

The little things are the foundation.

de les grans coses, no? Per mi,

of the big things, right? For me,

jo ja estic totalment d'acord amb aquesta afirmació,

I completely agree with this statement.

és a dir, si ens perdem els matisos,

that is to say, if we miss the nuances,

no podem entendre de cap

we cannot understand in any way

forma el titular. I, per tant,

form the headline. And therefore,

jo sempre he estat molt reaci

I have always been very reluctant.

a prescindir

to do without

dels matisos, no?

of the nuances, right?

Me'n recordo que fa molts anys, a vegades,

I remember that many years ago, sometimes,

em creuava en un cap de programes

I was crossing paths with a program director.

que vam tenir, m'aturava i em deia

that we had, I would stop and say to myself

Arbonès, entrevistes d'una hora

Arbonès, one-hour interviews

ja no se'n fan, ara 10 minuts.

They are no longer made, now 10 minutes.

I jo li deia, sí, sí,

And I said to him, yes, yes,

quan vulguis en parlem, vinc al despatx,

Whenever you want, we can talk, I'll come to the office.

però sempre pensava que mai arribaria el moment,

but I always thought that the moment would never arrive,

perquè tenia moltes altres coses molt més importants

because I had many other things much more important

que no pas parlar de les meves

that doesn't mean talking about my ones

entrevistes. I, efectivament, vaig seguir

interviews. And, indeed, I followed

fent les meves entrevistes, que encara són

doing my interviews, which are still

entrevistes de 47 minuts. Bé, 47 minuts

47-minute interviews. Well, 47 minutes.

és el que s'emet,

it is what is broadcast,

perquè la llarga del programa

because of the length of the program

m'obliga a fer

forces me to do

un tema determinat, però, de fet, faig entrevistes

A specific topic, however, in fact, I conduct interviews.

de més d'una hora. Sí. I haig de dir

more than an hour. Yes. And I have to say

que hi ha influencers que fan entrevistes de 3 hores.

that there are influencers who do 3-hour interviews.

Sí. I que tenen un èxit,

Yes. And they are successful,

tenen milions de

they have millions of

seguidors. Per tant, no devia estar tan

followers. Therefore, it shouldn't have been that

equivocat en fer les coses llargues.

wrong in doing things lengthily.

L'any 1985, viatges a Etiòpia,

In 1985, trips to Ethiopia,

en un moment on hi ha una

at a time when there is a

passa de fam de dimensions majúscules.

it passes in hunger of large dimensions.

Explicar aquest tipus de cobertures

Explain this type of coverage.

et marca en la teva carrera professional?

does it mark your professional career?

Com ho vius, allò?

How do you experience that?

Sí que et marquen. Moltes vegades no n'ets conscient,

Yes, they do mark you. Many times you are not aware of it,

però sí que et deixen una petja.

but they do leave a mark on you.

Jo sempre me'n recordaré,

I will always remember.

d'aquesta cobertura. Clar, és l'any

of this coverage. Of course, it is the year

85, vol dir que Catalunya Ràdio

85 means that Catalunya Ràdio.

tot just feia 3 anys que caminava,

he had just been walking for 3 years.

es va fer una recapta

a collection was made

d'ajuda humanitària a Catalunya.

humanitarian aid in Catalonia.

A la ràdio em van dir, el director que hi havia

On the radio they told me, the director who was there.

llavors em va dir, mira, aquesta gent

then he told me, look, these people

volen anar a portar l'ajuda

they want to go deliver the aid

humanitària per demostrar a tots els donants

humanitarian to show all the donors

que aquell menjar

that food

que han donat ha arribat a la seva

what they have given has reached its

destinació. Hi ha un avió, si

destination. There is a plane, yes

aconsegueixes plaça, doncs

you get a spot, then

te n'hi vas. I jo vaig aconseguir plaça

You are leaving. And I managed to get a spot.

i me n'hi vaig anar.

And I went there.

I recordo que vam visitar un camp de refugiats

I remember that we visited a refugee camp.

on, quan hi vam ser, morien

there, when we were there, they were dying

10 persones diàriament

10 people daily

gent que vivia a les muntanyes,

people who lived in the mountains,

s'havien quedat, doncs,

they had agreed, then,

sense pastures, se'ls havia

without pastures, they had been

mort el bestiar, s'havien quedat sense mitjans

the livestock dead, they had been left without resources

de subsistència i no els havia quedat

of subsistence and they had not been left.

cap més remei que baixar de les muntanyes i anar

no other remedy than to descend from the mountains and go

a petar, doncs, aquests camps de refugiats. Molts

to burst, then, these refugee camps. Many

arribaven desnudrits, tan desnudrits que ja

they arrived undressed, so undressed that already

eren irrecuperables, no?

They were irretrievable, weren't they?

Era la segona gran passa de fam

It was the second great famine.

que hi havia

what there was

hagut els darrers anys. Abans hi havia hagut

in recent years. There had been before

la de Biafra, a Nigèria, també molt

the one in Biafra, in Nigeria, also very much

que va ser molt coneguda,

that became very well known,

se'n va parlar molt aquí a Europa,

it was talked about a lot here in Europe,

i després aquesta d'Etiòpia.

and then this one from Ethiopia.

L'Etiòpia era terrible. Recordo

Ethiopia was terrible. I remember.

també un dia que vam anar

also one day that we went

a presenciar un

to witness a

repartiment de sacs

distribution of bags

de gra per poblacions

of grain for populations

remotes, i vam anar amb un helicòpter,

we went with a helicopter,

ens van deixar amb una esplanada, i llavors

they left us with a clearing, and then

els avions Hèrcules

the Hercules planes

feien drops, que en deien, és a dir,

they made drops, as they called them, that is to say,

baixaven amb molt baixa alçada

they were flying very low

i per la comporta del darrere llençaven sacs,

and they were throwing sacks through the back gate,

de manera que molts s'esbarlaven

so that many became agitated

al caure amb l'impacte amb el terra.

upon hitting the ground.

Llavors, quan es va acabar el repartiment

Then, when the distribution was over.

d'ajuda humanitària, van deixar

of humanitarian aid, they left

que la gent dels pobles del voltant

that the people from the surrounding villages

accedís al camp, i la gent recollia

he entered the field, and the people gathered

els granets que havien quedat escampats

the grains that had been left scattered

per aquella esplanada. No ens podem

for that clearing. We cannot

imaginar el que és Patifam.

imagine what Patifam is.

Hotel Palestina, presentat

Hotel Palestina, presented

per Marc Gomes i David Fonseca.

for Marc Gomes and David Fonseca.

N'informa des d'Odessa

Reports from Odessa.

els enviats espacials de Catalunya

the space envoys of Catalonia

a ràdio Toni Arbonès i José Antonio Muñoz.

the radio Toni Arbonès and José Antonio Muñoz.

Les mines navals a la deriva

Drifting naval mines

al Mar Negre, a conseqüència de la

in the Black Sea, as a result of the

invasió russa d'Ucraïna, fan perillar

Russian invasion of Ukraine, endangering.

seriosament la navegació

seriously the navigation

i amenaçen les comunitats costaneres

they threaten coastal communities

de la regió d'Odessa.

from the region of Odessa.

Una de les últimes cobertures que has fet ha estat a Ucraïna

One of the latest reports you have done has been in Ukraine.

i arribes en un moment on ja pràcticament

and you arrive at a moment where practically

hi ha totes les cadenes i mitjans

there are all the chains and media

d'informació del món. Com s'explica

of information about the world. How is it explained

una guerra en aquestes condicions

a war under these conditions

on ja sembla tot explicat?

Is everything already explained?

En aquesta guerra no vaig buscar el centre de comandament.

In this war, I did not seek the command center.

Em vaig llotjar

I went to the lodge.

en un hotelet i

in a small hotel and

vaig fer la guerra pel meu compte, com si diguéssim,

I fought the war on my own, so to speak,

amb una noia, amb la Victòria,

with a girl, with Victòria,

que em feia de traductora

that made me a translator

i a vegades amb el seu

and sometimes with his/her

nebot, que era un nano

nephew, who was a kid

molt, molt ficat en l'ajuda

very, very involved in helping

al front de guerra,

at the front of the war,

que anava vestit de militar com si ho fos,

he was dressed like a soldier as if he were one,

però que no l'havien mobilitzat

but they had not mobilized him

per un problema de sobrepès en els genolls,

due to a weight problem in the knees,

llavors ell no podia anar-hi.

then he couldn't go there.

I, doncs, amb ells ens movíem

And so, with them we moved.

i anàvem allà on consideràvem

and we went where we thought

que podíem explicar alguna cosa.

that we could explain something.

En aquest cas, a mi sempre m'ha agradat explicar

In this case, I have always liked to explain.

la rereguerra,

the rewar,

no tant el que és el front

not so much what the front is

de guerra, de si han caigut

of war, of whether they have fallen

tres missils o quatre

three missiles or four

sinó quin és l'impacte de la guerra

but what is the impact of the war

en una societat que és com la nostra,

in a society that is like ours,

que de sobte algú

that suddenly someone

comença a bombardejar-la.

start bombing it.

De quina forma afecta la vida de les persones?

How does it affect people's lives?

Què fan la gent que té mascotes?

What do people with pets do?

Què fa la gent que fuig,

What do the people who flee do,

que ha de fugir d'un dia per l'altre

who has to flee from one day to the next

amb una maleta

with a suitcase

i anar-se'n

and leave

a no sé sap on, perquè la gent

to I don't know where, because people

en aquells primers moments

in those first moments

fugia absolutament

it was absolutely fleeing



sense saber què estava passant,

without knowing what was happening,

ni què seria de la seva vida,

nor what would become of her life,

ni si podria tornar al cap de tres dies

nor could I return after three days

o ja no tornaria mai més.

or would never come back again.

Per tant, intentava sempre

Therefore, I always tried

retratar aquestes

depict these



Què passa a la ciutat quan de sobte

What happens in the city when suddenly

sonen les alertes,

the alarms sound,

les alarmes antiaèries?

the anti-aircraft alarms?

Què passa amb comunitats

What happens with communities

religioses diferents?

different religions?

Què passa amb els jueus

What happens with the Jews?

de Nipro? Què passa amb la gent

From Dnipro? What's going on with the people?

que va viure o que continua vivint

that lived or that continues living

en un edifici que ha quedat

in a building that has remained

amb la meitat arrencat

with half torn off

per un míssil rus?

for a Russian missile?

Què és l'altra guerra?

What is the other war?

Que és la guerra que sembla que no existeixi

What is the war that seems not to exist?

però que existeix.

but that exists.

A Ucraïna, en aquest moment,

In Ukraine, at this moment,

fa dos anys que la gent viu

Two years ago, people live.

constantment sota les alertes

constantly under the alerts

de bombardejos i els que tenen

of bombings and those who have

mala sort, doncs sota les bombes

bad luck, then under the bombs

directament. Veient com

directly. Seeing how

pares, germans, fills

parents, siblings, children

es moren al front de batalla amb xifres

they die on the battlefield with numbers

que no s'han fet mai públiques però que tots

that have never been made public but that everyone

ens podem imaginar, perquè és una guerra

we can imagine, because it is a war



absolutament salvatge, no?

absolutely wild, isn't it?

Tant per Rússia com per Ucraïna. És una guerra

Both for Russia and for Ukraine. It's a war.

fratricida, no? Entre gent que havia

Fratricidal, right? Among people who had

format part de la

part of the

Unió Soviètica, no? El mateix. Per tant,

Soviet Union, right? The same. Therefore,

recordo el primer viatge

I remember the first trip.

que no vam entrar, que vam anar a la frontera

that we didn't enter, that we went to the border

per veure com sortia la gent, com fugia

to see how people were coming out, how they were fleeing

la gent, i la gent sortia

the people, and the people were coming out

absolutament estorada

absolutely astonished

perquè els familiars que tenia a Rússia

because the relatives I had in Russia

no es creien el que ells els explicaven.

they did not believe what they were being told.

Això va provocar, aquí sí que

This caused, here yes that

hi van haver trencaments de famílies,

there were breakups of families,

no? De gent,

no? Of people,

que tenia part de la família de Rússia

that had part of the family from Russia

i aquesta gent que vivien a Rússia

and these people who lived in Russia

no podien admetre que Putin

they could not admit that Putin

estigués enviant missils

was sending missiles

i bombardejant les ciutats

and bombing the cities

ucranianes de la forma que ho va

Ukrainians in the way it went.

fer i que ho fa. I avui,

to do and that he does it. And today,

Toni, que tenim la sort de conversar amb tu

Toni, we are lucky to be conversing with you.

i que has viscut dues guerres.

and you have lived through two wars.

La teva primera guerra, moltes més, però

Your first war, many more to come, though.

dues em refereixo a la teva primera guerra

I refer to your first war.

l'any 90-91

the year 90-91

i aquesta última ara

and this last one now

fa pocs mesos. Com a

a few months ago. As a

reporter, com a periodista,

reporter, as a journalist,

hi ha alguna cosa que hagi canviat

Is there something that has changed?

dintre d'una guerra?

inside a war?

Malauradament, canvia la tecnologia

Unfortunately, technology changes.

però el cap dels humans

but the head of humans

sembla que no canvia gaire.

it seems that it doesn't change much.

És a dir, seguim sent tan bèsties

That is to say, we continue to be so beastly.

com quan lluitàvem amb pedres, no?

Like when we used to fight with stones, right?

Ara tenim més tecnologia,

Now we have more technology,

aquesta és la guerra dels drons, per exemple,

this is the drone war, for example,

l'Ucraïna, ja ho va ser la de Zerbatjan, no?

Ukraine, it was already that of Zerbatjan, wasn't it?

Que ja es van fer

That has already been done.

servir drons

serve drones

contra Armènia

against Armenia

i ara, doncs, això s'ha posat

And now, then, this has gotten serious.

ja a gran escala en aquesta

already on a large scale in this

guerra ucraïnesa, no?

Ukrainian war, right?

Per tant, canvia la tecnologia, però veus que

Therefore, technology changes, but you see that

els humans,


no sé si dir-nos humans, en molts casos,

I don't know whether to call ourselves human, in many cases,

potser ens hauríem de canviar

perhaps we should change

aquesta forma d'autoanomenar-nos i dir-nos

this way of self-naming and calling ourselves

deshumans, no? Fins que no

Dehumanized, right? Until not.

avancem una miqueta mentalment.

let's move forward a little mentally.

I la forma d'explicar-les?

And the way to explain them?

La forma d'explicar-les, clar, el Quim deia,

The way to explain them, of course, Quim said,

no?, que

no?, what

no hi havia forma que canviés, no?

There was no way it could change, right?

Malgrat el que em deien,

Despite what they told me,

sí, clar,

yes, of course,

tu no tens

you do not have

perspectiva sobre tu mateix. A mi em sembla

perspective on yourself. It seems to me

que jo segueixo explicant les coses igual que abans,

that I continue explaining things just like before,

però certament, si ara em poséssiu una crònica

but certainly, if you were to give me a chronicle now

de la primera guerra i una d'ara,

from the first war and one of now,

doncs potser veuríem diferències, no?

so maybe we would see differences, wouldn't we?

Vull creure que he millorat una mica, però

I want to believe that I have improved a little, but

com que encara no sóc capaç d'encairar en un minut

since I still can't manage to do it in a minute

la notícia

the news

i el color, per dir-ho d'alguna

and the color, to put it in some way

forma, doncs crec que he fracassat

So I think I have failed.

en aquesta qüestió.

in this matter.

La llamanacaramier

They call her caramel.

Què esteu escoltant, Toni?

What are you listening to, Toni?

Bé, doncs aquesta és la

Well, then this is the

Sintonia dels viatgers de la Gran Anaconda,

Tuning of the travelers of the Great Anaconda,

un programa que vaig començar a fer l'any 96,

a program that I started doing in 1996,



vora 30 anys,

about 30 years ago,

que clar, quan comences a fer-lo, doncs què t'has d'imaginar

Well, when you start doing it, what do you have to imagine?

que durarà 30 anys, no? Actualment és el

that will last 30 years, right? Currently, it is the

segon programa d'autor

second author's program

que en diem, és a dir, un programa fet

what we call it, that is to say, a program made

sempre per la mateixa persona, perquè llavors

always for the same person, because then

hi ha els programes genèrics, d'alguna forma, de l'emissora,

there are the generic programs, in some way, of the broadcaster,

com el Matí de Catalunya Ràdio,

like the Morning of Catalunya Ràdio,

com La Tarda, que llavors és un programa

like La Tarda, which is then a program

que també porta molts anys a mantenir,

that has also been maintained for many years,

però que l'ha fet diversa gent al llarg de la història.

but it has been done by various people throughout history.

Doncs clar, què t'has d'imaginar que

Well, of course, what do you imagine that

t'allargaràs tants anys?

Will you live for so many years?

I això no està en la teva mà, eh? Això és

And this is not in your hands, is it? This is

fruit de, bé,

fruit of, well,

de molts imponderables, no?

Of many imponderables, right?

Perquè crec que han passat, no ho sé,

Because I think they have happened, I don't know,

una quinzena de directors en tot aquest

about fifteen directors in all this

temps per l'emissora. Per tant,

time for the broadcaster. Therefore,

que cada nova direcció

that each new direction

doncs no li sembli

then don’t seem like it

malament que tu continuïs en antena,

it's bad that you continue on air,

doncs és important.

well, it is important.

I després d'aquestes més de mil emissions, quin és el secret

And after these more than a thousand broadcasts, what is the secret?

de l'èxit? Bé, el secret

of success? Well, the secret

de l'èxit, crec

of success, I believe

que és, i ho diré sincerament

what it is, and I will say it sincerely

sense falsa modèstia, crec que és intentar

Without false modesty, I think it's about trying.

fer un producte ben fet, no?

make a well-made product, right?

Dedicar-hi moltes

Dedicate a lot to it.

hores i molt de temps, perquè

hours and a lot of time, because

al darrere d'un programa vosaltres que feu

behind a program you all do

aquest podcast, bé sabeu que

this podcast, well you know that

perquè les coses quedin bé, doncs

so that things turn out well, then

no hi ha secrets, no? Hi has d'invertir moltes

There are no secrets, right? You have to invest a lot.

hores i molta dedicació,

hours and a lot of dedication,

no? I això és el que hi ha

No? And that's what there is.

darrere l'anaconda, i una gent

behind the anaconda, and a people

magnífica, uns col·laboradors

magnificent, some collaborators

extraordinaris, hi ha gent molt

extraordinary, there are very special people

i molt vàlida,

and very valid,

gent boníssima, no?

really nice people, right?

Perquè ells són realment la vida del

Because they are truly the life of the

programa, no? I llavors tenir la

program, right? And then have the

capacitat de saber fer

capacity to know how to do

el trencaclosques en totes aquestes peces, perquè

the puzzle in all these pieces, because

l'anaconda, de fet, és un trencaclosques

The anaconda, in fact, is a puzzle.

de moltes petites cosetes, no?

from many little things, right?

Que han anat canviant també al llarg de la història.

That have also changed over the course of history.

A l'Hotel Palestina hi tenim una bona

At the Palestine Hotel, we have a good.

biblioteca, a banda de música, que va creixent

library, along with a music band, that is growing

a partir de les recomanacions dels nostres

based on the recommendations from our

hostes. Ens recomanes un llibre?

hosts. Do you recommend a book to us?

Bé, jo, clar, llibres...

Well, I, of course, books...

N'hi ha molts, no?

There are many, aren't there?

Aquí n'he portat uns quants, no?

Here I've brought a few, haven't I?

N'hi ha en què ets portat? El món d'ahir, de l'Stefan

Is there one that you are drawn to? The World of Yesterday, by Stefan.

Sveit, Notícia Bomba,

Sveit, Bomb News,

de l'Evelyn Bott, que us recomano

from Evelyn Bott, which I recommend to you

molt i molt, i

very much, and

60 anys d'anar pel món, de

60 years of wandering the world, of

l'Eugenie Chamart, que és el que he triat, no?

Eugenie Chamart, which is what I have chosen, right?

Que l'Eugenie Chamart va ser un bon

That Eugenie Chamart was a good

periodista d'entreguerres, entre la primera i la segona

interwar journalist, between the first and the second

Guerra Mundial, va ser corresponsal del

World War, was a correspondent of the

Diplomàtic, va treballar també per diversos

Diplomatic, he also worked for various.

diaris catalans,

Catalan newspapers,

i ell, doncs, té molt de

And he, then, has a lot of

molt de sarcasme a l'hora d'escriure

a lot of sarcasm when writing

les informacions

the information

d'aquelles guerres,

of those wars,

no? No sé si podria llegir-vos

No? I don't know if I could read you.

un fragment, perquè

a fragment, because

és interessant de

it is interesting to

veure com es cobrien les guerres.

see how wars were covered.

Es diu, del 1914 al

It is said, from 1914 to

1918, un corresponsal de guerra

1918, a war correspondent

era un home engaviat

he was a deceived man

en un hotel o un xató situat

in a hotel or a xató located

a uns 100 quilòmetres del front.

about 100 kilometers from the front.

Que sortia de casa a mig matí

He/She would leave the house by mid-morning.

per anar a passejar, sempre a respectable

to go for a walk, always to be respected

distància dels cames de batalla,

distance of the battle legs,

que de tant en tant sentia

that from time to time I heard

molt llunyanes unes quantes

very distant a few

canonades, escadosseres, i a l'hora

pipes, waste, and at the same time

que les gallines van a joc,

that the hens are going to play,

era tornat a casa, on

he had returned home, where

un oficial d'estat major,

a staff officer,

davant d'uns mapes

in front of some maps

i d'uns gràfics, explicava als

and some graphs, explained to the

corresponsals totes les coses

correspondents all things

que havien passat aquell dia i que ells

what had happened that day and that they

no havien vist, i algunes de les coses que

they had not seen, and some of the things that

probablement passarien l'endemà i que

they would probably come the next day and that

ells tampoc no veurien. És a dir,

they wouldn't see either. That is to say,

que eren unes cobertures de guerra

that they were war covers

bastant calmades, pel que

quite calm, for what

es pot intuir, no? No, és

It can be sensed, right? No, it is.

molt interessant, el llibre d'en Chamar

very interesting, Chamar's book

és una història de periodisme

It is a story of journalism.

i, a més a més, d'un tipus de periodisme que

and, moreover, of a type of journalism that

malauradament es perd i que jo

unfortunately it is lost and that I

crec que no s'hauria de perdre.

I think it should not be lost.

Doncs, ha notat estar a la nostra particular

Well, it has noted being in our particular.

biblioteca, Toni, i si ens haguessis de

library, Toni, and if you had to

recomanar alguna col·lecció de cinema,

recommend a film collection,

d'algun documental,

of some documentary,

alguna pel·lícula, cap on et tiraries?

Any movie, where would you throw yourself?

Pel·lícula? Mira, me'n recordo

Movie? Look, I remember it.

d'Enterra de ningú, que és

of no one's burial, which is

una pel·lícula que retrata, intenta

a movie that portrays, attempts

retratar una mica la guerra dels

to depict a bit of the war of the

Balcans, una pel·lícula de l'any 93,

Balkans, a movie from the year 93,

del Dani Stanòvic, no? I és

from Dani Stanòvic, right? And it is

un retrat tràgic

a tragic portrait

còmic, no? Perquè una guerra sempre és

Comic, right? Because a war is always

tràgica, encara que ens arrenqui

tragic, even though it tears us apart

algun somriure, no?

a smile, right?

D'això, de la guerra de Bosnia.

Of this, of the war in Bosnia.

No sé si l'heu vist, són

I don't know if you have seen it, they are

dos soldats que es troben

two soldiers who meet

en una trinxera, un de

in a trench, one of

bosnià i un de serbi, i és, doncs,

Bosnian and a Serbian, so it is, then,



peripècies que han de viure

peripeteia that they have to live

en aquesta trinxera

in this trench

que està al mig de la línia de front

that is in the middle of the front line

amb els serbis per un costat

with the Serbs on one side

i els bosnians per un altre.

and the Bosnians for another.

Bon, i ja per anar acabant

Well, and just to wrap things up.

passem un moment pel casino

let's stop by the casino for a moment

de l'Hotel Palestina, tenim un petit joc,

from the Hotel Palestina, we have a small game,

direm una paraula, un nom, i ens has de

we will say a word, a name, and you have to

respondre de manera breu el que significa

respond briefly what it means

per tu. Ho intentem?

For you. Shall we give it a try?

Ho intentem, ho intentem. Vinga, va. Comencem.

We try, we try. Come on, let's go. Let's start.

Una, crec que és bastant fàcil, aquesta, Toni.

One, I think this one is quite easy, Toni.

Ràdio Minuto. Ràdio Minuto

Radio Minute. Radio Minute

van ser els meus principis

they were my principles

a la ràdio, gairebé els meus principis, perquè

on the radio, almost my beginnings, because

hi va haver una setmana de ràdio, ràdio molins de re

there was a radio week, Radio Molins de Rei

i fa molts anys, molts anys, que de fet

and it has been many years, many years, that in fact

va ser la primera vegada que m'haig posat davant d'un micròfon, sí.

It was the first time I had stood in front of a microphone, yes.

Continuem, Toni. Gincama

Let's continue, Toni. Scavenger hunt.

per gilipolles. Sí, això és. Cada cop

for bullshit. Yes, that's it. Every time.

que has de, o que havies de

what you have to, or what you had to

d'obtenir algun permís,

to obtain some permission,

alguna candidació, que això,

any candidacy, that this,

doncs, t'obligava a anar a algun

so, it forced you to go to some

ministeri, i eren aquells despatxos

ministry, and those were the offices

amb piles de papers

with piles of papers

de feia dècades, amb pols

for decades, with dust

de feia segles, amb aquells ventiladors

for centuries, with those fans

per intentar mitigar la calor, no?

to try to mitigate the heat, right?

I amb hores

And with hours

d'espera i molts tests, no? Perquè, clar, no arribava

Waiting and many tests, right? Because, of course, it wasn't arriving.

mai aquell paper, no sabia, no trobàvem

never that paper, I didn't know, we couldn't find

el funcionari que l'havia de fer, i era

the official who was supposed to do it, and was

realment una pèrdua de dies i setmanes

really a waste of days and weeks

per obtenir això. Al Pakistan, eh?

to obtain this. In Pakistan, huh?

Al Pakistan, sí, una simple acreditació, sí.

In Pakistan, yes, a simple accreditation, yes.

Una altra, Toni. Fífol.

Another one, Toni. Fífol.

Fífol era

Fífol was.



sobrenom que vam posar a la redacció

nickname we gave to the editorial office

sense informar-me del

without informing me of the

talibà que feia les rodes de premsa

Taliban who held the press conferences.

a Peshawar, pràcticament diàriament.

in Peshawar, almost daily.



va haver-hi un dia, doncs, que

there was a day, then, that

amb l'intercanvi d'informació

with the exchange of information

entre la redacció

between the editing

i jo, doncs, em van dir

and I was told

escolta, si han vist la roda

listen, have you seen the wheel

de premsa del Fífol,

from the Fífol press,

i jo vaig pensar, qui deu ser aquest?

And I thought, who could this be?

Però no vaig dir-los jo res, no vaig dir

But I didn't say anything to them, I didn't say.

que no sabia de qui m'estaven parlant.

that I didn't know who they were talking about.

I ràpidament, quan vaig pensar

And quickly, when I thought

al telèfon i vaig començar a preguntar entre els

on the phone and I started to ask among the

meus companys periodistes si havien vist

my journalist colleagues had seen each other

un tal Fífol, si sabien

a certain Fífol, if they knew

si algun ministre d'Afers Estrangers d'algun país

if any foreign affairs minister of any country

i clar, ningú en tenia ni idea. Al final

Of course, no one had any idea. In the end.

no vaig tenir cap més remei que reconèixer

I had no other choice but to acknowledge.

que no sabia qui era en Fífol

that he didn't know who Fífol was

i em van dir a la redacció, diu, ah, no,

and they told me at the editorial, they say, ah, no,

diu, és el ministre d'Afers Estrangers

he says, he is the Minister of Foreign Affairs

talibà, que com que no sap dir

Taliban, because it doesn't know how to say.

people i diu Fífol,

people and he is called Fífol,

doncs li hem posat Fífol, i llavors

so we named him Fífol, and then

es referien amb ell, no pel nom, sinó per Fífol.

They were referring to him, not by name, but as Fífol.



Aixgar va ser el meu

Aixgar was my

xofer, quan estava a Isla Mabat

driver, when I was at Isla Mabat

i a

and to

Peixaur, un home

Peixaur, a man

paquistanès, evidentment, molt

Pakistani, obviously, very.

bon home, que

good man, that

va fer molt bé la seva feina,

he did his job very well,

que més enllà de ser

that beyond being

el conductor que em portava amunt i avall,

the driver who was taking me up and down,

doncs era gairebé un pare,

so he was almost like a father,

perquè em recomanava, me'n recordo un dia que hi havia

because he/she recommended me, I remember a day when there was

una manifestació

a demonstration

convocada de radicals

radicals' call

afganesos i paquistanesos

Afghans and Pakistanis

i em va dir, escolta'm, no hi vagis, no hi vagis,

and he told me, listen to me, don’t go there, don’t go there,

perquè per ells, tots vosaltres,

because for them, all of you,

són nord-americans, i us ho petregaran, no?

they are North Americans, and they will bother you about it, right?

I era una persona, doncs, que sempre

And he was a person, then, who always

a més a més, doncs, d'anar

furthermore, then, of going

allà on jo li demanava d'anar,

where I asked him to go,

doncs sempre em deia, escolta'm, vols dir d'anar aquí?

Well, she always used to tell me, listen, do you want to go here?

O millor, anar allà, o...

Or better, go there, or...

Era una persona, doncs, amb la que et podies

She was a person, therefore, with whom you could

moure amb tranquil·litat. Això és molt important, quan vas

move calmly. This is very important, when you go

en un país en guerra, tenir

In a war-torn country, having

persones de confiança. Per tant,

trusted people. Therefore,

és bo que hi hagi una

It is good that there is one.

continuïtat en fer aquesta feina

continuity in doing this job

i que no sigui una feina, com

and that it is not a job, like

moltes altres cobertures, no?, que puguis

many other covers, right?, that you can

anar enviant gent diferent. Aquí és bo que algú

start sending different people. Here it is good that someone

s'especialitzi en aquesta mena

specializes in this kind

de cobertures, perquè en aquestes

of covers, because in these

confiances t'hi va la vida. Toni, acaba'ns

Trust you, your life depends on it. Toni, finish it for us.

la història. L'expedició al Cadeus és on

the story. The expedition to Cadeus is where

porteu dues cabres

bring two goats

que us havien de servir d'aliment, però...

that were supposed to serve as food for you, but...

Si les vam comprar al mercat,

If we bought them at the market,

clar, sempre és millor portar el menjar

Of course, it's always better to bring the food.

caminant, que no a pes, no?

walking, not by weight, right?

I llavors, aquelles cabres

And then, those goats

pobres, doncs, es van fer, com que van

poor people, then, they became, as they went

compartir uns dies de la marxa d'aproximació,

share a few days of the approach march,

es van fer companyes nostres,

they became our companions,

no? Esclar, llavors va arribar un dia

No? Of course, then one day arrived.

que les havíem de sacrificar, perquè

that we had to sacrifice them, because

la gent volia menjar carn. Com et pots

People wanted to eat meat. How can you?

menjar un company d'expedició? Jo vaig

Eat a fellow expedition member? I'm going.

ser incapaç de menjar

to be unable to eat

cap bocí de cap de les dues companyes

no piece of either of the two companions

d'expedició. Van acabar, doncs,

of shipping. They ended, therefore,

esquarterades i

quartered and

cuinades pels portegedors, sí, sí.

cooked by the porters, yes, yes.

Toni, moltes gràcies

Toni, thank you very much.

per allotjar-te a l'Hotel Palestina.

to accommodate you at the Palestine Hotel.

Esperem que hagi estat tot

We hope that everything has been.

al teu gust.

to your liking.

Ha estat tot molt bé, un servei molt acurat.

Everything has been very good, a very attentive service.

I que ens facis una bona ressenya.

And that you give us a good review.

Sí, i tant, i tant. No faltarà, i tant, i tant.

Yes, of course, of course. It will not be missing, of course, of course.

Gràcies, Toni. Fes la propera

Thank you, Toni. Do the next one.

i fins demà.

and until tomorrow.

I ja saps que tens les portes obertes

And you already know that you have open doors.

a l'hotel sempre que ho necessitis.

at the hotel whenever you need it.

Moltíssimes gràcies. A més a més té bon preu,

Thank you very much. Moreover, it has a good price.

és a dir, que val la pena. Moltes gràcies.

That is to say, it is worth it. Thank you very much.

Fins a la propera.

Until next time.

Fins demà.

Until tomorrow.

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