Un "Conte de Nadal" i un "Maleït telèfon" molt especials

Catalunya Ràdio

Això és dramàtic

Un "Conte de Nadal" i un "Maleït telèfon" molt especials

Això és dramàtic

Això és Dramàtic, la ficció de Catalunya Ràdio, amb Dolors Martínez.

This is Dramatic, the fiction program from Catalunya Ràdio, with Dolors Martínez.

Hola, molt bona nit.

Hello, good night.

Avui, en aquest especial de Reis, us suggerim endinsar-vos en les millors històries,

Today, in this special for the Three Kings, we suggest you delve into the best stories,

desconnectant per uns moments de la vostra realitat.

disconnecting for a few moments from your reality.

Un món possible ple de vides que us sorprendran i us emocionaran.

A possible world full of lives that will surprise and move you.

Només heu d'obrir la vostra imaginació i deixar-vos portar.

You just have to open your imagination and let yourself go.

Obres dramàtiques realitzades aquí, a Catalunya Ràdio,

Dramatic works produced here, at Catalunya Ràdio,

fetes amb els millors actors del nostre país.

made with the best actors in our country.

Des dels clàssics universals, i també els catalans,

From the universal classics, as well as the Catalan ones,

fins a dramatúrgies contemporànies i modernes de més rabiosa actualitat.

up to contemporary and modern dramaturgies of the most urgent relevance.

En aquestes dues hores, escoltarem el conte de Nadal de Charles Dickens,

In these two hours, we will hear Charles Dickens' Christmas story,

amb Fermí Reixac com a Mr. Scrooge.

with Fermí Reixac as Mr. Scrooge.

I també farem un tast de la sèrie...

And we will also have a tasting of the series...

Obres fetes expressament per Catalunya Ràdio,

Works made expressly for Catalunya Ràdio,

on el telèfon és l'eix desencadenant de les històries.

On the phone is the triggering axis of the stories.

Van fer 34 obres de mitja hora,

They did 34 half-hour works,

amb dramaturgs, novel·listes i guionistes de televisió,

with playwrights, novelists, and television screenwriters,

com per exemple Manel Dueso, Lluís Anton Baulenes,

such as Manel Dueso, Lluís Anton Baulenes,

Rafel Vallbona, l'estimat Carles Capdevila,

Rafel Vallbona, the beloved Carles Capdevila,

Víctor Alexandre, Francesc Orteu, Bet Escudé,

Víctor Alexandre, Francesc Orteu, Bet Escudé,

Màrius Serra i un llarg etcètera.

Màrius Serra and a long etcetera.

Per la sèrie han passat actors com Montserrat Carulla,

For the series, actors like Montserrat Carulla have participated.

Viqui Penya, Pep Anton Muñoz,

Viqui Penya, Pep Anton Muñoz,

Aure Márquez, Marc Martínez, Rosa Novell, Jordi Guixaderas

Aure Márquez, Marc Martínez, Rosa Novell, Jordi Guixaderas

i 60 actors més del panorama català.

and 60 more actors from the Catalan scene.

Avui escoltarem també Platea Fila 5 de Leandra Terol,

Today we will also listen to Platea Fila 5 by Leandra Terol.

on Pepe Rubianes és el centre absolut d'aquesta comèdia.

Pepe Rubianes is the absolute center of this comedy.

Després, un incendi provocat de Damià Barbany

Later, a fire caused by Damià Barbany.

i el contestador de Lluís Arcarazo, en Pere Arquillué, com a protagonista.

and the answering machine of Lluís Arcarazo, with Pere Arquillué as the protagonist.

I també, finalment, famosos anònims,

And also, finally, anonymous famous people,

en record del nostre company i amic Carles Capdevila.

In memory of our colleague and friend Carles Capdevila.

Així doncs, obriu bé les orelles...

So, open your ears wide...

que comencem.

let's get started.

El conte de Nadal de Charles Dickens

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

En primer lloc,




Jacob Marley,

Jacob Marley,

sóc mort.

I am dead.

D'això no hi ha dubte.

There is no doubt about that.

L'acte de defunció ja ha fet set anys

The death certificate was issued seven years ago.

que el van firmar el clèrrega, l'escrivent,

that the clergyman, the scribe, signed it,

l'empleat de la funerària i el meu soci, el senyor Scrooge.

the funeral home employee and my partner, Mr. Scrooge.

I la firma del senyor Scrooge

And Mr. Scrooge's signature

fa bo a llotja qualsevol document on decideixi estampar el seu nom.

It is good to keep any document in which you decide to stamp your name.

És a dir que, en definitiva,

That is to say, ultimately,

sóc mort.

I am dead.

I ben mort.

I am well dead.

No vull pas dir amb això que hagi tingut una mort ni bona ni dolenta,

I do not mean to say by this that I have had a death neither good nor bad,

sinó només que sóc mort i enterrat.

but only that I am dead and buried.

Això ha de quedar ben clar, perquè, si no,

This must be made very clear, because otherwise,

aquesta història perdria tota aura de prodigi.

this story would lose all aura of wonder.

Si no estiguéssim absolutament convençuts

If we were not absolutely convinced

que el pare de Hamlet mor abans del començament de l'obra,

that Hamlet's father dies before the beginning of the play,

el fet que faci una passejada nocturna per les muralles del seu castell

the fact that he takes a night walk along the walls of his castle

amb llevantada,

with a rise,

no tindria res de notable,

it would have nothing remarkable,

i encara menys per trasbalsar el fràgil esperit del seu fill.

and even less to disturb the fragile spirit of his son.

Estem d'acord, doncs.

We agree, then.

Jo, Jacob Marley,

I, Jacob Marley,

sóc mort.

I am dead.

I, dient-ours de沒curs,

I, saying our of no course,

t' slavery.

your slavery.

I no vols ahogar-te d'allò que diguis dient dient!

And you don't want to drown in what you say by saying saying!

I què faria jo?

And what would I do?

De Gu Shakespeare,

Of Gu Shakespeare,

per què que vols succeir,

why do you want to succeed,



It seems you've provided a Japanese character instead of text in Catalan. Please provide the Catalan text you would like translated into English.



. . .eg. .eg. .eg. .eg. .eg .eg. .eg. .eg.·. e. .e. sant tant clars.

. . .eg. .eg. .eg. .eg. .eg .eg. .eg. .eg.·. e. .e. saint so clear.

Bon Nadal!

Merry Christmas!

Ah, bestieses!

Ah, nonsense!

Bestieses, el Nadal, oncle.

Nonsense, Christmas, uncle.

No ho deveu dir de debò?

You can't be serious!

I tant. Bon Nadal!

I certainly do. Merry Christmas!

Què té de bo? Quin dret tens d'alegrar-te'n?

What good is it? What right do you have to be happy about it?

Quin motiu tens per alegrar-te'n? Ets ben pobre.

What reason do you have to be happy about it? You are quite poor.

I vos? Quin dret teniu per estar moix?

And you? What right do you have to be gay?

Quin motiu teniu per estar moix?

What reason do you have for being downhearted?

Ah, bestieses!

Ah, nonsense!

No sigueu tan rebiut, oncle!

Don't be so grumpy, uncle!

Com vols que sigui, vivint en aquest món de mones?

How do you want it to be, living in this world of monkeys?

Bon Nadal! N'estic fart de tant!

Merry Christmas! I'm fed up with so much!

Bon Nadal!

Merry Christmas!

Què és per tu, el Nadal, si no una època en què has de pagar factures

What is Christmas to you, if not a time when you have to pay bills?

sense tenir diners, en què passes a ser un any més vell però gota més ric,

without having money, in which you become a year older but not a cent richer,

en què fas palans i totes les partides de dotze mesos et surten negatives?

In what do you make plans and all the twelve-month periods come out negative?

Si pogués fer la meva voluntat,

If I could do my will,

cauria amb el seu brau tots els idiotes que van pel món amb el bon Nadal,

he would fall with his bull all the idiots who go around the world with Merry Christmas,

els llavis, i els enterraria amb una estaca de grèvol travessant-los el cor.

the lips, and I would bury them with a holly stake piercing their heart.

Ui, si ho faria...

Oh, if I would do it...



Tal com ho sents, nebot!

Just as you heard it, nephew!

Tu, celebra el Nadal a la teva manera i a mi, deixa'm celebrar-lo a la meva!

You celebrate Christmas your way and let me celebrate it my way!

Celebrar-lo? Però si vos no el celebreu!

Celebrate it? But you don't celebrate it!

Doncs deixa'm en pau!

Well, leave me alone!

I que et faci bon profit!

And may it be profitable for you!

Que te'n faci tant com te n'ha fet sempre!

May it do to you as it has always done!

Hi ha moltes coses que m'han fet profit sense necessitat de treure'n cap guany.

There are many things that have benefited me without the need to derive any gain from them.

I el Nadal n'és una!

And Christmas is one of them!

Sempre he vist l'època de Nadal com una època profitosa,

I have always seen the Christmas season as a profitable time,

l'única època que sé de tot l'any en què sembla que els homes i les dones

the only time of year I know when it seems that men and women

estiguin en disposició d'obrir-se els cors els uns als altres,

be willing to open their hearts to one another,

i considerar la gent de condició més baixa

and to consider people of lower status

com si fossin companys de viatge cap a la tomba,

as if they were traveling companions to the grave,

i no pas un gènere diferent d'éssers que fan un altre viatge.

and not a different genre of beings that make another journey.

Senyor Scratchit,

Mr. Scratchit,

si el torno a sentir, celebrarà el Nadal...

if I hear him again, he will celebrate Christmas...

A mi em perdon la feina!

I forgive the job!

Ets un orador vehement, noi.

You are a passionate speaker, boy.

No sé com no ets al Parlament.

I don't know how you are not in Parliament.

No sigueu rebiut, oncle!

Don't be rude, uncle!



Veniu! Veniu demà a dinar a casa!

Come! Come tomorrow for lunch at home!

Ja ens veurem el dia del judici final!

We'll see each other on the day of judgment!

Però per què? Per què?

But why? Why?

Per què et vas casar?

Why did you get married?

Perquè em vaig enamorar.

Because I fell in love.

Per què et vas enamorar?

Why did you fall in love?

Va, bona tarda.

Come on, good afternoon.

Però, oncle, si abans que em casés tampoc em veníeu a veure mai,

But, uncle, if you never came to see me before I got married either,

per què ara ho doneu com a raó per no venir?

Why are you now using it as an excuse for not coming?

Bona tarda!

Good afternoon!

No vull res de vos! No us demano res!

I don't want anything from you! I ask you for nothing!

Per què no podem ser amics?

Why can't we be friends?

Bona tarda!

Good afternoon!

Em sap molt de greu que sigueu tan tossut, de debò.

I'm really sorry that you are so stubborn, really.

Que passeu un bon Nadal, doncs, oncle!

Merry Christmas then, uncle!

Bona tarda!

Good afternoon!

I bon any!

Happy New Year!

I a vostè, també, bones festes!

And to you, too, happy holidays!

Bon Nadal i bon any, senyor Frederic.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Mr. Frederic.

Bon Nadal!

Merry Christmas!

D'això que ja són...

Of this that they are already...

Que la dona, la canalla, senyors Cruix,

That the woman, the children, gentlemen Cruix,

vull dir que bon...

I mean, how nice...

bon es...

good is...

i bon...

and well...


of that.

Demà voldrà fer festa tot el dia, oi?

Tomorrow you will want to celebrate all day, right?

Si no li sembla malament.

If you don't mind.

No em sembla bé, ni tampoc em sembla just.

I don't think it's right, nor do I think it's fair.

No obstant això...


No obstant això,


no creu que jo m'hagi de sentir estafat pel fet de pagar-li un jornal

Do you not think I should feel cheated for having to pay you a wage?

que no farà bona excusa perquè t'esplodi la butxaca cada 25 de desembre.

that won't be a good excuse for your pocket to explode every December 25th.

Vaja, li hauria de donar tot el dia de festa.

Wow, I should give him the whole day off.

Doncs l'endemà al matí arribi més d'hora.

So the next morning, arrive earlier.

Sí, senyors Cruix, molt agraït, senyors Cruix.

Yes, Mr. Crunch, very grateful, Mr. Crunch.

Arribaré trenc d'alba, senyors Cruix, i d'això, que...

I will arrive at dawn, gentlemen Cruix, and about that, well...

que bones tallonses i un bon deixonses.

what good tallonses and a good deixonses.

Va, ximple-l'ins.

Come on, stupid slug.

És Cruix.

It's Crunch.



No hi crec jo en aquestes coses.

I don't believe in these things.

Què fas?

What are you doing?

Que ximple que ets, Abanéser, és Cruix.

How silly you are, Abanéser, it's Cruix.

No saps qui sóc, Abanéser?

You don't know who I am, Abanéser?

Sóc el que queda de mi,

I am what remains of me,

buidosa substància d'un ànima en pena,

empty substance of a wandering soul,

el fantasma del teu soci, l'espectre de Jacob Marley.

the ghost of your partner, the specter of Jacob Marley.

I doncs, què vols de mi?

And so, what do you want from me?

Moltes coses.

Many things.

Ah, caram.

Ah, wow.




You can...

Pots seure?

Can you sit down?

I tant.

Of course.

Tot seu.

All yours.

No creus que existeixi, oi?

You don't think it exists, do you?



Per què no creus el que els sentits et diuen?

Why don't you believe what your senses are telling you?

Perquè una simple indisposició de panys els pot enganyar,

Because a simple malfunction of locks can deceive them,

una indigestió per un tall de badella, una punta de mostassa,

an indigestion from a slice of ham, a dash of mustard,

un bolsí de formatge o un tros de patata pacuita.

a bag of cheese or a piece of baked potato.

Tu tens més d'empatx que de difunt.

You have more of a glutton than of a deceased.

Si em crec tot això, em passaré el que em queda de vida

If I believe all this, I'll spend the rest of my life.

encalçat per una lesió de pollets nascuts de la meva imaginació.

haunted by a injury of chicks born from my imagination.

Tot això són bestieses.

All of this is nonsense.





Per què em véns a turbar?

Why do you come to disturb me?

Apariciós grifos.

Griffin appearances.

Per què em véns a turbar?

Why do you come to disturb me?

Home, de poc a fer.

Home, little to do.

Creus que existeixo o no?

Do you believe I exist or not?

Sí, ho crec.

Yes, I believe it.

Però no puc no creure-ho.

But I can't help but believe it.

Però com és que els esprits vaguen pel món i em veniu a veure?

But how is it that spirits wander the world and come to see me?

Cal que l'esperit que cada persona porta a dintre

It is necessary that the spirit that each person carries within.

es tracti amb els seus semblants i corri amunt i avall.

it interacts with its peers and runs up and down.

I si no ho va fer en vida, està condemnat a fer-ho després.

And if he didn't do it in life, he is condemned to do it afterward.

De mort.

From death.

Aleshores no té més remei que voltar pel món,

Then there is no other remedy but to roam the world,

com jo.

like me.

Ai, de mi.

Oh, woe is me.

Per contemplar tot allò que ja no pot participar,

To contemplate all that can no longer participate,

però que hauria pogut compartir sent viu,

but that I could have shared while alive,

tot repartint felicitat.

distributing happiness.

Vas a cadenat?

Are you going to Cadenat?

Per què hi vas?

Why are you going there?

Parto la cadena que vaig forjar en vida.

I break the chain that I forged in life.

La vaig fer baula a baula,

I made it link by link,

pam a pam, me la vaig senyir

inch by inch, I tied it around me

per voluntat pròpia

of one's own accord

i per voluntat pròpia

and of one's own will

la porto.

I’ll take her.

No t'agradaria saber

Wouldn't you like to know?

el pes i la llargada de la que arrossegues tu.

the weight and the length of what you drag.

La nit de Natal de fa set anys

The Christmas Eve of seven years ago.

ja era tan llarga i feixuga

it was already so long and burdensome

com aquesta i des d'aleshores

with this and since then

no has parat

you haven't stopped

de carregar-la.

to load it.

És una senyora cadena?

Is it a lady chain?



Jacob Marley,

Jacob Marley,

amic meu, digue'm alguna cosa

my friend, tell me something

que em consoli.

that comforts me.

Això correspon a altres esferes,

This corresponds to other spheres,

emanes, eres cruix.

you emanate, you are crunchy.

El consol el porten altres ministres

The consul is brought by other ministers.

i el porten altres menes de persones.

and they are brought by other kinds of people.

Ves que et dic,

Look what I'm telling you,

en vida el meu esperit no va anar mai

In life, my spirit never went.

més enllà del nostre despatx.

beyond our office.

Però ara

But now

m'esperen etapes

stages await me

molt feixugues.

very burdensome.

Deu saber,

You must know,

t'ho he agafat amb molta calma, Jacob.

I took it very calmly, Jacob.

Amb calma?

With calm?

Fa set anys que ets mort

You have been dead for seven years.

i has estat voltant sempre.

You have always been around.



Sense treva

Without respite

ni repòs i amb la tortura

neither rest nor torture

incessant del remordiment.

incessant remorse.

Deu saber

You must know

recorregut molt bon en set anys.

very good journey in seven years.

Ai, trist.

Oh, sad.



doblement encadenat.

doubly chained.

No hauria sabut mai

I would have never known.

veure que cap mena de penediment

to see that there is no kind of regret

és capaç de rescabalar-nos

he is capable of redeeming us

d'haver desaprofitat l'oportunitat

of having missed the opportunity

que la vida ens donava.

that life was giving us.

I aquest és el meu cas.

And this is my case.



aquest és el meu cas.

this is my case.

Això que tu sempre posaves

This that you always put.

interès en tot, Jacob.

interest in everything, Jacob.



El gènere humà hauria hagut de ser

The human race should have been.

el meu interès.

my interest.

El bé de tothom, la caritat, la pietat,

The good of everyone, charity, piety,

la indulgència i la benevolència

the indulgence and the benevolence

haurien hagut de ser

they should have been

el meu interès.

my interest.

Els negocis no haurien hagut de ser

The businesses should not have been.

sinó una gota enmig del vast oceà

but a drop in the vast ocean

dels meus interessos.

of my interests.



vaig caminar enmig dels meus semblants

I walked among my likenesses.

amb els ulls abaixats

with downcast eyes

i no els vaig aixecar mai el cap.

And I never raised my head to them.

I ara escolta'm bé,

And now listen to me carefully,

a Benés, a l'escrúix,

to Benés, to the shiver,

que el temps se m'acaba.

that time is running out for me.

Et escolto,

I hear you,

però no,

but no,

que no ho siguis saber amb mi.

that you do not know it with me.

No t'hi recreïs, Jacob.

Don't linger on it, Jacob.

T'ho prego.

I beg you.

He vingut aquest vespre per advertir-te

I have come this evening to warn you.

que encara tens l'oportunitat

that you still have the opportunity

i l'esperança d'eludir el meu destí.

and the hope of evading my destiny.

I aquesta oportunitat

And this opportunity

i aquesta esperança, Benés,

And this hope, Benés,

te les brindo jo.

I'll provide them to you.

Sempre vas ser un bon amic.

You were always a good friend.


Thank you.

Se t'apareixeran tres esperits.

Three spirits will appear to you.

Això és l'oportunitat i l'esperança

This is the opportunity and the hope.

que em brindes, Jacob?

What do you offer me, Jacob?



Mira, doncs potser m'estimeu més deixar-ho córrer.

Look, so maybe you'd prefer to let it go.

El primer vindrà al punt de la una.

The first one will come at one o'clock.

No els podries rebre tots tres a l'hora

You couldn't receive all three of them at the same time.

per acabar abans, Jacob?

To finish earlier, Jacob?

El segon a les dues

The second at two.

i el tercer abans

and the third before

que l'última campanada de les tres

that the last bell of three

haurà deixat de ressonar.

it will have stopped resonating.

Procura no haver de veure'm mai més

Try not to ever have to see me again.

i pel teu bé

and for your own good

procura recordar sempre

try to always remember

aquesta conversa que hem tingut.

this conversation we have had.



Ja són la una, a Beneseres Cruix.

It's already one o'clock in Beneseres Cruix.

Qui? I qui sou?

Who? And who are you?

Soc l'espectre dels Nadals passats.

I am the ghost of Christmas past.

D'un passat llunyà?

From a distant past?

No, del teu passat. Així que t'hi acompanya.

No, from your past. So it accompanies you.

I si caic?

And if I fall?

Tu deixa'm que et toqui amb la mà al cor i et sostindré en això i més.

You let me touch you with my hand on your heart and I will support you in this and more.

Pau, Déu!

Peace, God!

Jo vaig néixer aquí?

Did I was born here?

A qui vaig passar la meva infantesa?

To whom did I pass my childhood?

Els llavis et tremolen, a Benesers.

Your lips are trembling, in Benesers.

Recordes el que vi?

Do you remember what I saw?

Sí, el recordo.

Yes, I remember it.

El sabria fer amb els ulls tancats.

He would know how to do it with his eyes closed.

Que estrany que ho hagis oblidat durant tants anys.

How strange that you have forgotten it for so many years.


Let's go.

Això no són sinó... ombres del passat.

These are nothing but... shadows of the past.

No s'adonen que hi som.

They don't realize that we are here.

Al fons del carrer hi ha l'escola.

At the end of the street, there is the school.

No és buida del tot.

It is not completely empty.

Encara hi queda un nen tot sol que els companys han deixat de banda.

There is still a child all alone whom the companions have left behind.

Però si aquell d'allà baix és l'Ali Babà...

But if that down there is Ali Baba...

És el bo de l'Ali Babà.

It's the good one of Ali Baba.

I tant si el conec.

And of course I know him.

Un nen alt que em va deixar aquí tot sol va venir per primera vegada igual que acaba de fer ara.

A tall boy who left me here all alone came for the first time just like he just did now.

I aquell d'allà, que ara no em surt el nom,

And that one over there, whose name I can't remember right now,

que el van deixar en calçotets adormit a les portes de Damasc.

that they left him in his underwear asleep at the gates of Damascus.

I mira el criat del soltar girat de cap al bai pel geni.

And look at the servant of the unleashed, turned upside down for the genius.

Ja li està bé.

It's fine with him.

Me n'alegro.

I'm glad.

Aviam si s'havia de casar amb la princesa.

Let's see if he had to marry the princess.

Guaita, lloro, guaita.

Look, parrot, look.

Amb una cosa com un enciam sortint-li de sobre el cap.

With something like a lettuce sticking out from over his head.

Pobre Robinson Crusoe, li va dir.

Poor Robinson Crusoe, he said to him.

Quan va tornar a casa després d'haver explorat Nínia.

When he returned home after having explored Nínia.

Pobre Robinson Crusoe, on has estat, Robinson Crusoe?

Poor Robinson Crusoe, where have you been, Robinson Crusoe?

El pobre home es pensava que somiava, però no.

The poor man thought he was dreaming, but he wasn't.

Resulta que era el lloro.

It turns out it was the parrot.

I mira, en divendres, corrent cames, ajudeu-me cap al Rierol.

And look, on Friday, running legs, help me towards the stream.

Ei, tu, ei!

Hey, you, hey!

Tant de bo.

I wish.

Per hores ja és tard.

It's late by now.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Res, res.

Nothing, nothing.

Ahir va venir un bailet a la porta de casa a cantar una cançó de Dahl.

Yesterday a dancer came to the door of the house to sing a song by Dahl.

Hauria hagut de donar-li alguna cosa.

I should have given him/her something.

Va, ve tu aquí.

Come on, you come here.

He vingut per portar-te a casa, germà estimat.

I have come to take you home, beloved brother.

Te me'n porto a casa.

I'll take you home.

A casa, a casa!

Home, home!

A casa, fan?

At home, do they?

Sí, a casa per fi.

Yes, finally home.

A casa per sempre més.

Home forever more.

El pare és molt més afectuós que abans.

Father is much more affectionate than before.

I a casa s'hi està la glòria.

And at home, there is glory.

Un dia al vespre, em va parlar amb tanta tendresa,

One evening, he spoke to me with such tenderness,

que em vaig veure amb cor de demanar-li si podies tornar.

that I felt brave enough to ask him if you could come back.

I ell em va dir que sí.

And he told me yes.

I m'ha fet venir amb cotxe per emportar-te'n.

He made me come by car to take you away.

Passarem plegats tot el Nadal.

We will spend all of Christmas together.

I serem la gent més feliç del món.

And we will be the happiest people in the world.

Ets tot un atonet, Tafany.

You are quite a little busybody, Tafany.

Sempre va ser així.

It was always like that.

Ja ets a casa, Benésar.

You are home now, Benésar.

Adéu, estimat.

Goodbye, dear.

Ja no ens veurem mai més.

We will never see each other again.

Obre els ulls, escanya, pobres!

Open your eyes, you fools!

Desperta, que ja són les dues! Esgarrapa, Cristus!

Wake up, it's already two o'clock! Scratch, Christ!

No tinguis por, cap cigrany!

Don't be afraid, you little coward!

Au, mira'm, i no facis veure que dorms!

Come on, look at me, and don’t pretend you’re asleep!

Bé, i us ho oré!

Well, I'll pray for you!

Què sou, aquests criscs? Que no veus que tinc son i que no estic per bestieses?

What are you, these idiots? Don't you see that I'm tired and not in the mood for nonsense?

Que ja l'he ballat a prou, aquesta nit!

I've already danced it enough tonight!

Excuses, de malalt que esteix al llit i diu que sua!

Excuses, of a sick person who is in bed and says that he sweats!

Sóc aquí a l'hora convinguda i no penso tolerar que m'escatimis

I am here at the agreed time and I do not intend to tolerate your avoidance.

ni un segon del temps que disposo amb tu!

not a second of the time I have with you!

Et llevaràs, ara mateix o per força!

You will get up, right now or by force!

No vull, tinc por, tinc fred i, a més a més, ja n'estic fart, d'aquest tram!

I don't want to, I'm scared, I'm cold and, on top of that, I'm already fed up with this stretch!



No sóc una aparició de fireta que conjuri trucs i visions de segona mà.

I am not a petty apparition that conjures tricks and secondhand visions.

Sóc aquí per ajudar-te, Ebenezer.

I am here to help you, Ebenezer.

No em tinguis por, home. Sóc l'espectre del Nadal present.

Don't be afraid of me, man. I am the ghost of Christmas present.


Look at me!

Que no m'havies vist mai, este Quirot?

Hadn't you ever seen me, this Quirot?

No, mai.

No, never.

Que no has sortit mai a fer un vol amb els meus germans més joves?

Haven't you ever gone out for a flight with my younger siblings?

Em refereixo, perquè jo sóc molt jove,

I mean, because I am very young,

als germans més grans que jo que han nascut aquests últims anys!

to the older brothers than me who have been born in recent years!

Diria que no, no. Em fa l'efecte que no.

I would say no, no. It gives me the impression that no.

Heu tingut molts germans, Esprit?

Have you had many siblings, Esprit?

Més de dos mil deu.

More than two thousand ten.

Déu n'hi do, quina família per mantenir-la!

God help us, what a family to support!

Esprit, porteu-me, doncs, on us plagi.

Spirit, take me then, where you wish.

Abans ja he sortit a casa obligat i he après una lliçó que noto,

Before, I have already left home out of obligation and I have learned a lesson that I notice,

noto que comença a obrar dintre meu.

I notice that it is starting to work within me.

Si bé, si teniu res per ensenyar-me, feu que almenys entregui profit.

However, if you have anything to teach me, at least make sure I benefit from it.

Doncs no perdem més temps. I agafa't fort a la poltrona!

So let's not waste any more time. And hold on tight to the armchair!

Ja som arribats a la mesa.

We have already arrived at the table.

Però on som?

But where are we?

Què és aquest terreny pantanós i tan enfingat,

What is this marshy and so muddy land,

on se senten zumzumejar les ions senceres de mosquits?

Where do the whole swarms of mosquitoes hum?

Això encara és Londres?

Is this still London?

Això són els afores de la ciutat,

These are the outskirts of the city,

els herms on viuen els pobres.

the herms where the poor live.

I aquesta és la casa d'en Bob.

And this is Bob's house.

En Bob? Quin Bob?

Bob? Which Bob?

El Bob que tu coneixes molt bé, vell carcamal.

The Bob that you know very well, old crank.

El Bob que a les vuit en punt de cada dia t'obre el negoci.

The Bob who opens the business for you at eight o'clock every day.

El Bob que malviu amb tota la seva família amb el sou esquifit que tu li dones.

The Bob who struggles to live with his whole family on the meager salary you give him.

En Bob Cratchit? L'escrivent?

Bob Cratchit? The writer?

Sí, en Bob Cratchit, el teu escrivent.

Yes, it's Bob Cratchit, your clerk.

Aquesta que va pobrement aviada, amb un vestit refet i tornat a refer,

This one who goes poorly dressed, with a dress patched up and patched up again,

però afercit de cintes que són barates i fan patxoca,

but cost-effective ribbons that are cheap and look good,

és la dona d'en Bob, la senyora Cratchit.

She is Bob's wife, Mrs. Cratchit.

I la que l'ajuda a parar la taula és la seva segona filla, Belinda,

And the one who helps her set the table is her second daughter, Belinda.

que també va afercida de cintes.

that is also fastened with ribbons.

I aquell d'allà que enfonsa una forquilla a l'olla de les patates

And that one over there who's sticking a fork in the pot of potatoes.

aguantant-se amb les dents les puntes del gegantic oi de camisa que porta,

holding the points of the gigantic collar of the shirt he is wearing with his teeth,

propietat d'en Bob, que li ha deixat en ocasió de la diada,

property of Bob, which he has left to him on the occasion of the holiday,

tot cofoi d'anar mudat i ansiós per anar a exhibir la indumentària

all proud to be dressed up and eager to show off the outfit

als parcs més concorreguts, és el fill gran i hereu d'en Bob,

in the busiest parks, he is Bob's eldest son and heir,

en Peter Cratchit.

in Peter Cratchit.

Hi ha d'aquests que han enterat i diuen a crits

There are some of these who have found out and shout.

que des del forn de pa els ha arribat la flaire d'oca

that the smell of goose has reached them from the bakery

i han reconegut que era la seva

and they have acknowledged that it was theirs

i que proeixen només de recordar l'olor de sàlvia de cera.

and they only pride themselves on remembering the smell of wax sage.

Són els dos Cratchits, un nen i una nena.

They are the two Cratchits, a boy and a girl.

I ara ballen al voltant de la taula i fan els elogis de l'hereu,

And now they dance around the table and praise the heir,

que ja han estivat, tot i que el coll de la camisa quasi l'ofega,

that they have already worn, even though the collar of the shirt almost chokes him,

atia el foc esperant que les patates es decideixin acabar-se de coure

Waiting by the fire for the potatoes to decide to finish cooking.

i piquin la tapadora reclamant que les treguin i les pelin.

And they hit the lid, demanding that they be taken off and peeled.

Heu vist mai una oca com aquesta?

Have you ever seen a goose like this?

A fe que jo diria que no s'ha cuinat mai una oca com aquesta.

I swear I would say that no goose has ever been cooked like this.

Així de tenda...

So of a store...

Així de tendra i amb aquesta flaire que fa

So tender and with this fragrance it has

i el poc preu que ha costat per com és de grossa.

and the little price it has cost for how big it is.

Amb l'acompanyament de la compota de poma i la patata aixafada

With the accompaniment of apple sauce and mashed potato.

n'hi haurà prou per tota la família.

There will be enough for the whole family.

Ep! Quina bafarada!

Hey! What a whiff!

El púding ja és fora del parol.

The pudding is already out of the parole.

Quin olor com la dels dies de fer bugada!

What a smell like on laundry days!

Això sí que és un púding!

This is indeed a pudding!

Mireu la vostra mare amb les galtes enceses

Look at your mother with her flushed cheeks.

i amb aquest somriure de satisfacció

and with this smile of satisfaction

i amb el púding semblant a una bala de caroja espiada

and with the pudding resembling a spy's bullet

de tan sòlid i compacte que ha quedat

so solid and compact that it has become

cremant enmig de mig patricó de conyac encès

burning in the midst of a half-empty glass of lit cognac

i engalanat amb una branqueta de grèvol clavada al capdamunt.

and adorned with a sprig of holly stuck on top.

Quina meravella de púding!

What a wonderful pudding!

Considero que és la proesa més gran realitzada per la senyora Cratchit

I consider it to be the greatest feat accomplished by Mrs. Cratchit.

d'ençà que som casats.

since we got married.

I ara, a beure la ginebra calenta del gerro.

And now, to drink the hot gin from the jug.

I porteu pomes i taronges a taula.

You bring apples and oranges to the table.

I poseu una pelada de castanyes al foc.

Put a chestnut shell on the fire.

Marta, la cristalleria de la família.

Marta, the glassware of the family.

Aquells dos gos bisallats i de xicre.

Those two brindle dogs and of chiuaua.

Que tinguem un bon Nadal, estimats.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, dear ones.

Que Déu ens faci bons, Tiny Tim.

May God make us good, Tiny Tim.

Que Déu ens faci bons a tots.

May God make us all good.



Bon esprit, digueu-me si en Tainy Timm viurà.

Good spirit, tell me if Tainy Timm will live.

Veig un lloc buit al racó de la xamaneia

I see an empty spot in the corner of the chimney.

i una crossa sense àmul molt vendesada.

and a crutch without a soul very well sold.

Si l'esdevenidor no altera aquestes visions, aquest infant morirà.

If the future does not change these visions, this child will die.

No, sisplau, no, sisplau, bon esprit.

No, please, no, please, good spirit.

Digueu-me que se salvarà.

Tell me that it will be saved.

Si l'esdevenidor no altera aquestes visions,

If the future does not alter these visions,

cap dels meus congèneres el trobarà aquí.

None of my kind will find it here.

Però què hi fa?

But what is he/she doing there?

Si s'ha de morir, tant per tant que es mori,

If one has to die, then let it be so.

disminuirà l'excés de població.

It will decrease the excess population.

Veig que cales el cap, Vanessa,

I see you need to calm down, Vanessa.

i tens cor de veritat, i no un cor de diamant.

And you have a heart for real, not a diamond heart.

Deixa de banda tota aquesta xerrameca perversa

Put aside all this wicked chatter.

fins que no hagis descobert de debò què és l'excés i on és.

until you have truly discovered what excess is and where it is.

Pretens decidir quines persones han de viure i quines han de morir?

Do you intend to decide which people should live and which should die?

Pot molt ben ser.

It could very well be.

Sé que tu siguis més indigna i menys apta de viure en aquest món

I know that you are more unworthy and less capable of living in this world.

que una lejó d'infants com el fill d'aquest pobre home.

that a distance from children like the son of this poor man.

Haver de sentir com l'insecte de la fulla opina

Having to hear how the leaf insect thinks

que hi ha una plètora de vida enmig dels seus germans

that there is a plethora of life among its siblings

que moren de fam entre la pols.

who die of hunger among the dust.

Per on som?

Where are we?

Aquest és el lloc on viuen els diners,

This is the place where money lives,

els que treballen les entranyes de la terra.

those who work the depths of the earth.

Però ells també em coneixen.

But they also know me.

Mira, en aquella cabanya hi brilla un llum

Look, there's a light shining in that cabin.

i darrere la paret de tàpia i pedra

and behind the wall of mud and stone

hi ha una colla animada asseguda a la vora d'un foc viu.

There is a lively group sitting by a bright fire.

Un home i una dona molt vells,

An old man and an old woman,

en companyia dels fills i dels nens,

in the company of the children and the kids,

dels fills, dels fills

of the children, of the children

i una generació més encara,

and one more generation yet,

tots empolistrats amb la roba de mudar.

all dressed up in their best clothes.

I ara el vell,

And now the old man,

amb una veu que amb prou feina s'aixeca

with a voice that hardly rises

per sobre l'odol del vent que bufa en aquesta desolació,

over the pain of the wind that blows in this desolation,

els canta una cançó que ja era molt antiga

he sings them a song that was already very old

quan ell era petit.

when he was small.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Estic en presència de l'espectre dels Nadals que han de venir.

I am in the presence of the specter of the Christmases yet to come.

Feu via.

Make way.

Feu via!

Make way!

La nit s'escolta de pressa.

The night is heard quickly.

I sé que aquest temps és preciós per mi.

I know that this time is precious to me.

Feu via, esperit.

Make way, spirit.

Per què em portes a aquest barri de mala fama, esperit?

Why are you taking me to this notorious neighborhood, spirit?

Aquí els carrers són estrets i nocivons.

Here the streets are narrow and harmful.

Les botigues i les cases sòrdides.

The shops and the squalid houses.

La gent espallifada, borratxa, ronyosa i balcalçada.

The people are tattered, drunk, scruffy, and barefoot.

Tot el barri traspó a crim, immundícia i misèria.

The whole neighborhood fell into crime, filth, and misery.

Què és aquesta botiga batida i inconfornada sota una barbecana?

What is this battered and unfurnished shop under a portico?

Què hi fan aquí?

What are they doing here?

Què hi compren? Ferro vell, draps vells, ampolles, ossos i roses llardoses?

What do they buy there? Scrap metal, old rags, bottles, bones, and greasy rags?

Això és ple de piles de claus, puntes, cadenes i frontises rovellades, llimes, balances, pesos

This is filled with piles of keys, nails, chains, and rusty hinges, files, scales, weights.

i tota mena de ferralla.

and all kinds of scrap metal.

Aquí s'hi amunteguen secrets.

Here secrets pile up.

En què poca gent estaria interessada a furgar?

In what would few people be interested in digging?

Colgats sota muntanyes de roba vella i tronada.

Buried under mountains of old and tattered clothes.

Tous d'allà rancis, sepulcres, d'ossos.

All of there rancid, tombs, of bones.

Feu-me veure alguna mostra d'efecte nascut.

Show me some evidence of born effect.

D'aquesta mort d'esperit.

Of this death of spirit.

O aquesta cambra fosca em perseguirà tota la vida.

Or this dark room will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Espectre, alguna cosa em diu que s'acosta a l'hora de separar-nos.

Specter, something tells me that the time to part is approaching.

Ho noto. No sé per què.

I feel it. I don't know why.

Puc veure ara la cara de l'home que tenim aquí de cos present?

Can I see the face of the man we have here in person now?

Però abans que m'acabi d'acostar al llit, vulgueu respondre'm una pregunta i prou.

But before I get to the bed, please answer me one question and that's it.

Això són les ombres de les coses que s'esdevindran?

Are these the shadows of things that will happen?

O bé només les ombres de les coses que pot ser que s'esdevinguin?

Or just the shadows of the things that may happen?

Esperit, escolteu-me, sisplau.

Spirit, listen to me, please.

No sóc la persona que era.

I am not the person I used to be.

No podré ser mai la persona que avui he sigut

I will never be the person I have been today.

si no arriba a ser per tot això que m'heu fet veure.

if it weren't for all this that you have made me see.

Per què m'ho heu ensenyat si ja estic condemnat?

Why did you show me if I am already condemned?

No, sisplau, esperit, no.

No, please, spirit, no.

Esperit benevolent, compadiu-me i intercediu per mi.

Benevolent spirit, have mercy on me and intercede for me.

Digueu-me que si visc d'una altra manera podré canviar aquestes ombres que m'heu mostrat.

Tell me that if I live differently I will be able to change these shadows you have shown me.

Honraré el Nadal de tot cor i procuraré conservar el seu esperit tot l'any.

I will honor Christmas with all my heart and I will try to keep its spirit all year round.

Tindré en compte el passat, el present i el futur.

I will take into account the past, the present, and the future.

No oblidaré les lliçons de la vida.

I will not forget the lessons of life.

No oblidaré les lliçons que m'heu ensenyat.

I will not forget the lessons you have taught me.

Digueu-me, sisplau, que puc redimir la meva vida.

Tell me, please, that I can redeem my life.

Sí, ja ho sé, bon esprit.

Yes, I already know, good spirit.

Sóc jo, l'home que hi has tirat el llit.

It's me, the man you threw the bed at.

Tindré en compte el passat, el present i el futur.

I will take into account the past, the present, and the future.

Els esprits de tots tres obraran dintre meu.

The spirits of all three will operate within me.

Ei, bon Nadal!

Hey, Merry Christmas!

Bon Nadal!

Merry Christmas!

Ei, bon Nadal!

Hey, Merry Christmas!

És Nadal!

It's Christmas!

No se m'ha passat.

I haven't forgotten it.

Els esprits ho han fet tot en una sola nit.

The spirits have done everything in one single night.

Ai, Jacob Marley.

Oh, Jacob Marley.

Lluat sies i lluat si el Nadal per aquest do que se'm fa.

Look for yourself and look if Christmas is a gift that is given to me.

Dic això de genolls, amic Jacob, de genolls.

I say this on my knees, friend Jacob, on my knees.

No sé pas què faig.

I don't really know what I'm doing.

Em sento lleuger com una ploma.

I feel light as a feather.

Feliç, feliç com un àngel.

Happy, happy as an angel.

Content com un col·legial i marejat com un borratxo.

Content like a schoolboy and dizzy like a drunkard.

Bon Nadal a tothom.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Bon Nadal!

Merry Christmas!

Bon Nadal a tothom.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Aquí tenim la cassola de les farinetes.

Here we have the pot of porridge.

Aquí la porta per on va entrar l'espectre d'en Jacob Marley.

Here is the door through which the ghost of Jacob Marley entered.

Aquí, al racó on hi havia l'espectre de Nadal, del present.

Here, in the corner where the Christmas spirit was, of the present.

Apujaré el sou al meu escrivent en Bob Cratchit.

I will raise the salary of my clerk Bob Cratchit.

I em comprometo a ajudar en Tiny Tim perquè es curi.

I commit to helping Tiny Tim so that he gets better.

Oh, aniré a sopar a casa del meu nebot.

Oh, I will have dinner at my nephew's house.

Sóc com una criatura.

I am like a creature.

Bon Nadal a tothom!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Bon Nadal!

Merry Christmas!

El conte de Nadal de Charles Dickens

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

El Fermí reixac com a escruix

The Fermí reixac as a shiver

Miquel Gelabert, Marley

Miquel Gelabert, Marley

Dolors Martínez, espectre dels Nadals passats

Dolors Martínez, specter of Christmases past

Marc García Coté, Bob Cratchit

Marc García Coté, Bob Cratchit

Jaume Figueres, espectre del Nadal present

Jaume Figueres, specter of Christmas present.

Miquel Àngel Parent, nebot

Miquel Àngel Parent, nephew

I Júlia Figueres, com a fan

I Júlia Figueres, as a fan

Idea, obra quàntica, Ferran Udí i Dolors Martínez

Idea, quantum work, Ferran Udí and Dolors Martínez

Montatge, Miquel Boluda i Paco Cutilles

Montage, Miquel Boluda and Paco Cutilles

Direcció i realització, Dolors Martínez

Direction and production, Dolors Martínez

Això és dramàtic

This is dramatic.

Un espai de teatre que planta cara a la tragèdia

A theater space that confronts tragedy.

la feina i estar en el teatre amb una altra dona

the job and being in the theater with another woman

sí que són diferents. Sisplau, no em feu

yes, they are different. Please, don’t make me

això. Necessito centrar-me

this. I need to focus

abans de trucar a la Dolors.

before calling Dolors.

No sé què li puc dir. Diga-li la veritat.

I don't know what I can tell him/her. Tell him/her the truth.

Per una vegada a la vida,

For once in my life,

siga sincer. La veritat.

be honest. The truth.

Però quina és la veritat?

But what is the truth?

Que les dones em fan paraboig?

That women drive me crazy?

Que malgrat tot les segueixo estimant?

Why do I still love them despite everything?

Que aquesta nit m'agradaria tornar a casa

That tonight I would like to go back home.

i fer-li un petó a la meva

and give her a kiss from me

filleta? Això ha sonat molt

"Little girl? That sounded very..."

bé. A mi m'has convençut.

Okay. You have convinced me.

Ho he dit amb el cor.

I said it with my heart.

Què et sembla, Pepe? El tono era

What do you think, Pepe? The tone was

adequado? Perfecto.

adequate? Perfect.

Ben, no poseu aquesta cara. Bé,

Well, don't make that face. Alright,

vaig a trucar.

I am going to call.





i dues hores més. Sisplau.

And two more hours. Please.

D'acord, d'acord.

Alright, alright.

No contesta.

No answer.

Torna a trucar.

Call back.

Potser he trucat a alguna altra banda?

Maybe I called somewhere else?

A alguna altra dona?

To any other woman?

A una altra persona, caram!

To another person, wow!

Potser a sortir de casa.

Maybe to go out of the house.

No respon.

Does not respond.

I si ha deixat la nena sola a casa?

And if she left the girl alone at home?

No, ella no ho faria.

No, she wouldn't do it.

Estava molt afectada.

She was very affected.

I si... No, no vull ni pensar-ho.

And what if... No, I don't even want to think about it.



I si ha fet alguna bestiesa?

And if he has done something foolish?

Què hi puc fer?

What can I do about it?

Me'n vaig a casa.

I'm going home.

Dolors! Estava preocupat.

Dolors! I was worried.

T'ho juro que t'he trucat.

I swear to you that I called you.

Sí, sí, que sí que sí, he trucat.

Yes, yes, I have called.

Ho ha sentit? Sí, carinyo, sí.

Did you hear it? Yes, darling, yes.

Encara estic al teatre.

I'm still at the theater.

És que no sé què fer. Estic perdut.

I don't know what to do. I'm lost.

Les persones que hi ha a la sala estan preocupades.

The people in the room are worried.

Per nosaltres.

For us.

Oi, oi, oi.

Oh, oh, oh.

És a dir, que vull tornar amb tu.

That is to say, I want to get back with you.

Ja sé que és molt d'hora,

I know it's very early,

però digue'm només si hi ha cap esperança.

but tell me only if there is any hope.

Què? Què diu?

What? What does it say?

Ai, no ho sé. Tingui paciència, escolti.

Oh, I don't know. Please be patient, listen.

I si vinc i ho parlem?

And if I come and we talk about it?

No, no vull precipitar les coses.

No, I don't want to rush things.

Això ja sembla sorpresa, sorpresa.

This already looks like surprise, surprise.

Ei, ei, ei, un respeto, eh?

Hey, hey, hey, a little respect, okay?

Un respeto.


Mira, ara vinc, agafo les maletes

Look, I'll be right there, I'm getting the bags.

i em busco un lloc per dormir.

And I'm looking for a place to sleep.

No, a casa la Maria, no.

No, at Maria's house, no.

Aquesta és bona.

This is good.

Perdona, no volia cridar, però és que estic nerviós.

Sorry, I didn't mean to shout, but I am nervous.

Mira, passo un moment per casa i recullo les maletes.

Look, I'm going home for a moment to pick up the bags.

Després deixem passar aquesta nit

Then let's let this night pass.

i quan tu vulguis en parlem.

And whenever you want, we can talk about it.

Ara, ara ho comença a entendre, aquest noi.

Now, he is starting to understand it, this boy.

Ara, ara.

Now, now.

Penjo el telèfon.

I hang up the phone.

Et puc fer un petó de comiat?

Can I give you a farewell kiss?



Com vulguis.

As you wish.

Un moment, un moment, no pengis.

One moment, one moment, don't hang up.

Passa'm el telèfon.

Pass me the phone.


Thank you.

Dolors, encara ets aquí?

Dolors, are you still here?

Mira, noia,

Look, girl,

jo de tu posaria a prova el Lluís una temporada,

I would put Lluís to the test for a while if I were you.

a veure què fa.

let's see what he/she/it does.

Si es porta bé, li donaria una segona oportunitat.

If he behaves well, I would give him a second chance.

Però només una, eh?

But just one, okay?

Però per què es fiquen a la meva vida?

But why do they meddle in my life?

Volen fer el favor de tornar-me el telèfon?

Would you please return my phone?

Jo també vull parlar amb la Dolors.

I also want to talk to Dolors.

Gràcies, gràcies.

Thank you, thank you.

Dolors, Dolors, no, no, no, no em coneixes.

Dolors, Dolors, no, no, no, you don't know me.

Però he seguit el que us ha passat.

But I have followed what has happened to you.

Sincerament, crec que no n'hi ha per tant.

Honestly, I don't think it's that big of a deal.

No, ni poc.

No, not at all.

No t'enfadis, deixa'm acabar.

Don't get angry, let me finish.

En definitiva, el noi només ha anat al teatre amb una altra dona.

In short, the boy has only gone to the theater with another woman.



I aquí tampoc se'ls veia gaire caramelats.

And here they didn't look very caramelized either.



Que no és la primera vegada.

It's not the first time.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Que se'n va anar un cap de setmana a Formentera?

Who went away for a weekend to Formentera?

Explica, explica, explica.

Explain, explain, explain.

Eh, eh, aquest Lluís és tremendo, eh?

Eh, eh, this Lluís is incredible, huh?

Dona, potser sí que tens raó.

Woman, maybe you are right.

Però tu amb qui estàs?

But who are you with?

Què fas?

What are you doing?

Vols fer el favor de tornar-me el telèfon?

Do you mind returning my phone to me?

No, no, no, el Rubiànes no, sisplau.

No, no, no, please not the Rubiànes.

Pepe, dame el telèfon.

Pepe, give me the phone.

Que no.


Com que no?

Why not?



Hola, hola, soc Rubiànes, otra vez.

Hello, hello, I'm Rubiànes, once again.

Coño, mira, me ha gustado.

Damn, look, I liked it.

Rubiànes, otra vez.

Rubiànes, again.

Qué fuerte.

How strong.

Podría ser buen título para mi próximo espectáculo.

It could be a good title for my next show.

Oye, Dolors, a lo que íbamos.

Hey, Dolors, back to what we were talking about.

Aquest noi, el Lluís, està enamorat, tia.

This guy, Lluís, is in love, aunt.

Està enamorat.

He is in love.

Lo que pasa que té la molla fluixa, por dirlo d'alguna manera.

What happens is that he has a weak spot, so to speak.

Sí, jo l'entenc, home, jo l'entenc.

Yes, I understand him, man, I understand him.

Perquè el món no està ple de dones interessants.

Because the world is not full of interesting women.

I trobar una com tu és una loteria.

To find someone like you is a lottery.

Sí, sí, ja sé que...

Yes, yes, I already know that...

Ella et va prometre que seria l'única.

She promised you that she would be the only one.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Però diguem la veritat.

But let's tell the truth.

No li has fet mai el salt, ni que sigui amb la imaginació?

Have you never taken the leap, even if it's just in your imagination?



Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Coño, oye, explica, explica.

Damn, hey, explain, explain.

A ella li ha fet el salt?

Has she been dumped?

Com? Què? Amb qui?

How? What? With whom?

Això s'està posant molt interessant.

This is getting very interesting.

Doncs a mi em sembla que li gustarà una pasta amb telèfon.

Well, it seems to me that he will like a pasta with a phone.

Segur que després et va sapiguer greu.

I'm sure you regretted it afterwards.

Però quan estava, es va anar bé.

But when I was there, it went well.

Carai, nena.

Wow, girl.

Jo, eh? Menudo semental.

Me, huh? Quite the stallion.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, perdó, eh?

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, sorry, huh?

Ui, ui, el Lluís ve cap aquí.

Oh, oh, Lluís is coming this way.

Què faig?

What do I do?

Dóna'm aquest telèfon, ara!

Give me that phone, now!

Tranquilo, la Dolors s'ha penjat.

Calm down, Dolors has hanged herself.

Entre tots acabareu amb mi.

You will all end up with me.

No et posis així, home. Ser soltero no està a anar de mal.

Don't get like that, man. Being single isn't that bad.

Sí, clar, si ets famós hi lligues molt.

Yes, of course, if you're famous you attract a lot.

Però si ets un comptable de 40 anys com jo no et menges una rosca.

But if you're a 40-year-old accountant like me, you don't get a date.



Serà perquè no vols.

It will be because you don't want to.

Sí, sí, sí, sí que vull.

Yes, yes, yes, yes I want to.



Doncs quan sortim del teatre podríem anar a prendre una copeta, si vols.

So when we leave the theater we could go for a drink, if you want.

Sí, però només una, eh?

Yes, but just one, okay?

Hòstia, este es el espectáculo más raro de mi vida, lo juro.

Damn, this is the strangest show of my life, I swear.

¿Y si volvemos a empezar la sesión?

What if we start the session again?

Sí, sí, que comenci, que comenci.

Yes, yes, let it begin, let it begin.

I jo què faig?

And what should I do?

Vés a buscar les maletes abans que tanquin els hotels.

Go get the suitcases before the hotels close.

Pobre noi, algú l'hauria d'acompanyar a casa.

Poor boy, someone should accompany him home.

Doncs jo no puc.

Well, I can't.

Ni jo. Ai, ja hi aniré jo.

Neither will I. Oh, I'll go there myself.

Gràcies, només et demano un favor.

Thank you, I only ask you for a favor.



Deixa'm el teu mòbil.

Give me your phone.

El meu s'ha quedat sense bateria.

Mine has run out of battery.

És un trasto, però si et serveix...

It's a piece of junk, but if it helps you...


Thank you.

A veure si contesta...

Let's see if she/he answers...



Ara surt la bústia de veu.

Now the voicemail is coming up.

Dolors, sóc el Lluís.

Dolors, I am Lluís.

Sisplau, truca'm.

Please call me.

Bé, no em truquis, perquè se m'ha acabat la bateria.

Well, don't call me because my battery has died.

Avui no és el meu dia.

Today is not my day.

Fixa't, ja són les 11.

Look, it’s already 11 o'clock.

No sé si trobaràs cap hotel.

I don't know if you will find any hotel.

Mira, t'acompanyo a casa, i si vols,

Look, I'll walk you home, and if you want,

anem a buscar un hotel junts.

let's go find a hotel together.

Aneu a buscar un hotel?

Are you going to look for a hotel?

Dolors, què fas aquí?

Dolors, what are you doing here?

A buscar un hotel, eh?

Going to find a hotel, huh?

No és el que t'imagines.

It's not what you think.

No vull més excuses. No et vull veure més.

I don't want any more excuses. I don't want to see you anymore.

Jo que t'havia vingut a buscar.

I had come to look for you.

Dolors, i jo...

Dolors, and I...

No sé, digui el que digui, serà pitjor.

I don't know, whatever you say, it will be worse.

Jo t'ho explico.

I'll explain it to you.

Tu no t'hi fiquis.

Don't you get involved.

I tu, Lluís, demà ja tindràs notícies del nostre divorci.

And you, Lluís, tomorrow you will have news about our divorce.


Wait for me!

Bé, per fi podrem veure l'espectacle.

Well, we will finally be able to see the show.

Lo siento, pero es que con todo este lío me he quedado sin voz.

I'm sorry, but with all this mess, I've lost my voice.

Mira quina hora és.

Look at what time it is.

Ho sento, però ja és tard per tornar a començar l'espectacle.

I'm sorry, but it is already too late to start the show again.

Ja ho arreglarem d'alguna manera,

We'll fix it somehow.

però m'he quedat sense veu.

but I've lost my voice.

Otra vegada serà.

It will be another time.

Doncs ja podem anar a fer una copa.

Well, we can go for a drink now.

On anem?

Where are we going?

I què fem ara? Aplaudim?

And what do we do now? Do we applaud?

Gràcies, gràcies per aplaudir.

Thank you, thank you for applauding.


Thank you.

Però voldria compartir la glòria

But I would like to share the glory.

amb tres actors, amics meus,

with three actors, my friends,

que m'han ajudat aquest vespre

that have helped me this evening

que m'he quedat sense veu.

that I have lost my voice.


They are...

Pep Molina, en el paper de Lluís, l'adúlter.

Pep Molina, in the role of Lluís, the adulterer.

Francesc Pujol, en el paper del comptable de 40 anys.

Francesc Pujol, in the role of a 40-year-old accountant.

Dolors Martínez, en el paper de Maria, l'amiga.

Dolors Martínez, in the role of Maria, the friend.

Victòria Palma, en el paper de Dolors, la dona gelosa.

Victòria Palma, in the role of Dolors, the jealous woman.

Pepa Palau, una que estava a la sala.

Pepa Palau, a woman who was in the room.

I la Montse Barcón, la divorciada

And Montse Barcón, the divorced one.

que aquesta nit...

that tonight...

Gràcies. Gràcies per venir.

Thank you. Thank you for coming.

Si torneu un altre dia us prometem

If you come back another day we promise you.

una nova sorpresa.

a new surprise.

Rubianes. Rubianes.

Rubianes. Rubianes.

Gràcies, magetes.

Thank you, little witches.

Otra vez un móvil.

Another phone.

A ver, que salga el del

Let the one from the come out.



Hostia, es el mío.

Wow, it's mine.

Això és dramàtic

This is dramatic.

perquè la ficció sempre supera la realitat

because fiction always surpasses reality

Un incendi provocat

A controlled fire

de Damià Barbany

by Damià Barbany

Departament de Bombers, digui

Fire Department, how can I help you?

Hi ha un incendi, un gran incendi

There is a fire, a big fire.

És un edifici de vivendes?

Is it a residential building?

No, és una fàbrica de pinços

No, it's a factory of pinchos.

Es crema la meva fàbrica

My factory is burning.

Hi ha persones dins?

Are there people inside?

No, no hi ha ningú

No, there is no one there.

N'està del tot segur?

Are you completely sure?

Sí, sí, en sóc el propietari

Yes, yes, I am the owner.

A la nit la fàbrica es queda buida

At night the factory is left empty.

Abans hi tenia vigilants

Before, I had guards.

Però ara ja fa temps que em vaig prescindir

But it's been a while since I let go.


The address?

Just a l'entrada de la carretera comarcal de Salt Lake City

Just at the entrance of the regional road of Salt Lake City.

A l'altra banda de les mines de coure

On the other side of the copper mines

Ara venim

Now we are coming.

Si hi ha curiosos, aparteix-los que ningú no s'hi acosti

If there are onlookers, keep them away so that no one gets too close.

Ja està

It's done.

Esperem que tot vagi bé

We hope everything goes well.

Sí, nena

Yes, girl.

En aquella època

At that time

Després de passar un temps a la presó

After spending some time in prison

Per haver-me embolicat en un delicte

For getting myself involved in a crime.

De pirateria informàtica

On hacking

M'acabaven de retirar la llicència

They just revoked my license.

De detectiu privat

Private detective

I treballava a comissió

I worked on commission.

Per una important companyia de assegurances

For an important insurance company

M'encarregaven investigacions de tota mena

I was assigned investigations of all kinds.

Sobre defuncions

About deaths



Sinistres d'immobles

Property damages

Així que una setmana després de l'incendi

So a week after the fire

Vaig haver de ficar el nas en aquella casa

I had to stick my nose into that house.

Un moment

One moment

La senyora Powell

Mrs. Powell

Sí, soc jo

Yes, it's me.

Em dic Cliff de Stark

My name is Cliff from Stark.

I treballo per la companyia d'assegurances

I work for the insurance company.

Ah, per la Welcome Future Welcome

Ah, for the Welcome Future Welcome

El meu marit no hi és

My husband is not here.

Només necessito saber un parell de coses

I just need to know a couple of things.

Segur que vostè em podrà informar

Surely you will be able to inform me.

M'estimaria més que parlés amb el meu marit

I would prefer that you spoke with my husband.

No la penso entretenir gaire, senyora

I don't intend to keep you waiting long, ma'am.

Serà un moment

It will be a moment.




Go ahead.

Vol prendre res?

Would you like anything?

Cervesa? Coca-Cola?

Beer? Coca-Cola?

Amb aquesta calor

With this heat

Una cervesa m'anirà bé

A beer will do me good.


Thank you

Segui aquí

Stay here.

Ara vinc

I'm coming now.

Bona tarda, m'agradaria saber si hi ha algú a la companyia d'assegurances

Good afternoon, I would like to know if there is someone at the insurance company.



La Yonel

The Yonel

Ha vingut un home

A man has come.

Un home? Quin home?

A man? Which man?

Un que diu que treballa per la companyia d'assegurances

One who says he works for the insurance company.

Es vol informar, què faig?

I want to inform you, what should I do?

Per començar, no atabalar-te

To begin with, don't overwhelm yourself.



Ja saps el que has de dir

You already know what you have to say.

L'altra nit tu i jo vam anar a la companyia d'assegurances

The other night you and I went to the insurance company.

I jo era amb el Porxo

And I was with the Porxo.

Després de sopar

After dinner

Xerràvem tranquil·lament

We were chatting calmly.

I de sobte veiem un resplendor rogent envoltant la fàbrica

And suddenly we see a reddish glow surrounding the factory.

Unes flames enormes

Huge flames

Una gran columna de fum

A large column of smoke

Ens vam espantar molt

We were very scared.

I sense perdre temps vam trucar als bombers

I thought we were wasting time, we called the firefighters.

Només has de tenir això ben clar

You just have to keep this very clear.

És ben senzill

It's quite simple.

Te'n podràs sortir, oi que sí, nena?

You'll be able to manage it, right sweetheart?

M'estimaria més que vinguessis

I would prefer that you came.

No, no, no, podria ens hospitar

No, no, no, could you host us?

Au, vinga, no has de tenir por

Come on, you don't have to be afraid.

No fiquis la pota, nena

Don't mess it up, girl.

Pensa que aviat tindrem un bon feix de bitllets

Think that soon we will have a good bundle of notes.

Per tu i per mi

For you and for me

Ho faràs bé, oi que sí?

You'll do well, right?

Aquesta nit

This night

Em deixaré fer allò que t'agrada tant

I will let myself do what you like so much.

Sí, sí, sí, però ara hem de penjar

Yes, yes, yes, but now we have to hang up.

Ho tinc clar, estimat

I have it clear, dear.

Tu i jo érem el Porxo

You and I were the Porch.

És això que vols que digui, oi?

Is this what you want me to say, right?

Exacte, això i res més

Exactly, that and nothing more.

No t'embranquis

Don't get tangled up.

No et deixis entabanar

Don't let yourself be fooled.

Tu i jo érem el Porxo i res més

You and I were the Porch and nothing more.

No sóc tan idiota per no saber-ho, amor meu

I’m not so stupid as to not know it, my love.



Adéu, nena

Goodbye, girl.



Lionel, has penjat?

Lionel, have you hung up?

Doncs sí, ha penjat

Well yes, he/she has hung up.

Adéu, fins després

Goodbye, see you later.

M'ha dit que volia una cervesa

He told me he wanted a beer.

La tindrà ara mateix

She will have it right now.

Però no em traurà cap informació

But it won't take any information from me.

S'haurà de contentar amb allò del Porxo

He will have to settle for what is at the Porxo.

Aquí té, senyor Cliff

Here you go, Mr. Cliff.

La seva cervesa

Their beer


Thank you



Ben fresqueta

Well fresh.

Vostè dirà

You will say.

Vol que tregui la música?

Do you want me to turn off the music?

Està nerviosa?

Are you nervous?



Ho dic perquè no para de donar voltes a l'obridor d'ampolles que té a les mans

I'm saying this because he keeps fiddling with the bottle opener he has in his hands.

Suposo que no li faig por

I suppose I don't scare you.

Oh, no, esclar que no

Oh, no, of course not.

Jo no sóc pas com l'incendi

I am not like the fire.



Vull dir que contemplar un gran incendi

I mean that watching a great fire

Ha de fer una certa por

It must be somewhat scary.

Sí, et fa posar nerviós

Yes, it makes you nervous.

Ja estava nerviós abans?

Were you nervous before?

Abans, sí, abans

Before, yes, before.

Ho dic per la calor sufocant

I say it because of the suffocating heat.

És per això que estava nerviosa l'altra nit

That's why I was nervous the other night.

No, no

No, no.

En tot cas estava una mica neguitosa

In any case, I was a bit anxious.

Per culpa del seu marit

Because of her husband

Ho endevino?

Should I guess it?

Jo mai no deixaria sola una dona bonica com vostè

I would never leave a beautiful woman like you alone.


Thank you

És de nit que no m'agrada que dorma sola

It's at night that I don't like her to sleep alone.

I ell se'n va anar

And he went away.

I la va deixar sola

And he left her alone.

Se'n va anar just després de sopar

He left just after dinner.

Per la cara que fa entenc que sí

From the look on your face, I understand that yes.

De manera que el seu marit se'n va anar a la nit de l'incendi

So her husband left the night of the fire.

I quan va tornar

And when he/she returned

L'incendi ja havia començat

The fire had already started.


Am I mistaken?

Va sortir un moment a comprar tabac

He went out for a moment to buy tobacco.

Però per què em fa tantes preguntes?

But why are you asking me so many questions?

Potser és de formació professional

Maybe it is vocational training.

No oblidi que sóc detectiu

Don't forget that I am a detective.

I vostè continua donant voltes al seu obridor

And you keep turning your opener.

Ara li acaba de caure

Now it just fell on him/her.

I està pàl·lida

And she is pale.

I no es pot dir que no és el seu obridor

And it cannot be said that it is not his opener.

Està suant

He is sweating.

Vostè fa que em senti com si m'estigués jutjant

You make me feel as if I were being judged.

No, no ha de patir pas

No, you don't need to worry.

Tret que sigui culpable

Unless he is guilty.



De què podria ser culpable?

What could I be guilty of?

De complicitat en un incendi provocat

Of complicity in an intentional fire

O si s'ho estima més

Or if he/she prefers it that way.

De participar com a encobridora en l'incendi

Of participating as an accomplice in the fire.

D'una fàbrica de pinços contaminats

From a factory of contaminated pins

Abans no es descobreixi que els pinços perjudiquen la salut dels pollastres

Before it is discovered that the thorns harm the health of the chickens.

I de retruc la de la gent que se'ls menja

And in return, that of the people who eat them.

El seu marit decideix que la fàbrica de pinços contaminats

Her husband decides that the factory of contaminated pins

Afoca la fàbrica i cobrar la pòlissa d'assegurança

Focus the factory and collect the insurance policy.

Tot molt ben planejat

Everything is very well planned.

Vostè diu unes coses

You say some things.

Té idees estranyes

He has strange ideas.

A més vostè no hi perd ni guanya res

Furthermore, you don't lose or gain anything.

En tot això no

In all this, no.

No s'ho pensi

Don't think about it.

Realment tant me fa que els pinços estiguin o no contaminats

I really don't care whether the finches are contaminated or not.

No m'importa gens

I don't care at all.

Jo mai no menjo pollastre

I never eat chicken.

Però sàpiga que m'interessa esbrinar com ha anat tot aquest tema de l'incendi

But know that I am interested in finding out how this whole fire issue has gone.

Perquè si és accidental

Because if it's accidental

I no hi ha frau a la companyia

And there is no fraud in the company.

La meva comissió és baixa

My commission is low.

Però si jo descobreixo que vostès intenten estafar-los amb un incendi provocat

But if I discover that you are trying to scam them with a deliberate fire.

Llavors la meva comissió creix substancialment

Then my commission grows substantially.

Què passa?

What's happening?

No es troba bé senyora?

Aren't you feeling well, ma'am?

Crec que tinc massa calor

I think I'm too hot.

Potser s'hauria de prendre un got d'aigua

Maybe you should have a glass of water.

Em sembla que em marejo

I think I'm getting dizzy.

Per què no es descorta una mica?

Why don’t you loosen up a bit?

Intenta fer-me treure la roba

Try to make me take off my clothes.

És això el que vol

Is this what he/she wants?

Vol que em desitgi

You want me to wish for you.



Per ser sincer

To be honest

No he vingut aquí amb aquesta intenció

I haven't come here with that intention.



Ara mateix la seva insinuació

Right now your insinuation.

Em fa pensar en com deuen ser desplèndides

It makes me think about how splendid they must be.

Les seves cuixes

Her thighs



Fora la roba

Take off the clothes.

M'acaba de dir que desitja veure'm les cuixes

He just told me he wants to see my thighs.



Li agrado?

Do you like me?

No cal que s'ho estripi tot

There's no need to tear everything apart.

Però he de reconèixer que la seva idea

But I have to admit that her idea

És suggerent

It is suggestive.



I vostè és una dona preciosa

And you are a beautiful woman.

Ara és vostè qui s'ha incendiat

Now it is you who is on fire.

Vol ballar?

Do you want to dance?






We dance.

De petita ja m'agradaven les Ambri Sisters

I have liked the Ambri Sisters since I was little.

Jo les trobo odioses senyora

I find them hateful, ma'am.

Vol que posi una altra música?

Do you want me to play another song?

No, aquesta està molt bé

No, this one is very good.

És perfecte com és

It is perfect as it is.

Que a vostè li agradin i a mi em semblin un espant

That you like them and they seem frightening to me.

És bo que hi hagi barreja

It is good that there is a mix.

Blancs i negres, pobres i rics

Whites and blacks, poor and rich

Gent capaç de donar la vida per un ideal

People capable of giving their lives for an ideal.

I d'altres capaços de tallar-li el coll a la pròpia mare

And others capable of cutting their own mother's throat.

Tenim una conversa ben poca solta

We have a rather limited conversation.

Sí, és difícil ballar i conversar alhora

Yes, it's difficult to dance and talk at the same time.

Ballem, m'agrada com es mou

Let's dance, I like the way you move.

Però no oblidem que sóc aquí per fer-li preguntes

But let's not forget that I'm here to ask you questions.

Per què s'atura?

Why is it stopping?

Què passaria si en aquest moment arribés el meu marit, eh?

What would happen if my husband arrived right now, huh?

Senyor de les preguntes?

Lord of the questions?

Es trobaria una estranya a casa i la seva dona en roba interior

He would find a stranger at home and his wife in her underwear.

O encara pitjor, amb la roba interior estripada

Or even worse, with torn underwear.

No es passi de llesta

Don't overdo it.

Jo no tinc pinta de violador

I don't look like a rapist.

I vostè no enganyaria ningú sense uns quarts cops de puny a la cara

And you wouldn't fool anyone without a few punches to the face.

Vol que li pegui?

Do you want me to hit you?

Li posa un ull de vellut?

Does he/she put a velvet eye on it?

Val una bona pallissa abans de contestar les meves preguntes?

Is a good beating worth it before answering my questions?

No em faci mal

Don't hurt me.

Puc fer que s'ho faci molt i molt bé

I can make him/her do it very, very well.

He d'entendre que vol dormir al llit directament?

Does he need to understand that he wants to sleep in the bed directly?

Amb tota l'admiració he de reconèixer que té un cos magnífic

With all admiration, I must acknowledge that he has a magnificent body.

Però per mi és una oferta insuficient

But for me it is an insufficient offer.

A més, em sembla que està massa tensa

Moreover, I think she is too tense.

Primer l'ajudaré a relaxar-se

First, I will help him/her to relax.

El puc denunciar si m'obliga a fer res?

Can I report him if he forces me to do anything?

Ja ho faré tot jo

I'll do it all myself.

Ai, sí, té una pell suau, càlida

Oh, yes, it has soft, warm skin.

Li agrada, eh?

He likes it, doesn’t he?

Ai, sí!

Oh, yes!

Ai, un nèpim, tota!

Oh, a nephew, totally!

Ai, més, més, no toqui'm aquí!

Oh, more, more, don't touch me here!

Com em bugeix la seva olor!

How his smell bugs me!

Li puc jurar que el meu marit no va tenir res a veure amb l'incendi

I can swear that my husband had nothing to do with the fire.

M'ho segui! Així! Sí, aquí!

Follow me! Like this! Yes, here!

M'ha de creure ningú! Ningú no crema la seva pròpia fàbrica

Nobody has to believe me! No one burns their own factory.

Si no funciona, abans deixa de fabricar pinsos

If it doesn't work, first stop making feed.

Pinsos contaminats, eh?

Contaminated feeds, huh?

Dóna-te'n aquesta informació dels pinsos!

Give yourself this information about the feeds!

Ningú no ho sap!

Nobody knows it!

Ai, no! No pari de venir a barça!

Oh no! Don't stop coming to Barça!

No! No! Ai, no pari!

No! No! Oh, don’t stop!

El cas és que ho sé, ai!

The fact is that I know it, oh!

I cregui'm, senyora, l'escàndol és inevitable

And believe me, madam, the scandal is inevitable.

A Denver es troben en un estat greu

In Denver, they are in serious condition.

Tots els ingredients d'un equip de beisbol

All the ingredients of a baseball team

Que havien celebrat una victòria amb un banquet de pollastre

They had celebrated a victory with a chicken banquet.

Arrè no han mort sis vells d'un geriat

No, six elderly people have not died from a geriatric illness.

I, després de menjar brou de gallina per sopar

I, after eating chicken broth for dinner

La policia començarà a investigar

The police will begin to investigate.

Continua! Ai, vostè m'agrada!

Keep going! Oh, I like you!

La solució per tapar-ho tot era incendiar la fàbrica

The solution to cover it all up was to set the factory on fire.

I cobrar la pòlissa d'assegurances, eh?

I will collect the insurance policy, right?

Em sap greu, però això ho he d'impedir

I'm sorry, but I have to prevent this.

Oh, quin gust!

Oh, what a delight!

Prou! Prou! No em toqui més!

Enough! Enough! Don't touch me anymore!

No sóc la seva puteta!

I'm not your little whore!

Llavors, per què aquest joc, eh?

So, why this game, huh?

No ho entenc

I don't understand it.

No ho fa per divertir-se

He/she doesn't do it for fun.

Jo intento ser amable

I try to be kind.

I vostè s'entesta a sospitar

And you insist on suspecting.

Que el meu marit va cremar la seva fàbrica

That my husband burned his factory.

No em puc tolerar!

I can't stand myself!

Primer, ho sospitava

First, I suspected it.

Ara ja en tinc una servida

Now I've got one served to me.

I ara ja en tinc una servida

And now I already have one served.

Estarà ben agraïda

She will be very grateful.

No el deixaré marxar fins que vingui el meu marit!

I won't let him leave until my husband comes!

Està de broma?

Are you kidding?

Em vas ropar?

Did you break into my house?

Sí! Esperi un moment!

Yes! Wait a moment!

Quiet! Aquí!

Quiet! Here!

S'ha tornat boja

She has gone crazy.

Amb això ens podem fer mal

With this, we can hurt ourselves.

Deixi estar aquesta pistola, senyora

Put down that gun, madam.

Quieto! Disparo!

Still! I shoot!

M'ha pres per una pobra idiota, oi?

She has taken me for a poor idiot, hasn't she?

Segurament no està carregada

It is probably not charged.

Ai! Sempre està carregada!

Oh! It's always loaded!

Des que una nit ens van entrar lladres

Ever since one night thieves broke in on us.

La pistola sempre està carregada

The gun is always loaded.

I què ha passat avui, eh?

And what has happened today, huh?

Un desconegut ha entrat a casa meva

A stranger has entered my house.

M'he espantat i he disparat sense preguntar

I got scared and shot without asking.

Això és el que dirà la policia

This is what the police will say.

No sóc idiota!

I am not an idiot!

És idiota i histèrica

She's an idiot and hysterical.

Ningú no se la creurà

No one will believe it.

Oh, vinga, prou comèdia

Oh, come on, enough with the drama.

Deixi d'apuntar-me

Stop pointing at me.

Si s'acosta, dispararé!

If he gets closer, I will shoot!

Jo crec que m'acostaré

I think I'll get closer.

Ara mateix m'acostaré a vostè

Right now I will approach you.

Amb la meva filla

With my daughter

Amb el braç estirat

With the arm extended

I el palmell de la mà cap amunt

And the palm of the hand facing up

Perquè vostè em calma

Because you calm me.

I deixi aquesta joguina damunt

And leave this toy on top.

Au, no em faci enfadar

Come on, don’t make me angry.

No pateixi

Don't worry.

És el seu marit qui anirà a la presó

It is her husband who will go to prison.

Vostè se'n pot salvar

You can save yourself.

Vostè i jo podem arribar a ser amics

You and I can become friends.



No s'acosti!

Don't come closer!

Despullada i amb una pistola a la mà

Stripped and with a gun in hand

És una imatge ben poc habitual

It's a rather unusual image.

És ridícula

It's ridiculous.

Va, vinga, ja em pot donar la pistoleta

Come on, you can give me the gun now.

No vull que el meu marit vagi a la presó

I don't want my husband to go to prison.

El seu marit ha enverinat persones

Her husband has poisoned people.

I ha intentat estafar la companyia d'assegurances

He tried to defraud the insurance company.

Són delictes greus

They are serious crimes.

I li cauran uns quants anys

A few years will pass for him/her.

S'han acabat els miraments

The considerations are over.

Llenci la pistola, faci-ho ara mateix

Drop the gun, do it right now.

No s'acosti!

Don't come near!

No es mogui de res!

Don't move from anything!

Això està bé

This is fine.

Que sigui raonable i deixi d'apuntar-me

Be reasonable and stop pointing at me.

Ara pot llençar la pistola a terra

Now you can throw the gun to the ground.

O pot donar-me-la

Or you can give it to me.

Tranquil·la, tranquil·la

Calm down, calm down.

Tranquil·la, jo l'agafaré

Calm down, I will take it.



Cabronassa! M'has disparat!

Bastard! You shot me!

M'has ferit! Em podies haver mort!

You hurt me! You could have killed me!

No ho volia fer!

I didn't want to do it!

No s'acosti! No s'acosti o tornaré a disparar!

Don't come closer! Don't come closer or I will shoot again!

Té, doncs!

Here you go!

Tu has ben guanyat, noia

You have won well, girl.

D'això se'n diu defensa pròpia

This is called self-defense.



Em regeix

It governs me.

A l'estómac

In the stomach





Quin cony deu ser ara?

Who the hell could that be now?

Fora aquest collons de música!

Get this damn music out of here!



Per què no m'obries?

Why didn't you open for me?

Ja t'has tret del damunt aquell plom de la companyia d'assegurances?

Have you gotten rid of that insurance company hassle yet?





Déu meu, nena!

My God, girl!

Nena, qui t'ho ha fet, això?

Girl, who did this to you?

Parla'm! Parla'm, amor!

Talk to me! Talk to me, love!

Respira! Respira!

Breathe! Breathe!

No et pots morir, nena!

You can't die, girl!

Ara no, petita! Hem de cobrar la pòlissa!

Not now, little one! We have to collect the policy!

Aturaré l'hospital!

I will stop the hospital!

Sí, sí! Trucaré una ambulància!

Yes, yes! I will call an ambulance!

Ha arribat en mal moment, senyor Powell

It has arrived at a bad time, Mr. Powell.

Qui és?

Who is it?

Per què m'ha disparat?

Why did he shoot me?

No el conec de res

I don't know him at all.




I will call...

Trucaré una ambulàn...

I will call an ambulance...



Hospital Provincial, digui!

Provincial Hospital, speaking!





No era la primera vegada que fregia trets un parell d'imbècils

It wasn't the first time I had fried up a couple of idiots.

Però no pas d'aquesta manera

But not in this way.

Tot havia succeït massa de pressa i sense estar previst

Everything had happened too quickly and unexpectedly.

Tenia un parell de cadàvers als meus peus i no m'ho acabava de creure

I had a couple of corpses at my feet and I couldn't quite believe it.

Em sentia com desconcertat

I felt quite bewildered.

Estava fora de lloc i vaig trucar al meu amic Freddy

I was out of place and I called my friend Freddy.

Mentre amb el mocador intentava aturar el fil de sang que em regalimava pel braç

While with the handkerchief I tried to stop the trickle of blood that was running down my arm.


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Fredi, Fredi, n'acabo de fer una de grossa.

Fredi, Fredi, I just did something big.

M'acabo de carregar el matrimoni de l'incendi i estic ferit.

I just took out the marriage from the fire and I am injured.

Ferit, greu?

Injured, seriously?

No, no res, la bala m'ha passat fregant el braç.

No, nothing, the bullet brushed past my arm.

I el matrimoni?

And marriage?

Aquests no han tingut tanta sort, són morts.

These have not been so lucky, they are dead.

Màgia, doncs m'espatlles la festa perquè estava veient un partit de basquet

Magic, so you're ruining the party for me because I was watching a basketball game.

per la televisió, els Lakers, vols...

for the television, the Lakers, do you want...

Per què cony te'ls has hagut de carregar?

Why the hell did you have to take them out?

No ho sé, ha anat així, passa sovint, això.

I don't know, it happened like that, it often happens, you know.

Ella primer m'ha volgut posar sent i després m'ha disparat.

She first wanted to give me sense and then shot me.

Tan malament ho has fet.

You did it so badly.

Fredi, i jo m'he defensat.

Fredi, and I have defended myself.

Dius que t'ha posat a sent. Explica-m'ho.

You say it has made you feel. Explain it to me.

Sí, s'ha despullat i ja ho estàvem fent.

Yes, she has undressed, and we were already doing it.

La tia en sabia, es bellugava de meravella, com una rentadora espatllada.

The aunt knew, she moved wonderfully, like a broken washing machine.

Em feia disfrutar d'allò més i de sobte, abans d'acabar,

It made me enjoy it immensely and suddenly, before finishing,

se li han encreuat els cables.

He has crossed wires.

Estava al mig, fugi, fugi, de disparar.

I was in the middle, run, run, to shoot.

Era una d'aquestes dones histèriques que mai no pots veure

She was one of those hysterical women you can never see.

amb què et sortiran.

What will they come up with?

Però per què t'ha disparat?

But why did he/she shoot you?

Tenia una pistola, l'ha tret d'un calaix.

He had a gun, he took it out of a drawer.

I tu per què l'hi has disparat?

And why did you shoot him?

Ja t'ho he dit. Simplement m'he defensat amb la meva arma.

I told you. I simply defended myself with my weapon.

Tinc la llicència en regla, puc disparar.

I have a valid license, I can shoot.

D'acord, tens raó.

Okay, you're right.

Però per què, carai, t'has carregat també el marit?

But why the hell did you also get rid of the husband?

Ha arribat en aquell moment i s'ha trobat amb tota la merderada.

He arrived at that moment and found himself in the middle of all the mess.

La paia treia sang com una font. Tenia la pistola a la mà.

The woman was bleeding like a fountain. She had the gun in her hand.

Ell duia una pistola?

Did he carry a gun?

No, jo, jo encara tenia la pistola a la mà.

No, I, I still had the gun in my hand.

No m'agrada carregar-me gent...

I don’t like to carry people...

No m'agrada carregar-me gent sense necessitat.

I don't like to take on people without necessity.

Tu ho saps. Però no podia fer una altra cosa.

You know it. But I couldn't do anything else.

Calma't, calma't. A veure, a veure com ho arreglem.

Calm down, calm down. Let’s see, let’s see how we can fix this.

D'entrada, sense deixar cap empremta,

To begin with, without leaving a trace,

mira si el tipus aquest dels pinços contaminats

look if this guy with the contaminated fish

té una pistola a la buixaca.

He has a gun in his pocket.

Una pistola?

A gun?

Sí, és el que et dic, regira-li les buixaces.

Yes, that's what I'm telling you, turn the rags around.

Probablement hi trobaràs una pistola.

You will probably find a gun.

Tens raó, Freddy, una pistola.

You're right, Freddy, a gun.

Ah, doncs ja saps què cal fer en aquests casos.

Ah, well you know what to do in these cases.

Dispara aquesta pistola damunt d'un coixí

Shoot this gun onto a pillow.

i després la poses a la mà del marit.

and then you place it in the husband's hand.

Ah, pensa endur-te el coixí i fer-lo desaparèixer.

Ah, think about taking the pillow and making it disappear.

Vols dir que semblarà que s'han matat entre ells?

Do you mean it will seem like they killed each other?

Sí, és simple però per semblant.

Yes, it's simple but for appearance.

Han començat a discutir sobre el destí dels diners de la polsa,

They have started to discuss the fate of the money from the pool,

la discussió ha anat pujant de to i...

the discussion has been escalating and...

I per sort en aquest país.

And luckily in this country.

Qui més, qui menys, és propietari d'una pistola.

Most people, to some extent, own a gun.

Ja ho pots ben dir, Freddy, d'una pistola com a mínim.

You can definitely say that, Freddy, at least about a gun.

Merda, hi ha un detall que no encaixa.

Shit, there's a detail that doesn't fit.

Quina mena de detall?

What kind of detail?

On digues? El Michael Jordan acaba de fer un triple.

What are you saying? Michael Jordan just made a three-pointer.

Freddy, deixa estar la televisió i estigues per mi.

Freddy, leave the television and be here for me.

El calibre de la seva pistola no coincideix amb el de la meva.

The caliber of his gun does not match mine.

No t'amoïnis, la policia ja no s'hi fica en aquestes menudeses.

Don't worry, the police no longer gets involved in these petty matters.

Pensa que en aquest país cada dia

Think that in this country every day

una pila de persones moren per una agressió

a pile of people die from an assault

amb arma de foc i fins i tot els nens acaben atrets.

with a firearm and even the children end up attracted.

Els laboratoris de balística ja no donen l'abast.

The ballistic laboratories can no longer keep up.

No s'aturen a mirar si l'orifici d'entrada

They do not stop to check if the entrance hole.

és del calibre 9 o del 12.

It is of 9 or 12 caliber.

Això em tranquil·litza, Freddy.

This calms me down, Freddy.

Em salvaré de la cadira elèctrica gràcies a les pistoles.

I will save myself from the electric chair thanks to the guns.

Esclar que sí, ja ho pots ben dir.

Of course, you can say that.

Vivim en el millor país del món.

We live in the best country in the world.

El que em rebenta és que aquests malparits dels demòcrates

What really drives me crazy is that these bastards of the Democrats

vulguin restringir la venda d'armes.

they want to restrict the sale of weapons.

No ho aconseguiran. L'associació del rifle té molt poder.

They won't succeed. The rifle association has a lot of power.

I el Charlton Heston te'ls té ben posats.

And Charlton Heston has them well placed.

No deixarà que la gent hagi de viure amb el cagall al cul

He won't let people have to live with a crap in their ass.

per culpa d'una puta llei

because of a damn law

que els impedeixi tenir un bon fusell a l'armari.

that prevents them from having a good rifle in the closet.

Freddy, netejaré una mica tota aquesta sengada

Freddy, I will clean up this whole mess a bit.

i anem a fer unes cerveses.

Let's go grab a few beers.

Compte! Compte no deixar cap pista.

Be careful! Don't leave any traces.

I surt per la porta del darrere, amb el coixí.

I go out through the back door, with the pillow.

En aquest moment a tu et convé que surti la llum

At this moment, it is suitable for you that the truth comes to light.

molt tard.

very late.

El tema dels pinços contaminats.

The issue of contaminated fish.

Sí, encara farà més creïble que aquests dos s'hagin matat entre ells.

Yes, it will make it even more credible that these two have killed each other.

No, correcte, correcte, però...

No, correct, correct, but...

abans no s'escampi pertot arreu.

before it spreads everywhere.

Què et sembla si jo veng l'escàndol a una cadena de televisió?

What do you think if I sell the scandal to a television network?

Tinc un bon contacte, puc oferir la primícia

I have a good contact, I can offer the scoop.

i passar-te un percentatge dels guanys.

and give you a percentage of the earnings.

Ets un bon amic, Freddy.

You are a good friend, Freddy.

Vingui, n'acabem de parlar. Adéu.

Come on, we just talked about it. Goodbye.

Ja t'espero. Personal!

I am already waiting for you. Personal!

No deixaré que aquest fill de puta del Freddy

I won't let that son of a bitch Freddy.

s'endugui tota la pasta de la vida.

take all the dough of life away.

Basta de la televisió i em passi una propineta.

Enough of the television and give me a tip.

No, de cap manera.

No, no way.

Si és necessari, avui em carregaré un altre cadàver a la consciència.

If necessary, today I will load another corpse onto my conscience.

Ja no ve d'un.

It no longer comes from one.

Collons, amb aquesta calorassa em sembla que aquest parell

Damn, with this heat it seems to me that these two...

ja comencen a fotre pudor.

They're already starting to smell.

Vinga, anem per feina.

Come on, let's get to work.

Fins aquí, un incendi provocat de Damià Barbany.

So far, a fire caused by Damià Barbany.

En Pere Arquilloe, com a detectiu.

Peter Arquilloe, as a detective.

Carles Canut, amic.

Carles Canut, friend.

Carles Sales, marit.

Carles Sales, husband.

Dolors Martínez, esposa.

Dolors Martínez, wife.

Joan Berlanga, bomber.

Joan Berlanga, firefighter.

Montatge, Manel Bernat.

Assembly, Manel Bernat.

Direcció artística i realització, Dolors Martínez.

Artistic direction and production, Dolors Martínez.



De Carles Capdevila.

By Carles Capdevila.



Mossos d'Esquadra, digui'm.

Mossos d'Esquadra, tell me.

Bona nit, em dic Norberbi Lamala.

Good night, my name is Norberbi Lamala.

Suposo que no sap qui sóc.

I suppose you don't know who I am.

No, amb qui parlo?

No, who am I speaking with?

Que és una broma, això?

Is this a joke?

Parla amb Norberbi Lamala, i no és cap broma.

Talk to Norberbi Lamala, and it's no joke.

Apunti bé el meu nom, perquè ben aviat seré un nom molt conegut.

Write down my name correctly, because soon I will be a very well-known name.

Estigui pendent del telèfon.

Stay tuned to the phone.

Perquè d'aquí una estona li diré on pot passar a recollir

Because in a little while I will tell him where he can go to pick up.

uns quants famosos que volien tenir una vida millor

a few famous people who wanted to have a better life

i passarà la millor vida.

And he will live his best life.

Ara, no crec que li puguin signar cap autògraf.

Now, I don't think they can sign any autographs for him.



Hola, bona nit.

Hello, good night.

Bona nit, tal.

Good night, such.

Em dic... bé, tant és com em digui.

My name is... well, it doesn't matter what my name is.

El cas és que sóc famós i que n'estic fart de ser famós.

The fact is that I am famous and I am tired of being famous.

O sigui que voldria ser un famós anònim, com tots vosaltres.

So I would like to be a famous anonymous person, like all of you.

Per això m'he decidit a venir a aquesta teràpia de grup,

That's why I've decided to come to this group therapy.

Famosos Anònims.

Anonymous Famous.

És el meu primer dia

It's my first day.

i la veritat és que se'm fa estrany haver de portar aquesta caputxa.

And the truth is that it feels strange to have to wear this hood.

Entenc que no ens puguem reconèixer,

I understand that we may not be able to recognize each other,

però és que semblem terroristes.

but we look like terrorists.

Però és el nostre destí, ja se sap.

But it is our destiny, as it is known.

Es passem mitja vida treballant i fent de tot per ser famosos.

We spend half our lives working and doing everything to be famous.

Somiant en el dia que la gent ens reconeixerà pel carrer.

Dreaming of the day when people will recognize us on the street.

I quan ja som famosos, ens posem unes ulleres de sol

And when we are famous, we put on some sunglasses.

i anem amb el cap abaixat perquè no ens reconeguin.

And we go with our heads down so they won't recognize us.

És trist, però és així.

It is sad, but it is like that.

La veritat és que és el meu segon dia

The truth is that it's my second day.

i jo encara em sento incòmoda amb aquesta caputxa.

And I still feel uncomfortable with this hood.

Almenys els alcohòlics anònims, quan es troben,

At least Alcoholics Anonymous members, when they meet,

s'asseuen un al costat de l'altre, es poden mirar els ulls,

they sit next to each other, they can look into each other's eyes,

poden dir el nom i com nom.

They can say the name and as name.

Nosaltres hem de venir en mesura

We must come in moderation.

de seguretat, seure una mica lluny l'un de l'altre

for safety, sit a little far from each other

i amb la cara tapada.

and with the face covered.

Famosos anònims. Ja es veu que això no ha de ser fàcil.

Anonymous celebrities. It’s clear that this can’t be easy.

És una contradicció.

It is a contradiction.

Però vaja, si vosaltres em dieu que funciona,

But hey, if you all tell me it works,

doncs per provar-ho que no quedi.

well, let's not leave it untested.

Gràcies, famós anònim número 27.

Thank you, famous anonymous number 27.

I benvingut al nostre grup d'ajuda.

And welcome to our support group.

A la gent normal no li agrada que la tractin com un número.

Normal people don't like being treated like a number.

N'està farta.

She is fed up.

Però per als famosos com nosaltres, ser un número és fantàstic.

But for famous people like us, being a number is fantastic.

Sí, esclar.

Yes, of course.

Recordo el primer dia que vam anar a la ciutat,

I remember the first day we went to the city,

el primer dia que vaig venir, quan em van donar el número 12.

The first day I came, when they gave me the number 12.

Em va fer una il·lusió.

It made me very happy.

Per fi era una persona vulgar, un simple número,

At last, he was a vulgar person, a mere number,

i no la de la televisió.

and not the one from television.

Bé, recordem una mica les normes al famós anònim número 27.

Well, let's remember a little the rules in the famous anonymous number 27.

Encara que sense voler identifiquis

Even if you unintentionally identify.

qui pot ser algun dels famosos anònims,

who could be some of the anonymous celebrities,

mai ho podràs dir, ni encara menys demanar-li un autògraf.

you will never be able to say it, much less ask him for an autograph.

La nostra filosofia és

Our philosophy is

els autògrafs haurien d'estar prohibits.

Autographs should be prohibited.

I tant, això.

Of course, that.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Avui, quan venia, he topat amb un autocar de jubilats

Today, when I was coming, I ran into a coach of retirees.

i n'he hagut d'assignar tants

I have had to assign so many.

que em venien ganes de posar-me la caputxa al mig del carrer.

that I felt like putting on my hood in the middle of the street.

És l'únic mètode que ens fa irreconeixibles.

It is the only method that makes us unrecognizable.

Ni les ulleres fosques de pam, ni mirar terra, ni barrets, ni res.

Neither oversized sunglasses, nor looking down, nor hats, nor anything.

És una merda.

It's crap.

I què cony em fan d'un tros de paper amb el meu nom?

And what the hell do they do with a piece of paper with my name on it?

És que la gent no té valors o què?

Is it that people have no values or what?

Per això som aquí, famós anònim número 21.

That's why we are here, famous anonymous number 21.

Però deixem avui que el nou membre del club,

But let’s allow the new member of the club today,

el famós anònim número 27,

the famous anonymous number 27,

ens expliqui una mica el seu cas.

Tell us a little about your case.

Vigila i no concretis detalls,

Be careful and don’t specify details.

que ens podrien portar a saber qui ets.

that could lead us to know who you are.

Ens va passar fa poc amb un presentador de telenotícies

It recently happened to us with a news presenter.

que sempre acabava parlant de la feina.

that always ended up talking about work.

Cada nit arribava i deia el meu burro...

Every night he arrived and said my donkey...

Hola, bona nit.

Hello, good night.

Aquestes són les notícies més importants d'avui.

These are the most important news of today.

Les resumim en els titulars.

We summarize them in the headlines.

Serà l'idiota.

It will be the idiot.

El vam haver d'expulsar per cridar massa l'atenció.

We had to expel him for attracting too much attention.


Thank you.

No s'hi val a intentar destacar.

It's no use trying to stand out.

Massa que destaquem a la vida.

Too many things that we highlight in life.

Venim aquí a aprendre a tenir una existència una mica més gris.

We come here to learn to have a slightly grayer existence.

Recorda que un famós anònim

Remember that a famous anonymous.

ha de mirar de no parlar gaire de la seva feina.

He has to try not to talk much about his work.

Perquè la seva feina és la culpable que sigui famós.

Because their job is the reason they are famous.

I és el principal impediment perquè torni a ser anònim.

And it is the main impediment for him to become anonymous again.

Famos anònim número 27.

Famous anonymous number 27.

Quan vulguis.

Whenever you want.

Jo mai havia volgut ser famós.

I had never wanted to be famous.



De petit volia ser mestre.

When I was little, I wanted to be a teacher.

Volia sentir-me útil i que tots els nens em coneguessin i em necessitessin.

I wanted to feel useful and to have all the children know me and need me.

Com tots.

Like everyone.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Després vaig pensar a ser bomber.

Later I thought about becoming a firefighter.



Quan tenia 12 anys, un bomber del barri va salvar una criatura en un incendi.

When I was 12 years old, a firefighter from the neighborhood saved a child from a fire.

I vaig decidir que volia ser com ell.

I decided that I wanted to be like him.

Tothom l'admirava tant.

Everyone admired him/her so much.

Però sempre això, coses senzilles, que no suposéssim per res la fama.

But always this, simple things, that we would never assume fame.

Després, bastant per casualitat,

Later, quite by chance,

em vaig trobar ficat en el món de la feina.

I found myself caught up in the world of work.

I, com que sempre acabo caient tan bé tothom,

I, since I always end up getting along with everyone so well,

i tothom em troba tan guapo...

and everyone finds me so handsome...

Va, va, va.

Come on, come on, come on.

Perdona, perdona que t'interrompi.

Sorry, sorry to interrupt you.

Però tu ets un cas una mica patològic.

But you are a bit of a pathological case.

Si volies ser mestre perquè et coneguessin els nens,

If you wanted to be a teacher so that the children would know you,

i bomber per sortir als diaris com un heroi,

and a firefighter to make the news as a hero,

tu ets dels que ha tingut com a única vocació ser famós.

you are one of those who has had as your only vocation to be famous.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Perdona que et parli així,

Sorry to speak to you like this,

però els teus companys, els altres famosos anònims,

but your companions, the other anonymous celebrities,

ja saben que sóc psiquiatre.

You already know that I am a psychiatrist.



Considero important que ho sapigueu,

I consider it important for you to know.

perquè potser els meus comentaris mèdics poden ajudar.

because perhaps my medical comments can help.

Vaig començar sent el psiquiatre dels famosos,

I started as the psychiatrist of the famous,

ajudant-los, fent teràpies de xoc.

helping them, doing shock therapies.

I conec molt bé els mecanismes que fan somiar amb la fama,

I know very well the mechanisms that make you dream of fame,

tant com els mecanismes que la fan avorrir.

as much as the mechanisms that make it boring.

La meva desgràcia va ser acceptar esfrutir a la tele

My misfortune was to accept enjoying television.

per parlar de les conseqüències,

to discuss the consequences,

sense preveure que això acabaria sent famós

without foreseeing that this would end up being famous

i acabaria sent un client meu.

and would end up being my client.

No seràs el doctor Corbella?

Aren't you Dr. Corbella?

M'encanta aquell programa que feies amb la Maria de la Pau Janer.

I love that show you did with Maria de la Pau Janer.

Vaig escriure una carta, la vull defensar.

I wrote a letter, I want to defend it.

Hem dit que estava prohibit dir noms i cognoms,

We said it was forbidden to say names and surnames,

i menys jugar a endevinar qui són els famosos anònims.

and less playing to guess who the anonymous celebrities are.

Famos anònim número 27.

Famous anonymous number 27.

Sàpigues que t'has guanyat una amonestació.

Know that you have earned a warning.

I no recordo haver hagut d'amonestar ningú el primer dia.

And I don't remember having to reprimand anyone on the first day.

Per al·lusions.

For allusions.

No sóc el doctor Corbella.

I am not Dr. Corbella.

Sóc menys famós.

I am less famous.

Per sort.


Però ho sóc prou per haver hagut d'assignar autògrafs

But I am enough to have had to assign autographs.

a algun pacient assegut al divà.

to some patient sitting on the couch.

Ja sé que si ets un home del temps

I know that if you are a weatherman.

la gent et para pel carrer per demanar-te si plourà.

People stop you in the street to ask if it will rain.

I és una tortura.

And it is a torture.

Però és que, sent psiquiatra,

But as a psychiatrist,

et paren pel carrer i t'expliquen les seves desgràcies.

They stop you in the street and tell you their misfortunes.

Volen que els ajudis sense pagar ni un duro.

They want you to help them without paying a dime.

Deixem parlar una mica més el nouvingut.

Let's let the newcomer talk a little more.

Famos anònim 27.

Famous anonymous 27.

I recordo a tots els famosos anònims

I remember all the anonymous celebrities.

que hem de procurar no parlar tant de nosaltres mateixos.

that we should try not to talk so much about ourselves.

El famós sempre parla d'ell i sempre li parlen d'ell.

The famous person always talks about himself and is always talked about.

El famós anònim ha d'aprendre a escoltar els altres.

The famous anonymous must learn to listen to others.

D'acord, d'acord.

Alright, alright.

Jo, per exemple, em considero molt més curada

I, for example, consider myself much more healed.

perquè ja no m'agrada gens parlar de mi.

because I don't like talking about myself at all anymore.

No ho suporto.

I can't stand it.

Jo no puc.

I cannot.

Doncs estàs parlant de tu.

So you are talking about yourself.

Dient que no t'agrada parlar de tu, però estàs parlant de tu.

Saying that you don't like talking about yourself, but you are talking about yourself.

Senyores, senyores, no es barallen tot el dia, per favor.

Ladies, ladies, please do not argue all day.

Acabaré pensant que treballen de tertulianes a la ràdio.

I will end up thinking that they work as panelists on the radio.

I vostè?

And you?

Treballar de moderador de debats, com a mínim.

Work as a debate moderator, at the very least.

Va, sisplau.

Come on, please.

Tornem la paraula al famós anònim 27, que és el seu primer dia.

Let's give the floor to the famous anonymous 27, who is on their first day.

Per què has vingut exactament a famosos anònims?

Why have you come exactly to anonymous celebrities?

Estàs segur que vols deixar de ser famós?

Are you sure you want to stop being famous?

No, jo no estic segur.

No, I am not sure.

Però em van dir que podies venir aquí i continuar sortint a la tele.

But they told me that you could come here and continue appearing on TV.

És cert, però no és fàcil.

It's true, but it's not easy.

Ho acceptem en casos que el famós no troba cap feina anònima

We accept it in cases where the famous person cannot find any anonymous work.

i ha de pagar una hipoteca i tot això.

And he has to pay a mortgage and all that.

Nosaltres no fem brometes sobre els alcohòlics anònims.

We don't make jokes about Alcoholics Anonymous.

Al contrari, seguim alguns dels seus mètodes.

On the contrary, we follow some of his methods.

I sabem que existeix el perill d'una recaiguda.

And we know that there is a risk of a relapse.

Un alcohòlic mai deixa de ser-ho.

An alcoholic never stops being one.

Sempre pot prendre una copa i tornar a caure el pou.

You can always have a drink and fall back into the well.

Molt bé, és ben veritat.

Very well, it is quite true.

Un exfamos sempre pot recaure.

A former famous person can always relapse.

Només que accepti un altre paper en una sèrie, ja torna a ser-hi.

As soon as he accepts another role in a series, he's back at it.

Per això jo fa molt temps que no accepto sortir a cap col·laboró.

That's why I haven't accepted to go out as a collaborator for a long time.

Només faig teatre, que és molt més anònim.

I only do theater, which is much more anonymous.

Però si no surts a la tele, no et donen papers al teatre, tu.

But if you don't go on TV, they don't give you roles in the theater, you know.

No sé si t'hi has fixat, però tornes a estar parlant de tu.

I don't know if you've noticed, but you are talking about yourself again.

Ai, noies!

Oh, girls!



Continua, famós anònim número 27.

Continue, famous anonymous number 27.

He vingut perquè desconfio de tothom.

I have come because I distrust everyone.

No sé de qui em puc refiar.

I don't know who I can trust.

Els amics em diuen que m'he tornat molt cregut.

My friends tell me that I have become very conceited.

Això els que no diuen que ja ho era abans de ser famós.

This is for those who don't say it was already like that before becoming famous.

Jo pensava que era enveja pura,

I thought it was pure jealousy,

perquè els costa acceptar que sóc guapo.

because they find it hard to accept that I am handsome.

Ai, que agrado la gent,

Oh, how I please people,

que em van escollir el català més sexy de l'any.

that I was chosen as the sexiest Catalan of the year.

Sisplau, sisplau, sisplau!

Please, please, please!

Aquest home no podria fundar Fantasmes Anònims

This man could not found Anonymous Ghosts.

i deixar-nos en...

and let us in...

Però què passa?

But what happens?

I tant!


Ai, va!

Oh, come on!

Nois, hem de deixar que tothom s'expressi lliurement.

Guys, we need to let everyone express themselves freely.

I la intenció és que almenys a la nostra teràpia de grup

And the intention is that at least in our group therapy

no hi hagi enveges de cap mena.

may there be no envy of any kind.

A vegades no entenc per què no hi ha més assassins de famosos.

Sometimes I don't understand why there aren't more famous assassins.

Com el Lee Harvey Oswald, que va pelar el Kennedy.

Like Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot Kennedy.

O com el Mark David Chapman,

Or like Mark David Chapman,

que va carregar Sant John Lennon.

what Saint John Lennon loaded.

Ai, aquest comentari no pot ser més desafortunat, aquí.

Oh, this comment couldn't be more unfortunate, here.

Si alguna cosa ens uneix a tots els que som aquí,

If there is anything that unites all of us who are here,

a més del cansament de ser famosos,

in addition to the exhaustion of being famous,

és la por que algun boig ens sorprengui en ple carrer.

It's the fear that some madman will surprise us in the middle of the street.

El cas de l'assassí que mata un famós per ser famós

The case of the killer who kills a celebrity to become famous.

és el més rellevant de la nostra societat.

It is the most relevant aspect of our society.

No importen els mètodes.

Methods do not matter.

La qüestió és sortir als mitjans pel que sigui.

The question is to get into the media no matter what.

Això mateix.

Exactly that.

No cal arribar a aquest extrem.

There's no need to go to this extreme.

També hi ha els comentaristes de premsa rosa

There are also the gossip columnists.

que surten a la tele a criticar els famosos,

that appear on TV to criticize the celebrities,

a parlar de les festes de famosos,

about famous people's parties,

i al cap de quatre dies són ells els famosos.

And after four days, they are the famous ones.

Són ells els que van a les festes.

They are the ones who go to the parties.

Crec que me'n vaig.

I think I'm leaving.

No sé si és gaire bona idea

I don't know if it's a very good idea.

rodejar-me de famosos traumatitzats

surround myself with traumatized celebrities

perquè em resolguin els problemes.

to solve my problems.

Em sembla que encara sortiré més atabalat.

I think I'm going to be even more overwhelmed.

Ets lliure de marxar quan vulguis,

You are free to leave whenever you want,

famós anònim número 27.

famous anonymous number 27.

Mentre tu penses,

While you think,

anem, si us sembla, a repassar l'ordre del dia.

Let's go, if you agree, to review the agenda.

A veure.

Let's see.

El punt número 1.

The number 1 point.

Us recordem que vam dir que sí

We remind you that we said yes.

a una petició de TV3

to a request from TV3

que vol fer un reportatge sobre famosos anònims.

who wants to make a documentary about anonymous celebrities.

Accepten que sortim encaputxats.

They accept that we go out hooded.

I si algú de nosaltres

And if one of us

no vol sortir en el reportatge

does not want to appear in the report

podrà abandonar la teràpia

he/she/they will be able to leave the therapy

així que entren les càmeres.

so the cameras come in.

Arribaran en uns minuts.

They will arrive in a few minutes.

Però abans m'agradaria escoltar el testimoni

But first I would like to hear the testimony.

del famós anònim número 26.

from the famous anonymous number 26.

Es va incorporar a la sessió de la setmana passada

He joined the session last week.

i no sabem gran cosa del que sent.

and we don't know much about what he feels.

Us vaig dir que no m'agrada parlar de mi.

I told you that I don't like to talk about myself.

Més que res volia conèixer més famosos.

More than anything, I wanted to meet more famous people.

Encara que ja veig que aquí

Even though I already see that here

no ens coneixem personalment.

we do not know each other personally.

De famosos en pots conèixer a les festes,

You can meet celebrities at parties,

a qualsevol acte, a la feina.

to any act, at work.

Justament el que ens costa

Just what we struggle with.

és conèixer gent normal.

It's about meeting normal people.

Gent que ens digui el que pensa de nosaltres.

People who tell us what they think of us.

Que no ens deixi impressionar

Let us not be impressed.

o no ens vulgui afalegar per demanar-nos favors.

or do not want to flatter us to ask for favors.

Bé, mira, si us sembla

Well, look, if you think it's okay.

hauríem de procedir a l'exercici de rutina

we should proceed with the routine exercise

perquè els de TV3 són a punt d'arribar.

because the TV3 team is about to arrive.

Farem la teràpia de repetició

We will do the repetition therapy.

amb veu alta

in a loud voice

i farem tres rondes senceres.

And we will do three complete rounds.



Recordeu que aquest exercici

Remember that this exercise

el podeu fer sols a casa davant el mirall

You can do it alone at home in front of the mirror.

i cridant cada cop més.

and shouting louder and louder.

De dreta a esquerra anem dient d'un en un.

From right to left, we are saying one by one.

No vull ser famós.

I don't want to be famous.

Jo vull ser famós.

I want to be famous.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Perdó, no he sentit bé.

Sorry, I didn't hear well.

Hem de dir

We have to say

no vull ser famós.

I don't want to be famous.

Som aquí perquè no ens agrada la fama

We are here because we don't like fame.

i som aquí perquè som famosos.

And we are here because we are famous.

Tu ets el famós anònim número 26.

You are the famous anonymous number 26.

Tu ets famós, oi?

You are famous, right?

No, jo no soc famós.

No, I am not famous.

Jo vull ser famós.

I want to be famous.

Jo seré famós.

I will be famous.

No puc dir que no vull ser famós si el que vull és ser-ne.

I cannot say that I don't want to be famous if what I want is to be so.

Ara no sé si és una broma això.

Now I don't know if this is a joke.

Perdona, però hauràs d'abandonar el grup.

Sorry, but you will have to leave the group.

No compleixes els requisits mínims.

You do not meet the minimum requirements.

Ja es veia que aquest no era un dels nostres.

It was already clear that this was not one of ours.

Els famosos

The famous ones

sempre feu el mateix.

you always do the same.

Només us voleu relacionar entre vosaltres.

You only want to relate to each other.

Els que no sou famosos us semblen transparents.

Those who are not famous seem transparent to you.

Com podeu anar tan desobrats?

How can you be so clueless?

No veieu que sou famosos

Don't you see that you are famous?

per puta casualitat?

by fucking chance?

No ho enteneu?

Don't you understand?

Que qualsevol desgraciat com jo pot ser famós

That any unfortunate person like me can be famous.

a costa d'un altre famós?

at the expense of another famous one?

Us hauríeu de veure amb els meus ulls.

You should see with my eyes.

Però per què diu?

But why does he/she say?

I com pot haver-se colat un anònim de veritat aquí?

And how could a real anonymous person have slipped in here?

Sempre hem sabut que corríem aquest risc.

We have always known that we were taking this risk.

La garantia d'anonimat que donem a tots els nous integrants

The guarantee of anonymity that we give to all new members.

ens obliga a confiar en la paraula

it forces us to trust in the word

dels que s'apunten a la teràpia.

of those who sign up for therapy.

Potser el famós anònim número 26

Perhaps the famous anonymous number 26



el no famós número 26

the non-famous number 26

pot continuar aquí.

can continue here.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Potser el seu punt de vista ens pot enriquir.

Perhaps his point of view can enrich us.

Aquest d'aquí a un moment ens demanarà un autògraf.

This one will ask us for an autograph in a moment.

Si vostè vol conèixer famosos,

If you want to meet celebrities,

vagi a una festa d'aquelles on hi va el pare Peles

go to one of those parties where Father Peles goes

i la Iola Berrocal

and Iola Berrocal

i deixe't en pau.

and leave you alone.

Quina ràbia que ens prohibiu venir aquí amb els guardaespatlles

What a shame that you prohibited us from coming here with the bodyguards.

perquè el meu fotria fora d'aquí aquest tio

because I would kick that guy out of here

en 10 segons.

in 10 seconds.

No em penso moure.

I'm not planning to move.

M'interessa molt el que diuen

I am very interested in what they say.

i és conegut que tots vosaltres

and it is known that all of you

jo seré famós

I will be famous.

i vull saber què sentiu els famosos

I want to know what the famous people feel.

què és el que us atabala.

What is troubling you?

Com podeu anar a veure víctimes

How can you go see victims?

si guanyeu la pasta que voleu

if you earn the money you want

la gent us riu les gracietes

People are laughing at your jokes.

sempre teniu taules restaurants

you always have restaurant tables

i a sobre us regalen els viatges

and on top of that, the trips are free for you

us regalen les copes

the drinks are on the house

us regalen els mobles

they give you the furniture for free

si us feu unes fotos en una revista de merda.

if you take some photos in a shitty magazine.

I a la fama no s'hi arriba per mèrits propis.

And one does not reach fame through one's own merits.

Jo sóc caçador

I am a hunter.

de l'agrupació, no fallo mai

from the group, I never fail

i encara és l'hora que he de sortir a la tele.

And it's still the time that I have to go on TV.

Crec que hauré de demanar

I think I will have to ask.

que voteu amb alçada

vote with dignity

si voleu que el famós anònim número 26

if you want the famous anonymous number 26

el futur famós

the famous future

continui entre nosaltres.

continue among us.

Aquesta votació serà vinculant.

This vote will be binding.

TV3 està a punt d'arribar.

TV3 is about to arrive.

No podem permetre'ns una sessió tan accidentada

We cannot afford such a troubled session.

encara empitjoraria la imatge dels famosos.

it would still worsen the image of the famous.

Si és que això és possible.

If this is possible.

No cal que votin

No need to vote.

no penso fer-los cas.

I'm not going to pay them any attention.

Ningú se va d'aquí.

Nobody leaves here.

Potser seria millor que marxéssim tots.

Perhaps it would be better if we all left.

Avui no, que avui ve TV3.

Not today, because today TV3 is coming.

I des de quan ens ha de fer patir

And since when must we suffer?

no sortir a la tele?

not appearing on TV?

No hem quedat que no volem ser famosos.

We agreed that we don't want to be famous.

Però volem que almenys la societat

But we want society to at least

conegui com patim.

know how we suffer.

La societat ens crea, ens necessita

Society creates us, needs us.

i ha de saber que no és fàcil ser famós.

You have to know that it is not easy to be famous.

Aquest desgraciat que vol ser-ne

This unfortunate person who wants to be one.

ja veurem què pensaria si mai ho fos.

We'll see what I would think if I ever were.

I perdoni, anònim número 26

And forgive me, anonymous number 26.

li recordo que tampoc

I remind you that neither.

permetem l'ús del mòbil durant la sessió.

we allow the use of the mobile phone during the session.

És una trucada important.

It's an important call.

Si vol telefonar

If you want to call

haurà d'abandonar la sessió

he will have to leave the session

i fer-ho des de fora.

and do it from the outside.

De fet, hauria de marxar de seguida ja.

In fact, I should leave right away.

Suposo que també està prohibit fer ús de l'escopeta

I suppose it is also prohibited to use the shotgun.

durant la sessió.

during the session.

Què dius?

What do you say?

Què és això?

What is this?


Kill her!





Endavant, està obert, passin, passin.

Go ahead, it's open, come in, come in.

Som aquí.

We are here.

Bona nit, som els de TV3.

Good night, we are from TV3.

Què ha passat aquí?

What has happened here?

Què és això?

What is this?

No calia preparar res especial?

Wasn't it necessary to prepare anything special?

Només volíem un reportatge normal sobre el grup.

We just wanted a normal report about the group.

Calli i escruti-lo si no vol acabar com els altres.

Shut up and scrutinize him if you don't want to end up like the others.

I afanyis, que ja he vist

And hurry up, because I have already seen.

que han avisat els Mossos

that the Mossos have been alerted

i són a punt d'arribar.

They are about to arrive.

Digui al noi de la càmera que m'enfoqui

Tell the guy with the camera to focus on me.

i vostè pregunti.

and you may ask.

I, perdoni si estic nerviós,

I, excuse me if I am nervous,

serà la primera entrevista que em fan.

It will be the first interview they conduct with me.

Però no serà l'última.

But it won't be the last.

No cal que m'apunti amb la pistola.

You don't need to aim the gun at me.

Li faig l'entrevista igualment.

I will conduct the interview anyway.

Amb la pistola la mala entrevista quedarà millor

With the gun, the bad interview will turn out better.

i tindré les mans ocupades.

I will have my hands full.

No suporto la gent que no sap

I can't stand people who don't know.

què fer amb les mans a la tele.

what to do with your hands on TV.

Va, pregunta, noia.

Go ahead, ask, girl.

La fama no mor mai,

Fame never dies,

es transforma.

it transforms.

Aquests desgraciats són morts

These unfortunate ones are dead.

i tu i jo no.

And you and I not.

Molt bé, molt bé, grava.

Very good, very good, record.

Per què ho ha fet?

Why did he/she do it?

Perquè jo...

Because I...

jo vull ser famós.

I want to be famous.

Jo vull ser famosa.

I want to be famous.

El contestador

The answering machine

de Lluís Arcarazo

by Lluís Arcarazo

M'hi hauria d'haver negat

I should have denied it.

des del primer moment.

from the very first moment.

No acceptar el cas

Do not accept the case.

com va fer en Peris.

how Peris did it.

Però m'atreia la idea

But the idea fascinated me.

de defensar un personatge

to defend a character

com l'Albert Pijuan.

like Albert Pijuan.

I vaig dir que sí.

I said yes.

Ara sé que no hauria d'haver escoltat

Now I know I shouldn't have listened.

aquella col·lecció de mentides.

that collection of lies.

Perquè tot el que em va dir

Because everything he/she told me

és mentida.

It's a lie.

Per força ha de ser-ho.

It must be so.

Per força.

By force.



Vaja, quan has tornat.

Wow, when did you come back?

Què vols que em passi?

What do you want to happen to me?

Has estat quinze dies sense...

You have been fifteen days without...

Que no comenci?

Don't let it start?

Dues setmanes sense saber res de tu

Two weeks without hearing from you.

i... parlar?

I... speak?

I de què serviria?

And what good would it do?

Està bé, parlem.

It's fine, let's talk.

impossible. Sóc a Can Brians,

impossible. I am at Can Brians,

esperant per parlar amb un client.

waiting to speak with a client.

Que desgraciat.

What an unfortunate person.

És l'Albert Pijuan,

It's Albert Pijuan,

l'escriptor. Sí?

The writer. Yes?

En Peris m'ha passat el cas.

Peris has passed me the case.

Està bé. Trobem-nos demà.

It's fine. Let's meet tomorrow.

Què vol dir

What does it mean?

que demà te'n tornes a anar? A on?

Are you going away again tomorrow? Where to?

No me n'havies dit res.

You hadn't told me anything.

Jo pensava que...

I thought that...

Et truco més tard, ara he de penjar, d'acord?

I'll call you later, I have to hang up now, okay?


Thank you.

Pot deixar-nos sols.

You can leave us alone.


Thank you.

És el meu atractiu.

It is my attraction.

Perdoni. I pel que fa a la meva competència,

Excuse me. And regarding my competence,

depèn de la seva voluntat

it depends on their will

de col·laborar.

to collaborate.


Shall we sit down?



Ho he deixat. El felicito.

I have left it. I congratulate him.

Jo ho intento, però no puc.

I try, but I can't.

L'Andreu Peris, el meu col·lega,

Andreu Peris, my colleague,

m'ha posat en antecedents.

He has informed me.

Però ja que finalment seré jo qui durà el cas,

But since I will finally be the one to take the case,

m'agradaria que en tornéssim a parlar.

I would like us to talk again.

Què vol saber?

What do you want to know?

Tot. Des del començament.

Everything. Since the beginning.

Des del començament.

From the beginning.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Farà cosa de sis o set setmanes,

About six or seven weeks ago,

si va ser més o menys aleshores.

if it was more or less then.

Tot just abans d'anar-me'n de vacances.

Just before going on vacation.

Dotze dies a les Maldives.

Twelve days in the Maldives.

Amb l'Alga.

With the Alga.

Ha estat mai a les Maldives?

Have you ever been to the Maldives?

A les Maldives?

To the Maldives?



Hi ha les platges més blanques que puc imaginar.

There are the whitest beaches I can imagine.

Quilòmetres de sorra blanca

Kilometers of white sand

davant d'un mar turquesa.

facing a turquoise sea.

L'escenari ideal per revifar una passió.

The ideal setting to rekindle a passion.

És el que vam anar a fer l'Alga i jo.

It's what Alga and I went to do.

És el que vam estar fent

It's what we were doing.

durant tots aquests anys.

during all these years.

Buscar escenaris

Search for scenarios

per combatre l'avorriment.

to combat boredom.

Té parella?

Do you have a partner?

No ben bé.

Not quite.



No sap el que és avorrir-se

He/she doesn't know what it is to be bored.

al costat d'algú a qui estimes.

next to someone you love.

És un sentiment estrany.

It's a strange feeling.

Un sentiment que detesto profundament.

A feeling that I profoundly detest.


Let's continue.



el dia abans d'agafar l'avió,

the day before taking the plane,

vaig discutir amb el meu pare

I argued with my father.

per una ximpleria.

for a silly thing.

Però vaig ser desagradable.

But I was unpleasant.

Innecessàriament desagradable,

Unnecessarily unpleasant,

ho reconec.

I admit it.

L'home patia del cor.

The man suffered from the heart.

I al cap i a la fira, el meu pare.

And at the head and at the fair, my father.


You know?

Ell tenia un taller mecànic.

He had a mechanical workshop.

Li hauria agradat

He would have liked it.

que estudiés per enginyer.

to study to be an engineer.

Era la seva dèria.

It was his obsession.



el que ell hauria volgut ser.

what he would have wanted to be.

Per això no li va agradar

That's why he/she didn't like it.

que hagués triat filologia.

that I would have chosen philology.

No entenia que m'agradés escriure

I didn't understand that I liked to write.

i durant tota la carrera

and throughout the whole career

vaig haver d'aguantar els seus retrets.

I had to endure her reproaches.

Però ara em sentia fort,

But now I felt strong,

encoratjat per l'èxit

encouraged by success

i gairebé el vaig engegar a fer punyetes.

I almost told him to get lost.

Pobre home.

Poor man.

Em penjar,

I will hang up.

enrabiat amb mi mateix,

angry with myself,

vaig estavellar el telèfon

I crashed the phone.

contra la paret.

against the wall.

És una bona manera de desfogar-se.

It's a good way to blow off steam.

No tothom s'ho pot permetre.

Not everyone can afford it.

Jo sí que podia.

I could.

Per primera vegada

For the first time

les coses anaven bé.

Things were going well.

El meu editor estava content.

My editor was happy.

Acabava de guanyar un premi.

I had just won an award.

La meva primera novel·la s'estava venent.

My first novel was selling.

I érem a punt de signar un contracte

We were about to sign a contract.

per traduir-la a diversos idiomes.

to translate it into various languages.

He de confessar

I have to confess.

que això era el primer sorprès pel meu èxit.

that this was the first surprised by my success.

Mai m'he considerat un bon escriptor.

I have never considered myself a good writer.

I si no arriba a ser pel meu editor,

And if it weren't for my editor,

a qui conec des dels temps de la facultat,

whom I have known since university days,

no m'hauria atrevit a publicar.

I wouldn't have dared to publish.


Excuse me,

per on anava?

where was I going?

Havia estavellat el telèfon contra la paret.

He had smashed the phone against the wall.



Me'n vaig penedir immediatament,

I immediately regretted it,

ho confesso.

I confess it.

No tant pel meu pare

Not so much for my father.

com pel fet que seria fort uns dies

as for the fact that it would be strong for a few days

i no podia deixar el pis sense contestador.

I couldn't leave the apartment without an answering machine.

Així que


vaig sortir a buscar una botiga oberta.

I went out to find an open store.

No és fàcil.

It's not easy.

Li asseguro que no és gens fàcil

I assure you that it is not easy at all.

trobar una botiga de telèfons

find a phone store

un dissabte a quarts de vuit

a Saturday at a quarter to eight

quan tens pressa

when you're in a hurry

i al centre hi ha un embús.

And in the center, there is a traffic jam.

Però en vaig trobar una.

But I found one.

De fet,

In fact,

era una botiga d'objectes de segona mà.

It was a second-hand items shop.

I a l'aparador

And in the shop window

hi havia un model d'una marca desconeguda

there was a model from an unknown brand

pràcticament nou.

practically new.

El venedor...

The seller...

Recordo que em va dir

I remember that you told me.

que se n'havien fabricat pocs exemplars,

that only a few copies had been made,

però que,

but that,

que funcionaven perfectament.

that worked perfectly.

Me'l vaig quedar

I kept it.

i, en arribar a casa,

and, upon arriving home,

vaig trucar al meu pare.

I called my father.

Vam fer les paus

We made peace.

i l'endemà

and the next day

l'Olga i jo volàvem

Olga and I were flying.

cap a les Maldives.

towards the Maldives.

Señoras y señores, buenos días.

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning.

Les habla el comandante.

This is Commander speaking.

Atendiendo las normas internacionales de seguridad,

Following international safety regulations,

les robamos mantengan aborchados sus cinturones de seguridad

We steal them, keep your seat belts fastened.

hasta que el indicador del panel se apague.

until the panel indicator turns off.

Asimismo, les robamos también

Likewise, we also steal from them.

mantengan completamente desconectados sus teléfonos móviles.

keep your mobile phones completely disconnected.

Muchas gracias.

Thank you very much.

Un feliz vuelo.

Have a nice flight.

Per cert, molt graciós.

By the way, very funny.



Sí, el missatge del teu contestador.

Yes, your answering machine message.

Del meu què?

Of my what?

Aquest matí t'he trucat per dir-te que no oblidessis el passaport,

This morning I called you to remind you not to forget your passport.

però ja havia sortit.

but he had already left.

Aleshores, ha saltat a contestador i m'ha fet gràcia.

So, it went to voicemail and I found it funny.

No sóc una persona, sóc una màquina.

I am not a person, I am a machine.

Sóc el contestador automàtic del...

I am the answering machine of...

Per què em mires així?

Why are you looking at me like that?

Jo no he enregistrat aquest missatge.

I did not record this message.

No, esclar.

No, of course.

M'ho acabo d'inventar.

I just made it up.

Porta el mòbil.

Bring your phone.

Què fas?

What are you doing?

Res de mòbils a l'avió.

No mobile phones on the plane.

Però tranquil, quan arribem a les Maldives

But don't worry, when we arrive in the Maldives.

trucarem a casa teva.

We will call your home.

I si tinc raó, et sortirà cara la broma.

And if I'm right, it will cost you dear.


Thank you.

Vaig pensar que se'm fotia.

I thought it was messing with me.

No suporto els contestadors suposadament enginyosos.

I can't stand supposedly witty answerers.

Els considero un monument domèstic a l'estupidesa humana.

I consider them a domestic monument to human stupidity.

En aquest moment no vaig donar cap importància

At that moment, I didn’t give it any importance.

al comentari de l'Alga.

to the comment of Alga.

I quan vam arribar a les Maldives ja l'havia oblidat.

And when we arrived in the Maldives, I had already forgotten it.


Do you know?

Ho diuen els tòpics,

The clichés say so,

però el cert és que van ser uns dies meravellosos,

but the truth is that they were wonderful days,

Fins que un vespre, mentre passejàvem per la platja,

Until one evening, while we were walking on the beach,

vaig cometre la imprudència de demanar-li que es casés amb mi.

I made the mistake of asking her to marry me.


Getting married?

Seria una bona excusa per tornar a l'Esmaldiva.

It would be a good excuse to return to Esmaldiva.

No ho sé, Albert.

I don't know, Albert.

Però vol dir que no ho saps.

But it means that you don't know it.

Que m'agafes per sorpresa.

You caught me by surprise.

Necessito, no ho sé, necessito una mica de temps per pensar-ho.

I need, I don't know, I need a little time to think about it.

Temps? Molt bé.

Weather? Very good.

Et dono 10 segons per decidir-te.

I give you 10 seconds to decide.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6...

Espera, espera.

Wait, wait.

4, 3, 2, 1...

4, 3, 2, 1...

Molt bé, doncs no.

Very well, then no.



Que no.


M'agrada que m'ho hagis demanat, però no, no vull que ens casem.

I like that you asked me, but no, I don't want us to get married.

I tu tampoc.

And you neither.

Quan et passi la ressaca, ho veuràs d'una altra manera.

When the hangover passes, you will see it differently.

Potser havia begut més del compte i no vaig entendre que la resposta de l'Olga era assenyada.

Maybe I had drunk more than I should and didn't understand that Olga's answer was sensible.

Insultantment sensata.

Insultingly sensible.

Vaig reaccionar amb mal humor i això va esgarrar el viatge.

I reacted with bad mood and that spoiled the trip.





Estàs molt callat.

You are very quiet.

En què penses?

What are you thinking about?

De debò vols que et digui el que penso?

Do you really want me to tell you what I think?



No val la pena.

It's not worth it.

Quan vam tornar a Barcelona, van començar a passar coses estranyes.

When we returned to Barcelona, strange things started to happen.

Al contestador hi havia un munt de missatges, tal com esperava,

There were a bunch of messages on the answering machine, just as he expected.

però la major part dels que havien trucat s'havien limitat a penjar sense dir res.

but most of those who had called had simply hung up without saying anything.

Però hi havia 4 o 5 missatges desconcertants.

But there were 4 or 5 baffling messages.

A què es refereixen desconcertants?

What do they refer to as disconcerting?



Amics empipats que anunciaven que no volien saber res més de mi.

Annoyed friends who announced that they didn't want to know anything more about me.

El meu editor, que em deixava com un drap brut,

My editor, who left me like a rag.

pretenia trencar les nostres relacions.

he intended to break our relationship.

I un de ben estrany.

And one very strange.

Del meu pare.

From my father.

Molt dolgut per alguna cosa que jo, segons ell, havia dit.

Very upset about something that I, according to him, had said.



El meu pare era una persona susceptible.

My father was a sensitive person.

Com jo.

Like me.

No sabia què coi posar.

I didn't know what the hell to put.

No podia haver-li dit per ofendre'l d'aquella manera.

I could not have said it to offend him in that way.

I el vaig trucar.

And I called him.

Ningú no va agafar el telèfon.

No one answered the phone.

Aleshores vaig trucar al Jaume.

Then I called Jaume.

Jaume Llorenç, el seu editor.

Jaume Llorenç, his editor.

I el meu millor amic.

And my best friend.

Almenys fins aquell dia.

At least until that day.

La Sílvia, la seva secretària, em va tractar amb fredor.

Sílvia, her secretary, treated me coldly.

Allò ja em va estranyar.

That already surprised me.

La Sílvia és d'aquelles secretàries afables que de seguida et diuen carinyo i et riuen totes les gràcies.

Sílvia is one of those friendly secretaries who immediately call you "dear" and laugh at all your jokes.

I quan el Llorenç s'hi va posar,

And when Llorenç was ready to get involved,

vaig veure que realment passava alguna cosa.

I saw that something was really happening.

Gairebé no em va deixar parlar.

He barely let me speak.

Fill de puta va ser el més amable que em va dir.

Son of a bitch was the nicest thing he said to me.

I tot perquè, segons ell,

And all because, according to him,

un servidor havia tingut la brillant idea de deixar enregistrat al contestador,

a server had the brilliant idea of leaving a message on the answering machine,

per tothom que ho volgués sentir,

for everyone who wanted to hear it,

una llista rigorosament exacta de les seves amants.

a rigorously accurate list of his lovers.

Entre elles l'esposa,

Among them the wife,

d'un al càrrec de la Conselleria de Cultura,

of a position in the Ministry of Culture,

i també la companya de Ramiro Jurado.

and also Ramiro Jurado's partner.

El novel·lista?

The novelist?

Sí, el buc insígnia de l'editorial.

Yes, the flagship ship of the publisher.

La seva principal font d'ingressos.

Its main source of income.

El Jaume...


El Jaume em va tractar de psicòpata.

Jaume called me a psychopath.

Em va dir que m'oblidés de la traducció a l'anglès.

He told me to forget about the translation into English.

Em va engegar la merda i després em va penjar el telèfon.

He hung up on me and then he hung up the phone.

No entenia res.

I didn't understand anything.

Aleshores vaig recordar el comentari que l'Olga m'havia fet poc després de pujar a l'avió.

Then I remembered the comment that Olga had made to me shortly after getting on the plane.

Aquest matí t'he trucat per dir-te que no oblidessis el passaport,

This morning I called you to tell you not to forget your passport.

però ja havia sortit.

but he/she had already left.

Aleshores ha saltat al contestador i m'ha fet gràcia.

Then it went to the answering machine, and I found it funny.

No sóc una persona, sóc una màquina.

I am not a person, I am a machine.

Sóc el contestador automàtic del...

I am the answering machine of...

Per què em mires així?

Why are you looking at me like that?

Jo no he enregistrat aquest missatge.

I did not record this message.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Era la segona persona en pocs dies que m'atribuïa unes paraules que no eren meves.

She was the second person in a few days who attributed words to me that were not mine.

Vaig tornar a escoltar el meu contestador.

I listened to my answering machine again.

Aquest és el telèfon del Verbi Joan.

This is the phone of the Verb John.

Deixa el teu missatge després del senyal.

Leave your message after the beep.





El mateix de sempre.

The same as always.

Es tractava d'una broma de mal gust, vaig pensar.

It was a bad taste joke, I thought.

Algú ha imitat la meva veu, però...

Someone has imitated my voice, but...

Vaig desestimar immediatament aquella hipòtesi.

I immediately dismissed that hypothesis.

Era massa absurda.

It was too absurd.

No tenia cap sentit.

It didn't make any sense.

Aleshores va sonar el telèfon.

Then the phone rang.

Era l'Olga.

It was Olga.





El teu pare és a l'hospital.

Your father is in the hospital.



Ha tingut un infart.

He has had a heart attack.

És a l'UCI, però els metges diuen que no se'n sortirà.

He is in the ICU, but the doctors say he won't make it.



Déu meu, surto ara mateix...

My God, I'm leaving right now...

No té cap ganes de veure't.

He/She has no desire to see you.



Però, malgrat tot, he pensat que havies de saber-ho.

But, despite everything, I thought you should know.

Però què dius, Olga?

But what are you saying, Olga?

Què collons estàs dient?

What the hell are you saying?

Què vols dir que el meu pare no em vol veure?

What do you mean my father doesn't want to see me?

No sé com has estat capaç de fer-li una cosa com aquesta.

I don't know how you have been able to do something like this to him/her.

Es troba bé?

Are you feeling well?

Quan vaig arribar a l'hospital,

When I arrived at the hospital,

el meu pare era mort.

my father was dead.

Abans de morir, però,

Before dying, however,

havia explicat a l'Olga que...

I had explained to Olga that...

que havia tingut l'infart en sentir el meu contestador.

that had had a heart attack upon hearing my answering machine.

El que deia del meu pare.

What I said about my father.

Coses que m'havien passat pel cap, ho reconec,

Things that had crossed my mind, I admit it,

però que mai no m'hauria atrevit a dir.

but that I would have never dared to say.

Van provocar la mort del pobre home.

They caused the death of the poor man.

Nega, també, haver enregistrat aquell missatge

She also denies having recorded that message.

Vostè tampoc no em creu, oi?

You don't believe me either, do you?

No m'ho posa gaire fàcil.

He doesn't make it very easy for me.

No, oi?

No, right?

A mi també em costava de creure el que estava passant.

I also found it hard to believe what was happening.

La mateixa Olga va acabar de desconcertar-me

Olga herself ended up baffling me.

quan em va dir, en tornada a les Maldives,

when he told me, on the way back to the Maldives,

que havia decidit, malgrat tot, acceptar la meva petició de matrimoni.

that he had decided, despite everything, to accept my marriage proposal.

Però que, incomprensiblement,

But that, incomprehensibly,

s'havia trobat el contestador un retrat cruel de la seva persona.

He had found the answering machine a cruel portrait of himself.

Un retrat que la faria.

A portrait that would make her.

Que l'ofenia.

That offended her.

Que posava, a l'abast de tothom que truqués a casa,

That was available to anyone who called at home,

secrets que només jo coneixia

secrets that only I knew

i que forgaven on més mal podien fer-li.

and they forged where they could do him the most harm.

De res va servir negar el que per ella era evident.

It was of no use to deny what was obvious to her.

Vaig jurar i per jurar que mai no havia fet una cosa així.

I swore and swore that I had never done something like this.

Però ella em va contestar

But she replied to me.

que era un boig i que havia causat la mort del meu propi pare,

that he was a madman and that he had caused the death of my own father,

que havia acabat amb la nostra relació

that had ended our relationship

i que, tant de bo, no havia fet una cosa així.

And I wished I had never done something like that.

I que, tant de bo, no havia fet una cosa així.

And I wish I had never done such a thing.

I que, tant de bo, no em tornés a veure mai més.

And I hope I never see you again.

Què va passar, aleshores?

What happened, then?

Vaig trucar a casa.

I called home.

Volia escoltar el meu contestador,

I wanted to listen to my answering machine,

comprovar per mi mateix que no m'estava tornant boig.

to check for myself that I wasn't going crazy.

Però el que vaig escoltar em va esgarrifar.

But what I heard horrified me.

Era la meva veu.

It was my voice.

No hi havia el més mínim dubte.

There was not the slightest doubt.

La meva veu, amb el meu to, les meves inflexions.

My voice, with my tone, my inflections.

Eren les meves paraules repetint una i altra vegada

They were my words repeating again and again.

que jo havia mort el meu propi pare,

that I had killed my own father,

que no estimava ningú,

that he loved no one,

que havia putejat tothom, que m'havia ajudat.

that had messed with everyone, that had helped me.

El més trist

The saddest.

és que el que sentia el contestador era, en el fons,

what the answering machine was feeling was, deep down,



Però li juro per Déu

But I swear to God.

que jo no havia gravat aquelles frases espantoses.

that I had not recorded those scary sentences.

Què va fer, després?

What did he/she do next?


Getting drunk.

Vaig beure fins a rebentar.

I drank until I burst.

Volia oblidar el que havia passat,

I wanted to forget what had happened,

oblidar-me de mi, del meu nom, del meu rostre, de la meva veu.

forget me, my name, my face, my voice.

Però, com més bevia,

But the more I drank,

més d'acord estava amb el que acabava de sentir.

more in agreement I was with what I had just heard.

El que havia causat la meva ruptura amb el Llorenç.

What had caused my breakup with Llorenç.

Les coses que el contestador deia d'ell eren certes.

The things that the answering machine said about him were true.

Com també era cert, encara que cruelment injust,

As it was also true, albeit cruelly unfair,

el que el contestador havia dit de l'Alga.

what the answering machine had said about Alga.

Res del que deia el contestador era mentida.

None of what the answering machine said was true.

Una idea diabòlica

A diabolical idea

va anar prenent forma en el meu cervell embotit per l'alcohol.

It started taking shape in my alcohol-soaked brain.

El responsable de tot era el contestador.

The one responsible for everything was the answering machine.

Aquella màquina estava maleïda.

That machine was cursed.

Era ella.

It was her.

Tenia vida pròpia.

It had a life of its own.

Havia destruït la meva vida

He had destroyed my life.

i la de la gent que estimava.

and the one of the people he loved.

Bevia i bevia i cada cop ho veia més clar.

He drank and drank, and with each sip, he saw it more clearly.

Em vaig posar a caminar sense saber on anava.

I started walking without knowing where I was going.

Sense adonar-me'n.

Without realizing it.

Era al davant de la botiga

I was in front of the store.

on se suposa que havia comprat el contestador.

It is supposed that he had bought the answering machine.

Però ara no hi havia cap botiga.

But now there was no shop.

Només una casa en runes.

Only a house in ruins.

Un edifici enderrocat feia menjar.

A demolished building provided food.

I jo no sabia què feia.

And I didn't know what I was doing.

On un indigent passava la nit.

A homeless person was spending the night.

M'hi vaig acostar.

I approached it.

Era l'home que m'havia venut el contestador.

He was the man who had sold me the answering machine.

Era ell.

It was him.

Però ara anava vestit amb robes belles i pudents.

But now he was dressed in beautiful and foul-smelling clothes.

El vaig despertar agafant-lo pel coll de l'abric

I woke him up by grabbing him by the collar of his coat.

i sacsejant-lo amb brutalitat.

and shaking him violently.

Eh! Eh! Tu!

Hey! Hey! You!

Eh! Què fas?

Hey! What are you doing?


Leave it!

On és la botiga?

Where is the store?

Digue's-me el perit.

Tell me the expert.

On és la botiga?

Where is the store?

Deixa'm en pau, desgraciat!

Leave me alone, you miserable!

Tu em vas vendre el contestador.

You sold me the answering machine.

No, vas ser tu, vas ser tu!

No, it was you, it was you!

Què és? Estàs sonat o què?

What is it? Are you crazy or what?

Vaig agafar un maó que hi havia a la vora.

I picked up a brick that was nearby.

No controlava els meus actes.

I did not have control over my actions.

I de cop i volta

And suddenly

em vaig trobar amb un roc ensangonat a la mà.

I found myself with a bloody rock in my hand.

L'home s'amagava amb el cap obert

The man was hiding with his head uncovered.

i les faccions destrossades pels cops.

and the features shattered by the blows.

Com si fos una màquina sense sentiments.

As if it were a machine without feelings.

El vaig culpejar una i altra vegada

I hit him time and again.

i llavors vaig ser conscient del que acabava de fer.

And then I became aware of what I had just done.

No vaig lluptar.

I did not fight.

Em vaig lliurar a la policia

I turned myself in to the police.

i els vaig explicar aquesta mateixa història.

I told them this same story.

És curiós.

It's curious.



Segons les anàlisis que li van practicar,

According to the analyses they conducted on him,

vostè no havia consumit alcohol.

you had not consumed alcohol.

Estaven equivocats.

They were wrong.

I en cap dels locals on segons vostè havia estat

And in none of the places where you said you had been.

recordaven haver-lo vist aquella nit.

they remembered having seen him that night.


They lie.

I tant el seu editor com la seva companya

Both her editor and her partner.

neguen haver discutit amb vostè.

they deny having argued with you.

Volen enfonsar-me,

They want to sink me,

fer-me pagar pel que els vaig fer.

make me pay for what I did to them.

No ha dit que no fumava?

Didn't he say he didn't smoke?

I vostè no ha dit que no tenia parella?

And didn't you say that you didn't have a partner?

Això què hi té a veure?

What does this have to do with it?

En entrar he sentit que parlava per telèfon.

When I entered, I heard that he was talking on the phone.

A les coses no li van bé, oi?

Things are not going well for you, are they?

És casat, potser?

Is he married, perhaps?

Hi ha una altra dona.

There is another woman.

No hem vingut a parlar de mi.

We haven't come to talk about me.

Vostè l'estima, però ell només vol...

You love him, but he only wants...



És això?

Is this it?


Shut up.


Excuse me.

No li agrada parlar d'aquest assumpte.

He doesn't like to talk about this matter.

A vostè també li fa por sentir la veritat?

Are you also afraid to hear the truth?

S'estima més sentir mentides.

He prefers to hear lies.

No s'amoïni.

Don't worry.

Mentir és fàcil.

Lying is easy.

És el que ha fet tota l'estona.

It's what he has done all the time.


To lie.



Sóc escriptor.

I am a writer.

Mentir, fabular, inventar, és la meva feina.

Lying, fabricating, inventing is my job.

Però tot el que li acabo de dir és veritat.

But everything I just told you is true.

Tant se val.

It doesn't matter.

També ara podria estar mentint.

I could also be lying now.

Veritat, mentida...

Truth, lie...

El que compta és que et creguin.

What matters is that they believe you.

Pot deixar de consultar aquests maleïts papers

You can stop looking at these damn papers.

i fer el fotut favor d'escoltar-me?

Could you do me the favor of listening to me?

No faig altra cosa.

I do nothing else.

Pensa que estic boig.

Think that I'm crazy.


I think.

Penso que està fingint perquè li declarin.

I think he/she is pretending for them to declare his/her feelings.

Vagi sent.

Let's go.

No necessito cap advocat.

I don't need any lawyer.

Ho sento, senyor Pijuan.

I'm sorry, Mr. Pijuan.


Here you go.

Què és això?

What is this?

Un document que m'ha fet arribar la policia.

A document that the police have sent me.

Què hi diuen aquests papers? Més mentides?

What do these papers say? More lies?



Els va escriure vostè.

He/She wrote to you.



És un relat curt.

It is a short story.

Que coincideix punt per punt amb la història que m'acaba d'explicar.

That matches point by point with the story you just told me.

I segons les dades que figuren a l'ordinador,

And according to the data that appears on the computer,

una setmana abans d'anar-se'n a les Maldives.

a week before going to the Maldives.



No, no.

No, no.

Escolti'm, vostè, a mi.

Listen to me, you.

No estic boig.

I'm not crazy.

El que va passar és inexplicable, ho reconec.

What happened is inexplicable, I admit it.

Però real.

But real.



Sembla el producte d'una ment malalta,

It seems like the product of a sick mind,



Però jo no estic malalt.

But I am not sick.

No ho estic.

I'm not.

Vol comprovar-ho?

Do you want to check it?

Truqui a casa meva.

Call me at my house.

Sentirà la meva veu.

You will hear my voice.

Li dirà coses terribles.

He will tell him terrible things.

Coses que li faran mal.

Things that will hurt him/her.

Coses que no vol sentir.

Things he/she does not want to hear.



Perquè no ho fa.

Because he/she doesn't do it.

Sentirà la veritat.

You will hear the truth.

La veritat.

The truth.

La dolorosa.

The sorrowful.

La veritat.

The truth.

La insuportable veritat.

The unbearable truth.

Han passat alguns dies des d'aquella conversa.

Several days have passed since that conversation.

No he tornat a veure l'Albert Pijuan.

I haven't seen Albert Pijuan again.

Un altre advocat s'ha fet càrrec del seu cas.

Another lawyer has taken over your case.

Però, en aquest moment, no ho sé.

But, at this moment, I don't know.

Però, des de les hores que no puc dormir,

But, ever since I can't sleep,

les seves paraules encara ressonen al meu cap.

Their words still resonate in my head.

Vol comprovar-ho?

Do you want to check it?

Truqui a casa meva.

Call my home.

Sentirà la meva veu.

You will hear my voice.

Li dirà coses terribles.

He will tell you terrible things.

Coses que li faran mal.

Things that will hurt him/her.

Coses que no vol sentir.

Things that one does not want to hear.


The impulse.

El desig de telefonar a casa seva

The desire to call home.

em manté desperta cada nit.

It keeps me awake every night.

Tot era mentida.

Everything was a lie.

Fruit de la seva imaginació malaltissa.

Fruit of his sick imagination.

De què tinc por?

What am I afraid of?

És absurd.

It's absurd.

El contestador de l'Albert Pijuan no té vida pròpia.

Albert Pijuan's answering machine has no life of its own.

No pot dir coses terribles.

You can't say terrible things.

Veritats que fan mal.

Truths that hurt.

Només és una màquina.

It's just a machine.

No pot dir coses terribles.

You can't say terrible things.

Només és una màquina.

It's just a machine.

Fins aquí El contestador, de Lluís Arcarazo.

Up to here The Answering Machine, by Lluís Arcarazo.

Amb Pere Arquillué com a Albert Pijuan.

With Pere Arquillué as Albert Pijuan.

Fina Rius, Llucia.

Fina Rius, Llucia.

Dolors Martínez, Olga.

Dolors Martínez, Olga.

Montatge, Manel Bernat.

Editing, Manel Bernat.

Direcció i realització, Dolors Martínez.

Direction and production, Dolors Martínez.

Això és Dramàtic.

This is dramatic.

La ficció de Catalunya.

The fiction of Catalonia.

Ràdio, amb Dolors Martínez.

Radio, with Dolors Martínez.

I això és tot per avui.

And that is all for today.

Esperem que hàgiu disfrutat d'aquestes hores fictícies

We hope you have enjoyed these fictional hours.

on la imaginació pot volar sense durador.

where imagination can fly without duration.

Jo m'he imaginat uns personatges

I have imagined some characters.

amb una cara diferent als que tu t'has imaginat.

with a face different from what you have imagined.

Tu has imaginat uns espais i uns paisatges

You have imagined some spaces and landscapes.

que no tenen res a veure amb els que jo he pensat.

that have nothing to do with what I have thought.

Però el que és segur és que els dos,

But what is certain is that both of them,

tant tu com jo,

both you and I,

hem fet un viatge virtual al nostre gust

we have taken a virtual trip to our liking

amb tot el que ens ha suggerit els nostres guionistes,

with everything our screenwriters have suggested to us,

la interpretació i el muntatge de la ràdio.

the interpretation and editing of the radio.

Això és la màgia.

This is magic.

La màgia de la imaginació.

The magic of imagination.

La màgia de la ràdio.

The magic of radio.

Si voleu escoltar, a més a més, altres dramàtics que hem realitzat,

If you want to listen, moreover, to other dramas that we have produced,

ho podeu fer entrant a Catalunya Ràdio

you can do it by entering Catalunya Ràdio

i buscar el nostre programa Això és Dramàtic.

And find our program This is Dramatic.

Com sempre, un plaer compartir el món meravellós de la ficció

As always, a pleasure to share the wonderful world of fiction.

amb tots vosaltres.

with all of you.

Us desitjo de tot cor un meravellós...

I wish you from the bottom of my heart a wonderful...




Let's gather!

A Plus!

A Plus!

A 작은 Poviksi.

A small Poviksi.

Està passant la Вторada deстрada de skulleos.

The вторada deстрада of skulleos is happening.

Com leading.

As leading.

Està passant el darrer pas.

The last step is happening.

Busca el7Zer 피�us

It seems there is a mix of characters and potentially a typo in your text. Could you please clarify or correct the phrase you want translated?

un pavedú de trobar-te.

a pleasure to meet you.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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