Migrants que mengen gossos? Ecos d'un debat i viatge a Springfield

Catalunya Ràdio

Follow Garriga

Migrants que mengen gossos? Ecos d'un debat i viatge a Springfield

Follow Garriga

Catalunya Ràdio.

Catalonia Radio.

Catalunya Àudio.

Catalonia Audio.

Som podcast.

We are a podcast.

Com esteu? Benvinguts.

How are you? Welcome.

Aquí Francesc Garriga, from Washington DC.

Here is Francesc Garriga, from Washington DC.

Gràcies per seguir-nos.

Thank you for following us.

La tercera temporada d'aquest podcast

The third season of this podcast.

arrenca amb unes eleccions que s'acosten,

it starts with some upcoming elections,

gossos, gats, i un viatge fins a Springfield.

dogs, cats, and a trip to Springfield.

I trobarem el Simpson?

Will we find the Simpson?

Follow Garriga.

Follow Garriga.

Un univers de contrastos als Estats Units

A universe of contrasts in the United States

amb Francesc Garriga.

with Francesc Garriga.

Les setmanes prèvies als comissis presidencials

The weeks leading up to the presidential elections.

no es parla d'una altra cosa.

Nothing else is being talked about.

La data del 5 de novembre està marcada en vermellíssim.

The date of November 5th is marked in bright red.

Però algunes altres cites

But some other quotes

també estan encerclades amb retolador.

they are also circled with a marker.

Els cara a cara en són una d'important.

Face-to-face meetings are one important aspect of it.

Kamala Harris versus Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris versus Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are getting ready.

Kamala Harris i Donald Trump s'estan preparant.

Some big new endorsements overnight.

Some big new endorsements overnight.

Good evening, everyone, and thanks for joining us

Good evening, everyone, and thanks for joining us.

for our special coverage of Decision 2024.

for our special coverage of Decision 2024.

Following the first presidential debate

Following the first presidential debate

between former President Trump and Vice President Harris.

entre l'expresident Trump i la vicepresidenta Harris.

The first and potentially only match-up

The first and potentially only matchup

between Vice President Kamala Harris

between Vice President Kamala Harris

and former President Donald Trump.

i l'ex president Donald Trump.

El primer debat es celebra a Filadèlfia,

The first debate takes place in Philadelphia.

lloc emblemàtic històricament.

historically emblematic place.

Aquí s'hi va signar la declaració d'independència.

Here the declaration of independence was signed.

Els dos candidats són,

The two candidates are,

el Constitution Hall, un centre públic.

the Constitution Hall, a public center.

La premsa, el Centre de Convencions,

The press, the Convention Center,

un espai adjacent.

an adjacent space.

Allà, una sala enorme, com si fos un pavelló esportiu,

There, a huge room, as if it were a sports hall,

que té habilitats mil llocs per periodistes.

that has skills a thousand places for journalists.



De l'1 al 1.000, sí.

From 1 to 1,000, yes.

No havia vist mai una sala de premsa tan enorme.

I had never seen such a huge press room.

Per aquí hi circulen polítics

Politicians circulate around here.

que venen a donar suport i la cara

that come to provide support and face

per un dels dos candidats.

for one of the two candidates.

I el nivell d'accés que tenim a ells és fantàstic.

And the level of access we have to them is fantastic.

Per exemple, li podem preguntar directament

For example, we can ask him directly.

al governador de Dakota del Nord, el milionari Doc Burgum,

to the governor of North Dakota, the millionaire Doc Burgum,

que espera veure de tram el debat.

What he hopes to see as a part of the debate.

El que m'agradaria veure

What I would like to see.

és que el país pugui conèixer el president Trump

it is that the country can know President Trump

que jo he pogut conèixer

that I have been able to know

respecte a totes les falsedats que es diuen d'ell.

regarding all the falsehoods that are said about him.

És algú que es preocupa de la gent que treballa per ell.

He is someone who cares about the people who work for him.

És algú que es preocupa de la seva família,

He is someone who cares about his family.

els seus fills i nets.

his children and grandchildren.

Qualsevol que hagi passat temps amb ell

Anyone who has spent time with him

i després veu la caricatura que se'n fa a les notícies,

and then you see the caricature that is made of it in the news,

cada dia es fan notícies

Every day news is made.

que no coincideixen amb la persona que és.

that do not match the person they are.

Desitjo que els nord-americans

I wish that the Americans

el puguin veure.

they can see him.

Que puguin veure com la persona que és.

That they can see the person they are.

Si ho fan, entendran que qualsevol persona treballadora

If they do it, they will understand that any hardworking person

d'aquest país, sigui del partit que sigui,

from this country, whichever party it may be,

acabarà veient que aquesta és la persona

you will end up seeing that this is the person

que es preocupa per mi

who cares about me

i que està intentant moure el país endavant

and that is trying to move the country forward

per ajudar-me a mi i la meva família.

to help me and my family.

Burgum va competir en tram a les primàries,

Burgum competed in the primary elections.

es va retirar, aspirava a ser vicepresident

he withdrew, he aspired to be vice president

i ara dóna suport a la campanya.

And now support the campaign.

A les 9 de la nit arrenca la cita,

At 9 o'clock in the evening, the appointment begins.

puntualment, que organitza la cadena ABC

punctually, organized by the ABC chain

i el presentador David Moore

and the presenter David Moore

fa la salutació.

make the greeting.

El debat comença amb un to més aviat baix,

The debate begins with a rather low tone,

Trump defensant la seva gestió

Trump defending his management.

respecte a la desastrosa de Biden

regarding Biden's disastrous [situation]

i Kamala Harris atacant l'expresident.

And Kamala Harris attacking the former president.

Donald Trump ens ha deixat

Donald Trump has left us.

la pitjor epidèmia de salut pública

the worst public health epidemic

en un segle.

in a century.

Donald Trump ens ha deixat

Donald Trump has left us.

la pitjor ataca a la nostra democràcia

the worst attacks our democracy

des de la Guerra Civil.

since the Civil War.

Però aquest cara a cara serà sempre recordat

But this face-to-face meeting will always be remembered.

per una sorprenent afirmació de Donald Trump

for a surprising statement from Donald Trump

en un punt on es parlava d'immigració.

at a point where immigration was being discussed.

A Springfield

To Springfield

ells menjen els gossos,

they eat the dogs,

els gossos que han vingut,

the dogs that have come,

ells menjen els gossos,

they eat the dogs,

ells menjen els gossos

They eat the dogs.

dels que viuen allà.

of those who live there.

I això és el que està passant

And this is what is happening.

en el nostre país i és una vergonya.

In our country, and it is a shame.

Aquestes tres frases retronen

These three sentences resonate.

per bé que el moderador puntualitza

although the moderator clarifies

que l'alcalde d'Springfield,

that the mayor of Springfield,

la ciutat d'Ohio on això diu que passa,

the city of Ohio where this says it happens,

ha negat que hi hagi cap prova de tot plegat.

He denied that there is any evidence of all this.

Però el comentari genera estupefacció.

But the comment generates astonishment.

S'acaba el debat i, per sorpresa,

The debate ends, and, surprisingly,

apareix el mateix Donald Trump a la sala de premsa,

Donald Trump himself appears in the press room,

envoltat de seguretat,

surrounded by security,

però se'ns col·loca a pocs centímetres

but it is placed a few centimeters away from us

per valorar la seva actuació.

to assess their performance.

Aquest va ser el meu millor debat.

This was my best debate.

Em vaig pensar que era molt bo.

I thought it was very good.

Em vaig pensar que ella era molt poca en la política de l'estat.

I thought she was very little in the state's politics.

Ella era molt poca a la porta.

She was very little at the door.

I estic molt content.

I am very happy.

Ha estat el meu millor debat, diu Trump,

It has been my best debate, says Trump.

que manté els comentaris fets sobre gats i gossos.

that maintains the comments made about cats and dogs.

Els seus assessors, però,

His advisors, however,

no fan la mateixa bona cara.

They don't have the same good face.

Són conscients que Kamala Harris ho ha fet millor.

They are aware that Kamala Harris has done better.

Vivek Ramaswamy té dificultats

Vivek Ramaswamy is struggling.

per defensar l'actuació de l'expresident.

to defend the actions of the former president.

Per aquesta sala de premsa

For this press room

hi apareixen tot tipus de polítics.

All types of politicians appear there.

I tenim l'oportunitat de fer dues preguntes

We have the opportunity to ask two questions.

a un dels congressistes més polèmics i mediàtics,

to one of the most controversial and media-covered congress members,

l'ultra Matt Gaetz,

the ultra Matt Gaetz,

a fèrrim seguidor de Trump.

a staunch supporter of Trump.

I li pregunto si no li preocupa

And I ask him if he is not worried.

que a partir d'ara es parli més de gats i gossos

that from now on there should be more talk about cats and dogs

que dels temes realment importants.

that of the truly important issues.

Jo he sentit una trucada a emergències

I have heard an emergency call.

de gent d'Ohio trucant per queixar-se

from people in Ohio calling to complain

que immigrants il·legals d'Haiti

that illegal immigrants from Haiti

estan matant els animals de la ciutat,

they are killing the animals in the city,

corrent pels carrers amb oques mortes,

running through the streets with dead geese,

així que són preocupacions

so they are concerns

que els nord-americans tenen

that the Americans have

i està bé que el president Trump les representi.

And it is okay for President Trump to represent them.

Si la gent parla del mal

If people talk about evil

que els immigrants il·legals fan al nostre país,

that illegal immigrants do in our country,

ja sigui maltractant animals,

whether by mistreating animals,

el medi ambient,

the environment,

afectant l'economia, la seguretat personal,

affecting the economy, personal security,

si el poble americà parla del mal

if the American people talk about evil

que fa la immigració il·legal,

what illegal immigration does,

guanyarem les eleccions per golejada

We will win the elections by a landslide.

perquè el president Trump

because President Trump

tenia una frontera segura

I had a secure border.

i quan aquests països

And when these countries

van arribar a cop de bolígraf

they arrived with a pen stroke

el primer dia es van desfer

on the first day they melted away

de totes les polítiques d'asil

of all asylum policies

que mantenien a ratlla

that kept in check

tota aquesta immigració.

all this immigration.

Per contra, entre els demòcrates

On the contrary, among the democrats.

l'ambient és d'una banda de celebració

The atmosphere is one of celebration.

per l'actuació de Harris,

for Harris's performance,

però també d'indignació

but also of indignation

pels comentaris de l'expresident

for the comments of the former president

sobre els migrants que es mengen animals.

about migrants who eat animals.

Catalunya Ràdio pot preguntar-li

Catalunya Ràdio can ask you.

a un dels senadors més influents,

to one of the most influential senators,

el demòcrata de Connecticut, Chris Murphy.

Connecticut Democrat Chris Murphy.

És un home ple d'odi,

He is a man full of hate.

un fanàtic que no li preocupa

a fanatic who is not concerned

que el món sencer ho vegi.

let the whole world see it.

El discurs de Trump,

Trump's speech,

en respecte dels migrants,

with respect to migrants,

ha estat horrible i molt difícil de sentir.

It has been horrible and very difficult to hear.

No puc acceptar que tinguem algú

I cannot accept that we have someone.

com Donald Trump a l'escenari

like Donald Trump on stage

que diu mentides conscientment

that consciously tells lies

una i altra vegada

time and again

i que un gran partit ho accepti.

and that a great party accepts it.

Aquesta mentida en concret

This particular lie.

sobre els migrants menjant animals de companyia

about migrants eating pets

ha estat fastigosa, indignant,

it has been disgusting, outrageous,

gens divertida,

not at all funny,

un senyal més de com és d'inquietat aquest home.

One more sign of how troubled this man is.

Es mengen els gossos i els gats.

They eat dogs and cats.

És una afirmació tan bèstia

It's such a brutal statement.

que es converteix en viral

that goes viral

i de sobte comencen a aparèixer vídeos

And suddenly videos start to appear.

una mica estranys que ho justifiquen.

a little strange that justifies it.

Tots de perfils tramposos

All cheating profiles

que asseguren tenir proves

that they claim to have evidence

que després no acaben de publicar del tot.

that they don't completely publish later.

I sobretot, una pregunta.

And above all, a question.

La comunitat d'Hitians a qui s'acusa tot plegat,

The Hittite community accused of it all,

com ho està rebent?

How is it being received?

Quina reacció tenen a Springfield?

What reaction do they have in Springfield?

Doncs només hi ha una manera de saber-ho.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

Carretera i cap a Ohio.

Road and heading to Ohio.

Arribar-hi des de Washington

Getting there from Washington

és un trajecte una mica pesadot.

It's a bit of a tedious journey.

Són més de 7 hores de cotxe

It's more than 7 hours by car.

per els 720 quilòmetres.

for the 720 kilometers.

Pel camí creues 3 estats.

Along the way, you cross 3 states.

Passem per Maryland, Pensilvània i Virginia de l'Oest.

We pass through Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

Finalment, Ohio.

Finally, Ohio.

Ohio que pren el nom del riu homònim

Ohio takes its name from the river of the same name.

que, amb la llengua original,

that, with the original language,

significava Gran Riu.

it meant Great River.

Em toca gravar tot l'estat

I have to record the entire state.

perquè el nostre destí és a la part més occidental,

because our destiny is in the westernmost part,

tocant a Columbus i a Cincinnati.

Touching on Columbus and Cincinnati.

Baby, if you've ever wondered

Baby, if you've ever wondered

Wondered whatever became of me

Wondered whatever became of me

I'm living on the air in Cincinnati

Estic vivint de l'aire a Cincinnati.





No, per Cincinnati no hi passaré.

No, I won't be passing through Cincinnati.

A veure la seva ràdio,

Let's see your radio,

que prou feina tinc en arribar a un altre lloc

I have enough work getting to another place.

de nom també certament televisiu.

of a name that is certainly also televised.

Benvinguts a Springfield, Ohio.

Welcome to Springfield, Ohio.

Springfield, el poble dels Simpsons,

Springfield, the town of the Simpsons,

sí, però atenció,

yes, but attention,

que és un nom extremadament comú als Estats Units.

that is an extremely common name in the United States.

Al país hi ha fins a 67 llocs habitats

In the country, there are up to 67 inhabited places.

que es diuen així.

that are called like this.

I, de fet, al d'Ohio

I, in fact, in Ohio

no m'hi trobo ni una sola referència televisiva.

I don't find a single television reference there.

Res de bars, lises o homers.

No bars, lices, or homers.

No, aquí la cosa va de gossos, gats

No, here it's about dogs, cats.

i, sobretot, de persones assenyalades.

and, above all, of marked people.

Springfield té uns 70.000 habitants.

Springfield has about 70,000 inhabitants.

Els últims anys han arribat aquí

In recent years they have arrived here.

uns 15.000 migrants d'origen haitià,

about 15,000 migrants of Haitian origin,

la immensa majoria de forma legal,

the vast majority legally,

però una part de la població, dels de sempre,

but a part of the population, the usual ones,

està molesta i fa córrer rumors.

She is upset and is spreading rumors.

Després del debat, la cosa s'ha revolucionat

After the debate, things have gotten heated.

i l'Ajuntament i diversos centres públics,

and the City Council and various public centers,

educatius i socials,

educational and social,

han rebut fins i tot avisos de bomba

they have even received bomb threats

i els han hagut de tancar un o dos dies.

And they have had to close for one or two days.

Mai havia passat això,

This had never happened before,

però des que Trump ha parlat de gats i gossos,

but since Trump has talked about cats and dogs,

tot ha explotat.

Everything has exploded.

L'alcalde ha negat les acusacions de l'expresident

The mayor has denied the accusations made by the former president.

i també el governador de l'Estat,

and also the governor of the State,

el republicà DeWine,

the Republican DeWine,

ho fa a la cadena ABC.

He does it on the ABC network.

Els darrers dies s'ha publicat a xarxes socials

In recent days, it has been published on social media.

que han desaparegut animals de companyia en aquest poble

that pets have disappeared in this village

i que la nombrosa comunitat haitiana se'ls menja.

and that the numerous Haitian community devours them.

Ningú n'ha vist proves

No one has seen any evidence.

i alguns veïns estan molestos.

and some neighbors are upset.

En cap, és un resident de la ciutat,

In short, he is a resident of the city.

un home blanc d'uns 50 anys.

a white man of about 50 years old.

M'aturo a preguntar-li què li sembla tot plegat.

I stop to ask him what he thinks of it all.

Els comentaris de Trump els troba ridículs i perillosos

He finds Trump's comments ridiculous and dangerous.

i troba que tothom a la ciutat

and finds that everyone in the city

ha estat sempre molt respectuós.

He has always been very respectful.

Però sí que explica que a la ciutat

But it does explain that in the city

hi ha hagut algunes tensions que poden,

there have been some tensions that may,

a l'explicar aquesta onada de Fake News.

when explaining this wave of Fake News.

Si tu agafes qualsevol dels 58.000 habitants,

If you take any of the 58,000 inhabitants,

ja sigui a Espanya, a Portugal o qualsevol altre lloc,

whether in Spain, Portugal, or anywhere else,

i portes 20.000 persones més en un període de dos anys,

and you bring 20,000 more people in a period of two years,

la ciutat no ho pot assumir sense dificultats.

the city cannot take it on without difficulties.

Així que no sé de qui és culpa això.

So I don't know whose fault this is.

Si és del govern per permetre que tanta gent

If it is from the government to allow so many people

vingui de fora de cop en un mateix lloc,

come from outside all at once in the same place,

però això genera problemes.

but this generates problems.

No és cosa de si són molt bones persones els que arribin.

It's not a matter of whether the ones who arrive are very good people.

Si vinguessin d'Islàndia i parlessin una llengua diferent,

If they came from Iceland and spoke a different language,

generaria estrès a la ciutat.

it would generate stress in the city.

M'explica en cap que ara fa un any tot es va complicar.

Tell me that a year ago everything got complicated.

Un jove haitià que conduïa sense carnet

A young Haitian driving without a license.

va atropellar un nen i el va matar.

he ran over a child and killed him.

A partir d'allà, les Fake News van començar a circular

From there, the Fake News started to circulate.

al voltant de la comunitat haitiana.

around the Haitian community.

Allà mateix hi ha una bonica botiga de records.

Right there is a nice souvenir shop.

La propietària m'explica que estan venent més que mai.

The owner explains to me that they are selling more than ever.

Té samarretes amb el nom d'Springfield.

He has t-shirts with the name Springfield.

Ella i el seu marit no tenen cap dubte

She and her husband have no doubt.

que tot el que s'ha dit és mentida.

that everything that has been said is a lie.

No tens dubtes que això és mentida?

Aren't you in doubt that this is a lie?

No, no hi ha dubtes.

No, there are no doubts.

En canvi, el James, exprofessor,

On the other hand, James, a former teacher,

que apareix amb una gorra de tram passejant per allà mateix,

that appears with a cap on, walking around there.

diu que alguna cosa sí que està passant a la ciutat.

He says that something is indeed happening in the city.

En relació amb la història dels gossos,

In relation to the history of dogs,

tothom aquí sap que hi ha hagut problemes amb oques o ànecs.

Everyone here knows that there have been problems with geese or ducks.

Ja sabem com és tram, però és trist que ens quedem amb això

We already know what tram is like, but it is sad that we are left with this.

quan som una comunitat sota pressió.

when we are a community under pressure.

Entenent que els haitians volen un millor futur,

Understanding that Haitians want a better future,

però també entenent que la comunitat està saturada

but also understanding that the community is saturated

pel que fa a la ciutat.

regarding the city.

Fa allotjament, serveis socials, salut, educació...

It provides accommodation, social services, health, education...

Per ell, el problema és que veuen que la comunitat haitiana

For him, the problem is that they see the Haitian community.

rep més ajudes que la gent local de tota la vida

receives more help than the locals have all their lives

i que això genera malestar.

and that this generates discomfort.

No tots els haitians treballen.

Not all Haitians work.

Un percentatge important sí, però molts no.

An important percentage yes, but many no.

I fins i tot si treballen poden accedir a subvencions

And even if they work, they can access subsidies.

per comprar menjar, diners per allotjament,

to buy food, money for accommodation,

assegurança mèdica gratuïta...

free medical insurance...

I aquí és on apareix la divisió al poble.

And here is where the division in the village appears.

Ciutadans de tota la vida que han treballat de valent

Citizens who have worked hard all their lives

i han rebut un percentatge important.

And they have received an important percentage.

I és un tema de justícia.

And it is a matter of justice.

El govern no té cura de mi.

The government does not care for me.

Com pot ser que aquesta gent que arribi

How can it be that these people who arrive

i ja tingui 400-500 dòlars al mes

and already have 400-500 dollars a month

i jo he de vigilar quan cobro la pensió per arribar bé?

Do I have to be careful when I collect my pension to arrive safely?

Molt del que passa també té a veure amb els diners.

A lot of what happens is also related to money.

I abans de marxar, remata.

And before leaving, finish it off.

El tema dels animals va de debò.

The issue of animals is serious.

Ja siguin ànecs, oques, gossos, gats o el que sigui.

Whether they are ducks, geese, dogs, cats, or whatever it is.

No vull ficar-m'hi gaire, però estan passant coses.

I don’t want to get too involved, but things are happening.

Són cultures diferents.

They are different cultures.

És cert que hi ha gent que no té cura de la justícia.

It is true that there are people who do not care about justice.

Hi ha gent que diu que han desaparegut ànecs i oques,

There are people who say that ducks and geese have disappeared,

però jo, que després m'acostaré als parcs i als llacs,

but I, who will then go to the parks and the lakes,

trobaré que n'està ple.

I will find it that it is full.

Però, i la comunitat haitiana?

But what about the Haitian community?

Com ho està vivint tot plegat?

How are you experiencing all of this?

M'adverteixen que són força reacis a parlar,

They warn me that they are quite reluctant to speak.

però m'acosto al Haitian Community Service,

but I am approaching the Haitian Community Service,

una ONG que ajuda els nouvinguts d'aquest país

an NGO that helps newcomers to this country

a fer la paperassa per instal·lar-se aquí.

to do the paperwork to settle here.

És un local mitjanet, una mica desmanegat.

It's a medium-sized place, a bit messy.

M'expliquen que sóc tot just el tercer periodista

They tell me that I am just the third journalist.

que passa avui per allà.

What's happening over there today?

M'atendrà un dels seus portaveus, el Herard Harald.

One of their spokespersons, Herard Harald, will attend to me.

És enginyer.

He is an engineer.

Va arribar primer el 2019 i es va instal·lar del tot

It first arrived in 2019 and settled in completely.

ara fa un parell d'anys.

a couple of years ago.

Em diu que ja s'esperava els comentaris de Donald Trump.

He tells me that he was already expecting Donald Trump's comments.

Ja m'ho esperava.

I expected it.

Al mateix dia, 3 milions de persones

On the same day, 3 million people.

ja havien vist aquesta mena d'informació.

They had already seen this kind of information.

Ja podíem esperar-nos-ho.

We could already expect it.

No, no, no m'ho vaig prendre personalment.

No, no, I didn't take it personally.

Tenim llibertat d'expressió,

We have freedom of expression,

però assegura't abans de parlar que tens bona informació,

but make sure before speaking that you have good information,

que t'assegures de saber

that you make sure you know

què ha passat de veritat, fer recerca.

What has really happened, do research.

I ningú ho ha fet aquí,

And no one has done it here,

per saber si era bona informació.

to know if it was good information.

I els haitians sabíem que aquesta informació era falsa.

And we Haitians knew that this information was false.

Per tant, no hi ha dubte que el que va dir Trump

Therefore, there is no doubt that what Trump said

que passa aquí no està passant.

What's happening here is not happening.

Som a Springfield, una ciutat gran, bonica.

We are in Springfield, a big, beautiful city.

Aquestes coses no han passat,

These things have not happened,

no passen i no passaran.

they do not pass and they will not pass.

Per què creus que aquest tipus d'informació ens apareix?

Why do you think this type of information appears to us?

Des de després d'aquell accident que van matar un nen,

Since after that accident that killed a child,

a la comunitat sentim que algunes persones

to the community, we feel that some people

han intentat culpar tots els haitians,

they have tried to blame all Haitians,

segurament buscant desestabilitzar la unitat de la nostra comunitat.

surely seeking to destabilize the unity of our community.

Hem llegit molt sobre amenaces a l'Ajuntament, a escoles.

We have read a lot about threats to the Town Hall, to schools.

Vosaltres també en rebeu?

Do you also receive it?

La vostra gent us diu que els darrers dies han estat difícils?

Does your people tell you that the last few days have been difficult?

Sí, per nosaltres ha estat difícil.

Yes, it has been difficult for us.

Jo era a casa,

I was at home,

i em van trucar.

And they called me.

Ei, vine a buscar la teva filla, perquè tenim un avís de bomba.

Hey, come pick up your daughter because we have a bomb threat.

D'entrada em vaig estressar.

At first, I got stressed.

També la meva dona em va preguntar, ara què fem, ara què fem?

My wife also asked me, now what do we do, now what do we do?

I jo li vaig dir que no calia que ens preocupéssim gaire,

And I told him that we didn't need to worry too much.

que estarem bé i que el mal temps passarà.

that we will be fine and that the bad weather will pass.

Però part de la comunitat haitiana està preocupada pel que vindrà.

But part of the Haitian community is concerned about what is to come.

Des del debat, alguns haitians han intentat marxar de la ciutat,

Since the debate, some Haitians have tried to leave the city,

anar cap a Dayton, Columbus o algun altre comtà.

heading towards Dayton, Columbus or some other county.

Però tenim clar que això no durarà per sempre,

But we are clear that this will not last forever,

que la gent entendrà la veritat,

that people will understand the truth,

i nosaltres, a més, creiem molt en la comunitat,

and we, furthermore, believe strongly in the community,

la policia de la ciutat, que ens ajudaran.

the city police, who will help us.

Hi ha una gran comunitat d'haitians.

There is a large Haitian community.

Com ha estat la vida a la ciutat?

How has life in the city been?

I, sobretot, com era abans de la polèmica?

And, above all, what was it like before the controversy?

Quan vaig arribar per primer cop als Estats Units,

When I first arrived in the United States,

el 2019, era una ciutat molt quieta, tranquil·la.

In 2019, it was a very quiet, peaceful city.

No era una ciutat activa per negocis o turisme.

It was not an active city for business or tourism.

Podia sentir, no diré que estava morta, però sí molt tranquil·la.

I could feel it, I won't say I was dead, but yes, very calm.

Però quan vaig tornar el 2022, el primer que vaig dir-me a mi mateix

But when I returned in 2022, the first thing I said to myself

és que vaig equivocar-me quan el 2019 no vaig obrir un negoci aquí.

It's that I made a mistake when I didn't open a business here in 2019.

Tot havia canviat, un creixement molt ràpid,

Everything had changed, a very rapid growth,

i amb el sistema d'immigració legal que ens van proporcionar,

and with the legal immigration system they provided us,

els haitians van fer boca a orella.

The Haitians spread the word mouth to ear.

Ei, aquí hi ha feina.

Hey, there's work here.

Podries venir.

Could you come?

El gran objectiu és trobar feina.

The main goal is to find a job.

I si hi ha un lloc on la pots aconseguir més fàcil i ràpidament,

And if there is a place where you can get it more easily and quickly,

què farà la gent?

What will people do?

Venir a treballar.

Come to work.

El poble haitíà no és gandul.

The Haitian people are not lazy.

Li encanta treballar.

He loves working.

No tens por que a partir d'ara alguna gent pensi per sempre

You have no reason to worry that from now on some people will think forever.

que els haitians es mengen animals de companyia?

Do Haitians eat pets?

No, no.

No, no.

Intentarem que la gent vegi que no és veritat.

We will try to make people see that it is not true.

L'únic que hem de fer és que ens assegurem

The only thing we have to do is make sure.

que ens asseguem a parlar per entendre el que realment passa.

let's sit down to talk to understand what is really happening.

En marxar, li demano al Gerard

When leaving, I ask Gerard.

si hi ha algun establiment haitià que em pugui recomanar.

If there is any Haitian establishment that you could recommend to me.

I m'indica un restaurant, el Rose Good Creole.

It indicates a restaurant, the Rose Good Creole.

Va obrir fa quatre anys i només arribar

It opened four years ago and as soon as it arrived.

m'hi trobo una bona cua de gent per demanar dinar.

I find myself in a long line of people to order lunch.

Quan té cinc minuts, m'atén l'home en Pierre, el seu propietari.

When he has five minutes, the man Pierre, his owner, attends to me.

Em diu que des del debat electoral

He tells me that since the electoral debate.

les vendes han augmentat de forma brutal.

Sales have increased dramatically.

Moltes persones han vingut.

Many people have come.

Per tant, crec que això és una bona notícia per a nosaltres.

Therefore, I think this is good news for us.

Quan vam començar a obrir, va ser així.

When we started to open, it was like that.

Però ha estat tan lluny que no tenim gaire gent.

But it has been so far away that we don't have many people.

Per tant, crec que és una bona notícia per a nosaltres.

Therefore, I believe it is good news for us.

Lomén admet que els ciutadans locals han estat la majoria molt amables

Lomén admits that the local citizens have been very kind.

i han mostrat suport, però que la comunitat haitiana

and they have shown support, but that the Haitian community

té por que els assenyalin per coses que no tenen cap sentit.

he is afraid of being pointed out for things that make no sense.

Alguns haitians tenen por, no saben què ha passat,

Some Haitians are scared, they don't know what has happened,

però ara estic treballant al restaurant,

but now I am working at the restaurant,

i veig que hi ha gent a Springfield,

I see that there are people in Springfield.

i no totes les persones a Springfield, però no totes les persones a Springfield,

and not all the people in Springfield, but not all the people in Springfield,

però no totes les persones a Springfield, però no totes les persones a Springfield,

but not all the people in Springfield, but not all the people in Springfield,

no tenen cap sentit.

they make no sense.

El restaurant no han rebut ni amenaces ni han patit.

The restaurant has not received any threats nor have they suffered.

Bé, sí que diu que han rebut un parell de trucades que,

Well, yes, it does say that they have received a couple of calls that,

amb broma, volien demanar per dinar gos i gat.

Jokingly, they wanted to ask for dog and cat for lunch.

Ahir, potser dues persones van trucar.

Yesterday, perhaps two people called.

Crec que van estar jocant.

I think they were playing.

Van demanar si tenien gos, si tenien gos al restaurant.

They asked if they had a dog, if they had a dog at the restaurant.

Jo vaig jocar amb elles.

I played with them.

Vaig dir que no vendríem aquest tipus de coses.

I said we wouldn't sell that kind of thing.

Lomén se'n riu.

Lomén laughs at it.

De fet, la resposta de Springfield és molt diversa.

In fact, the response from Springfield is very diverse.

Alguns s'ho prenen mitja broma, d'altres s'enfaden,

Some take it half as a joke, others get angry.

i altres no.

and others not.

I alguns, com el James, no en tenen proves,

And some, like James, have no evidence of it.

però han sentit que passen coses amb les oques i els ànecs del parc.

But they have heard that things are happening with the geese and ducks in the park.

Així que m'hi acostaré.

So I will get closer.

M'hi trobo un llac preciós, ple d'ànecs i oques.

I find a beautiful lake, full of ducks and geese.

No han desaparegut, no.

They have not disappeared, no.

I a la vora, un parc caní ple de gossos.

And on the edge, a dog park full of dogs.

Una parella que surt em diu que no els han agradat gens

A couple that is leaving tells me that they didn't like it at all.

les paraules de Trump.

Trump's words.

La majoria dels propietaris dels animals no volen parlar,

Most pet owners do not want to talk.

però un home alt sí que s'atura a parlar amb mi.

but a tall man does stop to talk to me.

Ell creu que alguna cosa està passant.

He believes that something is happening.

Però creus que hi ha alguna veritat en això?

But do you think there is some truth in this?

Més que probablement.

More than likely.

Creus que sí?

Do you think so?



No hi ha res a veure amb la càmera o amb el vídeo,

There is nothing to see with the camera or with the video,

però sí, hi ha moltes coses estupides.

but yes, there are many stupid things.

Però tens por que el teu gos estigui en perill?

But are you afraid that your dog is in danger?

No, no.

No, no.

No el protegiré.

I will not protect him.

Però creus que algú pot portar-lo i fins i tot menjar-lo a Springfield?

But do you think anyone can bring it and even eat it in Springfield?

M'agradaria que ho intentés.

I would like you to try it.

No et preocupa que hagi fet aquests comentaris

Aren't you worried that I've made these comments?

i que la gent parli d'això a Springfield?

And what, should people talk about this in Springfield?

No, ni del tot.

No, not at all.

No t'agrada?

Don't you like it?

Ni del tot. Algú ha de parlar d'això.

Not at all. Someone has to talk about this.

Diu que no tot pot estar gravat amb càmera,

He says that not everything can be recorded with a camera.

però que hi ha coses que passen

but there are things that happen

i està content que Trump ho hagi posat sobre la taula.

and is happy that Trump has put it on the table.

Sigui com sigui, ningú ha vist cap prova de res.

Anyway, nobody has seen any proof of anything.

Els vídeos que circulen per internet o eren d'altres llocs

The videos that circulate on the internet were from other places.

o no tenien relació amb el tema.

or they had no relation to the topic.

Una famosa foto d'un home duent dues oques

A famous photo of a man carrying two geese.

resulta que no era perquè se les emportés per menjar-se-les,

it turns out it wasn't so that she would take them to eat them,

sinó que les va agafar perquè eren a mitja de la carretera, atropellades.

but they were hit because they were in the middle of the road, run over.

I això ha estat desestimat per les autoritats.

And this has been dismissed by the authorities.

I per acabar-ho de reblar, després d'hores de polèmica,

And to top it all off, after hours of controversy,

el candidat a vicepresident de Trump, J.D. Vance,

the candidate for vice president of Trump, J.D. Vance,

admet això en directe a la CNN.

admit this live on CNN.

He intentat parlar dels problemes a Springfield durant mesos

I have tried to talk about the problems in Springfield for months.

i els mitjans nord-americans m'han ignorat.

And the American media have ignored me.

Fins i tot al Congrés la setmana passada.

Even at the Congress last week.

I els mitjans ho han ignorat totalment

And the media have completely ignored it.

fins que Trump i jo hem començat a parlar de gats.

Until Trump and I started talking about cats.

Si he de crear històries perquè els mitjans parin atenció

If I have to create stories for the media to pay attention

del patiment del poble americà, això és el que faré.

of the suffering of the American people, that is what I will do.

Inventar històries per aconseguir que es parli d'allò que és important.

Invent stories to make people talk about what is important.

La fi justificant els mitjans.

The end justifies the means.

La campanya s'escalfa, la campanya s'accelera

The campaign is heating up, the campaign is speeding up.

i els dies que quedin fins a les eleccions

and the days remaining until the elections

ens poden presentar moltes històries noves, reals o inventades,

they can present us with many new stories, real or invented,

amb gats o amb gossos.

with cats or with dogs.

Una campanya electoral que s'acaba convertint en un gag.

An electoral campaign that ends up turning into a gag.

I el que està en joc, encara que no ho sembli, és força seriós.

And what is at stake, even if it doesn't seem like it, is quite serious.

En Springfield,

In Springfield,

els mitjans estan menjant els gossos.

the media are eating the dogs.

Estan menjant els gossos.

The dogs are eating.

Estan menjant els nens de les persones que hi viuen.

They are eating the children of the people who live there.

Estan menjant els gossos.

The dogs are eating.

Estan menjant els nens de les persones que hi viuen.

They are eating the children of the people who live there.

Les persones de Springfield,

The people of Springfield,

per favor, no mengeu els meus gossos.

Please, do not eat my dogs.

Per què ho faríeu?

Why would you do it?

Mengeu una altra cosa.

Eat something else.

Avui ho dec backpackar.

Today I have to backpack it.

Segur que el canvi nigut no Million göra

Surely the snowy change won't happen.

com les darreres vegades hem dit.

as we have said in the last times.

Són lesuvo.

They are the wolves.

Són lesuvo,

They are the wolf.



Follow Garriga és un podcast de Catalunya Ràdio

Follow Garriga is a podcast from Catalunya Ràdio.

amb el muntatge musical de Sergi Cotilles.

with the musical arrangement by Sergi Cotilles.

Redacció i realització, Francesc Garriga.

Writing and production, Francesc Garriga.

Catalunya Ràdio. Catalunya Àudio. Som podcast.

Catalonia Radio. Catalonia Audio. We are podcast.

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