T2xC15 - La Torre Martina, una casa impossible de llogar perquè tothom en fuig corrents

Catalunya Ràdio

Misteris, o no?

T2xC15 - La Torre Martina, una casa impossible de llogar perquè tothom en fuig corrents

Misteris, o no?

Catalunya Ràdio. Catalunya Àudio. Som podcast.

Catalonia Radio. Catalonia Audio. We are podcast.

Misteris! O no?

Mysteries! Or not?

Fran Domènech, què tal, com estàs? Molt bé, i tu, Pau Torres?

Fran Domènech, how are you? Very well, and you, Pau Torres?

Doncs mira, com dic sempre, em treballo molt bé.

Well, you see, as I always say, I work very well.

Que bé, totalment. De l'1 al 10? 11.

How great, totally. From 1 to 10? 11.

Ara, ara s'està molt bé. De l'1 al 10, 11.

Now, now it's very good. From 1 to 10, 11.

Ara et faré una pregunta que segurament et descol·locarà,

Now I will ask you a question that will surely throw you off.

però és que me l'estic fent a sobre.

but I'm actually doing it on myself.

Atenció, pregunta. Si jo et dic 1714, tu què em respons?

Attention, question. If I say 1714, what do you respond?

Les hores que dormiria el cap de setmana.

The hours I would sleep on the weekend.

Ara aquí m'has descol·locat, tu, a mi.

Now you've thrown me off, you have.

Però com a data assenyalada a nivell de la història,

But as a notable date in history,

si jo et dic 1714, ja em tornem-hi?

If I say 1714 to you, are we back at it again?

Sí. El dia que vam celebrar la derrota.

Yes. The day we celebrated the defeat.

La derrota. Bueno, vam, Catalunya celebra la derrota.

The defeat. Well, let's go, Catalonia celebrates the defeat.

Clar, ens ha quedat...

Of course, we have left...

Si ens escolta algun senyor que no és català,

If there is a gentleman listening who is not Catalan,

doncs mira, no celebrava res, però comemora.

Well look, I wasn't celebrating anything, but I celebrate.

A Catalunya celebrem la derrota.

In Catalonia, we celebrate defeat.

Això és el que ens ha quedat.

This is what we have left.

De fet, cada any recordem aquesta data,

In fact, each year we remember this date,

el que va passar durant la Guerra de Successió.

what happened during the War of Succession.

Però si et dic que durant aquesta Guerra de Successió

But if I tell you that during this War of Succession

van passar altres coses que avui dia...

other things happened that these days...

Això passa també.

This happens too.

Sí, i que avui dia les pots percebre

Yes, and that nowadays you can perceive them.

si tu tens una capacitat sensorial diferent,

if you have a different sensory capacity,

més alta que la resta de persones.

taller than the rest of the people.

O sigui, la teva tesi és que l'any 1714,

So, your thesis is that in the year 1714,

a part que l'11 de setembre hi hagués aquells fets,

apart from the fact that on September 11 there were those events,

va haver-hi altres coses que han quedat més minimitzats,

there were other things that have been minimized more.

anant en segon pla.

going into the background.

Clar, perquè nosaltres ho centrem molt a Barcelona,

Of course, because we focus a lot on Barcelona,

que va passar el 1714 a Barcelona,

What happened in 1714 in Barcelona?

però jo ara et proposo que ens n'anem fins al Maresme.

But now I propose that we go to Maresme.

Els altres 1714 al Maresme.

The other 1714 in Maresme.

Ara, Maresme.

Now, Maresme.

Sabem que molta gent diu Maresme lliure i tropical,

We know that many people say Maresme is free and tropical,

però jo hi afegeixo una paraula.

but I add a word.

A part de lliure tropical?

Aside from tropical free?

Maresme lliure, tropical i fantasmal.

Maresme free, tropical and ghostly.

Ep, ep.

Hey, hey.

I avui, i no pels Rodalies, que a vegades s'espatllen.

And today, and not by the Rodalies, which sometimes break down.

No, no, això seria també un tema a dedicar-hi

No, no, that would also be a topic to dedicate time to.

tota una temporada.

a whole season.

Aquella línia, aquella línia.

That line, that line.

Aquella línia.

That line.

Però no és per això, eh?

But that's not why, right?

No, no és per això.

No, it's not for that.

Hi ha uns fets relacionats amb la guerra de successió del 1714

There are some events related to the War of Spanish Succession of 1714.

situats al Maresme

located in Maresme

que estan relacionats amb fantasmes.

that are related to ghosts.

Això és una mica els ingredients del menú del dia.

This is a bit of the ingredients of the daily menu.

I no té a veure tampoc amb discoteques, eh?

And it doesn't have to do with nightclubs either, okay?

Tampoc, tampoc té a veure amb cap discoteca.

Neither, it does not have anything to do with any nightclub.



Hem posat els ingredients sobre la taula

We have placed the ingredients on the table.

i ara només falta invocar el xef,

and now we only need to summon the chef,

el nostre xef del misteri,

our mystery chef,

que és Sebastià d'Arbó.

who is Sebastià d'Arbó.



Bona, màgica i misteriosa nit.

Good, magical, and mysterious night.

Com t'ho has centrat, el pau, eh?

How have you focused, Pau, huh?

Com t'ho has centrat?

How did you manage to focus?

Ho he venut bé, avui o no?

Have I sold it well, today or not?

O com sempre.

Oh as always.

Bé, bé, cada vegada millor.

Good, good, better every time.

Sí, llàstima que ja acabem, eh?

Yes, it's a pity that we're finishing up, isn't it?

Sí, llàstima que ja acabem al final.

Yes, it's a pity that we finish at the end.

Sí, pot ser que avui sigui l'últim episodi?

Yes, could it be that today is the last episode?

Possible, eh?

Possible, huh?

És possible, eh?

Is it possible, huh?



Crec que sí.

I think so.

I d'emissió també o només de gravació?

And of emission too or only of recording?

Bueno, això...

Well, this...

Ara sí.

Now yes.

A veure, ara es trenca la cintura ara mateix.

Let's see, now the waist is breaking right now.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I la màgia també, eh?

And the magic too, right?

Torts, eh?

Torts, huh?

Perquè ara si algú es pensava que...

Because now if someone thought that...

Clar, fer un podcast en directe també és malparit

Sure, doing a live podcast is also tough.

perquè implicaria que hauries d'estar disponible

because it would imply that you would have to be available

tota l'estona.

all the time.

Cada vegada que algú l'escoltar...

Every time someone listens to him...

Has de tornar a començar, saps?

You have to start over, you know?

Tots els dies.

Every day.

Totes les hores.

All the time.

T'imagines, Sebastià, estar disponible per cada oient

Can you imagine, Sebastià, being available for every listener?

que vulgui escoltar el programa

who wants to listen to the program

i que l'hagis de fer en directe?

And that you have to do it live?

T'ho faries, no, això?

You would do it, right?



En tant...

As soon as...

Et deus a l'audiència.

You owe it to the audience.

A la meva edat, a la meva edat...

At my age, at my age...

Però si estàs a la flor de la vida.

But if you are in the prime of life.

Calla, calla.

Shut up, shut up.

Tot i que tu et mereixes una altra cosa.

Even though you deserve something else.

Les nenes maques que hi ha a l'equip.

The pretty girls on the team.

La creu de Sant Jordi per Sebastià d'Arbó

The Cross of Saint George by Sebastià d'Arbó

i a veure si t'escolten des de presidència.

And let's see if they listen to you from the presidency.

Si escoltes el programa al revés,

If you listen to the program backwards,

s'escolta Sebastià d'Arbó, creu de Sant Jordi.

Sebastià d'Arbó is heard, Cross of Saint George.

Només diu això, el programa.

It only says this, the program.

Escolta, si tu veus el Maresme,

Listen, if you see the Maresme,

hi ha una torre...

there is a tower...

Sant Jordi o el cavaller Vilardell?

Saint George or the knight Vilardell?



Ho he descol·locat.

I have unsettled him.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Si jo ara et dic Maduixes o Flam...

If I now say Strawberries or Flan to you...

No, però és que és el mateix personatge.

No, but it's the same character.



O no, jo no sé.

Oh no, I don't know.

Era de mentida, Sant Jordi.

It was a lie, Saint George.

No ho sé, no ho sé.

I don't know, I don't know.

Molt bé, ja ho parlarem un altre dia.

Very well, we'll talk about it another day.

Bueno, escolteu, perdoneu la gent.

Well, listen, excuse the people.

Estàvem parlant d'això del 1714,

We were talking about this of 1714,

que el Maresme,

that the Maresme,

hi havia uns fets,

there were some events,

que al marge de la Guerra de Successió,

that aside from the War of Succession,

hi havia uns fets estranys i fantasmals.

There were some strange and ghostly events.

Hi ha una torre on passen coses.

There is a tower where things happen.

Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Mira, escolteu.

Look, listen.

Sí, va, he contestat.

Yes, come on, I have answered.

Anem a concretar, va, escolteu-me.

Let's get specific, come on, listen to me.

Bueno, això et demanem, sí.

Well, that's what we are asking you for, yes.

Aneu a escoltar.

Go listen.

El dia 4, del 4 al 15 de febrer del 1714,

The day 4, from February 4 to 15, 1714,

com tu deies abans...

as you said before...

Ara has concretat, ara sí.

Now you have specified, now yes.

A la població de Sant Pol de Mar...

In the town of Sant Pol de Mar...

Oh, quina hora és?

Oh, what time is it?

...va ser un dia tràgic.

...it was a tragic day.

Per què?


Perquè Sant Pol de Mar era un port marítim de Barcelona.

Because Sant Pol de Mar was a seaport of Barcelona.

A Barcelona no hi havia port,

In Barcelona, there was no port,

que a l'època no era tan fàcil, eh?,

that it wasn't so easy at the time, huh?

entrar aquí,

enter here,

per les avengudes també dels rius,

for the venues also of the rivers,

i de les rambles i tot,

and of the rambles and everything,

que tiraven molta sorra.

that threw a lot of sand.

El Besòs, el Lugat...

The Besòs, the Place...

Aleshores, el Maresme,

Then, the Maresme,

el Maresme, clar, és que baixaven amb força,

the Maresme, of course, is that they were coming down with force,

no com ara, que estan campats, pobres rius.

not like now, when they are drained, poor rivers.

Aleshores, el Maresme era millor.

Back then, the Maresme was better.

He vist aquí una reivindicació pel riu, no?,

I've seen a claim for the river here, haven't I?

per deixar anar el cabal dels rius amb més força, no?

to let the flow of the rivers go stronger, right?

Sí, home,

Yes, man,

el riu és vida, ja ho dèiem.

the river is life, we said it already.

I a les Terres de l'Ebre,

And in the Ebre Lands,

ara és un riu atòmic,

now it is an atomic river,

Friig i Escoa, allà...

Friig and Escoa, there...

Jo us vaig explicant...

I will explain to you...

L'Ebre és un riu atòmic, eh?

The Ebre is an atomic river, huh?

Però tornem al Maresme,

But let's return to the Maresme,

que avui estem a Espècies...

that today we are in Species...

Era el port de Barcelona, no?

It was the port of Barcelona, wasn't it?

Era un dels ports de Barcelona.

It was one of the ports of Barcelona.

El port de Barcelona arribava fins a Sant Pol.

The port of Barcelona reached as far as Sant Pol.

Aleshores, allà van atacar bastant les tropes del rei,

Then, there the king's troops were attacked quite a bit,

Felip V, no?, era Felip V,

Philip V, right? It was Philip V.

el que...

the what...

Era un borbó.

He was a Bourbon.

Ens van atacar molt, sí,

They attacked us a lot, yes.

i van entrar violentament a la població,

and they violently entered the town,

van saquejar tot el que van poder,

they plundered everything they could,

van matar aquí tots els que van poder.

They killed here all those they could.



ho van cremar tot.

They burned it all.

La vila marinera la van cremar tota.

They burnt the entire fishing village down.

Sant Pol, eh?, estem parlant.

Sant Pol, huh?, we're talking.

És un acostum que tenen, eh?

It's a habit they have, right?

Els francesos els agrada cremar, eh?

The French like to burn, huh?

Cremar coses.

Burn things.

Menys els de Girona, que els van sortir malament, ells.

Except for those from Girona, who messed up, them.

Van sortir malament.

They went out badly.

Però ells cremaven coses, i van cremar Sant Pol.

But they burned things, and they burned Sant Pol.

Van cremar el que van poder, sí, la vila marinera,

They burned what they could, yes, the fishing village,

tot, tot, tot,

everything, everything, everything,

i llavors hi va haver molt pocs supervivents, eh?

And then there were very few survivors, right?

Hi ha algun supervivent que era vell,

There is a survivor who was old,

i algun nen, i tal,

and some kid, and stuff,

però, bueno, van fer el mal que van poder.

but, well, they did the harm they could.

Van aterroritzar la zona.

They terrorized the area.





hi havien 50 homes valents.

There were 50 brave men.

Imagineu-vos ara els Miquelets, aquells que van, eh?,

Imagine now the Miquelets, those who go, right?

d'aquella època, amb la baioneta i tal,

from that time, with the bayonet and such,

que aquests eren voluntaris, eren d'un regiment que es deia Amill, Amill,

that these were volunteers, they were from a regiment called Amill, Amill,

el regiment,

the regiment,

i es van fer forts a una torre que es diu Torremartina.

And they took refuge in a tower called Torremartina.

Aquí ve el títol, els fantasmes de Torremartina.

Here comes the title, the ghosts of Torremartina.

No es van rendir.

They did not surrender.

Els van passar a baioneta i els van matar tots.

They were bayoneted and killed all of them.

O sigui, van palmar.

So, they bit the dust.

Però van estar aguantant?

But did they hold out?

Van aguantar bastant, van aguantar, no ho sé...

They held on for quite a while, they held on, I don't know...

El setge de Torremartina.

The siege of Torremartina.

Sí, i van morir allà dintre.

Yes, and they died in there.


Poor things.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Que 300 anys després, eh?,

That 300 years later, huh?

encara avui hi ha gent que...

even today there are people who...

detecta la seva presència a dintre de Torremartina.

detects its presence inside Torremartina.

O sigui, estem parlant una mica com allò que ens explicaves del dia de Belchite,

So, we are talking a bit like what you told us about the day of Belchite,

que amb un passat tràgic, bèl·lic,

with a tragic, warlike past,

si tu vas en aquell lloc, encara s'hi veu de forma...

if you go to that place, it can still be seen in a way...

I més tancat, un lloc...

And the more closed off, a place...

Com era Torremartina?

What was Torremartina like?

Bueno, encara existeix.

Well, it still exists.

Existeix, eh?

It exists, right?

Sí, sí, una torre, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, a tower, yes, yes.

Però és molt gran? Què s'ha d'imaginar, la gent?

But is it very big? What should people imagine?

No, no, com una masia, més o menys.

No, not like a farmhouse, more or less.

Però era una torre de defensa.

But it was a defense tower.

Les masies no són torres de defensa.

Farmhouses are not defense towers.

En realitat, són masies amb aquesta torre de defensa

In reality, they are farmhouses with this defensive tower.

i a vegades amb fortalesa al costat per poder-se defensar millor.

and sometimes with strength by their side to defend themselves better.

Saps què vull dir? Amurellades.

Do you know what I mean? Amurellades.

Però que era una torre pensada per a guaitar a la mar, que no vinguessin...

But it was a tower designed to look out at the sea, to see that they didn't come...

Sí, era per guaitar.

Yes, it was to spy.

Aquestes torres de defensa, de fet, en català es diu torre de guaita.

These defensive towers are actually called watchtowers in Catalan.



Clar, per guaitar, no?

Sure, to keep a lookout, right?

Ara en joc de paraules, que entra molt malament.

Now it's a play on words, which goes down very badly.

Sí, com un far, no?

Yes, like a lighthouse, right?



Està molt bé.

It's very good.

I hi ha a tot arreu.

And there is everywhere.

Per exemple, al costat del riu Ebre,

For example, next to the Ebro river,

hi ha torres de guaita a dret a l'esquerra,

there are watchtowers to the right and to the left,

que miraven qui pujava a la torre de riu Ebre, cap a dalt.

that were watching who was climbing the tower of the Ebre River, upwards.

I guaitaven bé.

And they were watching well.

Aleshores, aquesta gent, al tancar-se allí i morir allí,

So, these people, by closing themselves in there and dying there,

estava tancat, va començar a anar persones que diuen que sentien coses,

it was closed, people started to go who said they felt things,

que veien coses, i nosaltres vam enviar un equip d'investigació.

they saw things, and we sent an investigation team.

Amb un reporter.

With a reporter.

Mira, anava la Teresa Porqueres, però anava un altre reporter,

Look, Teresa Porqueres was going, but another reporter was going as well.

que treballa amb mi.

that works with me.

Sí, que és el Raül Sàcres.

Yes, that is Raül Sàcres.

Teresa Porqueres, recordem que és una periodista amb la qual vam parlar de l'Hospital de les Ombres.

Teresa Porqueres, let us remember that she is a journalist with whom we spoke about the Hospital of Shadows.

Que va ser la que va investigar el cas de l'exorcista oficial de Barcelona,

Who was the one who investigated the case of the official exorcist of Barcelona,

tristement i misteriosament desaparegut.

sadly and mysteriously disappeared.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Vosaltres vau anar a Torremartí amb aquest equip de Sebastià d'Arbó Enterprises, no?

You went to Torremartí with this team from Sebastià d'Arbó Enterprises, didn't you?

Diu el Pau als casafantasmes del segle XXI.

Pau says to the ghosts of the 21st century.



I què hi vau trobar?

And what did you find there?

Bé, és una antiga edificació que ara està més rehabilitada.

Well, it is an old building that is now more restored.

Allà es va passar de tot.

There, everything happened.

O sigui, vau poder parlar, per exemple, amb el Raül o amb un dels que ho van...

I mean, were you able to talk, for example, with Raül or with one of those who did it...

No juguis amb focs, Sebastià, perquè...

Don't play with fire, Sebastià, because...

Estàs tornant a demanar...

You are asking again...



El Raül, qui és el Raül?

Raül, who is Raül?

Raül Sàcres, el reporter que va anar.

Raül Sàcres, the reporter who went.

O sigui, estàs insinuant que potser hi ha gent que pot parlar d'aquest tema

So, are you insinuating that maybe there are people who can talk about this topic?

i que estàs demanant al nostre equip de producció que durant el directe puguin aconseguir que puguem parlar-hi.

And you are asking our production team to ensure that we can talk to him during the live broadcast.

Sí, és sensacional.

Yes, it's sensational.

És el que estàs fent.

It's what you are doing.

Sí, t'agradaria, eh?

Yes, you would like that, huh?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Interpreta això, no?, de les teves paraules.

Interpret this, right?, from your words.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very well, very well.

Com una bil·locació.

Like a bilocation.

D'aquí quanta estona?

How long from here?

D'aquí quanta estona.

In a little while.

Digues un minutatge.

Give a timestamp.

Això us ho deixo a vosaltres.

I leave this to you.

Si voleu, ara mateix.

If you want, right now.

Ara mateix?

Right now?

Quan vosaltres vulgueu.

Whenever you want.

Ah, sí?

Ah, yes?

Vols que ho provem ara mateix?

Do you want to try it right now?

Com es diu?

What is it called?

Raül Sàcres.

Raül Sàcres.

I ara us parlarem de l'experimentació que van portar a terme allà.

And now we will talk to you about the experimentation they carried out there.

Ell va anar allà?

Did he go there?

I tant, home.

Of course, man.

Tu vas anar amb ell?

Did you go with him?

No, és gent que fan la investigació i dediquen el dia o la nit o el que sigui, i jo no puc.

No, they are people who do the research and dedicate the day or the night or whatever, and I can't.

Ah, molt bé, doncs escolta'm.

Ah, very well, then listen to me.

Sóc l'ideòleg.

I am the ideologue.

Sí, sí, però està bé que ell pugui veure en primera persona què és el que va passar.

Yes, yes, but it's good that he can see firsthand what happened.

Va anar un sensitiu, que ens deia que es diu Marco Gómez.

A medium came, who told us his name is Marco Gómez.

Bueno, es deia Gómez, no me'n recordo.

Well, his name was Gómez, I don't remember.

Mario Gómez.

Mario Gómez.

Gómez es deia, segur.

His name was Gómez, for sure.

Home, si el Raül Sàcres.

Yes, Raül Sàcres.

I van veure...

They saw...

Bueno, ho expliqui ell.

Well, let him explain.

No, si el Raül Sàcres.

No, it's Raül Sàcres.



Vols que ho expliqui ell?

Do you want him to explain it?



Doncs vinga.

So let's go.

Això és fantàstic.

This is fantastic.

A veure si en podem parlar amb el Raül.

Let's see if we can talk about it with Raül.

Hola, bon dia, Sebastià.

Hello, good morning, Sebastià.

Com estàs?

How are you?

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.



Escolta, aquí uns companys et volen preguntar la teva experiència a la Torre Martina.

Listen, here some colleagues want to ask you about your experience at Torre Martina.

Te'n recordes?

Do you remember?




Come on.

Me'n recordo perfectament, sí.

I remember perfectly, yes.

Què va passar quan vau entrar allà?

What happened when you went in there?

Bueno, a la Torre Martina el que vam trobar...

Well, at Torre Martina what we found...

Bueno, vam escoltar en un principi tota la història, no, la llegenda que hi havia a la Torre Martina.

Well, we first heard the whole story, no, the legend that was at Torre Martina.

I sobretot el que va explicar la seva propietària.

And above all, what its owner explained.

Aquesta dona feia servir aquesta Torre Martina per persones que en algun moment de la seva vida

This woman used this Torre Martina for people who at some point in their lives.

que tenien algun problema, els allotjaven allà.

that they had some problem, they were accommodated there.

I diuen que aquestes persones,

And they say that these people,

encara que tenien un problema,

even though they had a problem,

tenien aquesta necessitat,

they had this need,

no estaven més d'una setmana

they were not there for more than a week

dormint a la Torre Martina.

sleeping at the Torre Martina.

Perquè d'alguna forma

Because somehow

passaven coses que

things were happening that

llavors no tenien molta explicació

at that time they didn't have much explanation

i tenien que sortir gairebé corrents

and they had to leave almost running

d'allà perquè

from there because

hi havia aparicions

there were appearances

de persones o suposades

of people or supposed ones

persones. També hi havia

people. There were also

unes llums que voltejaven

some lights that were spinning

tot el que seria la Torre Martina.

everything that would be the Torre Martina.

És a dir, hi havia una sèrie

That is to say, there was a series.

de dades,

of data,

podem dir així, o accions,

we can say this way, or actions,

que no tenen molta explicació

that do not have much explanation

i aquestes persones amb molta por tenien que marxar.

And these people with great fear had to leave.

Llavors, vosaltres aneu allà,

Then, you all go there,

després, tot i saber

after, despite knowing

aquesta explicació que us fa

this explanation that she/he is giving you

la seva propietària, aneu a investigar

its owner, go investigate

aquests fets i què us trobeu?

these facts and what do you find?

La primera vegada que vaig anar allà em vaig trobar

The first time I went there, I found myself.

que l'opera la propietària

that the owner operates it

m'ensenya tot el que seria

teaches me everything that it would be

la Torre Martina, aquesta torre de vigilància marítima.

the Torre Martina, this maritime watchtower.

El que em trobo és, bueno,

What I find is, well,

vaig fent fotografies del lloc i sobretot

I'm taking photographs of the place and above all

el primer que em trobo és que hi ha una finestra,

the first thing I find is that there is a window,

la Torre Martina, que s'ha tancada.

the Torre Martina, which has been closed.

Ujo aquesta Torre Martina,

Watch this Tower Martina,

intento altres formes obrir aquella finestra

I try other ways to open that window.

i no hi ha forma.

and there is no way.

Bueno, continuo fent el meu

Well, I continue doing my part.

recorregut de fotografies

photo tour

i en un moment, quan han passat

and in a moment, when they have passed

10-15 minuts, em trobo

10-15 minutes, I'll meet you.

que fent fotografies de la Torre Martina

that taking photographs of the Torre Martina

la finestra que no podia obrir

the window that could not be opened

amb totes les meves forces estava oberta.

With all my strength, I was open.

Em vaig quedar impressionat,

I was impressed.

la veritat, perquè us puc assegurar

the truth, because I can assure you

que vaig intentar amb totes les meves forces

that I tried with all my might

obrir aquella finestra i va ser impossible.

open that window and it was impossible.

I de cop i volta, res,

And all of a sudden, nothing,

van passar 10-15 minuts, vaig mirar una altra vegada

10-15 minutes passed, I looked again.

aquella Torre Martina i em vaig trobar

that Tower Martina and I met

que la finestra estava oberta.

that the window was open.

I no va ser cap de les persones que t'acompanyava?

And none of the people who accompanied you?

No, perquè només estava la propietària

No, because only the owner was there.

que estava també, bueno,

that was also, well,

recollint el tema de tot.

collecting the theme of everything.

Bueno, recollint Torre Martina no,

Well, picking up Torre Martina no,

sinó que s'havia de tot el camp i al voltant

but it had to be of the whole field and around

estava per allà recollint coses

I was over there gathering things.

i regant unes plantes que tenia.

I was watering some plants that I had.

O sigui que era impossible que hagués pujat algú.

So it was impossible that someone had gone up.



I després, la segona vegada,

And then, the second time,

quan vas anar amb l'equip, Raül,

when did you go with the team, Raül,



Tu te'n recordes

Do you remember?

d'un tal Gómez

of such a Gómez

que va venir amb vosaltres

who came with you

aquell dia a gravar?

that day to record?

Te'n recordes d'ell?

Do you remember him?

Totalment, Sebastià, sí, sí.

Totally, Sebastià, yes, yes.

Com es diu? Mario Gómez?

What is your name? Mario Gómez?

És que nosaltres li diem Gómez perquè

It's just that we call him Gómez because

és un nom que li vam posar en el seu moment

It's a name we gave him at the time.

perquè és una persona que no vol

because she is a person who does not want

que els mitjans el coneguin

that the media knows him

ni vol que sapiguem res d'ell.

nor does he want us to know anything about him.

O sigui, sí que treballa amb nosaltres,

So, yes, he/she does work with us.

bueno, treballa amb nosaltres, sí que ens acompanya

Well, work with us, yes, it accompanies us.

en moltes investigacions, però ell el que no vol

in many investigations, but what he does not want

és que cap persona, diguem, sàpiga

it's just that no person, let's say, knows

qui és i la seva família.

Who he is and his family.

Escolta, Raül, i aleshores

Listen, Raül, and then

allà vau fer unes proves d'aïllament,

there you did some isolation tests,



Respecte a l'exterior.

Regarding the exterior.

Què va passar? Bueno, jo sí que ho puc ser,

What happened? Well, I can be that.

ho sé, però explica-ho tu,

I know, but explain it yourself.

que ho vau viure.

that you lived it.

Amb el programa que vam fer amb tu, Sebastià,

With the program we did with you, Sebastià,

vaig fer una cosa, però et comento

I did one thing, but I'll let you know.

una dada principal que va succeir

a main piece of information that happened

en un primer moment.

at first.

I me'n recordo,

I remember,

que vaig anar amb el Gómez una primera vegada

that I went with Gómez for the first time

abans d'anar amb el programa

before going with the program

i vam estar al que estaria,

and we were at what would be,

on antigament ja estava

it was already there before

l'antiga Masia,

the ancient farmhouse,

que era, diguem, al costat mateix

that was, let's say, right next to it

de la Torre Martina.

of the Tower Martina.

I, bueno, la propietària

Well, the owner

ha fet ara com un apartament de les restes

he has made something like an apartment from the remains

d'aquella Masia, ha fet com un apartament petitó.

From that farmhouse, she has made a small apartment.

I estem allà gravant

And we are there recording.

i el Gómez va dir, aquí està

And Gómez said, here it is.

el propietari de la Torre Martina

the owner of Torre Martina

que diu que hem de marxar

that says we have to leave

i que el perill ens arriba des de l'aigua.

and that the danger comes to us from the water.

Us ho creus?

Do you believe it?

Estava una miqueta molt emprenyat.

I was a little bit very annoyed.

Segons em comentava, estava molt emprenyat, Sebastià.

According to what he told me, he was very upset, Sebastià.

Perquè el molestàveu.

Because you were bothering him.

Suposo que era el propietari

I suppose he was the owner.

i la veritat que, bueno,

and the truth is that, well,

que estava gravant amb una càmera

that was recording with a camera

i quan vaig arribar a casa

and when I got home

vaig començar a sentir, bueno,

I started to feel, well,

a veure com va anar aquella visita

let's see how that visit went

amb el Gómez

with Gómez

i em vaig trobar una veu com molt gutural

and I found myself with a voice that was very guttural

que deia

what did it say

compta amb l'aigua.

watch out for the water.

Compta amb l'aigua, però

Be careful with the water, though.

pels que no coneixem Torre Martina

for those of us who do not know Torre Martina

hi ha alguna zona

is there an area

amb aigua a prop?

with water nearby?

Hi ha alguna mena de pou a la casa?

Is there any kind of well at the house?

Quan aquesta veu que dius que vau sentir

When this voice that you say you heard

us deia compta amb l'aigua,

I was telling you to be careful with the water,

per què creus que us ho deia?

Why do you think I was telling you that?

Perquè el 14 de febrer de 1714

Why February 14, 1714

les tropes de Felip V

the troops of Philip V

van arribar pel mar

they arrived by sea

i també van arribar per terra.

and they also arrived by land.

Però per mar van arribar

But they arrived by sea.

dues galeres i dos vaixells de guerra

two galleys and two warships

amb els canons.

with the cannons.

Bueno, doncs van destrossar tot el que seria el port,

Well, they destroyed everything that would be the port,

el poble de Sant Pol de Bar.

the town of Sant Pol de Mar.

És a dir, com que era un port molt important

That is to say, since it was a very important port.

amb l'assetjament

with harassment

que va rebre Barcelona,

that Barcelona received,

llavors el que van fer

then what they did

les tropes burbòniques va fer destrossar

the bourbon troops caused devastation

tot el que seria el port de Sant Pol

everything that would be the port of Sant Pol

i a més a més també

and furthermore also

el mateix poble. De fet, els pescadors

the same village. In fact, the fishermen

després d'aquest 14 de febrer

after this February 14

van tenir que

they had to

posar les seves cases

put their houses

amb les veles dels vaixells de pesca

with the sails of the fishing boats

per poder pernuctar i passar la nit.

to be able to stay overnight and spend the night.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

I aleshores quan van anar

And then when they went

l'equip a gravar el programa

the team to record the program

una de les coses que es va poder captar

one of the things that could be captured

a l'habitació

in the room

aquesta d'aïllament

this isolation

va ser un enigmàtic

he was enigmatic

orb, un orbe

orb, an orb

en castellà. Te'n recordes d'això?

In Spanish. Do you remember this?

Sí, sí, totalment.

Yes, yes, totally.

Explica-ho, explica-ho. Una presència, eh?

Explain it, explain it. A presence, huh?

Una presència espectral, sí, sí, digue-la, digue-la.

A spectral presence, yes, yes, say it, say it.

Sí, vam deixar

Yes, we left.

Mario Ortega dins d'aquesta

Mario Ortega inside this.

habitació, d'aquesta història

room, of this story

que he explicat de Compte amb l'aigua,

what I have explained about Watch out for the water,

amb aquella habitació vam deixar

with that room we left

el Mario totalment aïllament

Mario is totally isolating.

amb unes càmeres que podien gravar

with cameras that could record

per la nit, amb la foscor.

At night, in the darkness.

Sí, és...

Yes, it is...

Aquí quan et toca

Here when it’s your turn

estar en un lloc així encantat

to be in a place so enchanted

o que diuen que està encantat, clar,

or what they say is enchanted, of course,

la xulla és que també juga molt, però

the joke is that he/she also plays a lot, but

es passa molta por, eh? També s'ha de dir.

It's very scary, isn't it? It should also be said.

I recordo

I remember.

que el vam deixar allà per veure

that we left it there to see

quina experiència tenia o si aquest

what experience did he have or if this

propietari de Torremartina

owner of Torremartina

feia, deia o

I said, I said or

sàpiga què. I és veritat que en un moment

Know what. And it's true that at one moment

amb Teresa Forqueras, que estava en aquell moment

with Teresa Forqueras, who was at that moment

que era reportera de Visteris,

that she was a reporter for Visteris,

estàvem a la furgoneta parlant amb ell per ràdio

We were in the van talking to him on the radio.

i sí, sí, és veritat que va sortir un orc

And yes, yes, it's true that an orc came out.

que davant mateix de Mario,

right in front of Mario,

la càmera el va recollir, va passar

the camera captured him, it passed

per davant un orc, com diu el Sebastià,

in front of an orc, as Sebastià says,

una orbe, va passar justament

a orb, passed just now

per davant de la càmera i, bueno,

in front of the camera and, well,

es va passejar per allà.

he walked around there.

I en el moment que Mario

And at the moment that Mario

feia alguna pregunta o deia

was asking a question or saying

que Torremartina era seva i es volia

that Torremartina was hers and she wanted it

quedar allà. O sigui, era com una miqueta,

stay there. I mean, it was like a little bit,

vocació, i va sortir d'aquell orc.

vocation, and he came out of that orc.

Que li molestava que estéssim allà

That it bothered him that we were there.

investigant o experimentant

investigating or experimenting

i trencàvem la tranquil·litat

and we broke the tranquility

dels segles.

of the centuries.

Perquè després, també he de dir

Because then, I also have to say

que inesperadament

that unexpectedly

les càmeres van...

the cameras went...

La càmera d'Albador

The Albador chamber

va gravar una ombra

he recorded a shadow

una ombra molt estranya

a very strange shadow

de moviment.

of movement.

Te'n recordes d'això?

Do you remember this?

Sí, me'n recordo, sí, sí.

Yes, I remember, yes, yes.

Allò va ser una experiència

That was an experience.



una ombra per una paret.

a shadow for a wall.

Vam tenir moltes experiències.

We had many experiences.

I mai vas saber d'on venia

And you never knew where it came from.

aquesta ombra. Estava tot tancat,

this shadow. Everything was closed,

no hi havia llum de sol,

there was no sunlight,

que és enigmàtic.

which is enigmatic.

Tenim que entendre

We have to understand.

que a aquesta Torremartina

that to this Torremartina

hi han hagut molts morts,

there have been many deaths,

perquè aquí els

because here the

catalans de Sant Pol,

Catalans from Sant Pol,

els homes es van fer forts,

the men grew strong,

20 herois, com diu la llegenda,

20 heroes, as the legend says,

que és veritat.

that it is true.

Quan arribaven les tropes de Felip V,

When the troops of Philip V arrived,

el que van fer és retirar-se a Torremartina

What they did was retreat to Torremartina.

per repel·lir una miqueta

to repel a little bit

el que seria d'aquestes tropes.

What would become of these troops.

Mentre que les dones, els nens

While the women, the children

i els avis marxaven muntanya amunt.

And the grandparents were going up the mountain.

És a dir, es van quedar allà

That is to say, they stayed there.

i allà van trobar la mort per poder salvar

And there they found death to be able to save.

les persones més vulnerables

the most vulnerable people

en aquest sentit de tot el poble.

in this sense of the whole village.

En van trobar 50 de cada vers, eh?

They found 50 of each verse, right?

Allà dintre.

In there.

Però tu, Raül, per exemple,

But you, Raül, for example,

que hi has anat, tu creus que és una història

that you have gone there, do you think it is a story

abans ho comentàvem,

we were just talking about it,

creus que és una història que

do you think it is a story that

Catalunya coneix, aquesta història de Torremartina

Catalonia knows this story of Torremartina.

i que el 1714 està associat

and that 1714 is associated

al fet de la memòria de l'11 de setembre,

to the commemoration of September 11,

però que potser aquesta batalla

but perhaps this battle

o aquest esdeveniment

or this event

que hi va haver-hi

that there was

és conegut, és rellevant

it is known, it is relevant

o és un fet que ha passat més desapercebut

or it is a fact that has gone more unnoticed

a la nostra història?

to our history?

Bueno, de fet, a la història de Catalunya

Well, in fact, in the history of Catalonia.

poder passa més desapercebut.

can go more unnoticed.

Sí que és veritat que hi ha moltes

Yes, it is true that there are many.

batalles en aquell moment, el 1714.

battles at that moment, 1714.

I aquí Sant Pol sí que recorda

And here Sant Pol does remember.

molt el tema de...

very much the theme of...

De fet, penso que a la pagina de l'Ajuntament

In fact, I think that on the City Council's page

històricament es pot trobar aquesta història

Historically, this story can be found.

de la Torremartina.

from Torremartina.

De fet, et diré que

In fact, I will tell you that

quan vaig fer aquesta investigació

when I conducted this research

és veritat que vaig estar a parlar amb l'Ajuntament,

It's true that I was talking to the City Council,

amb el Registre Històric

with the Historical Register

i, a més, molta informació

and, moreover, a lot of information

que vaig poder treure de diferents fons

that I was able to draw from different sources

del tema de la Guerra de la Successió

on the subject of the War of Succession

la van aprofitar també

they also took advantage of her

al mateix Ajuntament per poder

at the same Town Hall in order to

omplir aquestes dades que hi faltaven.

fill in these missing details.

Quan tu vas començar a fer aquesta investigació

When did you start doing this research?

i vas començar a parlar amb l'Ajuntament,

and you started talking to the Town Hall,

i gent dels voltants

and people from the surroundings

per conèixer una mica la història de la Torremartina,

to learn a bit about the history of Torremartina,

més enllà del que vosaltres

beyond what you

us vau trobar quan vau anar

Did you meet when you went?

a gravar i a visitar la torre,

to record and to visit the tower,

la gent del poble

the people of the village

o des de l'Ajuntament

or from the City Council

us van explicar altres

they explained others to you

vivències estranyes o paranormals

strange or paranormal experiences

explicades o viscudes

explained or lived

per altres persones

for other people

allà a la torre?

over there at the tower?

En un principi no, perquè en el seu moment

At first no, because at that moment

la torre estava com mig destruïda,

the tower was half destroyed,

perquè era propietat privada.

because it was private property.

La gent no té accés directe

People do not have direct access.

a poder veure aquesta Torremartina.

to be able to see this Torremartina.

Llavors, clar, només la propietària

Then, of course, only the owner.

és la coneixedora, les persones que han volgut

she is the knowledgeable one, the people who have wanted

per no optar a anar-hi alguna nit

to not choose to go there some night

són coneixedores d'aquestes històries.

They are aware of these stories.

Però sí, comentaris sí, perquè

But yes, comments yes, because

et diré que una persona que

I will tell you that a person who

vivia aquí a Gràcia va tenir un problema

lived here in Gràcia had a problem

amb la seva dona, mai m'ha deixat dir

with his wife, he has never let me say

el seu nom, va tenir un problema amb la seva dona

his name, had a problem with his wife

i, bueno, la propietària va tenir

And, well, the owner had

per bé deixar-lo dormir.

to let him sleep well.

I de cop i volta es va trobar, doncs, bueno, sempre

And suddenly he found himself, well, always.

escoltava sorolls, sorolls

I was hearing noises, noises.

de cadenes, de ferros, que aquella era

of chains, of iron, that era

terra, i allà no n'hi ha

land, and there is none there

res de tot això. I una

none of this. And one

de les nits estava per anar a dormir,

at night I was about to go to sleep,

es va seure al que seria

he/she sat down at what would be

el llit, i de cop i volta

the bed, and suddenly

va aparèixer, segons em va comentar

it appeared, according to what they told me

ell, l'aparició d'una

he, the appearance of a

persona amb cabell llarg,

person with long hair,

la cara molt blanca, i vestit

the very white face, and dressed

com un pirata, em va dir. O sigui, les seves

Like a pirate, he told me. That is to say, theirs.

sensacions que era un pirata. Jack Sparrow?

Feelings that I was a pirate. Jack Sparrow?

Un tipus, llavors.

A guy, then.

Sí, un tipus.

Yes, a guy.

El que passa és que, clar, hem de pensar

What happens is that, of course, we have to think.

que si mirem com són els soldats

that if we look at what the soldiers are like

d'aquella època, tota l'aparença

from that time, all the appearance

que poden tenir amb una persona avui dia

that they can have with a person nowadays

que pot veure, el pot definir

what you can see, you can define

perfectament com un pirata.

perfectly like a pirate.

Va ser... I clar, aquest home

It was... And of course, this man

va sortir corrents i va estar tres dies

he ran away and was gone for three days

caminant per Sant Potdemà

walking through Sant Potdemà

fins que va poder arribar a Barcelona una altra vegada

until he was able to arrive in Barcelona again

i poder explicar aquesta

and to be able to explain this

història, i deixar Torres Martina

history, and leave Torres Martina

i a Tiré, que això va passar fa molts

and in Tiré, that this happened a long time ago

anys, i de fet encara no ha

years, and in fact it hasn't yet

tornat ni vol tornar tampoc.

returned neither wants to return either.

Jo tampoc tornaria i també

I wouldn't go back either, and neither would I.

hauria fotut el camp que m'has ajudat.

I would have messed up the field you helped me with.

És que un esdeveniment així, viscut d'aquesta manera,

It's just that an event like this, experienced in this way,

tan impactant, doncs fa que no

so impactful, therefore it makes it not

t'ho vulguis plantejar.

you want to consider it.

Això em recorda una mica, Raül,

This reminds me a bit, Raül,

el que passa

what is happening

a la casa Verges, a la casa de la mort,

to the Verges house, to the house of death,

que allà tampoc s'hi pot estar. Ah, sí.

that you can't stay there either. Ah, yes.

Eh? Sí, sí, sí.

Huh? Yes, yes, yes.

Aquesta és més recent, aquesta investigació

This research is more recent.

és més recent, la casa de Verges.

It is more recent, the house of Verges.

Escolta'm, volem agrair al Raül

Listen to me, we want to thank Raül.

secrets que ens hagi atès, i que com que

secrets that it has attended to us, and since

ell ha viscut en primera persona tot això

he has lived all of this firsthand

que ha passat a la Torre Martina

What has happened at Torre Martina?

i que ens ho hagi volgut explicar també

and that he/she wanted to explain it to us as well

als misteris o no. Raül, moltes gràcies

To the mysteries or not. Raül, thank you very much.

per ser amb nosaltres i per aquest testimoni

for being with us and for this testimony

que ha estat

what has happened

molt interessant. Gràcies, Raül.

very interesting. Thank you, Raül.

Moltes gràcies, com sempre. Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you very much, as always. Thank you.

Escolta, que el misteri... Una abraçada a Títxer. Raül, Títxer.

Listen, the mystery... A hug to Títxer. Raül, Títxer.

Que el misteri t'acompanyi, Raül.

May the mystery accompany you, Raül.



Escolta, i qui diu el misteri

Listen, and who says the mystery

diu Montserrat, que Montserrat

says Montserrat, that Montserrat

t'acompanyi. Sí, i tant, i tant.

I'll accompany you. Yes, of course, of course.

Una cosa més, els que acompanyin Raül,

One more thing, those who accompany Raül,

hòstia. Adéu, Raül.

Holy crap. Goodbye, Raül.

Adéu, Raül.

Goodbye, Raül.

Si ara el Pau i jo, per exemple, diguéssim,

If now Pau and I, for example, said,

volem anar a Torre Martina?

Do we want to go to Torre Martina?

Demanaríem permís i podríem anar.

We would ask for permission and we could go.

Demanaríem permís. El que

We would request permission. What?

s'ha de ser valent... No, ell i jo, qualsevol dels clients.

One must be brave... No, he and I, any of the clients.

El que s'ha de ser valent és passar la nit allà.

What needs to be brave is to spend the night there.

Com? Passar la nit

How? Spend the night

és més fotut. Es pot reservar?

It's more messed up. Can it be booked?

Es pot reservar per dos? Podríem demanar

Can we book for two? Could we order?

permís i anar, i fer un programa

permission to go, and make a program

i fer un programa des d'allà,

and make a program from there,

des de l'interior de

from the interior of

Torre Martina. S'hauria de fer un lloc

Martina Tower. A place should be made.

per valorar els llocs més paranormals?

to assess the most paranormal places?

Creepy Advisor.

Creepy Advisor.

Una guia de Barcelona.

A guide to Barcelona.

De Catalunya.

From Catalonia.

Un 4,5.

A 4.5.

Creepy Advisor.

Creepy Advisor.

Torre Martina estaria a 5 o 6 estrelles.

Torre Martina would be at 5 or 6 stars.

Valoracions, eh?

Ratings, huh?

Prometien mucho fantasma, pero al final nada.

They promised a lot, ghost, but in the end, nothing.

Solo ruidos de ratas.

Just the sounds of rats.

Nosaltres som els

We are the

de l'informe Warren,

from the Warren report,

però a la catalana. No sé qui és

but in the Catalan way. I don't know who it is.

l'informe Warren.

the Warren report.

Total, que hauríem de

In total, we should

demanar permís per anar-hi, oi?

ask for permission to go there, right?

Home, no està obert.

The house is not open.

Tampoc està obert

It is not open either.

la casa

the house

de la mort de Berges

of the death of Berges

que dèiem abans.

What we were saying before.

El que passa és que els ajuntaments aquí

What happens is that the municipalities here

no acaben d'aplicar.

they do not finish applying.

Una mica d'opinió.

A bit of opinion.

A l'administració.

To the administration.

Vaig veure un cas molt important d'un poltergeist

I saw a very important case of a poltergeist.

a Jamaica.

to Jamaica.

Això no és competència catalana.

This is not a Catalan competence.

Però jo vaig anar.

But I went.



Està la ruta turística.

The tourist route is here.

És que a Jamaica això ho fan bé.

It's just that they do this well in Jamaica.

El riu negre

The black river

on van rodar les pel·lícules de James Bond

Where were the James Bond movies filmed?

que hi ha molts de...

that there are many of...

molts de cocodrils i tal.

many crocodiles and such.

Van allà els que volen anar

Those who want to go there go.

a la selva, a les catedrals,

in the jungle, in the cathedrals,

i els que vulguin anar a la casa encisada.

and those who want to go to the enchanted house.

És un pack, no? Tu agafes el pack.

It's a pack, right? You take the pack.

Agafa el que vulguis.

Take what you want.

El riu negre, més la casa de Bob Marley, més...

The Black River, plus Bob Marley's house, plus...

També pots anar a la casa de Bob Marley.

You can also go to Bob Marley's house.

És molt interessant.

It's very interesting.

Però s'ha d'anar ben col·locat, eh?

But you have to be well placed, right?

No, home, no. Per favor, des de Misteris o no,

No, man, no. Please, whether from Mysteries or not,

diguem no a les drogues. No facis ara...

let's say no to drugs. Don't do it now...

Apologia aquí.

Apology here.

L'Snoop Dogg del Misteri, eh?

The Snoop Dogg of Mystery, huh?

Volia dir-me això.

I wanted to tell myself this.

Que aquells són llestos, els de Jamaica.

Those from Jamaica are clever.

Han muntat una ruta turística.

They have set up a tourist route.

Si aquí muntéssim una, començant per Montserrat

If we set one up here, starting with Montserrat.

i acabant per on vulgueu, per Torremartí.

and finishing wherever you want, at Torremartí.

Catalunya Misteriosa, no? Vols dir?

Mysterious Catalunya, right? Do you mean?

Un Smartbox del Misteri.

A Mystery Smartbox.

Sebastià d'Arbo Enterprises potser...

Sebastià d'Arbo Enterprises maybe...

Monta una botiga online.

Set up an online store.

Sí, amb souvenirs.

Yes, with souvenirs.

Mira, parlem de souvenirs.

Look, let's talk about souvenirs.

El Marc Marrin.

The Marc Marrin.

És que ets tan bo, Sebastià.

It's just that you are so good, Sebastià.

T'ha agradat?

Did you like it?

Crec que és l'últim cop d'aquesta temporada

I think it is the last time this season.

que obrirem la d'Arbopèdia.

that we will open the Arbopèdia.

Espero que hagis portat el Sant Cristo Gros

I hope you brought the Great Holy Christ.

de la teva col·lecció.

from your collection.

La traca final de l'Arbopèdia.

The final bang of the Arbopèdia.

És un tornillo. Un cargol.

It is a screw. A bolt.

Cargol. Llarg.

Snail. Long.

Llarg, eh?

Long, huh?

Que el vaig treure

That I took it out.

de la Via Malaïda,

of the Maligned Way,

de la Val de Safant,

from the Valley of Safant,

que és aquella que us vaig comentar al tren Malaïd.

What is that which I mentioned to you on the train, Malaïd?

El maquinista extorsista?

The extorting machinist?

El maquinista extorsista!

The extortionist machinist!

És de la via.

It is from the road.

Estàs parlant del maquinista extorsista?

Are you talking about the extortionate train driver?

Sí, del gosset.

Yes, from the puppy.

Hi havia un gosset, també.

There was a puppy, too.

El gosset era el de Montserrat.

The puppy belonged to Montserrat.

Quin capítol.

What a chapter.

El gosset era el del guarda-barreres de Montserrat.

The puppy belonged to the level crossing guard of Montserrat.

Recordem que hi havia un gosset

Remember that there was a little dog.

que feia de guarda-barreres

that acted as a gatekeeper

de Montserrat.

of Montserrat.

I portava una capeta i tot.

I was carrying a folder and everything.

I un home que era autònom

And a man who was self-employed.

i llavors havia de fer dos oficis,

and then I had to do two jobs,

que era el maquinista extorsista.

that he was the extortionist machinator.

Sí, aquest era el que extorsissava

Yes, this was the one who extorted.

les màquines de tren.

the train machines.

Llavors avui portes un cargol d'una via.

So today you bring a rail screw.

Un cargol d'una via Malaïda,

A snail from a cursed path,

que era el que baixava de la Val de Safant,

that was coming down from the Val de Safant,

allà diuen Val, que és el Terol.

They say Val there, which is Teruel.

I passen trens per aquesta via?

Do trains pass through this track?

Ja no hi ha ni via.

There is no longer a way.

Si tu treus el cargol de la via i passen trens...

If you remove the screw from the track and trains pass...

Sí, ho vam parlar.

Yes, we talked about it.

Va ser la primera línia de Renfe.

It was the first Renfe line.



I feta pels presoners de guerra.

And made for the prisoners of war.

I al final la maledicció

And in the end, the curse.

va afectar totes les vies.

It affected all the roads.

A tothom.

To everyone.

Encara dura.

Still lasting.

Va haver-hi tanta desgràcia

There was so much misfortune.

que els ponts, els túnels,

that the bridges, the tunnels,

caien i al final

they fell and in the end

es van haver de treure el tren.

They had to take out the train.

I a l'últim viatge

And on the last journey

va haver-hi una tormenta

there was a storm

i pensa que els vagons eren de fusta

and he thinks that the cars were made of wood.

i va caure en un llamp.

and was struck by lightning.

Encara hi havia gent que anava amb l'últim viatge.

There were still people going on the last journey.

I aquest cargol per què?

And this screw why?

Deuria ser als anys 60 quan van tancar.

It must have been in the 60s when they closed.

Aquest cargol?

This snail?

Perquè el fa servir.

Because he/she uses it.

Pesa molt.

It weighs a lot.

Per defensar-me.

To defend myself.

M'has amenaçat una miqueta ara.

You have threatened me a little now.

T'ha tret groga.

You've gotten a yellow card.

Ha tret targeta groga.

He has received a yellow card.

Quant m'adeix?

How much do you charge?

Un pam i mig.

A foot and a half.

Tres pams i mig.

Three and a half spans.

La via del tren és grossa.

The train track is wide.

Ja ho tenen les vies.

They already have the tracks.

Era perquè ho sapiguessin.

It was so they would know.

El tren, el ferrocarril,

The train, the railway,

com li diuen.

What do they call him/her?

És un nom molt maco.

It's a very beautiful name.

Algú sap que ve de Catalunya aquest nom?

Does anyone know where this name comes from in Catalonia?



Si no es tindria que dir

If it shouldn't be said.



Ve des del primer tren

It comes from the first train.

de Barcelona a Mataró.

from Barcelona to Mataró.

Ferro, un carril de ferro.

Iron, a rail of iron.

Treballes per l'Optimot

You work for Optimot.

ara també?

now too?

No em volia contratar.

He didn't want to hire me.

Prefereixo treballar per vosaltres.

I prefer to work for you.

Quina declaració d'amor

What a declaration of love!

i quina declaració d'intencions.

And what a declaration of intentions.

Crec que avui posem punt final

I think today we put an end to it.

a aquesta segona temporada de

to this second season of

Misteris o no.

Mysteries or not.

I creiem, amb en Franú

And we believe, with Franú

hem parlat abans,

we have talked before,

que qui ho ha d'acomiadar és tu.

that the one who has to dismiss it is you.

De la manera que tu vulguis.

In the way you want.

Unes paraules per als nostres oients

A few words for our listeners.

com acomiad d'aquesta segona temporada

as a farewell to this second season

de Misteris o no.

Of Mysteries or not.

Crec que amb les dades

I believe that with the data

que m'ha portat i la gent que ha

that brought me and the people who have

intervengut ha quedat clar que és

it has become clear that it is

Misteris sí.

Mysteries yes.

No és Misteris no.

It's not Mysteries no.

I que realment

And that really

a l'escala, com deia

at the scale, as I said

Thérèse de Chardin, el filòsof francès,

Thérèse de Chardin, the French philosopher,

a l'escala

on the ladder

d'un món

of a world

còsmica dimensional

dimensional cosmic

solament les coses fantàstiques

only the fantastic things

tenen probabilitats

they have probabilities

de ser verraderes.

to be true.

Gràcies amics

Thank you, friends.

i gràcies també a tot l'equip

And thanks also to the whole team.

que ha permès

that has allowed

que puguem fer aquesta segona temporada

that we can make this second season

de Misteris o no.

Of Mysteries or not.

La Irene Serra, l'Elisabeta Soler,

Irene Serra, Elisabeta Soler,

el Cristian Serrano

the Cristian Serrano

i el nostre tècnic Jordi i Joana Garcia.

and our technician Jordi and Joana Garcia.

Bravo per ells i gràcies

Bravo for them and thank you.

per tota la feina que han fet

for all the work they have done

que a vegades no es veu però que també és molt útil

that sometimes is not visible but is also very useful

i necessària perquè surti un programa

and necessary for a program to come out

com tu deies, fantàstic i en aquest sentit

As you said, fantastic and in this sense.

en el sentit positiu de la paraula.

in the positive sense of the word.

I que el Misteri ens acompanyi a tots.

And may the Mystery be with us all.

Sempre, ara. I el vostre... Ah no, que això seria de missa.

Always, now. And your... Oh no, that would be for mass.

Gràcies, salut.

Thank you, health.

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