Els millors del musical: les cançons

Catalunya R�dio

El millor dels temps

Els millors del musical: les cançons

El millor dels temps

El millor dels temps

The best of times

Els musicals amb Francesc Hernández i Anna Ponces

The musicals with Francesc Hernández and Anna Ponces

Quan surts de veure un musical, marxes amb les cançons que t'han fet viure moments especials durant un parell d'hores

When you leave after watching a musical, you go away with the songs that have made you experience special moments for a couple of hours.

i et ressonen molt de temps a dintre el cap.

and they resonate inside your head for a long time.

Esperem que aquestes d'avui, les nostres millors cançons de musicals, us facin el mateix efecte.

We hope that today’s selection, our best songs from musicals, has the same effect on you.

Els musicals amb Francesc Hernández

The musicals with Francesc Hernández

Ho hem de fer repassant l'autèntic cor dels musicals, les cançons.

We have to do it by revisiting the true heart of musicals, the songs.

Música i lletra unides per crear l'emoció perfecta en el moment perfecte

Music and lyrics united to create the perfect emotion at the perfect moment.

i per portar l'espectador més enllà del que mai ho podria fer el text.

And to take the viewer beyond what the text could ever do.

Anna, preparada?

Anna, ready?



Doncs, voleu entrar en la grandesa del musical?

So, do you want to enter the greatness of the musical?

Doncs tenim aquí la benvinguda a la ciutat dels somnis de la pel·lícula La La Land

Well, we have here the welcome to the city of dreams from the movie La La Land.

amb lletres de Pasek i Pol i música d'Anthony Ahuri a Another Day of Sun.

with lyrics by Pasek and Paul and music by Anthony Ahuri in Another Day of Sun.

Música i lletra unides per crear l'emoció perfecta en el moment perfecte

Music and lyrics united to create the perfect emotion at the perfect moment.

i per portar l'espectador més enllà del que mai ho podria fer l'espectador més enllà del que mai ho podria fer l'espectador més enllà del que mai ho podria fer l'espectador més enllà del que mai ho podria fer.

And to take the viewer beyond what the viewer could ever do.

Però si voleu musicals en forma pura, mai no podrem escollir millor que amb un clàssic dels germans Gershwin.

But if you want musicals in their pure form, we could never choose better than with a classic by the Gershwin brothers.

I got rhythm, I got music, I got my girl.

I got rhythm, I got music, I got my girl.

Who Cries for Anything More

Who Cries for Anything More

qui pot demanar més

who can ask for more

de quan les melodies es podien ballar

since when melodies could be danced

i les lletres unien la simplicitat

and the letters united simplicity

amb la poesia.

with poetry.

Qui Cries for Anything More

Who Cries for Anything More

Who Cries for Anything More

Who Cries for Anything More

Broadway i Hollywood han alimentat

Broadway and Hollywood have fed

durant dècades el repertori de dotzenes

for decades the repertoire of dozens

de cantants de jazz, òpera

of jazz singers, opera

o mil estils.

or a thousand styles.

Només ells han alimentat

Only they have fed.

i ells podrien fer justícia a temes

and they could do justice to issues

que venien fins i tot del musical alemany

that even came from the German musical

de Bertolt Brecht i Kurt Weill

by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill

com, per exemple, el Mag the Night

like, for example, the Mag the Night

de l'òpera de Tres Rals, que va fer seva

from the opera of Tres Rals, which he made his own

Frank Sinatra. I en fer seva

Frank Sinatra. And make it his own.

en aquest cas volem dir

in this case we want to say

americanitzar-la completament

to Americanize it completely

perquè només Sinatra pot convertir

because only Sinatra can convert

en pur big band un tema

in pure big band a theme

sobre un assassí.

about a murderer.

D'aquí un any, Lady Ella II

In a year, Lady Ella II

they all sang it with so much feeling.

They all sang it with so much feeling.

That old blue-eyed, he ain't gonna add nothing new.

That old blue-eyed guy isn't going to add anything new.

But with Quincy's big band

Però amb la gran banda de Quincy.

right behind me

just behind me

swinging hard jacks.

swinging hard jacks.

I know I can't stop singing.

I know I can't stop singing.

I know I can't lose

I know I can't lose.

when I tell you

when I tell you

all about Mag the Night, babe.

Tot sobre Mag la Nit, estimada.

It's an offer

It's an offer.

you can never refuse.

you can never refuse.

We got George Benson.

We got George Benson.

We got Newman Foster.

We got Newman Foster.

We got the Brecker brothers

We got the Brecker brothers.

and Hampton bringing up the rear.

i Hampton tancant la marxa.

We got the Brecker brothers

We got the Brecker brothers.

and Hampton bringing up the rear.

i Hampton tancant la marxa.

All these bad cats and whores

All these bad cats and whores

are in the band now.

they are in the band now.

They make the greatest sounds

They make the greatest sounds.

you ever gonna hear.

you are ever going to hear.

Hey, Suky Tautry,

Hey, Suky Tautry,

Jenny Diver,

Jenny Diver,

Holly Peacham,

Holly Peacham,

Ole Miss Lulu Brown.

Hooray for Miss Lulu Brown.

Oh, the lion's name is Louie Brown.

Oh, the lion's name is Louie Brown.

The lion's name is Louie Brown.

The lion's name is Louie Brown.

Oh, the lion's name is Louie Brown.

Oh, the lion's name is Louie Brown.

Now that Maggie,

Now that Maggie,

I mean that man Maggie,

I mean that man Maggie,

yeah, he's bad.

yeah, he's bad.

Mercy, mercy.

Mercy, mercy.

Yeah, he's bad.

Yeah, he's bad.

You better lock your door

You better lock your door.

and call the law

and call the law

because Maggie,

because Maggie,

that bum,

that bum,

he's back in time.

he's back in time.

El millor dels temps

The best of times.

Els musicals més vius que mai

The musicals more alive than ever.

A Catalunya Música

To Catalunya Música

Els clàssics de tots els temps

The classics of all time

han estat reinventats una i una altra vegada.

they have been reinvented time and time again.

Rogers i Hart són els autors

Rogers and Hart are the authors.

que van portar el swing

that brought the swing

i l'elegància a Broadway.

and elegance on Broadway.

Només ells podrien haver creat temes

Only they could have created themes.

com aquest Ten Cents a Dance

with this Ten Cents a Dance

o You're Near

o You're Near

o Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

o Encantada, molesta i desconcertada

o especialment My Funny Valentine

or especially My Funny Valentine

que de passada va ser el primer tema

which was in passing the first topic

semi-integrat perquè el personatge

semi-integrated because the character

que se li canta es diu Valentí.

What he sings is called Valentí.

En té mil versions

It has a thousand versions.

però per nosaltres, que avui fem

but for us, who today do

la nostra tria personal,

our personal choice,

absolutament personal i absolutament

absolutely personal and absolutely

subjectiva d'aquestes millors cançons

subjective of these best songs

de musical,

of musical,

la millor versió d'aquest

the best version of this

Funny Valentine, My Funny Valentine

Funny Valentine, My Funny Valentine

seria la fosquíssima

it would be the very dark one

de Nico.

from Nico.

My Funny Valentine

My Funny Valentine

Sweet Comic Valentine

Sweet Comic Valentine

You make me smile

You make me smile.

with my heart

amb el meu cor

Your looks are laughable

Your looks are laughable.



Yet you're my favorite

Encara ets el meu favorit.

work of art

work of art

Is your figure

Is your figure

less than Greek

less than Greek

Is your figure

Is your figure

Is your mouth

Is your mouth

a little weak

a little weak

When you open

When you open

it to speak

it to speak

Are you smart?

Are you smart?

But don't

Però no.

change your hair

change your hair

for me

for me

Not if you

Not if you

care for me

care for me

Stay little

Queda't petit

for me

for me

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Each day is valentine's day

Cada dia és Sant Valentí.

El romanticisme líric dels vells musicals

The lyrical romanticism of old musicals

que semblava que no deien res

that it seemed they were saying nothing

però deien coses molt heavys

but they said very heavy things

que quan aterren en una veu sensible

that when they land in a sensitive voice

i madura

and mature

prenen una volada espectacular.

they take a spectacular flight.

I a part del romanticisme

And apart from Romanticism

no ens podem oblidar la festa.

we cannot forget the party.

We sing so rare

We sing so strangely.

Like old hamburg

Like old Hamburg

Like Bar Barum

Like Bar Barum

Don't take that kind of crooning chum

No agafis aquest tipus de xerrameca, amic.

Have you heard it's in the stars?

Have you heard it's in the stars?

Next July we collide with the moon and sky

Next July we collide with the moon and sky.

Perquè si parlem precisament de lletres amb més missatge del que sembla,

Because if we specifically talk about lyrics with more meaning than they seem,

no ens podem oblidar de Cole Porter,

we cannot forget about Cole Porter,

que cap llista de grans cançons dels musicals de Broadway i de Hollywood

that fits on the list of great songs from Broadway and Hollywood musicals

seria completa sense ell,

it would be incomplete without him,

ja sigui en la seva faceta més dandy,

whether in his most dandy aspect,

com en aquest cínic Well, did you ever de High Society,

like in this cynical Well, did you ever from High Society,

o en el més delicat romanticisme del meu tema preferit de Cole Porter,

or in the most delicate romanticism of my favorite theme by Cole Porter,

Every Time We Say Goodbye,

Every Time We Say Goodbye,

una celebració del dolor de la separació

a celebration of the pain of separation

on només l'enginy de Porter podia haver convertit una frase com

only Porter's ingenuity could have turned a phrase like

Que difícil el canvi de major a menor

How difficult the change from major to minor.

en un tema musical.

in a musical piece.

I pocs cantants l'han viscut tant com Annie Lennox.

And few singers have experienced it as much as Annie Lennox.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Cada vegada que ens diem adeu, moro una mica.

Every time we say goodbye, I die a little.

És increïble la força d'una pausa en una cançó.

It is incredible the power of a pause in a song.

Doncs, si no deixem les balades,

Well, if we don't stop the strolls,

després d'aquest Every Time We Say Goodbye cantat per Annie Lennox,

after this Every Time We Say Goodbye sung by Annie Lennox,

que són possiblement el cor de Broadway,

which are possibly the heart of Broadway,

ens n'anem a un altre que es diu The Party Is Over,

we're going to another one called The Party Is Over,

de Jules Stein, Betty Comden i Adolf Green.

by Jules Stein, Betty Comden, and Adolf Green.

La van escriure pel musical Bells Are Ringed.

They wrote it for the musical Bells Are Ringed.

Vinguin l'any 1956.

Come the year 1956.

És un d'aquells temes genèrics però terriblement concrets a l'obra,

It's one of those generic themes but terribly specific in the work,

perquè realment la protagonista ha estat en una festa que acaba d'acabar.

because the protagonist has really been at a party that has just ended.

Ara la canta Laura Benanti.

Now Laura Benanti sings it.

És un d'aquells temes que acaba d'acabar.

It's one of those topics that has just finished.

Però ara ens n'anem ben bé cap a una altra banda.

But now we are heading quite in another direction.

El millor dels temps.

The best of times.

Molt més que musicals.

Much more than musicals.

Això és de l'Anais Morricet.

This is from Anaïs Morricet.

Així també faig jo una llista de grans cançons.

So I also make a list of great songs.

Cançons de musicals.

Songs from musicals.

Sí, però això és de la versió del Forgiven, de Jagged Little Pill.

Yes, but this is from the version of Forgiven, from Jagged Little Pill.

Un dels darrers grans èxits de Broadway.

One of the last great successes of Broadway.

I el poso perquè en plena onada de musicals,

And I include it because in the midst of a wave of musicals,

jukebox sobre xert,

jukebox on Xert,

Tina Turner o John Lennon,

Tina Turner or John Lennon,

los Space Girls,

the Space Girls,

cal recordar que alguns d'aquests musicals són extraordinàriament teatrals.

It should be noted that some of these musicals are extraordinarily theatrical.

I és que autores com l'Anais Morricet ens recorden

And it is that authors like Anaïs Morricet remind us

que la teatralitat no és exclusiva dels escenaris.

that theatricality is not exclusive to the stages.

So I will, so I will

So I will, so I will.

We all have no reasons to be there

We all have no reasons to be there.

We all have no reason to be there

We all have no reason to be there.

We all had no reason to be there.

We all had no reason to be there.

We all had no reason to go to hell.

We all had no reason to go to hell.

So we did all that.

So we did all that.

No només de balades viu Broadway, no?

Broadway doesn't live on ballads alone, does it?

De fet, una de les grandesses del musical

In fact, one of the greatnesses of the musical

és convertir en música cada moment rellevant de l'obra.

It is to turn every relevant moment of the work into music.

A Fun Home, un dels millors musicals de la darrera dècada,

Fun Home, one of the best musicals of the last decade,

al meu entendre...

in my understanding...

I al meu també.

And to mine too.

La compositora Janine Tesori podia convertir

The composer Janine Tesori could turn.

la trobada entre les tres edats de la protagonista,

the meeting between the three ages of the protagonist,

la nena, la jove i l'adulta,

the girl, the young woman, and the adult,

vivint el seu procés de dol en una cançó,

living their grieving process in a song,

Flying Away.

Volant lluny.

Don't let go yet

Don't let go yet

Just a little

Just a little

And now I'm flying away

And now I'm flying away.

Look at me fly

Look at me fly.

In my wristband and cape

In my wristband and cape



So high

Tan alt

Our house is over there

La nostra casa és allà.

And there's our car

I la nostra cotxe.

And I'm up so far

And I'm up so far.

The Fun Home, I see it

The Fun Home, I see it.

I'm up so far

I’m up so far.

Daddy, there's a school

Daddy, there's a school.

There's Grandma's house

Aquí està casa de l'àvia.

There's Uncle Pete's farm

Hi ha la granja de l'Oncle Pete.

I can see all of Pennsylvania

Puc veure tot Pennsilvània.

Fly away

Fly away

The best game up in the air

The best game in the air.

A picture of my father

A picture of my father.

And I don't even care that it pushes my stomach in

And I don't even care that it pushes my stomach in.

Made of metal marks

Made of metal marks

Fly outside

Fly outside

I can see all of Pennsylvania

Puc veure tot Pennsilvània.



Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance

Every so often, there was a rare moment of perfect balance.

When I soared above him

When I soared above him.


Some day

The way you look tonight, això és superior a mi.

The way you look tonight, this is beyond me.

I és que Jerome Kern va ser una de les primeres veus importants de Broadway

And Jerome Kern was one of the first important voices of Broadway.

movent-se entre l'opareta, la comèdia musical i el cinema

moving between the operetta, the musical comedy, and the cinema

i col·laborant amb un munt d'altres professionals,

and collaborating with a bunch of other professionals,

movent-se en fluïdesa entre l'emoció precisa del moment

moving fluidly within the precise emotion of the moment

a The way you look tonight

The way you look tonight

o la grandesa d'un dels primers himnes reivindicatius de la història de Broadway,

or the greatness of one of the first anthems of protest in the history of Broadway,

l'intens i expansiu Old Man River, The Show Boat.

the intense and expansive Old Man River, The Show Boat.

Old Man James, the old man caught

Old Man James, the old man caught

And then that black sun is full for rock

And then that black sun is full for rock.

But Old Man River, he just keeps rolling along

But Old Man River, he just keeps rolling along.

Long old river, keep hearing that song

Long old river, keep hearing that song.

You and me, we sweat and strain

You and I, we sweat and strain.

But you're laken and wracked with pain

Però ets laquen i destrossat pel dolor.

Toad that mud!

Toad that mud!

Flip that bale!

Flip that bale!

Get a little drunk

Get a little drunk.

And your land's in jail

And your land's in jail.

I get weary and sick

I get tired and sick.

Of trying, I'm tired of living

Of trying, I'm tired of living.

And scared of living

I am scared of living.

But old man river, he just keeps rolling

But old man river, he just keeps rolling.



Old Man River és un d'aquells clàssics amb majúscules,

Old Man River is one of those classics with capital letters,

però he de dir que jo no puc evitar...

but I have to say that I can't help...

Posar en aquesta llista un tema que potser no va ser revolucionari,

Put on this list a topic that perhaps was not revolutionary,

però que és simplement un dels meus preferits.

but it is simply one of my favorites.

La botiga dels horrors?

The shop of horrors?

Sóc transparent, oi?

I am transparent, right?

Home, és que la gràcia dels musicals és que ens marquen les vides.

At home, the beauty of musicals is that they mark our lives.

I aquest va marcar la nostra infantesa i encara ho arrosseguem.

And this marked our childhood and we still carry it with us.

Em temo que sí.

I'm afraid so.

Diria un psicòleg perquè em psicologitza aquest tinc jo amb les plantes carnívores.

A psychologist would say because this obsession I have with carnivorous plants is psychological.

Aquesta petita joia de l'off-Broadway, en temes d'Alan Menken i Howard Ashman,

This little gem of off-Broadway, in themes by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman,

continua sent un dels meus referents precisament perquè, com deia l'Anna,

continues to be one of my references precisely because, as Anna said,

va marcar un moment de la meva vida,

it marked a moment in my life,

un moment de la meva vida molt concret.

a very specific moment in my life.

Aquell moment en què veus dalt de l'escenari

That moment when you see on stage

com els personatges estan convertint en cançons allò que tu sents.

how the characters are turning into songs what you feel.

I jo em quedo, igualment, amb la versió original,

And I will stick, equally, with the original version,

amb Lee Wilcoff i la impagable Ellen Green,

with Lee Wilcoff and the invaluable Ellen Green,

perdó per Àngels Ullalons i companyia,

Sorry for Àngels Ullalons and company,

jo em quedo amb els originals,

I will keep the originals.

i amb el tema Suddenly Say More.

And with the topic Suddenly Say More.

Suddenly Say More

Suddenly Say More

Is standing beside you

Is standing beside you.

You don't need no make-up

You don't need any make-up.

Don't have to pretend

No has de fer com si.

Suddenly Say More

Suddenly Say More

Is here to provide you

Is here to provide you.

Suddenly Say More

Suddenly Say More

Sweet understanding

Sweet understanding

See more is yours

See more is yours.

Nobody ever treated me kindly

Ningú mai m'ha tractat amb bondat.

Daddy left early

Daddy va marxar d'hora.

Mama was poor

Mom was poor.

I'd meet a man and I'd follow him blindly

I'd meet a man and I'd follow him blindly.

He'd snap his fingers, me, I'd say sure

He'd snap his fingers, I'd say sure.

Suddenly Say More

Suddenly Say More

You're standing beside me

You're standing beside me.

You don't give me orders

You don’t give me orders.

You don't condescend

You don't condescend.

Suddenly Say More

Suddenly Say More

Is here to provide me

Is here to provide me

Sweet understanding

Sweet understanding

Tell me this feeling

Tell me this feeling.

Last till forever

Lastar per sempre.

Tell me the bad times

Tell me the bad times.

Are clean, washed away

Are clean, washed away.

Please understand that

Si us plau, entén que

It's still strange and frightening

It's still strange and frightening.

The losers like I've been

The losers like I've been.

It's so hard to say

It's so hard to say.

Suddenly Say More

Suddenly Say More

He purified me

He purified me.

He purified you

He purified you.

Suddenly Say More

Suddenly Say More

Show me I can

Show me I can

Yes you can

Yes you can

I've got to be more

I've got to be more.

The girl that's inside me

The girl that's inside me

With sweet understanding

Amb dolça comprensió

Sweet understanding

Sweet understanding

With sweet understanding

Amb dolça comprensió

Sweet understanding

Sweet understanding

With sweet understanding

Amb dolça comprensió

In those arms

In those arms

With sweet understanding

Amb dolça comprensió

Sweet singing

Sweet singing

With sweet understanding

Amb una dolça comprensió

with sweet Queensborough

amb dolça Queensborough

Sweet heart


Cute heart

Cute heart

With sweet humility

Amb dolça humilitat

With sweet hope

Amb dolça esperança

With sweet harmony

Amb dolça harmonia



Sweet harmony

Dolça harmonia

Sweet doomed

Dulce condemnada



With sweet understanding

Amb dolça comprensió.





Sweet lovers

Sweet lovers

Sweet love

Sweet love

Sweet successes

Dulces éxitos

Sweet развag asta

Sweet, you rock!



Sweet purificació

Sweet purification

Sweet captures

Dulces captures

Sweet love

Sweet love


coarse purple

Sweet breadth From me to hell

Sweet breadth From me to hell

I què me'n dius dels temes inoblidables de Frederick Lowe i Alan J. Lerner,

And what do you think of the unforgettable songs by Frederick Lowe and Alan J. Lerner?

My Fair Lady, Camelot i la fantasia de Brigadon,

My Fair Lady, Camelot and the fantasy of Brigadoon,

el poble que només desperta cada cent anys.

the village that only wakes up every hundred years.

No és estrany que alimentés temes tan apassionats com There But For You, Go Why.

It is not surprising that it fed such passionate themes as There But For You, Go Why.

The day you found me, there among them was I.

The day you found me, there among them was I.

I saw a man who had never known

I saw a man who had never known.

a love that was all his own.

a love that was all his own.

I thought as I...

I thought as I...

I thanked all the stars in the sky.

I thanked all the stars in the sky.

There But For You, Go Why.

There But For You, Go Why.

I saw a man who had never known

I saw a man who had never known.

a love that was all his own.

a love that was all his own.

I thought as I thanked all the stars in the sky.

I thought as I thanked all the stars in the sky.

There But For You, Go Why.

There But For You, Go Why.

Clàssic, molt clàssic aquest There But For You, Go Why.

Classic, very classic this There But For You, Go Why.

De Brigadon, però no dir antic.

From Brigadon, but don't say ancient.

No, no direm antic.

No, we will not say old.

D'acord, d'acord. Aquí potser m'he passat.

Okay, okay. Here I might have overdone it.

Com a mínim és un dels millors exemplars.

At least it's one of the best specimens.

d'acord, d'acord. Aquí potser m'he passat.

Okay, okay. Maybe I overdid it here.

Com a mínim és un dels millors exemplars.

At least it is one of the best specimens.

de romanticisme de musical clàssic.

of romanticism of classical music.

Però jo personalment trio una veu una mica més contemporània,

But I personally choose a slightly more contemporary voice,

per no dir atemporal, la de William Finn,

to say timeless, that of William Finn,

l'autor més personal del musical dels darrers 30 anys.

the most personal author of the musical in the last 30 years.

A ell li devem reflexions sobre l'homosexualitat i el sida,

We owe him reflections on homosexuality and AIDS.

a falsetos, i sempre podrem trobar una nova cançó

to falsettos, and we will always be able to find a new song

sobre la família de Newbring.

about the Newbring family.

Els pares i les madres, que sempre estan presents

The parents, who are always present.

a les seves cançons, són protectors, manipuladors,

in their songs, they are protectors, manipulators,

o sempre a punt d'explotar, com en una de les cançons de Newbring.

or always about to explode, like in one of Newbring's songs.

Una de les cançons més divertides del musical dels darrers temps,

One of the funniest songs from the musical of recent times,

I'm Breaking Down, de falsetos.

I'm Breaking Down, by falsetos.

I'd like to be a princess on a throne

I'd like to be a princess on a throne.

To have a country I could call my own

To have a country I could call my own

And a king

And a king

Who's lusty and requires a fling

Who’s eager and needs a fling

With a female thing

With a female thing



Men will be men

Men will be men.

Let me turn on the gas

Let me turn on the gas.

I caught them in the den

I caught them in the den.

With a female thing

With a female thing

With Marvin grabbing Whizzer's ass

Amb Marvin agafant el cul de Whizzer.

Oh sure, I'm sure, he's sure, he did his best

Oh sí, estic segur, ell està segur, va fer el seu millor esforç.

I mean, he meant to be what he was not

I mean, he meant to be what he was not.

The things he was are things which I forgot

The things he was are things that I forgot.

He's a queen, I'm a queen

He's a queen, I'm a queen.

Where is my crown? I'm breaking down

Where is my crown? I'm breaking down.

I'm breaking down

I'm breaking down.

My life is shitty

My life is shitty.

My kid seems like an idiot to me

My kid seems like an idiot to me.

I mean, that's sick

I mean, that's awesome.

I mean, he's great

Vull dir, és genial.

It's me who is the matter

It's me who is the issue.

Talking matter

Talking matter

Then the maddest tatter

Then the maddest tatter.

If I repeat one more word

If I repeat one more word

I swear I'll lose my brain

I swear I'll lose my mind.

Oh, what else should I explain?

Oh, what else should I explain?

Oh, yes, it's true

Oh, yes, it's true.

I can cry on cue

I can cry on cue.

But so can you

Però tu també pots.

I'm breaking down

I'm breaking down.

Down, down

Lower, lower.

You ask me is it fun to cry over nothing?

You ask me if it's fun to cry over nothing?

It is

It is

I'm breaking down

I'm breaking down.

Now let's consider what I might do next

Now let's consider what I might do next.

I hate admitting I've become perplexed

I hate admitting I've become perplexed.

I'm bereaved

I'm bereaved.

I've cried, I've shook

I've cried, I've shaken.

I've yelled, I've heaved

I've yelled, I've heaved.

I have been deceived

I have been deceived.

As enemies go

As enemies go

Whizzer is not so bad

Whizzer no és tan dolent.

I'm breaking down

I'm breaking down.

It's just he's so damn happy

It's just that he's so damn happy.

That it makes me so damn mad

That it makes me so damn mad.

I wanna hate him but I really can't

Vull odiar-lo però realment no puc.

It's like a nightmare how this all proceeds

It's like a nightmare how all this is unfolding.

I hope that Whizzer don't fulfill his needs

I hope that Whizzer doesn't meet his needs.

Don't is wrong, sing along

Don't is wrong, sing along

What was the noun?

What was the noun?

I'm breaking down

I'm breaking down.

I'll soon redecorate these stalls

I'll soon redecorate these stalls.

I'd like some padding on the walls

I'd like some padding on the walls.

And also pills

I també pastilles.

I wanna sleep

I want to sleep.

Sure, things are probably worsen

Sure, things are probably worse.

But it's not like I'm some healthy person

But it's not like I'm some healthy person.

I've rethought my talks with Marv

I've rethought my conversations with Marv.

And one fact does emerge

And one fact does emerge.

I think I like his shrink

I think I like his therapist.

So that is why I might turn to drink

So that is why I might turn to drink.

I'm on the brink of breaking down

I'm on the brink of breaking down.

I'm breaking down

I'm breaking down

Down, down

Below, below

I'm breaking down

Estic trencant.

I only wanna love a man who can love me

I only want to love a man who can love me.

Or like me

Or like me

Or help me

Or help me.

Help me

Help me

Marvin was never mine

Marvin mai va ser meu.

He took his meetings in the boys' latrine

He held his meetings in the boys' restroom.

I used to cry

I used to cry.

He'd make a scene

He'd make a scene.

I'd rather die than dry clean

Preferiria morir que portar la roba a la neteja en sec.

Marvin's wedding gown

Marvin's wedding gown

I'm breaking down

I'm breaking down.

It's so upsetting when I found

It's so upsetting when I found

That what's rectangular is round

That which is rectangular is round.

I mean it stinks!

I mean it stinks!

I mean he's queer

Vull dir que és homosexual.

And me, I'm just a freak

And me, I'm just a freak.

Who needs it maybe every other week

Who needs it maybe every other week.

I don't know

I don't know

I've rethought the fun we've had

I've rethought the fun we've had.

And one fact does emerge

And one fact does emerge.

I've played the foolish clown

He jugat al pallasso idiota.

The almost virgin who sings this dirge

The almost virgin who sings this dirge

Is on the verge of breaking down

Is on the verge of breaking down.

I'm breaking down!

I'm breaking down!

Down, down

Baix, baix

The only thing that's breaking up

The only thing that's breaking up

Is my family

Is my family.

The only thing that's breaking up

The only thing that's breaking up

Is my family

It is my family.

But me

But me

I'm breaking down

I'm breaking down.

De el musical Falsetos

From the musical Falsettos

Un repte actoral, musical

An acting and musical challenge.

i d'enginy, sense cap mena de dubte.

and ingenuity, without a doubt.

Però jo, Francesc, t'he de dir que quan penso en la música d'un musical

But I, Francesc, have to tell you that when I think of the music of a musical

penso més en gran, no sé com dir-ho.

I think bigger, I don't know how to say it.

Penso en Leonard Bernstein, per exemple,

I think of Leonard Bernstein, for example,

capaç de conjugar la intensitat clàssica amb elements del jazz

capable of combining classical intensity with elements of jazz

i amb la caracterització de personatges a través de la música

and with the characterization of characters through music

i tot plegat en un musical, West Side Story,

and all of it in a musical, West Side Story,

on el moviment es devenia cançó,

where the movement became song,

com per exemple en el quintet on tots els personatges

as for example in the quintet where all the characters

es preparaven per la lluita.

they were preparing for the fight.



The Jets are gonna have their day tonight

The Jets are going to have their day tonight.

The Sharks are gonna have their way tonight

The Sharks are going to have their way tonight.

The Puerto Ricans rumble, fair fight

The Puerto Ricans rumble, fair fight.

But if they start a rumble, we'll rumble them right

But if they start a fight, we'll fight them back properly.

We're gonna hand them a surprise tonight

We're going to give them a surprise tonight.

We're gonna cut them down to size tonight

Tonight we're going to cut them down to size.

We said, OK, no rumpus, no trips

We said, OK, no commotion, no trips.

But just in case they jump us, we're ready to miss

But just in case they attack us, we're ready to miss.



We're gonna rock it tonight

We're gonna rock it tonight.

We're gonna jazz it up and have us a ball

We're going to jazz it up and have a great time.

They're gonna get it tonight

They're going to get it tonight.

The more they turn it on, the harder they fall

The more they turn it on, the harder they fall.

Oh, baby!

Oh, baby!

Get it!

Got it!

Oh, baby!

Oh, baby!

Get it!

Got it!

And we're the ones to stop them once and for all

I som nosaltres els que els aturarem d'una vegada per totes.



Anita's gonna get her kicks tonight

Anita va a gaudir aquesta nit.

We'll have our private little mix tonight

Tindrem el nostre petit mix privat aquesta nit.

We'll walk in hot and tired

Entrarem cansats i suats.

So what?

So what?

Don't matter if he's tired

Doesn't matter if he's tired.

As long as he's hot

As long as he's hot.



Won't be just any night

It won't be just any night.

Tonight there will be no morning star

Tonight there will be no morning star.

Tonight, tonight

Tonight, tonight

I'll see my love tonight

I'll see my love tonight.

And for us, stars will stop where they are

I per a nosaltres, les estrelles s'aturaran on són.

Today the minutes seem like hours

Today the minutes feel like hours.

The hours seem like hours

The hours seem like hours.

The hours go so slowly

The hours go by so slowly.

And still the sky is light

And still the sky is light.

Oh, moon, grow bright

Oh, luna, creix brillant.

And make this endless day

I fer d'aquest dia sense fi

Endless night

Endless night

We're counting on you to be there

Estem comptant amb tu per ser-hi.



When Diesel wins it fair and square

When Diesel wins it fair and square.



That Puerto Rican punk will go down

That Puerto Rican punk will go down.

And Wendy's hollering uncle will tear up the town

And Wendy's hollering uncle will tear up the town.

So I can count on you, boy

So I can count on you, boy.



We're gonna have us a ball

We're going to have a great time.



Tonight there will be no morning star

Tonight there will be no morning star.

I'll see you there about eight

I'll see you there around eight.



We're gonna rock it tonight

We're gonna rock it tonight.



Jo he de dir que no rebutjo el poder dels nous compositors,

I must say that I do not reject the power of the new composers,

com a vegades el Francesc ens vol fer creure.

as sometimes Francesc wants us to believe.

Tot i que he de confessar que sí que els prefereixo amb un toc clàssic.

Although I must confess that I do prefer them with a classic touch.

Per exemple, Michael John Lacusa té a The Wild Party un munt de temes impressionants,

For example, Michael John Lacusa has a bunch of impressive themes in The Wild Party,

especialment quan el personatge d'Earth A Kid tanca la festa o orgia

especially when the character of Earth A Kid closes the party or orgy

amb un terminal himne jazz, When It Ends.

with a terminal jazz anthem, When It Ends.

You think the party's gonna last forever

Do you think the party's gonna last forever?

And you'll always fly this high, but that depends

And you'll always fly this high, but that depends.

The higher the high, the harder you're gonna crash

The higher the high, the harder you're gonna crash.

Back down when it ends

Back down when it ends.

You can make a fortune doing next to nothing

You can make a fortune doing almost nothing.

You can sit there on your ass and screw your friends

You can sit there on your ass and screw your friends.

But you better know how to kick, kick, kick your way out of the burning room

Però és millor que sàpigues com donar puntades, puntades, puntades per escapar de la sala en flames.

When it ends

When it ends

You can sell your body to the highest bidder

You can sell your body to the highest bidder.

You can call it live and cash the dividends

You can call it live and cash the dividends.

You can take a million lovers

You can take a million lovers.

But you're on, you're on

But you're on, you're on

When it ends

When it ends

Beauty won't matter and brains won't matter

Beauty won't matter and brains won't matter.

When the world falls apart one cold and starry night

When the world falls apart one cold and starry night.

Money won't matter and love won't matter

Money won't matter and love won't matter.

If you ain't got the balls to fight for it

If you don't have the guts to fight for it.

If you ain't got the balls to fight that one last fight

If you haven't got the balls to fight that one last fight.

I can tell you that no party lasts forever

I can tell you that no party lasts forever.

I've been there and there and there and seen enough

I've been there and there and there and seen enough.

So you better hope to Jesus or Mohammed or whatever

So you better hope to Jesus or Mohammed or whatever.

That you've got the right to start

That you've got the right to start.

That you've got the right stuff

That you've got the right stuff.



When It Ends, del musical The Wild Party.

When It Ends, from the musical The Wild Party.

Un himne fascinant, ambigü.

A fascinating, ambiguous hymn.

Potser en la categoria d'himnes, potser n'hi ha de més optimistes.

Perhaps in the category of anthems, there are some that are more optimistic.

Alguns n'hi deu haver, sí.

There must be some, yes.

D'aquells que donen aquell nivell d'espiritualitat o de força a una obra

Of those who give that level of spirituality or strength to a work.

com només un musical pot aconseguir.

as only a musical can achieve.

Evidentment, al centre de tots hi hauria Rodgers i Hammerstein

Obviously, at the center of it all would be Rodgers and Hammerstein.

oferint-nos, per exemple, un You'll Never Walk Alone,

offering us, for example, a You'll Never Walk Alone,

en cas que diria l'himne dels himnes,

in case I would say the anthem of anthems,

o un dels meus preferits, una mica més cursi, ho he d'admetre,

or one of my favorites, a bit more cheesy, I have to admit,

Climb Every Mountain, de The Sound of Music,

Climb Every Mountain, from The Sound of Music,

a la qual fa justícia la veu d'Allison Gere.

to which the voice of Allison Gere does justice.

Climb every mountain

Climb every mountain

For every stream

For every stream

Follow it

Follow it.

Every rainbow

Every rainbow

Till you find

Fins que trobis

Your dream

Your dream

A dream that will need

A dream that will need

All the love you can give

All the love you can give

Every day of your life

Every day of your life

For as long as you live

For as long as you live.

Climb every mountain

Climb every mountain

For every stream

For every stream

Follow every rainbow

Follow every rainbow

Till you find

Fins que trobis

Your dream

Your dream

Climb every mountain

Climb every mountain

For every dream

For every dream

For as long as you live

While you live

No deixes la tradició clàssica ni que t'hi esforci molt, no, Anna?

You don't abandon the classical tradition even if I try hard, do you, Anna?

Jo és que crec que hi ha un munt de nous compositors de musical

I believe there are a lot of new musical composers.

que potser no tenen aquest poder etern dels Kershwin, els Berlins o els Rodgers i Hammerstein.

that perhaps they do not have the eternal power of the Kershwins, the Berlins, or the Rodgers and Hammerstein.

O els Porters.

Or the Porters.

Però que són, indubtablement, feres teatrals.

But they are undoubtedly theatrical beasts.

Un, dos, tres!

One, two, three!

Deve Malloy és una de les veus més eclèctiques i personals,

Deve Malloy is one of the most eclectic and personal voices.

com demostra en aquest Natasha Pierre i en The Great Comet of 1812.

as demonstrated in Natasha Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812.

Però jo tinc un preferit irrefutable, per mi, en aquests clàssics moderns.

But I have an irrefutable favorite, for me, in these modern classics.

Tim Minchin.

Tim Minchin.

A ell li devem la joia de Matilda, que l'Anna reivindicarà en privat,

We owe him the joy of Matilda, which Anna will claim in private.

i jo triomf el semi-oscur Groundhog Day,

and I triumph the semi-dark Groundhog Day,

una adaptació cinematogràfica que, per una vegada, sí, tenia talent al darrere.

a film adaptation that, for once, yes, had talent behind it.

Escolteu, si no, If I Had My Time Again.

Listen, if not, If I Had My Time Again.

If I Had My Time Again

If I Had My Time Again

The things I'd handle better

The things I would handle better.

I would send my uncertainty

I would send my uncertainty.

I have started 700 fights

I have started 700 fights.

And if you knew the endless nights

And if you knew the endless nights

That I have wasted getting wasted

That I have wasted getting wasted.

Contemplating different ways to suicide

Contemplating different ways to commit suicide.

I would write and I would write

I would write and I would write.

And I have tried every fruit and every drink

And I have tried every fruit and every drink.

And every cheat and every choice a thousand times

I every cheat and every choice a thousand times.

And I would enjoy to other people's lives

And I would enjoy other people's lives.

And I'd daily eat about a dozen donuts

I would eat about a dozen donuts every day.

And I don't know why

I don't know why.

And I would learn piano

I would learn piano.

And I would make a lot of friends

I would make a lot of friends.

If I had my time

If I had my time

If I had my time again

If I had my time again

I'd open all the doors

I'd open all the doors.

I'd never look behind before

I'd never looked behind before.

And know the things I'd taste, the things I'd try

I know the things I'd taste, the things I'd try.

I'd find nothing with these revolving rinds

No encontraria res amb aquestes pells giratòries.

And misery I could prevent

And I could prevent misery.

They're only fun cause you know they're gonna end

They're only fun because you know they're going to end.

And I could make a lot of friends

I could make a lot of friends.

If I had my time again

If I had my time again.

Tim Minchin

Tim Minchin

Doncs sí, si li preguntéssim a la meva filla

Well yes, if we asked my daughter.

quina és la millor cançó de la història dels musicals

What is the best song in the history of musicals?

sens dubte diria

I would undoubtedly say

Naughty de Matilda

Matilda the Naughty

i a mi em costaria molt no triar-la

And it would be very difficult for me not to choose her.

Doncs digue-li que faci un programa de musicals

So tell him to make a musical program.

de 15 anys i serà tot seu

15 years old and it will all be yours.

Però per acabar

But to finish

sens dubte triaria el que és el

without a doubt I would choose what is the

gran himne de Broadway

great Broadway anthem

concretament els cors de Broadway

specifically the Broadway choirs

Michael Bennett, Marvin Hamlisch

Michael Bennett, Marvin Hamlisch

i Ed Kleban van crear

and Ed Kleban created

A Chorus Line

A Chorus Line

un homenatge a aquelles cares desconegudes

a tribute to those unknown faces

que eren el fons humà dels musicals

that they were the human background of the musicals

i un homenatge a la creació col·lectiva

and a tribute to collective creation

i a la cerca de la veritat escènica

and in the search for scenic truth

A Chorus Line

A Chorus Line

i al seu gran final

and at its grand finale



singular sensation

singular sensation

every little step he takes

cada petit pas que fa



thrilling combination

thrilling combination

every move that he makes

cada moviment que fa

One smile and suddenly

One smile and suddenly

nobody else

nobody else

will do

Will do.

You know you'll never be lonely with

You know you'll never be lonely with

you know

you know



moment in his presence

moment in his presence

and you can't forget

and you can't forget

the rest

the rest

For the guy is second best

For the guy is second best.

to none

to none





sight give him your attention

sight give him your attention.

do I

do I

really have to mention

really have to mention


he is

the one

the one

Brillant One, ho reconec

Brilliant One, I acknowledge it.

un d'aquells temes que té mil lectures

one of those topics that has a thousand interpretations

i més quan veus l'obra, però he de dir

And more when you see the work, but I have to say.

que per mi només hi ha una manera de tancar

that for me there is only one way to close

aquest programa dedicat a les millors

this program dedicated to the best

cançons de la història del musical

songs from the history of musical theatre

i de fet per tancar també aquest programa

And in fact, to also close this program.

i és evidentment amb Sonheim

and it is obviously with Sonheim



Podríem triar

We could choose.

dotzenes i dotzenes de cançons de Sonheim

dozens and dozens of Sondheim songs

com les millors de la història del musical

like the best in the history of musical theater

com a mínim des del nostre punt de vista

at least from our point of view

però jo em quedo

but I stay

amb un tema que és un preferit meu de tota

with a theme that is a favorite of mine from all

la vida i que també crec que és el seu tema

life and I also believe it is its theme

més teatral

more theatrical

és una balada feta a parts iguals

it's a ballad made in equal parts

de silencis, intensitat

of silences, intensity

reprimida, musicalitat

repressed, musicality

brillant, unes lletres

brilliant, some letters



pensades per ser dites

meant to be said

i per ser sentides i per sobre

and to be felt and above

de tot una interpretació

of everything an interpretation

absolutament magistral

absolutely masterful

amb veu de qualsevol actriu

with the voice of any actress

d'una certa edat que expressi

of a certain age that expresses

és la música i la lletra

it's the music and the lyrics

amb perfecta consonància al tema

with perfect consonance to the topic

de Little Night Music

of Little Night Music

Sending the Clowns

Sending the Clowns

amb el qual tanquem aquest programa

with which we close this program

i aquesta temporada de El millor dels temps

and this season of The Best of Times

amb veu de Judi Dench

with the voice of Judi Dench

Doncs com dèiem amb Sending the Clowns

Well, as we were saying with Sending the Clowns.

tanquem el programa d'avui

we close today's program

d'El millor dels temps

The best of times

ja sabeu en aquest cas que podeu recuperar

You already know in this case that you can recover.

els programes ja emesos a la web de l'emissora

the programs already broadcast on the station's website

que ens podeu seguir a les xarxes socials

that you can follow us on social media

Facebook, Twitter i Instagram

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

i que us diem adeu als que estem

And we say goodbye to those of us who are here.

avui a l'estudi, el Francesc Hernández

Today in the studio, Francesc Hernández.

i l'Anna Ponces

and Anna Ponces

i l'Oriol Pinard que està a l'altra banda

and Oriol Pinard who is on the other side

al control tècnic

to the technical control

I us donem les gràcies a tots els que ens heu seguit cada setmana

We thank you all for following us each week.

i a la ràdio que ens ha permès

and the radio that has allowed us

fer aquest petit homenatge nostre

to make this small tribute of ours

als musicals

to the musicals

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

I want what I want.

I want what I want.

Sorry, my dear.

Sorry, my dear.

But where are the clowns?

But where are the clowns?

Quick, send in the clowns.

Quick, send in the clowns.

Don't bother.

Don't bother.

They're here.

They're here.

Desiree, I should never have come. I'm sorry.

Desiree, no hauria d'haver vingut. Em sap greu.

To flirt with rescue

To flirt with rescue

when one has no intention of being saved.

when one has no intention of being saved.

Please try to forgive me.

Si us plau, intenta perdonar-me.

Isn't it rich?

Isn't it rich?

Isn't it queer?

Isn't it strange?

Losing my timing is late

Losing my timing is late.

in my career.

in my career.

But where are the clowns?

But where are the clowns?

There ought to be clowns.

There ought to be clowns.





Next year...

Next year...


Thank you.

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