"El bon nen", d'Eloi Duran

Catalunya Ràdio


"El bon nen", d'Eloi Duran




Oh, oh, oh, Icat.

Oh, oh, oh, Icat.

Icat, la ràdio inquieta.

Icat, the restless radio.



Sona 9, amb Lluís Gendreu.

Sounds 9, with Lluís Gendreu.

Els dissabtes a les 9 del matí, a Icat.

Saturdays at 9 in the morning, on Icat.

Icat, la ràdio inquieta.

Icat, the restless radio.

Cantant aquella Marina està morena, doncs canviarà.

Singing that Marina is tanned, so she will change.

A partir de la setmana que ve canviarà perquè tindrem ja el nou guanyador del Sona 9,

Starting next week it will change because we will already have the new winner of Sona 9.

que és Eloi Durant, que ens presenta, ens porta el seu primer àlbum.

Eloi Durant, who presents to us, brings us his first album.

Un disc que es diu El bon nen.

A disc called The Good Boy.

I tercer, perquè avui comencem temporada justament amb Eloi Durant i el seu nou treball.

And third, because today we start the season precisely with Eloi Durant and his new work.

I ho fa amb un xiu-xiueig.

It does it with a whisper.

Tots els arbres amaguen secret.

All trees hide secrets.

Moltes flors, moltes flors

Many flowers, many flowers.

mai podran fugir.

they will never be able to escape.

Al meu davant una euga ferida

In front of me, an injured mare.

xiu, xiu, xiu...

shh, shh, shh...

Vol alimentar tot i el mal

I want to feed everything despite the evil.

la seva cria.

her offspring.

Regali'm la pluja fina,

Gift me the fine rain,

botes de resina m'encenen les mans

resin boots set my hands on fire

i em brolla un estany, és un mirall.

And a pond springs from me, it is a mirror.

Veig el meu reflex, però em mira un estrany.

I see my reflection, but a stranger is looking at me.

M'ho fa bé, no siguis dolent.

Do it for me, don't be mean.

Tot no pot ser per tu.

Not everything can be for you.

Et precipites al moment.

You rush into the moment.

I fas mons de l'amistat.

And you create worlds of friendship.

El sol m'avisa que està creixent.

The sun reminds me that it is rising.

Mira, mira, estic creixent.

Look, look, I am growing.

Desperta el bon nen.

Wake up the good boy.

Sona nou amb Lluís Gendrau.

Sounds new with Lluís Gendrau.

Desperta el bon nen, diu aquesta cançó,

Awaken the good boy, says this song,

i és el Xiu Xiuetx, la primera cançó d'aquest àlbum d'Eloi Durant,

and it's Xiu Xiuetx, the first song of this album by Eloi Durant,

que tenim justament avui de convidat al programa.

that we have just today as a guest on the program.

Eloi, benvingut.

Eloi, welcome.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Quina il·lusió començar temporada.

What a thrill to start the season.

Amb el teu nou treball.

With your new job.

I avui els oients tindran la satisfacció d'escoltar amb exclusió

And today the listeners will have the satisfaction of listening exclusively.

aquestes 11 cançons que formen part del teu primer llargadurada,

these 11 songs that are part of your first album,

que és l'odiatge d'un nen cap a l'adultesa,

what is a child's hatred towards adulthood,

i que explica una aventura que és bastant autodiogràfica, oi?

And it tells of an adventure that is quite autobiographical, right?

Té un punt, sí, al final és això, no?

It has a point, yes, in the end that's it, right?

És aquest creixement que fa aquest personatge

It is this growth that makes this character.

que m'he inventat una mica com el Terego,

that I've invented a bit like Terego,

però que també he fet jo fent-me gran, no?

but I have also done that by growing up, right?

Eloi Durant va néixer a Tarragona l'any 97,

Eloi Durant was born in Tarragona in '97,

tens 27 acabats de fer.

You have just turned 27.

27 acabats de fer, sí, sí.

27 just made, yes, yes.

I vas començar a gravar les teves primeres cançons, què, fa 3 anys?

And you started recording your first songs, what, three years ago?

Vaig començar, sí, com 2021,

I started, yes, like 2021,

en post-pandèmia,

in post-pandemic,

com a provar què tenia a dir,

as a way to try what he had to say,

i fins aquí, una mica.

and up to here, a little.

I mai havies fet abans una cançó?

Had you never made a song before?

Ni escrit una lletra?

Not even a letter written?



O sigui, com el 2021 va ser com el moment...

I mean, like 2021 was the moment...

de prendre-m'ho potser més seriosament,

to take me perhaps more seriously,

o d'intentar això,

or to try this,

com crear-me una figura com d'artista, tot això,

how to create a figure for myself as an artist, all of this,

però sí que és veritat que jo vaig començar

but it is true that I started

com a fer cançons amb 16 anys

how to make songs at 16 years old

per curar una mica les penes.

to heal a little the sorrows.

I com eren aquelles cançons primeres de l'Eloi?

And what were those first songs of Eloi like?

Eren amb ukelele,

They were with a ukulele,

perquè jo vaig començar com amb ukelele, sí, sí, sí.

because I started with a ukulele, yes, yes, yes.

Perquè escoltaves a Manel?

Why were you listening to Manel?

Una mica, sí, perquè era com lo fàcil, saps?

A little, yes, because it was like the easy thing, you know?

Era com, uf, la guitarra té 6 cordes, que complicat,

It was like, phew, the guitar has 6 strings, how complicated.

com vaig començar per la guitarra,

how I started with the guitar,

lo més senzill, que no és tan senzill, ojo,

the simplest thing, which is not so simple, mind you,

i parlaven, bueno, com de petits drames, saps?

and they were talking, well, about small dramas, you know?

Tot era molt intens, recordo que tenia una cançó

Everything was very intense, I remember I had a song.

com per l'aniversari d'una amiga, no?

Like for a friend's birthday, right?

I era com, qualsevol cosa era argument suficient

And it was like, anything was enough argument.

per fer una gran cançó.

to make a great song.

Les teves cançons són, sobretot, emocionals.

Your songs are, above all, emotional.



Neixen de les emocions.

They are born from emotions.



D'una mena de, podríem dir,

Of a kind of, we could say,

de contradicció entre el dolor i la bellesa,

of contradiction between pain and beauty,

d'una manera o una altra.

in one way or another.

Ai, que bonica, això.

Oh, how beautiful this is.

Crec que sí, en el sentit de que sempre intenten

I believe so, in the sense that they always try.

tenir un missatge on es veuen dues parts, no?,

to have a message where two parts are seen, right?

a vegades, o com que sempre hi ha una part bonica,

sometimes, or since there is always a beautiful part,

precisament, o més vella, i una altra,

precisely, or older, and another,

més, potser, a vegades no té per què ser

more, perhaps, sometimes it doesn't have to be

més dolenta o més fosca, sinó més nostàlgica,

more evil or darker, but more nostalgic,

potser, o més dolorosa, inclús.

perhaps, or even more painful.

Sí, tenen un equilibri d'això.

Yes, they have a balance of that.

I tenen una part, també, de curació.

And they also have a part of healing.

Són terapèutiques?

Are they therapeutic?

A mi m'agrada pensar que sí.

I like to think that yes.

I, sobretot, com crec que el disc,

I, above all, as I believe the disc,

el poder haver imaginat això com un viatge d'11 cançons,

the power to have imagined this as an 11-song journey,

clar, jo crec que la paraula terapèutica

Of course, I believe that the therapeutic word

és una paraula molt grossa, però sí que, almenys,

it's a very big word, but yes, at least,

està pensat com tot un viatge emocional

it is conceived as an entire emotional journey

que la gent, a mi em faria molta il·lusió

that people, it would make me very happy

que la gent l'escolti en bordra,

let people hear it in the background,

perquè sí que hi ha com tota una història.

because there is indeed a whole story.

Tu tenies una frase, quan vam conèixer-la,

You had a phrase when we met her,

que era aquesta, no?

was this it, right?

Les cançons, com era exactament?

The songs, how was it exactly?

Era l'estil de música, que és l'indie-pop que cura el cor.

It was the style of music, which is indie-pop that heals the heart.

Jo crec que segueix, el que passa que, també,

I think it continues, what happens is that, also,

durant el camí he descobert altres coses

During the journey, I discovered other things.

que em diverteix explorar

that entertains me to explore

i que també tinc ganes d'explorar,

and I also want to explore,

però que no són incompatibles.

but they are not incompatible.

Puc seguir curant el cor des d'altres llocs.

I can continue healing the heart from other places.

El teu cor l'han curat, aquestes cançons?

Has your heart been healed by these songs?



Sí? Es pot curar el cor amb cançons?

Yes? Can the heart be healed with songs?

Sí, 100%.

Yes, 100%.

Són una eina màgica per curar el cor, sí.

They are a magic tool for healing the heart, yes.

Doncs seguim aquesta història.

Well, let's continue this story.

De fet, tu vas començar a gravar els primers cançons,

In fact, you started recording the first songs,

com dèiem ara, amb una EP que es deia Sonder,

as we were saying now, with an EP called Sonder,

l'any 21, i vas continuar el 23

the year 21, and you continued in 23

amb un recull on hi havia més cançons,

with a collection where there were more songs,

i com ara Manel, aquell Manel que se n'anava al supermercat...

and like now Manel, that Manel who used to go to the supermarket...



...i s'enamorava.

...and fell in love.

També era bé autobiogràfic, aquelles?

Was that also autobiographical?

No m'ha passat la història d'enamorar-me

I haven't had the experience of falling in love.

com en un supermercat,

like in a supermarket,

i com utilitzar l'excusa del formatge,

and how to use the excuse of cheese,

però sí m'ha passat això d'enamorar-me d'algú

but yes, this has happened to me of falling in love with someone

que realment l'altra persona no està veient res com ho veus tu.

that the other person is really not seeing anything as you see it.

Això sí que és autobiogràfic.

This is indeed autobiographical.

El que veig quan miro tot això eren històries d'aquest nen.

What I see when I look at all this were stories of this boy.

Vas guanyar el Sona Nou el 2023, ara fa un any,

You won the Sona Nou in 2023, a year ago.

i el resultat és aquest primer llarg de durada

and the result is this first long duration

que es diu El Bon Nen,

which is called The Good Boy,

que ha publicat un cop l'edició que surt d'aquí pocs dies,

that has published once the edition that comes out in a few days,

el 13 de setembre, d'aquí a sis dies,

on September 13, in six days,

i que recorre aquesta trajectòria emocional

and that traverses this emotional journey

que va de la infància a la joventut

that goes from childhood to youth

i que s'expressa a través d'aquests paisatges,

and that is expressed through these landscapes,

amb una estètica que barreja música urbana,

with an aesthetic that mixes urban music,

on hi ha pop, electrònica,

where there is pop, electronic,

on has tingut el suport del Pau Vinyals també fent cançons.

You have had the support of Pau Vinyals also making songs.



Escolta, escoltem-ne un altre.

Listen, let's hear another one.

Mama, no vull anar a dormir.

Mom, I don’t want to go to sleep.

Això l'hi deies a la teva mare?

Did you tell that to your mother?

No recordo especialment, però crec que està molt ben jugat.

I don't remember particularly, but I think it's played very well.

Està molt ben jugat, el títol.

The title is very well played.

Per tant, com ho feu?

So, how do you do it?

Escolta alguna cosa d'aquesta stagia.

Listen to something from this stage.

El que veig quan miro a mi m'agrada molt.

What I see when I look at myself I like very much.

Tengo un somni,

I have a dream,

tot per mi,

everything for me,

Tengo un somni,

I have a dream,

toca florir,

it’s time to bloom,

Tengo un somni,

I have a dream,

em vull divertir,

I want to have fun,

Tengo un somni,

I have a dream,

mama, no vull anar a dormir.

Mom, I don't want to go to sleep.

Som-hi, som-hi, ja n'hem.

Let’s go, let’s go, we’ve had enough.

Ja n'hem.

We've already done it.

Vull fer un castell,

I want to build a castle,

que arribi fent el buc ser un ocell.

that arrives making the bow be a bird.

Però ara hauré de parar,

But now I will have to stop,

la mama em crida a berenar.

Mom is calling me to have a snack.

Vull sortir del jardí, és el meu destí.

I want to leave the garden, it is my destiny.

No sé si és per aquí, però vull descobrir

I don't know if it's over here, but I want to discover.

què hi ha més enllà del que em fan mirar.

What is beyond what they make me look at?

Qui em vindrà a buscar si un dia he de tornar.

Who will come to pick me up if one day I have to return?

Tinc un somni, tot per mi.

I have a dream, all for me.

Tinc un somni, tot que flori.

I have a dream, everything blooms.

Tinc un somni, em vull dir.

I have a dream, I want to say.

Tinc un somni, mama no vull anar a dormir.

I have a dream, mom I don’t want to go to sleep.

Mama no vull anar a dormir és aquest somni que té l'Eloi Durant

Mom, I don't want to go to sleep, it's this dream that Eloi is having.

i que presenta un disc amb tres parts.

and that presents a disc with three parts.

La primera és la part més innocent,

The first is the most innocent part,

amb un discurs des dels ulls d'un nen,

with a speech from the eyes of a child,

aquest nen que diu que no vol anar a dormir,

this boy who says he doesn't want to go to sleep,

somnis, idealitzacions, expectatives.

dreams, idealizations, expectations.

Una segona part en què el nen ja es va fent més gran

A second part in which the boy is growing up.

i que veu les coses d'una altra manera.

and sees things differently.

Que vindria a ser, com és la segona part?

What would it be like, what is the second part like?

És una part més fosca on apareixen com,

It is a darker part where they appear as,

sí, les primeres inseguretats, les primeres pors,

yes, the first insecurities, the first fears,

o sigui, no, en la primera part tenim més aquests dubtes

So no, in the first part we have more of these doubts.

o aquestes coses que encara no tenen aquest ressò més negatiu

or these things that still do not have this more negative resonance

o més dolorós que sí que té la segona part

or more painful than the second part does indeed have

on comença ja, sí,

it starts already, yes,

a tocar una mica més el fons.

to touch the bottom a little more.

El protagonista s'enfronta amb els dolors.

The protagonist confronts pain.

Sí, una mica és com aquest espai.

Yes, it's a bit like this space.

El que li fa mal, el que té prohibit.

What hurts him, what is forbidden to him.

Sí, una mica es confronta contra tot això.

Yes, it somewhat confronts all of this.

I una tercera part on hi ha el procés d'alliberament

And a third part where the process of liberation takes place.

que serà conegut en una nova identitat i vol tornar a ser un nen.

who will be known by a new identity and wants to be a child again.

És un cercle, això.

It's a circle, this.

Sí, d'alguna manera jo crec que el xulo del disc també és això,

Yes, in a way I think that the cool thing about the album is this too,

que fa un viatge com...

what makes a journey like...

No és circular del tot,

It is not entirely circular,

però sí que hi ha alguna cosa del principi i del final que es troben

but there is indeed something that connects the beginning and the end

i és una mica com reconciliar-se amb el nen, també,

and it's a bit like reconciling with the child, too,

que crec que és important.

that I think is important.

Tots tenim un nen a dins?

Do we all have a child inside?

Sí, tots, absolutament tothom.

Yes, everyone, absolutely everyone.

El que passa és que hi ha gent que el té molt amagat.

What happens is that there are people who keep it very hidden.

I és bo parlar amb aquest nen?

And is it good to talk with this boy?

Jo crec que és molt important parlar amb aquest nen.

I think it is very important to talk to this boy.

Sí, sí, perquè al final...

Yes, yes, because in the end...

Què té aquest nen? Tendresa? Inocència?

What does this boy have? Tenderness? Innocence?

Mira, ho parlàvem una mica l'altre dia,

Look, we talked about it a bit the other day,

com que crec que moltes vegades el nen,

since I believe that many times the child,

està, o sigui, com la societat el percep una mica com...

it's, like, how society perceives it a bit like...

O bé aquesta cosa molt naïf o aquesta cosa molt enlairada,

Either this very naïve thing or this very elevated thing,

o a vegades aquesta cosa més boja o inclús a vegades com de...

or sometimes this crazier thing or even sometimes like...

Sí, com que es relaciona molt amb la poca connexió amb el terra, diguéssim,

Yes, since it is very related to the little connection with the ground, let's say.

i crec que està bé.

I think it's fine.

A vegades crec que hi ha gent que el jutge o el pot criticar

Sometimes I think there are people who can judge or criticize him.

perquè s'hi reflexa i li té enveja en aquest sentit.

because it reflects on it and is envious of it in this sense.


I'll explain myself.

Crec que tenir el nen despert quan som adults no és tan fàcil.

I think keeping the child awake when we are adults is not that easy.

I això també és una contradicció.

And this is also a contradiction.

A vegades diuen, escolta, aquest no ha crescut, encara és un nen,

Sometimes they say, listen, this one hasn't grown up, he's still a child.

encara té una actitud...

she still has an attitude...

És supercontradictori, sí, sí.

It's super contradictory, yes, yes.

Allò que t'has de fer gran, no?, et diuen a vegades.

What you need to do to grow up, right? They tell you that sometimes.

Sí, però crec que...

Yes, but I think that...

O sigui, evidentment, jo crec que és important

So, obviously, I think it's important.

com no viure en una fantasia absoluta i ser realista,

how not to live in an absolute fantasy and be realistic,

però a vegades crec que també quan et diuen aquestes coses,

but sometimes I also think that when they tell you these things,

no és perquè... El problema no és teu, saps?

It's not because... The problem is not yours, you know?

El problema és dels altres.

The problem is with the others.

Escolta, el nen a vegades està una mica perdut.

Listen, the boy is sometimes a little lost.



Pot ser, oi?

Could it be, right?

Està una mica perdut.

He is a little lost.

Està a jugar al jardí, veu un bosc,

She is playing in the garden, sees a forest,

es creu un imaginari sent dins o dintre el bosc,

one creates an imaginary feeling inside or within the forest,

i aquí no sé què passa, hi ha emocions, sensacions,

and here I don't know what happens, there are emotions, sensations,

i a vegades potser allò que els branques et deixen veure el bosc...

and sometimes perhaps what the branches let you see is the forest...

Bueno, clar, de sobte és això, no?

Well, of course, suddenly it is this, right?

És això, no?

That's it, isn't it?

Aquesta cançó de Mama no vull anar a dormir

This song by Mama I don't want to go to sleep.

és com tot el que té per fer,

it's like everything that has to be done,

llavors de sobte decideix anar cap a aquest bosc

then suddenly decides to go towards this forest

i hi ha molts camins i no sap quin camí triar

And there are many paths, and you don't know which path to choose.

i es queda allà una mica perdut.

And it stays there a little lost.

Una col·laboració, la primera, Uineta.

A collaboration, the first, Uineta.



El Uineta està al Sona 9, per exemple, aquest any.

The Uineta is in Sona 9, for example, this year.

Està al Sona 9, sí.

It's at Sona 9, yes.

Ja la vas veure que aquesta noia tenia projecció i...

You already saw that this girl had potential and...

Jo és que la Marta jo la conec de fa molt de temps,

I know Marta very well because I have known her for a long time.

tenim molts amics en comú i és una persona molt propera

we have many mutual friends and he is a very close person

i clar, és això, no?

And of course, that's it, right?

Aquesta primera part del disc que tu deies

This first part of the album that you mentioned.

per mi era com la més...

for me it was like the most...

Aquesta part més això, més de nen, més d'infant, no?

This part plus this, more of a child, more of a kid, right?

I jo crec que el que m'agrada molt del projecte de la Marta d'Uineta

And I think that what I like a lot about Marta's project at Uineta

és que precisament el punt de vista des d'ella,

is that precisely the point of view from her,

des d'on ella explica i canta les cançons,

from where she explains and sings the songs,

és un punt de vista que m'encaixava molt

it's a point of view that suited me very well

amb aquesta ingenuïtat, amb aquesta boniquesa que buscava

with this naivety, with this beauty that I was looking for

i va ser com molt ràpid que vaig pensar en ella.

It was very quick that I thought of her.

Aquest és el resultat.

This is the result.

Dona vida al que fa процессos

Give life to those who create processes.

Durant 60 dies, les expectatives del qual ella van produir

For 60 days, the expectations of which she produced.

són d'una congelació de energets...

they are from an energy freeze...

Ei, estic

Hey, I’m here.

una mica perdut

a little lost



que neixi una veu dins meu

let a voice be born within me

que em digui el camí.

that tells me the way.

Jo el sé,

I know him,

jo el NO el sé,

I do NOT know him.

Ei, tinc por

Hey, I'm scared.

És que no vull equivocar-me

It's just that I don't want to make a mistake.

Què passa si ho arrisco tot

What happens if I risk everything?

I no surt, i no surt

And it doesn’t come out, and it doesn’t come out.

I no, i no

And no, and no

Crec que ja fa massa temps

I think it's been too long already.

Crec que ja fa massa temps que estàs per

I think it's been too long that you've been around.

Sé que costa cari però has de començar

I know it's hard, dear, but you have to start.

A fer coses que ja havies fet abans

To do things you had already done before.

I veuràs que és fàcil

And you'll see that it's easy.

Si has estat enamorat i tornaràs

If you have been in love and you will return.

Si has perdut les ganes un dia en tindràs

If you've lost the will, one day you will have it again.

Pensa en tot allò que abans t'ha fascinat

Think about all the things that have fascinated you before.

I vindran més coses

More things will come.

I vindran més ganes

There will be more desire.

Ei, el món

Hey, the world.

Se'm fa una mica gros a vegades

Sometimes it feels a bit too much for me.

Sento que estic lluny, molt lluny

I feel that I am far away, very far away.

I no puc, i no puc

I can't, I can't.

I no, i no

And no, and no

Ei, ho faig

Hey, I'll do it.

El millor que sóc capaç

The best I am capable of.

Deixo que m'abraci l'aire

I let the air embrace me.

I vaig, i vaig, i vaig

I go, and I go, and I go.

On vaig?

Where am I going?

Crec que ja fa massa temps que estàs parat

I think it's been too long since you stopped.

Sé que costa cari però has de començar

I know it's hard dear but you have to start.

A fer coses que ja havies fet abans

To do things you had already done before.

I veuràs que és fàcil

And you will see that it is easy.

Si has estat enamorat i tornaràs

If you have been in love and you will return.

Si has perdut les ganes un dia en tindràs

If you've lost the desire, one day you will have it again.

Pensa en tot allò que abans t'ha fascinat

Think of everything that has fascinated you before.

I vindran més coses

More things will come.

I vindran més ganes

More desire will come.

Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah

Ui, ui, ui

Oh, oh, oh

Ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah

Ui, ui, ui

Oh, oh, oh

Aixeca'l, va' en un disc, anul·la

Raise it, go on a disk, cancel.

Va, ja mou'l, en un disc, anul·la

Come on, move it, on a disk, cancel.

Avança i va' en un disc, anul·la

Move forward and go in a disc, cancel.

O si t'ajuda, diu'n que no

Or if it helps you, say no.

Aixeca'l, va' en un disc, anul·la

Pick it up, go on a disc, cancel.

Va, ja mou'l, en un disc, anul·la

Come on, move it, on a disk, cancel.

O si t'ajuda, diu'n que no

Or if it helps you, say no.

Aixeca'l, va' a mou'l, en un disc, anul·la

Lift it, go move it, on a disc, cancel.

O si t'ajuda, diu'n que no

Or if it helps you, say no.

Aixeca'l, va' en un disc, anul·la

Pick it up, go on a disk, cancel.

L'Eloi Duran i la Uineta

Eloi Duran and Uineta

Diuen que la Uineta és la

They say that the Uineta is the

No sé si té una relació amb la mosca

I don't know if it has a connection with the fly.

Aquesta setmana va tot bé a rod spirits...

This week everything is going well at Rod Spirits...

ple d'aquests rumors

full of these rumors

de xarxes socials?

of social networks?

Jo crec que els rumors...

I think that the rumors...

No li agrada anar al bon nen

He doesn't like going to the good boy.

al rumor, llavors jo

to the rumor, then I

no sé res

I don't know anything.

de tot això.

of all this.

Home, també el món de la música també està carregat

At home, the world of music is also charged.

d'aquestes històries. El món de la música està carregat

of these stories. The world of music is filled

d'històries, sí, sí, això segur.

of stories, yes, yes, that's for sure.

Però els artistes els fomenteu, també, aquestes històries, no?

But you also encourage these stories with the artists, right?

Jo crec que als artistes

I believe that to artists

ens agrada molt que hi hagi històries.

We really like that there are stories.

Llavors, com ens encanta

Then, how we love

també... Vull dir, veus?

also... I mean, you see?

Som molt... Jo crec que els artistes

We are very... I believe that artists

tots tenim una mica

we all have a little

el nen i la nena i la nena

the boy and the girl and the girl

i desperts, i...

and awake, and...

Llavors, clar, veiem

Then, of course, we see.

moltes coses. Veiem

many things. Let's see

molt. Aquest nen que estava a casa

very. This boy who was at home

i mirava per la finestra,

and I was looking out the window,

aquest paisatge innocent,

this innocent landscape,

el nen... I no és

the boy... And he is not

tan innocent, el nen. No,

so innocent, the boy. No,

no ho és tant. I, escolta,

it's not that much. And, listen,

aquest barreja entre

this mixture between

dolor i poesia et porta

pain and poetry bring you

cap a un lloc poètic

towards a poetic place

que et permet, no sé,

that allows you, I don't know,

escriure històries per protegir-te.

write stories to protect you.

La teva poesia és una

Your poetry is one.

manera, també, de crear una

way, also, to create a

cuirassa al voltant de...

breastplate around...

No sé, a vegades et pots sentir vulnerable?

I don't know, can you sometimes feel vulnerable?

Sí, crec que

Yes, I think that

d'alguna manera...


Sí, crec que també

Yes, I think so too.

és com la meva manera

it's like my way

d'escriure, una mica, no? Al final,

to write, a little, right? In the end,

com crec que hi ha artistes que potser

as I believe there are artists that perhaps

destaquen, com per exemple,

they stand out, such as,

que som molt explícits

that we are very explicit

amb les seves lletres,

with its letters,

i en el meu cas, com m'he adonat,

and in my case, as I have realized,

també, perquè gent del meu entorn

also, because people in my environment

m'ha fet comentaris,

he has made comments to me,

recordo el meu company de pis

I remember my roommate.

que em deia com, uau, és que tens com

that told me how, wow, it's that you have like

tota una poètica i una manera de dir les coses

a whole poetics and a way of saying things



I tampoc és algú que faci

I also am not someone who does.

expressament o que estigui

expressly or that it is

molt, molt estudiat. Sí que en el disc

very, very studied. Yes, indeed on the disc

he decidit com jugar coses

I have decided how to play things.

de certes maneres perquè tenia ganes de provar,

in certain ways because I wanted to try,

però em surt

but it comes out to me

de natural així, una mica,

naturally, a little,

com aquest disc,

with this disc,

aquesta poètica.

this poetics.

Però, bueno, estic també explorant com altres

But, well, I am also exploring like others.

altres maneres d'escriure.

other ways of writing.

O sigui, ara tinc com bastant

So, now I have like quite a bit.

el punt en

the point in

com m'escric, no?, i des de quin lloc

how do I write to myself, right?, and from which place

estic escrivint, com em sembla interessant.

I am writing, how interesting it seems to me.

De fet, acabem d'escoltar una col·laboració

In fact, we have just listened to a collaboration.

amb la Guineta. N'hi ha més,

with the Ginet. There are more,

el Juni, hi ha també

In June, there is also

l'Aura Andrés,

Aura Andrés,

hi ha l'Esbet Lana...

there is Esbet Lana...

Aquestes col·laboracions, tu has explicat

These collaborations, you have explained.

que també és una mena de recurs literari.

which is also a kind of literary device.

Sí. És una manera de jugar,

Yes. It's a way of playing,

amb algú que et dóna, li dóna resposta al nen.

with someone who gives you, he gives an answer to the child.

És un diàleg. Exacte.

It's a dialogue. Exactly.

És xulo, o sigui, al final, és això,

It's cool, I mean, in the end, that's it.

com a mi, el disc l'he treballat

As for me, I have worked on the album.

molt, com amb recursos que van apareixent

very much, like with resources that keep appearing

durant tot el disc, per exemple,

throughout the entire album, for example,

hi ha moltes imatges de les que parlo

there are many images of the ones I speak

al principi que

at the beginning that

tornen a aparèixer més endavant,

they reappear later,

per exemple, la de Toca Florí,

for example, that of Toca Florí,

no?, que acaba com,

no?, that ends with,

no?, bueno, hi ha molts recursos. Llavors,

no?, well, there are many resources. So,

un recurs que em semblava molt interessant de jugar

a resource that seemed very interesting to me to play with

era com el de les col·laboracions, que al final

it was like that of the collaborations, which in the end

no deixen de ser veus d'altres persones.

they are still voices of other people.

Bueno, en el cas de la Laura

Well, in Laura's case

és un piano que té una altra simbologia,

it's a piano that has another symbolism,

però en el cas de les veus,

but in the case of the voices,

sí que em semblava xulo

yes, it did seem cool to me

com aprofitar-les, que al final

how to take advantage of them, because in the end

la meva veu era la d'aquest nen

my voice was that of this boy

que està fent aquest viatge,

what is this journey doing,

i les veus que apareixen són una mica com

and the voices that appear are a bit like

altres inputs

other inputs

o altres estímuls

or other stimuli

que el reconforten

May it comfort them.

una mica, no?, i com que li donen

A little bit, right?, and how they give it to him.

un punt de vista que ell, des del lloc on està,

a viewpoint that he, from the place where he is,

no està podent veure.

he/she is not able to see.

Està bé. Sí. Anar fent. Anar fent.

It's fine. Yes. Just keep going. Just keep going.

Què vol dir anar fent?

What does it mean to keep going?

Anar innant, xinutxant-ho, anar fent...

Going on, fiddling with it, just getting by...

M'agrada molt aquesta cançó,

I really like this song,

crec que a la gent sempre que li dic

I think that people always when I tell them

el títol li treu un somriure

the title brings a smile to him/her

perquè és com molt, molt, molt

because it is like very, very, very

fàcil d'empatitzar

easy to empathize

tant amb el títol com amb

both with the title and with

la lletra de la cançó, crec.

the lyrics of the song, I believe.

Avui m'he despertat

Today I woke up.

no he recordat

I haven't remembered.

el que he somiat

what I have dreamed

I me n'he anat

I have left.

a dutxar

to shower

sense agafar

without taking

La teva llola.

Your little sister.

I m'he quedat pensant en si faig bé les coses.

I've been thinking about whether I'm doing things right.

I m'he quedat pensant.

I've been thinking.

I no ho tinc massa clar.

And I don't have it very clear.

Però de moment anafem i ja està.

But for now, let's go and that's it.

Anafem, anafem, anafem, anafem i ja està.

Anafem, anafem, anafem, anafem and that's it.

Anafem, anafem, anafem i ja està.

Anafem, anafem, anafem and that's it.

I potser no ha pensat en anafem, anafem, anafem.

And perhaps you haven't thought of anathema, anathema, anathema.

Anem recorrent el disc d'Eloi Durán, aquest El Bon Nen,

Let's go through the album by Eloi Durán, this The Good Boy,

és el disc de presentació d'aquest artista de Tarragona

It is the debut album of this artist from Tarragona.

que va guanyar el Sónar 9-23

who won the Sónar 9-23

i que just ara, aquest mes de setembre, es presenta oficialment.

and just now, this month of September, it is officially presented.

Un disc on hi ha aquesta història d'aquest nen

A disc that contains this story about this boy.

que va creixent i arriba a la segona part.

that grows and reaches the second part.

A partir d'ara comença la segona part

From now on, the second part begins.

on el protagonista s'enfonsa

where the protagonist sinks

i s'ha d'enfrontar a coses com la culpa, per exemple.

one must confront things like guilt, for example.

Uf, quin tema!

Phew, what a topic!

Però com pot ser que ja sigui culpable d'alguna cosa, un nen?

But how can a child already be guilty of something?

Bé, jo crec que...

Well, I think that...

Clar, és això, no?

Of course, that's it, right?

Aquest nen de sobte va fent, va fent,

This boy all of a sudden keeps going, keeps going,

però anar fent, anar fent,

but just keep going, keep going,

a vegades també implica no observar gaire el que està passant

sometimes it also involves not paying much attention to what is happening

o com no estar escoltant el que està passant, no?

or how not to be listening to what is happening, right?

Jo crec que aquest nen és com que li han ensenyat una mica de sobte

I think this boy has been taught a little suddenly.

com, sí, a ser culpable, no?, o a ser responsable de les coses.

like, yes, to be guilty, right?, or to be responsible for things.

Però si qui l'ensenya? L'escola? Els amics? Les xarxes socials? Els pares?

But who teaches it? The school? Friends? Social networks? Parents?

Jo crec que és com una mica el conjunt de l'entorn, crec, no?

I think it is kind of the whole surroundings, I think, right?

Crec que és una mica com, inevitablement, el nostre entorn ens cria,

I believe it's a bit like, inevitably, our environment raises us.

no només els pares, l'entorn, el lloc que ocupem dins d'una classe, no?,

not only the parents, the environment, the place we occupy within a class, right?

el rol que ocupem dins d'una classe, com...

the role we occupy within a class, like...

Moltes coses defineixen la nostra personalitat.

Many things define our personality.

Llavors, com sí que crec que això és autobiogràfic en aquest sentit,

Then, as I do believe that this is autobiographical in this sense,

com jo tinc un sentit com de la responsabilitat

as I have a sense of responsibility

i a vegades que el porto la culpabilitat força gros,

and sometimes I carry a pretty heavy guilt.

i crec que és una sensació...

I think it's a feeling...

És realment molt global, aquesta cosa de l'autoculpa

It is really very global, this thing of self-blame.

o com una culpa desmesurada.

or as an overwhelming guilt.

I per això, com creia molt necessari

And for this reason, as I believed it very necessary

que hi hagués una cançó que parlés d'això,

that there was a song that talked about this,

i com precisament aquí, que hi ha la veu també d'una col·laboració de la Juni,

And just here, there is also the voice of a collaboration from Juni,

aporta aquest punt de vista més de

brings this perspective more of

ei, no només és culpa teva, saps?, la gent, l'entorn, també és responsable d'això.

Hey, it's not just your fault, you know? The people, the environment, are also responsible for this.

És una cançó que es diu Dins un llac, és un reggaeton.

It's a song called "Dins un llac," it's a reggaeton.

Sí, aquí és la part més...

Yes, here is the most...

És un reggaeton que evoluciona a Drum and Bass.

It's a reggaeton that evolves into Drum and Bass.

O sigui, que Déu-n'hi-do.

So, that's impressive.

I, però, clar, fa servir un reggaeton per parlar del dolor amagat en metàfores,

And, of course, he uses reggaeton to talk about the hidden pain in metaphors,

també hi ha una manera teva pròpia d'escriure en aquesta cançó...

there is also your own way of writing in this song...

Sí, sí, al final és això, com a mi em diverteix

Yes, yes, in the end, it's that, as it entertains me.

això com que les lletres sempre tinguin missatge,

this is so that the letters always have a message,

però embolicar-les com d'una música i de tot un espai sonor

but to wrap them up like in music and an entire sound space

i de tot un paisatge que camini, que sigui fresc,

and of a landscape that walks, that is fresh,

que sigui fàcil d'escoltar.

that it is easy to listen to.

I precisament per això hem jugat molt amb el Pau Vinyals,

And precisely for that reason, we have played a lot with Pau Vinyals,

el productor del disc, a canviar d'estils, a jugar amb els estils,

the producer of the album, to change styles, to play with styles,

a fer un àlbum que és això, cada cançó gairebé és un estil diferent.

To make an album that is this, each song is almost a different style.

I precisament com el que a mi em semblava divertit

And just like what I found amusing.

era agafar com dues coses tan contrastades com aquest missatge més fosc,

It was to take two contrasting things like this darker message,

però de sobte algo que caminés tan com un reggaeton,

but suddenly something that walked as smoothly as a reggaeton,

ajuntar-ho i veure què passava.

putting it together and seeing what happened.

I a més a més, hi ha una sorpresa aquí que diu que està inspirada en Mercè Rodoreda,

And furthermore, there is a surprise here that says it is inspired by Mercè Rodoreda.

la plaça del Diamant, la Colometa, la Loma...

the Diamond Square, Colometa, Loma...

És una cosa com que quan em pregunten per referents a l'hora de...

It's something like when they ask me for references when it comes to...

Em pregunten molt per referents musicals,

I get asked a lot about musical references,

però no em pregunten gaire per referents de...

but they don't ask me much about references of...



Sí, literaris o de...

Yes, literary or of...

O poètics.

O poetic.



I sí que crec que en aquest disc hi ha molt de Mercè Rodoreda

And I do believe that this album has a lot of Mercè Rodoreda in it.

i com de certs recursos que ella utilitza com, per exemple,

and as for certain resources that she uses, such as, for example,

una vida a elements que com a tal no tenen vida, no?, per exemple,

a life in elements that as such have no life, right? for example,

o aquesta cosa, sí, més metafòrica o inclús de veure's a un mateix

or this thing, yes, more metaphorical or even of seeing oneself

des d'un altre lloc.

from another place.

O sigui, hi ha molts d'aquests jocs.

That is to say, there are many of these games.

I sí, com dins un llac té una mica d'aquesta cosa més d'enfonsar-se, sí.

And yes, like in a lake, it has a bit of that sinking feeling, yes.

O sigui, des de dins l'aigua.

I mean, from inside the water.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.



Un trosset per respirar, estic aquí estancat, no puc suportar, no m'has ni deixat.

A little piece to breathe, I am stuck here, I can't stand it, you haven't even let me.

Un trosset per respirar, estic aquí estancat, no puc suportar, tota culpa, sempre meva,

A little piece to breathe, I am stuck here, I can't bear, all the blame, always mine,

presonera dins un llac.

prisoner inside a lake.

Un trosset per respirar, estic aquí estancat, no puc suportar, no m'has ni deixat.

A little piece to breathe, I'm stuck here, I can't stand it, you haven't even let me.

Ple de pena, sempre meva, una veu que em va enfonsant.

Full of sorrow, always mine, a voice that is sinking me.

Sota les profunditats, puc escoltar en mi una part que veu com estic nedant

Beneath the depths, I can hear a part of me that sees how I am swimming.

i no intentant me salvar.

and not trying to save myself.

Toc a fons uns segons, he de sortir a respirar,

I need to go out to breathe for a few seconds.

però si no, què passa?

but if not, what happens?

Pensaran, m'estic inundant.

They will think, I'm drowning.

No m'has ni deixat, un trosset per respirar, estic aquí estancat, no puc suportar, no m'has ni deixat.

You haven't even left me a little bit to breathe, I'm here stuck, I can't bear it, you haven't even left me.

Un trosset per respirar, estic aquí estancat, no puc suportar, no m'has ni deixat.

A little piece to breathe, I'm stuck here, I can't stand it, you haven't even let me.

La gent no para de treballar,

People never stop working,

La gent està súper ratllada,

People are really stressed out.

La gent ho està passant fatal,

People are having a terrible time.

La gent no para de cagar-la,

People keep messing it up.

La gent està trista,

People are sad,

La gent està rara,

People are acting strange.

Ens falta una carícia, una abraçada,

We lack a caress, a hug,

Tot i estem desticiades.

Even though we are distracted.

No volem ser fortes, no amaga mai més la pena,

We don't want to be strong, never hide the sorrow again.

No recordes ni com era abans d'aquesta merda,

Don't even remember what it was like before this shit,

De por que t'enfonsa, et pressiona, et congela,

Of fear that sinks you, presses you, freezes you,

Si apretes una mica més, perds la vida. Si apretes una mica més, perds la vida.

If you push a little harder, you lose your life. If you push a little harder, you lose your life.

Sí perquè és veritat, tornes a tocar,

Yes, because it's true, you touch again,

Fons, plis, passa'm a buscar,

Fons, please come pick me up.

No estàs sol, no estàs sol, amor,

You are not alone, you are not alone, love,

No estàs sol, amor,

You are not alone, love,

aquest cop no,

not this time,

Tu no m'has ni deixat,

You haven't even left me,

Jo sé per respirar,

I know how to breathe,

Estic d'aquí estancat,

I am stuck here.

No puc suportar,

I can't stand,

Tu no m'has ni deixat,

You haven't even left me,

Jo sé per respirar,

I know how to breathe,

Estic d'aquí estancat,

I am stuck here,



És un nen que ara estava dins d'aquest llac

He is a boy who was just in this lake.

i que va evolucionant en aquest enfrontament

and that is evolving in this confrontation

amb la foscor, amb les pors

with the darkness, with the fears

i tu sempre n'has estat bon nen?

And have you always been a good boy?

Jo sempre he estat bon nen, sí.

I have always been a good boy, yes.

És més, a dia d'avui em segueixen dient

What's more, to this day they still call me.

com, buf, quina cara de bon nen que tens.

Like, wow, what a good boy face you have.

Però això és veritat o no?

But is this true or not?

És veritat en el sentit de...

It is true in the sense of...

O sigui, és curiós i per això també

So, it's curious, and that's why too.

el títol del disc.

the title of the album.

És com que tinc una relació amor-odi amb aquest concepte

It's like I have a love-hate relationship with this concept.

perquè jo crec que hi ha alguna cosa

because I believe there is something

que sempre m'hagi acompanyat

that has always accompanied me

com que és un concepte, a bones a primeres, bo, no?

Since it's a concept, at first glance, it's good, isn't it?

Vull dir, que et diguin que ets bo, que ets bon nen, està bé.

I mean, being told that you are good, that you are a good boy, is fine.

Vull dir, millor que et diguin això que no altres coses, saps?

I mean, it's better that they tell you this than other things, you know?

Però a la vegada és com molt limitant

But at the same time it is very limiting.

i a mi hi ha alguna cosa d'això que no m'agrada

And there is something about this that I don't like.

perquè és com, vale, sí, sóc bon nen, sóc bona persona,

because it's like, okay, yes, I'm a good kid, I'm a good person,

sóc bona gent...

I am good people...

Et cansava, ja t'ha dit que t'ha de cansar.

It tired you, she already told you that it has to tire you.

Però és...

But it is...

Però sóc més coses que això, saps?

But I am more than that, you know?

De vegades també has estat mal nen.

Sometimes you have also been a bad boy.

Clar, tothom ha estat de vegades mal nen, i tant.

Of course, everyone has been a bad boy at times, definitely.

I sempre tornes?

And you always come back?

Cap on tornes, aquesta cançó?

Are you kidding, this song?

Sempre tornes...

You always come back...

És un vals

It's a waltz.

i és com...

and it's like...

És curiós perquè crec que té com una doble lectura, no?

It's curious because I think it has like a double meaning, doesn't it?

Perquè per mi hi ha alguna cosa que estan dues persones

Because for me there is something that two people are.

que tenen una relació una mica com tòxica

that have a somewhat toxic relationship

de no ens convenim, però no podem desenganxar-nos, no?

We don't agree, but we can't disconnect, can we?

Una mica com aquesta cosa de sempre tornes,

A bit like this thing of always coming back,

de uf, encara que ho intentem, sempre tornes.

Oh, even though we try, you always come back.

I crec que es pot fer aquesta lectura de dues persones,

I believe that this reading can be done by two people,

d'una relació,

of a relationship,

però a mi també m'agradava com que fos una mica

but I also liked it to be a little bit like that

una lectura de les dues parts que tenim tots, no?

A reading of the two parts that we all have, right?

Com aquesta part més bona i aquesta part més fosca, no?

With this better part and this darker part, right?

L'enjoi del dimoni.

The devil's delight.



Crec que hi ha alguna cosa com una mena de vals

I think there is something like a kind of waltz.

que ballen també aquestes dues veus.

that these two voices also dance.

I quan fas aquestes cançons, no sé si també...

And when you make these songs, I don't know if you also...

Abans hem parlat de la teràpia, però tu també has fet teràpia,

Earlier we talked about therapy, but you have also done therapy, right?

tu expliques que també...

you explain that also...



Tota la gent jove feu tots teràpia avui en dia.

All the young people do therapy nowadays.

Sí, sembla que està de moda una mica, no?

Yes, it seems to be a bit of a trend, doesn't it?

I llavors, aquestes cançons, el teu terapeuta o la teva terapeuta,

And then, these songs, your therapist.

també les lletres les ha escoltat?

Have you also listened to the letters?

O ha llegit les lletres a escoltar les cançons?

Or have you read the lyrics while listening to the songs?

No, no, no ho ha fet.

No, no, he hasn't done it.

Sí que quan han sortit singles i tot això,

Yes, when singles and all that have come out,

sé que els ha escoltat.

I know that he has listened to them.

Però sí que hem parlat molt de les cançons, per exemple, a teràpia.

But we have talked a lot about the songs, for example, in therapy.

No de totes, però...

Not all of them, but...

Bueno, més que de les cançons, és això.

Well, more than the songs, it's this.

Jo també quan vaig decidir l'ordre com tot això,

I also, when I decided the order of all this,

cada cançó per mi era com,

each song for me was like,

vale, en aquesta cançó vull parlar de tal cosa,

Okay, in this song I want to talk about such a thing,

en aquesta cançó vull parlar de tal altra, no?

In this song, I want to talk about such and such, right?

I sí que els temes, si més no de les cançons,

And indeed the themes, if nothing else, of the songs,

s'han treballat molt.

They have worked very hard.


Goodness gracious.

I, per tant, no et fa una mica de...

And so, doesn't it make you a little bit of...

No ho sé, de...

I don't know, about...

El fet que et despulles en aquest disc?

The fact that you undress in this album?



I de portar-ho al directe i de cantar aquestes cançons

And to bring it to the stage and sing these songs.

que són l'essència de l'Oi Durant?

What is the essence of Oi Durant?

Sí, sí que em fa...

Yes, it does make me...

O sigui, em fa respecte en el sentit de, per sort,

I mean, it gives me respect in the sense of, fortunately,

jo també tinc una manera d'escriure

I also have a way of writing.

que em protegeixo molt

that I protect myself a lot

i crec que les cançons tenen molta concreció

I believe that songs have a lot of concreteness.

i a la vegada com són prou àmplies

and at the same time as they are wide enough

perquè cadascú se les faci seves.

so that everyone can make them their own.

Òbviament, sí que em supera

Obviously, it does surpass me.

i em posa com una obertura,

and it puts me as an opening,

però és que precisament crec que el projecte va d'això, saps?

But it's precisely that I think the project is about, you know?

I jo, com a artista, vull parlar d'això.

And I, as an artist, want to talk about this.

Llavors, com...

Then, how...

Si no em mullo jo, no té sentit.

If I don't get involved, it doesn't make sense.

Llavors, sí que estic com...

Then, yes, I am like...

A través d'això, d'aquests primers directes

Through this, from these first direct ones

i com...

and how...

Estic fent una mica aquest exercici d'entendre això

I am doing a bit of this exercise to understand this.

i que, per tant, això implica com

and that, therefore, this implies how

atrevir-se i mullar-se i que està bé.

daring to get wet and that it's okay.

Vols ballar?

Do you want to dance?

Home, ara no, però...

Not now, but...

Vols set?

Do you want water?

Però, per exemple,

But, for example,

tot el tema de moure's a l'escenari,

all the issue of moving on stage,

de l'energia a l'escenari, de ballar,

from energy to the stage, from dancing,

tot això, com...

all this, how...

És una cosa que a mi em fa molt de pudor,

It's something that makes me very embarrassed.

de bones a primeres, no em considero una persona

To begin with, I don't consider myself a person.

que li encanti ballar en públic,

that she loves to dance in public,

però parla

but speak

de tota una alliberació

of a complete liberation

al disc i de tot un amor propi

to the disc and of a whole self-love

que crec que també van una mica per aquí, no?,

I think they also go a bit in this direction, right?

de permetre's moltes coses.

to allow oneself many things.

Però tu ets un home de teatre, també.

But you are a man of the theatre, too.

Sí, això sí.

Yes, that's true.

Això m'ha ajudat moltíssim.

This has helped me tremendously.

I de crear un personatge...

And to create a character...

Sí, sí, sort d'això, eh?

Yes, yes, lucky about that, right?

Si no, jo crec que seria molt més complicat.

If not, I think it would be much more complicated.

Cada vegada tinc com el personatge més agafat, crec, també.

Each time I feel like the character is more caught, I think, too.

Va, ballem, vinga, va.

Come on, let's dance, come on.


Let's go.

I amb la veritat

And with the truth

ja s'acaba

it's coming to an end

prou de la tonteria

enough of the nonsense

de no confessar

of not confessing

què t'està passant.

What's happening to you?

Estàs fet de mentides.

You are made of lies.

Ja ets braure

You are already a drunkard.

i pots assimilar.

and you can assimilate.

Em tens davant

You have me in front.

i no veus la ferida.

And you don't see the wound.

Baixada a l'altar,

Down to the altar,

el que em vas ensenyar.

what you taught me.

No vull escoltar,

I don't want to listen.

ja no hi cap

there's no longer room

tot el mal que em fas.

all the harm you do to me.

Tant vas

You went so much.

que al final

that in the end

sempre tornes.

you always come back.

Em fas

You make me.

tan mal

so bad

i al final

and in the end

tot se'm torna

everything turns against me



Sé que vols jugar,

I know you want to play,

pots començar.

You can start.

Reprenem la partida,

Let's resume the game.

que no hi ha res a dir.

that there is nothing to say.

T'un rival fatal

Your fatal rival

de tanta bondat.

of such kindness.

Jo he vestit la mentira.

I have worn the lie.

Tinc un mirall

I have a mirror.

i veig el teu reflex.

And I see your reflection.

Tota la pell

The whole skin

recoberta d'esquines.

corner cover.

Em vols fer ballar

Do you want me to dance?

i jo em deixo portar.

And I let myself be carried away.

Saps que al final

Do you know that in the end

se'm clava el mal

the pain pierces me

que em fas.

What you do to me.

Tant vols fer ballar

You want to make dance so much.

i jo em deixo portar.

And I let myself be carried away.

Em fas

You make me.

tant vas

so much you go

que al final

that in the end

sempre tornes.

you always come back.

Em fas

You make me

tan mal

so bad

i al final

and in the end


each one

ha de ser

it must be

la veritat.

the truth.

Tant vas

So far you went.

que al final

that in the end

sempre tornes.

you always come back.

Em fas

You make me.

tan mal

so bad

i al final

and in the end


each one

ha de ser

it must be

la veritat.

the truth.

Allà anets sempre tornes d'Eloi Durant, el bon nen.

There little ducks always return from Eloi Durant, the good boy.

És el guanyador del Premi Sonor Nou

He is the winner of the Sonor Nou Award.

dedicat a Catalunya Ràdio TV3

dedicated to Catalunya Ràdio TV3

i la revista Andarrock.

and the magazine Andarrock.

I avui el tenim aquí convidat

And today we have him here as a guest.

explicant-nos la història d'aquest àlbum

telling us the story of this album

que continua amb una cançó que es diu

that continues with a song called

Foc a les mans

Fire in the hands

que és el primer senzill

what is the first single

que es va presentar

that was presented

el segon, el segon

the second, the second

el primer va ser de Florit

the first was Florit

i què té aquesta cançó del Foc a les mans?

And what does this song have of Fire in the hands?

què ens crema?

What burns us?

aquesta cançó m'encanta perquè és com una cançó

I love this song because it's like a song.

que no té estructura

that has no structure

és una cançó que comença, que acaba

it's a song that starts, that ends

que encara no repeteix res

that still doesn't repeat anything

d'un minut i mig

in a minute and a half

i té com aquesta part

and has like this part

que de sobte les cançons

that suddenly the songs

comencen a bategar

they begin to beat

com, no sé, em semblen més caloroses

like, I don't know, they seem warmer to me

més sexys


inclús, i crec que aquesta cançó té un punt

even, and I think this song has a point

d'això també, i té un punt que és un incendi

of this too, and it has a point that is a fire

Tota flasquita

Every little thing

El bosc va setmar

The forest has fallen.

Tic-tac, tic-tac

Tick-tock, tick-tock

Ets un cos condemnat

You are a condemned body.

Mai podràs fugir

You will never be able to escape.

Tic-tac, tic-tac

Tick-tock, tick-tock

Foc a les mans

Fire in the hands

Comença el cap de setmana

The weekend begins.

amb el Sona Nou

with the Sona Nou

Doncs sí, comença el cap de setmana

Well yes, the weekend begins.

amb el Sona Nou i avui ho estem fent

with Sona Nou and we are doing it today

amb Eloi Durant que ens presenta un disc

with Eloi Durant presenting an album

que es diu El Bon Nen

which is called The Good Boy

i que parla d'aquest viatge personal

and that speaks of this personal journey

cap a


cap a on

where to

s'acaba aquest viatge del nen

this journey of the child is coming to an end

es fa gran i...

he grows up and...

És un final obert

It's an open ending.

ja ho veureu

you will see

I parla d'amor aquest disc? S'enamora aquest nen?

Does this album speak of love? Does this boy fall in love?

O és més un amor propi cap a ell mateix?

Or is it more a self-love towards himself?

M'agrada molt que em preguntis això

I really like that you ask me this.



d'alguna manera


i això

and this

crec que és veritat i molta gent

I believe it is true and many people.

ho diu, al final

he says it, in the end

és molt difícil no parlar d'amor

It's very difficult not to talk about love.

en les cançons i crec que

in the songs and I believe that

és veritat, però és això

It's true, but it's this.

com dins de l'amor hi ha molts

as within love there are many

moltíssims tipus d'amor

many types of love

i jo crec que en aquest disc

and I think that in this album

em sembla xulo

I think it's cool.

perquè he volgut parlar d'un amor

because I wanted to talk about a love

d'un amor més propi

of a more proper love

d'un procés de creixement

of a growth process

més personal

more personal

i em sembla molt

and it seems very to me

interessant perquè tampoc tinc

interesting because I don't have either

gaires referents en aquest sentit

few references in this regard

o tampoc m'he basat

or I haven't based myself either

en ningú gaire concret

in no one very specific

llavors com

then how

sí que potser hi ha alguna cançó més puntual

yes, there might be some more specific song

que parla més d'un amor romàntic

that speaks more of a romantic love

però és una en tot un disc

but it is one in a whole album

vull dir que en aquest sentit

I mean that in this respect.

sí que l'amor que és universal

yes, the love that is universal

en el disc és l'amor propi

On the record is self-love.

I aquest amor és a partir

And this love is starting.

d'aprenentatges, d'experiències

of learnings, of experiences

és un amor que també

it is a love that also

és sexoafectiu?

Is it sex-affective?


crec que és un amor que va evolucionant

I believe it is a love that is evolving.



cada cançó d'alguna manera

each song in some way

és una sensació

it's a feeling

i un aprenentatge a la vegada

and a learning at the same time

i vol deixar

I want to leave.

com una petita reflexió

with a small reflection

una petita idea

a little idea

Hi arriba un moment que hi ha alguna ferida de bala?

Hi, is there ever a moment when there is a gunshot wound?

Clar, clar, clar

Sure, sure, sure.

aquí arribem al moment ferida de bala

here we reach the moment of the gunshot wound

que és precisament la cançó

what the song is precisely

que no sé si parla tant d'una relació

that I don't know if it's really about a relationship



però sí que parla una mica

but he/she does speak a little

de posar el nostre amor

to put our love

en un moment que és

at a moment that it is

en sostén d'una altra persona

in support of another person

i com d'aquesta validació externa

and how about this external validation

i com de depositar una mica

and how to deposit a bit

qui som

who we are

en la validació d'una altra

in the validation of another

llavors això sí que

then this does allow

té molt dels vincles sexoafectius

It has a lot of the sexual-affective bonds.

i del que posem

and of what we put

en aquestes persones

in these people

Però és una ferida que es cura? No és pas mortal?

But is it a wound that heals? Is it not deadly?

Bueno, clar, no

Well, of course, no.

jo crec que aquest és el moment més fosc

I believe this is the darkest moment.

del viatge

from the trip

però després, com a la tercera part

but then, like in the third part

es cura d'aquesta ferida

It heals this wound.

doncs anem a veure aquesta

so let's go see this one

o a escoltar la ferida de bala

or to listen to the gunshot wound

No sé com ho faig

I don't know how I do it.

Sempre passa igual

It always happens the same.

Quan conec algú

When I meet someone

Sento que m'he enamorat

I feel that I have fallen in love.

I no puc parar

And I can't stop.


To imagine

Que estem abraçats

That we are hugging.

Que, que, que estem abraçats

That, that, that we are embraced.

I ens estem cuidant

And we are taking care of ourselves.

Ferida de bala

Gunshot wound

Finestres tancades

Closed windows



T'estava esperant

I was waiting for you.

Però tu no em mires igual

But you don't look at me the same way.

T'estava esperant

I was waiting for you.

Però tu no em mires igual

But you don't look at me the same way.

Ferida de bala

Gunshot wound

Finestres tancades

Closed windows

T'estava esperant

I was waiting for you.

Però tu no em mires igual

But you don't look at me the same way.

T'estava esperant

I was waiting for you.

Però tu no em mires igual

But you don't look at me the same way.

I no sé com refez

I don't know how to redo it.

Com podré estimar bé

How will I be able to love well?

El que em passa pel cap

What goes through my mind

No és bo, no és real

It is not good, it is not real.

I no sé com refer

I don't know how to refer.

Com poder estimar bé

How to love well

El que em passa pel cap

What goes through my mind

No és bo, no és real

It's not good, it's not real.

Em tens al teu llit

You have me in your bed.

Tota la nit

All night

Atrapat, castigat, enganxat de tu

Trapped, punished, stuck by you.

I no puc sortir

I cannot go out.

A fer que te remulli

To make you soak.

Es torna a repetir, es torna a repetir

It repeats again, it repeats again.

No puc

I can't.

Ferida de bala

Gunshot wound

Finestres tancades

Closed windows

T'estava esperant

I was waiting for you.

Però tu no em mires igual

But you don't look at me the same way.

T'estava esperant

I was waiting for you.

Però tu no em mires igual

But you don't look at me the same way.

Ferida de bala

Gunshot wound

Estem fent un recorregut a través d'aquest àlbum d'Eloi Durán,

We are taking a journey through this album by Eloi Durán,

la carta de presentació del seu primer llargadurada,

the cover letter for your first feature film,

i ara estem en aquell punt, quasi al fons del pol.

And now we are at that point, almost at the bottom of the pole.

Ara estem en això, el moment més fosc, el més dolorós.

Now we are in this, the darkest moment, the most painful.

I ara hi ha un desenllaç.

And now there is a resolution.



Arriba la tercera part del disc

The third part of the album arrives.

i és el procés d'alliberament

and it is the process of liberation

de cerca d'una nova identitat,

of searching for a new identity,

una tercera part que porta cap al que he après

a third part that leads to what I have learned

durant el viatge, i és la conclusió.

during the journey, and that is the conclusion.

I aquí hi ha un grapat de col·laboracions, també.

And here there are a handful of collaborations as well.

La primera és amb Laura Andrés.

The first one is with Laura Andrés.



Abans la citada, Laura Andrés és pianista.

The aforementioned, Laura Andrés is a pianist.



I és curiós perquè la relació amb ella va venir

And it's curious because the relationship with her came about.

a través del Pau Vinyals, que és el productor,

through Pau Vinyals, who is the producer,

el teu teclista, qui fa les bases que escoltem al llarg del disc,

your keyboardist, who creates the beats we hear throughout the album,

i d'alguna forma t'apadrina aquest disc, també, la Laura?

And in some way, does Laura also sponsor this album?

A mi m'agrada pensar una mica que sí.

I like to think a little that yes.

O sigui, de fet, a la Laura la vam conèixer

So, in fact, we met Laura.

d'un concurs que ens vam presentar amb el Pau.

from a contest that we entered with Pau.

Després d'això, com el Pau va acabar produint

After that, how did Pau end up producing?

el seu disc que es diu Venus,

his album called Venus,

i arran d'això s'ha anat com enfrontint el vincle

And as a result, the bond has been strained.

i va gravar com tots els pianos,

and recorded like all the pianos,

i com els orgues del disc i hi havia com una cançó que just s'havia de fer

And like the organs of the record, there was a song that just had to be made.

com una improvisació ella amb el piano i tal,

like an improvisation with her on the piano and such,

i va ser com de, ostres, i si li proposem que sigui una col·laboració, no?

It was like, wow, what if we propose that it be a collaboration, right?

Al final ella també té un projecte com registrat, diguéssim, i tal, però de piano.

In the end, she also has a project that's registered, so to speak, and such, but for piano.

I al final, com cada part del disc, d'alguna manera,

And in the end, like every part of the album, in some way,

com canvia de registre a nivell musical, de la primera a la segona

how the musical register changes from the first to the second

anem a una cosa molt més electrònica i de sobte tornem una mica com a aquesta

let's go to something much more electronic and suddenly we return a bit like this

part més orgànica, com amb aquest piano de magma,

more organic part, like with this magma piano,

que és la cançó en la qual com col·labora, diguéssim.

What is the song in which he collaborates, let's say.

I no sé, bueno, és que em fa molta il·lusió,

I don’t know, well, it just makes me very excited.

sí, és com una mena d'apadrinament en el sentit que ens ha ajudat molt

Yes, it's like a kind of sponsorship in the sense that it has helped us a lot.

i creu molt en el projecte i ens recolza moltíssim i és la millor.

And she believes a lot in the project and supports us immensely, and she is the best.

Un joc amb bases electròniques, aquest pianos, orgues de la Laura Andrés

A game with electronic bases, these pianos, organs by Laura Andrés.

i una frase incompleta que diu

and an incomplete phrase that says

m'he passat tot aquest temps patint, quan podria haver estat,

I have spent all this time suffering, when I could have been,

molt suspensius, què podries haver estat?

very suspenseful, what could you have been?

Això ho resolc en els concerts, així que la gent haurà de venir

I solve this at the concerts, so people will have to come.

als concerts per escoltar quina és la part que falta.

at concerts to listen to which part is missing.

Dóna'ns una pista, va.

Give us a hint, come on.

Bueno, jo crec que, clar, musicalment ja hi ha aquest alliberament que dèiem, no?

Well, I think that, of course, musically there is already this liberation we were talking about, right?

Hi ha alguna cosa de porto tot aquest temps patint quan podria haver estat

There is something about putting up with all this time suffering when it could have been.

molt més tranquil o divertint-me.

much more relaxed or having fun.



Arribat el dia

The day has come.

jo d'aquest final

I of this ending

Jo davant tothom i tothom només sóc jo.

I in front of everyone, I am just me.

Fragil és el ritme, vull cuidar el meu cos.

Fragile is the rhythm, I want to take care of my body.

He fet contenció, tinc el plou en erupció.

I have held back, I have the rain in eruption.

He creat un mar de magma, de la pena que no vull.

I have created a sea of magma, from the sorrow that I do not want.

Deixo anar el diafragma i allibero el joc profund.

I let go of the diaphragm and release the deep tension.

He creat un mar de magma, de la pena.

I have created a sea of magma, of sorrow.

Deixo anar el diafragma i allibero el joc profund.

I let go of the diaphragm and free the deep play.

Pica la ferida, m'han domesticat.

It stings the wound, they have domesticated me.

Tot allò.

All that.

Era bo, ara no, i cap enlloc.

It was good, now it's not, and nowhere to be found.

Força reprimida, vol erosionar.

Repressed force, wants to erode.

Què hi ha més enllà del que em feien mirar?

What is beyond what they made me look at?

No es pot controlar, creix com un volcà.

It cannot be controlled, it grows like a volcano.

He creat un mar de magma, de la pena que no vull.

I have created a sea of magma, of the sorrow that I do not want.

Deixo anar el diafragma i allibero el joc profund.

I let go of the diaphragm and release the deep game.

He creat un mar de magma, de la pena que no vull.

I have created a sea of magma, from the sorrow that I do not want.

Deixo anar el diafragma i allibero el joc profund.

I release the diaphragm and free the deep play.

Un moment, un moment.

One moment, one moment.

O sigui, en seriós m'he passat tot aquest temps patint quan podria haver estat...

I mean, seriously, I've spent all this time suffering when I could have been...

La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

La-ra-la-la, la-ra-la-la, la-ra-la-la, la-ra-la-la.

La-ra-la-la, la-ra-la-la, la-ra-la-la, la-ra-la-la.

La-ra-la, la-ra-la-la, la-ra-la-la, la-ra-la-la.

La-ra-la, la-ra-la-la, la-ra-la-la, la-ra-la-la.

Doncs ens hem d'anar imaginant amb aquest la-la-la

Well, we have to start imagining with this la-la-la.

que podria haver estat aquest nen que ja arriba al final

What could this child have been who is already reaching the end?

i ara ja ens diu que ha florit

and now he already tells us that it has bloomed

i això és el rol que el porta cap a ser un final brillant, més gustós.

And this is the role that leads him towards a brilliant, more enjoyable ending.

Sí, 100%.

Yes, 100%.

Ja és tot fantàstic, aquí.

Everything is fantastic here.

Ara és exageradament fantàstic, potser té un punt,

Now it is excessively fantastic, maybe it has a point.

però hi havia alguna cosa d'això de fer-ho molt gustós i molt bonic.

but there was something about making it very enjoyable and very beautiful.

Però tot i això no es pot desarrelar, no?

But despite that, it can't be uprooted, right?

No, clar, per això hi ha l'última cançó, també.

No, of course, that's why there's the last song, too.

Aquest hauria sigut el final,

This would have been the end,

al final, per mi, d'alguna manera el disc acaba com amb aquest final feliç,

in the end, for me, in some way the album concludes with this happy ending,

però hi ha alguna cosa, inclús del projecte,

but there is something, even from the project,

que hi ha una part de no oblidar d'on vens, no?

that there is a part of not forgetting where you come from, right?

Tampoc volia fer aquesta cosa de

I also didn't want to do this thing of

si ara tot ha florit, tot és meravellós i ja està.

If everything has bloomed now, everything is wonderful and that's it.

No, però toca també gaudir la part gustosa.

No, but it also involves enjoying the tasty part.

Som feliços, però moderadament.

We are happy, but moderately.

Som imperfectes.

We are imperfect.

Llavors, hi ha dies que estarem superflorits

Then, there are days when we will be superflowered.

i hi ha dies que no estarem tant.

And there are days when we won't be there as much.

Doncs aprofitem el floriment de la primavera

So let's take advantage of the blooming of spring.

i aquí t'acompanya Svetlana, aquest duet barceloní

And here accompanies you Svetlana, this Barcelona duet.

que, Déu-n'hi-do, ha fet un disc que es diu Marrana

Well, goodness, he has made an album called Marrana.

i que et va portar a connectar amb Svetlana.

and what led you to connect with Svetlana.

Doncs jo en aquesta cançó volia això, sortir una mica de la zona de confort

Well, in this song, I wanted that, to step out of my comfort zone a bit.

i intentar jugar, fer un tema, això, que caminés més,

and try to play, create a theme, that it walked more,

més animat, més estiuenc, inclús.

more lively, more summery, even.

I em venia molt de gust com jugar,

I really enjoyed playing.

que fos una col·laboració amb un grup, això, més marrano,

that it was a collaboration with a group, more marrano,

en aquest sentit, potser,

in this sense, perhaps,

per agafar com tota aquesta energia i potenciar-la.

to harness all this energy and enhance it.

Llavors, vaig pensar en elles molt ràpid

Then, I thought about them very quickly.

i crec que hem aconseguit com un temazo molt particular.

I think we have achieved a very particular hit.




very good,



A mi també m'ha semblat que tot es va ferind en la survats,

I also thought that everything was done in the survival.

perquè altres projectes han avantat cinc persones i,

because other projects have prioritized five people and,

jo jo poc en Мot mejorar a cada part de la cella,

I can hardly improve in every part of the eyebrow.

em vaig entendre�im między les vinces

I understood myself among the vines.

amb l'Eloi.

with Eloi.

Ha florit, ha florit, i ara encén el TIT.

It has bloomed, it has bloomed, and now it lights up the TIT.

Oh, oh...

Oh, oh...

M'ha dit el sol, que ha endrit la pell,

The sun has told me, that it has straightened the skin,

no hi ha espina cel cl renda, aigua transparent,

there is no spine of the sky, transparent water,

i jo li he dit que és el desigons que pum, pum!

And I told him that it’s the wishes that boom, boom!

Vibra, el beat pum, pum, ha sortit la fusta della sorra.

Vibrate, the beat pum, pum, the wood of the sand has come out.

Peientes de mia i destina són helwaita des del sul.

Combs of mine and destiny are waiting from the sun.

Li afuera!

Go outside!

He arribat fins aquí, ara toca fer el marrano, despullar-me per fi.

I've made it this far, now it's time to get wild, to finally undress myself.

Els núvols fan formes estranyes que m'atraven i els arbres canten i els ocells piu-piu

The clouds make strange shapes that haunt me and the trees sing and the birds chirp.

i jo ben jo li ho vaig fer a la fi.

And I really did it to him in the end.

Ha florit, ha florit i ara encén el pit.

It has blossomed, it has blossomed and now it lights up the chest.

I tot que jo vaig lliurar, ha florit, ha florit i ara encén el pit.

And everything that I delivered has bloomed, has bloomed and now ignites the heart.

Tinc ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot.

I've got everything dancing, everything dancing, everything dancing.

Papallones van volant, dies radiant, em diuen, sembles un diamant.

Butterflies are flying, radiant days, they tell me, you look like a diamond.

Com un prisma de cristall, reflexo el meu passat, faig néixer flors.

Like a crystal prism, I reflect my past, I bring forth flowers.

De tots els colors, sí.

Of all the colors, yes.

I no xinutxano, collint flors pel camí, després de fer el marrano, ho he trobat per fi al paradís.

And I, no xinutxano, collecting flowers along the way, after making the pig, have finally found it in paradise.

He abraçat el gran arbre que em confessa un secret, després d'un mal viatge, brillarà una llum dins teu.

I have embraced the great tree that confesses a secret to me; after a bad journey, a light will shine within you.

Ha florit, ha florit i ara encén el pit.

It has bloomed, it has bloomed, and now it ignites the chest.

I tot que jo vaig lliurar, ha florit, ha florit i ara encén el pit.

And everything that I delivered has bloomed, has bloomed and now ignites the heart.

Tinc ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot.

I have it all dancing, dancing it all, dancing it all, dancing it all, dancing it all.

He abraçat el gran arbre que em confessa un diamant.

I have embraced the great tree that confesses a diamond to me.

Tinc ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot.

I have it all dancing, dancing it all, dancing it all, dancing it all.

He abraçat el gran arbre que em confessa un diamant.

I have embraced the great tree that confesses a diamond to me.

I tot que jo vaig lliurar, ha florit, ha florit i ara encén el pit.

And everything that I delivered has blossomed, has blossomed and now ignites the chest.

Tinc ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot.

I have everything dancing, everything dancing, everything dancing, everything dancing.

He abraçat el gran arbre que em confessa un diamant.

I have embraced the great tree that confesses a diamond to me.

I tot que jo vaig lliurar, ha florit, ha florit i ara encén el pit.

And everything that I delivered has blossomed, has blossomed and now ignites the chest.

Tinc ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot, ballant-ho tot.

I have everything dancing, everything dancing, everything dancing, everything dancing.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Un procés que crec que necessitava fer com en petit comitè

A process that I believe needed to be done in a small committee.

i que ara he pogut fer com tot el procés per ensenyar-lo al món, no?

And now I have been able to do the whole process to show it to the world, right?

Aquesta cosa superromàntica, en el fons, però bueno, que és veritat.

This super romantic thing, deep down, but well, it's true.

Un dia un reflexiu, un dia t'explica qui ets, com ets...

One day a reflection, one day it tells you who you are, how you are...

No sé si hi ha una part de dramatització aquí, també?

I don't know if there is a part of dramatization here, too?

Bueno, jo crec que...

Well, I think that...

Crec que hi ha una part com densa,

I think there is a part that is dense,

en el sentit que és com tota aquesta part més de posar sobre la taula coses, no?

In the sense that it is like all this part of putting things on the table, right?

I aquest disc, en cada cançó posa sobre la taula un tema o una cosa que a mi em mou diferent.

And this album, in each song, puts on the table a theme or something that moves me differently.

També sóc una persona molt més lleugera en aquest sentit, no?

I am also a much lighter person in this sense, right?

Però sí que en aquest disc, i volem parlar de l'amor propi,

But yes, in this album, we want to talk about self-love,

em semblava xulo explorar això.

I thought it was cool to explore this.

Per exemple, per explorar un altre tipus d'amor,

For example, to explore another type of love,

doncs potser ho hauré de fer des d'un altre lloc.

Well, maybe I will have to do it from another place.

I des d'una altra densitat, saps?

And from another density, you know?

Arribarà a més cançons, aquest has dit, tornar a ser,

It will reach more songs, this you have said, to be again,

ens reconciliem amb el nen, vull tornar a ser un nen,

we reconcile with the child, I want to be a child again,

i posa el punt final...

and put the final point...

Aquest final obert, m'ha de pensar.

This open ending makes me think.

I, escolta, digue-li a aquest nen que ens agrada molt.

I, listen, tell this boy that we like him a lot.

Ai, moltes gràcies.

Oh, thank you very much.

Que ens hem sentit molt identificats amb moltes coses d'aquest nen,

That we have felt very identified with many things about this boy,

i que el volem abraçar.

and we want to embrace him.

Que guai.

How cool.


Thank you.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

El paisatge sonor de l'escena catalana a ICAT amb Lluís Gendrau.

The sound landscape of the Catalan scene at ICAT with Lluís Gendrau.


Thank you.

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