La desaparició de Piedad Moya (Capítol 1)

Catalunya Ràdio


La desaparició de Piedad Moya (Capítol 1)


Tot el que sentireu en aquest programa ha passat.

Everything you will hear in this program has happened.

Els fets i els llocs són reals.

The events and the places are real.

Alguns diàlegs estan dramatitzats,

Some dialogues are dramatized,

però el seu contingut consta en documents

but its content is contained in documents

o surt de testimonis que eren en lloc dels fets.

or comes from witnesses who were at the scene of the events.

En algunes descripcions,

In some descriptions,

aquest programa podria ferir sensibilitats.

this program could hurt sensitivities.

Relatem crims reals.

We recount real crimes.

La realitat i la mort no en tenen de sensibilitats.

Reality and death have no sensitivities.

L'abril del 2014 desapareix una dona de 44 anys a Mataró.

In April 2014, a 44-year-old woman disappeared in Mataró.

Es diu Piedad Moya.

Her name is Piedad Moya.

Té dues filles de 17 i 12 anys

She has two daughters aged 17 and 12.

i treballa d'auxiliar en geriatria.

and works as an auxiliary in geriatrics.

Familiars, amics i companys de feina

Family, friends, and work colleagues.

la descriuen com una dona amable i treballadora,

they describe her as a kind and hardworking woman,

però, sobretot, com una mare entregada

but, above all, as a devoted mother

que no abandonaria mai les seves filles.

that he would never abandon his daughters.

Hola a tothom, sóc Carles Porta.

Hello everyone, I am Carles Porta.

Gràcies per escoltar-nos.

Thank you for listening to us.

Cada dia, els Mossos reben de mitjana

Every day, the Mossos receive on average

deu denúncies per desaparició.

ten reports of disappearance.

La majoria es resolen en poques hores

Most are resolved in a few hours.

i, molt sovint, el desaparegut apareix sa i estalvi.

And, very often, the missing person appears safe and sound.

N'hi ha d'altres, però, que són més complexes.

There are others, however, that are more complex.

La policia les anomena

The police call them.

desaparicions sense causa aparent

disappearances without apparent cause

o desaparicions inquietants.

or unsettling disappearances.

I, per tant, no és un problema.

And, therefore, it is not a problem.

I, de vegades, com en el cas que us expliquem avui,

I, sometimes, as in the case we explain to you today,

amaguen un crim.

they hide a crime.

Intentarem posar llum a la foscor.

We will try to shed light on the darkness.


Let's start.



Per què matem?

Why do we kill?

El relat dels moments foscos de la nostra societat.

The account of the dark moments of our society.



Amb Carles Porta.

With Carles Porta.

2014, 4 d'abril, divendres.

April 4, 2014, Friday.

Som al barri de Rocafonda de Mataró,

We are in the Rocafonda neighborhood of Mataró,

al carrer Pablo Picasso,

on Pablo Picasso street,

en un pis del número 62

in an apartment of number 62

davant d'un supermercat àrab

in front of an Arab supermarket

i viu Piedad Moya.

and lives Piedad Moya.

La Piedad té 44 anys.

La Piedad is 44 years old.

Va néixer el 22 de desembre de 1969

He was born on December 22, 1969.

a la línia de la Concepció, en el barri de la Concepció.

on Concepció Street, in the Concepció neighborhood.

La Piedad és un barri de la Concepció,

La Piedad is a neighborhood of La Concepció,

a Cadis,

in Cadiz,

i té quatre fills de dues relacions diferents.

He has four children from two different relationships.

Els més grans, que són adults,

The older ones, who are adults,

viuen a Granada, a prop del seu pare,

they live in Granada, near their father,

i les petites, de 17 i 12 anys,

and the little ones, aged 17 and 12,

viuen amb la Piedad.

They live with Piedad.

El pare de les nenes es diu oficialment

The girls' father is officially called.

Mohamed Taheri.

Mohamed Taheri.

També l'anomenen Javi.

They also call him Javi.

Té 46 anys i va néixer al Marroc,

He is 46 years old and was born in Morocco.

però ha viscut mitja vida a Catalunya.

but has lived half of his life in Catalonia.

La Piedad i ell han estat 20 anys junts,

Piety and he have been together for 20 years,

però s'han separat fa poc.

but they separated recently.

Ho expliquen la Glòria, la filla gran i la petita,

They explain it, Glòria, the eldest daughter, and the youngest.

a la Concepció.

to the Conception.

La Piedad és un barri de la Concepció,

La Piedad is a neighborhood of La Concepció,

a qui direm Sara,

who we will call Sara,

ens ha demanat que li distorsionem la veu.

he has asked us to distort his voice.

Jo en ese momento tenía 17 años,

At that moment, I was 17 years old.

estudiaba en un instituto aquí de Mataró,

I studied at a high school here in Mataró.

y llevamos un mes viviendo con mi madre

and we have been living with my mother for a month

porque ya han separados un mes.

because they have already been apart for a month.

O sea, en el año 2014 fue cuando mis padres se separaron,

I mean, it was in 2014 when my parents separated,

mi madre llevaba mucho tiempo queriéndose separar de mi padre,

my mother had been wanting to separate from my father for a long time,

y en el año 2014 decidió separarse.

And in the year 2014, he/she decided to separate.

Entonces, nosotros nos fuimos a otro piso,

So, we went to another apartment,

mi hermana y yo y mi madre, a vivir.

My sister and I and my mother, to live.

Avui, 4 d'abril, la Sara ha dormit amb el seu pare

Today, April 4th, Sara has slept with her father.

al pis del barri de Cerdanyola de Mataró,

in the apartment in the Cerdanyola neighborhood of Mataró,

on vivíem fins ara.

we lived until now.

Fa molt poc que la Piedad i el Mohamed s'han separat

Piedad and Mohamed have recently separated.

i encara no han acabat de lligar-ho tot.

and they still haven't finished tying it all up.

Al pis del carrer Picasso, a l'altra punta de la ciutat,

In the apartment on Picasso Street, at the other end of the city,

la Glòria, la filla gran, es prepara per anar a l'institut.

Glòria, the eldest daughter, is getting ready to go to school.

A quarts de vuit s'acomiada de la mare, que avui fa festa,

At a quarter to eight, he says goodbye to his mother, who is off today.

i queden per veure's al migdia a casa de l'àvia materna.

They are to meet at noon at their maternal grandmother's house.

Mentre és a classe,

While he/she is in class,

la noia rep dos missatges que no veurà fins que surti de l'institut.

The girl receives two messages that she won't see until she leaves the school.

El primer diu això.

The first says this.

Pocs minuts després, passades les onze,

A few minutes later, past eleven,

la Piedad truca a la Glòria i, com que és a classe

Piedad calls Glòria and, since she is in class

i no pot agafar el telèfon,

and he/she cannot pick up the phone,

li deixa un missatge a la bústia de veu

he leaves a message in the voicemail

dient-li que l'anirà a recollir a l'institut.

telling her that he will go to pick her up at the school.

A un quart d'una, quan surt de classe,

At a quarter to one, when he/she exits class,

la Glòria sent aquest missatge i, mentre espera la mare,

Glòria sends this message and, while waiting for her mother,

es queda xerrant amb uns amics a la porta de l'institut.

he stays talking with some friends at the door of the school.

Però passen quaranta minuts i la mare no arriba.

But forty minutes go by and the mother doesn't arrive.

Amb el mòbil d'un amic, la Glòria truca a la Piedad.

With a friend's mobile, Glòria calls Piedad.

Salta el contestador automàtic.

The answering machine picks up.

Cansada d'esperar, la noia se'n va tota sola cap a casa de l'àvia,

Tired of waiting, the girl goes home to her grandmother's all alone.

com havien quedat en un principi.

as they had initially agreed.

Sentim la mare de la Piedad, que es diu igual que ella.

We are sorry for Piedad's mother, who has the same name as her.

I ella va i em va dir això.

She went and told me this.

Ja, ja.

Ha, ha.

Ha ido mi madre a tu casa?

Has my mother gone to your house?

I li he dit, no.

And I told him, no.

Aquí no ha venido.

He hasn't come here.

Me dijo que iba a venir, pero no ha venido.

He told me he was going to come, but he hasn't come.

La Glòria torna a trucar a la mare, però no conteste.

Glòria calls her mother again, but she doesn't answer.

Poc després, li sona el telèfon.

Soon after, the phone rings.

Y me llamó mi padre.

And my father called me.

Y me dijo que me fuese a casa de mi madre a comer

And he told me to go to my mother's house for lunch.

y que fuese a recoger a mi hermana al cole.

and that I would go pick up my sister from school.

Y mi hermana, como normalmente íbamos a casa de mi madre a comer después de clase,

And my sister, since we usually went to my mother's house to eat after class,

y muchas veces íbamos juntas, o sea, lo veíamos como algo normal.

And many times we went together, I mean, we saw it as something normal.

Pues vamos, subimos y vamos.

Well, let's go up and let's go.

La Glòria s'acomiada de l'àvia i se'n va caminant a buscar la seva germana.

Glòria says goodbye to her grandmother and walks away to find her sister.

Abans d'arribar a l'institut, però,

Before arriving at the institute, however,

li sembla veure passar la mare amb el seu seat ibiza de color negre.

He seems to see his mother passing by in her black Seat Ibiza.

Me pareció ver-la.

I thought I saw her.

Yo estaba muy segura porque era el mismo coche y era una mujer rubia.

I was very sure because it was the same car and it was a blonde woman.

L'ha vist de passada quan el cotxe trencava a la dreta,

He saw it briefly when the car turned right.

però està convençuda que era ella.

but she is convinced it was her.

Pensa que potser va cap a casa.

He thinks that maybe he is going home.

Però no.

But no.

Quan hi arriba després d'haver recollit la germana,

When she arrives after having picked up her sister,

comprova que la mare no hi és.

check that the mother is not there.

El día anterior de que desapareciera se ve que fue a Barcelona

The day before she disappeared, it seems she went to Barcelona.

y se puso extensiones y cosas así.

And she got extensions and things like that.

Y yo ese día no la vi.

And I didn't see her that day.

Entonces pensé, a lo mejor ha vuelto a ir a Barcelona o algo.

So I thought, maybe she has gone back to Barcelona or something.

Y no sé, y se ha quedado con una amiga en algún lado.

And I don't know, and he has stayed with a friend somewhere.

No sé, era como...

I don't know, it was like...

Tampoco te imaginas, ¿sabes?

You can't even imagine, you know?

De moment no hi donen gaire importància.

For the moment, they don't give it much importance.

Surten a comprar el dinar

They go out to buy lunch.

i al vespre la Sara se'n va a casa d'una amiga.

In the evening, Sara goes to a friend's house.

La Glòria, que té 17 anys, vol sortir de festa,

Glòria, who is 17 years old, wants to go out partying.

però abans ha de passar per casa del pare.

but first he/she has to go by the father's house.

Y por la noche fui a casa de mi padre

And at night I went to my father's house.

porque yo salía de fiesta para pedirle dinero.

because I went out partying to ask him for money.

Y vi que estaba la luz de casa encendida,

And I saw that the house light was on,

pero picaba y no me abría.

but it rang and did not open for me.

Y a los 10-20 minutos me cansé, me fui.

And after 10-20 minutes I got tired, I left.

Y de camino de casa...

And on the way home...

A casa de mi padre, a casa de mi madre, me llamó él.

At my father's house, at my mother's house, he called me.

No, me llamó mi hermana.

No, my sister called me.

Y me dijo que le había llamado mi padre

And he told me that my father had called him.

y que no me había abierto porque estaba cansado.

and that he hadn't opened to me because he was tired.

L'endemà dissabte, Mohamed Taheri es presenta a Casa de la Piedad.

The next Saturday, Mohamed Taheri appears at Casa de la Piedad.

Els porta roba i sabates que s'havien quedat al domicili familiar.

He brings clothes and shoes that had been left at the family home.

La Glòria, que encara està una mica mosca,

Glòria, who is still a bit annoyed,

li pregunta per què no li va obrir la porta.

he asks her why she didn't open the door for him.

El pare respon que estava cansat

The father replies that he was tired.

i ella, que comença a estar preocupada,

and she, who is starting to get worried,

per la mare, no hi insisteix més.

for the mother, don’t insist on it anymore.

No paràvem d'enviar-li missatges i no contestava.

We kept sending him messages and he didn't reply.

El mòbil sortia que estava apagat.

The phone showed that it was turned off.

Les filles de 12 i 17 anys estan amoïnades.

The 12 and 17-year-old girls are worried.

No veuen gens normal que la mare hagi desaparegut.

They don't find it normal at all that the mother has disappeared.

En canvi, el pare no hi dona gens importància.

On the other hand, the father doesn't give it any importance.

Li vam dir a mi pare d'anar a denunciar

We told my father to go report.

i ens va dir que ens esperéssim el diumenge,

and he told us to wait for him on Sunday,

que encara era pront per denunciar.

that it was still early to report.

Ens deia que s'hauria anat de vacances,

He was telling us that he would have gone on vacation,

que no hi hauria estat.

that there wouldn’t have been.

I que no hi hauria estat.

And that I wouldn't have been there.

A la Glòria, tot plegat, li fa molt mal a l'espina.

Glòria, all of this hurts her back a lot.

La mare no havia marxat mai sense dir-li on anava.

The mother had never left without telling him where she was going.

A més, s'ha deixat la medicació.

In addition, they have stopped taking the medication.

Lo único que no se llevó, por ejemplo,

The only thing that was not taken, for example,

las pastillas de las tiroides,

thyroid pills,

que esas se las tenía que tomar cada día

that those had to be taken every day

si no se podía morir.

if one could not die.

Por eso nunca pensamos que se fue por su propio pie.

That's why we never thought he left on his own.

La Glòria no ha tingut cap problema.

Glòria has not had any problems.

Només troba a faltar la bossa de mà,

She only misses her handbag.

on la Piedad sempre hi porta la cartera,

where Piedad always carries the wallet,

el mòbil i el llibre de família.

the mobile phone and the family book.

La noia revisa l'armari de la seva mare

The girl checks her mother's wardrobe.

i no li sembla que s'hagi endut roba.

And it doesn't seem to you that he took clothes?

Van passant les hores

The hours go by.

i continuen sense tenir-ne notícies.

And they still haven't heard anything.

Aquella tarda,

That afternoon,

una germana de la Piedad,

a sister of Piedad,

que també es diu Glòria,

who is also called Glòria,

rep una trucada.

receive a call.

Una amiga de una compañera mía

A friend of a classmate of mine.

trabajaba con mi hermana.

I worked with my sister.

Entonces, esa amiga llamó a mi compañera

So, that friend called my colleague.

y mi compañera,

and my partner,

me preguntó que si sabía algo de mi hermana

He asked me if I knew anything about my sister.

y le dije que no.

And I told him no.

Eso fue un sábado.

That was a Saturday.

Entonces, el domingo,

So, on Sunday,

yo me quedé con la cosa

I kept the thing.

y le digo a mi compañera Montse,

and I say to my colleague Montse,

llama a tu amiga

call your friend

y dile, pregúntale si mi hermana ha ido a trabajar

And tell him, ask him if my sister has gone to work.

y no había ido a trabajar.

and had not gone to work.

Entonces, llamé a mi sobrina

So, I called my niece.

y le dije que si sabía algo de la madre

and I asked him if he knew anything about the mother

y me dijo que no desde el viernes.

and she told me no since Friday.

Y directamente le dije,

And I directly told him,

tu padre

your father

le ha hecho algo a la mamá.

He has done something to mom.

Y me dice que no, tita,

And he tells me no, aunt.

mi padre me ha llamado

my father has called me

que ahora viene a buscarnos

that is now coming to get us

a Rocafonda, que vivían allí.

in Rocafonda, who lived there.

Entonces, yo le dije, no vayáis a ningún lado

Then I told him, don't go anywhere.

que yo salgo del trabajo

that I finish work

y voy a buscarte ahora.

and I am going to look for you now.

Pero tita, me ha dicho mi padre

But aunt, my father told me.

y le dije que no te vayas con él.

and I told her not to go with him.

Quedaros ahí que ahora voy yo.

Stay there, I'm coming now.

Entonces, fui a buscarlas,

So, I went to get them,

estuve hablando con ellas

I was talking to them.

y le dije que la madre había...

and I told him that the mother had...

que no la iban a ver más.

that they were not going to see her again.

Que teníamos que ir a los Mossos

That we had to go to the Mossos.

a poner la denuncia.

to file the complaint.

És diumenge 6 d'abril.

It's Sunday, April 6th.

Han passat dos dies de la desaparició.

Two days have passed since the disappearance.

Les dues Glòries,

The two Glories,

tia i neboda,

aunt and niece,

van a la comissaria de Mataró

they go to the police station in Mataró

a posar la denúncia.

to file the complaint.

Però abans d'arribar-hi

But before getting there

tenen una sorpresa.

They have a surprise.

Yo me voy con mi sobrina,

I am leaving with my niece,

con la Gloria.

with Glory.

Me voy para la comisaría,

I'm going to the police station.

pero yo iba en el coche.

but I was in the car.

Entonces, aparco justo debajo

So, I park right underneath.

de donde están los Mossos.

Where are the Mossos?

Al aparcar el coche

Upon parking the car

nos dimos cuenta

we realized

que estaba su coche aparcado

that his car was parked

dos plazas más para allí.

Two more squares over there.

Y estaba el coche

And the car was there.

en el madre abierto.

in the open sea.

Había algo de ropa

There was some clothing.

y compra en el coche.

and buy in the car.

Ja no en tenen cap dubte.

They no longer have any doubt.

A la piedad

To pity

li ha passat alguna cosa.

Something has happened to him/her.

És impossible que hagi marxat

It's impossible that he/she has left.

sense el coche.

without the car.

Ara sí, entren a comissaria.

Now yes, they are entering the police station.

Sentim el sergent Pere Sánchez

We regret Sergeant Pere Sánchez.

de la unitat central

of the central unit

de persones desaparegudes

of missing persons

dels Mossos d'Esquadra.

of the Mossos d'Esquadra.

Bé, la desaparició com a tal

Well, the disappearance as such

arriba en format, lògicament, de denúncia.

it arrives in the form, logically, of a complaint.

I a partir d'aquí,

And from here,

donades les característiques del fet,

given the characteristics of the fact,

del que s'explicava en aquella denúncia

of what was explained in that complaint

i el que aportava

and what it contributed

especialment la germana

especially the sister

de la desapareguda,

of the disappeared,

els fets van començar

the facts began

a tenir elements de sospita

to have elements of suspicion

que aquella desaparició, evidentment,

that disappearance, obviously,

no era una desaparició voluntària,

it was not a voluntary disappearance,

no responia a una desaparició voluntària.

it did not respond to a voluntary disappearance.

I, per tant,

And, therefore,

la unitat central de persones desaparegudes

the central unit for missing persons

de seguida es va posar sobre el cas,

immediately got onto the case,

es va contactar

was contacted

amb l'oficina d'atenció al ciutadà

with the citizen attention office

i, ràpidament,

and quickly,

ens van posar a menjar l'obra.

they made us eat the work.

L'oficina de denúncies

The complaint office

comprove que Piedad Moya

I check that Piedad Moya

no ha estat ingressada a cap hospital

has not been admitted to any hospital

ni consta que hagi tingut un accident.

it is not recorded that he/she has had an accident.

Jo sempre poso un exemple

I always give an example.

que és bastant esclaridor.

which is quite enlightening.

Una persona que pateixi Alzheimer

A person who suffers from Alzheimer's.

amb 80 anys

at 80 years old

i que visqui a una zona rural,

and lives in a rural area,

si surt a passejar

if you go out for a walk

i no torna a casa,

and does not return home,

aquesta persona haurà desaparegut.

this person will have disappeared.

En aquest cas

In this case

és una desaparició sense causa aparent

It is a disappearance without apparent cause.

perquè, lògicament, Piedad

because, logically, Piedad

és una persona capaç

she is a capable person

sense cap mena de problemàtica

without any kind of problem

que tenia

that had

un entorn familiar consolidat,

a consolidated family environment,

tenia molt bona relació

I had a very good relationship.

amb ells

with them

i no tenia cap mena de problema

and I had no kind of problem

per la qual cosa

for which reason

perquè havia desaparegut.

because she had disappeared.

Segons la família,

According to the family,

la Piedad no tenia motius per marxar.

Piety had no reason to leave.

De fet, en tenia molts per quedar-se.

In fact, he had many to stay.

Ella estava

She was

molt contenta

very happy

perquè ella s'havia sortit

because she had gotten away

a l'auxiliar.

to the assistant.

Ella va entrar, crec que de llibertat

She entered, I think it was freedom.

a les residències

to the residences

i la necessitaven per auxiliar

and they needed her to assist

i li va agradar

and he liked it

i va començar a estudiar-ho.

And he/she started studying it.

Era una noia bona

She was a good girl.

que feia moltes sortides.

that used to go out a lot.

A mi em feia amb locura.

It drove me crazy.

Ella, quan estava al treball,

She, when she was at work,

li preguntava

I was asking him/her.

però aquesta dona amb qui parla?

But who is this woman you are talking to?

Piedad, li deia a les companyes.

Piety, she used to tell her companions.

Diu, estic parlant

He says, I am talking.

amb la meva reina.

with my queen.

Mi hermana no se va

My sister is not leaving.

y deja a sus hijas abandonar.

and let his daughters abandon.

Te lo aseguro que no.

I assure you that no.

Los hijos de mi hermana, los dos mayores,

The children of my sister, the two oldest,

si están en Granada

if they are in Granada

fueron por circunstancias de la vida

it was due to life's circumstances

y se los tuvo que dar al padre

and he had to give them to the father

y allí estaban.

and there they were.

Pero mi hermana tenía contacto con ellos.

But my sister had contact with them.

De hecho, ellos venían a verla.

In fact, they were coming to see her.

Feia uns tres anys

It was about three years ago.

que Piedad Moya treballava d'auxiliar

that Piedad Moya worked as an assistant

en una residència geriàtrica de Mataró

in a nursing home in Mataró

i n'estava molt contenta.

and she was very happy about it.

A més, era una dona molt familiar.

In addition, she was a very family-oriented woman.

A tot això, cal afegir-hi

To all this, we must add

el que explica la filla de 17 anys,

what the 17-year-old daughter explains,

la Glòria,

the Gloria,

quan declara davant dels Mossos d'Esquadra.

when he/she testifies before the Mossos d'Esquadra.

Hem dramatitzat part de la denúncia

We have dramatized part of the complaint.

per desaparició.

for disappearance.

La denunciant manifesta

The complainant states

que la desapareguda, Piedad Moya,

that the deceased, Piedad Moya,

estava casada amb el senyor

she was married to the gentleman

Mohamed Taheri,

Mohamed Taheri,

nascut el 13 de febrer de 1968

born on February 13, 1968

al Marroc.

to Morocco.

Fruit d'aquesta relació,

As a result of this relationship,

que va durar uns 20 anys,

that lasted about 20 years,

neix la denunciant

the complainant is born

i la seva germana petita.

and her little sister.

Manifesta també que fa un mes,

It also states that a month ago,



els seus pares es van separar

his parents separated

i que dubta del seu pare

and who doubts his father

perquè és un home molt gelós

because he is a very jealous man

i té por que li hagi fet alguna cosa.

and he is afraid that I may have done something to him.

O sigui, aquest context

That is, this context.

és el que fa o el que determina

it is what does or what determines

que, per part de la Unitat Central

that, on the part of the Central Unit

de Persones Desaparegudes,

of Missing Persons,

el cas sigui assumit

the case is taken on

de manera bastant ràpida,

quite quickly,

molt ràpida, fins i tot,

very fast, even,

és el context en el qual

it is the context in which

nosaltres valoràvem que hi havia

we valued that there was

una possible violència de gènere,

a possible gender violence,

donat que el que manifesta

given that what it manifests

l'entorn familiar

the family environment

i l'entorn d'amistats

and the circle of friends

és que Piedad Moya,

it's that Piedad Moya,

en el moment de fer el pas endavant

at the moment of taking a step forward

i de manifestar obertament

and to openly state

a Mohamed Taheri

to Mohamed Taheri

la seva intenció de separar-se

his intention to separate

definitivament, i això comportava

definitely, and this involved

anar-se'n a viure a un altre pis,

to move to another apartment,

doncs amb ell no va assumir

so he didn't take it on

el fet de...

the fact of...

de que Piedad volgués separar-se

that Piedad wanted to separate

i va començar a tenir una actitud

and he/she started to have an attitude



una actitud incisiva,

an incisive attitude,

d'assetjament, de vigilàncies,

of harassment, of surveillance,

de control dels moviments

of control of movements

de Piedad,

of Piety,

que la molestava amb força

that bothered her a lot

i dels quals eren coneixedors

and of whom they were aware

tant Piedad com la família.

both Piedad and the family.

La Unitat de Persones Desaparegudes

The Unit of Missing Persons

amb seu al complex central

with headquarters at the central complex

Egar a Sabadell

Egar to Sabadell

està especialitzada en

is specialized in

desaparicions d'àmbit criminal.

criminal disappearances.

Desaparicions d'àmbit criminal

Criminal disappearances

és un eufemisme per dir

it's a euphemism for saying

homicidi amb posterior ocultació

homicide with subsequent concealment

de cadàver.

of corpse.

És a dir, són aquells fets homicides

That is to say, they are those homicide acts.

que es fan passar per una simple desaparició

that is made to pass for a simple disappearance

precisament perquè el presumpte autor

precisely because the alleged author

el que interessa o el que vol

what interests or what they want

és que no s'obna una investigació

there is no ongoing investigation

directament per homicidi

directly for murder

i això, evidentment, li dona un marge

And this, obviously, gives him some leeway.

de maniobra important.

of important maneuver.

L'equip del sergent Pere Sánchez

The team of Sergeant Pere Sánchez

comença a investigar el cas

begin to investigate the case

l'endemà mateix, dilluns 7 d'abril.

the very next day, Monday, April 7.

Les filles expliquen als Mossos

The girls explain to the Mossos.

per què sospiten del pare.

Why do they suspect the father?

En primer lloc, diuen que feia anys

First of all, they say it had been years.

que la Piedad se'n volia separar

that Piety wanted to separate from him/her

i que un dels motius era

and that one of the reasons was

l'actitud del pare amb elles,

the father's attitude towards them,

amb les nenes.

with the girls.

Jo era més a prop de la meva mare

I was closer to my mother.

perquè el meu pare, com que jo estava

because my father, since I was

en una edat que començava a sortir

at an age that was just starting to emerge

amb les meves amigues, a tenir nòvio,

with my friends, to have a boyfriend,

el pare, o sigui,

the father, that is,

era molt...

it was very...

per exemple, se'n posava una falda

for example, she would put on a skirt

i li deia que era una puta.

and I told him that she was a whore.

O sigui, és tal qual.

That is to say, it's just like that.

I això era el mínim.

And that was the minimum.

Sempre, o sigui, la relació d'ells dos

Always, I mean, their relationship.

sempre ha estat molt conflictiva.

It has always been very conflictive.

Sempre, o sigui, com que de petita

Always, I mean, since I was little.

sempre l'ha cuidat molt

he has always taken great care of her.

i l'ha estimat molt.

and he/she has loved him/her very much.

Mentre estudiava, hi era una nena

While I was studying, there was a girl.

bona, entre comilles, en el col·le,

good, in quotation marks, at school,

quan ella va passar a

when she passed to

anar a... o sigui, a estar a l'ESO,

going to... I mean, to be in secondary education,

a obrir-se més al món,

to open up more to the world,

que t'estàs coneixent a tu,

that you are getting to know yourself,

i t'ajuntes amb persones que potser

and you associate with people that perhaps


they will smoke.

Porros o cosas así.

Joint or things like that.

Pues mi padre solo veía como...

Well, my father only saw how...

Y desde puta hasta te pego.

And from whore, I'll even hit you.

Y yo ver que mi hermana

And I see that my sister

ha limpiado la mesa, no la ha limpiado bien,

he has cleaned the table, he hasn't cleaned it well,

y echarle una bronca que flipa

and give him a hell of a telling-off

porque había polvo en la mesa.

because there was dust on the table.

La Sara, la filla petita,

Sara, the little daughter,

diu que el pare era molt més estricte

he says that the father was much stricter

amb la Glòria, però un cop

with Glòria, but once

ella també va rebre.

she also received.

A mí también, una vez, yo tenía una relación muy buena

Me too, once, I had a very good relationship.

con él, pero una vez, no sé, se había bebido

with him, but once, I don't know, he had drunk

una cerveza, no paraba de molestarme,

a beer, it wouldn't stop bothering me,

y dije que parara y me pongo una paliza.

And I said to stop and he gave me a beating.

Cuando vino mi madre,

When my mother came,

se lo expliqué y tuvieron una discusión.

I explained it to him/her and they had a discussion.

Y le dijo que la próxima

And he told her that the next time

que ella lo dejaba.

that she was leaving him.

Pero como no era tampoco

But as it was not either

una situación recurrente que nos pegara,

a recurring situation that will hit us.

yo, ¿sabes?

I, you know?

Como que era más puntual,

As it was more punctual,

lo que sí que actitudes violentas

what indeed violent attitudes

ha habido muchas.

There have been many.

A mi casa no podía venir ella.

She couldn't come to my house.

Un día me echó mi hija

One day my daughter kicked me out.

de mi casa por culpa de ella.

from my house because of her.

Porque fui a verla

Because I went to see her.

y me dice, mamá, llorando.

And he says to me, mom, crying.

Mamá, vete.

Mom, go away.

Digo, piedad, ¿por qué?

I say, mercy, why?

Iba yo con otra hija, que ella no está.

I was going with another daughter, who is not here.

Y le digo, pero, ¿por qué, piedad?

And I say to her, but why, mercy?

Dice, que va a venir el Javi

He says that Javi is going to come.

y va a ver que estás aquí

and he/she is going to see that you are here

y me va a pegar.

and he is going to hit me.

Y me tuve que ir de la casa.

And I had to leave the house.

Sí que explicaba algunas cosas

Yes, it did explain some things.

a mi tía, a mi abuela, pero no todas.

my aunt, my grandmother, but not all of them.

Como suele pasar cuando eres

As it usually happens when you are

víctima de violencia doméstica, ¿no?

victim of domestic violence, right?

Que la mayoría de las cosas no las quieres decir

That you don't want to say most things.

por miedo también a denunciar

out of fear of reporting too

y posibles cosas que puedan pasar.

and possible things that may happen.

Y más nuestra madre,

And even more our mother,

que conocía a mi padre.

that knew my father.

Y supongo que ella se imaginaba un poco

And I suppose she imagined a little bit.

los niveles a los que podía llegar.

the levels he could reach.

Y vivía una situación, pues,

And lived a situation, then,

de tengo tanto miedo

I am so scared of you.

que no denuncio

that I do not report

e intento

and I try

mantener esta situación

maintain this situation

lo máximo posible.

as much as possible.

Malgrat tot, al final,

Despite everything, in the end,

la piedad va fer el cor fort.

Piety made the heart strong.

A principis del 2014,

At the beginning of 2014,

pocs dies abans dels fets

a few days before the events

que hem començat aquesta història,

that we have started this story,

va marxar del pis on vivien

he left the apartment where they lived

i va dir-li al Javi, a Mohamed Taheri,

and he told Javi, to Mohamed Taheri,

que la relació s'havia acabat.

that the relationship was over.

Segons les filles,

According to the girls,

ell no ho va acceptar.

He did not accept it.

Ella estaba contenta porque había conseguido

She was happy because she had succeeded.

lo que quería desde hace muchos años,

what I wanted for many years,

que era dejarlo, pero a la misma vez

that it was to leave it, but at the same time

tenía mucho miedo.

I was very scared.

Porque era muy pesado.

Because he was very annoying.

No la dejaba en paz.

He wouldn't leave her alone.

Un día me acuerdo

One day I remember.

que me dijo, me ha llamado

what he told me, he has called me

creo que 20 o 30 veces,

I think 20 or 30 times,

en un momento.

in a moment.

Siempre estaba quejando.

He was always complaining.

Siempre estaba que tu madre me ha dejado,

She was always saying that your mother left me.

que incluso la buscaba mucho,

that he even looked for her a lot,

la llamaba mucho.

he called her a lot.

Un día fue a dejarle flores

One day he went to bring her flowers.

y hombres rosas a casa.

and pink men at home.

Mi madre no quería tener ningún tipo de relación con él,

My mother didn't want to have any kind of relationship with him.

pero él no paraba de insistir.

but he wouldn't stop insisting.

Entonces yo, como era la que estaba ahí con él,

So I, as I was the one there with him,

siempre era la que

she was always the one

se comía

was eaten

todo lo que él estaba pasando

everything he was going through



llegan situaciones de esas,

situations like those arise,

de ir a casa,

of going home,

de ir con el coche con él

to go with him in the car

y yo ya ponerme los auriculares del rollo

and I'm already putting on the headphones of the vibe

no te quiero escuchar más

I don't want to listen to you anymore.

y que me diga cosas así como

and let me know things like that

me ha estampado

he has crashed into me

o por eso los hombres

or that's why men

matan a las mujeres porque las dejan

They kill women because they leave them.

y ese tipo de cosas.

and that kind of things.

Tot el seu entorn,

All his environment,

sigui familiar, sigui laboral,

whether familiar or work-related,

sigui d'amistats, començant a dibuixar

be of friendships, starting to draw

una actitud de Mohamed

an attitude of Mohamed

que realment era molt preocupant.

that was really very worrying.

Això des de la perspectiva policial

This from a police perspective

per l'experiència

for the experience

dels coneixements, el que veiem és claríssimament

of the knowledge, what we see is clearly

un rara fons

a rare background

típic i tòpic

typical and topical

de violència de gènere

of gender violence

i per tant

and therefore

això és el que fa

this is what it does

aixecar totes les

raise all the

sospites cap a

suspicions towards

Mohamed Taeri en aquest sentit.

Mohamed Taeri in this regard.

Per tot plegat, els Mossos

For all of the above, the Mossos

de seguida tenen un sospitós.

They soon have a suspect.

El mateix dilluns 7 d'abril

Monday, April 7th

l'interroguen a la comissaria de Mataró.

They are interrogating him at the Mataró police station.

Sentim el sergent

We hear the sergeant.

Pere Sánchez i la fiscal

Pere Sánchez and the prosecutor

Teresa Ioldi.

Teresa Ioldi.

És una persona

He is a person.

des d'una perspectiva de caràcter

from a character perspective

molt, molt introvertida.

very, very introverted.

O sigui, li costava molt

So, it was very difficult for him/her.

que expliqués.

that you explained.

Un home molt reservat, era molt solitari.

A very reserved man, he was very solitary.

No tenia

I didn't have.

amics, no tenia àmbit

friends, I had no scope



no tenia excessiva

I didn't have excessive.

relació amb la família de Piedad,

relationship with Piedad's family,

que l'acceptaven

that they accepted it

a mitjans fins al moment

halfway so far

de la separació, fins al moment en què ella decideix.

from the separation, until the moment she decides.



no era un home especialment sociable.

he was not a particularly sociable man.

En absolut.

Absolutely not.

I el que va venir a dir, bàsicament, és això.

And what he came to say, basically, is this.

És que ella estava

It's just that she was.

segur que estava amb algú

sure you were with someone

i que havia marxat i que no era la primera

and that he had left and it wasn't the first time

vegada que ho feia.

every time I did it.

I que ell no sabia res d'ella

And that he didn't know anything about her.

perquè feia 15 dies que no havia contactat

because it had been 15 days since I last contacted

ni en sabia

I didn't even know.

absolutament res de res de res.

absolutely nothing at all.

Segons els investigadors,

According to the researchers,

Mohamed Taeri sembla tranquil.

Mohamed Taeri seems calm.

Diu que la Piedad,

He says that the Piety,

evidentment, deu ser a França i que ja tornarà.

obviously, it must be in France and will return soon.

Ell posa l'accent a França

He has an accent in France.






he/she was doing

aproximadament dos o tres mesos

approximately two or three months

havia reprès

had resumed

una relació

a relationship

sentimental a distància,

long-distance sentimental

podríem dir,

we could say,

amb una persona, amb un noi

with a person, with a boy

que coneixia de petita

that I knew when I was little

per coincidències familiars,

due to family coincidences,

que es diu Estefan

his name is Estefan

i que és francès i que viu a França.

and he is French and lives in France.

Aquest nen és un amic d'infància.

This boy is a childhood friend.

Els pares d'ell

His parents

es coneixien amb la meva mare

they knew each other with my mother

i quan jo era petita,

and when I was little,

però jo m'acordo,

but I remember,

viàvem a França

we lived in France

i ens quedàvem allà, oi?

And we stayed there, right?

I llavors, de nen ja eren nòvios.

And then, as kids, they were already a couple.

Suposo que el nòviazgo

I suppose that dating

aquest de nens.

this of children.

I amb el temps,

And with time,

a les anys,

over the years,

se recontraron

they met again

por el Facebook, creo que fue,

through Facebook, I think it was,

y como que el chico este

and like this guy

le ayudó a dar

he helped him to give

el paso de decir

the act of saying

hasta aquí he llegado contigo, Javi.

This is where I have arrived with you, Javi.

Des de feia uns mesos,

For a few months now,

fins i tot abans de la separació,

even before the separation,

la Piedad i l'Estefan

the Piedad and the Estefan

parlaven per Facebook gairebé cada dia.

They talked on Facebook almost every day.

Amb permís de la família,

With the family's permission,

els investigadors llegeixen

the researchers read

les seues converses

their conversations

i veuen missatges com aquest.

and they see messages like this.

Quiero que vivas conmigo.

I want you to live with me.

Soy la mujer más feliz del mundo.

I am the happiest woman in the world.

Porque te tengo a ti.

Because I have you.

Y sé que tú me adoras.

And I know that you adore me.

Te amo solo a ti.

I love only you.

L'Estefan també li havia declarat

Estefan had also declared to him/her.

el seu amor en més d'una ocasió.

his love on more than one occasion.

Però fins al moment de la desaparició,

But until the moment of the disappearance,

la seva relació

their relationship

era només virtual.

it was just virtual.

La filla gran, la Glòria,

The eldest daughter, Glòria,

explica que un dia la Piedad

explains that one day Piedad

va anar a visitar l'Estefan a Bordeus,

he went to visit Estefan in Bordeaux,

però al final no van poder coincidir.

but in the end they could not meet.

Y a mí me lo dijo,

And he told me.

me dijo,

he told me,

no lo sabe nadie que me voy.

No one knows I'm leaving.

Te lo digo a ti por si pasa cualquier cosa,

I'm telling you this in case anything happens,

que lo sepas.

so you know.

Las únicas que lo sabíamos éramos yo

The only ones who knew were me.

y creo que mi tía la Glòria.

and I believe that my aunt Glòria.

Pero a mi hermana, por ejemplo,

But my sister, for example,

no le dijo nada.

he didn't say anything to her.

A mi padre tampoco.

Not to my father either.

Pues se hizo efectivamente una investigación,

Well, an investigation was indeed conducted,

se había abandonado a las fronteras del territorio,

he had surrendered to the borders of the territory,

se había salido por tren,

he had left by train,

se había podido utilizar su coche,

he had been able to use his car,

que sabíamos que no,

that we knew we weren't,

puesto que lo teníamos cerca de la comisaría

since we had it near the police station

de policía de Mataró,

from Mataró police,

se había cogido un avión,

he had taken a plane,

es decir, se busca,

that is to say, it is sought,

las vías,

the tracks,

las posibles vías de salida de una persona

the possible ways out for a person

de lo que es el territorio controlado por fronteras.

of what is the territory controlled by borders.

Aparte de eso,

Aside from that,

las veces que ella podía haber salido

the times she could have gone out

había avisado siempre a un familiar de su ausencia,

he had always notified a family member of his absence,

había dicho cuándo se iba y cuándo volvía.

He had said when he was leaving and when he was coming back.

Y luego, pues el hecho de que

And then, well the fact that

cuando tú te vas voluntariamente,

when you leave voluntarily,

te llevas en mayor o menor medida tus enseres

you take your belongings to a greater or lesser extent

personales y aparte si necesitas una medicación

personal and also if you need medication

y esa medicación te la dejas en tu casa,

and that medication you leave at home,

está claro que no tienes cuanto menos la intención

It's clear that you don't have, at the very least, the intention.

de desaparecer de tu ámbito ordinario y normal diario

to disappear from your ordinary and normal daily environment

durante un tiempo lo suficientemente extendido en el tiempo

for a sufficiently extended period of time

como para que justificaras que era voluntario esa desaparición.

How to justify that disappearance was voluntary.

Recordeu que el cotxe de la Piedat

Remember that Piedat's car.

havia aparegut molt a prop de la comissaria dels Mossos.

had appeared very close to the Mossos police station.

Doncs bé,

Well then,

els investigadors busquen si hi ha alguna càmera de videovigilància

The investigators are looking for any surveillance camera.

pels voltants de l'aparcament, però no tenen sort.

around the parking lot, but they have no luck.

Piense que no siempre las cámaras tienen un ámbito de perspectiva

Keep in mind that cameras do not always have a field of perspective.

lo suficientemente amplia como para que podamos ver

wide enough for us to see

todo lo que ocurre alrededor de un establecimiento

everything that happens around an establishment

como una comisaría.

like a police station.

Supongo que seguramente habría cámara de seguridad,

I suppose there would definitely be a security camera.

pero me imagino que la zona donde se dejó el coche, el vehículo,

but I imagine that the area where the car was left, the vehicle,

estaba fuera de ese ámbito de actuación de la cámara,

was outside that area of action of the chamber,

de seguridad.

of security.

Amb tot, els Mossos traslladen el cotxe al pàrquing de la comissaria

Meanwhile, the Mossos move the car to the police station parking lot.

per fer-ne la inspecció ocular.

to carry out the visual inspection.

Sentim el que va explicar al judici un dels agents que va participar ahir.

We regret what one of the officers who participated yesterday explained in court.

¿El vehículo cómo estaba?

How was the vehicle?

¿Estaba abierto, estaba cerrado?

Was it open, was it closed?

El vehículo estaba abierto.

The vehicle was unlocked.

¿El volante bloqueado?

Is the steering wheel locked?

Tenía el volante bloqueado, exacto,

The steering wheel was locked, exactly.

y en principio no apreciamos signos de fuerza.

And in principle, we do not see signs of strength.









¿Como polvo?

Like dust?



¿Dónde estaba manchado, interior o exterior?

Where was it stained, inside or outside?

Mirando las fotos en el exterior del coche y por la parte superior, sobre todo.

Looking at the photos on the outside of the car and from the top, above all.

Básicamente, la parte superior del coche y la parte exterior.

Basically, the top of the car and the exterior.

¿Qué se encontró en el maletero?

What was found in the trunk?

¿Se encontró el maletero abierto o cerrado?

Was the trunk found open or closed?

El maletero estaba abierto.

The trunk was open.

Bueno, la puerta cerrada la abrimos nosotros a hacer la inspección con llave.

Well, we opened the closed door to carry out the inspection with a key.

Y entonces, en el maletero había diversas bolsas de compra,

And then, in the trunk, there were various shopping bags,

del Mercadona, del Simpli.

from Mercadona, from Simpli.

Había unas zapatillas.

There were some sneakers.

Zapatillas deportivas.

Sports sneakers.

Y en las bolsas había productos de comida,

And in the bags, there were food products,

de perecederos, pero de larga caducidad,

of perishables, but with a long shelf life,

porque eran pasta, legumbres, latas...

because they were pasta, legumes, cans...

Al coche no hi troben restes de sang ni cap altre indici rellevant.

There are no traces of blood or any other relevant evidence in the car.

¿Se buscaron también huellas, supongo, en el vehículo?

I suppose fingerprints were also searched for in the vehicle?

¿Huellas dactilares?


No, en principio no nos solicitaron búsqueda de huellas dactilares.

No, initially they did not request fingerprint searches.

Es decir, la finalidad simplemente fue búsqueda de muestras biológicas.

That is to say, the purpose was simply the search for biological samples.

Sí, correcto, porque en este caso, como el vehículo era de la desaparecida

Yes, that's correct, because in this case, as the vehicle belonged to the deceased.

y también podía haber sido utilizado por el propietario,

and it could also have been used by the owner,

digamos que una huella supongo que a la investigación no le aportaba tampoco nada

Let's say that a footprint, I suppose, didn't contribute anything to the investigation either.

y se buscaban restos biológicos de que hubiera pasado.

and they were looking for biological remains of what had happened.

Malgrat que no hi ha cap indici que permeti respondre a la pregunta

Although there is no evidence that allows answering the question.

de qui ha deixat allà el cotxe,

who has left the car there,

els investigadors estan convençuts que no ha estat la piedat

the researchers are convinced that it has not been pity

i creuen que és una prova més que no ha marxat de manera voluntària.

And they believe that it is further proof that he did not leave voluntarily.

No hi ha cap indici que permeti respondre a la pregunta de qui ha deixat allà el cotxe.

There is no evidence to answer the question of who has left the car there.

Nosaltres el que fem, en la metodologia d'investigació,

What we do in the research methodology,

el que ens obliga a fer primer és constatar,

what we are obliged to do first is to ascertain,

és a dir, que aquesta desaparició no és que no sigui voluntària,

that is to say, this disappearance is not that it is not voluntary,

és que no hi ha, aquesta desaparició no respon a una desaparició,

it's that there isn't, this disappearance does not correspond to a disappearance,

és una manca d'activitat vital, per tant, ha mort.

It is a lack of vital activity, therefore, it has died.

En el cas de piedat estava clar que el seu estat anímic

In the case of Piedat, it was clear that his emotional state

i el seu modus vivendi no responia, no tenia una lògica,

and his way of life did not respond, it had no logic,

un fet suïcida, però així és, no?

a suicidal act, but that's how it is, isn't it?

I ja s'havien fet les gestions prèvies per valorar que no havia estat un accident,

And the preliminary procedures had already been carried out to assess that it had not been an accident,

per la qual cosa,

for which reason,

només quedava un element, un aspecte, que era el criminal,

there was only one element, one aspect, which was the criminal,

la participació delictiva de tercers.

the criminal participation of third parties.

Mentre la policia comença a estirar el fil,

While the police begin to pull on the string,

la família intenta continuar endavant.

The family tries to move forward.

Les filles de la piedat se'n van a casa de la tia Glòria,

The girls from Piedat are going to Aunt Glòria's house.

i ella ho viu com pot.

And she lives it as she can.

Yo no dejaba salir a las niñas,

I didn't let the girls go out.

para ir al colegio las acompañaba yo,

to go to school I would accompany them,

si no las acompañaba mi pareja,

if my partner did not accompany them,

yo lo pasaba muy mal, muy mal.

I was having a very hard time, very hard.

A mí, desde el 4 de abril del 2014, a mí la vida me cambió.

For me, since April 4, 2014, my life changed.

Yo no soy la persona que era antes.

I am not the person I used to be.

No hubo vida normal.

There was no normal life.

O sea, a mí me llevaban al cole,

I mean, I was taken to school,

y tenía el número de un policía,

and had the number of a police officer,

que era el que nos llevaba de cerca,

that was what was taking us closely,

y una vez mi padre, o sea, yo estaba en el patio y lo vi con la furgoneta,

And once my father, I mean, I was in the yard and I saw him with the van,

y llamé a la policía y me tuvieron que venir a buscar

And I called the police and they had to come pick me up.

para llevarme a casa de mi tía.

to take me to my aunt's house.

O sea, mi vida era...

I mean, my life was...

En casa de mi tía, si viene tu padre no le abran la puerta,

At my aunt's house, if your father comes, do not open the door for him.

y... y estar aislada un poco.

and... and being a little isolated.

Sí que iba al cole, pero...

I did go to school, but...

Ibas al cole, y pasa eso, se entra todo el mundo, bueno.

You were going to school, and that happens, everyone goes in, well.



Amb Carles Porta.

With Carles Porta.

Passen els dies i l'angoixa es va fent gran.

The days pass and the anxiety grows.

La tia Glòria té coll avall que no tornarà a veure la seua germana en vida,

Aunt Glòria has it in her heart that she will never see her sister alive again.

però remou cel i terra per trobar-ne les restes.

but stirs heaven and earth to find its remains.

Empecemos en la riera de aquí de Mataró,

Let's start in the stream here in Mataró,

bueno, de Argentina, que está más bien para Argentina.

Well, from Argentina, which is more for Argentina.

Toda la riera, hasta dos ríos andando.

The entire stream, up to two rivers walking.

Con perros, perros de amigos, que no es de...

With dogs, dogs of friends, that is not of...

Con perros de amigos,

With friends' dogs,

casi todas las trabajadoras, y con perros de amigos, que no es de...

almost all the workers, and with friends' dogs, which is not from...

Con perros de amigos, que no es de...

With friends' dogs, which is not from...

Todas las trabajadoras, compañeras de mi hermana,

All the workers, my sister's colleagues,

algunas compañeras mías, todos vecindarios...

some of my colleagues, all neighborhoods...

Ese boom ha desaparecido la piedad.

That boom has erased compassion.

El cas d'una mare desapareguda no només crida l'atenció entre els veïns,

The case of a missing mother not only draws the attention of the neighbors,

sinó també als mitjans de comunicació.

but also to the media.

Llegim una crònica del diari La Vanguardia.

Let's read a chronicle from the newspaper La Vanguardia.

Un centenar de veïns del barri de Cerdanyola de Mataró

About a hundred neighbors from the Cerdanyola neighborhood of Mataró.

va rastrejar ahir el bosc a la riera d'Argentona, entre Mataró i Argentona,

He searched the forest near the Argentona stream yesterday, between Mataró and Argentona.

per intentar localitzar el cos de Piedad Moya,

to try to locate the body of Piedad Moya,

que va desaparèixer a començaments d'abril.

that disappeared in early April.

La sospita és que la dona va morir a mans de la seva exparella

The suspicion is that the woman was killed by her ex-partner.

i que després va ser enterrada.

and then was buried.

Les investigacions de la policia no han aconseguit localitzar Piedad Moya.

The police investigations have not been able to locate Piedad Moya.

La desesperació en la família és tan gran

The despair in the family is so great.

que ha mobilitzat amics i veïns

that has mobilized friends and neighbors

que van respondre de manera massiva a la crida per intentar trobar-la.

that responded en masse to the call to try to find her.

Ahir els veïns es van reunir a la parròquia de Maria Auxiliadora,

Yesterday the neighbors gathered at the parish of Mary Help of Christians,

des d'on es va organitzar la recerca a peu cap a l'Argentona.

from where the search on foot towards Argentona was organized.

La riera d'Argentona, encapçalada per familiars.

The stream of Argentona, headed by relatives.

Però la zona batuta és una àrea muntanyosa amb vegetació molt densa

But the beaten area is a mountainous region with very dense vegetation.

on conflueixen diversos senders

where various paths converge

i no es va detectar cap pista.

And no clues were detected.

Malgrat les dificultats, familiars, amics i veïns

Despite the difficulties, family, friends, and neighbors.

continuen buscant la Piedad.

They continue searching for Piedad.

Mohamed Taheri, en canvi, no col·labora.

Mohamed Taheri, on the other hand, does not cooperate.

Bueno, yo le pedí que se viniera.

Well, I asked him to come over.

De hecho, yo le dije...

In fact, I told him/her...

Y mi hijo, tu hermana, está en Francia.

And my son, your sister, is in France.

Le dije, muntate en mi coche y nos vamos a Francia.

I told her, get in my car and let's go to France.

Y me dijo que no.

And he told me no.

Que buscarla era una tontería, me dijo.

"That looking for her was foolish, she told me."

La família, sobretot la Glòria,

The family, especially Glòria,

està en contacte permanent amb els investigadors.

he is in permanent contact with the researchers.

Periòdicament, sense poder explicar,

Periodically, without being able to explain,

per no desvetllar el secret de les actuacions,

to avoid revealing the secret of the actions,

se'ls van donant certes nocions d'informació

they are being given certain notions of information

que no compliquin el cas,

don't complicate the case,

perquè vegin que, efectivament, s'està a sobre

so that they can see that, indeed, it is being addressed

i s'està treballant, tot i que no se'ls hi pugui explicar

and work is being done, even though it cannot be explained to them.

els detalls de la investigació.

the details of the investigation.

Els Mossos demanen les tarificacions

The Mossos request the rate charges.

del mòbil de la Piedà

from Piedà's mobile phone

i comencen a recollir imatges de les càmeres de seguretat

and they start to collect images from the security cameras.

properes al seu domicili.

close to their home.

Alhora, investiguen els moviments de Mohamed Taheri

At the same time, they are investigating the movements of Mohamed Taheri.

i demanen informació sobre l'Estefan.

They are asking for information about Estefan.

Bé, nosaltres el que fem és contactar, lògicament,

Well, what we do is contact, logically,

amb l'entorn d'aquesta persona.

with this person's environment.

Aquesta persona estava complint condemna a França, a presó.

This person was serving a sentence in France, in prison.

Tenia un règim semi-obert, dormia a la presó.

He had a semi-open regime, he slept in prison.

I el que es fa, lògicament, és valorar la viabilitat

And what is done, logically, is to assess the viability.

de si aquesta persona s'havia pogut fer un desplaçament o tal.

of whether this person had been able to make a trip or such.

I es va tancar la porta a aquesta línia quan es va parlar amb les autoritats.

And the door was closed on this line when talking to the authorities.

I ens van dir que, efectivament, aquesta persona no podia...

And they told us that, indeed, this person could not...

No hi ha disponibilitat horària, per dir-ho així,

There is no time availability, to put it that way.

perquè tingués res a veure amb els fets.

so that it had anything to do with the facts.

És que era, més ben, una relació

It was, rather, a relationship.

per telèfon i per missatge,

by phone and by message,

més que una relació física.

more than a physical relationship.

Ella s'havia il·lusionat, de nou, amb l'Estefan,

She had gotten her hopes up again with Estefan.

però això no anava acompanyat de...

but this was not accompanied by...

d'una relació completa des del punt de vista físic.

of a complete relationship from a physical point of view.

L'Estefan, doncs, queda descartat.

So, Estefan is ruled out.

Mohamed Taheri és l'únic sospitós.

Mohamed Taheri is the only suspect.

No tenia ninguna otra enemistad a Piedad Moya

I had no other enmity towards Piedad Moya.

ni ninguna otra circunstancia que pudiera hacer pensar

nor any other circumstance that could lead one to think

o que pudiera dirigir la investigación hacia otros términos

or that could direct the research towards other terms

que no fueran los que fueron.

that they were not the ones who were.

Els Mossos analitzen el registre de trucades de Piedad Moya

The Mossos are analyzing the call log of Piedad Moya.

i detecten dues coses que els criden l'atenció.

They detect two things that catch their attention.

La primera és que entre el 31 de març i el 4 d'abril,

The first is that between March 31 and April 4,

el dia que va desaparèixer, va rebre 31 trucades de Taheri.

The day he disappeared, he received 31 calls from Taheri.

Això respon a aquesta perfilació

This responds to this profiling.

d'aquesta conducta de violència de gènere,

of this behavior of gender violence,

d'obsessió, d'assetjament, de vigilància, de control,

of obsession, of harassment, of surveillance, of control,

de trucades, o sigui, no la deixava respirar.

of calls, I mean, I didn't let her breathe.

I des del moment que es produeixen, es materialitzen els fets,

And from the moment they occur, the facts materialize,

doncs aquesta obsessió finalitza.

so this obsession comes to an end.

L'altra dada que els crida l'atenció és que el dia de la desaparició,

The other detail that catches their attention is that on the day of the disappearance,

la Piedad i el seu exmarit van parlar per telèfon dues vegades,

Piedad and her ex-husband talked on the phone twice,

una a les 10.53 i una altra a les 10.59.

one at 10:53 and another at 10:59.

Recordem que quan va declarar a comissaria,

Let us remember that when he/she testified at the police station,

Taheri va dir que no sabia res de la Piedad des de feia 15 dies.

Taheri said he hadn't heard anything from Piedad for 15 days.

Aquesta cronologia de fets el que denota és que

This chronology of events indicates that

aquell havia quedat amb ell, lògicament havia quedat

he had arranged to meet him, logically he had arranged

a casa de Mohammed, perquè així li diu a la seva filla Glòria

at Mohammed's house, because that's what he calls his daughter Glòria

que vés cap allà, vés cap a casa del papa quan sortís de classe.

that you go over there, go to the pope's house when you get out of class.

El fet que ell manifestés que no sabia res de la seva exparella

The fact that he stated that he knew nothing about his ex-partner.

des de feia 15 dies era un fet evident d'un indici important

For the past 15 days, it had been an evident fact of an important clue.

d'una contradicció notòria.

of a notable contradiction.

Després de parlar per segon cop amb Taheri,

After speaking for the second time with Taheri,

la Piedad va canviar de plans.

Piedad changed her plans.

Recordem que a les 11 va trucar a la Glòria i li va dir

We remember that at 11 she called Glòria and told her.

que l'aniria a buscar a l'institut.

that he would go to pick her up at the school.

Nosaltres intuïm que aquí hi ha un canvi d'impressions

We sense that there is a change of impressions here.

per part d'ella en la qual, pel que sigui,

on her part in which, for whatever reason,

valora que no és necessari que estigui Glòria present

he values that it is not necessary for Glòria to be present

en aquesta trobada.

in this meeting.

Després d'aquesta trucada, la Piedad en rep una altra de comercial

After this call, Piedad receives another one from a salesperson.

i després no torna a parlar per telèfon.

and then he/she doesn't talk on the phone anymore.

Aquí els Mossos es troben amb un problema.

Here the Mossos face a problem.

La Piedad no té tarifa de dades.

La Piedad does not have a data plan.

Això vol dir que quan no està connectada a una xarxa wifi,

This means that when it is not connected to a wifi network,

si no parla per telèfon,

if you don't speak on the phone,

els investigadors no poden posicionar el seu terminal.

The researchers cannot position their terminal.

Malgrat tot, saben que després de parlar amb la Glòria

Despite everything, they know that after talking with Glòria.

va sortir de casa.

He/She/It went out of the house.

Després de les trucades amb ell, després de les converses,

After the calls with him, after the conversations,

o millor dit, els missatges amb la seva filla Glòria,

or rather, the messages with her daughter Glòria,

el desplaçament que sabem que va fer per les càmeres de seguretat

the movement that we know he made from the security cameras

que es van estudiar del recorregut possible

what was studied of the possible route

i viable des del seu domicili fins al domicili de Mohamed Taheri,

and viable from his home to the home of Mohamed Taheri,

fins aquí arribem, és a dir, ho sabem per la telefonia

up to here we reach, that is to say, we know it from the telephony

i ho sabem per les càmeres d'aquell recorregut

and we know it from the cameras on that route

on s'observa el cotxe d'ella en any,

where her car is observed in the year,

desplaçant-se cap a casa de Mohamed,

moving towards Mohamed's house,

doncs al final no hi ha marge possible al dubte

so in the end there is no room for doubt

en relació a què va fer ella.

in relation to what she did.

És contactar amb Mohamed per intentar parlar d'ell

It's about contacting Mohamed to try to talk about him.

de determinades situacions, que això sí que ho desconeixem,

of certain situations, which we do not know about,

segurament serien temes de la separació, del patrimoni, de les filles,

they would probably be issues of separation, of property, of the daughters,

i desplaçar-se, tant com deia el seu telèfon,

and to move, as his phone said,

com corroboraven les càmeres de seguretat d'una entitat bancària

as corroborated by the security cameras of a banking institution

cap al seu domicili en una franja horària molt concreta

to their home within a very specific time frame

que era fregant les 12 del migdia.

It was nearly noon.

Passades les 11, la Piedad va passar amb el cotxe

After 11, Piedad drove by in the car.

per davant d'una oficina del banc BBVA.

in front of a BBVA bank office.

A banda d'aquestes imatges, no se la veu enlloc més.

Apart from these images, she is not seen anywhere else.

Muy posiblemente porque en el trayecto que ella hizo con el vehículo,

Very likely because of the route she took with the vehicle,



o bien...

or well...

o bien no se hallaran establecimientos con cámaras de seguridad

or there will be no establishments with security cameras

o pasara por zonas que no estuvieran dentro del ámbito de grabación,

or will pass through areas that were not within the recording scope,

de visión de la cámara de seguridad,

from the view of the security camera,

que su finalidad no es grabar las cámaras de seguridad

that its purpose is not to record security cameras

de los establecimientos locales,

from the local establishments,

la finalidad no es grabar a la gente en la calle,

the purpose is not to record people on the street,

es garantizar la seguridad del local,

it is to ensure the safety of the premises,

con lo cual la perspectiva, la ubicación de esta cámara

with which the perspective, the location of this camera

es bastante limitada.

it is quite limited.

Si us recordeu, la Glòria, la filla gran,

If you remember, Glòria, the eldest daughter,

va dir que havia vist passar la seva mare amb cotxe a les dues tocades.

He said he had seen his mother driving by at around two o'clock.

Què passa? Doncs que hi ha una confusió per part de la filla,

What's happening? Well, there is some confusion on the part of the daughter,

donat que el que veu és un cotxe d'idèntiques característiques

given that what he sees is a car of identical characteristics

al de la seva mare.

to her mother.

I això, doncs, la porta a confusió.

And this, then, leads to confusion.

Llavors, això ens obliga a nosaltres,

Then, this obliges us.

mitjançant una pericial, una comparativa dels elements individualitzants d'aquell vehicle,

through an expert report, a comparison of the identifying elements of that vehicle,

estem parlant de marca-model era el mateix, color era el mateix,

we are talking about brand-model it was the same, color was the same,

però, per exemple, les llandes del cotxe eren diferents.

But, for example, the car wheels were different.

Els Mossos veuen a les imatges d'una càmera de seguretat

The Mossos see the footage from a security camera.

un cotxe semblant al de Piedad

A car similar to Piedad's.

i dedueixen que la Glòria es va confondre.

and they deduce that Glòria was mistaken.

Els investigadors estan convençuts

The researchers are convinced.

que Piedad Moya va quedar amb Mohamed Taheri,

that Piedad Moya met with Mohamed Taheri,

però ell continua negant-ho.

but he continues to deny it.

Ell el que diu és que va anar a treballar a Cabrera del Mar

What he says is that he went to work in Cabrera del Mar.

i que va estar allà fins a les sis de la tarda, ben bé, treballant.

and was there until six in the afternoon, working hard.

Havia anat a Hisenda, prèviament.

I had gone to the Treasury, beforehand.

Havia anat a buscar unes màquines a Jardiner

I had gone to pick up some machines at Jardiner.

per poder treballar, que s'estaven reparant.

to be able to work, they were being repaired.

I tot això, totes aquestes gestions,

And all this, all these tasks,

les posa en la franja horària

puts them in the time slot

precisament en la qual es produeix el desplaçament

precisely where the displacement occurs

i el contacte amb Piedad,

and the contact with Piedad,

per tant, la franja horària en la qual es materialitza el fet criminal.

therefore, the time frame in which the criminal act materializes.

Ara, els Mossos intenten desmuntar la seva coartada.

Now, the Mossos are trying to dismantle his alibi.

Nosaltres, en la investigació, el que vam determinar

We, in the investigation, what we determined

és que, efectivament, havia d'haver fet, havia anat a Hisenda,

it's just that, indeed, I should have done, I had gone to the tax office,

que, efectivament, havia anat a Cabrera del Mar

that, indeed, had gone to Cabrera de Mar

i que, efectivament, havia anat a una botiga,

and that, indeed, had gone to a store,

a la botiga de reparació d'aquestes eines.

to the repair shop for these tools.

El que passa és que havia fet una franja horària molt anterior,

What happens is that I had made a time slot much earlier,

a primera hora.

first thing in the morning.

A través de les càmeres,

Through the cameras,

el veuen entrar a Hisenda a les deu vint-i-vuit.

They see him enter the Treasury at ten twenty-eight.

Va estar-hi mitja hora, fins a les deu cinquanta-vuit.

He was there for half an hour, until ten fifty-eight.

I, a més a més, surt parlant per telèfon,

I, moreover, go out talking on the phone,

perquè les càmeres de l'Agència Tributària,

because the cameras of the Tax Agency,

que nosaltres, lògicament, vam sol·listar,

that we, logically, requested,

coincideix una de les trucades que tenim,

one of the calls we have coincides with,

té dues trucades en piedat,

it has two calls on loudspeaker,

coincideix l'horari en què ell surt,

the schedule when he leaves coincides,

es veu parlant per telèfon.

You can be seen talking on the phone.

Per tant, tenim fins i tot la sort de veure'l

Therefore, we are even lucky to see him.

com parla per telèfon en aquell moment, en piedat.

how she speaks on the phone at that moment, in pity.

Perquè és coincident, per la tarificació,

Because it is coincident, for the pricing,

amb la trucada que efectua amb ella.

with the call he makes with her.

A partir d'aquí, ha parlat amb ella,

From here on, he/she has spoken with her,

llavors, lògicament, això estaríem parlant de,

then, logically, we would be talking about,

ja més enllà de les onze,

no later than eleven,

ell ja es desplaçarà cap al seu domicili.

He will move towards his home.

El que va fer, entre arribar a Hisenda,

What he did, between arriving at the Treasury,

i al seu domicili, tampoc té rellevància.

and at their home, it is also not relevant.

Perquè allò important és la coincidència,

Because what matters is the coincidence,

la convergència espai-temporal de víctima

the space-time convergence of the victim

i presumpte autor en el domicili.

and presumed author at the residence.

Els investigadors també demanen

The researchers are also asking

la tarificació del mòbil de Taheri.

the mobile billing of Taheri.

Les dades confirmen que el seu terminal

The data confirms that your terminal

va enganxar-se a una antena propera al seu domicili

it got stuck to an antenna near his home

entre les 11.17 i les 12.47 del divendres 4 d'abril.

between 11:17 and 12:47 on Friday, April 4th.

I aquí, doncs, bàsicament, el que constatem

And here, then, basically, what we observe.

és que quan ell diu que està a...

it's just that when he says he is at...

un lloc, diguem-ne que la cobertura telefònica

A place, let's say that the mobile coverage

que li ofereix determinat repetidor

that a certain repeater offers him

és el del seu domicili.

It is of his/her residence.

Per tant, el podem ubicar al seu domicili.

Therefore, we can locate him at his home.

Gràcies a les dades de telefonia,

Thanks to the telecommunications data,

també es brinen que, a continuació,

it is also offered that, subsequently,

Taheri va anar dos cops a una finca familiar

Taheri went to a family estate twice.

situada a Dosrius.

located in Dosrius.

Concretament, va anar-hi a la una del migdia

Specifically, he/she went there at one o'clock in the afternoon.

i a les sis de la tarda.

and at six in the afternoon.

També veuen que hi va tornar

They also see that he returned there.

a les tres de la matinada de dissabte.

at three in the morning on Saturday.

Va anar-hi un altre cop al migdia

He went there again at noon.

i l'endemà diumenge va ser-hi dos cops més,

and the next Sunday it was there two more times,

a les vuit del matí i a les quatre de la tarda.

at eight in the morning and at four in the afternoon.

Sis cops en poc més de 48 hores.

Six times in just over 48 hours.

Les rutines de...

The routines of...

d'anar a la parcel·la

to go to the plot

i estar-se'n a la parcel·la,

and staying on the plot,

el temps que s'està a la parcel·la

the time spent on the plot

de ser quasi inexistents un mes abans,

of being almost nonexistent a month before,

de sobte, des del moment que es produeix el fet,

suddenly, from the moment the event occurs,

doncs hi ha una reiteració.

so there is a reiteration.

Per dir-ho d'alguna manera,

To put it somehow,

havia estat en aquella parcel·la

I had been in that plot.

en dos dies més que el mes anterior juny.

in two more days than the previous month June.

Els investigadors sospiten

The researchers suspect.

que Mohamed Taheri va matar la piedat

that Mohamed Taheri killed the piety

i en va amagar el cos a prop d'aquesta parcel·la.

and he hid the body near this plot of land.

El mateix dia dels fets ja fa viatges.

On the same day of the events, it already makes trips.

Ho fa a mitja tarda

She does it in the afternoon.

i després ho fa de matinada,

and then he does it early in the morning,

que és quan valorem que, efectivament,

that is when we assess that, indeed,

es fa el trasllat definitiu del cadàver.

The permanent transfer of the corpse is being made.

Segurament, primer, va fer algun tipus de trasllat

Surely, first, he/she made some sort of transfer.

per desfer-se'n d'indicis més menuts, no?

to get rid of smaller clues, right?

I de matinada, doncs...

And early in the morning, then...

per raons òbvies.

for obvious reasons.

És a dir, és molt més fàcil...

That is to say, it is much easier...

Pensa que Piedad no era una dona petita

Think that Piedad was not a small woman.

i que havia de treure...

and what I had to take out...

Era un baix.

He was a bass.

Havia de treure el cadàver del baix al carrer,

I had to take the corpse out from the basement to the street,

que això no és complicat,

that this is not complicated,

ja ens ho hem trobat en altres casos, eh?

We've encountered it in other cases, haven't we?

És obrir...

It is to open...

És tan fàcil com obrir les portes de darrere del maleter

It's as easy as opening the rear doors of the trunk.

i treure en un moment el cadàver, no?

And take the corpse out in a moment, right?

Però, bueno, t'has d'exposar

But, well, you have to put yourself out there.

a treure el cadàver al carrer,

to take the corpse to the street,

encara que siguin 10 segons.

even if it’s 10 seconds.

I això, lògicament, és més fàcil fer-ho.

And this, logically, is easier to do.

A les ducades de la matinada

At the dawn of the morning.

que no a les 3 de la tarda.

not at 3 in the afternoon.

La tarda del 5 de maig del 2014,

The afternoon of May 5, 2014,

quan fa un mes i un dia que va desaparèixer Piedad Moya,

a month and a day ago since Piedad Moya disappeared,

els Mossos detenen Mohamed Taheri.

The Mossos have arrested Mohamed Taheri.

Lògicament, no disposaven d'un cadàver,

Logically, they did not have a corpse,

la qual cosa és un tema recurrent a la nostra casuística, no?,

which is a recurring theme in our case studies, right?

el fet de treballar un homicidi

the act of working on a homicide

sense disposar del cadàver de la víctima,

without having the victim's corpse,

però això no és un problema.

but this is not a problem.

És a dir, quan tens tot el conjunt indiciari

That is to say, when you have the entire indicative set.

que t'aporta anar a la construcció de la prova per indicis

What does it bring you to go into the construction of evidence by inference?

o prova indirecta,

or indirect proof,

i tenim absolutament la plena convicció

and we are absolutely fully convinced

de la presunta autoria de la persona,

of the alleged authorship of the person,

en aquest sentit, és quan, bàsicament,

in this regard, it is when, basically,

tanquem atestats, fem l'exposició

let's close the records, let's make the exhibition

i la indicació de quins són aquells indicis, no?,

and the indication of what those signs are, right?

que ens arriben els investigadors

that the researchers are reaching us

a tenir la plena convicció de la presunta autoria,

to have the full conviction of the alleged authorship,

de com han anat els fets, no?

about how the events have unfolded, right?

Califiquem aquests indicis

We qualify these signs.

i sol·licitem les entrades i prescripcions als domicilis

and we request the entries and prescriptions to the homes

per tal d'intentar buscar restes biològiques i demés

to try to search for biological remains and others

en el lloc dels fets,

at the scene of the crime,

perquè valoràvem que era el lloc dels fets,

because we valued that it was the place of the events,

i, lògicament, practicar la detenció

and, logically, practice the detention

per posar disposició judicial al presunt autor.

to place the alleged author at judicial disposition.

En lloc de detenir-lo a casa o a la feina,

Instead of arresting him at home or at work,

el citen a comissaria.

They summon him to the police station.

Fins a l'últim moment, nosaltres el que intentem és

Until the last moment, what we try is

que ell expliqui, no?,

Let him explain, right?

de bona fe, per dir-ho d'alguna manera,

in good faith, to put it somehow,

què ha passat.

What has happened?

Però ell, en el moment que es va fer la lectura de drets

But he, at the moment when the rights were read out

a comissaria, a Mataró,

to the police station, in Mataró,

aleshores, el que va fer va ser ajupir el cap

then, what he did was bow his head

i, a partir d'aquí, no va dar boca mai més.

And from that point on, he never spoke again.

Si més no, a nosaltres.

At least for us.

Mai més.

Never again.

De fet, quan se'l truca perquè vingui a comissaria,

In fact, when he is called to come to the police station,

jo suposo que ell ja se'n sumava alguna cosa,

I suppose he was already adding something up.

aquell telèfon que havia estat intervingut,

that phone that had been tapped,

el seu telèfon fins aquell moment,

his phone up to that moment,

i que ens havia aportat certa informació,

and had provided us with certain information,

no la intervenció com a tal,

not the intervention as such,

però sí l'estudi de les dades del telèfon,

but yes the study of the phone data,

aquest telèfon desapareix, és a dir,

this phone disappears, that is to say,

no ve amb el telèfon i aquest telèfon mai ha aparegut.

he doesn't come with the phone and this phone has never appeared.

Per tant, es desfà del telèfon.

Therefore, he/she gets rid of the phone.

L'únic que localitzem a l'entrada, al seu domicili,

The only thing we locate at the entrance, at their home,

és la bateria del telèfon.

It's the phone's battery.

El jutge autoritza l'entrada i escorcoll

The judge authorizes the entry and search.

al pis de Taheri.

to Taheri's apartment.

Es tracta d'un baix de tres habitacions,

It is a ground floor with three bedrooms.

una d'elles buida i una altra

one of them empty and another

només amb un llit de matrimoni.

only with a double bed.

També hi ha una petita terrassa plena d'andròmines

There is also a small terrace full of odds and ends.

entre les quals troben la bateria del mòbil.

among which is the mobile phone battery.

Al lavabo apareix un altre indici.

In the bathroom, another clue appears.

Sentim un dels agents de la policia científica

We feel one of the agents of the scientific police.

que va declarar el judici.

what was declared in the trial.

Aquí aplicamos la prueba orientativa

Here we apply the guidance test.

de detección de sangre

blood detection

y dio resultado positivo

and yielded positive results

en la pica de aquí del baño

in the sink here in the bathroom

y lo que hacemos es con una turunda estéril

and what we do is with a sterile swab

cogemos muestra.

we take a sample.

Aquesta mostra s'analitza per saber

This sample is analyzed to know.

si pertany a Piedad Moya.

if it belongs to Piedad Moya.

A l'habitació de Taheri troben

In Taheri's room, they find

un altre indici que serà clau.

another index that will be key.

Y aquí es una habitación

And here is a room.

que dentro de la mesilla de noche

that inside the bedside table

en el primer cajón

in the first drawer

se encontraba el libro de familia

the family book was found

al nombre de la señora Piedad Moya

in the name of Mrs. Piedad Moya

y del señor Taheri.

and Mr. Taheri.

És a dir, aquest llibre de família

That is to say, this family book.

era un llibre de família que custodiava Piedad

It was a family book that Piedad kept.

i que portava sempre la seva bursa.

and he always carried his purse.

El fet de localitzar-lo

The fact of locating him.

al domicili de Mohamed Taheri

at the home of Mohamed Taheri

és un altre element inicial.

It's another initial element.

Mi hija lleva sus llaves,

My daughter takes her keys.

el carnet de identidad,

the identity card,

todos sus papeles.

all his papers.

Sus libros de familia siempre los ha llevado

He has always carried his family books.

en el bordo, ordenados.

on the edge, arranged.

Yo siempre les he dicho esto.

I have always told them this.

Yo hacía lo mismo.

I did the same.

Esta, lo mismo.

This, the same.

La otra, vamos,

The other one, come on,

que íbamos a documentar.

that we were going to document.

Documentar, por si acaso.

Document, just in case.

Y qué casualidad de que

And what a coincidence that

este libro de familia apareció

this family book appeared

en la casa de él.

at his house.

Als investigadors no els queda cap dubte.

The researchers have no doubt.

Era l'escenari del crim, està claríssim.

It was the crime scene, that is very clear.

Però després d'un mes, lògicament,

But after a month, logically,

tot i que els efectius de la DPC,

although the DPC's forces,

la Divisió de Policia Científica,

the Division of Scientific Police,

fan la feina i la fan molt bé,

they do the job and they do it very well,

està clar que després d'un mes

it is clear that after a month

a disposició del presumpte autor

at the disposal of the alleged author

és difícil trobar el què.

It's hard to find what.

A la tarda, la comitiva judicial

In the afternoon, the judicial entourage

es desplaça a Dosrius

he/she is moving to Dosrius

i accedeix a la finca familiar.

and accesses the family estate.

És un terreny, és una parcel·la,

It's a piece of land, it's a plot.

amb una petita construcció

with a small construction

la qual es va regirar de la baix,

which turned upside down from below,

es va passar ajornadars,

it was postponed,

es van passar gossos,

they passed dogs,

perquè, evidentment, no sabíem

because, obviously, we didn't know

si podia estar a la parcel·la delimitada.

if it could be on the designated plot.

Els Mossos busquen pertot arreu,

The Mossos are searching everywhere,

fins i tot sota terra.

even underground.

Esto es como una barraca que había,

This is like a shack that used to be there,

había una habitación, un baño, una cocina,

there was a room, a bathroom, a kitchen,

pero estaba como medio en construcción aún.

but it was still somewhat under construction.

Había como unas baldosas

There were like some tiles.

puestas encima de la tierra, directamente,

placed on the ground, directly,

y como si hubiesen estado puestas,

and as if they had been set.

de forma reciente.


Entonces, lo que hicimos es sacarlas

So, what we did is take them out.

y los compañeros de la unidad canina

and the members of the canine unit

hicieron perforaciones

they made drillings

para que los perros pudieran olfatear

so that the dogs could sniff

si allí podía haberse enterrado algún tipo de cadáver.

if some kind of corpse could have been buried there.

Dio negativo.

Negative god.

De moment, no troben ni rastre de la piedad.

At the moment, they find no trace of mercy.

Es va fer perquè s'havia de fer,

It was done because it had to be done.

però la lògica porta a pensar

but logic leads one to think

que seria bastant inconscient

that would be quite irresponsible

si el cadàver se'l posa sota els peus de la seva parcel·la

if the corpse is placed under the feet of his plot

quan té un bosc a la seva disposició.

when he has a forest at his disposal.

És a dir, 50 metres més enllà de la seva parcel·la

That is to say, 50 meters beyond their plot.

té tot un món a la seva disposició

has a whole world at their disposal

en el qual seria quasi impossible

in which it would be almost impossible

trobar el cadàver.

find the corpse.

A més, si valorem que és un senyor que és jardiner,

Moreover, if we consider that he is a gardener,

que té eines específiques per cavar i fer un bon forat,

that has specific tools for digging and making a good hole,

i que sap com fer-ho,

and who knows how to do it,

i que ha disposat de temps per fer-ho.

and that has had time to do it.

Mohamed Taheri no ha volgut parlar amb la policia,

Mohamed Taheri has not wanted to speak with the police.

però accepta declarar davant del jutge.

but she agrees to testify before the judge.

Afirma que és innocent

He claims he is innocent.

i torna a relatar què va fer el dia de la desaparició.

and recount what he did on the day of the disappearance.

El declarante manifiesta lo siguiente,

The declarant states the following,

que el 4 de abril fue a trabajar a la finca de Cabrera de Mar

that on April 4 he went to work at the farm in Cabrera de Mar

y luego fue a hacer la declaración de la renta.

and then he went to file the tax return.

Que no recuerda si fue él quien llamó o fue Piedad.

He doesn't remember if it was him who called or if it was Piedad.

Que siempre que le llamaba su expareja

That whenever his ex-partner called him

era para pedirle dinero.

It was to ask him for money.

Que no quedaron para verse.

They didn't arrange to meet.

Que el declarante siempre huía de ella.

That the declarant always ran away from her.

Que Piedad no estuvo en su casa esa mañana.

That Piedad was not at home that morning.

Que cree recordar que por la noche estuvo en la finca,

I believe I remember that he was at the estate at night.

ya que tiene perros y fue a darles de comer.

since he has dogs and went to feed them.

Que es posible que se quedase a dormir en la finca

It is possible that he/she stayed overnight at the estate.

y estuviese desde la una de la madrugada hasta las seis y media.

and it was from one in the morning until six thirty.

És el mateix

It's the same.

que havia declarat a comissaria.

that had been declared at the police station.

L'única novetat és que ara reconeix

The only novelty is that it now recognizes.

haver parlat per telèfon amb la Piedad el dia de la desaparició.

to have spoken by phone with Piedad on the day of the disappearance.

Segons diu, en un primer moment va negar-ho

According to reports, he initially denied it.

perquè ella el tenia amenaçat

because she had threatened him

i temia que el denunciés per assetjament.

I feared that he would report me for harassment.

Les explicacions de Taheri no convencen el jutge.

Taheri's explanations do not convince the judge.

El magistrat considera que hi ha prou indicis per processar-lo

The magistrate believes that there is enough evidence to prosecute him.

i l'envia a presó acusat d'homicidi.

and he is sent to prison accused of homicide.

Mentrestant, la família continua buscant la Piedad.

Meanwhile, the family continues to search for Piedad.

Al proper capítol sabrem si aconsegueixen trobar-la

In the next chapter, we will find out if they manage to find her.

i assistirem al judici contra Mohamed Taheri.

We will attend the trial against Mohamed Taheri.

Gràcies per escoltar-nos. Tornem tan aviat com puguem.

Thank you for listening to us. We'll be back as soon as we can.

Todo lo que yo te haga

Everything I do to you.

antes ya tú me lo hiciste

Earlier you did it to me.

y ahora, ¿qué quieres conmigo?

And now, what do you want with me?

¿Qué quieres conmigo si tú para mí no existes?

What do you want with me if you don't exist for me?

La presentació, Carles Porta, amb les veus de Catalunya Ràdio.

The presentation, Carles Porta, with the voices of Catalunya Ràdio.

...y después de luchar contra el amor

...and after fighting against love

empecé a recuperarme un poco

I started to recover a little.

y olvidé todo lo que te quería

and I forgot everything I wanted from you

y ahora ya, y ahora ya, mi mundo es otro.

And now, and now, my world is different.

Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Tu no me vengas con pamplinas

Don't come to me with nonsense.

ni me pidas que te ayude

don't even ask me to help you

cuando te necesitaba yo jamás

when I needed you I never did

y te tuve.

and I had you.

Ni te quiero ni te odio

I neither love you nor hate you.

quiero bien que me comprendas,

I want you to understand me well,

Que eres uno más de tanto que yo nunca conocía

That you are just one more of so many that I never knew.

Y acabó

And it ended.

Porque yo me lo propuse y sufrí

Because I promised myself and suffered.

Como nadie había sufrido

As no one had suffered

Y mi piel se quedó vacía

And my skin was left empty.

Y sola, desahuciada en el olvido

And alone, despaired in oblivion.

Y después de luchar contra la muerte

And after fighting against death

Empecé a recuperarme un poco

I started to recover a little.

Y olvidé todo lo que te quería

And I forgot everything I wanted for you.

Y ahora ya

And now already

Mi mundo es otro

My world is different.

Tú no me vengas con pamplinas

Don't come to me with nonsense.

Ni me pidas que te ayude

Don't even ask me to help you.

Cuando te necesite

When I need you

Yo jamás te tuve

I never had you.

Ni te quiero ni te odio

I neither love you nor hate you.

Quiero bien que me comprendas

I want you to understand me well.

Que eres uno más de tanto que yo nunca conocía

That you are just one more of so many that I never knew.

Y acabó

And it ended.

Porque yo me lo propuse y sufrí

Because I set my mind to it and suffered.

Como nadie había sufrido

As no one had suffered

Y mi piel se quedó vacía

And my skin was left empty.

Y sola, desahuciada en el olvido

And alone, abandoned in oblivion.

Y después de luchar contra la muerte

And after fighting against death

Empecé a recuperarme un poco

I started to recover a bit.

Y olvidé todo lo que te quería

And I forgot everything I wanted from you.

Y ahora ya

And now already

Mi mundo es otro

My world is different.

Y ahora ya

And now already

Mi mundo es otro

My world is different.

Y ahora ya

And now already

Mi mundo es otro

My world is different.

Y ahora ya

And now already

Mi mundo es otro

My world is different.

Y ahora ya

And now already

Mi mundo es otro

My world is different.

Ahora ya

Now already

Ahora, ahora, ahora

Now, now, now

Ahora ya

Now already

Ahora, ahora, ahora

Now, now, now

Ahora ya

Now already





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