Jeff Pitchell

Catalunya Ràdio

T'agrada el blues?

Jeff Pitchell

T'agrada el blues?

Catalunya Ràdio. Catalunya Àudio. Som podcast.

Catalonia Radio. Catalonia Audio. We are podcast.

Vull començar el programa amb un blues antic que la cantant Betty Bonifaci va refer.

I want to start the show with an old blues that the singer Betty Bonifaci covered.

El vull dedicar a la revolta catalana per la independència.

I want to dedicate it to the Catalan uprising for independence.

Aquí teniu No mort, no mai l'or, només la meva llei.

Here you have No dead, never the gold, only my law.

No mort, no mai l'or, només la meva llei.

No death, no gold ever, only my law.

El primer blues, un blues realment espaterrano,

The first blues, a truly staggering blues,

un blues on no hi manca de res, feeling per un tub imparable, not guilty.

a blues where nothing is missing, unstoppable feeling, not guilty.

El primer blues, un blues on no hi manca de res, feeling per un tub imparable, not guilty.

The first blues, a blues where nothing is missing, feeling unstoppable, not guilty.

I'm going to buy a bunch of mountains of catfish.

I'm going to buy a bunch of catfish mountains.

Cook it all up on a grill.

Cook it all up on a grill.

Make some greens with cornbread.

Make some greens with cornbread.

Now everybody will have their field.

Now everybody will have their own field.

Don't even worry, it's good till you...

No t'hi preocupis, és bo fins que tu...

Praise each other's name.

Praise each other's name.

Somebody call out to a shoah folk.

Somebody call out to a shoah folk.

Yeah, we'll have a bill.

Yeah, we'll have a bill.

Sing it with my friends.

Sing it with my friends.

Sing with my friends.

Sing with my friends.

Sing it with my friends.

Sing it with my friends.

Play with my friends.

Play with my friends.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Estem escoltant aquest disc de Jeff Mitchell.

We are listening to this album by Jeff Mitchell.

Aquí va Fora Alfred.

Here goes Outside Alfred.

Out in the cold.

Out in the cold.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Així sona el blues evolucionat.

This is what evolved blues sounds like.

all night long.

tota la nit.

Jeff Mitchell.

Jeff Mitchell.

Am I the only lonely one

Am I the only lonely one?

ever felt this way?

ever felt this way?

With no more

With no more

to do in time, I'm heading

to do in time, I'm heading

for a big heartbreak.

for a big heartbreak.

Say it's better to love

Say it's better to love.

the lost

the lost

than to never have loved

than to have never loved

at all.

not at all.

A woman got me wild

A woman drove me crazy.

driving me to alcohol.

driving me to alcohol.

Got me feeling the pain

Got me feeling the pain.

no man should

no man should

have to ignore.

have to ignore.

And all I'm losing sleep

I’m losing sleep over everything.

walking around insecure.

walking around insecure.

Say it's better

Diu que és millor.

to love the lost

to love the lost

than to never have

than to never have

loved at all.

loved at all.

A woman got me wild

A woman drove me crazy.

driving me to alcohol.

driving me to alcohol.

Hey, I'm just a

Hey, I'm just a

prisoner of love.

prisoner of love.

Everybody knows it's true.

Tothom sap que és veritat.

I'm a prisoner, a prisoner of love.

I'm a prisoner, a prisoner of love.

Yeah, you may think it's funny,

Yeah, you may think it's funny,

brother, but it's true

brother, but it's true

that it happens to you.

that it happens to you.

I'm a prisoner, a prisoner of love.

I'm a prisoner, a prisoner of love.

I'm a prisoner of love.

I'm a prisoner of love.

I'm just a prisoner of love.

Sóc només un presoner de l'amor.

Prisoner of love.

Prisoner of love.

És tot el que puc fer.

It's all I can do.

Tot el que puc fer.

All that I can do.

Així ha sonat l'infoni de Jeff Mitchell.

Thus has sounded Jeff Mitchell's infoni.

Ara aquí em podeu escoltar amb aquest blues que he composat

Now you can listen to me here with this blues that I have composed.

amb aquesta magnífica guitarra del Joan Melo, del Pep Melo, el meu amic,

with this magnificent guitar from Joan Melo, from Pep Melo, my friend,

que es diu Cata Blues.

that is called Cata Blues.

T'agrada el blues? Amb qui copia de la serra?

Do you like blues? Who copies from the mountain?

La guitarra que avui faré servir per interpretar el blues Cat Blues

The guitar that I will use today to perform the blues Cat Blues.

que he composat per aquest programa,

that I have composed for this program,

és una guitarra construïda per el meu bon amic Josep Melo,

It is a guitar built by my good friend Josep Melo.

un luthier internacionalment reconegut,

an internationally recognized luthier,

que fa unes guitarres realment fruit de la seva experiència

that makes some guitars really the result of his experience

i del concepte de l'evolució d'aquest instrument.

and of the concept of the evolution of this instrument.

Evolució que ve marcada per una sèrie de materials

Evolution that is marked by a series of materials.

que abans no s'usaven i que ara s'usen,

that were not used before and that are now used,

entre altres coses,

among other things,

per la dificultat de fer servir certes fustes

due to the difficulty of using certain woods

que no es poden fer servir actualment

that cannot be used currently

perquè ja quasi no en queden i està prohibit fer-les servir,

because there are hardly any left and it is forbidden to use them,

o sí, o l'íbori també.

Oh yes, or the Íbori too.

Aquest blues és un blues que he titulat Cat Blues

This blues is a blues that I have titled Cat Blues.

i que us l'ofereixo amb tot el meu cor.

and I offer it to you with all my heart.

Cat Blues

Cat Blues

Bona nit.

Good night.

El Jeff Mitchell va composar aquest blues

Jeff Mitchell composed this blues.

quan se les veia venir una mica peludes

when they were seen coming a little hairy

perquè es titula

Why is it titled?

Presoner de la mort

Prisoner of death

Presoner de la mort en el sentit

Prisoner of death in the sense

més positiu

more positive

i diu, possible, aquí teniu

and says, possible, here you go

Jeff Mitchell, prisoner de l'amor.

Jeff Mitchell, prisoner of love.

I've been down this road

I've been down this road.

Down this road

Down this road

So many times before

So many times before

And I've been fooled

And I've been fooled.

With your love, babe

Amb el teu amor, xiqueta.

A man can never be sure

A man can never be sure.

Cause nothing's got me down

Because nothing's got me down.

Like you do

Like you do

It's hard to love somebody

It's hard to love somebody.

They don't love you

They don't love you.

Won't be the last I make

It won't be the last one I make.

I'll lose a girl like you

I'll lose a girl like you.

I'm out in the cold

Estic a fora en el fred.

Out in the cold

Out in the cold

And I'm all alone

I am all alone.

All alone

Tot sol

And I'm flat broke

I’m completely broke.

All alone

All alone

Even lost my last hope

Fins i tot vaig perdre l'última esperança.

Cause nothing's got me down

Because nothing's got me down

Like you do

Like you do



Like you do

Like you do

Bona nit.

Good night.

Jo no tractaria així a un gos, canta el Jeff Mitchell.

I wouldn't treat a dog like that, sings Jeff Mitchell.


Listen to it.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Bona nit

Good night

Blindar el desig

Shield the desire

és una frase prou original

It is a quite original phrase.

jo que em dic

I who am called

també amb això

also with this

blindar el desig

shield the desire

desig blindat

armored desire

Jeff Mitchell

Jeff Mitchell

Waiting for my baby

Waiting for my baby

I didn't nothing wrong

I didn't do anything wrong.

Lord, I swear the truth

Lord, I swear the truth.

But can you tell me

Però em pots dir?

What should I do

What should I do?

It's all right

It's all right.

Yes, I got the truth

Yes, I got the truth.

I'm gonna pick myself up

I'm going to pick myself up.

Make my move

Fes la meva jugada.

I'll have a new car

I'll have a new car.

I've been there before

I've been there before.

This life's so hard

This life's so hard.

I can't take anymore

I can't take it anymore.

I've been there before

I've been there before.

Can't they see I'm in the right

Can't they see I'm right?

And I'm gonna win this fight

And I'm gonna win this fight.

I'm gonna win this fight

I'm going to win this fight.

Can't they see I'm in the right

Can't they see I'm right?

I know God is on my side

I know God is on my side.

Cause the truth can't be denied

Because the truth can't be denied.

Things was bad enough

Things were bad enough.

Before today

Abans d'avui

But I'm a man

Però sóc un home.

So I've got to find my way

So I've got to find my way.

So where's the money

So where's the money?

And a waste of time

I una pèrdua de temps.

Cause I'm not guilty

Because I'm not guilty.

Of any crime

Of any crime

No, I'm not guilty

No, no sóc culpable.

Of any crime

Of any crime

No, no, no, no

No, no, no, no

I'm not guilty

I'm not guilty.

Please, God, I'm not guilty

Please, God, I'm not guilty.

Help me, God

Help me, God



No, thanks

No, gràcies.

No, André, you're not guilty

No, André, you're not guilty.

Me, you claro

Me, you clear.

I'm so sorry

Ho sento molt.



I'm all right

I'm all right.

I'm not guilty

I'm not guilty.

I'm the wrong type

I'm the wrong type.

No, no, no, no

No, no, no, no.

I'm all right

I'm all right





But I'm gonna go away

Però me'n vaig.

I'm all right

I'm all right.

blues festiu, de ritme imparable,

festive blues, with an unstoppable rhythm,



So into you!

So into you!

I amb aquest blues ens acomiadem

And with this blues, we say goodbye.

amb tot el sentiment i tot l'agraïment

with all the feeling and all the gratitude

per la vostra atenció

for your attention

a en Dani Jiménez i un servidor

to Dani Jiménez and myself

d'en Dani Jiménez

of Dani Jiménez

amb un blues realment incansable

with a truly tireless blues

un blues bo per

a good blues for

bellugar-se el seu ritme

to move at their own pace

amb solos estratosfèrics

with solo stratospherics

com a mínim

at least

aquí tenim jugant amb els meus amics

here we have playing with my friends

Playing with the Friends

Playing with the Friends

del gran

of the great

Jeff Mitchell

Jeff Mitchell

Apa Déu!

Come on God!

Yeah, I was blinded

Yeah, I was blinded.

by desire

by desire

Smiling eyes

Smiling eyes

Setting me on fire

Setting me on fire

She said the music is the passage to the soul

She said that music is the passage to the soul.

And the blues had a baby

And the blues had a baby

Named it rock'n'roll

Named it rock'n'roll.

Many good men

Many good men

Have died too young

Have died too young

From wine

From wine

And hot women

I les dones calentes

When living in song

When living in song

Yeah, it didn't take long

Yeah, it didn't take long.

Yeah, we were riding

Yeah, estàvem muntant.

into the sun

into the sun

Our lips collided

The moment our lips touched

Into the sun

Into the sun

Our lips collided

Our lips collided.

Into the sun

Into the sun

Our lips collided

The translated phrase is: "The rius of our lips reunited."

Into the sun

Into the sun

Our lips collided

Els nostres llavis es van xocar.

She said the music is the passage to the soul

She said the music is the passage to the soul.

And the blues had a baby

And the blues had a baby.

Named it rock'n'roll

Named it rock'n'roll.

Many good men

Many good men

Bona nit.

Good night.

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