Joel Díaz vs. Panxo (Zoo): "Tinc la vida solucionada" - 06/07/24

Catalunya Ràdio

El comunista

Joel Díaz vs. Panxo (Zoo): "Tinc la vida solucionada" - 06/07/24

El comunista

Camarada Joel Díaz, bon dia i bona hora.

Comrade Joel Díaz, good morning and good hour.

Què passa, tio?

What's up, dude?

Com estàs, Joel?

How are you, Joel?

Bueno, radiant, radiant.

Good, radiant, radiant.

Com de vacances, tu, també?

On vacation, you too?


Very sharp.

Després d'aquí comences les vacances?

After this, do you start the holidays?

Excepte un parell de bolos i coses extras que he de fer aquest juliol.

Except for a couple of gigs and extra things I need to do this July.

Et deuen contractar per fer pregons de festes majors?

Do they hire you to make announcements for the major festivals?

Pregons com a tal, no.

Not as such, no.

Vaig fer un pregó, però d'un acte d'òmnium.

I made a speech, but for a Òmnium event.

No sé si compta com a pregó.

I don't know if it counts as a proclamation.

Més o menys, sí.

More or less, yes.

Vaig fer una feina pel Parc Granollers, ja t'ho vaig explicar,

I did a job for Parc Granollers, I already told you.

la festa dels blancs i els blaus.

the festival of whites and blues.

Però estic obert a contractacions d'aquesta mena,

But I am open to contracts of this kind,

ja que m'obres aquesta porta.

since you open this door for me.

I a consultes com la de suplement, arroba,

And for inquiries like the supplement, email arroba,

que rebem setmanalment de molts oients.

that we receive weekly from many listeners.

Últim comunista d'aquesta temporada, tornarem al setembre.

Last communist of this season, we will return in September.

A partir del dia 7 de setembre.

Starting from September 7th.

I hem de rematar-ho tot plegat, no?

And we have to finish it all off, right?


Let's finish it.

Amb algunes consultes que ens han...

With some inquiries that have...

Ara parlaré així.

Now I will speak like this.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Sí, Roger.

Yes, Roger.

A qui imites?

Who do you imitate?

No ho sé, però és sexy.

I don't know, but it's sexy.

Comencem amb la consulta que ens envia un oient

Let's start with the question sent to us by a listener.

que diu que no es perd cap secció del comunista.

It says that no section of the communist is lost.

Bé, bé.

Good, good.

Diu, bon dia i bon estiu a tots dos.

He says, good morning and happy summer to both of you.

Ester Colera.

Ester Colera.



Un oient molt fidel, diu.

A very loyal listener, he says.

Amb 8 anys ja havia llegit el Manifest Comunista,

By the age of 8, I had already read the Communist Manifesto.

amb el...

with the...

Amb 8 anys? Carai, tu.

At 8 years old? Wow, you.

El meu to de trucades, la internacional,

My ringtone, the international one,

i he viatjat 3 vegades a la plaça Roja de Moscou.

I have traveled to Red Square in Moscow 3 times.

Soc professor també de música.

I am also a music teacher.

Ah, molt bé, moltes dades.

Ah, very good, a lot of data.

Fruit d'aquestes dues passions, del comunisme i la música,

As a result of these two passions, communism and music,

he llegit molt sobre els gustos musicals dels líders bolchevics.

I have read a lot about the musical tastes of the Bolshevik leaders.

Per exemple, sé que Lenin era fan de Beethoven,

For example, I know that Lenin was a fan of Beethoven.

tot i que això li suposava alguna contradicció.

although this posed some contradiction for him.

A mi la veritat és que la música clàssica no m'acaba de fer el pes.

The truth is that classical music doesn't really appeal to me.

A mi tampoc.

Me neither.

Per això vull que em recomanis música nova,

That's why I want you to recommend me new music.

que pugui escoltar i que no entri en contradicció

that I can listen to and that does not contradict itself

amb els meus ideals polítics.

with my political ideals.

Joel, si Lenin hagués nascut avui

Joel, if Lenin had been born today

i parlés català,

and spoke Catalan,

de quin grup de música creus que seria fan?

Which music group do you think they would be fans of?

N'hi ha algun que puguem catalogar de comunista?

Is there any that we can classify as communist?

Si Lenin hagués nascut a dia d'avui

If Lenin had been born today

i parlés català,

and spoke Catalan,

ja no seria Lenin.

he would no longer be Lenin.

Signat Ester Colera.

Signed Ester Colera.

Ester Colera. Aviam, consulta recorrent

Ester Colera. Let's see, recurring consultation.

això de la música.

this about the music.

Recomana música, no t'esquerra, està l'igual.

Recommend music, don't take the left, it's the same.

Quedi clar, i crec que ja ho he dit alguna vegada,

Let it be clear, and I think I have said it before,

que jo no crec, jo, eh?,

that I don't believe, I, huh?,

no crec, no crec,

I don't believe, I don't believe.

que, diguéssim,

that, let's say,

els gustos artístics

artistic tastes

i els polítics hagin d'anar

and the politicians have to go

gaire de la mà.

barely by hand.

Jo vull poder gaudir, i gaudeixo, de fet,

I want to be able to enjoy, and I do enjoy, in fact,

de totes les expressions artístiques,

of all the artistic expressions,

i quan dic totes és totes,

and when I say all, I mean all,

perquè no em considero gaire llest,

because I don't consider myself very smart,

però sí prou per saber contextualitzar les coses, eh?

but enough to know how to contextualize things, right?

Això va per la música, va per la literatura,

This is for music, this is for literature,

pel cine, pel teatre,

for the cinema, for the theatre,

i també hi ha que hi són per la pintura, la dansa

and there are also those who are there for painting, dance

i l'escultura, en el cas que algun dia

and the sculpture, in the case that one day

m'interessin, que de moment això encara no ha passat.

I'm interested, since this hasn't happened yet.

Em sembla horriblement

I find it horribly.

avorrida aquesta necessitat

bored of this need

malaltissa de coherència

sickly coherence

a alguna gent a només consumir

some people only to consume

l'art que li dóna la raó, no?

The art that gives him reason, right?

No et sembla avorridíssim, Roger?

Don't you think it's incredibly boring, Roger?

Déu-n'hi-do, però espero que ho milloris ara.

Wow, but I hope you improve it now.

I més si encara ets comunista, perquè, malauradament,

And even more so if you are still a communist, because, unfortunately,

i en concret en el camp de la música,

and specifically in the field of music,

que és pel que em preguntes, camarada

that is what you are asking me, comrade

Ester Culera, doncs aquí a Catalunya

Ester Culera, well here in Catalonia.

sempre s'ha associat a la música

it has always been associated with music

d'esquerres i tal, doncs estils

left-wing and such, so styles

del rotllo punk,

of the punk vibe,

el hardcore, el ska, el reggae,

hardcore, ska, reggae,

el folk, en general brutegen

folk, in general, is dirty

bastant aquests estils

quite these styles

de música, i a mi què vols que et digui?

about music, and what do you want me to say?

Jo quan era jove, jo, el Pirats

When I was young, I, the Pirates

a un sistema, que era el

to a system, which was the

Pau Llong i tots aquests...

Pau Llong and all these...

Com es deia l'altre, Joel?

What was the other one called, Joel?

Ara no me'n recordo i estem quedant fatal.

Now I can't remember and we are looking terrible.

Dit això, i una vegada faltat

That said, and once it is lacking

el respecte a moltíssima gent en 30 segons,

respect for a lot of people in 30 seconds,

procedeixo a intentar ajudar-te, camarada

I proceed to try to help you, comrade.

Ester Culera. Si tal i com em temo,

Ester Culera. If such and as I fear,

camarada Ester, tu formes part

comrade Ester, you are part

d'aquesta gent amb toc ideològic

of this ideologically inclined people

i has de consumir sempre música de la teva corda política,

You should always consume music that aligns with your political views.

jo et recomano el mateix que ja li vaig

I recommend the same to you as I already did to him/her.

recomanar a l'última persona, que em va preguntar

recommend to the last person who asked me

exactament el mateix, et recomano un grup

exactly the same, I recommend a group

que es diu Fetus, jo soc molt fan dels Fetus,

which is called Fetus, I am a big fan of Fetus,

són una gent de Torruella o per allà al voltant

they are people from Torruella or around there

que a part de ser bons músics, doncs tenen lletres

that besides being good musicians, they have lyrics

clarament escarrenoses

clearly careless

i inequívocament revolucionàries,

and unequivocally revolutionary,

l'últim disco, que es diu La Terra dels Perduts,

the latest album, called The Land of the Lost,

és un rotllo així com de cançons de taverna

it's a kind of tavern song vibe

i lletres rescatades del folclore

and letters rescued from folklore

de per allà de les Gavarres, però

from over there in the Gavarres, but

o sigui, com tocat des d'un punt de vista

in other words, like touched from a point of view

punky, però ben fet, no sé, no sé com explicar-t'ho

Punky, but well done, I don't know, I don't know how to explain it to you.

però està molt bé. Si no et fan el pes

but it's very good. If they don't suit you.

i partint de la base que vols artistes en actiu,

and assuming that you want active artists,

que això és el més difícil, també pots

that this is the most difficult, you can also

provar-ho amb uns que es diuen Every Night,

try it with a group called Every Night,

estan bastant bé,

they are doing quite well,

amb el Xavi Serrià, que bueno,

with Xavi Serrià, how good,

amb tota la corda aquesta

with all this rope

diguéssim valenciana del rotllo,

let's say Valencian from the roll,

Xavi Serrià, una mica avorrit potser, sí,

Xavi Serrià, a bit bored perhaps, yes,

però un tio que diu coses molt interessants,

but a guy who says very interesting things,

els de La Fúmiga, que també són

those from La Fúmiga, who are also

valencians i tenen un rotllo balcànic

Valencians have a Balkan vibe.

molt divertit, les de La Fúmiga, no?

Very funny, La Fúmiga, right?

Perdó, les de La Fúmiga, Auxili,

Sorry, those of La Fúmiga, Auxili,

collons, m'he equivocat, no passa res,

damn, I made a mistake, it’s no big deal,

Auxili, que vindrien a ser

Help, what would they be?

de la mateixa corda, però fan reggae,

of the same string, but they play reggae,

o hi ha una mica més cap al nord de Tarragona

or there is a little more to the north of Tarragona

i tens les jabates de roba estesa,

and you have the clothes hanging on the line,

amb una mena de folk barrejat amb rotllo

with a kind of folk mixed with vibe

latino, que també està guapo.

Latino, who is also handsome.

Tu, el Roger, no, això ho ha de saber

You, Roger, no, he needs to know this.

Catalunya, que estàs fent gestos de...

Catalonia, what are you gesturing about...

Ui, no m'agrada, a mi m'agrada

Oh, I don't like it, I like it.

el Britpop, eh?

Britpop, huh?

Roba estesa sí que m'agrada.

I do like laundry that's hanging.

Però vaja, com ja t'he dit, camarada Ester Colera,

But anyway, as I have already told you, comrade Ester Colera,

jo en el camp de la cultura sóc bastant liberal

I am quite liberal in the field of culture.

i el que de veritat et recomano és que escoltis

And what I really recommend is that you listen.

de tot i et basis només

of everything and you base yourself only

en el que t'agrada, en el que et fa vibrar,

in what you like, in what makes you vibrate,

com a mi, per exemple, que em fa vibrar la Beyoncé

like me, for example, who gets excited by Beyoncé

i és una senyora que segurament si li vas a parlar

And she is a lady that surely if you go to talk to her.

de comunisme et fot una petada als collons

of communism it was a kick in the balls

i truca a la policia.

And call the police.

La fúmiga són homes.

The smoke is men.

Llavors per què?

Then why?

Perquè m'he equivocat.

Because I made a mistake.

No, però fixa't que jo tendeixo sempre a dubtar de mi.

No, but notice that I always tend to doubt myself.

M'he equivocat, els he confós amb un altre grup

I was mistaken, I confused them with another group.

que no saps.

that you don’t know.

Ajudeu-me, sisplau.

Help me, please.

Són les de roba estesa.

They are the ones with clothes hanging out.

Roba estesa sí que són

They are indeed clothes that are stretched out.

tot dones, però ara

everything gives, but now

he confós la fúmiga amb una altra banda, em sap greu.

He confused the fume with another band, I'm sorry.

No passa res.

It's okay.

Mira, una altra consulta

Look, another inquiry.

que és que ara m'estan dient tot de noms de grup

What is it that they are now telling me all the names of the group?

i no són aquests, però és igual.

And they are not these, but it doesn't matter.

Calleu, sisplau.

Please be quiet.

Jesús escapa de la creu.

Jesus escapes from the cross.

Ens ha escrit una consulta que diu així

They have written us a query that says the following.

no és parent meu, que jo sàpiga.

he is not my relative, as far as I know.

Sóc en Jesús escapa de la creu, intentaré ser breu

I am Jesus escaping from the cross, I will try to be brief.

amb la consulta que és sobre comunisme, com a tu t'agrada en Joan.

with the consultation that is about communism, as you like, Joan.

Sí, gràcies.

Yes, thank you.

La setmana passada es va celebrar el Congrés Internacional Lenin a Barcelona

Last week, the International Lenin Congress was held in Barcelona.

a motiu del centenari de la mort

on the occasion of the centenary of the death

del líder Bolshevik.

of the Bolshevik leader.

Es tracta d'un congrés de tres dies de durada

It is a three-day conference.

on es van agrupar diversos pensadors.

where various thinkers gathered.

Durs, intel·lectuals i teòrics marxistes d'arreu del món

Marxist thinkers, intellectuals, and theorists from around the world.

per tractar de l'obra de Lenin

to deal with Lenin's work

a partir de tres eixos, autodeterminació,

based on three axes, self-determination,

tècnica i poder. Una mena de congrés de telefonia

technique and power. A kind of telephony conference

mòbil al mobile, però de Lenin, pel que veig.

mobile to the mobile, but from Lenin, as I can see.

Sí, d'un rotllo sí.

Yes, definitely.

No, de cap manera, no. No sé per què et dic que sí.

No, in no way, no. I don't know why I'm saying yes to you.

En relació a tot això, tinc dues preguntes.

In relation to all this, I have two questions.

Quin ha de ser el paper de la dona

What should the role of women be?

i altres col·lectius de gènere

and other gender collectives

en relació a la revolució socialista?

in relation to the socialist revolution?

Comencem forts.

Let's start strong.

Avui en dia hi ha sectors de l'esquerra

Nowadays there are sectors of the left.

que van posant el socialisme

that keep putting socialism in place

a totes les altres lluites argumentant

to all the other struggles arguing

que tot queda sopeditat al domini de classe.

that everything is subordinated to class dominance.

Què en penses tu d'això, Joel?

What do you think about this, Joel?

L'altra pregunta és més senzilla i suposo que te la imagines ja.

The other question is simpler and I suppose you can already imagine it.

Com a comunista que ets, per què no hi vas anar?

As a communist, why didn't you go?

Gràcies i salut.

Thank you and health.

Jesús escapa de la creu.

Jesus escapes from the cross.

Ai, bueno, aviam, calma.

Oh, well, let's see, take it easy.

Camerada Jesús, he comptat fins a tres preguntes

Dear Jesus, I have counted up to three questions.

i llavors te les respondré per ordre,

and then I will answer them in order,

si et sembla, i si no et sembla, doncs també.

If you think so, and if you don't think so, then also.

La primera pregunta que em fas és

The first question you ask me is

quin ha de ser el paper de la dona

What should be the role of women?

i altres col·lectius de gènere

and other gender collectives

en relació a la revolució socialista?

in relation to the socialist revolution?

Bueno, aviam, el Roger no vol

Well, let's see, Roger doesn't want to.

que fotis torres i jo tinc un temps limitat,

you mess around, and I have a limited time.

així que ja em permetràs que et doni

so you will allow me to give you

una resposta no gaire acadèmica i bastant basada

a response that is not very academic and quite grounded

en la meva opinió, que no té per què ser compartida

in my opinion, which does not have to be shared

per la resta de companys comunistes. Quedi clar? Quedi clar.

For the rest of the communist comrades. Is that clear? Is that clear.

A la meva opinió, comencem malament

In my opinion, we are starting off on the wrong foot.

si parlem del paper de la dona en general.

if we talk about the role of women in general.

Perquè la dona no és un col·lectiu

Because women are not a collective.



No, t'ho dic de veritat.

No, I'm telling you for real.

Perquè si el que parlem és d'un context

Because if what we're talking about is a context

de revolució, el primer que hem de tenir en compte

of revolution, the first thing we must take into account

és que hi ha dones socialistes i dones que no ho són gens.

There are socialist women and women who are not at all.

I que, per tant, tot i que

And that, therefore, although

la revolució socialista tingui, evidentment,

the socialist revolution has, obviously,

com a objectiu l'emancipació de totes les dones,

with the aim of the emancipation of all women,

és evident que no totes les dones

It is evident that not all women

voldran participar d'una revolució que, per exemple,

they will want to participate in a revolution that, for example,

en el cas de les dones, diguéssim, burgesa,

in the case of women, we could say, bourgeois,

rica, doncs, molt probablement, aquesta revolució

rich, then, very probably, this revolution

aniria en contra de gran part

it would go against a large part

dels seus interessos. Per tant, vull pensar,

of their interests. Therefore, I want to think,

camarada Jesús, que

comrade Jesus, that

et refereixes al paper del feminisme

you are referring to the role of feminism

i no de la dona en general en un context revolucionari

and not of women in general in a revolutionary context

i socialista. Doncs bé,

and socialist. Well,

això em porta a la teva segona

this brings me to your second

pregunta, que és que què en penso

Question, what is it that I think?

de la gent que diu que la lluita feminista

of the people who say that the feminist struggle

ha d'estar subeditada a la lluita de classes?

Should it be subordinate to the class struggle?

Mira, Jesús, jo penso que no hi ha

Look, Jesus, I think there isn't

socialisme sense feminisme, ni viceversa.

Socialism without feminism, nor vice versa.

Això és el que jo penso. Penso que

This is what I think. I think that

la lluita contra el capital i la lluita contra el patriarcat

the fight against capital and the fight against patriarchy

són indissociables

are inseparable

perquè, bàsicament, i resumint molt,

because, basically, and to summarize very much,

el capitalisme ha necessitat

capitalism has needed

i necessita el patriarcat per sobreviure.

I need patriarchy to survive.

Ara no tinc temps d'explicar-ho

I don't have time to explain it now.

això bé, però si ho vols entendre, l'amic

that's fine, but if you want to understand it, my friend

Friedrich Engels ho va explicar

Friedrich Engels explained it.

collonudament fa 140 anys en un llibre

absolutely 140 years ago in a book

que es diu L'origen de la família, la propietat

it is called The Origin of the Family, Private Property

privada i l'estat. I ara tu em diràs,

private and the state. And now you will tell me,

home, però només es pot ser

man, but you can only be

feminista sent comunista?

feminist feels communist?

Jo entendria una reacció

I would understand a reaction.

així, i jo et diré no,

so, and I will tell you no,

però una mica sí. O sigui,

but a little yes. I mean,

no sóc idiota, no negaré les

I'm not an idiot, I won't deny the

conquestes del feminisme reformista,

conquests of reformist feminism,

el que practiquen totes

what they all practice

les socialdemocràcies europees i fins i tot

the European social democracies and even

l'interès que pot tenir el feminisme entès

the interest that feminism can have understood

des d'un punt de vista liberal. Però també crec

from a liberal point of view. But I also believe

que aquesta mena de feminisme són, i per favor

that this kind of feminism is, and please

que no se m'ofengui ningú, purament

that nobody should be offended, purely

cosmètics. Si entenem

cosmetics. If we understand

com a feminisme la voluntat real

as feminism the real will

de derrocar el patriarcat, no? Si volem

to overthrow the patriarchy, right? If we want to

derrocar el patriarcat, si el que volem és això,

overthrow the patriarchy, if that is what we want,

va molt més enllà de reformes concretes, llavors

it goes far beyond concrete reforms, then

per mi no té cap sentit ser feminista

For me, it makes no sense to be a feminist.

i no ser també profundament anticapitalista.

and not also be profoundly anti-capitalist.

I ara vaig per la tercera pregunta,

And now I'm going for the third question,

la més xorra, evidentment, que és si vaig

the most foolish, obviously, that is if I go

anar al Congrés Internacional Lenin a Barcelona.

go to the International Lenin Congress in Barcelona.

Doncs mira, no.

Well, look, no.

Tan fàcil com que no me'n vaig assabentar.

As easy as I didn't find out.

Ara ho he anat a mirar, i m'ha sabut greu

Now I went to check it, and it made me sad.

perquè realment hagués anat a veure el Manuel

because I would really have gone to see Manuel

Delgado, que és un referent i un tio brillant,

Delgado, who is a role model and a brilliant guy,

per molt que la gent ara

no matter how much people now

se'n foti, i també una catedràtica

Screw it, and also a female professor.

cubana de filosofia, que jo no

Cuban of philosophy, that I don't.

coneixo, però que té un nom que m'ha flipat

I know, but it has a name that blew my mind.

i és real, es diu Marx-Lenin

And it is real, it is called Marx-Lenin.



És el Leo de

It is Leo from

l'època, no? Marx-Lenin, tio. I clar,

the era, right? Marx-Lenin, dude. And of course,

ara jo vull tenir un fill o una filla, perquè

now I want to have a son or a daughter, because

jo crec que aquest nom el pots posar...

I think you can use this name...

Sí, no, pots posar el que et doni la gana. Marx-Lenin.

Yes, no, you can put whatever you want. Marx-Lenin.

Guai. Marx-Lenin Diaz.

Cool. Marx-Lenin Diaz.

Va, última consulta de la temporada.

Come on, last inquiry of the season.

Dominica Pilar.

Dominica Pilar.

Dominica Pilar?

Dominica Pilar?

Bon dia, Joel. Sé que aquesta setmana estan preguntant molt

Good morning, Joel. I know that this week they are asking a lot.

sobre el tema, i no sé si en vols parlar, però és

about the topic, and I don't know if you want to talk about it, but it is

que m'ha passat una cosa que necessito explicar-te.

I have something that I need to explain to you.

Ahir vaig anar a dinar al meu poble, i a la

Yesterday I went to lunch in my village, and at the

taula del costat hi havia una parella d'uns cinquanta anys

At the table next to us, there was a couple in their fifties.

que discutien, amb molta vehemència,

that were arguing, with a lot of vehemence,

sobre els teus cabells. Els meus?

about your hair. Mine?

Ell estava molt ofès perquè

He was very offended because

diu que has anat a Turquia i sentia que havia perdut

He says that you went to Turkey and felt that he had lost.

un referent de l'alopècia. Per favor.

A reference for alopecia. Please.

Va dir que li havia caigut els peus.

He said that he had fallen at his feet.

Hem d'acabar la temporada així. La dona li responia

We have to end the season like this. The woman replied to him.

que no, que tu ja havies explicat

no, you had already explained

que un dia a la tele et van posar un

that one day on TV they showed you a

esprai que dóna volum als cabells,

volumizing spray for hair,

però que no t'havies fet cap implant,

but hadn't you gotten any implant?

que només fas servir algun producte de tant

that you only use some product from time to time

en tant. Vaig arribar al restaurant

Meanwhile. I arrived at the restaurant.

que tot just em portaven l'amanida

that they had just brought me the salad

i ja discutien sobre tot això

and they were already discussing all of this

i després els van portar... La gent que va a un restaurant i demana

And then they took them... The people who go to a restaurant and order.

una amanida, eh? Que tristos. I després els van portar

a salad, huh? How sad. And then they took them away.

una botifarra i se la van menjar mentre continuava

a sausage and they ate it while it continued

aquesta discussió, i fins i tot les postres no van canviar

this discussion, and even dessert did not change

de tema. Caratzos. La meva pregunta és

on the subject. Caratzos. My question is

no és més comunista acceptar

it is not more communist to accept

el destí dels teus cabells que no pas

the destiny of your hair that does not happen

sucumbir a l'atemptació de productes i

succumb to the temptation of products and

tractaments que en el fons repercutiran en un

treatments that will ultimately have an impact on a

benefici econòmic per les empreses que hi ha al darrere?

economic benefit for the companies behind it?

Aneu a la merda, home. Dominica Pilar, signat.

Go to hell, man. Dominica Pilar, signed.

Jaume en pau. Oye, amb tot això del meu

Jaume in peace. Hey, with all this about my

cabell, bé donat. Ara ja com una...

hair, well-groomed. Now like a...

Se'n parla una mica, no? Perquè Catalunya és

You talk about it a bit, don't you? Because Catalonia is

un país petit i passen poques coses

a small country where few things happen

i la majoria de les que passen

and most of those that happen

són lamentables, llavors... En fi.

They are regrettable, then... Anyway.

Això bé donat per la meva aparició al programa

This is well given for my appearance on the show.

Cuina Com Puguis de 3Cat.

Cook as You Can from 3Cat.

Amb el Marc Ribas. Amb el Marc Ribas.

With Marc Ribas. With Marc Ribas.

Andreu Joanola. I l'Andreu Joanola

Andreu Joanola. And Andreu Joanola.

i més concursants, i tampoc cal parlar-ne

and more contestants, and there's no need to talk about it

ara més del compte. Van posar pèl de rata

now more than necessary. They put rat's hair in.

al cap. No, no. Pèl de rata...

on the head. No, no. Rat hair...

Mira, és que

Look, it's just that

m'aixeco i me'n vaig, eh?

I'm getting up and leaving, okay?

Això és body shaming, eh, tio?

This is body shaming, huh, dude?

Això és body shaming, no. A veure,

This is body shaming, isn’t it? Let’s see,

en aquest programa passa que jo surto

In this program, it happens that I leave.

amb una tofa absolutament

with an absolutely awesome tooth.

increïble, que no es correspon amb la meva

incredible, which does not correspond with my

realitat capilar. Vaig

hair reality. I go

sucumbir als cants de sirena

succumb to the siren songs

del perruquer del programa, que em va dir que en aquell

from the program's hairdresser, who told me that at that

plató hi havia molta llum zenital

there was a lot of zenithal light in the plateau

i que llavors, doncs,

and then, therefore,

ell volia tapar els brillos que provocarien

He wanted to cover up the glimmers they would cause.

diguéssim les meves clarianes.

let's say my clearing.

És evident que la cosa es va sortir de mare,

It is evident that things got out of hand,

és evident, i és veritat que això

it is evident, and it is true that this

ha assentat malament a la comunitat

it has not sat well with the community

protocalba de Catalunya, de la qual

Catalonia's protocalba, of which

jo era una mica líder i referent,

I was a bit of a leader and a reference.

i ara senten que els he traït.

And now they feel that I have betrayed them.

Ho senten. I jo ja els he demanat perdó

They feel sorry. And I have already apologized to them.

per antena, per les meves xarxes socials,

through antenna, through my social networks,

jo no sé què més volen que fotin,

I don't know what else they want them to do.

i ara he dit això, i per tancar el tema d'una vegada.

And now I've said this, and to close the topic once and for all.

No, evidentment que no m'he posat cabell,

No, obviously I haven't gotten a wig.

no, no tinc intenció de fer-ho,

no, I have no intention of doing it,

sí, sí que em poso coses per retardar la caiguda,

yes, I do wear things to delay the fall,

quines coses? Doncs un esprai

What things? Well, a spray.

que es diu minoxidil, que jo crec que no fa res,

it's called minoxidil, which I believe does nothing.

però jo me'l poso com si fos una mena d'amulet,

but I wear it as if it were a kind of amulet,

i des de fa uns mesos he anat dues

And for a few months now I have gone twice.

vegades a un lloc que fan mesoterapia capilar.

sometimes at a place that does hair mesotherapy.

Per què ho faig? Perquè soc

Why do I do it? Because I am.

víctima, efectivament, de la pressió social

victim, indeed, of social pressure

estètica. Hauria de ser

aesthetic. It should be

fort i acceptar el meu destí

strong and accept my destiny

alopècic, androgenètic? Segurament

Alopecic, androgenetic? Surely.

sí. Per què no ho faig? Doncs

Yes. Why don't I do it? Well

pel mateix motiu que a vegades, per exemple, em poso crema

for the same reason that sometimes, for example, I put on cream

hidratant els colzes. Jo tinc

moisturizing the elbows. I have

els colzes molt secs, vull dir, pots encendre

the elbows very dry, I mean, you can light up

un misto al meu colze.

a match to my elbow.

Hauria d'acceptar el destí

I should accept my fate.

dels meus colzes i no hidratar-los, per no

from my elbows and not moisturizing them, for not

contribuir al benefici de les empreses de cosmètica

contribute to the benefit of cosmetic companies

que viuen de la pressió estètica dels colzes secs.

they live off the aesthetic pressure of dry elbows.

Potser sí, però jo he dit moltes vegades

Maybe yes, but I have said many times

que jo no tinc cap mena de vocació de màrtir

that I have no kind of martyr vocation

ni d'ermità comunista i que, per tant,

neither of communist hermit and therefore,

la meva vida, des que surto

my life, since I go out

al carrer i em foto el primer cafè en un bar

on the street and I grab my first coffee in a bar

i em fumo el primer cigarro, jo ja estic participant

And I smoke the first cigarette, I am already participating.

activament del capitalisme.

actively of capitalism.

Ara no sé per què hem de separar el tema capilar

Now I don't know why we have to separate the hair topic.

de la resta d'àmbits de la vida en la qual

of the rest of the areas of life in which

jo compro coses que no necessito.

I buy things I don't need.

Doncs tot el suport i solidaritat.

So all the support and solidarity.

Home, per favor, clar, tu com que tens

Man, please, sure, you as you have.

un pelazo que no vegis,

a hairdo that you wouldn't believe,

és veritat, perquè sí,

it's true, because yes,

perquè tens molt bon cabell, Roger.

because you have very nice hair, Roger.

Ara, a vegades l'alopècia ve de cop

Now, sometimes alopecia comes suddenly.

i et fots un hòstia que no t'enteres, eh?

And I'll give you a slap you won't understand, huh?

Ojo amb això.

Watch out for that.

Al cul tens pèls?

Do you have hair on your butt?

Tens el cul pelut o no?

Do you have a hairy butt or not?

Tu què creus?

What do you think?

Jo crec que no gaire.

I don't think so much.

No fas pinta de tenir el cul...

You don't look like you have a big butt...

Jo sí, jo sí.

Me yes, me yes.

Però, bueno, això de tant en tant...

But, well, this from time to time...





Després surten més punxeguts, no?

Then they come out more prickly, right?

A veure com t'ho explico, eh?

Let's see how I explain this to you, okay?

Al final,

In the end,

la gastronomia té una màxima, no?

Gastronomy has a maxim, doesn't it?

Que és que mengem pels ulls.

What is it that we eat with our eyes?

T'ofereixen un menjar,

They offer you a meal,

però primer és la presentació.

but first is the presentation.

Si no, allò t'ha de venir de gust.

If not, that has to come naturally to you.

Doncs jo

Well, I

actuo una mica amb aquesta màxima.

I act a little with this maxim.

Però hi ha pèl i alegria, no?

But there is hair and joy, isn't there?

Sí, una merda hi ha l'alegria.

Yes, there is no joy at all.

Mai més ben dit.

Never better said.

11 i 21 minuts.

11 and 21 minutes.

En joc un esbambes múnic.

In the game, a unique wash.

A l'altra banda del telèfon,

On the other end of the phone,

una persona que ha hagut de sentir

a person who has had to feel

tot això que hem reproduït tu i jo ara.

all this that you and I have reproduced now.

Quina vergonya.

What a shame.

Bé, en joc un esbambes múnic,

Well, in the game a unique mop,

suplementcatradio a Twitter,

suplementcatradio on Twitter,

arroba Catalunya Ràdio.

At sign Catalunya Ràdio.

L'oient que endevini més ràpid

The listener who guesses faster

la identitat del personatge

the identity of the character

s'emporta aquestes esbambes.

Take these slippers away.

Les últimes de la temporada

The last of the season

esperem que Múnic renovi el patrocini

we hope that Munich renews the sponsorship

de cara al mes de setembre.

towards the month of September.

No ho sé, jo no hi guanyo ni un durum,

I don't know, I'm not making a dime from it.

això de Múnic.

this of Munich.

Vull dir que no penso dir ni la marca.

I mean, I'm not going to mention the brand.

Múnic, no la penso dir més.

Munich, I'm not going to say it again.

Vinga, som-hi.

Come on, let’s go.

Bon dia, ets una...

Good morning, you are a...





Ets un home.

You are a man.

Tens pèls al cul?

Do you have hairs on your butt?



No tens pèls al cul?

Don't you have any hair on your ass?

No tens pèls al cul perquè te'ls treus?

Don't you have hairs on your ass because you take them off?



Apa, quina sort, tu.

Come on, what luck, you.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Tens menys de 40 anys?

Are you under 40 years old?



Deixa'm recordar-les.

Let me remind them.

Hi ha un vòltal.

There is a vortex.

Si hi ha alguna pregunta que l'incomodi,

If there is any question that makes him uncomfortable,

hi ha un vòltal.

There is a volt.

Tens menys de 50 anys?

Are you under 50 years old?



Sí, tenim una persona...

Yes, we have a person...

Una persona de 40 i escaig.

A person in their forties.

Un quarantón.

A man in his forties.

Tens fills?

Do you have children?



Mira, com jo.

Look, like me.

De moment tenim vides paral·leles.

For the moment, we have parallel lives.

Ets d'esquerres?

Are you left-wing?



D'extrema esquerra et diries que ets?

Would you say you are from the far left?





Que te n'hem posat un dels teus, Joan.

We put one of yours, Joan.

Fins i tot podries arribar a definir-te com a comunista?

Could you even define yourself as a communist?



Carai, tu.

Wow, you.

Ha estat un pseudo-comunista, jo diria.

He has been a pseudo-communist, I would say.

Ha fet un sí de...

He has made a sign of...

Bueno, et consideres un pseudo-comunista?

Well, do you consider yourself a pseudo-communist?





I t'agradaria que Catalunya fos un nou estat independent d'Europa?

Would you like Catalunya to be a new independent state in Europe?



Molt bé.

Very good.

O sigui, votes a la CUP?

So, you vote for the CUP?





Ha sortit la notícia.

The news has come out.

No votes a la CUP perquè consideres que estàs, tu, més a l'esquerra que a la CUP?

Don't you vote for the CUP because you think you are more to the left than the CUP?





D'acord, d'acord.

Okay, okay.

Bueno, aviam.

Well, let's see.

Et dediques a la política?

Are you involved in politics?



Has militat mai en algun partit polític?

Have you ever been a member of a political party?





D'acord, d'acord, d'acord.

Okay, okay, okay.

La disciplina.


Si no es dedica a la política, anem a la disciplina.

If he/she does not dedicate himself/herself to politics, let's go to discipline.

A què es dedica, no?

What do you do, right?

A què es dedica aquesta persona?

What does this person do?


Let's see.

Puc fer una pregunta que a mi em va molt bé.

Can I ask a question that works very well for me?

Ens coneixem, tu i jo, personalment, ni que sigui d'haver parlat una estona, jo què sé, en una entrevista o...

We know each other, you and I, personally, even if it's just having talked for a while, I don't know, in an interview or...





Vale, vale, vale.

Okay, okay, okay.

A veure, jo no entrevisto metges, m'entens?

Let's see, I don't interview doctors, do you understand me?

Jo, al final, entrevisto gent de la faràndula, normalment.

I, in the end, usually interview people from the show business.

Ets una persona de la faràndula?

Are you a person from the entertainment industry?



Vinga, faràndula.

Come on, cast.

Faràndulero de 40 anys, sense fills, sense pèls al cul, d'extrema esquerra independentista.

A 40-year-old showman, without children, with no hair on his ass, of extreme left independentist.



Et mous en el...

You move in the...

Tampoc n'hi ha tants, eh?

There aren't that many, right?



Sense pèls al cul.

Without hairs on the ass.

O sigui, l'edat definitiva és sense pèls al cul.

So, the ultimate age is without hair on the ass.

Perquè aquí ja pots descartar molta gent que et ve al cap que dius...

Because here you can already rule out a lot of people that come to mind that you say...

Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Aviam, aviam.

Let's see, let's see.

Deu ser músic, no? Ets músic?

You must be a musician, right? Are you a musician?



D'acord, ets músic.

Okay, you're a musician.

Tinc unes ganes de cantar la cançó que...

I have a desire to sing the song that...

De cantar la cançó? De cantar la cançó, eh?

To sing the song? To sing the song, huh?

De cantar la cançó...

Of singing the song...

Que ets cantant?

What are you singing?



Bueno, que cantes, cantes. D'acord, d'acord.

Well, if you sing, you sing. Okay, okay.

Cantes. Cantes en el marc d'una banda, d'un grup.

You sing. You sing in the context of a band, a group.



Però el grup no es diu... No és el teu nom.

But the group is not called... It's not your name.



El grup no és el teu nom.

The group is not your name.



D'acord, ets el cantant d'un grup.

Okay, you are the singer of a band.

Com que tots se separen, saps? Tots...

As everyone separates, you know? Everyone...



A veure si... Tampoc descartaràs gaires grups, però...

Let's see if... You won't rule out many groups either, but...

Pregunta si he anunciat que vi...

Ask if I have announced that I live...

Bueno, a veure, m'ho estàs posant...

Well, let's see, you're making it...

Tu i el teu grup heu anunciat una imminent dissolució.

You and your group have announced an imminent dissolution.



Ai, aquesta veu.

Oh, this voice.

Que ets de per allà... De per allà, diguéssim, el...

Where are you from... From there, let's say, the...

Bueno, el sud dels Països Catalans.

Well, the south of the Catalan Countries.



Sí, ets rapero. Sí.

Yes, you are a rapper. Yes.

Tu ets un rapero.

You are a rapper.



I ets el Pancho.

And you are Pancho.

No, jo soc el abge.

No, I am the abbot.

No et vam eseure?

Did we not sit you down?





Vale, sí.

Okay, yes.

Li falta un tobogán que b ос el ville os sé que està passant-ho mal...

He is missing a slide that I see is making him suffer...

Avui el suplement Toni Sànchez-Panxo de jo.

Today the supplement Toni Sànchez-Panxo of me.

Hola, Pancho, bon dia, com estàs?

Hello, Pancho, good morning, how are you?

Hola, com esteu?

Hello, how are you?

Hola, Pancho.

Hello, Pancho.

Hola, Joel, què passa?

Hello, Joel, what's up?

Què passa, tio? On estàs?

What's up, dude? Where are you?

Que no, que no puc votar a laメ, jo, así, tia.

No, I can't vote for her, like that, girl.

Ha, clar, clar, però la votaries?

Ah, of course, of course, but would you vote for her?


You know?

Si poguessis votar, la votaries?

If you could vote, would you vote for her?

No ho sé, no ho sé.

I don't know, I don't know.

Bueno, m'ha sorprès una mica que hagis dit

Well, I was a bit surprised that you said.

que eres favorable a la independència a Catalunya,

that you are in favor of independence in Catalonia,

perquè jo pensava que tu això te la portava completament al pairo.

because I thought you completely didn't care about this.

És que se'ls podia dir sí o no,

You could tell them yes or no,

i clar, jo ahí faría una explicación larga, però bueno...

And of course, I would give a long explanation there, but well...

No, llarga no curta, però fes-la, sisplau.

No, long not short, but please do it.

Per això, entre tal, doncs dic sí, va.

For that reason, among such, I say yes, go ahead.

Per vosaltres, que sou amics meus.

For you, who are my friends.

Per amistat, més que res, eh?

For friendship, more than anything else, right?

Per amistat, sí.

For friendship, yes.

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.



Escolta'm, que tens bolos encara?

Listen to me, do you still have gigs?

Heu acabat o no?

Have you finished or not?

Jo estic una mica perdut ja amb la vida de...

I am a little lost already with the life of...

Dos, dos en falten.

Two, two are missing.

Avui en fem un, en un poble d'Albacete,

Today we are having one, in a village in Albacete.

i demà, no, el dissabte que ve, així en Gandia, en casa nostra.

And tomorrow, no, next Saturday, here in Gandia, at our home.

En un poble d'Albacete?

In a village in Albacete?

Què és això, allò vinyarrot?

What is this, that thing over there?



No, un altre.

No, another one.

Un altre festival.

Another festival.

Toquen el Bonillo, Albacete, el Ternafest.

They touch Bonillo, Albacete, the Ternafest.

I l'últim on dius que el feu, Panxo?

And the last place you say you do it, Panxo?

A Gandia, sí, a casa nostra.

In Gandia, yes, at our home.

On vam començar i on acabarem.

Where we started and where we will end.

Tu, des que deveu dir que plegàveu,

You, as soon as you must be saying that you were quitting,

no heu parat de fer concertacus d'aquests de fer quartos, eh?

You haven't stopped having those concerts to make some cash, huh?

O sigui, precisament el que no ha fet Zó és anunciar que plegava

So, precisely what Zó has not done is announce that he is stepping down.

i fer una macrogira i un disnou i fins d'aquí dos anys.

And to do a big trip and a comeback and until in two years.

Un disnou no, però macrogira l'estan fent, eh, col·lega?

Not a disnou, but they are doing a macrogira, right, mate?

No, macro no, hem fet deu concerts, uno per territori.

No, not a macro, we have done ten concerts, one for each territory.

Hem sigut humils, hem sigut humils.

We have been humble, we have been humble.

Però vull dir que foteu una mà de gent als concerts,

But I mean that you bring a lot of people to the concerts,

que és una cosa impressionant.

that is an impressive thing.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Tu tens la...

You have the...

Panxo, tu tens la vida solucionada, ja?

Panxo, you have life sorted out, right?



Sí o no? Ho dius en sèrio?

Yes or no? Are you serious?

A veure, la tinc prou encarada.

Let's see, I have it pretty much aimed.

La tinc prou encarada.

I have it quite directed.



Jo volia... Sentint una mica quan van anunciar el comiat...

I wanted... Feeling a bit when they announced the farewell...

Falta poc per morir-me, jo què sé, podríem dir que sí.

There's not much left for me to die, I don’t know, we could say yes.

Vale, vale, vale. No, t'agraeixo la sinceritat.

Okay, okay, okay. No, I appreciate your honesty.

Això vol dir que tens el pis pagat i diners per anar tirant.

This means you have the apartment paid off and money to keep going.

Exacte, jo el pis pagat i puc currar de profe, també,

Exactly, I have the apartment paid for and I can work as a teacher too.

que és un professor.

What is a teacher?

Jo no sabia que tu eres profe.

I didn't know that you were a teacher.



Profe de què?

Teacher of what?

Profe de filosofia.

Philosophy teacher.



D'institut, Panxo?

From high school, Panxo?

Que ets el típic, eh?

So you're the typical one, huh?

D'institut, sí, però no.

From the institute, yes, but no.

Ara no exercic ara, però...

I'm not exercising right now, but...

Estic en borsa.

I am in the stock market.

Tu saps, Panxo, quina fama tenen els profes d'institut de filosofia, no?

You know, Panxo, what reputation high school philosophy teachers have, right?

Sí, sí, la sé, la sé.

Yes, yes, I know it, I know it.

Vale, vale. Doncs vigila, vigila, per favor.

Okay, okay. So watch out, watch out, please.

Recorde una vegada que vas posar un tuit d'això i dic...

I remember once you tweeted about this and I say...

Per mi no serà, però...

For me, it won't be, but...

Panxo, quan dius que tens la vida solucionada,

Panxo, when you say that you have your life sorted out,

és gràcies a la música?

Is it thanks to music?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

A veure, jo tinc una vida molt prou normal.

Let's see, I have a quite normal life.

O sea, no...

I mean, no...

Tinc hobbies molt barats.

I have very cheap hobbies.

Aixina que...


Que, bueno, podríem dir que sí.

Well, we could say so.

I jo tinc la sensació, una mica,

And I have the feeling, a little,

que quan vas anunciar el comiat de zoo,

when you announced the farewell of the zoo,

la manera de justificar-se era una mica...

the way to justify oneself was a bit...

Ens hem buidat, una mica...

We have emptied ourselves a bit...

Esperit de guardiola, no?

Spirit of the piggy bank, right?

Una mica guardiola.

A little piggy bank.

Sí, i que també éreu d'una generació que, tot i ser molt joves,

Yes, and that you were also from a generation that, despite being very young,

alguns membres de components de la banda,

some members of the band components,

d'això, començaven a ser pares, no?

From this, they were starting to become parents, weren't they?

I la conciliació era una mica més difícil.

And the reconciliation was a bit more difficult.

Anava per aquí, la cosa? Ha anat per aquí?

Was it going this way? Has it gone this way?

Sí, sí, anava per aquí.

Yes, yes, I was going this way.

Sí, de fet, nosaltres...

Yes, in fact, we...

És que, clar, es va pillar lo de zoo,

It's just that, of course, it got caught in the zoo.

es va pillar un poc tard,

it was a bit late,

en comparació amb altres grups que, a lo millor,

compared to other groups that, perhaps,

jo què sé, toquen tota aquesta història un poc més pronta.

I don't know, they touch this whole story a little earlier.

Nosaltres teníem ja 30 i pico

We were already in our 30s and something.

i veníem ja d'altres projectes rebotats

We were already coming from other rejected projects.

i ara ja han passat deu anys,

and now ten years have already passed,

estem en 40 i pico,

we're in our 40s and something,

i, bueno, ens apetia parar

And, well, we felt like stopping.

i dedicar-nos un poc més a altres coses.

and devote a little more time to other things.

Quan van començar no n'hi havia ni un fill dins del grup,

When they started, there wasn't a single child in the group.

ara ja n'hi ha, penso, que 8 o així,

now there are already, I think, about 8 or so,

i, comptant tècnics i tot això,

and, counting technicians and all that,

ja es fa més difícil, també.

It is also becoming more difficult.

T'han fet padrí d'algun d'aquests 8 o no?

Have you been made a godparent of any of these 8 or not?



Ui, això és que no confien gaire, eh, Pancho?

Oh, this means they don't trust much, huh, Pancho?

Has anat a algun directe d'aquests últims 10 concerts?

Have you been to any of these last 10 concerts?

Ah, no, d'aquests últims 10 no,

Ah, no, not those last 10.

però sí que els he vist en directes.

but I have seen them live.

La cançó Tubogán té un missatge polític, no?

The song Tubogán has a political message, right?

És una denúncia, també, és un senyor...

It is a complaint, too, it is a gentleman...

És un grup...

It's a group...

Mira, abans, en la consulta que m'han fet abans,

Look, before, in the consultation they asked me earlier,

no els he posat perquè jo els considero ja

I haven't put them because I already consider them.

oficialment pràcticament retirats,

officially almost retired,

si no els hagués posat en la nòmina de grups del rotllo.

if I hadn't put them on the group payroll of the thing.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Eh que sí, Pancho?

Eh, right, Pancho?

Sí, sí, bueno, t'ho agraeixo.

Yes, yes, well, I appreciate it.

Ets un tio...

You are a guy...

Ens has retirat abans.

You have taken us away earlier.

Ets un tio polititzat.

You are a politicized guy.


Listen to me...



Dime, dime.

Tell me, tell me.

L'última vegada que vam parlar,

The last time we spoke,

em vas dir que la teva intenció,

you told me that your intention,

no sé si ho vas dir per fer-me feliç o què,

I don't know if you said it to make me happy or what,

però que la teva intenció ara era, diguéssim,

but what your intention was now, let's say,

potenciar la teva faceta de raper.

enhance your rapping side.

Ho continues mantenint, això, o no?

Are you still maintaining that, or not?

Bueno, continúe jugant

Well, continue playing.

i amb ganes de jugar a fer raps i tot això,

and wanting to play around with raps and all that,

però amb molt poques ganes de pujar a una furgoneta

but with very little desire to get into a van

i de fer guides, ara mateix.

And to make guides, right now.

Estàs fins als collons de la faràndula, ja.

You're fed up with the circus, already.

Sí, però sí que m'ha petit aixina

Yes, but it has made me feel this way.

de manera més, pues bueno, més personal.

In a more, well, personal way.

Tornar un poc als inicis,

Return a little to the beginnings,

a fer música més per diversió

to make music more for fun

i fer la diversió de fer-la en casa

and have the fun of doing it at home

i consumir-la a tu, la música, dic.

and consume it with you, the music, I mean.

I ja després el tema de gires i tot això,

And then there's the topic of tours and all that,

ara mateix no tinc moltes ganes.

Right now, I don't feel like it very much.

Escolta, abans la part aquesta

Listen, before this part here

que només pots dir sí o no,

that you can only say yes or no,

has respost sí a quan t'he preguntat

you answered yes when I asked you

si havies militat en algun partit polític.

if you had militated in any political party.

I això no ho sabia. Quin partit era?

And I didn't know that. Which match was it?

Això preferís no dir-ho, això no.

I would rather not say this, not that.



T'imagines que és el PP.

Can you imagine it's the PP?

S'ha tallat en el moment just

It was cut off at just the right moment.

en què ens notaves.

in what you noticed us.

M'agradava dir que no volia dir el...

I liked to say that I didn't want to say the...

Perquè és el PP, segurament.

Because it is the PP, probably.

Pancho té un passat blavero.

Pancho has a history as a keychain maker.

El País València.

The Valencian Country.

Eh, espera't, que s'havia tallat, Pancho.

Eh, wait, it had been cut off, Pancho.

Hem estat una estona...

We have been for a while...

Partit Comunista del País València.

Communist Party of Valencia.

Ah, vale.

Oh, okay.

Per ser que no ho volia dir, ho ha dit amb totes les lletres.

Even though he didn't want to say it, he said it in every possible way.

Esclar, perquè si no, els rumors de que eres blavero

Of course, because if not, the rumors that you were a blue supporter.

s'estaven escampant ja, tio.

They were already spreading, dude.

No, no.

No, no.

Pancho, molta sort amb aquesta nova aventura a les aules,

Pancho, good luck with this new adventure in the classrooms,

si més no.

if nothing else.

Que tinguis un gran conviat

Have a great gathering.

amb aquests dos últims concerts de so.

with these last two sound concerts.

I esperem que...

And we hope that...

Jo recordo sempre una frase del Pau de Bon,

I always remember a phrase from Pau de Bon,

d'Antònia Font,

of Antònia Font,

que quan es van tornar a ajuntar, deia

that when they came together again, he/she said

és que tinc toquera, tinc toquera.

It's just that I have a hearing impairment, I have a hearing impairment.

Ah, com que tens mono de tocar.

Ah, since you have a craving to play.

Sí, toquera, que hi va haver un moment,

Yes, there was a moment,

després de tants ens separats, que li van venir de cop

after so many separations, which came to him all at once

les ganes de tocar, de cantar una altra vegada

the desire to play, to sing once again

i per això es van tornar a ajuntar.

And that's why they came together again.

Esperem que d'aquí uns anys també es passi a vosaltres.

We hope that in a few years it will happen to you too.

Al País Valencià, diem, així diem, tinc quimera.

In the Valencian Country, we say, this is what we say, I have a chimera.

Ah, doncs mira.

Ah, well look.

Doncs a veure si passa un temps i torneu a pujar el personatge.

Well, let's see if some time passes and you bring the character back up.

Segur, perquè el Pancho és un super...

Sure, because Pancho is a super...

Una bèstia escènica

A scenic beast

i seria un desastre

and it would be a disaster

perdre'l als escenaris.

lose him on the stages.

Pancho, una abraçada, moltes gràcies.

Pancho, a hug, thank you very much.

Una abraçada i gràcies a vosaltres.

A hug and thank you all.

Adéu, guapo.

Goodbye, handsome.

Passen tres minuts de dos quarts

It's three minutes past half past two.

de dotze del migdia.

twelve in the afternoon.

Joel Díaz.

Joel Díaz.

És que acabo de veure el Pep Nogué per la finestra.

I just saw Pep Nogué through the window.

És la persona que millor em cau de Catalunya.

She is the person I like the most in Catalonia.

De veritat, eh?

Really, huh?

Estàs bé.

Are you okay?

Un dia em va dir, et convidaré a esmorzar.

One day he/she told me, I'll invite you to breakfast.

Bueno, això que fa, eh? Et convidaré a esmorzar.

Well, what it does, huh? I'll invite you to breakfast.

Però encara no m'ha convidat, digue-li.

But he still hasn't invited me, tell him.

Bones vacances, Joel.

Happy holidays, Joel.

Igualment, guapo.

Likewise, handsome.

Fins al setembre, ara tornem.

Until September, we are back now.

Visca Catalunya lliure.

Long live free Catalonia.

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