Nous talents de la música italiana

Catalunya Ràdio

Viva l'Italia

Nous talents de la música italiana

Viva l'Italia

Cantautorals, alternatius o tradicionalistes.

Singer-songwriters, alternative or traditionalists.

Heu aquí un mostrari musical de què s'està cantant avui a Itàlia.

Here is a musical sample of what is being sung today in Italy.

Heu aquí un mostrari musical de què s'està cantant a Itàlia.

Here is a musical sample of what is being sung in Italy.

Heu aquí un mostrari musical de què s'està cantant avui a Itàlia.

Here is a musical sample of what is being sung today in Italy.

Viva l'Itàlia, història de la cançó italiana a Catalunya Ràdio, amb David Guzmán.

Long live Italy, history of the Italian song on Catalunya Ràdio, with David Guzmán.

Heu aquí un mostrari musical de què s'està cantant avui a Itàlia.

Here is a musical sample of what is being sung today in Italy.

Viva, història de la cançó italiana a Catalunya Ràdio, amb David Guzmán.

Long live, history of the Italian song on Catalunya Ràdio, with David Guzmán.

Viva l'Itàlia, història de la cançó italiana a Cabinet Ràdio, amb David Guzmán.

Long live Italy, history of the Italian song on Cabinet Radio, with David Guzmán.

Viva l'Itàlia, història de la cançó italiana a Catalunya Ràdio, amb David Guzmán.

Long live Italy, history of the Italian song on Catalunya Ràdio, with David Guzmán.

Heu aquí un mostrari musical de què s'està cantant avui a CdC.

Here is a musical showcase of what is being sung today at CdC.

Ia insalə a l'scene d'Un bar com and Tôi cромat, c'est el camion pipí anys més bollat.

The scene is from a bar with a crumpled truck from many years ago.

Que la voglia que hai sulla schiera a volte mi tormenta un po'.

That the desire you have on the line sometimes torments me a bit.

Mi sembra un'isola deserta dove mi nasconderò.

It seems to me like a deserted island where I will hide.

Mi aspetterò poi che qualcuno venga a chiamarmi d'allà su

I will then wait for someone to come and call me from up there.

per dir-mi che la guerra è finita già da un po'.

to tell me that the war has been over for a while now.

E ci spengono i lampioni, rimaniamo.

And when the streetlights go out, we stay.

Ma no n'è la mano.

But it is not the hand.

I ho llà, n'hi ha part que si sta uccidendo.

And there, part of it is killing itself.

Chissà se arriberemo vivi al nuovo inverno.

Who knows if we will arrive alive to the new winter.

E si spengono i lampioni, rimaniamo.

And if the streetlights go out, we stay.

L'odio sul divano.

The hate on the couch.

A prenderci d'adietro como i cani.

To learn from behind like the dogs.

E ritrovarci in fondo sempre più vicini.

And finding ourselves in the end ever closer.

I tuoi bellissimi difetti.

Your beautiful flaws.

I tu, bellíssim, il·lustratiu.

And you, beautiful, illustrative.

I tu, bellíssim, el·lustratiu.

And you, very beautiful, illustrative.

Luca Carocci, un músic d'Artena, que és un poblet de la província de Roma,

Luca Carocci, a musician from Artena, which is a small town in the province of Rome,

que ha passat pel Brasil, ha passat per Mèxic, per Grècia,

what has happened in Brazil, has happened in Mexico, in Greece,

per tant té influències també musicalment de diferents tradicions,

therefore it also has musical influences from different traditions,

i que va debutar l'any 14 amb Giovanni Eroi, així es deia el disc.

and debuted in the year 14 with Giovanni Eroi, that was the name of the album.

Ha cantat amb Nyut, amb Margherita Vicario,

He has sung with Nyut, with Margherita Vicario.

per posar també alguns noms que hem fet sonar en aquest programa,

to also mention some names that we have put forward in this program,

i avui l'escoltarem amb una peça també d'ànima mínima,

And today we will listen to it with a piece also of minimal soul,

de fet és una serenata però bastant singular,

in fact, it is a serenade but quite singular,

Luca Carocci, Serenata per qui è nervoso.

Luca Carocci, Serenade for those who are nervous.

Serenata per qui è nervoso, per chi ha sbagliato, per chi è deluso,

Serenade for those who are nervous, for those who have made mistakes, for those who are disappointed,

per chi si sbecchia nel perdono, per chi si è perso in un colpo solo.

for those who are shattered in forgiveness, for those who lost themselves in a single blow.

Serenata per chi ha gli occhi stanchi, per chi colleziona partenze e rimpianti,

Serenade for those with tired eyes, for those who collect departures and regrets,

per chi ogni tanto si ferma a pensare, per chi ancora crede nel telegiornale.

For those who occasionally stop to think, for those who still believe in the news.

Serenata per chi è innamorato, per chi ha sofferto,

Serenade for those who are in love, for those who have suffered,

per chi ha rinato, per chi ha scoperto d'haver un sogno,

for those who have been reborn, for those who have discovered they have a dream,

per i tuoi occhi, per il mio coraggio.

For your eyes, for my courage.

Serenata per chi ha fuggito, per chi ha rubato, per chi ha tradito,

Serenade for those who have fled, for those who have stolen, for those who have betrayed,

per chi si è stupito d'essere solo, per chi è confuso e va contro mano.

For those who are amazed to be alone, for those who are confused and go against the flow.

Serenata per tutti gli artisti, per le anime inquiete, per i piccoli gesti.

Serenade for all the artists, for the restless souls, for the small gestures.

Serenata per le mani sudate, serenata per te.

Serenade for sweaty hands, serenade for you.

Serenata per tu.

Serenade for you.

Que mi ricordi l'estate.

Let me remember the summer.

Serenata per chi ha il cuore pesante, per chi ha senza stipendio, per le poche speranze.

Serenade for those with a heavy heart, for those without a salary, for the few hopes.

Nella luna c'è il sogno di un uomo.

In the moon, there is the dream of a man.

Dormite tranquilli.

Sleep peacefully.

La notte è un consiglio che vale per tutti.

The night is advice that is valid for everyone.

Dormite en paz y perdian el sueño.

Sleep in peace and lose the dream.

Descotirá en alguna vista, en la vida, en el señor, en la Aquiudada, en la Hereja.

It will discover in some view, in life, in the gentleman, in the City, in the Heresy.

Serenata, Serenata per tu.

Serenade, Serenade for you.

L'artista energètica va per un bar a Barül Lopiçani a Cassey.

The energetic artist goes to a bar in Barül Lopiçani in Cassey.

Aquesta nit va en casa.

This night goes home.

Sembla que no volen venir junts a bars a Barcelona.

It seems that they don't want to come together to bars in Barcelona.

Si volen passar una venida a m Ki cuta...

If they want to pass an arrival to me, Ki cuta...

Puede onlar-se una faterina, venire en ken helikopter, si volen els pot-ho menjar, ecc.

You can blow a trumpet, come in a helicopter, if you want they can eat it, etc.

La Madonna ci ha fatto nascere

The Madonna made us born.

Tu per mi si com me la casa

You for me yes how I have the house.

Santa Cruce se vede sempre

Santa Cruz is always seen.

Sombra i colli, sombra i colli

Shadow and neck, shadow and neck

Santa Cruce se vede sempre

Santa Cruce is always seen.

Sombra i colli, sombra i colli

Shadow and neck, shadow and neck.

Coquillo muclo que sembra verde

Cochineal that sows green.

Coquilla uca quando si bella

Coquilla uca when it is beautiful

Coquillo fiore s'ho tallo sole

I cut the fine flower alone.

M'he digiurato che era amore

I swore to myself that it was love.

Bella via degli uomini

Beautiful way of men

La soccontrata con cuore schiero

The subcontractor with an open heart.

Non me ricordo se m'ha baciato

I don't remember if he/she kissed me.

Non me ricordo se m'ha lassato

I don't remember if he/she left me.

Sombra i colli

Shadow and neck

Viva l'Itàlia

Long live Italy!

Història de la cançó italiana

History of Italian song

A Catalunya

In Catalonia

A Catalunya Ràdio

At Catalunya Ràdio

Amb David Guzmán

With David Guzmán

Som avui a l'Itàlia

We are in Italy today.

Avui escoltant veus i artistes recents

Today listening to recent voices and artists.

O actualíssims, aquest era Luca Carocci

Oh, very current, this was Luca Carocci.

Ara demana pas Anna Castilla

Now Anna Castilla is asking for permission.

De fet amb una cançó que justament parla d'això

In fact, with a song that precisely talks about that.

Dels músics emergents

Of the emerging musicians

I de la seva lluita

And from their struggle

És a dir, la recerca d'estabilitat

That is to say, the search for stability.

De reconeixement, de fer-se un nom

Of recognition, of making a name for oneself.

I fer-se pas també en aquest món tan complicat

And to make a way in this complicated world.

Sobretot perquè ha estat en ple de propostes

Especially because it has been full of proposals.

Amb una condició

With one condition.

I una situació que ella coneix prou bé

And a situation she knows quite well.

Tan molt jove

So very young

Va guanyar alguna edició de Factor X

Did he/she win any edition of Factor X?

En la versió italiana

In the Italian version

Viu a Milà

Lives in Milan

Allà va estudiar més o més cant al Conservatori Verdi

There he studied more or less singing at the Verdi Conservatory.

I que té una veu particularíssima

And has a very particular voice.

A més a més ha anat encadenant singles

Furthermore, she has been releasing a string of singles.

Fins a aquest Participio presente

Until this present participle

Una cançó que recompta exactament

A song that counts exactly

La condició d'aquestes veus

The condition of these voices

Aquests artistes que miren de fer-se pas

These artists who are trying to make their way

Anna Castilla, per tant, Participio presente

Anna Castilla, therefore, Present participle

Una ambulància

An ambulance

Vorrei avere precedència

I would like to have priority.

Uscire dalla stanza

Leave the room

Ma sono a piedi in mezzo alla strada

I dream walking in the middle of the street.

E se mi vedi, non mi riporti a casa

And if you see me, don't take me home.

A piedi in circunvaldazione

On foot in the circumvallation.

Vengo figliata in una coniugazione

I come linked in a conjugation.

Participio presente

Present participle

La parola emergente

The emerging word

Sembra un aggettivo, un anostato di mente

It seems an adjective, a state of mind.

Uno sano di mente

A sane mind.

Non accepterà della proposta

He/She will not accept the proposal.



Que mi farà espatio tra la gente

Que me hará espacio entre la gente.

Que mi darà sazio

What will satisfy me

Non costa nulla chiedere preventivi

It doesn't cost anything to ask for quotes.

Non come assorbenti o preservativi

Do not eat absorbents or condoms.

Che ho messo nella testa

What have I put in my head?

Per non spendermi troppo

To not spend too much.

Ma mi bloccano anche le tube di falloppio

They also block my fallopian tubes.

Stoppio se mi dici ancora

Stop if you tell me again.

Che ti piace la mia musica

What do you think of my music?

A me ti mi piace solo la mia forma fisica

I only like my physical shape.

Che pesante, sei troppo critica

How heavy, you are too critical.

Per monetizzare devi fare un po' la stupidà

To monetize, you have to do a bit of foolishness.

Participio presente

Present participle

La parola emergente

The emerging word

Sembra un aggettivo, un anostato di mente

It seems like an adjective, a state of mind.

Uno sano di mente

A sane one of mind

Non accepterà della proposta

He will not accept the proposal.



Que mi farà espatio tra la gente

What will make me space among the people?

Que mi darà sazio

What will satisfy me.

No neve refleta

It doesn't snow, it reflects.

Qui non c'è nessuno che ti aspetta

Here there is no one waiting for you.

Qui non c'è successo che ti spetta

Who hasn't succeeded in what you deserve?

Donni retta, fai la gavetta

Take my advice, pay your dues.

Aspetta il testimone come nella taffetta

Wait for the witness as in the taffetta.

Ma rispetta il limite de traietà

It respects the age limit.

Quaranta, sei fuori dalla gavetta

Forty, you're out of the frying pan.

Conta, conta, conta, canta, non importa

Tell, tell, tell, sing, it doesn't matter.

Speri te lasciare la tua impronta

Speri lets you leave your mark.

Ma per loro tu cammini storta

But for them, you walk crooked.

Anche se sei pronta

Even if you are ready

Participio presente

Present participle

La parola emergente

The emerging word

Sembra un aggettivo, un anostato di mente

It seems an adjective, a state of mind.

Uno sano de mente

A healthy mind

No accepterà della proposta

He/she will not accept the proposal.



Que mi farà espatio tra la gente

That will make me stand out among the people.

Que mi darà sazio

What will make me satisfied?

No c'è più sottopagato

There is no one more underpaid.

Quando difendi un principio sbagliato

When I defended a wrong principle.

Recomandato dei problemi del passato

Recommended for past problems

Quando diventi participio passato

When it becomes past participle

Anna Castilla, aquí la teníem

Anna Castilla, here we had her.

amb les seves conjugacions musicals

with its musical conjugations

en aquest moment, no?

Not at this moment, right?

Que diu un participio presente, eterno

What does a present participle say, eternal?

que faticosamente diventa passato

that fatiguingly becomes past

e soprattutto futuro

and above all the future

i al futur se li ha obert bastant amunt

and the future has opened quite a bit upward



amb aquesta cançó

with this song

i no únicament

and not only

amb un munt de singles

with a bunch of singles

que han anat encadenant

that have been chaining

i que han agradat molt

and that have been very liked

per tant també retinguem aquest nou

therefore we will also retain this new one

Anna Castilla

Anna Castilla

ara amb un cantautor sicilià

now with a Sicilian singer-songwriter

Palermità concretament

Palermitan specifically.

també molt estimat

also very dear

Nicolò Carnesi

Nicolò Carnesi

curs del 87

course of '87

també jove

also young

que va començar

that began

de fet va començar amb la música

in fact, it started with music

que era bé per accident

that it was good by accident

ell va entrar en el món del cinema

he entered the world of cinema

i feia curtmetratges

and I made short films

i per acompanyar els curtmetratges

and to accompany the short films

va començar a compondre

he started to compose

i a partir d'aquí

and from here on

es va quedar amb la música

he stayed with the music

i va deixar enrere el cinema

and left behind the cinema

en tot cas

in any case



ha treballat també amb Bruno Rissas

he has also worked with Bruno Rissas

un artista que també hem fet sonar

an artist that we have also made sound

i que m'agrada molt

and I like it a lot

un cantautor ben interessant

a very interesting singer-songwriter

ha treballat la cançó d'autor

he has worked on the song of the author

Nicolò Carnesi

Nicolò Carnesi

des de...


també és del so electrònic

it is also from the electronic sound

en fi


un artista molt inquiet

a very restless artist

avui justament amb Bruno Rissas

today precisely with Bruno Rissas


we will listen to him/her

amb una cançó que forma part

with a song that is part

del seu disc de debut

from their debut album

que es diu

what is it called

Lleroi no n'és con ell sàbato

Lleroi is not with him on Saturday.

un disc del 2012

a disc from 2012

i aquest tros de cançó

and this piece of song

amb Bruno Rissas

with Bruno Rissas

Nicolò Carnesi

Nicolò Carnesi

per tant


mi sono perso a Zanzibar

I got lost in Zanzibar.

fra le sirene di Shanghai

between the sirens of Shanghai

con pane bianco e zafferano

with white bread and saffron

sono passato da New York

I passed through New York.

alla ricerca di Sherlock

in search of Sherlock

poi un saluto a Betty Lou

Then a greeting to Betty Lou.

poi giù nei molli di Newport

then down in the docks of Newport

per guadagnar-mi 5 pounds

to earn 5 pounds

em liberrò del Sauvignon

I release myself from the Sauvignon.

ma ness un posto é come é te

"But isn't a place like you?"

viaggio in giro come c'è

I travel around as there is.

stessi cercando el Santo Graaama

You are looking for the Holy Grail.

voglio tornare a Zanzibar

I want to return to Zanzibar.

perché lì si vive amèllio

because there you live better

perché lì c'erà bé

because there was good there

anche se mi capisci a sento

even if you understand me, I feel

anche se il mondo non è poi così minuscolo

even if the world isn't that small after all

Mi ritrovai, ma non so come

I found myself again, but I don't know how.

in una spiaggia del Giappone

on a beach in Japan

mangiando sushi un po' avariado

eating somewhat spoiled sushi

Ma tu, Charlotte, no mi scordare

But you, Charlotte, do not forget me.

anche se sono perso in mare

even if I am lost at sea

ti giuro un giorno mi vedrai tornare

I swear one day you will see me return.

E non temere le stagioni

And do not fear the seasons.

e non temere le stagioni

and do not fear the seasons

passano gli anni e i capodanni

the years and New Years go by

passano anche i sentimenti

feelings also pass

e passo io

And I pass it on.

Voglio tornare a Zanzibar

I want to return to Zanzibar.

perché lì si mira meglio

because you can see better there

perché lì sarò con te

because I will be with you there

anche se mi capisci a sento

Even if you understand me, I feel.

Voglio tornare a Zanzibar

I want to return to Zanzibar.

perché lì si fuma meglio

because you smoke better there

perché lì sarò con te

because there I will be with you

anche se mi capisci a sento

even if you understand me I hear you

anche se il mondo non è poi così minuscolo

even if the world isn't that small after all

Mabau decide aOMà pors d' anchor

Mabau decides to anchor fears.

Respon que puis ha sig moldades

Answer that I can have been molded.

Discover ho ha sortit

Discover it has come out.

Estic fuckin' delta

I'm fuckin' delta.

P wert més que tant desnoit

P worth more than so late

Som Stefan T Defense

We are Stefan T Defense.

Experimenta vola

Experience flight.

Tu com tu

You as you.

Ну i tant

Of course!

Som-hi, tornem de Zanzibar

Let's go, we're back from Zanzibar.

potser ens hi quedem, també val la pena

maybe we'll stay here, it's worth it too

si més no, així ho cantaven

at least, that's how they sang it

Nicolò Carnesi i Bruno Rissas

Nicolò Carnesi and Bruno Rissas

amb aquesta gran cançó i Carnesi també

with this great song and Carne si too

un cant d'autor que val la pena seguir

a singer-songwriter's song that is worth following

com Davide di Rosolini

like Davide from Rosolini

que és un músic ben interessant

that is a very interesting musician

un músic que va començar de fet la carrera

a musician who actually began the career

l'any 98 amb diverses formacions

the year 98 with various formations

fent de baix

making bass

era guitarra, va fundar

was guitar, founded

el Sincero Festival, en fi

the Sincero Festival, anyway

ha fet uns quants discos també com a solista

he has also made a few albums as a solo artist

ha tocat literalment moltes tecles

he has literally touched many keys

i ha estat en molts llocs

and has been in many places

és un paio molt hàbil

he's a very skillful guy

i molt talentós amb tantes condicions

and very talented with so many qualities

que de fet ha anat inventant-se

that in fact has been invented

denominacions i etiquetes per ell mateix

denominations and labels for itself

cantatore, per la dimensió teatral

singer, for the theatrical dimension

que també té la seva posada

that also has its own setting

en escena i la seva música

on stage and its music

fantartista, creativo

fantartist, creative

és a dir, va jugant també amb les paraules

that is to say, it also plays with words

per intentar buscar una manera de definir-se

to try to find a way to define oneself

no n'hi ha una de sola

there is not just one

per tant, Davide di Rosolini

therefore, Davide di Rosolini

que avui l'escoltarem amb una cançó delicadíssima

that today we will listen to him with a very delicate song

on es pregunta què ha passat

where it asks what has happened

on ha anat a parar la poesia

where has poetry ended up

¿Qué fin ha fatto la poesía?

What has become of poetry?

La cerco y no la trobo

I search for her and can't find her.

¿Qué fin ha fatto la poesía?

What has become of poetry?

¿Qué fin ha acabado la poesía?

What purpose has poetry come to serve?

¿Quissà si è andata via?

I wonder if she has gone away?

¿Quissà se tornerà di nuovo?

Perhaps he will return again?

¿Quissà si è andata via?

Perhaps she has gone away?

¿Quissà se tornerà di nuovo?

Perhaps it will return again?

Più mi guardo intorno

The text provided is in Italian, not Catalan. The translation from Italian to English is: "The more I look around."

e più mi rendo conto que non c'è

and the more I realize that there isn't

quel che rimane degli umani

what remains of humans

mi fa sospettare que

it makes me suspect that

quel che rimane degli umani

what remains of humans

mi fa sospettare que

it makes me suspect that

forse si è offesa la poesía

perhaps poetry has been offended

ed è per questo que non parla

And that is why he doesn't speak.

scioccata dalle luci

shocked by the lights

d'una macchina tamarra

of a flashy car

scioccata dalle luci

stunned by the lights

terrorizzata dalle donne

terrified by women

con borsetta, tacco alto e sigaretta

with a handbag, high heels, and a cigarette

scioccata dalle luci

stunned by the lights

con borsetta, tacco alto e sigaretta

with a handbag, high heels, and a cigarette

coctel in mano, vestito buono

cocktail in hand, nice dress

e de cervelli i nient'altro ci si aspetta

It's about brains and nothing else is expected.

scioccata dalle luci

shocked by the lights

¿Qué fin ha fatto la poesía?

What purpose has poetry served?

forse si è sola e piangi

maybe she is alone and crying

scioccata dalle luci

shocked by the lights

dentro una tabaccheria

inside a tobacco shop

perché hai perso il pretto e vinci

Why did you lose the priest and win?

scioccata dalle luci

stunned by the lights

forse si è al supermercato

maybe you are at the supermarket

tra milioni di scaffali

between millions of shelves

scioccata dalle luci

shocked by the lights

a puntare in un carrello

to aim at a cart

tante gioie che stanno per scadere

so many joys that are about to expire

scioccata dalle luci

stunned by the lights

¿Qué fin ha fatto la poesía?

What has happened to poetry?

forse non mi colò essi droga

Perhaps I didn't take the drug.

scioccata dalle luci

shocked by the lights

forse dentro un mare gioca

perhaps inside a sea it plays

scioccata dalle luci

shocked by the lights

con un videopoker que non paga

with a video poker that does not pay

scioccata dalle luci

shocked by the lights

forse obliaca che barcolla

maybe it wobbles

scioccata dalle luci

stunned by the lights

forse si è sciolta

perhaps it has melted

la sincerità dei due litri di vino

the sincerity of the two liters of wine

scioccata dalle luci

shocked by the lights

¿Qué fin ha fatto la poesía?

What has happened to poetry?

forse è andata verso il mare

perhaps she went towards the sea

scioccata dalle luci

stunned by the lights

quindi si è morta è colpa mia

So she died, it's my fault.

scioccata dalle luci

stunned by the lights

che non le ho insegnato mai a nuotare

that I never taught her to swim

scioccata dalle luci

stunned by the lights

in questo mare di parole

in this sea of words

di persone, d'opinioni

of people, of opinions

lei nuotava

she swam

ed è annegata a considerar-se

she has drowned in considering herself

que todo el que la ha lasciado allí

that everyone who has left it there


was crying

te prego torna a mi poesía

I beg you, return to my poetry.

te prego guárdame

I beg you, keep me safe.

negli occhi

in the eyes

guarda que malinconía

keep that melancholy

e quando non mi tocchi

and when you don’t touch me

no mi escote niente

I don't hear anything.

non mi stimola nessuno

nobody stimulates me

quanta fame di te

how much I miss you

da troppo tempo stia di giu'

for too long stay down

con mi

with me

con yo

with me

y con morir

and with dying

ya la tengo

I already have it.

yo noог

I do not.

yo no hay

I don't exist.

aún eso

even that

actriu, fa medicina, per tant

actress, studies medicine, therefore

és protometge, és una

he is a protomedic, he is a

d'aquestes joves talentosíssimes

of these incredibly talented young women

que no s'aturen, que són inquietes,

they do not stop, they are restless,

que no en tenen prou a fer una única

that they are not satisfied with just making one

cosa, que en fan 50, i totes les fan bé.

Thing, they do 50, and they all do it well.

Es diu Faya, és un artista

Her name is Faya, she is an artist.

de pare egipci, de

of Egyptian father, of

mare italiana, que de fet es va donar a

Italian mother, who in fact gave herself to

conèixer en un blog on explicava

meet in a blog where I explained

en dialecte romà

in Roman dialect

tot de coses de la cultura àrab

all about Arab culture

i del món del seu pare, per tant

and from the world of his father, therefore

una hora molt interessant, amb un parell

a very interesting hour, with a couple

de singles, un que es deia Numeri

of singles, one called Numeri

i un altre que es deia Biancaneve,

and another one named Snow White,

va donar-se a conèixer l'any 22

was made known in the year 22

i l'any passat va publicar

and last year he/she published

el seu primer disc en format EP, per tant

his first disc in EP format, therefore

unes quantes cançons, d'on surt aquest

a few songs, where does this come from

primer tema, que parla bàsicament

first topic, which basically talks about

d'un amor estiu,

of a summer love,

d'un amor d'aquests

of a love like this

que li fan perdre el cap durant tot un estiu

that makes him lose his mind for an entire summer

i per això aquesta sensació

and that's why this feeling

d'idiota, en el sentit

of idiot, in the sense

estúpida, més ben dit, com diu el títol,

stupid, better said, as the title states,

té una component

it has a component

d'ironia ben interessant. Quina veu que té

of very interesting irony. What voice does she have?

faia i quin tros de cançó és aquest

What a piece of song is this?



Allora, signore e signore

So, ladies and gentlemen

questa è la storia di una

this is the story of a

volpe che l'uva

fox that the grape

nemmeno la guarda

not even the guard

Ma dai, chiudi quegli occhi

Come on, close those eyes.

che mi guardi così

why are you looking at me like that

con quegli occhi che s'hanno di panna

with those eyes that have cream

con sta bocca che canta

with this mouth that sings

tanto non m'avvicino, t'ho detto di starmi a la

I'm not getting close, I've told you to stay away from me.

larga, ma ti levi da qui?

Long, where do you take me from?

Con ste mani que s'hanno di spagna

With this hand that they have given from Spain.

le nocche sembrano disegnate

the night seems designed

e ci penso si estalla la faccia

I think about it if the face explodes.

è pieno di panchine

it is full of benches

e lui si siede sulla mia

And he sits on mine.

alto un en novanta

height one ninety

che mi sembra porta via

it seems to me to take away

Amiga, so' scema, amica,

Friend, I'm a fool, friend.

son nata ieri, lo farei mille

I was born yesterday, I'd do it a thousand times.

volte che almeno ci cascano in dieci

turn them so at least ten fall in

tutti i strateghi, che a me poi

all the strategists, who to me then

nemmeno mi piaci

I don't even like you.

che a me poi

hey to me then

nemmeno mi piaci

I don't even like you.

diceva la volpe, la volpe Vigneti

said the fox, the fox Vigneti

que tanto è un altro bacio

that is another kiss

che non mi porterà niente

that will not bring me anything

tu dimmi se ti sembro deficiente

you tell me if I seem deficient to you

se sembro una che a bocca facilmente

A seed was sown in the mouth easily.

tu dimmi se ti sembro deficiente

you tell me if I seem deficient to you

ma dai, chiudi quegli occhi

Ma dear, close those eyes.

que mi guardi così

that my guard be so

con quegli occhi que s'hanno di panna

with those eyes that have cream

con sta bocca que canta

with this mouth that sings

tanto non m'avvicino, t'ho detto di starmi a la larga

As much as I try to get close, I told you to stay away from me.

ma ti levi da qui?

Who raised you?

con ste mani que s'hanno di spagna

With this hand that has been given to Spain.

le nocche sembrano disegnate

the knocks seem drawn

e ci penso si scalda la faccia

And I think if it warms the face

passa una strafica

"it happens a strife"

mira al passo di una dea

look at the step of a goddess

lui che la saluta

he greets her

dice guarda amica mia

Say, keep friend of mine.

ma mica so' scema

my little one, I'm dumb

ma mica son nata ieri

my little son was born yesterday

lo farei mille volte che almeno ci cascano in dieci

I'll do it a thousand times if at least ten of them fall for it.

tutti i strateghi

all the strategists

que a me poi nemmeno mi piaci

that you don't even like me

con aria da bulletto

with a bratty attitude

dice vuoi una cingomma

says do you want an eraser

io gli dico si e quello mi risponde sgomma

I tell him yes and he answers me with a skid.

mica so' scema

I am a bit foolish.

ma mica son nata ieri

My little one is born yesterday.

lo farei mille volte que almeno ci cascano in dieci

I'll do it a thousand times as long as at least ten of them fall for it.

tutti i strateghi

all the strategists

que a me poi nemmeno mi piaci

that I don't even like you

diceva la volpe la volpe ai vigneti

said the fox to the vineyards

viva l'Itàlia

long live Italy

storia de la cançona italiana

History of the Italian song

a Catalunya Ràdio

at Catalunya Ràdio

amb David Guzmán

with David Guzmán

faia una veu que encara haurem d'escoltar moltes vegades

It will make a sound that we will still have to listen to many times.

perquè cada cançó que treu

because every song he/she releases

vaja és un petit esdeveniment

well, it is a small event

aquí parlava aquesta volpe

here spoke this fox

una guineu en clau simbòlica

a fox in a symbolic key

que en realitat és ella

that in reality is she

i ho ha explicat aquest xema

and this xema has explained it

però en té una altra que diu

but he has another one that says

mi fa esquifo

I feel disgusted.

té una cançó que directament

has a song that directly

no vaja no té pèls a la llengua

no way, he/she doesn't mince words

cosa que també és molt

thing that is also very

agradable considerant també l'edat

pleasant considering also the age

Ciliari seguim amb una de les veus

Ciliary, we continue with one of the voices.

avui que estem a Vida a l'Itàlia

Today we are in Vida in Italy.

en reseguint alguna de les cançons més interessants

by tracing some of the most interesting songs

des del punt de vista de la música índia actual

from the perspective of current Indian music

una de les veus més seguides

one of the most followed voices

en aquest panorama una veu irreverent

in this panorama an irreverent voice

Domenico Tinelli que després

Domenico Tinelli who afterwards

del grup Llamanti va començar de fet

from the Llamanti group actually began

una carrera en solitari

a solo race

una carrera com a solista

a solo career

l'any 19 i allà segueix

the year 19 and there it continues

i continua fent discos i tocant temes

And he continues making records and playing songs.

profuns espollats de pompa

profound pompous haircuts

Maleto Amore n'és un exemple

Maleto Amore is an example.

pel Mari i si no atenció

for Mari and if not attention

parlant d'irreverència aquest títol

Speaking of irreverence, this title.

Ciliari, Jornata di Merda

Ciliary, Shitty Day

Em faig el mal

I hurt myself.

pelável que ens

peelable that we

ac 103

ac 103




the hinterland



el bar

the bar




I am unable to translate "σε" as it appears to be Greek and not Catalan. Please provide a Catalan text for translation.

Aquesta jornada de merda

This shitty day

que aquesta volta tira

that this time turns

que n'heu ja avut

that you have already had



d'aquesta vacanza

of this holiday

de te nella stanza

of you in the room

de la mia faccia

of my face



del tempo che passa

of the time that passes

ti saluta e se va

he greets you and leaves

de la tua faccia

of your face



del tempo che avanza

of the time that passes

que ti saluta

that greets you

e se va

and he/she is leaving

Que tanto lo so

I know it so much.

que quello che faccio è un disastro

that what I do is a disaster

che se non ci penso è lo stesso

if I don't think about it, it’s the same

che se ti perdo è lo stesso

if I lose you, it's the same

che tanto lo so

I already know that.

che l'unica cosa che resta

that the only thing that remains

è che avete sempre ragione

you are always right

che preferisco i miei libri

I prefer my books.

a la terra

to the land

a la televisión

on television

y a la radio

and on the radio

que pasan siempre

that always happen

la misma canción

the same song

en menor

the minor

¿Cómo ha llegado?

How did it arrive?

¿Cómo se va?

How are you going?

Esta jornada de merda

This shitty day.

que esta vez tira

that this time it throws

que n'heu ja avut

what you have already had



d'aquesta vacanza

of this holiday

de te nella stanza

of tea in the room

de la mia faccia riflessa

from my reflected face

del tempo que passa

of the time that passes

ti saluta y se va

he greets you and leaves

de la tua faccia depressa

of your depressed face

del tempo que avanza

of the time that advances

que ti saluta y se va

who greets you and leaves

Questa jornada de merda

This shitty day

Molt bé, Xiliari.

Very well, Xiliari.

Ens ha quedat clar

It has become clear to us.

la jornatatge, aquesta jornada de merda

the working day, this shit day

que ha posat en música aquesta forma.

who has set this form to music.

Irreverència és una forma

Irreverence is a form.

bastant explícita,

quite explicit,

explicar la música que fa Ciliari

explain the music that Ciliari makes

però que no va més allà

but it doesn't go further

com sempre, i el que

as always, and what

més m'agrada, sobretot en la cançó amorosa

I like it more, especially in the love song.

és que té aquest punt

it's that it has this point

una mica distanciat, que ja convé

a little distant, which is already necessary

per si no tot acaba en sucre

in case not everything ends in sugar

seguim amb Luca Loizzi, Luca Loizzi és un cantant singular

We continue with Luca Loizzi, Luca Loizzi is a unique singer.

per què? Perquè entre les coses va ser

Why? Because among the things it was.

profe, va fer de professor

teacher, he/she was a teacher

d'Humanitats i de Literatura

of Humanities and Literature

a Milà, i fins que va

to Milan, and until it goes

abraçar la música, se'n va anar a la Pulla

embrace the music, he/she went to Pula

i allà el tenim fent música

And there we have him making music.

segurament d'accent francès

surely with a French accent

d'influència més bressaniana i companyia

of more Bressanian influence and company

però també de tradició folklòrica

but also of folkloric tradition

folklòrico-còmica, tipus

folkloric-comic, type

Nannis Vampa i companyia

Nannis Vampa and company

bé, fruit segurament dels seus

well, fruit probably of his/her

interessos i de la seva formació

interests and their training

humanística, és aquesta cançó que

humanistic, it's this song that

ara escoltarem on

now we will listen where

de fet us convido a anar apuntant

In fact, I invite you to start taking notes.

com si fos un passatemps, a anar detectant

as if it were a hobby, detecting

quants filòsofs cita i compareixen

how many philosophers he cites and compares

en aquesta cançó de Luca Loizzi

in this song by Luca Loizzi

que es diu, no perquè sí, Cançona filosòfica

what is said, not just because, Philosophical song

E se Platone ha detto que

And if Plato has said that

la vita non è mai com è

life is never as it is

mi sembra d'impazzire

I feel like I'm going crazy.

ma deve essere normale

it must be normal

e leggo Freud e Fromm però

I read Freud and Fromm but

non è che ci capisca un po'

it's not that I understand it a bit

sarà la mia visione che

it will be my vision that

è agnostica e imprecisa

it is agnostic and imprecise

ma do ragione a chi però

I agree with those who do, however.

rivaluta Jean-Jacques Rousseau

re-evaluates Jean-Jacques Rousseau

perché il privato è un furto

because private property is theft

se non è proprio per tutti

if it’s not really for everyone

confido in Epicuro

I trust in Epicurus.

che ci insegna come vivere

it teaches us how to live

sapendo cosa è giusto o no

knowing what is right or wrong

mi sembra que és un furto

It seems to me that it is theft.

i dedico al piacere

I dedicate to pleasure.

Marcuse, Max e Feuerbach

Marcuse, Max and Feuerbach

analisi prospettica

prospective analysis

di questa strana società

of this strange society

ad una dimensione

to a dimension

la gente poi

the people then

s'illude che ci bastino

we're deceived into thinking that it's enough for us

un papa e un re per essere felici

a pope and a king to be happy

si c'è la televisione

if there is the television

ma Nietzsche lo diceva già

but Nietzsche already said it

la volontà di verità

the will to truth

è inutile, ci porta

it's useless, it brings us

sia troppo nihilismo

there is too much nihilism

allora è meglio fingere

then it's better to pretend

che tutto sia così com è

may everything be as it is

perché è reale quel che

because it is real what

è mai come dovrebbe

it is never as it should be

ma poi con tutto quel che sai

But then with everything you know

non ci saranno mai

they will never be there

le risposte

the answers

que volevia ver

that I wanted to see

que sia teoria o filosofia

whether it is theory or philosophy

se diventa ideologia

it becomes ideology

ci ritroviamo sempre

we always meet again

punte a capo

point to head



La lliçó de filosofia

The philosophy lesson

Luca Loizzi, amb aquesta cançó

Luca Loizzi, with this song

filosòfica, que efectivament

philosophical, which effectively

fa convoca a tota una selecció

he calls for a whole selection

com si fos aquell partit dels Monty Python

as if it were that Monty Python sketch

d'Alemanya contra Grècia

Germany against Greece

doncs aquí una selecció de filòsofs

so here is a selection of philosophers

de tota condició i tradició també

of all condition and tradition as well

i que si, vaja, jo crec que si fos

And yes, well, I think that if it were.

profe de filosofia també la posaria a l'aula

I would also put the philosophy teacher in the classroom.

per anar repassant. Anem ara

to review. Let's go now.

amb un peu al mainstream

with one foot in the mainstream

o al món de la música pop

or in the world of pop music

sobretot perquè jo crec que pronunciar

especially because I think that pronouncing

el seu nom aquest 2024 és bastant diferent

its name this 2024 is quite different

que pronunciar-lo

to pronounce it

el 23, el 22 o enrere

the 23, the 22 or backwards

si més no, fora d'Itàlia, Itàlia també

if nothing else, outside of Italy, Italy too

era molt coneguda. Angelina Mango

was very well-known. Angelina Mango

efectivament, Angelina Mango

effectively, Angelina Mango

la guanyadora, com sabeu, de Sanremo

the winner, as you know, of Sanremo

aquest 2024, per tant també

this 2024, therefore also

la representant d'Itàlia a Eurovisió

the Italian representative at Eurovision

que va fer un paper, crec que

that played a role, I think

sisena posició, és a dir, va anar

sixth position, that is to say, it went

força bé, 23 anys

very well, 23 years

un talent vocal poderós

a powerful vocal talent

descomunal en part

huge in part

i ara queda herència genètica

and now there is genetic inheritance

el seu pare, vaja, és la filla de Pino Mango

her father, well, is the daughter of Pino Mango

el seu pare, que a més va morir

his father, who also died

un cantant molt estimat, que va morir

a very beloved singer, who passed away

prematurament d'un infart

prematurely of a heart attack

la seva mare també formava part de Matia Basar

his mother also was part of Matia Basar

aquest grup, que hem fet sonar

this group, which we have made sound

algun programa amb el Solo Tu

any program with Solo Tu

per tant, també de pares artistes

therefore, also from artist parents

Angelina Mango, que amb

Angelina Mango, who with

La Noia, és la cançó que va triomfar a Sanremo

The Girl is the song that triumphed at Sanremo.

i després a Eurovisió, ha fet també ballar

And then at Eurovision, it has also made people dance.

i ara que internacionalment a tothom

And now that internationally to everyone

però que avui escoltarem

but today we will listen

amb una cançó una mica més antiga

with a song a little older

la seva marca, marca vocal

their brand, vocal brand

els seus jocs, també les mitges

their games, also the stockings

bromes que va fent entrar

jokes that he/she is making enter

de tant en tant, són marca de la casa

from time to time, they are a hallmark of the house

per tant, Angelina Mango, Volla di Vivere

therefore, Angelina Mango, Volla di Vivere

i el cos, que es va viure a dos

and the body, that was lived as two

a la terra es porca sulle mani

on the ground is dirt on the hands

i qui scava nei problemi mentali

And who digs into mental problems

torniamo a polveri sottili sottili

let's go back to fine dust

en tanto che torniamo bambini

as long as we return to being children

abbiamo tutti una famiglia lontana

We all have a family far away.

che ci lascia la stessa dinà addosso

that leaves the same feeling on us

abbiamo voglia di vivere

We want to live.

e paura di morir

the fear of dying

a volte il contrario, a volte è solo voglia di fare l'amore

Sometimes the opposite, sometimes it's just a desire to make love.

io nelle cose mi ci butto di testa

I dive headfirst into things.

io come un sasso du la prossima onda

I eat like a rock of the next wave.

e sai tutte le strade

And all the roads.

che non ho percorso

I have not traveled.

e ho quasi la voglia di vivere addosso

and I have almost the desire to live on me

I no és important si tinc fàstic o no

And it is not important if I feel disgusted or not.

Avui he entès que d'aquestes coses no en tinc més necessitat

Today I understood that I don't need any more of these things.

De totes les estrades que no he percut

Of all the stages that I have not experienced.

Quasi tinc la volia de viure dins

I almost have the desire to live inside.

Em sento com la noia aquí al costat

I feel like the girl next to me.

Està escrivint al tipus, el veig del seu somriure

He is writing to the guy, I can tell by his smile.

E mi sento come lei che ha bisogno soltanto del suo petto

And I feel like her who only needs her chest.

Sotto la testa uno spazio protetto

Under the head a protected space.

Ho pure voglia di soldi e di sesso

I only want money and sex.

Di a smendi una casa grandissima

Say to send a very big house.

Certo, anche quello non sarebbe male

Sure, that wouldn't be bad either.

Ma sai, oggi no

But I know, not today.

Io vorrei avere soltanto il tuo aspetto

I would only like to have your appearance.

Per piacermi anch'io quanto mi piaci tu

To like me as much as I like you.

Che sei tutta la strada

You are all the way.

Che non ho percorso

That I have not traveled

E ho quasi la voglia di vivere addosso

And I almost have the desire to live on me.

E non è importante se ho fame o se ho sonno

And it doesn’t matter if I am hungry or if I am sleepy.

Ho capito que no, no te canto

I understood that no, I won't sing for you.

Cosa ho capito? Niente

What did I understand? Nothing.

De totes les estrades que no he percut

Of all the stages I have not hit.

Ho quasi la volia de viure addosso

I almost wanted to live on top of it.

De totes les estrades que no he percut

Of all the stands I have not struck.

E ho quasi la volia de viure addosso

And I almost wanted to live with it on me.

E no è importante se ho fame o se ho sonno

And it's not important if I'm hungry or if I'm sleepy.

De totes les estrades que no he percut

Of all the stages that I have not struck.

Ho quasi la volia de viure addosso

I almost wanted to live on top of me.

Aquí la teníem, Angelina Mango,

Here we had her, Angelina Mango,

amb aquestes ganes de viure que es contagien.

with this eagerness to live that is infectious.

Volia de viure, eh?

I wanted to live, huh?

Potser no tan coneguda com la noia,

Perhaps not as well-known as the girl,

que ha estat el seu gran èxit d'aquest 24,

what has been your great success this 24,

però, per cert, Angelina Mango,

but, by the way, Angelina Mango,

que diria que el novembre visita Barcelona

I would say that November visits Barcelona.

en concert a Ras Matàs,

in concert at Ras Matàs,

per tant ja ho sabeu, si sou a temps,

so you already know, if you are on time,

que segur que sí, d'anar-hi si us interessa.

I'm sure we will go there if you're interested.

Fa ballar també tota la pista.

It also makes the whole dancefloor move.

Va, anem amb dos cantautors de Vinci,

Come on, let's go with two singer-songwriters from Vinci,

Classe del 92, Checo e Cipo,

Class of '92, Checo and Cipo,

és a dir, Simona Cecanti i Fabio Cipollini,

that is to say, Simona Cecanti and Fabio Cipollini,

que també han tingut un èxit d'aquells clamorosos

that have also had one of those resounding successes

a X-Factor, amb una actuació clicadíssima,

an X-Factor, with a super-clicked performance,

però que fa més de 15 anys que fan música junts,

but they have been making music together for over 15 years,

5 àlbums, amb una afició per explicar històries,

5 albums, with a passion for telling stories,

històries a un punt aquest d'ironia,

stories at this point of irony,

d'irreverència, de distanciament.

of irreverence, of detachment.

Per tant, cantautors també en el millor sentit del terme,

Therefore, singer-songwriters also in the best sense of the term,

com ens interessa,

as we are interested,

avui recontant una història d'amor

today recounting a love story

amb el seu punt de vista i amb la seva òptica musical,

with his point of view and with his musical perspective,

Checo i Cipo, Cotto di Te.

Checo and Cipo, Cotto di Te.

No sarebbe mai stato in grado di stare al passo

He would never have been able to keep up.

con lo stesso coraggio.

with the same courage.

Checo i Cipo, Cotto di Te.

Checo and Cipo, Cotto di Te.

Seguim, ara amb un cantant

Let's continue, now with a singer.

que hem fet sonar més una vegada,

that we have made sound more than once,

Nrut, per tant, un peu...

Nrut, therefore, a little...

Un altre cop, la música napolitana, en aquest cas del circuit independent,

Once again, Neapolitan music, in this case from the independent circuit,

un cantant, compositor de bandes sonores, productor, guitarrista,

a singer, soundtrack composer, producer, guitarist,

un músic molt talentós, ha fet un munt de discos,

a very talented musician, has made a lot of albums,

ha col·laborat amb els millors artistes també de l'escena indi,

he has collaborated with the best artists from the indie scene as well.

amb influències que van del folk anglès,

with influences ranging from English folk,

passant per la cançó napolitana, per descomptat, el blues, la música africana,

passing through Neapolitan song, of course, the blues, African music,

és a dir, algú que també ha fet recerca musical

that is to say, someone who has also conducted musical research

i que des d'aquest punt de vista té un marc mental molt interessant.

And from this point of view, it has a very interesting mindset.

Añut, amb una cançó també des de la tradició napolitana, que es diu

Añut, with a song also from the Neapolitan tradition, which is called

Nupuco e vena.

Nupuco and vein.

El cor no s'escarfa

The heart does not warm.

No em passa viernes, no em passa estorment

It doesn’t bother me Friday, it doesn’t bother me trouble.

M'afirma totes les coses, clico l'ull

It affirms all things to me, I click the eye.

Falla per mi, fallar no em fa perill

Fail for me, failing doesn't endanger me.

Si m'ho no penso en res, res em fa mal

If I don't think about anything, nothing hurts me.

Vull donar-te una mica de pena

I want to give you a little sadness.

I he tocat l'hora d'esta cançó

I have played the time of this song.

I no encerqué cap iman que paró

And I didn't find any magnet that stopped.

M'ha passat cap un àtim, mama, sí

A bird has flown over me, mom, yes.

No em passa viernes, no em passa estorment

It doesn't happen to me on Friday, it doesn't bother me.

M'afirma totes les coses, clico l'ull

It affirms all things, I click the eye.

Falla per mi, fallar no em fa perill

Fail for me, failing does not put me in danger.

Si m'ho no penso en res, res em fa mal

If I don't think about anything, nothing hurts me.

Vull donar-te una mica de pena

I want to make you feel a little sorrow.

I he tocat l'hora d'esta cançó

I have played the time of this song.

I no encerqué cap iman que paró

And I didn't look for any magnet that stopped.

M'ha passat cap un àtim, mama, sí

A seagull has flown over me, mom, yes.

Viva l'Itàlia

Long live Italy!

Història de la cançó italiana a Catalunya Ràdio

History of Italian song on Catalunya Ràdio

Amb David Guzmán

With David Guzmán

Ara anem amb l'Enyo

Now we're going with Enyo.

L'Enyo és un duet musical d'origen toscà

Enyo is a musical duet of Tuscan origin.

Fa sis anys que s'hi dediquen

They have been dedicating themselves to it for six years.

Han fet un munt de singles

They have made a lot of singles.

El 19 crec que van publicar el seu primer disc

On the 19th, I think they released their first album.

Amb influències de Bruno Rissas

With influences from Bruno Rissas

Que torna a ser omnipresent

That is omnipresent again.

Però també calcuta

But also Calcutta.

També dels grans a vegades me'ls deixo

Sometimes I also leave them aside.

Però en totes les coses que heu fet

But in all the things you have done

En tots aquests grups de l'escena indi musical italiana

In all these groups of the Italian indie music scene.

Sempre hi ha els benditi de Gregori d'Alesa

There are always the blessings of Gregori d'Alesa.

I la influència dels grans cantautors segueix allà

And the influence of the great singer-songwriters is still there.

Ben presents i això es nota

Ben presents and that shows.

Tres àlbums d'estudi

Three studio albums

Han enregistrat l'Enyo

They have recorded the Enyo.

I una singularitat

And a singularity.

Els dos components del grup de l'Enyo

The two members of Enyo's group

Mantenen en secret la seva identitat

They keep their identity a secret.

Per què?


Perquè tenen el costum de sortir a l'escenari

Because they have the habit of going on stage.

Amb la cara coberta, amb una caixa

With a covered face, with a box.

I no sabem quin rostre tenen

And we don't know what face they have.

Ni com fan

Neither how they do.

Coneixem únicament la seva música

We only know his music.

Que ja és una gran cosa

That is already a great thing.

Per tant, escoltem més enllà de la identitat

Therefore, we listen beyond identity.

D'escoltem els l'Enyo

We're listening to Enyo.

Amb aquesta cançó que es diu

With this song that is called



E ti guardo andare via

And I keep you from leaving.

Si a la tua esquena no n'hi ha niente mal

If there is nothing wrong with your back.

La preferivo su di me

I preferred her over me.

Una corona dove afogare

A crown where to drown.

Tutte le tue pa

All your pa

Tutte le tue storie

All your stories

Continua a bere acqua mineral

Continue to drink mineral water.

E tu non vuoi capir

And you don't want to understand.

Tu no mi vuoi escoltar

You don't want to listen to me.

E mandi tutto a puttar

And everything goes to hell.

Sapessi andarci io

If only I knew how to get there.

Per dimenticarti

To make you forget

Per dimenticare

To forget

Que i tuoi occhi

What your eyes

Chiodat io

I don’t know.

Fanno così male

They hurt so much.

Cazzo così male

Damn, it hurts so much.

Ma no riesco

I can't laugh.

E poi esco

And then I go out.

Et incontro per strada

I meet you on the street.

Con uno stronzo che non sono io

With a jerk that isn't me.

Cazzo che non sono io

Damn, it's not me.



Ora urti en una Schweppes

Now hit a Schweppes.

Devo digerir

I must digest.

Tutte le parole

All the words

Che non sono riuscito a dire

That I couldn't say.

Ma forse è tardi

But perhaps it's late.

Mentre andrò a dormire

While I will go to sleep.

Ma io non so finir

But I do not know how to finish.

Tu non sa ascoltar

You don't know how to listen.

Continua a bere acqua mineral

Continue to drink mineral water.

E io non so capir

And I don't know how to understand.

E non mi so spiegar

And I don't know how to explain myself.

Ma andiamo tutto a puttar

But we’re all going to hell.

Sapessi andarci io

If only I could go there.

Per dimenticarti

To forget you

Per dimenticare

To forget

La tua boca

Your mouth

Que chiodat io

What am I going to do?

Non mi fa respirare

It doesn't let me breathe.

Cazzo respirare

Shit, breathe.

Ma no riesco

But I can't.

E poi esco

And then I go out.

Et incontro per strada

I meet you on the street.

Con uno stronzo

With a jerk.

Que non sono io

That I am not.

Cazzo que non sono io

Fuck that it's not me.



Acqua minerale

Mineral water



Acqua minerale

Mineral water



Acqua minerale

Mineral water



Acqua minerale

Mineral water



Acqua minerale

Mineral water

Tenta d'afugar

Try to escape.

Face to the Addiction

Face to the Addiction





Aquaminerale, Aquaminerale

Aquaminerale, Aquaminerale

Baby, Aquaminerale, Aquaminerale

Baby, Aquaminerale, Aquaminerale

Aquaminerale, Aquaminerale

Aquaminerale, Aquaminerale

Baby, Aquaminerale

Baby, Aquaminerale

Tenta de fugar

Attempt to escape

Viva l'Itàlia!

Long live Italy!

Va, que tancarem avui aquest repàs

Come on, let's wrap up this review today.

amb una música coneguda, aquest repàs

with a familiar tune, this review

amb alguns dels noms

with some of the names

de grups o solistes, vocalistes de tot tipus

of groups or soloists, vocalists of all kinds

més interessants a la música d'autor italiana

more interesting in Italian autor music

novament amb un tàndem

again with a tandem

avui tancarem amb un parell d'artistes

Today we will close with a couple of artists.

coneguts que, vaja

knowns that, well

Colapesci di Martino, que hem celebrat moltes vegades

Colapesci by Martino, which we have celebrated many times.

tant junts com per separat

as much together as apart

i que avui escoltarem amb una de les cançons

And today we will listen to one of the songs.

del seu segon disc

from their second album

com a duet que van presentar l'any passat

as a duet that they presented last year

i que té molta gràcia com totes

and it is very funny like all of them

les cançons que fan junts. Mil vegades

the songs they make together. A thousand times

gràcies, un any més, per acompanyar-nos

Thank you, once again, for being with us.

en aquest estiu a la italiana

this Italian summer

són ja cinc temporades, de fet

it's already five seasons, in fact

a 3Cat les teniu totes, eh?

You have them all at 3Cat, right?

i a les plataformes habituals de streaming

and on the usual streaming platforms

allà hi ha els 35 programes a l'Itàlia

there are the 35 programs in Italy

també Spotify, recordeu, la llista de cançons

also Spotify, remember, the playlist

són centenars de cançons

they are hundreds of songs

allà les teniu ordenades

there you have them arranged

novament gràcies per descomptat

Thank you again, of course.

a la Rosa Saneuja, al Francesc Mercet

to Rosa Saneuja, to Francesc Mercet

al Jota i tota la gent de discoteca

to Jota and all the people at the nightclub

que els demanes una cançó

that you ask them for a song

i la troben en zero coma

And they find her in zero point.

gràcies com sempre a la Rosa Silloe

Thank you as always to Rosa Silloe.

per la complicitat habitual

for the usual complicity

i ens retrobem ben aviat

And we will meet again very soon.

amb la italianofília de sempre

with the usual Italianophilia

amb altres programes

with other programs

gràcies a de bo, també en nom meu, David Guzmán

Thank you very much, also on my behalf, David Guzmán.

ha estat un plaer i us deixem

It has been a pleasure, and we bid you farewell.

una vegada més amb Colapeixa Di Martino

once again with Colapeixa Di Martino

i aquest Considera Viva

and this Consider Viva

gràcies a tots

thank you all

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