The Beautiful South, intrínsecament britànics

Catalunya Ràdio

El celobert

The Beautiful South, intrínsecament britànics

El celobert

Icat, escoltes Icat.

Icat, you are listening to Icat.

Ara a Icat, el cel obert, amb Lluís Gabaldà.

Now on Icat, the open sky, with Lluís Gabaldà.

Bon, bon i molt bon vespre a tothom.

Good, good and very good evening to everyone.

Un dia més des d'ICAT,

One more day from ICAT,

dedicat als grups intrínsecament britànics,

dedicated to intrinsically British groups,

arriba l'hora del cel obert.

the time of the open sky arrives.

Sí, xiquets, hi ha certes bandes

Yes, kids, there are certain bands.

que porten gairebé la bandera de l'Union Jack

that carry almost the Union Jack flag

com a capa de Superman.

like Superman's cape.

Quan els sents t'imagines que aprenen el T a les 5

When you hear them, you imagine that they learn the T at 5.

i que parlen sempre del mal temps que fa.

and they always talk about the bad weather.

Estic parlant d'aquesta bandera

I am talking about this flag.

d'aquests grups que segueixen la tradició dels kings,

of these groups that follow the tradition of the kings,

els small faces, els mateixos madness més madurs.

the small faces, the same madness more mature.

Cançons amb un clar contingut irònic,

Songs with a clear ironic content,

un sentit de l'humor fi i una tradició de musical.

a fine sense of humor and a tradition of musical.

Doncs avui volem parlar-ne d'un

So today we want to talk about one.

que potser aquí a casa nostra no va tenir el ressò

that perhaps here at our home it did not have the resonance

que va gaudir a la seva eterna tal,

who enjoyed his eternal such,

però que és absolutament reivindicable.

but it is absolutely justifiable.

Un grup liderat per en Paul Heaton

A group led by Paul Heaton

que es feia dir The Beautiful South.

that was called The Beautiful South.

I love you from the bottom of my pencil case

I love you from the bottom of my pencil case.

I love you in the songs I write and sing

I love you in the songs I write and sing.

I love you from the bottom of my pencil case

I love you from the bottom of my pencil case.

I love you in the songs I write and sing

I love you in the songs I write and sing.

Because you put me in my rightful place

Perquè em vas posar al meu lloc que em correspon.

And I love the PRS checks that you bring

And I love the PRS checks that you bring.

Cheap, never cheap

Cheap, never cheap.

I'll sing you songs till you're asleep

Et cantaré cançons fins que estiguis adormit.

And when you've gone upstairs I'll creep

And when you've gone upstairs I'll sneak.

And write it all down, down, down

I escriu-ho tot, avall, avall.

And out, oh, Shelley, oh, Deborah

And out, oh, Shelley, oh, Deborah

Oh, Julie, oh, Jane

Oh, Julie, oh, Jane

I wrote so many songs about you

I wrote so many songs about you.

I forget your name

I forget your name.

Jennifer, Alison, Phillip, Sue

Jennifer, Alison, Phillip, Sue

Deborah, Annabelle, Sue

Deborah, Annabelle, Sue

I forget your name

I forget your name.

Jennifer, Alison, Phillip, Sue

Jennifer, Alison, Phillip, Sue

Deborah, Annabelle, Sue

Deborah, Annabelle, Sue

I forget your name

I forget your name.

I love you from the bottom of my pencil case

I love you from the bottom of my pencil case.

I love the way you live, oh

I love the way you live, oh.

Ask me why

Pregunta'm per què.

I love the way you live, oh

I love the way you live, oh.

I'd love to ride a mile

M'encantaria córrer una milla.

And drink all on your face

I drink all on your face.

And I'd love you till my bones and pen runs dry

I would love you until my bones and pen run dry.

Deep, so deep

Profund, tan profund.

The number one I hope to reap

The number one I hope to reap.

Depends upon the tears you weep

It depends on the tears you weep.

So cry, love, and cry

So plora, amor, i plora.

Cry, cry, cry

Cry, cry, cry

Oh, Kathy, oh, Allison

Oh, Kathy, oh, Allison

Oh, Philippa, oh, Sue

Oh, Philippa, oh, Sue.

You made me so much money

You made me so much money.

I wrote this song for you

I wrote this song for you.

Jennifer, Allison, Philippa, Sue

Jennifer, Allison, Philippa, Sue

Deborah, Annabelle, Sue

Deborah, Annabelle, Sue

I wrote this song for you

I wrote this song for you.

Jennifer, Allison, Philippa, Sue

Jennifer, Allison, Philippa, Sue

Deborah, Annabelle, Sue

Deborah, Annabelle, Sue

Jennifer, Allison, Philippa, Sue

Jennifer, Allison, Philippa, Sue

For you, for you, for you, for you, for you

For you, for you, for you, for you, for you.

I wrote this song for you

I wrote this song for you.

So let me talk about Mary, sad story

So let me talk about Mary, a sad story.

Turn her grief into glory

Turn her grief into glory.

Talk about Mary, sad story

Talk about Mary, sad story.

Turn her grief into glory

Turn her grief into glory

Late at night on the tight, bright light

Late at night on the tight, bright light

Rip his ribbon to shreds

Tear his ribbon to shreds.

Late at night on the tight, bright light

Late at night on the tight, bright light.

Rip his ribbon to shreds

Tear his ribbon to shreds.

So let me talk about Mary, sad story

So let me talk about Mary, sad story.

Turn her grief into glory

Turn her grief into glory.

Talk about Mary, sad story

Talk about Mary, a sad story.

Turn her grief into glory

Turn her grief into glory

Late at night on the tight, bright light

Late at night on the tight, bright light

Rip his ribbon to shreds

Tear his ribbon to shreds.

Late at night on the tight, bright light

Late at night on the tight, bright light

Rip his ribbon to shreds

Tear his ribbon to shreds.

So let me talk about Mary, sad story

So let me talk about Mary, a sad story.

Turn her grief into glory

Turn her grief into glory

Let me talk about Mary, sad story

Let me talk about Mary, a sad story.

Bona nit.

Good night.

You keep it all in, aquesta cançó que reflecteix aquests kitchen sink dramas,

You keep it all in, this song that reflects these kitchen sink dramas,

aquesta afició que tenen els anglesos per les murder stories,

this hobby that the English have for murder stories,

les històries d'assassinats tipus Agatha Christie,

Agatha Christie-style murder stories,

en aquest cas dedicat a una nòvia que té certa tendència

in this case dedicated to a bride who has a certain tendency

a lligar els seus marits i després fotre'sels per sopar.

to tie up their husbands and then have them for dinner.

Deixem ja el Welcome to the Beautiful South,

Let's leave the Welcome to the Beautiful South behind.

però a vegades m'agradaria posar una altra de les peces més destacades,

but sometimes I would like to put another of the standout pieces,

que entronca amb aquestes balades tan característiques del Heaton

that links to these characteristic ballads of Heaton

a la seva banda anterior, aquest piano navegant de manera imperial

on its front side, this imperial sailing piano

en una cançó que es diu I'll Sail the Ship Alone.

in a song called I'll Sail the Ship Alone.

I'll Sail the Ship Alone.

I'll Sail the Ship Alone.

If, if you choose that we will always lose,

If, if you choose that we will always lose,

well, then I'll sail this ship alone.

Well, then I'll sail this ship alone.

And if, if you decide to give him another try,

And if, if you decide to give him another try,

well, then I'll sail the ship alone.

Well, then I'll sail the ship alone.

Bona nit.

Good night.

El sale de Ship Alone,

He leaves on Ship Alone,

una altra de les cançons del primer disc

another one of the songs from the first album

del grup protagonista del cel obert d'avui,

from the main group of today's open sky,

The Beautiful South,

The Beautiful South,

molt més que una prolongació

much more than a prolongation

dels House Martins, i que en aquest moment ja només

of the House Martins, and that at this moment there are only

amb un sol disc es transforma en una espècie d'institució

with a single disc it transforms into a kind of institution

britànica, fent una gira de més de 40 concerts

British, on a tour of more than 40 concerts.

a les illes britàniques i provocant

to the British Isles and provoking

una espècie de fervor gairebé

a kind of nearly fervor

patriòtic cap a les seves cançons

patriotic towards his songs

absolutament artesanals. El segon disc

absolutely artisanal. The second album

surt l'any 90, es diu Choke,

it came out in '90, it's called Choke,

i també hi destaca una meravella de duet

and it also features a wonderful duet.

entre el Hemingway i la Corrigan

between Hemingway and Corrigan

que es diu A Little Time.

it is called A Little Time.

El segon disc surt l'any 90, es diu Choke,

The second album comes out in 1990, it's called Choke.

Bona nit.

Good night.

El single més destacat del Choke

The most notable single from Choke.

amb el Dave Hemingway

with Dave Hemingway

i la Bona nit

and good night

i la Brianna Corrigan

and Brianna Corrigan

s'inserant-se l'un en l'altre

interlocking with each other

amb aquestes diferències d'opinió

with these differences of opinion

que poden marcar el final

that can mark the end

d'una parella.

of a couple.

A més, aquí hi ha aquest eclecticisme musical,

Furthermore, there is this musical eclecticism here,

fins i tot


pinzellades de country and western,

brushstrokes of country and western,

això sí, sempre

that yes, always

decorades d'un humor sardònic

decorated with a sardonic humor

marca de la casa.

house brand.

Passem del Choke i anem a l'any 92

Let's skip the Choke and go to the year 92.

on surt el tercer LP

when is the third LP coming out

de The Beautiful South,

of The Beautiful South,

un LP de títol

a title LP

numèric 0898

numeric 0898

on ja s'incorpora el Pete Thomas

Pete Thomas is already joining us.

i el Gary Barnacle

and Gary Barnacle

aportant uns arranjaments

providing some arrangements

de vent absolutament deliciosos

of absolutely delicious wind

i on la Corrigan ja fins i tot

And where is Corrigan even now?

adopta el paper de vocalista principal

takes on the role of lead vocalist

amb bastantes cançons

with quite a few songs

com per exemple amb aquest

for example with this one

Bell Bottom Tear.

Bell Bottom Tear.

Allò que ens diu que

What tells us that

i per cap qué

and for nothing at all

la persona de l'酒

the person of the wine

la chica

the girl












Bona nit.

Good night.

Bé, el Bottom Tier, una de les cançons

Well, the Bottom Tier, one of the songs

del 0898

of the 0898

que pels aficionats als DVD

for DVD enthusiasts

for the South hi ha certa

for the South there is certain

unanimitat que és un dels

unanimity that it is one of the

seus discos més complerts.

his/its most complete albums.

Sobretot perquè la paleta de colors es fa molt més ample

Especially because the color palette becomes much broader.

i perquè les lletres del Paul Hilton ja comencen a agafar un punt clarament personal i intransferible.

And because Paul Hilton's lyrics are starting to take on a clearly personal and non-transferable tone.

Per exemple, en aquesta que tracta el tema de l'alcoholisme de manera absolutament original

For example, in this one that addresses the topic of alcoholism in an absolutely original way.

i es diu Old Red Eyes Is Back.

And it is called Old Red Eyes Is Back.

Old Red Eyes Is Back

Old Red Eyes Is Back

Listen up, old red

Listen up, old red.

You never listened to a word the doctor said

You never listened to a word the doctor said.

He told you if you drank another you'd be dead

He told you that if you drank another one, you'd be dead.

Old Red Eyes Is Back

Old Red Eyes Is Back

He showed his ache all over and his brain is sore

He showed his pain all over and his head hurts.

He pours a drink and listens to his body thaw

He pours a drink and listens to his body thaw.

The only rest from all the thought

The only rest from all the thought.

Some used inside my head

Some used inside my head

They're only red from all the things I could have done instead

They're only red from all the things I could have done instead.

So when you look into these eyes

So when you look into these eyes

I hope you realize

I hope you realize.

They could never be blue

They could never be blue.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Old Red Eyes is back.

Old Red Eyes is back.

Aquest home que no pot tenir mai els ulls blaus

This man who can never have blue eyes

perquè els té plens de llàgrimes

because they are full of tears

de totes les dones amb qui se volia casar

of all the women he wanted to marry

i aquest home que no pot tenir mai els ulls blaus

and this man who can never have blue eyes

de qui mai va poder tenir.

of whom he/she could never have.

Una de les peces més destacades d'aquest 0898

One of the most outstanding pieces of this 0898.

en què es marca una crítica ferotge

in which a ferocious criticism is marked

a la indústria de la moda

to the fashion industry

i a aquests models que han de sometre's

and to these models that have to be submitted

a uns cànons de bellesa totalment patriarcals.

to a set of totally patriarchal beauty standards.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

36D, una altra de les meravelles

36D, another one of the wonders.

del grup protagonista

of the main group

d'avui, els Beautiful South,

today, the Beautiful South,

que ara ens demanen, sisplau, una petita

that now they ask us, please, a small

pausa per tornar amb més cançons

break to come back with more songs

del grup desconegut

of the unknown group

més important del pop anglès

most important of English pop

que necessites tenir a casa teva.

what you need to have at your home.

Fins ara!

Until now!

El cel obert, amb Lluís Gabaldà.

The open sky, with Lluís Gabaldà.

Música amb història

Music with history

per gent amb geografia.

for people with geography.

Seguim aquí, al cel obert,

We are still here, in the open sky,

amb aquesta història dels Beautiful South

with this story of the Beautiful South

que ens troba ara

that finds us now

a l'any 92, quan, contra tot pronòstic,

in the year 92, when, against all odds,

la Mariana Corrigan,

Mariana Corrigan,

decideix deixar el grup

decides to leave the group

per iniciar una carrera en solitari.

to start a solo career.

Heaton i companyia, però,

Heaton and company, however,

de seguida troben la substituta.

They quickly find the substitute.

Ni més ni menys que una amiga seva

None other than a friend of hers.

que treballa al supermercat de Hull,

that works at the supermarket in Hull,

la Jackie Abbott,

Jackie Abbott,

que es transforma en la tercera cantant

that transforms into the third singer

que entra en aquesta banda.

that enters in this band.

Diguem-ne que el Heaton la coneixia

Let's say that Heaton knew her.

per alguna festa nocturna a St. Helens

for some night party in St. Helens

i, tot seguint, un cop incorporada

and, subsequently, once incorporated

la Jackie, treuen un recopilatori,

Jackie, they're releasing a compilation.

el Carry On Up The Charts,

Carry On Up The Charts,

on entra la Mariana Corrigan,

Mariana Corrigan enters.

mentre altres perles hi ha aquest inoblidable

while among other pearls there is this unforgettable one

Prettiest Ties.

Prettiest Ties.

On we drank our first bottle of wine

Then we drank our first bottle of wine.

And we cried too

I nosaltres també vam plorar.

We're aware

Som conscients.

And we're both

I nosaltres dos

We both had nowhere to stay

We both had nowhere to stay.

While the bus shutters always okay

While the bus shutters are always okay.

When you're young

When you're young

Now you're older

Now you're older

And I look at your face

And I look at your face.

Every wrinkle is so easy to place

Every wrinkle is so easy to place.

And I only write them down

And I only write them down.

Just in case

Just in case

That you die

That you die

Let's take a look at your face

Let's take a look at your face.

Take a good look at these crow's feet

Take a good look at these crow's feet.

Just look

Just look

Sitting on the prettiest eyes

Sitting on the prettiest eyes

Sixty-twenty-fifth of December

Sixty-twenty-fifth of December

Fifty-nine Father Julies

Fifty-nine Father Julies

Not through the age of the failure children

Not through the age of failed children.

Not through the hate of despise

Not through the hate of contempt

Take a good look at these crow's feet

Take a good look at these crow's feet.

Sitting on the prettiest eyes

Sitting on the prettiest eyes

Take a good look at these crow's feet

Take a good look at these crow's feet.

One in three

One in three

I forget

I forget

But I think

Però penso.

I think it was our first ever bet

I think it was our first ever bet.

And the horse we biked was short of a leg

And the horse we rode was short of a leg.

And never mind

I don't care.



In a park

In a park

And the things

And the things

The things that people do in the dark

The things that people do in the dark

And the things that people do in the dark

And the things that people do in the dark.

Bona nit.

Good night.

La cançó és l'única inèdita d'aquest LP i es deia One Last Love Song.

The song is the only unreleased track from this LP and it was called One Last Love Song.

La cançó és l'única en aquest LP.

The song is the only one on this LP.

Bona nit.

Good night.

One Last Love Song.

One Last Love Song.

A l'extret d'aquest LP que va arribar a vendre

At the height of this LP that sold

més de 10.000 còpies

more than 10,000 copies

i que va suposar pràcticament

and that almost meant

la confirmació que els Beautiful South

the confirmation that the Beautiful South

eren una de les estrelles

you were one of the stars

més rutilants de l'escena del pop

more dazzling of the pop scene

malgrat tenir una proposta

despite having a proposal

tan fora de les modes evidents.

so outside of the obvious trends.

Anem ara a l'any 96

Let's go now to the year 96.

quan Blue is the Color

When Blue is the Color

torna a arribar a dalt de tot

it reaches the very top again

de les llistes i ens regala

of the lists and gifts us

una altra d'aquestes peces

another one of these pieces

de les peces ja clàssiques del seu repertori. Estem parlant del Rotterdam.

of the already classic pieces of his repertoire. We are talking about the Rotterdam.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Amb aquest homenatge ens hem dissimulat els grups de Doo Wop de finals dels 50 que surt el disc Quench i que es diu Dump.

With this tribute, we have concealed the Doo Wop groups from the late 50s featured on the album Quench, which is called Dump.

Dump, Dump, Dump

Dump, Dump, Dump

It doesn't take Robert DeBruce to see the way beautiful is fun

It doesn't take Robert DeBruce to see that the way beautiful is fun.

Either you are simply beautiful or I am simply dumb

O ets simplement bella o sóc simplement stupid.

Dump, Dump, Dump

Dump, Dump, Dump

It doesn't take a leopard dog to show a blind man's eye

It doesn't take a leopard dog to show a blind man's eye.

Either you are simply beautiful or I am simply dumb

O eres simplemente hermosa o yo soy simplemente tonto.

Dump, Dump, Dump

Dump, Dump, Dump

The sun, the sky, the moon, the stars

The sun, the sky, the moon, the stars

Jupiter, Neptune and Mars

Jupiter, Neptune and Mars

All these things I clearly see

All these things I clearly see.

It don't take a telescope for you to love me

You don't need a telescope to love me.

For you to, for you to love me

For you to, for you to love me.

Dump, Dump, Dump

Dump, Dump, Dump

So dumb

So dumb

So dumb, dumb, dumb

So dumb, dumb, dumb.

Dump, Dump, Dump, Dump

Dump, Dump, Dump, Dump

Dump, Dump, Dump

Dump, Dump, Dump

The sun, the sky, the moon, the stars

The sun, the sky, the moon, the stars.

Jupiter, Neptune and Mars

Jupiter, Neptune and Mars

All these things I clearly see

All these things I clearly see.

It don't take a telescope for you to love me

You don't need a telescope to love me.

Dump, Dump, Dump, Dump

Dump, Dump, Dump, Dump

El dam del quenç del Peter Felsal

The dam of the quenched of Peter Felsal

en un cel obert que malauradament ja té els minuts comptats

in an open sky that unfortunately already has its minutes counted

però que veu fer esment ni que sigui de manera puntual

but at least you should mention it, even if only briefly.

del Painting It Red

from Painting It Red

que seria l'últim disc amb la Jackie Abbott a la veu

that would be the last album with Jackie Abbott on vocals

i el final de la seva època imperial

and the end of its imperial era

encara farien un parell de discos més ja bastant menors

they would still make a couple more albums, already quite lesser

O sigui que amb el vostre permís

So with your permission

acabarem amb aquest Property Quiz

we will finish with this Property Quiz

en un programa que ha intentat enganxar-vos les ganes

in a program that has tried to hook your desire

de descobrir un univers musical diferent

to discover a different musical universe

de tall clàssic i amb lletres absolutament

of classic cut and with absolutely letters

punyents i plenes d'ironia

biting and full of irony

Amb aquesta cançó l'equip del programa s'acomiada per avui

With this song, the program team says goodbye for today.

Albert Cots, control i muntatge, Núria Serrano, documentació

Albert Cots, control and assembly, Núria Serrano, documentation.

Lluís Gabaldà, us diu en salut

Lluís Gabaldà says hello to you.

i fins la propera, adeu

And until next time, goodbye.

Fins la propera

Until next time.

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