William Goldman, per Enric Pardo: l'artesà invisible

Catalunya Ràdio


William Goldman, per Enric Pardo: l'artesà invisible




Escolta's Icat.

Listen to Icat.

Escriure guions no és una forma d'art, sinó una habilitat.

Writing scripts is not a form of art, but a skill.

És com fer de fuster.

It's like being a carpenter.

Si agafes fusta, claus i cola per construir una prestatgeria,

If you take wood, nails, and glue to build a shelf,

però quan l'intentes penjar cau a trossos,

but when you try to hang it, it falls to pieces,

pot ser que hagis creat una cosa meravellosa,

it could be that you have created a wonderful thing,

però que no serveixi de prestatgeria.

but it shouldn't be used as a bookshelf.

William Goldman.

William Goldman.

En un gremi tan sovint menys tingut com el dels guionistes,

In a trade so often undervalued as that of screenwriters,

el nom de l'escriptor William Goldman destaca per mèrits propis.

The name of the writer William Goldman stands out on its own merits.

Ja sigui adaptant a la pantalla material propi o d'altres autors,

Whether adapting material of one's own or from other authors to the screen,

li devem una bona colla de clàssics moderns.

We owe him a good number of modern classics.

Qui el reivindica és un dels guionistes més fèrtils del nostre panorama audiovisual,

Who claims him is one of the most prolific screenwriters in our audiovisual landscape,

Enric Pardo.

Enric Pardo.

Hola, em dic Inigo Montoya.

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya.

Tu has matat el meu pare.

You have killed my father.

Estàs preparat per morir.

Are you ready to die?

Sí, ho estic.

Yes, I am.

A Marcello Mio, qui ara amb Astroiani pretén fer-se passar pel seu pare.

To my Marcello, who now with Astroiani intends to pretend to be his father.

Si no us sembla un motiu suficient per fer-ne un tràiler sincer,

If you don't think it's a good enough reason to make an honest trailer,

és perquè sou molt bones persones.

It's because you are very good people.

Lei no és Marcello.

He is not Marcello.

Xelica la veritat.

Xelica the truth.

Volemos la veritat, ¿no?

We want the truth, right?

A les intocables, homenatgem Xeli Duval amb la seva pel·lícula de debut,

To the untouchables, we honor Xeli Duval with her debut film.

una faula extravagant i força curiosa.

an extravagant and quite curious fable.

El volar és per a los pàjaros.

Flying is for the birds.



AICAT comença Memento.

AICAT begins Memento.

Amb Josep Maria Bunyol.

With Josep Maria Bunyol.

Què tal? Com esteu?

How are you? How are you all?

Benvinguts al programa on només hi ha una cosa que ens agrada més que veure cinema,

Welcome to the program where there is only one thing we like more than watching movies,


to remind him.

El muntatge musical, un parer enllunyà d'Iñigo Montoya,

The musical montage, a distant opinion of Iñigo Montoya,

amb el mateix sentit de l'honor i de la justícia.

with the same sense of honor and justice.

Dani Jiménez.

Dani Jiménez.

Parlant de justícia, avui toca fer-ne,

Speaking of justice, today it's time to do it.

amb un dels gremis fonamentals a l'hora de construir una ficció,

with one of the fundamental guilds when it comes to constructing a fiction,

tot i que no sempre rep el reconeixement merescut

although it does not always receive the deserved recognition

i de vegades fins i tot s'emporta algun moc del tot gratuït.

And sometimes it even takes a snot for free.

Li retem homenatge a un escriptor responsable d'un grapat de bones pel·lícules

We pay tribute to a writer responsible for a handful of good films.

i ho fem amb un col·lega seu de professió,

and we do it with a colleague of his profession,

amb un currículum no menys admirable.

with a curriculum no less admirable.

Així doncs, comencem!

So, let's get started!

I ara, comencem!

And now, let's get started!

8 temporades de Memento a ICAT

8 seasons of Memento on ICAT

Com els 8 passatgers de La Nostromo

Like the 8 passengers of the Nostromo

Les 8 pel·lícules i mitja de Fellini

Fellini's 8 and a Half

Els odiosos 8 i les 8 muntanyes

The Hateful Eight and The Eight Mountains.

Enric Pardo, què tal? Benvingut a Memento!

Enric Pardo, how are you? Welcome to Memento!

Moltes gràcies, molt bé!

Thank you very much, very good!

L'Enric és guionista i escriptor,

Enric is a screenwriter and writer.

ha treballat en sèries d'èxit com Arròs Cubat,

he has worked on successful series such as Arròs Cubat,

pel qual té un premi Ondas,

for which he has received an Ondas award,

Mira lo que has hecho y el otro lado,

Look at what you have done and the other side.

Humberto Romero y Rafael Barceló,

Humberto Romero and Rafael Barceló,

Maricón perdido, la sèrie de Bob Pop,

Lost Queer, the series by Bob Pop,

o un èxit recent del Trescant,

or a recent success of Trescant,

Cat Vintage.

Cat Vintage.

A més, ara l'Enric Pardo també és col·laborador

In addition, now Enric Pardo is also a collaborator.

de la nova etapa de La Finestra Indiscreta

of the new stage of La Finestra Indiscreta

que presenta el Toni de la Torre.

that Toni de la Torre presents.

Sentíem, escoltàvem la frase inicial

We felt, we listened to the initial phrase.

de William Goldman

by William Goldman

i t'he de preguntar, Enric, si a tu et costa més

I have to ask you, Enric, if it's harder for you.

muntar una llibreria Billy o acabar el guió d'un capítol.

assemble a Billy bookshelf or finish the script of a chapter.

Jo subcontracto lo de la llibreria

I subcontract the bookstore.

Billy, se'm dona fatal, fatal, fatal.

Billy, I'm really bad at it, really, really bad.

Amb els mobles d'Ikea sempre hi ha un moment

With Ikea furniture, there is always a moment.

que te n'adones que alguna cosa està al revés, no?

You realize that something is upside down, right?

Jo ja ho veig allà, in situ,

I already see it there, in situ.

allò no ho podrem muntar mai.

we will never be able to assemble that.

Però això que deia William Goldman

But what William Goldman said

que hi ha una part d'habilitat gairebé tècnica

that there is a part of skill that is almost technical

a l'hora d'escriure un guió, comparteixes?

When writing a script, do you share?

Totalment. William Goldman diu una gran veritat amb això.

Totally. William Goldman says a great truth with this.

Inclús la metàfora de l'estanteria

Even the metaphor of the bookshelf

és fantàstica

it's fantastic

perquè té molt a veure amb suportar

because it has a lot to do with enduring

o sustentar altres coses

or support other things

i té molt a veure

and it has a lot to do with it

amb l'engranatge que està per sota

with the gear that is underneath

que fa que brillin altres coses, no?

that makes other things shine, right?

I quan aquest engranatge no funciona

And when this gear does not work

generalment l'espectador

generally the viewer

generalment no ho verbalitza

generally does not verbalize it

però nota que alguna cosa no està bé.

but note that something is not right.

També has estat coguionista de pel·lícules

You have also been a co-writer of films.

com Trash, Animals,

like Trash, Animals,

de Marcel Forés o El Club de los Buenos Infieles.

by Marcel Forés or The Club of Good Infidels.

El que passa que és curiós, no, Enric,

What happens is that it's curious, isn't it, Enric,

que quan diem guionista i escriptor

that when we say screenwriter and writer

sembla que fins que no escrius una novel·la

it seems that until you write a novel

no pots dir que ets escriptor

you can't say that you are a writer

com si fer guions ja no fos escriure, no?

It's as if writing scripts is no longer writing, right?

És bastant decebedor

It is quite disappointing.

perquè crec que ningú diria que Shakespeare no és escriptor.

because I believe that no one would say that Shakespeare is not a writer.

Per exemple.

For example.

Shakespeare és un dramaturg.

Shakespeare is a playwright.

No escrivia novel·les però escrivia teatre.

He didn't write novels but he wrote theater.

Jo crec que l'escriptura de guions

I believe that screenwriting

és igual d'homologable a l'escriptura

it is equally homologous to the writing

de novel·les o l'escriptura

of novels or writing

de guions radiofònics també, per què no?

Of radio scripts too, why not?

Al final tot això va de

In the end, all of this is about

comunicar i narrar una història.

to communicate and narrate a story.

En el teu cas, sí, perquè no hi hagi cap dubte

In your case, yes, so there is no doubt.

que ets escriptor, ets autor de les novel·les

that you are a writer, you are the author of the novels

Todas las chicas besan con los ojos cerrados

All the girls kiss with their eyes closed.

primera temporada y la vida es corta

first season and life is short

y luego te mueres.

and then you die.

Fa uns deu anys Filmex va comprar els drets

About ten years ago, Filmex bought the rights.

de la primera per fer-ne una pel·lícula

from the first to make a movie

però no s'ha arribat a fer mai.

but it has never been done.

Alguna vegada veurem alguna de les teves novel·les

Will we ever see one of your novels?

en pantalla?

on screen?

No ho sé, no depèn sols de mi.

I don't know, it doesn't depend only on me.

L'aprenentatge que vaig extreure

The learning that I derived

del que va passar amb totes les xiques

about what happened with all the girls

que va ser l'adaptació

what was the adaptation

que va comprar Filmex

that Filmex bought

és que m'han contractat

It's that they've hired me.

per adaptar-la jo i no em vaig sortir.

To adapt it, I couldn't manage.

I no em vaig sortir perquè no vaig tenir

And I didn't succeed because I didn't have

la suficient perspectiva

the sufficient perspective

o capacitat d'abstreure'm

or ability to abstract myself

de l'Enric novel·lista i de l'Enric guionista.

of the Enric novelist and of the Enric screenwriter.

I com que estava

And as I was

enamorat de la meva novel·la, perquè en la meva novel·la

in love with my novel, because in my novel

estava tot el que jo volia explicar

that was everything I wanted to explain

no vaig poder tirar endavant.

I couldn't move forward.

I el projecte va acabar morint.

And the project ended up dying.

Crec que és un gran aprenentatge

I think it's a great learning experience.

i també crec que és xulo

and I also think it’s cool

i interessant i maco

it is interesting and nice

que els guionistes puguem parlar també

that the screenwriters can also speak

dels cadàvers que tenim en l'armari,

of the corpses we have in the closet,

de projectes que no hem sigut capaços de tirar endavant

of projects that we have not been able to carry forward

o projectes que han caigut

or projects that have fallen through

pel seu propi pes.

for its own weight.

Tu en alguna ocasió justament has dit que

You have at some point said that

per adaptar una obra teva literària en format audiovisual

to adapt one of your literary works into an audiovisual format

has de saber fer-ne la d'estral.

You need to know how to do it with an axe.

I potser en aquest cas no la vas saber fer-ne prou.

And perhaps in this case you didn't know how to make enough of it.

Kill your darlings, que diuen.

Kill your darlings, they say.

Sí, sí, estava massa enamorat

Yes, yes, I was too in love.

de la novel·la, com per poder escriure-la.

from the novel, as for being able to write it.

En els últims mesos hem escoltat

In recent months we have heard

algunes opinions molt personals

some very personal opinions

sobre la feina del guionista.

about the work of the screenwriter.

Atacs o opinions una mica gratuïtes.

Attacks or somewhat gratuitous opinions.

Primer va ser Hòbik Keutskerian,

First it was Hòbik Keutskerian,

l'actor de La Casa de Papel i Reina Roja,

the actor from Money Heist and Red Queen,

qui ens va alertar que les acotacions

who alerted us that the boundaries

no són necessàries.

they are not necessary.

En mi opinión, y esto discutiré con todos los guionistas,

In my opinion, and I will discuss this with all the screenwriters,

con todos los directores, con todos los showrunners,

with all the directors, with all the showrunners,

en un guión hay un papel, no hay un personaje.

In a script, there is a role, there is no character.

Tú me das a mí un guión para arrancar

You give me a script to start with.

y lo primero que hago es quitar todas las acotaciones.

And the first thing I do is to remove all the comments.

Michael Frankson Pond

Michael Frankson Pond

entra triste al bar y se dirige

he enters the bar feeling sad and heads

a Muru Zaval. Bueno, ¿y por qué cojones

to Muru Zaval. Well, and why the hell

entra triste? Entonces tacho.

Are you sad? Then I scratch it off.

Entonces Michael Frankson

So Michael Frankson

entra al bar, porque yo

enter the bar, because I

no sé qué pasa en ese bar, lo voy a saber

I don't know what happens in that bar, I'm going to find out.

a medida que vaya trabajando. Entonces el guionista

as they go on working. Then the screenwriter

ha hecho un grandísimo trabajo

he has done a tremendous job

hasta que suelta el guión. Y le llega

until he lets go of the script. And it reaches him.

el director y le llega el actor. Por tanto,

the director and the actor arrives. Therefore,

no, el personaje no está.

No, the character is not here.

El personaje se construye.

The character is constructed.

Què hem de dir? Els teus guions, Enric,

What should we say? Your scripts, Enric,

duen moltes acotacions?

Do they have many annotations?

Cada cop menys, perquè crec que és bo

Less and less, because I believe it is good.

disser un espai a tota la gent que ve

say a space to all the people who come

darrere, però quan posem alguna acotació és per

behind, but when we make some annotation it is for

alguna cosa, és per alguna indicació

Something, it is for some indication.

i el posar irònic

and putting it ironically

o trist és

or sad is

important. Hem de posar-les en

important. We have to put them in

context. Quan estàs en públic,

When you are in public,

potser t'has fet una entrevista abans o no.

Perhaps you had an interview before or not.

Era un acte amb el David Martos, presentat pel David Martos.

It was an event with David Martos, presented by David Martos.

Sí, que va estar ideal. La resposta

Yes, it was ideal. The answer.

va ser magnífica. Que li deia ara qualsevol

It was magnificent. What was I saying to him now?

li porta la contrària, no?

it goes against him, right?

Aquesta energia que tu has de tractar de guanyar-te

This energy that you have to try to earn.

l'audiència que tens, doncs et pot portar

the audience you have, can therefore bring you

a dir alguna cosa fora de lloc.

to say something out of place.

I jo crec que el problema aquí fonamental,

And I believe that the fundamental problem here,

no era el fet que, òbviament,

it wasn't the fact that, obviously,

ve després gent que li dona una presència,

comes later people who give it a presence,

que li dona... És un gran actor.

What he gives... He is a great actor.

Li dona un cos, li dona una veu,

It gives her a body, it gives her a voice,

li dona... Tot allò que tu t'hagis imaginat

it gives you... Everything that you have imagined

a casa, ve algú i ho fa i ho materialitza

At home, someone comes and does it and materializes it.

i generalment és algú amb molt de talent.

And generally, it is someone with a lot of talent.

Però està construït, abans.

But it is built, beforehand.

I tenir el poder que té

And to have the power that he has.

un actor d'aquest

an actor of this

caire, a l'hora de

at the time of

poder desmuntar

to be able to dismantle

la feina o posar en valor la feina

the job or valuing the job

d'un company, perquè al final som companys,

of a companion, because in the end we are companions,

doncs va ser molt trist,

then it was very sad,

perquè moltes vegades

because many times

l'eslabó més petit i més dèbil

the smallest and weakest link

som els guionistes, no l'actor.

We are the screenwriters, not the actor.

En aquest cas la cotació també va ser

In this case, the quote was also

Enric Pardo escolta trist aquestes declaracions, no?

Enric Pardo listens sadly to these statements, doesn't he?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

El que passa que després, fa ben poc,

What happens is that later, not long ago,

hi ha algú que diríem que l'ha superat, potser.

There is someone we could say has surpassed it, perhaps.

L'Anna Joan Imri, durant la promoció de la sèrie

Anna Joan Imri, during the promotion of the series

Respira, deia això.

Breathe, he said that.

Soy buena dialogando.

I’m good at dialoguing.

Es verdad. No siempre me dejan.

It's true. They don't always let me.

En este caso, concretamente,

In this case, specifically,

tal cual venía el guión.

just as the script came.

O sea, los guiones estaban escritos,

I mean, the scripts were written,

todos y bien,

all is well,

que es una cosa como que es un milagro.

that is something like it is a miracle.

Tenía coherencia de principio a fin.

It was coherent from beginning to end.

Això era una entrevista a Kinòtico,

This was an interview with Kinòtico,

el mitjà sobre cinema que podeu trobar a internet,

the medium about cinema that you can find on the internet,

i què penses tu?

And what do you think?

És a dir, jo entenc que el més habitual

That is to say, I understand that the most common

és que un guió, tu ja ho deies una mica,

it's that a script, you already mentioned it a bit,

també es discuteixi, que es retoqui

also to be discussed, to be modified

durant un rodatge, i m'imagino que això com a guionista

during a shoot, and I imagine this as a screenwriter

no et molesta. No, en absolut.

Don't bother you. No, not at all.

És part consustancial de la feina.

It is an essential part of the job.

Però clar, aquestes declaracions són com una mica

But of course, these statements are a bit like

gratuïtes, no? Un guió perfecte

free, right? A perfect script

és un miracle? Ja, a veure,

Is it a miracle? Well, let's see,

entenc perfectament.

I understand perfectly.

Perquè el Carlos Montero, que és el showrunner de Respira,

Because Carlos Montero, who is the showrunner of Respira,

i l'equip que té són gent que escriu

and the team he has are people who write

molt bé, que escriuen exactament allò

very well, they write exactly that

que volen escriure.

that they want to write.

És una lluança, aquest equip.

It's a glory, this team.

Però, ostres,

But, wow,

al final som companys.

In the end, we are colleagues.

A mi mai se m'acudirà dir

I would never dare to say.

aquest actor o aquesta actriu no estava

this actor or this actress was not

en aquesta escena, i tinc actors

in this scene, and I have actors

o he tingut escenes que sé que un actor

I have had scenes that I know an actor

o una actriu no ha estat bé, i no se m'acutan

or an actress has not been well, and I can't think of any

a dir-ho per allà. Potser el problema és que els actors

to say it over there. Perhaps the problem is that the actors

i les actrius se'ls riuen més les gràcies

And the actresses are laughed at more for their antics.

que no pas del que se li rigui mai a un guionista.

that not only what is laughed at will ever be a screenwriter.

Ja, és... Bueno, tenen coses a dir,

Yes, it is... Well, they have things to say,

tenen coses a dir de la seva...

they have things to say about their...

de la seva feina. És segurament

of their work. It is probably

més interessant la seva feina que la nostra.

more interesting his work than ours.

La nostra estem moltes vegades en pijama a casa,

We are often in pajamas at home.

acabem de portar l'Anna al col·le,

we just took Anna to school,

i hem d'enviar una escaleta

And we have to send a schedule.

o hem d'enviar una separata,

or we have to send a separate one,

i no té tant de glamur com

and it doesn't have as much glamour as

estar al davant de Jòvic

to be in front of Jòvic

donant-li la rèplica i explicant-li...

giving him the reply and explaining to him...

Crec que això també hem d'entendre

I think we also need to understand this.

les circumstàncies i el context.

the circumstances and the context.

L'Enric Pardo havia treballat

Enric Pardo had worked

per a productores com El Terrat, com Brutal Mèdia,

for producers like El Terrat, like Brutal Mèdia,

i ara fa cosa d'un any Netflix et va fitxar

And now, about a year ago, Netflix signed you.

com a mànager de sèries,

as a series manager,

que en una targeta de visita queda

that on a business card it remains

de nassos, no? Però, doncs,

What a pain, right? But, well,

al cap d'un any has plegat, no?

After a year you've quit, right?

Per què? Per una qüestió completament familiar.

Why? For a completely family-related matter.

Per motius personals.

For personal reasons.

Sí, sí. Jo treballava a Madrid

Yes, yes. I worked in Madrid.

i tinc la família a Barcelona.

I have family in Barcelona.

Una nena de... Ara, quan jo vaig marxar

A girl of... Now, when I left

tenia un any, no tenia ni un any,

I was one year old, I wasn't even one year old.

i cada cop que agafava

and every time I took

l'AVE per anar a

the AVE to go to

Madrid a les sis,

Madrid at six,

sol estar del matí al dilluns i havia de tornar el dijous

I could be there from Monday morning and had to return on Thursday.

per a fer banyeres i sopars,

for making bathtubs and dinners,

la veritat és que se'm feia molt, molt dur

The truth is that it seemed very, very hard for me.

a nivell personal. Tot i que

on a personal level. Although

la feina m'agradava molt

I really liked the job.

i és un espai i un lloc

and it is a space and a place

ideal per aprendre una barbaritat,

ideal for learning a great deal,

doncs, sentint-ho molt,

well, I'm really sorry,

vaig posar per davant la família

I put family first.

que la feina, i

that the work, and

estic molt content de la decisió que he pres.

I am very happy with the decision I have made.

És una decisió que t'honora. Avui portes

It's a decision that honors you. Today you bring

una samarreta dels New York Knicks, que no sé si és

a New York Knicks jersey, which I don't know if it is

casualitat, però era l'equip dels amors

coincidence, but it was the team of loves

del personatge del qual parlem avui.

of the character we are talking about today.

Doncs és pura casualitat. Doncs el William Goldman,

Well, it's pure coincidence. Well, William Goldman,

guionista i escriptor, en aquest cas també

screenwriter and writer, in this case also

les dues coses, com dèiem,

the two things, as we said,

era molt fan dels New York Knicks i tenia allò

he was a big fan of the New York Knicks and had that

seient reservat al Madison Square Garden.

Reserved seat at Madison Square Garden.

Ho sabia, això. Sabia que era molt

I knew that. I knew it was very much.

de Nova York i que, de fet,

from New York and that, in fact,

quan hi va estar com cinc, sis anys

when he was about five or six years old

que no treballava,

that did not work,

que projectes que feia

that projects that I was doing

queien, i

who, and

el fet d'estar visquent a Nova York

the fact of living in New York

i no a Los Angeles, diu que

and not in Los Angeles, it says that

li va salvar la vida. Perquè allò que passa

he saved his life. Because what happens

en les ciutats on està,

in the cities where it is,

allò que passa a Los Angeles, sobretot,

what happens in Los Angeles, above all,

que entres a un restaurant i tothom comença

that you enter a restaurant and everyone starts

amb, ui, aquest fa molt de temps que no treballa,

well, oh, he hasn't worked for a long time,

la seva última pel·li no la van

They didn't see her last movie.

comprar, això l'hauria enfonsat.

buying this would have sunk him.

Doncs d'això avui parlem d'un personatge que és

Well, today we talk about a character who is

William Goldman. D'entrada, què és el que destacaries

William Goldman. To start with, what would you highlight?

d'aquest novel·lista que va acabar

of this novelist who ended

triomfant també com a guionista de cinema?

triumphing also as a screenwriter?

Doncs destacaria que és

Well, I would highlight that it is

un invisible del cinema,

an invisible of cinema,

un artesà,

a craftsman,

un tipus que, a més a més, ha aconseguit allò

a guy who has also achieved that

que els guionistes abans,

that the screenwriters before,

o els guionistes que ja tenim una edat,

or the screenwriters who are already of a certain age,

somiavem tenir, que és 4 o 5 grans

we dreamed of having, which is 4 or 5 big ones

pel·lícules, 4 o 5 joies

movies, 4 or 5 gems

del cinema que

of the cinema that

creessin un impacte emocional

creating an emotional impact

en la cultura popular. Ara sí que

in popular culture. Now yes

és cert que molts guionistes

it is true that many screenwriters

aspirem o aspiren a ser

we aspire or they aspire to be

sourunners, a ser alguna cosa més, a ser

sourunners, being something more, being

el màxim responsable creatiu d'un projecte,

the maximum creative responsible for a project,

però en aquella època en la que jo vaig començar a estudiar

but at that time when I started studying

cinema, el tenir un tio així

cinema, having an uncle like that

que deies, ostres, que ha fet dos homes

What did you say, wow, that it has made two men?

del president, ha fet dos homes d'un destí,

from the president, has made two men of a destiny,

ha fet la princesa propetida, ha fet

has made the promised princess, has made

tantes, tantes pel·lícules, és que

so many, so many movies, it's that

alguna cosa ha de tenir aquest tio

This guy must have something.

que no sabem què és, no? I després veus

that we don't know what it is, right? And then you see

no? Veus totes les seves pel·lícules,

No? You see all of their movies,

totes les seves pel·lícules estan molt

all of his/her movies are very

ben escrites, a nivell d'estructura,

well written, in terms of structure,

a nivell de no ser obvis,

in terms of not being obvious,

a nivell de mesclar tons,

at the level of mixing tones,

mesclar gèneres, i al mateix

mix genres, and at the same

temps no té un CGI d'autor

time does not have an author CGI

que el diferenciï, que digués

that it differentiates him, that he said

estic veient una pel·lícula de William Goldman

I am watching a movie by William Goldman.

i només una pel·lícula de William Goldman, que podria ser

and just one movie by William Goldman, which could be

com una cosa que a ulls

like something that to eyes

de l'espectador europeu, diguéssim,

from the European viewer, let's say,

no serà tan important aquest paio,

this guy won't be that important,

no? Doncs precisament jo crec que això

No? Well, precisely I think that this.

el fa encara més important, no?

It makes it even more important, doesn't it?

Un tipus que posa a la història

A guy who places in history.

l'essència del drama,

the essence of the drama,

l'essència de com explicar

the essence of how to explain

el personatge de la millor manera possible

the character in the best possible way

per sobre d'una veu personal, no?

above a personal voice, right?

Doncs si et sembla, Enric, repassem la seva carrera

Well, if you agree, Enric, let's review his career.

centrant-nos sobretot en la seva vessant

focusing mainly on its aspect

com a guionista, perquè va escriure

as a screenwriter, why did he/she write

moltes novel·les, però ens quedarem en aquesta part

many novels, but we will stay in this part

relacionada amb el cinema. Molt bé.

related to cinema. Very good.

William Goldman va néixer a Chicago

William Goldman was born in Chicago.

el 1931 i arrossegava una història

in 1931 and was dragging a history

familiar complicada. El pare

complicated family. The father

era un home de negocis amb problemes d'alcoholisme,

he was a businessman with alcohol problems,

un fet que el va portar a

a fact that led him to

perdre la feina. De fet,

losing the job. In fact,

Goldman alguna vegada havia explicat que els cinc últims

Goldman had once explained that the last five

anys de vida el seu pare els havia

years of life his father had them

passat gairebé en pijama, i no precisament

almost passed in pajamas, and not precisely

perquè hagués de presentar un guió, sinó perquè

why I would have to present a script, if not because

tenia depressió, i es va acabar

I had depression, and it ended.

suïcidant quan en William era a l'institut.

suiciding when William was in high school.

De fet, algun cop va dir que a les seves

In fact, he once said that to his

pel·lícules hi ha molt dolor, fins i tot

in movies there is a lot of pain, even

a La princesa promesa hi ha aquella màquina,

In The Princess Bride, there is that machine,

que li provoca dolor a en Wesley,

that causes pain to Wesley,

perquè ell havia estat,

because he had been,

havia viscut racons molt foscos

I had lived in very dark corners.

de l'existència. Sí que se'l veu

of existence. Yes, it can be seen.

com un home, quan alguna vegada

like a man, when sometimes

he vist alguna entrevista

I have seen some interviews.

a algun extra d'algun DVD,

an extra from some DVD,

com molt hieràtic,

as very hieratic,

com un home viscut.

like a lived man.

Aquests homes

These men

viscuts de Chicago. Amb cicatrius

lived from Chicago. With scars

emocionals, per dir-ho així. A la

emotional, so to speak. To the

Universitat d'Oberlin, Ohio, es va apuntar

Oberlin College, Ohio, enrolled.

a un curs d'escriptura creativa i l'initia

to a creative writing course and the initiation

el Cuquet. No sé si a tu t'ha passat

the Cuquet. I don't know if it has happened to you

allò molt de joventut, relats, que

all that much of youth, stories, that

tenies en una llibreta i que s'han quedat allà.

you had in a notebook and that have remained there.

Crec que tots els que ens dediquem a això

I believe that all of us who dedicate ourselves to this

des de petits teníem com alguna

Since we were little, we had something like...

cosa, algun...

thing, some...

Aquest hobby

This hobby

de començar a escriure xurradetes,

to start writing nonsense,

redaccions, fer més llarga la redacció

writings, make the writing longer

de les meves vacances de lo que tocaria,

of my holidays of what should be,

ficar una mica de mentides

put in a little bit of lies

i de ficció, sí, sí. I així es comença.

And of fiction, yes, yes. And this is how it begins.

Així es comença, no? Fabulant sobre

This is how it starts, right? Fabulating about

la teva vida, sobre el que t'ha passat. I alguns

your life, about what has happened to you. And some

després continuen fent-ho. Totalment.

then they continue doing it. Totally.

Ara la literatura del jo ja saps que... Sí, sí,

Now the literature of the "I" you already know that... Yes, yes,

ficció té més ficció que auto. Exacte.

Fiction has more fiction than self. Exactly.

En graduar-se l'any 1952,

Upon graduating in 1952,

Goldman va ser cridat a files en plena

Goldman was called to the ranks in the middle of

guerra de Corea. El que passa que

Korean War. What happens is that

com que era molt hàbil amb la màquina d'escriure,

since he was very skilled with the typewriter,

doncs va anar cap al Pentàgon.

so he went towards the Pentagon.

Va ser empleat del Pentàgon, no va viatjar a Corea.

He was an employee of the Pentagon, he did not travel to Korea.

El van llicenciar dos anys més tard,

He was discharged two years later,

moment que va aprofitar per estudiar un màster a

moment he took the opportunity to study a master's at

Colúmbia. I els vespres continuava

Columbia. And in the evenings, I continued.

escrivint històries i anava polint

writing stories and I was refining

el seu estil. Durant un temps,

his style. For a while,

Enric va compartir pis a Nova York,

Enric shared an apartment in New York.

imagina't, amb el seu germà gran, James

imagine it, with his big brother, James

Goldman, i amb el músic John

Goldman, and with the musician John

Kander. James Goldman també era

Kander. James Goldman was also.

guionista i dramaturg, i de fet va guanyar

screenwriter and playwright, and in fact, he won

un Òscar pel guió de El león en invierno,

an Oscar for the script of The Lion in Winter,

la pel·lícula amb Peter O'Toole i Catherine

the movie with Peter O'Toole and Catherine

Hepburn, adaptant la seva pròpia obra

Hepburn, adapting her own work

de teatre, mentre que John Kander

of theatre, while John Kander

va compondre melodies de musicals

he composed musical melodies

com Cabaret i Chicago. Imagina't,

like Cabaret and Chicago. Imagine,

veure per un foradet el que es vivia

to see through a little hole what was being lived

en aquell pis a Nova York. Aquell pis d'estudiants.

in that apartment in New York. That student apartment.

Sí, qualsevol pis. Igual que els pisos d'estudiants

Yes, any apartment. Just like student apartments.

que tenim aquí a Barcelona. Un pis d'estudiants qualsevol.

that we have here in Barcelona. A student apartment like any other.

Segurament pagaven menys cara del que es paga

They probably paid less than what is paid now.

per una habitació. A Barcelona,

for a room. In Barcelona,

sobretot. Però bé, pel que fa

above all. But well, as for

a en William, en tres setmanes de l'estiu

to William, in three weeks of the summer

del 1956, va escriure

from 1956, he/she wrote

la seva primera novel·la, The Temple of Gold,

his first novel, The Temple of Gold,

el Temple de l'Or, un títol

The Temple of Gold, a title

amb raons cinèfils perquè feia

with cinephile reasons because he was doing

referència a la pel·lícula d'aventures Gungadin.

reference to the adventure film Gungadin.

Vaig quasi a Sant Danskid, doncs no és un destí,

I'm almost going to Sant Danskid, since it's not a destination,

no té molt, veu molt de Gungadin.

he doesn't have much, he sees a lot of Gungadin.

L'editor va acceptar

The editor accepted.

publicar-li aquest Temple de l'Or si

publish this Temple of Gold if

la feia el doble de llarga, i ell va acceptar.

it made it twice as long, and he accepted.

Això t'ha passat mai? No, el doble

Has this ever happened to you? No, double.

de llarga no. Que et diguin, això doble, amor.

Not for long. Let them tell you, this double, love.

No, sí que és veritat que alguna vegada

No, it is true that sometimes.

et diuen, això si ho fem de 8 capítols,

they tell you, if we do this in 8 chapters,

un joc de 6 millor, perquè facturarem

A game of 6 is better, because we will bill.

més, però...

more, but...

i ho has de fer, però generalment

and you have to do it, but generally

el doble no.

the double no.

Alguns que els hi van dir que ho doblessin

Some who were told to do it over.

i ho augmentessin van ser els de The Walking Dead,

and those who amplified it were the ones from The Walking Dead,

em sembla? Aquells que els hi van dir...

Do I seem? Those who were told...

Tu tira, que fem una franquícia.

You go ahead, we'll make a franchise.

La seva tercera novel·la,

His third novel,

Soldier in the Rain, del 1960,

Soldier in the Rain, from 1960.

basada en les experiències de Goldman

based on Goldman’s experiences

a l'exèrcit, va ser portada al cinema

in the army, it was brought to the cinema

tres anys després, tot i que ell no va

three years later, even though he didn't go

intervenir en el guió. Se centrava en l'amistat

intervene in the script. It focused on friendship.

entre dos sergents interpretats per

between two sergeants played by

Jackie Gleeson.

Jackie Gleeson.

i Steve McQueen, i el títol

And Steve McQueen, and the title.

espanyol, diguem que era menys poètic,

Spanish, let's say it was less poetic,

Enric, perquè de Soldier in the Rain,

Enric, why about Soldier in the Rain?

Soldats sota la pluja,

Soldiers in the rain,

van passar Companyeros de Armas

they became Comrades-in-Arms

y Puñetazos.

and punches.

Bona, eh? És molt bona, m'agrada molt.

Good, eh? It's really good, I like it a lot.

Aquestes traduccions en som molt fans.

We are big fans of these translations.

A inicis dels 60,

In the early 60s,

els dos germans Goldman, James i William,

the two Goldman brothers, James and William,

van escriure junts diverses obres de teatre,

they wrote several plays together,

així com un musical, a Family Affair,

just like a musical, a Family Affair,

amb música de John Kander,

with music by John Kander,

que no van acabar de quallar. En canvi,

that did not come to fruition. Instead,

va publicar un best-seller, una obra

he published a best-seller, a work

voluminosa, de més de 600 pàgines,

voluminous, with more than 600 pages,

Boys and Girls Together,

Boys and Girls Together,

escrita al llarg de tres anys, amb un parèntesi

written over three years, with a break

per bloqueig creatiu inclòs,

for creative block included,

que va ser tot un èxit, en aquest cas.

that was a complete success, in this case.

A la vegada va ser contractat per reescriure,

At the same time, he was hired to rewrite,

ara sí, treballant al cinema per primera vegada,

now yes, working in the cinema for the first time,

una paròdia de les pel·lícules

a parody of the movies

d'espies, estrenada el 1965

of spies, premiered in 1965

amb el títol de Mascarada.

with the title of Masquerade.

En paral·lel, el productor Elliot Kastner

In parallel, producer Elliot Kastner

pensava portar al cinema el best-seller

I was thinking of taking the best-seller to the cinema.

de Goldman, aquesta obra que dèiem

of Goldman, this work that we were talking about

Boys and Girls Together, però ell

Boys and Girls Together, but him

li va proposar a canvi adaptar alguna

he proposed to adapt some in return

de les novel·les policiaques protagonitzades

of the detective novels featuring

pel detectiu Lou Archer

for detective Lou Archer

i signades per Ross MacDonald.

and signed by Ross MacDonald.

Curiós, no?, que sembla que un productor

Curious, isn't it?, that it seems that a producer

es planteja adaptar una obra teva, que a més

It is proposed to adapt a work of yours, which also

s'ha venut molt, al cinema, però tu dius

It has sold a lot at the cinema, but you say

no, saps què?, potser millor que agafem una obra

No, you know what? Maybe it's better if we take a play.

aliena, de gènere negre,

alien, of a black gender,

i jo et faig un guió. Va ser molt intel·ligent,

and I make you a script. It was very clever,

perquè segurament aquella obra de 600

because surely that work of 600

planes tindria una molt mala adaptació,

plans would have a very poor adaptation,

i allò altre,

and that other thing,

des de fora, ja podies

from the outside, you could already

preveure que podia funcionar dintre

anticipate that it could work inside

d'una estructura,

of a structure,

de thriller,

of thriller,

i va ser un mestre.

He was a teacher.

Ben vist, jo crec que l'Enric ara s'ha vist,

Well seen, I think that Enric has now seen himself.

havent de reduir 600 pàgines

having to reduce 600 pages

a un guió de llargmetratge.

to a feature film script.

Doncs al cinema, aquest detectiu que dèiem, Archer,

Well, at the cinema, this detective we were talking about, Archer,

va passar a dir-se Harper,

it became known as Harper,

i va adoptar el rostre de Paul Newman.

and adopted the face of Paul Newman.

Harper, investigador privado, estrenada el 1966,

Harper, private investigator, released in 1966.

tot un èxit. Curiosament,

a complete success. Interestingly,

per Goldman, el seu primer triomf com a

for Goldman, his first triumph as a

guionista, el moment en què va dir, ja ho he aconseguit,

screenwriter, the moment when he said, I've done it,

va ser que el públic empatitzés

the audience empathized

amb en Harper a la primera escena,

with Harper in the first scene,

que és quan es veu obligat a fer-se el cafè

that is when one is forced to make coffee

del matí, a partir del marro

in the morning, starting from the mug

del cafè del dia anterior,

from the coffee of the previous day,

perquè vegis que el pobre està desesperat.

so you can see that the poor man is desperate.

I feia una cosa,

I was doing one thing,

si veus algunes coses, van

if you see some things, they go

repetint-se en la seva

repeating itself in its

obra, que és

work, what is it?

aquesta desmitificació

this demystification

de l'heroi, aquesta desmitificació

of the hero, this demystification

del protagonista, el buscar

of the protagonist, the search

personatges que no són d'una peça, que no són

characters that are not from a play, that are not

el John Wayne o el Gary Cooper

John Wayne or Gary Cooper

de l'època, sinó que són

of the time, but they are

personatges més antiherois,

more antihero characters,

més pobres


homes, i això ho trobes

men, and you find this

en diversos dels seus personatges.

in several of its characters.

El 1968

In 1968.

s'estrena l'adaptació d'una altra novel·la de

the adaptation of another novel by is released

Goldman, en què de nou ell no signava el guió.

Goldman, in which again he did not sign the script.

Es tracta de Així no se trata a

It is about Thus, it is not dealt with.

una dama, en què Rod Steiger

A lady, in which Rod Steiger.

interpretava un assassí en sèrie inspirat

he portrayed a serial killer inspired

en l'estrangulador de Boston.

in the Boston Strangler.

L'any següent, el 1969, es roda

The following year, in 1969, it is filmed.

el seu primer guió original per al cinema,

his first original screenplay for cinema,

Dos Hombres y un Destino, pel qual

Two Men and a Destiny, for which

va rebre 450.000 dòlars,

he received 450,000 dollars,

la xifra més alta mai pagada

the highest figure ever paid

fins aleshores. Clar, després va venir

until then. Of course, then it came

Instinct Bàsic, i ara cada any gairebé jo crec

Basic Instinct, and now almost every year I believe.

que hi ha el guió més ben pagat, però vaja,

that there is the highest-paid script, but well,

que en aquell moment va ser un impacte, això.

that at that moment was an impact, this.

450 pavos, eh? Sí, sí, sí.

450 bucks, huh? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sí, està molt bé. Allò que diuen a les pel·lícules, eh?

Yes, it's very good. What they say in the movies, huh?

450 dels grans.

450 of the big ones.

Que diuen sempre a les pel·lícules, eh?

What do they always say in the movies, huh?

I a més va guanyar el seu primer Oscar

And he also won his first Oscar.

al millor guió original. Amb els diners

to the best original screenplay. With the money.

obtinguts va dedicar-se a escriure

obtained dedicated himself to writing

un llibre de no ficció sobre el món de Broadway,

a non-fiction book about the world of Broadway,

The Season. Per tant,

The Season. Therefore,

també a la seva manera estava fent un treball gairebé

also in his own way he was doing a nearly job

periodístic en aquest llibre.

journalistic in this book.

El 1972 s'estrena Un diamante al rojo vivo,

In 1972, "A Diamond Is Forever" premiered.

una pel·lícula de trecaments amb Robert Redford,

a thriller movie with Robert Redford,

la nou de protagonista,

the protagonist's walnut,

a partir d'una novel·la aliena

based on a foreign novel

de Donald Westlake. I el 1973

by Donald Westlake. In 1973

publica una de les seves novel·les més conegudes,

publishes one of his most well-known novels,

que és La princesa promesa,

What is The Princess Bride?

perquè va trigar 12 anys, o més de 12 anys,

because it took 12 years, or more than 12 years,

a arribar al rodatge,

upon arriving at the filming,

a fer-se realitat com a pel·lícula, eh?

to become a reality as a movie, huh?

Van estar molt de temps

They were there for a long time.

tractant de... Bueno, va canviar de diverses mans,

dealing with... Well, it changed hands several times,

perquè va... Crec que primer la va comprar la Fox,

because it... I think Fox bought it first,

va donar Llum Verda,

gave the green light,

però el pavo que donava Llum Verda

but the turkey that gave Green Light

el van fotre fora, i ho explica molt bé

They kicked him out, and he explains it very well.

en el seu llibre, Les aventures d'un guionista

In his book, The Adventures of a Screenwriter.

en Hollywood. És un llibre molt recomanable

in Hollywood. It is a highly recommended book.

i superdescatalogat,

and super-discontinued,

on explica moltes d'aquestes aventuretes,

it explains many of these little adventures,

com anava tot el procés

how the whole process was going

de... Ho compra un, cau el projecte,

... He buys it, the project falls through,

ho torna a comprar un altre, però no es fa

He buys another one again, but it doesn't happen.

perquè no sé què, fins que al final,

because I don't know what, until finally,

12 anys més tard, es va poder aconseguir.

12 years later, it was able to be achieved.

Sí, sí, però la novel·la era de 1973, eh?

Yes, yes, but the novel was from 1973, right?

Sí. La següent que va escriure,

Yes. The next one she wrote,

el thriller Marathon Man, va trigar una mica

the thriller Marathon Man took a little while

menys a arribar a les pantalles, perquè la va

less to reach the screens, because she went

publicar el 1974, i la pel·lícula

published in 1974, and the movie

es va estrenar el 1976,

it premiered in 1976,

amb Dustin Hoffman patint a les mans

with Dustin Hoffman suffering in hands

d'un nazi especialment sàdic,

of a particularly sadistic Nazi,

que era Laurence Olivier, que per cert és el protagonista

who was Laurence Olivier, who by the way is the protagonist

del proper Memento, eh? Laurence Olivier.

from the upcoming Memento, huh? Laurence Olivier.

Estava molt malalt quan va fer aquesta pel·li.

He was very ill when he made this film.

Sí, sí, sí. Molt malalt, tenia molts problemes.

Yes, yes, yes. Very ill, he had many problems.

A més, recordo que explicava

In addition, I remember that I explained

una anècdota... Al Dustin Hoffman

An anecdote... About Dustin Hoffman.

li agradava molt

he/she liked it very much

improvisar. Ell és molt de l'escola d'improvisar,

improvise. He is very much from the school of improvisation,

i Laurence Olivier és d'escola britànica,

and Laurence Olivier is of British school,

res d'improvisació, el text és sagrat,

nothing is improvised, the text is sacred,

el text, la paraula és

the text, the word is

més important. Com ha de ser, no? Com ha de ser.

more important. How it should be, right? How it should be.

Com ha de ser. Far un guionista...

How it should be. I will be a screenwriter...

I el Dustin Hoffman el va fer obligar

And Dustin Hoffman made him do it.

a improvisar, tot i que a Laurence Olivier

to improvise, although to Laurence Olivier

li deia que no és el meu, eh?

I told him that it’s not mine, okay?

Va, intentem-ho, tal.

Come on, let's give it a try, like that.

Va tenir com tres hores allà fotent

He spent about three hours there messing around.

bots i barrals d'aquí cap allà,

bots and barrels from here to there,

caminant, amb un dolor que tenia amb els

walking, with a pain that I had with the

turmells que no podia més, i el William Goldman

ankles that could take no more, and William Goldman

explica que no es va queixar

he explains that he did not complain

ni una sola vegada. Caram. I a ell li va

not a single time. Wow. And it suits him

robar-li el cor completament.

to steal his heart completely.

Maratón Man és un altre de les grans, eh?

Marathon Man is another one of the greats, huh?

És un dels grans guions de Goldman.

It's one of Goldman's great screenplays.

Sí. Altres guions seus de l'època,

Yes. Other scripts of yours from that time,

perquè podríem dir que als anys 70 és el seu moment

because we could say that the 70s is its moment

gloriós, no?, són El Carnaval

glorious, isn't it?, it's Carnival

de les Àguiles, del 1975, sobre un

of the Eagles, from 1975, about a

pilot veterà de la Primera Guerra Mundial

veteran pilot of World War I

interpretat per Robert Redford, una altra vegada,

performed by Robert Redford, once again,

que no acaba de trobar el seu lloc a la societat.

that has yet to find its place in society.

El guió era de Goldman i del director

The script was by Goldman and the director.

George Roy Hill, que també havia estat el director

George Roy Hill, who had also been the director

de Dos Hombres y un Destino.

from Two Men and a Destiny.

Després va venir Les Mujeres d'Stepford, a partir

Later came The Stepford Wives, starting

d'una novel·la d'Ira Levin sobre unes mestresses

from a novel by Ira Levin about some mistresses

de casa amb un secret inquietant,

home with a disturbing secret,

que després va tenir remake amb la Nicole Kidman

which later had a remake with Nicole Kidman

al cap d'uns anys, eh? Tots els homes

After a few years, right? All the men.

del president, crònica de la investigació

from the president, chronicle of the investigation

periodística del cas Watergate.

journalistic of the Watergate case.

Potser el guió que va haver de refer més vegades,

Perhaps the script that had to be rewritten more times,

perquè Redford el va fitxar personalment

because Redford personally signed him

i després deia que va patir bastant.

and then he said that he suffered quite a bit.

Sí, ell sempre que parla de

Yes, he always talks about

Dos Hombres del Presidente parla d'una

Two Days in the President's Office talks about a

etapa molt... que ell no

stage very... that he does not

tornaria a escriure aquell guió.

I would write that script again.

Que és l'únic que no tornaria a fer.

What is the only thing I wouldn't do again.

També perquè Redford era

Also because Redford was

l'estrella però també era el productor.

The star was also the producer.

N'hi havia molts egos allà ficats.

There were many egos stuck there.

Estava la Jota Pacula, que era un tio

Jota Pacula was there, who was a guy.

complicat a nivell de demanar les coses

complicated at the level of asking for things

dues vegades.


Li portava a Goldman, m'ho va explicar

He took him to Goldman, he told me.

molt divertit. Tu puc fer

very fun. I can do it

com una ironia dramàtica, és a dir, que l'espectador

with dramatic irony, that is to say, the viewer

sàpiga aquesta informació però el

know this information but the

personatge no, o tu puc fer com una sorpresa.

Not a character, or I can do like a surprise.

Què t'estimes més? I li donava els pros i els contres

What do you love more? And I was giving him the pros and cons.

a la Jota Pacula.

to the Jota Pacula.

Ironia dramàtica o sorpresa?

Dramatic irony or surprise?

Dóna'm les dues. Escriu-me de les dues

Give me the two. Write to me about the two.

maneres. Era com... Mare meva.

ways. It was like... My goodness.

Mare meva. Per cert que

My goodness. By the way, that

la famosa frase follow the money de la pel·lícula

the famous phrase follow the money from the movie

pel que sembla va ser una invenció

It seems it was an invention.

de Goldman i no apareix en cap

from Goldman and does not appear in any

paper ni en cap document de...

paper or in any document of...

Ni en la novel·la de Woodward. No, no, sembla que en la investigació

Not even in Woodward's novel. No, no, it seems that in the investigation

de Carl Bernstein i Bob Woodward no apareix aquesta

this does not appear from Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward

frase i que va ser una invenció

phrase and that was an invention

de Goldman, que funciona perfectament en la pel·lícula.

from Goldman, which works perfectly in the film.

Doncs això, el que has de fer és seguir

So that's it, what you have to do is keep going.

el rastre dels diners. I va guanyar el seu segon

the trail of money. And he won his second

Òscar, en aquest cas en la categoria de guió

Oscar, in this case in the script category.

adaptat. També als anys 70,

adapted. Also in the 70s,

concretament el 1977,

specifically in 1977,

va ser un dels guionistes, perquè

he was one of the screenwriters, because

normalment també eren projectes com ara, quan feu

usually they were also projects like this, when you do

les sèries en els col·lectius,

the series in the communities,

d'una pel·lícula bèl·lica, Un pont massa

from a war movie, A Bridge Too Far

llunyà, en què es narra

distant, in which it is narrated

l'operació aliada de la Segona Guerra Mundial,

the Allied operation of World War II,

Market Garden, per capturar diversos

Market Garden, to capture various

ponts dels Països Baixos ocupats.

bridges of the occupied Netherlands.

Com diem, en aquella dècada era una

As we say, in that decade it was a

de les estrelles del guió i es va poder

of the stars of the script and was able to

permetre refusar escriure guions com els

allow refusing to write scripts like them

del Padrí, segons es diu,

of the Godfather, as they say,

i de Superman. Imagina't, eh?

and Superman. Imagine that, huh?

Els dos de Mario Buzzo.

The two by Mario Buzzo.

Esclar que també va signar guions

Of course, he also signed scripts.

que pràcticament no es van fer servir

that were practically not used

per a Papillon, per exemple, i per al

for Papillon, for example, and for the

Llac Blau, que no sé què devia fer amb aquesta

Blue Lake, I don't know what I must have done with this.

pel·lícula de la Brooke Shields. No me l'imagino,

Brooke Shields' movie. I can't imagine it.

el William Goldman.

William Goldman.

Bueno, clar, seria

Well, of course, it would be.

un Llac Blau molt diferent. Diguéssim que

a very different Blue Lake. Let's say that

l'anècdota era una mica més prima, en aquest cas,

the anecdote was a little thinner, in this case,

el Llac Blau. Potser ell la va fer més grossa, no ho sé.

the Blue Lake. Maybe he made it bigger, I don't know.

El 1978 torna a signar

In 1978, he/she signs again.

un guió a partir d'una novel·la seva,

a screenplay based on one of his novels,

Màgic, el muñeco diabòlico, en què

Magic, the devil doll, in which

Anthony Hopkins és un ventríloc força més

Anthony Hopkins is a much better ventriloquist.

terrorífic que José Luis Moreno,

terrifying that José Luis Moreno,

encara que... Bueno, José Luis Moreno és molt terrorífic, eh?

Although... Well, José Luis Moreno is very terrifying, isn't he?

Però per motius diferents, eh? Perquè els

But for different reasons, okay? Because the...

ninos del Moreno, en general, Macario

Moreno's children, in general, Macario.

no feia por, Rockefeller tampoc. Bueno, Rockefeller...

It was not scary, Rockefeller neither. Well, Rockefeller...

Sí? Et feia por, tu? Sí, Rockefeller.

Yes? You were scared, huh? Yes, Rockefeller.

Tenies malsons, el Rockefeller?

Did you have nightmares, Rockefeller?

O el Monchito, eh?

Oh, the Monchito, huh?

Perquè, clar, el que s'assemblaria més a Chucky

Because, of course, what would resemble Chucky the most

o a un ninot diabòlic com el de la pel·lícula

or a devilish doll like the one in the movie

Màgic... Ojo cuidado del Monchito. Seria Monchito, eh?

Magic... Watch out for Monchito. It would be Monchito, right?

Sí, sí. Ai, ai, ai.

Yes, yes. Oh, oh, oh.

En canvi, a William Goldman la sort

In contrast, luck to William Goldman

se li va estroncar una mica amb l'arribada dels 80.

It was somewhat cut short with the arrival of the 80s.

Va escriure més d'un guió que no va arribar a bon port.

He wrote more than one script that did not reach a good end.

Entre ells, el de

Among them, the one of

Escollits per la Glòria, el guió inicial

Chosen for Glory, the initial script

que després va retocar de dalt a baix

that he later edited from top to bottom

el director Philip Kaufman. I també una versió

the director Philip Kaufman. And also a version

musical de Gran Hotel, aquella pel·lícula

musical of Grand Hotel, that movie

mítica dels anys 30, amb tantes

mythical of the 30s, with so many

estrelles, que no es va arribar a fer mai.

stars, that never came to be.

El 1983, veient que els encàrrecs

In 1983, seeing that the orders

es cassejaven, opta per publicar

they were marrying, opts to publish

unes memòries que en anglès es deien

a memoir that was called in English

Adventures in the Screen Trade, eh?

Adventures in the Screen Trade, huh?

Aventures en el gremi de la pantalla.

Adventures in the screen guild.

Amb una frase inicial, Enric, que demostra

With an initial sentence, Enric, that demonstrates

el nihilisme de Goldman i que no

Goldman's nihilism and that it doesn't.

es creia res de la indústria de l'espectacle.

he believed nothing of the entertainment industry.

Era molt escèptic. La primera frase és

He was very skeptical. The first sentence is

Ningú no sap res. Cert, totalment cert.

No one knows anything. True, totally true.

O sigui, sí que hi ha com coses

So, there are indeed things.

que tu creus que

what do you think that

poden anar bé, que entens que poden

they can go well, that you understand they can

anar bé, però després que estàs

it's going well, but how are you doing afterwards?

completament venut, realment.

completely sold out, really.

Saps el que ha passat? No saps el que pot passar.

Do you know what has happened? You don't know what might happen.

La sequera s'acaba

The drought is over.

el 1986, quan escriu un guió a partir

in 1986, when he writes a script based on

de la seva novel·la Hit, un thriller

from her novel Hit, a thriller

protagonitzat per Bart Reynolds, que feia

starring Bart Reynolds, who was doing

de guardespatlles, i que aquí es va titular

of bodyguards, and that here it was titled

Acorralado en Las Vegas. I per cert,

Cornered in Las Vegas. And by the way,

el 2015 se'n va fer un remake amb

In 2015, a remake was made with

Jason Statham, titulat Jugada

Jason Statham, titled Play.

Salvaje. La segona fase

Savage. The second phase.

gloriosa de Goldman arrenca més o menys a partir

glorious of Goldman starts more or less from

d'aquí, amb l'estrena de La princesa promesa

from here, with the premiere of The Princess Bride

el 1987, seguida

in 1987, followed

d'una de les millors adaptacions de Stephen King

of one of the best adaptations of Stephen King

al cinema, que és Misery.

at the cinema, which is Misery.

El 1990 publica Hype and Glory,

In 1990, he published Hype and Glory,

un llibre en què relata l'experiència

a book in which he/she recounts the experience

d'haver estat en poc temps jurat

having been sworn in a short time ago

al Festival de Canes i al concurs

at the Cannes Festival and at the competition

de Miss Amèrica.

of Miss America.

Jo sé de les poques persones que...

I know of the few people who...

És com les dues cares de la

It's like the two faces of the

cultura popular, no? Per això curiós,

popular culture, right? That's why it's curious,

un llibre en què a més també comentava el divorci

a book in which he also discussed divorce

de qui havia estat la seva dona durant 30 anys,

of whom he had been married for 30 years,

la fotògrafa Elaine Jones, amb qui

the photographer Elaine Jones, with whom

havia tingut dues filles. Va treballar

had two daughters. He worked.

breument en el guió d'una comèdia de ciència-ficció

briefly in the script of a science fiction comedy

de John Carpenter, Memòries d'un home invisible,

by John Carpenter, Memoirs of an Invisible Man,

amb Chevy Chase i Daryl Hanna,

with Chevy Chase and Daryl Hannah,

que no seria la millor ni de Carpenter ni de Goldman...

that would not be the best of either Carpenter or Goldman...

Ni de Chase.

Neither of Chase.

El 1992 va poder tirar endavant

In 1992, he/she was able to move forward.

un guió escrit a finals dels 70,

a script written in the late 70s,

L'any del cometa, una comèdia romàntica

The Year of the Comet, a romantic comedy

emmarcada en la recerca de l'ampolla

framed in the search for the bottle

de vi més cara de la història, perquè Goldman

the most expensive wine in history, because Goldman

era molt aficionat al vi, es veu,

he was very fond of wine, it seems,

i pretenia recuperar amb aquesta

I intended to recover with this.

pel·lícula, L'any del cometa, l'esperit de

movie, The Year of the Comet, the spirit of

clàssics com Sharada, però no va

classics like Sharada, but it doesn't work

acabar de funcionar. Una mica més afortunada

just started to work. A little more fortunate

va ser la seva aportació al guió del

it was his contribution to the script of the

biòpic Chaplin, amb Robert Downey Jr.,

Chaplin biopic, starring Robert Downey Jr.,

i el 1994 va venir

and in 1994 it came

el western Maverick, en què Mel Gibson

the western Maverick, in which Mel Gibson

recuperava un paper de jugador

he was regaining a player role

de pòquer i estafador que James Garner

of poker and conman that James Garner

havia interpretat en una sèrie de televisió

I had acted in a television series.

anys abans. També en el repartiment

years before. Also in the distribution

hi havia Jodie Foster.

There was Jodie Foster.

Des de finals dels 80, Goldman va treballar

Since the late 80s, Goldman worked.

sovint com a script doctor, retocant

often as a script doctor, tweaking

i proposant millores de guions ja acabats,

and proposing improvements to finished scripts,

que no sé si és una feina que tu alguna vegada

that I don't know if it's a job that you ever

has fet. Sí, alguna vegada he fet,

you have done. Yes, I have done it sometimes.

i jo crec que tots els que ens dediquem

And I believe that all of us who dedicate ourselves

a això, o hem fet, o hem tingut

to this, either we have done, or we have had

algun script doctor, és una figura...

a script doctor is a figure...

Jo no soc molt fan, però que és

I’m not a big fan, but what is it?

una figura que a vegades pot ajudar.

a figure that can sometimes help.

I has aparegut acreditat quan ho has fet?

Has it appeared credited when you did it?

Jo crec que sí. Perquè en el cas de Goldman

I think so. Because in the case of Goldman

de vegades no, eh? Sí, crec que sí que

Sometimes no, right? Yes, I think so.

m'han acreditat. Tampoc vaig mirant

I have been accredited. I am not looking either.

i... Ja m'imagino que tens altres

I... I can imagine that you have others.

preocupacions. En el cas de Goldman

concerns. In the case of Goldman

va treballar, doncs això, retocant

he worked, well that, retouching

o proposant millores de guions,

or proposing script improvements,

per exemple, de pel·lícules com Els bessons

for example, films like The Twins

peguen dues vegades, Alguns homes bons,

They hit twice, Some good men,

Una proposició indescent

An indecent proposal

i L'últim gran heroi, entre moltes d'altres.

And the last great hero, among many others.

Si seguim amb els guions que sí que estaven

If we continue with the scripts that were indeed there.

signats per ell, tindríem Cambra segellada

signed by him, we would have a sealed Chamber

del 96, una adaptació de John Grisham

from '96, an adaptation by John Grisham

amb Gene Hackman en el paper

with Gene Hackman in the role

d'un membre del Ku Klux Klan condemnat a mort

of a Ku Klux Klan member sentenced to death

que és defensat pel seu net

that is defended by his grandson

advocat, eh? Aquestes trames de Grisham.

Lawyer, huh? These Grisham plots.

Sí, sí, sí. Goldman, en aquest cas, va portar

Yes, yes, yes. Goldman, in this case, brought

a la pantalla. O Los demonios de la noche,

on the screen. Or The demons of the night,

aventures africanes amb Val Kilmer

African adventures with Val Kilmer

i Michael Douglas. Molt graciós com parla

And Michael Douglas. Very funny how he speaks.

d'aquesta pel·li. Està basada

of this movie. It is based

en una història real. Sí, ell parla

in a true story. Yes, he speaks

sempre que n'hi ha com dues històries reals

whenever there are like two real stories

que el van captivar des del principi,

that captivated them from the beginning,

que són Los demonios de la noche i la de

What are The Night Demons and the...

Bats Cassidy en Sandanskit,

Bats Cassidy in Sandanskit,

quan es va escoltar per primer cop va dir

when it was heard for the first time it said

aquí hi ha una pel·li, i així com

here is a movie, and just like that

en Dos hombres un destino hi havia una pel·li,

In Two Men, a Destiny there was a movie,

amb Los demonios de la noche

with The demons of the night

pot ser que hi hagués una pel·li,

it could be that there was a movie,

però tot allò que parlava

but all that he was talking about

de Michael Douglas

by Michael Douglas

com a estrella,

like a star,

com a productor, perdó,

as a producer, sorry,

en parla molt malament de com a estrella.

He speaks very poorly of her as a star.

En el moment en què ell va començar a deixar

At the moment when he started to let go

de ser productor i va convertir-se en una estrella

from being a producer to becoming a star

de la pel·lícula, va començar a demanar canvis

from the movie, he started asking for changes

i canvis i canvis, i allò va començar

and changes and changes, and that began

a fer aigües. I l'acusava una mica d'haver-la arruïnat.

to come to nothing. And I was accusing her a bit of having ruined it.

Haver-la arruïnat, d'haver-la...

Having ruined it, having...

Bé, són com negociats

Well, they are like departments.

diferents, no? El barret de productor

Different, right? The producer's hat.

tu el que estàs buscant és que sigui la millor

what you are looking for is for her to be the best

pel·lícula possible, i el barret d'estrella

possible movie, and the star hat

el que estàs buscant és lluir-te. Sí, sí, aquest és el problema.

What you're looking for is to show off. Yes, yes, that's the problem.

Després vindria Poder Absolut,

Then Absolute Power would come,

un thriller de Clint Eastwood, dirigit

a thriller by Clint Eastwood, directed

també per Clint Eastwood, parant-li els peus

also for Clint Eastwood, stopping him in his tracks

al president dels Estats Units. Era un

to the president of the United States. It was a

lladre que de cop deia que

thief who suddenly said that

el president, que era Jim Hackman, que ha fet

the president, who was Jim Hackman, what has he done

de president corrupte més d'una vegada,

of a corrupt president more than once,

recordo també No Hay Salida, aquella gran pel·lícula

I also remember No Hay Salida, that great movie.

amb Kevin Costner, que també era el president

with Kevin Costner, who was also the president

americà, que tenia moltes coses a amagar.

American, who had many things to hide.

Doncs aquí, Poder Absolut, el guiure

Well here, Absolute Power, the guide.

de William Goldman. I un altre thriller

by William Goldman. And another thriller

de refons militar, en aquest cas, La hija del general,

of military background, in this case, The General's Daughter,

amb John Travolta,

with John Travolta,

a partir d'una novel·la de Nelson DeMille.

based on a novel by Nelson DeMille.

Durant molts anys va córrer un rumor, Enric,

For many years, a rumor circulated, Enric,

que era que el guió de l'indomable Will Hunting,

that it was that the script of the untamed Will Hunting,

el que li va donar l'Òscar a Ben Affleck

what Oscar gave to Ben Affleck

i Matt Damon el 1998,

and Matt Damon in 1998,

en realitat era obra de Goldman.

In reality, it was the work of Goldman.

Aquest rumor, jo crec que...

I believe this rumor...

No sé si té... És que era un molt bon guió,

I don't know if it has... It's just that it was a very good script,

i també, d'alguna manera...

and also, somehow...

I et sorprèn que fos de Matt Damon i de Ben Affleck.

Are you surprised that it was Matt Damon and Ben Affleck?

Et sorprèn molt que aquests dos tios... Però és que en saben.

You're very surprised that these two guys... But they really know what they're doing.

Eren molt joves, eh? Sí, molt joves.

They were very young, right? Yes, very young.

És com un menyspreu cap a la gent jove i guapa.

It is like a disdain for young and beautiful people.

A ICAT valorem molt la joventut,

At ICAT, we value youth very much,

i, de fet, amb els anys,

and, in fact, over the years,

William Goldman va explicar que s'havia reunit amb ells

William Goldman explained that he had met with them.

i els havia donat algun consell,

and I had given them some advice,

perquè ell havia treballat a la productora de Rob Reiner,

because he had worked at Rob Reiner's production company,

amb qui era molt amic, que era Castle Rock Entertainment.

with whom he was very close friends, which was Castle Rock Entertainment.

Per tant, com a script doctor que hem dit

Therefore, as a script doctor that we have mentioned.

que estava treballant, doncs segurament,

that was working, then surely,

potser sí que els hi va donar algun consell.

Perhaps he did give them some advice.

Jo crec que hi havia una subtrama relacionada amb l'FBI

I believe there was a subplot related to the FBI.

que els hi va dir això millor que ho tregueu.

that he told them it’s best to take it out.

No la recordava, aquesta subtrama, és perquè li van fer cas.

I didn't remember this subplot; it's because they paid attention to her.

Perquè la van treure.

Why did they take it out?

La van anar eliminant.

They kept eliminating her.

El 2000 va publicar una segona part de les seves memòries.

In 2000, he published a second part of his memoirs.

Which lie did I tell?

Which lie did I tell?

És a dir, quines mentides vaig explicar.

That is to say, what lies did I tell.

També va escriure un guió per la segona part

He also wrote a script for the second part.

d'Emissió impossible, la que va dirigir John Boo,

Impossible Emission, directed by John Boo,

que finalment va ser descartat,

which was ultimately discarded,

curiosament substituït per la feina d'un altre

curiously replaced by someone else's work

dels grans guionistes americans del 70,

of the great American screenwriters of the 70s,

que és Robert Downey, l'autor de Chinatown,

who is Robert Downey, the author of Chinatown,

que, per cert, ens va deixar el passat 1 de juliol.

which, by the way, left us on July 1st.

Per tant, van passar d'una vaca sagrada a una altra.

Therefore, they went from one sacred cow to another.

A inicis de segle va tornar a adaptar Stephen King dues vegades,

At the beginning of the century, Stephen King was adapted twice again.

a Corsa a l'Atlàntida, del 2001,

the Race to Atlantis, from 2001,

centrada en la relació entre un nen i un veí misteriós,

focused on the relationship between a boy and a mysterious neighbor,

Anthony Hopkins, i el caçador de somnis.

Anthony Hopkins, and the dream hunter.

Del 2003.

From 2003.

Sembla que la rutina de Goldman, en la seva època més fèrtil,

It seems that Goldman's routine, in its most fruitful time,

consistia a sortir del seu apartament de Manhattan ben d'hora

it involved leaving his Manhattan apartment early in the morning

i marxar a escriure a una oficina a prop de casa.

and go write in an office near home.

Això tu no ho has pogut fer,

You couldn't do this.

te n'has hagut d'anar a Madrid quan has treballat per Netflix,

You had to go to Madrid when you worked for Netflix.

però sospito que quan ets a Barcelona treballes...

but I suspect that when you are in Barcelona you work...

Jo penso que a Barcelona no n'hi ha diners per apagar una oficina.

I think that in Barcelona there isn't money to pay for an office.

Treballes amb el pijama i a casa, eh?

You work in your pajamas and at home, huh?

Ell deia que plegava cap a les 5 de la tarda

He said he was leaving around 5 in the afternoon.

i que com abans acabés, abans se'n podria anar al cinema.

And the sooner it finished, the sooner he could go to the cinema.

Era una de les seves rutines.

It was one of his routines.

És maco.

It's nice.

Perquè això que hi hagi cineastes, guionistes,

Because there are filmmakers, screenwriters,

que diguin, no, és que jo no veig gaire cinema,

Let them say, no, it's just that I don't watch much cinema.

jo no ho he entès mai, personalment.

I have never understood it, personally.

Jo no ho entenc tampoc.

I don't understand it either.

El que és fonamental és estar, a més, connectat,

What is fundamental is to be, moreover, connected,

no només amb el que s'ha fet, sinó amb el que s'està fent ara.

not only with what has been done, but with what is being done now.

De manera fonamental.


Hem de dir que William Goldman els últims anys no va estar tan actiu

We have to say that William Goldman was not so active in his last years.

i, per exemple, la seva última novel·la publicada era del 1986.

And, for example, his last published novel was from 1986.

Es deia Brothers i era una seqüela de Marathon Man,

It was called Brothers and it was a sequel to Marathon Man.

de la història que explicava a Marathon Man.

from the story told in Marathon Man.

Finalment, William Goldman va morir el novembre del 2018,

Finally, William Goldman died in November 2018.

als 87 anys.

at 87 years old.

Fet aquest repàs una mica ràpid a la seva carrera,

Having done this quick review of his career,

si et sembla, Enric, ara el que hem de fer és comentar

If you agree, Enric, now what we have to do is comment.

les tres pel·lícules que tu has volgut escollir.

the three movies that you have wanted to choose.

Tres pel·lícules fonamentals de la història recent de Hollywood.

Three fundamental films in the recent history of Hollywood.

Ens n'anem una mica més lluny per la primera, el 1969,

We go a little further back for the first one, 1969,

Dos Hombres y un Destino.

Two Men and a Destiny.

Esto es un robo.

This is a robbery.

Un robo.

A robbery.

Manos y...

Hands and...



Manos arriba.

Hands up.

They got them up. Skip on down.

They got them up. Skip on down.



Skip on down.

Skip on down.

Todos ustedes arismense a la pared.

All of you put your backs to the wall.

They're against the wall already.

They're already against the wall.

¿Dónde es...?

Where is...?

Ah, you're so damn smart, you read it.

Ah, you're so damn smart, you read it.



Bats Cassidy, Paul Newman, és el cap d'una banda de trecadors

Bats Cassidy, Paul Newman, is the leader of a gang of outlaws.

que es dedica a assaltar bancs a l'estat de Wyoming.

who is dedicated to robbing banks in the state of Wyoming.

El seu company inseparable és en Sundance Kid, Robert Redford.

His inseparable companion is Sundance Kid, Robert Redford.

Un hi posa les idees i l'altre, l'acció.

One brings the ideas and the other, the action.

Després d'un robatori a un tren que surt malament,

After a robbery on a train that goes wrong,

la banda se separa i en la seva fugida cap a Bolívia,

the band separates and in their escape to Bolivia,

perseguits de molt a prop per una patrulla,

pursued very closely by a patrol,

en Bats i en Sundance se'ls uneix una professora

In Bats and Sundance, they are joined by a teacher.

de Denver que estava interpretada per la Catherine Ross.

from Denver that was played by Catherine Ross.

I aquí ho escoltàvem.

And here we listened to it.

Jo penso, no sé com ho veus, però és un western

I think, I don't know how you see it, but it's a western.

que podria ser molt crepuscular,

that could be very twilight-like,

però que té molts moments d'amor per la vida,

but it has many moments of love for life,

de passió pel risc, quan salten pel penya-segat,

of passion for risk, when they jump off the cliff,

el moment de la bicicleta,

the moment of the bicycle,

quan sona Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head,

when Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head plays,

i aquest moment tan còmic,

and this very comical moment,

quan estan ja a Sud-amèrica atracant,

when they are already in South America docking,

que el Paul Newman no sap llegir,

that Paul Newman cannot read,

diu arrismense a la pared, no?

It says arrismense on the wall, right?

Sí, és que a més a més, és fantàstica aquesta escena

Yes, it is fantastic this scene.

perquè una escena o dos abans l'hem vist fent trampes.

Because one scene or two before we saw him cheating.

Sí, llegint la targeta que li ha escrit l'Eta,

Yes, reading the card that Eta wrote to him,

que és la Catherine,

what is Catherine,

que és la professora,

what is the teacher,

fem veure que se la sap,

let's pretend that we know it.

quan en realitat no se la sap,

when in reality it is not known,

no la sap llegir bé,

she can't read it well,

i surt allà i ho fa de qualsevol manera.

And he goes out there and does it any way he wants.

És molt divertida,

She is very funny.

té un to molt especial aquesta pel·lícula.

This movie has a very special tone.

No és un western a l'ús,

It's not a typical western.

perquè no és un western a l'ús,

because it is not a conventional western,

un western on els herois,

a western where the heroes,

en lloc d'enfrontar-se als dolents,

instead of confronting the bad guys,


they flee,

no és una comèdia perquè no està buscant

it's not a comedy because it's not looking for

tota l'estona el gag ni l'ha acudit,

the whole time the gag hasn't been funny,

no és crepuscular del tot perquè té tota aquesta alegria,

it is not completely twilight because it has all this joy,

tota aquesta alegria de viure.

all this joy of living.

És una body movie,

It's a buddy movie.

però no és una body movie tal qual,

but it is not a buddy movie as such,

sinó que té un punt també,

but it also has a point,

el final que té,

the ending it has,

que no sé si es pot fer spoiler,

that I don't know if it can be spoiled,

però clar, el final és un destí,

but of course, the end is a destination,

és un final amarg, dur,

it's a bitter, harsh ending,

i molt potent,

and very powerful,

que condiciona tota la pel·lícula.

that conditions the whole movie.

De fet,

In fact,

el director va fer un passi en públic,

the director made a public screening,

d'aquests passis que fem en la indústria

of these passes that we make in the industry

per veure com reacciona el públic i tal,

to see how the audience reacts and such,

i va detectar que hi havia massa rialles,

and it detected that there were too many laughs,

massa rialles que en principi

too many laughs that at first

haurien de ser alguna cosa bona,

they should be something good,

però si hi ha tantes rialles

but if there are so many laughs

i al final és un final tan trist,

and in the end, it is such a sad ending,

o és un final tan impactant,

or it's such an impactful ending,

o és un final negatiu,

it is a negative ending,

la sensació insatisfactòria és molt més gran.

the unsatisfactory feeling is much greater.

I va estar fent,

I was doing.

un altre tall,

another cut,

que és el tall que va quedar

what is the cut that was left

en el que va estar repel·lant

in which it was repelling

els acudits i les bromes,

the jokes and pranks,

per deixar-la així com està ara,

to leave it as it is now,

amb aquest to,

with this tone,

que diríem que és com una dramèdia

we would say that it is like a dramedy

en un western,

in a western,

una body movie,

a buddy movie,

molt especial.

very special.

És aquella màgia

It's that magic.

que es va aconseguir

what was achieved

entre Paul Newman i Robert Redford

between Paul Newman and Robert Redford

i que van repetir de nou

and they repeated again

amb George Roy Hill

with George Roy Hill

a El golpe,

The blow,

de manera clara.


William Goldman havia estat

William Goldman had been

molt interessat

very interested

en la figura de Sandon's Kid

in the figure of Sandon's Kid

des de feia anys

for years

i va estar treballant molt de temps,

and he worked for a long time,

i de fet,

and in fact,

la novel·la que abans comentàvem

the novel we were discussing earlier

sobre una sessió en sèrie

about a series session

que va portar-se al cinema,

that was taken to the cinema,

no és manera de tratar a una dama,

it is not the way to treat a lady,

l'havia signat amb el pseudònim

I had signed it with the pseudonym.

Harry Longbaugh,

Harry Longbaugh,

que és molt similar

that is very similar

al nom real de Sandon's Kid,

the real name of Sandon's Kid,

perquè es deia Harry Longabaugh.

because he was named Harry Longabaugh.

Per tant, aquí hi havia homenatges.

Therefore, there were tributes here.

Deia que havia escrit la història

He said that he had written the story.

com un guió original

as an original script

perquè no volia fer tota la recerca

because I didn't want to do all the research

que li hauria calgut

that he/she would have needed

per fer-ne una novel·la

to make it a novel

amb prou autenticitat.

with enough authenticity.

Un gran aprenentatge

A great learning experience.

de William Goldman

by William Goldman

és que si ets mandrós,

it's just that if you're lazy,

està molt bé que siguis mandrós

it's very good that you are lazy

i no facis tanta documentació.

And don't do so much documentation.



I citava una frase

I quoted a phrase.

d'Scott Fitzgerald

of Scott Fitzgerald

que és

what is it

que no hi ha segon acte

that there is no second act

en les vides americanes

in American lives

perquè justament

because precisely

a ell el que li va cridar l'atenció

what caught his attention

de Butch Cassidy

by Butch Cassidy

i Sandon's Kid

and Sandon's Kid

és que sí que van viure

it's that they did live

un segon acte

a second act

a Amèrica del Sud

to South America

on van acabar sent

where they ended up being

gairebé tan legendaris

almost as legendary

com als Estats Units

like the United States

i això a ell

and this to him

li va semblar molt interessant.

he found it very interesting.

Fins i tot deia

He even said.

que el seu guió

that his script

era una mica més fosc

it was a little darker

que la pel·lícula

that the movie

perquè hi havia més referències

because there were more references

al pas del temps

over the passage of time

i a l'envelliment

and to aging

dels dos protagonistes.

of the two protagonists.

I això a la pel·lícula

And this in the movie

queda més diluït

it becomes more diluted

perquè Paul Newman

because Paul Newman

i Robert Redford,

and Robert Redford,

com tothom sap,

as everyone knows,

no envelleixen.

they do not age.

No envelleixen gens.

They don't age at all.

No, no, és així.

No, no, it's like that.

La pel·lícula, per ser originalment,

The movie, to be original,

s'havia de dir

it had to be said

de Sandon's Kid

of Sandon's Kid

en Butch Cassidy,

in Butch Cassidy,

finalment és al revés,

finally it is the other way around,

perquè Steve McQueen

because Steve McQueen

havia de ser Sandon's Kid

it had to be Sandon's Kid

i per tant era més estrella

and therefore it was more star

en aquell moment

at that moment

i anava abans

I used to go before.

que Paul Newman.

that Paul Newman.

I de fet Robert Redford,

And in fact Robert Redford,

ara perquè tots sabem

now because we all know

qui és Robert Redford,

who is Robert Redford,

però en aquell moment

but at that moment

Robert Redford

Robert Redford

no era una estrella,

it was not a star,

no era conegut,

he was not known,

era un tio que venia del teatre

he was a guy who came from the theater

i de fet té la primera escena

And in fact, it has the first scene.

de presentació de personatge,

character introduction,

la del joc de cartes

the one from the card game

amb el Salón

with the Salon

quan encara la pel·li

when are you watching the movie

és en blanc i negre,

it is in black and white,

la posen ahir primer

they put her first yesterday

per dir-li a l'espectador

to tell the viewer

escolta, saps qui és

Listen, do you know who it is?

Butch Cassidy?

Butch Cassidy?

Saps qui és Paul Newman?

Do you know who Paul Newman is?

Ara t'anem a explicar

Now we are going to explain to you.

qui és Sandon's Kid.

Who is Sandon's Kid?

És aquest tio tan especial.

He's this very special guy.

Pel que fa al personatge de l'ETA,

As for the character of ETA,

Goldman va decidir

Goldman decided.

que fos mestre

that he was a teacher

i no prostituta

and not a prostitute

com es creia popularment

as was popularly believed

perquè va veure fotos

because he/she saw photos

de l'ETA real

of the real ETA

i li va semblar massa jove

and he thought she was too young

i massa sana

and too healthy

per com vivien

for how they lived

les prostitutes del Far West.

the prostitutes of the Wild West.

És molt interessant

It is very interesting.

el que fa Goldman

what Goldman does

amb l'ETA

with ETA

perquè tota l'estona

because all the time

l'està presentant a la contra.

He is presenting it to the contrary.



a més, ell ho deia

besides, he said it

sempre que apareixen

whenever they appear

una pel·li d'aquestes

a movie like that

en un western,

in a western,

la subtrama amorosa

the romantic subplot

atura l'acció,

stop the action,

és farragosa,

it is cumbersome,

no és divertida

it's not fun

i el que fa és

and what it does is

la primera escena

the first scene

sembla que va haver

it seems there was

una escena de violació

a scene of rape

i te n'adones

and you realize it

en l'últim moment

at the last moment

que és que se coneixen

what is it that they know each other

i que són parella.

and that they are a couple.



quan està amb Butch Cassidy,

when he is with Butch Cassidy,

de fet,

in fact,

jo crec que

I believe that

tota la relació

the whole relationship

entre Butch Cassidy

between Butch Cassidy

i l'ETA

and ETA

i Sandon's

and Sandon's

és, per a l'època,

it is, for the time,

una forma d'explicar

a way of explaining

i d'expressar

and to express

que aquests tres

that these three

són un trio

they are a trio

i que aquests tres

and that these three


they love each other

i que aquests tres

and that these three

tenen alguna cosa

they have something

més que una amistat

more than a friendship

i la manera que ho fa

and the way she does it

és sempre a la contra

it's always against.

explicant alguna cosa diferent

explaining something different

i ella després

and she afterwards

és molt activa

she is very active

amb el fet

with the fact


to teach them


the Spanish

quan han d'atracar bancs,

when they have to rob banks,

se'n va amb ells,

he/she is leaving with them,

vull dir,

I mean,

és molt, molt xulo.

it's very, very cool.

Va guanyar quatre Oscars,

He won four Oscars.

Dos Hombres y un Destino,

Two Men and a Destiny,

millor música

better music

de Bart Bacharach,

by Burt Bacharach,

millor cançó

best song

Raindrops Keep Falling

Raindrops Keep Falling

on My Head

on My Head

de Bacharach

from Bacharach

i Hal David,

and Hal David,

millor fotografia

best photograph

de Conrad Hall

by Conrad Hall

i millor guió

and better script

de David Bowie

by David Bowie



William Goldman

William Goldman

no era a la cerimònia

it was not at the ceremony

i va ser l'actriu

and it was the actress

Catherine Ross

Catherine Ross

qui el va acceptar

who accepted him

en nom seu.

in your name.

Però una cosa

But one thing

que no es diu tan sovint

that is not said so often

perquè no pensem tant

because we don't think too much

en els BAFTAs,

at the BAFTAs,

els Premis del Cine Britànic,

the British Film Awards,

és que aquesta és la pel·lícula

it's just that this is the movie

que encara avui

that even today

ha guanyat més BAFTAs.

has won more BAFTAs.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Nou de deu nominacions

Nine out of ten nominations

i la desena era impossible

and the tenth was impossible

perquè competien

because they were competing

Redford i Newman

Redford and Newman

i Bonyard Redford.

and Bonyard Redford.

És el moment

It's the moment.

de passar a la segona

to move on to the second

de les pel·lícules

of the movies

que has escollit

that you have chosen

que ens remou

that moves us

la consciència

the consciousness



que ha estat

what has happened

nen o jove

boy or young man

als anys 80

in the 1980s

i que és

and what is it

La princesa promesa.

The Princess Bride.

Pel·lícula de 1987

Movie from 1987.

dirigida per Rob Reiner

directed by Rob Reiner

amb la música

with the music

de Mark Knopfler.

by Mark Knopfler.

Un avi,

A grandfather,

Peter Falk,

Peter Falk,



li explica al seu net

he explains to his grandson

que era el Fred Savage

who was Fred Savage

el d'aquelles meravelloses anyes,

the ones from those wonderful years,

més pendent dels videojocs

more into video games

que de les històries

that of the stories

amb petons,

with kisses,

que no li agraden

that he/she does not like

els petons del net,

the kisses of the grandchild,

doncs li explica

then explain it to him/her

la història

the history

de la jove Buttercup,

of the young Buttercup,

Robin Wright,

Robin Wright,

i el seu amor

and his love

pel mosso de granja Wesley

for the farm boy Wesley

que és Carrie Elves

what is Carrie Elves

en un paper

on a paper

que podria haver estat

that could have been

per a Christopher Reeve

for Christopher Reeve

en un primer moment,

at first,


it seems.

I en el fons,

And deep down,

després ara veiem

after now we see

tota la història,

the whole story,

però ens parla molt

but he/she talks to us a lot

la princesa promesa

the promised princess

també al llibre

also in the book

i la pel·lícula

and the movie

de manera molt especial

in a very special way

del plaer

of pleasure

que t'expliquin una història,

let them tell you a story,

com l'avi

like grandpa

es va guanyant el net

the net is being gained

que inicialment

that initially

no vol que entri a l'habitació

he doesn't want me to enter the room

perquè està malalt

because he is sick

al llit.

in bed.

És una pel·li

It's a movie.

amb un to

with a tone

d'alegria per la vida,

of joy for life,

d'alegria per les històries,

of joy for the stories,

però també

but also

amb un to

with a tone

com un post melancòlic,

like a melancholic post,

té com un punt

it has a point

de pèrdua

of loss

de la infantesa

of childhood

al mateix temps,

at the same time,

a les persones

to the people

que són grans

that they are big

i hem tingut avis

and we had grandparents

que ens han explicat històries

that they have told us stories



que ens han llegit contes

that they have read us stories

ens remou molt.

it stirs us a lot.

És normal, vaja.

It's normal, you know.

En aquest relat

In this story

que l'avi

that the grandfather

li explica al seu net

he explains it to his grandson

veiem que 5 anys després

we see that 5 years later



està promesa

is promised

amb el príncep Hamperding

with Prince Hamperding

que és el Chris Arandon

What is Chris Arandon?

i Wesley

And Wesley

sembla haver mort

seems to have died

a mans del temible

at the hands of the fearsome

pirata Roberts,

pirate Roberts,

que passa que

what happens that

quan apareix

when it appears

l'home de negre,

the man in black,



la Buttercup

the Buttercup

potser té poca vista.

perhaps he/she has poor eyesight.

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

Hi ha un segrest,

There is a kidnapping,

la Buttercup

the Buttercup

és segrestada

is kidnapped

per un gegant,

for a giant,

Andre the Giant,

Andre el Gigante

la primera opció

the first option

de Goldman pel paper,

from Goldman for the paper,

tot i que també

although also

es va pensar

it was thought

en Arnold Schwarzenegger

in Arnold Schwarzenegger

i en Karim Abdul-Jabbar,

and Karim Abdul-Jabbar,

un sicilià

a Sicilian

que és el Wallace Shawn

What is Wallace Shawn?

i un espanyol

and a Spanish person



Íñigo Montoya,

Íñigo Montoya,

Mandy Patinkin,

Mandy Patinkin,



molt abans de Homeland,

long before Homeland,

decidit avenjar-se

determined to take revenge

de l'home de sis dits

of the man with six fingers

que va matar el seu pare

that killed his father

amb aquella frase

with that sentence

que s'ha reproduït

that has been reproduced

mil vegades

a thousand times

i que,

and that,

segons Mandy Patinkin,

according to Mandy Patinkin,

dos o tres cops al dia

two or three times a day

algú li diu pel carrer.

someone calls him on the street.

Algú li demana, no?

Someone is asking him/her, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Déu-n'hi-do, no?

Wow, isn't it?

Tota la galeria de personatges.

The entire gallery of characters.

Sí, són personatges tots

Yes, they are all characters.

amb un carisma especial,

with a special charisma,

pertanyen com als arquetips,

they belong like the archetypes,

són personatges prototípics

they are prototypical characters

de les històries

of the stories

o de les fàboles,

or of fables,

però tenen sempre

but they always have

com alguna cosa diferent,

like something different,

com una pincellada,

with a brushstroke,

un gegant

a giant

que té aquesta ànima

what this soul has

tan altruista,

so altruistic,

com generosa,

as generous,

com maca,

how pretty,

és diferent

it's different

als gegants

to the giants

que sempre hem vist

that we have always seen

en les pel·lis

in the movies

o en les narracions

or in the narratives

més clàssiques, no?

more classic, right?

És quasi com

It's almost like

agafar l'arquetip clàssic

take the classic archetype

de narració

of narration

i passar-ho

and pass it

per un tapís

for a carpet

completament original.

completely original.

Ara pensava

Now I was thinking.

que és com si estigués

it's as if I were



amb el gegant

with the giant

de Big Fish,

of Big Fish,





estava pensant

I was thinking.

en què

in what

que estava pensant

that I was thinking

ara mateix, eh?

right now, huh?

Amb lo molt que veu

With how much you see

és rec

it is rec

de la princesa promesa.

of the promised princess.

També, també és veritat.

Also, it's true.

Parlem una mica

Let's talk a little.

del llibre,

from the book,

perquè com dèiem

because as we said

era del 1973,

it was 1973,

de molt abans, eh?

long before, right?

The Princess Bride,

The Princess Bride.

que havia començat

that had started

com un conte

like a story

per a les filles de Goldman

for the girls of Goldman

quan tenien 7 i 4 anys.

when they were 7 and 4 years old.

Ella els va preguntar

She asked them.

de què voleu que tracti

What do you want me to talk about?

la història

the history

que us explicaré,

that I will explain to you,

es veu que una va respondre

it seems that one replied.

d'una princesa

of a princess

i l'altra d'una núvia.

and the other of a bride.

I així va néixer el títol, eh?

And so the title was born, right?

Com diem,

As we say,

va trigar molt

it took a long time

a arribar al cinema.

to arrive at the cinema.

Era un joc de metaficció,

It was a metafiction game,

la novel·la original,

the original novel,

perquè el que fa Goldman

because what Goldman does

és parlar

it's talking

d'un William Goldman

by William Goldman



que comenta

what it comments

i condensa

and condenses

una obra

a work

que li havia llegit

that I had read to him/her

al seu pare de petit,

to his father when he was small,

la princesa promesa,

the promised princess,

d'un tal S. Morgenstern,

of a certain S. Morgenstern,

encara més fictici.

even more fictitious.

Tot era inventat aquí.

Everything was invented here.

És meravellós,

It is wonderful,

perquè de fet

because in fact

ell explica

he explains

que tot neix

that everything is born

quan les seves filles

when his daughters

eren petites

they were small

que els explicava

that he/she was explaining to them


little stories

per anar a dormir.

to go to sleep.

Les inventava.

She used to invent them.

I quan estava inventant-se-les allà

And when he was making them up there.

i tenia un públic en directe,

I had a live audience,

estava super inventat

it was totally made up

i superint,

I superint,

que diem, no?

What do we say, right?

Estava molt en la zona,

I was very much in the zone.

molt imaginatiu,

very imaginative,

traient molt bones idees

drawing very good ideas

i pensava

I was thinking

d'això me'n recordaré

I will remember this.

i ho veig seré

and I see I will be

i no se me'n recorda de res.

and I don't remember anything.

Llavors és tot aquest exercici

Then it's all this exercise.

de metalingüístic

of metalinguistic

de recordar-se

to remember

de les parts bones

of the good parts

i tractar de connectar-les

and try to connect them

de la manera més ràpida possible,

in the fastest way possible,

que és

what is it

em vaig a saltar

I'm going to skip.

les parts dolentes

the bad parts

o les parts avorrides.

or the boring parts.

Vas només a les parts xules.

You only go to the cool parts.

És que el llibre es presenta així, eh?

It's just that the book is presented like this, right?

La princesa promesa

The Princess Bride

de S. Morgenstern

by S. Morgenstern



en les parts bones,

in the good parts,

entre cometes,

in quotes,

per William Goldman, eh?

for William Goldman, huh?

Sembla una idea mestra,

It seems like a master idea,

una idea absolutament meravellosa.

an absolutely wonderful idea.

A més, clar,

Furthermore, of course,

Goldman parla de si mateix

Goldman talks about himself.

inventant-se coses,

making up things,

per exemple,

for example,

diu que la seva dona és psiquiatra

He says that his wife is a psychiatrist.

i era fotògrafa,

and she was a photographer,

li canvia el nom a la dona, també,

he changes the woman's name, too,

i hi ha un moment

and there is a moment

en què diu

in what it says

que l'escena del penya-segat

that the cliff scene

de Dos Hombres i un Destino

of Two Men and a Destiny

estava inspirada

she was inspired

en els penya-segats

on the cliffs

de la bogeria

of madness

pels quals s'escapen

for which they escape

els segrestadors

the kidnappers

de la Buttercup,

of the Buttercup,

cosa que és mentida, segurament,

something that is a lie, probably,

però ell s'ho inventa,

but he makes it up,

diu, a mi em va inspirar

he says, it inspired me

el senyor Morgenstern,

Mr. Morgenstern,

que és fictici,

that is fictitious,

per escriure el guió

to write the script

de Dos Hombres i un Destino, eh?

from Two Men and a Destiny, huh?

Per cert,

By the way,

que no sé si això

that I don't know if this

t'ha passat mai a tu,

has it ever happened to you,

però Goldman,

but Goldman,

es veu que era el rodatge

It seems that it was the filming.

el dia de l'escena

the day of the scene

del pantà de foc,

of the fire swamp,

i tot i que sabia

and although I knew

que el vestit de la Buttercup

that Buttercup's dress

de la Robin Wright,

of Robin Wright,

que debutava al cinema,

who was making her film debut,

s'havia de cremar,

it had to be burned,

quan va veure

when he/she saw

que sortien flames

that were emitting flames

va cridar

called out

i va fer molt bé una presa.

And it made a very good catch.

No, no.

No, no.

Això és estar molt a dins, eh,

This is being very involved, huh?

de la història

of history

que has escrit tu.

what you have written.

Això no t'ha passat.

This hasn't happened to you.

No, no, no m'ha passat.

No, no, it hasn't happened to me.

Escric poques vegades

I write infrequently.

que hi ha flames

that there are flames

en alguna cosa,

in something,

però, no obstant,

but, nevertheless,

l'únic que faig

the only thing I do

és, quan arribo al rodatge,

it's when I arrive at the shooting,

tractar de no molestar

try not to disturb

i saber on està el càtering.

And to know where the catering is.

Això és important.

This is important.

És molt important.

It is very important.

Ara és el moment

Now is the moment.

d'anar al 1990

to go to 1990

en una història

in a story

que té molt a veure

that has a lot to do

també amb l'ofici d'escriure

also with the craft of writing

i que és Mísery.

And what is Mísery.

Bé, just...

Well, just...

El paper serà bé.

The paper will be fine.

Estàs segur?

Are you sure?

Perquè, si vols,

Because, if you want,


I will catch you.

tot el lloc per tu.

All the place for you.





què és el que passa?

What is happening?

Què és el que passa?

What is happening?

T'ho diré,

I'll tell you.

què és el que passa?

What is happening?

Jo vaig a la meva manera per tu.

I go my own way for you.

Jo faig tot el que puc

I do everything I can.

per intentar fer-te feliç.

to try to make you happy.

Et menjo,

I eat you,

et trenco,

I break you,

et adreço,

I address you,

i quins gràcies

and what thanks

em dono?

Are you giving me?

Oh, tu has comprat

Oh, you have bought.

el mal paper, Annie.

the bad role, Annie.

Jo no puc escriure

I cannot write.

en aquest paper, Annie.

In this paper, Annie.

Bé, jo t'agafaré

Well, I will take you.

el teu mal paper,

your bad role,

però tu hauràs de començar

but you will have to start

a mostrar-me

to show me

una mica més d'apreciació

a little more appreciation

al voltant,


senyor home.

Mr. Man.

El famós autor

The famous author

de bestsellers

of bestsellers

Paul Sheldon

Paul Sheldon

pateix un accident de cotxe

suffers a car accident

enmig del no-res

in the middle of nowhere

en unes muntanyes nevades

in some snowy mountains

i és rescatat

and is rescued

per l'Annie Wilkes,

for Annie Wilkes,

la seva fan número 1,

his/her number 1 fan,

admiradora de les novel·les

admirer of novels



per l'heroïna

for the heroine

Miserie Chastain.

Miserie Chastain.

I, per tant,

And therefore,

com que és infermera,

since she is a nurse,

diu, ja t'ajudo jo,

he says, I'll help you.

queda't aquí al llit tranquil,

stay here in bed calm,

però quan descobreix

but when he/she discovers

el futur que li espera

the future that awaits him/her

a la Miserie,

to misery,

la solitària Annie,

the solitary Annie,

descarrega la seva frustració

unleashes his frustration

sobre l'escriptor

about the writer

en aquest moment

at this moment

que ara també escoltàvem

that we were also listening to now

de la Kathy Bates

by Kathy Bates

que fa aquestes transformacions

that makes these transformations



de l'aparent amabilitat

of the apparent kindness

a la fúria, no?

to the fury, right?

Quina por, eh?

What a scare, huh?

Fa molta por.

It's very scary.

Ara l'estava escoltant

Now I was listening to him/her.

i feia molta por.

and it was very scary.

Fa molta por, eh?

It's very scary, isn't it?

Una pel·lícula, doncs,

A movie, then,

que en el seu moment

that at the time

ens va impactar molt,

it shocked us a lot,

una obra original

an original work

de Stephen King,

by Stephen King,

però vaja, a tu et sembla

but well, it seems to you

que Goldman va fer

what Goldman did

una bona feina aquí, també.

a good job here, too.

Va fer una obra,

He/she did a work.

una feina increïble.

an incredible job.

Jo tinc la sensació

I have the feeling.

que és la millor

what is the best


of these

i Cuenta conmigo,

And count on me,



estan bé amb mi,

they are fine with me,

les millors adaptacions

the best adaptations

que s'han fet

that have been made

de Stephen King.

by Stephen King.

És curiós perquè

It's curious because

Rob Reiner és el director

Rob Reiner is the director.

de totes dues

of both

i Stephen King era reticent

And Stephen King was reluctant.

a vendre els drets de Miserie

for sale the rights of Miserie

i una mica va posar

and a little he put

la condició

the condition

que Rob Reiner fos el director

that Rob Reiner was the director

perquè li havia agradat molt

because she had liked it a lot

Cuenta conmigo

Count on me.

com a tots nosaltres.

like all of us.

En un principi

At first

no l'havia de dirigir

I shouldn't have directed it.

Rob Reiner,

Rob Reiner,

Rob Reiner l'anava

Rob Reiner was going.

a produir només

to produce only

i l'anava a dirigir

and I was going to direct it

George Roy Hill

George Roy Hill

i George Roy Hill

and George Roy Hill

que és el de

what is the of

Dos Hombres y un Destino

Two Men and a Destiny

a William Goldman

to William Goldman

estava encantat

I was delighted.

perquè ja havia treballat

because I had already worked

amb ell

with him

i es coneixien

and they knew each other

de molts anys

for many years

i molts projectes

and many projects

i pensava

I was thinking.

que ho faria molt bé

that it would do very well

i va venir

and he/she came

amb l'escena

with the scene

del soplete

of the blowtorch

que és una escena

what is a scene

que està en el llibre

what is in the book

però que no està en la pel·lícula

but it's not in the movie

que és quan té immobilitzat

what it is when it is immobilized

Kathy Bates

Kathy Bates

a Paul Seldon

to Paul Seldon

al James Caan

to James Caan

i en la novel·la

and in the novel

li fot amb un soplete

he hits him with a torch

li crema

it burns him/her

el soplete

the blowtorch

i li crema

and it burns him/her

les cames

the legs

li talla les cames

it cuts his legs off

i amb un soplete

and with a blowtorch

li crema els munyons

It burns his/her elbows.



molt maco

very nice

i George Roy Hill

and George Roy Hill

va llegir allò

he read that

i va dir

and he said



això jo no ho puc fer

I cannot do this.

no ho puc fer

I can't do it.

crec que pedrem a l'audiència

I think we will lose the audience.

crec que el públic

I think that the audience

no està preparat

not prepared

per aquest tipus

for this type

de crueltat

of cruelty

i William Goldman

and William Goldman



que aquella era

that era


the scene



de la novel·la

from the novel

i que havia de ser

and that had to be

l'escena fonamental

the fundamental scene

de la pel·li

of the movie

i es va estar barallant

and he/she was fighting

amb Rob Reiner

with Rob Reiner

amb George Roy Hill

with George Roy Hill

amb tothom

with everyone

i al final

and in the end

va quedar

he/she stayed

el que queda

what remains

en la pel·li

in the movie

que és que

what is it that

el martell

the hammer

i això per tant

and this therefore

Goldman no ho volia

Goldman didn't want it.

no ho volia

I didn't want it.

i William Goldman

and William Goldman

explica que

explain that

ell estava equivocat

he was wrong

que tothom tenia raó

that everyone was right

i ell

and he

és la primera vegada

it's the first time

que pensava

What I thought.

que s'havia de fer una cosa

that something had to be done

i se va adonar

and he/she realized



de que

of what

de que tots els altres

that all the others

tenien raó

they were right

i que és el que li va fer adonar-se'n

And what made him realize it?

perquè també hi ha un exercici

because there is also an exercise


of self-criticism

jo crec que

I think that

hi ha moltes vegades

there are many times

que fins que no ho veus

until you see it

i no ho visualitzes

and you don't visualize it

a partir d'aquí

from here on

perquè moltes vegades

because many times

estàs parlant

are you talking

sobre una abstracció

about an abstraction

estàs parlant

you are talking

sobre emocions

about emotions

molt concretes

very specific

en abstracte

in abstract terms

no saps ben bé

you don't really know

què és el que sentirà l'audiència

What will the audience feel?

tu estàs llegint el llibre

You are reading the book.

i veus aquella escena

and you see that scene

amb aquella energia

with that energy

amb aquella força

with that strength

però després

but then

veure que aquest personatge

see that this character

tota la vida

all my life

està realiciat

is completed

per lo que li ha fet

for what he/she has done to him/her

Kathy Bates

Kathy Bates


it is

potser l'espectador

perhaps the spectator

ja no vol tornar

no longer wants to return

a fer el boca-orella

to spread the word

lògic de

logical of

és que he sortit emocionat

I came out excited.

i he patit

I have suffered.

por com mai

fear like never before

amb aquesta pel·lícula

with this movie

va ser massa lluny

it was too far

i ha perdut

and has lost

la veu

the voice

i ha perdut la veu

I have lost my voice.

i ha perdut l'audiència

I have lost the audience.

tot i que això

although this

si ho hagués adaptat

if I had adapted it

per Chan Buk

for Chan Buk

o qualsevol director coreà

or any Korean director

clar, això ja és una altra història

Of course, that's a whole different story.

ja ho hauries tingut

you should have had it by now

ha canviat

has changed

és que ha canviat molt

it's just that it has changed a lot

des dels 90

since the 90s

el que el públic

what the audience

també està disposat a acceptar

is also willing to accept

hem d'entendre

we have to understand

que no és el mateix

that it is not the same

qui érem nosaltres

who were we

als 90

in the 90s

jo tenia 13 anys

I was 13 years old.

12 anys

12 years

no sóc la mateixa persona

I am not the same person.

un xaval

a kid

i l'audiència

and the audience

i el món

and the world

han passat moltes coses

many things have happened

per enmig

in the middle

no només en la

not only in the

cultura popular

popular culture

o en el cinema

or at the cinema

sinó en la vida

but in life

per tant


el públic és diferent

the audience is different

el públic que hi havia fa 20 anys

the audience that was there 20 years ago

el públic que hi haurà

the audience that will be there

20 anys endavant

20 years ahead

o 30 anys endavant

or 30 years in the future

el paper d'Annie Wilkes

the role of Annie Wilkes

l'hi havíeu ofert

you had offered it to him/her

a Bette Midler

to Bette Midler

i quan aquesta

and when this

el va declinar

he declined him

un fet que sembla

a fact that seems

que ella

that she

ha lamentat

has lamented



va ser el guionista

he was the screenwriter

va ser William Goldman

it was William Goldman

qui va suggerir

who suggested

el nom de Kathy Bates

the name of Kathy Bates

que té aquesta tensió creixent

that has this growing tension

amb el personatge

with the character

de James Caan

by James Caan



i que va guanyar l'Òscar

and who won the Oscar



a millor actriu principal

best leading actress

que era la primera vegada

that it was the first time

que un paper

than a paper

en una pel·lícula de terror

in a horror movie

o misteri

the mystery

obtenia aquest guardó

obtained this award

doncs molt

so very



molt encertat

very accurate

la veritat

the truth

Kathy Bates

Kathy Bates

Kathy Bates a més

Kathy Bates furthermore

en aquell moment

at that moment

no era una actriu coneguda

she was not a well-known actress.

era una actriu desconeguda

she was an unknown actress

per el gran públic

for the general public

i el fet de tenir

and the fact of having

un personatge

a character

com és James Caan

what is James Caan like

completament conegut

completely known

per tothom

for everyone

i un personatge

and a character



o una actriu desconeguda

or an unknown actress

fent aquest personatge

making this character

com és Kathy Bates

What is Kathy Bates like?

jo crec que li va donar

I believe that he/she gave it to him/her.

molt a la pel·lícula

very much to the movie

perquè podies pensar

because you could think

aquesta tia pirada

this crazy girl

qui és

who is it

i què va fer

And what did he/she do?

amb el nostre James Caan

with our James Caan

per cert

by the way

el 2015

the 2015

doncs cap a la fase final

so on to the final phase

de la seva vida

of his life

Goldman va adaptar

Goldman adapted.

la història de Misery

the story of Misery

per al teatre

for the theater

per a un muntatge de Broadway

for a Broadway production



per Bruce Willis

for Bruce Willis



i Laurie Metcalf

and Laurie Metcalf

que molts recordareu

that many of you will remember

com la germana de Roseanne

like Roseanne's sister



Repassem on podeu veure

Let's review where you can see.

les tres pel·lícules

the three movies

de William Goldman

by William Goldman

que ha volgut destacar

that has wanted to highlight

l'Enric Pardo

Enric Pardo

Dos Hombres y un Destino

Two Men and a Destiny

és a Disney Plus

It's on Disney Plus.

La Princesa Promesa

The Promised Princess

la teniu de lloguer

Do you have it for rent?

en algunes plataformes

on some platforms

i si no sempre podeu recórrer

And if not, you can always appeal.

al Blu-ray

to Blu-ray

i al DVD

and on the DVD

al format domèstic

in domestic format

i Misery la teniu

And you have Misery.

a Filmin

to Filmin

i a Amazon

and to Amazon

per tant


doncs podeu buscar-les

so you can look for them

i veure

and see

el que deies tu

what you said

la mà invisible

the invisible hand

d'algú en la història del cinema

of someone in the history of cinema

però tan important

but so important

com la de William Goldman

like that of William Goldman





moltíssimes gràcies

thank you very much

Moltes gràcies a vosaltres

Thank you very much to you.

per convidar-me

for inviting me

Ha estat un plaer

It has been a pleasure.

i que vagi molt bé

And may it go very well.

com a freelance

as a freelancer

treu-te el pijama

take off your pajamas

de tant en tant

now and then


Baste yourself.

com Déu mana

as God commands

amb la samarreta dels nics

with the kids' t-shirt

Molt bé

Very good

Moltes gràcies

Thank you very much.

A tu

To you

Estàs escoltant

Are you listening?



i Cat

and Cat

Al Memento

To the Memento

ens agrada tirar

we like to throw

la vista en realitat

the view in reality

i homenatjar

and to honor

algunes de les principals

some of the main

icones del cinema

icons of cinema

però hi ha homenatges

but there are tributes

que al final

that in the end

ja no saps si són autoparòdia

you no longer know if it is self-parody

i es mereixen

and they deserve it

un trailer sincer

a sincere trailer

Si sou fans

If you are fans

de La Dolce Vita

of The Sweet Life

per exemple

for example

potser serà millor

maybe it will be better

que us abstingueu

that you abstain

d'anar a veure

to go see

aquesta estrena

this premiere

suposadament cinèfila

supposedly a cinephile

Que Chiara Mastroianni

That Chiara Mastroianni

es passejés disfressada

she walked around in disguise

de son pare

of his father

no ens havia de preocupar

it shouldn't have worried us

sempre que ho fes

whenever I did it

per passar l'estona

to pass the time

Ara bé

Now well

si d'això

if from this

en fan una pel·lícula

They are making a movie.

com Marcello Mio

like Marcello Mio

la cosa ja no es veu

the thing can no longer be seen

tan Chiara

so Chiara

La Mastroianni Junior

The Mastroianni Junior

es dedica a fer-se dir

is dedicated to making himself be called

Marcello per tot Déu

Marcello for God's sake

i a discutir

and to discuss

amb la seva mare

with her mother

la vida real

real life

Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve

Al final

In the end

no sap si era una excusa

he doesn't know if it was an excuse

per banyar-se

to bathe

a la fontana d'Itrevi

at the fountain of Itrevi

sense que li posessin

without being put on him/her

una multa

a fine

Intentant ressuscitar

Trying to resurrect

el pare

the father

en una trama

in a plot

que no va enlloc

that goes nowhere

la filla acaba deixant clar

the daughter ends up making it clear

que la genètica

that genetics

no ho és tot

not everything is it

i que les comparacions

and that the comparisons

són odioses

they are hateful

En diuen

They call it.



perquè mirar-se el malic

why look at one's navel

no sona tan bé

it doesn't sound that good

Marcello Mio

Marcello My

Que es quedin

Let them stay.

amb el seu Marcello

with his Marcello

que nosaltres preferim

that we prefer

el de tota la vida

the one of a lifetime

Recorda de subscriure't

Remember to subscribe.

al podcast de Memento

to the Memento podcast

a iTunes,

to iTunes,



i Spotify

and Spotify

Vam lamentar molt

We regretted it a lot.

la mort de Shelley Duval

the death of Shelley Duval

el passat 11 de juliol

on July 11th

als 75 anys

at 75 years old

Tenim clar

We have clarity.

que l'actriu

that the actress

va ser molt més

it was much more

que la dona martiritzada

that the martyred woman

per Jack Nicholson

for Jack Nicholson

i una mica també

and a little bit too

per restant-li cúbric

for remaining coverage

a la resplendor

to the glow

I és per això

And that is why

que afegim a les intocables

what we add to the untouchables

el seu debut al cinema

his debut in cinema

la primera

the first

de les set vegades

of the seven times

que va treballar

that worked

a les ordres de Robert Alman

at the orders of Robert Alman

El volar es para los pájaros

Flying is for the birds.

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 1970

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 1970

Títol original

Original title

Brewster McLeod

Brewster McLeod

Dirigida per Robert Alman

Directed by Robert Alman

Guió de Doran William Cannon

Script by Doran William Cannon

Fotografia de Lamar Boren

Photograph by Lamar Boren

i Jordan Cronenweff

and Jordan Cronenweth

Música de Gene Page

Music by Gene Page

Amb Bud Cort

With Bud Cort

Shelley Duval

Shelley Duval

Sally Kellerman

Sally Kellerman

Michael Murphy

Michael Murphy

William Windham

William Windham

Stacy Kitsch

Stacy Kitsch

Margaret Hamilton

Margaret Hamilton

i Jennifer Salt

and Jennifer Salt

En Brewster McLeod

In Brewster McLeod

és un noi solitari

he is a lonely boy

i introvertit

and introverted

que viu en un refugi

that lives in a shelter

a l'estradóum de Houston

to the Houston Astrodome

Fa temps que s'està

It has been a while since.



un programa

a program

amb unes ales

with wings

per poder volar

to be able to fly

més enllà d'aquest estadi

beyond this stadium

aconsellat per una dona

advised by a woman

que actua amb ell

that acts with him

com una mena d'àngel guardiana

like a kind of guardian angel

Pel camí es veu implicat

On the way, he becomes involved.

en la investigació policial

in the police investigation

d'uns assassinats

of some murders

i inicia una relació

and starts a relationship

amb la Susan

with Susan

la noia que treballa

the girl who works

de guia turística

of tour guide

a l'estradóum

to the estradom

en un soping que volia dir

in a soup that wanted to say

que no havia estat

that had not been

fins al dia 1 del marge

until the 1st of the margin

i que no havia estat

and that had not been

fins ara

until now

de la prova

of the test

de les sorpreses

of surprises

de la resta de la vida

of the rest of life

de la vida

of life

de la gent

of the people

de la javela

of the hazel

i que no és

and what is not

l'única que es pot

the only one that can


to sink

a la vida

to life

de l'estada

of the stay

o de la llum

or of the light

i que no és

and that it is not

només un conflicte

only one conflict

de la vida

of life

no sembla que estigués gaire satisfet amb el guió

He doesn't seem to be very satisfied with the script.

d'aquesta pel·lícula. Segons diuen,

of this movie. Apparently,

el va llençar i es va dedicar a preparar

he threw it and dedicated himself to preparing

les escenes directament amb els actors.

the scenes directly with the actors.

Fins i tot va canviar el cognom

He even changed his surname.

del personatge central, de MacLeod

of the central character, by MacLeod

a MacLeod. El guionista

a MacLeod. The screenwriter.

Doran William Cannon, com és lògic, es va

Doran William Cannon, as is logical, went

enfadar i va escriure un article d'opinió al

anger and wrote an opinion article in the

New York Times assegurant que el resultat final

New York Times assuring that the final result

literalment era una merda.

literally it was shit.

Potser hauria preferit que el dirigís

Perhaps I would have preferred that he directed it.

Otto Preminger, el primer a qui se li va oferir,

Otto Preminger, the first to whom it was offered,

o que els drets de la història els hagués

or that the rights of history would have hadden

comprat Bob Dylan, que uns anys abans

bought Bob Dylan, that a few years earlier

s'havia arribat a plantejar ser-ne ell

he had even considered being it

el protagonista. A William Goldman,

the protagonist. To William Goldman,

per exemple, li havia passat una cosa semblant

for example, something similar had happened to him/her

a les dones d'Stepford, i de fet

to the Stepford wives, and in fact

havia intentat que treguessin el seu nom dels crèdits

he had tried to get his name removed from the credits

perquè el director havia ignorat la seva feina.

because the director had ignored his work.

Però tornem a

But let's get back to

El volar és per a los pàjaros, que per cert

Flying is for birds, which by the way

es va estrenar en una sessió especial

it premiered in a special session

al mateix astròdom de Houston

to the same planetarium in Houston

on transcorre l'acció, davant de

where the action takes place, in front of

23.930 persones,

23,930 people,

una xifra rècord per a una estrena

a record figure for a premiere

de cine, tot i que es veu que hi va haver

of cinema, although it seems that there was

molts problemes de so. Com dèiem abans,

many sound problems. As we said before,

Shelley Duvall va treballar amb Allman

Shelley Duvall worked with Allman.

en sis pel·lícules més, Popeye, on era

in six more movies, Popeye, where was he

l'Olivia Perfecta, Nashville,

Olivia Perfecta, Nashville,

Tres dones, Lladres com nosaltres,

Three women, Thieves like us,

Los vividores i Buffalo Bill

The freeloaders and Buffalo Bill

i Los indios. Però avui

And the Indians. But today

parlem de El volar és per a los pàjaros

Let's talk about "Flying is for the birds."

que no va acabar de convèncer tothom.

that did not completely convince everyone.

Ja ho sabeu, que sempre busquem la nota

You already know that we always seek the score.

discordant. Aquesta és la crítica de

discordant. This is the criticism of

Vincent Cambi al New York Times,

Vincent Cambi at the New York Times,

publicada el dijous 24 de desembre

published on Thursday, December 24

de 1970.

from 1970.

El guió intenta definir la realitat

The script tries to define reality.

americana mitjançant un tipus de sàtira

American through a type of satire.

que no aporta res de nou.

that does not bring anything new.

Em va agradar Shelley Duvall,

I liked Shelley Duvall.

una noia prima i graciosa amb pestanyes

a slim and graceful girl with eyelashes

dignes de Betty Boop, però la major part

worthy of Betty Boop, but most of

del temps la pel·lícula és ximple,

the film is silly,

pretenciosa i massa cruel

pretentious and too cruel

amb els personatges.

with the characters.

Em fa sentir incòmode com quan trobo

It makes me feel uncomfortable like when I find.

un executiu de la pel·lícula.

a movie executive.

Un executiu de Hollywood amb sou anual

A Hollywood executive with an annual salary

de 150.000 dòlars que pretén manifestar

of 150,000 dollars that it intends to express

el seu esperit lliure vestint una

her free spirit wearing a

granota feta a mida, amb el cabell

custom-made frog, with hair

fins a les espatlles i un culleret hippie.

up to the shoulders and a hippie spoon.

Es tracta d'imitar els altres

It's about imitating others.

per anar a la moda.

to be fashionable.

I ara què estic fent?

And now what am I doing?

Ah, sí,

Ah, yes,

escoltant Memento. Ai, cat.

listening to Memento. Oh, cat.

Doncs això és tot per avui.

Well, that's all for today.

Arribem al final del Memento 305

We reach the end of Memento 305.

amb una reflexió de William Goldman

with a reflection from William Goldman

sobre el noble i no sempre fàcil

about the noble and not always easy

ofici de l'escriptura per ser posada en imatges.

the craft of writing to be brought to images.

Desitgem que vosaltres domineu

We wish that you master.

els secrets de la vostra professió

the secrets of your profession

tant com ho feia l'anyorat Goldman

as much as the late Goldman did

i que ho feu no sempre en pijama

And that you don't always do it in your pajamas.

i us esperem al proper Memento.

And we look forward to seeing you at the next Memento.

Que vagi molt bé!

Take care!

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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