Per què ha sortit malament el projecte espacial de Boeing? - 22/09/24

Catalunya Ràdio

La Terra és plana

Per què ha sortit malament el projecte espacial de Boeing? - 22/09/24

La Terra és plana

Són dos quarts de vuit del matí. Joan Anton Català, bon dia.

It's a quarter to eight in the morning. Joan Anton Català, good morning.

Molt bon dia, Roger.

Good morning, Roger.

Tres, dos, un, lligam.

Three, two, one, bond.

Joan Anton Català, bon dia, bona hora.

Joan Anton Català, good morning, good time.

Molt bon dia, Roger.

Very good morning, Roger.

Com estàs?

How are you?

Bé, bé, bé.

Well, well, well.

Com prova aquest diumenge matinal?

How does this Sunday morning look?

Sempre costa una mica, però bé.

It always costs a little, but it's fine.

Això és la Terra esplana. Cada diumenge a l'hora que surt el Sol mirem cap al cel.

This is the Flat Earth. Every Sunday at sunrise we look up at the sky.

De fet, aquests dies estem enganxats a aquest serial espacial que ha donat la volta al món.

In fact, these days we are hooked on this space series that has gone around the world.

És la primera missió tripulada de Boeing, l'Starliner,

It is Boeing's first crewed mission, the Starliner.

que ha acabat tornant a la Terra sola, buida, sense els astronautes que la tripulaven.

that has ended up returning to Earth alone, empty, without the astronauts who crewed it.

Uns astronautes que s'han quedat atrapats en aquesta estació espacial internacional

Some astronauts who have gotten trapped in this international space station.

perquè la NASA no tenia clara la missió de tornada.

because NASA was not clear about the return mission.

A veure, què ha passat exactament a Boeing?

Let's see, what exactly has happened at Boeing?

Joan Anton, i per què ha estat un fracàs tot això?

Joan Anton, and why has all this been a failure?

Ha estat un malson.

It has been a nightmare.

Ens hem de remuntar, vull posar en context la cosa.

We need to go back; I want to put things into context.

Fixi-t'hi, l'any 2011, els Estats Units van fer l'últim enlairament d'un Space Shuttle,

Note that in 2011, the United States made the last launch of a Space Shuttle.

d'un transbordador espacial, aquelles naus tan boniques, no?,

of a space shuttle, those beautiful ships, right?

que semblaven, bueno, tenien forma d'avió quan tornaven, quan aterraven.

that they looked, well, they were shaped like planes when they were coming back, when they landed.

Era un programa molt car, aquest de l'Space Shuttle.

It was a very expensive program, this Space Shuttle one.

A més a més, recordem que havien tingut dos accions gravíssims,

Furthermore, we remember that they had had two very serious actions,

el del Challenger, l'any 1988, i el Columbia...

the Challenger in 1988, and the Columbia...

Perdó, l'any 1988.

Sorry, the year 1988.

El 1986 i el Columbia, el 2003,

In 1986 and the Columbia, in 2003,

i després de 135 vols d'aquest programa, es cancela.

And after 135 flights of this program, it is canceled.

Que ja ho sabien, eh? L'Atlantis, 2011, últim vol.

They already knew it, huh? Atlantis, 2011, last flight.

En aquell moment, els Estats Units, tremendo, es queden sense naus americanes

At that moment, the United States, tremendous, is left without American ships.

per enviar astronautes a l'espai,

to send astronauts into space,

de manera que només queda en el món una única nau que ho pot fer,

so that only one ship remains in the world that can do it,

que és la Soyuz russa.

what is the Russian Soyuz.

Ara tu imagina't l'escenari, no?, els nord-americans pagant bitllet

Now just imagine the scenario, right? The Americans paying for a ticket.

de viatge d'anar i tornar dels russos

from the round trip journey of the Russians

per enviar els seus astronautes a l'estació espacial internacional.

to send its astronauts to the international space station.

Lògicament, era una situació que no era injusta,

Logically, it was a situation that was not unfair,

era una situació que no era sostenible,

it was a situation that was not sustainable,

de manera que el 2014 la NASA atorga dos contractes a dues companyies,

so in 2014 NASA awarded two contracts to two companies,

Boeing i SpaceX, de l'Elon Musk.

Boeing and SpaceX, from Elon Musk.

I ell s'hi diu, escolteu, desenvolupeu, us ajudem en aquests contractes,

And he says to you, listen, develop, we help you with these contracts,

a desenvolupar les noves naus nord-americanes

to develop the new American ships

que ens retornin la capacitat d'enlairament.

that they return to us the ability to take off.

En aquell moment, ara tu dius, Boeing, un gegant aeronàutic, no?,

At that moment, now you say, Boeing, an aerospace giant, right?

i SpaceX, que era una companyia, en aquest moment, molt jove.

and SpaceX, which was at that time a very young company.

Les apostes, clarament, eren Boeing obtindrà de seguida

The bets were clearly that Boeing would get it right away.

aquesta capacitat, obtindrà de seguida l'homologació de la NASA

this capability will soon obtain NASA approval

per poder enviar astronautes, i SpaceX hi anirà en darrere.

to be able to send astronauts, and SpaceX will be behind it.

Però això ha estat tot el contrari.

But this has been the exact opposite.

Com ara explicarem, SpaceX li ha passat la mà per la cara a Boeing.

As we will explain, SpaceX has outperformed Boeing.

I Boeing ha anat endarreriment, endarreriment, de fracàs en fracàs.

Boeing has gone from setback to setback, from failure to failure.

Tot això ha passat aquests últims anys,

All of this has happened in recent years,

i amb aquest resum que ha passat aquests últims dies,

and with this summary of what has happened in recent days,

que ens explica el tornantó en català.

What the tornantó tells us in Catalan.

Amb ell, avui, a la Terra esplana, tractem aquest malson especial de Boeing.

With him, today, on the flat land, we are addressing this special Boeing nightmare.

Clar, Boeing les tenia totes per ser l'empresa triada,

Of course, Boeing had everything to be the chosen company.

la que retornaria aquests astronautes americans a l'espai,

the one that would return these American astronauts to space,

però va aparèixer aquesta famosa SpaceX d'Iron Musk,

but this famous SpaceX of Iron Musk appeared,

i aquí tot es va tornar a regular i a canviar, no?

And here everything returned to normal and changed again, right?

Sí, va canviar radicalment, eh?, de tot allò que hauríem esperat.

Yes, it changed radically, didn't it?, from everything we would have expected.

Es va veure que Boeing tenia problemes de disseny, a la taula de disseny,

It was shown that Boeing had design problems at the design table.

i que SpaceX anava tot a pastilla.

And SpaceX was going full speed ahead.

És cert que SpaceX, ja ho hem comentat alguna vegada abans,

It is true that SpaceX, we have discussed it before,

va educar a tots a una manera de treballar que no estàvem acostumats,

he educated everyone in a way of working that we were not used to,

que és fer un programa de disseny, que és fer un programa de disseny,

what it is to make a design program, what it is to make a design program,

que és fer un productiu de seguida, explota, no passa res,

what it means to be productive right away, it explodes, nothing happens,

però l'he farcit de sensors, aprenc i faig la següent iteració molt de pressa,

but I have filled it with sensors, I learn and quickly make the next iteration,

i barata, entre cometes, no?, i així avanço molt de pressa,

"It's cheap, in quotes, right? And so I make a lot of progress very quickly,"

i això no era... i fèiem mofa, quan vèiem naus d'SpaceX,

and this wasn't... and we used to mock when we saw SpaceX ships,

explotadè, els he desblogat, fins que ens van dir, no?,

exploited, I unblocked them, until they told us, right?

és que és la nostra manera de treballar.

It's just our way of working.

Això ha fet que SpaceX vagi molt de pressa, fixa-t'hi.

This has made SpaceX move very quickly, just look at it.

L'any 2019, la missió Demo de SpaceX,

In 2019, the Demo mission of SpaceX,

encara sense tripulació, aconsella de manera autònoma

still without crew, advises autonomously

enlairar-se, acoblar-se a l'estació espacial internacional,

take off, dock at the international space station,

de manera automàtica,


i retornar. I al maig del 2020,

and return. And in May 2020,

en plena pandèmia, que va ser un moment històric

at the height of the pandemic, which was a historic moment

que el vam viure tots en directe,

that we all experienced live,

molt emotiu, dos astronautes

very emotional, two astronauts

americans dins d'una nau d'Space X

Americans inside a SpaceX spacecraft.

per primer cop des de l'any 2011

for the first time since 2011

que havien perdut els nord-americans la capacitat

that the Americans had lost the ability

en l'aire astronautes, se n'anaven

In the air, astronauts were leaving.

a l'estació espacial i retornaven.

to the space station and returned.

Aquesta missió tripulada és la que es necessita

This manned mission is what is needed.

perquè la NASA et doni el segell, perquè et diguin

so that NASA gives you the stamp, so that they tell you

val, quedes homologat, i a partir

Okay, you are homologated, and from now on.

d'aquell moment, SpaceX va quedar

from that moment on, SpaceX was left

homologat i va començar a fer vols

homologated and began to make flights

comercials, és a dir, cobrant a la

commercials, that is to say, charging for the

NASA, i en porta uns quants, portant

NASA, and it brings me a few, carrying

i baixant astronautes a l'estació

and astronauts are descending to the station

espacial internacional.

International space.

Això és el que necessita Boeing.

This is what Boeing needs.

Boeing necessita

Boeing needs

el primer viatge, el primer vol,

the first trip, the first flight,

amb tripulació per quedar homologada

with crew to be approved

per la NASA. I què va fer Boeing davant

for NASA. And what did Boeing do in response

del panorama? Clar, continuaven endarrerits,

of the panorama? Of course, they were still behind.

inicialment hi havia un anunci

Initially, there was an advertisement.

que deia que el 2015

that said that in 2015

pretenien fer el primer vol de prova,

they intended to make the first test flight,

però la data va anar caient un i un altre

but the date kept getting pushed back again and again

cop, no?, i es van

"Hit, right?, and they leave."

endarrerint. Tot semblava

delaying. Everything seemed

superat el desembre del 2019

overcome December 2019

i es va fer una prova de l'Starliner,

and a test of the Starliner was conducted,

de la nau de Boeing, sense tripulació,

from the Boeing spacecraft, without crew,

recordem que la primera ha de ser sense tripulació,

let's remember that the first one must be uncrewed,

però va tenir una varia a l'espai, i això va impedir

but it had a variation in space, and that prevented

que la nau s'acoblés a l'estació espacial

that the spacecraft docked with the space station

internacional, de manera que torna a començar

international, so it starts again

un altre cop la iteració.

Another iteration.

A l'agost del 2021, un altre

In August 2021, another

problema tècnic va fer que es cancel·li

A technical problem caused it to be canceled.

aquesta missió de prova. Finalment

this test mission. Finally

aconsegueixen la primera missió de prova

they achieve the first test mission

sense tripulació, maig de 2022,

without crew, May 2022,

però quan torna

but when does he/she return

aquesta missió, ens diu Boeing

this mission, Boeing tells us

escolteu, aquella data que us havíem donat

listen, that date we had given you

per fer, ara sí, el primer

to do, now yes, the first

vol tripulat,

crewed flight,

doncs l'haurem de cancel·lar

then we will have to cancel it

de moment. Per què? Perquè es van trobar

for now. Why? Because they met.

problemes tècnics amb el paracaigudes

technical problems with the parachute

en l'any de baixa, i en aquell moment ens quedem sense

in the year of decline, and at that moment we are left without

data provisional

provisional data

per aquesta missió d'homologació de la NASA,

for this NASA validation mission,

de Boeing. Per tant, molts mesos,

from Boeing. Therefore, many months,

molts anys de problemes tècnics, d'ajornaments,

many years of technical problems, of postponements,

de cancel·lacions, i una data

of cancellations, and a date

final, 5 de juny del

final, June 5th of

2024. Sí,

2024. Yes,

arriba en aquesta data després

arrives on this date afterwards

d'ajornaments. Algun

of postponements. Some

ajornament, recordo, al final de maig,

postponement, I remember, at the end of May,

a minuts, anava a dir hores, però crec que

in minutes, I was going to say hours, but I think that

van ser minuts de l'enlairament. Finalment

it was minutes before takeoff. Finally

arribem al 5 de juny del 2024,

we arrive at June 5, 2024,

dos astronautes

two astronauts

triats per la NASA

selected by NASA

amb molt bon ull,

with a very good eye,

molt bon ull, ell i ella,

very good eye, he and she,

amb molta experiència, gent granadeta,

with a lot of experience, elderly people,

més o menys de la meva quinta, una mica més joves que jo,

more or less of my age, a little younger than me,

però més o menys, que ja han estat a l'espai,

but more or less, that they have already been to space,

i aquesta nau

and this nave

pretén això, pretén,

intends this, intends,

fer el primer vol tripulat

make the first manned flight

de Boeing, que ha de pujar,

from Boeing, which has to rise,

ha de cobrar-se l'Estació Espacial Internacional

The International Space Station must be charged.

i ha de retornar amb els astronautes.

And it has to return with the astronauts.

I si això els funciona bé, obtindran

And if this works well for them, they will obtain.

el segell d'homologació de la NASA.

the NASA certification seal.

I va anar bé aquesta missió d'entrada?

Did this initial mission go well?

Doncs no. Bueno, a l'entrada, a veure, va haver-hi

Well, no. Well, at the entrance, let's see, there was

problemes que ja es van detectar abans

problems that were already detected before

de l'enlairament, i que

from the takeoff, and that

havien causat aquests ajornaments anteriors,

they had caused these previous postponements,

però Boeing i la NASA els van analitzar

but Boeing and NASA analyzed them

i ens van explicar, i ens ho creiem,

And they explained to us, and we believe it.

que no eren problemes greus.

that they were not serious problems.

Lògicament, perquè si hagués estat un problema greu,

Logically, because if it had been a serious problem,

s'haurien enlairat. De manera que

they would have taken off. So that

es va decidir enlairar, però aquests problemes

It was decided to take off, but these problems

van continuar detectant-se a l'espai.

they continued to be detected in space.

La nau, cal dir que va arribar bé,

The ship, I must say, arrived safely,

va arribar i es va cobrar a l'Estació Espacial Internacional

he arrived and was billed at the International Space Station

i els dos astronautes van poder ingressar

and the two astronauts were able to enter

dins, a fer-li companyia a les

inside, to keep the company to the

tripulacions residents. Però

resident crews. But

s'havien detectat problemes i es van

problems had been detected and they were

voler analitzar. Eren problemes bàsicament de fuites

want to analyze. They were basically leaks problems

d'heli, de gas heli, i en el sistema de propulsió.

of helium, of helium gas, and in the propulsion system.

És un cop

It's a blow.

l'Estació Espacial Internacional

the International Space Station

que aquí ja les coses

that here things already

van seriosament malament

they were seriously bad

i comença a quedar clar que aquests astronautes

and it is starting to become clear that these astronauts

doncs potser no poden tornar. Exacte.

so maybe they can't come back. Exactly.

La idea original és que aquests dos astronautes

The original idea is that these two astronauts

haurien d'haver-se estat allà durant

they should have been there during

entre una setmana i deu dies i retornar

between a week and ten days and return

amb la nau de Boeing. Però tant la NASA

with the Boeing spacecraft. But both NASA

com Boeing volen analitzar aquests

how Boeing wants to analyze these

problemes que hi ha hagut i volen saber,

problems that have arisen and want to know,

especialment la NASA, evidentment, vol saber si

especially NASA, obviously, wants to know if

serà totalment segur,

it will be completely safe,

100% segur, el retorn dels astronautes dins

100% sure, the return of the astronauts inside.

l'Starliner. I allà comença un calvari.

The Starliner. And there the torment begins.

Però és un calvari directe. Roger,

But it’s a direct hell. Roger,

jo recordo, jo vaig assistir a diverses de les rodes

I remember, I attended several of the sessions.

de premsa, en internet, lògicament,

in the press, on the internet, logically,

i sempre era el mateix,

and it was always the same,

no? El pla nostre, el pla A,

No? Our plan, plan A,

el pla inicial és que sí, que retornin

The initial plan is that yes, they return.

amb l'Starliner. Però llavors els periodistes

with the Starliner. But then the journalists

cada cop més, diríem,

increasingly, we would say,

fent qüestions

asking questions

més directes, no? Com impacients.

more direct, right? Like impatient.

Sí, correcte, impacients ja, perquè

Yes, correct, already impatient, because

en portàvem unes quantes rodes de premsa.

We had several press releases.

Però a veure, quins problemes teniu? No, els estem

But let's see, what problems do you have? No, we are.

acabant d'analitzar. Són greus

just finishing analyzing. They are serious.

i no ens n'acabàvem de sortir. Quedava clar

and we just couldn't manage it. It became clear.

que no eren greus, com per dir

that were not serious, so as to say

escolta'm, és impossible que retornin,

listen to me, it's impossible for them to return,

però cada cop

but every time

tal com van passar les setmanes, tots

As the weeks went by, everyone

vam començar a saber que aquests dos

we began to know that these two

astronautes no tornarien amb

astronauts would not return with

l'Starliner, i que haurien

the Starliner, and that they would have

de ser rescatats per una altra nau.

to be rescued by another ship.

Per això, ells continuaven mantenint

For this reason, they continued to maintain

això. Roger, jo,

this. Roger, me,

a darrere de tot això hem de pensar qui està,

Behind all this, we have to think about who is.

hi ha la NASA, però és que després

there is NASA, but then

hi ha Boeing. Boeing és un gegant

There is Boeing. Boeing is a giant.

aeronàutic, és una de les principals companyies

aerospace, is one of the main companies

dels Estats Units. Tu imagina't el

from the United States. Just imagine the

Loving, diríem, les pressions,

Loving, we would say, the pressures,

la xarxa que hi devia

the network that it should have

haver de tira i arronsa,

to have to negotiate back and forth,

per darrere, que nosaltres

behind, that we

no ho vam veure, i no ho veurà mai ningú

we didn't see it, and no one will ever see it

això, perquè per Boeing això era un fracàs.

this, because for Boeing this was a failure.

El fet que els astronautes, la NASA

The fact that astronauts, NASA

decidís que no retornessin amb la nau

decided that they should not return with the ship

de Boeing, això per ells no s'ho podien,

from Boeing, this they could not do,

no ho podien tolerar, era un fracàs. I devia

they could not tolerate it, it was a failure. And it should.

haver un tira i arronsa, i jo crec que

there should be a give and take, and I believe that

la NASA hagués volgut molt més

NASA would have wanted much more.

aviat comunicar la seva

soon communicate your

decisió, però Boeing

decision, but Boeing

ho va anar retenint, retenint,

he kept holding it back, holding it back,

retenint fins que no van poder més. I com pot

holding on until they couldn't anymore. And how can

ser que amb tots aquests problemes s'acabés donant llum verd a la

it is possible that with all these problems a green light was eventually given to the

missió? A veure,

mission? Let's see,

els problemes no són

the problems are not

suficients, tal com els hem entès,

sufficient, as we have understood them,

no són suficientment greus com

they are not serious enough as

per dir, cancelem

to say, let's cancel

directament, no? La NASA

directly, right? NASA

volia estar segura

I wanted to be sure.

al 100%, i això és el que

at 100%, and this is what

no han pogut estar, ara ho explicarem, no han

they couldn't be there, now we will explain it, they haven't.

pogut estar al 100%. I

could be at 100%. I

a més a més penso que la missió es va aprovar

Furthermore, I think the mission was approved.

ja inicialment amb problemes, per aquest tira i

already initially with problems, for this back and forth

arronsa que hi va haver. Devia haver-hi una pressió tremenda.

There was a stir. There must have been tremendous pressure.

Pensem, això, que estem parlant d'una de les

Let's think, that we are talking about one of the

conveniències més importants industrials,

most important industrial conveniences,

més importants als Estats Units.

more important in the United States.

Arriba el mes d'agost i Bill Nelson,

August arrives and Bill Nelson,

que és aquest administrador general de la NASA,

what is this general administrator of NASA,

surt a la roda de premsa i diu això.

He goes out to the press conference and says this.

Bé, acaben decidint que l'Starliner

Well, they end up deciding that the Starliner

torna sola, sense tripulació,

returns alone, without crew,

i en aquest missatge recorda dues

And in this message, remember two.

tragèdies, la del Salinger

tragedies, the one of Salinger

i el Columbia. Sí, aquí hem escoltat

And Columbia. Yes, here we have listened.

només, perquè és molt llarg, la primera part de

only, because it is very long, the first part of

la intervenció. D'entrada, dir

the intervention. To begin with, say

que no és habitual que l'administració

that it is not common for the administration

general de la NASA, Bill Nelson, recordem

NASA Administrator, Bill Nelson, we remember.

que Bill Nelson és un anterior, és un antic

that Bill Nelson is a predecessor, he is a former

astronauta. Vull dir que, en molts cops,

astronaut. I mean that, often,

la NASA ha tingut un polític d'administració

NASA has had a politician in administration.

general. Ara té un astronauta, vull dir,

general. Now it has an astronaut, I mean,

ell sap l'ofici, el coneix perfectament.

He knows the trade, he knows it perfectly.

No és habitual que

It is not common that

surti ell a fer una roda

let him go out to do a wheelie

de premsa com aquesta. I surt, i ens diu,

from the press like this. And he comes out, and tells us,

ara ho hem escoltat, agraïm molt a Boeing

now we have heard it, we thank Boeing very much

tot l'esforç que ha fet per

all the effort he/she has made to

analitzar els problemes que hem tingut. I estic

analyze the problems we have had. And I am

segur, continua, que Boeing serà un

sure, go ahead, Boeing will be a

gran partner per nosaltres. Però ara

great partner for us. But now

la part que ja continua, que és més llarga,

the part that already continues, which is longer,



recordem els accidents del

we remember the accidents of the

Salinger i del Columbia. I diu,

Salinger and the Columbia. And he says,

vam cometre molts errors. És a dir, fa

we made many mistakes. That is to say, a long time ago.

un exercici, mira, s'estan posant la pell de gallina

an exercise, look, they're getting goosebumps

recordant aquell moment, perquè ho vaig escoltar

remembering that moment, because I heard it

i dic, no m'estic... És a dir, ole, ole.

I say, I'm not... That is to say, hooray, hooray.

És a dir, sí senyor.

That is to say, yes sir.

Va posar per davant la seguretat, que és un argument

He prioritized safety, which is an argument.

irrefutable. Però reconeixent, fent una

irrefutable. But recognizing, making a

autocrítica de la pròpia NASA, de dir, en aquell

self-criticism of NASA itself, of saying, at that

moment vam cometre errors. No els volem

we made mistakes. We don't want them.

tornar a cometre, aquests astronautes no

to commit again, these astronauts no

retornaran amb la nau de Boeing.

They will return with the Boeing spacecraft.

Bé, i com estan aquesta gent,

Well, and how are these people?

la gran preocupació, aquests astronautes

the great concern, these astronauts

que hi ha a l'estació espacial, i

what is at the space station, and

que els espera un viatge de

that awaits them a journey of

tornada diferent del que havien imaginat? Sí, estan la mar de bé.

A different return than what they had imagined? Yes, they are doing very well.

Una cosa,

One thing,

amb petit parèntesi,

with a small parenthesis,

no en tenim cap de català que hagi trepitjat l'estació

We don't have any Catalan who has set foot in the station.

espacial internacional. Ah, bueno, de català no,

international space. Ah, well, not in Catalan,

perdó. Hi ha el Pedro Duque, que és espanyol, no? Hi ha el Pedro Duque,

Sorry. There is Pedro Duque, who is Spanish, right? There is Pedro Duque.

correcte, i hi ha l'Ope

correct, and there is Ope

d'Alegria, que és espanyol

of Joy, who is Spanish

però nacionalitzat en nord-americà, per tant

but naturalized as an American, therefore

és nord-americà. No, no, no. Català encara no?

He is North American. No, no, no. Catalan not yet?

No. A veure si seràs el primer, Jorantón. No,

No. Let's see if you'll be the first, Jorantón. No.

jo ja no ho seré. A veure

I will no longer be it. Let's see.

si ho serà algú dels que, Pablo Villó,

if it will be someone from those, Pablo Villó,

neixen ara i tenim petitons a

they are now being born and we have little ones at

casa, eh, Roger? Tant de bo, tant de bo.

House, huh, Roger? I wish, I wish.

Tant de bo. Bueno, no, tant de bo no.

Hopefully. Well, no, hopefully not.

A casa meva no. Ah, bueno. No, no,

Not at my place. Ah, well. No, no.

que em faria patir molt. Això sí,

that would make me very worried. That said,

però, bueno, sí,

but, well, yes,

és un esport de bici. No, no ho autoritzo, no ho autoritzo.

It's a bike sport. No, I do not authorize it, I do not authorize it.

Bé, com està aquesta gent? Com tornaran?

Well, how are these people? How will they come back?

No està la mar de bé. Ells tornaran, mira, tornaran

It's not very good. They will come back, look, they will come back.

amb la competència, és el pitjor escenari

with competition, it's the worst scenario

que li pot passar a Boeing, és que

what can happen to Boeing is that

tornaran el mes de febrer en una nau

They will return in February in a ship.

de la competència, d'Space X.

of the competition, Space X.

Per tant, SpaceX no es marcarà

Therefore, SpaceX will not set a target.

aquí, diríem, una medalla, es posarà

Here, we would say, a medal will be placed.

una medalla, doncs no patiu, Boeing,

a medal, so don't worry, Boeing,

ja hi vaig jo i us els retorno.

I'm going there and I'll return them to you.

Cal dir, però, que han sortit moltes

It must be said, however, that many have emerged.

informacions completament esbiaixades

completely biased information

durant aquestes setmanes.

during these weeks.

Pobrets estan atrapats. No, no,

Poor things are trapped. No, no,

d'atrapats no. És a dir,

of trapped no. That is to say,

ells ho han dit, ells estan contentíssims.

They have said it, they are very happy.

Ells s'han somiat des que eren petits ser astronautes.

They have dreamed of being astronauts since they were little.

Anar a l'espai per ells és un regal.

Going to space for them is a gift.

Ja hi han estat altres cops.

They have been there before.

Una altra cosa és que han hagut de cancel·lar

Another thing is that they have had to cancel.

la visita amb el dentista.

the visit with the dentist.

I una altra cosa és que les famílies

And another thing is that families

esperaven que ells retornessin en 10 dies

they were expecting them to return in 10 days

i ara resulta que no retornaran fins a febrer.

And now it turns out they won't return until February.

Però ells estan a mar de bé, estan acompanyats.

But they are doing well, they are accompanied.

Hi ha 12 persones en aquest moment

There are 12 people at the moment.

dins l'estació espacial internacional.

inside the international space station.

L'únic problema que hi pot haver són cues per anar al lavabo.

The only problem that there might be is queues to go to the bathroom.

I estan fent la seva professió,

And they are doing their profession,

el que més els agrada. I així ho han dit

what they like the most. And that’s what they have said.

i jo això també m'ho crec així.

And I believe this to be true as well.

Bé, i a tot això

Well, and on top of that

Boeing de moment sembla que no acaba d'aixecar cap

Boeing at the moment seems unable to take off.

per això, eh? No, aquí hi havia una gran oportunitat

That's why, right? No, there was a great opportunity here.

que tenia per netejar la cara. Recordem que

that I had to clean the face. Let's remember that

Boeing va tenir dos gravíssims accidents

Boeing had two very serious accidents.

amb 345 morts en dos accidents

with 345 deaths in two accidents

d'avions o de passatgers l'any 2018

of airplanes or passengers in the year 2018

i 2019. Gener d'enguany

and 2019. January of this year

un avió de Boeing de l'ASCAN

a Boeing aircraft from ASCAN

va perdre una porta en ple vol

he lost a door mid-flight

afortunadament els pilots van aconseguir

Fortunately, the pilots managed.

fer aterrar l'avió sense res més.

land the plane without anything else.

Hi ha hagut denúncies d'un enginyer de Boeing

There have been reports of a Boeing engineer.

que ha dit que la companyia

what has said that the company

està estalviant, abaratint

is saving, reducing

en material i seguretat

in material and safety

i ha fet que les autoritats

and has made the authorities

nord-americanes posin sota el microscopi

North Americans put under the microscope.

Boeing. En aquest moment Boeing està analitzant-se

Boeing. At this moment Boeing is analyzing itself.

a més a més de molts escàndols

in addition to many scandals

que hi ha hagut a la direcció de Boeing. Per tant,

that there has been at the management of Boeing. Therefore,

el projecte d'Sterliner era com una oportunitat

the Sterliner project was like an opportunity

de marca, no?, per netejar la imatge

of brand, right?, to clean the image

i aleshores haurà sortit molt malament.

and then it will have gone very wrong.

Molt malament. Avui, Joan Anton, a dos quarts

Very bad. Today, Joan Anton, at half past.

d'onze, no et perdis el suplement, perquè

from eleven, don't miss the supplement, because

ens n'hem anat a l'aeroport de Sabadell,

we have gone to the Sabadell airport,

que és un aeroport molt petit, un aeroclub,

it is a very small airport, a flying club,

però per parlar amb

but to talk with

dos pilots d'avions

two airplane pilots

comercials. Són

commercials. They are

la Sabina Paul i el Pol Arisó, que a més a més

Sabina Paul and Pol Arisó, who moreover

són parella, són molt joves perquè tenen 30 anys

They are a couple, they are very young because they are 30 years old.

i ja fa uns quants anys

and it has been a few years now

que treballen per una gran aerolínia

that work for a major airline

el nom del qual no revelarem.

the name of which we will not reveal.

I ens explica com és la seva vida,

And he explains to us what his life is like,

que avui es desperten a Los Angeles,

that today they wake up in Los Angeles,

demà són a Barcelona i demà passat

Tomorrow they are in Barcelona and the day after tomorrow.

són a Boston.

They are in Boston.

I a més, la comparteixen

And moreover, they share it.

molt a través de les xarxes i, evidentment,

much through the networks and, obviously,

parlem de la seguretat, de les contradiccions,

let's talk about security, about contradictions,

de l'impacte mediambiental,

of the environmental impact,

del que han hagut d'estudiar.

of what they have had to study.

Els hi pregunto què cobren.

I ask them what they earn.

Si vols saber-ho, la resposta ho hauràs de sentir

If you want to know, you will have to feel the answer.

a quarts d'onze del matí.

at a quarter to eleven in the morning.

I també és molt important

And it is also very important.

què has d'estudiar i quants diners

What do you need to study and how much money?

has de pagar prèviament per aconseguir

you must pay in advance to obtain

ser pilot.

to be a pilot.

Bé, és un estil de vida que molta gent admira,

Well, it is a lifestyle that many people admire,

és una vida molt diferent de la que tenim nosaltres

it's a very different life from the one we have.

i me'ls hem portat,

and we brought them with us,

a l'aeroclub del costat de casa, a Sabadell,

at the aeroclub next to my house, in Sabadell,

però ells...

but they...

És a dir,

That is to say,

porten vols de 300 passatgers.

They carry flights of 300 passengers.

Què se sent quan tens

What do you feel when you have

la responsabilitat?

the responsibility?

I hi ha aquella frase tan famosa que diuen

And there is that famous phrase that they say

que el trajecte més perillós

that the most dangerous journey

quan agafes un avió és el que fas amb cotxe

When you take a plane, it's what you do with a car.

per arribar a l'aeroport.

to get to the airport.

Probablement sí, si mirem les estadístiques,

Probably yes, if we look at the statistics,

és molt més freqüent o probable

it is much more frequent or likely

que tinguis un accident anant amb cotxe

I hope you have a car accident.

que passa amb avió. El que passa és que quan hi ha accidents

What happens with airplanes. What happens is that when there are accidents

d'avió són molt aparatosos.

By plane, they are very showy.

Ha dit la Sabina Paul i el Polarizó, avui a dos quarts d'onze.

Sabina Paul and the Polarized said today at half past ten.

Mentrestant, SpaceX,

Meanwhile, SpaceX,

que va fent el seu camí, que va avançant

that is making its way, that is progressing

i avançant per la dreta, en aquest cas.

and advancing to the right, in this case.



Rescatarà els tripulants de Boeing,

He will rescue the Boeing crew.

que els durà cap aquí, el pitjor que li pot passar a Boeing.

that will lead them here, the worst that can happen to Boeing.

Acabem de veure una missió d'Spaces

We just watched a Space mission.

que es diu Polaris 2, en què s'ha fet

which is called Polaris 2, in which it has been done

per primer cop a la història una sortida

for the first time in history, an exit

a l'espai de dos astronautes que no són

in the space of two astronauts who are not

professionals. No és passejada perquè

professionals. It's not a stroll because

no van sortir a passejar,

they didn't go out for a walk,

van treure mig cos i estaven

they took half a body and were

agafats en un suport, però van sortir,

caught in a support, but they came out,

a l'espai. Vam treure el primer cop que es fan

in space. We took the first time they are made.

astronautes no professionals

non-professional astronauts

i SpaceX va a la seva. I SpaceX

And SpaceX is going its own way. And SpaceX.

el seu va a la seva és

his goes to his is

som partners imprescindibles

we are essential partners

de la NASA avui per enviar

from NASA today to send

els seus astronautes a l'espai, som partners

their astronauts in space, we are partners

imprescindibles de la NASA per retornar

NASA essentials for return

la Lluna, per retornar la Lluna

the Moon, to return the Moon

i anirem a Mart.

And we will go to Mars.

I a més a més afegeixen. I anirem a Mart

And moreover, they add. And we will go to Mars.

amb la NASA o sense

with NASA or without

la NASA. I això ja saps que a mi no m'agrada.

NASA. And you already know that I don't like that.

Perquè hi ha un munt de temes ètics

Because there are a lot of ethical issues.

a darrere de tot això que és

behind all this that is

en nom de qui volem

in the name of whom we want

explorar l'espai i per

explore space and for

fer-hi què. I aquí hem de regular

do something about it. And here we need to regulate

i hem de decidir com volem retornar

And we have to decide how we want to return.

a la Lluna i com volem

to the Moon and how we want

anar a Mart. I si diem que qualsevol

go to Mars. And what if we say that anyone

ho pugui fer, i qualsevol en aquest cas

I can do it, and anyone in this case.

és Elon Musk, i a fer el que ell li doni

It's Elon Musk, and to do what he wants.

la gana, crec que anem malament

I'm hungry, I think we are going the wrong way.

i ens estem traient.

and we are getting each other out.

Joan Anton Català, queda apuntada

Joan Anton Català, is noted.

aquesta denúncia. Elon Musk ens està sentint

this complaint. Elon Musk is listening to us

que espero que hagi pres apunt sobre el missatge.

I hope that you have taken note of the message.

Espero. Gràcies

I hope. Thank you.

Joan Anton, una abraçada. Tornem a saludar

Joan Anton, a hug. Let's greet each other again.

d'aquí una estona i mirem a quina hora surt

In a little while, we'll check what time it leaves.

i s'apaga el sol. Ara tornem al suplement.

The sun is setting. Now we return to the supplement.

El suplement

The supplement

amb Roger Escapa.

with Roger Escapa.

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