"Acròpolis": l'arcàdia poètica d'Adrià Targa

Catalunya Ràdio


"Acròpolis": l'arcàdia poètica d'Adrià Targa


L'irradiador amb David Guzmán.

The radiator with David Guzmán.

Tornem-hi. La setmana passada parlàvem de la setmana lliure en català,

Let's get back to it. Last week we talked about the free week in Catalan,

que és a tocar, a tocar, a tocar, i em fa molta il·lusió

it's so close, so close, so close, and I'm very excited about it

que el primer títol que inaugura oficialment, no la setmana,

that the first title that officially inaugurates, not the week,

sinó aquest programa, la temporada, si no m'errobo,

but this program, the season, if I’m not mistaken,

vuitena de l'irradiador, sigui de poesia,

eighth of the irradiator, whether of poetry,

perquè de prosa anem ben envoltats.

because in prose we are well surrounded.

En conseqüència, és una alegria doble,

Consequently, it is a double joy,

que sigui poesia, i poesia de la bona, amb Adrià Targa.

Let it be poetry, and good poetry, with Adrià Targa.

Com estàs? Benvingut. Com anem?

How are you? Welcome. How's it going?

És un pla. Molt content, molt content que siguis el primer convidat,

It's a plan. Very happy, very happy that you are the first guest.

el primer llibre, diguem-ne, del 24-25, aquest curs, per nosaltres,

the first book, let's say, of the 24-25, this course, for us,

i amb un llibre, amb un poemari, que s'acaba de publicar a Godall,

and with a book, with a poetry collection, that has just been published in Godall,

Acrópolis, Premi Jocs Florals a Barcelona 2024.

Acropolis, Floral Games Prize in Barcelona 2024.

Dic s'acaba de publicar perquè la concepció ve de...

I say it has just been published because the conception comes from...

El premi, el llibre el vas escriure potser fa un any i escaig.

The prize, the book you wrote maybe a year and a bit ago.

Sí, durant uns dos anys aproximadament, i ha sortit ara, sí.

Yes, for about two years or so, and it has just come out now, yes.

Ja el tenim aquí, amb un títol volgudament clàssic,

Here it is, with a deliberately classic title,

o de raçons classicitzants, que és una mica el teu món, no?

or of classicizing reasons, which is a bit your world, isn't it?

Que tu véns d'aquí, de la clàssica, del llatí, del grec...

That you come from here, from the classics, from Latin, from Greek...

Sí, vaig fer Filologia Clàssica, i és una cosa que, vaja, em persegueix sempre,

Yes, I studied Classical Philology, and it's something that, well, always haunts me.

però crec que ho faria igual si no hagués fet Filologia Clàssica, vull dir,

but I think I would do it the same even if I hadn't studied Classical Philology, I mean,

segurament és el fet de ser de Tarragona, que ja t'ho tenen,

it's probably the fact of being from Tarragona, which they already have.

t'ho inculquen des de ben petit, i de dir-me Adrià, que ja és el nom

They instill it in you from a very young age, and by calling me Adrià, which is already the name.

que me'l van posar per l'emperador, també, vull dir que tot ve d'aquí.

they put it on me for the emperor, I mean everything comes from here.

Sí, és a dir, però tornaries a fer Filologia Clàssica? Sí.

Yes, that is to say, would you do Classical Philology again? Yes.

M'agradaria tornar-la a fer, de fet, perquè és la millor carrera del món,

I would like to do it again, in fact, because it is the best race in the world.

i amb una vegada em sembla que no en tinc prou, o sigui,

and with one time it seems to me that I don't have enough, that is,

no vaig aprendre tot el que hauria pogut aprendre.

I did not learn everything I could have learned.

Que bo. Escolta'm, és una cosa molt interessant això que has dit,

How good. Listen, what you said is very interesting.

dic Adrià, vinc de Tàrraco, i la ciutat de Tarragona, ja hi entrarem,

I say Adrià, I come from Tàrraco, and we will get to the city of Tarragona soon.

però té un pes important en aquesta acròpolis, que diguem-ho d'entrada,

but it has an important weight in this acropolis, let’s say it from the outset,

el títol és de raons clàssics, però és una mica enganyós, és a dir,

the title is of classic reasons, but it is a bit misleading, that is,

no penseu que entrareu aquí en el món de l'acròpolis més coneguda,

do not think that you will enter here into the world of the most famous acropolis,

que és l'Atenes, on allà, ple de gent i de turistes fent fotos al Pertanó i companyia,

what is Athens, where there, full of people and tourists taking pictures of the Parthenon and company,

i fent fotos també a la primera secció del poema, que són les Cariàtides,

and taking photos also of the first section of the poem, which are the Cariátides,

vull dir que per seguir amb referents clàssics, no sabem bé si les Cariàtides

I mean that to continue with classical references, we don't really know if the Caryatids

que trobem a fora o les que trobem dins el museu, on a mi em fa...

what we find outside or the ones we find inside the museum, where it makes me...

una de les coses que em van impressionar molt d'aquell museu,

one of the things that impressed me a lot about that museum,

m'interessen tant les presències com les absències,

I am equally interested in presences and absences,

i les absències allà estan molt remarcades.

And the absences are very highlighted there.

Et recorden que hi ha una part del patrimoni artístic d'aquella ciutat,

They remind you that there is a part of the artistic heritage of that city,

que no hi és, vaja, i t'ho fan notar.

that it's not there, you know, and they make you notice it.

Exacte, de fet, és una cosa que apareix en el poema al llarg del final,

Exactly, in fact, it is something that appears in the poem throughout the end.

aquesta presència dels màrbares del Pertanó tan lluny de la seva terra,

this presence of the Berbers from Pertanó so far from their land,

que fa pensar una mica també en Iorgos Seferis,

which also makes one think a bit of George Seferis,

quan va també estar, diguéssim, no exiliat, però gairebé a Londres,

when he was also, let's say, not exiled, but almost in London,

i tenia aquesta companyia, diguéssim, d'aquests màrbares de la seva terra, oi?

I had this company, let's say, of these barbarians from your land, right?

Sí, sí, Seferis, que per cert és un altre dels poetes aquí convocats,

Yes, yes, Seferis, who by the way is another one of the poets called here,

vaja, un poeta important de la seva tradició.

Wow, an important poet of his tradition.

Hi ha una de les... està molt ben parit, per cert, el pròleg d'en Marc Rovira,

There is one of the... it is very well written, by the way, the prologue by Marc Rovira,

i una de les coses que diu, parlant de la teva poesia,

and one of the things he says, speaking about your poetry,

i de la capacitat que tenen els teus versos de generar

and of the ability that your verses have to generate

o de teixir imatges gravades per la càmera, diu ell,

or of weaving images captured by the camera, he says,

per la càmera del propi inconscient del llenguatge.

through the chamber of the unconscious of language.

I és cert que, en general, la poesia, la bona poesia i la teva ho és,

And it is true that, in general, poetry, good poetry, and yours is,

funciona molt amb aquesta idea d'imatges i de...

it works a lot with this idea of images and of...

els alemanys en diuen leitmotiven, no?,

The Germans call it leitmotif, right?

motius que es van repetint, i aquí aquestes idees clàssiques

reasons that are repeated, and here these classic ideas

ben jugades amb una tradició molt actual i molt moderna

well played with a very contemporary and modern tradition

i molt, fins i tot, urbana, i amb picades d'ull diversos.

and very, even, urban, and with various winks.

I em preguntava, llegint-te i disfrutant, dic, no sé si és d'aquelles coses...

I was wondering, reading you and enjoying, I say, I don't know if it's one of those things...

Vull pensar que sí, o m'imagino que sí,

I want to think that yes, or I imagine that yes,

que ens surten de manera inconscient, no?,

that come out unconsciously, right?

que un va teixint, com diu en Marc, versos,

that one weaves, as Marc says, verses,

i de cop i volta, al costat d'un referent clàssic,

and suddenly, alongside a classic reference,

ho fas lligar amb una... en fi, amb una idea,

you make it connect with a... well, with an idea,

amb una imatge molt plàstica, molt actual, no?,

with a very plastic, very current image, right?

en diferents poemes. En tinc molts emmarcats,

in different poems. I have many framed,

si et ve de gust comentar-ne alguns, però em preguntava, Adrià,

if you feel like commenting on some, but I was wondering, Adrià,

com funciona el teu càmen compositivament.

How does your camera function compositionally?

Segurament una mica funcionaria com el cap d'un fotògraf

It would probably work a bit like the head of a photographer.

o d'un pintor, tot i que no soc ni fotògraf ni pintor, però...

or a painter, even though I am neither a photographer nor a painter, but...

la meva càmera, com diu aquí el fotòleg del Marc,

my camera, as the photographer Marc says here,

que realment és el millor del llibre, ja t'ho dic ara,

what is really the best of the book, I tell you that now,

és justament això, caçar, caçar el moment,

it's precisely that, to hunt, to hunt the moment,

és el que pretenia.

it is what I intended.

I pel que deies, també, d'aquest baixar, diguéssim,

And about what you said, also, about this lowering, let's say,

una mica a terra, no?,

a little on the ground, right?

no fer-ho tot tan clàssic, no parlar-ne...

not making everything so classic, not talking about it...

Tan elevat.

So high.

Tan elevat, no? És que se'm sembla que la poesia ha de ser així, no?,

So elevated, right? It seems to me that poetry should be like this, shouldn’t it?

justament, o sigui, el que no ha de ser la poesia

just exactly, I mean, what poetry should not be

és alguna cosa que parli tot el dia que sigui,

it's something that talks all day long,

evidentment, de la Lluna i de les estrelles tot blanc,

obviously, from the Moon and the stars all white,

però ja no això, sinó que la gent la té posada com en un punt,

but not just that, but rather that people have her placed as if at a point,

en un punt, en un pedestal, justament,

at a point, on a pedestal, precisely,

i el que fa aquí és anar al museu i baixar-ho a terra,

And what he does here is go to the museum and bring it down to the ground.

perquè em sembla que tota la poesia hauria de fer-ho això,

because it seems to me that all poetry should do this,

hauria de ser planera, senzilla, divertida, com deia Ferrer, també.

It should be straightforward, simple, fun, as Ferrer said, too.

Sí, sí, sí, no, és bàsic, i juganera, i la teua ho és,

Yes, yes, yes, no, it's basic, and playful, and yours is.

enjugassada, més ben dit, hi ha un...

wiped out, better said, there is a...

vaja, en tots els poemes es pot veure una mica aquesta

well, in all the poems you can see a bit of this

dualitat, no?, amb la qual operen,

duality, right?, with which they operate,

i que comentaves ara, Sant Jaume, per exemple,

and what you were just commenting on, Saint James, for example,

és un poema que comença dient

it's a poem that begins by saying

apareix un problema i em fumo un cigarro, i més avall,

a problem arises and I smoke a cigarette, and further down,

tenim, parlant de...

we have, speaking of...

hi ha un moment que diu

there is a moment that says

recull les pomes noia de la vida, no?, és a dir,

collect the apples girl of life, right?, that is,

al còlige Virgo Rosas apareix

to the college Virgo Rosas appears

convocat un dels tòpics més clàssics

called one of the most classic topics

i més feliços

and happier

de la tradició poètica, en fi,

from the poetic tradition, in short,

apareix amb això, amb aquesta barreja

it appears with this, with this mixture

de referents, de manera que és possible

of references, so that it is possible

que funcioni, no?, aquesta

That it works, right?, this one.

mixtura. Sí, és curiós,

mixture. Yes, it's curious,

aquestes referències moltes vegades

these references many times

també són, són com,

they are, they are like,

té una mena com d'arxius a dintre del cap, no?,

It's like he has a kind of files inside his head, right?

que de sobte surt, recordes

that suddenly comes out, do you remember

una cosa que no,

one thing that no,

que no, que després acabes sabent d'on ve,

no, that later you end up knowing where it comes from,

però intento escriure-ho sense saber-ho

but I try to write it without knowing it

gairebé, moltes vegades, i

almost, many times, and

em sembla que sí, que justament aquest llibre hi ha una mica

I think so, that this book has a bit of it.

d'idea d'ocultació, d'intentar amagar

of the idea of concealment, of trying to hide

aquestes referències o

these references or

deixar que surtin sense haver-ho

let them go out without having it

pensat gaire, sense que hagi de ser

thought much, without it having to be

d'una concatenació molt lògica

of a very logical concatenation

de, dels esdeveniments, o sigui...

of the events, that is to say...

Però aquesta, totalment, totalment, per això

But this, completely, completely, for that.

parlàvem abans d'instint, no?,

we were talking about instinct earlier, weren't we?

o de, vaja, el que Ferreter,

or, well, whatever Ferreter,

en aquest cas, en Joan, deia, l'instint fabulador,

in this case, Joan said, the fabulist instinct,

ell parlava de, més aviat, de la

he was talking about, rather, about the

narrativa, però com que hi ha, també, de fet, de la teva

narrative, but since there is, also, in fact, of your

poesia, si vols, també en podem parlar, no?,

poetry, if you want, we can talk about it too, right?

té aquesta concepció, a vegades, també narrativa,

has this conception, sometimes, also narrative,

hi ha, més enllà d'això, i d'aquesta

there is, beyond that, and of this

cosa oraciana que et persegueix, jo crec

Oracian thing that haunts you, I believe.

també instintivament, no?, perquè

also instinctively, right?, because

sí, i el Carpe Diem l'he trobat

Yes, and I have found the Carpe Diem.

més d'una vegada, a Bombolla hi ha un moment

more than once, in Bubble there is a moment

que, en una estrofa

that, in a stanza

que diu, la bombolla va esclatar i no l'has vista,

What do you say, the bubble burst and you haven't seen it?

per mi no és exacte el sentit,

for me, the meaning is not accurate,

te n'adones de la joia quan ja ha tingut fi,

you realize the joy when it has already ended,

no?, i hi ha unes

no?, and there are some

quantes veritats formulades, vellament

how many truths formulated, in old age

formulades, que van en aquesta direcció,

formulated, which go in this direction,

no? Tot és qüestió, realment, com ja

No? It's really just a matter of, as already...

sabien els clàssics, de copiar

the classics knew how to copy

la seva manera de dir,

the way he/she says,

i, en tot cas, anar dissimulant,

and, in any case, keep pretending,

anar barrejant-hi altres coses, però

mixing in other things, but

al final sempre volem arribar una mica

in the end, we always want to get there a little bit.

al suc, no?, és a dir, o sigui,

to the juice, right? I mean, that is,

l'essència de la poesia em sembla que segueix sent la mateixa i que no

The essence of poetry seems to me to remain the same and that it does not.

canviarà mai, però

will it ever change, though?

tots aquests escenaris, per on anem passant,

all these scenarios, through which we go by,

les ciutats, les cares i

the cities, the faces and

el llenguatge amb què en parlem, sí que

the language we speak about, yes

sí que es tracta d'un

yes, it is about a

reloj variant, però vaja, l'essència és

watch variant, but well, the essence is

la mateixa. Sí, sí, exacte, i per això

the same. Yes, yes, exactly, and for that reason

fa que funcioni

make it work

la cinquena Malheritació

the fifth Malheritació

amb unes crostes de pizza,

with some pizza crusts,

no?, en Lívia Andrònic, que també

no?, in Livia Andronic, who also

és un poema, un cop més un poema

it's a poem, once again a poem

de referents clàssics que...

of classic references that...

A veure, la meva editora diu que sóc una mica

Let's see, my editor says that I am a bit

punky, i sempre ho diu la Matilde,

Punky, and Matilde always says it,

i, vaja, segurament

and, well, probably

té un punt de raó, però és que també és una

he has a point, but it's also a

manera de sacsejar una mica el lector, no?, que no es quedi

a way to shake the reader a bit, right? so they don't get bored.

que no es quedi aturat just

so that it doesn't get stuck right there

només en aquestes coses oracianes, sinó

only in these oracular things, but

que és com la cunya perquè

that is like the wedge because

entrin, no?, aquestes veritats. Totalment.

Of course, these truths. Totally.

Parlant d'oràcia, un dia em

Speaking of Horace, one day I...

parlaves també d'una referència que abans

you also mentioned a reference that before

n'has fet esment quan deies que

you mentioned it when you said that

funciones a vegades com un pintor, no?,

functions sometimes like a painter, right?

compositivament, aquest seu

compositively, this yours

ut pictura poesis, no?, que també

As painting, so poetry, right? That too.

la poesia és com a la pintura

poetry is like painting

o que funciona compositivament o

or that works compositionally or

artísticament de forma similar al teu cap,

artistically in a way similar to your head,

també, no?, te la imagines o la penses

also, right?, can you imagine it or are you thinking about it?

així una mica? Sí,

like this a little? Yes,

al final és una història

in the end it's a story

aturada, no?, que un

stop, right?, that one

acaba interpretant,

ends up interpreting,

en el cas de la poesia està explicada,

in the case of poetry it is explained,

en el cas del quart ets tu qui

in the case of the fourth it is you who

se la fa dins del cap, però em sembla que la manera de llegir

she makes it up in her head, but it seems to me that the way of reading

diria que és força semblant.

I would say it is quite similar.

Fins i tot hi ha quartes que es llegeixen

There are even quarters that are read.

d'esquerradeta, també, no?, doncs

from the left side, too, right? well then

diria que

I would say that

va per aquí

it's over here

el que volia dir oràcia, tot i que

what Oràcia meant to say, although

ara realment no ho recordo exactament.

Now I really don’t remember exactly.

Tots sabem el tòpic, però

We all know the cliché, but

hauríem de aprofundir en aquesta

we should delve deeper into this

epístola. En tot cas, hi ha una...

epistle. In any case, there is a...

hi ha més d'un poema ara buscant,

there is more than one poem now seeking,

també, que, i ara que involucra

also, that, and now that involves

una de les qüestions que han preocupat a la humanitat

one of the issues that have concerned humanity

des de fa segles, no només en poesia,

for centuries now, not only in poetry,

sinó en filosofia, en prosa,

but in philosophy, in prose,

i en el que vulguis, que és el temps, no?, i hi ha

and in whatever you want, which is time, right?, and there is

un ritornello al poema

a refrain in the poem

Crist sense claus, que és

Christ without keys, what is it?

que tu i jo contra el temps

that you and I against time

no podem fer-hi res, no?,

we can't do anything about it, can we?

que d'alguna forma el poema refuta,

that in some way the poem refutes,

i això és interessant, perquè quan estàs

and this is interesting, because when you are

gairebé convençut i assumint i

almost convinced and assuming and

metabolitzant aquesta idea que tu veus

metabolizing this idea that you see

tan clara, hi ha un moment que al jo li dic

so clear, there comes a moment when I tell it to myself

et dóna un cert aire

it gives you a certain vibe

d'esperança, no?, cap al final.

Of hope, right? Towards the end.

Sí, vaig tenir molts dubtes de si fer

Yes, I had many doubts about whether to do it.

aquest joc que hi ha quan la gent

this game that there is when people

s'hi ha rellegit el poema. Per això no he volgut fer més espòilers. Molt bé, molt bé.

The poem has been reread. That's why I didn't want to give more spoilers. Very good, very good.

Està bé. Però, sí, en tot cas,

It's fine. But, yes, in any case,

el tema de la repetició,

the theme of repetition,

no?, en el poema,

no?, in the poem,

i del final, que és el que passa aquí, pam,

and in the end, which is what happens here, bam,

fer una variàtio, no?,

make a variation, right?

canviar el final i canviar el sentit,

change the ending and change the meaning,

és un joc

it is a game

fàcil, però el que és

easy, but what is

interessant sempre és la repetició. O sigui,

interesting is always the repetition. I mean,

si acabés amb la repetició no passaria res, perquè

if it ended with the repetition nothing would happen, because

com que la poesia és obsessió

since poetry is obsession



això és la pura

this is the pure

representació d'aquesta obsessió,

representation of this obsession,

les paraules que es repeteixen.

the words that are repeated.

Digues, digues. No, estava pensant,

Tell me, tell me. No, I was just thinking,

en el llibre anterior que vaig fer hi havia

in the previous book I made there was

un poema

a poem

que era

that was

Estava blau amb una moto trista.

He was blue with a sad motorcycle.

Tampoc és que sigui un vers gaire badallant,

It's not that it's a very yawning verse,

però aquest poema realment és un sol vers,

but this poem is really just a single verse,

però hauria de ser un cop i a pega, perquè aquest

but it should be once and for all, because this

poema hauria de ser aquest vers repetit

the poem should be this verse repeated

centenars de vegades. Però vaig pensar,

hundreds of times. But I thought,

no ho facis, perquè l'editora et dirà

Don't do it, because the editor will tell you.

cap on te'n vas. No, no, està molt bé,

you're not going anywhere. No, no, it's very good,

forma part de l'esperit punky que deies,

it is part of the punk spirit you mentioned,

no?, i aquesta cosa, vaja,

no?, and this thing, well,

ultra avantguardista, que seria

ultra avant-garde, what would it be

com repetir la repetició ad infinitum

like repeating the repetition indefinitely

del mateix vers, que estaria

from the same verse, which would be

molt bé. Em preguntava també, Adrià, ja veureu

Very well. I was also wondering, Adrià, you will see.

que Acropolis, l'Adrià Targa fa

that Acropolis, Adrià Targa does

servir diferents metres, diferents estructures,

serve different meters, different structures,

no sé si és abans

I don't know if it's before.

la imatge, la idea,

the image, the idea,

el tema, si això té sentit parlar-ne

the topic, if it makes sense to talk about it

en aquests termes del poema, i després

in these terms of the poem, and then

la forma, primer la forma,

the shape, first the shape,

i et porta el que vols, perquè

and it brings you what you want, because

hi ha poemes de rima, en fi,

there are rhymed poems, anyway,

més clàssica, més consonant, hi ha

more classical, more consonant, there is

proses poètiques, com

poetic processes, like

operen, en el teu cas?

do they operate, in your case?

Home, primer són com les paraules,

Home, first they are like words,

no? No sé quin conte era

No? I don't know which story it was.

que deia algú que llançava totes

that someone said they threw all away

les lletres, unes lletres

the letters, some letters

d'un teclat, no?, i es muntaven soles,

from a keyboard, right?, and they assembled themselves,

una mica és el que em

a bit is what I

sembla que em passa a mi quan començo a escriure un poema,

it seems to happen to me when I start writing a poem,

m'arriba una idea que sovint és el primer

An idea comes to me that is often the first.

vers, pot ser que sigui

well, it may be that it is

la conclusió, però més que imatge,

the conclusion, but more than an image,

o un sentiment, la gent es pensa

or a feeling, people think

que la poesia són sentiments, no?

that poetry is feelings, right?

Sí. Tots. No,

Yes. Everyone. No.

o sigui, el que són són aquestes paraules que

that is, what they are are these words that

han agafat una forma atractiva, i és com

they have taken an attractive shape, and it's like

va, doncs seguim-li la mirada i anem a veure per on

Come on, then let's keep an eye on him and see where he goes.

van, no?, i continuem. Sí, sí.

Let's go, right? And we continue. Yes, yes.

I a vegades exacte. I això

And sometimes exact. And this

et porta a un, no?, a un tipus de...

it leads you to a, right?, to a kind of...

Sí, la forma que agafi

Yes, the shape it takes.

segurament ja està determinada

it is probably already determined

des del moment. Clar, aquí hi ha poemes

from the moment. Clearly, there are poems here

en prosa, que són

in prose, what are they

una mica més laxos en aquest

a little more lenient in this

sentit, però segueixen tenint

feeling, but they still have

no dic que tinguin un ritme, ni res, sinó

I’m not saying they have a rhythm, or anything, but…

tenien una idea inicial, tenien un primer

they had an initial idea, they had a first

vers i

verse and

després ha volgut anar pel camí de la

afterwards he/she wanted to go along the path of the

prosa, però potser no ha anat. Que al final és una

prose, but maybe it didn't go. That in the end it is one

prosa que, extremement musical, eh?,

prose that, extremely musical, huh?

que pots llegir en veu alta com la

that you can read aloud like the

bona poesia i funciona de la mateixa manera.

Good poetry works in the same way.

Hi ha també concessions,

There are also concessions,

o vaja, o incursions en

oh come on, or incursions into

la poesia més

the poetry more

popular, la forma de l'auca,

popular, the form of the auca,

no?, hi ha un auca del Paradís Preciós

No?, there is a comic strip of the Precious Paradise.

que comença dient, vaig tenir un amor un dia

that starts by saying, I had a love one day

que ningú no s'ho creuria, i on

that no one would believe it, and where

entre altres rimes

among other rhymes

té de celebrar amb molt d'èmfasi

has to celebrate with a lot of emphasis

l'atenció aquesta que diu

the attention this says

no va ser qüestió d'un coit,

it wasn't a matter of a blow,

ni ho podria explicar Freud.

not even Freud could explain it.

He de dir que és una rima que és

I have to say that it is a rhyme that is

ja tradicional en català. Ah, veus?

Already traditional in Catalan. Ah, you see?

Crec que soc la quarta persona

I think I am the fourth person.

que la fa, però segurament, o sigui,

that does it, but surely, I mean,

que jo conegui, però abans hi havia

As far as I know, but there used to be.

el gran Foix, que ella rima

the great Foix, which she rhymes

Freud amb introit

Freud with introit

i em sembla que també amb coit. Ah, també

And it seems to me that also with intercourse. Ah, also.

amb coit, eh? I després, després,

with sex, huh? And then, then,

la Dolors Miquel i el Ramon

Dolors Miquel and Ramon

Boixeda, que també, també ho tenen

Boixeda, they have it too, they do.

en els seus poemes, i dic, doncs mira,

in his poems, and I say, well look,

m'afegeixo al grup selecte de persones

I join the select group of people.

que han ribat coit amb Freud

that they have rebuked Freud

amb, bueno, sí, sí,

with, well, yes, yes,

amb ganes. I després hi ha una altra,

with enthusiasm. And then there is another one,

ara no em facis recordar quina, però hi ha una altra

Now don't make me remember which one, but there is another.

rima que, perquè funcioni,

rhyme that, to work,

l'has de llegir en anglès, no? Ah, molt bé,

You have to read it in English, right? Ah, very well,

que te l'has agafat. Això també és un espòiler,

that you've taken it. That's also a spoiler,

però és interessant, sí. Sí, sí, sí.

but it's interesting, yes. Yes, yes, yes.

Va, doncs no el fem, però és veritat.

Okay, then we won't do it, but it's true.

No, no, podem fer-lo. Ah, sí, a Golders Green.

No, no, we can do it. Ah, yes, in Golders Green.

És aquest poema fantàstic, sí, sí.

It's this fantastic poem, yes, yes.

Sí, sí, però si no, no té sentit,

Yes, yes, but if not, it doesn't make sense.

però i et fa, i et fa...

but it makes you, and it makes you...

Podem explicar-ho, no? La idea és que, clar,

We can explain it, right? The idea is that, of course,

la Gràcia ha d'escriure en números el primer

Gràcia has to write the first in numbers.

vers, perquè el lector comença a llegir

verse, because the reader begins to read

i llegeix, suposem, en català,

and read, let's suppose, in Catalan,

llegirà 23, no? Sí.

He will read 23, right? Yes.

Però llavors, a poc a poc, el lector se n'hauria

But then, little by little, the reader would have...

d'adonar que la cosa comença a rimar

to realize that things are starting to rhyme

en versos aperiats i que, per tant,

in couplets and therefore,

ha llegit malament el primer vers, però

he has read the first verse wrong, but

per si no se n'ha adonat, a l'últim vers

in case you haven't noticed, in the last verse

li diu... Exacte. O sigui,

he says... Exactly. So,

ho acaba rimant i si llegeix 23

he ends up rhyming it and if he reads 23

dirà, ui, què passa? Aquí no funciona.

He will say, oh, what’s happening? It’s not working here.

No ha funcionat aquesta part. És la repetició

This part hasn't worked. It's the repetition.

una altra vegada, no?, això que dèiem d'aquesta pauta marcada

Again, right? This that we mentioned about this set pattern.

i com jugar-hi, al final. Totalment.

And how to play it, in the end. Totally.

Escolta, Adrià, tornem a Tàrraco,

Listen, Adrià, we're going back to Tàrraco,

a Tarragona, a l'Acròpolis,

in Tarragona, at the Acropolis,

que és la segona secció, una secció que, per cert,

what is the second section, a section that, by the way,

s'obre... té un joc

it opens... it has a game

fotogràfic, si vols també explicar-ho, i aquí

photographic, if you want to explain it too, and here

sí que hi ha Sant Pere i Sant Pau, que són els barris

Yes, there are Sant Pere and Sant Pau, which are the neighborhoods.

que tu has poetitzat,

that you have poetized,

prositzat, literaturitzat,

prostituted, literarized,

és a dir, que coneixes i que has portat aquí

That is to say, that you know and that you have brought here.

a una veritable geografia literària,

to a true literary geography,

perquè és, de fet, tot un poema llarg,

because it is, in fact, a whole long poem,

per dir-ho així, no?, que és el que

to put it this way, right?, what it is

d'alguna forma dona també sentit

In some way, it also makes sense.

al llibre. Sí, de fet, és el títol del llibre.

to the book. Yes, in fact, it's the title of the book.

Serà a dir que això, que hi ha

That is to say that this, which is there

les fotografies del Pol Masip,

the photographs of Pol Masip,

que és un fotògraf professional

what is a professional photographer

amb qui som amics,

with whom we are friends,

és de, segurament, abans d'aquest llibre,

it is, surely, before this book,

però ens va unir molt aquesta experiència conjunta

but this shared experience united us a lot

d'anar a fotografies

to go to photographs

al barri, i sí, home, jo crec que

in the neighborhood, and yes, man, I believe that

la intenció de literaturitzar, justament,

the intention of literaryizing, precisely,

el meu barri de Sant Pere i Sant Pau

my neighborhood of Sant Pere i Sant Pau

hi és de manera tan descarada

he is so blatant

que és gairebé irònic, no?

isn't it almost ironic?

És a dir, de fet, a mi em sembla que és

That is to say, in fact, it seems to me that it is

una petita venjança amb el meu barri,

a small revenge with my neighborhood,

perquè és un lloc que sempre em va

because it's a place that always suits me

semblar una mica estrany, una mica

seem a bit strange, a bit



Per res, eh?, o sigui, senzillament

For nothing, huh?, I mean, simply

estava allunyat de la ciutat, havies d'anar-hi

it was far from the city, you had to go there.

caminant, no s'hi podia anar,

walking, it couldn't be reached,

havies d'anar-hi amb un autobús,

you had to go there by bus,

a certa hora s'acabava la comunicació, els meus amics

at a certain time the communication ended, my friends

ja estaven allà baix de la ciutat, jo estava allà dalt,

they were already down there in the city, I was up there.

i, a més a més, la llengua

and, moreover, the language

catalana, diguéssim, ja escasseja

Catalan, let's say, is already scarce.

força, ja escassejava

strength, was already scarce

força en aquell moment,

strength at that moment,

o sigui, és un món d'una certa

that is to say, it is a world of a certain

d'una certa estranyesa, no?

Of a certain strangeness, right?

Sí, sí, i vas tenir, tot i així,

Yes, yes, and you had, still,

vas fer-ne, no?, una mena d'arcàdia,

you made one, didn’t you?, a kind of arcadia,

i ho dic per aquest vers,

and I say it for this verse,

que també és un ritornel, que tu vas ser

that is also a refrain, that you were

el meu país, el meu barri, el meu mar,

my country, my neighborhood, my sea,

la meva Grècia, Sant Pere i Sant Pau, no?

my Greece, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, right?

Clar, sí, de fet, aquí també

Sure, yes, in fact, here too.

a la repetició, és

at the repetition, it is

és intrairònic

it's intraironic

i no, perquè al final

And no, because in the end.

és així, és a dir, és veritat que

it is so, that is to say, it is true that

va ser el meu país, el meu barri, el meu mar,

it was my country, my neighborhood, my sea,

la meva Grècia, perquè quan jo somia a Bengrècia,

my Greece, because when I dream in Bengrècia,

era, estava allí atrapat

he was, I was trapped there

i la buscaves en qualsevol racó, per això dic

and you looked for her in any corner, that's why I say

que anava a la peixateria i somiava

that went to the fish market and dreamed

en un món minoic, perquè realment, sí, tenies

In a Minoan world, because really, yes, you had.

d'acord, doncs, aquests pops, tot això que els veies

Alright, then, these octopuses, all that you saw them.

allà, i tu volies,

there, and you wanted,

volies aquest Seferis, aquest Elitis,

you wanted this Seferis, this Elitis,

no?, volies aquest

No? You wanted this?

Homer, aquesta Grècia, i

Homer, this Greece, and

vaja, ara recordo jo

Wow, now I remember.

d'Elitis, no?, que

of Elitis, right? That

ens relaciona la llengua amb

it relates language to

Homer, amb la Terra,

Homer, with the Earth,

la meva ànsia, la meva

my longing, my

llengua, les platges d'Homer, doncs, és

language, the beaches of Homer, then, is

seria una versió allargada, tot i que el que

it would be an extended version, although what

necessita és Seferis, d'aquest poema d'Elitis,

what is needed is Seferis, from this poem by Elitis,

d'aquest poema, jo crec. Sí, sí, Seferis

Of this poem, I believe. Yes, yes, Seferis.

que torna a sortir aquí, també, explícitament,

that comes out here again, also, explicitly,

no?, com una mena, també, d'aquell

no?, like a kind, also, of that one

angoixar-se, va vindre Seferis,

to get anxious, Seferis came,

les pedres, exposar-se al museu, retornar-les,

the stones, expose them at the museum, return them,

quedar-se-les, fer-ne

keep them, make of it

souvenirs per estúpids turistes, poemes

souvenirs for stupid tourists, poems

molt rars, és preciós, perquè segueix,

very rare, it's beautiful, because it continues,

hi ha un moment que necessites, no?,

there's a moment you need, right?

anar agafant aire lentament.

breathe in slowly.

Hi ha un joc amb la puntuació com a, com a, una mica

There is a game with scoring as, as, a bit.

estrany, bueno, estrany,

strange, well, strange,

d'estrany on té res, però,

strange where it has nothing, but,

però sí, força una mica el

but yes, force it a little

lector interpretar, interpretar

reader interpret, interpret

on és la pausa i l'angoixa

where is the pause and the anguish

una mica. Espero que es percebi una mica

A little. I hope it is perceived a bit.

aquesta, aquesta angoixa.

this, this anguish.

Sí, sí, es percep, jo dic,

Yes, yes, you can perceive it, I say,

perquè la tens fins i tot física, no?,

because you have it even physically, right?

malgrat que no, és aquest fragment,

although not, it's this fragment,

el poema va canviant de to i de,

the poem changes in tone and,

va fent un itinerari, i

it is creating an itinerary, and

ho dic amb tota la consciència del món, d'aquesta paraula,

I say it with all the awareness in the world, of this word,

perquè itinera el jo líric

because the lyrical self wanders

des de, des d'una moto molt,

from, from a motorcycle very,

en fi, molt, molt

well, very, very

moretiana, no?, un dia parlàvem de,

moretiana, right?, one day we were talking about,

de Caro Diario. Sí, del Moretti.

From Dear Diary. Yes, from Moretti.

Del Moretti, és a dir, molt moretiana,

Of Moretti, that is to say, very Morettian,

no em sortia. Podria ser perfectament una passejada

I couldn't do it. It could perfectly be a walk.

moretiana per, per

moretiana for, for

Sant Pere i Sant Pau, no? És, és una barreja

Saint Peter and Saint Paul, right? Yes, it's a mix.

d'un passeig en moto, que realment comença

of a ride on a motorcycle, which really begins

així, i també, bé,

thus, and also, well,

és una cosa que jo no sabia, i vaig, vaig anar a Londres

It's something that I didn't know, and I went, I went to London.

i vaig veure finalment els marbes

I finally saw the marbles.

del Pertanó, i en el, de davant,

of the Pertanó, and in it, in front,

hi apareix un, aquest cavall

here appears one, this horse

que comença a córrer, i al final

that starts to run, and in the end

de tot apareix el mateix cavall amb la llengua fora,

of everything appears the same horse with its tongue out,

cansat, que es bufega, i és

tired, that it blows, and it is

que representava tot aquest fris, doncs,

what did this entire frieze represent, then,

doncs, el camí del sol, no?

So, the path of the sun, right?

Llavors, aquí també, en el poema, hi ha una miqueta, aquesta

Then, here too, in the poem, there is a little bit of this.

voluntat amagada de començar

hidden will to begin

al migdia, de dia, diguéssim, fins que es va fent

in the afternoon, during the day, let's say, until it becomes

de nit cap al final del poema, i llavors,

at night towards the end of the poem, and then,

bueno, reneix, en teoria, però,

well, it is reborn, in theory, but,

però hi ha aquest, aquest altre itinerari, també, no?,

but there is this one, this other itinerary, too, right?

com de, feia tont, una mica.

as I, was a bit silly.

Exacte, esperem que acabi millor, no?

Exactly, we hope it ends better, right?

Sí, esperem. Sí, sí, i amb,

Yes, we wait. Yes, yes, and with,

i amb una mena de vespa imaginària,

and with a kind of imaginary wasp,

que, que esdevé

that, what becomes

en l'última pel·li patinet elèctric,

in the latest electric scooter movie,

vull dir que els, els finals itineraris

I mean that the final itineraries

també són, per,

they are also, for,

com diu aquí, no?, d'un temps massa llarg,

as they say here, right?, for too long a time,

fer-ne plecs, condensar la memòria,

make folds, condense the memory,

i l'han penjat aquí, en una sala d'un museu.

And they have hung it here, in a room of a museum.

La memòria, que, que és

The memory, that, that is

arxipresent, també, en, en,

archpresent, also, in, in

vaja, la teva, però és una memòria, imagino,

Well, yours, but it's a memory, I suppose.

també, que convida el lector que sigui

also, that invites the reader to be

col·lectiva, no?, és a dir, que, per descomptat, hi ha

collective, right?, that is to say, that, of course, there is

hi ha una dimensió

there is a dimension

confessional, o personal, en

confessional, or personal, in

aquest poemari, però que és molt fàcil

this poem collection, however, is very easy

d'entrar per qualsevol dels versos, no?

to enter through any of the verses, right?

Jo espero, ara que parlem

I hope, now that we speak.

justament del, del Nani Moretti,

just from, from Nani Moretti,

hi ha, hi ha una cosa que m'agrada

There is, there is one thing that I like.

molt d'ell, que és que, des del seu pur narcisisme,

a lot of him, which is that, from his pure narcissism,

des, des de la seva memòria

from, from his memory

i des de la seva arbitrarietat

and from its arbitrariness

total, aconsegueix connectar,

totally, it manages to connect,

jo crec, no pas perquè les nostres experiències

I believe, not because of our experiences

siguin com les seves, però perquè

be like theirs, but why

compartim amb ell aquesta voluntat narcisista, no?,

we share with him this narcissistic will, right?

diguéssim d'alguna manera, sobretot els, els que

let's say in some way, especially the ones, the ones that

escrivim, vaja, i, i

we write, well, and, and

potser algun lector, no?, segurament el lector

perhaps some reader, right?, surely the reader

de poesia s'hi pot sentir identificat perquè

you can feel identified with poetry because

jo crec que, bé, que, que,

I believe that, well, that, that,

que comparteix aquest caràcter amb la veu

that shares this character with the voice

que parla, o sigui, no sé si m'he explicat gaire bé,

that speaks, I mean, I don't know if I’ve explained myself very well,

diria que és una, que és una qüestió de,

I would say that it is one, that it is a matter of,

de, bé, el tu perdono perquè

I, well, I forgive you because

m'agradaria ser com tu, d'alguna manera. No, no,

I would like to be like you, in some way. No, no,

totalment, exacte, i efectivament hi ha molts,

totally, exactly, and indeed there are many,

hi ha molts poemes i ens agradaria agafar la moto,

there are many poems and we would like to take the motorcycle,

vaja, no, no cadascú té el seu,

well, no, not everyone has their own,

la seva Grècia o la seva Tarragona

his Greece or his Tarragona

o les seves petites

or their little ones

Ítaques, no?, però en tot cas

Stains, right? But in any case

tots ens hem trobat i

we have all met and

ens hi trobem quan, quan llegim.

we find ourselves there when we read.

També hi ha un altre, Passatge amb moto, si no

There is also another one, Passage with a motorcycle, if not.

m'equivoco, dedicat

I'm wrong, dedicated.

fins i tot, no?, un poema,

even, right?, a poem,

també molt bonic. No us

also very beautiful. Don't you

sé, ja saps que a mi m'agrada molt

I know, you already know that I like it very much.

escoltar la poesia ben,

listen to the poetry well,

ben dita, de manera que, per què no,

Well said, so, why not,

per què no acabem fent alguna lectura

Why don't we end up doing some reading?

o un parell, vaja, tria tu mateix,

or a pair, well, choose for yourself,

no sé si el, ara parlàvem

I don't know if he, we were talking now.

de Roma, doncs hi ha, hi ha un

from Rome, so there is, there is a

poema molt romà, aquí també, que té molta

very romantic poem, here too, that has a lot

gràcia, a tots, eh?, és que a mi m'ha agradat

Thank you, everyone, right? It's just that I liked it.

molt, els tinc molt, molt marcats,

a lot, I have them very, very marked,

és una cosa que m'agrada fer, a llapis, no

It's something I like to do, in pencil, right?

perquè ho hagi d'esborrar mai, però si és un costut

because I have to delete it ever, but if it’s a cost

tu també marques coses allà. Ja mai, és una

you also mark things there. Never again, it is a

cosa terrible, sí, sí. Ah, doncs em sap greu

Terrible thing, yes, yes. Ah, then I’m sorry.

si... No, no, al revés, però m'encanta

Yes... No, no, the other way around, but I love it.

la gent que ho fa i, de fet,

the people who do it and, in fact,

quan trobo un llibre de ben marcat és, és com

when I find a well-marked book, it is like

dues lectures alhora, dius mira, estàs sent la ment de l'altre.

two readings at once, you say look, you are being the mind of the other.

Sí, sí, sí. Doncs, doncs si vols

Yes, yes, yes. Well, well if you want

si llegeixo aquest que es diu La vida, La vida a Roma.

if I read this one called Life, Life in Rome.

L'adaptació seria tornar a Roma

The adaptation would be to return to Rome.

i no trobar la Roma que hi vam viure.

and not finding the Rome we lived in.

Amic, l'adaptació

Friend, the adaptation

seria Roma sense Roma,

it would be Rome without Rome,

carrers i places, lliure d'amor,

streets and squares, free of love,

poder jurar-te que hi ha Roma, més enllà

I can swear to you that there is Rome, beyond.

de nosaltres, que vam viure un somni

about us, who lived a dream

i que es repetirà, que Roma

and it will be repeated, that Rome

és més que tu i que jo, i que Roma és lliure,

it is more than you and me, and that Rome is free,

d'estimar-nos quan calgui i visca Roma.

to love each other when necessary and long live Rome.

Potser hi serem feliços.

Maybe we will be happy.

Ens cal viure per saber-ho

We need to live to know it.

i passar un estiu a Roma. Això no ho dic pas

and spend a summer in Rome. I'm not saying that at all.

jo, ho diu algú lliure que és més que tu i que jo.

I, it is said by someone free who is more than you and me.

Que parli Roma per nosaltres,

Let Rome speak for us,

amic, i intentem viure.

friend, let's try to live.

I algun dia, potser, viurem a Roma.

And one day, perhaps, we will live in Rome.

Parlàvem de referents clàssics i de llocs

We talked about classical references and places.

que el lloc com on diu Aterns,

that the place like where it says Aterns,

aquí a Roma és

here in Rome it is

inevitable. Diu allò

inevitable. It says that.

de, no?, vagabundo,

of, right?, vagabond,

que llegues a Roma i a Roma misma en Roma

that you reach Rome and in Rome itself in Rome

no la haies, no? És veritat que és molt difícil

You haven't done it, have you? It's true that it's very difficult.

això que fas, que és parlar a Roma

what you are doing, is speaking in Rome

de forma nova, és a dir, que veure

in a new way, that is to say, to see

Roma o Venècia, o hi ha llocs

Rome or Venice, or are there places?

tan historiats, tan arxiescrits,

so historical, so well-written,

que és molt difícil dir-ne alguna cosa nova.

that it is very difficult to say anything new about it.

I imagino

I imagine

la pressió de dir, ai, posar

the pressure of saying, oh, to put

Roma en un poema.

Rome in a poem.

Sí, és tenir un parell d'això, però...

Yes, it's having a couple of that, but...

No, però realment... Enhorabona.

No, but really... Congratulations.

Això era la cita inicial. Sí, sí.

That was the initial appointment. Yes, yes.

Aquesta versió em sembla que és la de Quevedo, no ho sé.

I think this version is the one by Quevedo, I'm not sure.

I és una versió, em sembla, del Joaquim Dobele.

And it's a version, it seems to me, of Joaquim Dobele.

Sí, perquè és la versió que teníem...

Yes, because it's the version we had...

La vaig posar com a cita i vaig pensar, que ja sentim

I set it as an appointment and thought, well, we already feel it.

això mateix.

right now.

No cal citar.

No need to quote.

És bonic perquè hi hagi cites explícites,

It's beautiful to have explicit quotes,

implícites i invisibles.

implicit and invisible.

Que és una cosa que també fa sentir

What is something that also makes you feel?

intel·ligents els lectors que

intelligent are the readers who

anem trobant allà tot un món,

we are finding there a whole world,

un món cultural amplíssim, un món personal

a vast cultural world, a personal world

però que és un món col·lectiu i compartible,

but it is a collective and shareable world,

com tu deies, més enllà d'això

as you said, beyond that

de Nani Moret i d'aquesta cosa de l'ego

by Nani Moret and this thing about the ego

que ell té. Acrópolis és un grandíssim

that he has. Acropolis is a huge

poemari, jo t'agraeixo moltíssim

poemari, I thank you very much.

que l'hagis escrit, Agudall que l'hagi publicat

that you have written it, Agudall that he has published it

i tinc moltes ganes de llegir Arnau,

I am very eager to read Arnau.

vull acabar recordant que l'Adrià Targa

I want to end by remembering that Adrià Targa

tens una tardor, vaja,

you have an autumn, wow,

intensa. Sí, vaja, sembla.

Intense. Yes, well, it seems.

En termes de publicació, no?

In terms of publication, right?

Això et diria que és al novembre.

I would say this is in November.

Exacte. Que trobarem

Exactly. What will we find?

aquí una reescriptura del Compte Arnau?

Here is a rewrite of the Compte Arnau?

Com va això? Sí, dava per aquí. Això és una cosa

How is it going? Yes, I was going this way. This is a thing.

que fa molts anys que estic

that I have been for many years

escrivint, des del 2019, i després

writing, since 2019, and then

la gent dirà, ma, tants anys per això, però vaja,

people will say, well, so many years for this, but anyway,

si més no, llarg ho és. Vull dir,

at least, it is long. I mean,

aquesta cosa sí que la tindrà. I sí,

this thing will indeed have it. And yes,

és una versió del Compte Arnau, és la vida

it is a version of the Count Arnau, it is life

d'un pobre desgraciat que

of a poor unfortunate who

s'assembla molt a mi durant

it resembles me a lot during

l'últim dia de la seva vida,

the last day of his life,

però no soc jo, eh? Al final,

but it's not me, is it? In the end,

ja us he dit. L'actitud és màscara, sempre.

I've already told you. The attitude is a mask, always.

Vull dir que és un tu diluït

I mean that it is a diluted you.

en moltes altres coses,

in many other things,

que és el que fa interessant. Per tant, llegirem Arnau

that is what makes it interesting. Therefore, we will read Arnau.

quan es publiqui. De moment, Acropolis,

when it is published. For now, Acropolis,

l'Adrià Targa, Premis Jocs Plurals de Barcelona

Adrià Targa, Plural Games Awards of Barcelona

2024. Moltes gràcies, de debò,

2024. Thank you very much, really,

i que vagi molt bé el curs. Fins aviat.

And have a great course. See you soon.



Fins aviat.

See you soon.

sense complimenti, de volir-hi a parlar.

no compliments, wanting to talk about it.

E fan ogni comizio, e chieden el divorzio,

And they hold every rally, and they ask for divorce,

e mentre a casa se està a digiunar.

and while at home one is fasting.

Take a walk on the wild side.

Take a walk on the wild side.

Holly came from Miami, F.L.A.

Holly came from Miami, F.L.A.

Hitchhiked away across the U.S.A.

Hitchhiked away across the U.S.A.

She plucked her eyebrows on the way,

She plucked her eyebrows along the way,

shaved her legs, and then he was a she,

shaved her legs, and then she was a she,

and she says, hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side.

and she says, hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side.

I said, hey, honey, take a walk on the wild side.

I said, hey, honey, take a walk on the wild side.

Camina, camina.

Walk, walk.

Hi ha una cosa al costat fosc i salvatge de la vida,

There is a thing on the dark and wild side of life,

perquè l'altra és avorrit.

because the other one is boring.

Jo el que el transho ha pres el peu a la lletra, eh?

What I mean is that the transho has taken it literally, right?

Amb aquesta xupa que ens porta avui.

With this jacket that she is bringing us today.

Escolta, aquí no es pot fumar.

Listen, you can't smoke here.

Paco, digue-li que aquí a la ràdio ja fa molts anys que això no...

Paco, tell him that here at the radio it has been many years since this...

Què pensarà la gent?

What will people think?

Què pensarà la gent? No, que som de la broma.

What will people think? No, that we are joking.

Va, escolta, no, però no coneixia aquesta versió. Qui és?

Come on, listen, no, but I didn't know this version. Who is it?

Ai, John, John,

Oh, John, John,

dono una cosa semblant.

I give a similar thing.

M'hauria hagut d'apuntar.

I should have signed up.

Walk on the wild side, eh?

Walk on the wild side, huh?

És un home que té una edat, eh?, també.

He is a man of a certain age, you know?

Em sembla que és de mitjans dels cinquantes.

I think it's from the mid-fifties.

Una veu interessant, també, aquesta.

An interesting voice, this one too.

Sí, home, sí.

Yes, man, yes.

Hi ha alguna versió en italià d'aquesta cançó?

Is there an Italian version of this song?

Doncs sí, ara m'agrada molt que em facis aquesta pregunta.

Well yes, I really like it when you ask me this question.

Crec que és Patti Pravo,

I think it's Patti Pravo.

que fa una versió d'aquesta cançó molt curiosa, també.

it makes a very curious version of this song, too.

I... sí, sí, la vaig posar un any.

I... yes, yes, I had it for a year.

Viu a l'Itàlia.

Lives in Italy.

I després, home, tenim el dado salvaje de la vida.

And then, man, we have the wild die of life.

Sí, amb l'Albert Pla.

Yes, with Albert Pla.

Aquesta d'Albert Pla que hi ha...

This one by Albert Pla that is...

En català no, eh?

Not in Catalan, huh?



En català que jo sàpiga, no n'hi ha cap.

In Catalan, as far as I know, there isn't any.

No, eh?, que no...

No, right? That’s not...

No, no.

No, no.

Doncs... sí, sí.

Well... yes, yes.

Bé, sí, com sigui, anem a buscar el motiu,

Well, yes, whatever, let's go find the reason,

o intuir-lo, si més no, d'aquesta cançó.

or at least to sense it, from this song.

Doncs mira, és aquest llibre que m'ha entusiasmat.

Well, look, it's this book that has thrilled me.

És boníssim.

It's very good.

Allorança d'un altre món, d'una autora nord-americana,

Longing for another world, by an American author,

de Boston, de l'any 81, que es diu...

from Boston, from the year '81, which is called...



Crec que els pares són músics, tots dos,

I believe that the parents are musicians, both of them.

cosa que no explica l'origen del cognom.

thing that does not explain the origin of the surname.

N'hi ha un que és serbo-croat i l'altre que és un jueu iranià.

One is Serbo-Croat and the other is an Iranian Jew.

Crec que és el pare d'on li ve aquest Mojfeq,

I think it is the father from whom this Mojfeq comes.

si no m'equivoco.

if I'm not mistaken.

Són 14 relats, publicats l'any 17 en la versió original,

They are 14 stories, published in the year 17 in the original version.

Homesick for Another World,

Homesick for Another World,

i a plega textos que ella havia publicat en revistes

and she collects texts that she had published in magazines

com ara el New Yorker, el Paris Revue,

like the New Yorker, the Paris Review,

Grant, etc.

Grant, etc.

No es pot dir que sigui un gran descobriment,

It cannot be said that it is a great discovery,

ho reconec, vull dir que és una autora prou coneguda,

I acknowledge it, I mean that she is a well-known author.

que a més a més en l'editorial n'ha publicat ja uns quants llibres,

that moreover it has already published several books in the editorial,

no sé si l'obra sencera fins al moment,

I don't know if the whole work up to this moment,

però pràcticament un d'ells, per exemple,

but practically one of them, for example,

la seva primera novel·la de publicació molt recent,

her very recently published first novel,

que és McGlue, El meu any de repòs i relaxació,

What is McGlue, My Year of Rest and Relaxation,

La mort a les seves mans, La Bona, etc.

Death in her hands, The Good, etc.

El traductor d'Allorança d'un altre món,

The translator of Allorança from another world,

aquesta col·lecció de contes,

this collection of stories,

és l'Alexandra Gumbau i Arnau.

It is Alexandra Gumbau and Arnau.

Aviam, el cantó fosc o el cantó salvatge,

Let's see, the dark corner or the wild corner,

en el cas pròpiament de la Otessa Moixfec

in the specific case of Otessa Moixfec

o d'aquesta col·lecció de relats,

or from this collection of stories,

jo crec que més aviat és el cantó lleig,

I think it's more of the ugly side,

o el cantó més aviat desagradable, no?

or the rather unpleasant side, right?

Aquelles facetes una mica repulsives,

Those somewhat repulsive facets,

una mica bastant repulsives,

rather quite repulsive,

però que no queden mai gaire lluny del lector.

but they never stay very far from the reader.

Saps? Aquelles cases,

You know? Those houses,

amb decoracions de mal gust,

with tasteless decorations,

aquells barris degradats,

those deteriorated neighborhoods,

el menjar escombraria,

the food is rubbish,

els cossos que fan olors i sorolls

the bodies that make smells and noises

que la literatura més aviat sol oblidar,

that literature tends to forget rather quickly,

persones que els put l'alè,

people who have bad breath,

que es graten els grans de la cara,

that they scratch the pimples on their face,

que tenen taques a les mans,

that have spots on their hands,

un que carrega una bossa d'ostomia,

one who carries an ostomy bag,

o que tenen les dents mig podrides,

or that have half-rotten teeth,

o que vomiten al menjar,

or that vomit when they eat,

o que ensumen els pets de la veïna,

or what the neighbor's farts smell like,

o sigui, molt penjats,

that is, very high,

addiccions diverses,

various addictions,

a l'alcohol, a l'heroïna,

to alcohol, to heroin,

a la metamfetamina,

to methamphetamine,

però sobretot, sobretot,

but above all, above all,

gent enganxada a situacions o a persones

people stuck in situations or with people

que no els convenen,

that do not suit them,

que saben que no els convenen,

that they know do not suit them,

però que tot i això,

but even so,

per alguna estranya raó, ja sabem com som els humans,

for some strange reason, we already know what humans are like,

doncs, s'hi queden enganxades, no?

So, they get stuck there, right?

El que el tòpic en diu

What the topic says

relacions tòxiques.

toxic relationships.

Exactament, exactament, sí.

Exactly, exactly, yes.

S'hi resignen, o fins i tot,

They resign themselves to it, or even,

a trobar algun estrany plaer,

to find some strange pleasure,

gent amb manies desconcertants,

people with disconcerting quirks,

amb dèries estranyes,

with strange doves,

segurament aquest fons

surely this fund

que hi ha de contradicció

what is there of contradiction

entre allò que fem,

between what we do,

allò que acabem fent,

that which we end up doing,

i el que sabem que

and what we know is that

ens és bo,

it is good for us,

però que tot i això no seguim.

but that despite this we do not continue.

Aquestes contradiccions,

These contradictions,

que a la vida n'està plena, em sembla,

that life is full of it, it seems to me,

que a vegades són coses petites,

that sometimes they are small things,

però que en d'altres casos,

but that in other cases,

acaben sent situacions

they end up being situations

contradictòries, centrals

contradictory, central

a la seva vida.

in his/her life.

Tu recordes que amb el Jordi Costa,

Do you remember that with Jordi Costa,

cap d'exposicions del CCCB,

head of exhibitions at the CCCB,

i grandíssim crític cultural,

and a great cultural critic,

quan vam parlar a Suburbia,

when we spoke in Suburbia,

va sortir ella

she went out

com una exemplaritatura

like an exemplarity

de, com més, com diu el lloc comú,

from, as more, as the common saying goes,

de l'altra cara del somni americà, no?

from the other side of the American dream, right?

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

És que aquests contes, que a més a més

It's that these stories, which moreover

hi entres i no saps on et portarà,

you enter and you don't know where it will take you,

no saps on et fiques, no?

You don't know where you're getting into, do you?

Com a lector. Però acaben completant

As a reader. But they end up completing

com una mena de panoràmica,

like a sort of panoramic view,

també d'un cert sentit,

also in a certain sense,

no pas exhaustiu,

not exhaustive,

geogràfic. És a dir, van de costa a costa.

geographic. That is to say, they go from coast to coast.

Van de Nova York a Los Angeles,

They go from New York to Los Angeles.

amb aquelles palmeres

with those palm trees



corcades, no? Amb aquells barris

corrupted, right? With those neighborhoods

també degradats, que no responen

also degraded, which do not respond

de cap manera a la idea nostra

in no way to our idea

de Los Angeles o de Hollywood.

from Los Angeles or from Hollywood.

Hi ha de fet també

There is indeed also

una incursió, o una excursió, potser hauríem de dir,

an incursion, or perhaps we should say an excursion,

a la Xina,

in China,

és un conte extraordinari

It's an extraordinary tale.

que es diu El senyor Wu,

his name is Mr. Wu,

que a més a més és curiós perquè segurament

which is also curious because surely

és un dels personatges més

he is one of the most characters

repulsius que trobes en aquest

repulsive that you find in this

recull i un dels

collection and one of the

pocs que viu una mena d'epifania.

few who live a kind of epiphany.

Estem parlant d'un puter

We are talking about a whore.

que s'enamora

that falls in love

i ja no explico res més.

And I won't explain anything more.

És realment molt

It's really a lot.

i molt bo aquest conte,

it's a very good story,

que potser és el meu preferit,

that might be my favorite,

però en conjunt el nivell

but overall the level

és molt alt.

he is very tall.

Per cert,

By the way,

abans el Pau Godillas

before the Pau Godillas

ens ha fet notar que abans

has pointed out to us that before

era Jeff Duck

It was Jeff Duck.

que cantava

that sang

el vocal de Wine Side.

the member of Wine Side.



Molt bé.

Very good.

Per tant,


el Pau Godillas

the Pau Godillas

ens ha fet notar

has made us aware

que abans era Jeff Duck

that used to be Jeff Duck

que cantava

that sang

el vocal de Wine Side.

the member of Wine Side.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Doncs gràcies perquè

Well, thank you because

ho he dit malament.

I said it wrong.

I em permeto, aviam,

I take the liberty, let's see,

voldria precisar

I would like to clarify.

alguna cosa perquè tinc la impressió

something because I have the impression

amb això que he estat explicant fins ara

with this that I have been explaining until now

que potser dóna una idea d'aquest llibre

that perhaps gives an idea of this book

que tampoc no es correspon del tot

that it doesn't quite correspond either

amb la realitat. Vull dir,

with reality. I mean,

aquí no hi ha

there is none here

o n'hi ha molt poca de caricatura.

or there is very little caricature.

Hi ha molta humanitat

There is a lot of humanity.

i no és un llibre gore

and it is not a gore book

en absolut.

absolutely not.

A mi no em resulta en cap cas

It doesn't seem to me in any case.



Entenc que per molta gent

I understand that for many people

o que per molts lectors

or for many readers

no els hi resulti massa amable

don't be too nice to them

alguns d'aquests personatges

some of these characters

o algunes d'aquestes situacions.

or some of these situations.

Però no estem parlant d'un recrear-se

But we are not talking about recreating ourselves.

en aquest cantó més,

in this corner more,

diguem-ho així, més repulsiu

let's put it this way, more repulsive

o més gore.

or more gory.

Això sí, si veus, per exemple,

That said, if you see, for example,

quina mena de relacions sexuals

what kind of sexual relationships

tenen alguns dels personatges

they have some of the characters

agressives, fins i tot

aggressive, even

a vegades humiliants.

sometimes humiliating.

Hi ha en molts personatges més

There are many more characters.

necessitat de ser afalegats

need to be comforted

que no pas de ser estimats

that we should not be loved

i molt menys d'estimar.

and much less to love.

Hi ha una protagonista

There is a protagonist.

inerradora. Hi ha molts

inerrant. There are many

relats en primera persona, concretament

first-person narratives, specifically

dels rarets, es diu així, de weirdos

of the weirdos, that's what it's called.

en l'original. Odiava el meu xicot

In the original. I hated my boyfriend.

però m'agradava el barri.

but I liked the neighborhood.

I a partir d'aquí el que vindrà.

And from here what will come.

I també sabem que Estats Units

And we also know that the United States

especialment, i no només Estats Units,

especially, and not only the United States,

a Estats Units sobretot hi ha

In the United States, there are mainly

winners o losers. O ets una cosa

winners or losers. Either you are one thing.

o ets l'altra.

either you are the other.

Mosfec, Otissa Mosfec, recrea molts

Mosfec, Otissa Mosfec, recreates many.

perdedors en aquest recull, enyorant-se

losers in this collection, missing each other

d'un altre món, però també algun

from another world, but also some

guanyador. I diria que sobretot

winner. I would say that above all

en aquests casos dels guanyadors

in these cases of the winners

s'hi rebeja, es complau

It is reflected there, it is pleased.

en un punt de

at a point of

crueltat. Passa,

cruelty. It happens,

per exemple, en un altre conte

for example, in another story

magnífic que es diu Un camí llòbreg

magnificent that is called A gloomy path

i tortuós. Només diria

and tortuous. I would only say

que hi ha un consolador en un refugiat,

that there is a comforter in a refuge,

en un refugi de muntanya, i un home més aviat

in a mountain refuge, and a man rather

esnob que es troba amb l'amiga del

snob who meets with the friend's

seu germà. Un consolador és una persona

your brother. A comforter is a person

que consola? No, no.

Which console? No, no.

Una eina de...

A tool of...

No sé si la paraula consolador...

I don't know if the word comforting...

No, crec que està passant.

No, I don't think it's happening.

És incorrecte políticament.

It is politically incorrect.

No sé com en diuen ara, però en tot cas...

I don't know what they call it now, but in any case...

És veritat que vaig llegir una cosa de la Maruja Torres,

It's true that I read something by Maruja Torres,

oi? Que deia que

Right? What did I say that...

consolador no, que se n'ha de dir d'una altra manera.

No, it shouldn't be called that.

Bé, perquè el

Well, because the

consol és una paraula

consol is a word

connotada com a mena de substitució, i no,

connoted as a kind of substitution, and no,

no volia ofendre ningú.

I didn't mean to offend anyone.

És també la paraula que s'utilitza en aquesta

It is also the word that is used in this.

traducció, si no recordo malament.

translation, if I remember correctly.

I hi ha, per exemple, també,

And there is, for example, also,

no sé, The Beach Boy, que s'ha traduït

I don't know, The Beach Boy, that has been translated.

aquí com el dropo de

here like the dropo of

platja, en què el protagonista és

beach, in which the protagonist is

algú que, emparentment, té

someone who, by relation, has

una vida que queda lluny

a life that remains far away

dels seus somnis, però

of their dreams, but

no sé, té un

I don't know, it has one.

sopar d'aquells una mica tipus

dinner of those somewhat type

Woody Allen de fa uns anys, acaba

Woody Allen from a few years ago, ends.

d'arribar d'una

to arrive from one

viatge de vacances, probablement

holiday trip, probably

ja és Cuba, i que

it's Cuba now, and so what

són personatges que

they are characters that

poden dir, per exemple, bona part

they can say, for example, a good part

de la meva vida havia fingit les meves reaccions,

in my life, I had faked my reactions,

dient-me a mi mateix i als altres

telling myself and others

que m'agradava el que m'agradava perquè

that I liked what I liked because

creia que era bo per mi quan, en el

I thought it was good for me when, in the

fons, aquelles merdes

bottom, those shits

no m'agradaven gens.

I didn't like them at all.

O aquest, justament, d'aquest

Or this one, precisely, of this.

conte que ara citava, m'encantava

the story I was just quoting, I loved it

o, si més no, considerava

or, at least, considered

que m'havia d'encantar. Mai he tingut

that I was supposed to love. I have never had

clara aquesta distinció,

clear this distinction,

no? Això,

no? That,

manies desconcertants,

disconcerting manners,

dèries estranyes, algun personatge

strange dregs, a character

que és deliciosament repulsiu,

it is deliciously repulsive,

que troba també en allò que

that he/she also finds in that which

li provoca repulsió un

it provokes him disgust a

cert component de delícia,

certain component of delight,

de plaer.

of pleasure.

Però tot això no explica el

But all of this does not explain the

talent de l'autessa

talent of the author

Moixfech en la tria dels detalls,

Meticulous in the choice of details,

en les descripcions magnífiques,

in the magnificent descriptions,

en les presentacions dels personatges,

in the character presentations,

en aquesta capacitat d'empatia,

in this capacity for empathy,

perquè, repeteixo, aquí no

because, I repeat, not here

hi ha caricatura. Fins i tot els personatges

there is a cartoon. Even the characters

més rebregats, ell és

more wrinkled, he is

capaç de trobar-hi aquell fons

capable of finding that depth in it

d'humanitat que fa que connectin

of humanity that makes them connect

amb el lector, almenys amb mi, no puc parlar

with the reader, at least with me, I cannot speak

per tothom. Potser en alguns els hi resulta

for everyone. Perhaps for some it is.

extraordinàriament llunyà. Però et permet

extraordinarily distant. But it allows you

veure, com ho diríem, allò

to see, how would we say that

que no ens agrada veure ni dels altres

that we do not like to see in others

ni especialment d'uns

nor especially of some

mateixos. Home, són casos una miqueta

same. Man, they are somewhat cases

extrems, eh? Sí, sí. No vull

extremes, huh? Yes, yes. I don't want to.

presumir. Exacte. No vull fer-me

to boast. Exactly. I don't want to make myself.

l'interessant. No. Però...

the interesting. No. But...

Personatges, segurament,

Characters, probably,

tenen una atmosfera

they have an atmosphere

neocarveriana, pels lectors de Raymond

neocarverian, for the readers of Raymond

Carver, que els hi pugui remetre, també, per tradició.

Carver, that I can also refer them to, by tradition.

Bukowski. A ell li agrada molt Bukowski.

Bukowski. He really likes Bukowski.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No sé si Carver, també, per ell és un referent,

I don't know if Carver is also a reference for him.

però sí que he llegit que Bukowski,

but I have read that Bukowski,

amb aquesta destrucció

with this destruction

de qualsevol fons romàntic

of any romantic background

de les relacions, també té sentit de l'humor.

about relationships, he/she also has a sense of humor.

És a dir, s'hi diverteix

That is to say, he/she enjoys it.

i és perceptible. I sense que hi hagi,

and it is perceptible. I feel that there is,

tu m'ho sabràs dir millor, tampoc

you'll be able to tell me better, neither will you

una, com diu,

one, as you say,

una mena de

a kind of

reivindicació triomfalista

triumphalist claim

i de posar en un pedestal el

and to put it on a pedestal the

lúcer. Un concepte de... No.

lúcer. A concept of... No.

Perquè seria fins i tot hipòcrita.

Because it would be even hypocritical.

Tampoc no hi és en Bukowski. Aquesta vegada

Bukowski isn't there either. This time.

s'ha dit, no, és que... No, no.

It has been said, no, it’s just that... No, no.

No va d'això. No, no. És que tampoc

It's not about that. No, no. It's just that neither.

no sé si en la idea

I don't know if in the idea

d'aquesta escriptora

of this writer

el que vol és presentar personatges

what he wants is to present characters

miserables, per dir-ho així.

miserable, to put it that way.

Sí que li interessen les situacions

Yes, he is interested in the situations.

bé, doncs, que criden més

well, then, let them shout more

l'atenció, naturalment.

Attention, of course.

Són vides anodines,

They are mundane lives,

són vides vulgares. Bueno, no tant,

they are ordinary lives. Well, not so much,

no? És a dir, passen coses aquí, no?

No? That is to say, things happen here, right?

I passen coses que criden l'atenció, que vols saber

And things happen that grab your attention, that you want to know.

cap on et portaran, no?

they won't take you, will they?

De veritat que a mi m'ha semblat

It really seemed to me.

molt lluny de qualsevol mena

far away from any kind

de literatura allisonadora,

of alarming literature,

didàctica, maniquea...

didactic, Manichean...

És una gran escriptora

She is a great writer.

i jo m'hi penso posar amb altres llibres

And I plan to do the same with other books.

seus. I tant. Molt bé, molt bé.

Yes. Of course. Very good, very good.

Tessa Moixfeig, Enyoranço de l'altre món.

Tessa Moixfeig, Longing for the Other World.

La traducció, no sé si ho he dit, és de l'Alexandra

The translation, I don't know if I've mentioned it, is by Alexandra.

Gumbau i Arnau,

Gumbau and Arnau,

i és en l'editorial que està confegint realment

And it is in the editorial that he is really crafting.

un catàleg de títols molt, molt

a catalog of titles very, very

interessant. Tu diràs. Molt bé, Adolf, fantàstic.

Interesting. You will say. Very good, Adolf, fantastic.

Gràcies per portar-la. Que vagi bé.

Thank you for bringing it. Take care.

Llum de l'irradiador!

Light of the irradiator!

Amb David Guzmán.

With David Guzmán.

Que vagi bé.

Take care.

Quina veu, quina veu,

What a voice, what a voice,

quan buscava el cor dels dissabtes a la nit,

when I searched for the heart of Saturday night,

vaja, una veu que va anar canviant

Wow, a voice that kept changing.

i mutant i agreujant-se,

and mutating and worsening,

encara més greu, però continua agradant-nos

even more serious, but we still like it

Tom Waits sempre, i a mi, vaja,

Tom Waits always, and to me, well,

crec que no hi ha... Potser sí, eh?

I think there isn't... Maybe there is, huh?

Però és un dels cantants que més

But he is one of the singers that most

de gust em venen per presentar

They come just to present me.

i per donar la benvinguda a la Paula Carreras.

And to welcome Paula Carreras.

Com estàs? Molt bé, molt contenta, i a més

How are you? Very well, very happy, and also...

amb aquesta benvinguda amb Tom Waits de fons, increïble.

with this welcome and Tom Waits in the background, incredible.

No és mèrit meu, perquè això forma part d'una llista

It's not my merit, because this is part of a list.

que ara ho explicarem, d'una llista musical,

that we will now explain, from a playlist,

que té a veure amb el que parlarem avui,

that has to do with what we will talk about today,

però la Paula ha de saber que ens acompanyarà

but Paula has to know that she will accompany us

l'irradiador, parlant d'un dels

the radiator, talking about one of the

àmbits que més em fascinen, que

fields that fascinate me the most, that

més penso que a vegades estan, no?

I think that sometimes they are, right?

Reconats de la cultura,

Recounts of culture,

de la literatura, perquè també és literatura,

of literature, because it is also literature,

per descomptat, literatura escènica,

of course, stage literature,

que és el teatre.

What is theatre?

Efectivament. I que

Indeed. And what?

fa molta il·lusió, i em ve molt de gust

it makes me very happy, and I feel very much like it

que tingui un espai fixe, i que te n'ocupis tu.

that it has a fixed space, and that you take care of it.

La Paula Carreras és una

Paula Carreras is a

lectora empadraïda, però a més a més és una,

registered reader, but moreover she is one,

i això t'ho envejo molt, espectadora de teatre

and I envy you a lot for that, theater spectator

recurrent, no? Sí, això és rascar

recurrent, right? Yes, that's scratching.

hores d'on sigui,

hours from wherever,

per anar a veure... També. Exacte.

to go to see... Also. Exactly.

Per anar a veure hores de teatre

To go see theatre hours.

que n'hi ha moltíssimes, i crec que val molt

there are a lot of them, and I think it is worth a lot

la pena. O sigui, per mi és una de les arts

the pain. That is to say, for me it is one of the arts

en viu, que més valen la pena

live, that are worth it more

d'anar-hi, de

of going there, of

provar, d'

to try, of

equivocar-te, perquè molts cops tu vas al teatre

to get it wrong, because many times you go to the theater

sense saber què vas a veure, i

without knowing what you are going to see, and

pot ser que no t'agradi, però

it may be that you don't like it, but

com a experiència... Això ho fas, eh? És a dir, sense... A mi m'agrada molt

As for experience... You do this, right? I mean, without... I really like it.

també allò de no fer-me espòilers,

also that of not giving me spoilers,

no? Intueixo que una pel·li em pot agradar o així,

No? I sense that a movie might like me or something like that.

però no miro el resum, no miro...

but I don't look at the summary, I don't look...

Però clar, el teatre té un punt de risc,

But of course, theater has a certain element of risk,

segons què... El teatre té un punt de risc, sobretot

depending on what... Theatre has a point of risk, above all

perquè implica desplaçar-te,

because it involves moving,

implica, bueno, al final

implies, well, in the end

dedicar-hi unes hores i un temps, però

dedicate a few hours and some time to it, but

a mi la sensació d'estar

the feeling of being

veient art en directe,

seeing art live,

en viu, que allò està passant

live, that is happening

un cop i prou, que està passant davant

Once is enough, what's happening in front.

teu, que a més a més

yours, which moreover

és una experiència col·lectiva, que cada funció és diferent,

it is a collective experience, where each performance is different,

a mi això em sembla que

to me this seems that

té tots els ingredients per

has all the ingredients to

fer-me gaudir, clarament.

make me enjoy, clearly.

Que bo, sí, sí. M'agrada molt.

So good, yes, yes. I like it a lot.

És els... Ajuntant amb l'òpera, perquè ara

It is the... Joining with the opera, because now

has dit espectacles en viu, pensava que

you said live shows, I thought that

el cinema no ho és. No, i el cinema

the cinema is not it. No, and the cinema

el pots veure a casa, no?

You can see him at home, right?

No implica tampoc... Pots

It doesn't imply either... You can.

posar pausa, pots reprendre, pots esperar...

pause, you can resume, you can wait...

Sí, sí. No, no, totalment. Això del teatre

Yes, yes. No, no, totally. This about the theater.

que ha fet l'altre dia, no? Hi havia aquestes

What did you do the other day, right? There were these.

dades, jo crec que

data, I think that

esperançadores, no? I entusiastes, però vaja,

encouraging, isn't it? And enthusiastic, but well,

s'ha de mirar una mica també la lletra, menuda

You also have to look a little at the small print.

de vegades, sobre assistència teatral, no? Exacte.

Sometimes, about theater attendance, right? Exactly.

Tres milions d'espectadors, nou rècord històric... Sí,

Three million viewers, a new historical record... Yes,

és veritat, però, que clar, estem parlant

It is true, but, of course, we are talking about

de les produccions més grans, no? Per això et dic

one of the biggest productions, right? That's why I'm telling you.

que s'ha de mirar la lletra petita. Exacte.

you have to read the fine print. Exactly.

I, a més a més, no totes són en català, però és veritat

And, moreover, not all of them are in Catalan, but it is true.

que si ens fixem també que

that if we also notice that

hi ha espectacles en teatres de menys de 200

there are performances in theaters with less than 200

localitats, per tant, teatres més aviat petits,

localities, therefore, rather small theaters,

les dades també són boníssimes.

The data is also excellent.

Vull dir que la gent hi va, al teatre. Em sembla que

I mean that people go there, to the theater. I think that

la més vista era Fairfly, de la Calòrica, que

the most watched was Fairfly, by la Calòrica, which

la van reposar a l'Espai Texas.

They laid her down in the Texas Space.

I jo crec que això s'ha de celebrar independentment

And I believe that this should be celebrated independently.

de la lletra petita, eh? Vull dir que crec

from the fine print, huh? I mean, I think

que que ens movem per anar al teatre

we are moving to go to the theater

és motiu de brindis sempre. Totalment.

It is always a reason to toast. Totally.

Hi havia aquella iniciativa,

There was that initiative,

no?, l'any passat, de cap butaca buida. Cap butaca

No? Last year, not a single empty seat. Not a seat.

buida, una mena de Sant Jordi dels teatres. Ara.

empty, a kind of Sant Jordi of the theaters. Now.

Sí, aviam si funciona. O sigui, jo crec

Yes, let's see if it works. I mean, I think

que... Va anar bé, no? Va anar bé. Ara,

that... It went well, right? It went well. Now,

aviam si es converteix en tradició, jo crec que això seria

let's see if it becomes a tradition, I think that would be

xulo que poguéssim dir

cool that we could say

ah, sí, avui toca això, no?, com la nit dels museus,

ah, yes, today is that, right?, like the night of the museums,

el Sant Jordi, no? Sí, o com el cinema també

Saint George, right? Yes, or like the cinema too.

ho fan, no? La festa del cine. Ara, exacte.

They do, right? The cinema festival. Now, exactly.

Sí, sí. Molt bé, molt bé.

Yes, yes. Very good, very good.

Dèiem també les relacions entre

We also talked about the relationships between

teatre, i a mi m'agrada molt llegir també

theater, and I really enjoy reading too.

teatre i el text, i aquesta setmana passada

theater and the text, and this past week

s'ha publicat, no?, l'obra en qüestió

It has been published, hasn't it, the work in question?

de la qual avui ens parla

of which we are talking about today

Paula Carrés, que

Paula Carrés, who

la Paula em va dir, vés a veure-la,

Paula told me, go see her.

encara no l'he vista, però vés a veure-la,

I haven't seen her yet, but go see her.

abans de llegir el llibre, no? Sí.

Before reading the book, right? Yes.

Cosa que he fet a mitges, perquè vaig començar...

Something I did halfway, because I started...

No m'has fet cas. No, no, t'he fet cas a mitges.

You haven't listened to me. No, no, I have listened to you halfway.

Vaig començar, bé, no,

I started, well, no,

no he passat gaire més enllà de la trobada

I haven't gone much further than the meeting.

de quan es coneixen a la biblioteca,

since they met at the library,

de manera que ja tinc un petit pròleg...

so I already have a small prologue...

Està bé haver-se quedat aquí.

It's good to have stayed here.

Jo et recomanaria que no avancessis

I would recommend that you not proceed.

gaire més. L'obra en qüestió és Tots ocells,

much more. The work in question is All Birds,

del Wajdi Mouawad,

by Wajdi Mouawad,

que ara es representa a la Biblioteca

that is now being represented at the Library

de Catalunya, al Teatre de la Biblioteca, que ho fa

from Catalonia, to the Theatre of the Library, which does it

la Perla XXIX, amb direcció de l'Oriol Brogi,

the Pearl XXIX, directed by Oriol Brogi,

i justament ha coincidit que

and it has just coincided that

ara ho publica Periscopi,

now it publishes Periscopi,

amb una traducció de la Cristina Genavat, que és la traducció

with a translation by Cristina Genavat, which is the translation

que veiem al teatre, i jo et

what we see at the theater, and I you

recomano no llegir-te el text abans

I recommend not reading the text beforehand.

d'anar a veure l'obra, perquè penso que si

of going to see the play, because I think that if

pots veure l'obra, en el sentit que està programada

You can see the work, in the sense that it is scheduled.

ara a Barcelona i que es pot veure fins al 23

Now in Barcelona and it can be seen until the 23rd.

d'octubre, crec que val la pena, perquè

from October, I believe it is worth it, because

és una obra que si et deixes

it's a work that if you let yourself

portar pel muntatge,

carry for the assembly,

si et deixes portar per l'escenografia,

if you let yourself be carried away by the scenery,

per l'elenc increïble d'actors i actrius

for the incredible cast of actors and actresses

que hi ha, que ho fan estupendament bé,

what there is, they do it wonderfully well,

començant pel Guillem Ballart, pel Xavier

starting with Guillem Ballart, for Xavier

Boada, el Joan Carreras, la Míriam Mucles,

Boada, Joan Carreras, Míriam Mucles,

que ens sentirem a parlar d'aquest nom,

that we will hear about this name,

la Clara Segura, que la Clara Segura

Clara Segura, that Clara Segura.

no sé què passa, que està tot arreu

I don't know what's happening, it's everywhere.

i ho està petant a tot el que fa, és boníssima.

And she's killing it at everything she does, she's amazing.

No té moltes germanes bessones, no?

She doesn't have many twin sisters, does she?

És ella sempre.

It is always her.

El muntatge està tan bé i crec que

The setup is so good and I think that

val la pena aprofitar quan hi ha una obra

It's worth taking advantage when there is a work.

que és literalment una perla,

that is literally a pearl,

mai millor dit, a la nostra

well said, to our

ciutat programada, que penso que val la pena

planned city, which I think is worth it

i després, com que el llibre sempre estarà,

and then, since the book will always be there,

sempre es pot reprendre el text i

you can always resume the text and

recuperar-lo i tafanejar-lo.

recover it and snoop on it.

Però crec que val la pena anar-hi, sí.

But I think it is worth going, yes.

A més a més, són, diguem-ne, vells

Moreover, they are, let's say, old.

coneguts tots plegats, perquè Periscopi

known all together, because Periscope

ja ha publicat Moa Watt des del principi,

Moa Watt has already published since the beginning,

des d'Incendis, diria, exacte, Ànima,

From Fires, I would say, exactly, Soul,

i la perla i Moa Watt

and the pearl and Moa Watt

també tenen un idili. Totalment.

they also have an idyll. Totally.

I de fet, és que funciona

And in fact, it works.

a la perfecció, o sigui, quan una cosa canvia,

to perfection, that is, when something changes,

quan una cosa funciona, penso que no s'ha de canviar mai.

When something works, I think it should never be changed.

És a dir, si la perla

That is to say, if the pearl

sap adaptar bé els textos de Moa Watt,

he knows how to adapt Moa Watt's texts well,

si Periscopi el sap també

if Periscopi knows it too

plasmar bé el paper, si tot això

capture well the role, if all of this

funciona, és per alguna cosa.

It works, it's for something.

A mi, amb Tots ocells,

To me, with All Birds,

m'ha passat una mica el mateix que em va passar a Incendis

It happened to me a bit like what happened to me in Incendies.

en el seu dia, que l'altre dia ho mirava, 2012.

In its day, I was looking at it the other day, 2012.

Ha passat més de deu anys?

Has more than ten years passed?

Sí, ha passat més de deu anys.

Yes, more than ten years have passed.

Em va passar a Incendis i m'ha tornat a passar a Tots ocells

It happened to me in Fires and it has happened to me again in All Birds.

que vaig sortir del teatre pensant

that I left the theater thinking

uau, i ara què faré jo? O sigui, com

Wow, and now what will I do? I mean, how?

torno al teatre després de veure això?

Do I return to the theater after seeing this?

Perquè res

Because nothing

em provocarà el mateix de manera

it will provoke the same in me

imminent, com a mínim.

imminent, at least.

És una

It is a

bestialitat d'obra de teatre. Crec que val molt

brutality of a play. I think it’s worth a lot.

la pena veure-la. Atenció, però, perquè

the pain of seeing her. Be careful, though, because

dura tres hores i mitja.

It lasts three and a half hours.

Tots ocells, estem parlant ara. Tots ocells

All birds, we are talking now. All birds.

dura tres hores i mitja. És una obra

It lasts three and a half hours. It is a work.

objectivament llarga. El que passa és que

objectively long. What happens is that

jo soc una defensora aferrissada

I am a fierce defender.

de que les coses poden durar

that things can last

el que hagin de durar. O sigui, no es fa

whatever they have to last. That is to say, it is not done.

llarga. Aquesta és la premissa.

Long. This is the premise.

Si no es fa llarga, endavant amb les tres hores i mitja.

If it doesn't take too long, go ahead with the three and a half hours.

Hi ha un entreacte, es pot parar

There is an intermission, it can be stopped.

per descansar, per estirar cames, però

to rest, to stretch legs, but


it works.

Sí que he llegit algunes crítiques que

Yes, I have read some critiques that

diuen que potser

they say that maybe

s'allarga una mica. A mi no m'ho va semblar.

It stretches a bit. It didn't seem that way to me.

La veritat és que jo vaig entrar, vaig fluir moltíssim

The truth is that I entered, I flowed a lot.

amb l'obra i crec que

with the work and I believe that

val molt la pena aprofitar aquests dies.

It's really worth taking advantage of these days.

Aleshores, si et sembla, escoltem

Then, if you agree, let's listen.

una mica com sona, perquè

a bit like it sounds, because

veiem també el to de l'obra i ara

we also see the tone of the work now

explico una mica de què va.

I'll explain a little bit about what it's about.



Vosaltres heu estimat mai?

Have you ever loved?

Vostè ho sap!

You know it!

Jo sé

I know

el què.

the what.

I et folles

I love you.

un jueu per la tesi, també?

A Jew for the thesis, too?

Sense ara?

Without now?



On és el metge?

Where is the doctor?

Quants elements insinuats en

How many elements are hinted at?

tan poca estona. Moltes coses.

So little time. Many things.

No sé per on vols començar, però

I don't know where you want to start, but

es pot treure el petroli aquest tall.

The oil can be extracted from this cut.

Jo crec que la frase

I believe that the phrase

i et folles un jueu sent àrab

and you screw a Jew while sounding Arab

crec que és bastant clau

I think it's quite key.

en tot això.

in all this.

La història al final és una història d'amor

The story is ultimately a love story.

però també és una història de guerra

but it is also a story of war

perquè és la història de Leighton, que és un jove

because it is the story of Leighton, who is a young man

que és jueu de família alemanya

that he is a Jew from a German family

que viu a Nova York i estudia a Nova York

who lives in New York and studies in New York

està estudiant genètica

he/she is studying genetics

i està investigant sobre l'ADN humà.

and is investigating human DNA.

Aleshores, a la biblioteca, que és aquesta primera

So, at the library, which is this one first.

escena que has llegit tu a Periscopi,

scene that you have read on Periscopi,

coneix la Wahida, que és una

meet Wahida, who is a

noia àrab que també està estudiant

Arab girl who is also studying

està fent una tesi sobre un savi

He is doing a thesis about a scholar.

humanista que al segle XVI

humanist who in the 16th century

el van obligar a convertir-se

they forced him to convert

de l'Islam al cristianisme.

from Islam to Christianity.

Llavors, evidentment la religió

Then, obviously religion

aquí té un paper important.

here plays an important role.

Al final és una història d'amor entre dues

In the end, it's a love story between two.

persones de diferents religions que a més a més

people of different religions who also

històricament han estat molt confrontades

historically they have been very confrontational

i han estat amigues d'alguna manera

and they have been friends in some way

i per tant les respectives famílies

and therefore the respective families

ho llegeixen com a tal. Per tant, és una història

they read it as such. Therefore, it is a story

d'amor impossible, a priori.

of impossible love, a priori.

Romeu i Júlia Tesca, no?

Romeo and Juliet Tesca, right?

Totalment, totalment.

Totally, totally.

I té tots els elements d'una tragèdia

And it has all the elements of a tragedy.

clàssica, el que passa és que

classical, what happens is that

és una cosa molt característica també

it is a very characteristic thing too

de Muawad, que és aquest dramaturg

who is this playwright Muawad

que el que fa és convertir històries

that what it does is turn stories into

rabiosament contemporànies

furiously contemporary

i les redueix, en el millor

and reduces it, in the best

sentit de la paraula, a tragèdies

sense of the word, to tragedies

clàssiques. Vull dir que al final els problemes

classics. I mean that in the end the problems

que ens ocupen ara també són els que ens han

what occupy us now are also those who have us

ocupat històricament durant tota

historically occupied throughout

la humanitat.


La història és que ells dos s'enamoren,

The story is that the two of them fall in love,

sense fer espòilers, i

without giving spoilers, and

hauran de

they will have to

primer explicar-ho a les respectives

first explain it to the respective ones

famílies, sobretot la d'ell és especialment

families, especially his is particularly



en el judaïsme, i llavors ells dos

in Judaism, and then both of them

emprenen un viatge a Israel

they embark on a trip to Israel

i Cisjordània, allà a la frontera,

and the West Bank, there at the border,

i just coincideix amb un atac terrorista

it just coincides with a terrorist attack

que amb ell l'enxampa i el deixa en coma.

that catches him and leaves him in a coma.

I a partir d'aquí la família d'ell

And from here, his family.

ha de viatjar de Berlín, allà,

he has to travel from Berlin, there,

a la frontera, per veure com està

at the border, to see how it is

i per tant els posa amb ells també

and therefore puts them with them too

en una situació límit de veure que el seu fill

in a critical situation of seeing that his son

es debata entre la vida i la mort, perquè no sabem

It debates between life and death, because we do not know.

què passarà amb ell,

what will happen to him,

i ells també han d'acceptar

and they also have to accept

que la persona que estima està

that the person who loves is

allà, a la sala d'espera, i és una noia àrab

there, in the waiting room, and she is an Arab girl

que la perceben com a l'enemic

that they perceive as the enemy

principal i com a

main and as a

element de destrucció de

element of destruction of

la família, de tota la seva identitat

the family, of all its identity

i de tots els seus orígens. És bèstia.

and of all his origins. It's beastly.

Home, són tres hores i mitja de tensió.

At home, it's three and a half hours of tension.

Sí, però he de dir que rius.

Yes, but I have to say that you laugh.

És a dir, i tu dius,

That is to say, and you say,

després de tot això que m'has explicat,

after all that you have explained to me,

en quin moment rius? Rius, i en diversos moments.

When do you laugh? You laugh, and at various moments.

I això està molt bé, perquè quan

And this is very good because when

això és una cosa també molt característica de

this is also a very characteristic thing of

Moaguat, que quan tu tens tot al màxim,

Moaguat, when you have everything at its maximum,

quan estàs al punt màxim de tensió,

when you are at the peak of tension,

et deixa respirar una mica,

it lets you breathe a little,

no arriba a ser broma,

it's not really a joke,

és una mica

it's a bit


from that...

Sí, sí, el punt, el contrapunt

Yes, yes, the point, the counterpoint.

a vegades, perquè

sometimes, because

jo crec que està mil·limetrat,

I think it is measured to the millimeter.

és a dir, no s'aguanta dramàticament,

that is to say, it cannot be dramatically sustained,

emocionalment, la tensió, ni literària,

emotionally, the tension, neither literary,

ni escènicament,

neither scenically,

durant tanta estona, sense que hi hagi

for such a long time, without there being

aquest punt de distensió.

this point of relaxation.

Exacte, i també és molt important l'elenc,

Exactly, and the cast is also very important.

en aquest sentit, perquè la Clara Segura, per exemple,

in this regard, because Clara Segura, for example,

és una actriu que els papers dramàtics

She is an actress who plays dramatic roles.

els borda, els fa perfectes,

he makes them perfect.

però que a més a més té una viscòmica

but that also has a viscous film

descomunal, i per tant, aquesta

enormous, and therefore, this

distensió és capaç de fer-la molt bé. Al Joan Carreras

distension is able to do it very well. To Joan Carreras

li passa exactament el mateix.

it happens to him/her exactly the same.

El Guillem Balart i la Miriam Mucles, que són

Guillem Balart and Miriam Mucles, who are

els protagonistes, també tenen aquest punt,

the protagonists also have this point,

i té tot

and has everything

moltíssima força. També s'ha de dir que

a lot of strength. It must also be said that

els que són personatges més aviat secundaris,

those who are rather secondary characters,

la Marcia Sisteró, la Marisa Hossa,

Marcia Sisteró, Marisa Hossa,

el Xavier Ruano i el

Xavier Ruano and the

Xavier Boadas, estan increïbles.

Xavier Boadas, they are incredible.

La Marisa Hossa, que fa d'àvia

Marisa Hossa, who plays the grandmother.

d'ell, fa un paperàs

from him, it’s a big deal



I jo crec que aquesta obra

And I believe that this work

funciona, a banda que la història és boníssima,

it works, apart from the fact that the story is excellent,

a banda que ells són molt bons, que el

besides that they are very good, that the

muntatge està molt bé, funciona per

The assembly is very good, it works for

molts elements que tenen a veure precisament

many elements that are precisely related

amb el muntatge, que tot és

with the assembly, which is everything

mèrit en aquest sentit del Brogi, que és qui

merit in this sense of Brogi, who is the one

ho dirigeix i també qui firma l'escenografia.

It is directed by and also signed by the set designer.

És a quatre bandes, per tant

It is four-way, therefore.

tenim l'escenari i a quatre bandes del

we have the stage and on four sides of the

teatre tenim el públic, i per tant és molt

theatre we have the audience, and therefore it is very

probable que en molts moments de l'obra

likely that in many moments of the work

tinguis un actor d'esquenes a tu.

you have an actor with his back to you.

Però està ben salvat això

But that's well saved.

perquè també hi ha una capa audiovisual

because there is also an audiovisual layer

molt important i que juga un paper

very important and that plays a role

clau, no només perquè tu puguis

key, not only so that you can

veure l'actor que tens d'esquena, li puguis

see the actor you have your back to, you can

veure la cara, està realitzat en directe

see the face, it is done live

i també hi ha imatges històriques

and there are also historical images


of news

d'allà d'Israel, de

from there, Israel, from

Berlín, sinó que aquesta

Berlin, but this

realització en directe et permet una

live execution allows you a

cosa que en teatre no acostuma a passar, que és captar

thing that does not usually happen in theater, which is to capture

microgestos dalt de l'escenari, o sigui

microgestures on stage, that is

el teatre normalment és macrogestos,

the theater is usually macrogestures,

tot molt exagerat perquè la persona que està

everything very exaggerated because the person who is

a última fila pugui veure i pugui

the last row can see and can

captar ben bé el moviment.

to fully grasp the movement.

En canvi aquí, l'audiovisual

On the other hand here, the audiovisual

et permet, gairebé

it allows you, almost

com si estiguessis al cinema, o sigui

Like you were at the cinema, I mean.

tu estàs veient teatre i cinema

you are watching theater and cinema

pràcticament alhora, està molt

practically at the same time, it is very

bé, i llavors

well, and then

l'audiovisual també és important perquè hi ha

The audiovisual is also important because there are

sobretítols. Tot l'espectacle és

subtitles. The whole show is

íntegrament en català,

entirely in Catalan,

però llavors quan comença l'obra

but then when does the play start

de seguida veus sobretítols en anglès.

Soon you will see subtitles in English.

Hi ha un primer moment de dir

There is a first moment to say.

com? Què està passant? De sobte ens hem rendit

How? What is happening? Suddenly, we have surrendered.

als èxpats, no?

to the expats, right?

I estem pretenent que tots els turistes de

We are pretending that all the tourists from

Barcelona vinguin a veure un espectacle a La Perla.

Barcelona came to see a show at La Perla.

Bueno, tant de bo, però no és el

Well, I hope so, but it's not the...

cas. Els subtítols,

case. The subtitles,

els sobretítols, serveixen per

the subtitles serve to

fer evident en quin idioma parla cada

make it evident in which language each one speaks

personatge en tot moment. Parla en anglès,

character at all times. Speak in English,

parla en alemany, parla en

speak in German, speak in

hebreu, parla en àrab. Llavors

Hebrew, speaks in Arabic. Then

passa molts cops que canvien d'idioma

It happens many times that they switch languages.

i per tant això et dona

and therefore this gives you

una altra capa més d'informació

another layer of information

que al final tu estàs

that in the end you are

veient l'obra en català i per tant

seeing the work in Catalan and therefore

és a dir, jo a breu no llegeixo

That is to say, I don't read it briefly.

i ara tampoc i alemany tampoc, però

and now neither and German neither, but

dona moltes pistes,

gives many clues,

dona molta informació.

gives a lot of information.


It seems like you haven't provided any text to translate. Please provide the text you would like translated from Catalan to English.

La música també és important. Deia abans, no?

Music is also important. I was saying earlier, right?

No ho hem explicat. Hi ha una sèrie

We haven't explained it. There is a series.

d'elements sonors, musicals, que

of sound, musical elements, that

acompanyen l'obra, que a més a més

accompany the work, which in addition to

hi ha una playlist ad hoc, no? Es pot

There is an ad hoc playlist, right? It can be.

dir que em vas passar. Sí. Això és una

Say that you passed me. Yes. This is a

cosa que ho fa molt La Perla, que a més

thing that La Perla does a lot, which furthermore

la música de les obres de La Perla normalment

the music from the works of La Perla usually

és boníssima. Sí, i tant. Recordo un Bodes

It's really good. Yes, absolutely. I remember a Weddings.

de Sangre que vam fer amb música en directe

of Blood that we made with live music

del Joan Garriga, del

from Joan Garriga, of

Dominguet. Espectacular. I després

Dominguet. Spectacular. And after.

està penjada i és un gust poder recuperar l'obra

it is hanging and it is a pleasure to be able to recover the work

i a més a més, si pots llegir l'obra

And moreover, if you can read the work.

i recuperar la playlist, l'experiència

and recover the playlist, the experience

la pots repetir pràcticament a casa

you can practically repeat it at home

només amb imaginació i... Fa una mica uns quants actors.

Only with imagination and... It's been a while since a few actors.

Exacte. I uns sobretítols.

Exactly. And some subtitles.

Però sí, sí.

But yes, yes.

No, jo de debò que aquesta obra

No, I really think this work

penso que val la pena anar-hi.

I think it's worth going there.

Sí que és veritat que és la típica

It is true that it is the typical one.

obra... Això és una obra que s'ha reposat.

work... This is a work that has been restaged.

O sigui, la temporada passada ho va petar.

I mean, last season it was a hit.

Va exaurir totes les localitats.

He sold out all the tickets.

Va ser un èxit rotund.

It was a resounding success.

I llavors ara l'han posat un parell de mesos

And then they have given him a couple of months now.

més i espero, confio i desitjo

more and I hope, trust and wish

que tingui més recorregut

that has more scope

i que pugui voltar

and that I can roam

ni que sigui per Catalunya, per teatres de Catalunya.

if only for Catalonia, for theaters of Catalonia.

Tot i que té el format

Although it has the format

ideal perquè pugui voltar arreu del

ideal for wandering everywhere around the

món, és a dir... Perquè no, perdona, no hi ha

world, that is to say... Because no, excuse me, there isn't

no? La gent que és

No? The people who are

acostumada a anar a la biblioteca

used to going to the library

a veure els espectacles de la Perla,

to see the shows of La Perla,

aquella sorra característica no hi és en aquest cas, no?

That characteristic sand is not present in this case, is it?

No, no hi ha sorra. Això despista una mica

No, there is no sand. This is a bit misleading.

perquè penses que no és la biblioteca

Why do you think it is not the library?

però en el fons és la biblioteca

but deep down it is the library

i l'espai és reconeixible.

and the space is recognizable.

Meta-biblioteca perquè hi ha un escenari...

Meta-library because there is a scenario...

Correcte. La primera escena és una biblioteca

Correct. The first scene is a library.

dins la biblioteca de Catalunya però ens situem

inside the Library of Catalonia but we position ourselves

a una biblioteca de Nova York i a més és tan senzill

to a library in New York and moreover it is so simple

recrear una biblioteca, només et calen aquells

recreate a library, you only need those

llums verds, de vidre verd.

green lights, made of green glass.

Saps aquells llums característics com de biblioteca

Do you know those characteristic lights like in a library?

dels Estats Units?

from the United States?

Sí, i crec que és una obra que a banda del

Yes, and I believe it is a work that besides the

conflicte evident històric entre

evident historical conflict between

famílies jueves, famílies musulmanes,

Jewish families, Muslim families,

sense fer cap referència al

without making any reference to

24, és evident que

24, it is evident that

ens fa ampliar la mirada sobre el conflicte

it broadens our perspective on the conflict

que està en marxa avui en dia.

that is underway nowadays.

I penso que d'això també

I think that too.

ve una mica la cultura, no?, de fer-nos

Come on, a bit of culture, right?, to make us.

ampliar les mirades

expand perspectives

sobre això que ens passa actualment.

about what is happening to us currently.

I a més a més, és

And moreover, it is

aquesta cosa, no?, com aquesta balança

this thing, right?, like this scale

entre la història i l'actualitat

between history and the present day

constant. Té com uns set anys, no?,

constant. She is about seven years old, right?

l'obra. Per tant,

the work. Therefore,

la cosa interessant és que efectivament

the interesting thing is that indeed

i malauradament com que és un

and unfortunately since it is a

conflicte enquistat i recorrent

entrenched and recurring conflict

anem tenint notícia

we are getting news

i vaja, doncs es pot llegir sempre

And well, it can always be read.

en aquesta clau, no? Exacte.

In this key, right? Exactly.

O sigui, sap greu, no?,

I mean, it's a pity, isn’t it?

poder-la llegir en l'actualitat, en aquesta

to be able to read it today, in this

clau, perquè vol dir que el conflicte segueix

key, because it means that the conflict continues

vigent, però és veritat que clar, és un conflicte

valid, but it is true that clearly, it is a conflict

que ve de tan lluny i que no

that comes from so far and that does not

sembla que tingui una resolució imminent.

it seems to have an imminent resolution.

Per tant, crec que obres com aquesta

Therefore, I believe that works like this

ajuden a que tots plegats

help us all together

entenguem millor què passa i entenguem millor

let's understand better what is happening and understand better

què passa des del punt de vista no polític

What happens from a non-political point of view?

o del que se'ns explica als mitjans, sinó

or what is explained to us in the media, but rather

d'històries que

of stories that

en aquest cas és ficció, és una dramatúrgia,

in this case it is fiction, it is a dramaturgy,

però podria ser perfectament

but it could be perfectly

una història real i a més a més

a true story and moreover

interpretada i explicada

interpreted and explained

de manera que

so that

ens equipara als personatges.

it equates us with the characters.

No és una obra, sembla densa,

It's not a work, it seems dense,

també per l'àudio que hem sentit,

also for the audio we have heard,

sembla que sigui una cosa molt densa,

it seems like it's something very dense,

com molt pesada, no ho és gens. O sigui,

As very heavy, it is not at all. I mean,

és una cosa que vas allà a fluir

It's something that you go there to flow.

i a passar una bona tarda, de veritat.

Have a good afternoon, really.

Sí, m'agraden les densitats

Yes, I like the densities.

diverses. Exacte. He de dir per qui

various. Exactly. I have to say who for.

pugui anar-hi que

I can go there that

tu has dit fins al 23 d'octubre

you have said until October 23

a la Biblioteca. Sí. El dia 8

To the Library. Yes. On the 8th.

d'octubre, Mohawad

of October, Mohawad

en conversa amb Oriol Brogi

in conversation with Oriol Brogi

al CCCB, a la Bienal

at the CCCB, at the Biennial

del Pensament, de manera que

of Thought, in such a way that

jo crec que serà una oportunitat dos còmplices

I believe it will be an opportunity for two accomplices.

d'escoltar-los en directe.

of listening to them live.

I aquest sí,

And this one yes,

també un espectacle irrepetible,

also an unrepeatable show,

només aquell dia, que el CCCB té el bon costum

only that day, that the CCCB has the good habit

de gravar les coses. Però

of recording things. But

vull dir que qui vulgui completar tot el

I mean that anyone who wants to complete everything

pack i veure la visió que en tenen

pack and see the vision they have of it

en aquest cas el dramaturg i també el

in this case the playwright and also the

vaja, l'adaptador, no? En Brogi

Well, the adapter, right? In Brogi.

que coneix també l'obra de Mohawad

who also knows the work of Mohawad

amb també doble espectacle. Que bé,

with also double spectacle. How great,

vaja, quina peça. Sí, espero que hi vagis, eh? I em diràs

Wow, what a piece. Yes, I hope you go there, okay? And you will tell me.

què et sembla. Sí, sí, totalment, apuntadíssim.

What do you think? Yes, yes, totally, I'm totally in.

No esperarem que girin per Catalunya

We will not wait for them to turn for Catalonia.

perquè no sap mai. No sap mai. Val la pena

because you never know. You never know. It's worth it.

aprofitar, sí, però sempre que es pugui.

to take advantage, yes, but only when it is possible.

I a més és la Biblioteca, caram. Que sempre

And it's also the Library, wow. That always

fa de bon veure. Això mateix, que és un espectacle

It looks good. Exactly, it's a spectacle.

de perla. El que farem, dèiem això de la música,

of pearl. What we will do, we said this about the music,

anem a l'última cançó perquè és un

let's go to the last song because it's a

dels clàssics d'aquest programa, vaja, de qualsevol

from the classics of this program, well, of any

programa que passa per aquesta casa.

program that goes through this house.

I elочку.

And the little one.

Francesco Gregori.

Francesco Gregori.

Qui, si no, eh? Вagía el

Who, if not, huh? Vagía the

vaja l'autor i a l'Itàlia i a tanta bona

Come on, the author and Italy and so much good.

música, que aquí

music, that here

canta Bob Dylan. Té un disc que

sings Bob Dylan. He has an album that

tot són versions de Bob Dylan i

they are all versions of Bob Dylan and

vaig ser molt feliç veient que havien triat

I was very happy to see that they had chosen.

aquesta cançó. Tu vas veure allò i vas dir

this song. You saw that and said

això ho he de posar al programa.

I have to put this in the program.

No únicament això, sinó amb això hem d'acabar el programa.

Not only that, but with this we have to finish the program.

Amb De Gregori cantant Bob Dylan

With De Gregori singing Bob Dylan

i que forma part de la castellana sonora

and is part of the sonorous Castilian

de tots ocells. Ja sabeu, fins al 23 d'octubre

of all birds. You know, until October 23rd.

a la Biblioteca, la Perla, Moa Huat,

at the Library, the Pearl, Moa Huat,

Brogi i, com ens ha explicat la Paula Carreras,

Brogi and, as Paula Carreras has explained to us,

tota una colla de talents

a whole bunch of talents

que la interpreten i que ens fan

that they interpret it and what they do to us

emocionar i de tant en tant somriure.

to feel excited and sometimes smile.

Potser riure és massa,

Perhaps laughing is too much,

és un verb massa contundent, però també.

It's too strong a verb, but also.

Bueno, potser ens sorprèn. Sense espòilers.

Well, maybe it will surprise us. No spoilers.

Paula, un plaer. Gràcies per tot.

Paula, a pleasure. Thank you for everything.

Gràcies a tu. Que vagi molt bé. Fins la propera

Thank you. Take care. Until next time.

amb l'Olva Altran, l'En Rosa Silloe i, si us plau,

with Olva Altran, En Rosa Silloe and, please,

i el príncipe.

and the prince.

Sense mètrica,

Without meter,

sense velocitat,

without speed,

t' Gosh,


aix Apps.

aix Apps.


I love you.

No ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

No lol

xixacuar d'xoi

xixacuar of xoi

El post

The post

de l' Chang

of the Chang



No hi ha perplessitat,

There is no perplexity,

no hi ha res a declarar,

there is nothing to declare,

no hi ha res de gana,

there is nothing about hunger,

no hi ha res de formalitat.

There is nothing formal about it.



que l'ombrell era tancat

that the umbrella was closed

sul sentiero preparato per mi.

on the path prepared for me.

I le carte sul tavolo

The letters on the table.

non erano in gioco,

they were not at stake,

erano i segni

they were the signs

di un'altra civiltà.

of another civilization.

In un sogno

In a dream

c'era sang per terra,

there was blood on the ground,

in un altro

in another

nevicava in città.

It was snowing in the city.

In un sogno correvo

In a dream I was running.

ed in un sogno ancora

and in a dream again

ero stato costretto

I was forced.

a salire più in su.

to go up higher.

Non cercavo

I was not looking.

un'aiuto special

a special help

no volevo

I didn't want to.

scappare da qui.

escape from here.

Ero andato

I went.

già abbastanza lontano

already far enough

pensando soltanto

thinking about nothing

a dei sogni così.

of dreams like this.

I sogni

The dreams

che sono

I am

i miei.

my own.

Que l'ombrello era chiuso

That the umbrella was closed.

sul sentiero

on the path

preparato per mi.

prepared for me.

I le carte sul tavolo

The letters on the table.

non erano in gioco,

they were not at stake,

com i segni

with and signs

di un'altra civiltà.

of another civilization.

Ero andato

I went.

già lontano

already far away



a dei sogni così.

of dreams like this.

Ero andato

I went.

a quedar a la presó.

to be sentenced to prison.

Tinc aquí la camara

I have the camera here.

de la vasta col·lecció

from the vast collection

de la politicalitat.

of the politicality.

Eres una convertidora

You are a converter.

d'aquest país.

of this country.

Ens en sortim de tot.

We get through everything.

El teu fill

Your son

em deixa aquí.

leave me here.

Això de res,

This means nothing,

no ho sé,

I don't know,

però ho sé.

but I know.


I will enter.

a d'on estic.

from where I am.

I em portaré

I will take

a la resta de la cosa.

to the rest of the matter.

Si ets lauda,

If you are lauda,

no t'est Tingui,

don't mind,

però fins aviat

but see you soon

volsíeu que sigui volater.

Do you want it to be a flyer?

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