La nit dels ignorants 3.0, d'1 a 2 h - 20/09/2024

Catalunya Ràdio

La nit dels ignorants 3.0

La nit dels ignorants 3.0, d'1 a 2 h - 20/09/2024

La nit dels ignorants 3.0

Bona nit, us informa Armínia Massana.

Good night, this is Armínia Massana speaking.

Els Mossos faran més escorcolls a l'entrada de transports públics

The Mossos will conduct more searches at the entrance of public transport.

i zones d'oci noctur per confiscar armes blanques.

and night leisure areas to confiscate knives.

La mesura forma part d'un pla especial

The measure is part of a special plan.

que el Departament d'Interior posa en marxa

that the Department of Interior initiates

per reduir l'ús de navalles al carrer.

to reduce the use of knives on the street.

Josep Lluís Trapero, director general dels Mossos.

Josep Lluís Trapero, director general of the Mossos.

La ciutadania començarà a notar,

The citizens will begin to notice,

i demanem també comprensió en aquest sentit,

and we also ask for understanding in this regard,

que en els espais públics es trobaran en controls específics

that in public spaces there will be specific controls

preventius d'identificació de persones,

preventive measures for the identification of individuals,

d'escorcoll de persones i de recerca d'armes blanques.

of searching people and seeking for cold weapons.

Començaran a haver-hi controls, òbviament,

There will obviously begin to be controls,

proximitat a escoles, com és tot el transport públic,

proximity to schools, like all public transport,

autobusos, la xarxa de metro,

buses, the metro network,

controls policials al voltant de llocs de lleure, de discoteques...

police controls around leisure places, nightclubs...

El pla també preveu sancions més elevades

The plan also provides for higher penalties.

per l'atinença d'armes blanques,

for the possession of bladed weapons,

i és que en els primers vuit mesos de l'any

and it is that in the first eight months of the year

els Mossos han requessat més de 6.000 navalles a tot Catalunya.

The Mossos have seized more than 6,000 knives across Catalonia.

Altres notícies amb l'Alex Bosch.

Other news with Alex Bosch.

Aumenten els enfrontaments armats a la frontera del Líban.

Armed clashes increase at the Lebanon border.

El líder d'Esbolà, Hassan Nasrallah,

The leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah,

diu que l'atac amb dispositius electrònics

says that the attack with electronic devices

contra membres d'Esbolà es pot considerar una declaració de guerra.

Against members of Hezbollah can be considered a declaration of war.

Asegura que, encara que Israel entri al sud del Líban,

He ensures that, even if Israel enters southern Lebanon,

no frenaran les seves operacions de suport a casa.

they will not halt their support operations at home.

Alberto Núñez Feijó,

Alberto Núñez Feijó.

llua a la gestió migratòria de Giorgia Meloni.

Light on Giorgia Meloni's migration management.

El líder del PP s'ha reunit a Roma amb la primera ministra italiana

The leader of the PP has met in Rome with the Italian Prime Minister.

i ha qualificat d'eficaces

and has qualified as effective

les polítiques ultra del govern d'extrema dreta.

the ultra policies of the far-right government.

L'Ajuntament de Justícia convoca una reunió d'urgència

The Ministry of Justice calls an emergency meeting.

per abordar la situació dels suïcidis

to address the situation of suicides

a les persones després, a les presons, volíem dir,

to the people afterwards, to the prisons, we wanted to say,

després que aquest dijous s'hagi suïcidat un pres

after a prisoner committed suicide this Thursday

al centre penitenciari de Lledoners.

at the Lledoners penitentiary center.

La trobada es farà aquest divendres

The meeting will take place this Friday.

a la Secretaria de Mesures Penals,

to the Secretary of Penal Measures,

reinserció i atenció a la víctima.

reintegration and victim support.

La Justícia Europea impedeix a Booking

European Justice prevents Booking

obligar els hotels que s'hi anuncien

to force the hotels that advertise there

a oferir preus iguals o més cars que els de la plataforma.

to offer prices equal to or more expensive than those of the platform.

El Tribunal de Justícia de la Unió Europea

The Court of Justice of the European Union

considera aquesta clàusula injusta

consider this clause unfair

desproporcionada, innecessària i contrària a la competència.

disproportionate, unnecessary, and contrary to competition.

El remake del clàssic eròtic dels anys 70, Emmanuel,

The remake of the classic erotic film from the 70s, Emmanuel,

inaugurarà aquest divendres

will inaugurate this Friday

el Festival de Cinema de Sant Sebastià.

the San Sebastián Film Festival.

La 72a edició presenta més de 20 pel·lícules

The 72nd edition features more than 20 films.

amb producció catalana i estrenes molt esperades

with Catalan production and highly anticipated premieres

com les d'Albert Serra, Pilar Palomero,

like those of Albert Serra, Pilar Palomero,

o Rodrigo Cortés.

or Rodrigo Cortés.

La directora francesa Audrey Divan

The French director Audrey Divan

sorprèn amb una relectura de l'Emmanuel

surprise with a rereading of Emmanuel

que va esvalutar a les sales europees fa 50 anys.

that was devalued in European halls 50 years ago.

La cinta competirà per la Concha d'Or

The film will compete for the Golden Shell.

amb quatre cintes amb producció catalana,

with four ribbons with Catalan production,

l'exercici teori d'Albert Serra, Tardés de soledat,

the theoretical exercise of Albert Serra, Late of Solitude,

los destellos de Pilar Palomero,

the flashes of Pilar Palomero,

una cinta de terror psicològic de Pedro,

a psychological horror film by Pedro,

Martín Calero i mi única familia,

Martín Calero and my only family,

d'Albert Anec, Mike Lake.

By Albert Anec, Mike Lake.

A esports, en debut a contracorrent i amb derrota del Barça,

In esports, in a counter-current debut and with the defeat of Barça,

la Lliga de Campions de Futbol d'aquesta temporada,

the Champions League of Football this season,

els blaugranes han perdut per 2 a 1 al camp del Mònaco

The blaugranas have lost 2 to 1 at the Monaco's field.

en un partit que han jugat en inferioritat des del minut 10

in a match that they have played with a disadvantage since the 10th minute

per l'expulsió d'Eric Garcia.

for the expulsion of Eric Garcia.

Hansi Flick ha lluat l'esforç dels seus futbolistes

Hansi Flick has praised the effort of his footballers.

i s'ha resignat.

and has resigned.

Tenim jugadors que han donat més del 100%.

We have players who have given more than 100%.

Cada jugador ha de donar el millor de si

Every player must give their best.

i jo estic molt orgullós d'aquest equip

And I am very proud of this team.

però hem d'acceptar aquesta derrota.

but we must accept this defeat.

L'Amin Yamal ha marcat l'empat a un momentani.

Amin Yamal has scored the equalizer temporarily.

Aquest dimecres també s'han jugat a la Lliga de Campions,

This Wednesday, the Champions League matches were also played.

entre d'altres l'Atlètic de Madrid 2-Lepzig 1,

among others Atlético Madrid 2 - Leipzig 1,

l'Atalanta 0-Arsenal 0

Atalanta 0 - Arsenal 0

i el Feyenoord 0-Bayern-Leverkusen 4.

and Feyenoord 0-Bayern Leverkusen 4.

Aquest dijous s'ha dit que l'Atlètic de Madrid

This Thursday it has been said that Atlético de Madrid

ha disputat un partit avançat de la setena jornada primera,

has played an early match of the seventh round first,

l'Eganés 0, l'Atlètic Club de Bilbao 2.

Leganés 0, Athletic Club of Bilbao 2.

Victòria amb en sort per al Barça d'Embol a la Lliga de Campions.

Victory with luck for Barça in the Champions League.

Els blauerenes s'han imposat el esguet per 31-30,

The Blues have defeated the Esguet 31-30.

tot i que al descans manaven de 8 cols.

although at halftime they ordered 8 cabbages.

Dic que m'hem seleccionat l'espatlla dreta.

I say that we have selected the right shoulder.

I la selecció espanyola femenina d'hoquei patint

And the Spanish women's hockey team is suffering.

s'ha classificat per a les semifinals del Mundial de Novara, Itàlia,

he has qualified for the semifinals of the World Cup in Novara, Italy,

amb 7 catalanes, el conjunt dirigit per Sergi Macià,

with 7 Catalans, the team led by Sergi Macià,

ha derrotat per 8 a 2 frans als quarts de final

he defeated Frans 8 to 2 in the quarter-finals

i en semifinals s'enfrontarà a l'Argentina.

And in the semifinals, it will face Argentina.

Fins aquí, les notícies.

That's all for the news.

Què fan governs i corporacions

What do governments and corporations do?

per arribar a l'objectiu de zero emissions el 2050?

to achieve the goal of zero emissions by 2050?

Seguimos emitiendo,

We continue broadcasting,

seguimos aumentando la proporción de CO2 en la atmósfera,

we continue to increase the proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere,

el calentamiento global sigue creciendo.

Global warming continues to grow.

L'antropòleg Miguel Pajares,

The anthropologist Miguel Pajares,

llicenciat en Ciències Biològiques, alerta.

Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences, alert.

No es verdad que estemos afrontando la emergencia climática.

It is not true that we are facing the climate emergency.

Des d'Ecologistes en Acció Catalunya,

From Ecologists in Action Catalonia,

fa temps que lluiten contra l'ecoblanqueig.

They have been fighting against greenwashing for a long time.

Aquesta actitud laxa i permissiva

This lax and permissive attitude

és la que permet a les empreses

it is the one that allows companies

recórrer al blanqueig ecològic per vendre més.

resorting to greenwashing to sell more.

Gavi Martínez, escriptor.

Gavi Martínez, writer.

Tot el que estem fent són defenses d'urgència,

Everything we are doing is emergency defenses,

però, evidentment, la natura és molt més poderosa.

but, obviously, nature is much more powerful.



Amb Mercè Folch.

With Mercè Folch.

Les falsedats del capitalisme ecològic.

The falsehoods of ecological capitalism.

Aquest dissabte, a partir de les 10 de la nit,

This Saturday, starting at 10 PM,

a través del canal exclusiu digital

through the exclusive digital channel

de l'App i el web de Catalunya Ràdio.

from the App and the website of Catalunya Ràdio.

A Catalunya Ràdio,

At Catalunya Ràdio,

la nit dels ignorants 3.0.

the night of the ignorant 3.0.

Amb Xavier Solà.

With Xavier Solà.

A Catalunya Ràdio.

At Catalunya Ràdio.

Aquí estem, ensetant aquesta segona hora

Here we are, starting this second hour.

d'un divendres ja dia 20.

on a Friday, already the 20th.

Es preveuen pluges

Rain is expected.

i en casos concrets torrencials.

and in specific torrential cases.

Així ho entoneu.

That's how you tune it.

han dit els especialistes a la zona del litoral i prelitoral.

the specialists have said in the coastal and pre-coastal area.

Estiguem alerta.

Let's stay alert.

I aquest és un somni sonor.

And this is a sound dream.

Oh, està saltant amb paracaigudes.

Oh, he/she is skydiving.

Això és emocionant, eh?

This is exciting, isn't it?

És que tot el cos està...

It's just that the whole body is...

Ui, que està tot el cos!

Oh, my whole body!

I aquest és el resum.

And this is the summary.

El dret de la legítima

The right of legitimacy

és aplicable a tot el territori espanyol

it is applicable to the whole of Spanish territory

o només a Catalunya?

or only in Catalonia?

Escolti, el Salerino va ser mala persona,

Listen, the Salerino was a bad person,

va ser un músic que, desgraciadament,

he was a musician who, unfortunately,

va ser oblidat, va ser descuidat.

it was forgotten, it was neglected.

Sí, per la història va ser descuidat.

Yes, it was neglected for history.

Us ha sorprès?

Have you been surprised?

Creu que el govern no hagi complert les seves promeses?

Do you believe that the government has not fulfilled its promises?

Ajudar la gent de la Palma?

Help the people of Palma?

Jo, primer deia, ja ho sabia.

I, at first I said, I already knew.

Que barrejar aigua, vinagre i bicarbonat

To mix water, vinegar, and baking soda.

anava molt bé per netejar les robes dels sofàs, diguem, eh?

It worked really well for cleaning the upholstery of the sofas, let's say, huh?

La meva pregunta seria,

My question would be,

quan has fet aquesta barreja, es pot guardar temps?

When you have made this mixture, can it be stored for a while?

O no té tanta eficàcia, al cap d'un temps?

Or does it not have that much effectiveness after a while?

I aquest és el dilema.

And this is the dilemma.

Fer el que diem o fer el que ens convé?

Do what we say or do what suits us?

Fer el que ens va millor o mantenir la coherència?

Do what suits us best or maintain coherence?

Com ho veieu? Què en penseu?

How do you see it? What do you think about it?

El sol és gran, clar que és gran, però comparat amb la Terra.

The sun is big, of course it is big, but compared to the Earth.

El sol a l'espai és re.

The sun in space is king.

Aleshores, si no hi ha cap oxigen, com és que no s'esgota, no s'apaga?

So, if there is no oxygen, how is it that it doesn't run out, it doesn't go out?

L'altre dia vaig sentir a la ràdio

The other day I heard on the radio

que ara començava el que se'n diu la brama.

that now the so-called gossip was beginning.

La brama.

The rumor.

Allà, la berrea.

There, the roar.



Dels cèrvols.

Of the deer.

Però jo volia preguntar si, per exemple, els cavirols també fan això.

But I wanted to ask if, for example, the deer do this too.

A veure, jo necessito primerament, primerament, que m'indemnitzin.

Let's see, I need first of all, first of all, that they compensate me.

Però és que a mi m'agradaria molt més que recobrés la vista.

But I would much rather have him regain his sight.

Per tant, Pilar, entenc que aprofita el programa per denunciar aquest fet

Therefore, Pilar, I understand that she takes advantage of the program to denounce this fact.

i que espera que l'hi resolguin per poder recuperar la vista que tenia.

and he hopes that they will resolve it for him so he can recover the sight he had.

I perquè la resposta de l'IMO, perdó,

And because of the response from the IMO, sorry,

ni que l'interrompeixi, fa pocs dies m'han dit que no, que no...

"Even if it interrupts me, a few days ago they told me no, that no..."

Que l'operació estava ben feta, però clar, es va equivocar de lent, m'entens?

That the operation was well done, but of course, he got the lens wrong, you understand?

M'agradaria saber si la paraula l'han pillat i s'ha acceptat en català.

I would like to know if the word has been picked up and accepted in Catalan.

Bueno, jo fa molts dies que he d'escoltar molta gent

Well, I've been listening to a lot of people for many days now.

que s'arrasca les vestidures, com diuen en català,

that scratches its clothes, as they say in Catalan,

per les llengües, i les llengües estan prostituïdes totes.

for the languages, and all the languages are prostituted.

Per què?


Perquè les llengües són coses que...

Because languages are things that...

És una cosa vivint i estan, doncs...

It is a living thing and they are, then...

alterades per les llengües del costat i per la moda i per moltes coses.

altered by the neighboring languages and by fashion and by many things.

Sí, això de les mamografies, que quan arribes a aquesta edat

Yes, this thing about mammograms, that when you reach this age...

pots anar al metge de capçalera o a la teva ginecòloga

You can go to your primary care doctor or to your gynecologist.

perquè et facin un paper perquè t'ho mirin,

to have them make you a paper so that they look at it,

si notes alguna cosa i entri igualment per la Seguretat Social.

if you notice something, still go through Social Security.

Un excel·lent resum de les 14 trucades,

An excellent summary of the 14 calls,

entre les quals desseguem la de la Lídia.

among which we desire the one of Lídia.



Als 69 anys, les senyores, ja no tenim accés a visitants

At 69 years old, ladies, we no longer have access to visitors.

per la Seguretat Social o al ginecòleg.

for Social Security or to the gynecologist.

Hem d'anar privat.

We need to go private.

No sé si això...

I don't know if this...

Suposo que més d'una persona s'hi ha trobat, més d'una senyora.

I suppose that more than one person has found themselves in that situation, more than one lady.

I la Claudina li va contestar que sí,

And Claudina replied that yes,

però que també a través del teu metge de capçalera

but also through your primary care doctor

pots demanar, en aquest cas, una revisió.

You can request a review in this case.

I, per cert, sense que m'allau fins a les dues de la matinada,

And, by the way, I feel that you bury me until two in the morning,

avui la darrera melodia se l'ha reservada la Carmen,

today the last melody has been reserved by Carmen,

del barri d'Horta, de Barcelona,

from the Horta neighborhood, in Barcelona,

que té moltes ganes d'escoltar aquella peça del New York,

who is very eager to listen to that piece from New York,

ja sabeu, Frank Sinatra,

you know, Frank Sinatra,

el que va representar una peça que avui dona nom a la ciutat.

what represented a piece that today names the city.

Efectivament, aquesta cançó l'ha popularitzat Frank Sinatra,

Indeed, this song has been popularized by Frank Sinatra,

però que qui la va interpretar per primera vegada

but who interpreted it for the first time

va ser l'actriu Liza Minnelli a la pel·lícula New York, New York,

It was the actress Liza Minnelli in the movie New York, New York.

de Martin Scorsese, 1937.

by Martin Scorsese, 1937.

Però molt temps acabaria sent això que dèiem, l'himne de la ciutat,

But for a long time, this would end up being what we said, the anthem of the city.

especialment després que a finals del setant de Barbra Streisand

especially after Barbra Streisand's late seventies

la Dora del Frank li suggerís que fes una versió.

Dora from Frank suggested that he make a version.

La triada, la Carmen del Guinardó, no d'Horta.

The triad, Carmen from Guinardó, not Horta.

I, per cert, Pau, què han d'estar cas d'ella?

And, by the way, Pau, what should they be doing about her?

Bona nit, Xavier, i bona nit, ignorants.

Good night, Xavier, and good night, ignorants.

Mira, de la Carmen en destaco en primer lloc la seva edat.

Look, regarding Carmen, I first highlight her age.

Té 99 anys i està a la mar d'activa, ja ho sentireu, ja.

She is 99 years old and is very active, you will hear it, you will.

Viu en una casa amb jardí al Guinardó

Lives in a house with a garden in Guinardó.

i cada dia té feina a escombrar el jardí,

and every day he has to sweep the garden,

a regalar les plantes, les flors,

to give away the plants, the flowers,

i es fa un tip de pujar a escales.

And he/she gets very tired of climbing stairs.

Vol estar activa, m'explicava.

She wanted to be active, she explained to me.

Em deia que de tant en tant assisteix a les conferències

He told me that every now and then he attends the conferences.

de la Universitat de la Gent Gran

from the University of the Elderly

i, per arribar-hi, ha d'agafar fins a 3 busos.

And to get there, you have to take up to 3 buses.

I els agafa tota sola, eh?

And she catches them all by herself, huh?

Diu que això dels busos a Barcelona ho té més que controlat.

He says that the buses in Barcelona are well under control.

Junts, aquest matí, quan hem parlat per telèfon, hem viatjat.

Together, this morning, when we spoke on the phone, we traveled.

Viatjat per Europa i pels Estats Units.

Travelled through Europe and the United States.

Ha viatjat molt, la Carmen.

Carmen has traveled a lot.

Sobretot pel vell continent.

Above all for the old continent.

A París hi ha estat 5 vegades.

He has been to Paris 5 times.

I a tot arreu on ha estat ha filmat en vídeo.

And everywhere he has been, he has filmed it on video.

Li he demanat que fes l'esforç de triar una ciutat

I have asked him to make the effort to choose a city.

i no ha dotat gens.

and has not provided anything.



Avui, però, us portarà a Nova York.

Today, however, it will take you to New York.

Que us ho expliqui, perquè ha triat aquesta cançó i aquest destí,

Let them explain to you why they chose this song and this destination,

perquè també està molt bé.

because it's also very good.

I quina dita ha triat?

And which proverb has he/she chosen?

Doncs diu així.

So it goes like this.

De porc i de senyor, se'n ve de mena.

From pig and gentleman, one comes of breed.

A la segona hora del programa us ho explicarà Ignorants.

In the second hour of the program, Ignorants will explain it to you.

Gràcies, Pau.

Thank you, Pau.

Reserveu-vos una darrera melodia.

Save yourselves a last melody.

Us trucarà el Pau i converseu.

Pau will call you and you will talk.

I d'aquesta manera, això,

And in this way, this,

tancarem el programa amb una nota molt personalitzada.

We will close the program with a very personalized note.

El telèfon de reserves és aquest.

The reservation phone number is this one.



Telèfon de servei de la nit dels ignorants 3.0.

Night of the Ignorants Service Phone 3.0.

Per enviar escrits o notes de veu.

To send written messages or voice notes.


We repeat.



Recordeu que no us atendrà ningú.

Remember that no one will attend to you.

És un WhatsApp de veu.

It's a voice WhatsApp message.

Deixeu una nota escrita o de veu.

Leave a written or voice note.

I ara cap avall, vidrera.

And now down, glassmaker.

Josep, bona nit.

Joseph, good night.

Hola, Xavier.

Hello, Xavier.

Què tal? Com estem?

How are you? How are we doing?

Molt bé. I vosaltres?

Very well. And you?

Bueno, aquí, animats.

Well, here, we’re cheerful.

Bueno, la remei no sé si tant,

Well, I don't know if the remedy is that much,

però ja saps que estic animat.

but you already know that I am in a good mood.

Saps què passa, Xavier?

Do you know what happens, Xavier?

Que hi ha una edat...

That there is an age...

Saps quan em sento viu?

Do you know when I feel alive?

Penses, home, no sé quant temps em quedarà.

You think, man, I don't know how long I will have left.

Jo em sento viu.

I feel alive.



Una mica amb el risc, saps?

A little with the risk, you know?


The adrenaline.

Sí, l'adrenalina aquella,

Yes, that adrenaline,

el coquet aquell que sent molt per dintre

that little flirt who feels a lot inside

quan dius, mira,

when you say, look,

ens l'estem jugant una miqueta.

We are risking it a little bit.

Doncs això.

Well, that's it.

I hi ha una cosa

And there is one thing

que ara, mira, quan vam estar allà

that now, look, when we were there

a les Canàries,

in the Canaries,

recordes que t'ho vaig dir?

Do you remember I told you?



Bueno, doncs el tema és que

Well, the thing is that

jo vaig veure

I saw

aquests que fan

what are these doing





I li vaig dir a la remei,

And I told Remei,

mira, jo me'n recordo...

look, I remember...

Bueno, perquè la història del surf

Well, because the history of surfing

és molt antiga.

it is very old.

I jo me'n recordo

And I remember it.

quan veia els surferos,

when I saw the surfers,

allò que els veies per la televisió

what you saw on television

i deies, jo m'agradaria ser

and you said, I would like to be

com un d'aquests.

like one of these.

I vaig dir, remei,

I said, remedy,

per què no agafem unes taules de surf

Why don't we take some surfboards?

i ho provem, això?

Shall we try this?

I clar, i ara m'agradaria

And of course, now I would like

anar provant, anar fent allò,

keep trying, keep doing that,

però, los pinitos, que diuen, eh?

but, the little pines, as they say, huh?

I, bueno, la remei

I, well, the Remedy

se'n riu, però

he laughs, but

jo en tinc moltes ganes, perquè

I really want to, because

a més diu encara que a la tardor

furthermore, he/she/it also says that in autumn

que és una bona època

that it is a good time

per fer surf.

to surf.

I, bueno, i allò...

I, well, and that...



Remei, vine avui!

Remedy, come today!



És en Xavier, dels ignorants.

It's Xavier, from the ignorant ones.

Hola, Xavier.

Hello, Xavier.

Què tal? Ara voleu fer surf, remei?

How are you? Now do you want to surf, remedy?



Se li ha posat entre teja i teja.

It has been placed between tile and tile.

Tu, què vol fer surf, ara?

You, what do you want to do surf, now?

Que siguem surferos.

That we be surfers.

Home, Josep,

Home, Josep,

jo la imatge que tinc dels surferos

I have an image of surfers.

és aquella, amb aquells rinxos daurats,

it's her, with those golden curls,

eh?, aquells de Califòrnia.

Eh?, those from California.

I tu hi has fet haver el cartó

And you made the cardboard happen.

en una miqueta, eh?

In a little bit, okay?

Que ja hi ha...

That there is already...

Tens els palafancs, que diem, eh?

You have the palafancs, as we say, right?

Però, bueno, si vol fer surf,

But, well, if you want to surf,

perquè vam estar allà a les Canàries

because we were there in the Canary Islands

i vam veure uns nois que, a més,

and we saw some boys who, besides,

ens vam apropar,

we approached,

i en Josep li va fer unes quantes preguntes

and Josep asked him a few questions

a un d'ells, i ens va dir que, escolta,

to one of them, and he told us that, listen,

que per això no hi havia edat.

that is why there was no age.

I, bueno, i per ofegar-se tampoc, eh?

Well, and not to drown either, right?

Però, bueno,

But, well,

i crec que en Josep

I believe that Josep

us volia fer una pregunta...

I wanted to ask you a question...

A veure, espera-ho un moment, Josep.

Let's see, wait a moment, Josep.

Pregunta-t'ho a la...

Ask yourself at the...



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Què tal? Mira, mira, a veure...

How's it going? Look, look, let's see...

Jo voldria veure si

I would like to see if

els amics i amigues ignorants,

the ignorant friends

si hi ha algun surfero, surfera,

if there is any surfer, surf girl,

o algú avisa a la platja

or someone warns at the beach

gent fent surf,

people surfing,

a veure quines platges de Catalunya

let's see which beaches in Catalonia

es pot practicar el surf

You can surf.

ara a la tardor, que diuen que és bona època.

now in the autumn, which they say is a good season.

Ah, molt bé, eh? Molt bé.

Ah, very good, huh? Very good.

Em sembla molt bé, però

I think it's very good, but

també que ens diguin a veure

also let them tell us to see

si hi ha alguna edat que és contraindicat

if there is any age that is contraindicated

això de fer surf.

this thing of surfing.

Això, fantàstic, però no ho escoltaré.

That's fantastic, but I won't listen to it.

Josep, com és?

Joseph, how is it?

Sí, bueno.

Yes, well.

Però, bueno, escolta'm,

But, well, listen to me,



que en tenim ganes.

that we are looking forward to it.

I si no, doncs, escolta'm, agafem una canoa

And if not, well, listen to me, let's take a canoe.

i, al·la, a tirar una miqueta.

And, there, to throw a little bit.

Que bé, us en vejo,

How good, I see you all.

Josep, que per molts anys.

Josep, may you have many more years.

Una abraçada...

A hug...

Adéu, Ramell.

Goodbye, Ramell.

Adéu, adéu.

Goodbye, goodbye.

Com diu el professor Serrano,

As Professor Serrano says,

tot sigui trobar un sentit a la vida

everything is about finding meaning in life

si vols aproximar-te

if you want to get closer

a la felicitat, no? I en aquest cas

to happiness, right? And in this case

sembla que aquest parell ho han ben trobat.

It seems that this pair has found it well.

Anem ara cap a... Mira, una trucada

Let's go now to... Look, a call.

per primera vegada de la Pepa, de Barcelona.

for the first time from Pepa, from Barcelona.

Hola, bona nit. Hola, bona nit.

Hello, good evening. Hello, good evening.



Ben allà, molt bé.

Well over there, very good.

Estic contenta de sentir-vos-hi. Igualment.

I'm happy to hear from you. Likewise.

No és la primera vegada que trobo, bé?

It's not the first time I've found it, okay?

Ja havia trucat anys enrere

I had called years ago.

i molts més anys enrere.

and many more years ago.

Ah, molt bé, molt bé. Així ens retrobem.

Ah, very good, very good. That way we meet again.

Doncs sí.

Well, yes.

Escolteu-me. A veure.

Listen to me. Let's see.

És una pregunta personal, eh?

It's a personal question, huh?

Sí. Val.

Yes. Okay.

La seré breu. Jo tinc una escala

I'll be brief. I have a ladder.

de pisos i han canviat la porta del carrer

of apartments and they have changed the front door

perquè estava destrossada,

because she was destroyed,

perquè pesava molt, i han posat

because it weighed a lot, and they have put

una porta de ferro, bueno,

a iron door, well,

i han posat

and they have put

la maneta d'obrir la porta

the door handle

de dintre l'escala.

from inside the staircase.

En comptes de posar una maneta

Instead of giving a hand

han posat una maneta

they have put a little hand

que és com un ou, rodona.

it's like an egg, round.

I les persones grans,

And elderly people,

que som dos a l'escala,

that there are two of us on the scale,

ens hem queixat que

we have complained that

no podem obrir la porta que ens costa

we cannot open the door that is difficult for us

aquella maneta.

that little hand.

Rodona, és com un ou,

Round, it's like an egg,

i ens costa

and it costs us

molt d'obrir la porta, hem anat a la gestoria

a lot of opening the door, we went to the management office

i ens han dit que havien trucat a la casa

And they told us that they had called the house.

que ens havien posat la porta

that they had put the door for us

i que no es pot canviar la maneta.

And the handle cannot be changed.

A veure si no es pot canviar

Let's see if it can't be changed.

la maneta. Val.

the handle. Okay.

Totes les cases

All the houses

d'aquí dalt hi ha aquesta mateixa

From up there, there is the same.

porta i tenen la maneta

door and they have the handle

d'aquestes llargues,

of these long ones,

una maneta, no una bola,

a handle, not a ball,

per obrir la porta. Del carrer sí que

to open the door. From the street yes

podem obrir perquè posem la clau

we can open because we put in the key

i espitxem i entrem a dintre.

and we squeeze in and go inside.

Però és la sortida,

But it is the exit,

de casa, de baix a l'escala,

from home, from downstairs to the stairs,

que ens costa obrir la porta del carrer.

that it is difficult for us to open the street door.

I llavors jo

And then I

em vull dirigir, aviam,

I want to address you, let's see,

si m'ho neguen, que m'ho estan negant,

if they deny it to me, that they are denying it to me,

a qui em puc dirigir?

Who can I turn to?

Em sembla molt bé, Pepa,

I think it's great, Pepa.

que pregunteu això.

why do you ask that.

El cas és que és tan moderna

The thing is that she is so modern.

aquesta maneta que no fa la funció que hauria de fer, no?

this handle that doesn't perform the function it's supposed to, right?



Sí, obre la porta, però ens costa.

Yes, open the door, but it’s hard for us.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

A dalt a l'escala

At the top of the stairs

no són molts pisos, potser són 16 o així.

there aren't many apartments, maybe there are 16 or so.

Han vingut gent nova

New people have come.

i jove, no diuen res.

And young, they say nothing.

Però, esclar, els antics

But, of course, the ancients

em passa com és una senyora

It happens to me how she is a lady.

i jo, que som grans,

and I, who are big,

i ho estan grans.

and they are big.

L'entenem, l'entenem molt bé, Pepa.

We understand her, we understand her very well, Pepa.

A veure si algú ens diu

Let's see if someone tells us.

a veure què costaria de fer canviar això

let's see what it would cost to change this

per part de l'administració de la finca.

on behalf of the property management.

No, perquè hem anat a la gestoria

No, because we went to the management office.

i ens han dit...

and they have told us...

Bueno, no m'han donat cap explicació.

Well, they haven't given me any explanation.

La veïna de dalt

The neighbor from above.

li ha anat...

it has gone...

Però per això truca, Pepa,

But that's why she calls, Pepa,

per això truca, suposo,

that's why he/she calls, I suppose,

per solucionar el tema, no?

to solve the issue, right?

Doncs a veure si algú té una manera

Well, let's see if someone has a way.

de poder canviar aquesta maneta

to be able to change this handle

a càrrec de l'administració de la finca.

at the expense of the property management.

Bueno, no,

Well, no,

a canvi d'això estem d'acord

in exchange for this we agree

que no volen canviar-la

that do not want to change it

perquè diu que no, no hi pot anar-hi.

because he says no, he can't go there.

Però això busquem ara una solució

But that is what we are now looking for a solution.

perquè es canviï.

so that it changes.

Perquè ho facin, eh?

So that they do it, huh?

Que tenim aquests amics de nit molt llestos, val?

That we have these very clever friends at night, okay?

D'acord, gràcies, Pepa.

Okay, thank you, Pepa.

Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you all.

A veure si algú li pot donar

Let's see if someone can give it to him.

una solució a la Pepa

a solution for Pepa

en un cas com aquest.

in a case like this.

Potser us hi heu trobat.

Perhaps you have encountered it.

I ara veig una nota de veu de la Mercè de Gràcia.

And now I see a voice note from Mercè from Gràcia.

Volia contestar a la senyora

I wanted to respond to the lady.

que demanava pel llibre aquest

that was asking for this book

de El dios de la lluvia

The god of rain

sobre México.

about Mexico.

Jo el vaig llegir de molt joveneta,

I read it when I was very young.

i em va agradar molt i tal.

and I liked it a lot and so on.

Però ara l'he buscat i ja no el tinc.

But now I have looked for it and I no longer have it.

L'he buscat, pensava que el tenia,

I searched for him, I thought I had him.

però no, ja m'ha desaparegut, no el tinc.

but no, it's already gone, I don't have it.

Llavors, aquest llibre,

Then, this book,

he vist que n'hi ha de segona mà,

I have seen that there are second-hand ones.

es pot comprar per dos euros, eh?

It can be bought for two euros, right?

De segona mà, internet.

Second hand, internet.

Ara, a aquesta senyora, si el que li agrada

Now, to this lady, if what she likes

és el tema que tracta aquest llibre,

it is the theme that this book addresses,

que és la conquista de Mèxic

What is the conquest of Mexico?

per Hernán Cortés,

for Hernán Cortés,

jo li recomanaria un altre

I would recommend another one.

que és més recent,

what is more recent,

perquè aquest és de l'any 39,

because this is from the year 39,

del 1939.

from 1939.

I jo li recomanaria un altre més recent

And I would recommend him another one that is more recent.

que es diu Azteca,

which is called Azteca,

que és d'un escriptor anglès,

that is by an English writer,

bueno, americà,

well, American,

i Gary Jennings,

and Gary Jennings,

i aquest és més, també parla exactament de lo mateix,

and this one is more, it also talks exactly about the same thing,

de la conquista de Mèxic

of the conquest of Mexico

per Hernán Cortés, i tota la història,

for Hernán Cortés, and all history,

bueno, tot, i és molt més complet,

well, everything, and it is much more complete,

perquè té documents, inclús documents

because it has documents, even documents

d'aquella època i tot això.

from that time and all of this.

Gràcies, Mercè, per aquesta resposta curada.

Thank you, Mercè, for this thoughtful response.

Gràcies a tots per fer possible aquest programa.

Thank you all for making this program possible.

Algú té resposta per a l'Aleix d'Esparreguera?

Does anyone have an answer for Aleix from Esparreguera?

Un cop acabada la Sagrada Família,

Once the Sagrada Família is finished,

quanta estona es passarà?

How long will it take?

Aguantarà el terreny, pregunta?

Will the ground hold, you ask?

I arriba el cap de setmana,

And the weekend arrives,

i arriba Yes Weekend.

And here comes Yes Weekend.

Yes Weekend, amb Sílvia Andrés.

Yes Weekend, with Sílvia Andrés.

Quina recorda la inoblidable Incendis de Wajim Mubat

What recalls the unforgettable Incendies by Wajim Mubat

amb la sempre meravellosa Clara Segura

with the always wonderful Clara Segura

dirigida per Oriol Brogi.

directed by Oriol Brogi.

Ara a la Biblioteca de Catalunya

Now at the Library of Catalonia

trobem Tots ocells,

we find all birds,

una altra obra del dramaturg canadè anglibanès

another work by the Anglo-Lebanese Canadian playwright

amb direcció de Brogi.

with direction from Brogi.

Una obra amb aquests ingredients?

A work with these ingredients?



No és possible.

It's not possible.

Quan una cosa es fa malament,

When something is done wrong,

quan una cosa es fa malament,

when something is done wrong,

quan una cosa així s'obre,

when something like this opens,

que se't torni a tancar de seguida

may it close on you again soon

i desaparegui per sempre de la teva vida.

and disappear forever from your life.

De nou ens trobem amb una peça de teatre

Once again we find ourselves with a play.

que reflexiona sobre la identitat,

which reflects on identity,

les ideologies polítiques,

political ideologies,

però també sobre l'amor.

but also about love.

Una jove parella s'enamora.

A young couple falls in love.

Ell és d'origen jueu, ella àrab.

He is of Jewish origin, she is Arab.

Un Romeu i Julieta dels temps actuals

A modern-day Romeo and Juliet.

amb el conflicte àrabe-irràlia de fons.

with the Arab-Iranian conflict in the background.

Els pares d'ell no accepten

His parents do not accept.

que el seu fill estigui amb la suposada enemiga.

that your son is with the supposed enemy.

Un fet tràgic farà

A tragic event will make

que els dos universos xoquin

that the two universes collide

i deixin al descobert

and leave it uncovered

tots els problemes, les intransigències

all the problems, the intransigences

i els secrets no confessats.

and the unconfessed secrets.

Moments de gran tensió,

Moments of great tension,

però també moments d'una tendresa enorme.

but also moments of enormous tenderness.





L'Eitan sempre ha tingut

Eitan has always had

el talent de sorprendre.

the talent of surprising.

Eitan, fill meu,

Eitan, my son,

ets la joia dels meus dies de bellesa,

you are the jewel of my beautiful days,

el meu regal de Déu,

my gift from God,

el meu tresor, el meu amor.

my treasure, my love.

Davant l'amor.

In the face of love.

No hi ha res a fer.

There's nothing to be done.

No pots dir que estimes qui estimes

You can't say that you love who you love.

sense entendre que això, per ell,

without understanding that this, for him,

és devastador.

It is devastating.

És una obra complexa

It is a complex work.

que té el seu gran valor

that has its great value

en els intèrprets,

in the interpreters,

des de Joan Carreras,

from Joan Carreras,

passant per Màrcia Cisteró

passing through Màrcia Cisteró

i acabant amb Guillem Ballart.

and ending with Guillem Ballart.

No podem destacar-ne un

We cannot highlight one.

per damunt dels altres,

above the others,

i tots estan brillants.

and all are bright.

Els dos joves actors, Ballart i Miriam Moules,

The two young actors, Ballart and Miriam Moules,

estan sensacionals com a parella.

They are sensational as a couple.

Química en estat pur.

Chemistry in its pure state.

L'he esperat com s'espera la mort.

I have waited for her like one waits for death.

Un dia arribarà.

One day it will arrive.

Però ja et pots preparar

But you can get ready now.

que quan arriba el moment

that when the moment arrives

no estàs preparat per res.

you are not prepared for anything.

I el mar mort

And the dead sea

me la passaré sencer després

I'll spend it all later.

quan deixeixi de lluny.

when I leave from afar.

Tots ocells enganxa.

All birds stick.

He d'avisar d'una cosa.

I have to warn you about something.

Us trobareu amb un muntatge

You will find yourself with a setup.

de 3 hores 30 minuts.

of 3 hours 30 minutes.

Si us espanta la durada,

If the duration frightens you,

potser aquest no és el vostre espectacle.

Perhaps this is not your show.

Ara, si voleu gaudir

Now, if you want to enjoy

d'una obra de teatre sense presses

of a play without rush

que desenvolupa una història

that develops a story

amb diferents matisos

with different nuances

i defensada per uns actorassos,

and defended by some great actors,

Tots ocells us espera

All birds await us.

a la Biblioteca de Catalunya.

at the Library of Catalonia.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

És la primera vegada que truco al programa.

This is the first time I call the program.

T'explico una mica.

I'll explain a little bit to you.

Sóc un jubilat de 80 anys,

I am an 80-year-old retiree.


former self-employed

que degut a unes intervencions de pròtesis

due to some prosthetic interventions

tinc reduïda la mobilitat.

I have limited mobility.

Llavors, tinc com a distracció

Then, I have as a distraction

una tele vella,

an old TV,



i un company em va instal·lar

and a colleague installed it for me.

un decodificador per poder veure

a decoder in order to be able to see

algun programa d'esports.

any sports program.

Llavors, el tema és el següent.

So, the topic is as follows.

Ara, he rebut una citació

Now, I have received a citation.

del 21 de Tarragona

of the 21 of Tarragona

que diu que m'he de presentar

that says I have to introduce myself

un acte de conciliació

a conciliation act

per una denúncia de part

for a complaint from a party

de la Lliga de Futbol Nacional

of the National Football League

i em diuen que

and they tell me that

des del 19 al 22 d'abril

from April 19 to April 22

he gravat partits de futbol

I have recorded football matches.

del Mundial

from the World Cup

i que he de pagar 450 euros

and I have to pay 450 euros

per dret d'imatge

for the right of image

quan jo no he vist mai

when I have never seen

ni un partit de futbol

not even a football match

ja que no m'agrada el futbol

since I don't like football

i també que m'acompanya un advocat

and also that a lawyer accompanies me

que l'ha visitat.

that has visited him/her.

L'etiqueta costa 300 euros.

The label costs 300 euros.

No sé en quin país de lladres

I don't know in which country of thieves.


I forget.

o què hem de fer.

or what we have to do.

Us truco per veure

I'm calling you to see.

si això, en aquest cas,

if this, in this case,

ha passat amb alguna persona més.

it has happened with someone else.

Perquè et dona la sensació

Because it gives you the feeling.

que és una estafa

what is a scam

o un timó o allò.

or a tiller or that.

O si no, va, ja en justícia tenim.

Or if not, come on, we already have justice.

Doncs feu molt bé de dir-ho

Well, you are very right to say it.

perquè potser algú s'hi ha trobat

because maybe someone has encountered it there

i ha tingut una manera de resoldre-ho

I have had a way to solve it.

que ho sigui útil a vos.

that it is useful to you.

Perquè imagino

Because I imagine

que és molt desagradable

that is very unpleasant

trobar-se ara en aquestes circumstàncies.

to find oneself now in these circumstances.

Doncs, Josep,

Well, Josep,

a veure què ens diran els oients.

let's see what the listeners will tell us.

Molt bé, Javier.

Very well, Javier.

Moltes gràcies

Thank you very much.

i els bons anys.

and the good years.

I que ho pugueu resoldre ben aviat.

And that you can resolve it very soon.

En el cas que avui no ho diguin

In the case that they don't say it today.

ho repetirem

we will repeat it

i diumenge per insistir.

And Sunday to insist.

Molt bé, doncs.

Very well, then.

Que vagi bé, Josep. Bona nit.

Take care, Josep. Good night.

Vinga, bon programa.

Come on, good program.



Si algú té resposta pel Josep

If anyone has a response for Josep.



i ara a Bonastre

and now to Bonastre

al Baix Penedès amb el Ramon.

in the Baix Penedès with Ramon.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Hola, bona nit.

Hello, good night.

Era per respondre aquella senyora

It was to respond to that lady.

que ha trucat ara

who has just called

que té un problema amb la maneta de la porta

who has a problem with the door handle

que li han ficat.

that they have put in him.

Aviam, això se suposa

Let's see, this is supposed to.

perquè això era la meva feina

because that was my job

quan treballava.

when I was working.

Bueno, era una de les coses.

Well, that was one of the things.

Suposo que li han ficat

I suppose they have put it in him/her.

un pom

a bouquet

perquè no tinc un porticó de vida.

because I don't have a porch of life.

Doncs si fiques una maneta normal

So if you put a normal handle.

resulta que el porticó

it turns out that the porch

no es pot obrir.

it cannot be opened.

Bé, hi ha diverses solucions

Well, there are several solutions.

per això.

for that.

Una podia ser

One could be

ficar una maneta

give a hand



per ficar una maneta

to put a handle on it

i que quedés vertical

and that it would remain vertical

mirant amunt o mirant avall.

looking up or looking down.

Alguna altra també

Someone else too.

que no caldria fer-hi res

that nothing would need to be done about it

si vol que obre per fora

if you want, open it from the outside

amb la...

with the...

amb la clau

with the key

també pot obrir per dintre.

it can also open from the inside.

Es caldria obrir per dintre

It should be opened from the inside.

i estirar-la amb el pom.

and pull it with the handle.

Per exemple,

For example,

llavors no caldria fer-hi res.

then there would be no need to do anything about it.

Una altra possible solució

Another possible solution

perquè, a veure,

because, let's see,

a vegades hi ha empanys

sometimes there are werewolves

que tenen la molla molt dura,

that have a very hard crumb,

molt forta

very strong

i llavors costa amb un pom.

and then it costs with a knob.

Amb una maneta es pot obrir bé

It can be opened well with a handle.

però amb un pom

but with a knob

i sobretot no passa res

And above all, nothing happens.

a vegades ni costa.

sometimes it doesn't even cost.

Jo m'hi he trobat.

I have found myself there.

Una altra possible solució

Another possible solution

seria això.

that would be it.


Put it in...

Sembla que s'ha aparat un polsador

It seems that a button has been pressed.

que se suposa que té polter electrònic

that is supposed to have electronic poltergeist

que apretant el polsador

by pressing the button

obre la pota

open the leg

i més cal estirar.

And more needs to be stretched.

Vull dir, m'enteneu?

I mean, do you understand me?

L'entenem molt bé, Ramon.

We understand it very well, Ramon.

L'entenem molt bé.

We understand her very well.

El problema que li hem ficat al pom

The problem we've put on the knob.

és perquè ja té un poltergop al dins.

It's because it already has a poltergeist inside.

Llavors, si fiques una moneta plana,

Then, if you put in a flat coin,

horitzontal, no la pot obrir.

Horizontal, it cannot be opened.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Té molt sentit.

It makes a lot of sense.

Llavors, clar,

Then, of course,

si ho fiquem amb una moneta

if we put it with a coin

que ve aquí...

what comes here...

Vull dir, vertical

I mean, vertical.

o amb una solució d'aquestes,

or with a solution like this,

jo m'hi he trobat

I have found myself there.

i hi ha solucions.

And there are solutions.

Són ganes de poder-ho fer.

It's a desire to be able to do it.

Aquest detall del posar la clau

This detail of putting in the key.

m'ha semblat molt assenyat.

It seemed very wise to me.

Poses la clau, obres

You insert the key, you unlock.

i estires el pol.

And you stretch the pole.

I no caldria fer-hi res.

And there would be no need to do anything about it.

Igual obres per fora, obres per dintre.

You open outside, you open inside.



Aleshores cal estirar el pol.

Then it's necessary to stretch the pole.

No cal girar-lo.

No need to turn it.

No estirar.

Do not stretch.

Mous amb la clau

Mice with the key

i després estires.

And then you stretch.



A veure si li servirà

Let's see if it will be useful to him.

alguna cosa.


A mi, personalment,

Personally, to me,

ja m'assembla molt,

I already look very much alike,

diguem que molt,

let's say that a lot,

molt traçut

very clever

tot el que dieu.

everything you say.

Bé, vull dir, a veure,

Well, I mean, let's see,

solucions n'hi ha.

There are solutions.

Clar, totes són

Of course, all are.

les voluntats de poder-ho fer.

the wills to be able to do it.



O d'entendre's, vaja.

Or to understand each other, I suppose.

Ramon, entenc

Ramon, I understand.

que la vostra oficina

that your office

ha estat aquest

it has been this

i parleu amb coneixement de causa.

And you speak with knowledge of the subject.

Sí, sí, des de veu.

Yes, yes, from voice.



Molt bé, bona nit.

Very good, good night.

Gràcies i bona nit.

Thank you and good night.

Doncs va,

Well, come on,

que tinc per aquí

What do I have around here?

una pregunta per Socar i Pat.

A question for Socar and Pat.

Diu així,

It says this,

l'aspecte físic d'una persona

the physical appearance of a person

és important per vosaltres?

Is it important to you?

Què en penseu?

What do you think about it?

Preguntes per Socar i Pat

Questions for Socar and Pat

amb Domènec Sobirà.

with Domènec Sobirà.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Avui us vull preguntar

Today I want to ask you.

si l'aspecte físic d'una persona

if the physical appearance of a person

és important per vosaltres,

it is important for you,

sobretot a l'hora de mantenir-hi

especially when it comes to maintaining it

una relació de parella.

a couple relationship.

Segur que tots estareu d'acord

Surely you will all agree.

que el més important d'una persona

what is most important about a person

és dins seu,

it is inside you,

que el més important

that the most important

no és la bellesa que es veu,

it is not the beauty that is seen,

sinó l'interior,

but the interior,

que deixar-se portar

to let oneself go

per la bellesa externa

for external beauty

pot ser una enganyifa.

it could be a trick.

Tot el que vulgueu,

Whatever you want,

però això

but this

és la guia d'allò

it is the guide to that

políticament correcte

politically correct

o esteu segurs

or are you sure

que funcioneu així?

Do you operate like this?

Quan us trobeu amb algú

When you meet someone

per primera vegada

for the first time

o fins i tot

or even

quan no és la primera vegada,

when it is not the first time,

la primera impressió que teniu

the first impression you have

no ve de la seva imatge?

Doesn't it come from its image?

Sigui quina sigui,

Whatever it may be,

que això és un altre tema.

that this is another topic.

I esteu segurs

And you are sure?

que això no influeix gens

that this has no influence at all

en tot el que pugui venir després?

and everything that may come afterwards?

D'una simple conversa

From a simple conversation

a una relació més estreta?

to a closer relationship?

I quan parlem de la imatge

And when we talk about the image

parlem de l'espectacle?

Shall we talk about the show?

De l'aspecte físic,

Of the physical appearance,

el que cadascú pugui considerar

what each person may consider

vell o lleig,

old or ugly,

però potser també parlem

but maybe we also talk

de la manera de vestir,

the way of dressing,

parlem de la gestualitat,

let's talk about gesturality,

parlem de la forma

let's talk about the shape

de parlar i de mirar?

of speaking and of looking?

Ho deixem tot al marge

We leave everything aside.

i ens estem esperant

and we are waiting for ourselves

a que l'altre deixi entreveure

to let the other catch a glimpse

una mica del seu interior,

a little bit of its interior,

de la seva essència?

of its essence?

No és important la imatge?

Is the image not important?


I ask.

Preguntes per sucar-hi pa.

Questions to dip bread in.

Què diríeu?

What would you say?

Això és la nit dels ignorants.

This is the night of the ignorant.

La nit dels ignorants 3.0

The night of the ignorant 3.0

Un programa de capçalera.

A flagship program.

Tinc dret a posar un vidre a la dutxa.

I have the right to put a glass in the shower.

La llei m'empara.

The law protects me.

Sentir-ho o no?

To feel it or not?

La llei m'empara.

The law protects me.

No la pillen, no, Xavier?

They don't catch her, do they, Xavier?

Bueno, mira...

Well, look...

Te n'explico un altre.

I'll tell you another one.

Sabe usted su mar?

Do you know your sea?

Sí, claro.

Yes, of course.

El Mediterráneo.

The Mediterranean.

¿Qué te pone?

What turns you on?

¿Sí o no?

Yes or no?

No la pilles tampoco, ¿no es?

You don't get it either, do you?



¿Qué te pone, no?

What turns you on, right?

Mira, és que és el començament,

Look, it's just the beginning,

que sempre estàs fred d'organisme.

that you are always cold in body.

Ah, bueno.

Ah, well.

A Catalunya Ràdio,

At Catalunya Ràdio,

la nit dels ignorants 3.0.

the night of the ignorant 3.0.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ben segur que us sona aquest tema,

I'm sure this topic sounds familiar to you,

el principal de la pel·lícula E.T. dirigida per Steven Spielberg

the main character of the movie E.T. directed by Steven Spielberg

i amb música del grandíssim John Williams.

and with music from the great John Williams.

Avui divendres a les 8 del vespre, al Palau de la Música Catalana,

Today, Friday at 8 PM, at the Palau de la Música Catalana,

atenció a la proposta barreja de Zimmer i Williams,

attention to the mixed proposal of Zimmer and Williams,

dos clàssics de l'audiovisual,

two classics of the audiovisual field,

amb la Royal Film Concert Orquestra,

with the Royal Film Concert Orchestra,

amb direcció de Fernando Forones.

with direction from Fernando Forones.

Aina Grau, bona nit.

Aina Grau, good night.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Es tocaran temes de grans pel·lícules com Missió Impossible,

They will play themes from great movies such as Mission Impossible,

El rei, E.O., Interstellar, Harry Potter, Parc Juràssic,

The king, E.O., Interstellar, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park.

Indiana Jones, Igla i The Editor, entre d'altres.

Indiana Jones, Needle and The Editor, among others.

Aquest cap de setmana també hi ha tres plats forts,

This weekend there are also three main dishes,

Santa Tecla, Tarragona, la Mercè, Barcelona, i la Misericòrdia, Reus.

Saint Tecla, Tarragona, the Mercè, Barcelona, and the Misericòrdia, Reus.

A Santa Perpètua, la festa dels 40 anys del bai de Gitanes,

In Santa Perpètua, the 40th anniversary party of the Gitanes dance,

hi ha en posta, i al Delta de l'Ebre arriba el Delta Birding Festival,

there is in the Ebro Delta, and the Delta Birding Festival is coming,

un festival de distingit programa d'activitats

a festival with a distinguished program of activities

acompanyat d'una fira de productes i serveis per a ornitòlegs

accompanied by a fair of products and services for ornithologists

i per a la gent que gaudeix de la natura en general.

and for people who enjoy nature in general.

I a Igualada arriba Fira Noia per potenciar el teixit econòmic

And in Igualada, Fira Noia arrives to boost the economic fabric.

de la comarca durant tres dies.

from the region for three days.

I ben segur que no seran poques les persones

I am sure there will not be few people.

que aprofitaran el cap de setmana per anar a buscar bolets.

that they will take advantage of the weekend to go mushroom picking.

Catalunya és una societat micòfila i, segons els entesos,

Catalonia is a mycophilic society and, according to experts,

la temporada es presenta engrescadora gràcies a les últimes pluges.

The season looks promising thanks to the recent rains.

A propòsit, busquem idees per al proper melós de Cori Mori.

On the subject, we are looking for ideas for the next sweet from Cori Mori.

Volem fer un plat que porti bolets

We want to make a dish that includes mushrooms.

i, de moment, només tenim una proposta,

and, for the moment, we only have one proposal,

que és la de la Maria Rosa de les Corts.

which is that of Maria Rosa from Les Corts.

Voldria recomanar, com un plat amb bolets,

I would like to recommend a dish with mushrooms,

el risotto amb ceps de temporada.

the seasonal mushroom risotto.

Risotto amb ceps de temporada.

Mushroom risotto with seasonal mushrooms.

Risotto amb ceps de temporada. Sona bé, eh?

Risotto with seasonal porcini mushrooms. Sounds good, right?

Té bona pinta.

It looks good.

Home, un risotto que queda aquell puntet que dius...

Man, a risotto that has that little touch that you say...

L'altre dia em van dir ceps amb una mica de foie a sobre,

The other day they told me mushrooms with a bit of foie on top,

una mica de sal.

a little bit of salt.

A mi el foie, la veritat, és tan greixós que...

To me, foie, the truth is, it's so fatty that...

Foie que no, eh? Foie que no.

Liver, right? Liver, right?

Foie que no, exacte.

Liver, no, exactly.

A mi és ben dit.

To me, it's well said.

A mi hi ha gent que li agrada molt, però, la veritat,

There are people who really like it, but the truth is,

el trobo massa empalagós, massa... m'acarrega massa.

I find it too cloying, too... it overwhelms me too much.

Si teniu propostes de plats amb bolets,

If you have proposals for dishes with mushrooms,

les podeu fer arribar a les vies habituals

you can send them to the usual channels

al correu ignorants arroba cat ràdio

to the ignorant email at cat radio

i a les xarxes associats i al WhatsApp del programa

and to the associated networks and the program's WhatsApp

al 667-220-148.

to 667-220-148.

Vinga, anem al foc.

Come on, let's go to the fire.

I aprofitant que hem rebut la visita de Sebastià Serrano,

Taking advantage of the visit from Sebastià Serrano,

veí il·lustre de Bellvis,

illustrious neighbor of Bellvis,

recuperem una pregunta de la Lola.

Let's revisit a question from Lola.

Si algú em podria dir qui va ser l'arquitecte

If someone could tell me who the architect was.

de l'estació de trens de Lleida.

from the Lleida train station.

De l'estació de trens de Lleida.

From the Lleida train station.

Si algú té una resposta, mira-la, trauríem del pou,

If someone has an answer, look for it, we would pull it out of the well,

cosa que sempre ja fa bé, ajuda.

something that always does good, helps.

El 932017474, a dos quarts i mitja dues, és tot vostre.

The 932017474, at one and a half past two, is all yours.

I estan provocant la guerra perquè la guerra és un negoci

And they are provoking the war because war is a business.

i guanyen més diners amb les guerres que fent pau.

They make more money with wars than by making peace.

Nàvia Golam,

Nàvia Golam,

la dona que va enganyar els talibans fent-se passar per un home,

the woman who deceived the Taliban by pretending to be a man,

és un símbol de la resistència de les dones a l'Afganistan.

It is a symbol of the resistance of women in Afghanistan.

Aquest divendres, Nàvia Golam passa per les Dones i els Dies.

This Friday, Nàvia Golam will appear on Women and Days.

Gairebé 20 anys després, com és la seva vida a Catalunya?

Nearly 20 years later, what is your life like in Catalonia?

Les Dones i els Dies, amb Montse Virgili.

The Women and the Days, with Montse Virgili.

De dilluns a divendres, de 9 a 10 del vespre.

From Monday to Friday, from 9 to 10 in the evening.

En molts pobles prehistòrics,

In many prehistoric villages,

el canibalisme va ser una pràctica molt comuna

Cannibalism was a very common practice.

que va jugar un paper fonamental espiritualment

that played a fundamental spiritual role

i com a font d'alimentació.

and as a power source.

En algunes cultures,

In some cultures,

l'antropofàgia era un acte d'amor i de compassió.

Anthropophagy was an act of love and compassion.

En altres circumstàncies d'extrema necessitat,

In other circumstances of extreme necessity,

el canibalisme també era acceptat

cannibalism was also accepted

per una simple qüestió de supervivència

for a simple matter of survival

o com l'acte final de cruents enfrontaments violents.

or as the final act of bloody violent confrontations.

En parlarem en el proper episodi de l'Enguàrdia,

We will talk about it in the next episode of Enguàrdia.

també disponible a la plataforma 3CAT.

also available on the 3CAT platform.

Enguàrdia, amb Enric Calpena.

Watch out, with Enric Calpena.

Aquest dissabte a les 3 de la tarda.

This Saturday at 3 in the afternoon.

Aquesta informació del programa Enguàrdia

This information from the Enguàrdia program.

m'ha fet pensar que nosaltres dilluns tornem a tenir,

It has made me think that we have it again on Monday.

serà en aquest cas el segon capítol,

it will be in this case the second chapter,

de la màquina del temps.

from the time machine.

Farem un viatge.

We will make a trip.

El primer va ser fa 80 anys, 26 d'agost del 44.

The first one was 80 years ago, August 26, 1944.

S'han complert ara fa unes setmanes a París,

They were fulfilled a few weeks ago in Paris,

quan entraven les tropes aliades

when the allied troops entered

i alliberaven la ciutat després de més de 4 anys

and they liberated the city after more than 4 years

sota la bota nazi.

under the Nazi boot.

I on anireu aquest dilluns?

And will you go this Monday?

Algú es pregunta.

Someone is asking.

Al descobriment del foc.

The discovery of fire.

Un milió i mig en el temps enrere.

One and a half million in the past.

Això serà un viatge amb la màquina.

This will be a journey with the machine.

Aquesta tenim una màquina que porta una força.

This one has a machine that carries a force.

Mentrestant anem a Lleida amb la Maria.

Meanwhile, let's go to Lleida with Maria.

Maria, bona nit.

Maria, good night.

Hola, bona nit.

Hello, good night.


Let's see.

Jo m'he quedat tan serenada

I have become so serene.

i tan relaxada de sentir el senyor Serrano.

And so relaxed to hear Mr. Serrano.

Que trobo estrany que no truquin a la gent per felicitar-lo.

I find it strange that they don't call people to congratulate them.

Però si no parem de rebre felicitacions.

But we can’t stop receiving congratulations.

Ai, escolti, és una meravella aquest senyor.

Oh, listen, this gentleman is a marvel.

És una meravella sentir-lo

It's wonderful to hear it.

i la bondat i tot el que desprèn quan parla.

and the kindness and everything it radiates when it speaks.

Bueno, jo ja dic, m'he quedat...

Well, I already said, I've stayed...

Això que s'ha perdit, no?

This that has been lost, right?

Avui fins i tot dormirà més bé, Maria.

Today even you will sleep better, Maria.



Sí, sí, és veritat, eh?

Yes, yes, it's true, huh?

És veritat que dormirem molt bé.

It's true that we will sleep very well.

A més que avui dia ja hem anat a Vallacerranes i tot.

Moreover, today we have already been to Vallacerranes and everything.

I és un poble molt bonic.

It is a very beautiful village.

I tinc una amiga, també.

I have a friend, too.

I m'ha agradat moltíssim de sentir aquest senyor

I have enjoyed listening to this gentleman very much.

perquè jo ja l'escoltava quan el veia,

because I was already listening to him when I saw him,

quan sortia a TV3, fa molts anys.

when it aired on TV3, many years ago.

I ara trobo estrany que no...

And now I find it strange that not...

no surti aquest senyor.

Don't let this gentleman out.

Home, ja té 80 anys...

Man, he is already 80 years old...

Però que diària, no anem tan lleugers per la vida.

But daily life, we don't go so lightly through life.

Bueno, jo en tinc 3 més i encara em sento...

Well, I have 3 more and I still feel...

Sí, ell també, però per segons quins compromisos, suposo que...

Yes, him too, but for certain commitments, I suppose that...

Sí, sí, això és veritat, és veritat.

Yes, yes, that is true, it is true.

Però, no sé, m'agradaria sentir-lo i...

But, I don't know, I would like to hear it and...

més sovint, aquest senyor.

more often, this gentleman.


Of course.



És que té una manera de parlar tan dolça i tan...

It's just that she has such a sweet way of speaking and so...



que compensa les coses.

that compensates for things.

Que diu...

What does it say...

És veritat tot el que he dit, eh?

Everything I said is true, right?

Mirar-te als ulls, l'amor...

Looking into your eyes, love...

Tot, tot.

Everything, everything.

Bueno, jo també li volia demanar...

Well, I also wanted to ask him...



Sobre aquell llibre que...

About that book that...

que va escriure el senyor doctor Manel Sánchez.

written by Mr. Doctor Manel Sánchez.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Que també vaig...

That I also go...

Jo el sentia a l'ofici de viure.

I felt him in the art of living.



I també et vaig quedar...

And I also stayed...

molt... molt feliç de sentir aquell senyor

very... very happy to hear that gentleman

tot el que explicava.

everything he/she explained.

De la mort, m'entén?

About death, do you understand me?



I m'agradaria sentir-lo una altra vegada aquí,

I would like to hear it again here.

que a vostè em sembla que ja el va invitar una vegada.

It seems to me that you have already invited him once.

Sí, i tant.

Yes, indeed.

I també va enviar una entrevista, també, no?

And he also sent an interview, right?



Doncs, si el pogués tornar a fer vendre...

Well, if I could sell it again...



Jo li estaria molt agraïda, perquè també...

I would be very grateful to him/her, because also...

Però ja sap que els pot anar escoltant amb internet.

But you already know that you can listen to them online.

No sé si navega, vostè, Maria.

I don't know if you sail, Maria.

No, no, jo no navego amb internet, ja.

No, no, I don't browse the internet anymore.



No tinc internet, m'entén.

I don't have internet, do you understand me?

D'acord, doncs prenem nota.

Alright, then we'll take note.



Que tingui bona nit.

Good night.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.



I de Lleida, l'Escorç, amb la Neus.

And from Lleida, the Escorç, with Neus.

Neus, bona nit.

Snow, good night.

Hola, bona nit.

Hello, good night.


Let's see.

Mira, jo proposava...

Look, I was suggesting...

Em sents?

Can you hear me?

Sí, sí, sí, ho sentim.

Yes, yes, yes, we’re sorry.

Jo proposava vedella amb bolets i castanyes.

I proposed beef with mushrooms and chestnuts.

Home, vedella amb bolets.

At home, beef with mushrooms.

Això és un clàssic total, eh?

This is a total classic, huh?

No, no, vedella amb bolets i castanyes.

No, no, beef with mushrooms and chestnuts.

Ah, però les castanyes potser és el que surten una mica del normal, no?

Ah, but maybe chestnuts are what stand out a bit from the norm, right?

Sí, suposo que sí.

Yes, I suppose so.

Vam fer...

We did...

L'últim que vam fer era amb castanyes, no hi havia bolets,

The last thing we did was with chestnuts, there were no mushrooms.

però a vostè li agrada molt la vedella amb bolets.

but you really like beef with mushrooms.

A mi m'agrada la vedella amb bolets i castanyes,

I like beef with mushrooms and chestnuts.

ara que és el temps...

now that it's time...

Bueno, d'aquí una mica serà el temps.

Well, in a little while it will be the weather.

I castanyes que ara, exacte, que ara arriben.

The chestnuts that now, exactly, are now arriving.



Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Però l'altre ja seria un fricandó normal.

But the other one would be a normal fricandó.

Exacte, que ve de fri i de candó, diuen.

Exactly, it comes from cold and cotton, they say.

Però això ja és una petita...

But this is already a little...

El cas és que apuntem la vedella amb bolets i castanyes.

The fact is that we are preparing the beef with mushrooms and chestnuts.

Està molt bé.

It's very good.

No sé si voleu dir alguna cosa més.

I don't know if you want to say anything else.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Bona nit a tots.

Good night to everyone.

Bona nit, bona nit.

Good night, good night.

No, no, ens agrada rebre idees, perquè...

No, no, we like to receive ideas because...

Aquí cuinarem, eh?

Here we will cook, right?

Ja ho veureu veure, que allà vam entrar aquella masia,

You'll see, we entered that farmhouse there.

escolta'm, amb el davantal,

listen to me, with the apron,

aquí, taca, taca, taca, taca.

here, spot, spot, spot, spot.

Vam fer en un moment donat un melting pot,

We created a melting pot at one point.

hi va haver un moment que va esquitxar tot,

there was a moment that splashed everything,

però, esclar, ja estàs preparat per això, també.

but, of course, you are already prepared for that, too.

I has de fer que fins i tot gires la cara d'aquella manera que dius,

You have to make it so that you even turn your face in that way you say,

home, què menys, què menys.

man, what less, what less.

Vinga, va, anem per feina,

Come on, let's get down to business.

que ara obrim el capítol de Famèdides,

that we are now opening the chapter of Famèdides,

i ve una cançó que m'agrada molt,

I have a song that I like a lot,

perquè va repetint...

because it keeps repeating...

Doctor, doctor...

Doctor, doctor...

A més, entra, va venint una música,

Moreover, a music is coming in.

que semblen com molles, no?

They look like crumbs, don't they?



Que estàs als llits elàstics.

That you are on the trampolines.

I arriba un punt, sobretot, eh?,

And there comes a point, above all, right?

si teniu algun familiar doctor,

if you have any family member who is a doctor,

li pots cantar.

you can sing to him/her.

Són els Thompson Twins,

They are the Thompson Twins.

i l'Alana Curí fa anys.

and Alana Curí years ago.

I saw you there

I saw you there.

Just standing there

Just standing there

And I thought I was only dreaming, yeah

I thought I was only dreaming, yeah.

I can't stop dreaming

I can't stop dreaming.

I kissed you then

I kissed you then.

Then once again

Llavors una altra vegada

You said you would come

You said you would come.

And dance with me

And dance with me.

Dance with me

Dance with me

Across the sea

A través del mar

We can feel the motion

Podem sentir el moviment.

Of a thousand dreams

Of a thousand dreams

Doctor, doctor

Doctor, doctor

Can't you see I'm burning, burning?

Can't you see I'm burning, burning?

Oh, doctor, doctor

Oh, doctor, doctor

Is this love a feeling?

Is this love a feeling?

Ships at night

Vaixells a la nit

Give such delight

Dona tal delícia

We all leave before the dawn

We all leave before dawn.

For the morning lights

For the morning lights

Please, don't go

Si us plau, no marxis.

For the morning lights

For the morning lights

Please, don't go

Sisplau, no marxis.

No, please don't go

No, si us plau, no marxis.

Cause I don't want to stay here on my own

Because I don't want to stay here on my own.

Doctor, doctor

Doctor, doctor

Can't you see I'm burning, burning

Can't you see I'm burning, burning?

Bona nit.

Good night.

Avui fa 67 anys l'Anna Joy Corri dels Tonson Twins,

Today marks 67 years since Anna Joy Corri of the Tonson Twins.

una banda dintre del tecnopop britànic

a band within British technopop

i que ens permet felicitar tothom que ha nascut un dia vint.

and that allows us to congratulate everyone who was born on the twentieth.

I era un record per les famílies que tenen algú

And it was a memory for families who have someone.

que va morir un dia com avui.

who died on a day like today.

Bona nit.

Good night.

És l'estudi Opus Tantus i és de Jan Sibelius,

It is the study Opus Tantus and it is by Jan Sibelius.

de Johann Julius Christian Sibelius,

by Johann Julius Christian Sibelius,

més conegut com a Jan Sibelius,

better known as Jan Sibelius,

que va néixer un dia com avui, del 57, a Ainola, a Finlàndia.

who was born on a day like today, in '57, in Ainola, Finland.

Tenien 98... 91 anys.

They were 98... 91 years old.

I ara Pablo Sarasate.

And now Pablo Sarasate.

Uns aires gitanos amb el violí d'en Sofí Matà.

Some gypsy airs with the violin of Sofí Matà.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

I cada nit estic aquí a punt.

And every night I am here ready.

Doncs va, Carme, tots junts cap al centenar.

Come on, Carme, all together towards the hundred.

Una abraçada ben gran.

A big hug.

Gràcies igualment. Adéu.

Thank you anyway. Goodbye.

Bon cap de setmana a tothom.

Have a great weekend everyone.

I que canti, Sinatra.

And let Sinatra sing.

Start spreading the news

Start spreading the news

I'm leaving today

I'm leaving today.

I want to be a part of it

I want to be a part of it.

New York, New York

New York, New York

These vagabond shoes

These vagabond shoes

Are longing to stray

Are longing to stray

Right through the very heart of it

Just through the very heart of it.

New York, New York

New York, New York

I want to be a part of it

I want to be a part of it.

I want to wake up

I want to wake up.

In a city that doesn't sleep

In a city that doesn't sleep

And find I'm king of the hill

I find I'm king of the hill.

Top of the heap

Top of the heap

These little town blues

These little town blues

Are melting away

Are melting away

I'll make a brand new start of it

Faré un començament totalment nou.

In a city that doesn't sleep

In a city that doesn't sleep

Oh, New York

Oh, New York

If I can make it there

If I can make it there

I'll make it anywhere

Faré qualsevol lloc.

It's up to you

It's up to you.

New York, New York

New York, New York

I want to wake up

I want to wake up.

In a city that never sleeps

In a city that never sleeps.

And find I'm A number one

I am a number one.

Top of the list

Top of the list

King of the hill

King of the hill

A number one

A number one

These little town blues

These little town blues

Are melting away

Are melting away

I'm gonna make a brand new start of it

I'm going to make a brand new start of it.

In old New York

In old New York

And now

And now

I'm gonna make a brand new start of it

I'm going to make a brand new start of it.

In old New York

In old New York

If I can make it there

Si puc fer-ho allí

I'm gonna make it

I'm going to make it.



It's up to you

It's up to you.

New York

New York

The Brand New York

The Brand New York

New York

New York





New York

New York







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