T2xC1 - Les dones perdudes

Catalunya Ràdio

L'última bruixa

T2xC1 - Les dones perdudes

L'última bruixa

Catalunya Ràdio. Catalunya Àudio. Som podcast.

Catalonia Radio. Catalonia Audio. We are podcast.

Era allà, darrere la porta.

It was there, behind the door.

I ja no hi és.

And he is no longer there.

Fuig! Fuig! L'hi he cridat.

Run! Run! I shouted to him.

Venia a buscar-me. Amb el pensament l'hi he cridat.

He came to pick me up. I called out to him with my thoughts.

Fuig! I ha fugit.

Run! And he/she has fled.

Ha pogut fugir. Del mal que la ronda,

She has been able to escape. From the evil that surrounds her,

que la busca, que la persegueix des de fa segles.

that seeks it, that has been pursuing it for centuries.

On ets ara?

Where are you now?

On t'has amagat?

Where have you hidden?

On et puc trobar?

Where can I find you?

Ha sonat. Jo l'he sentit.

It has rung. I heard it.

El timbre de la porta ha sonat, oi, Misha?

The doorbell has rung, right, Misha?

Sí, i tant que ha sonat. I quan he obert no hi havia ningú.

Yes, it certainly rang. And when I opened it, there was nobody there.



Només allà, a terra, davant de la porta, dues bosses de supermercat.

Only there, on the ground, in front of the door, two supermarket bags.



L'última bruixa.

The last witch.

Segona temporada.

Second season.

Episodi 1.

Episode 1.

Les dones perdudes.

The lost women.

Una cremó al clatell cada vegada més intensa

An increasingly intense burning in the nape.

i una mena de sensació estranya als budells.

And a kind of strange feeling in the guts.

I la Misha.

And Misha.

La Misha era a l'altra banda de la porta.

Misha was on the other side of the door.



Ens separava només una simple fusta.

We were separated by only a simple piece of wood.

He sentit la seva emoció,

I have felt her emotion.

la seva alegria,

her joy,

tan grossa com la meva.

as thick as mine.

Per fi, després de tant temps,

Finally, after so much time,

estàvem a punt de retrobar-nos.

We were about to meet again.

Ella i jo, juntes.

She and I, together.

Com abans.

As before.

Com abans que passés tot.

Like before everything happened.



Sí, he sentit la seva alegria primer

Yes, I have felt their joy first.

i com l'ha travessat una por ben fonda després.

and how a deep fear has crossed it afterwards.

Com un llempec.

Like a lightning bolt.



La paraula m'ha ressonat tan fort dins el cap que...

The word has resonated so strongly in my head that...

Fuig! Fuig!

Run! Run!

I no he pogut fer res més que córrer, córrer i córrer.

And I could do nothing but run, run, and run.

I els meus peus m'han portat fins aquí.

And my feet have brought me here.

Fins a un lloc on estaré protegida.

Until a place where I will be protected.

Protegida d'ell, però lluny d'ella un altre cop.

Protected from him, but far from her once again.

No és just.

It's not fair.

M'han dit que això és una mena de convent.

I've been told that this is a kind of convent.

És un convent? He preguntat.

Is it a convent? I asked.

No ben bé, però diguem que sí.

Not really, but let's say yes.

I deixen entrar homes aquí?

And do they let men in here?



I la dona que m'ha obert el gros portal m'ha assegurat que no.

And the woman who opened the big door for me assured me that no.

Que de cap manera.

In no way.

M'hi puc quedar uns dies.

I can stay there for a few days.



La casa de les egipciques.

The house of the Egyptians.

Segle XV.

15th century.

Em pregunta si sóc prostituta.

She asks me if I am a prostitute.



Te n'has penedit.

You have regretted it.



Ets prostituta però te'n penedeixes i ho vols deixar?

Are you a prostitute but regret it and want to quit?

No, no.

No, no.





Ets una dona adulta?

Are you an adult woman?



Ets pobra?

Are you poor?



Doncs no et podem acollir.

Well, we cannot accommodate you.

Em diu la majorala que m'han dit que és la que mana en aquest lloc.

The headwoman tells me that she has been told she is the one in charge in this place.

Si no ets ni prostituta, ni estàs penedida, ni ets boja, ni adultera, ni pobra, no pots...

If you are neither a prostitute, nor regretful, nor crazy, nor an adulteress, nor poor, you cannot...

Sóc prostituta, li he dit.

I am a prostitute, I told him.

Sóc prostituta, però em feia un no sé què dir-ho.

I am a prostitute, but I felt a certain something about saying it.

Em repassa amb la mirada i em diu...

She looks me over and says to me...

Mira-la, que fina que és ella.

Look at her, how refined she is.

Tenia vergonya.

I was embarrassed.

En quin bordell treballes?

Which brothel do you work in?

No sé què contestar. No els conec, els bordells de Barcelona.

I don't know what to answer. I don't know the brothels of Barcelona.

Vens del de Viladalls, de la Volta d'en Torra o del Canyet?

Do you come from Viladalls, from the Volta d'en Torra, or from Canyet?

Del... bordell del Canyet, li dic.

From... the Canyet brothel, I'm telling you.

I ella ho apunta tot molt ben apuntat en un llibre molt gros.

She writes everything down very well in a big book.

Podré sortir?

Can I go out?



Que sí, podré sortir d'aquí. Vull dir, sortir a donar un vol i tornar. Passejar.

Yes, I will be able to get out of here. I mean, go for a walk and come back. Stroll.

La majorala em mira, riu i m'engalta.

The forewoman looks at me, laughs, and teases me.

No et facis la ximple.

Don't play dumb.

Saps perfectament que des de després del dinar d'avui, dimecres sant, per si no ho recordes,

You know perfectly well that since after lunch today, Holy Wednesday, in case you don't remember,

fins a acabar de la missa del diumenge de Pasqua, heu d'estar tancades aquí.

Until the end of the Easter Sunday mass, you must stay locked up here.

És una ordre.

It is an order.

No fos cas que aneu escampant la temptació en aquests dies sants.

May it not be that you spread temptation during these holy days.

I no podré sortir ni una estona.

I won't be able to go out even for a little while.

No. I no et queixis que teniu les despeses pagades pel municipi.

No. And don't complain that your expenses are covered by the municipality.

Llit, llenya i menjar.

Bed, firewood, and food.



No he dit res.

I haven't said anything.



Mira, Mixa, qui ha comprat això volia fer una truita de patates.

Look, Mixa, the person who bought this wanted to make a potato omelette.

Què et passa? Per què em mires així?

What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like that?

No hi havia ningú? Les bosses no tenien amo.

Was there no one there? The bags had no owner.

Per això me les he quedat.

That's why I've kept them.

Pinso per gats. Ja no hauré de baixar a comprar-te'n. I dues, no?

Cat food. I won't have to go down to buy you some anymore. And two, right?

Tres llaunes d'aquestes que t'agraden tant

Three cans of these that you like so much.

Ah, no t'agraden?

Ah, you don't like them?

I tant que sí

Oh yes, absolutely!

Com si et conegués, miixeta

As if I knew you, cutie.

Com si em conegués

As if it knew me.

És clar que em conec

Of course I know myself.

Barcelona, segle XXI

Barcelona, 21st century

Una llimona, dos porros, una mica de julivert, tres mandarines

A lemon, two leeks, a little parsley, three mandarins.

No, no he trucat al pis del costat per preguntar si eren seves, és veritat

No, I haven't called the apartment next door to ask if they were theirs, it's true.

Pasta de dents, un raspall de... no?

Toothpaste, a toothbrush... right?

Dos? No, no, a veure

Two? No, no, let's see.

Un, dos, tres, quatre raspalls de dents?

One, two, three, four toothbrushes?

I això què és?

And what is this?

Un llevataps d'aquests moderns

A modern bottle opener.

No ha comprat vi, però sí un llevataps

He hasn't bought wine, but he has bought a corkscrew.

No hi he trucat perquè em fa por

I haven't called because I'm scared.

Ho reconec

I admit it.

No hi viu ningú, però tot d'una se senten aquests sorolls

No one lives there, but suddenly you can hear these noises.

Pasta pel caldo d'aquella tan fina, una coliflor, un tomàquet i dues llaunes de sardines

Paste for the broth of that fine one, a cauliflower, a tomato, and two cans of sardines.

No, aquestes no són per tu

No, these are not for you.

Com ho saps? Com ho saps que no són per mi?

How do you know? How do you know that they are not for me?

I un, dos, tres paquets d'agulles d'estendre

One, two, three packets of clothespins.

Què et passa, miixa? Sembla que estiguis enfadada

What's wrong, girl? You seem to be angry.

Vas trigar massa a obrir la porta i ella va haver de fugir

You took too long to open the door and she had to run away.

Per culpa teva

Because of you

És que no saps què has fet

It's just that you don't know what you've done.

No saps qui és

You don't know who he/she is.

No saps com d'important és, com d'important és per mi

You don't know how important it is, how important it is to me.

Qui compra tres paquets d'agulles d'estendre?

Who buys three packets of clothes pegs?

Algú que posa rentadores, no com tu

Someone who puts in washing machines, not like you.

Miixa, on vas? Per què marxes?

Miixa, where are you going? Why are you leaving?

No t'ho volia dir, però potser que et canvies el jersei, que ja toca

I didn't want to tell you, but maybe you should change your sweater, it's about time.

Que estàs de mal humor

That you are in a bad mood.

Això, no sé pas què fer-ne d'això

I don't really know what to do with this.

O vindrà a buscar algú?

Or will someone come to pick up?

M'ho quedo?

Should I keep it?

És que qui compra tres paquets d'agulles d'estendre?

Who buys three packets of clothes pegs?

I m'ha deixat entrar

She let me in.

D'aquí una hora al menjador gran per dinar

In an hour in the big dining room for lunch.

Després t'ensenyo on dormiràs

Afterwards I'll show you where you'll sleep.

I entro molt a poc a poc perquè els ulls encara no...

I enter very slowly because the eyes still don't...

No s'han acostumat a la foscor i gairebé no m'hi veig

They have not gotten used to the darkness and I can hardly see anything.

Atreveixo l'entrada

I dare the entry.

Xafardeja una mica la casa si vols i d'aquí una hora al menjador gran

Snoop around the house a little if you want, and in an hour in the big dining room.

Vaig cap endins a través d'un passadís

I go inward through a hallway.

D'un passadís molt llarg

From a very long corridor

No m'atreveixo a obrir cap de les portes que hi ha a banda i banda

I don't dare to open any of the doors on either side.

Com més avanço, més fa olor d'humit

The further I go, the more it smells of damp.

De tancat

Of closed.

Sento un crit darrere una porta i m'aturo

I hear a scream behind a door and I stop.

Però no l'obro

But I don't open it.

Deu ser on estan les malaltes

It must be where the sick are.

Perquè per sota la porta s'escapa una farum de...

Because a smell of... escapes under the door.

No sé explicar-ho bé

I can't explain it well.

Una barreja de xarop per la tos

A mixture of cough syrup.

I de cos en descomposició

And of decomposing flesh.

O potser no és tot el cos

Or maybe it's not the whole body.

Potser a la malalta només se li està podrint una cama

Perhaps the sick person is just having one leg rot.

O potser no només és una cama

Or maybe it's not just a leg.

O potser és una malalta

Or maybe she is a patient.

Sinó que n'hi ha moltes dins aquesta cambra

But there are many of them in this room.

I a cada una d'elles se li està podrint una part del cos

And in each of them, a part of their body is rotting.

Un dit, un braç, una orella

A finger, an arm, an ear

El nas, la llengua

The nose, the tongue

I ningú no vol entrar-hi aquí per por de contagiar-se

And nobody wants to enter here for fear of getting infected.

Estan soles

They are alone.

Si obro la porta

If I open the door

Totes s'abraunaran sobre meu

They will all embrace me.

Perquè les salvi tocant-me amb les seves mans podrides

Because they save me by touching me with their rotten hands.

Amb els seus braços

With his/her arms



Què et passa?

What's wrong with you?

Per què t'imagines coses horribles sense cap raó?

Why do you imagine horrible things for no reason?

Hauria d'obrir la porta

I should open the door.

I mirar de curar-les

And try to heal them.

Però no tinc les herbes aquí

But I don't have the herbs here.

Que què em passa?

What’s happening to me?

És haver estat tan a punt de retrobar-me amb la miixa

It's been so close to reuniting with myself.

Que fa que estigui així

What makes it like this?

Continuo passadís enllà

I continue down the hall.

Les bosses aquestes

These bags

I si són de qui sigui que viu al pis del costat?

And what if they are from whoever lives in the apartment next door?

Perquè si ho són, què faig?

Because if they are, what do I do?

Les torno a deixar al replà?

Should I leave them on the landing again?

I si no són seves?

And what if they are not yours?

I si ho són?

And what if they are?

Perquè si ho són i les tinc jo

Because if they are and I have them.

Es pensarà que les he robades

He will think that I have stolen them.

I em torturarà

It will torture me.

Sí, perquè això és el que he estat fent des que he arribat

Yes, because this is what I have been doing since I arrived.


Torture me

Psicològicament, sí

Psychologically, yes.



I si ara passen les tortures físiques?

And what if the physical tortures happen now?

Jo no sóc especialment fort

I am not particularly strong.

I menys que això

And less than that

I menys ara, confinat a casa

And less now, confined at home.

Que sí

Yes, indeed.

Que faig exercicis

That I do exercises.

Però no és el mateix que anar al gimnàs

But it's not the same as going to the gym.



I si em vol pagar?

And what if he wants to pay me?

O alguna cosa així?

Or something like that?

Jo no ho resistiré

I will not resist it.



El dolor...

The pain...

Jo amb el dolor no...

I don’t deal with pain...

Però si les bosses són d'ell

But if the bags are his.

O d'ella

Or of her

O de qui sigui que viu al pis del davant

Or whoever lives in the apartment in front.

Per què va trucar i va amagar-se

Why did he/she call and hide?

I va deixar les bosses al replà?

Did you leave the bags on the landing?

Potser és una trampa

Perhaps it's a trap.

És una trampa

It's a trap.

Ell sap que...

He knows that...

Vaig a deixar-les a fora

I'm going to leave them outside.

Allà on eren

Where they were

Com si no les hagués vist

As if I hadn't seen them.

Com si no les hagués agafat

As if I hadn't taken them.

Sí, faré això

Yes, I will do that.

Com si no hagués passat res

As if nothing had happened.

Què passa?

What's happening?

S'han callat la porta o què?

Did they close the door or what?

Ja sé què passa

I already know what happens.

És la cosa aquesta del pis de la porta

It's this thing about the apartment at the door.

El pis del costat que m'ha tancat aquí dins

The apartment next door that has locked me in here.

Perquè no pugui tornar les bosses al seu lloc

So that I cannot return the bags to their place.

I així em pugui castigar

And so I can be punished.

Mixa, vine

Mixa, come.

Sisplau, vine amb mi

Please, come with me.

Camino, giro a la dreta

I walk, turn to the right.

Ara a l'esquerra

Now to the left

Pujo dos esglaons i torno a anar cap a l'esquerra

I climb two steps and go towards the left again.

Allà al final se senten unes rialles

There at the end, some laughter can be heard.

Em persegueix l'olor de podridura

The smell of decay is chasing me.

O són imaginacions meves

Or is it just my imagination?

Ah, tinc ganes de vomitar

Ah, I feel like vomiting.

Que et trobes malament?

Are you feeling unwell?

La majorala

The forewoman

No, no, estic una mica dèbil i marejada

No, no, I feel a bit weak and dizzy.

No ho sé

I don't know.

No deus estar embarassada

You must not be pregnant.

Embarassada, jo?

Pregnant, me?

No, no, no, per això no pateixi

No, no, no, so don’t worry about that.

Vine, em diu

Come, he/she tells me.

Avui, com que és el teu primer dia

Today, since it's your first day.

I no et trobes bé

And you're not feeling well.

Dormiràs en una cel·la individual

You will sleep in a single cell.

Vine amb mi que te l'ensenyo

Come with me and I'll show you.

Pugem escales, baixem escales

We go up stairs, we go down stairs.

Girem per aquí, tombem per allà

We turn here, we turn there.

I quan ja m'he perdut del tot

And when I have completely lost myself

M'assenyala una porta

She points to a door.

És aquí

It's here.

L'obro i m'assec damunt del llit

I open it and sit on the bed.

Una finestra petita i alta

A small and tall window.

Una palangana

A basin

I una taula i una cadira

And a table and a chair.

La majorala segueix parlant

The forewoman continues speaking.

Des del llindar de la porta

From the threshold of the door

Però no l'escolto

But I don't listen to him/her.

He estat a punt de dormir

I was about to sleep.

He estat a punt de retrobar-me amb la miixa

I was about to meet up with my ex.

I no ha pogut ser

And it couldn't be.

Hem estat a un segon de veure'ns

We were a second away from seeing each other.

Si haguessin obert la porta més ràpid potser

If they had opened the door faster maybe

M'agradaria dormir

I would like to sleep.

Només això

Just this.



La vora de la faldilla llarga de la majorala

The edge of the long skirt of the matron.

Comença a moure's

Starts to move.

I de cop apareix entre els seus peus

And suddenly it appears at their feet.

Una rata que es dirigeix cap a mi

A rat that is heading towards me.

I s'amaga sota el llit

It hides under the bed.

Ella o no l'ha vista

She either hasn't seen it or she hasn't seen him.

O ja està en un llit

Oh, it is already in a bed.

Ella està molt acostumada

She is very used to it.

O ha fet veure que no la veia

Or he pretended not to see her.

Et vindré a buscar per anar a dinar

I will come to pick you up to go to lunch.

Em diu

He/She tells me.

I tanca la porta

And close the door.

Em queda un moment immòbil

I am left with a moment immobile.

Respiro profundament

I breathe deeply.

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Fins aquí dins arriba l'olor de carn

The smell of meat reaches up to here.

En descomposició


Té un punt de dolç

It has a touch of sweetness.


Do you know?

Es farà malgrat

It will be done despite.

El menjar es podrirà

The food will rot.

No puc obrir la malaïda porta

I can't open the damned door.

Ja sé per què ho fas

I already know why you do it.

Ja ho sé

I already know.

El menjar es farà malbé

The food will spoil.

Començarà a fer mala olor

It will start to smell bad.

I això s'omplirà de...

And this will be filled with...



M'encanta caçar rates

I love hunting rats.

Però no me les menjo

But I don't eat them.

No m'acaben de fer el pes

They don't quite meet my expectations.

Se'ns omplirà la casa d'escarbats

Our house will be filled with cockroaches.



Exacte, escarbats

Exactly, beetles.

Com ho sap que tinc fòbia als escarbats?

How do you know that I have a phobia of cockroaches?

És que no puc, no puc

I just can't, I can't.

No m'agraven gens

I don't like them at all.

Començaran a venir escarbats i escarbats

They will start to come beetles and beetles.

I entraran per sota la porta

They will enter through the door.

Hauré de posar-hi una tovallola ben enrotllada

I will have to put a well-rolled towel in it.

Perquè no puguin entrar

So that they cannot enter.

Em fan fàstic

They disgust me.

Mira, et parlo perquè em fas pena

Look, I’m talking to you because I feel sorry for you.

Encara estic enfadada amb tu

I'm still mad at you.

Perquè vas deixar-la marxar

Why did you let her go?

Però entraran, sí

But they will enter, yes.

Entraran perquè sempre ho aconsegueixen

They will get in because they always succeed.

I primer aniran cap a les bosses

And first they will head towards the bags.

On hi haurà el menjar podrit

There will be the rotten food.

Però després

But after

Conqueriran la cuina, el lavabo, el dormitori

They will conquer the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom.

El dormitori

The bedroom

No podré dormir

I won't be able to sleep.

Tancaré els ulls i començaran a pujar al llit

I will close my eyes and they will start to climb onto the bed.

I els notaré com em pugen pels peus, per les cames

And I will feel them climbing up my feet, up my legs.

I al mateix temps

And at the same time

Un, no

One, no

Dos, es passejaran per la meva cara

Two, they will stroll across my face.

I tinc ganes de vomitar

I feel like vomiting.

Tindrem una plaga d'escarbats

We will have a plague of beetles.

Per culpa meva

Because of me

Per què coi havia d'agafar les bosses?

Why the hell did I have to take the bags?

No, no deixaré que es podreixin

No, I won't let them rot.

Així res, ens ho menjarem, Mixa

So nothing, we'll eat it, Mixa.

I si la cosa del pis del costat

And what about the thing with the flat next door?

Em reclama les bosses

It asks me for the bags.

Ho compraré de nou

I will buy it again.

I Santes Pasques

Happy Easter

No he aconseguit treure la rata de la cel·la

I haven't managed to get the rat out of the cell.

S'ha col·locat allà a la cantonada

It has been placed there at the corner.

Sota el llit

Under the bed

I no hi ha manera

And there is no way.

I penso

I think

No sóc lluny de la Mixa

I am not far from Mixa.

Sóc a Barcelona

I am in Barcelona.

No sóc tan lluny del pis on viu

I am not so far from the apartment where you live.

Però ens separen

But they separate us.

Sis segles

Six centuries

Jo algun dia

I someday.

Tornaré al segle XXI

I will return to the 21st century.

Però i totes aquestes dones?

But what about all these women?



Prostitutes penedides

Repentant prostitutes

Boges, adultes, pobres

Crazy, adults, poor

Què passarà amb elles?

What will happen to them?

Me les miro i penso

I look at them and think.

D'aquí uns anys

In a few years

Molts anys

Many years

Això serà la biblioteca

This will be the library.

D'uns científics

Of some scientists


Tot de llibres

All of the books

Molt racionals

Very rational.

Molt ben col·locats

Very well positioned

En unes grans prestatgeries ben llargues

On some large, long shelves

I tot ple de senyors

And all full of gentlemen

I a aquests senyors tan racionals

And to these very rational gentlemen

Se'ls apareixeran els fantasmes d'aquestes dones

The ghosts of these women will appear to them.

Primer a un

First to one

Després a un altre

After to another

I a un altre

And to another one

Ells no diran res

They will not say anything.

No sigui cas que es pensin que creuen en fantasmes

Lest they think they believe in ghosts.

Però sense dir-ho

But without saying it.

Tots ells

All of them

Evitaran quedar-se sols a la biblioteca

They will avoid staying alone in the library.

I no sé què faran

I don't know what they will do.

Per això

That's why.

Si s'han de quedar quan ja és de nit

If they have to stay when it is already night.

Ho fan de dos en dos

They do it two by two.



Però no s'explicaran l'un a l'altre la seva por

But they won't explain their fear to each other.

Això mai

This never

Per sopar hi ha coliflor

For dinner, there is cauliflower.

No tinc gana

I'm not hungry.

No només la cuina

Not just the kitchen.

Tota la casa fa pudor de coliflor

The whole house smells like cauliflower.

I ell és allà

And he is there.

Com si fos un bruixot

As if he were a wizard.

I ell és allà

And he is over there.

Remenant l'olla

Stirring the pot

Truita de patata i coliflor

Potato and cauliflower omelette

Potser es pensa que aquesta olor

Perhaps you think that this smell

El defensarà del mal

He will defend her from evil.

I no

And no

El mal

The evil

Està molt acostumat a la pudor

He is very accustomed to the smell.

Tornaràs i jo t'estaré esperant

You will return and I will be waiting for you.

Tinc molta paciència

I have a lot of patience.

La fotografia de Pep Salvat

The photograph of Pep Salvat.

Grafisme de Lídia Sardà

Graphic design by Lídia Sardà

Una proposta de Cabuts

A proposal from Cabuts

Amb la col·laboració d'ICAT

With the collaboration of ICAT.

L'emissora cultural de Catalunya Ràdio

The cultural broadcaster of Catalunya Ràdio

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