No hi vam arribar a temps

Catalunya Ràdio

Comarcal 947

No hi vam arribar a temps

Comarcal 947

Catalunya Ràdio. Catalunya Àudio. Som podcast.

Catalonia Radio. Catalonia Audio. We are podcast.

Ara ja fa 10 anys que visc al Pirineu.

I have been living in the Pyrenees for 10 years now.

En tot aquest temps he fet molts quilòmetres i he passat per moltes carreteres,

During all this time I have traveled many kilometers and have gone through many roads,

però mai ho havia pogut veure des de dalt, des de l'aire.

but I had never been able to see it from above, from the air.

Fins que, el 2021, es va estrenar un vol semanal

Until 2021, a weekly flight was launched.

que connecta l'aeroport de la Seu d'Urgell amb Madrid.

that connects the airport of La Seu d'Urgell with Madrid.

Cada divendres i diumenge hi haurà un vol directe d'anada i tornada

Every Friday and Sunday there will be a direct round trip flight.

entre la Seu i Madrid.

between the Seu and Madrid.

Un vol històric pel Pirineu

A historic flight over the Pyrenees

i que no es podia perdre el tradicional bateig dels bombers.

and that the traditional baptism of the firefighters could not be missed.

Doncs jo, clar, cap allà que vaig anar.

Well, of course, that's where I went.

El vol es fa amb un avió petit d'unes 70 places

The flight is done with a small plane of about 70 seats.

i jo vaig poder seure a finestreta.

And I was able to sit at the window.

I és curiós perquè des d'allà veia tot aquell paisatge,

And it is curious because from there I could see all that landscape,

aquelles rutes que jo conec a peu de carretera,

those routes that I know at the roadside,

però vistes des de dalt.

but seen from above.

Si mires cap avall vas veient la Seu d'Urgell,

If you look down, you can see Seu d'Urgell,

Urganyà, Coll de Nargó,

Urganyà, Coll de Nargó,

però si aixeques la mirada,

but if you lift your gaze,

al voltant hi ha tot un paisatge com un mar de bosc i de muntanyes

surrounding there is an entire landscape like a sea of forest and mountains.

i allà enmig, si t'hi fixes, veus petits pobles,

and there in the middle, if you look closely, you see small villages,

grups de cases com nuclis aïllats enmig de la muntanya

groups of houses like isolated nuclei in the middle of the mountain

i penses, uau, però tot això què és?

And you think, wow, but what is all this?

Qui deu viure allà?

Who must live there?

O com s'ho faran si un dia passa alguna cosa?

Or how will they manage if something happens one day?

Perquè, clar, si estàs tan aïllat, si vius tan lluny de tot,

Because, of course, if you are so isolated, if you live so far from everything,

no sé si una ambulància, per exemple,

I don't know if an ambulance, for example,

no sé si en cas d'emergència podria arribar-hi a temps.

I don't know if I could make it in time in case of an emergency.

Comarcal 947

Regional 947

La vida fora de la ciutat

Life outside the city

Amb Eloi Barrera

With Eloi Barrera

Montant de Tost és un nucli amb una dotzena de cases

Montant de Tost is a locality with a dozen houses.

a la comarca de l'Alt Urgell, al Pirineu.

in the region of Alt Urgell, in the Pyrenees.

És un poblet remot, tranquil i solitari

It is a remote, tranquil, and lonely little village.

a 1.100 metres.

at 1,100 meters.

Un poblet petit, al cap de munt d'una muntanya,

A small village, at the top of a mountain,

mig perduts, però molt verd tot, molt maco,

half lost, but very green everywhere, very beautiful,

les cases molt escampades, molt bosc,

the houses very scattered, a lot of forest,

no sé, maco, tranquil, molt tranquil.

I don't know, nice, calm, very calm.

Quanta gent viu normalment a muntar entre setmana?

How many people usually live in Muntanya during the week?

10 o 11 persones fixos aquí

10 or 11 permanent people here

i al cap de setmana poquets més, vull dir que poca gent pugen.

And on the weekend, very few people go up, I mean very few people.

No és un poble de turisme,

It is not a tourist town,

no hem tingut mai,

we have never had,

turistes, no.

Tourists, no.

Millor, eh?

Better, eh?

Més tranquils que estem.

More tranquil than we are.

L'Ima Salvador és del poble de tota la vida.

Ima Salvador is from the village for all her life.

Ens hem assegut a xerrar en un padrís de la plaça,

We have sat down to chat on a bench in the square,

darrere de l'església i al costat de l'antiga escola.

behind the church and next to the old school.

Al davant hi tenim una granja de vaques

In front of us, there is a dairy farm.

de la seva família i al fons

of her family and in the background

s'hi veuen prats de pastura i més muntanyes.

There are pastures and more mountains.

És molt tranquil.

It is very peaceful.

Jo el que faig, com que tenen una granja

What I do, since they have a farm.

amb una explotació de llet,

with a dairy farm,

tenim moltes vaques per allà,

we have many cows over there,

i per la muntanya,

and through the mountain,

i, doncs, rodo molt cap amunt, cap avall,

And so, I roll a lot up and down,

que si els ve d'ells, que si les vaques...

that if it comes from them, that if the cows...

L'entorn és bucòlic i tranquil,

The environment is bucolic and tranquil,

però arribar fins a muntany és una petita odissea.

but getting to the mountains is a little odyssey.

El poble és dalt de tot d'una muntanya,

The village is at the top of a mountain,

al capdamunt d'un congost.

at the top of a gorge.

A baix al fons hi ha el riu Segre

At the bottom, there is the Segre river.

i, des d'allà, si mires cap amunt,

and, from there, if you look up,

s'aixeca una muntanya molt alta, molt vertical,

a very tall, very vertical mountain rises up,

i allà dels 600 metres més amunt

and up there over 600 meters

és on hi ha el poble de muntany.

it is where the village of Muntany is located.

I si tu mires ara que hi ha tantes fotografies d'aeres,

And if you look now that there are so many aerial photos,

sobretot de l'avió que passa cap a Madrid i tal,

especially the plane that is heading towards Madrid and such,

i, doncs, que estem al capdamunt d'un turó,

and, therefore, that we are at the top of a hill,

i seria com una base, com una boca de volcà, saps?,

It would be like a base, like a volcano mouth, you know?

una cosa curiós, perquè tenim penya per tots els voltants,

a curious thing, because we have people all around.

el riu que passa per allà, l'altre que passa per allà...

the river that passes by there, the other that passes by there...

És curiós, vist des de dalt, és molt curiós i bonic.

It's curious, seen from above, it's very curious and beautiful.

Saps què a mi em va passar? Vaig agafar l'avió a Madrid...

Do you know what happened to me? I took the plane in Madrid...

Ah, ja ho vas veure.

Ah, you already saw it.

I flipava, i, de fet,

I was amazed, and, in fact,

una part del motiu pel qual estic fent aquest reportatge

part of the reason I am making this report

em va venir allà, perquè veia casetes i granges,

he came there because he saw little houses and farms,

aïllades, i pensava, hòstia, si algú ha de pujar aquí dalt...

isolated, and I was thinking, damn, if someone has to come up here...

I no només això, però, bueno, sí que...

And not only that, but, well, yes...

No, no, és que és veritat, és que queda amunt, queda alt,

No, no, it's true, it stays up, it stays high.

però per nosaltres és un pim-pam, perquè és l'acostum de pujar i baixar.

but for us it's a breeze, because it's the routine of going up and down.

Vist des de l'aire, aquest aïllament i aquesta solitud del poble

Seen from the air, this isolation and this solitude of the village.

es perceben encara més.

they are perceived even more.

I això de pujar en un pim-pam que diu l'Emma, res de res, eh?

And this about going up in a jiffy, as Emma says, nothing at all, right?

El camí és complicadíssim.

The path is extremely complicated.

És una carretera estreta, de 12 quilòmetres,

It's a narrow road, 12 kilometers long.

i més de 600 metres de desnivell, fa molta pendent,

and more than 600 meters of elevation gain, it has a steep slope,

allò que, si tens vertigen, millor que no miris cap avall.

What, if you have vertigo, it's better not to look down.

I té molts rebols, rebols d'aquests de ferradura o de paella.

And it has many coins, those kind of coins like a horseshoe or a frying pan.

De fet, als ciclistes i als motoristes els encanta.

In fact, cyclists and motorcyclists love it.

Mira, si vas a YouTube i poses muntant de tost, ja ho veuràs.

Look, if you go to YouTube and search for "muntant de tost," you'll see.

Estoy en la carretera LV4001,

I am on the road LV4001,

una carretera que sube hasta montant de tost.

a road that climbs up to Montant de Tost.

Que tiene 9 kilómetros de recorrido con 18 curvas cerradas.

It has a 9-kilometer route with 18 tight turns.

La verdad es que el paisaje merece la pena.

The truth is that the landscape is worth it.

Es un tramo precioso de paisajes de altura.

It's a beautiful stretch of high landscapes.

Yo me llevé la sorpresa

I was surprised.

de que está todo lleno de grava.

that everything is full of gravel.

Bueno, algún ciclista que otro que entrena sus fuertes piernas

Well, some cyclist or another is training their strong legs.

y disfruta del paisaje como nosotros.

and enjoy the scenery like we do.

Són 12 quilòmetres amb 18 curves de paella, que li'n diuen.

It's 12 kilometers with 18 hairpin turns, as they call it.

De 360 graus, no?

360 degrees, right?

Però la gent que pugen et diuen,

But the people who climb tell you,

buah, quina carretera, perquè, a més a més, hi ha tot el penya-segat,

Wow, what a road, because, moreover, there is all the cliff,

hi ha hagut accidents que s'han matat gent, han caigut per baix...

There have been accidents that have killed people, they have fallen down...

Però la carretera no és l'únic inconvenient de viure a muntant de tost.

But the road is not the only drawback of living uphill.

Lo que és cobertura de mòbil, anem fatal.

As for mobile coverage, we're doing terribly.

Cap antena, saps? Cap companyia.

No signal, you know? No company.

Es vol... no et fiquen res.

They want... they don't put anything in you.

Llavors anem com anem.

Then we are as we are.

Perquè, a la millor, estic allí, tinc cobertura,

Because, at best, I am there, I have coverage,

i aquí no tinc cobertura ni una mica.

And here I have no coverage at all.

A dins de casa no tenim cobertura.

Inside the house, we don't have coverage.

A dins de casa llavors anem amb wifi, tota la punyeta aquesta.

Inside the house then we use wifi, all this hassle.

Però és una miqueta rollo.

But it's a bit boring.

Amb aquest panorama, quan hi ha una urgència, un problema greu,

With this scenario, when there is an urgency, a serious problem,

una emergència mèdica, doncs la cosa es complica.

a medical emergency, so things get complicated.

Ho tenim molt lluny, eh?

We have it very far away, huh?

Clar, és mitja hora, tres quarts de baixar.

Of course, it's half an hour, three quarters to go down.

Si tens alguna emergència mèdica,

If you have any medical emergency,

també has de córrer o trucar i que pugin,

you also have to run or call and have them come up,

però quan arriben aquí potser ja estàs pajarito.

but when they arrive here you might already be a little tipsy.

Ens puja el metge un cop al mes.

The doctor comes to see us once a month.

Un cop al mes?

Once a month?

Un cop al mes.

Once a month.

Però bueno, tenen assignat així i ell puja un cop al mes.

But well, they are assigned like that and he goes up once a month.

Bueno, per mirar, per fer receptes,

Well, to look at, to make recipes,

gent que no poden baixar pel que sigui,

people who cannot go down for whatever reason,

o els va més bé aquí perquè es venen a mirar la pressió,

or they find it better here because they come to check their pressure,

els miren, jo què sé, si tenen alguna dolència...

They look at them, I don’t know, if they have any ailments...

Però vull dir que si tens un problema has d'anar tu.

But I mean that if you have a problem, you have to go yourself.

I res, estem acostumats.

And nothing, we are used to it.

Si són coses que es poden solventar,

If they are things that can be resolved,

però hi ha algun cas que dius, aquí ens perdem.

but there are some cases where you say, here we get lost.

Quan diu això que aquí ens perdem,

When it says that here we get lost,

l'Imma està pensant en el que va viure aquí a Montant de Tost

Imma is thinking about what she experienced here in Montant de Tost.

un matí d'hivern poc abans de la pandèmia.

A winter morning shortly before the pandemic.

Després hi tornarem.

We'll go back to it later.

Deixem el Pirineu i ara anem cap a l'interior de Girona.

We leave the Pyrenees and now we head towards the interior of Girona.

Sant Hilari Sacalm és un poble envoltat de boscos i de rius

Sant Hilari Sacalm is a town surrounded by forests and rivers.

enmig del massís de les Guilleries.

in the midst of the Guilleries massif.

Això és entre Osona i la selva.

This is between Osona and La Selva.

Està a uns 800 metres d'altitud i té molt bones vistes.

It is at an altitude of about 800 meters and has very good views.

Fins i tot es veu el Montseny.

You can even see Montseny.

Sant Hilari ja no és un nucli remot enmig del no-res,

Sant Hilari is no longer a remote center in the middle of nowhere,

això és un poble gran, de gairebé 6.000 habitants,

this is a large town, with almost 6,000 inhabitants,

però també per moltes coses han d'agafar el cotxe.

but also for many things they have to take the car.

Ells han d'anar a Girona, que és on hi ha tots els serveis.

They have to go to Girona, which is where all the services are.

I no els queda massa a prop, tenen uns 45 quilòmetres.

And it's not too far from them, they have about 45 kilometers.

Tema de compres.

Shopping topic.

Aquí a Sant Hilari, tristament, el comerç està molt fluixet.

Here in Sant Hilari, sadly, the business is very weak.

I qualsevol cosa que necessiti, ja des de coses,

And anything you need, ever since things,

coses per l'escola dels nens, roba dels nens, el que sigui,

things for the children's school, children's clothes, whatever.

necessites desplaçar-te.

you need to move.

Si et vols anar a un cine mateix, o a un teatre,

If you want to go to a cinema or a theater,

o qualsevol cosa, espectacle, una mica d'oci, diversió, has de sortir.

or anything, a show, a bit of leisure, fun, you have to go out.

Aquí hem de baixar fins, agafar la carretera que baixa fins a Erbússies,

Here we have to go down to take the road that leads down to Erbússies.

sortir llavors a l'Eix Transversal, direcció Girona.

then exit onto the Eix Transversal, heading towards Girona.

D'aquí fins a baix a l'Eix Transversal és una mica complicat,

From here down to the Eix Transversal is a bit complicated,

perquè hi ha moltes corbes.

because there are many curves.

És bona carretera, però hi ha moltes corbes i no pots córrer.

It's a good road, but there are a lot of curves and you can't go fast.

No pots córrer.

You can't run.

A vegades, si marxes a la nit, et surt ja un senglar, qualsevol cosa.

Sometimes, if you leave at night, you might see a wild boar, or anything really.

Pots fer una esllevissada, qualsevol cosa, pots trobar-te.

You can have a slip, anything, you can find yourself.

Has de marxar, tens lluny qualsevol hospital així més proper,

You have to leave; any hospital is far away, so this one is closer.

el tens mínim a Girona, 40 minuts.

You have at least 40 minutes in Girona.

Són la Raquel Gómez i el Xavi Gros.

They are Raquel Gómez and Xavi Gros.

Ell és d'Erbússies de tota la vida,

He is from Erbússies his whole life.

i ella hi va arribar de petita amb els seus pares.

And she arrived there as a child with her parents.

L'any 2012 van tenir un nen, en Nil, i el 2016 esperaven un segon fill.

In 2012 they had a son, Nil, and in 2016 they were expecting a second child.

I aquí és on comença aquesta història.

And here is where this story begins.

Era un dimecres, 24 d'agost, a quarts d'una de la nit.

It was a Wednesday, August 24th, at quarter to one in the morning.

Jo em vaig despertar a les 12 i mitja o així, més o menys,

I woke up at around 12:30 or so.

perquè havia d'anar a fer un pipi, com típic,

because I had to go take a pee, like usual,

i just allà em va donar la primera contracció.

Right there I had my first contraction.

Això eren les 12 i alguna cosa, ja et dic, de la matinada.

It was around 12-something, I'm telling you, in the early morning.

12 i mitja, 12 i quarts, 12 i mitja.

12:30, 12:15, 12:30.

I em va venir una contracció, però molt forta.

I had a contraction, but it was very strong.

O sigui, de cop, eh?

So, all of a sudden, huh?

Una contracció que va durar molt.

A contraction that lasted a long time.

I dic, ui, que raro, no?

I say, wow, how strange, right?

Bueno, aviam què passa.

Well, let's see what happens.

Però és que al cap de dos minuts així, em venia una altra.

But after two minutes like that, another one was coming to me.

Una altra de moment.

Another one for the moment.

Estava un minut i pico de llarg.

It was a minute and a bit long.

I dic, madre, allà vaig dir, que això va en sèrio?

I said, mother, there I said, is this for real?

Va en sèrio?

Are you serious?

I què passa tan ràpid i tan seguit?

And what happens so quickly and so often?

I vam marxar pitant.

And we left hurriedly.

O sigui, agafant les quatre coses justes i...

So, taking just the right four things and...

La Raquel encara no havia sortit de comptes.

Raquel had not gone into labor yet.

Li quedava ben bé una setmana,

He had about a week left,

i res feia pensar que hi pogués haver un ensurt.

And nothing made me think that there could be a scare.

Sí, la tarda estàvem passejant tranquil·lament per aquí al poble,

Yes, in the afternoon we were walking peacefully around here in the village,

com aquell carrer.

like that street.

Estàvem allò xerrant amb la gent, i com allò, i com estàs, com allò.

We were just chatting with people, and how about this, and how are you, and so on.

I quan acabes, i aquí, i això.

And when you finish, and here, and this.

I a la nit, de cop i volta...

And at night, all of a sudden...

Però superràpid, eh?

But super fast, right?

Molt ràpid, molt, molt.

Very fast, very, very.

És que ni tens de dutxar, de res.

You don't even have to shower, nothing at all.

Van agafar el cotxe i van marxar corrents cap al seu hospital,

They took the car and rushed to their hospital.

al Santa Caterina, al costat de Girona.

to Santa Caterina, next to Girona.

Des de Sant Hilari els queda a uns 45 quilòmetres.

From Sant Hilari it is about 45 kilometers away.

El Xavi accelerava per aquella carretera enmig de les guilleries,

Xavi was speeding down that road amidst the twists and turns,

i la Raquel, el seguint del copilot, amb un dolor insuportable.

And Raquel, following the copilot, with unbearable pain.

Un mal horrorós.

A terrible horror.

Sí, sí, és que cada minut i pico em venia una contracció.

Yes, yes, every minute or so I was getting a contraction.

I horroroses, perquè en el cotxe es passen fatal.

It's horrifying because they have a terrible time in the car.

Havia d'estar ficant de genolls,

I had to be kneeling,

agafant-me en el seient,

taking me in the seat,

i ell anava tirant tot lo ràpid suposo que podia,

and he was going as fast as I suppose he could.

que n'hi ho sé, ja.

I don't know what to say, really.

Sí, sí, jo anava...

Yes, yes, I was going...


Super nervous.

Intentant anar lo ràpid que podia, i avall.

Trying to go as fast as I could, and down.

Era cada corba de la carretera,

It was every bend of the road,

que ella para, para, que no puc, que no aguanto, que no aguanto.

Stop it, stop it, I can't, I can't take it, I can't take it.

Jo anava dient, intenta aguantar, intenta aguantar, intenta aguantar...

I kept saying, try to hold on, try to hold on, try to hold on...

Com si jo pogués, aguant...

As if I could, hold on...

Que ja arribem.

We are almost there.

Va arribar un punt que vaig...

There came a point where I...

Sí, sí, vaig obligar a parar.

Yes, yes, I forced him to stop.

Para, para, ja que surt.

Stop, stop, it's coming out.

I va ser parar el cotxe allà a la coneta,

It was to stop the car there at the corner.

a trucar al 112, en aquell moment sí que vam trucar.

we called 112, at that moment we did call.

Vaig dir, truca al 112.

I said, call 112.

Ja havíem fet un bon tros de camí cap a l'hospital,

We had already traveled a good distance towards the hospital,

però la situació era insostenible.

but the situation was unsustainable.

El Xavi va frenar i va aturar el cotxe al voral, enmig d'una recta.

Xavi braked and stopped the car on the shoulder, in the middle of a straight stretch.

L'eix transversal, direcció Girona, a l'alçada de Bilobidunyà.

The transversal axis, direction Girona, at the height of Bilobidunyà.

On hi ha just la senyal del radar, que indica el radar.

There is just the radar signal, which indicates the radar.

Perquè me'n recordo que quan...

Because I remember that when...

A 200 metres hi havia el radar.

The radar was 200 meters away.



Dils i dels nervis, saps?

Tell me about the nerves, you know?

On estàvem.

Where were we?

On hi ha la senyal del radar.

There is the radar signal.

Pel camí no hi havia cap poble, cap bar, cap gasolinera oberta.

Along the way, there was no village, no bar, no gas station open.

Només la carretera.

Only the road.

Des d'allà van trucar al 112 per donar-los l'ubicació

From there, they called 112 to give them the location.

i avisar-los de l'emergència.

and inform them of the emergency.

Llavors vam trobar més capes d'explicar-los que ens havíem passat,

Then we found more layers to explain to them that we had gone overboard.

que ens havíem hagut de parar aquí a l'eix transversal,

that we had to stop here on the transversal axis,

a tal alçada,

at such a height,

i que ens...

and that we...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ens deixien anar a dins del cotxe,

They let us go inside the car.

a veure si podia venir una ambulància,

let's see if an ambulance could come,

ajudant-nos, que estàvem aquí parats.

helping us, as we were stuck here.

Llavors van dir...

Then they said...

Sí, van dir això.

Yes, they said that.

I que bé, ja, i hem hagut de parar.

And how nice, yes, and we had to stop.

I ja està.

And that's it.

No va dir gran cosa més on estàvem ubicats.

He didn't say much more about where we were located.

Que jo recordi, ells em van dir, diu,

As far as I remember, they told me, he says,

ara, així és que podem, us n'enviem una.

Now, so we can, we will send you one.

I així va ser.

And so it was.

El 112 es va posar en marxa i els va enviar una ambulància.

The 112 was activated and sent them an ambulance.

Ells, mentrestant, aturats al voral de la carretera, totalment sols.

They, meanwhile, stopped at the roadside, completely alone.

A la un i pico de la matinada.

At a little past one in the morning.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

En ple mes d'agost.

In the middle of August.

Que no hi havia ningú.

That there was no one.

Passaven els quatre camions que van...

The four trucks that were passing...

I ja està, ja està.

And that's it, that's it.

Nosaltres ja...

We already...

A l'asseguda del copilota, diguéssim, no d'això,

In the passenger seat, let's say, not that,

però estava de genolls.

but was on his knees.

De genolls i d'esquenes, i jo m'agafava el respatller.

On my knees and with my back to it, I held onto the backrest.

I sí, sí, així...

And yes, yes, like this...

De fet, és que cada contracció jo estava asseguda

In fact, I was sitting during every contraction.

i cada vegada que em venia una contracció,

and every time I had a contraction,

em posava així, eh?

It made me feel like this, right?

M'havia de posar així de genolls,

I had to kneel down like this,

em girava i m'agafava en el respatller.

I turned around and grabbed onto the backrest.

I així, ageguda sobre el seient del copilot,

And thus, sitting in the passenger seat,

amb contraccions cada vegada més freqüents i més intenses,

with contractions that are increasingly frequent and more intense,

tot es va precipitar.

Everything happened quickly.

És que va ser molt ràpid, tot.

It was just very quick, everything.

Va ser súper ràpid.

It was super fast.

Va sortir el cap i vaig dir,

He came out and I said,

prepara't, que la següent contracció ja surt al cos.

Get ready, as the next contraction is already coming.

Bueno, sí, que jo la veia amb ella que estava patint,

Well, yes, I saw her that she was suffering.

i em deia, fica la mà aquí, que veus que el nen està sortint.

And he said to me, put your hand here, you see that the child is coming out.

Jo li ficava i veia, sí, que...

I would put it in and saw, yes, that...

Notava el cap, li notava.

I could feel his head, I could feel it.

Li dic, com pot ser?

I ask him, how can it be?

I ja et dic, va baixar del cotxe,

And I tell you, he/she got out of the car,

feia així allà amb les mans,

he was doing this there with his hands,

i la criatura em caia a sobre, el nen.

and the child was falling on me, the boy.

Confiava completament en el meu cos,

I completely trusted my body,

en la meva capacitat de donar llum,

in my capacity to shed light,



no vaig viure ni traumàtic ni res per l'estil, o sigui...

I didn't live anything traumatic or anything like that, I mean...

Tu no paties?

Didn't you suffer?

No, no, no, en cap moment.

No, no, no, at no time.

Al contrari.

On the contrary.

Completament al contrari que jo.

Completely the opposite of me.

Sí, sí, ell estava...

Yes, yes, he was...

Jo, amb un estat de nervis impressionant.

Me, with an impressive state of nerves.

Veure sortir el meu fill de dins la seva mare

Seeing my son emerge from his mother.

i que em caigui als braços

and falls into my arms

és una cosa que no m'hauria imaginat mai, mai de la vida.

it's something I could never have imagined, never in my life.

Mai, eh? Mai, mai, eh?

Never, huh? Never, ever, huh?

Estàs allà i fas així amb les mans,

You are there and you do this with your hands,

i el veus...

and you see him...



Se'm ficava i se'm fica la pell de gallina.

I get goosebumps.

La pell de gallina.


Una experiència molt i molt i molt maca, molt.

A very, very, very beautiful experience, indeed.

Unes hores abans passejaven tranquil·lament per Sant Hilari

A few hours earlier, they were walking calmly through Sant Hilari.

i ara estaven sols, en plena matinada,

and now they were alone, in the early morning,

amb el seu fill acabat de néixer al voral de la carretera.

with her newborn baby on the side of the road.

I encara no podien estar tranquils.

And they still couldn't be calm.

Seguia patint, seguia patint.

I kept suffering, I kept suffering.

Però al moment que va sortir,

But at the moment it came out,

vaig veure que tenia el cordó embolicat per aquí al coll,

I saw that I had the cord wrapped around my neck.

vaig veure el seu fill per sota, per les cames,

I saw his son from below, through the legs.

ajudant-me ell i això,

helping me him and this,

llavors vaig ficar aquí, pell a pell,

then I put it here, skin to skin,

vaig anar al maletero a buscar una mica de mantet

I went to the trunk to look for a bit of blanket.

que t'emportaven de la maleta,

that they took from the suitcase,

i llavors vaig ficar allà a sobre

and then I put it on top there

i vaig veure que ells estaven bé,

I saw that they were fine,

el nen plorava i ells també estaven perfecte tots dos.

The boy was crying and they were both perfect.

Però clar, tenies aquella sensació de que...

But of course, you had that feeling that...

i si passa alguna cosa?

And what if something happens?

Estem a l'intempèria.

We are in the open air.

I me'l vaig posar pell a pell,

I put it on skin to skin.

el vaig tapar amb una manteta

I covered him with a little blanket.

i allà a esperar que arribessin.

and there to wait for them to arrive.

A esperar que arribés l'ambulància.

Waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

15-20 minuts que van ser, per mi van ser eterns.

15-20 minutes that were, for me they were eternal.

Eterns, eh?

Eternal, huh?

Però clar, bé, que l'ambulància no arribava, no arribava.

But of course, well, the ambulance wasn't arriving, wasn't arriving.

Finalment l'ambulància sí que va arribar,

Finally, the ambulance did arrive,

quan ja feia més d'un quart d'hora,

when it had been more than a quarter of an hour,

que el fill havia nascut.

that the son had been born.

Llavors ja va venir l'ambulància, amb els metges,

Then the ambulance came, with the doctors.

ja es van ficar cap a dins l'ambulància...

they already got into the ambulance...

Sí, que vaig anar a peu, amb el nen a coll,

Yes, I went on foot, carrying the child.

amb el cordó encara a dintre, la placenta a dintre,

with the cord still inside, the placenta inside,

perquè clar, la placenta no la vaig treure fins a l'ambulància.

because of course, I didn't deliver the placenta until I got to the ambulance.

I anava, clar, amb el nen aquí, d'això, a peu,

I was going, of course, with the kid here, on foot,

amb els pantalons baixats,

with the pants down,

o sigui, un 4...

that is to say, a 4...

Al volant, a la carretera?

At the wheel, on the road?

Sí, fins a l'ambulància.

Yes, until the ambulance.

I un cop allà dintre l'ambulància,

And once inside the ambulance,

bueno, vam fer les típiques comprovacions

Well, we did the usual checks.

que posa tant el nen com a mi,

that it affects both the child and me,

vam tallar el cordó umbilical,

we cut the umbilical cord,

que encara el tenia,

that he still had it,

i ens vam portar a Santa Caterina.

And we took them to Santa Caterina.

I allà, un cop allà, bueno,

And there, once there, well,

em van explorar i tot bé,

they examined me and everything is fine,

i ja es va posar el nen al pit,

and she already put the child to her breast,

ens van deixar sols en una sala dues hores,

they left us alone in a room for two hours,

i a lo típic, com si haguéssim nascut allà.

and as typical, as if we had been born there.

Després ens vam passar en una habitació,

Afterward, we moved into a room,

i llavors ja tot normal, bueno, tot normal tampoc,

and then everything was normal, well, not everything was normal either,

perquè no paraven de venir metges, infermeres,

because doctors and nurses kept coming.

tothom volia conèixer la història, no?

Everyone wanted to know the story, right?

Aquell part nocturn, imprevist i humil,

That nocturnal, unforeseen, and humble part,

un punt èpic, per què no dir-ho, enmig de la carretera,

an epic point, why not say it, in the middle of the road,

va canviar per sempre la vida de la Raquel.

It changed Raquel's life forever.

Molt, és un regal per mi que m'ha fet la vida aquest naixement, sí.

Very much, it is a gift for me that life has given me this birth, yes.

O sigui, és un regal que m'ha fet la vida

So, it is a gift that life has given me.

que a sobre em va portar a empoderar-me com a dona,

that made me empower myself as a woman,

a confiar en mi,

to trust in me,

i va haver-hi un canvi en mi brutal.

There was a brutal change in me.

En quin sentit, un canvi?

In what sense, a change?

O sigui, en mi, jo en aquell moment

That is to say, in me, I at that moment.

vaig confiar totalment en mi,

I completely trusted myself,

o sigui, és que és una cosa inexplicable, no?,

I mean, it's something inexplicable, right?

però vaig saber la força que tenia,

but I knew the strength I had,

el que pas que era,

what happened was,

i vaig confiar en mi,

I trusted myself,

i mai.

and never.

Em va donar una força increïble a nivell personal.

It gave me incredible strength on a personal level.

Per cert, no t'he dit que el protagonista

By the way, I didn't tell you that the protagonist

d'aquesta història és en Liam,

the story is about Liam,

Liam Gross Gómez,

Liam Gross Gómez,

nascut al quilòmetre 229

born at kilometer 229

de l'eix transversal.

of the transversal axis.

Aviam, es diu Liam, però li va anar de poc

Let's see, his name is Liam, but it was close for him.

que no li posen l'eix.

that they don't put the axis on him/her.

Nosaltres teníem pensat ja posar-li Liam,

We had already thought of naming him Liam.

teníem ja moltes cosetes personalitzades amb Liam,

we already had many personalized items with Liam,

per mi, i bé, per ell, era el Liam, ja,

for me, and well, for him, it was Liam, yes,

però d'aquell poble, com que

but from that village, since

va néixer a l'eix,

he was born in the axis,

ens vam proposar que tingués,

we proposed that it should have,

que li poséssim a l'eix,

that we put it on the axis,

eh que sí? Tots em deien a l'eix.

Hey, right? Everyone was telling me at the axis.

Sí. Que no em dic a l'eix,

Yes. That I don't call myself on the axis,

que em dic Liam. Però tu saps

my name is Liam. But you know

per què et diuen a l'eix? Per què és?

Why do they call you the axis? Why is that?

Perquè vaig néixer a l'eix.

Because I was born in the axis.

Abans ens havíem quedat xerrant amb l'Imma

Earlier we had been chatting with Imma.

en un padrís a la plaça de Montany de Tost,

in a courtyard in the square of Montany de Tost,

aquell poble petit i solitari

that small and lonely village

en una muntanya del Pirineu.

on a mountain in the Pyrenees.

Hem quedat cap damunt d'una muntanya, mig perduts.

We have met at the top of a mountain, half lost.

El que és cobertura de mòbil,

What mobile coverage is,

anem fatal. I res,

we're doing terribly. And nothing,

estem acostumats. Si són coses

we are used to it. If they are things

que es poden solventar,

that can be resolved,

però hi ha algun cas que dius

but is there any case that you say

aquí ens perdem.

here we get lost.

L'Imma m'explicava que

Imma was explaining to me that

això de viure tan lluny els complica la vida.

Living so far away complicates their lives.

I amb aquesta expressió, quan diu

And with this expression, when he/she says

aquí ens perdem, es refereix

here we get lost, it refers

a un cas molt concret. Era el 2

to a very specific case. It was the 2

de desembre de 2020, a primera

of December 2020, at first

hora del matí.

morning hour.

Un dia fred,

A cold day,

un dia nubolat, gris,

a cloudy, gray day,

lletjot, saps?

ugly, you know?

I a mi em truca,

And he calls me,

m'entra un whatsapp, trucar no perquè no hi ha cobertura.

I receive a WhatsApp, can't call because there's no coverage.

M'entra un whatsapp,

I receive a WhatsApp message.

tant se m'entra no, i dius

I don't care whether it enters or not, and you say.

ja el miraré després.

I'll look at it later.

Tampoc no vaig estar ni 10 minuts

I didn't stay for even 10 minutes either.

a mirar-lo, estava fent no sé què.

While looking at him, he was doing I don’t know what.

I vaig mirar el whatsapp i era una senyora d'aquell poble

I looked at WhatsApp and it was a lady from that village.

que em diu, Imma corre, que hem tingut un accident

What she is telling me, Imma hurry, we have had an accident.

a l'entrada del poble,

at the entrance of the village,

just a l'entrada del poble.

just at the entrance of the village.

I vaig corrent,

I am running,

jo corrent de sotó, agafo el cotxe,

I run downstairs, I grab the car,

me'n vaig cap allà, i sí, sí, vaig al cotxe allà a un prat

I'm going over there, and yes, yes, I'm heading to the car over there in a meadow.



i baixo cap a baix

and I go downwards

i arribo allà i em trobo

and I arrive there and I find myself

tot el...

all the...

corre meu home, corre meu marit, corre, corre

run my man, run my husband, run, run

que no sé què li ha passat, corre sisplau,

I don't know what has happened to him/her, please hurry.

corre ajuda'm, ajuda'm, ajuda'm.

Run, help me, help me, help me.

I jo vaig cap allà, jo miro el senyor

And I go over there, I look at the gentleman.

i jo al senyor el vaig veure molt

And I saw the gentleman a lot.

apurat, vull dir molt malament.

I mean very badly.

Jo ràpidament agafo, dic tu estàs bé? Primer

I quickly grab, I say you are okay? First.

vaig mirar amb ella que estàs bé, quan parlava dic, tens alguna

I looked at her that you are well, when I was talking I said, do you have any.

lesió, tens alguna cosa? No, no tinc res.

Injury, do you have anything? No, I have nothing.

Llavors vaig agafar i vaig trucar al 061.

Then I took and called 061.

Bueno, no sé si al 061 o al 112, perquè

Well, I don't know whether to call 061 or 112, because

en aquells moments estàs tan nerviós que no saps

In those moments you are so nervous that you don't know.

a qui truques. Bueno, total, que em surten

Who are you calling? Well, anyway, it turns out that I get.

i em diuen, vale, sí, però

and they tell me, okay, yes, but

Montant, a quin punt kilomètric?

Montant, at which kilometer point?

Dic, bueno, dic, no ho sé,

I say, well, I say, I don't know,

és a Montant, és al poble.

It is in Montant, it is in the village.

Sí, però clar, necessito el punt kilomètric,

Yes, but of course, I need the kilometer point.

no sé què, no sé quantos. Dic, ostres,

I don't know what, I don't know how many. I say, wow,

passa'm amb un metge o passa'm amb algú, que jo

put me through to a doctor or put me through to someone, because I

aviam què tinc que fer jo amb aquest senyor, vull dir

Let's see what I have to do with this gentleman, I mean.

que no puc fer res, però bueno, però què sé.

that I can't do anything, but well, what do I know.

I em diu la...

She tells me the...

la noia que està passant amb un metge

the girl who is walking with a doctor

i em diu, bueno, com està aquest senyor?

And he/she says to me, well, how is this gentleman?

Dic, bueno, doncs està així i tal i qual.

I say, well, it's like this and so on.

Aquell metge se m'ha quedat

That doctor has stayed with me.

ja per tota la vida i jo crec

already for a lifetime and I believe

que no tenia mal color, tenia...

that it didn't have a bad color, it had...

Però el metge em va

But the doctor is going to me

dir, bueno, diu, vostè el pot treure

say, well, he/she says, you can take it out

fora i fer-li uns primers auxilis? Dic,

"Outside and give him some first aid? I say,"

mare meva, com vull jo que feu uns primers auxilis

My goodness, how I want you to do some first aid.

a una persona que pesava

to a person who weighed

potser 100 quilos? Jo, impossible,

maybe 100 kilos? Me, impossible,

jo vaig a una persona d'un...

I go to a person from a...

d'un xip, l'en Robert, vull dir

of a chip, I mean Robert

que estava allà ficat,

that was stuck there,

possible, dic, no, no, dic, envieu-me a mi

possible, I say, no, no, I say, send it to me

algun... envieu-me una bonança,

some... send me a calm sea,

envieu alguna cosa, ràpid, ràpid.

send something, quick, quick.

Insisteix, tornaven a insistir

They insisted, they kept insisting.

amb el punt quilomètric, dic, és que no ho sé,

with the kilometer marker, I mean, I don’t know,

dic, és que envieu al poble perquè és el poble,

I say, it's that you send to the village because it is the village,

no hi ha pèrdua, vull dir, ja ho veureu,

there is no loss, I mean, you will see.

estem allí amb un cotxe i no podem...

we are there with a car and we can't...

i no podem fer-hi res.

and we can't do anything about it.

I bueno, doncs vam agafar amb la senyora,

And well, then we took with the lady,

quan va veure que no tenia res ni res,

when he saw that he had nothing and nothing,

la vaig pujar dins el meu cotxe

I took her up in my car.

i allà ens vam estar jo consolant-la

and there I was comforting her

tota l'estona i, doncs,

all the time and, therefore,

desesperada allà, clar, i mitja hora,

desperate there, clear, and half an hour,

tu, més de mitja hora esperant,

you, more than half an hour waiting,

esperant els serveis sanitaris.

waiting for the healthcare services.

El veí de l'Imma va tenir

Imma's neighbor had

un infart mentre conduïa i es va quedar

a heart attack while driving and he was left

atrapat dins el cotxe. L'Imma va intentar

trapped inside the car. Imma tried

treure'l del jip per reanimar-lo, però no podia.

take him out of the jeep to revive him, but he couldn't.

Només li quedava esperar,

He could only wait,

esperar que arribés algú per ajudar-los.

wait for someone to arrive to help them.

Però l'espera, en aquell matí gèlid d'hivern,

But the wait, on that icy winter morning,

es feia molt llarga.

it felt very long.

Llavors s'hi van empujar dues ambulàncies,

Then two ambulances were pushed in.

els Mossos,

the Mossos,

els bombers i un helicòpter

the firefighters and a helicopter





com han arribat els sanitaris

how the healthcare workers have arrived

van dir, no,

they said, no,

està, a aquest home no se li pot fer res.

This man cannot be helped.

No hi va haver res a fer, ja

There was nothing to be done, already.

està bé. Que potser

it's fine. Maybe

haguessin arribat més aviat, potser sí,

if they had arrived earlier, maybe yes,

o potser no, és que jo no ho sé.

or maybe not, it's just that I don't know.

Però va ser, va ser impactant.

But it was, it was impactful.

Va ser impactant perquè

It was shocking because

va ser molt bèstia.

it was very brutal.

Jo és que tinc el record més al dia

I have the most up-to-date memory.

tot gris, tot, saps?

Everything is gray, everything, you know?

Era un fred

It was cold.

allà, tots dos pobres, amb la seva dona allà.

there, both poor, with their wife there.

I l'espera

And the waiting

es va fer eterna.

it became eternal.

No van arribar mai més els serveis sanitaris.

The health services never arrived again.

La primera ambulància va arribar

The first ambulance arrived.

al cap de mitja hora, cosa que té força mèrit

after half an hour, which is quite an achievement

si tenim en compte com és la carretera

if we take into account what the road is like

per arribar a aquest poble aïllat,

to reach this isolated village,

enfilat al capdamunt de la muntanya

perched at the top of the mountain

i allunyat de tot.

and detached from everything.

L'Imma encara es pregunta què hauria passat

Imma still wonders what would have happened.

si, en lloc de viure en una zona tan rural

yes, instead of living in such a rural area

i aïllada, estiguessin més a prop de zones urbanes

and isolated, they were closer to urban areas

o amb més turisme,

or with more tourism,

llocs on els temps són més ràpids

places where time is faster

i els serveis queden més a l'abast.

and services are more accessible.

Potser. Potser.

Maybe. Maybe.

Perquè si haguessin arribat de seguida potser li podem fer

Because if they had arrived right away, maybe we can do it.

una reanimació

a resuscitation

així, en plan

so, like

ràpid, i potser sí que

quickly, and maybe yes that

se n'hauria sortit.

He/she would have gotten out of it.

I bueno, van arribar al que van arribar.

And well, they arrived at what they arrived at.



I ja està, mira,

And that's it, look,

encara em tremola la veu una mica.

my voice still trembles a little.

No volia acabar aquest capítol sense parlar

I didn't want to end this chapter without talking.

amb algun professional d'emergències

with some emergency professional

que ens expliqui com ho viuen ells,

to explain to us how they live it,

com afronten aquests problemes

how they face these problems

quan hi ha una emergència en zones rurals

when there is an emergency in rural areas

o en algun poble molt aïllat.

or in some very remote village.

Per això vaig anar a veure el Jordi Cadafell,

That's why I went to see Jordi Cadafell,

que és el responsable del SEM,

who is responsible for the SEM,

del Sistema d'Emergències Mèdiques,

of the Medical Emergency System,

a la Catalunya Central.

in Central Catalonia.

Charlie, 604 de Central.

Charlie, 604 from Central.

Anàvem per la 04.

We were going down the 04.

Sí, els activaríem per un servei

Yes, we would activate them for a service.

al poble de Lladur.

in the village of Lladur.

Hem anat molts anys en aquestes ambulàncies

We have been in these ambulances for many years.

que corren pels pobles i per les muntanyes,

that run through the villages and the mountains,

i el primer que em deixa clar és, bé,

and the first thing that makes it clear to me is, well,

el que ja sabem, no?, que en zones rurals

what we already know, right?, that in rural areas

moure's és més lent i és més complicat.

Moving is slower and more complicated.

Evidentment, vull dir, això és clar.

Obviously, I mean, this is clear.

La gent que viu a Pagès,

The people who live in Pagès,

la gent que viu en zones aïllades,

people who live in isolated areas,

per un cantó tens la teva qualitat de vida,

on one hand, you have your quality of life,

perquè si està molt bé, evidentment,

because if it is very good, obviously,

però per un altre cantó,

but on the other hand,

jo crec que la gent de mitjans rurals,

I believe that people from rural areas,

de zones rurals, és conscient que

from rural areas, is aware that

les pistes són les que són

the tracks are what they are

i els temps i les carreteres són les que són.

And the times and the roads are what they are.

Nosaltres amb una ambulància

We with an ambulance.

no podem anar en línia recta,

we cannot go in a straight line,

hem de fer totes les corbes que hi ha,

we have to take all the curves that are there,

igual que la resta de vehicles, no?,

just like the rest of the vehicles, right?

i evidentment, la xarxa viària

and obviously, the road network

condiciona seguríssimament.

it definitely conditions.

El sistema d'emergències ja té en compte aquests escenaris

The emergency system already takes these scenarios into account.

i han pensat com donar-hi resposta,

And they have thought about how to respond to it,

sobretot per les situacions de temps depenent,

especially for situations depending on time,

és a dir, les que s'ha d'arribar més de pressa,

that is to say, those that need to be reached more quickly,

com els ICUs o els infarts.

like ICUs or heart attacks.

Tenen 4 helicòpters medicalitzats

They have 4 medical helicopters.

i uns 450 vehicles situats estratègicament

and about 450 strategically located vehicles

per tot el territori.

across the entire territory.

A més, en zones de muntanya, les ambulàncies

In addition, in mountainous areas, ambulances

són molt senzills per poder anar per camins

they are very simple to be able to go on paths

o pistes forestals.

or forest tracks.

I a més a més, aquests tècnics que porten

And furthermore, these technicians who bring

les vehicles 4x4, aquest sí que la majoria,

the 4x4 vehicles, this yes that the majority,

per no dir que és bé tot, són de territori,

to not say that it is all good, they are from the territory,

per tant, ho tenen com molt clar

therefore, they have it very clear

per quin camí passar, per quin no,

which path to take, which not,

vull dir que això,

I mean that this,

el coneixement del territori dels treballadors

the knowledge of the territory of the workers

de territori és clau.

territory is key.

És important que coneguin el territori

It is important that they know the territory.

perquè sovint en aquests llocs

because often in these places

no hi ha carrers urbanitzats,

there are no developed streets,

o si n'hi ha, no tenen nom ni cartells que ho senyalitzin.

or if there are any, they have no name or signs to indicate them.

I com s'ho fan, en aquests casos?

And how do they do it in these cases?

Passem a mans lliures amb el tècnic

Let's go hands-free with the technician.

i llavors el tècnic demana

and then the technician asks

per on haig de passar, pel camí de tal,

but where do I have to go, along such a path,

i llavors amb les indicacions que et dona

and then with the indications it gives you

la persona que ha estat a casa seva,

the person who has been at their home,

que hagis passat al mirador,

that you have passed by the lookout,

tomba a la dreta, això és fonamental

turn right, this is essential

i va superbé, evidentment.

And it went really well, obviously.

A vegades també pacten un punt de trobada

Sometimes they also agree on a meeting point.

perquè algú els acompanyi fins a la casa

so that someone can accompany them to the house

o fins a la masia on hi ha el pacient.

or to the farmhouse where the patient is.

Perquè el que fem és donar indicacions

Because what we do is give instructions.

als familiars que ens esperin a la carretera,

to the family members waiting for us on the road,

és a dir, és tal casa, tal lloc,

that is to say, it's such a house, such a place,

ens queda clar?

Is it clear to us?

Sí? Doncs anem-hi. No ens queda clar?

Yes? Well, let's go. Is it not clear to us?

Doncs esperi'ns al trencall de la carretera

Well, wait for us at the crossroads of the road.

i després ja el seguirem.

And then we will continue following him.

Punts de trobada

Meeting points

a mitjà rural és molt habitual

In a rural environment, it is very common.

comparat amb la ciutat.

compared to the city.

Últimament també han començat a geolocalitzar

Lately they have also started to geolocate.

masies aïllades.

isolated farmhouses.

Els assignen un codi d'emergència

They are assigned an emergency code.

i quan algú truca al 112 només ha de dir

And when someone calls 112, they only have to say

el codi de la casa. Així l'ambulància

the code of the house. Thus the ambulance

ja sap com arribar-hi. Amb això milloren molt

He already knows how to get there. With this, they improve a lot.

la resposta en aquests casos en què arribar a temps

the answer in these cases is to arrive on time

és una qüestió vital.

It is a vital issue.

La poca població,

The low population,

la dispersió geogràfica

geographical dispersion

o les vies precàries

or the precarious paths

fan que en zones rurals

they make it so that in rural areas

i de muntanya els serveis

and mountain services

sempre quedin més allunyats.

they always remain further away.

Els equips d'emergències han desplegat

The emergency teams have deployed.

recursos per adaptar-s'hi,

resources to adapt to it,

però, tu miris com tu miris,

but, however you look at it,

aquests territoris són complicats.

these territories are complicated.

Sempre arribarà abans a l'hospital

He will always arrive at the hospital first.

una persona que tingui un ictus

a person who has had a stroke

o un infart enmig d'una ciutat

or a heart attack in the middle of a city

que no pas si viu en un poble del Pirineu.

that doesn't mean if you live in a village in the Pyrenees.

Això és així i forma part

This is so and is part of it.

de la realitat del món rural.

of the reality of the rural world.

Forma part d'aquesta dosi extra

It is part of this extra dose.

de resiliència que han de tenir,

of resilience that they must have,

que hem de tenir, les persones

what we must have, as people

que vivim als pobles i a les muntanyes

that we live in the towns and in the mountains

lluny de la ciutat.

far from the city.

Aquest és l'últim episodi de la temporada

This is the last episode of the season.

de Comarcal 947.

from Comarcal 947.

Amb aquest podcast volem acostar-nos

With this podcast, we want to get closer.

a les diverses realitats que hi ha

to the various realities that exist

al món rural català i volem fer-ho sobretot

in the Catalan rural world and we want to do it above all

amb respecte i empatia.

with respect and empathy.

Espero que ho haguem aconseguit.

I hope we have managed it.

Vull donar les gràcies als professionals

I want to thank the professionals.

de Catalunya Ràdio que fan possible aquest podcast

from Catalunya Ràdio that make this podcast possible

però sobretot gràcies

but above all thank you

a tu, a tu que m'escoltes,

to you, to you who listens to me,

perquè al capdavall tot això

because after all all of this

ho fem per tu. Moltes gràcies.

We do it for you. Thank you very much.

Comarcal 947 és un podcast original

Comarcal 947 is an original podcast.

de Catalunya Ràdio. La producció d'aquesta temporada

from Catalunya Ràdio. The production of this season

ha sigut d'Omar Barón, Clara Castellà

It has been by Omar Barón, Clara Castellà.

i Nil Bia. La selecció i muntatge musical

And Nil Bia. The selection and musical arrangement.

d'Albert Cots i l'estratègia digital

Albert Cots and the digital strategy

de Carles Pasqual i Laia Vicems.

from Carles Pasqual and Laia Vicems.

Donem les gràcies a totes les persones

We thank all the people.

que hi apareixen o que hi han participat.

that appear there or that have participated there.

Si t'ha agradat o si t'ha semblat interessant

If you liked it or if you found it interesting.

el pots compartir a les xarxes socials.

You can share it on social media.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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