Caterina Albert, la dona que s'amagava darrere Víctor Català

Catalunya Ràdio

Una història de la literatura: el podcast

Caterina Albert, la dona que s'amagava darrere Víctor Català

Una història de la literatura: el podcast

Com una ola, tu amor llego a mi vida,

Like a wave, your love came into my life,

com una ola de fuego y de caricias,

like a wave of fire and caresses,

d'espuma blanca i ramó de caracoles,

of white foam and a bunch of snails,

com una ola.

like a wave.

Avui parlarem de Caterina Albert.

Today we will talk about Caterina Albert.

Catalunya, any 1896.

Catalonia, year 1896.

La gent encara estira fotos en blanc i negre per obligació

People still develop black and white photos out of obligation.

i apareixen els primers catalans que demanen el pacte fiscal.

And the first Catalans who demand the fiscal pact appear.

Neix Caterina Albert, a l'escala.

Caterina Albert is born in L'Escala.

A l'escala poble, volem dir.

In the village of l'Escala, we mean.

La seva família està formada per propietaris rurals rics,

His family is made up of wealthy rural landowners.

d'aquells que utilitzen plebeus com escuradents.

of those who use plebeians as toothpicks.

Rep una educació molt completa i formal,

Receives a very complete and formal education,

no com la gent pobra de la seva època

not like the poor people of his time

que es cagava pel carrer tot fent el pi.

that was shitting in the street while doing a handstand.

Amb 29 anys guanya els Jocs Florals d'Olot.

At 29 years old, he/she wins the Jocs Florals of Olot.

Quan es coneix que és una dona,

When it is known that she is a woman,

s'arma una enorme bullanga entre els homes.

A huge uproar arises among the men.

Un dia més a l'oficina.

Another day at the office.

Sota el pseudònim de Víctor Català,

Under the pseudonym of Víctor Català,

publica les seves obres més conegudes,

publishes his most well-known works,

com Drames Rurals o Solitud,

like Rural Dramas or Solitude,

un títol que també hauria pogut ser

a title that could have also been

la biografia de l'esposa de Kilian Jornet.

the biography of Kilian Jornet's wife.

L'obra explica la història de la Mila,

The work tells the story of Mila,

aïllada del món per culpa del seu marit.

isolated from the world because of her husband.

En fi, la versió crua de la parelleta neo-rural

Anyway, the raw version of the neo-rural couple.

que pensa que anirà a viure al poble

who thinks they will go live in the village

i viurà del seu hort,

and will live off his garden,

tot i quatre gallines.

All but four hens.

Caterina Albert se situa dins el modernisme,

Caterina Albert is situated within modernism,

que més que un moviment literari,

more than a literary movement,

és un moviment ideològic.

It is an ideological movement.

El seu objectiu és normalitzar la cultura,

Its goal is to normalize culture,

l'art per l'art,

art for art

i drogar-se bastant.

and getting quite high.

En fi, Caterina Albert és una de les grans escriptores

Well, Caterina Albert is one of the great writers.

del nostre país,

from our country,

i una de les primeres a tastar el wasabi i dir

and one of the first to taste the wasabi and say

bé, doncs tampoc pica tant.

Well, it doesn't sting that much either.

Però bé, això últim no ho podem assegurar.

But well, we can't guarantee that last part.

Continuem parlant de Caterina Albert,

Let's continue talking about Caterina Albert,

però abans donem la benvinguda

but first let’s welcome

al nostre especialista en epílegs comparats

to our specialist in comparative epilogues

i arrossegadors alpins,

and alpine draggers,

Bodai Garcia.

Bodai Garcia.

Ah, Maria.

Ah, Maria.

Ah, Maria, la rata corria,

Ah, Maria, the rat was running,

ja pots venir cap aquí

You can come here now.

per fer companyia

for company

al nostre convidat d'avui,

to our guest today,

Toni Soler.

Toni Soler.

Moltes gràcies per acompanyar-nos.

Thank you very much for joining us.

Què tal, com esteu?

How are you, how are you doing?

No tan bé com tu.

Not as well as you.

Bé, això és opinable,

Well, that's debatable,

però estem aquí per discutir,

but we are here to discuss,

si vols discutir amb això.

If you want to argue about this.

En aquest cas no vindria a ser el tema,

In this case, it wouldn't be the topic.

vindria a ser Caterina Albert,

it would be Caterina Albert,

la meva pregunta és obligada.

My question is mandatory.



Això de la literatura,

This about literature,

com ho portes?

How are you doing?

Bé, bé, i més cada cop més,

Well, well, and more and more each time,

cada cop llegeixo més, sincerament,

I read more and more each time, honestly.

no dic ara per fer-me el d'allò.

I'm not saying this now to play the fool.

I Caterina Albert no especialment,

I Caterina Albert, not especially,

però sí que m'he llegit solitud,

but I have read Solitude,

com molta gent.

like many people.

Ho pots dir obertament,

You can say it openly,

que també has repassat la gran obra de Caterina Albert

that you have also reviewed the great work of Caterina Albert

per participar avui en aquest programa.

to participate today in this program.

Home, esclar, esclar, he hagut de refrescar una mica,

Well, of course, of course, I had to cool off a bit.

perquè ja fa uns anys que me'l vaig llegir.

because it's been a few years since I read it.

Jo no l'he pas llegit,

I haven't read it.

però bé, tampoc soc la primera persona

but well, I'm not the first person either

que es posa davant d'unes càmeres a parlar d'una cosa,

that stands in front of some cameras to talk about something,

que no coneixen propietat.

that do not know ownership.

Gairebé està més valorat del teu.

It is almost more valued than yours.

Doncs bé, comencem a parlar de la nostra autora,

Well, let's start talking about our author,

de Caterina Albert.

by Caterina Albert.

Va haver de crear-se una identitat falsa

He had to create a false identity.

per poder escriure coses,

to be able to write things,

malgrat que una senyora havia d'escriure coses de senyors,

although a lady had to write things about gentlemen,

i clar, això no estava ben vist.

And of course, this was not well seen.

Tampoc estava ben vist que en plena dictadura

It was also not well regarded that in the midst of a dictatorship.

es descobrís que el teu rebesavi

it is discovered that your great-grandfather

havia escopit dins el roi bosc

he had spat inside the royal forest

del rebesavi del dictador, per exemple.

from the great-grandfather of the dictator, for example.



Bé, en els dos casos és important crear-se un àlia

Well, in both cases it is important to create an alias.

que vols i pretens és publicar.

What you want and intend is to publish.

Oi que sí?


Per això nosaltres us preguntem

That's why we ask you.

si us trobéssiu en una situació similar,

if you found yourself in a similar situation,

com us faríeu dir i com us presentaríeu al món?

How would you like to be called and how would you introduce yourself to the world?



Jo em faria dir Empar Moliner.

I would have myself called Empar Moliner.



Et donaríem premis.

We would give you prizes.

Per això.

For that reason.

O ja posats Stephen King o Dan Brown.

Or, if we're going for it, Stephen King or Dan Brown.

Vull dir, com a pseudònim em sembla que no n'hi ha...

I mean, as a pseudonym, I don't think there is one...

Vaja, no se m'ha recrut cap de millor.

Well, no one better has recruited me.

Jessy Mverdaguer, també.

Jessy Mverdaguer, too.

Però no sé si...

But I don't know if...

No sé si col·laria gaire, m'entens?

I don't know how well that would go over, you know what I mean?

Col·les més com Empar Moliner, és veritat.

Collections like Empar Moliner's, it's true.



No, però vull dir que Mverdaguer és mort,

No, but I mean that Mverdaguer is dead,

l'Empar Moliner és viva,

Empar Moliner is alive,

per tant, si escric un llibre que és firmat per Empar Moliner,

therefore, if I write a book that is signed by Empar Moliner,

jo crec que té molt de bé.

I think it has a lot of good.

O Silvio Soler.

Oh Silvio Soler.

Ah, també. Els compres cap a casa.

Ah, also. You buy them home.

Clar, llavors em poses una perruqueta

Of course, then you put a wig on me.

i gairebé em poden entrevistar.

And they can almost interview me.


Nailed it.

Molt bé, Toni, Godall.

Very well, Toni, Godall.

Jo pensava, si m'he de posar un pseudònim

I was thinking, if I have to choose a pseudonym

és perquè hi ha alguna condició meva que he d'amagar

It's because there is some condition of mine that I have to hide.

i que no és la meva condició.

and that is not my condition.

I pensava, jo tinc privilegis en tots els aspectes,

I thought, I have privileges in all aspects,

menys, en tot cas, en el de ser català.

less, in any case, in being Catalan.

I llavors, per condicions,

And then, by conditions,

pel que sigui, de cop, hòstia, no està ben vist ser català.

For whatever reason, suddenly, damn, it's not well seen to be Catalan.

Imaginem-s'hi, és un supòsit.

Let's imagine it, it's a hypothetical situation.

I m'he de posar un pseudònim per escriure,

I have to use a pseudonym to write,

em posaria Guzmán de Loyola,

I would put Guzmán de Loyola.

que he pensat que té molt d'empaque.

I think it has a lot of presence.

I llavors a la contraportada dels llibres

And then on the back cover of the books

sortiria jo amb un biguetet d'aquest serrant de bigoti

I would go out with a little mustache like this.

i amb un àguila imperial aquí a l'espatlla,

and with an imperial eagle here on the shoulder,

amb biguetet també a l'àguila.

with a small beam also to the eagle.

Godall i s'última novel·la

Godall and his latest novel

El vestigio y el linaje.

The vestige and the lineage.

Que té...

What it has...

Oh, que bé!

Oh, how nice!

Trobo que dius una jota molt de Valladolid, admirable.

I find that you say a very Valladolid jota, admirable.

Sí, molt, molt Vallisoletana, aquesta jota.

Yes, very, very Valladolid-like, this jota.

Has estat practicant a casa?

Have you been practicing at home?

Sí. Es nota.

Yes. It's noticeable.

Unes ulleretes de sol, també feixistes, no les descontemplades?

A pair of sunglasses, also fascist, did you not notice them?

També, ho faríem tot.

Also, we would do everything.

Posa-t'ho, posa-t'ho.

Put it on, put it on.

Sí, home, i tant, estarem amatents a aquesta nova identitat.

Yes, of course, we will be attentive to this new identity.



Solitud, solitud, com dèiem abans,

Solitude, solitude, as we said before,

és la gran obra, o si més no,

it is the great work, or at least,

la més coneguda de Caterina Albert.

the most known of Caterina Albert.

En ella hi ha un viatge interior molt important

It contains a very important inner journey.

de la seva protagonista, la Mila,

of its protagonist, Mila,

que no només fa aquest viatge interior,

that not only takes this inner journey,

sinó que es connecta amb la natura.

but it connects with nature.

Parlem de viatges interiors, si us sembla bé.

Let's talk about inner journeys, if that seems okay to you.

Traiem el trosset de Paulo Coelho que tots portem a dins.

Let's take out the little piece of Paulo Coelho that we all have inside us.

Fem un exercici de...

Let's do an exercise of...

Hòstia, què és això?

Holy shit, what is this?

Però on vas amb això a la butxaca?

But where are you going with that in your pocket?

Però què és això, Udai?

But what is this, Udai?

N'heu dit tros de Paulo Coelho que portem a dins?

Have you mentioned the piece of Paulo Coelho that we carry within us?

Li ha tret una lliure de carn, com el mercader de Venècia.

He has taken a pound of flesh from him, like the merchant of Venice.

Ha tingut una baixada de sucre.

He has had a drop in sugar.

En fi, heu tingut mai una experiència...

Well, have you ever had an experience...

d'aquestes de trobar-se a un mateix, Toni?

of these of finding oneself, Toni?

Jo és que soc bastant despistat.

I tend to be quite absent-minded.

Aleshores, si no trobo les claus de casa o la cartera,

Then, if I can't find my house keys or my wallet,

trobar-me a mi mateix ja se'm fa com una muntanya.

finding myself is becoming like a mountain for me.

Vol dir que abans t'has perdut, també, Toni.

That means you got lost before, too, Toni.

Estàs perdut, Toni?

Are you lost, Toni?

Bé, però jo crec que la pèrdua, l'autopèrdua,

Well, but I think that loss, self-loss,

és a dir, el no saber exactament on ets,

that is to say, not knowing exactly where you are,

és un estat bastant natural de l'ésser humà.

It is a quite natural state of the human being.

I, mentre no t'has perdut,

I, while you haven't gotten lost,

quan et trobis, continuaràs buscant.

When you find yourself, you will continue searching.

Per tant, em sembla que és una actitud que no està malament.

Therefore, it seems to me that it's an attitude that isn't bad.

És una constant, a la teva vida?

Is it a constant in your life?

La veritat és que sí.

The truth is that yes.

Com respirar?

How to breathe?

Bé, no tan constant, perquè jo respirar respiro cada X segons.

Well, not so constant, because I breathe every X seconds.

En canvi, voler buscar-me, sí que hi ha moments que dic...

On the other hand, wanting to look for me, there are moments when I say...

Hòstia, que gilipolles que era jo fa un any,

Damn, how stupid I was a year ago.

i això ho vaig dient cada any.

And I say this every year.

O si vas a casa a les 8 del vespre i dius...

Or if you go home at 8 in the evening and say...

Mira, ara, jo fins demà al matí no em buscaré.

Look, now, I won't look for myself until tomorrow morning.

Exactament, exactament.

Exactly, exactly.

Em busco estones, eh?

I'm looking for moments, huh?

Però jo crec que el cas de la Mila...

But I think that Mila's case...

És un personatge de muntanya,

He is a mountain character.

està molt sol i amb molt de temps per pensar.

he is very lonely and has a lot of time to think.

Clar. Molt bé. Budai, en el teu cas?

Sure. Very well. Budai, in your case?

Mira, jo us voldria explicar d'un viatge que vaig fer,

Look, I would like to tell you about a trip I took,

que em va anar molt bé per conèixer-me a mi mateix,

that it went very well for me to get to know myself,

i a la naturalesa humana.

and to human nature.

Jo fa anys vaig anar a Nicaragua,

Years ago, I went to Nicaragua.

hi ha un llac molt gran al mig de Nicaragua,

there is a very large lake in the middle of Nicaragua,

i al mig del llac hi ha una illa,

and in the middle of the lake, there is an island,

que és un volcà adormit, un volcà apagat,

what is a dormant volcano, an extinct volcano,

i a dins del cràter del volcà hi ha un llac,

and inside the crater of the volcano, there is a lake,

o sigui, hi ha com una matriosca aquí,

so, there is like a matryoshka here,

els oceans, Nicaragua, el llac, a dintre l'illa i a dintre d'allò.

the oceans, Nicaragua, the lake, inside the island and inside that.

I vaig voler anar en aquest llac,

I wanted to go to this lake,

i per arribar-hi has de travessar tota l'illa salvàtica,

and to get there you have to cross the entire wild island,

i has de pujar cap a dalt del volcà,

You have to climb to the top of the volcano,

i hi havia coses tòxiques i iridicents tota l'estona,

and there were toxic and iridescent things all the time,

i ho havia d'anar apartant,

and I had to keep pushing it away,

plovia, era la niebla i selva, que en diuen,

it was raining, it was the mist and jungle, as they call it,

i per arribar al cràter vaig haver de fer una mica de ràpid,

and to reach the crater I had to move a bit quickly,

i un cop vaig arribar allà al mig,

and once I arrived there in the middle,

vaig veure el llac aquest petit de dins del cràter,

I saw the small lake inside the crater,

hi havia dues figures, dues persones allà,

there were two figures, two people there,

vaig acostar-me a vora de l'aigua,

I approached the edge of the water,

i vaig dir, va parir, i el del costat em va dir,

I said, she gave birth, and the one next to me said,

uita, tu també ets català.

Wow, you are also Catalan.

I en aquest moment me'n vaig adonar

And at that moment I realized it.

que el món és un immens portaventura,

that the world is a vast adventure,

i que jo era un turista de merda,

and that I was a shitty tourist,

i que el capitalisme s'ho havia menjat tot,

and that capitalism had eaten it all up,

ja no hi havia experiències salvatges,

there were no more wild experiences,

i que jo estava fent un xec a la meva llista d'eccentricitats

And I was making a check on my list of eccentricities.

de nen blanc amb poder adquisitiu.

as a white child with purchasing power.

Va anar molt bé per descobrir-me un mateix.

It went very well for discovering myself.

Potser el descobrir-se un mateix també és quedar-se a casa,

Perhaps discovering oneself is also staying at home,

de vegades l'aventura està aquí.

Sometimes the adventure is here.

Els calés me'ls hagués estalviat segur.

I would have definitely saved that money.

Doncs i també la paciència, i el temps.

Well, and also patience, and time.

Molt bé, Caterina Albert feia moltes activitats,

Very well, Caterina Albert did many activities,

feia lectura, escriptura, tocava la flauta, el piano,

I was reading, writing, playing the flute, the piano,

escultura, unes coses meravelloses.

sculpture, some wonderful things.

En fi, que només li faltava xinès i odiar els pobres

Anyway, all he needed was Chinese and to hate the poor.

per semblar un infant d'escola privada, oi que sí?

to seem like a private school child, right?

Doncs bé, quin és l'extraescolar que més detestàveu,

Well, what was the extracurricular activity you hated the most?

que més odiàveu, i, per altra banda,

what you hated the most, and, on the other hand,

quin és l'extraescolar que vosaltres us inventaríeu, Toni?

What extracurricular activity would you invent, Toni?

A veure, jo soc molt gran,

Let's see, I am very old,

llavors jo en les extraescolars no existiré.

Then I will not exist in the extracurricular activities.

Molt gran d'edat, vols dir?

Very old, you mean?

Sí, en tots els aspectes.

Yes, in every aspect.

No, no, d'edat tinc 56,

No, no, I am 56 years old.

i llavors jo quan era jovenet no hi havia extraescolars,

And then when I was young there were no after-school activities,

no s'havia ni inventat el concepte, m'entens?

the concept hadn't even been invented, you understand?

Bueno, teníeu formació en l'Espíritu Nacional,

Well, you had training in the National Spirit,

no éreu extraescolars?

Weren't you extracurricular?

No, això tampoc.

No, this neither.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Vull dir, soc gran però no tant, m'entens?

I mean, I'm old but not that much, you understand?

Ah, trai.

Ah, bring.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Hi ha un gap entre el fet...

There is a gap between the fact...

El fet i les extraescolars.

The fact and the extracurricular activities.



L'espai entre el nodo i el Club Super3?

The space between the node and Club Super3?



És el teu ninxo.

It's your niche.

Exactament, exactament.

Exactly, exactly.

Aleshores, el que fèiem, a mi els meus pares,

So, what we did, my parents and I,

com que érem de família més o menys apanyada,

since we were from a more or less well-off family,

em portaven a fer francès en una acadèmia.

They took me to study French at an academy.

Perquè el francès era l'anglès d'aleshores.

Because French was the English of that time.

Era l'idioma important de quan jo era jovenet.

It was the important language when I was young.

I després, bueno, jugava a bàsquet o a futbol,

And then, well, I played basketball or soccer,

però tot això fora de l'escola.

but all of this outside of school.

De forma salvatjada.

In a savage manner.

A l'escola ens expolien, diguem-ne,

At school, we were being exploited, let's say.

i no volien ser barres de nosaltres fins l'endemà.

and they did not want to be our bars until the next day.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I ja està.

And that's it.

I aquella que t'inventaries?

And the one you would invent?



Jo crec que els nens, quan abans tornin a casa, millor.

I believe that children should return home as soon as possible.

I que siguin expel·lits de l'escola també és important.

And that they are expelled from school is also important.

Sí, clar, és que tu vols ser expel·lit.

Yes, of course, it's just that you want to be expelled.

Vols sortir disparat d'allà.

You want to get out of there in a hurry.

Bueno, només de l'escola.

Well, only from school.

M'agrada la màxima de menys extraescolars.

I like the motto of fewer extracurricular activities.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Si no ens n'inventaríem cap, en trauríem d'extraescolars.

If we didn't invent any, we would take them from extracurricular activities.

Aquesta vindria a ser la màxima.

This would be the maximum.

Jo sí, després cadascú es busqui la vida.

I do, then everyone can fend for themselves.

Molt bé.

Very good.





Jo tot el que tingui a veure amb esports ho trobo horrible.

I find everything related to sports horrible.

Tot el rotllo de, com a canalla,

All the nonsense about, as a kid,

forçar, obligar el teu infant a competir...

to force, to make your child compete...



Competir contra tu mateix?

Compete against yourself?

Ah, horrible!

Ah, horrible!

Ah, quina misèria.

Ah, what a misery.

I, en canvi, un extraescolar que a mi m'hagués anat molt bé,

I, on the other hand, an extracurricular activity that would have suited me very well,

que crec que s'hauria d'implementar ja,

which I believe should be implemented already,

és ensenyar a la canalla a fer foc.

It is teaching the children to make fire.

L'art de la combustió.

The art of combustion.

Fins i tot en territoris...

Even in territories...

O sigui, crec que un país que tingui una mainada,

I mean, I think that a country that has children,

que sàpiguen cremar coses, és un país feliç.

That they know how to burn things, is a happy country.

Digue'ls-hi als nois d'Urquíneona.

Tell the guys from Urquíneona.

Per exemple.

For example.

Va ser meravellós, això.

It was wonderful, that.

Allà va ser un extraescolar massiu.

There was a massive after-school activity.



Sí, sí, sempre cremar coses mai a un mateix, eh?

Yes, yes, always burn things, never oneself, right?

Vull dir, això també s'ha...

I mean, this has also...

Perquè, clar, n'hi ha que s'arrotxen amb caroseno

Because, of course, some of them get soaked with kerosene.

i ho foten un misto i avall, això no ho volem.

And they throw a match down, we don't want this.

Cremar objectes.

Burn objects.



Molt bé.

Very good.

Doncs fins aquí.

Well, that's it.

Godai, és el teu moment?

Godai, is this your moment?

Ah, no, és el meu moment.

Ah, no, it’s my moment.

El temps no es pot tenir.

Time cannot be held.

Sí, Elisenda, és com intentar atrapar l'olor de la mar

Yes, Elisenda, it's like trying to catch the scent of the sea.

o un rossinyol, per exemple.

or a nightingale, for example.

Tot i així, jo vaig conèixer una persona

Even so, I met a person.

que tenia un rossinyol en captivitat,

that had a nightingale in captivity,

i perquè diuen que no es poden tenir gàbies,

and why do they say that you can't have cages,

perquè allà ho havia trobat la manera,

because there I had found the way,

agafava i posava serradura en remull, d'acord?

I was taking and soaking sawdust, okay?

Llavors allà hi posava...

Then there I would put...

Godai, la secció.

Godai, the section.

La secció, és veritat, perdó.

The section, it is true, sorry.

Ara farem un concurs trepidant,

Now we will have an exhilarating contest,

sense cosificació de la dona,

without objectification of women,

ni premis en metàl·lic, ni públic drogat,

neither cash prizes, nor drugged audience,

és a dir, el concurs que mai faria en Antena 3,

that is to say, the contest that I would never do on Antena 3,

perquè parla de literatura catalana, d'acord?

because it talks about Catalan literature, okay?

Jo el que faré és que us diré unes dades

What I will do is give you some information.

de la vida de Caterina Albert,

of the life of Caterina Albert,

i vosaltres heu de pensar

and you have to think

qui o què també compleix aquesta sentència.

who or what also fulfills this sentence.

I us diré uns titulars.

I will tell you some headlines.



Jo us passaré aquests llibres.

I will pass you these books.

Els poseu a la falda i els obriu.

You put them on your lap and open them.

Això seran els polsadors.

These will be the buttons.

No sé, ens hem pogut pegar un piano,

I don't know, we could have hit a piano.

però no polsadors d'aquests, d'acord?

but not those buttons, okay?

No els digui els polsadors.

Don't tell them the buttons.

De polsar, sí.

Of course, yes.

Exacte, molt bé.

Exactly, very good.

Qui tingui la resposta, sí.

Whoever has the answer, yes.

Pel que sigui, no els havia obert.

For whatever reason, I hadn't opened them.

Aquests últims anys.

These last few years.

Qui tingui la resposta, que tanqui el llibre,

Whoever has the answer, close the book.

a mi em peto.

I got it.

I així tindreu el torn i respon.

And thus you will have your turn and respond.


Let's do it.

Això com que ha de ser dinàmic, fresc,

This has to be dynamic, fresh,

Eduard, m'hauries de fer un ragtime frenètic.

Eduard, you should make me a frantic ragtime.

El fa major, va bé?

The E major, is it alright?

El fa major ens agrada, sí.

We do like the B major.


Let's go.

Primera frase, heu de pensar

First sentence, you have to think.

qui també compleix aquestes característiques.

who also meets these characteristics.

Mort a la mateixa població que neix.

Death in the same population that is born.

Heu de tancar si teniu la resposta.

You have to close if you have the answer.

La meva tia, Enriqueta.

My aunt, Enriqueta.

Vaja, el Cel, sí.

Wow, the Sky, yes.

Torneu a carregar, polsadors.

Reload, buttons.

Havíeu de ser famosos.

You were supposed to be famous.

No, no, el que vulguis.

No, no, whatever you want.

Els seus escrits són bastant tèrmols.

His writings are quite lukewarm.

Sergi Pàmies.

Sergi Pàmies.

Vaja, torna a obrir, molt bé.

Wow, open again, very good.

Es mouen ambients de moderns amb la vida solucionada.

They move in modern environments with their lives sorted.



Sergi Pàmies.

Sergi Pàmies.

Obre, polsadors.

Open, push buttons.

De portes en fora es ven d'una manera que no és possible.

It is sold in a way that is not possible from the outside.

I de fora es ven d'una manera que no és possible.

And from the outside, it is sold in a way that is not possible.

Rocío Carrasco.

Rocío Carrasco.

Goita, goita, goita, goita, goita.

Look, look, look, look, look.

I anem per l'última.

And let's go for the last one.

Durant la guerra no fa gaire cosa.

During the war, it doesn't do much.

Josep Borrell.

Josep Borrell.

I fins aquí això que fa en Godall.

And until here is what Godall does.

Sempre excel·lent, Godall.

Always excellent, Godall.

Moltíssimes gràcies per la teva aportació.

Thank you very much for your contribution.

A vosaltres, a vosaltres, per ser-hi.

To you, to you, for being there.

Moltíssimes gràcies, Toni, per acompanyar-nos.

Thank you very much, Toni, for joining us.

En aquest humil programa et deixem amb la teva lectura,

In this humble program, we leave you with your reading.

la teva literatura.

your literature.

I fins aquí, una història de la literatura.

And up to here, a story of literature.

Segurament no és allò que esperàveu veure,

It's probably not what you were expecting to see,

però això ja és una altra història.

but that is another story.



Sí, Guifré.

Yes, Guifré.

Em fa por fer-me gran i quedar-me sol.

I am afraid of growing old and being alone.

No sé, la solitud.

I don't know, solitude.



I distanciar-me del món.

I distance myself from the world.



I acabar parlant sol o amb...

And end up talking to myself or with...

O amb un saltamartí?

Or with a grasshopper?



Oh, no, merda.

Oh no, shit.

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