Playlist: Cançons per a un estiu sense fi

Catalunya Ràdio


Playlist: Cançons per a un estiu sense fi


Icat Tapes

Icat Tapes

Seleccions musicals per emportar-se

Music selections to take away

Cançons per a un estiu sense fi

Songs for an endless summer

Benvinguts a unes vacances interminables

Welcome to an endless vacation.

amb els hits de la temporada

with the hits of the season

La Marina està morena

Marina is tanned.

A Pantina fa una plena

A Pantina is having a full one.

La rompe, la rompe, ho trenca

It breaks it, it breaks it, it shatters it.

I a Tamalena

And Tamalena

Sembla l'aigua una sirena

The water seems like a mermaid.

La rompe, la rompe, ho trenca

It breaks, it breaks, it shatters.

La Marina està morena

Marina is tanned.

Monta la ftera, la Kelly van darrere

Mount the fairground, Kelly is behind.

S'imagina on fan la pel·li

Can you imagine where they shoot the movie?

A part si ens ho veu la crema

Apart if it sees us the cream

El cot amb una fricció

The car with a friction.

Pull floretes i la crema

Pull flowers and the cream

Sortim al balcó

Let's go out to the balcony.

M'estic enamorant

I'm falling in love.

I l'hi hauré de confessar

And I will have to confess it to him/her.

Li queda bé

It looks good on you.

La sala al banyador

The room at the swimming pool.

Li queda bé

It looks good on him/her.

De perfil, de cara i d'esquena

In profile, facing forward and from behind.

La Marina està morena

Marina is tanned.

La quantia gors ens parla

The quantity gors speaks to us.

Em m'anada el bit

The bit is getting away from me.

La pãntina fa una plena

The pancake makes a full.

La rompe, la rompe, ho trenca

It breaks it, it breaks it, it breaks it.

I a Tamalena

And Tamalena

Sembla l'aigua una sirena

The water looks like a mermaid.

La rompe, la rompe, ho trenca

It breaks it, it breaks it, it shatters it.

Que duri déu-n'hi-do, jaureva, i fent-nos l'amor.

May it last, goodness gracious, while we lie down and make love.

Llorena, que duri déu-n'hi-do, reu, mi-me, sol, sol.

Llorena, may it last, god above, ruffian, me, me, alone, alone.

Llorena, a pontina pa' una pel·la,

Llorena, a bridge for a movie,

lo rompe, lo rompe, lo trenca, lo rompe, lo rompe, lo trenca.

It breaks it, it breaks it, it breaks it, it breaks it, it breaks it, it breaks it.

Escolta Zicat.

Listen Zicat.



¿Qué hubiera sido si antes te hubiera conocido?

What would it have been if I had met you before?

Seguramente estarías bailando hasta conmigo.

Surely you would be dancing even with me.

No como amigos, sino como otra cosa.

Not as friends, but as something else.

Usted cerca me pone fuerte.

You looking at me makes me hard.

Es peligrosa.

She is dangerous.

Por un besito hago cualquier cosa.

For a little kiss, I would do anything.

La novia suya me pone celosa.

His girlfriend makes me jealous.

Y aunque es hermosa.

And although she is beautiful.

No te va a tratar como yo.

He won't treat you like I do.

No te va a besar como yo.

He won't kiss you like I do.

No está tan rica así como yo.

It's not as rich as I am.

Ella es tímida y yo no con estas ganas que tengo yo.

She is shy and I am not with these desires that I have.

Me atrevo a comérmelo yo.

I dare to eat it myself.

Hoy estás jangueando con ella, pero después tal vez no.

Today you're hanging out with her, but maybe not afterwards.

¿Qué hubiera sido si antes te hubiera conocido?

What would it have been like if I had met you earlier?

Seguramente estarías bailando hasta conmigo.

Surely you would be dancing even with me.

No como amigos.

I don't eat as friends.

¿Qué hubiera sido si antes te hubiera conocido?

What would it have been like if I had known you before?

Seguramente estarías bailando hasta conmigo.

Surely you would be dancing even with me.

No como amigos.

I don't eat like friends.

Y yo te veo y no sé cómo actuar.

And I see you and I don't know how to act.

Bebé pa' conquistarte, que me pase en el manual.

Baby to conquer you, that I went through in the manual.

Espero lo que sea, yo no me voy a quitar.

I expect whatever it is, I am not going to back down.

Tengo fe que sos adicto, un día me van a mirar.

I have faith that you are addicted, one day they will look at me.

Yo me caso contigo.

I am marrying you.

Mi nombre suena bien con tu apellido.

My name sounds good with your last name.

Estoy esperando el primer descuido.

I am waiting for the first oversight.

Pa' presentarte como mi marido.

To introduce you as my husband.

Yo me caso contigo.

I am marrying you.

Mi nombre suena bien con tu apellido.

My name sounds good with your last name.

Estoy esperando el primer descuido.

I am waiting for the first oversight.

Pa' presentarte como mi marido.

To introduce you as my husband.

¿No has entendido qué?

What haven't you understood?

No te va a tratar como yo.

He won't treat you like I do.

No te va a besar como yo.

He won't kiss you like I do.

No está tan rica así como yo.

It's not as tasty as I am.

Ella es tímida y yo no con esta gana que tengo yo.

She is shy and I am not with this desire I have.

Me atrevo a comérmelo yo.

I dare to eat it myself.

Hoy estás jangueando con ella, pero después tal vez no.

Today you are hanging out with her, but maybe not later.

¿Qué hubiera sido?

What could it have been?

No sé, qué tienen que decir?

I don't know, what do they have to say?

Seguramente estaría bailando hasta conmigo.

Surely she would be dancing even with me.

No como amigos, no, no, no.

Not as friends, no, no, no.

¿De qué sería el conocido?

What would it be known for?

Seguramente estarías bailando hasta conmigo.

Surely you would be dancing with me.

No como amigos, no, no, no.

Not as friends, no, no, no.

¿De qué sería el conocido?

What would it be known for?

Si ya, si ya, si ya, si ya, si ya.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

¿De qué sería el conocido?

What would the knowledge be about?

El conocido de tu viendo.

The acquaintance of your seeing.

더 круcte el pe executed.

The pe executed.

Mediterrani, dinem a casa els avis

Mediterranean, we are having lunch at grandparents' house.

Tots junts a fora al pati entre vinyes i geranis

All together outside in the courtyard among the vines and geraniums.

Un altre estiuet al poble, una nit més que s'allarga

Another little summer in the village, another night that drags on.

Anem a un concert a la costa, un any més que se'ns escapa

Let's go to a concert on the coast, another year slipping away from us.

Això és l'estiu, la mar salada, la pell morena

This is summer, the salty sea, the tanned skin.

Això és l'estiu, una caleta al Mediterrani

This is summer, a cove in the Mediterranean.

Això és l'estiu, aquell petó sota les estrelles

This is summer, that kiss under the stars.

De cop em dius que això és l'estiu

Suddenly you tell me that this is summer.

Passem-nos els dies de costa a costa

We spend our days from coast to coast.

Lloguem una camper per tu i per mi

We rent a camper for you and me.

Passem-nos les nits, fem coses prohibides

Let's spend the nights, doing forbidden things.

Reservo un hotel per tu i per mi

I book a hotel for you and me.

Per tu i per mi

For you and for me

A vegades la vida no ens ho posa fàcil ni a tu ni a mi

Sometimes life doesn't make it easy for either you or me.

Però ens tenim l'un a l'altre

But we have each other.

Res més em fa falta per ser feliç

Nothing else I need to be happy.

I al final ens hem allargat

And in the end, we have taken longer.

De anar xerrant se'ns ha fet tard

By chatting, we lost track of time.

Hem quedat per veure el partit

We have arranged to watch the match.

I hem tornat a casa de nit

We returned home at night.

I estem xiling, xiling, xiling, xiling

And we are chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping.

Anem donant-li piqui-piqui

Let's keep giving it a little poke.

Als més regalats de la Siri

To the most gifted of Siri

I a descansar-hi quan em mori

And to rest there when I die.

Això és l'estiu

This is summer.

La mar salada, la pell morena

The salty sea, the brown skin.

Això és l'estiu

This is summer.

Una caleta al Mediterrani

A cove on the Mediterranean

Això és l'estiu

This is summer.

Aquell petó sota les estrelles de cop amb nius

That kiss under the stars suddenly with nests.

Que això és l'estiu

That this is summer.

Que ets com el Messi del Barça

You are like the Messi of Barça.

T'has fet d'una llegenda

You have become a legend.

Vine i tu i jo fem un pacte

Come and you and I make a pact.

Fem que això duri per sempre

Let's make this last forever.

Que ets com el Messi del Barça

You are like the Messi of Barça.

T'has fet d'una llegenda

You have become a legend.

Vine i tu i jo fem un pacte

Come and you and I make a pact

Fem que això duri per sempre

Let's make this last forever.

Baby, com va

Baby, how's it going?

Un milió de persones

One million people

I tu no ets comparable

And you are not comparable.

Com a jo i un miracle

As me and a miracle

L'adjectiu perfecte entre totes les paraules

The perfect adjective among all the words.

I com m'agradaria presentar-te a la iaia

And how I would like to introduce you to grandma.

Perquè ella em busca i em posa el seu nick

Because she looks for me and puts her nickname.

Totes les bromes i sempre l'irric

All the jokes and always the irritable one.

I ara d'un mes amb la cami del Barça

And now in a month with the Barça jersey.

Vol 100% animar-me al partit

I want to be 100% excited for the match.

Que el nostre joc serà llegendari

That our game will be legendary.

Cada vegada enfonsem l'estadi

Every time we sink the stadium.

És la final somiada

It is the dreamed final.

Un partit de Champions

A Champions match

Un marco de la vida

A frame of life.

Un gol

A goal

Això és l'estiu

This is summer.

La mar salada

The salty sea

La pell morena

The dark skin

Això és l'estiu

This is summer.

Una caleta al Mediterrani

A cove in the Mediterranean

Això és l'estiu

This is summer.

Aquell petós de les estrelles

That kiss of the stars

De cop em dius

Suddenly you told me.

Que això és l'estiu

That this is summer.

Tens el goma magnètic

Do you have the magnetic eraser?

Enganjat als teus fotons

Engaged to your photos

Tens el goma magnètic

Do you have the magnetic eraser?

Enganjat als teus fotons

Stuck in your photos.

Això és l'estiu

This is summer.

La mar salada

The salty sea

La pell morena

The brown skin

Això és l'estiu

This is summer.

Una caleta al Mediterrani

A cove in the Mediterranean.

Això és l'estiu

This is summer.

Aquell petós de les estrelles

That kiss of the stars

De cop em dius

Suddenly you tell me

Això és l'estiu

This is summer.

Que això és l'estiu

That this is summer.

Una claria amb la flaixi

A polecat with the flash.

I se'ns ha passat la tarda

The afternoon has flown by.

No sé ni com ens ofem però

I don't even know how we suffocate each other but

Ens ha sortit a no t'apagar

It has turned out not to turn you off.

Escolta Zikat

Listen Zikat.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Todo lo que me queda por vivir

Everything that I have left to live.

Me he olvidado de todo lo que dije

I have forgotten everything I said.

Ya he llorado y ahora son cicatrices que no se ven

I have cried now and they are scars that are not visible.

No importa que marquen mi piel

It doesn't matter if they mark my skin.



Loco como el fuego

Crazy like fire.

Buscando lo que me han quitado

Searching for what has been taken from me

No hay suerte en el juego ni en el amor

There is no luck in gambling or in love.

Tienes que seguir

You have to continue.

Para lo que venga luego

For what comes next.

Y si no vemos el final

And if we don't see the end

Da igual, da igual

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Si no vemos el final

If we don't see the end.

Da igual

It doesn't matter.

Todo lo que me queda por vivir

All that I have left to live.

Si aquello que he sido

If what I have been

No tiene sentido

It doesn't make sense.

No importa porque soy

It doesn't matter because I am.

Todo lo que me queda por vivir

Everything I have left to live.

Ven y toma otro trocito de mi corazón

Come and take another piece of my heart.

Es pa' ti todo y no te impara hacer tamón

It's all for you and it doesn't bother you to do anything.

Para cada feeling

For every feeling

Nos vamos al cine

We're going to the cinema.

Y si no vemos el final

And if we don't see the end

Da igual, da igual

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Si no vemos el final

If we don't see the end.

Da igual, da igual

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Si no vemos el final

If we do not see the end.

Da igual, da igual

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Si no vemos el final

If we don't see the end

Da igual, da igual

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Si no vemos el final

If we don't see the end.

Da igual, da igual

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Todo lo que me queda por vivir

Everything I have left to live.



Todo lo que me queda por vivir

Everything I have left to live.

Si aquello que he sido

If what I have been

No tiene sentido

It makes no sense.

No importa porque soy

It doesn't matter because I am.

Todo lo que me queda por vivir

Everything that I have left to live.

Si no vemos el final

If we don't see the end.

Da igual, da igual

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Si no vemos el final

If we don't see the end.

Da igual, da igual

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Si no vemos el final

If we don't see the end.

Da igual

It doesn't matter.

Si no vemos el final

If we don't see the end

Da igual

It doesn't matter.

Ya no importa nada

Nothing matters anymore.



Voy con todo lo que me queda por vivir

I'm going with everything I have left to live.

Si aquello que he sido no tiene sentido,

If what I have been makes no sense,

no importa porque soy todo lo que me queda por vivir.

It doesn't matter because I am all that I have left to live.

Y todo lo que me queda por vivir.

And everything I have left to live.

Escolta, Zikat.

Listen, Zikat.

T'ho escric per dir-te perdó.

I'm writing to you to say I'm sorry.

Que hi ha somers a la cint i jo pen.

There are donkeys on the belt and I am hanging.

Són tu i jo.

It's you and me.

Ho arreglarem a la meva habitació.

We'll fix it in my room.

No, ballaria, ballaria.

No, I would dance, I would dance.

Que estiguis sexy quan poses mala cara.

That you look sexy when you make a bad face.

No, ballaria, ballaria.

No, I would dance, I would dance.

Que em volguis nuis quan estic...

That you want to burden me when I am...

T'has endiablada.

You've gone crazy.

Ballaria, ballaria.

I would dance, I would dance.

Que estiguis sexy quan poses mala cara.

That you look sexy when you make a bad face.

Ballaria, ballaria.

I would dance, I would dance.

Que jo t'ho mulli a l'esquadrada.

Let me wet you in the squared.

Quin estrès.

What stress.

Per tu deixo les nenes, bolos i els diners.

For you, I leave the girls, the parties, and the money.

A tu amb tot el que em queda t'ho anaria més.

To you with everything I have left, I would give it all.

Perquè si m'abandones ja no em queda res.

Because if you abandon me, I have nothing left.

Jo sé que sóc una xula, em poso si em pertinen.

I know I’m a cheeky one, I get into it if it suits me.

Però l'alfons sé que t'encanta, em toquen por ti, mal home.

But I know you love Alfonso, I'm scared for you, bad man.

No te dejo mai, mai, mai, mai.

I will never, ever, ever, ever leave you.

Que no falla mai, mai, mai, mai.

That never fails, ever, ever, ever, ever.

Jo tinc la realitat, del qual quiero.

I have the reality of what I want.

Ballaria, ballaria.

I would dance, I would dance.

No, ballaria, ballaria.

No, I would dance, I would dance.

Ballaria, ballaria.

I would dance, I would dance.

Que estiguis sexy quan poses mala cara.

That you look sexy when you make a bad face.

Ballaria, ballaria.

I would dance, I would dance.

No, ballaria, ballaria.

No, I would dance, I would dance.

Ballaria, ballaria.

I would dance, I would dance.

Que em volguis noves quan estàs enriadada.

That you want me new when you are angry.

Ballaria, ballaria.

I would dance, I would dance.

Que estiguis sexy quan poses mala cara.

That you look sexy when you make a sour face.

Ballaria, ballaria.

I would dance, I would dance.

Que per tu em quedo sense nada.

That for you, I have nothing left.

Quin estrès.

What stress.

Per tu deixo les nenes, bolos i els diners.

For you, I leave the girls, the bowling, and the money.

A tu amb tot el que em queda t'ho anaria més.

I would give you everything I have left.

Perquè si m'abandones ja no em queda res.

Because if you leave me, I have nothing left.

Quin estrès.

What stress.

Vull tenir molta qualitat.

I want to have a lot of quality.

Et sobra cal i et sobra cal.

You have excess heat and you have excess heat.

És que vos em mata.

You are killing me.

Et sobra cal i et sobra cal.

You have too much heat and you have too much heat.

L'ho cuido per mi gata.

I take care of her for my cat.

Et sobra cal i et sobra cal.

You have excess coal and you have excess money.

És que vos em mata.

It's that you kill me.

Et sobra cal i et sobra cal.

You have more than enough firewood and you have enough money.

L'ho cuido per mi gata.

I take care of it for my cat.

Quin estrès.

What stress.

De mirar tus labios no puedo parar Rebusando nuestro cuerpo

I can't stop looking at your lips, rummaging through our bodies.

Sudando como en el desierto Sabemos que la gente está de más

Sweating like in the desert We know that the people are superfluous.

Pero si lo pides eso puede cambiar En solo un momento

But if you ask for it, that can change in just a moment.

Si tú quieres puedo estar adentro

If you want, I can be inside.

Mami, es que tú me encantas A ti yo te rezo, mi santa

Mommy, it's just that I adore you. I pray to you, my saint.

Una y hablar como bailar Ninguna en la disco te alcanza

One and speaking like dancing, none in the disco can reach you.

No, no, no, es que tú me encantas A ti yo te rezo, mi santa

No, no, no, it's just that I adore you I pray to you, my saint.

Una y hablar como bailar Ninguna en la disco te alcanza

One and talking is like dancing None in the disco can keep up with you.

Touch of my body feel like ecstasy No other person, only you I see

Touch of my body feels like ecstasy No other person, only you I see

My daily dose of the vitamin C, C Now only you I need

My daily dose of vitamin C, C Now only you I need

Love of the bed every time that it goes down I feel the love, why I don't need no closure

Love of the bed every time it goes down I feel the love, because I don't need any closure.

You feeling down, baby, come let me hold ya Would you come let me hold ya

You feeling down, baby, come let me hold you Would you come let me hold you

Love of the bed every time that it goes down I feel the love, why I don't need no closure

Love of the bed every time it goes down I feel the love, because I don't need any closure.

You feeling down, baby, come let me hold ya Would you come let me hold ya

You feeling down, baby, come let me hold you Would you come let me hold you

Mami, es que tú me encantas A ti yo te rezo, mi santa

Mommy, I just adore you. I pray to you, my saint.

Una y hablar como bailar Ninguna en la disco te alcanza

One and talk like dancing None in the disco reaches you.

No, no, no, es que tú me encantas A ti yo te rezo, mi santa

No, no, no, it's just that I adore you I pray to you, my saint.

Una y hablar como bailar Ninguna en la disco te alcanza

One and talk like dancing None in the disco can reach you.

No, no, eh

No, no, eh.

Mami, es que tú me encantas A ti yo te rezo, mi santa

Mommy, it's just that I adore you. I pray to you, my saint.



No todo lo quiero saber pero no quiero curarte Un shot de tequila con un baile

I don't want to know everything but I don't want to heal you A shot of tequila with a dance.

Un beso en lo oscuro Quiero robarte

A kiss in the dark I want to steal from you.

No tengo que ver solo Sentir tu parte

I don't have to see, just feel your part.

No te preocupes Por lo que yo gasto

Don't worry about what I spend.

Yo no soy como tu último gato Tu vida deja la timidez

I am not like your last cat Your life leaves shyness behind




Give me!

¡Dame tu sonrisa Me tenía que arriesgar

Give me your smile I had to take the risk.

Me fue la prisa All night long

I lost the rush all night long.

No voy a andar en la omer Tengo más pipí tu melaco

I'm not going to walk in the Omer. I have more pee than your melon.

Oh no, you drive me to your place

Oh no, you drive me to your place.

I move with you all the day, man, this

I move with you all day, man, this.

I move to you all the day, man, this

I move to you all day, man, this.

Oh my baby, to me like a

Oh my baby, to me like a

Oh no, you drive me to your place

Oh no, you drive me to your place.

I move with you all the day, man, this

I move with you all day, man, this.

I move to you all the day, man, this

I move to you all the day, man, this

Este deseo no lo puedo negar

I cannot deny this desire.

De mirar tus labios no puedo parar

I can't stop looking at your lips.

Rehusando nuestro cuerpo

Refusing our body

Sudando como en el desierto

Sweating like in the desert.

Sabemos que la gente está de más

We know that people are unnecessary.

Pero si lo pides eso puede cambiar

But if you ask for it, that can change.

En solo un momento

In just a moment.

Si tú quieres puedo estar adentro

If you want, I can be inside.

Mami, es que tú me encantas

Mommy, it's just that I really like you.

A ti yo te rezo, mi santa

I pray to you, my saint.

Una yola como bailar

A yole like to dance.

Ninguna en la disco te alcanza

No one at the club reaches you.

No, no, no, es que tú me encantas

No, no, no, it's just that I really like you.

A ti yo te rezo, mi santa

I pray to you, my saint.

Una yola como bailar

A yole like to dance.

Ninguna en la disco te alcanza

No one at the club can reach you.

No, no, eh

No, no, eh.


Let's listen!

Has llegat?

Have you read?

Bona nit.

Good night.

Escolta, Zikat.

Listen, Zikat.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Escolta, Zicat!

Listen, Zicat!

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Bona nit.

Good night.

Un punt de llum, un pou de pors.

A point of light, a well of fears.

Fes-me tocar el sol fins que em cremi.

Let me touch the sun until I burn.

Fes-me creure en tot fins que em trenqui.

Make me believe in everything until it breaks me.

La sort que tinc de tu, la set que tinc de tot.

The luck that I have with you, the thirst that I have for everything.

Un punt de llum, un pou de pors.

A point of light, a well of fears.

Fes-me tocar el sol fins que em cremi.

Let me touch the sun until I burn.

Fes-me creure en tot, sort que en tinc de tu.

Make me believe in everything, how lucky I am to have you.

Escolta, Zicat.

Listen, Zicat.

Ella és adicta a l'amor estacional.

She is addicted to seasonal love.

Ella és adicta al mojito tropical.

She is addicted to the tropical mojito.

Vam creuar mirades a la platja de Malgrat.

We exchanged glances on the beach of Malgrat.

I malgrat hi havia onades, ens vam banyar junts al mar.

And despite there being waves, we swam together in the sea.

El veig veure de lluny.

I see him/her from afar.

L'erro a una va ple de banyistes i l'olor crema és el perfum.

The mistake in a vessel full of bathers and the burning smell is the perfume.

Tu estaves aparcant a la zona vídeo

You were parking in the video zone.

vigilada del Club Marítim Capital.

watched over by the Capital Maritime Club.

He escalat l'espigó per mirar-te

I have climbed the pier to look at you.

des d'un punt més alt.

from a higher point.

Se m'han clavat els teus ulls.

Your eyes have pierced me.

Vaig baixar de la guaca per dir-te

I went down from the guaca to tell you.

que després d'un temps en Israel

that after some time in Israel

he anat a la platja de Malgrat.

I have been to the beach of Malgrat.

I malgrat hi havia onades, ens vam banyar junts al mar.

And although there were waves, we swam together in the sea.

Ara ho van encerclar.

Now they have circled it.

Segurades amb poca més feina que aprendre el sol i anar esmurzant.

Surely with little more work than learning the sun and having a snack.

Va salvar-me amb un peto a la cara.

He saved me with a kiss on the face.

I ha estat de mal.

It has been bad.

Ella és adicta a l'amor estacional.

She is addicted to seasonal love.

Ella és adicta al morir tot tropical.

She is addicted to dying all tropical.

Vam creuar mirades a la platja de Malgrat.

We exchanged glances at Malgrat beach.

I malgrat hi havia onades, ens vam banyar junts al mar.

And despite the waves, we bathed together in the sea.

Baia junts al mar.

Bay together at sea.

I va ser un gran matí

It was a big morning.

d'admirar-nos, tocar-nos i riure

to admire each other, to touch each other, and to laugh

i a dins de l'aigua vam fer aigua.

And inside the water, we made water.

Vam brindar pel futur.

We toasted to the future.

Jo tenia esperances de veure't

I had hopes of seeing you.

després d'un maig i un mes d'aigua.

after a May and a month of water.

Tu te'n vas a conèixer tot Europa.

You are going to get to know all of Europe.

Jo moro d'aigua.

I die of water.

Ella és addicta a l'amor estacional.

She is addicted to seasonal love.

Ella és addicta al mofito tropical.

She is addicted to tropical mojito.

Vam creuar mirades a la platja de malgrat

We exchanged glances on the beach of Malgrat.

i malgrat hi havia onades,

and although there were waves,

ens vam ballar junts al mar.

we danced together in the sea.

Ella és addicta a l'amor estacional.

She is addicted to seasonal love.

Ella és addicta al mofito tropical.

She is addicted to tropical mojito.

Vam creuar mirades a la platja de malgrat

We exchanged glances on the beach of Malgrat.

i malgrat hi havia onades,

and despite there were waves,

ens vam ballar junts al mar.

we danced together in the sea.

Ens vam ballar junts al mar.

We danced together in the sea.











Je ще en posaré een altre.

I will put another one.


Narcopacte translates to "Narcopact" in English.



i David

and David

Bona nit.

Good night.

Escolta, Zika.

Listen, Zika.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Nie, posa una campassa i perdra l'alè, tinc d'ajarar com part per a un tren, posa't a votar que el club està all like them.

No, put on a camp and you'll lose your breath, I have to hurry like I'm part of a train, get ready to vote because the club is all like them.

Vas barat de pint i tot les sabates, aquesta nit has vingut a embrutar-te, gata, però amb cadena de plata.

You’re cheap in paint and all the shoes, tonight you’ve come to get dirty, cat, but with a silver chain.

Ua, ua, ua, la que vulgui que aixequi la mà, la que vulgui votar fins demà.

Oh, oh, oh, anyone who wants to raise their hand, anyone who wants to vote until tomorrow.

No t'apiris a un taxi, que han punxat la de nananí.

Don't get in a taxi, they have slashed the nananí.

Posa una campassa i perdra l'alè, tinc d'ajarar com part per a un tren, posa't a votar que el club està all like them.

Put on a bell and lose your breath, I have to stretch like a train departs, go vote because the club is all like them.

Un no, massa tapada per tanta calor, no és purpurina que això és suor, deixa la roba tira't d'algun racó.

A no, too covered for so much heat, this isn't glitter, it's sweat, leave the clothes thrown in some corner.

La bits s'emprenya dispara a discreció, cal contravernar el fardo dins el camió.

The bits are getting angry, shooting at will; we need to contravene the bundle within the truck.

Willing shot, a cara del Borbó, a la ment ploré, celular, talent de debò.

Willing shot, to the face of the Bourbon, in my mind I cried, cellphone, real talent.

Yo, vets ara, oi oi oi, t'he batzó, hi ha restos de DJs sobre el capó.

I, you see now, oh oh oh, I've hit you, there are DJ remains on the hood.

Tinc cara de jove i blanc com Saitó, ara tinc verd proper brots del padró.

I have a young face and white like Saitó, now I have green shoots close to the census.

La que vulgui que aixequi la mà, la que vulgui votar fins demà.

Whoever wants to raise their hand, whoever wants to vote until tomorrow.

No t'apiris a un taxi, que han punxat la de nananí.

Don't get into a taxi, they've punctured the nananí's tire.

Piquetona, t'encanta com sona, vota com pilota ta goma.

Piquetona, you love how it sounds, vote like a ball your rubber.

Al malic el tatu d'una ploma, la que més ataca la nit de la zona.

At the malic, the tattoo of a feather, the one that attacks the night of the area the most.

Que se posin les pupiles del rapers, que si paro vulguis una mica més.

Let the rap lyrics be delivered, because if I stop, I want a little more.

Si tenim, ens passem de les tres, per tu la gatzara aquesta nit no hi ha tres.

If we have, we go past three, for you the party tonight there are no three.

El escoltar, el voler, tinc ganes de voler.

Listening, wanting, I feel like wanting.

Voler de voler, voler de voler.

To want to want, to want to want.

I si no vols suar, serà millor que fotis el camp.

And if you don't want to sweat, it would be better if you get lost.

Oh Déu, el dans el representant.

Oh God, the dance represents.

El tits com el mar.

The tits like the sea.

Pistoles i els culs rebotant.

Guns and the butts bouncing.

Pres en un micròfon, és un rap a pam pam.

Caught on a microphone, it's a rap at a snap snap.

Vés-te'n per a berenar, que això encara no s'acaba.

Go have a snack, because this isn't over yet.

Quina línia de llengua, màgia és d'arbre cadabra.

What line of language, magic is from a magical tree.

Quan agafo el micro, jo sé que és a tant papa.

When I grab the mic, I know it's for you, dad.

I que sap que jo sóc el papa.

And he knows that I am the pope.

Digue'ls-hi que vinguin, que aquí està tot calent.

Tell them to come, that everything here is warm.

Si a tothom es toca i fan la pura tangent.

If everyone touches and makes the pure tangent.

Una malvanta i el dit petit a la dent.

A bad tooth and the little finger in the tooth.

Demana'm una birra mai, frem pel que més vulguis.

Ask me for a beer never, chill for whatever you want.

La vaina està fot i crema com una foguera.

The sheath is cracking and burning like a bonfire.

El cul fins al terra, tota la nit sencera.

The butt all the way to the ground, the whole night long.

Porto gats ara per tota la primavera.

I have cats now for the whole spring.

Ocdeu, cucapi, willy.

Ocdeu, cucapi, willy.

Na, na, na, nié.

No, no, no, no.

Posa una campas i perdre l'alè.

Put on a cape and lose your breath.

Tinc gats ara com per parar un tren.

I have cats now as if to stop a train.

Posa't a votar que el club està all'aigüent.

Get ready to vote because the club is in trouble.

Ocdeu, cucapi, willy.

Ocdeu, cucapi, willy.

Nié, posa una campas i perdre l'alè.

No, put on a coat and lose your breath.

Tinc gats ara com per parar un tren.

I have cats now as if to stop a train.

Posa't a votar que el club està all'aigüent.

Vote because the club is in trouble.

Ocdeu, cucapi, willy.

Ocdeu, cucapi, willy.

Ei, yo!

Hey, yo!

Això és obteu!

This is obtain!

Original, man, girl, senyor, Wilson and cucapi.

Original, man, girl, sir, Wilson and cucapi.



La mercy, hotline, every.

The mercy, hotline, every.

És un micròfon, és un rap, pa-pum-pum-pum.

It's a microphone, it's a rap, pa-pum-pum-pum.

La meva ment pluri, cel·lular, talent, talent, talent, talent.

My pluricellular mind, talent, talent, talent, talent.

Una altra nit que al final no hi ha plan.

Another night where in the end there are no plans.

Ningú vol sortir de casa.

Nobody wants to leave the house.

Viatjant a la nevera al sofà.

Traveling to the fridge on the sofa.

Crec que em pujaré el pijama i no sé quan.

I think I'll put on my pajamas and I don't know when.

Em va ser que ens vam fer grans.

It was that we grew up.

Sembla que hi ha algú que s'ha arreglat.

It looks like someone has gotten ready.

Nen, no m'esperis d'hora.

Boy, don't wait for me on time.

Iaia, com va ta festa?

Granny, how is your party?

Si et en vull tante, puc anar amb tu.

If I want so much, I can go with you.

Iaia, m'agrada com penses.

Grandma, I like the way you think.

Si et deixes, basta.

If you allow it, that's enough.

Podem anar junts.

We can go together.

Ja, ja, on vas a festa?

Ha, ha, where are you going to party?

Si tens 80, puc anar amb tu.

If you have 80, I can go with you.

Ja, ja, m'agrada quan penses

Ha, ha, I like it when you think.

fent aquesta espasta, podem anar junts.

By doing this sword, we can go together.

Però no em vols deixar anar

But you don't want to let me go.

perquè no l'he arreglat.

because I haven't fixed it.

El mòbil li m'ho ha dit mil cops.

The mobile has told me a thousand times.

Va vestida de cap d'any, és espectacular.

She is dressed for New Year's Eve, she looks spectacular.

Però per fa no em diguis que no.

But please don't tell me no.

I no sé quan va ser que ens vam fer grans.

I don't know when it was that we grew up.

No m'han quedat les ganes.

I have not lost the desire.

Sembla que hi ha algú que s'ha arreglat.

It seems that someone has gotten ready.

Nen, no m'esperis d'hora.

Kid, don't wait for me early.

Ja, ja, on vas a festa?

Haha, where are you going to party?

Si tens 80, puc anar amb tu.

If you have 80, I can go with you.

Ja, ja, m'agrada quan penses

Yeah, yeah, I like it when you think.

fent aquesta espasta, podem anar junts.

Making this effort, we can go together.

Ja, ja, on vas a festa?

Yeah, yeah, where are you going to party?

Si tens 80, puc anar amb tu.

If you have 80, I can go with you.

Ja, ja, on vas a festa?

Ha, ha, where are you going to party?

Si tens 80, puc anar amb tu.

If you have 80, I can go with you.

Ja, ja, on vas a festa?

Yeah, yeah, where are you going to party?

Ja, ja, m'agrada quan penses

Yes, yes, I like it when you think.

fent aquesta espasta, podem anar junts.

By making this effort, we can go together.

Ja, ja, on vas a festa?

Ha, ha, where are you going to party?

Si tens 80, puc anar amb tu.

If you have 80, I can go with you.

Ja, ja, m'agrada quan penses

Yes, yes, I like it when you think.

fent aquesta espasta, podem anar junts.

Making this sword, we can go together.

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