Millors moments (setmana 3)

Catalunya Ràdio

El búnquer

Millors moments (setmana 3)

El búnquer

El búnquer

The bunker

1925, Ketipalayam, l'Índia Britànica, actual Índia.

1925, Ketipalayam, British India, present-day India.

Aviam que això ja m'ho sé jo.

Let's see, I already know this.

O escriptor britànic que el seu pare treballa a les colònies fuatejant els claus.

The British writer whose father works in the colonies hammering nails.



O índi mort de gana.

Oh, the hungry Indian.

Mira, què tenim?

Look, what do we have?

Res de britànics, de moment.

Nothing British, for now.

Avui farem la biografia d'un nadiu.

Today we will do the biography of a native.

Però t'has equivocat d'una cosa.

But you are mistaken about one thing.

Avui el protagonista no prové d'una família pobra.

Today the protagonist does not come from a poor family.

El nano en qüestió es diu Ramazuami Gounder.

The kid in question is named Ramazuami Gounder.

Tothom, fins i tot els seus pares, li diuen Ramu.

Everyone, even his parents, calls him Ramu.



Una mica el nom de pijo sí que és Ramu.

The name Ramu is indeed a bit fancy.

Ramu, amenidor, compipo i toton.

Branch, amenity, compipo, and toton.

Aquest és el panorama.

This is the panorama.

Per molts diners que tinguin els pares, en Ramu té una vida ben austera.

No matter how much money his parents have, Ramu has a very austere life.

Des de petit el fan estudiar de valent.

Since he was little, they make him study hard.

El fan ajudar a casa.

They make help at home.

I el fan resar, també, les seves pregàries.

And they make them pray, too, their prayers.

Això és el més important de tot.

This is the most important thing of all.

Resar als déus i donar les gràcies perquè té un plat calent cada dia.

Pray to the gods and give thanks for having a hot meal every day.

Són una mica pesats amb els sermons de religió.

They are a bit boring with the religious sermons.

Jo gairebé prefereixo fotre'm de gana.

I almost prefer to starve.



He de donar les gràcies cada cop.

I have to thank every time.

Cada vegada.

Every time.

Mira, escolti, noi.

Look, listen, boy.

A sobre que he de menjar xicrons cada dia?

Why do I have to eat chickpeas every day?

Cada dia.

Every day.

Els pares li expliquen a en Ramu que el fet de néixer en forma humana no ha sigut casualitat.

The parents explain to Ramu that being born in human form has not been a coincidence.

Ah, calla.

Ah, shut up.

Li diuen que la reencarnació depèn dels actes comesos en vides passades.

They say that reincarnation depends on the actions committed in past lives.

Li diuen, tu, Ramu, en vides anteriors has sigut uns quants animals...

They say to him, you, Ramu, in previous lives you have been a few animals...

I no tots han sigut bons.

And not all have been good.

Algunes de les teves reencarnacions han sigut dolentes.

Some of your reincarnations have been bad.

Li expliquen que si es porta bé i és un bon minyó, va pel bon camí.

They explain to him that if he behaves well and is a good boy, he is on the right path.

Però tenim la llista de reencarnacions d'en Ramu perquè a mi això...

But we have the list of Ramu's reincarnations because this...

I tant!


I tant que la tenim!

I love that we have it!

M'encantaria tenir-ho, això.

I would love to have that.

No sabem si els pares ho diuen de veritat o simplement perquè en Ramu es porti bé a casa,

We don't know if the parents really mean it or just say it so Ramu behaves well at home.

però li asseguren que en una vida anterior va ser una rata.

but they assure him that in a past life he was a rat.

Comencem fatal, no?

We're starting off badly, aren't we?

Una rata!

A rat!

A veure, no és tan greu com sembla, eh?

Let's see, it's not as bad as it seems, okay?

La rata és un símbol amb contradiccions, sí.

The rat is a symbol with contradictions, yes.

Els hindús creuen que és un animal que transmet saviesa i coneixement,

Hindus believe that it is an animal that conveys wisdom and knowledge.

però també simbolitza una etapa que cal superar,

but it also symbolizes a stage that must be overcome,

la necessitat de superar desafiaments i purificar-se.

the need to overcome challenges and purify oneself.

Després de la rata li diuen que es va reencarnar en una gallina.

After the rat, they say it was reincarnated as a hen.



Això ja és una mica millor.

This is already a little better.

Espera't una cosa.

Wait for a moment.

Gallina és millor que rata?

Is a chicken better than a rat?



Això sembla una llista de Pokémon.

This looks like a list of Pokémon.

Espera't un moment.

Wait a moment.

Després va ser una tortuga.

Afterwards it was a turtle.



Després un gat.

After a cat.



Un cuc de terra.

A earthworm.


Excuse me?

Un ocell, un mico i finalment s'ha reencarnat en una persona

A bird, a monkey, and finally it has reincarnated as a person.

que és la vida que està vivint ara.

What is the life he/she is living now?

Però tot això no pot ser.

But all this can't be.

On ho puc trobar, això?

Where can I find this?

A la meva salut.

To my health.

Que hi ha una piràmide.

There is a pyramid.

En fi, tot plegat és per fer-li agafar una mica de por amb el nano.

Anyway, it's all to make him a little scared of the kid.

És com dir-li a un nen petit que el tio li cagarà carbó per Nadal.

It's like telling a small child that Santa will bring him coal for Christmas.



Els pares li diuen que si no es porta bé

The parents tell him that if he doesn't behave well

es reencarnarà en un cuc de terra una altra vegada.

it will be reincarnated as an earthworm once again.

Home, impacta bastant més això que el carbó per Nadal.

At home, this impacts quite a bit more than coal for Christmas.



Perquè dius, el carbó aquell, final te'l menges, eh?

Because you say, that coal, in the end you eat it, huh?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

També li diuen que si es porta bé i resa cada dia,

They also tell him that if he behaves well and prays every day,

en la pròxima vida serà una vaca, un animal sagrat.

In the next life, it will be a cow, a sacred animal.

Amb aquestes menjades de cap és com creix el nostre amic Ramo.

With these head meals is how our friend Ramo grows.

La duresa dels pares fa que el noi sigui dels millors de la classe

The strictness of the parents makes the boy one of the best in the class.

i es converteixi en un jove de bé.

and become a good young man.

Entra a la universitat i es gradua en enginyeria agrícola

He enters the university and graduates in agricultural engineering.

amb una facilitat extraordinària.

with extraordinary ease.

Enginyeria agrícola.

Agricultural engineering.

Mira, tant te servirà com si ets cuc de terra o com vaca, eh?

Look, it will serve you just as much if you are a earthworm or a cow, right?

Sí que és veritat.

Yes, it is true.

És un estudi que serveix...

It is a study that serves...

On te puc menjar, jo, com que he estudiat enginyeria agrícola?

Can I eat you, since I have studied agricultural engineering?

El Timora canvia de sector i acaba dedicant-se a una altra cosa.

The Timora changes sector and ends up dedicating itself to something else.

Resulta que el seu tiet és un dels directors d'una fàbrica de motocicletes

It turns out that his uncle is one of the directors of a motorcycle factory.

que exporta a l'estranger.

that exports abroad.

En Ramo entra a la fàbrica i es converteix en un dels comercials.

Ramo enters the factory and becomes one of the sales representatives.

Escolta, hem anat fins l'Índia per acabar explicant la vida

Listen, we went all the way to India just to end up explaining life.

d'un comercial de motocicletes?

of a motorcycle salesman?

Més o menys.

More or less.

És així, eh?

Is that so, huh?

A veure, ara vindran les desgràcies, no ho pot dir.

Let's see, now the misfortunes will come, he can't say that.

De moment, a en Ramo tot li va de cara.

At the moment, everything is going well for Ramo.

És un jove d'èxit que guanya calés a l'empresa del seu tiet.

He is a successful young man who earns money in his uncle's company.

Fins i tot ha conegut una noieta amb qui ha començat a festejar.

He has even met a girl with whom he has started dating.

La Sundari.

The Sundari.

La Sundari?

The Sundari?

Qui és la Sundari?

Who is the Sundari?

Pot ser una marca de cotxes?

Could it be a car brand?

Ha comprat un Sundari?

Has he/she bought a Sundari?

A quatre.

For four.

Un Sundari a quatre o un gelat.

A Sundari for four or an ice cream.

Un Sundari.

A Sundari.

Sundari de maduixa, sisplau.

Strawberry sundae, please.

En Ramo s'ha acostumat a la bona vida ja fa temps

Ramo has gotten used to the good life for quite some time now.

que ha deixat de resar i de ser agraït amb els déus.

that has stopped praying and being grateful to the gods.



Aquesta vida sempre s'ha de ser agraït.

In this life, one must always be grateful.

I més amb els déus.

And more with the gods.

Noi, en Ramo...

Boy, Ramo...

En Ramo...

In Ramo...

Ha deixat de resar i, noi...

He has stopped praying and, boy...



Ha perdut la feina.

He has lost his job.

Tampoc em perdonen ni una els déus, eh?

The gods don't forgive me anything, huh?

Et descuides un dia?

Do you forget one day?

Un dia, eh?

One day, huh?

Ai, que no vaig resar ahir.

Oh, I didn't pray yesterday.

Ai, cai, que ahir no vaig fer el Duolingo.

Oh dear, I didn't do Duolingo yesterday.

Doncs mira.

Well, look.

No, no.

No, no.

No has patxat.

You haven't patched.

Aquella empresa del tiet que anava a tota vela

That uncle's company that was going full sail.

ha fet fallida de manera inexplicable

has gone bankrupt inexplicably

i han hagut de tancar.

And they have had to close.

Aquesta desgràcia enganxa en Ramo

This misfortune sticks to Ramo.

acabat de casar amb la Sundari

just married to Sundari

i ella embarassada del primer fill.

and she pregnant with the first child.

Com que necessita diners per tirar la família endavant,

Since he needs money to support the family,

en Ramo accepta la primera feina que troba.

Ramo accepts the first job he finds.

Ara serà un gris funcionari

Now he will be a gray bureaucrat.

de la Companyia Nacional d'Obres Elèctriques de l'Índia.

of the National Company of Electric Works of India.

Ostres, pinta que és una feina de merda.

Wow, it looks like it's a shitty job.

Ho és, ho és, ho és.

It is, it is, it is.

I molt.

And a lot.

No sé si teníeu la imatge una mica

I don't know if you had the image a little bit

dels carrers de les ciutats de l'Índia.

from the streets of the cities of India.

En el millor dels casos

In the best case.

us els deveu imaginar

you must be imagining them

amb un manyoc de cables elèctrics penjant per tot arreu.

with a bunch of electric cables hanging everywhere.

És el primer que penseu

It's the first thing you think of.

quan penseu en un carrer de l'Índia.

When you think of a street in India.

Vaques a terra i el manyoc de cables aquest.

Cows on the ground and this bundle of cables.

Tot allò?




Allò com pot funcionar, allò?

How can that work, that?

Allò, sisplau, eh?

That, please, okay?

Doncs mira, en Ramo és el responsable

Well, look, Ramo is the person in charge.

que aquell laberint de cables

that labyrinth of wires

funcioni tan bé com es pugui.

work as well as possible.

Entre aquella feina estressant

Between that stressful job

i la pressió de mantenir la família,

and the pressure to support the family,

en Ramo acaba girant l'esquena a la religió

In the end, Ramo turns his back on religion.

i es tira de cap a la beguda.

And he throws himself headfirst into the drink.

Cuidado, perquè resar no està demostrat que ajudi.

Be careful, because praying is not proven to be helpful.

Però allò de la beguda sí que està demostrat.

But the thing about the drink is indeed proven.

En sentit contrari.

In the opposite direction.

I de les persones que menys m'agrada veure borratxos

And of the people I like to see drunk the least.

són els electricistes, eh?

They are the electricians, right?



És una imatge que no ens agrada.

It is an image that we don't like.

Si contracteu un electricista i ve borratxo,

If you hire an electrician and he comes drunk,

desconfieu d'entrada.

be suspicious from the outset.

Desconfieu, perquè un lampista

Beware, because a plumber

no té temps per emborratxar-se.

he doesn't have time to get drunk.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

No té temps per res, un lampista.

He has no time for anything, a plumber.

No hauria d'anar borratxo.

You shouldn't go drunk.

No hauria.

It shouldn't be.

A sobre, ell i la seva dona han tingut un segon fill

On top of that, he and his wife have had a second child.

no desitjat.


Com que no desitjat?

How come you don't want it?

No desitjat.


No el buscaven.

They were not looking for him.

Ara en Ramo, dia sí, dia també,

Now Ramo, day in, day out,

arriba a la nit a casa a quarts de quinze ben borratxo.

He arrives home at a quarter to three in the night quite drunk.

Un dia, mentre va ben pet,

One day, while he was having a great time,

té un seguit de visions.

he has a series of visions.

En aquest cas són premonicions catastròfiques.

In this case, they are catastrophic premonitions.

En Ramo veu com la seva dona morirà en un terrible accident.

In Ramo, he sees how his wife will die in a terrible accident.

Ai, ai, ai.

Oh, oh, oh.

Amb aquelles visions el nostre amic pensa

With those visions, our friend thinks.

que els déus el volen avisar perquè canviï de vida.

that the gods want to warn him to change his life.

Però ja és massa tard.

But it is already too late.

Un dia, la seva dona...

One day, his wife...

Mora en un accident!

Die in an accident!

No, ja, no ben bé.

No, not really.

La dona, farta que el seu home sigui un borratxo,

The woman, fed up that her husband is a drunk,

decideix fotre el camp de casa per sempre més.

decides to screw off from home forever.

Aquesta visió també la tenia jo aferrat.

I was also holding on to this vision.

En Ramo queda ben trasbalsat.

Ramo is left quite shaken.

Les seves visions s'han complert.

Their visions have come true.

La seva dona ha mort.

His wife has died.

Però no has dit que ha marxat de casa?

But didn't you say that he has left home?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però per en Ramo és com si s'hagués mort.

But for Ramo, it's as if he had died.

L'han encertat...

They got it right...

Però si vostè va dir...

But if you said...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Vostè va dir que era morta.

You said she was dead.

La versió que dona ell, la seva versió oficial,

The version he gives, his official version,

és que és morta.

it is that she is dead.

O sigui, en Ramo li explica a la gent del barri

So, Ramo explains to the people in the neighborhood.

que la seva estimada dona ha mort en un tràgic accident

that his beloved wife has died in a tragic accident

i que, a més a més, ell ho havia somiat.

And that, moreover, he had dreamed it.

Diu que és un senyal dels déus

He says it's a sign from the gods.

i que aquella mort l'ha ben trasbalsat.

and that death has truly shaken him.

Però què? Si l'he vist al mercat aquest...

But what? I saw him at the market this...

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

És morta.

She is dead.

Realment, el que l'ha trasbalsat de veritat

Really, what has truly shaken him.

és que la seva dona ha marxat tota sola,

it's just that his wife has left all alone,

sense emportar-se les criatures.

without taking the children away.



Ara en Ramo s'haurà de fer càrrec

Now Ramo will have to take charge.

de les dues canalles petites,

of the two little gutters,

Ah, això sí que t'ha fotut, eh?

Ah, that really messed you up, huh?

Sí, però en Ramo diu que està massa afectat

Yes, but Ramo says he is too affected.

per la mort de la seva dona

for the death of his wife

per poder fer-se càrrec dels fills.

to be able to take charge of the children.

Al final demana ajuda a uns familiars,

In the end, he asks some relatives for help,

vol que cuidin els fills mentre ell fa el dol.

wants them to take care of the children while he mourns.

Però quin dol? Però que no hem quedat que no era morta, senyor?

But what mourning? Didn't we agree that she wasn't dead, sir?

És que no ho és, eh? Però ell diu que sí.

It's just that it isn't, right? But he says it is.

Jo no em puc cuidar dels nanos

I can't take care of the kids.

perquè, d'ençà de la mort de la meva dona...

because, since my wife's death...

Escolta, però si la seva dona va marxar,

Listen, but if his wife left,

la seva dona no és morta.

His wife is not dead.

No ha anat a viure a l'hospitalet.

He has not gone to live in Hospitalet.

La qüestió és que en Ramo ha de passar el dol,

The issue is that Ramo has to grieve,

i ho vol fer tot sol.

and he wants to do it all alone.

Per tant, deixa els fills amb uns parents

Therefore, leave the children with some relatives.

i comença un viatge espiritual per l'Índia.

and begins a spiritual journey to India.


The excuse...

Bueno, sempre s'excusa dient que ha de tornar

Well, he always makes excuses by saying he has to go back.

a fer les paus amb els déus i trobar el camí veritable.

to make peace with the gods and find the true path.

Això a la Índia pots dir-ho.

You can say that in India.

Aquí, a Sant Hipòlit, poder no...

Here, in Sant Hipòlit, power no...

No t'ho compra tanta gent.

Not that many people buy it.

En Ramo es desprèn de tots els béns materials

In Ramo, he detaches himself from all material possessions.

i comença un camí cap a la il·luminació.

and a path towards enlightenment begins.

Recorrerà tot l'Índia,

He will travel all over India,

de monestir en monestir,

from monastery to monastery,

a la recerca de respostes.

in search of answers.

Per què es deu haver mort la meva dona?

Why must my wife have died?

Que és viva.

What is alive.

Ah, sí, sí.

Ah, yes, yes.

Durant el viatge, el nostre amic segueix

During the trip, our friend continues.

un estricte bot de pobresa.

a strict poverty trap.

Només menja l'imprescindible per aguantar-se dret

He only eats the essentials to hold himself upright.

i no menja ni carn ni peix.

and does not eat either meat or fish.

Continua sent vegà, tal com li van ensenyar

He continues to be vegan, just as they taught him.

als seus pares.

to their parents.

I això és una cosa que l'acompanyarà tota la vida.

And this is something that will accompany him/her for life.

També ser vegà en aquella època era més senzill.

Being vegan at that time was also easier.

Intenta ser vegà ara.

Try to be vegan now.

Et carden unes hòsties, nano?

Are you going to beat the hell out of someone, dude?

Perquè elles...

Because they...

Bacon vegano, 16 euros.

Vegan bacon, 16 euros.

Hòstia, collons, tu.

Holy shit, man.

Si és vegà has d'anar a buscar bacon,

If you're vegan, you have to go get bacon,

és que tens un problema.

You have a problem.

Els vegetarians i vegans

Vegetarians and vegans

que aneu a buscar coses que s'assemblen a la carn,

that you go looking for things that resemble meat,

si no t'agraden, no t'agrada.

if you don't like them, you don't like it.

Ara volem un Frankfurt.

Now we want a Frankfurt.

Ara volem la col en forma d'hamburguesa.

Now we want the cabbage in the form of a hamburger.

La col té forma de col.

The cabbage is shaped like a cabbage.

Té la forma que té.

It has the shape that it has.

Si no ens agrada...

If we don't like it...

És que...

It's just that...

De veritat que els vegetarians

Really, vegetarians.

es carregaran una denúncia un dia.

They will file a complaint one day.

No passa res. Ho tolerem tot.

It's okay. We tolerate everything.

Mentre no m'ho feu fer a mi, carregueu el que vulgueu.

As long as you don't make me do it, load whatever you want.

Ja té coses bones.

It already has good things.

Segur, segur. Segurament viureu més que jo.

Sure, sure. You will probably live longer than I will.

Ara avorridots, eh?

Now bored, huh?

S'entrevista amb diversos...

Interviews with several...

Perdó, perdó.

Sorry, sorry.

El nostre amic s'entrevista

Our friend is being interviewed.

amb diversos gurús i líders espirituals.

with various gurus and spiritual leaders.

A vegades, quan les ensenyances d'un mestre

Sometimes, when a teacher's teachings

li fan el pes, en Ramo demana permís

They weigh him, Ramo asks for permission.

per quedar-se a viure al monestiu,

to stay living in the monastery,

una temporada.

a season.

A mi a mi li ha agradat.

I liked it.

Mira, el que ha dit aquí li ha agradat.

Look, what he said here has pleased him.

Ha trobat un temple perdut al mig de la selva.

He has found a lost temple in the middle of the jungle.

Allà sembla el lloc adient

There seems to be the right place.

per assolir el coneixement universal.

to achieve universal knowledge.

Al gurú del temple li diu que l'accepta

He tells the temple guru that he accepts him.

com a deixeble i que s'hi podrà quedar a viure.

as a disciple and that they will be able to stay there to live.

A canvi, haurà de treballar i fer obres de caritat.

In return, he will have to work and do charity works.

En Ramo accepta el tracte.

In Ramo accepts the deal.

Farà el que sigui per assolir la pau interior.

He will do whatever it takes to achieve inner peace.

Bueno, és que pelar cables a Calcuta

Well, it's that stripping wires in Calcutta.

era molt malparit.

he was very rude.

Era malparit.

He was a bastard.

Per exemple, una de les tasques que li manen ara

For example, one of the tasks they are assigning to him now.

és anar a l'orfenat local

it is going to the local orphanage

a cuidar els nens que no tenen pares

to care for the children who don't have parents

i que passen una situació difícil.

and they are going through a difficult situation.

En Ramo cada matí va a l'orfenat encantat de la vida.

Every morning Ramo goes to the orphanage delighted with life.

Que tens dos fills teus!

That you have two children of yours!

I se n'ha d'anar a cuidar uns altres!

He/She has to go take care of others!

Em sembla de molt mal gust, això, eh?

I find that very distasteful, you know?

És una situació una mica contradictòria.

It's a somewhat contradictory situation.

S'ha de dir que sí.

It must be said that yes.

Però, des que se li ha mort la dona, pobret...

But since his wife died, poor thing...

Ja ho saps, eh?

You already know, right?

Com us podeu imaginar, el seu gurú no sap

As you can imagine, their guru does not know.

que en Ramo ha abandonat els fills.

that Ramo has abandoned the children.

És un detall que en Ramo s'estalvia de comentar.

It's a detail that Ramo saves himself from commenting on.

Això sí, el tema de la dona morta

However, the issue of the dead woman.

el treu cada dos per tres.

He takes it out every now and then.

Diu que encara no ha superat el dol.

She says she has not yet gotten over the grief.

S'ha d'anar a parar a la taula.

You have to go to the table.

És que se'n va a morir la dona.

The woman is going to die.

S'ha d'anar de pepes. Ah, anem, anem.

We have to go for a walk. Ah, let's go, let's go.

I lo de la dona. Eh, eh, ah, no sé.

And about the woman. Eh, eh, ah, I don't know.

Perdona, quin as Ram és aquest que s'ha d'anar...

Sorry, which Ram is this that needs to go...

Que hem d'anar de pepes?

Are we going to be fools?

Bueno, bueno.

Well, well.



Sí, bueno, ja.

Yes, well, already.

El normal és que hi vagin.

The norm is that they go there.

Aquests que mediten...

Those who meditate...

Bueno, l'any 1950...

Well, in the year 1950...

Aquests que mediten...

Those who meditate...

Avui, nano, les denúncies...

Today, dude, the complaints...

De tot arreu, eh?

From everywhere, huh?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Bueno, no d'un, perquè són els mateixos.

Well, not from one, because they are the same.

Després de moltes ensenyances...

After many teachings...

Prou, prou, prou.

Enough, enough, enough.

Fem veure que no ha passat, sisplau.

Let's pretend it hasn't happened, please.

Fem veure que no ha passat.

Let's pretend that it hasn't happened.

Estàvem al 1950.

We were in 1950.

Dic que després de moltes ensenyances,

I say that after many lessons,

meditació i moltes estones amb els nens de l'orfenat local,

meditation and many hours with the children of the local orphanage,

en Ramu assoleix el grau de monjo hindú.

Ramu achieves the rank of Hindu monk.

És batejat amb el nom de Swami Satchidananda.

He is baptized with the name of Swami Satchidananda.

En Ramu, aquell jove egoista i esquerp,

In Ramu, that young selfish and surly man,

ha quedat enrere.

has been left behind.

Ara, en Swami,

Now, Swami,

és llum i pau.

it is light and peace.



Això vol dir que tornarà amb els seus fills?

Does this mean that she will return with her children?

No, no, això.

No, no, that.

Deixa estar els fills.

Leave the children alone.



Ara, en Swami vol començar un altre viatge.

Now, Swami wants to start another journey.

És un viatge per convertir-se en gran mestre.

It is a journey to become a grand master.

Per fer-ho, anirà fins a Sri Lanka

To do so, he will go to Sri Lanka.

i s'unirà a una comunitat de mestres hindús

he will join a community of Hindu teachers

que fan meditació i ioga.

who do meditation and yoga.

No us penseu que és una vida fàcil, eh?

Don't think it's an easy life, huh?

No, no m'ho pensava en cap moment.

No, I didn't think about it for a moment.

Allà, s'hi estarà 10 anys,

There, he/she/they will stay for 10 years.

sense luxe, sense contacte amb l'exterior,

without luxury, without contact with the outside,

10 anys meditant i fent ioga amb els seus companys.

10 years meditating and doing yoga with his/her companions.

10 anys fent ioga.

10 years of doing yoga.

A mi, el tercer dia,

On the third day, to me,

em trobes penjat d'un arbre.

I find you hanging from a tree.



Al cap de tot aquest temps,

After all this time,

en Swami comença a tenir els seus propis alumnes

Swami begins to have his own students.

i, per fi, assoleix el grau de guru.

and, finally, achieves the status of guru.

Som a la dècada dels 60

We are in the 1960s.

i ja sabeu que la meditació s'està posant de moda.

And you already know that meditation is becoming fashionable.

Sí que és veritat.

It is true.

Sobretot als Estats Units.

Especially in the United States.



Doncs bé,


en Swami cada cop té més alumnes dels Estats Units

Swami is increasingly having more students from the United States.

que viatgen fins a Sri Lanka a fer retirs espirituals.

that travel to Sri Lanka to do spiritual retreats.

Gent que paguen una morterada de calés

People who pay a fortune.

per ser els seus deixebles.

to be their disciples.

Els actors de Hollywood

The Hollywood actors

són els seus principals clients.

they are their main clients.

Ja no parles ni de deixebles.

You no longer even talk about disciples.

Has pensat a parlar de clients directament, eh?

Have you thought about talking to clients directly, huh?

Bueno, és que en Swami està molt temptat

Well, it's just that Swami is very tempted.

d'abandonar aquest lloc humit i fastigós

of leaving this damp and filthy place

per viatjar fins als Estats Units.

to travel to the United States.

És una oportunitat que no pot deixar escapar.

It is an opportunity that cannot be missed.

El 1966 s'instal·la a Nova York

In 1966, he/she moved to New York.

i crea un estudi de ioga.

And create a yoga studio.

Els seus amics de Hollywood

His friends from Hollywood.

li ofereixen una bona cartera de clients

they offer him a good client portfolio

des de bon principi.

from the very beginning.

Al cap de pocs anys,

After a few years,

li concedeixen la nacionalitat.

he is granted nationality.



El 1969 és quan en Swami es fa veritablement famós.

1969 is when Swami truly becomes famous.

És quan el conviden

It's when they invite him.

a Woodstock.

to a Woodstock.

Ell farà atenció al Parlament inaugural

He will pay attention to the inaugural Parliament.

del que serà el festival de rock més important

of what will be the most important rock festival

de tots els temps.

of all time.

El Parlament inaugural?

The inaugural Parliament?

És com en Mainata al Canet Rock.

It's like in Mainata at Canet Rock.

Sí, senyor.

Yes, sir.

És a aquest nivell, eh?

Is it at this level, huh?

El pregó de Woodstock

The proclamation of Woodstock

te'l fa aquest tio.

This guy does it for you.

En Swami.

In Swami.

Apareix a sobre l'escenari

Appears on stage.

amb la seva barba grisa

with his gray beard

i la túnica tronja.

and the orange tunic.

Ja està, ja em crec tot el que diu.

That's it, I believe everything it says now.

Si va vestit així, ja està.

If he is dressed like that, it's done.

Va vestit tronja.

He is wearing orange.

Ja està, va vestit tronja.

He's already here, dressed in orange.

O és un tio que ha sortit de Guantanamo

Or he's a guy who has come out of Guantanamo.

o un guru.

or a guru.

Que també...

That too...

També te'l pots creure

You can believe it too.

on de Guantanamo

on of Guantanamo

no té per què mentir.

there's no reason to lie.

Ha viscut més que tu i que jo.

He has lived more than you and I.

Davant de gairebé mig milió de persones

In front of nearly half a million people

fot una tabarra

it's a drag

sobre com Amèrica

about how America

ha ajudat la resta del món

has helped the rest of the world

amb temes materials

with material themes

però que ara toca ajudar

but now it's time to help

amb la part espiritual.

with the spiritual part.

Amèrica helpa a tothom

America helps everyone.

en el fons material

in the material background

però el temps ha vingut

but the time has come

per Amèrica

for America

a ajudar el món

to help the world

amb la espiritualitat també.

with spirituality as well.

A veure,

Let's see,

com ha dit...

as he said...

Què ha dit, què ha dit?

What did he say, what did he say?

Què ha dit, què ha dit, què ha dit?

What did he say, what did he say, what did he say?

Que els bocats estan ahir.

That the bites are over there.

Que hay que coger Tique antes.

You need to take a ticket first.

Quin merder...

What a mess...

Quin merder a Woodstock trobar

What a mess to find in Woodstock.

lo dels bocats.

the bites.

Bueno, bueno, bueno, bueno.

Well, well, well, well.

Y el policlín?

And the polyclinic?

El policlín de Woodstock?

The Woodstock Polyclinic?

Un policlín, tio.

A polyclinic, dude.

Hòstia, no.

Holy shit, no.

No volguis entrar-hi,

Don't want to get into it,

aquell policlín, eh?

that polyclinic, huh?

Déu-n'hi-do, eh?

Well, I must say!

Hi havia un.

There was one.

Un policlín hi havia.

There was a clinic.

Un policlín, ja està.

A polyclinic, that's it.

d'aquella aparició, en Swami Satchidananda

of that appearance, Swami Satchidananda

es fa famosa

she becomes famous

a tot el país.

to the whole country.

Inaugura centres de ioga.

Inaugurates yoga centers.

Fa parlaments. Apareix en programes

Makes speeches. Appears on programs.

de televisió i publica llibres d'autoajuda

of television and publishes self-help books

com... Apunta, si t'interessa.

How... Note it down, if you're interested.

Sí, home, i tant que m'interessa.

Yes, of course I'm interested.

La clau de la pau. Que m'agrada, perquè rima.

The key to peace. I like it because it rhymes.

Bon títol. La clau de la pau.

Good title. The key to peace.

Un altre. Un present d'or.

Another. A gift of gold.

Lectures diàries inspiracionals.

Daily inspirational readings.

D'acord. I un tercer que es diu

Okay. And a third one which is called

Respir de vida.

Breath of life.

Ioga integral pranayama.

Integral yoga pranayama.

Home, home, home, quina bona pinta.

Home, home, home, what a good look.

M'hi van les pupil·les soles

My pupils are going there alone.

a llegir-los.

to read them.

En Swami, aquell comercial

In Swami, that commercial.

de motocicletes de l'Índia,

from motorcycles of India,

s'ha convertit en un dels gurús més importants

has become one of the most important gurus

dels Estats Units dels 70.

from the United States of the 70s.

Això sí, en fer-se famós, potser

That is true, upon becoming famous, perhaps.

s'ha apartat una mica del camí veritable.

he has strayed a little from the true path.

Què dius? Ja estem amb les enveges.

What are you saying? Here we go with the envies again.

Hi ha gent que critica en Swami perquè fa servir

There are people who criticize Swami because he uses.

un rellotge de polsera. Què?

a wristwatch. What?

Una cosa material i superflua.

A material and superficial thing.

Ell s'excusa dient que, bueno,

He apologizes by saying that, well,

que s'ha d'adaptar a la societat americana

that must adapt to American society

i que vol ser puntual. Doncs, esclar que sí.

And he wants to be punctual. Of course he does.

Si el tio ha quedat a dos quarts d'una...

If the guy has arranged to meet at twelve thirty...



El sol estava tapat i arribotant.

The sun was covered and fading.

Pots arribar a tard a una entrevista

You can arrive late to an interview.

a l'Opera Winfrey. No pots.

to Oprah Winfrey. You can't.

No pots arribar...

You can't arrive...

A l'Opera Winfrey no se la pots fer esperar.

You can't keep Oprah Winfrey waiting.


Of course.

És veritat que el rellotge potser no fa falta que sigui un Rolex.

It's true that the watch doesn't necessarily have to be a Rolex.

No cal, però si és el que li han regalat.

It's not necessary, but if that's what they gave him.



També hi ha gent que el critica perquè va amb cotxe.

There are also people who criticize him because he drives a car.

Perquè va amb cotxe.

Because he/she goes by car.

Ara en Swami s'ha comprat un cotxe nou.

Now Swami has bought a new car.

Subjecte contrari a les seves ensenyances.

Subject contrary to your teachings.

Ell s'excusa dient que és per desplaçar-se

He excuses himself by saying it is for traveling.

més de pressa i ser puntual.

faster and be punctual.

Al final tot és el mateix, és ser puntual.

In the end, it’s all the same; it’s being punctual.

Sí, està fent l'estratègia del llop de la caputxeta vermella,

Yes, he is using the strategy of the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood.

de moment. Una mica.

for now. A little.

La resposta es complica una mica més

The answer gets a little more complicated.

quan li diuen si cal que el cotxe sigui d'alta gama

when they ask him if the car needs to be high-end

per arribar puntual. A veure...

to arrive on time. Let's see...

Llavors ell fa una mica el boig i surt

Then he acts a bit crazy and leaves.

amb alguna filosofada de les seves.

with one of his philosophical musings.

Bueno, és que aquí... Aquí hi ha molta enxampa.

Well, it's just that here... There's a lot of catching.

Aquí hi ha molta enxampa.

There is a lot of trapping here.

En Swami cada cop té més influència i més diners al compte corrent.

Swami is gaining more influence and more money in the bank account.

Funda un institut integral de ioga,

He founded a comprehensive yoga institute.

una escola de ioga amb delegacions per tot el món.

a yoga school with branches all over the world.

El 1986 inaugura

In 1986, it was inaugurated.

el seu projecte més ambiciós.

his most ambitious project.





Yogaville? No sé si és un nom de secta

Yogaville? I don't know if it's a cult name.

o de joc de la Wii.

or of the Wii game.

És una mica de secta.

It's a bit of a cult.

Una mica, no? Allà em s'hi acosta. Aquella mica de secta.

A little bit, right? It’s approaching me there. That little bit of a cult.

Aquella miqueta de secta.

That little bit of a cult.

En Swami compra 300 hectàrees

In Swami buys 300 hectares.

de terreny a Virgínia.

from land to Virginia.

Allà, al mig del bosc, fa construir

There, in the middle of the forest, he has built.

una petita població que es diu Yogaville.

a small town called Yogaville.

I s'instal·la amb els seus seguidors.

And he installs himself with his followers.

Per un mòdic preu,

For a modest price,

et pots comprar una de les cases

you can buy one of the houses

i formar part del seu clan.

and be part of their clan.

Què? Doncs molt bé.

What? Well, very good.

A Yogaville tot és amor i felicitat.

In Yogaville, everything is love and happiness.

És un paradís de pau i harmonia.

It is a paradise of peace and harmony.

La gent deixa la porta de casa seva

People leave the door of their house.

oberta perquè a Yogaville no existeix

open because Yogaville does not exist

la delinqüència. Tots els seus

delinquency. All its

habitants són uns yoguis que s'estimen

inhabitants are yogis who love each other

els uns als altres.

each other.

És preciós.

It's beautiful.

Cada matí hi ha unes sessions gratuïtes de ioga

Every morning there are free yoga sessions.

impartides pel mateix Swami.

given by the same Swami.

Realment hi ha cua per comprar una casa

There is really a line to buy a house.

a Yogaville i a principis dels 90

in Yogaville and at the beginning of the 90s

la seva població arriba a uns 1.000 habitants.

Its population reaches around 1,000 inhabitants.

Escolta, hi ha més gent que a Muntanyola.

Listen, there are more people than in Muntanyola.

És que som 700 a Muntanyola.

It's just that we are 700 in Muntanyola.

I no sé si pots deixar la porta oberta

I don't know if you can leave the door open.

a Muntanyola. Bueno, potser sí.

to Muntanyola. Well, maybe yes.

Però el ioga gratis cada matí no ha arribat encara.

But the free yoga every morning has not arrived yet.

No, ioga no n'he vist tal de matí, no.

No, I haven't seen yoga like that in the morning, no.

Llàstima que aquesta harmonia es trenca

It's a pity that this harmony is broken.

per unes denúncies contra l'alcalde i fundador

for some complaints against the mayor and founder

de Yogaville. En Swami torna a estar

from Yogaville. The Swami is back

al punt de mira. Però què ha fet? Aviam, què ha fet

in the crosshairs. But what has he done? Let's see, what has he done?

ara? És que sempre, quan algú triomfa,

now? It's just that whenever someone succeeds,

sempre, va, va, va, què?

always, go, go, go, what?

S'ha abusat sexualment

There has been sexual abuse.

de les seves alumnes.

of her students.

Es veia venir

It was to be expected.

des de... No, aviam,

from... No, let's see,

des que era petit no es veia venir.

Since I was little, it was not seen coming.

Però des que era una rata en una altra vida

But since I was a rat in another life.

que es veia venir.

that was to be expected.

Quan m'has dit allò de la rata, he dit, aquest,

When you told me that about the rat, I said, this one,

amb allò del ioga, estarà engrapant algun cul.

With all that yoga, he will be grabbing some ass.

De seguida. A les seves classes

Right away. To your classes.

de ioga, en Swami, a l'hora de corregir

of yoga, in Swami, when correcting

la postura de les alumnes,

the position of the students,

se li escapa una mica la mà.

He is losing control a bit.



I casualment només ajuda les alumnes més

And it casually only helps the female students more.

atractives. Casualita.

attractive. Casualita.



Swami, Montserrat, la Montserrat

Swami, Montserrat, the Montserrat

no ho està fent bé. Deixa-la, deixa-la.

It's not doing it right. Let her, let her.

I l'Antonio tampoc. Deixa'l, deixa'l.

And Antonio neither. Leave him, leave him.

Que miri, que miri.

Let him/her look, let him/her look.

Vaig a ajudar la Penelope.

I am going to help Penelope.

La Penelope ho fa perfecte, Swami.

Penelope does it perfectly, Swami.

Deixa, deixa. No, no, que no ho està fent bé.

Leave it, leave it. No, no, they're not doing it right.

Swami, Swami,

Swami, Swami,



El seu exèrcit d'advocats de luxe

His army of luxury lawyers

ho intenten enterrar, però cada cop hi ha més

They try to bury it, but there are more and more.

testimonis que denuncien que en Swami,

testimonies that denounce that in Swami,

aquest suposat gurú de mirada pura i brillant,

this supposed guru with a pure and bright gaze,

és un pervertit i un sonat.

He is a pervert and a lunatic.

En Swami passarà els seus dies

In Swami will spend his days.

a Yogaville, intentant esquivar

in Yogaville, trying to dodge

les crítiques i obrint delegacions

the criticisms and opening delegations

arreu del món.

around the world.

Morirà l'any 2002 als 87 anys.

He will die in 2002 at the age of 87.

Ojo, eh?

Watch out, okay?

Veritat que...

Isn't it true that...

Doncs sí que lo de ser vagà li va anar bé, en aquest cas.

Well, being a slacker worked out for him in this case.

Sí, lo que li va anar bé és no treballar.

Yes, what worked well for him was not working.

Això t'està.

This suits you.

Casualment es mor mentre feia

Coincidentally, he/she dies while doing.

un viatge al seu país natal,

a trip to his/her homeland,

a l'Índia. Actualment,

to India. Currently,

a Yogaville encara funciona, si us interessa.

Yogaville is still operating, if you're interested.

Eh, eh, eh, això interessa.

Hey, hey, hey, this is interesting.

Si us interessa comprar una caseta a Yogaville,

If you are interested in buying a little house in Yogaville,

ara deu tenir uns 200 habitants

now it must have about 200 inhabitants

que hi viuen tot l'any, però per vacances

that they live there all year round, but for holidays

s'omple de mans del ioga que busquen uns dies

"it is filled with yoga hands looking for some days"

de retira espiritual. En fi, voleu veure el nostre amic?

of spiritual retreat. Anyway, do you want to see our friend?

Sí. En Swami Sachi de Nanda.

Yes. In Swami Sachi de Nanda.

Treu en Swami.

Take out Swami.

Guaita'l, quina barba, quins cabells.

Look at him, what a beard, what hair.

Home! Home!

Home! Home!

Però aquest tio...

But this guy...

Aquest tio... Home, jo em crec tot el que em diu.

This guy... Well, I believe everything he tells me.

S'assembla una mica al Jordi Cuixart.

He resembles Jordi Cuixart a bit.

Sí o no?

Yes or no?

Cap tonteria. És Jordi Cuixart

No nonsense. It's Jordi Cuixart.

si hagués estat tancat

if it had been closed

15 anys a la presó.

15 years in prison.

Si hagués quedat així.

If it had stayed like this.

Hagués quedat així, completament.

It would have stayed like this, completely.

En fi, no és Jordi Cuixart, és Swami Sachi de Nanda

Anyway, it's not Jordi Cuixart, it's Swami Sachi de Nanda.

i a veure què en penseu. És digne

Let's see what you think. It's worthwhile.

d'entrar al búnquer, sí o no?

to enter the bunker, yes or no?

Estàs escoltant els millors moments

You are listening to the best moments.

del búnquer d'aquesta setmana.

from this week's bunker.

El qui segur que no va actuar

The one who surely did not act.

al festival de Woodstock,

at the Woodstock festival,

perquè si ho hagués fet seria explotació infantil,

because if I had done it, it would have been child exploitation,

és el nostre convidat d'avui,

he is our guest today,

que en aquests moments potser tenia prou talent,

that at this moment perhaps had enough talent,

però no prou edat.

but not old enough.

Tenint en compte que és del 57,

Considering that it is from '57,

doncs quan es va sobre el festival

So when is the festival?

ell només tenia uns 12 anys que vaig fer.

He was only about 12 years old when I did.

De tota manera, anys més tard ja va esfavilar-se

Anyway, years later it faded away.

a crear cançons i fins i tot sintonies.

to create songs and even jingles.

I quan dic sintonies em refereixo

And when I say tune in, I mean

a la sintonia de Catalunya.

on the frequency of Catalonia.

Boníssima, molt bé, perfecte, m'encanta.

Very good, perfect, I love it.

Qui sap si amb aquesta sintonia

Who knows if with this harmony

com a himne de Catalunya ara seríem independents.

As the anthem of Catalonia, we would now be independent.

Qui ho sap?

Who knows?

No ho sap ningú.

Nobody knows it.

Hi ha molts més ànims aquí.

There are many more spirits here.

És bastant més animada

It's much more lively.

que la sintonia de Catalunya.

that the tune of Catalonia.

Sí, és molt menor.

Yes, it is much smaller.

El nostre convidat no només ha fet música,

Our guest has not only made music,

també menja pollastre a l'ast.

he also eats rotisserie chicken.

Mestre, esteu menjant xiclet?

Teacher, are you chewing gum?

No, estic menjant un pollastre a l'ast.

No, I am eating a rotisserie chicken.

Passa que me'ls menjo comprimits.

It happens that I eat them in tablets.

Gràcies, mestre.

Thank you, master.

El mestre és qui ens acompanya avui.

The teacher is the one who is with us today.

Aquí l'heu pogut sentir al programa

Here you could hear him/her in the program.

Caçadors de Paraules,

Word Hunters,

que es va menjar a TV3 l'any 2007.

what was eaten on TV3 in 2007.

Roger de Gràcia.

Roger de Gràcia.



On es parlava de diversos temes.

We talked about various topics.

Jo penso sincerament que els gitanos

I sincerely think that the Roma people

fan pujar la mitja del país.

they raise the country's average.

Les primeres són guapos i elegants,

The first ones are handsome and elegant,

com heu pogut comprovar.

as you may have noticed.

Hi ha altres persones guapes i elegants,

There are other beautiful and elegant people,

no m'ho mira ningú,

nobody looks at me,

però els gitanos són especialment guapos i elegants.

but the gypsies are especially handsome and elegant.

És veritat?

Is it true?

Sí, sí, es parla de tot.

Yes, yes, everything is talked about.

També va estar anant una temporada a l'Està Passant

He also spent some time at Està Passant.

i també ha coincidit amb en Peyu a Natura Sàvia,

and has also coincided with Peyu on Natura Sàvia,

que per cert n'hi haurà en la segona temporada.

that there will be in the second season.

Sí, de fet no sé ni si s'ha estrenat ja a poder.

Yes, in fact, I don't even know if it has been released yet.

Ara no t'ho sé dir.

I can't tell you right now.

Doncs rebem un fort aplaudiment a Quimi Portet.

So let's give a big applause to Quimi Portet.

Quimi! Quimi! Quimi!

Quimi! Quimi! Quimi!

El primer any de vida d'en Quimi

The first year of Quimi's life.

no el va poder celebrar a casa seva.

he couldn't celebrate it at his home.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

No el va celebrar a casa seva amb la seva gent com tothom.

He didn’t celebrate it at home with his people like everyone else.

El primer aniversari, quan va fer un any.

The first anniversary, when it turned one year old.

Un any, sí.

One year, yes.

Llavors la pregunta que us faig a la gent de Cardedeu

Then the question I ask you, the people of Cardedeu,

és la següent.

it is the following.


Let's see.

El primer any de vida no el va celebrar allà.

He did not celebrate his first birthday there.

Llavors on va celebrar el seu primer aniversari en Quimi?

So where did we celebrate his first anniversary in Quimi?





A. A sobre d'un escenari amb uns companys músics del seu pare.

A. On top of a stage with some of her father's musician friends.

Opció B. Al Senegal amb una família d'acollida.

Option B. In Senegal with a host family.



I opció C. A casa d'uns veïns

Option C. At a neighbor's house.

bufant les pelmes amb ells i sense els pares.

blowing the dandelions with them and without the parents.

La A és a sobre de l'escenari.

The A is above the stage.

Doncs va, vinga, va, la C.

Well, come on, let's go, C.

O A o C.

O A or C.

La A o la C, sí.

The A or the C, yes.

Quan us vagi bé.

Whenever it suits you.

Quan us vagi bé, sisplau.

Whenever it suits you, please.

La A, va, diem la A.

The A, come on, let's say the A.

La A, l'escenari. Vinga, a veure si és la A.

The A, the stage. Come on, let's see if it's the A.

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.



Quin desastre!

What a disaster!

Doncs no, sembla que va a casa dels veïns, no?

Well no, it seems that he's going to the neighbors' house, right?

A casa dels veïns.

At the neighbors' house.

A casa dels veïns perquè una casualitat biològica

At the neighbors' house because of a biological coincidence.

és que tinc una germana que va néixer el mateix dia que jo

I have a sister who was born on the same day as me.

al cap d'un any.

a year later.

O sigui, la teva germana petita...

So, your little sister...

La meva germana una mica més petita que jo

My sister is a little smaller than me.

sí que va néixer el mateix dia que jo,

he was indeed born on the same day as me,

però de l'any següent.

but of the following year.

Llavors, el dia que jo complia un any,

So, on the day I turned one year old,

ella estava naixent i era tota amb l'hospital.

She was being born and was entirely at the hospital.

I a tu et van deixar amb uns veïns.

And they left you with some neighbors.

Em van deixar amb uns veïns.

They left me with some neighbors.

Hi ha una foto lamentable

There is a lamentable photo.

que estic jo amb una merda de pastís

that I am with a piece of crap cake

i una espelma

and a candle

i una senyora que passava per allà.

and a lady who was passing by.

Jo era molt mono per això.

I was very cute for that.

Ja està, ja està.

That's it, that's it.

Això segur que va ser així.

This surely must have been the case.

Ostres, Déu-n'hi-do, quin primer aniversari.

Wow, what a first anniversary!

Sí, no, no.

Yes, no, no.

Hem anat superant-ho.

We have been overcoming it.

D'altres també, però no.

Others too, but no.

Ara no ho recordo.

Now I don't remember.

En fi, de les tres preguntes,

Well, of the three questions,

ningú ha encertat la resposta.

No one has guessed the answer.

Tenim un públic...

We have an audience...

Bueno, tenim el públic que tenim.

Well, we have the audience we have.

Llavors, com marca la normativa d'aquest concurs,

Then, as stipulated by the regulations of this contest,

per incompetència general,

for general incompetence,

tothom podrà aconseguir

everyone will be able to achieve

el magnífic lot de consellers.

the magnificent group of counselors.



A l'Ioli Salsa, Ximitxurri Salsa, Brava, Romesco,

To the Ioli Sauce, Ximitxurri Sauce, Brava, Romesco,

que seran...

what will be...

Per qui encerti la cançó de la Neus.

For whoever guesses Neus's song.

El Piu!

The Piu!

Per molts anys.

For many years.

El Piu?

The Piu?

No, això està dient res.

No, that is saying nothing.

L'aniversari del Super3.

The anniversary of Super3.

L'aniversari del Super3, vinga.

The anniversary of Super3, come on.

Au, Piu...

Come on, Piu...

Au, Piu.

Come on, Piu.

S'hauria dit, al Piu, la cançó.

It would have been said, to Piu, the song.

Au Piu.

Come Piu.

Això ho ha endevinat la Marta.

Marta has guessed this.

Ella s'emporta el lot de conserves...

She takes the basket of preserves...

Ferrer, fort aplaudiment per la Marta i per la Neus.

Ferrer, a big round of applause for Marta and Neus.

Es fa sorpresa per la Neus.

A surprise is being prepared for Neus.

El Piu!

The Piu!

Ua, té molt cans...

Wow, you're very tired...

Ximitxurri Salsa, Rambla...

Ximitxurri Sauce, Rambla...

Ràdio clandestina

Clandestine radio

des del búnquer

from the bunker

amb en Pey, Jair Domínguez

with Pey, Jair Domínguez

i Neus Rossell

and Neus Rossell



Ep, avui

Hey, today

la sintonia no m'has parat, eh?

You haven't stopped the tune, have you?

Avui anem per feina, eh?

Today we're going to get down to business, right?

Ja t'ho han dit abans de començar

They have already told you before starting.

Va, va, va, que el tècnic ha de portar les nenes a col·le

Come on, come on, come on, the technician has to take the girls to school.

L'Oriol, tu està fi, està fi

Oriol, you are fine, you are fine.

Va, ràpid, va, acabem-ho, acabem-ho

Come on, fast, come on, let's finish it, let's finish it.

1817, Xatam, Anglaterra

1817, Chatam, England



Xatam? Xatam

Xatam? Xatam.

Xatam? No hi he estat mai

Xatam? I've never been there.

Jo crec que tampoc

I don't think so either.

Crec que tampoc, però vaig fer un viatge per Anglaterra

I don't think so either, but I took a trip to England.

que tampoc acabo de tenir clar

that I haven't fully understood either

Vaig veure el Big Ben en algun moment

I saw Big Ben at some point.

És que es veu des de tot arreu, eh?

It's visible from everywhere, right?

Amb dies despajats, és com el Mallorca d'aquí, eh?

With spread out days, it's like Mallorca from here, right?

D'allà, vull dir

From there, I mean.

Ja n'he vistes alguna

I have seen some already.

Ben, ens situem en una zona d'Anglaterra

Well, let's place ourselves in a region of England.

on no hi passa res gaire interessant

nothing very interesting happens there

I per què hi fem, aquí?

And why do we do it here?

Doncs, bueno, hem vingut a conèixer

Well, we’ve come to get to know each other.

en Richard, és on naixerà el nostre protagonista

In Richard, is where our protagonist will be born.

En Richard Dat

In Richard Dat

I quan ha de néixer? Falta gaire per néixer?

And when is it supposed to be born? Is it long until it is born?

Doncs no pot, depèn de l'Oriol

Well, he can't, it depends on Oriol.

Sí, aviam si tira l'efecte abans o després

Yes, let's see if the effect kicks in before or after.

No ho sé

I don't know.

Bueno, què passa, avui?

Well, what's going on today?

Bueno, l'Oriol és lliure de fer ell com vulgui

Well, Oriol is free to do as he likes.

És veritat que hem decidit ja no pressionar a ningú

It is true that we have decided to no longer pressure anyone.

Els tècnics ja van per lliure

The technicians are already going solo.

A veure, Richard

Let's see, Richard.



Va, que això és...

Come on, this is...

Ara, ara, ara

Now, now, now

Ara, n'escolta el nen

Now, listen to the child.

Per favor


Oh, quin patir, eh?

Oh, what suffering, huh?

No li desitjo ni a la mare, eh?

I don’t wish it to anyone, not even to my mother, okay?

Aquest patiment que hem tingut nosaltres

This suffering that we have had.

En Richard creix amb totes les facilitats

Richard grows up with all the amenities.

Des de ben petit se li dona una bona educació

From a very young age, he/she is given a good education.

I ell ho aprofita per convertir-se en un gran estudiant

And he takes the opportunity to become a great student.

que supera els cursos

that passes the courses

amb unes notes excel·lents

with excellent grades

El petit Richard té potencial i el seu pare

Little Richard has potential and his father.

que és un home de ciències irracional

that he is an irrational man of science



Hi ha una espalla

There is a shoulder.

Un home de ciències irracional

An irrational man of science

Eh, eh, eh, eh

Eh, eh, eh, eh

Bueno, que ja n'hi ha, també, de científics bojos, eh?

Well, there are also mad scientists, right?

Sí, home, la majoria

Yes, man, most of them.

Ho posaré al revés

I will put it the other way around.

És un home racional i de ciències

He is a rational man and a scientist.

Mira d'encaminar-lo cap al mateix sector

Try to steer him towards the same sector.

on ell ha fet fortuna

he has made a fortune

Només hi ha un petit problema

There's just a small problem.

En Richard cada cop té més clar el seu futur

Richard is increasingly clear about his future.

i sembla que el nano té uns plans un pèl diferents

And it seems that the kid has some slightly different plans.

dels que ha pensat el seu pare

of those that his father has thought of

En Richard, de gran, no vol ser farmacèutic

When Richard grows up, he does not want to be a pharmacist.



Vol ser metge

I want to be a doctor.

El pare li farà gràcia

The father will be pleased.

No, tampoc

No, neither.













Comença per A

Starts with A







En Richard vol ser artista

Richard wants to be an artist.

En Richard comença a encaminar el seu futur cap a les arts

Richard begins to steer his future towards the arts.

i quan és una mica més grandet

and when it is a little bigger

es matricula a la Reial Acadèmia de les Arts de Londres

he enrolls at the Royal Academy of Arts in London

una de les més prestigioses del país

one of the most prestigious in the country

Si no, si has de fer-ho, fer-ho

If not, if you have to do it, do it.

Fer-ho bé

Do it well

I es veu el Big Ben des d'allà

And the Big Ben can be seen from there.



Allà només poden estudiar els alumnes més rics

Only the richest students can study there.

o, com en el seu cas, els més talentosos

or, as in their case, the most talented ones

En Richard despunta aviat dins l'acadèmia

Richard stands out early in the academy.

És talentós i provocador

He is talented and provocative.

i té una manera de pintar molt característica

and has a very characteristic way of painting.

El nostre amic omple els seus quadres de detalls

Our friend fills his paintings with details.

de manera gairebé malaltissa

in an almost sickly way

El nano es converteix en un dels alumnes més populars del centre

The kid becomes one of the most popular students in the school.

i al cap de poc funda un grup artístic amb uns companys d'estudis

And shortly after, he/she founded an artistic group with some study companions.


They call her.

The Click

The Click

The Click, exacte

The Click, exactly

Així és com s'anomenen

That's how they are called.

En Richard i els seus amics

Richard and his friends

The Click, la clica

The Click, the click

Com els traperos, com la Pong Gang

Like the ragmen, like the Pong Gang.


You money, leave you

Your money, leave you.



Ha arribat el moment que el jovent parla un català que no entenc jo ja, eh?

The moment has arrived when young people speak a Catalan that I no longer understand, huh?

Sembla que parla en anglès, eh?

It seems that he/she speaks English, huh?

I'm a like, no hate

I'm a like, no hate

Sí, bueno, la ketamina també té això, eh?

Yes, well, ketamine also has that, huh?

Ah, clar, clar

Ah, of course, of course.

Que t'adorm la llengua, però

That your tongue puts you to sleep, however.

O sigui, es diuen la clica, eh?

So, they're called the clique, right?

Perquè dir-se ens droguem de tant en tant

Why call ourselves we get high from time to time

és massa evident com a nom de banda

it's too obvious as a band name

Ai, am, per favor

Oh, love, please.



Un grup de joves funda un grup artístic

A group of young people founds an artistic group.

Això no ha de voler dir

This does not have to mean.

que només s'hi van a drogar, Jair

that they only go there to take drugs, Jair

Fan més coses

Do more things.

És veritat, eren joves d'abans

It's true, they were young from before.

Eren joves d'abans

They were young back then.

Què fan, The Click?

What do they do, The Click?

Què fan?

What are they doing?

Doncs la veritat és que es dediquen a emborratxar-se a les tavernes

Well, the truth is that they are dedicated to getting drunk in the taverns.

i a fumar opi tot el sant dia

and to smoke opium all day long

No s'hi veuen de cap ull, pobrets

They can't be seen with any eye, poor things.



Amb l'excusa de parlar una mica d'art

With the excuse of talking a little about art.

en Richard i els seus amics es droguen tant com poden

Richard and his friends get high as much as they can.

Bueno, ja hem parlat d'art

Well, we've already talked about art.

Va, on és la droga?

Come on, where's the drug?

Tu, fa molt rato que parlem d'art, ja

You, we've been talking about art for a long time now.


Va, almenys fa dos minuts que...

Come on, at least it's been two minutes since...

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Perquè l'art...

Because art...

Bueno, avui ja ni art

Well, today there's no art anymore.

Va, directe, forta l'opi

Come on, straight, strong the opium.

El nostre amic es passa el dia enrampat

Our friend spends the day cramping up.

i el rendiment acadèmic se'n ressent ben aviat

and the academic performance suffers soon enough

Les seves notes baixen estrepitosament

Their grades drop dramatically.

Tot i això, la voluntat de continuar amb la carrera artística es manté ferma

Nevertheless, the will to continue with the artistic career remains strong.

En Richard fa la primera exposició l'any 1840

Richard gave the first exhibition in 1840.

on demostra que, a més de fer obres recargolades

it shows that, in addition to doing convoluted works

també té traça fent de retratista

he is also skilled at being a portraitist.

Exposa 30 quadres que són pràcticament idèntics

It displays 30 paintings that are practically identical.

Tots són el mateix retrat de Shakespeare

They all are the same portrait of Shakespeare.

L'exposició és un èxit

The exhibition is a success.

i al cap de poc li comencen a arribar els primers encàrrecs

And soon he starts receiving the first orders.

Que entenc que són d'en Shakespeare, perquè l'altra gent...

I understand that they are from Shakespeare, because other people...

Que porta 400 anys mort, però què passa aquí?

He's been dead for 400 years, but what's going on here?

La majoria per fer de retratista

The majority to become a portrait artist

O sigui, tu li demanes un retrat dels teus fills, val?

So, you are asking him for a portrait of your children, right?

I els hi carda la cara d'en Shakespeare

And it makes their face look like Shakespeare's.

Però, perdoni, el meu fill té 10 anys

But, excuse me, my son is 10 years old.

Jo sé fer en Shakespeare

I know how to do in Shakespeare.

A mi, vostè ja... No l'he enganyat mai, jo

I, you already... I have never deceived you.

El nostre amic té 23 anys i es troba en el seu millor moment

Our friend is 23 years old and is at his best moment.

Ja fa temps que l'art originat a Anglaterra no despunta

It's been a while since art originating from England has stood out.

i els crítics més altres no ho fan

And the critics, like others, don't do it.

I el que fa és que el seu art no es desmunta

And what it does is that its art does not fall apart.

I els crítics més agosarats veuen en en Richard

And the boldest critics see in Richard

un nou artista britànic de referència

a new reference British artist

El 1842, un mecenes li proposa acompanyar-lo

In 1842, a patron proposes that he accompany him.

en una ruta amb vaixell per l'Orient Mitjà

on a ship route through the Middle East

Vol que millori la seva visió paisatgística

He wants to improve his landscape vision.

i que conegui altres estils pictòrics

and to get to know other pictorial styles

a veure si li ve la inspiració

let's see if inspiration strikes him/her

Ui, quina mala pinta aquest mecenes

Wow, this patron looks really bad.

Molta mala pinta, eh?

Looks very bad, huh?

No? Per què?

No? Why?

Sí, bueno, perquè és el que es presenta a l'habitació d'en Richard despullat

Yes, well, because it's what appears in Richard's room naked.

i pinta-me com a dues xiques franceses

And paint me as if I were two French girls.

Allà amb la gallofa penjant

There with the gallows hanging

És un viatge...

It's a journey...

Un viatge artístic, Jair

An artistic journey, Jair.

No té segones intencions

He has no ulterior motives.

En l'època en què ens situem és habitual

In the time we are situated, it is common.

que els artistes viatgin per veure món i agafar idees

that artists travel to see the world and gather ideas

En Richard ho sap i accepta l'oferiment encantat

Richard knows this and happily accepts the offer.

El nostre protagonista carrega les seves pintures

Our protagonist loads his paintings.

i es dirigeix cap al port de Southampton

and is heading towards the port of Southampton

disposat a veure món

ready to see the world

El vaixell en què viatja en Richard

The ship on which Richard is traveling.

és molt més modest que el Titanic

it is much more modest than the Titanic

Amb ell viatgen el seu mecenes

His patron travels with him.

i uns quants companys d'estudis del nostre amic

and a few study mates of our friend

Tots surten des de Southampton

They all depart from Southampton.

i se'n van cap a Grècia

and they are heading to Greece

Les illes gregues només són la primera parada del viatge artístic

The Greek islands are just the first stop of the artistic journey.

En Richard i la resta de tripulants

Richard and the rest of the crew.

passen una setmana visitant les illes i agafant idees

They spend a week visiting the islands and getting ideas.

I ja que hi són aprofiten per buidar unes quantes ampolles de vi

And since they are there, they take the opportunity to empty a few bottles of wine.

Després de Grècia el viatge continua

After Greece, the journey continues.

Primer passen per Turquia

First they go through Turkey.

i després fan parada a Palestina

and then they stop in Palestine

Finalment, després d'unes quantes setmanes de viatge

Finally, after a few weeks of travel

el vaixell arriba al seu destí final

the ship arrives at its final destination

Alcaire, Egipte

Alcairo, Egypt

Sense cap mena de dubte

Without a doubt

d'entre totes les destinacions del viatge

among all the destinations of the trip

Alcaire és on en Richard gaudeix més

Alcaire is where Richard enjoys himself the most.

És que és maco allò

It is nice that.

En Richard necessitava alguna cosa que el col·loqués de veritat

Richard needed something that would truly ground him.

i resulta que a Egipte tenen el millor opi

And it turns out that in Egypt they have the best opium.

a un preu molt assequible

at a very affordable price

És el primer que trobes quan baixes de l'aeroport

It's the first thing you see when you leave the airport.

Hi ha un tio

There is a guy.



Hi ha allò de les piràmides i tot això

There is the thing about the pyramids and all that.

Però l'opi

But the opium

És que fumant opi la piràmide entra millor

It's just that smoking opium makes the pyramid go in better.

En Richard es passa tot el dia dormint

Richard spends all day sleeping.

ben fumat d'opi

well smoked with opium

Dels cinc dies que s'està Alcaire

Of the five days that one is in Alcaire.

no en recorda ben res

I don't remember anything about it.

Va tan passat de voltes que al final

He was so caught up in twists and turns that in the end

acaba tenint al·lucinacions i atacs psicòtics

ends up having hallucinations and psychotic attacks

Encara surt que no ha saltat d'algun balcó

It still turns out that he hasn't jumped from any balcony.



Senyor anglès de viatge

Mr. English on a trip

En Richard acaba perdent el cap

Richard ends up losing his mind.

Es torna violent i es passa l'estona

He becomes violent and spends the time.

dient coses sense sentit

saying nonsensical things

Al final els seus companys s'acaben preocupant

In the end, his colleagues end up worrying.

i decideixen que el millor és que torni cap a casa

and they decide that the best thing is for me to return home.

Els companys de viatge d'en Richard

Richard's travel companions

l'envien a Anglaterra amb la família

They send him to England with the family.

Quan els pares els pregunten el motiu

When the parents ask them the reason

del retorn precipitat

of the precipitated return

els diuen que el seu fill ha patit un atac de calor

They tell them that their son has suffered a heat stroke.

Un atac de calor molt fort

A very strong heat stroke.



Ostres si és fort!

Wow, that's impressive!

L'ha afectat fort

It has affected him/her strongly.

És bona excusa, eh?

It's a good excuse, isn't it?

Bona excusa

Good excuse

Des del viatge a Egipte

Since the trip to Egypt

en Richard no torna a girar rodó

Richard doesn't turn round again.

Les al·lucinacions el continuen perseguint

The hallucinations continue to haunt him.

És bestia el que fa la calor, eh?

It's beastly what the heat does, right?



La calor, eh?

The heat, huh?

Es pot deixar ben tocat

It can be left well touched.

Al cap d'uns mesos el nostre amic

After a few months, our friend

comença a sentir veus

he starts to hear voices





Ara sí que l'hem perdut una mica

Now we have really lost it a bit.

Amb mala hora van decidir

At a bad time they decided.

ell i els seus amics visitar Egipte

He and his friends visit Egypt.



Ara en Richard diu que creu

Now Richard is saying that he believes.



El Déu Osiris

The God Osiris

El Déu Egipci

The Egyptian God

Bé, en Richard explica que és ell

Well, Richard explains that it is him.

el Déu Osiris

the God Osiris





El Déu Osiris diu que li parla

The God Osiris says that he speaks to him.

des de dins el cap

from inside the head

i que ell és l'escollit

and that he is the chosen one

per ser el seu portaveu

to be its spokesperson

a la Terra

to the Earth


Do you know?

No està malament

It's not bad.



No està malament

It's not bad.

però no sé si t'ho cobreix

but I don't know if it covers it for you

l'assegurança del...

the insurance of...

Aquestes assegurances de viatges

These travel insurance policies


Que per descomptat

Of course.

ni tu ni jo hem agafat mai

neither you nor I have ever taken.



I per això que tu vas anar a Àfrica

And that's why you went to Africa.

on no et podien haver apunyalat

they couldn't have stabbed you

O sigui

That is to say

el pilot de l'avió

the pilot of the plane

ja et podia haver assassinat

I could have killed you.

per pujar al cotxe d'un senyor

to get into a man's car

que em va apuntar amb una pistola

that pointed a gun at me

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Primer dia

First day

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Vull dir que...

I mean that...

No sé

I don’t know.

algun segur ho devia tenir

someone must have had it for sure

jo aquell

I that one

no me'n recordo

I don't remember.

Si no, no et deixem pas viatjar

If not, we won't let you travel.

La sobredosis

The overdose

que es va fotre a Egipte

that he got messed up in Egypt

li ha esborrat

he/she has erased it

qualsevol rastre

any trace

de mirada pura i brillant

of pure and bright gaze

que li pogués quedar

that could remain for him/her

Els pares d'en Richard

Richard's parents

el porten al metge

they take him to the doctor


El diagnòstic és clar

The diagnosis is clear.

El nano és ben boig

The kid is quite crazy.

i cal tancar-lo

and it needs to be closed

a un psiquiàtric

to a psychiatric hospital

com més aviat millor

as soon as possible



psicòlegs victorians

Victorian psychologists


És un altre tacte

It's another touch.

Com que és boig

As he is crazy.

el tancarem

we will close it



Perquè no faci mal a ningú

So that it doesn't hurt anyone.

Sense eufemismes, eh?

No euphemisms, right?

No, no

No, no.

No hi ha eufemismes

There are no euphemisms.

El pare d'en Richard

Richard's father

es nega a tancar el seu fill

She refuses to lock her son up.

La veritat és que

The truth is that

aquell farmacèutic

that pharmacist

tan afable

so affable

i bona persona

and a good person

la sort


li ha girat l'esquena

he has turned his back on him/her

Resulta que

It turns out that

dels quatre fills que té

of the four children he/she has



tenen alguna malaltia mental

they have some mental illness

Però no vol tancar-los

But he doesn't want to close them.

de cap manera

in no way

Els té tots a casa

He has them all at home.

Allò literalment

That literally

és una casa de bojos

it's a madhouse


Let's get situated.

al 28 d'agost

on August 28

del 1842

from 1842

En Richard

In Richard

i el seu pare

and his father


they have

un fill

a son

Surten a fer

They go out to do.

una volta pel bosc

a walk in the forest

No vagis amb un boig

Don't go with a madman.

a fer una volta al bosc

to take a walk in the woods

Per més que sigui

As much as it may be

el teu fill

your son



Fan una mica de pícnic

They have a little picnic.

i parlen

and they speak

de les seves coses

of their things

De quines coses

Of what things

has de parlar?

Do you have to speak?

De coses

Of things

De pare i fill

From father and son

Amb un boig

With a madman

de què has de parlar?

What do you have to talk about?

És el seu fill

He is her son.

Però és boig

But he is crazy.



Qui parla

Who is speaking?

de fet

in fact

només és en Richard

it's just Richard

El seu pare

His father

només escolta

just listen

i intenta

and try

seguir el fil

follow the thread

de les bestieses

of the nonsense

sense sentit


De cop


hi ha més boig

there is more crazy

però no va borratxo

but he is not drunk

en principi

in principle

No, no, no

No, no, no.

però ja és aquella

but it is already that one

la veu del boig

the voice of the madman

En Richard

In Richard

es treu

it is taken off

un paper

a piece of paper

de la butxaca

from the pocket

i li ensenya

and teaches him/her

al seu pare

to his father

És una llista

It's a list.

plena de noms

full of names

i apareixen

and they appear

moltes persones

many people

Una d'elles

One of them

ell mateix


el seu propi pare

his own father

De moment

For the moment

és inquietant

it is unsettling



si t'ensenyen

if they teach you

una llista

a list

que hi ha el teu nom

that there is your name

Ui, ui

Oh, oh.

A no ser


que te l'ensenyi

let him/her teach you

Home, home, home

Home, home, home

Vas llegint allà

You are reading there.

Ramon Espadaler

Ramon Espadaler

Ei, ei, ei

Hey, hey, hey

Em pello

I peel myself.

No m'ho esperava

I didn't expect it.



També hi ha altres noms

There are also other names.

a la llista ben curiosos

to the list quite curious


Let's see.

Com per exemple

For example

el del Papa de Roma

the one of the Pope of Rome



Quina llista tan random

What a random list.

És una festa

It's a party.

Què és?

What is it?

Quan el pare

When the father

li demana

he asks her

què és aquella llista

What is that list?

Richard li explica

Richard explains it to him.

que els noms

that the names

que hi ha apuntats

that are registered


they are



emissaris del dimoni

agents of the devil



Aleshores Ramon Espadaler no pot ser-hi, de cap manera.

Then Ramon Espadaler cannot be there, in any way.

No, no hauria.

No, it shouldn't have.

És el conseller de Justícia.

He is the Minister of Justice.

Sí, i Assuntos Religiosos em sembla que també.

Yes, and I think Religious Affairs as well.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

No sabia que existia aquest càrrec, però és bo que sí.

I didn't know this position existed, but it's good that it does.



Assuntos Religiosos, es diu, concretament.

Religious Affairs, it is said, specifically.

Li diu que Osiris li ha encarregat, atenció,

He tells her that Osiris has entrusted her, pay attention,

eliminar-los un per un per deslliurar la terra del seu mal.

eliminate them one by one to free the land from their evil.



I t'ho està explicant amb calma, això.

He is explaining this to you calmly.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Fent un pícnic, eh?

Having a picnic, huh?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

La sang freda de preparar-ho tot, eh?

The cold blood to prepare everything, huh?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Mira, farem uns biquinis, tal i qual.

Look, we will make some bikinis, just like that.

Mira, mira, papa.

Look, look, dad.

Mira aquesta llista.

Look at this list.

I a la llista, al tanto, tu què creus que hi posa?

And on the list, by the way, what do you think it says?

Papa o el nom del pare?

Dad or the name of the father?



Jo crec que el nom, perquè si hi ha el papa de Roma,

I believe that the name, because if there is the pope of Rome,

que no confongui.

do not confuse.

Papa, papa de Roma.

Dad, dad from Rome.

Però en anglès és Pope.

But in English, it is Pope.

Ja, és veritat.

Yes, it's true.

No sé, no sé.

I don't know, I don't know.

Sense donar-li temps per reaccionar,

Without giving him time to react,

en Richard treu una petita destral

Richard takes out a small axe.

que amaga dins de la cistella del pícnic,

that hides inside the picnic basket,

allà mateix, al mig del parc,

right there, in the middle of the park,

i li obre el cap al pare a cops de destral.

and he opens the father's head with blows from an axe.

És que quan has dit petita destral,

It's just that when you said little axe,

m'imagino molt petita, com una de Playmobil.

I imagine myself very small, like one of those Playmobil figures.

Molt grossa no pot ser que hi capiga la cistella de pícnic.

It can't be very big if the picnic basket fits in it.



No pot ser.

It can't be.

Home, llam de cistella.

Man, basket flame.

Bueno, aquells pícnics més antics que portaven la vaixella, eh?

Well, those older picnics that brought the dishes, huh?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, hi ha una gent que va anar a fer uns pícnics.

Well, there are some people who went to have a picnic.

Sí, parlem-ne, parlem-ne.

Yes, let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

Anar a fer un pícnic és per estar més incòmode

Going for a picnic is to be more uncomfortable.

que a l'hotel Reina Sofia.

at the Hotel Reina Sofia.

Si vostè està aquí,

If you are here,

emulant el luxe d'un hotel de cinc estrelles,

emulating the luxury of a five-star hotel,

ja no és un pícnic.

it's no longer a picnic.





No, perquè és el mateix amb formigues.

No, because it's the same with ants.



Un pícnic, t'emportes una...

A picnic, you take a...

L'estureta sí, no?

The little figure, yes?

Sí, home, sí.

Yes, man, yes.

L'estureta sí, fots allà la manta aquella a terra...

The little stir yes, put that blanket on the ground there...

La manta ja està.

The blanket is ready.

...i després entrepans, ja està.

...and then sandwiches, that's it.

I ja està.

And that's it.

O si vols quatre coses més,

Or if you want four more things,

però no us compliqueu la vida.

but don’t complicate your life.

Pícnic, sobretot, pícnic,

Picnic, above all, picnic.

se fa en un lloc bucòlic, un camp, una mica de camp.

It takes place in a bucolic setting, a field, a bit of countryside.

No és la platja, la nevera aquella,

It's not the beach, that fridge,

allò que vèiem a Callejeros...

those things we saw on Callejeros...

No, no, allò és una xarnegada.

No, no, that is a mess.

Allò no és un pícnic.

That is not a picnic.

Hem atrat el potatge,

We have attracted the stew,



Però que no hi havia fruita més petita, senyora,

But wasn't there any smaller fruit, ma'am?

que ja la síndria sola ja ocupa tota la nevera.

that the watermelon alone already takes up the whole fridge.

Agafa un plàtan, nena.

Take a banana, girl.

Cony, raïm,

Cunt, grape,



No, aquell llamp de síndria,

No, that lightning of watermelon,

que ja t'ocupa tot el malatero, allò.

that it already takes up all the trunk, that.



Mare de Déu.

Mother of God.

Tenim el pare mort, eh, ho sabeu?

We have our father dead, you know that, right?



Bueno, estàvem amb...

Well, we were with...

L'ha matat, l'ha matat, sí, sí, sí, sí.

He killed her, he killed her, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Mort i decapitat.

Dead and decapitated.

En Richard esborra el nom del seu pare de la llista.

Richard erases his father's name from the list.

Està bé ser ordenat, que no diguis

It's okay to be organized, isn't it?

què te'l vaig matar o no.

Why did I kill you or not?

Bueno, perquè si tu saps que estàs boig.

Well, because if you know that you are crazy.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Al tanto.

On the ball.

Llavors se'n va corrents del parc.

Then he/she runs away from the park.

Però ha tingut el moment aquell de...

But it had that moment of...




Crossed out.

La policia tarda ben poc temps a trobar-lo.

The police take very little time to find him.

El detenen mentre ataca la gent d'un mercat

They detain him while he attacks people at a market.

i va cridant

and was shouting

«Porteu el dimoni a dins! Osiris vol que us mati!».

"You carry the devil inside you! Osiris wants you dead!"

Bueno, a Londres encara passa això, eh?

Well, that still happens in London, huh?



I no sé què d'Osiris cridaven.

And I don't know what they were shouting about Osiris.



Bueno, en un moment no sé si era Osiris.

Well, at one moment I don't know if it was Osiris.

Algú, algú.

Someone, someone.

En Richard és detingut i portat a judici.

Richard is arrested and taken to trial.

El condemnen a passar la resta de la seva vida

They condemn him to spend the rest of his life.

tancat a un centre psiquiàtric.

locked in a psychiatric center.

La mare del noi s'hi oposa.

The boy's mother opposes it.



Un moment, que m'he deixat un no que canvia una mica

One moment, I forgot a "no" that changes things a bit.

el sentit de la frase.

the meaning of the sentence.

La mare del noi no s'hi oposa.

The boy's mother does not oppose it.

Ah, va.

Oh, come on.

Bueno, no m'estranyava tampoc.

Well, I wasn't surprised either.

Vull dir...

I mean...

No m'estranyava tampoc, si no ho fa.

I wasn't surprised either, if it doesn't.

Però, bueno, clar.

But, well, of course.

Ja està, ja està.

That's it, that's it.

La família és la que...

The family is the one that...

La família és aquest, tancat.

The family is this, closed.

Us pot semblar curiós, però quan està tancat al centre

It may seem curious to you, but when it is closed in the center.

és quan en Richard experimenta el creixement artístic més important.

It is when Richard experiences the most significant artistic growth.

L'aïllament li permet centrar-se en les seves obres.

The isolation allows him to focus on his works.

Quan està entre reixes

When it is behind bars.

és quan li surten els quadres més rellevants.

it's when the most relevant squares come out.

Oh, clar.

Oh, of course.

És que fins ara havia pintat en Shakespeare, eh?

It's just that until now I had painted in Shakespeare, huh?

Ara li he posat de temps a pensar.

Now I have given him time to think.

Se centra en la seva especialitat,

It focuses on its specialty,

els quadres recargolats i plens de detalls,

the twisted and detail-rich squares,

ara farcits d'éssers estranys com fullets, fades i noms.

now filled with strange beings like goblins, fairies, and names.

Han de ser macos de veure, eh?

They must be nice to see, right?



La Neus ens en portarà un de concret,

Neus will bring us a specific one.

un que es diu

one that is called

The Fairy Fellow's Master's Trope.

The Fairy Fellow's Master's Trope.

Que Déu-n'hi-do, bon quadro.

What a masterpiece, good painting.

No el conec, eh?

I don't know him, okay?



No, no, no.

No, no, no.

En Richard no surt mai més del centre psiquiàtric,

Richard never leaves the psychiatric center again.

però tampoc ho troba a faltar.

but he/she doesn't miss it either.

En té prou amb les seves pintures per ser feliç.

He has enough with his paintings to be happy.

Finalment, i després de quatre dècades de reclusió,

Finally, and after four decades of confinement,

el nostre protagonista s'acaba morint l'any 1886

our protagonist ends up dying in the year 1886

amb 68 anys.

at 68 years old.

68, per cargar-se opi en comptes de quinoa.

68, for loading opium instead of quinoa.


Well, I’ll be!

No, al final, al final ja sabem com va això.

No, in the end, in the end we already know how this goes.

Els seus quadres estan penjats a les galeries més importants del món.

His paintings are hanging in the most important galleries in the world.

La seva figura ha estat molt analitzada

His figure has been analyzed a lot.

pels psicòlegs especialitzats en malalties mentals.

for psychologists specialized in mental illnesses.

Molts han arribat a la conclusió

Many have come to the conclusion.

que en Richard tenia esquizofrènia paranoïda,

that Richard had paranoid schizophrenia,

agreujada per l'abús de drogues,

exacerbated by drug abuse,

especialment les que va consumir a Egipte

especially those he consumed in Egypt

durant aquells dies de frenesí.

during those days of frenzy.

Cinc dies a Egipte,

Five days in Egypt,

la vida del revés.

life upside down.

Sembla que la versió dels amics

It seems that the version of the friends

no s'aguanta per enlloc, la de la calorada.

It can't stand anywhere, the heat.

Encara que ells mantindran que en Richard

Even though they will maintain that Richard

es va tornar boig per culpa d'un cop de calor

He went mad due to a heat stroke.

mentre visitava les piràmides.

while visiting the pyramids.

Richard Dutt, el voleu veure?

Do you want to see Richard Dutt?



Richard, guiteu-lo!

Richard, guide him!

Què me'n dius?

What do you say about it?

Ostres, la mirada menys pura i brillant

Wow, the least pure and bright gaze.

que he vist a la meva vida.

that I have seen in my life.

És un retrato

It is a portrait.

mentre està pintant

while he/she is painting

i és curiós perquè està pintant

And it's curious because he/she is painting.

però està mirant cap a una altra cosa.

but he/she is looking at something else.

Està pintant de cantó que no és el quadro.

He is painting from an angle that is not the canvas.

Està pintant d'oïdes.

He is painting by ear.

En coneixem algun amb aquestes pintes, eh?

We know someone with this look, right?


Good gracious.

En algun bar de Manlleu l'he vist, aquest pa, jo crec.

I think I've seen this bread in some bar in Manlleu.

Mare de Déu, anem a veure què en pensa el públic.

Mother of God, let's see what the public thinks.

Richard Dutt

Richard Dutt

és digne d'entrar al búnquer, sí o no?

Is it worthy of entering the bunker, yes or no?



El búnquer.

The bunker.

Bones, buncaires.

Good, bunkers.

Tu, que estic molt preocupat.

You, I am very worried.

L'altre dia, sopant amb amics,

The other day, having dinner with friends,



Per lo que sigui,

For whatever reason,

vam descobrir que tots s'arriben a xupar

we discovered that everyone ends up sucking

el seu mugró.

her nipple.

I jo no puc.

And I can't.

No m'hi arribo.

I can't get to it.

Tinc un problema jo o el tenen ells?

Do I have a problem or do they have one?

Ells. Ells, no.

They. They, no.

Quants eren?

How many were there?

No s'hi arriba ningú.

No one arrives there.

Les dones sí?

The women, yes?

Jo crec que les dones gairebé totes.

I believe that almost all women.

Bueno, tu, que perquè pots portar el fàtum cap amunt...

Well, you, that because you can carry the fan up...

El fàtum cap amunt, de veritat, és que...

The upward fate, really, is that...

El fàtum cap amunt...

The fate upward...

De veritat.


No sabia com descriure-ho, però...

I didn't know how to describe it, but...

Jo no m'hi arriba.

I can't reach it.

Està ben descrit.

It is well described.

O llengua llarga o mugró bastant...

Either a long tongue or a pretty nipple...

Jo és que sóc de mugró petit.

I have small nipples.

Jo crec que als homes és difícil que hi puguem arribar.

I believe that it is difficult for us to reach men.

Bueno, hi ha una edat per tot, eh?

Well, there is an age for everything, isn't there?

És veritat.

It's true.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Cada edat desenvolupes un poder diferent.

Each age develops a different power.

Exacte. Cada edat té les seves gràcies.

Exactly. Each age has its own charm.

Clar, clar, clar.

Sure, sure, sure.

És veritat, és una cosa que no havia pensat.

It's true, it's something I hadn't thought about.

Si la pell cau, més facilitat en això.

If the skin falls, it’s easier in this.



Hi ha gent que és molt hiperlaxa,

There are people who are very laid-back,

que se'ls estira molt la pell.

that their skin is pulled a lot.



Jo de totes maneres veient-ho...

I, in any case, seeing it...

Algú llepant-se el seu propi mugró,

Someone licking their own nipple,

és una estampa que en un sopar...

it's a scene that at a dinner...

Tampoc és una activitat especialment encoratjadora, no?

It's not a particularly encouraging activity, is it?

Que anem per llepar-nos els mugrons?

What are we going to lick our nipples for?

Cadascú el seu.

Each to their own.

Ah, sí, sí.

Ah, yes, yes.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Clar, cadascú el seu tira enrere.

Of course, everyone has their own drawbacks.

Una mica català, això, no?

A bit Catalan, this, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És com rauxa modelada, no?

It's like shaped lightning, isn't it?



Anem a llepar-nos els mugrons, però cadascú el seu, eh?

Let's lick each other's nipples, but everyone sticks to their own, okay?

Que no sigui que... Cuidado.

Don't let it be that... Be careful.

Neus, no sé si algú vol fer alguna pregunta.

Neus, I don't know if anyone wants to ask a question.

Sí, mira, l'Alba té una anècdota.

Yes, look, Alba has an anecdote.

M'ha dit que vol explicar una cosa.

He told me that he wants to explain something.

Aviam, aviam.

Let’s see, let’s see.

Què passa?

What's happening?

A veure, jo tenia una gata negra, molt maca.

Let's see, I had a black cat, very beautiful.

Fixa't que ho diuen passat, eh?

Notice that they say it in the past, right?

Bueno, bueno, després... A veure, a veure què...

Well, well, then... Let's see, let's see what...

Estava posant la rentadora i vaig començar a posar roba i...

I was loading the washing machine and I started putting in clothes and...

I ara ho vaig trigar, eh?

And now I took my time, eh?

Què tinc per rentar?

What do I have to wash?

Bueno, doncs tanco, poso a posar...

Well, then I close, I start to put...

I de cop i volta sento uns copets en el vidre de la rentadora

And suddenly, I hear some taps on the glass of the washing machine.

i jo dic, ostres, però si no he posat cap tronc.

And I say, wow, but I haven't put any logs.

I no hi ha cap botó així...

And there isn't any button like this...

I estava la gata dins la rentadora.

The cat was inside the washing machine.

Té nom? Per què? Per fer-ho més trist, encara?

Does it have a name? Why? To make it even sadder?



Però us haig de dir que va sobreviure.

But I have to tell you that he survived.

Després d'un principi d'atac de pànic,

After a panic attack had begun,

vam desendollar la rentadora, vam poder obrir...

we unplugged the washing machine, we were able to open...

Sí, perquè la rentadora, segons com, no es pot parar, eh?

Yes, because the washing machine, depending on how it is, can't be stopped, right?

No es pot fer res.

Nothing can be done.

Hi ha un moment que no et deixa, no et deixa.

There is a moment that doesn't let you, doesn't let you.

Va, la vam desendollar, vam esperar que fes el clic aquell,

Come on, we unplugged it, we waited for it to make that click,

vam poder obrir, va sortir tota plena de sabó,

we were able to open it, it came out all full of soap,

va escopir el sabó...

he spat out the soap...

Va quedar neta, eh?

It turned out clean, huh?

Però va sobreviure.

But he/she survived.

Va sortir blanca.

She came out white.

Neta, va quedar...

Granddaughter, it was left...

Va sortir blanca.

She came out white.



i bueno, us ha passat

And well, what has happened to you?

algú semblant?

someone similar?

home, el teu és gros

man, yours is big

sí, el meu és gros

Yes, mine is big.

Quimi, has tingut animals de companyia?

Quimi, have you had any pets?



són molt maques

they are very nice

són molt barates

they are very cheap

i també quan molesten

and also when they bother

les pots matar i ningú s'emprenya

You can kill them and no one gets upset.

si un gos t'emprenya

if a dog annoys you

i el mates

and math

però si una mosca

but if a fly

que has estat molt feliç amb ella

that you have been very happy with her

durant molts dies

for many days

i passant-ho molt bé, veient-la volar

And having a great time, watching her fly.

t'emprenyes o se't posa el melimator

Do you get angry or does the sweetener kick in?

i tot això, el mates

And all this, the math.

i ningú s'hi fica

and no one gets involved

en un pis de Barcelona

in an apartment in Barcelona

on hi vaig anar quan estudiava

I went there when I was studying.

tenien un colom

they had a pigeon

d'animal de companyia

of pet

quin fàstic, es va colar un dia allà dins

How disgusting, he sneaked in there one day.

i no hem quedat

and we haven't stayed

això no te lo puedes quedar porque esto es de Barcelona

you can't keep this because it's from Barcelona

no, esto es de todos

no, this is for everyone

esto lo pagamos todos

we all pay for this

aquí vaig tenir un petit incident

here I had a small incident





em vaig tenir un de molt gros

I had a really big one.

que ja el vaig explicar una vegada

that I already explained it once

que és que em van regalar un gos per la comunió

What is it that they gave me a dog for my communion?

i el dia que anava a fer la comunió

And the day I was going to make my communion.

tot vestit de comunió i tot plegat

all dressed up for communion and everything

teníem una porta automàtica al graig

we had an automatic door at the grain elevator

d'aquestes basculants

of these tipping points

i el meu germà

and my brother

va sortir, jo estava esperant

he came out, I was waiting

dins l'R5 amb la meva mare

inside the R5 with my mother

la meva mare va apretar el botó de la porta

my mother pressed the door button

va anar baixant la porta i el gos

he went down the door and the dog

surto, no surto

I go out, I don't go out.

i es va quedar just on tancava la porta

and he/she stayed just when the door closed

i se li va trencar la columna vertebral

and he/she broke his/her spine.

el gos

the dog

no va ser prou ràpid

it wasn't fast enough

no hagués passat res

nothing would have happened

o un dofí

or a dolphin

un dofí tampoc no té per què sortir del graig

A dolphin doesn't have to leave the wave either.

es queden els graixos normalment

fats usually remain

ens costa triar

it's hard for us to choose

perquè tot és bo

because everything is good

però estàs escoltant els millors moments del búnquer

But you are listening to the best moments of the bunker.

d'aquesta setmana

of this week

bon carins

good darlings

soc la Iolanda

I am Iolanda.

estava escoltant el programa d'ahir

I was listening to yesterday's program.

i el tema que un quan surt de Barcelona

And the topic that one when leaves Barcelona

i se'n va a un poble

and he goes to a village

i passa 70 anys

and 70 years pass

segueix sent de Barcelona

it is still from Barcelona

què passa quan és al revés?

What happens when it's the other way around?

és a dir, jo vaig néixer en un poble

That is to say, I was born in a village.

Sant Fos de Campsantelles

Saint Fos of Campsantelles

i als dos anys

and at two years

vaig venir cap a Barcelona

I came to Barcelona.

a mi ningú em tracta

nobody treats me.

com a suifós del poble

as a village phony

i aquí hi ha un munt de gent

And here there are a lot of people.

que no és pas

that is not

de Barcelona

from Barcelona

que ha nascut aquí

that has been born here

però tots ens tractem com a barcelonins

but we all treat ourselves as Barcelonans

com és que al revés no passa?

How come the opposite doesn't happen?

tu ets barceloní, Joel

you are from Barcelona, Joel

de naixement

of birth

el barceloní com que no té cap avantatge

the Barcelonian since he has no advantage

ser barceloní

to be from Barcelona

li donem el carnet a qualsevol persona

we give the card to anyone

que el demani molt fàcil

that he/she asks for it very easily

perquè no té absolutament cap contrapartida bona

because it has absolutely no good counterpart

suposo que ser d'un poble

I suppose that being from a village.

té un punt aquest més d'identitat

it has a point this more of identity

i d'això s'ha d'anar més amb compte

And you have to be more careful about that.

tu et sents?

Do you feel?

t'estimes Barcelona d'alguna manera?

Do you love Barcelona in some way?



sí, o sigui sí

yes, or rather yes

sí, me l'estimo

Yes, I love him/her.

perquè quan me li fan mal

because when it hurts me

com si haguessin m'emprenyo

as if they had annoyed me.

això és un símptoma de...

this is a symptom of...

la Copa Amèrica

the America Cup

jo la Copa Amèrica

I the America Cup

no sé si es pot dir

I don't know if it can be said.

però jo llogaria aquelles orques

but I would rent those orcas

que hi havia a la zona de...

that there was in the area of...

em sembla que era de Canàries

I think it was from the Canary Islands.

o de la costa andalusa

or from the Andalusian coast

que atacaven llots

that attacked mud

amb les orques assassines

with the killer whales

una mena de comando terrorista

a kind of terrorist commando

jo les doparia amb cocaïna

I would dope them with cocaine.

aquestes orques

these orcs

que cridessin més orques

that they would scream more orcas

i llavors que...

and then what...

que es mengessin aquells senyors

let those gentlemen eat it

que es mengessin els barcos aquests

let those ships eat themselves

que els barcos aquests

that these boats

que no toquen ni l'aigua

that they don't touch the water

és veritat

it's true

és una vergonya això

it's a shame this

això es podria fer qualsevol descampat

this could be done in any wasteland

perquè l'aigua és lo de menys

because the water is the least important

és lo de menys

it's of little importance

li fot rodes a les merdes aquelles

he kicks those shits

a les esquilles

to the scales

això ho cartes als monegros

this is cards in the Monegros




els monegros allà

the Monegros over there

que estan desaprofitats

that are wasted

llavors fas Mad Max

then you become Mad Max

i això sí que t'ho volia

And this is something I really wanted to tell you.

perquè la Copa Amèrica

because the America Cup

potser és un compendi

maybe it's a compendium

de tot el que no suportes

of everything you can't stand

de la humanitat

of humanity

home, hi ha pijos

dude, there are snobs

hi ha capitalisme per un tubo

there is capitalism through a pipe

hi ha el món del luxe

there is the world of luxury

que també fot molta ràbia

that also makes you really angry

i la gent del mar

and the people of the sea

que també, eh?

that too, huh?



la gent del mar

the people of the sea

no, és que el mar

no, it's just that the sea

és que el mar

it's just that the sea

si trobo fot el mar

if I find the sea



a la merda

to hell






jo quan veig algú

I when I see someone

quan veig algú de secar

when I see someone drying

que té una àncora tatuada

that has a tattooed anchor

home, no

man, no

oh, prou

oh, enough

i el fart de Menorca

and the Menorca lighthouse

prou de tatuar-vos aquest fart

stop tattooing this bellyache

no, i el perfil de formentera

no, and the profile of Formentera

també se'l fan molt

they also make it very much



sí que ho fan

yes, they do

sí, sí que ho fan

yes, yes they do

jo m'he passejat alguna vegada

I have strolled around a few times.

per algun port

for some port

i quan veus aquella gent

And when you see those people

descalços amb una manguera

barefoot with a hose

netejant el barco

cleaning the boat

allò fa una mica de...

that makes a bit of...

sí, però és un empleat aquell

Yes, but that one is an employee.



ah, doncs jo

oh, well, I

aquell per mi

that for me

ja el veig molt ric

I already see him very rich.

però bé

but well

si tu tens un barco

if you have a boat


te'l compres

you buy it for yourself

que és molt car

that is very expensive

per vacilar bàsicament

to show off basically

que val un barco

what is a boat worth

val molt sense

it matters a lot without


home, depèn del barco

man, it depends on the boat




I see it.

més que un tractor

more than a tractor

no pot ser

it can't be

és molt car un tractor

A tractor is very expensive.

doncs més

then more

més de 300.000 euros

more than 300,000 euros


300.000 euros

300,000 euros

un tractor

a tractor

sí, si el bo és bo, sí

Yes, if the good is good, yes.

ui, el de ciutat

oh, the one from the city

contra el de poble

against the village one

ho prometo

I promise it.

ha de ser un d'aquests

It has to be one of these.

d'una roda més alta que jo

from a wheel taller than me

no, no, n'hi ha que

no, no, there are some that


Good heavens!

300.000 euros

300,000 euros

n'hi ha de car

there are some expensive ones

ja per amortitzar-ho allò

just to amortize that

és de fotre feina

it's a pain in the ass

complicat, és complicat

complicated, it’s complicated

sí, sí

yes, yes



ho hem de deixar aquí

we have to leave it here

perquè ens arriba una

because a one arrives to us

no una notícia d'última hora

not breaking news

però sí

but yes

és l'últim minut de programa

it's the last minute of the program


let's see

que aprofitarem

that we will take advantage of

per fer-te les preguntes

to ask you the questions

que no t'hem fet

that we haven't done to you

sí, avui va

yes, today it goes

que tenim temps

that we have time

Quimi, quina va ser

Quimi, what was it?

la teva primera feina?

your first job?

el primer cop que vaig

the first time I went

que em van pagar

that they paid me

per fer alguna activitat

to do some activity

em vaig recollir

I picked myself up.

bales de palla

straw bales

he carregat-les en un

I have loaded them into one.

però molt

but very

pesen molt

they weigh a lot

quan són aixutes no

When are they dry, no?

però quan ha plogut

but when it has rained

ojo, eh

watch out, eh


take care of them

bales de palla petita

small straw bales


I understand.

eren aquelles típiques

they were those typical

aquelles de

those of

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

ets una persona endreçada?

Are you a tidy person?

jo diria que sí

I would say yes.

que molt

that very much

per què?


perquè el caos

because of the chaos

què passa?

What's happening?

portes molt malament?

Are you doing very badly?

molt malament

very bad

molt, eh?

a lot, huh?

el desordre i el caos

the disorder and the chaos

em posen molt nerviós

They make me very nervous.


sóc endreçat

I am organized.

perquè no em queda

because I don't have any left

d'altre remei

of another remedy

bueno, i abans ens ha comentat

Well, and before he/she told us.

que els espais petits

that small spaces

tampoc és que t'agradin massa

it's not that you like them that much either

tinc una mica, mica

I have a little, little.

de claustrofòbia, sí

of claustrophobia, yes

però la supero

but I overcome it

la supero

I overcome it.

portes bé de moment

you're doing well for now

aquí al búnquer

here in the bunker

i l'endreçament

and the arrangement

també no et suporta

also does not support you

home, aquí és bastant lamentable

Man, this is quite lamentable here.

tot, però

everything, but

clar, clar

clear, clear

doncs imagina't

so imagine

estava pitjor, eh?

it was worse, huh?

però sóc un professional

but I am a professional

i em comporto

and I behave

una persona amb claustrofòbia

a person with claustrophobia

que no tolera el desordre

that does not tolerate disorder

no m'han portat al millor lloc

They haven't taken me to the best place.

però bueno

but okay

porto uns comprimits fantàstics

I'm carrying some fantastic pills.

me n'he pres un

I've taken one.

i ja està

and that's it


go ahead

què és aquest dato

What is this dato?

que tenim aquí

What do we have here?

que diu

what does it say

que t'agraden els avions?

Do you like airplanes?

m'agraden molt els avions

I really like airplanes.



home, sí

man, yes

les mosques i els avions

the flies and the planes


I like them.

les coses que volen

the things that fly

les trobo magnífiques

I find them magnificent.

però t'agraden fins aquí

but you like it up to here

en punt, diguéssim

at the point, let's say

bueno, com a tu

well, like you


the Italian

bé, moltes gràcies

well, thank you very much

per acompanyar-nos

to accompany us



nosaltres hi tornem

we are going back there

al búnquer

to the bunker

com sempre

as always

a la una del migdia

at one o'clock in the afternoon

a Catalunya Ràdio

at Catalunya Ràdio

que vagi bé

take care





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