T2xC10 Jordi Borràs creua "El llindar"

Catalunya Ràdio

El llindar

T2xC10 Jordi Borràs creua "El llindar"

El llindar

Catalunya Ràdio. Catalunya Àudio. Som podcast.

Catalonia Radio. Catalonia Audio. We are podcast.

Benvinguts al Llinda, un programa en què viatgem a un altre món.

Welcome to Llinda, a program where we travel to another world.

Un món estrany, sorprenent, un lloc més enllà de la realitat que coneixem.

A strange, surprising world, a place beyond the reality we know.

Un món impossible on es desintegra la realitat que veiem

An impossible world where the reality we see disintegrates.

i accedim a una realitat diferent on pot passar qualsevol cosa.

And we access a different reality where anything can happen.

I on fins i tot ens podem arribar a sorprendre de nosaltres mateixos.

And we can even surprise ourselves.

Avui creu al Llinda amb nosaltres Jordi Borràs.

Today, Jordi Borràs believes in Llinda with us.

Benvingut, Jordi.

Welcome, Jordi.


Thank you.

Ja t'han tapat els ulls completament, oi?

They have completely covered your eyes, haven't they?

Sí, sí, no hi veig gens.

Yes, yes, I can't see anything at all.

Com els nostres oients ja saben, totes les persones que creuen al Llinda

As our listeners already know, all the people who believe in Llinda

porten els ulls tapats amb un antifàs completament opac que no permet veure res.

They wear their eyes covered with a completely opaque mask that does not allow them to see anything.

I és que només si estàs completament a les fosques pots veure el Llinda.

And it's only if you are completely in the dark that you can see the Llinda.

Sé que sona estrany, però no et preocupis,

I know it sounds strange, but don't worry,

que jo et guiaré. Ja no veus res?

that I will guide you. Can't you see anything anymore?



Perfecte, doncs si mires fixament en la foscor i t'hi concentres,

Perfect, so if you stare intently into the darkness and focus on it,

veuràs que a poc a poc apareix una línia de llum tènua que va de dalt a baix.

You will see that little by little a faint line of light appears from top to bottom.

Sembla una porta entreoberta, tot i que no ho és exactament.

It looks like an ajar door, although it isn't exactly.

Avança cap a ella sense por,

Advance towards her without fear,

recorda que la meva veu et guiarà tota l'estona,

remember that my voice will guide you all the time,

i prepara't.

and get ready.

Creuem el Llinda.

We cross the Llinda.

Ets a la sala d'estar de casa, i tens una estona de calma abans de sortir a treballar.

You are in the living room of your home, and you have a moment of calm before going to work.

Per les finestres entra una claror càlida.

A warm light enters through the windows.

T'acostes a un prestatge i ressegueixes embundit els llibres de fotografia.

You approach a shelf and trace your fingers along the photography books.

N'agafes un.

You take one.

T'asseus a la butaca a follegar-lo distretament.

You sit in the armchair to leaf through it distractedly.

T'atures a mirar els detalls d'una imatge que no buscaves.

You stop to look at the details of an image you weren't looking for.

Assaboreixes el temps, que passa a poc a poc.

You savor the time that passes slowly.

Que esperes algú.

You are waiting for someone.

No, mai espero ningú a casa.

No, I never wait for anyone at home.

Suposo que hauràs d'anar a obrir.

I suppose you'll have to go open it.

Som-hi, vaig a obrir.

Let's go, I'm going to open.

Hola, bon dia. En Jordi Borràs viu aquí?

Hello, good morning. Does Jordi Borràs live here?



Porta un paquet per vostè.

It brings a package for you.

El missatger que porta un casc de moto posat,

The messenger wearing a motorcycle helmet,

i per tant no li pots veure el rostre,

and therefore you can't see his face,

t'allarga una capsa de cartró de mira mitjana.

They hand you a medium-sized cardboard box.

Així que l'agafes,

So you take it,

fa mitja volta i marxa sense dir res.

He turns around and leaves without saying anything.

Ni tan sols t'ha demanat que li signessis res.

He didn't even ask you to sign anything.

Devia tenir pressa.

He must have been in a hurry.

Però ara que t'hi fixes,

But now that you notice it,

no duia cap armilla ni cap logo visible d'una empresa de missatgeria.

he wasn't wearing any vest or any visible logo of a courier company.

Et mires la capsa.

You look at the box.

No té el somriure característic d'aquella gran empresa

It doesn't have the characteristic smile of that great company.

que fa circular paquets arreu del món.

that circulates packages around the world.

Ni cap altre distintiu, ni adreça, ni res.

Neither any other distinguishing mark, nor address, nor anything else.

Entres cap a casa.

You enter the house.

Agafes unes tisores per tallar la cinta adhesiva

You take some scissors to cut the adhesive tape.

i l'obres.

and you open it.

Dins hi ha un objecte pesant

Inside there is a heavy object.

embolicat amb plàstic de bombolles.

wrapped in bubble wrap.

Quan el desfàs, dins hi trobes una càmera de fotografiar

When you unfold it, inside you find a camera.

acompanyada d'un objectiu de 70-220 mil·límetres.

accompanied by a 70-220 millimeter objective.

No és cap model de càmera que coneguis.

It is not a camera model that you know.

No és ni Canon, ni Nikon, ni Sony.

It's neither Canon, nor Nikon, nor Sony.

No porta cap marca.

It doesn't have any brand.

Té un aspecte modern, però al mateix temps

It has a modern appearance, but at the same time

alguna cosa que fa que sembli antiga.

something that makes it look old.

És inesperadament lleugera

It is unexpectedly light.

i penses que t'aniria molt bé

and you think it would go very well for you

per anar a tot arreu sense carregar pes.

to go everywhere without carrying weight.

Qui te la deu ben viat?

Who owes you a good trip?

No en tinc ni idea.

I have no idea.

Bé, suposo que almenys

Well, I suppose that at least

la podries provar.

You could try it.


Let's go.

Ja que té un objectiu telescòpic,

Since it has a telescopic objective,

potser seria bona idea sortir al carrer a provar-la.

Maybe it would be a good idea to go out on the street and try it.

Avui fa un dia rúfol

Today is a dreary day.

d'aquells que queden tan bé a les fotografies

of those that look so good in photographs

perquè donen un aire melancòlic.

because they give a melancholic air.

Veus de lluny una senyora que creu al carrer

You see a lady walking down the street from afar.

carregant el carro de la compra.

loading the shopping cart.

La llum retalla la seva ombra a l'asfalt.

The light cuts out its shadow on the asphalt.


Do you need help?

i aprofitant l'objectiu

and taking advantage of the objective

fas la foto des de lluny.

you take the photo from afar.

Quan mires a veure com ha quedat

When you look to see how it has turned out.

et sorprens

you are surprised

perquè a la pantalla no hi apareix

because it doesn't appear on the screen

la foto que acabes de fer.

the photo you just took.

Hi apareix la senyora, sí,

Hi, the lady appears, yes.

però és en un lloc que no reconeixes.

but it is in a place you do not recognize.

És al metro

It's on the subway.

i allarga la mà cap al bolso

and stretches out the hand towards the bag

d'una altra senyora que té just al davant

of another lady who is right in front of her

i li fica a dins per prendre-li el monader.

And he puts it inside to take the wallet from him.

És a dir, fa màgia, això?

So, it works like magic, does it?



Després decideixes fer una altra fotografia

Then you decide to take another photograph.

d'una dona d'uns 30 anys

of a woman about 30 years old

que en aquell moment puja pel mateix carrer.

that at that moment is going up the same street.

Va vestida amb trajo jaqueta i sembla estressada.

She is dressed in a suit jacket and looks stressed.

Probablement arriba tard a alguna reunió important.

He is probably arriving late to some important meeting.

A la fotografia que et mostra a la càmera

In the photograph that shows you on camera.

es veu la mateixa dona

you can see the same woman

clavant una bufetada a un nen d'uns 7 anys.

slapping a 7-year-old child.

Sembla el seu fill.

He looks like your son.

Tots dos són en un menjador

Both are in a dining room.

al costat d'un piano

next to a piano

i hi ha un got a terra d'on ha vessat suc de taronja.

And there is a glass on the ground from which orange juice has spilled.

Inspecciones la càmera.

Inspects the camera.

Aparentment és una càmera ben normal.

Apparently, it's a pretty normal camera.

L'objectiu no té res de sorprenent.

The goal is nothing surprising.

Al teu costat passa un home d'uns 50 anys

A man of about 50 years old passes by your side.

que passeja un gos

that walks a dog

i t'obliga a apartar-te per deixar-lo passar.

and it forces you to move aside to let him pass.

Quan ja s'ha allunyat

When it has already drifted away.

no pots evitar girar-te

you can't help but turn around

i fer-li una fotografia.

and take a picture of him/her.

A la foto que ens resulta

In the photo that we find.

hi apareix molt més jove.

he looks much younger.

Deu tenir uns 19 anys.

She must be about 19 years old.

Porta botes militars, jaqueta bomber

Military boots, bomber jacket.

i el cap rapat.

and the shaved head.

Està clavant una cossa a un noi que ja ha estès a terra.

He is hitting a guy who is already lying on the ground.

Directa a la boca de l'estómac.

Straight to the stomach.

I no està sol.

And he is not alone.

Va tremboltant la víctima.

The victim was trembling.

Tornes a mirar-te'l mentre s'allunya.

You look at it again as it moves away.

Carrer amunt.

Up the street.

Et preguntes què se'n deu haver fet

You wonder what must have happened to him/her.

el noi a qui va a pallissar.

the boy whom he is going to beat up.

És l'alarma del mòbil.

It's the mobile phone alarm.

Recordes que avui havies d'anar a fer fotografies

Do you remember that today you had to go take photographs?

a un míting.

to a meeting.

I de fet arribes tard.

And in fact, you arrive late.

Amb això d'aquesta càmera misteriosa t'havies despistat.

With this mysterious camera, you had gotten distracted.

Vas a buscar la moto,

You are going to pick up the bike.

t'hi enfiles i surts disparat.

You climb in and take off wildly.



vas donant voltes a la naturalesa

you keep going around nature

d'aquestes fotografies.

of these photographs.

Podria ser que la càmera mostri

It could be that the camera shows.

el pitjor que ha fet mai la persona que retrata?

What is the worst thing that the person being portrayed has ever done?

Té curiositat, això.

That's curious.

En qualsevol cas, seria una càmera

In any case, it would be a camera.

que retrata la veritat.

that portrays the truth.

Una càmera que sap veure darrere la superfície

A camera that knows how to see behind the surface.

i no es deixa enganyar per la imatge

and does not let itself be deceived by appearances.

que intentem projectar.

that we try to project.

Una càmera que, com tu,

A camera that, like you,

està interessada en arribar al fons de les coses.

She is interested in getting to the bottom of things.

Entres a Barcelona per les rondes

You enter Barcelona through the ring roads.

atapeïdes de trànsit com és habitual.

traffic jam as usual.

Un cop recorres els carrers de la ciutat,

Once you walk through the streets of the city,

et fixes en el seu estat actual

you notice its current state

i penses que en el cas dels polítics

And do you think that in the case of politicians

només n'hi ha prou a un fotografial

there is only enough for one photograph

que han deixat el seu pas

that have left their mark

per retratar les seves mancances.

to portray their shortcomings.

O la seva manca d'escrupols.

Or their lack of scruples.

Veus blocs i més blocs de pisos de luxe

You see blocks and more blocks of luxury apartments.

aparentment buits.

seemingly empty.

Veus carrers on ja no hi queda cap botiga

You see streets where there are no shops left.

que reconeguis.

that you recognize.

Tots són franquícies i bars impersonals per expats.

They are all franchises and impersonal bars for expats.

Veus les voreres ocupades

You see the sidewalks occupied.

per ramats de turistes somrients

for herds of smiling tourists

que avancen en fila Índia

that India advances in line

encapçalats per guies amb paraigües de colors.

led by guides with colorful umbrellas.

En una cantonada,

On a corner,

dos agents de policia fan aixecar un pidulaire

two police agents make a pedlar stand up

i l'empenten perquè s'esfumi

and they push him so that he disappears

i no embruti el decorat.

and do not tarnish the decor.

I has passat centenars de vegades per aquí.

You have passed by here hundreds of times.

Però cada vegada que hi tornes a passar

But every time you go back there.

tens la sensació que t'han tret el terra de sota els peus.

you have the feeling that the ground has been taken from under your feet.

És com si la vida que coneixies

It's as if the life you knew

s'hagués hagut de refugiar

would have had to take refuge

en racons invisibles de la ciutat

in invisible corners of the city

i a fora només hi hagués quedat

and outside there would have remained only

una gran mentida.

a great lie.

Sí, sí, una bona descripció de Barcelona.

Yes, yes, a good description of Barcelona.

Arribes al míting

You arrive at the meeting.

que ha de tenir lloc en una plaça gran

that must take place in a large square

al barri de Poblenou.

in the Poblenou neighborhood.

Hi ha una gran multitud.

There is a large crowd.

Joves amb samarretes antifeixistes,

Young people with anti-fascist t-shirts,

mares amb criatures,

mothers with children,

grups de gent gran amb llum als ulls,

groups of elderly people with light in their eyes,

una mena d'electricitat

a kind of electricity

envolt de l'acte.

around the act.

S'hi respira confiança i neguit a parts iguals.

There is an equal mix of confidence and unease in the air.

És el míting final de campanya

It's the final campaign rally.

i es nota per la gran quantitat

and it shows due to the large quantity.

de gent que s'hi ha plegat

of people who have gathered there

que hi ha molt en joc.

that there is a lot at stake.

El partit és el bloc unitari

The party is the unitary bloc.

de Lliberament,

of Liberation,

una agrupació d'esquerres i independentista

a left-wing and independentist group

que ha experimentat un gran creixement

that has experienced significant growth

i que molta gent percep com l'única opció possible

and that many people perceive as the only possible option

per frenar el partit d'extrema dreta

to slow down the far-right party

que en els últims anys ha esdevingut hegemònic

that in recent years has become hegemonic

a l'estat espanyol

to the Spanish state

amb discursos obertament xenòfobs.

with openly xenophobic speeches.

És per això que quan mires al teu voltant

That's why when you look around you

hi veus gent de perfils molt diversos

you see people with very diverse profiles

ja que el bloc agrupa votants

since the bloc groups voters

d'altres opcions polítiques

of other political options

que creuen que en aquest cas

what do you think in this case

han de votar qui tingui més possibilitats

they must vote for whoever has the most chances

d'aturar el feixisme.

to stop fascism.



Una fotoperiodista, amb la que us trobeu sovint

A photojournalist, with whom you often meet.

en aquesta mena d'actes, se t'apropa.

In this kind of events, you get closer.

Ja m'estranyava no veure't per aquí.

I was starting to wonder why I hadn't seen you around here.

Has arribat una mica tard, no?

You've arrived a little late, haven't you?

Com és?

How is it?

Mira, coses de la vida. M'han entretingut.

Look, things of life. They have entertained me.

En Bernat Torà és a punt de pujar a l'escenari.

Bernat Torà is about to take the stage.

En Bernat Torà és el líder del partit.

Bernat Torà is the leader of the party.

Contundent en les idees

Conclusive in ideas.

i suau en les formes,

and gentle in form,

ha sabut fer-se escoltar per tothom.

has managed to make yourself heard by everyone.

Amb ulleres, barba de tres dies,

With glasses, three-day beard,

roba elegant però informal,

smart casual attire,

sembla una persona pròxima i honesta.

seems like a close and honest person.

Fins i tot els seus adversaris

Even their opponents

admiren la claredat i la coherència

they admire the clarity and coherence

del seu discurs.

of his speech.

És l'home que ara mateix molts veuen

He is the man that many are seeing right now.

com l'única salvació, l'únic que separa Catalunya

as the only salvation, the only thing that separates Catalonia

de tenir un president de la Generalitat

of having a president of the Generalitat

d'extrema dreta.


Tenint en compte la situació,

Considering the situation,

no ha explotat gaire el discurs de la por.

The discourse of fear has not been exploited much.

De fet, si el seu partit ha aconseguit

In fact, if your party has managed

anar esdevenint rellevant

becoming relevant

i deixar enrere altres opcions,

and leave other options behind,

ha estat més aviat perquè ha estat l'únic que,

it has been rather because it has been the only one that,

gairebé dues dècades després de l'1 d'octubre,

almost two decades after October 1,

ha fet que la gent recuperés

has made people recover

la il·lusió per assolir la independència.

the excitement to achieve independence.

I això ha estat mèrit del carisma natural

And this has been the merit of natural charisma.

d'aquest home, que ara s'apropa al micròfon.

of this man, who is now approaching the microphone.

Vaig a posar-me en posició. Fins ara!

I'm going to get into position. See you soon!

Fins ara.

Until now.

Tu també vas cap a la zona destinada a la premsa.

You are also heading towards the area designated for the press.

Sou molts, però intentes

You are many, but you try.

trobar un lloc des d'on puguis fer una foto

find a place from where you can take a photo

que no sigui com la de tots els altres.

that it isn't like all the others.

Trobes un espai,

You find a space,

al lateral de l'escenari,

at the side of the stage,

on el podràs agafar de perfil.

where you can catch him from the side.

Quan just en aquell moment

Just at that moment

en Bernat Torà surt d'escena,

Bernat Torà exits the scene,

des de darrere d'uns plafons amb el logotip del partit.

from behind some panels with the party's logo.

I no tenim...

And we don't have...

Comences a fer fotografies

You start taking photographs.

i no pots parar de pensar en la càmera nova

And you can't stop thinking about the new camera.

que portes a la bossa.

what do you have in the bag.

És temptador

It's tempting.

fer-la servir

use it

i veure què en surt?

and see what comes out of it?

Què fas?

What are you doing?


Are you using it?

Sí, ho provarem.

Yes, we will try it.

Treus la càmera

You take out the camera.

i apuntes al polític.

And notes to the politician.

En aquell moment aixeca les mans amb indignació

At that moment, he raises his hands in indignation.

i fa cara de profunda preocupació

and has an expression of deep concern

per l'amenaça política que s'acosta.

for the political threat that is approaching.

Els assistents entusiasmats

The enthusiastic attendees

per la retòrica d'en Bernat Torà

for the rhetoric of Bernat Torà


they applaud.

Ell calla i mira a l'horitzó.

He is silent and looks at the horizon.

Et sembla que en sortirà una fotografia perfecta,

It seems to you that a perfect photograph will come out of it,

alhora, ostera i expressiva.

at once, austere and expressive.

Fas la foto.

You take the photo.

Quan mires a la pantalla

When you look at the screen

la fotografia que has fet

the photograph you took

notes com el món

you are like the world

se't posa del revés.

it turns you upside down.

Et podies esperar moltes coses

You could expect many things.

però cap com aquesta.

but none like this one.

Hi apareix una noia molt jove

Hi, a very young girl appears.

estirada en un sofà

lying on a sofa

mig despullada.

half undressed.

Els pantalons i les calces són per terra

The pants and the underwear are on the floor.

i ella se la veu drogada

And she looks high.

amb la boca entreoberta i els ulls gairebé tancats.

with her mouth half-open and her eyes almost closed.

Li penja un braç.

He has an arm hanging.

Està clarament inconscient.

He is clearly unconscious.

En Bernat Torà

Bernat Torà

és al seu damunt

it is above him/her/them

amb els pantalons abaixats.

with the pants down.

La té agafada per la cintura

He has her held by the waist.

i l'està violant.

and is raping her.


Goodness gracious.

A l'escenari en Bernat Torà

On stage, Bernat Torà.

ha arribat el punt àlgid del seu discurs.

he has reached the climax of his speech.

Hi ha aplaudiments.

There is applause.

La gent està molt animada

People are very excited.

i pots veure esperança als ulls de molts dels presents.

And you can see hope in the eyes of many of those present.

La imatge de la fotografia

The image of the photograph.

t'ha regirat l'estómac.

It has turned your stomach.

El míting

The meeting

acaba i surts d'allà

you finish and go out of there

esquivant la multitud enfavorida.

dodging the favored crowd.

A mesura que t'allunyes

As you move away

l'electricitat del míting deixa pas a la calma.

The electricity of the meeting gives way to calm.

Et preguntes

You wonder.

què has de fer.

what you have to do.

Tenint aquesta informació

Having this information

hauries de denunciar-lo.

You should report it.

Però quin valor pot tenir

But what value can it have?

una fotografia com a denúncia?

A photograph as a denunciation?



que es poden retocar tant les fotografies

that photos can be edited so much

o fins i tot fer-les del no-res de forma artificial?

or even make them out of nothing artificially?

Tenen valor com a prova?

Do they have value as evidence?

O fàcilment diran

Or they will easily say

que és una imatge falsa?

What is a false image?

Com a fotògraf?

As a photographer?

Et diria que moltes vegades

I would tell you that many times.

es diu que una fotografia

it is said that a photograph

val més que mil paraules

a picture is worth a thousand words

i jo sempre defenso que no.

And I always defend that no.

Que una fotografia

What a photograph

sí pot ser acompanyada de mil paraules

yes, it can be accompanied by a thousand words

perquè és molt fàcil

because it is very easy

descontextualitzar amb una foto

decontextualize with a photo

si no li poses context,

if you don't give it context,

si no li poses una història al darrere.

if you don't put a story behind it.

Per tant, per mi una fotografia

Therefore, for me a photograph

per si sola no té cap mena d'entitat.

On its own, it has no kind of substance.

Ha d'anar acompanyada

She must go accompanied.

d'una sèrie de context.

of a series of context.



jo crec que

I believe that

amb una fotografia sola

with just one photograph

no pots fer res.

you can't do anything.

Has de contrastar informacions,

You must contrast information.

sens dubte.

without a doubt.

Però has de pensar en tot el que hi ha en joc.

But you have to think about everything that is at stake.

Aquesta no és una denúncia qualsevol.

This is not just any complaint.

Avui és l'últim dia de campanya

Today is the last day of the campaign.

i demà passat hi haurà eleccions.

And the day after tomorrow there will be elections.

Les eleccions on Catalunya es juga el seu futur.

The elections where Catalonia is playing its future.

I justament en Bernat Torà

It is precisely Bernat Torà.

és l'única possibilitat d'evitar un govern d'extrema dret.

It is the only way to avoid a far-right government.

Si el denunciessis,

If you reported him,

enfonsaries el seu partit

you would sink your party

i no tindria cap mena de possibilitat

and I would have no kind of possibility

de guanyar les eleccions.

of winning the elections.

Seria com fer guanyar les eleccions

It would be like winning the elections.

als feixistes del partit majoritari.

to the fascists of the majority party.

Sí, sí, clar.

Yes, yes, of course.

Però denunciar-lo en base a què?

But report him based on what?

Amb una càmera que en fa coses

With a camera that does things to me.

molt curioses, no?

Very curious, isn't it?

Però que no en sabem

But we don't know about it.

la veracitat.

the truthfulness.

És a dir,

That is to say,

és que vaja,

it's just that,

ni em plantejaria

I wouldn't even consider it.


to use

res en contra de ningú

nothing against anyone

ni d'aquesta persona ni de cap altra

neither of this person nor of any other

sense poder contrastar realment

without being able to really contrast

allò que se suposa que fa la càmera, no?

That's what the camera is supposed to do, right?

Per tant, què decideixes?

So, what do you decide?

El denuncies o no?

Do you report it or not?

No el puc denunciar en base

I can't report him based on that.

a una fotografia

to a photograph

que no sé,

that I don't know,

no en conec la veracitat.

I do not know its truthfulness.

Perquè al cap i a la fi, aquella foto

Because after all, that photo

jo no l'he fet,

I didn't do it,

l'ha fet la càmera, no?

It was done by the camera, wasn’t it?

És a dir, jo no...

That is to say, I don’t...

Una cosa que m'agrada de la fotografia

One thing I like about photography

precisament és que

precisely it is that

és una manera de captar

it's a way to capture

un instant, de congelar-lo,

a moment, to freeze it,

un instant que tu mateix has viscut.

a moment that you yourself have lived.

Això, malgrat que

This, despite that

és un aparell fotogràfic,

it is a photographic device,

el que m'està mostrant

what is showing me

és una percepció

it is a perception

que jo en desconec la veracitat.

that I am unaware of the truth.

Per mi, per tant, això

For me, therefore, this

no és

it is not



Decideixes tornar cap a casa.

You decide to go back home.

Vas a buscar la moto i hi puges.

You go to get the motorcycle and you ride it.

Enfiles el carrer Llecuna cap amunt.

You walk up Llecuna street.

És just creuant un semàfor que passa.

It is just crossing a traffic light that he/she passes.

Una furgoneta accelera a la teva esquerra

A van accelerates to your left.

i se't tira a sobre.

and it jumps on you.

Et veus a tu mateix colpejant amb el cap

You see yourself hitting with your head.

el terra.

the floor.

I la moto lliscant pel carrer.

And the motorcycle sliding down the street.

I després, foscor.

And then, darkness.

Una foscor infinita.

An infinite darkness.

Ara estàs dret,

Now you are standing,

portes el casc de la moto posat

you are wearing the motorcycle helmet

i tens un paquet a les mans.

And you have a package in your hands.

Truques a una porta.

You knock on a door.

T'obren Jordi Borràs.

Jordi Borràs opens for you.

Tens un paquet per ell.

You have a package for him.

L'hi dones i surts d'allà tan ràpid com pots.

You give it to him and get out of there as fast as you can.

Et gires i veus que ell et mira sospitant de tu.

You turn around and see that he is looking at you suspiciously.

Notes un cop contra una superfície dura,

You hit against a hard surface,



i tornes a perdre el coneixement.

And you faint again.

De cop s'obren unes portes

Suddenly, a door opens.

i et treuen de la furgoneta.

and they take you out of the van.

Són dos homes que no reconeixes.

They are two men you don't recognize.

T'arrosseguen per un passadís.

They drag you down a hallway.

Mira, ja s'ha despertat.

Look, she's already awake.

Què ens vols dir? Alguna cosa, Jordi?

What do you want to tell us? Something, Jordi?

No sé qui ets.

I don't know who you are.

Qui ets?

Who are you?

Ara no és hora de parlar.

Now is not the time to talk.

Tornes a perdre el coneixement

You faint again.

per només un moment.

for just a moment.

Amb els ulls entre oberts

With eyes half open

veus com et fan entrar per una porta de garatge

you see how they make you enter through a garage door

mitja aixecada

half raised

i arribeu a un espai molt gran.

and you arrive at a very large space.

T'arrosseguen pel terra brut,

They drag you across the dirty ground,

pel mig de vessals viscosos.

through the midst of viscous spills.

Veus pilars de formigó

You see concrete pillars.

i un sostre fet amb vigues metàl·liques.

and a ceiling made with metal beams.

Sembla una nau industrial aventurada.

It looks like an adventurous industrial ship.

Deixa-la aquí mateix.

Leave it right here.

Et deixen allà estès a terra.

They leave you lying there on the ground.

Es pensen que t'han deixat estar burnit,

They think they've left you burned out.

però els pots sentir parlar.

but you can hear them talk.

Hauré de trucar a veure

I will have to call to see.

què hem de fer exactament.

what exactly do we need to do.

A qui? A en Miquel?

To whom? To Miquel?

Sí, ell és qui té l'última paraula.

Yes, he is the one who has the final word.

Amb les ganes que li tinc a aquest imbècil.

With the hatred I have for this idiot.

Va, va.

Come on, come on.

Hem de ser intel·ligents

We have to be smart.

i tenir el cap fred.

and keep a cool head.

Merda, aquí no hi ha cobertura.

Shit, there’s no signal here.

Anem a dalt a trucar a en Miquel.

Let's go upstairs to call Miquel.

No hi posarà problemes, no?

They won't have any problems, will they?

En Miquel?

And Miquel?

No, què va.

No, not at all.

Si ha estat decisió seva, no?

If it has been your decision, right?

Bé, bé, no podem prendre riscos.

Well, well, we can't take risks.

Sembla que han marxat.

It seems that they have left.

Hauries de trobar una manera de sortir d'aquí.

You should find a way to get out of here.

Busco, busco...

I search, I search...

Busco una porta, busco...

I'm looking for a door, I'm looking...

manera de fer el camp d'aquí.

way of doing the countryside around here.

Pots buscar alguna cosa que et serveixi per escapar.

You can look for something that can help you escape.

A la paret de la nau hi ha uns bidons blaus arreglarats.

On the wall of the warehouse, there are some repaired blue drums.

N'hi ha un de tombat i en surt un líquid fosc.

One is toppled over and a dark liquid comes out.

Per darrere dels bidons,

Behind the drums,

un tub i un feix de cables negres

a tube and a bunch of black cables

recorren la llarga paret.

They travel along the long wall.

El racó més fosc intueix és un extintor

The darkest corner hints at a fire extinguisher.

i un seguit de caixes apilades.

and a series of stacked boxes.

A l'altre costat hi ha la porta de garatge

On the other side, there is the garage door.

que han deixat tancada amb un cadenat

that they have left locked with a padlock

que la subjecta a terra.

that holds it to the ground.

Què fas?

What are you doing?

Doncs agafo...

Well, I'll take...

l'extintor i intento rebentar el cadenat.

the fire extinguisher and I try to break the padlock.

Ho provem.

Let's try it.

No hi ha manera.

There's no way.

No podem trencar-lo.

We cannot break it.

Vols provar alguna altra cosa?

Do you want to try something else?

Deuran tornar de seguida, no tens gaire temps.

They will have to return right away, you don't have much time.

Doncs m'espero al costat de la porta

Well, I'll wait for you by the door.

d'on hagin d'entrar

where they have to enter

amb l'extintor a punt per ruixar-los.

with the fire extinguisher ready to spray them.

La porta s'obre de cop

The door swings open suddenly.

i un d'ells s'estira de seguida sobre teu.

and one of them immediately stretches out over you.

Eh! Un bastó!

Eh! A stick!

Plouen els cops.

It rains blows.

T'intentes protegir infructuosament.

You are trying to protect yourself unsuccessfully.

No pots fer res contra la barra de ferro

You can't do anything against the iron bar.

que et pica l'espatlla, els braços, les mans...

that it itches your shoulder, your arms, your hands...



Qui et penses que ets?

Who do you think you are?

Et fan seure en una cadira

They make you sit in a chair.

que posen al centre de la sala.

that they place in the center of the room.

He dit que qui et penses que ets!

I said who do you think you are!

Aleshores reconeixes a un d'ells.

Then you recognize one of them.

La veu et sonava

The voice sounded familiar to you.

i quan l'has mirat te n'has acabat de convèncer.

And when you've looked at her, you have ended up being convinced.

És el cervell del partit.

He is the brain of the party.

La mà dreta d'en Bernat Torrent.

Bernat Torrent's right hand.

L'home que li escriu els discursos més vibrants.

The man who writes him the most vibrant speeches.

Sense ell, el partit no hauria deixat mai

Without him, the party would have never left.

de ser una força minoritària.

of being a minority force.

Bé, això sí que ja em descol·loca del tot.

Well, this really throws me off completely.

L'altre et mira de forma amenaçadora

The other looks at you threateningly.

encara amb la barra de ferro a la mà.

still with the iron bar in hand.

També el recordes.

You remember him/her too.

El vas conèixer fa anys

You met him years ago.

quan era el millor mobilitzant la gent al carrer,

when it was best at mobilizing people in the street,

escalfant els ànims dels manifestants,

raising the spirits of the demonstrators,

elaborant estratègies per trencar cordons policials.

developing strategies to break police cordons.

Quan calia fer un escrache,

When it was necessary to do a demonstration,

ell hi dedicava tots els esforços

he devoted all his efforts to it

perquè sortís bé.

so that it would turn out well.

La seva especialitat era

His specialty was

desbordar la situació.

overflow the situation.

Amb el temps,

With time,

s'ha convertit en un soldat del partit.

He has become a soldier of the party.

És corpulent i sap intimidar.

He is stocky and knows how to intimidate.

Els periodistes tremolen

The journalists tremble.

quan veuen una trucada seva.

when they see a call from you.

Com t'atreveixes a trair-nos?

How dare you betray us?

No sé de què m'estàs parlant.

I don't know what you're talking about.

T'hem vist fent servir la càmera

We saw you using the camera.

i sabem perfectament

and we know perfectly

el que la càmera retrata.

what the camera captures.

Què et pensaves?

What did you think?

Que et deixaríem que denunciessis en Bernat?

Would we let you report Bernat?

No sé de què m'estàs parlant.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Anaves cap a la comissaria

You were heading towards the police station.

a posar la denúncia, oi que sí?

to file the complaint, right?

No, és que no sé de què m'estàs parlant.

No, I just don’t know what you’re talking about.

Sembla mentida.

It seems like a lie.

Després del que ens ha costat

After what it has cost us

fer créixer el partit,

make the party grow,

aconseguir que la gent tornés a creure

make people believe again

en la independència,

in independence,

i ara vols destruir tot el que hem fet?

And now you want to destroy everything we have done?

Però si tu ets dels nostres, Jordi!

But if you are one of us, Jordi!

Dels vostres de quins?

Of yours, which ones?

A mi em sembla

It seems to me.

que no és dels nostres.

that is not ours.

Doncs potser no.

Well, maybe not.

És un traïdor de merda.

He is a damn traitor.

O potser és que ell es pensa

Or maybe he thinks that

que la seva integritat com a periodista

that his integrity as a journalist

està per sobre de tot.

is above all.

Doncs no ho està, Jordi.

Well, it isn't, Jordi.

No quan hi ha en joc el futur d'aquest país.

Not when the future of this country is at stake.

Et penses que tu ets tan important

Do you think you are that important?

com per decidir el futur de Catalunya?

How to decide the future of Catalonia?

De quina càmera em parles?

Which camera are you talking about?

És que no sé de què va aquesta història.

I just don't know what this story is about.

El problema és

The problem is

que et penses que estàs en la posició

What do you think you are in the position?

de poder jutjar els altres, oi que sí?

to be able to judge others, right?

Però no hi ha ningú

But there is nobody.

que no l'hagi cagat mai.

that he/she has never shat it.

Tots tenim cadàvers a l'armari, Jordi.

We all have skeletons in the closet, Jordi.

Tot seguit et mostra

Next, it shows you.

la teva pròpia motxilla

your own backpack

i de dins treu la càmera de fotografiar.

And from inside, he/she takes out the camera.

Té, agafa-la.

Here, take it.

Et posa la càmera a les mans.

It puts the camera in your hands.


You grab it.

Ara, fes-te una selfie

Now, take a selfie.

amb la càmera.

with the camera.

Et fas la foto.

You take the photo.

Mires a la pantalla

You look at the screen.

la fotografia que n'ha sortit.

the photograph that has turned out.

El record del passat

The memory of the past

et gel a l'espinada.

It chills you to the bone.

Et pren la càmera d'una estrebada.

He grabs the camera suddenly.

Tots dos miren la fotografia que t'has fet.

Both of them look at the photograph you took.

Ja t'ho deia, Jordi.

I already told you, Jordi.



tenim cadàvers a l'armari.

We have corpses in the closet.

Tot seguit


treu la targeta de memòria de la càmera.

Take the memory card out of the camera.

Això m'ho quedo jo.

I'll take this.

Ara ets a les nostres mans.

Now you are in our hands.

Si en algun moment intentes fer alguna cosa

If at any moment you try to do something

et posarem contra el partit.

we will set you against the match.

Difondrem la fotografia

We will spread the photograph.

i tothom sabrà el pitjor que has fet.

And everyone will know the worst thing you have done.

A partir d'ara

From now on.

et podem enfonsar a la carrera

we can sink you in the race

i la vida quan vulguem.

and life whenever we want.

Trenquen la càmera

They break the camera.

rebentant-la contra el terra

slamming it against the ground

i marxen per la porta del garatge.

And they leave through the garage door.

Han deixat la porta oberta

They have left the door open.

amb el cadenat tret.

with the padlock removed.

Ets lliure per marxar.

You are free to leave.

Al cap d'una estona agafes la motxilla

After a while, you grab the backpack.

de les teves coses

of your things

i també surts per la porta.

and you also go out the door.

Al lluny reconeixes les grues

In the distance, you recognize the cranes.

i els contenidors de mercaderies del port.

And the cargo containers at the port.

T'arriba el soroll del trànsit.

You can hear the sound of traffic.

Al teu costat

Beside you

una gavina ha esbentrat

a seagull has torn apart

una bossa d'escombraries

a garbage bag

i remena la brossa amb el bec.

And it stirs the trash with its beak.

Per sobre teu volen més gavines.

More seagulls fly above you.

Et passen a prop.

They pass by you.

Sembla que riguin de tu.

It seems like they are laughing at you.

La moto està aparcada allà mateix.

The motorcycle is parked right there.

Hi puges

Hi, you go up.

i tu n'escapes a casa.

And you escape home.

Quan hi arribes

When do you arrive?

encara t'espera una sorpresa més.

a surprise is still awaiting you.

La porta és oberta.

The door is open.

Quan hi entres

When you enter

trobes un grup de Mossos d'Esquadra

you find a group of Mossos d'Esquadra

fent un escorcoll.

doing a search.

Qui sembla el cap

Who seems to be the boss?

se t'apropa.

it is approaching you.

Fem el que hem de fer.

We do what we have to do.

I no, no tenim cap ordre d'escorcoll.

And no, we don't have any search warrant.

Però tranquil, que ja marxàvem.

But don't worry, we were already leaving.

Vinga nois, ja hem acabat aquí.

Come on guys, we're done here.

Els Mossos surten de la casa,

The Mossos leave the house,

amb un punt intimidatori.

with an intimidating point.

Són tres i el cap, que és l'últim a marxar.

They are three, and the leader, who is the last to leave.

Abans de sortir, s'atura.

Before leaving, he/she stops.

No entenc per què

I don't understand why.

has intentat denunciar-lo.

Have you tried to report him?

No sé de què m'estàs parlant.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Pensava que justament tu faries

I thought that you would do just that.

el que fos per impedir que els feixistes

whatever it took to stop the fascists

ens acabessin governant.

they ended up governing us.

No sé de què m'estàs parlant.

I don't know what you're talking about.



Espero que no et penedeixis de la teva decisió.

I hope you don't regret your decision.

Recapitulem el que ha passat.

Let's recap what has happened.

Segurament els Mossos

Surely the Mossos.

buscaven la càmera, la qual cosa vol dir

they were looking for the camera, which means

que no els havia enviat el partit d'en Bernat Torà.

that the party of Bernat Torà had not sent them.

O potser sí,

Or maybe yes,

i l'escorcoll és una manera més de dir-te

and the search is another way to tell you

que et tenen ben agafat.

that they have you well caught.

Dones voltes a tot plegat sense parar, inquiet.

You go around it all without stopping, restless.

No pots oblidar la fotografia que t'has fet.

You cannot forget the photograph you have taken.

T'atures en els moments més dolorosos.

You stop in the most painful moments.

Durant dies,

During days,

és l'únic que tens al cap.

It’s the only thing you have in mind.

Arriba el dia de les eleccions

The day of the elections arrives.

i intentes abstreure't

and you try to abstract yourself

i no pensar més en el que et va passar.

and not think more about what happened to you.

Al vespre, per la televisió,

In the evening, on television,

et connecten en directe amb les seus dels partits

they connect you live with the headquarters of the parties

mentre es produeix el recompte de vots.

while the vote counting takes place.

Ets a casa.

You are at home.

Has decidit no anar-hi,

You have decided not to go.

en part perquè encara et fa mal el cos

partly because your body still hurts

de la caiguda de la moto i els cops,

from the fall of the motorcycle and the hits,

i en part perquè no tens cap ganes

and partly because you have no desire

d'apropar-te a cap dels dos partits.

of approaching either of the two parties.

Malgrat això, segueixes els pronòstics

Despite this, you continue to follow the forecasts.

dels resultats per la televisió.

of the results for television.

Truquen a la porta.

Someone is knocking at the door.

Vas a veure qui és.

You are going to see who it is.

Per l'espiell veus una noia jove.

Through the peephole, you see a young girl.

La reconeixes immediatament.

You recognize her immediately.

És la noia

She is the girl.

que apareixia a la fotografia

that appeared in the photograph

que vas fer amb Bernat Torà.

What did you do with Bernat Torà?

El rostre drogat d'aquella imatge

The drugged face of that image.

ara té una mirada de determinació

now she has a look of determination

i també de certa inquietud.

and also of a certain unease.

Va coberta amb una dessuadora vermella.

She was wearing a red hoodie.

Torna a picar el timbre.

Ring the bell again.

Obres la porta.

You open the door.

Em pensava que el denunciaries.

I thought you would report it.

Per això et vaig fer arribar a la càmera.

That's why I brought you to the camera.

Mira, l'hauria denunciat jo,

Look, I would have reported him/her.

però en cert moment

but at a certain moment

gairebé vaig estar a punt de fer-ho.

I was almost about to do it.

Cada dia en despertar

Every day upon waking up

recordo el que em va fer

I remember what he/she did to me.

i penso que és un dia més

And I think it's just another day.

que ell continua impune.

that he remains unpunished.

I vull denunciar, però no em vull enganyar.

I want to report it, but I don't want to deceive myself.

Ell se sortiria igualment amb la seva

He would still get away with it.

si el denunciava.

if he reported it.

Home, és amb una posició com la seva.

At home, it is with a position like theirs.

Són intocables.

They are untouchable.

Per això se senten impunes.

That's why they feel invulnerable.

Per això fan el que fan.

That's why they do what they do.

Per això va fer el que va fer.

That's why he did what he did.

L'hauria denunciat i ningú

I would have reported it and no one.

hauria dit que el vaig buscar jo,

I would have said that I looked for him.

que me'n volia aprofitar,

that I wanted to take advantage of,

que segurament havia anat a aquella festa

that he/she had probably gone to that party

amb la intenció de seduir-lo

with the intention of seducing him

i treure'n alguna cosa.

and take something out of it.

Haurien qüestionat la roba que portava aquella nit.

They would have questioned the clothes I was wearing that night.

Haurien regirat les meves xarxes socials

They would have rummaged through my social media.

buscant alguna prova que demostrés

looking for some evidence that demonstrated

que sóc una puta, que m'ho vaig buscar.

that I am a whore, that I brought it on myself.

La gent m'hauria jutjat.

People would have judged me.

Els programes de televisió,

The television programs,

les tertúlies de la ràdio,

the radio discussions,

les converses de bar, els dinars familiars...

the bar conversations, the family lunches...

La meva vida hauria quedat

My life would have remained.

per xoc

by shock

quan en realitat el que vull és oblidar-ho.

when what I really want is to forget it.

M'hauria perseguit tota la vida

It would have pursued me my whole life.

i ell

and he

continuaria sent el Bernat Tura

I would continue being Bernat Tura.

amb noms i cognoms.

with first and last names.

El gran líder.

The great leader.

El gran polític.

The great politician.

I això només seria un petit entrebanc

And this would only be a small setback.

en la seva carrera.

in his/her career.

I jo passaria a ser per sempre una víctima

And I would become a victim forever.

en el millor dels casos.

in the best case.

Però jo vaig pensar que potser si el denunciaves tu,

But I thought that maybe if you reported it,

que ets un periodista de prestigi,

that you are a prestigious journalist,

potser així es podria fer justícia.

perhaps this way justice could be served.

Per això et vaig enviar a la càmera.

That's why I sent you to the room.

És que per què no l'has denunciat?

Why haven't you reported him?

És que això no va així.

That's not how it works.

Que per què no l'has denunciat?

Why haven't you reported him?

Mentre plora desconsoladament,

While he/she cries inconsolably,

a la televisió s'ha acabat el recompte electoral

The electoral count has finished on television.

i connecten amb la seu del partit guanyador de les eleccions.

and connect with the headquarters of the winning party of the elections.

El candidat guanyador

The winning candidate

aixeca els braços celebrant la victòria.

raise the arms celebrating victory.

Somriu a les càmeres

Smile at the cameras

que no són capaces de retratar

that they are not able to depict

quina mena de persona és.

What kind of person is he/she?

Tu i ella, en canvi,

You and she, on the other hand,

ho sabeu molt bé.

You know it very well.

Fins aquí el viatge

This is the end of the journey.

per les realitats desconegudes

for the unknown realities

i sempre inhòspites del llindar.

and always inhospitable at the threshold.

En el proper episodi

In the next episode

tornarem a entrar en aquesta espiral de bogeria

we will enter this spiral of madness again

amb un convidat prou temerari

with a guest quite reckless

com per participar en aquesta experiència.

as to participate in this experience.

Us deixem amb una entrevista

We leave you with an interview.

on el director del programa, Toni de la Torre,

where the program director, Toni de la Torre,

conversa amb el convidat d'aquesta setmana

conversation with this week's guest

que ens explica com ha viscut la seva història.

that tells us how he has lived his story.

Ens retrobem a l'altre costat del llindar.

We meet again on the other side of the threshold.

Jordi, quan vulguis,

Jordi, whenever you want,

et pots treure l'antifàs.

You can take off the mask.

Ah, ho estic vantegent.

Ah, I am boasting about it.

Una mica hipo, eh?

A little hiccup, huh?

Això m'ho trec.

I'm taking this off.

Com vulguis.

As you wish.

Quina gòbia.

What a scare.

Com ha anat això? T'has sentit...

How has this been? Have you felt...

Com t'has sentit?

How have you felt?

Mira, sincerament, al principi

Look, honestly, at first

incredulitat d'absoluta

absolute incredulity

perquè a casa meva no hi arriben els missatgers

because messengers don't reach my house

per començar.

to begin.

I segons si mai ve algú

And depending on whether anyone ever comes.

no l'obro amb la porta.

I don't open it with the door.

Però has triat obrir.

But you chose to open.

He triat obrir perquè

I have chosen to open because

és que no tinc ni timbre a casa.

It's just that I don't even have a doorbell at home.

Explica'm una mica més això, aleshores.

Tell me a little more about this, then.

Amazon no...

Amazon no...

Amazon no arriba a casa.

Amazon does not arrive at home.

No rebre paquets.

Do not receive packages.

No rebre paquets, ni ningú sap on visc.

Do not receive packages, nor does anyone know where I live.

Bueno, la idea era

Well, the idea was

incomodar-te portant algú a la porta

to inconvenience you by bringing someone to the door

de casa teva.

from your home.

Per mi ja seria un senyal d'alarma.

For me, it would already be a warning sign.

Per tant, aquí el que no hagués fet

Therefore, here is what I wouldn't have done.

és obrir a la brava.

it's open wildly.

Hagués anat

I would have gone.

a un lloc des on pogués veure la porta,

to a place where I could see the door,

hagués mirat,

would have looked,

hagués pensat,

I would have thought,

i hagués obert.

I would have opened.

D'alguna altra manera.

In some other way.

Per tant, a la ficció

Therefore, in fiction.

t'has llançat una mica més.

you have thrown yourself a little further.

Sí, clar, com que sé que és ficció.

Yes, of course, since I know it's fiction.

Si no obria no hi havia partida.

If he didn't open it, there was no game.

No hi havia història.

There was no story.

Però ja era tot una mica estrany.

But it was already all a bit strange.

Ho hem fet dos cops, però després

We have done it twice, but then

hem anat un pas més enllà

we have taken a step further

i t'hem fet tornar a casa

and we've made you return home

i que trobessis

and that you found

un equip de Mossos d'Esquadra a casa.

a team of Mossos d'Esquadra at home.

Com t'has sentit

How have you felt?

en aquesta escena?

in this scene?

Segurament era més creïble això que no pas

It was probably more believable than this.

la primera part.

the first part.

La intervenció policial a casa.

The police intervention at home.

El llindar ja saps que

You already know that the threshold

un cop el creues poden passar coses

Once you cross it, things can happen.

que a la vida real...

that in real life...

M'agosta molt entrar a la història

I really like diving into history.

perquè la meva feina és

because my job is

intentar capturar

try to capture

la realitat.

the reality.

I en aquest cas

And in this case

he intentat.

I have tried.

Què faries?

What would you do?

En cap cas

In no case

poder o denunciar una cosa

to be able to report something

que no tinc contrastada.

that I have not confirmed.

Perquè no has confiat

Because you haven't trusted.

en la càmera.

in the chamber.

A mi l'experiència i la vida

For me, experience and life.

m'ha ensenyat a no refiar-te

it has taught me not to trust you

mai de les primeres impressions

never of first impressions

a res.


I que les coses no es poden publicar

And that things cannot be published.

a la brava.

in a wild manner.

Ho has de fer bé.

You have to do it right.

Si jo m'hagués dedicat a publicar

If I had dedicated myself to publishing

tot el que sé

all that I know



tindria moltes querelles

I would have many complaints.

i moltes condemnes.

and many sentences.

I de querelles n'he tingut

And I have had grievances.

però de condemna cap ni una.

but no condemnation at all.

No pots anar publicant.

You can't keep publishing.

Això no és periodisme.

This is not journalism.


Let's suppose.

que podem afirmar

that we can affirm

que la càmera funciona correctament.

that the camera works properly.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Que es pot provar.

What can be tested.

La faries servir per a la teva feina?

Would you use it for your job?

Seria fantàstic.

It would be fantastic.

Seria un regal.

It would be a gift.

Jo puc saber

I can know

que el Bernat Torà és un violador

that Bernat Torà is a rapist

però altra cosa

but another thing

és que ho pugui demostrar.

it's that I can prove it.

Si la càmera en si

If the camera itself

fos prova?

was it a test?

Si la càmera

If the camera

en si fos prova

if it were a test

viuríem en una societat molt xunga.

we would live in a very tough society.

Molt xunga.

Very ugly.

Jo no sé si

I don't know if

aquella càmera

that camera

me l'enviava aquell partit de XM

that XM party would send it to me

me l'enviava la policia

The police sent it to me.

si aquella dona era una actriu.

if that woman was an actress.

No sé res.

I don't know anything.

Com que per això no sé res

Since I don't know anything about that.

jo no sé de què m'estàs parlant.

I don't know what you're talking about.

El dubtar de tot

The doubt of everything

l'esperava evidentment

I was obviously waiting for him/her.

però parcialment.

but partially.

Esperava que no et refiessis

I hoped that you wouldn't trust.

del missatge de l'entrada

of the entry message

però m'has sorprès

but you have surprised me

que no et refiessis de la dona

don't trust the woman

que truca al final

who calls at the end

i està plorant.

and is crying.

La reacció que a mi em ve

The reaction that comes to me

com a més natural

as more natural

és consolar algú que està plorant

to comfort someone who is crying

perquè ha passat per una cosa terrible.

because he/she has gone through something terrible.

Tens una imatge

You have an image.

on apareix aquella cosa terrible

there appears that terrible thing

que és cert que no és una prova

that it is true that it is not a test

que es pugui presentar com a denúncia

that can be presented as a complaint

però en el moment que veus aquella dona allà

but at the moment you see that woman there

i havent vist la imatge

I haven't seen the image.

el fet que diguis

the fact that you say

no dubto fins i tot d'això

I don't even doubt this.

i jo en aquest sentit

and I in this regard

soc molt terrenal.

I am very down-to-earth.

Tot allò que s'escapa del que jo puc

All that escapes from what I can.

entendre i racionalitzar

understand and rationalize

no m'agrada.

I don't like it.

Soc molt escèptic.

I am very skeptical.

Necessito proves d'allò

I need evidence of that.

que m'estan intentant vendre.

that they are trying to sell me.

Per tant, no em refiaré de res

Therefore, I will not trust anything.

ni de ningú.

nor anyone.

Suposem que durant la història

Let's suppose that during history

haguessis pogut trobar proves

you could have found evidence

que reformessin la imatge

that they reform the image

que has vist de la fotografia

What did you see in the photograph?

de la càmera.

from the camera.

Si l'haguessis denunciat

If you had reported him/her.

amb aquestes proves i la fotografia

with these tests and the photograph

què creus que hauria passat?

What do you think would have happened?


It depends.

Si això s'hagués denunciat

If this had been reported.

s'hagués judicialitzat

would have been judicialized

probablement hagués tingut

probably would have had

una influència sobre el resultat

an influence on the outcome

d'aquelles eleccions.

of those elections.

Però estàvem parlant

But we were talking.

que era el dia abans

what it was the day before

o una cosa així.

or something like that.

Un parell de dies abans.

A couple of days before.

És molt difícil d'influir

It's very difficult to influence.

en unes eleccions.

in an election.

I el marge de les eleccions

And the margin of the elections

creus que hauria arribat a afectar

do you think it would have affected

la carrera d'aquest polític?

the career of this politician?



Creus que s'hauria arribat a fer públic?

Do you think it would have been made public?

Això per començar, jo diria.

This to begin with, I would say.

Hauries pogut arribar a fer-ho públic?

Would you have been able to make it public?

Si hagués tingut la

If I had had the

càrrega aprovatòria suficient

sufficient evidential load

com per denunciar-ho, evidentment

as to report it, obviously

m'hauria assessorat legalment

I should have received legal advice.

de saber

of knowing

com es pot gestionar això

how can this be managed

i si hagués tingut les proves

And if I had had the evidence.

ho hagués publicat, evidentment.

I would have published it, obviously.

És a dir,

That is to say,

sens dubte.

without a doubt.

Creus que s'hauria aconseguit tapar

Do you think it would have been managed to cover up?

d'alguna manera? Depèn.

In some way? It depends.

S'han intentat publicar moltes coses,

Many things have been attempted to be published,

algunes s'han aconseguit tapar,

some have managed to cover up,

però hi ha mitjans i mitjans d'abunicació

but there are means and means of communication

suficients en aquest país

sufficient in this country

desvinculats dels

unlinked from the

poders fàctics com per poder publicar

factual powers such as being able to publish

coses que altres mitjans no publicarien mai.

things that other media would never publish.

I jo així ho he fet moltes vegades.

And I have done it like this many times.

És a dir, els canals

That is to say, the channels

de difusió de certes

of dissemination of certain



que no apareixen als mitjans

that do not appear in the media

habituals ja sé quins són.

I already know what the usual ones are.

També hi ha un altre tema

There is also another topic.

que està una mica

that is a bit

inserit en la història aquesta de la càmera

inserted in the history of this camera

que és aquest,

what is this,

el fet de crear fotografies,

the act of creating photographs,

l'adveniment de la intel·ligència artificial,

the advent of artificial intelligence,

el fet de crear fotografies

the act of creating photographs

que semblen reals però que potser no ho són.

that seem real but perhaps are not.

Com vius això com a fotoperiodista?

How do you experience this as a photojournalist?

Doncs mira,

Well, look,

amb certa alegria,

with a certain joy,

és a dir,

that is to say,

la intel·ligència artificial

artificial intelligence

en el fotoperiodisme el que fa és reforçar

In photojournalism, what it does is reinforce.



la necessitat de tenir professionals

the need to have professionals

amb nom i cognom cobrint informacions.

with name and surname providing information.

Perquè al cap i a la fi, tu a una fotografia

Because after all, you in a photograph

li pots donar veracitat

you can give it authenticity

a partir del moment que tens algú

from the moment you have someone

fent acte notarial de la realitat.

making a notarial act of reality.

I els fotoperiodistes l'avaluat que tenim

And the photojournalists, the evaluation that we have.

i per això, en part de la resistència

and for that, in part of the resistance

a publicar res,

to publish nothing,

és la nostra credibilitat.

It is our credibility.

Poder certificar que allò és cert.

To be able to certify that what is true.

És a dir, jo si vaig a un lloc, faig la foto

That is to say, if I go to a place, I take the picture.

i jo certifico que allò que he fotografiat

And I certify that what I have photographed.

ha passat. I per això

it has happened. And for that

evidentment mai alteraré

obviously I will never alter

el contingut d'una imatge.

the content of an image.

Si hi ha un element que a mi no m'interessa,

If there is an element that does not interest me,

jo no l'esborraré

I will not delete it.

amb un tampó de clonar del Photoshop.

with a cloning stamp from Photoshop.

Per tant, en aquest sentit,

Therefore, in this sense,

la intel·ligència artificial pot recrear

artificial intelligence can recreate

imatges a partir d'altres imatges,

images from other images,

però en cap cas pot

but in no case can it

il·lustrar la realitat. El que fa és inventar-se-la.

illustrate reality. What it does is invent it.

I el que fa és,

And what it does is,

de retruc,

as a side effect,


to reinforce

la necessitat de tenir fotoperiodistes

the need to have photojournalists

en aquest país.

in this country.

Un altre tema que apareix al guió,

Another theme that appears in the script,

tot i que no és central,

although it is not central,

és una imatge de Barcelona molt concreta,

it is a very specific image of Barcelona,

que hem retratat,

that we have portrayed,

una Barcelona de turisme, gentrificada...

a Barcelona of tourism, gentrified...

Estàs d'acord

Do you agree?

amb aquest retrat? Malauradament sí.

With this portrait? Unfortunately yes.

Jo soc gracienc

I am from Gràcia.

i cada cop que vaig a Gràcia

and every time I go to Gràcia

tinc aquesta barreja de sentiments,

I have this mix of feelings,

de que

of that

primer que em van expulsar

first they expelled me

de casa meva, literalment,

from my home, literally,

amb un nano petit,

with a little kid,

ja fa molts anys,

many years ago,

la meva




a l'atur,


jo acabat de ser autònom,

I have just become self-employed,

i al carrer.

and in the street.

A mi em van expulsar de casa meva

I was expelled from my home.

i jo quan vaig al meu barri

And when I go to my neighborhood

no reconec pràcticament res, ja.

I hardly recognize anything anymore.

Tot són

Everything is

ones grins i smoothies

grins and smoothies

i collonades diverses que jo

and various bollocks that I

no identifico com a

I do not identify as

pròpies. El meu barri era

own. My neighborhood was

el Graner, el Colmado,

the Granary, the Grocery Store,

que segurament ja no tornarà,

that will probably not return.

però era el meu món.

but it was my world.

El que hi ha ara és un decorat,

What there is now is a set.

per això que en diuen

that's what they call it



que és el terme classista

what is the classist term

de dir immigrants amb diners.

to say immigrants with money.

En fi, són gent

Well, they are people.

que es venen a guanyar la vida

they sell themselves to earn a living

o que venen a treballar aquí. Durant un temps.

or who come to work here. For a while.

Sí, durant un temps, i que a més a més

Yes, for a while, and moreover

no contribueixen amb res a la ciutat.

they do not contribute anything to the city.

Se t'han endut a una nova industrial

They have taken you to a new factory.

del port per intimidar-te

from the port to intimidate you

o que t'estimulis.

or that you stimulate yourself.

És el port l'espai més desconegut

The port is the most unknown space.

de Barcelona pel gran públic?

from Barcelona for the general public?

Creus que el periodisme pot accedir

Do you think journalism can access?

a saber què hi passa, al port?

to know what is happening there, at the port?

Sí, jo he treballat al port.

Yes, I have worked at the port.

De fet, quan vaig pagar

In fact, when I paid

l'institut, me'n vaig anar

I left the institute.

a les Dressanes a treballar.

to work at the shipyards.

I és un món molt bonic.

And it is a very beautiful world.

És un món molt gran, eh?

It's a very big world, isn't it?

I també he fet reportatges,

And I have also done reports,

de fet, l'any passat vaig fer un reportatge

In fact, last year I did a report.

de la Zona Franca, que és un territori

from the Free Zone, which is a territory

descomunal. És com una ciutat

huge. It's like a city.

a part. Justament.

On the other hand. Exactly.

Hi ha com aquesta percepció que és com una ciutat

There is this perception that it is like a city.

a part i que en sabem poc.

apart from that, and we know little about it.

En sabem poc perquè, d'alguna manera,

We know very little because, in some way,

es diu que la ciutat viu,

it is said that the city lives,

que abans vivia d'esquena

that once lived with its back turned

al mar, bé, si jo crec que

to the sea, well, if I think that

viu ara

live now

de cara al Port Olímpic,

facing the Olympic Port,

però tot allò que queda de la

but everything that remains of the

Curva del Morrot allà, la gent

Curva del Morrot there, the people.

no entén ni punyeta ni idea del que hi ha.

doesn't understand a damn thing about what there is.

I que,

And what,

per exemple, és un dels grans

for example, he is one of the greats

punts de gasificació

gasification points

d'Europa, no? És a dir,

From Europe, right? That is to say,

que el gas licuat arriba en vaixells

that the liquefied gas arrives by ships

i aquí es gasifica i es distribueix

and here it is gasified and distributed

i que tot allò està just davant de la muntanya

and all that is right in front of the mountain

de Montjuïc i que allò que va passar al Liban

of Montjuïc and what happened in Lebanon

fa un any o dos, no? Que va fora un pet

A year or two ago, right? That a fart came out.

com una gla.

like an acorn.

Si passa aquí,

If it happens here,

adeu Barcelona.

Goodbye Barcelona.

Tota aquella Barcelona que no tapi Montjuïc,

All that Barcelona that does not cover Montjuïc,

que és el mur que

what is the wall that

evita, que

avoid, that

pot evitar

can avoid

una gran desgràcia, no?

a great misfortune, isn't it?

També ha de ser per força un punt d'entrada

It must also necessarily be a point of entry.

de droga, tenint en compte que Barcelona

of drug, considering that Barcelona

és... Ho és, no? De droga,

It is... It is, isn't it? Of drug,

d'armes i segurament

of weapons and probably

de tràfic de persones, no?

human trafficking, right?

Mira, no fa gaire parlava

Look, not long ago I was talking.

amb un capità de la Marina

with a Navy captain

Mercant que portava,

Merchant that was carrying,

que porta, em sembla que em va dir,

what brings, it seems to me that he told me,

bitxos de 400 metres.

creatures of 400 meters.

Una bestiesa, no?

A nonsense, right?

Amb milers de contenidors...

With thousands of containers...

I m'explicava que

He was explaining to me that

ell ha tingut algunes intervencions perquè

he has had some interventions because

evidentment sap que

obviously knows that

teòricament tenen els contenidors,

theoretically they have the containers,

però realment no sap que hi ha, no?

but he really doesn't know what's there, does he?

I sí, li han trobat de tot, no? Vull dir...

And yes, they've found all sorts of things, right? I mean...

I ell ha portat

And he has brought.

de tot, no? Helicòpters,

Of everything, right? Helicopters,

armament de tota mena,

armament of all kinds,

droga sense saber-ho, evidentment...

drug without knowing it, obviously...

És un món

It is a world.

que se'ns escapa, de vegades. Sí.

that escapes us, sometimes. Yes.

Al port també ha estat el moment

At the port, it has also been the moment.

en què t'han obligat a fer la foto.

What have they forced you to do for the photo?

T'han obligat a fer-te la foto tu mateix.

They have made you take the photo yourself.

T'ha passat alguna imatge concreta pel cap?

Has any specific image crossed your mind?

No et dic que em diguis quina, eh? Però t'ha passat alguna imatge concreta

I'm not telling you to tell me which one, okay? But has a specific image come to you?

pel cap? Algunes.

On the head? Some.

Sí, perquè

Yes, because

a l'escala de valors de cadascú,

on each person's value scale,

és a dir, cadascú es posa als seus

That is to say, everyone puts on their own.

pitjors moments, no?

worst moments, right?

La cosa és que dins

The thing is that inside

de l'estàndard de la moral

of the standard of morality

sigui equiparable

be comparable

a altres fets, no?

to other facts, right?

Però tots tenim

But we all have

el lloc que ens hem sentit culpable

the place where we have felt guilty

per algun motiu. Sí.

For some reason. Yes.

Vaja, i dir que no és que no té cap

Wow, and to say that he doesn't have any.

mena de sentit moral

kind of moral sense

de la cosa, no?

about the thing, right?

Hi ha un tema que al final

There is a topic that in the end.

acaba sent central a la història, que són els abusos

it ends up being central to the story, which are the abuses

sexuals que cometa el polític, no?

sexual acts committed by the politician, right?

La gubernatura. En aquest cas concret és un partit

The governorship. In this specific case, it is a party.

d'esquerres. La idea era

of the left. The idea was

posar èmfasi en que hi ha coses

to emphasize that there are things

que sembla que poden passar en tots els partits

that seems to be able to happen in all the matches

independentment de la ideologia. Creus que hi ha hagut

regardless of ideology. Do you think there has been

algun canvi en aquest sentit?

Any change in this regard?

O que els partits continuen

Or that the parties continue.

protegint els seus?

protecting theirs?

A mi no m'agradaria

I wouldn't like it.

fer comparacions, perquè

make comparisons, because

entrem en terreny

let's get into the territory

de la ficció. Però evidentment

of fiction. But obviously

això va més enllà de

this goes beyond

ser d'esquerra o ser de dretes

to be left-wing or to be right-wing

i formar per la condició humana.

and to shape for the human condition.

I dins de la condició humana

And within the human condition

la ideologia és secundària, no?

The ideology is secondary, right?

Tot i que de vegades

Although sometimes

es vulgui encaixar. Per tant, evidentment

wants to fit in. Therefore, obviously

això pot passar a tot arreu.

this can happen everywhere.

Sens dubte.

Without a doubt.

I, sens dubte,

I, without a doubt,

aquella gent que és de partit

those people who are part of the party

ho intentarà protegir

he will try to protect it

per tots els mitjans. Això és una cosa que a mi

by all means. This is something that to me

sempre m'ha

has always had me

m'ha fastiguejant molt, no?

It has been very annoying to me, hasn't it?

És a dir, aquella idea de tu pots

That is to say, that idea of "you can."

congregar amb una idea

congregate around an idea

i pots ser

and you can be

votant d'un partit,

voter of a party,

però si

but yes

el partit fa una cosa

the party does one thing

que no hi estàs d'acord,

that you do not agree,



la gent hauria de pensar

people should think

per si mateix, no?

for itself, right?

Te l'hauries de poder separar o...?

Should you be able to separate it or...?

Vaja, és que a mi

Wow, it's just that for me

sempre m'ha sorprès la gent que és incapaç de...

I have always been surprised by people who are incapable of...

Hi hauria de poder haver discrepància

There should be room for disagreement.

Sí, és a dir, els soldats de partit

Yes, that is to say, the party soldiers.

a mi, de qualsevol

me, of anyone

partit, sempre

party, always

sempre m'han fet més aviat

they have always made me sooner

una barreja entre pena i fàstic.

a mixture of sorrow and disgust.

Mira, et volia justament parlar sobre aquesta

Look, I wanted to talk to you about this.

enrol del soldat de partit

soldier's party enrollment

que te n'hem col·locat tu, no?, aquest

that we've put you in, right?, this one

intimidador, que de fet

intimidating, which in fact

executa sobreté d'una manera molt física

executes on stage in a very physical way

la pressió del partit.

the pressure of the match.

Clar, ell està completament convençut

Of course, he is completely convinced.

que té la potència

that has the power

per fer-ho, que és impune. Tots els partits tenen

to do so, which is unpunished. All parties have

un o més soldats a qui han dotat

one or more soldiers that they have equipped

d'aquesta autoritat desmesurada.

of this excessive authority.

Clar, estem parlant

Sure, we are talking.

d'un extrem molt... És molt extrem

from one extreme very... It is very extreme

perquè és una ficció i ens hem anat a l'extrem. Un extrem molt extrem, no?

because it is a fiction and we have gone to the extreme. A very extreme extreme, right?

Perquè és molt físic. Aquí firaven barres de ferro però

Because it is very physical. Here they used to sign with iron bars but

podrien ser trucades de telèfon. Però

they could be phone calls. But

pressions i

pressures and

i mètodes

and methods

poc lícits

not very legitimate

a maneres

in ways

de fer i modus vivendis

of doing and ways of living

jo crec que en tots els partits n'hi ha

I believe that in all parties there are.

d'aquests elements.

of these elements.

Jo crec que això és

I think that this is

un dels fets que fa deslegitimar

one of the facts that delegitimizes

encara més la política. Què es pot fer

even more politics. What can be done?

des del periodisme per fer-li front

from journalism to confront it

a aquestes trucades?

to these calls?



passar-hi per sobre.

to pass over it.

Però no tot el periodisme

But not all journalism.

en bloca i passa per sobre. No.

Block it and go over it. No.

Justament. Començant pels mitjans

Exactly. Starting with the media.

públics. Malauradament.

audiences. Unfortunately.

Que és un dels grans

That is one of the greats.

dames d'aquest país.

ladies of this country.

Algun cop algun partit ha considerat, com

At some point, some party has considered, as

diuen en el guió, que eres dels seus?

They say in the script, are you one of theirs?

Jo diria que

I would say that

més aviat al contrari. Se m'ha situat

rather the opposite. I have been placed

en una

in a

esfera política i els propis

political sphere and the own

del partit han dit, ei, que aquest no és nostre.

They have said from the party, hey, that this is not ours.

Aquest és dels altres. No, no. Pitjor

This is one of the others. No, no. Worse.

encara, que aquest va per lliure.

still, this one is on his own.

Que això és el que més temen els partits.

That this is what the parties fear the most.

Però al cap i a la fi, si tens un carnet

But after all, if you have a license

et poden situar i et poden acotar.

they can situate you and they can limit you.

Si no en tens cap

If you don't have any.

hòstia, això és com la nitroglicerina,

Wow, this is like nitroglycerin.

és molt inestable. Per on sortirà, no? Sí.

It's very unstable. Where will it come out, right? Yes.

Perquè, al cap i a la fi, penses

Because, after all, you think.

per tu mateix. No vas en directrius a ningú.

for yourself. You don't report to anyone.

Quan estàs tan a prop del poder,

When you are so close to power,

del poder, que és el teu cas,

of power, which is your case,

quan veus els líders polítics de prop,

when you see political leaders up close,

és realment possible engrescar-se

Is it really possible to get excited?

amb algun candidat? És a dir, caure

with some candidate? That is to say, to fall

en l'encanteri del carisma perquè exhibeix

in the enchantment of the charisma because it displays

el personatge del Bernard Turà?

the character of Bernard Turà?

És que sóc molt poc de persones, jo.

It's just that I'm not much of a people person.

És a dir, sóc molt poc, no de

That is to say, I am very little, not of

persones, no és la

people, it is not the

paraula correcta. De líders. De líders.

correct word. Of leaders. Of leaders.

A mi el concepte

To me, the concept

de líder i lideratge, i aquesta gent

of leader and leadership, and these people

que se sent molt desenganyada

that feels very disappointed

amb un líder polític en qüestió,

with a political leader in question,

jo, francament,

I, frankly,

no l'entenc. És que són humans.

I don't understand it. It's just that they are human.

Ho farà millor,

He will do better.

ho farà pitjor, m'agradarà més, m'agradarà menys,

it will do worse, I will like it more, I will like it less,

però té defectes com jo

but it has flaws like me

i com tothom, no? Per tant,

And like everyone, right? Therefore,

jo és que sentir-me

I am that feeling myself

desenganyat per un lideratge polític...

disillusioned by political leadership...

Bueno, ja deia engrescat, eh?

Well, I was already saying, excited, weren't I?

Desenganyat és la segona part.

Disillusioned is the second part.

Et pot agradar més o menys,

You may like it more or less,

et pot agradar més o menys,

you may like it more or less,

fins i tot gent

even people

a la qual mai no votaria

to which I would never vote

em pot agradar més o menys,

I may like it more or less,

però d'aquí a sentir,

but from here to feeling,

a considerar-me

to consider me

fanàtic d'un líder polític,

fanatic of a political leader,

si no ho ha fet ni amb un grup de músic,

if he hasn't done it even with a group of musicians,

de música,

of music,

amb l'única excepció de Sant Creït,

with the only exception of Sant Creït,

que són els més grans d'aquest país,

they are the biggest in this country,

no ho faré amb un polític.

I won't do it with a politician.

Estàs lluny de fer-ho.

You are far from doing it.

El guió l'hem situat

We have placed the script.

dues dècades després de l'1 d'octubre,

two decades after October 1,

no? Sí.

No? Yes.

M'ha quedat amb el detall.

I'm left with the detail.

La pregunta és,

The question is,

clar, segons el guió,

sure, according to the script,

els catalans han recuperat la il·lusió

The Catalans have regained their enthusiasm.

per la independència, això, dues dècades

for independence, this, two decades

després de l'1 d'octubre.

after October 1st.

És un pronòstic optimista o pessimista?

Is it an optimistic or pessimistic forecast?

Jo crec que

I believe that

és molt difícil

it's very difficult

fer previsions del que pot passar.

make forecasts about what might happen.

El que ens demostra que la història

What shows us that history

de l'estat espanyol i de Catalunya

of the Spanish state and Catalonia

aquests últims 10-15 anys

the last 10-15 years

és que tota previsió possible

it is that any possible forecast

és pràcticament impossible

it is practically impossible

de preveure. Per tant,

to foresee. Therefore,

jo no sé què ens

I don't know what we

ha de parlar el futur. Jo seguiré

He must speak the future. I will continue.

pensant i creient el que crec

thinking and believing what I believe

que haig de pensar en aquell moment,

what should I think at that moment,

que, evidentment, és una qüestió

that, obviously, is a question

evolutiva. Jo no penso

evolutionary. I don't think

exactament de la mateixa manera que quan tenia 15 anys,

exactly the same way as when I was 15 years old,

però hi ha moltes coses

but there are many things

que comparteixo. Sóc independentista,

that I share. I am an independentist,

no me n'he amagat mai,

I have never hidden it from myself,

ni crec que ho hagi de fer,

nor do I think I should do it,

i sóc antifeixista, també,

and I am anti-fascist, too,

i probablement ho continuaré

and I will probably continue it

sent. I tinc moltes ganes

I feel. I really want to.

de deixar-ho de ser.

to cease being.

Estaria bé, no? Sí, sí, sí.

It would be good, wouldn't it? Yes, yes, yes.

Vull dir que ja som independents. Clar, clar,

I mean that we are already independent. Of course, of course.

per això et dic. Què creus que

that's why I'm telling you. What do you think that

hauria de passar perquè es recuperés aquesta

it should happen for this to recover



Jo crec que hi ha hagut

I believe that there has been

una candidesa molt gran

a very great candor


of one

gran part de la societat catalana

a large part of Catalan society

que es pensava que això de fer la independència

what did he think about this independence thing

era com muntar un moble a l'Ikea,

it was like assembling furniture at Ikea,

que ho feies en una tarda.

that you did it one afternoon.

Podria ser més o menys complicat,

It could be more or less complicated,

però això no va així.

but that’s not how it works.

És a dir, és un procés.

That is to say, it is a process.

Primer que l'independentisme no és nou,

First, that independence-seeking is not new,

no neix el 2012 amb l'ANC.

It was not born in 2012 with the ANC.


Independence movement

modern com el coneixem

modern as we know it

té més d'un segle.

It is more than a century old.

La bandera estel·lada té més d'un segle.

The starry flag has more than a century.

Per tant, entenem

Therefore, we understand.

que aquesta reivindicació

that this claim

de crear

to create

una república catalana

a Catalan republic

separada de l'estat

separated from the state



ens precedeix

precedes us

durant moltes dècades.

for many decades.

Per tant, intentar

Therefore, try

rematar això en quatre dies

finish this in four days


it is

un conte de fades.

a fairy tale.

Aquí hi ha el desànim, no?

Here is the discouragement, right?

Sí, però és un desànim

Yes, but it is a discouragement.



Per mi

For me

tot el que va passar el 2007

everything that happened in 2007

m'ho prenc com un aprenentatge

I take it as a learning experience.

de futur, d'intentar

of the future, of trying

corregir errors

correct errors



repescar algun dels encerts

to recover some of the successes

que hi va haver, que algun n'hi va haver.

that there was, that there were some.

Però és un aprenentatge.

But it's a learning experience.

Jo no ho veig com una gran derrota.

I don't see it as a great defeat.

Bé, va passar, van passar coses, sí,

Well, it happened, things happened, yes,

però hem d'entendre

but we must understand

les circumstàncies

the circumstances

de la nostra pròpia història

from our own history

i de llegir una mica més en perspectiva.

and to read a little more in perspective.

És a dir, aquest curt terminisme de

That is to say, this short-termism of

oh, ja, ja, ja, ja què?

oh, yes, yes, yes, yes what?

Ja no es fa res, ja.

It's not done anymore, no.

És a dir, aquesta idea

That is to say, this idea

que també es va vendre molt

that was also sold a lot

i que també es va comprar, segurament

and that was also bought, presumably

obnubilats una mica per la il·lusió

slightly dazzled by the illusion

de que

what about

les coses es podien fer

things could be done

de forma fàcil,


de forma fàcil no es fa res.

Nothing is achieved easily.

I encara menys en un estat espanyol

And even less in a Spanish state.

que té la història que té, no?

that has the history that it has, right?

Una mica el tenim pressa, no?

We're a bit in a hurry, aren't we?

El tenim pressa.

We are in a hurry.

Això va fer mal, aquesta idea.

That hurt, that idea.

Però al mateix temps és més fàcil

But at the same time it is easier.

entusiasmar la gent

excite people

si li dius que passarà aviat que si no

if you tell him that it will happen soon if not

doncs no, aquí has de fer un esforç per una cosa

Well no, here you have to make an effort for something.

que potser passa d'aquí a...

that maybe happens in...

Jo sóc independentista

I am an independentist.

des que tinc consciència

since I became aware

i ho seguiré sent

and I will keep feeling it

encara que no ho vegi jo.

even if I don't see it.

Que ho vegin els meus fills

Let my children see it.

o els meus futurs nets, si és que els tinc.

or my future grandchildren, if I have any.

A mi això

To me this

no m'enclisteix.

don't embarrass me.

Clar que m'agradaria veure

Of course I would like to see.

el meu país lliure, sí.

my free country, yes.

Com tothom,

Like everyone,

com els que no són independentistes

like those who are not independence supporters

i no entenen aquesta qüestió perquè

and they do not understand this issue because

tenen el privilegi moltes vegades

they have the privilege many times

i no en són conscients

and they are not aware of it

que ja hi viuen, en un país lliure.

that they already live there, in a free country.

Doncs jo també

Well, me too.

m'agradaria viure-hi.

I would like to live there.

Si no hi visc,

If I don't live there,

espero treballar

I hope to work.

perquè hi visquin

so that they may live there

els meus

my ones

els meus nets o els nets

my grandchildren or the grandchildren

o qui sigui que ho gaudeixi.

or whoever enjoys it.

A la història, la partit hegemònic

In history, the hegemonic party

és extrema dreta. Com hem de

it's extreme right. How should we

crear aquest escenari políticament parlant,

create this scenario politically speaking,

hem de dir que podria passar

we must say that it could happen

aquest escenari de l'extrema dreta hegemònica

this scenario of hegemonic extreme right

per mobilitzar votants

to mobilize voters

en contra, aquest

against, this

vot de la por, o

vote of fear, or

hem d'intentar treure-li una mica

we have to try to take a little away from him/her

de ferro segons com a l'extrema dreta

of iron according to the far right

per no donar-li notorietat a l'extrema dreta?

to avoid giving notoriety to the extreme right?

Si d'alguna manera

If in some way


we feed him/her

sense adonar-nos-en.

without realizing it.

Si ens en preocupem.

Yes, we are concerned about it.

No, aviam, ens n'hem de preocupar

No, let's see, we have to worry about it.

i sobretot ocupar.

and above all occupy.

De l'extrema dreta

From the far right

més que preocupar

more than worrying

ens n'hem d'ocupar.

We have to take care of it.

Jo soc el primer

I am the first.

que he parlat d'extrema dreta. De fet, en parlava

that I have talked about the far right. In fact, I was talking about it.

quan molts mitjans no en parlaven. I em deien

when many media outlets weren't talking about it. And they told me

no, no, és que si en parlem en fem propaganda.

No, no, it's just that if we talk about it, we're promoting it.

No, tu el que estàs fent és

No, what you're doing is

mirar cap a una altra banda, perquè el problema

look the other way, because the problem

creix encara que tu no el miris.

It grows even if you do not look at it.

Prova d'això

Proof of this

és que aquells partits que eren marginals

it's just that those parties that were marginal

insignificants fa

insignificant makes

9 anys, avui en dia

9 years, nowadays

per exemple Vox, és el tercer partit

for example Vox, is the third party

en diputats

in deputies

de l'estat espanyol.

of the Spanish state.

Algú pretén deixar-lo

Someone intends to leave him.

per tocat i enfonsat?

to be touched and sunk?

Jo tinc els meus dubtes.

I have my doubts.

És a dir,

That is to say,

si mirem, posem per cas

if we look, let's say for example

la història política d'Espanya els últims

the political history of Spain in recent times

40 anys veiem que hi ha hagut una alternança

For 40 years we have seen that there has been an alternation.

política entre Vox.

politics among Vox.

Primer en un escenari

First on a stage

de bipartidisme

of bipartisanship

i des de l'aparició

and since the appearance

del trencament del bipartidisme

of the breakdown of bipartisanship

amb Ciutadans i

with Citizens and

el problema d'una alternança de blocs.

the problem of an alternation of blocks.

Per tant,


hem d'entendre que en un futur

we must understand that in the future

aquest bloc progressista

this progressive bloc

o presumptament progressista

or supposedly progressive

que governa l'estat

that governs the state

arribarà un dia que aquest

a day will come that this

període s'acabarà.

the period will end.

I que l'alternança

And that the alternation



està codil·ligida

is coiled up

per la dreta i l'extrema dreta.

for the right and the far right.

I que per tant, aquests governs que

And therefore, these governments that

veiem al País Valencià o a les Balears

we see in the Valencian Community or the Balearic Islands

o a Vox i té una presència institucional

or to Vox and has an institutional presence



la tindran a nivell espanyol.

They will have it at the Spanish level.

Per tant, això

Therefore, this

no és un escenari

it's not a stage

gaire imprevisible.

rather unpredictable.

És més, això acabarà

Moreover, this will end.

passant tard o d'hora.

sooner or later.

La qüestió és quan.

The question is when.

Segurament de tot el que ha aparegut el guió.

Surely, it’s all that has appeared in the script.

Això és el més probable.

This is the most likely.

Sí, però és una qüestió matemàtica.

Yes, but it is a mathematical question.

A no ser que passin coses

Unless things happen

com allò abans que dèiem

Like what we were saying before.

que és molt

that is very

difícil de preveure què pot passar.

difficult to foresee what may happen.

Bé, també pot ser que desaparegui

Well, it may also be that it disappears.

per algun motiu o que apareixi

for some reason or that it appears

una alternativa política.

a political alternative.

Però si mirem Europa

But if we look at Europe

i el món, és bastant

and the world, is quite

desencisador tot plegat.

disillusioning all in all.

Perquè la nostra realitat també

Because our reality too

la conforma un

it is made up of a



que està voltant pel món.

that is going around the world.

L'extrema dreta, la dreta radical populista,

The far right, the radical populist right,

la dreta radical conservadora

the radical conservative right

està creixent arreu del món.

it's growing all over the world.

I que no hi ha alternatives polítiques

And that there are no political alternatives.

per fer-los front, malauradament.

to face them, unfortunately.

Al guió hi hem posat un expressament,

We have put an expression in the script,

un neonazi caprapat.

a crumpled neonazi.

Que és una imatge que a molts els provoca terror

What is an image that terrifies many?

però que a més a tu

but that also to you

et va tocar molt de prop.

it touched you very closely.

Com comença el teu interès

How does your interest begin?

per documentar aquests grups?

to document these groups?

Suposo que

I suppose that

per entitats i política.

for entities and politics.

Jo soc nascut

I was born.

al 81, per tant

to 81, therefore

la meva adolescència

my adolescence

era veure

it was to see

bandes de caprapats, neonazis

catcher gangs, neonazis

que venien al barri.

that were coming to the neighborhood.

Possiblement la pitjor època

Possibly the worst time.

per si

just in case

des d'un punt de vista d'algú

from someone else's point of view

que era jove en aquella època.

that I was young at that time.

I aquesta gent

And these people

va fer-li malades, van matar amics meus.

they made him sick, they killed my friends.

Per això t'ho deia.

That's why I was telling you.

Per tant


aquesta idea

this idea

i aquesta por

and this fear

i aquest coneixement

and this knowledge

del potencial delinqüencial

of the criminal potential

i polític

and political

absolutament tòxic,

absolutely toxic,

perillós i criminal

dangerous and criminal

d'aquesta ideologia

of this ideology

no només

not only

l'he vist amb els meus ulls

I've seen it with my own eyes.

sinó que també a nivell familiar

but also at the family level

l'hem patit.

we have suffered it.

El meu avis

My grandparents

va passar 5 anys al Gran Hotel

He spent 5 years at the Grand Hotel.

a la Model

to the Model

per defensar el seu país i la República.

to defend their country and the Republic.

Per defensar Catalunya

To defend Catalonia

la República Catalana

the Catalan Republic

i anar en contra

and go against

dels sublevats

of the rebels



I el meu pare

And my father.

va passar les seves peripècies

he went through his adventures

també. Per tant

also. Therefore

visc en un entorn

I live in an environment.

on això ho hem amat

we have loved this

i on també ho he vist

and I have seen it too

i on en la seva justa mesura

and where in its proper measure

també ho he patit.

I have suffered it too.

Per part d'un policia

On behalf of a police officer

per cert d'extrema dreta

by the way of the far right

i militant de Vox.

I am a member of Vox.

Tornem ara

We'll be back now.

un moment als caprapats.

a moment for the caprapats.

On són?

Where are they?

Doncs mira,

Well, look,



reconvertits en

reconverted into

homes de negoci, d'altres en polítics

businessmen, others in politics

amb noms i cognoms,

with names and surnames,


of others

als estadis de futbol, d'altres

in football stadiums, others

segueixen amb el caprapat, d'altres

they continue with the caprapat, others



penedits d'un passat

regrets of a past

que no

that no

volen saber res

they want to know nothing

i ara tot.

and now everything.

Al podcast d'Extrema Catalunya

To the podcast of Extremadura Catalunya

explicaves, hi ha un episodi concret

you were explaining, there is a specific episode

que expliques que la figura dels caprapats

that you explain that the figure of the caprapats

als camps de futbol als 90

on football fields in the 90s

és on es van aconseguir

it's where they achieved

infiltrar missatges feixistes

infiltrate fascist messages

que van ajudar això a l'extrema dreta a tenir

that helped the far right to have

notorietat. Notorietat que aleshores

notoriety. Notoriety that at that time

era impensable perquè estava en hores baixes.

It was unthinkable because he was in low spirits.

Els mitjans de comunicació els van

The media are going to them.

sobredimensionar d'una manera similar

oversize in a similar way

a com es va sobredimensionar fa molt poc

how it was recently inflated



Jo crec que és un fenomen diferent

I think it is a different phenomenon.

perquè de fet al cas de Vox

because in the case of Vox

el que hi va haver

what there was

és a dir

that is to say

en el cas dels caprapats als 80

in the case of the caprapats in the 80s


we remember

aquells reportatges

those reports

presumptament d'investigació, aquells documentals

presumably of investigation, those documentaries

aquells especials

those specials

això va focalitzar

this focused

un fenomen que era

a phenomenon that was

residual, marginal, que es movien

residual, marginal, that were moving

en torns d'estadis de futbol

in football stadium turns

de concerts de música

of music concerts

d'ambients molt concrets

of very specific environments

i ho va fer més gran

and made it bigger

i ho va fer en part atractiu per un

and it made it partly attractive for one

sector juvenil

youth sector

que tenia aquestes aspiracions

that had these aspirations

disruptives pròpies de l'edat

age-related disruptions

En el cas de la política

In the case of politics.

com pot ser Vox

how can Vox be

de fet Vox és el segon experiment

In fact, Vox is the second experiment.

que sobredimensiona

that over-dimensions

molts mitjans de comunicació

many media outlets

el primer va ser Ciutadans

the first was Citizens

i tots dos en part van començar

and both of them partly started

primer a la televisió i després en política

first on television and then in politics

és a dir, Albert Rivera

that is to say, Albert Rivera

aquí ja era diputat, ja sabien qui era

Here he was already a deputy, they already knew who he was.

però és que

but it is that

un dia apareix a l'estat espanyol

one day it appears in the Spanish state

a través de diversos mitjans de comunicació

through various means of communication

com la gran promesa

like the great promise

jove, aquell Podemos e derechas

young, that Podemos and right-wing

que va dir aquell

what did that one say

i a partir d'aquí apareix

and from here it appears

hi ha l'operació

there is the operation

de fer-lo simpàtic

to make him nice

i amb Vox passa el mateix

The same happens with Vox.

com un col·laborador necessari

as a necessary collaborator

contra els maleïts independentistes

against the damned independence supporters

a partir del moment que

from the moment that

es presenta com a acusació popular

it is presented as a popular accusation

pagant 30.000 euros

paying 30,000 euros

de fiança

on bail

apareixen abans

they appear earlier

a les televisions de tots els espanyols

to the televisions of all Spaniards

que no pas als parlaments

that not to the parliaments

per tant entren

therefore we train

amb el trampolí

with the trampoline

i la seva representació guanya

and its representation wins

per mi això va ser una operació política

For me, this was a political operation.

que en part

that in part

va ser

it was

i va haver una voluntat

and there was a will

que no fos diferent

that it wasn't different

al tema dels caprapats

on the topic of the caprapats

que jo crec que va ser un exercici

that I believe was an exercise

de mal periodisme

of bad journalism

el que veig en comú és aquest mal periodisme

What I see in common is this bad journalism.

i aquesta idea que es pot treure

And this idea that can be taken out.

a Reddit

to Reddit

Reddit periodístic no

No journalistic Reddit

però a Reddit d'audiència

but on Reddit of audience

de l'extrema dreta

of the far right

si, alguns mitjans ho fan

Yes, some media do that.

perquè tenen clics

because they have clicks

d'altres perquè tenen clics

from others because they have clicks

i perquè s'ho creuen

and because they believe it

o al revés perquè s'ho creuen i perquè tenen clics

or the other way around because they believe it and because they have clicks

i això instrumentalitzen

and they instrumentalize this

depèn de quines manifestacions

it depends on which manifestations

i depèn de quins fets

It depends on which facts.

per el seu interès polític

for its political interest

i els partits també

and the parties too

entenc que és cap on anaves

I understand that is where you were going.

hi ha un interès

there is an interest

en dividir la dreta d'alguna manera

in dividing the right in some way

amb la creació

with the creation

donar-li ales a Vox

giving wings to Vox

jo no tinc cap mena de dubte que en el seu moment

I have no doubt that at the time

al PSOE li va convenir

it suited the PSOE

donar ales a Vox

give wings to Vox

per debilitar PP

to weaken PP

amb l'exercici cínic

with the cynical exercise

que mentre feien això

while they were doing this

es manifestaven amb ells

they expressed themselves with them

jo me'n recordo perfectament

I remember perfectly.

quan els líders socialistes

when the socialist leaders

es manifestaven pel carrer de Barcelona

they were demonstrating in the streets of Barcelona

amb les pancartes de la societat civil catalana

with the banners of the Catalan civil society

amb Vox, amb la cooperació nacional

with Vox, with national cooperation

amb Plataforma per Catalunya

with Platform for Catalonia

el que en quedava llavors

what was left then

estem parlant de l'any 2017, 2018, 2019

we are talking about the year 2017, 2018, 2019

fa molt poc

very recently

senyor Miguel Iceta al costat de Javier Ortega Smith

Mr. Miguel Iceta next to Javier Ortega Smith

pels carrers de la ciutat

through the streets of the city

tot són gesticulacions

it's all just gestures

i ho sento molt

I'm very sorry.

aquesta gent són responsables del que ha passat

these people are responsible for what has happened

és així

that's right

fins a quin punt està normalitzada

to what extent is it normalized

l'extrema dreta a Catalunya

the far right in Catalonia

i tinc una seva pregunta

I have a question for you.

que és

what is it

si una cosa es normalitza

if something is normalized

es pot desnormalitzar

it can be desnormalized

com pot tornar a la marginalitat

how can one return to marginality

és molt difícil

it's very difficult

perquè al cap i a la fila

because at the head and in the row

l'extrema dreta política

the political far right

amb unes sigles concretes

with specific acronyms

és l'expressió d'un canvi cultural i social

It is the expression of a cultural and social change.

és a dir

that is to say

l'extrema dreta

the extreme right

no només

not only





quan es presenta a les eleccions

when is he/she/it running for election

la gran victòria de l'extrema dreta

the great victory of the far right

és canviar la percepció

it's changing perception

social i cultural

social and cultural

d'aquella societat

of that society

on conviu

it coexists

és fer gran l'anomenada

it is to make great the so-called

finestra d'Oberton

Oberton window

aquella idea que tu poses

that idea that you put forward

sobre la palestra mediàtica

about the media spotlight

per exemple

for example

que tots els ciutadans d'un país

that all the citizens of a country

puguin tenir llicència d'armes

may have a firearms license

al súper per comprar un arma

to the supermarket to buy a weapon

i portar-la a sobre

and carry it with you

això per nosaltres

this for us

probablement em sembla una barrabassada

probably it seems like a nonsense to me

em sembla absolutament fora de lloc

I find it absolutely out of place.

Vox per exemple fa uns anys

Vox, for example, a few years ago.

ho va intentar

he tried

va col·locar aquest frame

he placed this frame

en un debat polític

in a political debate

i aquest debat polític

and this political debate

d'una proposta

of a proposal

d'una proposta que

of a proposal that

no va emergir d'una voluntat política

it did not emerge from a political will

sinó d'una

but of one

d'un dard concret

of a specific dart

d'un partit polític

of a political party

si tu vas ampliant aquesta finestra

if you keep enlarging this window

on aquelles coses que abans no tenien

about those things they didn’t have before



a debat a la societat

a debate in society

per exemple legalitzar la pena de mort

for example, legalize the death penalty

pot ser


un altre d'aquells frames on

another one of those frames where

a poc a poc aquesta finestra de la tolerància

little by little this window of tolerance

es va fent més gran

it is getting bigger

més la finestra de la intolerància

more the window of intolerance

en aquest cas

in this case

més facilitat té un partit d'extrema dreta

a far-right party has an easier time

per penetrar a la societat

to penetrate society

és aquesta

it is this

lapanització dels esperits

the lapanization of spirits

aquesta idea que el virus de l'extrema dreta

this idea that the virus of the extreme right

no sinocula les urnes sinó

not without the ballots but

els sentiments

the feelings

dels ciutadans

of the citizens

i això és molt difícil de treure

and this is very difficult to remove

és molt difícil de canviar

it's very difficult to change

perquè és un canvi

because it is a change

cultural lent

cultural lent

i malauradament

and unfortunately

jo veig discursos

I see speeches.

amb gent que em pot ser més o menys

with people who can be more or less to me



que els podia comprar

that he could buy them

qualsevol partit d'extrema dreta

any far-right party

i són discursos que segurament fa uns anys

and they are speeches that probably a few years ago

no s'atrevien a

they didn't dare to

pronunciar i que a poc a poc

pronounce and that little by little

pronuncien cada cop més

they pronounce more and more

d'això se'n diu normalitzar

This is called normalizing.

i és la gran victòria de l'extrema dreta

and it is the great victory of the far right

no és guanyar unes eleccions

it's not about winning an election

sinó que és canviar social i culturalment

but it is to change socially and culturally

el seu entorn

his/her environment

esperem que

we hope that

aquest context de la història

this context of the history

on el partit d'extrema dreta

where the far-right party

és hegemònic a Catalunya

it is hegemonic in Catalonia

no passi en el futur

do not happen in the future

moltes gràcies Jordi

thank you very much Jordi

per creuar el llintar

to cross the threshold

tornaries a creuar-lo una altra vegada?

Would you cross it again?

si et convidem a fer una altra història

if we invite you to tell another story

on no hi hagi

where there is none

ranyos intimidadors

intimidating frogs

intuïa que parlaríem d'extrema dreta

I sensed that we would be talking about the far right.

potser de fotografia

perhaps of photography

però aquest gir d'aquí jo no me'l esperava

but I didn't expect this turn here

doncs gràcies per venir

so thank you for coming

a vosaltres

to you (plural)

Fins demà

Until tomorrow

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