Capítol 1: Xènia Garcia

Catalunya Ràdio


Capítol 1: Xènia Garcia


Catalunya Ràdio. Catalunya Àudio. Som podcast.

Catalonia Radio. Catalonia Audio. We are podcast.

En el moment que va passar, la Xènia i la seva amiga

At the moment it happened, Xènia and her friend.

estaven intentant allunyar-se de la manifestació.

They were trying to distance themselves from the demonstration.

Tenia només 22 anys i havia baixat a Barcelona

She was only 22 years old and had gone down to Barcelona.

per assistir a la vaga general convocada com a resposta

to attend the general strike called in response

a la sentència contra el procés l'any 2019.

to the sentence against the process in 2019.

Intentant tornar a casa, la Xènia i la seva amiga

Trying to return home, Xènia and her friend

es van trobar de cara amb un carrusel de furgons dels Antiabalots.

They came face to face with a carousel of anti-riot vans.

Un grup de policies va baixar del vehicle i la van atrapar.

A group of police officers got out of the vehicle and caught her.

Immediatament la van empantar contra el furgó policial

They immediately crashed her against the police van.

i li van clavar cops de porra, motivant crits dels veïns.

And they hit him with nightsticks, causing cries from the neighbors.

Tot seguit, la van arrossegar cap a dins del furgó.

They then dragged her inside the van.

Cierra la puerta, que no salga!

Shut the door, so it doesn't get out!

Un cop dins, li van clavar puntades de peu.

Once inside, they kicked him.

I cops amb les defenses.

I hit with the defenses.

Eren molt grans i forts, i ella no es podia moure.

They were very big and strong, and she could not move.

Estava aterrida.

I was terrified.

La pagaven a les cames, a l'esquena i al cap.

They paid her for her legs, back, and head.

Es pensava que la matarien.

She thought they would kill her.

Fins que van arribar a la comissaria de via a la llatana.

Until they arrived at the police station on Llatana Street.

Allà passaria els pitjors dies de la seva vida.

There he would spend the worst days of his life.

Però aquesta no.

But this one not.

No és la història de com la van torturar.

It is not the story of how they tortured her.

És la història de com no la van aconseguir vèncer.

It is the story of how they did not manage to defeat her.

La vida és vida.

Life is life.

Si l'amor és vida,

If love is life,

si l'amor ve a buscar-me,

if love comes to seek me,

té permís per entrar a casa,

you have permission to enter the house,

però que sàpiga des d'ara

but know from now on

que mai no podré estimar-la.

that I will never be able to love her.



Episodi 1.

Episode 1.

Xènia García.

Xènia García.

La Xènia va ser una de les moltes persones

Xènia was one of the many people.

que es van unir a les protestes per la sentència de l'1 d'octubre.

who joined the protests against the ruling of October 1.

Va baixar a Barcelona

He/She went down to Barcelona.

acompanyada de la seva família,

accompanied by her family,

amb la intenció de queixar-se d'una sentència

with the intention of complaining about a ruling

que en aquell moment ja estava mobilitzant bona part del país.

that at that moment was already mobilizing a good part of the country.

No era una persona particularment política

He was not a particularly political person.

ni algú acostumat a situacions de violència.

nor someone accustomed to situations of violence.

De fet, quan va veure a través de les xarxes socials

In fact, when he/she saw through social media.

que la situació s'estava descontrolant,

that the situation was getting out of control,

es va sentir molt inquieta.

she felt very restless.

En aquell moment estava amb una amiga,

At that moment, I was with a friend.

amb qui havia quedat al centre de la ciutat.

with whom I had arranged to meet in the city center.

S'havia acomiadat de la seva mare

He had said goodbye to his mother.

i havien quedat que es retrobarien després.

They had arranged to meet again later.

Les imatges que va veureven,

The images they saw,

les xarxes la van fer posar prou nerviosa

the networks made her quite nervous

com per decidir, juntament amb la seva amiga,

as for deciding, together with her friend,

que el millor era no anar a la manifestació

that the best thing was not to go to the demonstration

i tornar enrere.

and go back.

Se sentien insegures.

They felt insecure.

Llavors vam dir, mira,

Then we said, look,

marxem i ja està.

We're leaving and that's it.

I al final vam donar mitja volta

And in the end, we turned around.

i en comptes de pujar per via Laietana

and instead of going up Via Laietana

vam pujar per on vam baixar,

we went up where we went down,

que era el carrer Junqueras,

that was Junqueras street,

que està una mica més apartat,

that is a little further away,

i vam dir, bueno, pugem per aquí, no passa res.

And we said, well, let's go up here, it's okay.

I quan ja estàvem enfilant carrer cap amunt,

And when we were already climbing up the street,

doncs ens vam venir un altre carrusel,

so we got another carousel,

no sé si eren cinc o sis furgons

I don't know if there were five or six vans.

de la Policia Nacional de cara,

of the National Police face on,

i clar, en aquell moment,

And of course, at that moment,

doncs com que ens vam mirar i vam dir,

so since we looked at each other and said,

bueno, doncs mitja volta i a córrer cap avall,

Well, then half turn and run down.

perquè estàvem soles al carrer, pràcticament.

because we were alone on the street, practically.

I res, i vam començar a córrer,

And nothing, we started to run,

i quan vam arribar a baix del carrer

And when we arrived at the bottom of the street.

sí que ens vam resguardar com dins un portal.

yes, we sheltered ourselves as if within a portal.

Van quedar-se quietes dins del portal

They stood still inside the doorway.

mentre els furgons policials anaven passant.

while the police vans were passing by.

Van pensar que deuria ser un altre carrusel,

They thought it must be another carousel,

però no veien res

but they saw nothing

perquè s'havien posat mirant cap a dins del portal.

because they had turned to face inside the portal.

S'agafaven l'una a l'altra

They held each other.

arraconades contra la porta d'aquell espai

pushed against the door of that space

que, per un moment,

that, for a moment,

semblava que les podia fer desaparèixer

it seemed that he/she could make them disappear

si tancaven molt fort els ulls.

if they closed their eyes very tightly.

Però tenien molt clar que havien de sortir d'allà.

But they were very clear that they had to get out of there.

En cert moment els va semblar que no hi havia perill

At one point, it seemed to them that there was no danger.

i van sortir a la porta.

And they went out to the door.

Van anar en direcció contrària

They went in the opposite direction.

on hi havia el gruix dels manifestants i la policia

where the bulk of the protesters and the police were

intentant allunyar-se de la situació.

trying to distance oneself from the situation.

Anàvem a agafar des de la mà

We were going to take it by the hand.

i va haver-hi un moment en què un policia

There was a moment when a police officer

o dos policies estaven perseguint un noi

Two police officers were chasing a boy.

que xoca amb mi quan jo vaig corrent.

that crashes into me when I am running.

Llavors, jo al xocar vaig caure al terra

Then, when I collided, I fell to the ground.

i el noi va marxar corrent

and the boy ran away

i els dos policies que l'estan perseguint

and the two police officers who are pursuing him

em van agafar a mi.

They caught me.

I la meva amiga sí que va poder sortir.

And my friend was able to go out.

I va haver-hi un moment en què

There was a moment when

a dalt del carrer

at the top of the street

li van fotre un cop de porra

they hit him with a baton

i li van obrir mitja cara

and they opened half of his face

però ella va aconseguir pujar.

but she managed to climb up.

Però a mi em van agafar

But they caught me.

i entre quatre o cinc policies

and among four or five police officers

em van posar dins del furgó.

They put me inside the van.

La Xènia va tenir la sort

Xènia was lucky.

que un veí que era al balcó

that a neighbor who was on the balcony

va gravar la detenció amb el telèfon mòbil.

he recorded the arrest with his mobile phone.

Posteriorment, això ajudaria molt

Later, this would help a lot.

en l'evolució del seu cas

in the evolution of his/her case

ja que demostraria que el relat

since it would demonstrate that the narrative

de la testada de la policia

from the police's forehead

era fals.

it was false.

A l'atestat deia que els agents

The report said that the agents

havien fet servir

had used

la força mínima indispensable.

the minimum necessary force.

Al vídeo es veu com els agents

The video shows how the agents

es tiren sobre seu

they throw themselves on it

i li claven cops de porra contundents

and they hit him with heavy blows from a baton

només agafar-la

just take it

que li van provocar ferides al cap

that caused him head injuries

i a l'esquena

and on the back

que també es reflecteixen

that are also reflected

en l'informe mèdic posterior.

in the subsequent medical report.

El vídeo es va viralitzar

The video went viral.

i els mitjans de comunicació

and the media

se'n van fer ressò ràpidament.

They quickly took notice of it.

La Xènia va passar a ser

Xènia became

la noia dels cabells blaus.

the girl with blue hair.

Una història periodística

A journalistic story

que reflectia el que estava passant

that reflected what was happening

durant les protestes per la sentència.

during the protests for the verdict.

Però el vídeo mostrava només

But the video showed only

una part del total.

a part of the total.

Les agressions més fortes

The strongest assaults.

es van produir dins del furgó

they occurred inside the van

en un viatge que se li va fer etern.

in a journey that became eternal for him.

I un cop allà dins del furgó

And once inside the van

doncs estava jo sola rodejada

so I was alone surrounded

doncs no ho sabria dir ben bé

so I wouldn't be able to say it exactly

quanta gent hi havia

how many people were there

perquè jo estava al terra de cap per bat

because I was on the ground upside down

doncs tapant-me el cap amb les mans

so covering my head with my hands

i sí que de sort

and yes indeed lucky

que el trajecte de carrer Junqueras

that the route of Junqueras street

fins a Viola i Atenes

to Viola and Athens

era relativament curt

it was relatively short

perquè durant tot el trajecte

because throughout the journey

doncs van estar

so they were

bueno, agraint-me físicament

well, thanking me physically

i cridant que em matessin.

and shouting for them to kill me.

Hi havia un policia que cridava

There was a policeman who was shouting.

mata-la, mata-la

kill her, kill her

clar, en aquell moment

of course, at that moment

doncs se't passa tot pel cap, no?

So you just have everything on your mind, right?

I res, i una vegada

And nothing, and once.

doncs vaig baixar del furgó

so I got out of the van

doncs realment no sabia on era

so I really didn't know where it was

fins que no vaig com

until I don't go like

obrir bé els ulls

open your eyes wide

i veure que, bueno,

and see that, well,

no havia anat tan lluny al final

I hadn't gone that far in the end.

sinó que estava a Viola i Atenes.

but it was in Viola and Athens.

Quan la Xènia explica

When Xènia explains

el que li van fer a la comissaria

what they did to him at the police station

la majoria de la gent no dóna crèdit.

Most people do not believe it.

Sembla una història impossible.

It seems like an impossible story.

Molta gent sap de l'historial

Many people know about the history.

que té la comissaria de la Llatana

what the Llatana police station has

però es pensen que es tracta del passat.

but they think it is about the past.

Malauradament, la Llatana

Unfortunately, the Llatana.

no només amaga els records

it not only hides the memories

dels horrors del franquisme

of the horrors of Francoism

sinó també els horrors

but also the horrors

comèssos en democràcia.

committed to democracy.

No pot ser que això passi el 2019

It cannot be that this happens in 2019.

li diuen sovint a la Xènia.

They often call her Xènia.

Si tu també estàs pensant

If you are also thinking

que hi ha coses que avui dia

that there are things these days

no passen

they don't pass

escolta atentament

listen attentively

perquè allò que sembla impossible

because what seems impossible

pot esdevenir possible

it can become possible

quan hi ha impunitat.

when there is impunity.

Quan van fer baixar la Xènia del Forgó

When they made Xènia get off the van.

i la van fer entrar a la comissaria

and they took her into the police station

es va trobar en un ambient

he found himself in an environment

de molta tensió.

of a lot of tension.

Els agents entraven

The agents were entering.

i sortien constantment de l'edifici.

and they constantly left the building.

Hi havia crits i corredisses.

There were shouts and rushes.

Van posar la Xènia

They set Xènia up.

contra la paret amb força

against the wall with force

obligant-la a ajanullar-se.

forcing her to kneel.

I el mateix van fer

And they did the same.

amb la resta de detinguts

with the rest of the detainees

que anaven entrant.

that were entering.

Un policia va entrar de cop

A police officer suddenly entered.

dient que una altra gent

saying that another people

havia estat ferit.

he had been injured.

Una altra gent va perdre els estreps.

Another people lost their temper.

Va agafar un cúter del despatx

He took a cutter from the office.

i va començar a amenaçar

and started to threaten

els detinguts que hi havia allà.

the detainees who were there.

Us vull matar!

I want to kill you!

Us mataré!

I will kill you!

Te mataré!

I will kill you!

Va començar a atsibar cops els detinguts

He started to beat the detainees.

i altres agents s'hi van afegir.

and other agents joined them.

Els detinguts,

The detained,

que encara estaven de cara a la paret,

that they were still facing the wall,

rebien cops per darrere,

they received blows from behind,

sobretot al cap,

especially to the head,

i picaven contra la paret,

they were hitting against the wall,

que va quedar plena d'ataques de sang.

that was left full of blood attacks.

En ple horror,

In the midst of horror,

un policia es va apropar a la Xènia

A police officer approached Xènia.

que estava aterrida en aquella situació.

that was terrified in that situation.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Que ahora tienes miedo.

That you are now afraid.

Cuando ya no estás con tus amigos

When you are no longer with your friends

no eres tan valiente.

you're not that brave.

Eres una niñata de mierda

You are a little piece of shit.

que no sabe dónde caerse muerta

who doesn’t know where to fall dead

y mientras tus amiguitos en Suiza...

and while your little friends in Switzerland...

El que va veure en aquella comissaria

What he saw in that police station.

no ho oblidarà mai.

he will never forget it.

Hi havia policies que colpejaven els detinguts

There were police officers who beat the detainees.

per qualsevol motiu.

for any reason.

No portar el DNI podia ser suficient

Not carrying the ID could be enough.

per rebre un cop de puny.

to receive a punch.

Mirar d'una manera que no els agradava

To look in a way that they didn't like.

podia ser suficient per rebre un cop de puny.

it could be enough to receive a punch.

Que se t'escapi un riure nerviós

Let out a nervous laugh.

podia ser suficient per rebre un cop de puny.

it could be enough to receive a punch.

I el que no et va agradar,

And what you didn't like,

no et va agradar.

you didn't like it.

No està prou a prop de la paret

It's not close enough to the wall.

podia ser suficient per rebre un cop de puny.

it could be enough to receive a punch.

Cop de puny.


Una agressió física contínua,

A continuous physical assault,

sobretot als homes.

especially to men.

I a les dones, l'agressió psicològica.

And to women, psychological aggression.

La de la por.

The one about fear.

Fer que miressin directament

Make them look directly.

com colpejaven els seus companys,

how his companions struck,

comentaris sexistes

sexist comments

i referències al seu físic,

and references to their physique,

amenaces que podien complir-se o no.

threats that could or could not be fulfilled.

Els deien que no es podia fer

They told them it couldn't be done.

i que se'ls endurien a Madrid.

and that they would take them to Madrid.

Que no sortirien mai d'allà.

That they would never get out of there.

I s'enreien.

They laughed at him/her.

A un noi li van ensenyar el vídeo

A boy was shown the video.

de la seva pròpia detenció,

of her own detention,

correguda unes hores abans,

run a few hours earlier,

mentre s'emborlaven.

while they were getting drunk.

Molts detinguts tenien la sensació

Many detainees had the feeling

que es trobaven en un malson

that they were in a nightmare

que no podia ser real.

that could not be real.

No els podien fer allò.

They couldn't do that to them.

No hi tenien dret.

They had no right to it.

La Xènia sabia de la fama

Xènia knew of the fame.

de la comissaria de Via Laietana.

from the police station of Via Laietana.

Però conèixer el passat d'aquell edifici

But knowing the past of that building

no l'havia preparat per tot el que hi va viure.

I had not prepared him for everything he would experience.

Una cosa és el coneixement abstracte

One thing is abstract knowledge.

i l'altra és experimentar-ho

and the other is to experience it

en la pròpia pell.

in one's own skin.

Sí que ja tenia una mica de context

Yes, I already had a bit of context.

sobre el que havia passat en aquell edifici

about what had happened in that building

i ja com que això em va posar

And since this got me going

com molt en alerta.

as very alert.

Quan hi vaig entrar,

When I entered,

doncs jo m'hi vaig fixar.

Well, I noticed it.

En l'edifici no hi havia cap càmera de seguretat

There were no security cameras in the building.

a l'entrada on estaven tots els detinguts.

at the entrance where all the detainees were.

No hi havia ningú, només era la policia

There was no one, it was only the police.

i els detinguts.

and the detainees.

I cap càmera, vull dir.

I mean no camera.

Llavors era com que hi havia allà

Then it was like there was there.

com un buit

like an emptiness

que clar, sabent una miqueta de context

that’s clear, knowing a little bit of context

amb la història, podies pensar

with the story, you could think

que aquí pot passar qualsevol cosa

that anything can happen here

i més en un moment de tanta tensió.

and even more in such a tense moment.

Llavors doncs sí, no, clar,

So then yes, no, of course,

ja veient una mica la situació

already seeing a bit of the situation

com estava jo, ja no m'ho pensava.

As I was, I no longer thought about it.

O sigui, sí que pensava que podia passar,

So, yes, I did think it could happen,

que no era una cosa que estava en el passat.

that it was not something that was in the past.

I al final va quedar demostrat

And in the end, it was proven.

que aprofitaven

that they took advantage of

com aquest buit

with this void

de que no hi havia ningú mirant.

that there was no one watching.



bé, per comportar-se així

well, for behaving like this

davant de tots els detinguts.

in front of all the detainees.

La Xènia va tenir la sensació

Xènia had the feeling

que les detencions havien estat aleatòries.

that the arrests had been random.

Tal com li havia passat a ella,

As had happened to her,

a molts detinguts els havien agafat

many of the detainees had been caught

simplement perquè eren allà.

simply because they were there.

I tant podien ser ells com qualsevol altre.

They could be just as much them as anyone else.

Aquesta impressió es va confirmar

This impression was confirmed.

més endavant.


La coordinadora de les defenses

The coordinator of the defenses

de bona part dels processats,

on behalf of the defendants,

Alerta Solidària,

Solidarity Alert,

va denunciar que es tractava

he reported that it was about

d'un abús de la presó preventiva,

of an abuse of pretrial detention,

fent referència a detencions aleatòries.

referring to random arrests.

L'associació Irídia va denunciar

The Irídia association reported.

que la violència policial

that police violence

i la detenció arbitrària

and the arbitrary detention

van ser utilitzades durant aquelles protestes

were used during those protests

com una eina de control social

as a tool of social control

basada en la por.

based on fear.

Si poden vexar a qualsevol,

If they can vex anyone,

si no depèn de res que facis

if it doesn't depend on anything you do

o deixis de fer,

or stop doing it,

aleshores la possibilitat d'acabar

then the possibility of ending

la comissaria de via a la lletana

the police station on Lletana street

no depèn de tu.

It doesn't depend on you.

Depèn d'ells.

It depends on them.

I, per tant,

And therefore,

el sol fet de ser al carrer és perillós.

The sun being on the street is dangerous.

Hi coincideixen el lloc i el moment equivocat.

Hi, the place and the wrong moment coincide.

Un cop les persones són conscients

Once people are aware

de com de fàcil és acabar allà dins,

how easy it is to end up in there,

el temor de trobar-s'hi augmenta ràpidament.

The fear of finding oneself there is rapidly increasing.

L'efecte és nítidament dissuasori

The effect is clearly deterring.

i es fa servir com a tal,

and is used as such,

encara que tempti contra la llibertat del ciutadà.

even if it tempts against the freedom of the citizen.

Vull dir, ells sabien totalment

I mean, they totally knew.

que la majoria de gent que hi havia allà

that most of the people who were there

era gent totalment detinguda aleatoriament,

it was people completely detained at random,

jo crec,

I believe,

perquè a mi que em diguessin

because for me they told me

te ha tocado, maja,

you've been chosen, darling,

com dient,

as they say,

t'ha tocat la loteria,

you've won the lottery,

no has fet res,

you haven't done anything.

però estàs aquí perquè has pringat,

but you are here because you have messed up,

i llavors un altre que també,

and then another one too,

que em digués que eres una pringada,

that she told me that you are a loser,

era com tot el rato remarcant

it was like constantly highlighting

que estàs aquí,

that you are here,

però realment és bastant probable

but it is really quite likely

que ells sabessin

that they knew

que hi havia molta gent allà

that there were a lot of people there

que realment no havia d'estar-hi.

that really shouldn't have been there.



la mare de la Xènia

Xènia's mother

trucava a la seva filla desesperadament.

He was calling his daughter desperately.

Les imatges de l'actuació policial

The images of the police operation

a les protestes

to the protests

corrien per les xarxes socials

they were running through social networks

i feia hores que no sabia res d'ella.

And I hadn't heard from her for hours.

Imaginava el pitjor.

I imagined the worst.

A la comissaria,

At the police station,

els antiabalots entraven i sortien constantment.

The anti-riot officers were constantly entering and exiting.

Passaven molt a prop dels detinguts,

They passed very close to the detainees,

que eren a la zona de pas

they were in the passage area

cap a l'habitació on els policies

towards the room where the police are

anaven a recarregar munició.

they were going to reload ammunition.

Cada vegada que passava això,

Every time this happened,

la Xènia patia perquè es tornés a produir

Xènia was afraid it would happen again.

un esclat de violència abrupta.

an outbreak of abrupt violence.

Cap al que fos un d'ells es girés

Towards what could be one of them turned.

i li clavés un cop de puny per darrere,

and hit him with a punch from behind,

davant continuava tenint la paret,

in front, the wall continued to be there,

encara esquitxada de sang.

still splattered with blood.

Sentia les passes dels antiabalots

I could hear the footsteps of the anti-riot police.

al seu darrere

behind him/her

i no tenia manera de saber

and I had no way of knowing

què feien exactament.

what were they actually doing.

Si un d'ells l'agradia,

If one of them pleased you,

l'agafaria completament desprevinguda.

It would catch her completely off guard.

La sensació, mirant la paret,

The feeling, looking at the wall,

és que en qualsevol moment

it's just that at any moment

podia rebre un cop.

I could get hit.

La tensió era insuportable.

The tension was unbearable.

A més, ja feia hores que estaven agenollats

Moreover, they had been kneeling for hours.

en una posició dolorosa

in a painful position

i de tant en tant passava.

And from time to time, it happened.

Sense venir a tomb,

Without beating around the bush,

un cop gratuït contra un detingut

a free punch against a detainee

que estranyia encara més la tensió

which made the tension even stranger

sobre el seu cap

over his head

i li feia palpitar les temples.

and it made his temples throb.

Va trobar un punt de suport en una altra noia

She found support in another girl.

que també havien detingut

that they had also arrested

i a qui havien posat al seu costat.

and who they had placed next to him.

En ser totes dues dones

Being both women

estaven separades dels homes.

they were separated from the men.

Es deia Paula

Her name was Paula.

i les dues van descobrir-se buscant-se mútuament.

and the two discovered each other while searching for one another.

Quan ella va entrar,

When she entered,

la van fer seure al meu costat

they made her sit next to me

i al final

and in the end

va ser tot com...

it was all like...

La situació en què estàvem

The situation we were in

va haver-hi un moment

there was a moment

ella només quan va seure al meu costat

she only when she sat next to me

ens vam donar la mà

we shook hands

i res, a partir d'allà

And nothing, from there on.

tot el procés d'aquell dia

the whole process of that day

el vam passar juntes

we spent it together

perquè érem les dues úniques noies

because we were the only two girls

llavors allà on anàvem

then where we were going

anàvem sempre juntes.

We always went together.

Llavors tot aquest procés també

Then this whole process too

vaig tenir molta sort

I was very lucky.

de poder-lo compartir amb ella

to be able to share it with her

perquè al final jo no vaig estar sola

because in the end I wasn't alone

sempre en tot moment vaig estar amb la Paula.

I was always with Paula at all times.

Llavors doncs va ser una gran ajuda

Then it was a great help.

i suport emocional en aquells moments.

and emotional support in those moments.

En el lloc més fosc de tots

In the darkest place of all

la Xènia va trobar la força

Xènia found the strength.

que només pot donar el fet d'estar unida

that can only come from being united

amb una altra persona

with another person

que està passant pel mateix que tu.

who is going through the same as you.

No serà l'últim cop

It won't be the last time.

que la Xènia trobarà aquest vincle.

that Xènia will find this bond.

En les profunditats de la casa del terror

In the depths of the house of terror.

totes dues van buscant l'altra

Both are looking for the other.

l'ànim i l'empenta mútua.

the mutual spirit and drive.

Malgrat això


la sensació de desemparament

the feeling of abandonment

anava creixent en els seus cosos,

it was growing in their bodies,

i al seu cap.

and in his head.

Unida a la sensació de la pèrdua de control

United with the feeling of loss of control.

que era profundament trasbalsadora.

that was profoundly disturbing.

Durant tot el temps que van estar

During the entire time they were there

a la comissaria de Via Laietana

to the police station on Via Laietana

es van sentir en mans d'ells.

they felt in their hands.

De policies violents

Of violent police.

amb comportaments salvatges,

with wild behaviors,

policies cruels

cruel policies

que en molts moments gaudien del que estaven fent.

that at many times they enjoyed what they were doing.

Que feien broma enmig de tot plegat.

They were joking amid it all.

La sensació que podien fer amb elles

The feeling that they could do something with them.

qualsevol cosa


i dur-les on volguessin.

and take them wherever they wanted.

Que no eren res més que nines de drap

They were nothing more than rag dolls.

que podien esquinçar

that could tear apart

o portar a un lloc o a un altre.

or take to one place or another.

I així va ser.

And so it was.

En cert moment

At a certain moment

les van agafar

they caught them

i les van treure de la comissaria

and they took them out of the police station

per ficar-les en un furgó blindat.

to put them in an armored van.

Ara, nos vamos a dar una vuelta.

Now, we are going for a walk.

No sabien on les portaven.

They did not know where they were taking them.

Podien intentar deduir-ho

They could try to deduce it.

imaginant la direcció del furgó

imagining the direction of the van

però això era encara pitjor

but this was even worse

perquè semblava que anava fent voltes

because it seemed to be going in circles



Com que no els van deixar posar-se el cinturó de seguretat

Since they were not allowed to put on their seatbelt.

i encara duien les manilles posades,

and they were still wearing handcuffs,

els detinguts queien els uns sobre els altres

the detainees were falling on top of each other

i es clavaven cops en cada revolt.

And they were taking hits at every turn.

Sentien els policies comentar la jugada

They heard the police commenting on the play.

a la part de davant de la furgoneta.

at the front of the van.

Potser els estaven fent això

Maybe they were doing this to them.

per atormentar-los una mica més

to torment them a little more

i aviat tornarien a comissaria.

and soon they would return to the police station.

O potser no.

Or perhaps not.

Com que el furgó era ple de gent

Since the van was full of people

hi havia molt poc espai

there was very little space

i els cops eren molt freqüents.

And the blows were very frequent.

Al cap d'una estona

After a while

el furgó policial es va aturar.

The police van stopped.

Van deixar el motor engegat

They left the engine running.

i van estar-se així aturats una llarga estona.

And they stayed there stopped for a long time.

Feia molta calor i pudor.

It was very hot and smelly.

L'ambient era asfixiant.

The atmosphere was suffocating.

Després van aturar el motor

Then they stopped the engine.

i encara va fer més calor.

And it got even hotter.

De tant en tant

From time to time.

un policia obria la porta

a police officer opened the door

feia un cop d'ull a dins

I took a glance inside.

i la tornava a tancar.

and I would close it again.



van tornar a obrir les portes

they opened the doors again

i aquesta vegada un policia

and this time a policeman

que semblava que era el qui dirigia

who seemed to be the one in charge

tota l'operació

the whole operation

va assenyalar els detinguts.

he pointed out the detainees.

La otra tía era la Xènia.

The other aunt was Xènia.

Com que dubtava de si es referien a ella

As she doubted herself, they referred to her.

no es va moure.

he did not move.

La van fer baixar de la furgoneta.

They made her get out of the van.

Era fosc.

It was dark.

Les cames li feien figa.

His legs were giving out.

Anava bruta de sang.

I was covered in blood.

Feia molta pudor

It smelled a lot.

i el cos li feia mal dels cops i les contusions.

And his body ached from the blows and bruises.

Va trigar molt a adonar-se d'on era.

It took him a long time to realize where he was.

L'havien traslladat a la comissaria de la Berneda.

They had been transferred to the Berneda police station.

La van conduir caminant a una sala

They led her walking to a room.

on hi havia més detinguts.

there were more detainees.

Tots ferits pels trets d'escopetes de bales de goma

All wounded by gunshot wounds from rubber bullets.

o pels cops de porra.

or by the blows of the baton.

A la Xènia la va impressionar

Xènia was impressed by it.

veure un noi amb la cara ensangonada.

to see a boy with a bloodied face.

En aquest punt

At this point

les ganes d'anar al lavabo eren insuportables.

The urge to go to the bathroom was unbearable.

No havia gosat demanar-ho a la lletana.

I hadn't dared to ask the milkmaid.

Després d'haver estat víctima

After having been a victim

de la violència de la policia a la comissaria

from the police violence at the police station

no podia ni pensar

I couldn't even think.

què li podien arribar a fer

what they could end up doing to him

en un espai tancat.

in an enclosed space.

Finalment li van llegir els seus drets

Finally, they read him his rights.

aquells dels quals l'havien privada

those from whom she had been deprived

tot el temps que havia estat a via a la lletana.

all the time I had been on Via Laetana.

Traient forces que no sabia que tenia

Drawing on strengths I didn’t know I had.

la Xènia es va negar a signar res.

Xènia refused to sign anything.

Unes hores més tard

A few hours later

va passar a disposició judicial

he was placed at the court's disposal

i va entrar a la presó de batràs.

And he was taken to Batràs prison.

No podia creure el que vivia.

I couldn't believe what I was living.

El jutge va trigar 13 dies

The judge took 13 days.

a assumir el seu cas.

to take on his case.

Van ser 13 dies

It was 13 days.

que la Xènia va estar a la presó,

that Xènia was in prison,

privada de llibertat.

deprived of freedom.

Va ser un temps que va tenir un impacte

It was a time that had an impact.

molt fort en ella

very strong in her

i encara li costa parlar-ne.

And he/she still finds it difficult to talk about it.

Finalment el magistrat va acordar

Finally, the magistrate agreed.

la llibertat de la Xènia en mesura cautelar

the freedom of Xènia under precautionary measures

de tenir prohibit d'assistir a manifestacions

of being prohibited from attending demonstrations

i l'obligació de compareixer

and the obligation to appear

davant d'un jutge cada 15 dies.

in front of a judge every 15 days.

¿Aceptarían una medida cautelar

Would they accept a precautionary measure?

de prohibición de manifestarse

of prohibition to demonstrate

y de personarse en las manifestaciones

and to attend the demonstrations

que se puedan producir

that can occur

tanto en la ciudad de Barcelona

both in the city of Barcelona

como en cualquier otra ciudad

like in any other city

o pueblo de Cataluña

the people of Catalonia

durante el tiempo de instrucción del procedimiento

during the time of instruction of the procedure

y hasta su resolución?

and until its resolution?

A canvi,

In exchange,

podria sortir en llibertat condicional.

could be released on parole.

El seu advocat va acceptar.

His lawyer accepted.

Implica renunciar

It implies giving up.

a presentar un recurs,

to file an appeal,

però la prioritat era treure la Xènia de la presó.

but the priority was to get Xènia out of prison.

D'aquesta manera,

In this way,

la proposta del jutge és un xantatge

the judge's proposal is a blackmail

en què es condiciona la vida política

What conditions political life?

de la Xènia i, per tant,

of Xènia and, therefore,

la seva llibertat, fins i tot ja fora de la presó.

his freedom, even already outside of prison.

La Fiscalia la va acusar

The Prosecutor's Office accused her.

de desordres públics

of public disorder

i atemptat contra l'autoritat.

and attempted assault against authority.

Part de l'acusació es basava

Part of the accusation was based

en una sèrie d'objectes que suposadament

in a series of objects that supposedly

la Xènia portava en el moment de la detenció.

Xènia was wearing at the time of the arrest.

A l'atestat policial hi apareixien

The police report indicated

diversos objectes que la Xènia

various objects that Xènia

no havia vist mai.

I had never seen before.

Un tros d'una cadena de grans dimensions,

A piece of a large chain,

dues boles de billar,

two billiard balls,

una bola de golf, diversos cargols,

a golf ball, several screws,

i dues boles d'acer.

and two balls of steel.

Era impossible que tots aquests objectes

It was impossible for all these objects

poguessin cabre a la bossa

they could fit in the bag

de dimensions molt petites que portava la Xènia

of very small dimensions that Xènia was carrying

i que es pot veure al vídeo

and what can be seen in the video

que va circular a xarxes de la seva detenció.

that circulated on social networks about his arrest.

A més,


aquests objectes es repetien en altres

these objects were repeated in others

fotografies d'atestats policials

photographs of police reports

d'altres detinguts en les mateixes protestes,

of other detainees in the same protests,

tal com va assenyalar

as pointed out

Alerta Solidària.

Solidarity Alert.

El fet que, segons la policia,

The fact that, according to the police,

bona part dels detinguts

a good part of the detainees

portessin el mateix tipus d'objectes

they carried the same type of objects

era sospitós.

he was suspicious.

Finalment, l'acusació d'atemptat contra l'autoritat

Finally, the accusation of assaulting authority.

va caure, i la Fiscalia

fell, and the Prosecutor's Office

demana actualment que la Xènia sigui

currently asks for Xènia to be

condemnada a dos anys de presó.

sentenced to two years in prison.

Està a l'espera del judici,

He is awaiting trial.

previst pel desembre de 2025.

scheduled for December 2025.

Els dies posteriors

The following days

a la sortida de Batràs,

at the exit of Batràs,

la Xènia no només va haver de gestionar

Xènia not only had to manage

tot el que havia viscut a dins,

everything I had lived inside,

sinó tota la pressió mediàtica al voltant

but all the media pressure around

del seu cas i l'impacte que havia tingut

of his case and the impact it had

al poble, Caldes de Montbuí,

in the village, Caldes de Montbuí,

i en el seu entorn més proper.

and in their immediate environment.

Durant força temps no va sortir

For a long time, he/she did not go out.

de casa. També es va trobar

from home. It was also found

que la majoria de persones que coneixien

that most of the people they knew

el seu cas reaccionaven amb incredulitat,

they reacted with disbelief to his case,

com si fos una cosa

as if it were something

que no pogués passar actualment.

that could not happen currently.

Molta gent tendeix a pensar

Many people tend to think

que si et passa alguna cosa així,

that if something like this happens to you,

d'alguna manera t'ho has buscat,

In some way, you brought it upon yourself.

que alguna cosa devies fer,

that you must have done something,

que si no hi haguessis anat

that if you hadn't gone there

no t'hauries trobat en aquella situació.

you wouldn't have found yourself in that situation.

És més fàcil sospitar d'una persona,

It is easier to suspect a person,

que d'una altra.

than another.

Els problemes són unes determinades persones

The problems are certain people.

que s'han ficat en problemes,

that have gotten into trouble,

que no pas admetre que el sistema

that does not admit that the system

i les persones que en formen part

and the people that are part of it

no només són capaços de cometre

they are not only capable of committing

aquests actes de terror impunament,

these acts of terrorism impunely,

sinó que ho fan regularment.

but they do it regularly.

Ens pensem que estem tots

We think that we are all here.

com molt, no modernitzats,

as much, not modernized,

però com que tot funciona a la perfecció,

but since everything works perfectly,

la justícia, tot.

justice, everything.

I al final costa creure

And in the end, it is hard to believe.

que puguin haver-hi

that there may be

actes legals que s'aprofiten

legal acts that are exploited

o agressions

or aggressions

que passen.

they happen.

Jo crec que hi ha molta gent

I believe that there are many people.

que pensa que això és una cosa

what do you think this is a thing

del passat, de fa molts anys,

from the past, many years ago,

i que clar, que el segle XXI

And of course, the 21st century

com pot que això passi

how can this happen

en plena democràcia, és impossible.

In full democracy, it is impossible.

No, no, vull dir,

No, no, I mean,

al final costa, costa

in the end it costs, it costs

dissimular-ho, però jo al final, fins que no

to hide it, but I in the end, until I don't

ho vaig veure amb els meus propis ulls

I saw it with my own eyes.

i em va passar així, fins que no vaig acabar

And it happened to me like this, until I finished.

d'aprendre que això

to learn that this

sí que és una cosa que és

yes, it is something that is

de l'actualitat i no només del passat.

of the present and not just of the past.

Durant molt de temps

For a long time

a la Xènia li va costar tornar a prop

Xènia found it difficult to come back close.

de la comissaria de Via Laietana.

from the Via Laietana police station.

Sabia que el lloc on havia patit

He knew that the place where he had suffered.

aquell horror continuava dret,

that horror stood still,

allà, al cor de Barcelona.

there, in the heart of Barcelona.

Aparentment com un edifici

Apparently like a building.

normal. Mentre que en altres

normal. While in others

països els edificis que tenen una

countries the buildings that have a

història similar han estat resignificats

similar stories have been redefined

i convertits en centres de memòria

and converted into memory centers

per recordar el que hi va passar

to remember what happened

i evitar que la història es repeteixi,

and prevent history from repeating itself,

la comissaria de Via Laietana

the police station on Via Laietana

continua allà, com un peu

continues there, like a foot

de l'Estat a la capital de Catalunya.

from the State to the capital of Catalonia.

Tots els intents per aconseguir tancar

All attempts to achieve closure

la comissaria no han arribat enlloc.

The police station has not arrived anywhere.

Només s'han dut a terme mesures

Only measures have been taken.

cosmètiques, com el faristol que

cosmetics, like the lectern that

l'Ajuntament de Barcelona va posar

the City Council of Barcelona put

davant de l'edifici i on s'explica

in front of the building and where it is explained

l'historial de la comissaria com un centre

the history of the police station as a center

històric de tortura i repressió política.

history of torture and political repression.

Aquell faristol

That lectern

es va posar, de fet, al mateix

he actually put himself in the same position

any que la Xènia va ser subjecta

any that Xènia was subjected to

d'aquesta mateixa repressió a la Laietana.

of this same repression in Laietana.

La reacció a casos

The reaction to cases

com el de la Xènia es queda en això,

as with Xènia's, it remains at that,

en la col·locació d'un faristol

in the placement of a lectern

davant de l'edifici.

in front of the building.

Un faristol que, a més,

A lectern that, in addition,

és periòdicament vandalitzat.

it is periodically vandalized.

Malgrat ser davant de la comissaria,

Despite being in front of the police station,

un lloc amb una forta

a place with a strong

presència policial, el faristol

police presence, the lectern

ha estat objecte de pintades

it has been the subject of graffiti

i actes vandàlics recurrents.

and recurrent vandalism acts.

El 2019, l'any en què es va

In 2019, the year in which it was

posar, va ser atacat tres vegades

put, was attacked three times

i ha estat vandalitzat

it has been vandalized

en altres ocasions fins avui.

on other occasions until today.

No s'ha investigat mai

It has never been investigated.

qui és que vandalitza el faristol,

who is vandalizing the lectern,

malgrat que hi ha càmeres de seguretat

despite the presence of security cameras

davant la comissaria.

in front of the police station.

Això redobla i renova la sensació d'impunitat

This reinforces and renews the feeling of impunity.

que ja van tenir les persones

that the people already had

que, com la Xènia,

that, like Xènia,

han estat víctimes de la violència

they have been victims of violence

a la comissaria de la Laietana.

to the Laietana police station.

No només saben que els policies

Not only do they know that the police

que les van agredir no seran jutjats,

those who assaulted them will not be judged,

no només saben que l'edifici

not only do they know that the building

continuarà allà com si res,

it will continue there as if nothing happened,

sinó que, a més, no poden denunciar

but, moreover, they cannot report

públicament el que passa allà

publicly what happens there

i fer-ho visible.

and make it visible.

Però la història de la Xènia

But the story of Xènia

amb la comissaria de Via Laietana

with the police station on Via Laietana

no acaba aquí.

it doesn't end here.

De la mateixa manera que quan estava a dins

Just like when I was inside.

va trobar el suport de la Paula,

she found Paula's support,

a fora va trobar el suport de la Pilar.

Outside, he found support from Pilar.

La Pilar, la Pilar Rebaque,

The Pilar, the Pilar Rebaque,

va contactar amb ella perquè

he contacted her because

es trobessin.

they met.

Ella també havia patit els horrors

She had also suffered the horrors.

de Via Laietana a una edat similar,

from Via Laietana to a similar age,

però 50 anys abans,

but 50 years earlier,

la Pilar es va convertir

Pilar became

en una persona de franquisme.

in a person of Francoism.

A partir d'aquí,

From here on,

la seva història i la de la Xènia

her story and Xènia's

quedarien lligades per sempre.

they would be tied forever.

Juntes portaran la lluita al carrer

Together they will take the fight to the streets.

per aconseguir el que governs

to achieve what governs

i administracions es neguen a fer,

and administrations refuse to do,

tancar d'una vegada per totes

close once and for all

la casa del terror.

the house of terror.

Això és Torturades.

This is Tortured.

Basat en el llibre Torturades

Based on the book Tortured.

de Gemma Pasqual,

by Gemma Pasqual,

publicat per Editorial Coma Negra.

published by Coma Negra Publishing.

Toni de la Torra.

Toni de la Torra.

Gemma Pasqual.

Gemma Pasqual.

Roger Codina.

Roger Codina.

Irene Miras.

Irene Miras.

Ramon Canals.

Ramon Canals.

Jaume Cuartero.

Jaume Cuartero.

Òscar Muñoz.

Óscar Muñoz.

Pau López.

Pau López.

Ivan Priego.

Ivan Priego.

Vanessa Segura.

Vanessa Segura.

Jaume Ollet.

Jaume Ollet.

Disseny sonor.

Sound design.

David Penedès.

David Penedès.

Disseny gràfic.

Graphic design.

Olga Capdevila.

Olga Capdevila.



Vida de Pol Batlle i Rita Pallès.

Life of Pol Batlle and Rita Pallès.

Una producció de Monod.

A production by Monod.

Subtítols per la comunitat

Subtitles for the community

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