Per què ens costa tant dir adeu?

Catalunya Ràdio

El nou paradigma

Per què ens costa tant dir adeu?

El nou paradigma

Catalunya Ràdio. Catalunya Àudio. Som podcast.

Catalonia Radio. Catalonia Audio. We are podcast.

Pareu, pareu, que aneu a les temps tots.

Stop, stop, you are going to the times all.

Hola, amigues, com esteu?

Hello, friends, how are you?

Efectivament, és una pregunta retòrica.

Indeed, it's a rhetorical question.

Benvingudes a la tercera temporada del nou paradigma,

Welcome to the third season of the new paradigm,

el podcast amb el públic casmeret!

the podcast with the casmeret audience!

Avui és l'últim capítol d'aquesta tercera temporada

Today is the last episode of this third season.

i he sentit un...

I have heard a...



Bueno, la gent no està plorant ni res, no hi ha drama,

Well, people are not crying or anything, there is no drama,

no se'ls veu preparant manifestacions, tsunamis...

they are not seen preparing demonstrations, tsunamis...

No, res.

No, nothing.



És que, en realitat, la gent està acostumada a que la deixin penjada,

It's just that, in reality, people are used to being left hanging.

ja no se'n refia de res, de ningú, és normal, també.

he no longer trusts anything or anyone, it's normal, too.

És que, en realitat,

It's just that, in reality,

no pots refiar-te de la gent.

You can't trust people.

Vull dir, avui són, i demà...

I mean, today they are, and tomorrow...

Demà no hi són, no?

They're not here tomorrow, right?

Però et refereixes a què moren?

But are you referring to what they die from?

No, perquè això és una cosa que ja s'ha de tenir en compte,

No, because this is something that must already be taken into account,

la gent es mor i et deixa penjada.

People die and leave you hanging.

Saps que dius...

You know what you’re saying…

Per això, només per aquest motiu,

For that reason, only for this reason,

jo ja ara, a la meva edat,

I already now, at my age,

estic buscant professionals més joves que jo.

I am looking for professionals younger than me.

Però què vols dir, professionals?

But what do you mean, professionals?

Bueno, vull dir...

Well, I mean...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Bueno, perquè som...

Well, because we are...

Les porques totes, de veritat, que només teniu una cosa...

The pigs all, really, only have one thing...

Porques de referència.

Reference reasons.

Porques de referència, sí.

References, yes.

Vull dir que, si ara estàs buscant una ginecòloga,

I mean that, if you are now looking for a gynecologist,

posem un exemple que ens afecta directament, amigues,

let's take an example that directly affects us, friends,

te l'has de buscar més jove,

you have to look for someone younger,

perquè imagina que t'agrada, t'interessa,

because imagine that you like it, it interests you,

si t'agrada, t'interessa que et duri tot el que a tu et queda de vida.

if you like it, you want it to last for all that you have left of your life.



Sí, sí, sí, clar, clar.

Yes, yes, yes, of course, of course.

Bueno, encara que és veritat que hi ha...

Well, although it is true that there is...

Aquí? Aquí?

Here? Here?



Tens raó.

You are right.

Aquí tinc raó.

Here I am right.

Aquí et dono la raó.

Here I give you the reason.

Encara que també...

Although also...

Avui, perquè és l'últim capítol, et dono la raó.

Today, because it is the last chapter, I give you the reason.

Bueno, sí, sí, bueno, hi haurà mal rellet, clar.

Well, yes, yes, well, there will be a bad smell, of course.

O sigui, ens hem aguantat fins ara perquè havíem d'entregar 15 capítols,

So, we have held on until now because we had to deliver 15 chapters,

però avui això és d'allò.

but today this is of that.

Sense filtres, sense línies de mèdia.

Without filters, without media lines.

Bueno, en tot cas, és veritat, també hem de tenir en compte

Well, in any case, it's true, we also have to take into account.

que hi ha persones que es moren més joves

that there are people who die younger

i, per tant, poden morir abans que nosaltres, no?

And therefore, they can die before us, right?

O potser nosaltres ens morim abans de fer-nos la següent citologia,

Or maybe we will die before getting the next cytology.

que us dic una cosa,

that I tell you something,

és molt millor morir-se abans de fer-te-la que després.

It is much better to die before doing it than after.



Perquè després et...

Because then you...

I cagues en tot.

And you messed up everything.

O sigui, hòstia, me la podia haver estalviat,

I mean, damn, I could have done without it.

de què m'ha servit, ara ja no em serveix absolutament per res.

what has it served me for, now it is absolutely useless to me.

Això és el que deus dir quan estàs morta

This is what you must say when you are dead.

i just has acabat de fer una citologia,

I just finished doing a cytology.

que dius, me cago en d'ena,

What are you saying, I swear!

per què m'havia de fer la citologia i just em moro l'endemà?

Why did I have to get a Pap smear and then die the next day?

Bueno, per ser l'últim capítol, carinyetes,

Well, for being the last chapter, my dears,

heu començat...

you have started...

Ai, amores!

Oh, loves!



Ai, amorcitos míos!

Oh, my sweethearts!

Com us estimo, de veritat.

How I love you, truly.

Però a vosaltres us ho dic, noies, nenes,

But to you, I say, girls, girls,

aviam, una manera de començar molt alegre, no?

Let’s see, a very cheerful way to start, right?

No vull ni pensar en el tema que tractareu avui, també us ho dic.

I don't even want to think about the topic you will discuss today, I'm telling you that too.

Bueno, et dic una cosa, Núria.

Well, I'll tell you something, Núria.

Alegres no ho sé, però avui, atenció, us hem portat al sopar.

I don't know about being happy, but today, attention, we have brought you to dinner.



No he sentit un aplaudiment.

I haven't heard applause.

A veure, ara...

Let's see, now...

Ara el repartirem.

Now we will distribute it.

Hem pensat en les veganes, així que tothom tranquil,

We have thought of the vegans, so everyone relax.

el sopar...

the dinner...

Bueno, sembla petit, però bueno, els astronautes també mengen això,

Well, it looks small, but well, astronauts eat this too.

i per tant, ara la nostra xòfer us repartirà el sopar.

And therefore, now our driver will deliver your dinner.

Sí, sí, però això penseu que equival a un menú complert, eh?

Yes, yes, but do you think that amounts to a full menu, huh?



Agafeu-ne un, no feu allò de...

Take one, don't do that...

Hòstia, ja que és gratis, n'agafaré cinc o sis.

Damn, since it's free, I'll take five or six.

No, perquè no és gratis, això ho hem pagat nosaltres, eh?

No, because it’s not free; we have paid for this, okay?

I nosaltres som autònomes.

And we are autonomous.

El que passa és que ara no ens ho podem fotre,

What happens is that now we can't screw it up.

però a la boca, per què?

but in the mouth, why?

No, tu i jo no, perquè hem de parlar, que s'ho posi aquesta gent.

No, you and I not, because we have to talk, let those people put it on.

No m'estagueu fent soroll, que és una cosa que a mi em fa molt fàstic, per favor.

Don't bother making noise, it's something I find very disgusting, please.

Bé, dit això, ara els tenim entretinguts una estona...

Well, that said, now we have them occupied for a while...

Clar, és que ara no estaran atents.

Of course, they won't be paying attention now.

Ja és igual el que diguem o no diguem.

It doesn't matter what we say or don't say anymore.

Aquí està l'amor i mira la cosa que està petita.

Here is love and look at the little thing.

Bueno, que reparteixi tot, perquè si no, no estaran atents.

Well, let him give everything out, because otherwise, they won't be attentive.

Que això ja m'ho conec jo, que faig molts bolos.

I know all about that, as I do a lot of gigs.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

A Bodes Bautizos, a la BBC, Bodes Bautizos Comuniones,

Weddings, baptisms, at the BBC, weddings, baptisms, communions,

i quan era el moment que estàvem menjant, dinant, a cafès...

And when it was the time we were eating, having lunch, at cafés...

És que la gent...

It's just that people...

No es pot actuar.

One cannot act.

No, no, dues coses alhora, mare meva, que difícil.

No, no, two things at the same time, my goodness, how difficult.

I més quan estan donant un regalet i tal.

And especially when they are giving a little gift and such.

Però tu no l'obris, no l'obris, que nosaltres no l'obrim mai.

But you don't open it, don't open it, because we never open it.

No, no l'obro, no l'obro, però tinc unes ganes d'obrir-lo.

No, I won't open it, I won't open it, but I really want to open it.

És tan mono, és tan mono.

He's so cute, he's so cute.

De seguida us diem el tema que tractarem avui.

We will tell you the topic that we will discuss today shortly.

Sí, sí, no, no, no, però has de poc a endivinar, no?, per favor.

Yes, yes, no, no, no, but you have to guess a little, right?, please.

No, però una altra...

No, but another one...

Sí, sí, jo ho vull endivinar.

Yes, yes, I want to guess it.

No, una altra vegada, Noèlia, no, ja ho has fet una vegada, no?

No, not again, Noèlia, no, you have done it once already, haven't you?

Per favor, per favor, per favor, per favor, per favor, sisplau, sisplau.

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please.

Però una cosa, sí, només tens una oportunitat.

But one thing, yes, you only have one chance.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Una, una, no ho allargarem, això.

One, one, we won't prolong this.

No, no, no, no és una oportunitat.

No, no, no, it is not an opportunity.

Només una, només una.

Only one, only one.



No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Puta, la trucada?

Whore, the call?

No, no hi ha comodín, no hi ha res, tens una oportunitat.

No, there is no wild card, there is nothing, you have one opportunity.

Desempensar, desempensar.

Unravel, unravel.

Pensa, pensa, pensa de què podem parlar.

Think, think, think about what we can talk about.

A veure, hem parlat de moltes coses, eh?

Let's see, we have talked about many things, haven't we?

De moltes, sí, sí, sí.

Of many, yes, yes, yes.

De cues.

Of queues.



De les solenes.

Of the solemn ones.

De l'ús.

Of the use.



De les xarxes socials.

Of social networks.



Això et costa una mica de dir, eh?

This is a bit hard for you to say, isn't it?

De les xarxes socials.

From social networks.

Ha d'anar com un mandament pitjor, eh?

It has to go like a worse commandment, right?

De veïnat, de turisme.

Of neighborhood, of tourism.

De turisme, sí.

Tourism, yes.



També, també.

Also, also.

Ai, que et demana, de molt.

Oh, it asks a lot of you.

De les ofertes, dels museus, també.

Of the offers, of the museums, too.





Dels premis també.

Of the prizes too.

De la monocràcia, de les amistats.

Of the monocracy, of friendships.

Sí, és que...

Yes, it’s just that…

De ser rosa.

Of being pink.

O sigui, és que em van anar de moltes coses, eh?

I mean, they took away a lot of things from me, you know?

Sí, és veritat, ara que ho dius, també hem parlat massa.

Yes, it's true, now that you mention it, we have also talked too much.

De les xarxes socials.

About social networks.

Sí, no, aquest...

Yes, no, this...

És que fa risa i passa de fet.

It's just that it makes me laugh and it's a given.

Les xarxes socials.

Social networks.

Ja està, al final el gastaràs i l'he acudit.

That's it, in the end you'll spend it and I've helped.

Mira, que diuen que si ho dius tres, funcionen quatre, no?

Look, they say that if you say it three times, it works four, right?

I quatre funcionat, eh?

And four worked, huh?

Sí, bueno.

Yes, well.

Bueno, és el nostre públic, és especialet.

Well, it's our audience, it's a bit special.

A veure, és veritat que hem parlat de moltes coses,

Let's see, it's true that we've talked about many things,

però encara com a mínim...

but still at least...

Moltes coses!

Many things!



Estàs molt excitada, no ho hauria dit.

You are very excited, I wouldn't have said that.

Tu, tia, tu digui, no?

You, girl, you tell me, right?

Encara ens queda com a mínim un tema, un...

We still have at least one topic left, one...

El sexe.


Per què ho dius amb veu baixa?

Why do you say it in a low voice?

El sexe, el tema, cosa.

Sex, the topic, thing.



Sexe, cosa de sexe.

Sex, a matter of sex.

Mira, et dic una cosa.

Look, I tell you something.

El que em costa molt és...

What is very difficult for me is...



Ara que hem de poder molt un...

Now that we must be able to...

El sexe, vols dir?

Sex, you mean?

No, ja ho dic jo, el sexe.

No, I say it myself, sex.

Aquest també ens falta, però no el tocarem avui.

We also lack this, but we won't touch it today.

I mai millor dit.

And never better said.

Bueno, és igual.

Well, it doesn't matter.

Mare, però t'esconten, jo...

Mother, but you are hiding, I...

Em deixo.

I'm giving up.

Bueno, però si...

Well, but if...

Perquè no sé...

Because I don't know...

No em fem a cu...

Don't take me for a fool...

No, és que perquè...

No, it's just that because...

Perquè a més només tenia una oportunitat, ja ho he dit.

Because I only had one opportunity, as I have said.

Sí, ja l'has dit, ja l'has gastat.

Yes, you've already said it, you've already spent it.

Molt bé, doncs, Noèlia, continuem.

Very well, then, Noèlia, let's continue.

Bueno, ja hem parlat de la mort, en tot cas, així.

Well, we've already talked about death, in any case, like this.

Ja no hem de patir, perquè...

We no longer have to worry, because...

Escolta, no sortirà més endavant?

Listen, won't it come out later?



És un tema que ja...

It's a topic that already...

Sí, això ens ho hem tret de sobre.

Yes, we've gotten rid of that.

Ens falta el tema dels camps de futbol.

We need to address the issue of football fields.



Què podríem posar de camps de futbol?

What could we put as football fields?

Doncs mira, no sé, per exemple,

Well, look, I don't know, for example,

no sé quants camps de futbol podríem omplir

I don't know how many soccer fields we could fill.

amb tota la gent que ha vingut a veure el Paradigma.

with all the people who have come to see the Paradigm.



No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Això seria maco de calcular, eh?

That would be nice to calculate, huh?

Sí, però seria cap, perquè el...

Yes, but it would be the head, because the...



No, no, un moment.

No, no, hold on a moment.

Al públic del Paradigma no li interessa el futbol.

The audience of Paradigma is not interested in football.

I com ho saps?

And how do you know that?





No, no, espera un moment.

No, no, wait a moment.

No ho sé, però és molt menys humiliant dir això

I don't know, but it is much less humiliating to say this.

que dir que no tenim prou públic per omplir un camp de futbol.

to say that we don't have enough audience to fill a football field.

Aquí, mira, tens raó un altre cop, dues vegades, eh?

Here, look, you are right once again, twice, huh?

És un accés, eh, Judit?

It's an access, right, Judit?

Bueno, va, va, passa, passa.

Well, come on, come on, go on, go on.

Bé, ara que ens hem tret de sobre el tema dels camps de futbol,

Well, now that we have gotten rid of the topic of football fields,

també ja us podem dir, escolta bé, Noèlia,

we can also tell you, listen well, Noèlia,

perquè ara diem de què parlarem.

because now we say what we will talk about.



Avui, avui...

Today, today...

Noèlia, Noèlia.

Noèlia, Noèlia.

No, no, no, no et posis tan nerviosa, no, tu.

No, no, no, don't get so nervous, no, you.

És que em fa patir, em fa patir molt.

It makes me worry, it worries me a lot.

No sabeu el que és tenir-la al costat.

You don't know what it's like to have her by your side.

No distreguis, perquè ara diré el tema del que parlarem, val?

Don't distract me, because now I will say the topic we will talk about, okay?

Per aquest últim capítol hem decidit preguntar-nos

For this last chapter, we have decided to ask ourselves

per què ens costa tant dir adéu?

Why is it so hard for us to say goodbye?



No, per favor!

No, please!

No pot ser, d'acord!

It can't be, alright!

No pot ser, d'acord, per favor!

It can't be, okay, please!

Per favor!




Canvia, canvia el tema!

Change, change the subject!



Has borrat-ho!

You have deleted it!

No pot ser, d'acord!

It can't be, okay!

No pot ser!

It can't be!

Així no pot ser!

This can’t be!

Per favor, no!

Please, no!



No em perdiu, mama!

Don't lose me, mom!

No, no, no!

No, no, no!

No, va, va, tot i amb la Déu, no!

No, come on, come on, even with God, no!

Per favor, diguem-li que no haguem tema, no, per favor!

Please, tell him not to worry, no, please!

No, no, no!

No, no, no!

No, no, mireu, és que un Déu...

No, no, look, it's just that a God...

Per favor!


No, sí que serà aquest tema.

No, it will indeed be this topic.



No, Noèlia, has saturat tot...

No, Noèlia, you have saturated everything...

No m'he fixat, però veig que estàs saturant...

I haven't noticed, but I see that you're getting overwhelmed...

M'he diuat!

I've had a bad day!

I et quedaràs sense veu, et quedaràs sense veu,

You will lose your voice, you will lose your voice.

la Noèlia, i potser algú més es quedarà sense veu.

Noèlia, and perhaps someone else will be left voiceless.

Ja està, Noèlia, no passa res.

It's fine, Noèlia, it doesn't matter.

Això, justament, justament la pregunta és

That, precisely, precisely the question is

per què ens costa tant dir a Déu, perquè és que costa molt dir a Déu.

Why is it so hard for us to say to God, because it is very hard to say to God.

Ho podem passar molt malament.

We can have a very hard time.

Tu respira, que ara entrem en una altra...

You breathe, because now we are entering another one...

M'he d'espatllar.

I have to break down.

M'has d'espatllar.

You have to break me.



Sí, tu.

Yes, you.

Què passa, paradigmaers?

What's up, paradigmers?

Com esteu?

How are you?

Així m'agrada!

That's how I like it!

A tu!

To you!

A tu, Pé!

To you, Pé!

A tu, Píssim, a tu, Píssim!

To you, Píssim, to you, Píssim!

Avui ens acomiadem, però no és

Today we say goodbye, but it is not.

un adeu per sempre,

a goodbye forever,

és per un instant.

it's for a moment.

Però ja que parlem

But since we're talking

de trencaments,

of breakages,

avui us fem una pregunteta,

today we have a little question for you,

una mica compromesa,

a bit compromised,

però com que hi ha confiança,

but because there is trust,

doncs no passa res, eh, que no passa res?

well, it's okay, right? it's okay?

Així m'agrada!

That's how I like it!

Doncs la pregunta que llancem avui

Well, the question we pose today

a les xaixes...

to the goals...

a l'Espai,

in Space,

des del metro,

from the metro,

des del cotxe,

from the car,

és per tu, aquesta pregunta?

Is this question for you?


I shoot!

Ja, Marta, ja!

Yes, Marta, yes!

Com us han dit adeu

How did they say goodbye to you?

les vostres parelles?

your partners?



Molt bé!

Very good!

Doncs recordeu que

So remember that

la primera persona que ens escrigui

the first person who writes to us

rebrà un exclusiu,

will receive an exclusive,

el tamboret portatí

the portable stool

de Penelope, així que

of Penelope, so

espavila, perquè qui vol tenir una tablet?

Wake up, because who wants to have a tablet?

Podem tenir un tamboret?

Can we have a stool?

Voleu un tamboret, sí o no?

Do you want a stool, yes or no?

Atenció, atenció!

Attention, attention!



Això mai havia anat

This had never gone.

tan ràpid a la cosa, perquè ens acaba

so quick to the thing, because it ends us

d'arribar la primera

to arrive first

resposta. Un oient que ens

response. A listener who tells us

escriu i diu així, eh?

He writes and says it like this, right?

Ho sento, Marteta, no he vist

I'm sorry, Marteta, I haven't seen.

una altra manera de deixar-te,

another way to let you go,

banyar el tamboret portàtil

wash the portable stool

al mateix temps que

at the same time as

així que espero

so I wait

ser el primer i que

be the first and that

res et vagi bé, Xavi.

I hope everything goes well for you, Xavi.

Doncs sí,

Well, yes,

el Xavi


és el guanyador del

he is the winner of the

tamboret portàtil

portable stool

i era el meu nòvio.

He was my boyfriend.

Ei, però estem aquí!

Hey, but we're here!



El programa continua!

The program continues!

No passa res, Marta.

It's okay, Marta.

Ja està, ja està. Escolta, sol estaràs

It's fine, it's fine. Listen, you'll be alone.

molt bé, vull dir, penso que això...

very well, I mean, I think that this...

Mira, i en lloc de regalar-li al Xavi

Look, instead of giving it to Xavi

el tamboret portàtil, fem una cosa.

the portable stool, let's do something.

Si vols, te'l pots quedar tu.

If you want, you can keep it.

No cal que l'hi regali, perquè t'ha acabat de deixar així.

You don't have to give it to him as a gift, because he just left you like this.

Te'l pots quedar tu.

You can keep it.

I, sobretot, recorda, Marta, que tu no

I, above all, remember, Marta, that you do not.

tornaràs, o si no, no tornaràs ni aquí ni amb el Xavi.

You will come back, or if not, you won't come back either here or with Xavi.





Aquest és un espai patrocinat

This is a sponsored space.

pel tamboret portàtil.

for the portable stool.

Penelope! Sí! Penelope!

Penelope! Yes! Penelope!

L'hagués tingut en el seu moment a... Penelope!

I would have had it at the right time to... Penelope!

No se li hauria fet tan llarga l'espera,

The wait shouldn't have been so long for him.

que va estar 20 anys esperant a... Penelope!

who waited 20 years for... Penelope!

No ho digueu! Tamboret portàtil!

Don't say it! Portable stool!

Penelope! I no t'aixecaràs

Penelope! You're not getting up!

mai més!

never again!

Doncs aprofitem també per dir adeu

So let's take the opportunity to say goodbye as well.

al nostre patrocinador,

to our sponsor,

el tamboret... Patrocinador,

the stool... Sponsor,

el tamboret portàtil. Penelope, ens va costar

the portable stool. Penelope, it was difficult for us

molt aconseguir un patrocini, sí,

very successful in getting sponsorship, yes,

moltíssim. Porta-me l'edat, eh,

very much. Bring me the age, eh,

a trucar. Hòstia, no, no, va ser

to call. Damn, no, no, it was

una feinada, però al final la gent de Penelope...

a lot of work, but in the end, the people of Penelope...

Penelope va apostar, finalment,

Penelope finally made a bet,

per nosaltres, i hem de dir que els ha anat força malament.

for us, and we have to say that it has gone quite badly for them.

També és veritat

It is also true.

que els tamborets no estan molt de moda,

that the stools are not very trendy,

o sí, o sí, no ho sé,

oh yes, oh yes, I don't know,

perquè les cadires incòmodes

because uncomfortable chairs

sempre estan de moda, hòstia,

they are always in fashion, damn,

on vagis sempre hi ha una cadira

Wherever you go, there is always a chair.

incòmoda. Diem també adeu a les

uncomfortable. We also say goodbye to the

cadires incòmodes de passada.

uncomfortable chairs in passing.

Hola a totes.

Hello everyone.

Hola, Charlotte. Hola i adeu

Hello, Charlotte. Hello and goodbye.

a totes. Ah, ja està?

To everyone. Ah, that's it?

Sí, jo només volia dir que

Yes, I just wanted to say that



volia fer una reflexió, que crec que no

I wanted to make a reflection, which I believe is not.

esteu fent gens d'autocrítica.

you are not being self-critical at all.

Bueno, escolta, estem començant

Well, listen, we are starting.

l'últim... Tampoc sé

the last one... I don't know either

quina autocrítica hem de fer.

What self-criticism do we have to make?

Però ja estic veient que té tot el mateix

But I am already seeing that it all has the same thing.

to. Jo pensava que faríeu com una mena de píl·lac

I thought you would make some sort of pill.

doncs això repassant,

well, this is reviewing,

no?, i de construir

No?, and to build.

bus, perquè...

bus, because...

És que si ens deconstruïm gaire

It's just that if we deconstruct ourselves too much

ja m'acabem. Hi ha moltes coses,

we're almost done. There are many things,

jo us he, cada programa

I have you, every program.

us he enviat un informe del que creiem

I have sent you a report of what we believe.

creiem jo i les meves

we believe me and my own

col·legues de coses que s'estàveu

things that you were

en fi, que havíeu de revisar-vos

Well, you had to review yourselves.

però veig que tampoc

but I see that neither do I

heu comentat mai res d'això, ni ho voleu

Have you ever commented on this, or do you not want to?

comentar, per tant

to comment, therefore

només dir-vos que heu fet uns temes

just want to say that you have made some great songs

de merda

of shit

Sí? Perquè no han provocat cap tipus

Yes? Because they have not caused any type.

de denúncia, ni cap manifestació

of complaint, nor any manifestation

al carrer i...

in the street and...

Vosaltres no us mulleu, així

You don't get wet like that.

que, no sé, és que

that, I don't know, it's that

només dir-vos que no us

just to tell you that I don't you

mulleu i cada qualsevol

wet and anyone

paraula que digueu és un acte polític

Every word you say is a political act.

i hauríeu

and you would have

d'haver-vos pronunciat

of having spoken to you

més, haver aprofitat

more, having taken advantage

aquest espai,

this space,



Per això ho aprofitem perquè

That's why we take advantage of it because

la gent rigui, Charlotte.

People laugh, Charlotte.

És l'objectiu d'aquest espai, no és un

It is the objective of this space, it is not one.

espai per a... Llavors, avui

space for... So, today

el manifest, hem fet

the manifesto, we have made

un manifest amb totes les associacions

a manifesto with all the associations

que hem tingut al llarg de tota aquesta temporada

that we have had throughout this entire season

que són unes quantes...

that there are a few...

Hem aconseguit crear,

We have managed to create,

diguem-ne, lligams de germenor

let's call it, sibling ties

i reunir-nos totes

and gather us all

malgrat les nostres diferències

despite our differences

cosa que, bueno, en fi,

thing that, well, anyway,

com a exemple

as an example

que ho ha fessin altres... Bé, m'explico

Let others do it... Well, I'll explain myself.

o no? Totalment, totalment.

Or not? Totally, totally.

En plan del pal, en plan del pal

On the way of the pole, on the way of the pole.

que, saps, perquè havíem

that, you know, because we had

tingut l'associació

held the association

de les

of the



de les... que no me'n recordo

of the... that I don't remember

perquè és que teníem molts noms, però és igual

because we had many names, but it doesn't matter

Exnetes? Sí, teníem un...

Exnets? Yes, we had a...

Bueno, és igual. Per què vols dir exnetes?

Well, it doesn't matter. Why do you want to say exnets?

No, perquè semblant del pal...

No, because it looks like the stick...

Però tu ets neta, no deixes de ser-ho, no?

But you are a granddaughter, you don't stop being one, right?

Sí, no, no, però que era...

Yes, no, no, but what it was...

És que no me'n recordo, era Joan...

I don't remember, it was Joan...

Em sembla que eren les exnetes del Joan en Martorell. No me'n recordo

I think they were Joan's exes in Martorell. I don't remember.

com es deia aquella associació, però és igual.

What was that association called, but it doesn't matter.

Les exnetes del Joan en Martorell.

The ex-in-laws of Joan in Martorell.

Era... Vam acabar fatal

It was... We ended up terribly.

i llavors, és igual,

and then, it doesn't matter,

però vam posar-nos en contacte perquè

but we got in touch because

ens vam reunir. Llavors portem...

we met. Then we brought...

Sabíem que avui era l'últim dia i portem

We knew that today was the last day and we have been

setmanes reunides. Doncs

compiled weeks. So

això, semblant del pal,

this, resembling the pole,

què hem de dir? Perquè no volíem

What should we say? Because we didn't want to.

quedar-nos callades

stay silent

davant aquest silenci

in the face of this silence

que hem rebut per part vostra.

that we have received from you.

No, és veritat. O sigui, portes

No, it's true. I mean, you carry.

molts podcasts dient això

many podcasts saying this

i això no és veritat. És igual.

and that is not true. It doesn't matter.

No és veritat, estàs manipulant.

It's not true, you are manipulating.

És el nostre espai

It is our space.

i ara el producirem.

And now we will produce it.

És el vostre espai que sempre heu tingut. I portem setmanes

It is your space that you have always had. And we have been here for weeks.

en... No hi ha silenci aquí.

In... There is no silence here.

Coordinant-nos per crear un manifest

Coordinating to create a manifesto.

i és el que llegiré a continuació.

And that is what I will read next.

A veure.

Let's see.

Ja està.

It's done.

Que sigui curt el manifest.

May the manifesto be short.

Que hi ha gent que s'esplai a molt.

There are people who take a long time to relax.





Sí, sí, realment ha estat curt.

Yes, yes, it has really been short.

Abans ho hem vist amb la Marta. Una de les coses difícils

Before we saw it with Marta. One of the difficult things.

és dir adeu a una relació de parella.

it's saying goodbye to a romantic relationship.

Sempre s'acostuma a fer malament

It always tends to be done wrong.

per tant no us hi esforceu molt. Pràcticament

therefore don’t put in too much effort. Practically

sempre es fa malament, sobretot quan es diu allò de

it is always done wrong, especially when they say that

no ets tu, sóc jo.

It's not you, it's me.

A veure, clar que ets tu.

Let's see, of course it's you.

No sou vos, sóc jo.

It's not you, it's me.

És que sí, sí, quina frase.

It's true, yes, what a phrase.

No sou vos, sóc jo.

It's not you, it's me.

Però sempre es fa un drama. Sempre s'acostuma a fer

But there's always a drama. It's always accustomed to being made.

un drama com a les pel·lis quan una parella,

a drama like in the movies when a couple,

no sé si us heu fixat, quan una parella

I don't know if you have noticed, when a couple

se separa i els fills tenen

separates and the children have

30 anys o més i tenen un trauma, els fills.

30 years or more and they have a trauma, the children.

Perquè no poden suportar

Because they cannot bear.

veure els seus pares separats.

to see his parents separated.

O sigui, s'acaben de sabentar que els seus pares són persones.

So, they have just found out that their parents are people.

Aquesta penya, de veritat, estem

This gang, really, we are

envoltades de gent paranormal.

surrounded by paranormal people.

Jo no estic a favor de la violència

I am not in favor of violence.

però en aquests casos, en aquests fills concretament,

but in these cases, with these children specifically,

en fi, bueno,

Anyway, well,

és que no veig una altra solució. Li he donat

I just don't see another solution. I have given him/her.

moltes voltes, ho he pensat molt,

many times, I have thought about it a lot,

però jo no veig una altra solució. En fi, hi ha poques

but I don't see another solution. Anyway, there are few.

parelles que es diguin adeu amb elegància

couples that say goodbye with elegance

però tinguem-les com a exemple, aquestes

but let us take them as an example, these

parelles, i que la Shakira faci el que

couples, and let Shakira do what

vulgui perquè ella sabrà el que es fa, jo què sé.

"Maybe because she will know what she is doing, I don't know."

Ui, la Shakira, ui, la Shakira.

Oh, Shakira, oh, Shakira.

No he ballat jo, la Shakira.

I haven't danced, it's Shakira.

Escolta'm una cosa, que és que

Listen to me one thing, what is that

us quedareu mortíssimes.

you will be extremely dead.

Què ha passat? Us vais a quedar muertes en la banyera

What happened? Are you going to end up dead in the bathtub?

con el coño afuera, perquè...

with the pussy out, because...

No, sí, carinyos, carinyos, és que flipareu.

No, yes, darling, darling, you will be amazed.

Te'n recordes, te'n recordes, Noche?

Do you remember, do you remember, Night?

Que la setmana passada... Espera, és que m'estic

That last week... Wait, it's just that I'm

imaginant la imatge que acabes de...

imagining the image that you just...

I ara dic, hòstia, és difícil,

And now I say, damn, it's difficult,

no?, perquè... Bueno...

No?, because... Well...

Bueno, escolta'm

Well, listen to me.

una cosa, te'n recordes que

One thing, do you remember that

l'últim dia te vaig dir... Sí, sí, sí.

The last day I told you... Yes, yes, yes.

Que m'havia d'anar, que havia quedat com un colombià,

That I had to leave, that I had ended up like a Colombian,

que vaig ensenyar les fotos... Sí, sí, sí, que

that I showed the photos... Yes, yes, yes, that

t'he d'anar... Fatal.

I have to go... Fatal.

Ah, fatal. Bueno, fatal. A veure,

Ah, terrible. Well, terrible. Let's see,

vam follar i tal, bueno, bueno.

We had sex and such, well, well.

La cosa és que... Molt malament ha d'anar

The thing is that... it must be going very badly.

perquè tu no folles. Sí, sí,

because you don't fuck. Yes, yes,

però vull dir-te que poca cosa més, no?

But I want to tell you that not much else, right?

Un tràmit. Clar, i jo vaig dir, hòstia,

A procedure. Of course, and I said, damn,

tu dius, estic avorrida i no sé què, i clar,

you say, I'm bored and I don't know what, and of course,

i vaig dir, saps què? I vaig posar el meu

I said, you know what? And I put my

Tinder, m'ho vaig posar, heterocurioso.

Tinder, I signed up, heterocurious.



me va començar a entrellar.

it started to unravel for me.

Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa.

Bread, bread, bread, bread, bread.

Bueno, que, escolta,

Well, listen,

que estic amb una que es diu Conxi...

that I'm with someone named Conxi...

Què dius, ara? Sí,

What are you saying now? Yes,

amb una que es diu Conxi, que, escolta...

with one called Conxi, who, listen...

Però, de parella? Sí, bueno,

But, as a couple? Yeah, well,

vam quedar, jo dic, bueno, és igual,

we agreed, I say, well, it doesn't matter,

vull dir que... No, no, ja lo tengo,

I mean that... No, no, I already have it.

ja està, bueno, anem a jugar.

That's it, well, let's go play.

Anem a jugar,

Let's go play,

no? Total,

no? In total,

que, bueno...

that, well...

Total, que la cosa, bueno,

So, the thing is, well,

total, vam anar a prendre alguna cosa

Overall, we went to have a drink.

i vaig dir, mira, Conxi,

I said, look, Conxi,

que saps que això per mi,

you know that this means a lot to me,

doncs, bueno, doncs sí, doncs, vale,

well, okay, then yes, then, alright,

doncs vinga, però vull dir que no,

well come on, but I mean no,

és l'home meu, no?

He is my man, isn't he?

Però, escolta, allò que t'ha començat a dir

But, listen, what has started to tell you.

que un besito, que l'altre, no sé què,

a little kiss, another one, I don't know what,

escolta, patons, i una cosa,

listen, little ones, and one thing,

allò que, una cosa de portar,

that which, a thing to carry,

que estem vivint juntes.

that we are living together.



Què dius, ara?

What are you saying now?

Sí, a mi ja se m'havia dit,

Yes, I had already been told that.

perquè jo tinc moltes amigues lesbianes,

because I have many lesbian friends,

i les lesbianes se me'n van a viure de seguida juntes.

And the lesbians will go live together right away.

I jo no m'ho creia.

And I didn't believe it.

Sí, sí, carinyo. Ah, sí?

Yes, yes, darling. Oh, really?

Sí, és que la segona nit, ja està,

Yes, it's just that the second night, that's it,

ja teníem les claus de l'una, de l'altra...

we already had the keys to one, to the other...

Sí, sí, que, bueno,

Yes, yes, well,

reforçant el tàpic, amigues.

reinforcing the topic, friends.

Sí, sí, sí, escolta, i m'agrada...

Yes, yes, yes, listen, and I like it...

I què? Com estàs? Estàs feliç?

And what? How are you? Are you happy?

Fantàstic, bueno...

Fantastic, well...

Què has descobert?

What have you discovered?

Una meravella, carinyo.

A wonder, darling.

O sigui, això, és que ja s'ha recomanat

So, this means that it has already been recommended.

a totes les meves amigues.

to all my friends.

A les dones de veritat, i totes les dones...

To real women, and all women...

Sí, sí, totes les han posat, però curiosa,

Yes, yes, they have all been placed, but curious,

també, en el perfil de Tinder.

also, on the Tinder profile.

Escolta, una meravella, recomano moltíssim.

Listen, it's a marvel, I highly recommend it.

I després, una altra cosa,

And then, another thing,

que també, que és superpràctic, perquè, mira,

that also, it is super practical, because, look,

la roba, la mateixa, convertiu-la en la mateixa roba.

the clothes, the same, turn it into the same clothes.

Perquè, bueno, ella té

Because, well, she has

un parell de talles menys que jo,

a couple of sizes smaller than me,

però a mi, que m'agrada anar ajustadeta.

but I like to wear it snug.

I a ella, que

And to her, that

li agrada anar més ampleta, perquè ella...

she prefers to go wider, because she...

Ah! Sí, és més de samarretes,

Ah! Yes, it’s more about t-shirts,

és més ampleta,

it is wider,

tot això... Són estils diferents.

All of this... They are different styles.

Sí, sí, sí, són estils

Yes, yes, yes, they are styles.

molt diferents, molt diferents.

very different, very different.

Però suposo que en el contraste hi ha

But I suppose that in the contrast there is

l'alegria, el salseo, no?

the joy, the gossip, right?

Això sí, les calces cada una

However, you wear them each one.

de seves. No, això sí.

of theirs. No, that is true.

Això sí. Bueno, per re, carinyo, jo me'n vaig,

Sure. Well, for nothing, darling, I'm leaving.

perquè és que t'ho dic en sèrio, des de fa...

because I'm telling you seriously, for...

Què va ser? Quan va ser que ens vam veure?

What was it? When was it that we saw each other?

Doncs fa 15 dies, o...

Well, it's been 15 days, or...

15 dies? Oh, imagina't!

15 days? Oh, can you imagine!

Doncs just ara he baixat un moment a comprar el pa,

Well, I just went down for a moment to buy the bread,

a dir-vos adéu, i me'n vaig corrents, carinyeta,

to say goodbye, and I'm running away, sweetheart,

perquè m'estàs esperant a dalt, d'acord, amores?

Why are you waiting for me upstairs, okay, my loves?

Vinga, adiós, amores!

Come on, goodbye, loves!

Adiós, carinyetes!

Goodbye, darlings!

Doncs mira, la Núria,

Well look, Núria,

tu ja la tenim aparellada,

you already have her matched up,

amb la conxi, sí.

with Conxi, yes.

No podia tenir un altre nom, eh?

It couldn't have another name, could it?



Va, tira, tira.

Go on, go ahead.

Bé, arriba el moment del serial que

Well, the moment of the series arrives that

totes estàveu esperant, la sèrie més longeva

you were all waiting, the longest-running series

de la televisió anglesa.

of the English television.

Penseu que tots els actors originals

Do you think that all the original actors

d'aquesta sèrie ja són morts?

Are they already dead from this series?

Com a curiositat,

As a curiosity,

també us direm que hi ha

we will also tell you that there is

tres generacions d'actrius que han passat

three generations of actresses who have passed

per Magnificent Road.

by Magnificent Road.

Són els Loquetti, no?

They are the Loquetti, right?

Són els Loquetti d'Anglaterra.

They are the Loquetti from England.

Són la mare, la filla, la neta

They are the mother, the daughter, the granddaughter.

i la besneta

and the great-granddaughter

és a punt de sortir d'extra

it's about to be released as an extra

a la sèrie.

to the series.

D'extra, dic, perquè sembla que vol ser metge

As an extra, I say, because it seems that he wants to be a doctor.

i trencar la tradició familiar.

and break the family tradition.

Ui, això portarà a cua, eh?

Oh, this will lead to a queue, right?

Aquí pot haver...

Here there may be...

Això en els capítols

This in the chapters

potser s'acaba explicant en algun moment

maybe it ends up being explained at some point

què passa.

What's happening?

D'aquí 2.000 capítols s'acabaran tenint.

In 2,000 chapters, they will end up having.

Per tant, totes tranquil·les

Therefore, all calm.

perquè Magnificent Road no dirà adeu

because Magnificent Road will not say goodbye

perquè Magnificent Road

because Magnificent Road

no acabarà mai.

it will never end.


Thank you.

La Marjorie feia temps

Marjorie had been a long time.

que hi donava voltes

that was going in circles

i havien dit que el català

they had said that Catalan

era l'idioma del futur

it was the language of the future

i ella només sabia anglès.

and she only knew English.

Amb l'anglès

With English

no podria sortir mai de

I could never get out of

Magnificent Road.

Magnificent Road.

Però amb el català

But with Catalan

podria recórrer el món.

I could travel the world.

Si volia aprendre

If he/she wanted to learn

la llengua que es parlava

the language that was spoken

de fraga a Mahó

from Fraga to Mahón

i de salses a Guardamar

and from Salses to Guardamar

havia de sortir de

had to leave from

Magnificent Road.

Magnificent Road.

Magnificent Road

Magnificent Road

i anar a Barcelona.

I am going to Barcelona.

Oh, sí.

Oh, yes.

Com? M'està dient que la Marjorie

What? Are you telling me that Marjorie

és entre nosaltres?

Is it among us?

Què passa? Que no sap el que vol dir

What's happening? Doesn't he/she know what it means?

esperar que no és usuària

hope she is not a user

de la Renfe vostè o què?

from Renfe, you or what?

Per l'amor de Déu!

For the love of God!

La Marjorie

The Marjorie

volia aprendre català

I wanted to learn Catalan.

més que res al món

more than anything in the world

però no volia deixar

but I didn't want to leave

Magnificent Road, eh?

Magnificent Road, huh?

Encara que li havien dit

Even though they had told him/her.

que a Barcelona sempre feia sol

that in Barcelona it was always sunny

i que si no portaves un rellotge

and that if you didn't wear a watch

molt car

very expensive

no t'havia de passar res greu.

Nothing serious was supposed to happen to you.

Això del sol

This about the sun

l'atreia francament

he frankly attracted her

però seria veritat?

But would it be true?

La senyoreta està en falta?

Is the young lady absent?

Li havia explicat

I had explained to him/her.

que una vegada va anar a Lleida

that once went to Lleida

i durant tota la setmana

and throughout the whole week

havia fet exactament la mateixa boira

it had created exactly the same fog

que a Magnificent Road.

that to Magnificent Road.

Sí, però una cosa és que

Yes, but one thing is that

Lleida no és com Barcelona

Lleida is not like Barcelona.

almenys climatològicament...

at least climatologically...

Vol callar, sisplau!

Please be quiet!

Què passa, que ara és la dona del temps, tu?

What's going on, are you the weather woman now?

Que no en tens prou de sortir a la tele

Aren't you satisfied with being on TV?

amb allò que fas?

with what you do?

Allò que es diu, allò que està passant

That which is said, that which is happening

o passa allà?

What happens there?


Holy shit!

La Marjorie estava decidida

Marjorie was determined.

si volia tenir futur

if I wanted to have a future

havia d'anar a Barcelona

I had to go to Barcelona.

allà i aprendre català

there and learn Catalan

el que no sabia.

what I didn't know.

El que no sabia

What I didn't know

és que el podria practicar ben poc

It's just that I could practice it very little.

però tot això

but all of this

ho aniria descobrint més tard.

I would find out later.

També descobriria

I would also discover.

que llogar un pis a Barcelona

to rent an apartment in Barcelona

no estava fet per a la seva butxaca

it wasn't made for his pocket

i que s'hauria de conformar

and that should be satisfied

amb una habitació

with a room

amb un ca de bifurcació.

with a bifurcation dog.

Bueno, clar, és que aquesta gent

Well, of course, it's just that these people

també es pensa que aquí tot és molt barat.

It is also thought that everything here is very cheap.

Però així que va tenir

But as soon as he/she had

les maletes fetes

the packed suitcases

i així que es va acomiadar

And so he/she said goodbye.

de tothom de mà,

from everyone by hand,

la Marjorie

the Marjorie

ara m'he perdut

now I've lost myself

la Marjorie

the Marjorie

ja no va mirar enrere

he no longer looked back

i va començar a practicar paraules com

and began to practice words like





tant mateix

just the same

i conya.

and joke.

És que no entenc el criteri del...

I don’t understand the criteria of the...

I no entenc

I don't understand.

quin criteri fa que vostè

what criteria makes you

estigui aquí assegut

be here sitting

en aquesta puta taula,

on this fucking table,

en aquesta...

in this...

Calli la puta boca

Shut your damn mouth.

d'una puta vegada,

for once,

per favor, sisplau,


d'una puta, eh, puta, ja!

of a whore, huh, whore, already!



el capítol!

the chapter!



Per primera puta vegada

For the first fucking time.

ho heu fotut molt malament!

you have really messed it up!

Comença el capítol

The chapter begins.





Magnificent Role!

Magnificent Role!

Con la puta!

With the whore!

Ia moltes persones que s'acomiaden abans d'una operació pel que pugui ser i n'hi ha que no ho fan tan bé pel que pugui ser.

There are many people who say goodbye before an operation just in case, and there are some who don't handle it as well as they could.

Saps, una mica, ja les dues versions.

You know, a little, both versions.

Ve a dir el mateix!

Come say the same thing!

Els hospitals fan una mica de panet acomiadar-se d'algú que es queda allà, però qui ha viscut aquesta experiència moltes més vegades que nosaltres és la doctora Lázaro Delgado.

Hospitals make a bit of a fuss when saying goodbye to someone who is staying there, but the person who has experienced this many more times than us is Dr. Lázaro Delgado.

Una doctora que també està en contra de la llei de medicament i que no vol posar-se a acomiadar-se d'algú que se queda allà.

A doctor who is also against the medication law and who does not want to say goodbye to someone who is staying there.

És una bona oportunitat!

It's a good opportunity!

Les dosomes podemno dir que és una bona oportunitat.

The two of us can say that it is a good opportunity.

Escoltem l'Edwin Aguilar que ens l'ha donat una altra oportunitat per acomiadar-se d'algú que es queda allà.

Let's listen to Edwin Aguilar who has given us another opportunity to say goodbye to someone who is staying there.

moltes més vegades que nosaltres

many more times than us

és la doctora Lázaro

she is Dr. Lázaro

doctora, vostè creu que

Doctor, do you think that

vostè creu que els éssers humans

Do you believe that human beings

ens acomiadem malament?

Are we saying goodbye badly?

Primer de tot, bona tarda

First of all, good afternoon.

gràcies per

thank you for


say goodbye to me

en aquest últim

in this last

episodi, capítol

episode, chapter

bueno, vamos a ver

well, let's see

la Déu, no?

God, right?

estem parlant de la Déu

we are talking about God

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

ens acomiadem malament

we part badly

hi ha moltes coses

there are many things

allà, hi ha moltes coses

There, there are many things.

hi ha molta teoria, hi ha molta cosa

there is a lot of theory, there is a lot of stuff

ens acomiadem malament?

Are we saying goodbye on bad terms?

bueno, pot ser que sí

well, it might be yes

pot ser que no

it could be that not

depèn de la societat

it depends on society

de les tribus

of the tribes

i depèn del moment històric

it depends on the historical moment

de l'estat humà, no?

of the human state, right?

no, no, imagino que ha passat per diferents

No, no, I imagine it has gone through different ones.

he passat per moltes

I have gone through many.

etapes i molts

stages and many

pensaments, jo mateixa

thoughts, myself

jo mateixa m'agrada pensar

I myself like to think.

sí, no, sí, no, no ho sé

yes, no, yes, no, I don't know

és un tema apassionant

it's a fascinating topic

primer, gràcies per venir

First, thank you for coming.

tots, veig que avui esteu ben asseguts

everyone, I see that today you are all well seated

avui no diré res de la Carla

Today I won't say anything about Carla.

perquè he rebut moltes

because I have received many



doncs ja està, ja està, no, deixem el tema aquí

Well, that's it, that's it, no, let's leave the topic here.

no, incomprensiblement no, prou

no, incomprehensibly no, enough

no, he dit no, prou

no, I said no, enough

no, vostè ha començat dient no diré res

no, you started by saying I won't say anything

de la Carla, perfecta la frase, punt

From Carla, the sentence is perfect, period.

a part, seguim

apart, we continue

no diré res de la Carla

I will not say anything about Carla.

ja està

it's done

però si algú

but if someone

s'ha massacriticat

it has been massacred

sense coneixement de causa

without knowledge of the facts

que vinguin aquí a la tenda

that they come here to the shop

en persona i comproven

in person and they check

el que estic dient

what I'm saying

des del primer dia

since the first day

que no

that no

no, no, la veritat

no, no, the truth

no, però

no, but

vostè, no l'insult

you, do not insult him

és que és molt fàcil criticar

It's very easy to criticize.

no, no, és que és molt fàcil

no, no, it's just that it's very easy

si vostès la coneixien

if you knew her

no, no, no, si vostès la coneixien

no, no, no, if you knew her

a la Carla, no, això és la seva opinió

To Carla, no, this is her opinion.

i jo no l'he insultat mai

and I have never insulted him/her.

però avui que és l'últim dia ho faré

but today, which is the last day, I will do it.

vostè és una cabrona

you are a bitch

home, és veritat

man, it's true

hòstia, i vosaltres més

Wow, and you guys even more.

jo no estic dient res

I am not saying anything.

en cap moment li he faltat el respecte

At no time have I disrespected him/her.

com a pacient meva

as my patient

no, a la Carla li ha faltat el respecte

No, Carla has been disrespected.

un fotiment de vegades

a bloody sometimes

i ja li vas demanar disculpes en el seu moment

And you already apologized to him at the time.

no, li va demanar unes disculpes

no, he asked him for an apology.

que són unes disculpes que podrien generar

what are some apologies that could generate

la Tercera Guerra Mundiala

the Third World War

vamos a enterrar aquí a la Tercera Guerra

let's bury the Third War here

no, si vostè la treta

No, if you take it out.

i ja està, jo només dic

and that's it, I just say

que qui vulgui

that whoever wants

hòstia, la tia

wow, the aunt

que vingui a la llama

let him/her come to the flame

que això està a la calle Villarroel

that this is on Villarroel Street

que és Villarroel, com és?

What is Villarroel like?



mira, aquesta nana abans estava

Look, this lullaby used to be

aquesta sí que valia

this one was worth it

amb bolígrafs, regalets

with pens, little gifts

que aquesta la porten per les campanyes de Nadal

that they carry this for the Christmas campaigns

i això

and this

per demanar-li reforç

to ask for reinforcement

i hòstia, és una...

and wow, it’s a...

és molt ràpida, eh?

She's very quick, isn't she?

Villarroel 34

Villarroel 34

i vostès mateixos comprovaran

and you yourselves will verify

i saquen les seves pròpies conclusions

and draw their own conclusions

jo sempre dic

I always say

amb mètodes científics

with scientific methods




they check

aján, treballo del campo

I work in the field.

portin la llibreta

bring the notebook




look at her

facin-li fotos

take pictures of him/her



facin els estudis pertinents

conduct the relevant studies



i després

and then

bueno, pues tenen les seves conclusions

Well, they have their conclusions.

i després

and then

ja està

it's done

jo aquí ni trec ni posso

I neither take nor put here.




are we in agreement?

conformes, senyora?

Are you satisfied, madam?

no, no estic conforme

no, I do not agree

bueno, anem al tema

Well, let's get to the point.



perquè després

because afterwards

em diuen

they call me

hòstia, això dura massa

Damn, this is taking too long.

a mi no m'explica

don't explain it to me



quin morro té

what a nerve he/she has

vostè és la persona

you are the person

que ve aquí al Paradigma

what comes here to the Paradigm

que més ens fa anar malament de temps

what else makes us run out of time


doctor (female)

perquè a més

because moreover



vale, vale

okay, okay

sí, sí

yes, yes

ja em sento, ja em sento

I can already feel it, I can already feel it.

parla com un home

speak like a man

que va repetint les frases

that keeps repeating the sentences

cinquanta vegades

fifty times

les mateixes que hi ha dit

the same as he/she has said

no, pues Jaume, gent

No, well Jaume, people.

perquè jo li diré una cosa

because I will tell him one thing

ara d'això li vull apartar

now I want to set this aside

ja l'hem entès a la primera

We understood it the first time.



ja l'he entès a la primera

I understood it the first time.

mira, ja ho estic fent jo

Look, I'm already doing it.

perquè se m'empelta

because it gets stuck to me

jo també estic repetint

I am also repeating.

la mateixa frase

the same sentence



la mateixa frase

the same sentence

és un actor

he is an actor

que anava al refector

that was going to the refectory

jo que li diuen

me that they call

això està diagnosticat

this is diagnosed

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

doncs mira, ja estic afectada

Well, look, I’m already affected.

vale, a què deia

okay, what was I saying

jo sóc una dona

I am a woman.




i de quina manera

and in what way

perquè jo

because I

i aquí potser em volia anar

and here perhaps I wanted to go

al tema de l'Adeu

to the theme of Goodbye

jo tinc un mort fill

I have a dead son.

ah sí

oh yes


home, jo no ho sabia

Man, I didn't know that.

jo tinc moltes camades

I have many litters.

sí, sí

yes, yes

jo vaig

I go

bueno, als anys fèrtils

well, in the fertile years

cada nou mesos

every nine months

jo tenia una camada

I had a litter.

de set o vuit

of seven or eight

ja saps

you already know

o sigui

that is to say

llavors, clar

then, of course

vull dir

I mean

i el dèbil

and the weak

doncs a ell se quedava

so he stayed with him

sense cada camada

without each layer

hi havia un o dos

there was one or two

que no

that not



perquè clar

because of course

no quedaven endavant

they were not left ahead

no, clar

no, of course

no perquè més fa anys

not because more years ago

vull dir

I mean

de la seva època

from his time

jo tinc

I have

seis peixos

six fish

per poder alimentar

to be able to feed

totes les camades

all the beds



sempre hi havia un

there was always one

que no


si sortien set

if seven came out

sempre hi havia un que no

there was always one who didn't

el dèbil no aguantava

the weak one couldn't stand it

però bueno

but still

jo de tants bebès que tenia

I of so many babies that I had



hi havia molts també

there were many too

que jo

that I



quan venia

when he/she/it was coming

vols un bebè

do you want a baby

perquè escolta

because listen

tenia tants bebès

I had so many babies.

que vas a regalar

What are you going to give as a gift?

això es fa amb els animals

this is done with animals

sí, sí

yes, yes

i què són

and what are they

les persones

the people

sí, mira

yes, look

mira, mira

look, look



has posat una calça

you have put on pants



agafa el que vulguis

take what you want

el que més t'agradi

whatever you like the most



la cosa és

the thing is

jo tenia tants bebès

I had so many babies.

jo no podia

I could not.

jo tenia que

I had to

avui potser sí

today maybe yes

que ens denunciaran

that they will report us

jo els havia de deixar

I had to leave them.

en els puestos

in the stalls

amb altres gent

with other people

amb altres persones

with other people

perquè clar

because of course



jo tenia una carrera

I had a race.

tots aquests diplomes

all these diplomas

que veieu aquí

what you see here




they are

diplomes meus

my diplomas

per mi no m'importaven

for me, they didn't matter

els d'estudis

the studies

i tal

and such

i clar

of course

m'interessava tenir bebès

I was interested in having babies.



per experimentar amb ells

to experiment with them



perquè clar

because of course



com amb els nens

like with the kids

els havia d'ensenyar

I had to teach them.

a dia 10

on the 10th

i això m'interessava molt

and this interested me a lot



clar home

of course, man

perquè a més vostès

because besides you


tanta carrera

so much rush

i tot s'havia d'acomiadar

and everything had to say goodbye

de totes aquestes criatures

of all these creatures



llavors el que feia

then what I did

jo els deixava

I would leave them.

o amb algú

or with someone

o acabava

or it ended

els tres mesos

the three months

jo deixava sol

I left alone.

els tres mesos

the three months



els tres mesos

the three months

s'havien de valer

they had to rely on themselves

per si mateix

by itself

els tres mesos

the three months

s'havien de valer

they had to rely on themselves

per si mateixos

for themselves

i així aprenien

and thus they learned

com es diu

how do you say

a Déu

to God

com no es diu a Déu

how we do not say to God



i escolta

and listen

tots els que van

everyone who goes


to survive

no els he tornat

I haven't returned them.

a veure

let's see

mai més

never again

cap problema

no problem

així que bueno

so good

i saquen

and they take out

els seus








no sé

I don't know.

costa costa digerir-ho

it’s hard to digest it



perquè t'imagines

because you imagine

els bebès

the babies



capses i capses

boxes and boxes

de bebès

of babies

a casa d'aquesta senyora

to this lady's house

clar que és

of course it is

quasi millor

almost better

que marxessin

let them go

i l'abandonessin

and they abandoned him/her

a la senyora

to the lady




a vegades


passa que t'acomiades

it happens that you say goodbye


of someone

i et sembla

and you think?

que és per sempre

what is forever

però la vida

but life

us torna a trobar

it finds you again

és el que es coneix

it is what is known

com a segona oportunitat

as a second chance

que no té per què

that it doesn’t have to

ser especialment bona

to be especially good

no us flipeu ara

Don't freak out now.

ui una segona oportunitat

oh a second chance

hi ha vegades

there are times

que no cal

that is not necessary

una segona oportunitat

a second chance


però nosaltres

but we

hem rebut una trucada

we received a call

d'una persona

of a person

que havia col·laborat

that had collaborated



en aquest podcast

in this podcast

ah sí?

Oh really?


jo l'he rebut jo

I received it myself.

bueno dic nosaltres

well, I say us

per incloure't

to include you

però com que tu

but since you

sempre estàs fent coses

you are always doing things

i jo organitzo tot

and I organize everything

doncs ja m'ho puc

then I can do it

i no t'ho dic

and I'm not telling you.

fins ara

until now

en el directe

in the live broadcast



ens ha demanat

has asked us

és que és una mica

it's just that it's a little



perquè ens ha demanat

because he/she has asked us

a veure si podia

let's see if I could

participar avui

participate today

per fer un retrobament

to have a reunion

que és una cosa

what is a thing

que a nosaltres

that to us

ens agrada

we like

a mi m'encantaven

I loved them.

els programes

the programs

de la tele

from the TV

de retrobaments

of reunions

el diari de Patrícia

Patrícia's diary



el diari de Patrícia

Patrícia's diary

era una cabronada

it was a bastard move

no no

no no



bueno tots eren

well, they all were

una cabronada

a bastard move

perquè com es deia

because as it was said



tens una carta

you have a letter

per a ti

for you



el d'aquell

the one from that

que buscava gent

that was looking for people

sorpresa sorpresa

surprise surprise

que havia desaparegut

that had disappeared



qui en sabe d'on

who knows where from

això era molt bèstia

this was very beastly

però clar

but of course

era una cabronada

it was a bullshit

perquè la gent

because people

que havia volgut marxar

that had wanted to leave

per desaparèixer

to disappear

la buscaven

they were looking for her



però horrorosament

but horrifically

això ja s'havien donat

this had already been given

casos a dir

cases to say

deixeu-me en pau

leave me alone

o sigui

that is to say

m'he barallat

I have fought.

amb la família

with the family

deixi'm estar

let me be

però bueno

but well

jo a mi m'agradaven

I liked myself.

aquests programes

these programs

era una època

it was a time

que estava molt sola

that she was very lonely

i necessitava plorar

I needed to cry.

amb una excusa

with an excuse



ens ha demanat

has asked us

de participar avui

to participate today

per fer un retrobament

to hold a reunion

t'ho he de dir primer tu

I have to tell you first.

perquè Noel

because Noel

i estem parlant

and we are talking

de la teva germana

of your sister

la Noemi


el fet d'anar

the act of going

amb la meva

with my

la Noemi


la Noemi ens ha demanat

Noemi has asked us.

si pot participar avui

if you can participate today

doncs jo no vull

well, I don't want to

parlar amb ella

talk to her

ja està

it's done

m'estàs dient

you are telling me

que la Noemi

that Noemi

s'ha posat

has been put on

doncs ja està

so that's it

jo no vull

I don't want to.

parlar amb ella

talking to her

jo tenia que dir

I had to say

ja ho he dit

I have already said it.

i ja està

and that's it

i jo només falta

and I'm just missing

després del discurs

after the speech

que m'heu donat

what you have given me

a mi

to me

em faltaran

I will miss you.

en Noemi

in Noemi





ja està

it's done

jo per mi

for me

no assisteix

does not attend

jo no tinc

I do not have.

cap germana


i aquí

and here

ja està

it's done

perquè va ser

because it was

una cabrona

a bitch

i ja està

and that's it

molt mala persona

very bad person

se m'ha portat

it has brought me

molt mal

very bad

se m'ha portat

I've been taken away.

amb tots els meus diners

with all my money

se m'ha portat

I have been taken.

pues ja està

well, that's it



si la història

if the history

és duríssima

it's very tough

i ho sabem

and we know it

però bueno

but well

hi ha gent

there are people

que a vegades

that sometimes

es recapacita

it is reconsidered

i vol disculpar-se

and wants to apologize

m'és igual

I don't care.

jo no vull parlar

I don't want to talk.

amb ella

with her

a veure un moment

let's see a moment

és aquí fora

it's out here

la Noemi


és aquí fora

It's out here.

només entrarà

only will enter

si tu en tens ganes

if you feel like it

i si el públic

and if the audience

una mica també

a little bit too

té ganes

wants to

que entri

let him/her in




que entri

let him/her in

m'és igual

I don't care.

perquè entri

so that it enters

per mi

for me

ja no assisteix

no longer attends

jo em dic

my name is

ara entra per la porta

now he/she enters through the door

i jo de veig

and I see you



serà com

it will be like



com la

like the

com la cap del seno

like the tip of the breast



pues és igual

well, it doesn't matter

però pot entrar

but he/she can enter

pot entrar

can enter

m'és igual

I don't care.

és igual

it doesn't matter



a veure si

let's see if



em rellisca

it slips away from me

molt bé

very good

tiene foca

has seal

que entri

let it in

que sabe que bugui

that it knows that it will leave

perquè jo no penso

because I do not think

no penso ignorar

I don't intend to ignore.

el látigo

the whip

de la indefidencia

of indefensibility

que diuen

what they say

molt bé

very good



que entri la Noemi

Let Noemi in.

un aplaudiment

a round of applause



no sé

I don't know.



poses així

poses like this



no sé

I don't know.

perquè te poses així

why are you acting like this



perquè no

why not

jo no estic sentint

I am not feeling.

a ningú

to nobody

Noemi no

Noemi no

no sé

I don't know.






jo ara

me now

sóc la Noemi

I am Noemi.

jo estic dient

I am saying.

que jo no estic sentint

that I am not feeling

a ningú

to nobody

ja però

yes but

jo estic parlant

I am talking.

però ara tenim

but now we have

amb nosaltres

with us

a la Noemi

to Noemi

sí ara sóc la Noemi

yes now I am Noemi



són jo sí

they are me yes






jo estic parlant

I am speaking.

a tu Noelia

to you Noelia

amb vostè no estic parlant

I am not speaking with you.

ah a mi no

oh not for me



parla amb Noelia

talk to Noelia

amb vosaltres

with you

esteu parlant

you are talking

entre vosaltres dues

between you two

jo no estic parlant

I am not speaking.

amb la Noemi

with Noemi

jo parlant amb Doemi

me talking to Doemi

no estic sentint

I am not feeling.



així que



it is being

estant tot a títol

being everything in title

però la Noemi

but Noemi

vol parlar amb tu

I want to talk to you.

sí que jo vull parlar amb tu

Yes, I do want to talk to you.

per tot el que et dient

for everything I'm telling you

jo vull parlar amb tu

I want to talk to you.

i si

and if

jo et vull fer

I want to make you.


the space

no sé què m'aporta

I don't know what it brings me.

m'aporta la ment

it brings me to mind

i d'això

and of this



i que

and what

m'està passant

It's getting to me.


the listener



sí bueno

yes good

per això que sí

for that reason, yes

per això que no

that's why not

no sé

I don't know.

per això que estic

that's why I am



m'està escoltant

Are you listening to me?

m'està passant

it's happening to me


the listener

si vos

yes you

m'està passant

it's happening to me


the listener

que t'hem

that we have you



un ditet

a little finger

per tu

for you

o sigui

that is to say

la Noelia


la Noemi


si és la Noemi

if it is Noemi

ara sóc la Noemi

now I am Noemi




tu ets la Noemi

you are Noemi

i estàs dient a la Noelia

and you are telling Noelia

que pot venir amb tu a Estocolm

who can come with you to Stockholm

que li has preparat un llitet

that you have prepared a little bed for him

un llitet

a small bed

i la Noelia

and Noelia

tu què li respons

what do you reply to him/her?

a la teva germana

to your sister

perquè sembla que sí

because it seems like yes

que vol fer les paus

who wants to make peace

i que us reconcilieu

and that you reconcile



que no ens posin així

don't put us in this position

si vos ràpid això

if you do this quickly




continuem parlant

let's keep talking

de comiats


en aquest últim capítol

in this last chapter

i qui els preveu

And who predicts them.

els comiats

the farewells

és la nostra

it's ours

evident de confiança

evident trust



que avui

that today



avui faré una cosa

Today I will do something.

li demanaré

I will ask him/her.

on ens veu

where we are seen

a la Judit

to Judit

i a mi

and me

en el futur

in the future

faig aquesta demanda

I make this request.

que dieu

what do you say



per l'Andella

for the Andella


parlem de nosaltres

let's talk about us

perquè nosaltres

because we

la paguem

we pay it

a l'Amanda

to Amanda

vosaltres la pagueu

you pay it

no nosaltres

not us


per tant jo aprofito

therefore I take advantage

que esteu posades

that you are put on

aquí davant

here in front

potser no és una cosa

maybe it is not a thing

molt íntima

very intimate

però aprofitem

but let's make the most of it

perquè ens faci

to make us

una predicció

a prediction



jo estic molt contenta

I am very happy.

d'estar aquí

to be here

i que em demaneu

and that you ask me

la predicció

the prediction

ja sabeu vostès

you already know

si també volen

if they also want

una predicció

a prediction

a fora


jo els dono

I give them.

la targeteta

the little card

que és el

what is the

només s'ha de trucar

you just have to call

al 654

to 654





perquè és d'Argentina

because she is from Argentina



aquest és el prefix

this is the prefix

















això passa

this happens

que això

that this

és molt

it is very




quina és la pregunta

what is the question

perquè necessito

because I need

estar concentrada

to be concentrated

una mica

a little bit

el futur

the future


of the

del paradigma

of the paradigm


del paradigma

of the paradigm

de la Judit

of Judit

que per ser

that for being

la veu

the voice

va canviar

he/she/it changed

al llarg dels capítols

throughout the chapters

també ho dic

I say it too.

per si senten

in case they hear

un primer capítol

a first chapter


of Amanda

va canviar la veu

he changed his voice

és normal

it's normal

és per un tema

it's for a topic




és una cosa

it is a thing

que m'està

that is happening to me

de les tiroides

of the thyroids


no sabia

I didn't know.

que afectava

that affected

la veu

the voice





com que estem

how are we

sempre fet això

always done this

aquí en aquest espai

here in this space

em semblava interessant

it seemed interesting to me

les energies

the energies

que recullen

that collect

aquest espai

this space

em sembla interessant

I find it interesting.

aquest públic

this audience

que també reculli

that also collects

totes les energies

all energies



i que em xoca

and that shocks me

aquesta llibreria

this bookstore

que aquí ja hi ha

that there is already here

la resposta

the answer

sempre està

he/she is always there

la resposta

the answer

al futur

in the future





en aquest espai

in this space

per tant


jo vull que

I want that

per exemple

for example

tu mateixa


de totes les llibres

of all the books

que tens

what do you have



aquí a la volta

here around



si jo vull

if I want

que agafis

that you take





estan a la venda

they are for sale

també ho dic

I say it too.

quan s'hi aprofiten

when they take advantage of it

i fem una mica

let's do a little bit

de promoció

of promotion

perquè veig

because I see


the grandfather

que està

that is

així com estiant

thus being



jo estic fent promoció

I am doing promotion.

molt bé

very good

anem a agafar

let's go to take

aquella llibre

that book

que com et dius

What is your name?





un fort aplaudiment

a loud applause

per la Leti

for Leti

aquest llibre

this book

que et diria

What I would tell you.

a l'atzar

at random

tu Leti

you Leti

vos i jo

you and I

no ens coneixem

we don't know each other



perquè després

because afterwards



aquestes coses

these things




they are



Nuzio Ordine

Nuzio Ordine

és el llibre

it is the book

que és

what is it


the author

o autora

or author

o jo no sé

or I don't know

quin nom

what name

ja potser


et triat

you have chosen

no sé

I don't know.

què sé jo

what do I know

Núria Pradas

Núria Pradas





Nuzio Ordine

Nuzio Ordine

qui és

who is it

sabem qui és

we know who he is

no sabem

we don't know





la utilitat

the utility

de l'inútil

of the useless



sembla escrit per tu

it seems written for you

la utilitat

the utility

de l'inútil

of the useless



és un assaig

it is an essay


of Abraham

el flex

the flex

però quants autors

but how many authors

la traducció

the translation

de Jordi Bayón

by Jordi Bayón

molts autors

many authors





jo estic veient

I am watching



queda't amb el títol

keep the title



en aquest llibre

in this book

està la resposta

the answer is here





Nuzio Ordine

Nuzio Ordine

ja és

it is already









jo estic veient

I am watching.





un viatge

a trip

a Itàlia

to Italy



perquè potser

because maybe

en Itàlia

in Italy

hi ha moltes coses

there are many things

que heu d'explorar

that you must explore

com a empresa

as a company


hi ha molta

there is a lot


Nuzio Ordine

Nuzio Ordine

és un nom

it is a name





aquí també

here too

hi ha molt de misteri

there is a lot of mystery



en què

in what

en què pot anar

in what it can go



tot això

all this

la utilitat

the utility

de l'inútil

of the useless

feu el que feu

do what you do

no tindrà cap repercussió

it will have no repercussions

en el futur

in the future

i respecte

and respect

una mica com ara

a bit like now






it will be



però és inocu

but it is harmless

o sigui

that is to say

no transcendeix

does not transcend

però tampoc fa mal

but it doesn't hurt either

no fa mal

it doesn't hurt

i després

and then

com que veig aquí

as I see here

com que molts autors

as many authors

un assaig d'Abraham Flesner

an essay by Abraham Flesner

la traducció

the translation



aquí necessitareu

here you will need

com molta ajuda externa

with a lot of external help

estic veient

I am watching.

i ajuda externa

and external help

això no els agradarà

they won't like this


too much



Abraham Flesner

Abraham Flesner

i Jordi Bayona

and Jordi Bayona

aquells dos homes

those two men

això no

not that

això no passarà

this will not happen



és el que dic

it's what I'm saying

jo no ho dic

I do not say it.

està escrit

it is written



ho ha dit

he said

la Leti




i ara vull que

and now I want that

tu Naza

you Naza

em diguis

tell me

un número

a number

del 9

from 9

al 166

to 166

al 123

to 123



anem a veure

let's go see

la resposta

the answer






it is

i diu així

and it says like this



diu així

it says this

tots els veritables

all the true ones




they know

com declara

how it declares



tots els veritables

all the true ones




they know

que el veritable

that the true



de la caça

of the hunt

és la persecució

it is the persecution

de la presa

of the dam

l'exercici mateix

the exercise itself

de la benació

of the blessing

amb això

with this

què vol dir

what does it mean

que vostès

that you

són unes

they are some





sempre esteu

you are always



i no

and no

en un cas

in one case

se sacien

they are satisfied

per tant


quan vosaltres

when you



un altre objectiu

another objective



no se van a saciar

they are not going to be satisfied

perquè seguiran

because they will continue




you (plural)

el pla

the plan

està en la caça

he is in the hunt

en si mateixa

in itself

en l'acta

in the minutes

de caçar

to hunt

i no

and no

en la presa

in the dam

així que



let's continue



que vostès

that you

sempre seran

they will always be

unes caçadores

some hunters




thank you

com dir

how to say



i no dir res

and say nothing



moltes gràcies

thank you very much

El lupo de dins, va, dona, dona, dona, dona, dona, dona, dona.

The wolf inside, come on, give, give, give, give, give, give, give.

Va, sem, sem, sem, sem.

Go, we, we, we, we.

Tres, dos, un, sort!

Three, two, one, go!


Come on!

I un, dos, un, dos, tres, vinga!

And one, two, one, two, three, come on!

Ara baixem.

Now we go down.

Ja està aquí.

It's here.

M'he cansat, eh?

I'm tired, huh?

Sí, no, no, és que te les cansa molt.

Yes, no, no, it's just that it tires them a lot.

Bé, acomiadar-se et deixa sempre un buit,

Well, saying goodbye always leaves a void.



o moltes vegades que costa d'omplir.

or many times it is difficult to fill.

Hi ha persones que el solucionen bevent,

There are people who solve it by drinking,

hi ha persones que el solucionen menjant,

there are people who solve it by eating,

hi ha persones que el solucionen menjant i bevent,

there are people who solve it by eating and drinking,

i hi ha persones que perden la gana.

And there are people who lose their appetite.

Però vull pensar que aquí la majoria de nosaltres

But I want to think that here the majority of us

són persones del tercer grup.

They are people from the third group.

Hi ha algú que no recordi qui n'és del tercer grup?

Is there anyone who doesn't remember who is from the third group?



Ring, ring!

Ring, ring!

Sí, hòstia, la trucada.

Yes, damn it, the call.

Ja m'havia pensat que no...

I thought you wouldn't...

Ring, ring!

Ring, ring!

Sí, digui'm, digui'm.

Yes, tell me, tell me.



Bona tarda.

Good afternoon.

Bé, amb qui estic parlant?

Well, who am I talking to?

Sí, amb la de sempre, amb la de sempre.

Yes, with the usual one, with the usual one.

Amb la de sempre.

With the usual one.

Molt bé.

Very well.

On anireu?

Where will you go?

Què vol dir, on anirem?

What does it mean, where are we going?

Estic preguntant, estic fent una simple pregunta.

I am asking, I am asking a simple question.

I no, se m'ha informat

And no, I haven't been informed.

que resulta que deixeu del programa,

that turns out you leave the program,

és l'últim programa, no?

It's the last program, isn't it?



Ho han decidit vostès?

Have you decided?

És això cert, aquesta informació?

Is this information true?

Sí, ho hem decidit.

Yes, we have decided.

Ah, sembla bonic!

Ah, it looks beautiful!

Hòstia, ara m'estic sobtant molt.

Damn, I'm really surprised now.

Què vol dir?

What does it mean?

Si em sembla bonic.

If it seems beautiful to me.

Què? Ah, li sopta!

What? Oh, it surprises him!

Home, vostè sempre ens ha criticat al podcast,

Man, you have always criticized us on the podcast.

sempre ve aquí dient que insultem o que ens...

always comes here saying that we insult or that we...

Perdoni, però vostès amb quina notorietat,

Excuse me, but what notoriety do you have?

amb quina, diríem, amb quina...

with which, we would say, with which...

És que com vostès decideixen acabar el programa unilateralment?

How do you decide to end the program unilaterally?

Bé, no unilateralment, som la Judit i jo.

Well, not unilaterally, it's Judit and I.

Com hem de decidir?

How should we decide?

No hem de parlar amb gaire més gent?

Shouldn't we talk to a lot more people?

No, senyora!

No, madam!

Però què vol dir que havíem de fer una enquesta?

But what does it mean that we had to do a survey?

No, senyora!

No, madam!

Home, doncs sí!

Home, then yes!

Podríem tenir una miqueta més de consideració

Could we have a little more consideration?

en la gent que ens envolta, em sembla a mi.

in the people around us, it seems to me.

No, doncs justament, per no repetir-nos,

No, then exactly, to avoid repeating ourselves,

tenim consideració en la gent que ens envolta i parem.

We have consideration for the people around us and we stop.

Sí, doncs vostès no tenen ni idea del que estan provocant, eh?

Yes, well you have no idea what you are provoking, huh?

La meva filla, quan s'ha enterat d'aquesta notícia,

My daughter, when she found out about this news,

mama, mama, mama, mama,

mom, mom, mom, mom,

m'ha dit, mama, mama, que ja no farà més el nou parell...

She told me, mom, mom, that she won't make the new pair anymore...

M'ha dit, m'ha dit la meva filla, vostè hauria d'haver vist, eh?

My daughter told me, she told me you should have seen it, eh?

Ha vingut avui a les 6 del matí, que no...

He came today at 6 in the morning, that no...

Mama, mama, no puc dormir!

Mom, mom, I can't sleep!

I dic, què passa, filla? Vine aquí, vine aquí!

I say, what's up, daughter? Come here, come here!

Dorm aquí!

Sleep here!

Però la seva filla té 30 anys, jo...

But his daughter is 30 years old, I...

29 anys, senyora!

29 years, ma'am!

Dorm, dorm, és igual, dorm aquí!

Sleep, sleep, it doesn't matter, sleep here!

Mama, mama, és que no puc, és que m'han dit que...

Mom, mom, I just can't, they told me that...

que no... que el paradigma s'acaba!

No... the paradigm is ending!

I dic, com?

I say, how?


Excuse me?

I ara a on trucaré, jo?

And now where am I going to call?

Ah! Aquest és el tema!

Ah! This is the subject!

Home, és clar!

Home, of course!

Ara jo a on he d'anar?

Now where do I have to go?

A on he d'anar?

Where should he go?

A on he de protestar, jo?

Where do I have to protest, then?



Què farem, les hores mortes?

What will we do with the dead hours?

Sí, no, li podem donar... li podem passar telèfons de...

Yes, no, we can give it to him... we can pass on phone numbers of...

No, senyor, estic metada en tots els telèfons!

No, sir, I am stuck in all the phones!

Me tenen bloquejada a tot arreu!

They have me blocked everywhere!

Ja, clar...

Yes, of course...

A TV3, a RAC1, a Catalunya Ràdio, a tots els mitjans de comunicació, a tots els...

To TV3, to RAC1, to Catalunya Ràdio, to all the media, to all the...

On trucaré, jo?

Should I call?



És que, miri...

It's just that, you see...



No, no, si...

No, no, if...



Soc aquí, soc aquí!

I am here, I am here!

Sí, no em cridi, per favor, que soc aquí!

Yes, don't call me, please, I'm here!

Mare meva, no la sento!

My goodness, I can't hear her!

L'haurà donat a silenciar!

He must have given it to silence!

Igual si es treu el dit de l'orella...

Just like if he takes his finger out of his ear...

Doncs mira, ara sí que la sento!

Well, look, now I can hear her!

Bé, escolti una cosa, saps què li diré?

Well, listen to me, do you know what I will tell you?



Que vostès no són les que marxeu, soc jo la que penxo!

It's not you who are leaving, it's me who is thinking!



És ben bé!

It's really good!

Aquesta no està mai contenta amb res del que facis, o...

She is never happy with anything you do, or...

No, però segur que trobarà alguna banda on contestar...

No, but I'm sure he'll find some group to answer...

Sí, bueno, si no, li podem passar els podcasts d'alguns col·legues que vagi emprenyant...

Yes, well, if not, we can pass him the podcasts of some colleagues who might be bothering him...

I en amics, sobretot podcasts d'en amics!

And in friends, especially podcasts from friends!

Bueno, i d'amics, també!

Well, and friends, too!

Bé, un dels llocs clàssics per veure acomiadaments són els aeroports, no?

Well, one of the classic places to see goodbyes is at airports, right?

Diria que són els més dramàtics, els acomiadaments aquests,

I would say that these layoffs are the most dramatic.

perquè moltes vegades la gent marxa a molts quilòmetres de distància i per molt de temps,

because many times people leave many kilometers away and for a long time,

o sigui, és un comiat d'aquells...

that is to say, it's one of those goodbyes...

Digui, hòstia, potser no et veuré...

Say, damn it, I might not see you...

Sí, sí...

Yes, yes...

Amb anys, amb anys, no?

With years, with years, right?

I tu estàs mirant aquella escena, i jo sóc de plor...

And you are watching that scene, and I am in tears...

Bueno, jo ploro per tot, llavors veus aquella escena, t'emociones i tal,

Well, I cry about everything, then you see that scene, it touches you and so on,

i resulta que tot aquell comiat és per una que se'n va a Mallorca, tia!

And it turns out that all that farewell is for someone who is going to Mallorca, girl!

I això passa, de dir, hòstia, la gent realment ho té poc assumit, eh?

And this happens, to say, wow, people really don’t accept it much, right?

Bona tarda, soc l'Àlipa Puigdala...

Good afternoon, I am Àlipa Puigdala...

Et crido!

I call you!

Avui, avui t'has portat, t'has portat tota la claca, eh?

Today, today you've brought everyone along, huh?

Sisplau, no m'ho feu més difícil...

Please, don't make it harder for me...

No, perquè avui m'ha costat molt venir, no?

No, because it was very hard for me to come today, right?

Sí, és que és un dia difícil per totes...

Yes, it is a difficult day for everyone...

Sí, ho parlava amb l'avi, la Carla, la Maria...

Yes, I talked about it with grandpa, Carla, Maria...

M'ha costat, m'ha costat...

It has cost me, it has cost me...

I també per la reflexió que hi ha al darrere, no?

And also for the reflection that is behind it, right?

Perquè quan em preguntes, no?

Because when you ask me, right?

Espera, que no...

Wait, no...

Jo no tenia previst preguntar...

I hadn't planned to ask...

Sobre la Déu, el teatre...

About God, the theater...

No, però t'anava a dir, tu deus estar acostumada també a comiar d'art,

No, but I was going to say, you must be used to eating art too,

perquè fas moltes obres, et bellugues molt...

because you do a lot of work, you move around a lot...

Clar, deus estar dient adeu constantment...

Of course, you must be saying goodbye constantly...

Sí, i per això jo ho he pensat, això.

Yes, and that's why I thought about it.

I me n'he adonat...

I have realized...

Espera, que bec l'aigua...

Wait, I'm drinking the water...

Espera, jo també vaig a beure aigua, perquè...

Wait, I'm also going to drink water because...



Me n'he adonat que un actriu no diu mai adeu al teatre.

I have realized that an actress never says goodbye to the theater.

És el teatre que et diu adeu a tu.

It is the theater that says goodbye to you.

Sí, de cas és el teatre que et diu adeu a tu.

Yes, it's the theater that says goodbye to you.

I això me n'he adonat, que li ha passat a tanta gent,

And I've realized this, that it has happened to so many people,

que al teatre li ha dit adeu a tants convidats,

that the theater has said goodbye to so many guests,

a tants companys, a tants actrius, a tants actors...

to so many colleagues, to so many actresses, to so many actors...

Bueno, no a tothom, em sap greu dir-ho,

Well, not everyone, I'm sorry to say,

però no a tothom està cridat a aguantar fins al final de la professió, no?

but not everyone is called to endure until the end of the profession, right?

I jo vull aguantar.

And I want to hold on.

Em sap greu ser-ho.

I'm sorry to be that.

De moment m'estima el teatre.

At the moment, I love the theater.

Jo l'estimo, el teatre.

I love it, the theater.

I jo mai li diré adeu.

And I will never say goodbye to him/her.

I jo aguantaré fins al final, no?

And I'll hold on until the end, right?

I, bueno, en tot cas, jo...

Well, in any case, I...

volia, abans de res,

I wanted, first of all,

donar-te les gràcies.

thank you.

Espera, que m'emocionaré.

Wait, I'm going to get emotional.





Ets molt generosa.

You are very generous.

M'has fet créixer com a actriu.

You have made me grow as an actress.

Tot el que jo he aconseguit,

Everything that I have achieved,

en aquest instant, en aquest espai que m'heu donat,

in this moment, in this space that you have given me,

aquesta bombolla,

this bubble,

ha sigut gràcies a tu.

It has been thanks to you.

Perquè sí, sí, sí.

Because yes, yes, yes.



Carai, sí.

Wow, yes.



Les peces de teatre que he interpretat aquí

The theater plays that I have performed here.

tot han crescut gràcies a tu.

They have all grown thanks to you.

Gràcies a que tu has sabut donar-li el play quan tocava.

Thanks to you for knowing how to hit play when it mattered.







M'has fet créixer com a actriu

You have helped me grow as an actress.

i m'has fet demostrar a aquesta gent,

you made me show this people,

a aquest públic meravellós.

to this wonderful audience.

És meravellosa.

It's wonderful.


It is...



El millor que m'ha passat mai a la vida com a professional.

The best thing that has ever happened to me in my life as a professional.

I només volia que ho sapiguessis.

I just wanted you to know.

Doncs no, no, t'ho agraeixo, Lali.

Well no, no, I appreciate it, Lali.



No, i...

No, and...



I què?

And what?

Digues, digues.

Tell me, tell me.


I am...



No, no, que t'ho agraeixo.

No, no, I appreciate it.

La veritat, la Judit i jo estem contentes d'haver-te tingut aquí i...

The truth is, Judit and I are happy to have had you here and...

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?



Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

No, en sèrio?

No, seriously?

Sí, no, no, molt contentes.

Yes, no, no, very happy.

A veure, també...

Let's see, also...

No, en sèrio.

No, seriously.

Sí, sí, sí, molt contenta.

Yes, yes, yes, very happy.

No m'ho imaginava.

I didn't imagine it.

I què més?

And what else?

Bueno, a veure, és que tampoc, o sigui, nosaltres estem contentes amb tothom, en general,

Well, let's see, it's just that we're also, I mean, we're happy with everyone, in general.

vull dir, no és una cosa...

I mean, it's not a thing...

Amb tu també, vull dir, però vull dir que és una cosa en general, no sé, amb la doctora

With you too, I mean, but I mean that it's a general thing, I don't know, with the doctor.

Lázaro és veritat que no tant, però amb la Núria, amb la Noèlia, vull dir, bé, l'Ali,

Lázaro, it's true that not so much, but with Núria, with Noèlia, I mean, well, Ali.

bé, ens estem contentes amb tu, sí, sí.

Well, we are happy with you, yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Molt bé.

Very well.

No, no, hem après moltes coses de teatre.

No, no, we have learned many things about theater.

Jo també, he après tant de vosaltres, perquè un actriu sempre ha d'estar com una esponja,

Me too, I have learned so much from you all, because an actress must always be like a sponge.

i m'he après tant, em vaig adonar que no sabia res, era una completa ignorància.

I learned so much that I realized I knew nothing; it was complete ignorance.

No, nosaltres sí que sabíem alguna cosa.

No, we did know something.

I per això he escrit un text, he escrit un text, m'agrada que em diguis que ha estat la

And that's why I have written a text, I have written a text, I like you to tell me that it has been the

peça més important del nou paradigma, i per això jo, perquè també ho ha estat la

most important piece of the new paradigm, and for that reason I, because it has also been the

peça més important de la meva vida, bé, he escrit un text, aviam, el tinc aquí, vull

the most important piece of my life, well, I’ve written a text, let’s see, I have it here, I want

que sàpigues...

that you should know...

És teu, un text teu?

Is it yours, a text of yours?

Un text meu.

My text.

Ah, original teu.

Ah, your original.

Original meu.

My original.

Home, això sí que, un aplaudiment, això sí que no...

Wow, this deserves a round of applause, this definitely does not...



Això sí que no el teníem.

This we definitely didn't have.



Llavors, vaig pensar en tu, quan vaig escriure aquest text.

Then, I thought of you when I wrote this text.

No sé si és bo o dolent.

I don't know if it's good or bad.

Sí, sí, perquè he escrit un paper fet a mida per tu.

Yes, yes, because I have written a custom paper for you.

Per què?


Perquè ningú millor que tu per interpretar aquesta peça que he escrit, ja t'ho dic,

Because no one better than you to interpret this piece that I have written, I tell you.

porto mesos, perquè sabia que aquest dia arribaria algun dia, i bé, bueno, és igual.

I've been waiting for months because I knew this day would come sooner or later, and well, it doesn't matter.

En fi, ho t'ho he escrit aquí, jo vull que sàpigues...

Well, I've written it here for you, I want you to know...

Bueno, no et donaré indicacions, perquè quan ho llegeixis entendràs tot de cop, no?

Well, I won't give you instructions, because when you read it, you'll understand everything at once, right?



Perquè el sentit del text, el sentit que tu estiguis interpretant aquest...

Because the meaning of the text, the meaning that you are interpreting this...

Va, som-hi, doncs.

Come on, let's go then.

Molt bé.

Very well.


Let's go.

Ja sé...

I already know...



Sí, no, volia dir...

Yes, no, I meant to say...

Estàs preparada?

Are you ready?

No, clar, no tinc cap content, no sé si és comèdia o drama, però ja ho veurem, ja ho veurem.

No, of course, I have no content, I don't know if it's a comedy or a drama, but we will see, we will see.

Tot el text t'hi portarà.

The entire text will lead you there.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Perdoneu, és que...

Excuse me, it's just that...

No es faci...

Don't do it...

Ja sé què em diràs.

I already know what you will tell me.

Ja sé en quin punt exacte som de la línia que vam dibuixar sobre la sorra callada i muda.

I already know the exact point we are at on the line we drew on the silent and mute sand.


Say it!



Tengues el valor que jo no tinc!

Have the courage that I don't have!



Potser sí, potser és millor.

Maybe yes, maybe it's better.

Marxar de puntetes, sense soroll, com un cop sec enmig d'una pintura de Marc Rodko.

To leave on tiptoe, without a sound, like a sharp blow in the midst of a painting by Mark Rothko.

Perdoneu per l'escopinal del Rodko.

Sorry for Rodko's spit.

Rodko i...

Rodko and...

Ah, sí, Rodko, ho veig!

Ah, yes, Rodko, I see it!

I torna, i Nova York, i Rodko, veritat?

And he returns, and New York, and Rodko, right?

Tornem a Nova York, sempre de fons, robant protagonisme.

We return to New York, always in the background, stealing the spotlight.

Ai, Nova York!

Oh, New York!

Nova York, on ens va veure créixer, on va néixer aquest projecte, eh?

New York, where it saw us grow, where this project was born, right?

Nova York, sempre, on va començar tot i on acaba tot.

New York, always, where it all started and where it all ends.

I ara aquí, on ens trobem, Nova York!

And now here, where we are, New York!

Nova York, te'n recordes?

New York, do you remember?

La sisena amb Blacker Street.

The sixth with Blacker Street.

Sempre Nova York, abatzegades, i d'aquella manera, umbrívola,

Always New York, abashed, and in that way, shadowy,

com només marxen les guineus famolenques enmig de la neu i la foscor.

like only famished foxes leave in the middle of the snow and darkness.



Fuig, guineu, fuig!

Run, fox, run!





Bravo, no!

Bravo, no!





Al favor!

To the favor!



L'Espai d'Aquí

The Space Here

Aquest és un espai patrocinat pel Tamboret Portàtil!

This is a space sponsored by the Portable Stool!







L'hagués tingut en el seu moment!

I should have had it at the right moment!



No se li hauria fet tan llarga l'espera!

The wait shouldn't have been so long!

20 anys teixint per!

20 years weaving for!



No a la ERTE

No to the ERTE

Tamborat portat

Brought tambourine



I no t'aixecaràs mai més

And you will never get up again.

Ai, t'han cridat, un cop

Oh, they called you, once.

A veure, som a punt d'acabar ja

Let's see, we're about to finish already.

De fet, avui ens passem

In fact, today we are going overboard.

Sí, sí, bueno, en algun moment

Yes, yes, well, at some point.

Ens estem passant, eh?

We're going overboard, aren't we?

Ens estem passant avui bastant de temps

We are spending quite a bit of time today.

Tot pel mateix preu, eh, amigues?

Everything for the same price, right, friends?

Bé, per acabar, avui farem una cosa

Well, to finish, today we will do something.

que no hem fet mai abans

that we have never done before

i de la qual jo me'n penediré

and which I will regret.

especialment tota la vida

especially all my life

No, no diga això

No, don't say that.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

No diga això

Don't say that.

No diga eso

Don't say that.

No sé, así

I don't know, like this.

No diga eso porque

Don't say that because

es algo que

it's something that

a mí me hace verdadera ilusión

it truly excites me

Sí, no, a mí también

Yes, no, me too.

A mí también me hace ilusión

I'm also excited about it.

Y bueno, va a cantar

And well, he/she is going to sing.

Ella también

She too.

Cantaremos un dúo

We will sing a duet.

Sí, tingueu pietat

Yes, have mercy.

No, no, no

No, no, no.

Eso es, qué bonito

That's it, how lovely.

Qué bonito es esto

How beautiful this is.

No, tingueu pietat perquè

No, have mercy because

és que ni ho hem

it's that we haven't even done it

La verdad que va a ser un poco

The truth is that it's going to be a bit.



Sí, serà, ja us avisem

Yes, it will be, we will let you know.

perquè no ens quadra

because it doesn't add up for us

Però oiga, l'alegria de la vida

But hey, the joy of life

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Y aunque esto sea un desastre

And even though this is a disaster.

no importa

it doesn't matter

porque lo importante es cuando uno se cae

because what matters is when one falls

y levantarse

and get up

Bueno, para mí es más importante no caer

Well, for me it's more important not to fall.

pero bueno, aquí cadascú la vida la viu

but well, here each person lives their life

Bueno, hay que lanzarse

Well, you have to take the plunge.

y para mí, bueno, esa preciosa canción

and for me, well, that beautiful song

que vamos a cantar

what are we going to sing

como Pimpinela

like Pimpinela

como ese maravilloso dueto

like that wonderful duet

Bueno, pues vamos ahí

Well, let's go there.

Sí, también

Yes, also.

necesitaremos en algún momento

we will need at some point

la ayuda del público

the help of the public

Por supuesto, del encarecido público

Of course, from the eager public.

Ya os avisamos

We already warned you.

Que yo les espero

That I am waiting for them.

que ustedes también colaboren

that you also collaborate

Sobre todo porque cuanto más colchón hagan

Especially because the more cushion they make

la caída

the fall

pues será menos dura

well, it will be less harsh

Bueno, ¿ha visto qué metáfora tan bonita?

Well, have you seen what a beautiful metaphor that is?

Preciosa, sí, sí

Precious, yes, yes.

La veritat és que preciosa

The truth is that precious.

Bé, com que del que es tracta

Well, since that's what it's about.

Igual alguna estrofeta cantaré en català

Maybe I'll sing a little stanza in Catalan.

Ah, sí?

Ah, yes?

Això també, home, això sí que...

This too, man, this really...

Llevo 40 anys

I am 40 years old.

vivint a Catalunya

living in Catalonia




Fins ara no he tingut aquesta deferència

Until now, I have not had this courtesy.

Però cantaré en català

But I will sing in Catalan.

Molt bé, molt bé

Very good, very good.

Doncs veurem com sona tot plegat

Well, we'll see how it all sounds.

Deia que això com que l'objectiu

He said that this is because the objective

Música la he composta

I have composed the music.

Sí, expressament

Yes, expressly.

Per el dia d'avui

For today

Bueno, és un podcast d'humor

Well, it's a comedy podcast.

Vull dir que es pot fer tot malament

I mean that everything can be done wrong.


Let's go!

Vamos ahí

Let's go there.

, vamos, vamos

come on, come on

En francès se dice adieu

In French, it is said adieu.

En alemany auf Wiedersehen

In German, goodbye.

Muy bien, vamos ahí, fenomenal

Very well, let's go there, fantastic.

Los italianos dicen ciao

Italians say hello.



En portugués

In Portuguese

Es diu adéu

It says goodbye.

Y en español

And in Spanish.

En español

In Spanish

El que echo a tu panchica

What I do to your little belly.

En inglés

In English

En español

In Spanish

En filantès

In filing

En inglés

In English

En español

In Spanish

En inglés

In English

Podemos decirnos en muchos idiomas

We can say it to ourselves in many languages.

En español

In Spanish

Pero es una manera de hablar

But it's a way of speaking.

manera de parlar.

way of speaking.

Podrem dir adeu

We will be able to say goodbye.

en molts idiomes,

in many languages,

però sempre serà

but it will always be

un fil aviat.

a thread soon.

Excepte amb els idiotes

Except with idiots.

i els paranormals.

And the paranormal.

Aquests no ens robaran

They won't rob us.

les hores, aquests els direm

the hours, we will call them these

de seguida goodbye.

right away goodbye.

Goodbye, goodbye.

Goodbye, goodbye.

I el senyor d'esta

And the lord of this

mañana que me

Tomorrow that I

ha robado dos

he has stolen two

céntimos, que me ha dicho

cents, what you told me

que no porque no tenía

that not because I didn't have

el precio puesto en la estantería

the price displayed on the shelf

y me ha dicho que el precio

and has told me that the price

que la puta gana

what a damn hunger

es el que te den.

it's what they give you.

Adiós, bye, bye.

Goodbye, bye, bye.

Bueno, paradigma

Well, paradigm

esa cumpleaños.

that birthday.

Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh.

No passa res,

It's okay.

no ens morirem.

we will not die.

Almenys de moment,

At least for the moment,

almenys de moment

at least for the moment

el nou paradigma

the new paradigm


says goodbye.

Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh.

No passa res,

It's okay,

no ens morirem.

we won't die.

Almenys de moment,

At least for the moment,

almenys de moment.

at least for the moment.

Eh, eh, eh.

Hey, hey, hey.

Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh.

Oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh.

Oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh.

Haig de molt mal, eh,

I am in a lot of pain, you know.



Sí, no, no, no.

Yes, no, no, no.

Ara ja se sap

Now it is already known.

per què no em dedico

why don't I dedicate myself

jo a la música.

I to the music.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

No volvaré

I will not fly.

llamant-la, però...

calling her, but...

No, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

És una cosa que tinc molt assumida avui dia, no tinc altra

It's something I have accepted very much these days, I have no other.

manera. Bé, ara sí, acabem

way. Well, now yes, let’s finish.

amb aquest últim capítol, per si de cas

with this last chapter, just in case

i triguem una mica a tornar-nos a veure

It will take us a little while to see each other again.

si abans de marxar algú vol

if before leaving someone wants

fer alguna pregunta, alguna cosa que hagi

ask a question, something that has

quedat pendent. Sí, aquí darrere,

stay pending. Yes, back here,

si us plau, gràcies. Gràcies.

please, thank you. Thank you.

Sí, ens pot dir el seu nom?

Yes, can you tell us your name?

Sí, Ana Maria Turra.

Yes, Ana Maria Turra.

Ana Maria Turra, sí.

Ana Maria Turra, yes.

La meva pregunta

My question

és per què es deixen

it is why they let go

les preguntes pel final?

The questions for the end?

Hòstia, però...

Damn, but...

És que...

It's just that...

Ha fet una pregunta.

He/she has asked a question.

Quan fora bo que es fessin al principi.

When it would be good to do them at the beginning.

Ah, no, no, ja està, ja està.

Ah, no, no, it's fine, it's fine.

No, no, ja està. Adéu, adéu, adéu.

No, no, that's it. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

Ara sí, va, acabem el nou paradigma avui

Now yes, come on, let's finish the new paradigm today.

donant les gràcies a qui ens grava

thanking those who record us

i edita els vídeos, el David Melena!

And David Melena edits the videos!

Molt bé!

Very good!

Gràcies, gràcies també a l'avi,

Thank you, thank you also to the grandfather,

a la Carla especialment,

to Carla especially,

a la Maria,

to Maria,

al Quique

to Quique

i als llibres i les joguines de la Llama

and to the books and toys of the Llama

per deixar-nos espai

to give us space

i cuidar-nos a canvi

and take care of each other in return

de la nostra alegria de viure!

of our joy of living!

Gràcies també

Thank you too.

a les nostres amants, amigues i germanes

to our lovers, friends, and sisters

perquè algú ens ha d'aguantar fora d'aquí.

because someone has to put up with us outside of here.

I recordeu

And remember

que tot això no és possible

that all this is not possible

sense l'ajudint-nos!

without helping us!

Gràcies, Martín!

Thank you, Martín!


Thank you!

I la Nessa Ferrer!

And Nessa Ferrer!

I sobretot, sobretot,

And above all, above all,

sobretot, gràcies a totes

above all, thank you to everyone

per venir!

to come!

Es nota que teniu temps lliure!

You can tell that you have free time!


Thank you!

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