Critiquem "Soy Georgina"

Catalunya Ràdio

Que no surti d'aquí

Critiquem "Soy Georgina"

Que no surti d'aquí

A Catalunya Ràdio comença...

At Catalunya Ràdio it begins...

Que no surti d'aquí.

Don't let it get out of here.

Amb Roger Carandell, Juliana Canet i Marta Montaner.

With Roger Carandell, Juliana Canet, and Marta Montaner.

Que no surti d'aquí.

Don't let it leave here.

El món dels famosos a Catalunya Ràdio.

The world of celebrities on Catalunya Ràdio.

Vera, fibra i mòbil de veritat,

True fiber and mobile.

patrocina l'actualitat que realment t'interessa

sponsor the news that really interests you

amb el Que no surti d'aquí.

with what does not come out of here.

Estava una mica despistat, perdoneu,

I was a bit distracted, sorry.

perquè no sabia ara qui serem, el dia 23 o el dia 24 de setembre.

because I didn't know who we would be now, on the 23rd or the 24th of September.

Avui és 23.

Today is the 23rd.

Estava obrint el guió de demà i no estava fet.

I was opening tomorrow's script and it wasn't done.

N'està fent des de les 12, que avui és 23.

It has been going on since 12, today being the 23rd.

No, tema números, com que és una setmana una mica estranya,

No, regarding numbers, since it’s a bit of a strange week,

perquè recordem que a Barcelona és la Marsella i demà serà festiu,

because we remember that in Barcelona it is Marseille and tomorrow will be a holiday,

hi ha molta gent que fa pont avui.

There are many people taking a long weekend today.

I escoles també, eh?

I listen too, huh?

Les escoles fan pont, també.

The schools have a long weekend, too.

Per tant, una abraçada a tots aquells que avui no treballen.

Therefore, a hug to all those who are not working today.

Doncs a disfrutar-ho.

So, enjoy it.

Marta Montani, molt bon dia.

Marta Montani, very good morning.

Bon dia, Roger Carandell.

Good morning, Roger Carandell.

Passen pràcticament 7 minuts de les 12 del migdia.

It is almost 7 minutes past 12 noon.

Pau Esparc, molt bon dia.

Pau Esparc, very good morning.

Molt bon dia.

Very good morning.

Qui fa pont és la Juliana.

Juliana is the one who is taking a long weekend.

Demà sí que la tindrem per aquí, però avui és...

Tomorrow we will indeed have it around here, but today it is...

És a Itàlia.

It is in Italy.

Anava dient, no, està precisament a Barcelona fent la Mercè.

I was saying, no, she is actually in Barcelona celebrating La Mercè.

A Padova, a Venècia, s'està fent una ruta amb la seva família,

In Padua, in Venice, he is taking a trip with his family.

que a mi m'encanta perquè és que són italianes, pràcticament.

I love it because they are practically Italian.

Ja heu vist que han marxat, diguéssim, totes les noies de la família?

Have you seen that all the girls in the family have left, shall we say?



I han deixat els nois a casa?

Have they left the boys at home?

Sembla fantàstic.

It seems fantastic.

Han deixat el pare i el germà a casa

They have left the father and the brother at home.

i se n'han anat totes quatre a Padova, no?, han anat.

All four of them have gone to Padua, right? They have gone.

Sí, i demà vindrà, per això, l'especial que farem al Palau Robert, no?

Yes, and tomorrow the special event we will have at the Palau Robert will take place, right?

Demà, a partir de les 12,

Tomorrow, starting at 12,

programa en directe des dels jardins del Palau Robert de Barcelona

live program from the gardens of the Palau Robert in Barcelona

amb entrada lliure i entrada gratuïta.

with free admission and free entry.

Per tant, veniu una mica abans, potser es fotés a petar, que no ho sé.

Therefore, come a little earlier, maybe it will be packed, I don’t know.

Jo a vegades penso que no vindrà ningú, saps?

Sometimes I think that no one will come, you know?

La meva família ve tothom.

My family comes everyone.

Ah, doncs ja està, home.

Ah, well, that's it then, man.

Això ho tenim assegurat.

We have this assured.

A mi també m'han confirmat.

I have also been confirmed.

M'han confirmat amb cotxet inclòs i hi ha pregunta de pluja,

They have confirmed it with a stroller included and there is a question of rain,

perquè es veu que la previsió no apunta molt bé.

because it seems that the forecast doesn't look very good.

Ah, ho hem mirat amb la Marta, ara.

Ah, we have just checked it with Marta.

Ho hem mirat.

We have looked at it.

Com que ens enfiem tant del mòbil últimament que l'encerta tant, eh, Roger?

Since we rely so much on the mobile recently that it gets it right so often, right, Roger?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

L'encerta molt.

He/she gets it right a lot.

Jo he ficat a Temps Barcelona per demà i el meu mòbil diu que un 40% de probabilitats

I have checked the weather in Barcelona for tomorrow and my phone says a 40% chance of rain.

de pluja de 9 a 10, res, un ruixadet, però que no serà res,

from 9 to 10 it will rain, nothing, just a light shower, but it won't be anything.

i a partir de les 10 ja va sortint el sol, eh?

And starting from 10 o'clock, the sun is already coming out, right?

Vull dir que quan arribem a les 12...

I mean that when we arrive at 12...

No, i porteu per aigua per si de cas, també, eh?

No, and bring water just in case, okay?

També, és veritat.

Also, it's true.

Millor que sí.

Better than yes.

Doncs bé, què he de dir?

Well then, what should I say?

Demà, a partir de les 12, programa en directe des del Palau Robert de Barcelona

Tomorrow, starting at 12, live program from the Palau Robert in Barcelona.

i us hi esperem a tots perquè ens faria il·lusió veure-us allà.

And we are waiting for all of you because it would make us happy to see you there.

I una cosa, demà parlarem, suposo, del que va passar a l'escenari de Bogatell.

And one thing, tomorrow I suppose we will talk about what happened on the Bogatell stage.

És veritat.

It's true.

I qui va assistir, qui va ser aquest assistent VIP d'aquest concert d'Ocasgrases.

And who attended, who was this VIP guest at the Ocasgrases concert?

Que en Víctor Navarro ens avisava aquest divendres.

That Víctor Navarro was warning us this Friday.

Sí que ens avisava.

Yes, he/she did warn us.

Que s'esperava una persona molt VIP i et diré una cosa, no una,

That a very VIP person was expected, and I'll tell you one thing, not one,

van ser dues persones molt VIP.

They were two very VIP people.

I potser tres, també.

And maybe three, too.

I potser tres.

And maybe three.

Demà, tots els detalls del que va passar al VIP de Bogatell en el concert d'Ocasgrases.

Tomorrow, all the details of what happened at the VIP of Bogatell during the Ocasgrases concert.

Perquè ja te l'explicar, eh?

Because I already told you, huh?

Ho explicaríem avui, però la Juliana ens matarà, si ho fem.

We would explain it today, but Juliana will kill us if we do.

Ella vol ser-hi i vol participar, també.

She wants to be there and she wants to participate, too.

I estem acabant de recollir alguns detalls.

We are just finishing up gathering some details.

I en Víctor Navarro, que voltava per allà, em consta,

And Víctor Navarro, who was wandering around there, I know.

demà, des del Palau Robert, ens vindrà a veure, en Víctor,

Tomorrow, from the Palau Robert, Victor will come to see us.

i ens explicarà, també, què és el que va passar en aquell VIP de Bogatell.

And he will also explain to us what happened in that VIP of Bogatell.

Informació fresca.

Fresh information.

Algun nom ha circulat, eh?

Some name has been mentioned, right?

Sí, que cap de setmana...

Yes, what a weekend...

Sí, tothom sap que va ser en Piqué.

Yes, everyone knows it was Piqué.

Ah, sí, home, sí, però era per descomptat i que va fer un tuit.

Ah, yes, of course, but it was obvious and he made a tweet.

Però si un tuit...

But if a tweet...

No hi haurà gàbies per tants ocells i tot això.

There will be no cages for so many birds and all that.

Sí, no ens està fent els interessants.

Yes, he is not making us interesting.

Però amb qui anava en Piqué, què van fer, cantaven les cançons,

But who was Piqué with, what did they do, did they sing the songs,

se les sabien, es van fer fotos, van anar a saludar el grup,

they knew them, they took photos, they went to greet the group,

van entrar amb cotxe, a quina hora van marxar...

they entered by car, at what time did they leave...

Ho sabem tots.

We all know it.

Tots els detalls, demà, en directe, des del Palau Robert de Barcelona.

All the details, tomorrow, live from the Palau Robert in Barcelona.

Anem a un altre tema que aquí també ens interessa.

Let's move on to another topic that also interests us here.

Divendres, segurament ho recordeu,

Friday, you probably remember,

vam acabar el programa amb unes declaracions molt fortes

We ended the program with some very strong statements.

del nostre col·laborador, Víctor Navarro.

from our collaborator, Víctor Navarro.

Mira que a mi l'altre dia em van dir que havien tornat, no sé...

Look, the other day someone told me that they had come back, I don't know...

Què t'havien dit?

What had they told you?

Qui t'ho va dir? On t'ho va dir? A Massorrer?

Who told you that? Where did they tell you? In Massorrer?

No, no, a Massorrer no, però jo, que una persona que coneix...

No, no, not Massorrer, but I, that a person who knows...

Ai, una persona de la parella...

Oh, a person from the couple...


I miss you.

Em va dir que havien tornat, no sé...

He told me they had returned, I don’t know...

No sabem de quina manera, però Biel, Juste i Aitana estarien junts.

We don’t know how, but Biel, Juste, and Aitana would be together.

El que sabem, també geogràficament, Marta.

What we know, also geographically, Marta.

Sí, perquè el periodista Javier de Hoyos va publicar un vídeo a xarxes,

Yes, because journalist Javier de Hoyos published a video on social media,

i aquesta vegada no el va esborrar Roger,

and this time Roger did not delete it,

amb tota una investigació que confirma que tots dos,

with a whole investigation that confirms that both,

Biel, Juste i Aitana o Canya, són a Miami amb altres amics.

Biel, Juste, and Aitana or Canya are in Miami with other friends.

I això s'ha sabut no gràcies a l'Aitana,

And this has been known not thanks to Aitana,

que està tenint, si us hi fixeu, un perfil força baix...

which is currently having, if you notice, a quite low profile...

No diu res.

It doesn't say anything.

...perquè fa la vida personal a xarxes, no diu res,

...because it makes personal life public on social media, it doesn't say anything,

només per celebrar l'aniversari d'Alfa, ja està.

Just to celebrate Alfa's birthday, that's it.

I llavors ho hem sabut perquè una persona del seu equip,

And then we found out because a person from his team,

que també és amiga seva,

who is also her friend,

la Valle, ha penjat unes fotos on es veu l'Aitana

La Valle has posted some photos where Aitana can be seen.

i on també hi ha detalls que ens interessen.

And there are also details that interest us.

Valle ha compartit una imatge amb l'Aitana

Valle has shared an image with Aitana.

en aquesta zona de Miami.

in this area of Miami.

Fijaos en la tienda.

Look at the store.

Està situada en Miami.

It is located in Miami.

Gràcies a Valle hemos podido descubrir

Thanks to Valle we have been able to discover.

que están con los amigos de Biel, Juste.

they are with Biel's friends, Juste.

Es decir, con Biel, Juste. ¿Por qué?

That is to say, with Biel, Juste. Why?

Pues porque Valle subía esta foto junto a este perro,

Well, because Valle posted this photo next to this dog,

que este perro es de uno de los amigos de Biel, Juste.

that this dog belongs to one of Biel's friends, Juste.

Y los amigos de Biel han compartido una imagen

And Biel's friends have shared an image.

de dónde están localizados.

where they are located.

Ara, ara ho ampliaran, Javi, eh?

Now, now they will expand it, Javi, right?

Pero, per tant, allà els tenim ben lluny.

But, therefore, we have them far away there.

Més concretament, expliquem Javi de Hoyos

More specifically, we explain Javi de Hoyos.

a una urbanització on també hi té casa,

to a development where he/she also has a house,

atenció, un vell conegut de l'Aitana.

Attention, an old acquaintance of Aitana.

Ay, ay, ay.

Oh, oh, oh.

Porque hemos podido ver que están dentro

Because we have been able to see that they are inside.

de un complejo residencial muy VIP, muy exclusivo,

from a very VIP, very exclusive residential complex,

que tiene unas canchas de tenis como estas,

that has tennis courts like these,

Miami Shores, que es exactamente

Miami Shores, what is it exactly?

donde Sebastián Yatra tiene su casa,

where Sebastián Yatra has his house,

y hemos visto a Yatra jugar en esas mismas canchas de tenis.

and we have seen Yatra play on those same tennis courts.

Puede estar con todo el mundo, na-na-na-na-na,

She can be with everyone, na-na-na-na-na,

la trama s'està complicant per moments, eh?

The plot is getting more complicated by the moment, isn't it?

La trama m'apassiona a mi, eh?

The plot fascinates me, you know?

Si em preguntes, és sèrie de Netflix, això.

If you ask me, it's a Netflix series, that.

I clar, aquí en Javi de Hoyos entrava a especular

And of course, here Javi de Hoyos was entering to speculate.

que això era intencionat, que potser volien

that this was intentional, that maybe they wanted

tornar-li la jugada en Yatra,

turn the play back on Yatra,

saps?, com si fos una espècie de venjança.

Do you know?, as if it were a kind of revenge.

Sincerament, jo no ho crec. Jo tampoc.

Honestly, I don't believe it. Neither do I.

Al final, jo suposo que quan ets tan ric,

In the end, I suppose that when you are that rich,

suposo que t'acabes movent sempre pels mateixos llocs

I suppose you always end up moving around the same places.

i al final, doncs, escolta'm...

and in the end, so, listen to me...

És normal. És normal estar en la mateixa urbanització.

It's normal. It's normal to be in the same neighborhood.

Si ets milionari, tothom va allà.

If you're a millionaire, everyone goes there.

No, han penjat una pista molt evident,

No, they have left a very obvious clue.

és a dir, és un conjunt de suma

that is to say, it is a sum set

que has d'anar fent al trencaclosques

what you have to keep doing with the puzzle

i potser fins i tot pots intuir

and maybe you can even sense

que no han arribat a coincidir al mateix moment.

that they have not managed to coincide at the same time.

És a dir, jo crec, com la Marta,

That is to say, I believe, like Marta,

que no està fet expressament, però que en algun moment

that is not made expressly, but that at some point

sí que t'hauria de passar pel cap

Yes, it should cross your mind.

que hi ha un exèrcit

that there is an army

de gent amb paper de plata al cap

of people with tin foil on their heads

i que serà capaç de trobar el que sigui, saps?

and who will be able to find whatever it is, you know?

No, i que potser la Itana, una mica de morbo,

No, and maybe Itana, a bit of intrigue,

també li dóna això. Vés a saber, vés a saber.

it also gives you this. Who knows, who knows.

No ho sabem, no ho sabem.

We don't know, we don't know.

Però fins aquí és veritat que podríem pensar que la Itana

But up to this point it is true that we could think that the Itana

i en Biel són amics i punt.

And Biel is a friend, that's all.

O potser amics amb alguna llicència extra,

Or perhaps friends with some extra license,

allò que passa quan estàs lluny de casa, no?

what happens when you are far from home, right?

Però hi ha un detall que explica en Javier de Hoyos

But there is a detail that Javier de Hoyos explains.

que a mi em fa pensar que hi ha alguna cosa més.

that makes me think there is something more.

I, a més, Valle ens ha mostrat

And besides, Valle has shown us.

a Itana amb un collar

Itana with a necklace

de la marca de Biel Just.

from the brand of Biel Just.

Per tant, la Itana, novament,

Therefore, Itana, again,

amb un collaret de tugeix, aparentment

with a collar of apparently

en unes fotos d'ambient nocturn i festiu

in some photos of a nighttime and festive atmosphere

publicades ahir a les stories de la seva amiga

posted yesterday on her friend's stories

i membre de l'equip Valle.

And a member of the Valle team.

Se la veu?

Do you see her?

Que tinc les imatges aquí, amb un vestit groc així

I have the images here, with a dress like this in yellow.

curtet, estampat, amb el collaret

short, printed, with the collar

ben lluent i ben net, i el collaret en qüestió

well shiny and well clean, and the collar in question

segur que ho sona. És una cadena

I'm sure it sounds familiar. It's a chain.

molt grossa de plata, amb una figureta,

very large silver one, with a small figure.

un candau.

a padlock.

Què passa amb aquesta foto?

What happens with this photo?

És el mateix collaret que portava

It's the same necklace she was wearing.

la Itana al carrusel de fotos

Itana on the photo carousel.

d'Amsterdam, que va publicar a Instagram

from Amsterdam, which was published on Instagram

el 25 d'agost, i que va fer que en Biel

on August 25th, and that made Biel

li deixés aquell comentari en català

he left that comment in Catalan



A la Itana li encanta

Itana loves it.

aquest collaret, perquè

this necklace, why

sembla que se'l posi cada dia,

it seems that he puts it on every day,

pràcticament, quan no està treballant.

practically, when he/she is not working.

I l'hem buscat al web de Tugeis. No sé si veu fer aquesta feina

And we looked for him on the Tugeis website. I don't know if you did this job.

a la tarda d'estiu. No, no, no.

in the summer afternoon. No, no, no.

Doncs mira, jo l'he buscat al web de Tugeis.

Well, look, I searched for it on the Tugeis website.

Hi ha dos candaus ara mateix a la botiga online.

There are two padlocks right now in the online store.

Un costa 70 euros, i l'altre

One costs 70 euros, and the other.

180. D'aquest que costa 180

180. Of this one that costs 180.

només en quedaven dos ahir a la nit, de disponibles.

Only two were left available last night.

Jo no sé quin

I don't know which one.

és, perquè la foto no s'aprecia prou

It is because the photo is not appreciated enough.

si és el més petit o el més gran.

whether it is the smallest or the largest.

I la cadena també va part, diria,

And the chain also breaks, I would say,

que la cadena que porta la Itana és més cara.

that the chain that Itana is wearing is more expensive.

Ara t'ho anava a dir. La que surt aquí a la web no és

I was just about to tell you. The one that appears here on the website is not

la que porta la Itana. És que és molt fineta la de la web la de la Itana.

The one that Itana has. It's just that the one on the website is very delicate, the one from Itana.

És una senyora cadena. Porta una cadena de barco

She is a lady chain. She wears a ship's chain.

gairebé, vull dir. O de presó, també, eh?

almost, I mean. Or from prison, too, right?

De garjola, pràcticament. Aguanta fort, eh?

Almost like a garjola. Hold on tight, okay?

Molt greixuda. Sí. El cas, jo diria que això és un regal

Very greasy. Yes. The case, I would say this is a gift.

molt car, perquè la Itana, estic seguríssima,

very expensive, because Itana, I am very sure,

m'hi jugaria alguna part del cos, fins i tot.

I would even bet a part of my body on it.

Que no ha pagat aquest culleret.

He hasn't paid for this little spoon.

Que això és un regal. Home, clar. No sé si ve de

That this is a gift. Well, of course. I don't know if it comes from

Tugeis o ve de Bieljuste, saps allò

Tugeis or comes from Bieljuste, you know that.

qui ho signa? Però jo diria

Who signs it? But I would say.

que això és un regal, i a ella l'encanta i el treu

that this is a gift, and she loves it and takes it out

de passeig sovint. També a mi, a mi.

Often for a walk. Me too, me too.

Que potser és una col·labo amb Tugeis

Maybe it's a collaboration with Tugeis.

en el fons, que és la teoria d'en Roger, que pensa

In essence, what is Roger's theory, what does he think?

que la sorpresa que anunciarà avui la Itana

that the surprise that Itana will announce today

per celebrar l'aniversari d'Alfa

to celebrate Alfa's birthday

és marxandatge amb Tugeis.

it is merchandise with Tugeis.

Una col·labo. D'acord.

A collaboration. Okay.

Jo penso que és una cosa més romàntica.

I think it is a more romantic thing.

Tinc aquesta experiència amb les joies.

I have this experience with jewelry.

A veure, tant de bo fos un tema

Let's see, I wish it were a topic.

romàntic, perquè aquí aquesta parella ens faria

romantic, because here this couple would make us

molta il·lusió, i sempre ho hem dit.

A lot of excitement, and we have always said so.



hi ha alguns comentaris, també, que hem rebut

there are also some comments that we have received

en el WhatsApp del programa,

in the program's WhatsApp,

de gent que també creu

of people who also believe

que potser Tugeis està al darrere

that perhaps Tugeis is behind it

d'aquesta col·laboració amb Alfa,

of this collaboration with Alfa,

perquè fa uns quants mesos

because a few months ago

Tugeis ja va col·laborar amb Zara,

Tugeis already collaborated with Zara.

i es va fer joies que estaven molt bé

And she made jewelry that was very nice.

de preu, deia la gent. També hi havia

"of price, the people said. There was also"

gent que deia que la sorpresa d'Itana no seria

people who said that Itana's surprise would not be

una joia, sinó una colònia, un perfum.

a jewel, but a colony, a perfume.

Perquè ella parlava d'una cosa que sempre

Because she was talking about something that always

podríeu portar amb vosaltres, i un perfum també encaixa

you could bring with you, and a perfume also fits

en aquesta descripció. Bé,

in this description. Well,

avui tinc

today I have

totes les notificacions activades per quan

all notifications activated for when

la Itana publiqui el post. No se sap a on era.

Itana publishes the post. It is not known where it was.

No, clar, jo imagino que està dormint ara ella,

No, of course, I imagine she is sleeping now.

si està seguint l'horari d'allà. Clar,

if he is following the schedule there. Of course,

i suposo que buscarà una hora on tothom estigui

And I suppose he will look for a time when everyone is available.

despert, tant allà com aquí. Per tant, té pinta

awake, both there and here. Therefore, it looks like

a les set de la tarda, això. Pot ser. Ara són

At seven in the evening, that. It could be. Now it is

un quart de set del matí. Fa pinta, fa pinta.

A quarter past six in the morning. It looks promising, it looks promising.

En qualsevol cas, si passa durant el programa,

In any case, if it happens during the show,

us ho explicarem, i si no, demà, que és el programa especial

We will explain it to you, and if not, tomorrow, which is the special program.

de la Mercè. Tots els detalls.

of Mercè. All the details.

Passa un minut d'un quart d'una del migdia,

It's a minute past a quarter to one in the afternoon.

des de divendres i fins aquest cap de setmana,

from Friday until this weekend,

Sant Sebastià celebra el seu

Saint Sebastian celebrates his

Festival Internacional de Cinema.

International Film Festival.

I, de moment, ja hi ha anat l'Úrsula Corberó

I, for the moment, Úrsula Corberó has already been there.

i també Setangana, entre molts d'altres.

and also Setangana, among many others.

Pau. Sí, altres noms destacats que hi han

Peace. Yes, other prominent names are there.

passat són Kate Blanchett i Javier Bardem,

the past are Kate Blanchett and Javier Bardem.

que han rebut el Premi d'Honòstia del Festival,

who have received the Festival's Honorary Prize,

i Bardem va emocionar Penelope Cruz

And Bardem moved Penelope Cruz.

amb el seu discurs. També hi ha actrius

with her speech. There are also actresses

catalanes com Greta Fernández i

Catalans like Greta Fernández and

Mireia Oriol, que protagonitzen dues de les

Mireia Oriol, who stars in two of the

pel·lícules que s'hi han estrenat, i Úrsula Corberó,

movies that have been released there, and Úrsula Corberó,

que fa un dels papers principals de la pel·lícula

which plays one of the main roles in the film

El Hockey, que és un

Hockey, which is a

thriller aqüestre amb drama

equestrian thriller with drama

pseudo-romàntic. Uf, no hi té res.

pseudo-romantic. Ugh, it has nothing to it.

No hi té res. Això vaig a buscar

It has nothing to do with it. I'm going to get that.

de què va la pel·lícula. A veure,

what the movie is about. Let's see,

el protagonista és això, un senyor

the protagonist is this, a gentleman

que fa curses de cavalls, un jockey,

that runs horse races, a jockey,

i ella és la parella.

And she is the partner.

Úrsula Corberó fa aquest personatge.

Úrsula Corberó plays this character.

Què vol dir pseudo-romàntic?

What does pseudo-romantic mean?

Perquè entenc que no acaba de ser...

Because I understand that it doesn't quite end up being...

Falsament romàntic? Sí, del tot

Falsely romantic? Yes, completely.

romàntica. Clar, no sé si és ja com

romantic. Of course, I don't know if it's already like

una crítica que no acaba de ser

a criticism that is not quite finished

romàntic. Bueno, no ho sé. No ho sé, no ho sé.

romantic. Well, I don't know. I don't know, I don't know.

S'haurà de veure. Exacte.

We will have to see. Exactly.

S'haurà de veure.

We'll have to see.

S'haurà de veure. No, per tu serà difícil veure

We'll have to see. No, it will be difficult for you to see.

la teva ex en pantalla, per això. Vaig a mirar...

your ex on screen, that's why. I'm going to take a look...

A més, hi surt embarassada.

In addition, she comes out pregnant.

Bueno, és que, mira, fa uns dies

Well, it's just that, you see, a few days ago

fa uns dies que la Marta

A few days ago, Marta

està treballant en aquesta teoria

he is working on this theory

d'un possible embaràs d'Úrsula Corberó. No, no és veritat, no és veritat.

of a possible pregnancy of Úrsula Corberó. No, it's not true, it's not true.

De fet, te la vaig desmentir

In fact, I denied it to you.

ahir mateix. Vaig dir, crec que no està embarassada.

Just yesterday. I said, I think she's not pregnant.

Sí, ahir vas dir que no. I és molt lleig anar especulant

Yes, yesterday you said no. And it's very ugly to be speculating.

sobre l'embaràs de la gent. Per tant, és una cosa que no faré mai

about people's pregnancies. Therefore, it is something I will never do.

públicament. Però penso que

publicly. But I think that

pot ser un escenari d'aquí a un temps

it could be a scenario in some time

que l'Úrsula Corberó i en Xino Darín

that Úrsula Corberó and Chino Darín

siguin pares algun dia, si és que els hi ve de gust.

they may become parents one day, if they feel like it.

Podria passar. A mi em va semblar que sí que els hi venia

It could happen. It seemed to me that it was indeed selling to them.

de gust. Bé, veurem allò

Sure. Well, let's see that.

si donen detalls sobre això.

if they give details about this.

El fet és que, com que els toca fer promoció,

The fact is that, since they have to do promotion,

estan concedint algunes entrevistes

they are granting some interviews

i Corberó n'ha donat algunes. Una en català,

i Corberó has given some. One in Catalan,

l'Agència Catalana de Notícies,

the Catalan News Agency,

diu que viu un molt bon moment. Estic

He says he is living a very good moment. I am

on vull estar. I crec que

where I want to be. I believe that

no té a veure amb

it has nothing to do with

l'èxit o amb la fama.

success or with fame.

Clar, són una mica així pretensions

Of course, they're a bit like that in terms of pretensions.

que ho digui jo, perquè just estic en la posició

that I say it, because I am just in the position

que estic, però de veritat ho dic,

that I am, but I really mean it,

d'acord. És vocacional, això.

Okay. It's vocational, this.

Ha arribat on ella

She has arrived where she is.

sempre havia somiat i ho

I had always dreamed of it.

intenta desvincular dels

try to unlink from the

èxits que ha tingut, però que també

successes that he has had, but also

no sé si tindria després la mateixa sensació, perquè

I don't know if I would have the same feeling afterwards, because

el que es considera un triomf acostumen

what is considered a triumph usually

associat amb aquest reconeixement públic

associated with this public recognition

i a Sant Sebastià el públic

and in Sant Sebastià, the audience

l'estava esperant, com l'estrella

I was waiting for her, like the star.

que és, demanant-li fotos, quan va arribar a l'hotel,

what it is, asking him for photos, when he arrived at the hotel,

també la catifa vermella...

also the red carpet...

I en aquestes imatges, que

And in these images, which

me les he estat mirant, no té un no per ningú,

I've been looking at them, he doesn't say no to anyone.

eh, l'Úrsula?

Hey, Ursula?

Es va fent fotos

He/She is taking photos.

amb la gent que es troba

with the people that he/she meets

entre el públic. Però ho fa tothom, eh?

among the audience. But everyone does it, right?

A les catifes vermelles d'aquests festivals.

On the red carpets of these festivals.

No és que sigui especial, ella. M'encanta l'Úrsula,

It's not that she's special, her. I love Úrsula.

però crec que és una cosa força habitual a les estrelles

but I think it is quite a common thing among the stars

quan arriben a aquests festivals. Sí, i a més

when they arrive at these festivals. Yes, and also

si sentiu aquest vídeo

if you hear this video

amb sol, tant el de la catifa vermella

with sun, both the red carpet one

quan arriba també a l'hotel,

when he/she arrives at the hotel,

se sent com algú li va dient

it feels like someone is telling him

Úrsula, va, va, anem tirant, perquè

Ursula, come on, come on, let's keep going, because

si hagués d'atendre tothom, potser

if I had to attend to everyone, maybe

s'hauria estat dues hores allà.

He would have been there for two hours.

Aleshores... I la figura

So... And the figure

persona que et digui, va, va, anem tard,

person who tells you, come on, come on, we're late,

fa que no quedis tan malament i que no semblis

it makes you not look so bad and not seem

un mal educat de cara als fans. Sí.

A rude person towards fans. Yes.

Tot i així, ho fa molt bé, ja.

Even so, he/she does it very well, already.

Ella és perfecta. Ella és perfecta.

She is perfect. She is perfect.

Ha fet una entrevista...

He has done an interview...

Mai havies dit aquesta frase a ningú, eh?

You never said this sentence to anyone, did you?

No trigaré gaire a tornar-la a dir a una altra persona.

I won't take long to say it to another person.

Doncs si t'agrada la perfecció,

Well, if you like perfection,

llegeix aquest titular del

read this headline from the

digital Infobae, que li ha fet una entrevista

digital Infobae, which has conducted an interview with him/her

i Corberó ha dit

and Corberó has said

m'agrada que em mirin quan la gent està pendent de mi,

I like it when people look at me when they are paying attention to me.

em moro del gust i això

I die of pleasure and that.

fa-me la persona. M'encanta.

Make me the person. I love it.

Molt bé, almenys és sincera, no?

Very well, at least she is sincere, right?

M'agrada ser el centre d'atenció.

I like to be the center of attention.

M'agrada que la gent em desitgi, jo crec que també

I like it when people desire me, I think I do too.

li faltava dir, eh? M'apassiona que sigui tan sincera.

She had to say it, huh? I'm passionate about her being so honest.

Sí, perquè un altre diria, no...

Yes, because someone else would say, no...

A vegades ho fan molt, no? Els focus a mi

Sometimes they do it a lot, don't they? The spots on me.

m'atabalen... Doncs si t'agrada i ho dius,

they overload me... Well, if you like it and you say so,

felicitat. Em creixo quan la gent em mira, perfecte.

Happiness. I thrive when people look at me, perfect.

Sí, se la veu molt convençuda, però a més

Yes, she seems very convinced, but moreover

això, voler escollir projectes arriscats,

this, wanting to choose risky projects,

que la treguin de la zona de confort,

to take her out of her comfort zone,

admet que és bastant orcajòlic, addicte a la feina

admit that he is quite workaholic, addicted to work

i que és competitiva des de petita, quan ja

And she has been competitive since she was little, when already

jugava amb la seva mare al joc de taula

he was playing with his mother at the board game

que tant, per tant, sense escrúpols.

that much, therefore, without scruples.

Però no tot és tan perfecte.

But not everything is so perfect.

Com que no, Pau? Vigila, eh, Pau?

Of course not, Pau? Be careful, okay, Pau?

Acabem de dir que l'Úrsula Corbaró

We just said that Úrsula Corberó

és perfecta. Jo també ho creia, però

it's perfect. I thought so too, but

Úrsula Corbaró admet que

Úrsula Corbaró admits that

no sempre està contenta amb la seva feina.

She is not always happy with her job.

Això no significa que em faci feliç tot el rato,

This does not mean that I am happy all the time,

tota l'estona, però...

all the time, but...

però sí que...

but yes that...

és el que més penso.

it's what I think about the most.

Penso això, penso que...

I think this, I think that...

I em sento molt afortunada també de tindre

I also feel very fortunate to have.

la capacitat de poder disfrutar

the ability to enjoy

de les coses que m'estan passant.

about the things that are happening to me.

En general està satisfeta, però

Overall she is satisfied, but

hi ha alguns moments en què no s'ha sentit

there are some moments when it hasn’t been felt

tan feliç. No desenvolup, eh?

So happy. I won't develop, okay?

Però una cosa, això forma part

But one thing, this is part of

de la perfecció.

of perfection.

Als dibatxos teniu xambal emocional

In the drawings, you have emotional baggage.

dins, però és que, clar, és humana. És a dir,

inside, but it’s just that, of course, it’s human. That is to say,

estem defensant que l'Úrsula Corbaró

We are defending that Úrsula Corbaró

és una humana perfecta. Dintre del

she is a perfect human. Inside of the

que implica ser humà, que ets imperfecta.

what it means to be human, that you are imperfect.

Sí, i que t'hi dies dolents, això encara la fa més perfecta.

Yes, and that you have bad days, that makes it even more perfect.

Exacte. Perquè està renal.

Exactly. Because it is renal.

Molt ben dit.

Well said.

Però ens haig de dir aquest moment tan dolç,

But I have to tell you this sweet moment,

i el fet és això, que no sempre ha estat

And the fact is this, that it hasn't always been.

així, i ha fet una altra entrevista

thus, and he has done another interview

a l'agència EFE, on deixa clar que la seva

at the EFE agency, where he makes it clear that his

arribada a Hollywood no va ser gaire

The arrival in Hollywood was not very.



Cuando empecé a trabajar en Estados Unidos,

When I started working in the United States,

bueno, ahora parece que fue hace 20 años

Well, now it seems it was 20 years ago.

y ya la he experimentado.

and I have already experienced it.

Pero sí que es verdad que a lo mejor me costaba

But it is true that maybe it was hard for me.



ser escuchada.

to be heard.

Creo que no tiene que ver con la experiencia,

I don't think it has to do with the experience,

ni tiene que ver con el principio, ni en fin,

it has nothing to do with the beginning, nor with the end,

tiene que ver con la gente de la que te rodeas.

It has to do with the people you surround yourself with.

No sé què va passar

I don't know what happened.

a Hollywood. He mirat els projectes

to Hollywood. I have looked at the projects.

que hi ha fet. El primer va ser el 2021,

what has been done. The first was in 2021,

va rodar-hi la pel·lícula Snake Eyes

The movie Snake Eyes was filmed there.

i l'origen, i l'any passat va formar part

and the origin, and last year was part of

d'un altre projecte de Hollywood, que era la pel·li

from another Hollywood project, which was the movie

Lift, un robot de primera classe que es va estrenar

Lift, a first-class robot that premiered.

a Netflix. Em sembla que potser

to Netflix. It seems to me that maybe

ho va passar malament en algun moment.

he had a hard time at some point.

Clar, però això és com quan et canvien d'escola, no?

Of course, but this is like when you change schools, isn't it?

I te'n vas a un institut nou, però sobre un altre país

You're going to a new school, but in another country.

i amb un altre idioma. Doncs potser no la van acollir

And with another language. So perhaps they did not welcome her.

com es mereixia. Exacte, potser

as he deserved. Exactly, perhaps

sí, sí, sí. I integrar-se per ella va ser

yes, yes, yes. And integrating for her was

difícil. Sobretot l'equip.

difficult. Especially the team.

Crec que en algun equip no va estar

I think he wasn't in some team.

del tot còmode

completely comfortable

i diu que li agrada rodar, de fet, en altres

And he says he likes to roll, in fact, in others.

països i en projectes amb diverses nacionalitats

countries and in projects with various nationalities

de manera que ho busca, encara que se senti

so that he/she seeks it, even if he/she feels

un punt vulnerable, i amb el

a vulnerable point, and with the

hockey, aquesta pel·li que ara estrena a Sant Sebastià,

hockey, this film that is now premiering in San Sebastián,

ha pogut rodar en una ciutat

has been able to film in a city

on ja havia anat molt.

where I had already gone a lot.

Ha habido un trabajo personal mío también, como de enfrentarme a lo desconocido.

There has also been my personal work, like facing the unknown.

Ha sido la primera vez

It has been the first time.

que llevo muchos años yendo a Buenos Aires

I have been going to Buenos Aires for many years.

a Argentina, pero ha sido la primera vez

to Argentina, but it has been the first time

que he filmado allí.

that I have filmed there.

Entonces, era todo

So, that was it.



distinto y nuevo para mí.

different and new to me.

Evidentment, coneixia Buenos Aires

Obviously, I knew Buenos Aires.

gràcies a Chino Darín i a la seva família

thanks to Chino Darín and his family

i, de fet, la setmana passada, explica'm

And, in fact, last week, tell me.

que hi fa força vida allà, quan hi és.

that there is quite a lot of life there, when he is.

Fa pilates amb la sogra, Pau,

He does Pilates with his mother-in-law, Pau.

és que clar. Doncs, ara més, rodar-hi.

It's just that of course. Well, now more, to roll with it.

Vull dir que ja s'hi ha fet

I mean that it has already been done.

la mitja casa, tot i que

the half house, even though

em sembla que no consta que tinguin cap residència

It seems to me that there is no record of them having any residence.

oficial com a parella, ells dos.

official as a couple, both of them.

No em va explicar, quan parlava

He didn't explain to me when he spoke.

d'Argentina, parlava de la casa d'en Chino

from Argentina, he was talking about Chino's house

o de la casa d'ells dos? No me'n recordo.

or their house? I don't remember.

Hi hauria de revisionar l'entrevista.

I would have to review the interview.

Si no em falla la memòria, diria que justament

If my memory serves me right, I would say that just.

deia que ara s'havien intentat

I was saying that they had tried now.

instal·lar aquí, a Barcelona,

install here, in Barcelona,

però que els havien sortit, això, projectes

but that they had come up with, this, projects

lluny de la ciutat,

far from the city,

de la capital catalana. En tot cas,

of the Catalan capital. In any case,

Corbaró explica que li agrada interpretar

Corbaró explains that he likes to perform.

en una llengua que no sigui la seva, encara que

in a language that is not their own, even though

admet que el primer cop que va rodar en anglès,

admit that the first time he shot in English,

potser jo explico els entrebans de Hollywood,

perhaps I explain the intricacies of Hollywood,

ho va passar malament,

he had a hard time,

perquè quan el director es comunicava amb ella

because when the director communicated with her

no entenia absolutament res.

I didn't understand absolutely anything.

Esteu fets l'un per l'altre, Roger.

You are made for each other, Roger.

Quina llàstima.

What a pity.

Ella deia, ok, let's try that,

She said, ok, let's try that,

per sortir del pas.

to get by.

Vés a saber què li deia el director,

Go know what the director was telling him.

però semblava que li servia aquesta frase.

but it seemed that this sentence was useful to him.

De comodí, de comodí. Sí.

As a wildcard, as a wildcard. Yes.

En tot cas, més enllà d'Ursula Corbaró, a Sant Sebastià

In any case, beyond Ursula Corbaró, in San Sebastián.

també hi ha Anton Álvarez, que segurament

there is also Anton Álvarez, who probably

per aquest nom no tothom sap a quin referim,

not everyone knows which one we are referring to by this name,

però és C. Tangana, Anton és el seu

but it's C. Tangana, Anton is his

nom autèntic, s'estrena com a director

real name, debuts as a director

de cine amb la pel·li La guitarra flamenca

going to the movies with the film The Flamenco Guitar

de Gerai Cortés, i ara

from Gerai Cortés, and now

vol utilitzar el seu nom real.

wants to use his real name.

Desde pequeñito, cuando empecé a rapear,

Since I was little, when I started rapping,

pues no me puse mi nombre, ¿no?

Well, I didn't put my name, did I?

Ahora siento que hay cosas ya

Now I feel that there are things already.

con 34 palos que tengo

with 34 sticks that I have

que ya puedo firmar con mi nombre normal

that I can already sign with my normal name

y que se van a quedar ahí.

and they are going to stay there.

Y esta es una de ellas.

And this is one of them.

Ho ha dit en una entrevista

He said it in an interview.

a Quino Tico, i amb aquest canvi

to a Quino Tico, and with this change

de nom diria que Anton Álvarez

I would say his name is Anton Álvarez.

també vol començar una etapa que la llunya

she also wants to start a stage that distances her

a força de la música. Ja ho va fer un any enrere

by the power of music. It already did it a year ago.

quan va presentar al documental

when he presented the documentary

esta ambició en dismedida, que va dir que no se sentia

this excessive ambition, which he said he did not feel

representat per C. Tangana,

represented by C. Tangana,

cada cop menys, i no està clar

increasingly less, and it's not clear

què passarà amb aquest nom artístic,

what will happen with this artistic name,

perquè defensa tenir diverses marques.

because he/she defends having multiple brands.

Poder tener distintos paraguas en los que vas

To be able to have different umbrellas as you go.

metiendo las cosas que haces,

putting in the things that you do,

sobre todo para gente como yo, que yo no

above all for people like me, that I don't

tengo ninguna técnica, yo no he estudiado nada, ni he

I have no technique, I have not studied anything, nor have I

aprendido nada, y es todo como por intuición.

learned nothing, and it's all like by intuition.

Estos, poder poner

These, can put.

las cosas en un sitio u otro

things in one place or another

es muy útil y divertido.

It is very useful and fun.

Jo tinc la sensació

I have the feeling.

que ell fa molt de temps que té la síndrome

he has had the syndrome for a long time

de l'impostor. De fet, heu vist el documental

of the impostor. In fact, have you seen the documentary?

de l'ambició en dismedida?

of unrestrained ambition?

No, no sencer. Va explicant

No, not completely. Keep explaining.

durant tota l'estona que,

during the whole time that,

que ell no sap, que creu que no sap cantar,

that he doesn't know, that he thinks he can't sing,

que no li agrada la seva veu,

that he/she doesn't like his/her voice,

que ell no, com que

that he doesn't, like how

no està preparat per sortir davant d'un estadi

he is not ready to go out in front of a stadium

i cantar davant de tanta gent, jo pensava

And singing in front of so many people, I was thinking.

no sé si ho diu per fer-se l'interessant

I don't know if he's saying it to seem interesting.

o ho pensa de veritat.

or does he really think so.

I ara, com que renuncia a la marca de C. Tangana

And now, since he renounces the C. Tangana brand.

i vol fer cinema.

I want to make cinema.

És que ha fet unes quantes entrevistes

It's just that she has done a few interviews.

i a moltes se li pregunta explícitament

and many are explicitly asked

per la música, i Antoni Alvarez diu que

for the music, and Antoni Alvarez says that

no té cap projecte musical en ment, que li agrada

he has no musical project in mind, he likes it.

que sigui així, que no està gravant res i que porta

let it be so, that it is not recording anything and that it carries

dos anys sense entrar a cap estudi.

two years without entering any studio.

Vull dir, això, sembla que té més ganes

I mean, this seems to be more eager.

de fer una altra pel·lícula, aprendre a escriure guions,

to make another movie, learn to write scripts,

tot i que pensa que mai deixarà de fer

even though he/she thinks he/she will never stop doing

música, però sí que el C. Tangana

music, but yes to C. Tangana

l'està enterrant força.

He is burying it quite a bit.

Doncs ja podem anar esperant, eh? La gent que li agradi

Well, we can start waiting, right? The people who like it.

C. Tangana, perquè no té pinta de que

C. Tangana, because he doesn't seem like he does.

com a mínim va acabar amb un gran disc.

At least he finished with a great album.

El madrilenyo és un grandíssim disc.

The Madrilenyo is a magnificent album.

És un disc casso, és un disc casso.

It's a broken record, it's a broken record.

Això és segur, oi? Molt segur.

This is sure, right? Very sure.

Espanta, però...

It’s scary, but...

Quatre minuts i arribem

Four minutes and we'll arrive.

a dos quarts d'una. Falten només

At a quarter to one. Only a few minutes left.

dos dies per l'estrena de la segona temporada

two days until the premiere of the second season

de La Travessa, i la cosa ja va fent

from La Travessa, and things are progressing

xup-xup. I la veritat és que estem molt

Simmering. And the truth is that we are very

expectants per veure què passarà a la

waiting to see what will happen to the

Premiere, perquè la Laura Escanes tornarà

Premiere, because Laura Escanes will return.

a veure's les cares amb tot

to see each other face to face with everything

l'equip del programa, això vol dir els concursants,

the program team, that means the contestants,

els tècnics, també

the technicians, too

els càmeres, com per exemple

the cameras, such as

en Miquel Alors. I sort que tindrem

Miquel Alors. I will see that we will have.

la nostra companya i estimada Juliana al

our dear colleague Juliana at

Cinema Esmoviar i Bau de Barcelona per captar i plasmar

Esmoviar Cinema and Bau of Barcelona to capture and embody.

tot el que passi allà,

everything that happens there,

en un dels seus reportatges. Moltes ganes de veure

in one of its reports. Looking forward to seeing it.

què ens explica. Perquè, clar, aquest va ser el titular

What it tells us. Because, of course, this was the headline.

del rodatge de la segona temporada de La Travessa.

from the filming of the second season of La Travessa.

La Laura Escanes es va

Laura Escanes is leaving.

embolicar amb un dels operadors de càmeres

to wrap up with one of the camera operators

del programa, i tots dos es van il·lusionar.

of the program, and both were excited.

I això ho sabem i ho tenim confirmadíssim.

And we know this and we have it confirmed.

Això era per això abans de l'estiu,

This was for this reason before the summer,

i no sabíem com acabaria la cosa,

and we didn't know how it would end,

ni si tindria gaire continuïtat.

nor would it have much continuity.

I el que sabem, perquè ens ho va dir ella, és que

And what we know, because she told us, is that

a hores d'ara, Laura Escanes

at this point in time, Laura Escanes

està solteríssima. Soltera i feliç.

she is very single. Single and happy.

I molt feliç. Sí. Contenta amb si mateixa,

I am very happy. Yes. Content with herself,

que al final és el més important. Però aleshores, anem

that in the end is the most important. But then, let's go.

a veure el que ens importa a nosaltres. Què va passar

Let's see what matters to us. What happened?

entre aquest parell? Va ser un amor

between this pair? It was a love

de colònies? Van intentar-ho durant l'estiu?

About camp? Did they try it during the summer?

Doncs les mamaratzis, que són la Laura

Well, the mamaratzis are Laura.

Fai i la Lorena Vázquez, van donar més detalls

Fai and Lorena Vázquez provided more details.

d'aquesta fogar relació al seu podcast.

of this home relationship to your podcast.

Des d'aquí, les mamaratzis, podem confirmar

From here, the mamaratzis, we can confirm

que estuviérem junts una setmana a Menorca.

that we were together for a week in Menorca.

Este verano. Este verano.

This summer. This summer.

Ell ha passat bastants dies

He has spent quite a few days.

en Menorca, i ella, entre

in Menorca, and she, between

que estuvo con Roma, su hija, y vinieron

that was with Roma, his daughter, and they came

unas amigas y tal, sí que pudo estar una semana en Menorca

Some friends and such, yes, she was able to stay a week in Menorca.

con Miquel Alors. Que luego ella

with Miquel Alors. That later she

se fue a Rilanca, con ese viaje

He went to Rilanca, with that trip.

que hizo

what did he/she do

con las amigas,

with friends,

y que desde entonces no consta

and that since then it has not been recorded

que se hayan vuelto a ver. Que no eran novios,

that they have seen each other again. That they were not dating,

que era un rollete, pero que el viaje,

that it was a fling, but that the trip,

y que ella sabía que este viaje,

and that she knew that this trip,

pues hombre, iba a romper un poco la ratxa

Well, man, I was going to break the streak a bit.

tan chula que llevaban con este chico.

so cool that they were with this guy.

Per tant, l'estiu va poder

Therefore, the summer was able

amb ells. És una mica aquesta la conclusió.

with them. This is a bit the conclusion.

Tenien els plans cadascú

They each had their own plans.

ja muntats, i al final la cosa va ser superior.

Already mounted, and in the end, the thing was superior.

Però sí que van passar aquesta setmaneta junts a Menorca.

But they did spend this little week together in Menorca.

Ara mateix estan en contacte

They are currently in contact.

zero, diuen les mamaratzis.

zero, say the mamaratzis.

Però clar, el que dèiem, dimecres

But of course, what we were saying, Wednesday.

s'hauran de tornar a veure. Pot ser

They will have to see each other again. Maybe.

que després del foc

that after the fire

les cendres es pornegin?

Did the ashes ignite?

O sea, que rota la historia, no es que esté,

I mean, breaking the story, it’s not that it is,

sino que no ha coincidido, que da la sensación

but it hasn't coincided, which gives the feeling

de que cuando coincidan...

that when they coincide...

Volverán a recuperar. Pero ayer

They will recover again. But yesterday.

Miquel Alors, en sus stories,

Miquel Alors, in his stories,

colgó una excursión que ha hecho por la montaña

He posted about a hike he took in the mountains.

con una chica, que no es Laura,

with a girl, who is not Laura,

y han acabado

and they have finished

la excursión. Pues dice, estás en la montaña

the excursion. Well, he says, you are in the mountain.

donde paramos a dormir, pues él tiene un Tesla,

where we stop to sleep, because he has a Tesla,

pues durmieron los dos en el Tesla.

Well, both slept in the Tesla.

A ver...

Let's see...

Que pueden ser solo amigos, también.

They can also just be friends.

Yo creo que no.

I don't think so.

Per tant, en Miquel

Therefore, Miquel

va fent la seva.

it's getting there.

Però és que la Laura potser també.

But maybe Laura can too.

Sí, sí, sí. Al final...

Yes, yes, yes. In the end...

I escolta'm, que pel que em consta, tampoc sé

And listen to me, because from what I know, I don't know either.

grans coses de la vida d'en Miquel, però

great things in Miquel's life, but

hi hem coincidit alguna vegada, i parles,

we have coincided a few times, and you talk,

i el segueixes a Instagram. Ell és molt

and you follow him on Instagram. He is very

de dormir en vehicles, eh?

sleeping in vehicles, huh?

T'ho haig de dir. Però de dormir sempre acompanyat,

I have to tell you. But always sleeping with someone,

també. Li agrada molt

also. He/She likes it a lot

fer sortides i dormir a furgonetes.

go on trips and sleep in vans.

Ara no sabia que s'havia canviat el cotxe.

Now I didn't know that he had changed the car.

Dormir al Tesla. Vull dir que potser ho fa

Sleep in the Tesla. I mean, maybe it does.

amb amics, amb amigues,

with friends, with female friends,

amb parelles... No està en rellevant.

with couples... It is not relevant.

Exacte. Vull dir que...

Exactly. I mean that...

Bueno, no sé si sou de dormir a vehicles...

Well, I don't know if you are used to sleeping in vehicles...

No, és veritat que és molt un tipus de persona, eh?

No, it is true that he is a certain type of person, huh?

La que dorm en vehicles. Sí, qui

The one who sleeps in vehicles. Yes, who?

dorm, hi dorm molt en vehicles. Saps què vull dir?

He sleeps, he sleeps a lot in vehicles. Do you know what I mean?

Van live. Exacte, exacte.

Van live. Exactly, exactly.

Molt de furgoneta i de dormir allà dins.

A lot of van and sleeping in there.

Tots els ulls posats a la premiere de

All eyes on the premiere of

La Travessa el pròxim dimecres. Però clar, estem

The road next Wednesday. But of course, we are

donant molt per fet que hi serà ell.

taking it for granted that he will be there.

Ella segur. Ell hauria de ser.

She is for sure. He should be.

Ell hi hauria de ser.

He should be there.

A les estrenes ha format part de l'equip

He has been part of the team in the premieres.

de La Travessa, a no ser

from La Travessa, unless

que estigui en algun altre rodatge...

that he/she is in some other filming...

O que estigui al cotxe.

Or it could be in the car.

O que se'ns hagi dormit al cotxe

Or that we fell asleep in the car.

al pàrquing Sàbada sota el Zaribau.

at the Sàbada parking under the Zaribau.

Saps què vull dir? Podria ser, també.

Do you know what I mean? It could be, too.

Heu mirat gaire la tele aquest cap de setmana?

Have you watched much TV this weekend?

Ai, no gaire, jo. No sé si heu tingut temps.

Oh, not much for me. I don't know if you've had time.

No? No, no, no. Poc.

No? No, no, no. Little.

Estàs parlant amb dues persones que tenen

You are talking to two people who have

alguna cosa, eh? No, ara he pensat que teniu unes...

something, huh? No, now I've thought that you have some...

Més feina familiar.

More family work.

Una cosa complicada. Una hora delicada,

A complicated thing. A delicate hour.

sobretot la nit del dissabte,

especially on Saturday night,

que es fa el col·lapse. El col·lapse es va tornar a emetre

the collapse is happening. The collapse was broadcast again.

aquesta nova temporada a TV3, va ser líder

this new season on TV3 was a leader

d'audiència, amb una entrevista

of audience, with an interview

molt... molt forta,

very... very strong,

molt emotiva, amb l'Àngel Llàcer.

very emotional, with Àngel Llàcer.

Aquesta nit ens fa molt de gust jo que ens acompanyi

Tonight we are very pleased that you will join us.

Àngel Llàcer.

Àngel Llàcer.

És que és molt...

It's just that it's very...

És que crec que és l'entrevista més...

I think it's the most... interview.

més difícil que he fet mai.

more difficult than I have ever done.

Hòstia, va!

Holy shit, come on!

No poden ni començar l'entrevista

They can't even start the interview.

perquè ja s'emocionen tots dos, són molt amics,

because they both get emotional, they are very close friends,

es coneixen de fa molt temps, així que

they have known each other for a long time, so

se'n van a publicitat i llavors tornen.

They go to advertising and then they come back.

Com us deia, l'Àngel és molt amic

As I was saying, Àngel is a good friend.

d'en Ricard Ostrell i va anar al programa

of Ricard Ostrell and went to the program

a explicar que per culpa d'una infecció

to explain that due to an infection

per un bacteri al Vietnam va estar a punt de morir

he was about to die from a bacterium in Vietnam.

ara fa uns mesos. El resum

a few months ago. The summary

mèdic, per fer-nos una idea, és que el bacteri

doctor, to give us an idea, is that the bacteria

s'estén per la pell i es va menjant els teixits

it spreads over the skin and eats away at the tissues

del cos. Però això

of the body. But this

ell no ho va saber de seguida.

he didn't know it right away.

Vaig a Madrid perquè jo torno, torno a treballar, vaig a Madrid a fer

I'm going to Madrid because I'm returning, I'm going back to work, I'm going to Madrid to do.

The Producers, que era el musical que estava fent

The Producers, which was the musical I was doing.

i el 13

and the 13


of April

doncs tot comença, o sigui, comença

so everything begins, or rather, it begins

el calvari, realment, no?

The calvary, really, right?

I aleshores comença un mal de panxa, mal de panxa, llavors

And then a stomach ache starts, stomach ache, then.

comença a tenir unes dières molt fortes,

she is starting to have very strong hiccups,

vaig a Madrid, bueno, deixo la funció,

I'm going to Madrid, well, I'm leaving the function,

tenia dues funcions i deixo la funció mitges.

I had two roles and I leave the role of half.

Mal de panxa i febre, no, tenies? Sí.

Stomach ache and fever, didn't you? Yes.

I el dia següent em trobava malament,

And the next day I felt unwell,

vaig tornar i vaig estar ingressat 10 dies.

I went back and was hospitalized for 10 days.

Llavors vaig estar a Madrid, llavors em van donar l'alta,

Then I was in Madrid, then they discharged me.

ja vaig passar,

I already passed.

em van posar uns antibiòtics,

they put me on some antibiotics,



jo em pensava que ja estava curat,

I thought I was already healed.

jo em pensava que el bacteri era mort i tot perfecte.

I thought the bacterium was dead and everything was perfect.

Llavors vaig venir aquí i va arribar a Sant Jordi.

Then I came here and it arrived at Sant Jordi.



tot s'ha arreglat, li van posar els antibiòtics

Everything has been fixed, they put him on antibiotics.

i va passar al Sant Jordi a Barcelona

And it happened on Sant Jordi in Barcelona.

que vam coincidir amb ell perquè

that we coincided with him because

va venir a l'estudi que va muntar

he came to the studio that he set up

Catalunya Ràdio, el Passeig de Gràcia,

Catalonia Radio, the Passeig de Gràcia,

per fer una secció amb en Ricard Ostrell,

to do a segment with Ricard Ostrell,

i me'n recordo que crec que la Juliana i jo ens el vam

And I remember that I think that Juliana and I had it.

trobar, potser tu, Marta, encara no havies arribat,

to find, perhaps you, Marta, had not yet arrived,

i ens va explicar, tio, he estat

And he explained to us, dude, I have been

molt fotut d'un bacteri

very messed up by a bacterium

del Vietnam, m'he estat a punt de morir,

from Vietnam, I was about to die,

i ens va dir, disfruteu de la vida

and he told us, enjoy life

que és molt bonica.

that is very beautiful.

Li ha canviat la vida.

It has changed his life.

I vam pensar, fot cony o no, perquè l'Àngel Llàcer

We thought, whether we like it or not, because of Àngel Llàcer.

mai sap si t'ho diu de veritat o si

never know if he/she is telling you the truth or if

ho diu de broma. Però uns dies

He's joking. But in a few days.

després d'aquell Sant Jordi, quan semblava que

after that Sant Jordi, when it seemed that

tot estava solucionat, ell no

everything was sorted out, he wasn't

s'acabava de trobar bé i té

he had just started to feel better and has

una premonició.

a premonition.

Una premonició que comparteix amb els amics.

A premonition that she shares with her friends.

Jo estic dilluns a casa i de cop i volta

I am at home on Monday and all of a sudden.

saps aquelles vegades que tens un déjà vu,

you know those times when you have a déjà vu,

que dius, això ja ho he viscut, no sé què tal,

What are you saying, I have already lived this, I don't know how it is,

però una cosa com molt estranya

but something very strange

que em diu, aquesta setmana tu et moriràs.

What she tells me is, this week you will die.

I jo dic, hòstia. Llavors just em truca

And I say, damn. Then he just calls me.

l'Enric Cambray i li dic, Enric,

I tell him, Enric,

acabo de tenir una premonició

I just had a premonition.

que moriré aquesta setmana i hauríem d'anar

that I will die this week and we should go

a un notari per fer el testament.

to a notary to make the will.

I aleshores jo, amb aquesta premonició

And then I, with this premonition

de que em moria, i dijous

of what I was dying, and Thursday

decideixo anar a l'Adexeus.

I decide to go to the Adexeus.

Perquè estaves molt malament, és a dir, no podies posar

Because you were very unwell, that is, you couldn't put.

el peu a terra.

the foot on the ground.

I aquí la cosa es complica, perquè l'ingressen

And here the thing gets complicated, because they admit him.

a l'Adexeus i li diuen que la situació

to Adexeus and they tell him that the situation

és crítica. Llavors ja t'hem d'operar,

it's critical. Then we have to operate on you.

i és una operació complicada,

and it is a complicated operation,

diguéssim que el passó ja estava curat,

let's say that the wound was already healed,

però va seguir campant,

but he continued to roam,

no havien enganxat el bitxo.

they hadn't caught the bug.

I aleshores va començar a saber que hi pujava

And then he started to know that he was going up there.

i clar, això si et puja una mica més

And of course, that if it goes up a little more.

és que són hores, i ja està, et menja un òrgan vital

It's just that it's hours, and that's it, it eats a vital organ.

i adiós.

And goodbye.

I aleshores em diu, bueno, en aquesta operació

And then he tells me, well, in this operation

o surts sense cama

or you go out without a leg

o no surts.

or you don't go out.

Llavors li vaig dir, jo necessito parlar

Then I told him, I need to talk.

amb els meus éssers estimats.

with my loved ones.

Clar, quan ho sents que ho explica,

Of course, when you hear it explained,

és molt bèstia la situació,

the situation is very wild,

en la que estava.

in which I was.

És la primera vegada que ho explica, ell.

It's the first time he's explaining it.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

De fet, havia estat molt desaparegut els últims mesos

In fact, I had been very absent in the last few months.

i no se sabia fins i tot si estava del tot bé.

and didn't even know if he was completely well.

Que n'havien parlat aquí en aquest programa

They had talked about it here in this program.

que no havia agafat una infecció,

that I had not caught an infection,

que havia estat ingressat a l'hospital...

that had been admitted to the hospital...

No, i tothom estava molt preocupat, i els seus companys

No, and everyone was very worried, including his colleagues.

de tocar a més suena anaven fent declaracions

Touching more sounded they were making statements.

dient que estaven molt preocupats pel seu company.

saying that they were very worried about their colleague.

Clar, no teníem detalls, i ara sí, en el col·lapse

Of course, we didn't have details, and now yes, in the collapse.

ha donat tots els detalls. Uns dies abans de l'operació

He has provided all the details. A few days before the operation.

l'Àngel es trobava fatal

Ángel was feeling terrible.

i explica que notava

and explain what he/she felt

una presència al seu costat tota l'estona.

a presence by your side all the time.

I llavors aquest dia se m'instal·la la mort.

And then on that day death installs itself in me.

O sigui, això és una cosa...

So, this is something...

És una sensació que realment és molt heavy.

It's a feeling that is really very intense.

O sigui, jo aquí tenia la mort

That is to say, I had death here.

i ho notava. Dic, vale.

And I noticed it. I say, okay.

O sigui, aquí tinc la mort i no em deixa.

So, here I have death and it won't leave me.

I tu veus que és una persona que és com un cant de sirena.

And you see that she is a person who is like a siren's song.

Llavors està aquí

Then it's here.

i et va dient, tu estàs aquí amb mi

and it tells you, you are here with me

i tu tal. I és com una persona

And you too. And it's like a person.

que t'incita, no?

What encourages you, right?

És com dient, en el moment que tu decideixis

It's like saying, at the moment you decide.

venir amb mi, tot això acabarà.

come with me, all of this will end.

Llavors tu,

Then you,


of course,

jo deia, hòstia, és que fàcil

I was saying, damn, it's so easy.

és deixar-te anar.

it's letting yourself go.

Però és aquella cosa de dir, hòstia,

But it's that thing of saying, wow,

però no sé si me'n vull anar encara, saps?

but I don’t know if I want to leave just yet, you know?

Llavors, a mi l'única cosa

Then, the only thing for me

que em sabia greu de morir-me, i ho dic de veritat,

I felt sorry for dying, and I mean it.

era tots els que us deixava.

It was all those that I left you.

Com que els metges

Since the doctors

li havien dit que no tothom sobreviu

they had told him that not everyone survives

a la intervenció, l'Àngel

in the intervention, Ángel

agafa i s'acomiada dels seus amics.

He/She takes leave of his/her friends.

Clar, jo deia adeu, jo deia, bueno, per si de cas.

Sure, I was saying goodbye, I was saying, well, just in case.

O sigui, no donava 100% que moria.

So, I wasn't 100% sure that I would die.

A mi l'única cosa que em sabia greu

The only thing that made me sad.

de morir-me, i ho dic de veritat, era

to die, and I mean it, was

tots els que us deixava.

all those I left you.

O sigui, a tu, per exemple, Ricard, jo pensava

I mean, to you, for example, Ricard, I was thinking.

jo al Ricard no li puc fer això.

I can't do this to Ricard.

O sigui, jo no puc morir-me

That is to say, I cannot die.

als 50 anys i que el Ricard

at 50 years old and that Ricard

arrossegui la meva mort durant tota la seva vida, saps?

You drag my death throughout your whole life, you know?

I que digui, hòstia, aquí l'Àngel hagués dit no sé què.

And I would say, damn, here Ángel would have said something.

I a mi això és el que realment em feia molta pena.

And for me, this is what really made me very sad.

Molta, molta. Deixar-vos

A lot, a lot. Let you go.

orfes de la meva amistat, com si diguéssim, no?

orphaned from my friendship, as we might say, right?

Vaig enviar un WhatsApp

I sent a WhatsApp.

a un grup

to a group

en el qual tu hi ets, i us dic adeu, adeu,

in which you are, and I say goodbye to you, goodbye,

us he estimat molt, i només us demano

I have loved you very much, and I only ask you.

que us estimeu, no? I que...

that you love each other, right? And that...

I al final, hòstia, m'adono que jo volia

And in the end, damn, I realize that I wanted

com el meu llegat fos

as my legacy was

que l'amor fos el més important, no?

that love was the most important thing, right?

I que l'única cosa que heu de fer a la vida

And that the only thing you have to do in life

és estimar-vos els uns als altres. Ja ho sé que és molt hippie, però

it's to love each other. I know it's very hippie, but

jo pensava, hòstia, si m'he de morir, almenys

I thought, damn, if I have to die, at least

deixar-vos dir que estimeu.

let me tell you that you love.

Que és l'única cosa que compta, no?

What is the only thing that matters, right?

Aquest és només un fragment

This is just a fragment.

d'aquesta entrevista que dura 40

of this interview that lasts 40

minuts i que podeu trobar tota sencera

minutes and you can find it all whole

al Trescati, que és una entrevista molt bonica.

to Trescati, which is a very nice interview.

Ara farem una pausa, i atenció, perquè

Now we will take a break, and attention, because

hi ha la tornada tertúlia

there is the return chat

sobre aquesta tercera temporada

about this third season

de Sui Georgina. La Marta m'ha

of Sui Georgina. Marta has told me.

obligat a mirar-la aquest cap de setmana.

obliged to watch it this weekend.

I què? Com et sents?

And what? How do you feel?

Tinc moltes coses a dir.

I have many things to say.

És a dir, m'ha agradat com a contingut

That is to say, I liked it as content.

audiovisual, però estic en desacord

audiovisual, but I disagree

amb moltes coses. Igual que jo.

with many things. Just like me.

Tinc unes ganes de rajar.

I really feel like gossiping.

Molt, molt, molt. L'únic que voleu és

Very, very, very. The only thing you want is

criticar. I tant, clar, però és que d'això

to criticize. Of course, but it's just that about this

va la nostra feina. Però ella també, ella s'hi posa bé,

there goes our work. But she too, she gets into it well,

s'hi posa bé, i per això està funcionant a Netflix.

It goes well there, and that's why it's working on Netflix.

Ara en parlem amb en Jaume Miranda.

Now we talk with Jaume Miranda.

Que no surti d'aquí, amb Roger Carandell,

Don't let it get out of here, with Roger Carandell.

Juliana Canet i Marta Montaner.

Juliana Canet and Marta Montaner.

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

Que no surti d'aquí.

Don’t let it out of here.

La vida dels famosos

The life of the famous.

a Catalunya Ràdio.

at Catalunya Ràdio.

Mi familia y yo ahora vivimos en Arabia Saudita.

My family and I now live in Saudi Arabia.

Eres muy loca, eh?

You're very crazy, huh?

Quatre minuts i tres quarts d'una

Four minutes to a quarter past one.

us vam donar

we gave you

deures aquest divendres pel cap de setmana,

homework this Friday for the weekend,

que era mirar la nova temporada de

what it was to watch the new season of

Soy Georgina. Jaume Miranda, bon dia.

I am Georgina. Jaume Miranda, good morning.

He dit que jo he fet

I said that I have done.

els deures, eh? Sí? Ai, que bé, Jaume.

the homework, huh? Yes? Oh, that's good, Jaume.

Has estat, què t'hem d'imaginar, allà

You've been, what should we imagine you, there?

al sofà, amb calçotets i una llibreta,

on the sofa, wearing underpants and with a notebook,

anar apuntant?

go writing down?

Amb calçotets, quina imatge

With little pants, what an image!

més desagradable, per favor. No aneu molt

more unpleasant, please. Don't go too much

amb calçotets al sofà de casa? Bueno, no ho sé.

with underpants on the sofa at home? Well, I don't know.

No, no, jo soc molt més elegant. Jo vaig

No, no, I am much more elegant. I go.

amb un pijama així com a de...

with a pajamas like this as of...

Un camí son, saps? Així com el llarg, amb falda.

A sound path, you know? Just like the long one, with a skirt.

Ah, com una espècie de barnús?

Ah, like a kind of robe?

Sí, com un barnús així com de senyora, jo soc així.

Yes, like a bathrobe as if a lady, that's how I am.

Vas amb bata per casa.

You walk around the house in a robe.

Exacte, jo vaig amb bata i he mirat...

Exactly, I’m in a gown and I’ve looked...

Georgina, he de dir, no per deures, ho he mirat per gust

Georgina, I have to say, not for homework, I looked at it for pleasure.

absolutament propi, és a dir, encara que

absolutely proper, that is to say, even though

no m'haguessis donat aquesta obligació, jo ho hagués mirat.

You shouldn't have given me this obligation, I would have looked at it.

Jo també, Jaume.

Me too, Jaume.

Així m'agrada. I bueno, ara pendons.

That's how I like it. And well, now let's see.

Ho has mirat, també? També. Jo ja fa 3 anys

Have you looked at it too? Yes. I have been doing it for 3 years.

que soc amic íntim de la Georgina

that I am a close friend of Georgina

i soc un dels aprofitats, com els seus amics. Ets un dels queridos.

I am one of the opportunists, like your friends. You are one of the loved ones.

Sí. Doncs no has sortit

Yes. Well, you haven't gone out.

gaire, aquesta temporada, eh? No, no, aquesta temporada, sí.

Barely, this season, huh? No, no, this season, yes.

Jaume, a veure, vés-nos guiant i

Jaume, let's see, guide us and

i aparta't, per favor,

And step aside, please.

que t'atropellaran. T'atropellaran, com

they will run you over. They will run you over, like

l'anunci de la Maia de la DGT.

the announcement of Maia from the DGT.

Tiràs aquí rebotat.

You will throw it back here.

Què estàu dient?

What are you saying?

Sí, que t'atropellaran.

Yes, they will run you over.

Passa amb bicis, no sé què passa

It happens with bikes, I don’t know what’s going on.

per aquí, però bé, espero que me sentigueu bé

around here, but well, I hope you hear me well

perquè avui venia a parlar de que la Georgina

because today I came to talk about Georgina

Rodríguez, influencer i parell, evidentment,

Rodríguez, influencer and couple, obviously,

de Cristiana Ronaldo, aquesta setmana estrenava

of Cristiano Ronaldo, this week premiered

la tercera temporada del seu

the third season of its

docu-reality, Soc Georgina, a Netflix

docu-reality, I'm Georgina, on Netflix

i recordem que és un dels grans fenòmens

And remember that it is one of the great phenomena.

mundials de Netflix, ja que ses dues

Netflix's world, since its two

temporades passades van aconseguir

past seasons achieved

entrar als top 10 mundial

enter the global top 10

i triomfar a més de 50 països arreu

and triumph in over 50 countries around the world

del món, i a dia d'avui ja podem

of the world, and as of today we can already

confirmar que aquesta tercera temporada

confirm that this third season

també és un èxit mundial, ja que torna a estar

it is also a worldwide success, as it is back

en els top 10 universals de sa plataforma.

in the top 10 universals of its platform.

Per ses més despistades,

For those who are more distracted,

d'acabar una mica aquest reality.

to finish this reality a bit.

Soc Georgina, bàsicament, repassa

I am Georgina, basically, review.

sa vida de na Georgina Rodríguez

the life of Georgina Rodríguez

i com compagina sa mare dels cinc fills

And how does the mother of five children manage?

de Cristiana Ronaldo amb sa

of Cristiano Ronaldo with his

influència i model de campanyes mundials.

influence and model of global campaigns.

I quina és sa gran novetat,

And what is the great novelty,

per mi i crec que per tothom,

for me and I believe for everyone,

de sa tercera temporada, bàsicament és que sa família

of the third season, basically is that the family

Ronaldo-Rodríguez s'ha traslladat

Ronaldo-Rodríguez has moved.

de país per motius laborals de Cristiana

to a foreign country for work reasons of Cristiana

Ronaldo, ja que es futbolista ara

Ronaldo, since he is a footballer now.

juga a s'equip d'Al-Nassar,

he plays for the Al-Nassr team,

crec que ho he pronunciat bé,

I think I pronounced it well.

i han anat a viure tots a Aràbia Saudita.

And they have all gone to live in Saudi Arabia.

Així parla Georgina d'aquest canvi radical

This is how Georgina speaks about this radical change.

de referència.

of reference.

Quan Crist me dijo que iba a jugar a Al-Nassar

When Crist told me that he was going to play for Al-Nassr.

me sentí muy aliviada porque tenía

I felt very relieved because I had

muchas ganas de salir de Manchester.

Very eager to leave Manchester.

Sabía que algo muy bueno nos estaba esperando

I knew that something very good was waiting for us.

y estábamos muy motivados.

and we were very motivated.

Estaba súper feliz

I was super happy.

de venir a Aràbia. Como no teníamos

of coming to Arabia. Since we didn't have

casa y fue todo tan rápido,

house and it was all so fast,

nos quedamos en un hotel y he de decir

we stayed in a hotel and I have to say

que la gente nos lo puso.

that people gave it to us.

Recordem que Aràbia Saudita, si algú no se'n recorda,

Let's remember that Saudi Arabia, if someone doesn't remember,

és un país amb una monarquia absolutista

It is a country with an absolutist monarchy.

on els drets polítics i les llibertats civils,

on political rights and civil liberties,

sobretot la de les dones,

especially that of women,

estan limitades, que això no es...

they are limited, that this is not...

No, no, tu mires el documental de la Georgina i dius

No, no, you watch the documentary about Georgina and you say

ai no, jo vull anar a viure allà.

oh no, I want to go live there.

Sí, perquè dius...

Yes, because you say...

I les dones poden fer vida normalíssima.

And women can have a perfectly normal life.

Ah, sí, clar. És un blanquejament

Ah, yes, of course. It's whitewashing.

d'Aràbia Saudita, tota aquesta temporada

from Saudi Arabia, all season long

de seu i Georgina, al·lucinant.

from you and Georgina, amazing.

I també amb tots els amics que té, eh, Jaume?

And also with all the friends he has, right, Jaume?

Tots els amics, o potser empleats que té

All the friends, or maybe employees he has.

la Georgina, que són gais,

Georgina, who are gay,

que fan veure també que la vida allà és possible

that also make it seem that life there is possible

i que no estarien perseguits i executats.

and that they would not be persecuted and executed.

És una cosa per treure el mocador

It's something to take out the handkerchief.

i fer així, fer mocadorada a l'estadi, senyora.

And by doing so, having a handkerchief party at the stadium, madam.

Evidentment, perquè és que Georgina,

Obviously, because it's Georgina,

bé, per qui no ho hagi pogut veure encara,

well, for those who haven't been able to see it yet,

bàsicament, Aràbia Saudita

basically, Saudi Arabia

la descriu com un lloc hiper còmode i meravellós

describes it as a hyper comfortable and wonderful place.

i, de fet, s'ha passat tota la temporada

And, in fact, he/she has spent the whole season.

visitant centres comercials, monuments, museus,

visiting shopping centers, monuments, museums,

d'altres països, museus,

from other countries, museums,

i se fa com superevident

and it becomes super obvious

que hi ha un pacte econòmic entre els influencers

that there is an economic pact among influencers

i el propi país, Aràbia Saudita,

and the country itself, Saudi Arabia,

per publicitar-se a través del reality

to advertise through the reality show

com un país càlid i atractiu per al turisme mundial.

as a warm and attractive country for world tourism.

I un poc el que heu dit, és a dir,

And a little of what you have said, that is to say,

estàvem veient una Georgina passejant tranquil

We were watching a calm Georgina walking.

amb els seus looks hiper sexis per la capital,

with their hyper-sexy looks for the capital,

tenint en compte que, segons Amnistia Internacional,

taking into account that, according to Amnesty International,

Aràbia Saudita és un dels països

Saudi Arabia is one of the countries.

amb més desigualtat de gènere del món

with the highest gender inequality in the world

i on és obligatori l'ús de la valla,

and where is the use of the fence mandatory,

que és com una túnica, diguem, entre les dones.

which is like a tunic, let's say, among women.

I com tu també has dit,

And as you have also said,

na Georgina, se passeja per aquests llocs

Georgina strolls through these places.

en companyia dels seus treballadors,

in the company of their workers,

que són bàsicament superhomosexuals,

who are basically superhomosexuals,

o sigui, són una panda de maricons tipus jo,

that is to say, they are a bunch of fags like me,

i és estrany perquè

and it's strange because

passegen per allà tranquils,

they walk by there peacefully,

però recordem que Aràbia Saudita,

but let us remember that Saudi Arabia,

les relacions entre homes estan castigades

relationships between men are punished

amb flagelació o mort a dia d'avui.

with flagellation or death today.

És a dir...

That is to say...

El tema és, si ets estranger i ric,

The thing is, if you are a foreigner and rich,

suposo que quedes exempt,

I suppose you are exempt.

i més si t'està gravant Netflix.

And even more if Netflix is filming you.

Llavors aquí ja, aquí no.

Then here yes, here no.

Sí, jo crec que hi ha com una...

Yes, I think there is like a...

Això, el que hem dit.

This, what we have said.

O sigui, Georgina està a favor íntima

That is, Georgina is in favor intimately.

que hi ha en tu un país,

what is in you a country,

per interessos evidentment turístics,

for obviously tourist interests,

i jo crec que és un dels grans primers

And I think it is one of the great firsts.

artificis audiovisuals de sa temporada

audiovisual artifices of the season

que com a espectador te topes

as a spectator you encounter

quan mires el reality, no?

When you watch the reality show, right?

Però tot i així,

But even so,

anam amb més coses a les mans d'aquest reality,

let's go with more things in the hands of this reality,

perquè na Georgina també mos explica

because Georgina also tells us

sa seva atenció estressant rutina diària a Riad.

his/her stressful attention to the daily routine in Riyadh.

Va de cul.

It goes ass-first.

Els dies en Riad són muy ocupados,

The days in Riyadh are very busy,

muy felices.

very happy.

Me faltan horas en el día, he de decir.

I lack hours in the day, I have to say.

Me despierto,

I wake up,

tomo un café con Cristiano

I'm having a coffee with Cristiano.

antes de irse él al entreno

before he goes to training

e irme yo al gimnasio.

And I will go to the gym.

Preparo cosas de trabajo,

I prepare work things,

cosas de casa.

household items.

A veces necesito estar sola,

Sometimes I need to be alone,

y es cuando más ideas brillantes

and it is when the brightest ideas come.

me vienen a la mente.

they come to my mind.

Estoy con Bella

I am with Bella.

y como corriendo para irme al colegio

and like running to go to school

a recoger a mis hijos.

to pick up my children.

Realment li falten hores, eh?

He really needs more hours, doesn't he?



Realment no hi ha res.

There really is nothing.

No pot amb la seva...

He cannot cope with his...

Ella és més de llibreta, eh?

She is more of a notebook person, huh?

Sempre ho explica al documental.

He always explains it in the documentary.

Ella és la noia analògica

She is the analog girl.

i llavors aquestes idees brillants

and then these brilliant ideas

les ha d'apuntar amb llibreta i boli.

She has to write them down with a notebook and a pen.

Que no veiem en cap moment

That we do not see at any moment.

què és el que està apuntant.

What is it that is pointing?

Jo pensava veure si faran algun plano

I was thinking to see if they will make any plans.

i veiem alguna cosa.

And we see something.

Això és secret, és secret.

This is a secret, it is a secret.

Jo tenc claríssim que com nosaltres

I am very clear that like us

quan anàvem a l'escola

when we were going to school

que dibuixàvem penis o una cosa així,

that we were drawing penises or something like that,

jo crec que fa això

I think he/she does this.

perquè realment no té res a apuntar

because it really has nothing to point out

perquè és que el primer objectiu fallit

because it is that the first failed objective

de les tres temporades,

of the three seasons,

no només aquesta,

not only this,

de reality,

of reality,

es demostra en el públic

it is shown in public

que la Georgina Rodríguez

that Georgina Rodríguez

mereix estatut social

deserves social status

que té per mèrits propis

that has earned through its own merits

i bàsicament és totalment fallit

and basically it is completely failed

perquè ella se passa el dia

because she spends the day

dient que està esgotada,

saying that she is exhausted,

que li costa arribar a tot,

it's hard for him to get everywhere,

però mai acaba d'especificar en què.

but it never specifies exactly what.

I quan ho fa precisament

And when does he/she do it exactly?

com en aquesta escena que hem sentit,

like in this scene we have heard,

descobreixes que en un matí

you discover that on a morning

l'únic que ha fet

the only thing he/she has done

és anar al gimnàs

it's going to the gym

i recollir els fills de l'escola.

and pick up the children from school.

No sé,

I don't know,

totes aquestes mares treballadores

all these working mothers

que han de conciliar

that they have to reconcile

com pot ser la Marta Montaner

How can Marta Montaner be?

que la tenim aquí,

that we have it here,

jo no sé com deuen viure

I don't know how they must live.

a observar aquesta escena.

to observe this scene.

Amb un punt de ràbia,

With a hint of anger,

però allò mateix

but that very thing

de no poder deixar de mirar

unable to stop looking

què està dient

What is he/she saying?

perquè em té com una mica fascinada.

because it has me somewhat fascinated.

I sobre això,

And about that,

una cosa que a mi,

one thing that to me,

de veritat,


em sembla honesta

I find her honest.

per part de la Georgina

on behalf of Georgina

i és que quan als seus fills

and it's that when to their children

li pregunten també

they alsoask him/her

per què sou famosos,

why are you famous,

ella no té cap problema

She has no problem.

en dir no

by saying no

perquè sóc la parella del teu pare.

because I am your father's partner.

Això ho diu a llarg

This is said at length.

de tot el documental

of the whole documentary

que ho ha explicat.

that has explained it.

Mira, jo això ho agraeixo

Look, I appreciate this.

perquè de vegades

because sometimes

hi ha gent que et diu no

there are people who say no

perquè sóc empresària

because I am an entrepreneur

i dius, mira,

And you say, look,

perdona'm una cosa.

forgive me one thing.

Tu t'has fet coneguda

You have become known.

per la parella.

for the couple.

Però jo agraeixo molt

But I am very grateful.

que digui no

that he/she says no

perquè sóc parella de...

because I am the partner of...

I punt.

And dot.



Jo la sensació que tinc

I have the feeling that I have.

és que tens,

it's that you have,

o sigui,

that is,

el que acabau de dir,

what you just said,

teniu tota la raó del món.

you are absolutely right.

Ella és superconsequent

She is very consistent.

en que és famosa

what is it famous for

gràcies a Cristiana Ronaldo.

thanks to Cristiano Ronaldo.

Tot i així,


sí que també intenta defensar

yes, it also tries to defend

com una vocació

with a vocation

en relació amb el món de la moda

in relation to the world of fashion

que per mi realment no té.

that for me really has none.

Perquè, de fet,

Because, in fact,

si tu estàs tot el dia

if you are all day

fent campanyes de moda internacional

doing international fashion campaigns

des de fa uns vuit anys,

for about eight years,

que és des que és reconeguda

what is since it is recognized

en aquest sentit,

in this sense,

és que la tia no sap

it's just that the aunt doesn't know

ni la molèstia

not the annoyance

d'aprendre ni anglès

to learn English

ni italian i francès

neither Italian nor French

amb dignitat

with dignity

per a créixer dins aquest sector.

to grow within this sector.

Tota la raó.

Totally right.



com a la conclusió

as to the conclusion

que arribes

that you arrive

és que s'ha de dir

it must be said

que és influencer

what is an influencer

o model

the model

o com ho vulguis dir,

or however you want to say it,



de forma rebotada


per al seu marit.

for her husband.

És a dir,

That is to say,



és difícil allunyar-se

it's hard to move away

de la descripció masclista

of the sexist description

de mujer florero,

of a decorative woman,

que se deia en castellà.

that was said in Spanish.

Però sí que encaixa

But it does fit.

una mica.

a little.

Sí, clar,

Yes, of course.

que encaixa.

that fits.

Però ella sembla

But she seems

que tampoc no està incòmode

that is also not uncomfortable

amb aquest rol.

with this role.

Vull dir,

I mean,

que és la primera

what is the first

que ho defensa

that defends it

fins i tot a càmera

even on camera

i que va pel mullet

and what goes for the mullet

i és la parella de...

and is the partner of...

A mi em sembla masclista

It seems sexist to me.

ella amb moltes coses

she with many things

que fa,

what are you doing,

perquè, per exemple,

because, for example,

quan parla que els fills

when he/she speaks about the children

juguen a futbol

they play football

en cap moment

at no time

li passa pel cap

it crosses his mind

que les seves nenes

that their girls

puguin jugar al futbol.

can play football.

Només ho són els nens.

Only children are.

És a dir,

That is to say,

a mi hi ha coses d'ella

I have things about her.

que em grinyolen mort

that they creak death to me

també per la ideologia.

also for the ideology.

I van avistar el Bernabéu

They spotted the Bernabéu.

de fet només als dos nois.

in fact only to the two boys.

S'emporta només

Takes away only

als nens.

to the children.

És una ideologia

It is an ideology.

molt conservadora

very conservative

i molt masclista.

and very sexist.

Sí, sí, total.

Yes, yes, totally.

I en contraposició

And in contrast

li vol comprar

he wants to buy it

com una munyaca

like a rag doll

amb Helena

with Helena

a les seves filles

to their daughters

perquè puguin jugar

so that they can play

a maquillar-se.

to put on makeup.

Els rols estan

The roles are



i on també estan

and they are there too



en aquesta nova temporada

in this new season

és amb Cristiana Ronaldo

it's with Cristiano Ronaldo

i Georgina

and Georgina

que en aquesta temporada

that in this season

com dic

how do I say

els poden veure

they can be seen

més que mai

more than ever

i la Georgina

and Georgina

descriu així

describe it like this

la seva relació familiar

their family relationship

i d'amor.

and of love.

M'encanta desayunar

I love to have breakfast.

amb Cristiano

with Cristiano

i començar el meu dia

and start my day

amb ell.

with him.

I l'olor de cafè

And the smell of coffee

i el sabor

and the flavor

sempre li dic

I always tell him/her.

que no és igual

that it is not the same

si no estic amb ell.

if I'm not with him.

Els moments en família

Family moments

els distingueu

you distinguish them

i els disfrutem moltíssim.

and we enjoy them very much.

Serveixen per carregar piles

They are used to charge batteries.

i connectar entre nosaltres.

and connect between us.

Ara comentarem

Now we will comment.

la relació entre ells dos

the relationship between the two of them

a veure com la veieu

let's see how you see her

però sentim també

but we also feel

un tall

a slice

on el sentim

where we feel it

amb les filles.

with the girls.

¿Cuál es la vitamina

What is the vitamin?

de la belleza?

of beauty?





¿Cuál es la vitamina

What is the vitamin?

en nombre de la vitamina?

In the name of the vitamin?

La vitamina C.

Vitamin C.

La vitamina de l'amor,

The vitamin of love,

la vitamina de mamá.

mom's vitamin.

La vitamina de la belleza

The beauty vitamin

es Cristiano.

He is Cristiano.



¿Papá no es guapo?

Isn't Dad handsome?



Clar, com heu vist

Of course, as you have seen.

la relació primer

the relationship first

entre ells dos

between the two of them

com a parella

as a couple

i llavors amb els fills

and then with the children

i les filles?

And the girls?

Jaume, endavant.

Jaume, go ahead.

Si voleu que digui jo,

If you want me to say,

a mi per jo

for me by me

aquest és el segon

this is the second

objectiu fallit

failed objective

de totes les temporades

of all the seasons

i és fer-mos creure

and it's to make us believe

que aquest matrimoni

that this marriage

és real

it's real

i és sincer

and is sincere

perquè és que

because it is that

és un contrast molt gran

it's a very big contrast

és de la Georgina

it belongs to Georgina

quan parla d'aquesta parella

when talking about this couple

que sempre usa frases

that always uses phrases



de que són una parella

that they are a couple





damunt les vals de Samosa,

above the valleys of Samosa,

confiança i sa complicitat

trust and healthy complicity

però contrasta molt

but it contrasts a lot

en quant els veiem en acció

as for when we see them in action

o sigui,

that is,

en una escena romàntica

in a romantic scene

perquè bàsicament

because basically

no se coneixen

they do not know each other

i de fet estan incòmodes

and in fact they are uncomfortable

entre ells.

among them.

Jo no els veig bé,

I don't see them well,

no sé.

I don't know.

I que els dies importants

And that the important days

no estan junts

they are not together

pel reaniversari d'ella

for her re-anniversary

quan en fa 30

when it turns 30

en Cristiano no hi és

Cristiano is not there.

i diu que se suposa

and he says that it's supposed to

que està a la Xina

that is in China

i després li fa un vídeo

and then he makes her a video

des de casa seva

from his/her home

amb la nena petita

with the little girl

és que no té cap tipus de sentit

it doesn't make any sense

clarament és una relació

clearly it is a relationship

un matrimoni de conveniència

a marriage of convenience

es convenen l'un a l'altre

they agree with each other

són un negoci

they are a business

són socis

they are partners

com va dir la Juliana

as Juliana said

constantment als seus fills

constantly to their children

d'entrada el fill gran

of the elder son

que el vol convertir

that he wants to turn it into

en un mini Cristiano

in a mini Cristiano

de fet ja es diu júnior ell

In fact, he is already called Junior.

que el vol convertir

that he wants to turn it into

en un futbolista d'elit

in an elite football player

que li deu fotre unes turres

what must it be like to have a hangover

que juga amb l'equip

that plays with the team

i un entrenador personal

and a personal trainer

també li paga en Cristiano

Cristiano also pays him.

és el típic pare frustrat

he is the typical frustrated father

quan va veure els partits

when he/she saw the games

dels nens

of the children

aquí coses infantils

here are childish things

doncs és aquest tipus de pare

so it is this type of father

amb les nenes

with the girls

també els hi fa

it also makes them

cada comentari

each comment

de qui jo sóc el més guapo

of whom I am the most handsome

tu qui és la més intel·ligent

you who is the smartest

o sigui els hi fa coses

so it does things to them

de competir entre elles

to compete among themselves

que són super tòxiques

that are super toxic

hi ha un moment

there is a moment

que la Georgina diu

that Georgina says

que li agrada molt

that he/she likes a lot

quan el Cristiano

when Cristiano

i el seu fill

and her son

tenen connexió

they have connection

i tenen converses

and they have conversations

com molt profundes

as very deep

i després el tall és

and then the cut is

parlant de gimnàs

talking about the gym

i de quines coses

and of what things

agafen de pesos

they take weights

vull dir surrealista

I mean surrealist.

i que no es veuen mai

and they never see each other

això està claríssim

this is very clear

i per què surten en Cristiano

And why is Cristiano leaving?

en aquesta nova temporada

in this new season

perquè no hi surten les amigues

because the friends are not featured

la Georgina s'ha quedat sola

Georgina is left alone.

les querides no surten per enlloc

the darlings don't go out anywhere



és a dir

that is to say

les persones que surten

the people who go out

en aquesta temporada

in this season

són només assalariats

they are just wage earners

de la Georgina

from Georgina

que van d'amics

that go as friends

però és que al final

but in the end

surt el mànager

the manager exits

surt el perruquer

the hairdresser comes out

surt el maquillador

the makeup artist comes out



i en general

and in general

en Cristiano

in Cristiano

perquè se suposa

because it is supposed

que és la parella

what is the couple





anem en el moment

let's go in the moment

que veiem

that we see

que sopen juntes

that they have dinner together

la Batguiel

the Batguiel

i la Georgina

and Georgina

com és que queden per sopar

how is it that they are meeting for dinner



sí perquè ja

yes because already

o sigui en el reality

so in the reality

ja suposo que si sou seguidors

I suppose that if you are followers.

hi ha un costum

there is a custom

en què apareixen

in what they appear

com cameos de celebrities

like celebrity cameos

i en altres anys

and in other years

hem pogut veure

we have been able to see

la Georgina


coneixent alguns

knowing some

dels seus ídols

of their idols

com Nati Peluso

like Nati Peluso

o Rosalia

o Rosalia

i aquest any

and this year

li ha tocat

it has touched him/her

a la nostra Batguiel

to our Batguiel

amb qui va quedar per sopar

with whom did you have dinner

i inclús va fer

and even did

una videotrucada

a video call

amb els fills de la Georgina

with Georgina's children

Aproveitem per cenar

Let's take the opportunity to have dinner.

amb ella

with her

conèixer-nos en persona

to meet in person

D'on em puc asseure?

Where can I sit?








Take it.



Thank you so much

Thank you so much.

Nunca havia coincidido

I had never coincided.

con ella personalmente

with her personally

porque en casa

because at home

siempre es Alba

it's always Alba



porque a mis hijos

because of my children

le encanta

he/she loves it

Hola Mateo

Hello Mateo

A mi me ha dicho

Someone has told me.

un pajarito

a little bird

que os gusta mi música

do you like my music

y que a veces la escucháis

and that sometimes you hear her



es una reina

she is a queen

en mi casa

in my house

mis hijos la adoran

my children adore her

y poder conocerla

and be able to meet her

por fin en persona

finally in person

me pareció

it seemed to me

una gran

a great

un superplanazo

a super plan

Heu vist les imatges

Have you seen the images?

Mai ningú

Never anyone

ha estat tan incòmode

it has been so uncomfortable

Zero química

Zero chemistry

per part de

on behalf of

No es miren

They do not look at each other.

ni els ulls

not even the eyes

És una sensació

It's a sensation.

d'una trobada

of a meeting



per generar

to generate

potser aquest tipus

maybe this type

de no sé

I don't know.


of love

vull veure dues famoses

I want to see two famous people.



però és que no està còmode

but it's just that he/she is not comfortable

ni la Batguiel

nor the Batguiel

que no sap què fot

that doesn't know what the hell he's doing

en aquell sopar

at that dinner

ni la Georgina

neither Georgina

Jo tinc la sensació

I have the feeling.

que són els equips

what are the teams

de cadascuna

of each one

que han pactat

that they have agreed

aquest sopar

this dinner

perquè volen sortir

because they want to go out

a la casa

to the house

de Netflix

from Netflix

i perquè tothom en parli

and so that everyone talks about it

Sembla una trobada

It seems like a meeting.

molt improvisada també

very improvised too

perquè es veuen al matí

because they are seen in the morning

quan es creuen

when they meet

per anar a la desfilada

to go to the parade

i després

and then

és com la veuen a la nit

it's how they see her at night

Improvisada res

Improvised nothing





Marc Andreu

Marc Andreu

això és Netflix

this is Netflix

Com ha de ser improvisat això?

How can this be improvised?

No, jo no crec

No, I do not believe.

que sigui improvisat

that it be improvised

i de fet

and in fact

teniu tota la raó del món

you are absolutely right

que jo crec que Batguiel

that I believe Batguiel

hi ha anat

he has gone

per motius publicitaris

for advertising reasons

per promocionar-se a si mateixa

to promote herself

Jo francament

I frankly

la veig tan incòmoda

I see her so uncomfortable.

que juraria

that I would swear

que se va a fumar

what is going to smoke

algun tipus de coses

some kind of things

d'aquestes que fuma ella

of the ones that she smokes

per poder estar allà asseguda

to be able to sit there

i no vomitar

and not vomit

dels nervis

of the nerves

que li creava aquella situació

that created that situation for him

perquè és incomodíssim

because it is extremely uncomfortable

i m'afascina també

I am also fascinated by it.

la Georgina


perquè una vegada més

because once again

demostra que percep

demonstrates that it perceives

les coses d'una forma

the things in a way

que no encaixen

that do not fit

en la seva realitat

in its reality

perquè ella diu

because she says

com que aquella relació

as that relationship

està funcionant

it is working

i com que és

and how it is

plàcida i agradable

peaceful and pleasant

però clarament

but clearly

tu com a espectador

you as a spectator

t'estàs morint de vergonya

you are dying of embarrassment

i vols que s'acabi

and you want it to end

ja aquell sopa

Already that soup.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes.

Ella sempre

She always

amb l'actitud

with the attitude

de ser la més famosa

of being the most famous

de la sala

from the room





Jaume, escolta

Jaume, listen.

mira, hem d'anar a publicitat

Look, we have to go to advertising.

però demà seguirem parlant d'això

but tomorrow we will continue talking about this

perquè hi ha una escena

because there is a scene

que vull que també hi hagi

that I want there to be too

la Juliana que ho comenti

Juliana can comment on it.

que és quan la Georgina

what is when Georgina

va a rodar el documental

he is going to shoot the documentary

ai, el documental

Oh, the documentary.

el videoclip amb Sebastián Yatra

the music video with Sebastián Yatra

Ah, això és increïble

Ah, this is incredible.

I aquí passen moltes coses

And here many things happen.

que demà posarem en context

that tomorrow we will put into context

I cap de bona

And I don’t care.



Jaume, fins demà

Jaume, see you tomorrow.

que vagi bé

take care

Una abraçada

A hug


Very much

Que no surti d'aquí

Don't let it get out of here.

amb Roger Carandell

with Roger Carandell

Juliana Canet

Juliana Canet

i Marta Montaner

and Marta Montaner

Que no surti d'aquí

Let it not leave here.

Safarets públic

Public laundries

de qualitat

of quality

Un minut i la una del migdia

One minute to one o'clock in the afternoon.

Bé, ens ha quedat aquest tema

Well, we have this topic left.

pendent per demà

pending for tomorrow

però que penso que serà

but I think it will be

un bon tema

a good theme

per comentar amb la Juliana

to comment with Juliana

i amb tots els que us apropeu

and with all those who approach you

al Palau Robert de Barcelona

at the Palau Robert in Barcelona

a veure el programa en directe

to watch the program live

a partir de les 12

from 12 onwards

amb tota la família

with the whole family



I tant

Of course.

La nina vindrà també, eh?

The girl will come too, right?

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Mi tan grit amb la nina

My so loud with the doll

Qui la vulgui conèixer

Whoever wants to meet her

que vingui

let him come

Potser li passa allò

Maybe that happens to him/her.

que vol pujar, eh?

You want to go up, huh?

Perquè et veu a dalt de l'escenari

Because she sees you on stage.

Estarà ben desperta

She will be wide awake.

perquè és l'hora

because it is time

en què li toca dinar, eh?

what time does he/she have lunch, huh?

Per tant




Tota plena

Fully loaded



Demà us esperem

Tomorrow we are expecting you.

amb entrada gratuïta

with free admission

Entrada lliure

Free entry

al Palau Robert de Barcelona

at the Palau Robert in Barcelona

Programa en directe

Live program

a partir de les 12 del migdia

from 12 noon onwards

i fins a la una

and until one o'clock

Ho deixem aquí

We'll leave it here.

i demà ens veiem les cares

And tomorrow we'll see each other face to face.

a tots aquells que vingueu

to all those who are coming

Marta Montaner, gràcies

Marta Montaner, thank you.

Roger, a tu

Roger, to you.

Fins demà

Until tomorrow

Que vagi bé

Take care.

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