Patricia Brennan presenta "Breaking stretch"

Catalunya Ràdio

Via Jazz

Patricia Brennan presenta "Breaking stretch"

Via Jazz

Via Jazz

Jazz Way

Cada dia a les 11 de la nit, el jazz ocupa Catalunya Música.

Every night at 11 PM, jazz takes over Catalunya Música.

Via Jazz, una selecció de Pilar Sobirà.

Jazz Route, a selection by Pilar Sobirà.

Hola, bona nit.

Hello, good night.

La vibrafonista Patricia Brennan acaba de presentar el seu tercer àlbum com a líder, Breaking Stretch.

Vibraphonist Patricia Brennan has just released her third album as a leader, Breaking Stretch.

Hem sentit Brennan en altres ocasions com a membre de les bandes de Bay J. Iyer, Mary Halvorson, Anna Beba i Michael Formanek.

We have heard Brennan on other occasions as a member of the bands of Bay J. Iyer, Mary Halvorson, Anna Beba, and Michael Formanek.

Experiències que l'han portat a crear el seu quartet des de l'escena nova iorquesa,

Experiences that have led her to create her quartet from the New York scene,

que en aquest projecte més s'ha ampliat a formació de septet.

that in this project has been further expanded to septet training.

Per començar sentim aquesta nova banda de Brennan amb el tema Yerondel.

To begin, let's listen to this new band from Brennan with the song Yerondel.





Bona nit.

Good night.

I Erundel és un dels nous temes

And Erundel is one of the new themes.

de la compositora i vibrafonista mexicana

by the Mexican composer and vibraphonist

establerta a Nova York

established in New York

Patricia Brennan per al treball

Patricia Brennan for the work

en septet Breaking Stretch.

in septet Breaking Stretch.

El saxofonista John Airavagon

The saxophonist John Airavagon

amb el soprano Hilal,

with the soprano Hilal,

el també saxofonista Marc Schimmel tenor

the tenor saxophonist Marc Schimmel

i el trombatista Adam O'Farrill

and the trumpeter Adam O'Farrill

s'han afegit en aquesta nova gravació

they have been added in this new recording

al quartet de Brennan

to Brennan's quartet

i a les seves exploracions tímbriques

and to its timbric explorations

amb l'ús d'electrònica, tant per expandir

with the use of electronics, both to expand

els registres del vibrafon com

the vibraphone's registers as

per expandir els dels instruments de vent.

to expand the wind instruments.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Polirritmi, jocs tímbrics, ambients onírics.

Polyrhythms, timbral games, dreamlike atmospheres.

Aquesta és la proposta

This is the proposal.

que ens fa la vibrafonista Patricia

what the vibraphonist Patricia does to us

Brennan amb el seu quartet.

Brennan with his quartet.

Recordem que hi toquen els percussionistes

Let us remember that the percussionists play there.

Mauri Sierra i Marcos Gilmore

Mauri Sierra and Marcos Gilmore

i el baixista Kim Kass.

and the bassist Kim Kass.

Aquest tema que sonava Convergences

This theme that sounded like Convergences

és de l'àlbum More Touch.

It's from the album More Touch.

Subtítols per la comunitat

Subtitles for the community

Bona nit.

Good night.

àlbum publicat a principis d'aquest 2024.

album released in early 2024.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson, de fe en el futur.

A music, as Halvorson expresses, of faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

of faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

of faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

de fe en el futur.

faith in the future.

Una música, com expressa Halvorson,

A music, as Halvorson expresses,

Bona nit.

Good night.

Via Jazz. Una hora de jazz amb Pilar Sobirà.

Jazz Route. One hour of jazz with Pilar Sobirà.

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