Featurings que sumen: Maria Rodés i Bronquio, The Tyets i Chiara Oliver

Catalunya R�dio

Casa Babylon

Featurings que sumen: Maria Rodés i Bronquio, The Tyets i Chiara Oliver

Casa Babylon

Icat, la ràdio inquieta.

Icat, the restless radio.

Benvingut, benvinguda a Casa Babilón,

Welcome to Casa Babilón,

amb Marc Isern i Rubén Sierra.

with Marc Isern and Rubén Sierra.

Avui la cosa va de parelles musicals,

Today it's about musical pairs.

d'artistes que s'uneixen per crear i regalar-nos cançonasses.

of artists who come together to create and gift us with songs.

Pasajeros del vuelo 2106,

Passengers of flight 2106,

a l'aula Tachito y Larillas.

in the classroom Tachito and Larillas.

De València a Miami.

From Valencia to Miami.

Summer hit pa'l'afición.

Summer hit for the fans.

Dancing en el comedor.

Dancing in the dining room.

Match directo al corazón.

Direct match to the heart.

No sé si va a haver melón.

I don't know if there will be melon.

Match directo a la trata.

Direct match to trafficking.

Lighting la porta.

Lighting the door.

Como systems Vocês, quéectos, quéectas.

Like systems You, objects, objects.

Ofensiva interrelacionados.

Interrelated offensive.

En suADA common sense ruedas.

In suADA common sense wheels.

Cásdedas sin más.

Just hell.











Swipe, swipe.

Swipe, swipe.

Botes de Chanel, me voy a peinar.

Chanel boots, I'm going to do my hair.

Swipe, swipe.

Swipe, swipe.

El número 10 no tiene rival.

The number 10 has no rival.

Swipe, spike.

Swipe, spike.

Vés a girar el cambreró i sussurra

Go turn the doorknob and whisper.

Costin, Costin

Costin, Costin

Pesa-me'n com l'última vegada

Weigh me like the last time.

Mentre dic

While I say

Costin, Costin

Costin, Costin

No n'hi ha reis

There are no kings.

Amb la mel de romer

With rosemary honey

Costin, Costin

Costin, Costin

Del cachet

Of the cachet

Agarra el teu percent

Take your share.

Costin, Costin

Costin, Costin



O quito Salomé

Oh, I remove Salomé.

Vés a bésame

Go kiss me.

Tu jo quiero ser

I want to be you.

Si me das tus besos

If you give me your kisses

Los míos te daré

I will give you mine.

Vés a bésame

Go to kiss me.

Bésame otra vez

Kiss me again.

Que el sabor de tus labios

That the taste of your lips

Tiene lo que daré

He has what I will give.

Por favor




Consejeros y consejeras del amor

Advisors of love

Palmas arriba, please

Hands up, please.

Chas, ala, la

Chas, wing, the


Beach bars

Piscines municipales

Municipal swimming pools





Península Ibérica

Iberian Peninsula

Vamos a decirle adiós al Costin

Let's say goodbye to Costin.

Arrivederci, Costin

Goodbye, Costin.

Chaito, Costin

Goodbye, Costin

Pó, pó, pó

Dust, dust, dust

Ponme la manga aquí

Put the sleeve here.

Ponme la manga allá

Put the sleeve over there.

Ponme la manga aquí

Put the sleeve here.

Ponme la manga allá

Put the sleeve there.

Ponme la manga aquí

Put the sleeve here.

Ponme la manga allá

Put the sleeve over there.

Ponme la mano allá

Put your hand over there.

En Miami arriba el ritme Valencià

In Miami, the Valencian rhythm arrives.



Ponme la mano aquí

Put your hand here.

Ponme la mano allá

Put your hand over there.

Ponme la mano aquí

Put your hand here.

Ponme la mano allá

Put your hand over there.

Ponme la mano aquí

Put your hand here.

Ponme la mano allá

Put your hand over there.

En Miami arriba el ritme Valencià

The Valencian rhythm arrives in Miami.

Que desembarque primero la xalanga, por favor

Please let the xalanga land first.

Platós, trombones, trompetes

Plates, trombones, trumpets

Trompas, saxofones

Trumpets, saxophones


Take it off.

Ala, ala

Wow, wow.

Bienvenidos a Miami

Welcome to Miami.

Agrae el país, por favor

Thank the country, please.



Vamos a ir así, va

Let's go like this, come on.

Darrerament, una sèrie d'artistes estils aparentment allunyats

Recently, a series of artists with seemingly distant styles

s'han reunit per crear cançons noves

They have come together to create new songs.

Unes parelles més o menys estranyes, la veritat

Some more or less strange pairs, to be honest.

que avui repassarem, perquè ja ho diuen

that we will review today, because they already say it

Déu els cria i ells s'ajunten

God brings them up and they come together.

Com el Tacho amb la deia russa que han obert el programa

Like Tacho with the Russian saying that they have opened the program.

o els tiets amb la menorquina

or the uncles with the woman from Menorca

Kiara Oliver

Kiara Oliver

Una de les veus més interessants de la darrera edició

One of the most interesting voices of the last edition.

d'Operación Triunfo

of Operation Triumph

Junts han parit la cançó fa dies

Together they gave birth to the song days ago.

de la darrera edició

from the last edition

Fem-me petons a sota l'aigua

Give me kisses underwater.

I deies que sempre i per sempre

And you said that always and forever

aquella cançó jo recordava

I remembered that song.

I jo et deia

And I told you.

Kiki, do you love me?

Kiki, do you love me?

No m'oblidis

Don't forget me.

Sempre tornaré per tu

I will always come back for you.

I jo, baby, no te preocupis

And me, baby, don't worry.

Jo t'espera

I wait for you.

Seguiré on fa dies que et penso

I will follow where I've been thinking of you for days.

Ja fa dies

It's been days.

que estem inseparats

that we are inseparable

Segur estic tot enlluny

I'm sure I'm far away.

Quan tornaré

When will I return?

Estàs de gust

Are you in the mood?

Fa dies que et penso

I've been thinking about you for days.

Ja fa dies que em rondes pel cap

You've been on my mind for days.

Només tinc ulls per tu

I only have eyes for you.

I va arribar el fred

The cold arrived.

I se'm va anar el sol

The sun went down on me.

Vaig agafar un avió cap a casa

I took a plane home.

Tu tot sol

You all alone.

I ara estic fred

And now I am cold.

I sé que queda poc

I know there is little left.

Per tu compten dies des de l'últim cop

For you, days count since the last time.

No puc evitar

I can't help it.

Se'm va la costum

I lost the habit.

D'enamorar-me que vistiu d'un català com tu

Of falling in love with someone dressed like a Catalan like you.

Ei, pujo per aquí

Hey, I'm coming up here.

Sant Joan

Saint John

Caem a l'imperi com cada any

We fall into the empire like every year.

Perquè saps que fa dies, fa dies

Because you know that it has been days, it has been days.

Ja fa massa dies

It's been too many days.

Fa dies que estic esperant

I've been waiting for days.

Perquè saps que fa dies, fa dies

Because you know that it's been days, it's been days.

Fa dies, fa dies

Days ago, days ago.

Fa dies m'ho estic planejant

I've been planning it for days.

La Kiki

The Kiki

The Tired

The Tired

De Matarau a Menorca

From Mataró to Menorca

Kiki, do you love me?

Kiki, do you love me?

No m'oblidis

Don't forget me

Sempre tornaré per tu

I will always come back for you.

Avui a Casa Babilona escoltem

Today at Casa Babilona we listen.

Colabos acabades de publicar

Just published collaborations

Són una bona col·lecció de cançons corals

They are a good collection of choral songs.

Firmades per productors preferits nostres

Signed by our preferred producers

Com Bronquio, com Bayuca

Like Bronquio, like Bayuca

I artistes tipus

I type of artists

Queralt Laós, Bombasterio, Senyor Wilson

Queralt Laós, Bombasterio, Mr. Wilson

Adrià Sales de la Pegatina

Adrià Sales from La Pegatina

I Nil Moliner amb la Rosalén

I Nil Moliner with Rosalén

Ni més ni menys que ens acaben de regalar

None other than what they have just given us.

Una bailonga Ensenyame

A dancer Show me

Ensenyame a derrochar la vida

Teach me to squander life.

Ensenyame a cantar como lo haces

Teach me to sing like you do.

Ensenyame como vives tu tiempo

Show me how you live your time.

Las calles y misterios

The streets and mysteries

Las noches sin dormir

The sleepless nights

Ensenyame a cantar como lo haces

Teach me to sing like you do.

Escucharé las historias más secretas

I will listen to the most secret stories.

Y bailaré vuestro baile sin saber

And I will dance your dance without knowing.

Voy a escribir todas las recetas

I am going to write all the recipes.

Que siembra en esta tierra que te vio nacer

That sows in this land that saw you born.

Mientras te observo aprender a nuestra manera

While I watch you learn in our way

Sé que quieres volver a tu tierra

I know you want to return to your homeland.

Y poderla abrazar otra vez

And to be able to hug her again.

Ojalá nunca te pierdas

I hope you never get lost.

Y que puedas encontrar

And that you may find

Ojalá vuelvas a tu tierra

I hope you return to your homeland.

Y que puedas ver el cielo y más allá

And that you can see the sky and beyond.

Y que el tiempo decida el camino

And let time decide the path.

Como el agua que vuelve a la mar

Like water that returns to the sea.

Si algún día las flores marchitan

If one day the flowers wilt

Cambiaré rumbo y vuelve a sembrar

I will change course and sow again.

Ensenyame a querer como lo haces

Teach me to love like you do.

Ensenyame que la familia es el pilar

Teach me that family is the pillar.

Ensenyame vuestras selvas más profundas

Show me your deepest forests.

Los mares más salvajes, las ganas de vivir

The wildest seas, the desire to live.

Escucharé tus historias de pequeño

I will listen to your childhood stories.

Y gritaré gracias por aparecer

And I will shout thank you for appearing

Que admiro tus ganas, tus giros

I admire your enthusiasm, your turns.

A Charlie le digo, mi hermano también

I tell Charlie, my brother too.

Mientras te observo aprender a nuestra manera

As I watch you learn in our way.

Sé que quieres volver a tu tierra

I know you want to return to your land.

Y poderla abrazar otra vez

And to be able to hug her again.

Ojalá nunca te pierdas

I hope you never get lost.

Ojalá te puedas encontrar

I hope you can find yourself.

Ojalá vuelvas a tu tierra

I hope you return to your land.

Y que puedas ver el cielo y más allá

And may you see the sky and beyond.

Y que el tiempo decida el camino

And may time decide the path.

Como el agua que vuelve a la mar

Like the water that returns to the sea.

Si algún día las flores marchitan

If one day the flowers wither.

Cambiaré rumbo y vuelve a sembrar

I will change course and start planting again.



Cambiaré rumbo

I will change course.

Ojalá nunca te pierdas

I hope you never get lost.

Ojalá te puedas encontrar

I hope you can find yourself.

Ojalá vuelvas a tu tierra

I hope you return to your land.

Y que puedas ver el cielo y más allá

And that you can see the sky and beyond.

Y que el tiempo decida el camino

And let time decide the path.

Como el agua que vuelve a la mar

Like the water that returns to the sea.

Si algún día las flores marchitan

If one day the flowers wither

Como el agua que vuelve a la mar

Like the water that returns to the sea.

Canvia de rumbo y vuelve a sembrar

Change course and start planting again.

Vuelve, vuelve

Come back, come back.

Ay, ay, ay, ay

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Si las flores mantienen

If the flowers remain

Si las flores

If the flowers


They sow

Hola amics i amigues del Casa Babilon,

Hello friends of Casa Babilon,

soc l'Adrià Sales

I am Adrià Sales.

i us volia convidar a escoltar la meva nova cançó

I wanted to invite you to listen to my new song.

es diu Corazón de Magell

It's called Heart of Magellan.

i l'he feta juntament amb l'Esmeralda Limón.

and I did it together with Esmeralda Limón.

És una rumba, una salsa

It's a rumba, a salsa.

que parla de tornar a casa,

that talks about going home,

de tornar a trobar aquest lloc reconfortant,

to find this comforting place again,

de baixar revolucions

to lower revolutions

i tot això després d'un llarg viatge.

and all this after a long journey.

I és una cançó que és un dels singles

And it is a song that is one of the singles.

d'avançament del meu proper disc,

of advance of my next album,

en solitari,


que es dirà també com aquesta cançó

that will also be called like this song

Corazón de Magell

Heart of Magellan

i que sortirà a la llum al gener.

and will be released in January.

Espero que us agradi.

I hope you like it.

Antes todo era volar

Before, everything was flying.

Ahora solo enraizaría

Now I would only root.

La calma, el sosiego

The calm, the tranquility

La paz

The peace

Son las casas de la vida

They are the houses of life.

Necesito respirar

I need to breathe.

Cuidar una bugambilla

Caring for a bougainvillea.

Reconocer mi verdad

Recognize my truth.

Y volver a la familia

And return to the family

Tanta prisa me hace daño

So much hurry hurts me.

Remover y revelar

Remove and reveal

No hay nada que me desvele

There is nothing that keeps me awake.

Como lo hacen despertar

How do they wake him up?

Por el camino viejo

Along the old road.

Corazón de Magell

Heart of Magellan

Cumbiando por el mundo

Cumbiaing around the world

Amor de primera ley

Love at first sight

Por el camino viejo

Along the old road

Corazón de Magell

Heart of Magell

Cumbiando por el mundo

Cumbiaing around the world

Amor de primera ley

Love at first sight

Me he cansado de ceder

I'm tired of giving in.

Ya no hay nada a mi medida

There is nothing left for me.

No hay nada a mi medida

There is nothing to my measure.

No soporto no saber

I can't stand not knowing.

Cuando toca despedida

When it comes time to say goodbye

Sé dónde me siento bien

I know where I feel good.

Que me empuja para arriba

What pushes me up

Me ha costado aterrizar

I have found it hard to land.

De esta inercia que no es mía

From this inertia that is not mine.

Tanta prisa me hace daño

So much hurry hurts me.

Remover y revelar

Stir and reveal

No hay nada que me desvele

There is nothing that keeps me awake.

Como lo hacen despertar

How do they make him wake up?

Remover y revelar

Stir and reveal

No hay nada que me desvele

There is nothing that keeps me awake.

Me ha costado la vida

It has cost me my life.

No hay nada a mi medida

There is nothing for me.

La vida es orden q şeyler

Life is order q şeyler

No hay nada me甘ier

There is nothing sweeter.

Bona nit.

Good night.

La cançó narra una relació amorosa destinada al fracàs.

The song tells the story of a romantic relationship destined to fail.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Y me gusta, me gusta, me gusta

And I like it, I like it, I like it.

Te he grabado tu nombre y no puedo olvidarlo

I have recorded your name and I can't forget it.

Te quedas clava tan dentro, no puedo sacarlo

You stay stuck so deep, I can't take it out.

Sé que el día en que me vaya también estarás tú

I know that the day I leave you will be there too.

Aunque ella quiera alejarme siempre está tu luz

Even if she wants to push me away, your light is always here.

No puedo olvidarlo, no quiero borrarlo

I can't forget it, I don't want to erase it.

Lo llevo tan dentro, siempre me estás salvando

I carry it so deep inside, you’re always saving me.

No puedo olvidarlo, no quiero borrarlo

I can't forget it, I don't want to erase it.

Lo llevo tan dentro, siempre me estás salvando

I carry it so deep inside, you are always saving me.

Yo no te leí

I did not read you.

Solo te bailaba y disfrutaba de ti

I only danced with you and enjoyed you.

Antes de que hablases tú ya estabas en mí

Before you spoke, you were already in me.

Todos lo sabían pero yo no forzaba, solo caminaba

Everyone knew it but I didn't push, I just walked.

Yo no te leí

I did not read you.

Solo te bailaba y disfrutaba de ti

I only danced with you and enjoyed you.

Antes de que hablases tú ya estabas en mí

Before you spoke, you were already in me.

Todos lo sabían pero yo no forzaba, solo caminaba

Everyone knew it but I didn't push, I just walked.

Tú no me dejaste pero yo a ti sí

You didn't leave me, but I left you.

Una lista de recuerdos desde niña hasta aquí

A list of memories from childhood until now.

Y no faltaba nunca

And it never missed.

Hasta el día de hoy

Until today

Todas las penas las libramos juntas

We shall bear all the sorrows together.

Dicen que es un don con el que yo nací

They say it's a gift I was born with.

No he cuidado tanto pa' que crezca así

I haven't cared for it so that it grows like this.

Que hay que sentirlo como adentro

You have to feel it from within.

Pasar mucha fatiga, salvarse de tormento

To suffer a lot of fatigue, to save oneself from torment.

No puedo olvidarlo

I can't forget it.

No quiero borrarlo

I don't want to delete it.

Lo llevo tan dentro

I carry it so deep inside.

Siempre me estás salvando

You are always saving me.

No puedo olvidarlo

I can't forget it.

Quiero borrarlo

I want to erase it.

Tan dentro, tan dentro

So deep, so deep

No sé qué está salvando

I don't know what is being saved.

Yo no te elegí

I didn't choose you.

Solo te bailaba y disfrutaba de ti

I just danced for you and enjoyed you.

Antes de que hablases tú ya estabas en mí

Before you spoke, you were already in me.

Todos lo sabían pero yo no forzaba, solo caminaba

Everyone knew it but I didn't push it, I just walked.

Yo no te elegí

I did not choose you.

Solo te bailaba y disfrutaba de ti

I only danced with you and enjoyed you.

Antes de que hablases tú ya estabas en mí

Before you spoke, you were already in me.

Todos lo sabían pero yo no forzaba, solo caminaba

Everyone knew it, but I didn't push; I just walked.

¿Qué es lo que repele?

What is it that repels?

Això era No Quiero Borrarlo

This was I Don't Want to Erase It.

del productor de Granada Toni Ancis

from the producer of Granada Toni Ancis

amb la nostra adoradíssima

with our beloved

Queralt Laoz, un altre col·labo de Nivell

Queralt Laoz, another contributor of Nivell.

I seguim amb col·labos de luxe

And we continue with luxury collaborations.

aquesta molt sèria perquè

this very serious because

ja ho dèiem abans, el productor gallec

we said it before, the Galician producer

Bayuca té cançó nova

Bayuca has a new song.

de fet és l'últim avançament del que serà el seu tercer disc

In fact, it is the latest single from what will be their third album.

que es titularà Barullo

that will be titled Barullo

Aquesta cançó titulada Monteviso

This song titled Monteviso

torna a col·laborar amb el cantant també gallec Carlangas

he collaborates again with the Galician singer Carlangas

ex líder dels Novedades Carmiña

former leader of Novedades Carmiña

Una cançó tradicional de taverna

A traditional tavern song

passada pels seus sedars, gaudiu-la

passed through its willows, enjoy it

i que la gent que hi hagi vingut a la sèrie

and that the people who have come to the series

que la gent que hi hagi vingut a la sèrie

that the people who have come to the series

Tu i Serra vai na proa

You and Serra go at the bow.

Camariñas vai no mare

Camariñas goes to the sea.

Santa Uxia de Ribeira

Saint Ursula of Ribeira

Pobado Caramiñale

Pobado Caramiñale

Eu tamén choro

I also cry.

Tu i Serra vai na proa

You and Serra go in the bow.

Eu tamén choro

I also cry.

Cando no me alumea meu vent

When my wind doesn't illuminate me.

És este usollo

It is this owl.

Cando no me alumea meu vent

When my wind does not illuminate me.

Eu tamén choro

I cry too.

Si queres que brille a lua

If you want the moon to shine

Pechos, ollos, meu amore

Breasts, eyes, my love.

Que mentre los desabertos

That while the unwrapped

A lua pensa que hay sole

The moon thinks there is sun.

Eu tamén choro

I also cry.

Que no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

T'ha amagat l'afirmat

It has hidden the statement from you.

pel Sound System francès

for the French Sound System

Original Bass Foundation

Original Bass Foundation

i els cantants de reggae, el britànic Charlie Pee

and the reggae singers, the British Charlie Pee

i el nostre adorat senyor Wilson.

and our beloved Mr. Wilson.

I parlant de reggae i de

And talking about reggae and of

personatges adorats, doncs

beloved characters, then

també Koukak Pee té

also Koukak Pee has

cançó nova, en aquest cas, amb el duet

new song, in this case, with the duet

de beatmaker zero-ninths, Zelly,

from beatmaker zero-ninths, Zelly,

Blend Detective.

Blend Detective.



Bona nit.

Good night.

I un altre col·labo, aquesta un pelín estranya,

And another collaboration, this one a little strange,

però efectiva, és la cantant canadenca

but effective, it is the Canadian singer

Nelly Furtado amb els colombians

Nelly Furtado with the Colombians

Bomba Estéreo, això és Corazón.

Bomba Estéreo, this is Corazón.

Raca Raca Tarram

Raca Raca Tarram

Rei Estelar

Star King





Raca Raca Tarram

Raca Raca Tarram



P Sund Salz

P Sund Salt




More POI




ja ja!

ha ha!

La sabia, que corazón, no puedo parar

The wise one, what a heart, I can't stop.

We, we lose control

We, we lose control.

La sabia, que corazón, no puedo parar

The wise one, what a heart, I can't stop.

Even when I'm down, I'm up

Even when I'm down, I'm up.

Don't turn it down, I'm turning up

Don't turn it down, I'm turning up.



Don't care when it closes, I leave when I'm done

I don't care when it closes, I leave when I'm done.

All the girls have been asked for the curve

All the girls have been asked for the curve.

Give them the things that they don't deserve

Give them the things that they don't deserve.



Don't wanna be under your thumb

Don't wanna be under your thumb.

Estoy aquí ahora, ahora, ya, ya

I'm here now, now, already, already.

We, we lose control

We, we lose control

La sabia, que corazón, no puedo parar

The wise one, what a heart, I can't stop.

We, we lose control

We, we lose control

La sabia, que corazón, no puedo parar

The wise one, what a heart, I can't stop.

No miro pa' atrás, lo que tengo acaba

I don't look back, what I have ends.

Nadie me lo quita

Nobody can take it away from me.

Nadie me lo da

Nobody gives it to me.

Me voy a quedar

I'm going to stay.

Y aquí estoy yo

And here I am

Quiero perder el control

I want to lose control.

De lo que pasa en la vida

About what happens in life

De lo que te traigo yo

Of what I bring you.

Y nos vamos conectando a la ti del corazón

And we are connecting to the one of the heart.

Estoy aquí, estoy ahora

I am here, I am now.

Like a power, power

Like a power, power

Like a beauty flower

Like a beautiful flower

Like a mad massage

Like a crazy massage

Se me suelta un cable

A wire comes loose on me.

Toda hora lo que viene es perfecto

Every hour what comes is perfect.

Ese presente es lo que viene este momento

That present is what comes this moment.

Estoy aquí ahora, ahora, ya, ya

I am here now, now, already, already.

We, we lose control

We, we lose control

La sabia, que corazón, no puedo parar

The wise one, what a heart, I can't stop.

We, we lose control

We, we lose control

La sabia, que corazón, no puedo parar

The wise one, what a heart, I can't stop.

Deixem de banda les crous per un moment només

Let's put the cross aside for a moment only.

per escoltar també novetats que ens han fet gaudir

to listen to new things that have made us enjoy

com a bojos aquestes darreres setmanes

like crazy these last few weeks

Els andalusos calĩfaート 3x4 han publicat un funky rap retrofuturista

The Andalusians Califa 3x4 have released a funky retrofuturistic rap.

titulat porque tu, porque yo

titled because you, because me

Oancarreguen contra la precarietat laboral

They are fighting against labor precariousness.








Little chocolate

Porque tú, porque yo

Because you, because me

Me tiro de la cama, es un martes normal

I get out of bed, it's a normal Tuesday.

El centro lleno, gente me la van a dar mortal

The crowded center, people are going to give it to me deadly.

50 horas la semana, solo 10 asegurar

50 hours a week, only 10 guaranteed.

Y el día que tiene libre no lo paro de llamar

And on the day he has off, I can't stop calling him.

Tengo que darme prisa porque voy al bar

I have to hurry because I'm going to the bar.

Si llego un poco tarde me quedo sin cobrar

If I arrive a little late, I won't get paid.

Eres de mi familia, yo quiero tu bienestar

You are from my family, I want your well-being.

Pero el día que te columpies en la calle vas a estar

But the day you swing in the street you will be

Porque tú, porque yo

Because you, because I

Porque tú y yo

Because you and I

Quiero un pin, ¿qué nos piden?

I want a pin, what do they ask us for?

¿Qué nos piden?

What do they ask of us?

Ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita

Ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita

Pin, ¿qué nos piden?

Pin, what are they asking us for?

Quiero un pin, ¿qué nos piden?

I want a pin, what do they ask us for?

Ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita

Ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita, ita

Pin, ¿qué nos piden?

Pin, what do they want from us?

Ven a mi oficina que lo tengo mejor

Come to my office; I have it better.

Te doy un adelanto, ven, te cae del tirón

I'll give you a heads up, come on, it hits you all at once.

Más que un tiburón, tú eres una grulla

More than a shark, you are a crane.

Estás tordiando el pingo con cosas que no son tuyas

You're messing around with things that aren't yours.

Te sigo por las redes, eres un campeón

I follow you on social media, you are a champion.

Pero la ruina que tú tienes, eso bien lo sabe Dios

But the ruin you have, God knows it well.

Eres un suabón, lo sabe Tokiki

You are a smooth talker, Tokiki knows it.

Estás más repetido que el solomillo del whisky

You're more repetitive than the whisky's tenderloin.

Porque tú, porque yo, porque tú, porque yo

Because you, because me, because you, because me.

Porque tú, porque yo, porque tú y yo

Because you, because me, because you and me.

Que si hambre mato yo

That if I'm hungry, I'll kill.

Que vienen si te lo prestas

They come if you lend it to them.

Me podré comprar troco de chato

I will be able to buy a chato glass.

Pero tienes que trabajar doble

But you have to work double.

Pa' que yo me paro con troco de chato

So that I can stop with a short drink.

Y me puedes ir de vacaciones a Bali pa' que costes dinero

And can you take me on vacation to Bali so that it costs you money?

Pero no vayas ahí a ningún lado de vacaciones

But don't go there on vacation anywhere.

Porque me tienes que ir con mi sendero

Because you have to go with my path.

Oye, pareces que llevo tiempo en los trenos

Hey, you seem like I've been on the trains for a while.

Y escucha

And listen

Uh, qué bonito el dinero

Uh, how beautiful money is.

자� Lulu

I'm sorry, but it seems there may have been an error in the text provided for translation. It contains characters that aren't recognizable. Could you please provide a clear Catalan text for translation?

o eu inedo

I am not sure.

Llu shed

Llu shed

Uh, tú não

Uh, you don't.

Llu runs

Llu corre

Llu, tu não

Llu, you don’t.

Llu canyon

Llu canyon

Llu inside

Llu inside

Llu estoy

Llu, I am here.

Llu sur

Llu sun

Llu roÖ

Llu roÖ

Llu sur

Llu sur

Llu purs

Lluce pure

Llu sur

Llu sur

Llu he já

Llu has already.

Llu sur

Llu sur

Llu sporty

Llu sporty

Llu trendy

Llu trendy

Llu husky

Husky howl

Llu bois

Llu boys

Llu es un papi eso nenu però sí, sí que escó quelqu'un ho sedimentan amazingly

Llu is a daddy, that little one, but yes, yes, someone does sediment it amazingly.

I més rap de categoria, la rapera de Tenerife Sara Socas va publicar abans de l'estiu una meravellosa lo que sea, reggaeton, mombatón, festa i erotisme.

And more top-quality rap, the Tenerife rapper Sara Socas released a wonderful piece before the summer, blending reggaeton, mombatón, party, and eroticism.

Tenerife Socas va publicar abans de l'estiu una meravellosa lo que sea, reggaeton, mombatón, festa i erotisme.

Tenerife Socas published a wonderful something before the summer, reggaeton, mombatón, party, and eroticism.

Toc, toc, ha llegado ya tu geisha, soy republicana pero tú vas a ser mi reina, mi lengua es el capo Eira, dice que no es gay.

Knock, knock, your geisha has arrived, I am a republican but you are going to be my queen, my tongue is the capo Eira, he says he is not gay.

Yo no sé si estás soltera o estás pilla, solo que la noche está buena y que va a pillar.

I don’t know if you’re single or if you’re taken, I just know that the night is good and that it’s going to be exciting.

Con lo que sea, con los feos y las feas, con las gatas que perrean, con las perras que gatean, lo que sea,

With whatever it is, with the ugly ones, with the girls that twerk, with the bitches that crawl, whatever it is,

con creyentes, con esteas, de Brasil y de Corea, de Argentina y de Guinea.

with believers, with these, from Brazil and Korea, from Argentina and Guinea.

Toc, toc, ha llegado ya tu geisha, soy republicana pero tú vas a ser mi reina, mi lengua es el capo Eira, dice que no es gay.

Knock, knock, your geisha has arrived, I am a republican but you are going to be my queen, my language is capo Eira, he says he is not gay.

Y bueno, que está cansó.

And well, he is tired.

Toc, toc, ha llegado ya tu geisha, soy republicana pero tú vas a ser mi reina, mi lengua es el capo Eira, dice que no es gay.

Knock, knock, your geisha has arrived, I am a republican but you are going to be my queen, my tongue is the capo Eira, it says he is not gay.

de Sarasoka es Hitazo

From Sarasoka is a Hit.

i passem a una altra jefa del hip-hop

And we move on to another hip-hop boss.

que també va publicar Cançó Nova el juliol.

that also published Cançó Nova in July.

No l'havíem escoltat abans perquè estàvem de vacances

We hadn't heard it before because we were on vacation.

així que ara és una bona oportunitat.

So now is a good opportunity.

Parlo de la rapera barcelonina Lia Cali.

I'm talking about the Barcelona rapper Lia Cali.

Això és La Cruz.

This is La Cruz.

La Cruz

The Cross

Hola a tothom, què tal?

Hello everyone, how are you?

Soc el Martí Galgolento

I am Martí Galgolento.

i estic presentant el primer single

And I am presenting the first single.

del meu nou disc.

from my new album.

La cançó es diu

The song is called

Vull tenir-te a prop

I want to have you close.

i és una col·laboració amb la Supercristena.

And it is a collaboration with the Superchristian.

També hi ha el Pedro Campos al baix

Pedro Campos is also on the bass.

i el Néstor Pérez a la guitarra.

And Néstor Pérez on guitar.

Un plaer sempre compartir música amb aquesta gent.

It's always a pleasure to share music with these people.

I res,

And nothing,

és un plaer.

It is a pleasure.

Espero que el disfruteu.

I hope you enjoy it.





Vull tenir-te a prop, centre al costat.

I want to have you close, center beside.

Són les cinc i pico del matí.

It's a little past five in the morning.

El meu nom?

My name?



Busquem un lloc, cafè i anar a dormir.

We are looking for a place, coffee, and to go to sleep.

Tot el que passi avui serà el meu llit

Everything that happens today will be my bed.

Que no tinc pressa, anem a poc a poc

I'm not in a hurry, let's go slowly.

Fem un pit i o dos que encara es fos

Let's make a pit and one or two that are still melted.

Trenquem el gel que es fon pel nostre cos, ja

Let's break the ice that melts for our body, already.

Vull tenir-te a prop sempre al costat

I want to have you close always by my side.

Vull tenir-te a prop sempre

I want to have you close always.

Seu la beca, és diumenge

Sit on the scholarship, it’s Sunday.

Fer la vida més lenta

Make life slower.

Vull tenir-te a prop sempre

I want to have you close always.

Seu la beca, és diumenge

Sit the scholarship, it's Sunday.

Fer la vida més lenta

Make life slower.



Vull tenir-te a prop sempre al costat

I want to have you close always by my side.

Un bon dia, un bon dia

A good day, a good day.

Diumenge, anem al cinema, mengem crispetes, em sento plena, sembla diumenge.

Sunday, we're going to the cinema, eating popcorn, I feel full, it feels like Sunday.

Vull tenir-te a prop sempre, vull tenir-te a prop sempre al costat.

I want to have you close always, I want to have you close always by my side.

Vull tenir-te a prop sempre, celebrar que és diumenge, fer la vida més lenta.

I want to have you close always, to celebrate that it's Sunday, to make life slower.

Vull tenir-te a prop sempre, vull tenir-te a prop sempre, celebrar que és diumenge, fer la vida més lenta.

I want to have you close always, I want to have you close always, to celebrate that it is Sunday, to make life slower.

Vull tenir-te a prop sempre, celebrar que és diumenge, fer la vida més lenta.

I want to have you close always, celebrate that it’s Sunday, make life slower.

Vull tenir-te a prop sempre, vull tenir-te a prop sempre, celebrar que és diumenge.

I want to have you close always, I want to have you close always, to celebrate that it is Sunday.

Fer la vida més lenta, perquè vull tenir el febló sempre al costat.

Make life slower, because I want to have the spark by my side always.

Busques una hora de música per ballar sense parar?

Are you looking for an hour of music to dance non-stop?

Benvinguda! Benvingut a Casa Babilon, la casa de la música festiva i urbana d'Ica.

Welcome! Welcome to Casa Babilon, the house of festive and urban music in Ica.

Casa Babilon

House Babylon

No t'amaguis si algun dia tu em veus.

Don't hide if one day you see me.

No passo mai sol, les estones sempre estic amb els meus.

I never go alone, I’m always with my loved ones.

Tu fas pactes amb el diable, jo faig pactes amb Déu.

You make deals with the devil, I make deals with God.

Estic tancat a l'estudi, vivis la meva seu.

I am locked in the studio, live my headquarters.

Estic centrat en el meu, no importa el que feu.

I am focused on my own, it doesn't matter what you do.

Ho he notat per el meu tim, baby, em sento la min.

I've noticed it for my team, baby, I feel like mine.

I ara que em veu bé parlar i si vols saber de mi.

And now that you see me well speaking and if you want to know about me.

I ara s'apropa el calor, les llorifants sense tu.

And now the heat approaches, the tears without you.

I quan estem en el pari, tu te'n demanes l'amor.

And when we are in the paradise, you ask for love.

Ho he notat per el meu tim, baby, em sento la min.

I've noticed it for my team, baby, I feel like mine.

I ara que em veu bé parlar i si vols saber de mi.

And now that you can see me well speak, and if you want to know about me.

Tu no beses a mi, em fas mal, encara que a les paris.

You don’t kiss me, you hurt me, even though in Paris.

Si da para y arma, este te extraqui.

If it gives to stop and arms, this will extract you.

Y es que por ti daría la vida y la muerte.

And it's that for you I would give life and death.

Ponte a cojo'n tico' a veces que te quedes muerta.

Get on a damn scooter sometimes or you might end up dead.

Sé que si me miras solo piensas en morderme.

I know that if you look at me, you only think about biting me.

Nada, no es capaz de triar.

Nothing, he/she is not able to choose.

Que tu eres una mala, yo soy tu malo también.

That you are a bad one, I am your bad one too.

Y pa' ser malo es que soy bueno a la vez.

And to be bad is that I am good at the same time.

Pero tú eres más mala, yo te trato siempre bien.

But you are meaner, I always treat you well.

Tú eres más mala, baby.

You are worse, baby.

Yo no sé qué haría sin ti.

I don't know what I would do without you.

Sí, tú te verás.

Yes, you will see yourself.

Tu te vas de mi lado.

You are leaving my side.

No sé què haría sin ti.

I don't know what I would do without you.

Sí, tú te vas de mi lado.

Yes, you are leaving my side.

Me quedé enganchado a tus cosas raras.

I got hooked on your weird things.

Me quedé enganchado a tu buena cara.

I got hooked on your good face.

Me quedé enganchado a tus malas poses.

I got hooked on your bad poses.

Me quedé enganchado a ti.

I got hooked on you.

No paso más sola, esas tonas siempre estrican más mío.

I won't stay alone anymore, those idiots always stress me out more.

Tú fas pactas amb el diablo, yo faço pactas amb Déu.

You make pacts with the devil, I make pacts with God.

Estic tan catala, estudi, baby, isla me vaceo.

I am so Catalan, I study, baby, island I am emptying myself.

Estic centrada en lo meu.

I am focused on my own.

No importa el que feu.

It doesn't matter what you do.

Ho deu notar per al meu tim, baby, em sento la mint.

You must notice it by my team, baby, I feel the mint.

I ara que em veu bé parlar, és igual saber de mi.

And now that you see me well speak, it doesn't matter to know about me.

I ara és a prop el calor, les xarxes van sense top.

And now the heat is close, the networks go without limits.

I quan estem en el pari, tothom demana l'amor.

And when we are at the party, everyone asks for love.

Ho deu notar per al meu tim, baby, em sento la mint.

He must notice it from my tim, baby, I feel the mint.

I ara que em veu bé parlar, és igual saber de mi.

And now that you see me speak well, it doesn't matter to know about me.

Tu només a mi em fas mal, em taques les paris.

You only hurt me, you stain my Paris.

Dic de pa' no i el meu estet és tranquil.

I say about bread not and my aesthetic is calm.

Baby, la promesa mou el joc com la mint.

Baby, the promise moves the game like the mint.

Té controlada tota l'exposició dintre el tim.

He has control over the entire exhibition within the tim.

Si és que m'ho fa d'una forma que jo mai havia vist.

If he does it in a way that I have never seen before.

Fixada per la Mop, és la MVP de l'equip, yeah.

Set by the Mop, she's the MVP of the team, yeah.

Fiteja els estilismes ben apretada.

Tighten the stylings well.

S'animarga tota en el vestí, tu so' bien malvada.

It all darkens in the dress, you are quite wicked.

A la planxa sense top, joder, una descarada.

On the grill without a top, damn, one bold move.

I quan em mirem cara mala, no m'aguanto les ganes.

And when we look at each other with a bad face, I can't hold back my desire.

Baby, lo teu és la ciència.

Baby, what you've got is science.

La que et col·le perfecta no l'explica ni la ciència.

The perfect collection does not explain it even science.

Tu has marcat la diferència.

You have made a difference.

Si tu i jo estuvem, no serà una coincidència.

If you and I were, it won't be a coincidence.

O la blotxa estarà en el teatre.

Either the blot will be in the theater.

Baby, em sento la mint.

Baby, I feel my mint.

I ara què em veu bé parlar, si vols saber de mi.

And now what do you want to know about me, if you want to know about me?

I ara és a prop el calor, les xorifes sense top.

And now the heat is near, the bikinis without tops.

I quan estem en el pari, tothom demana eslat Mop.

And when we are in the parlor, everyone asks for Mop.

Ho deu notar per al meu tim.

He must notice it because of my team.

Baby, em sento la mint.

Baby, I feel like the mint.

I ara què em veu bé parlar, si vols saber de mi.

And now what do you see in me, if you want to know about me?

Tu només a mi em fas mal, em taques les paris.

You are the only one who hurts me, you stain my Paris.

I de pana i els meus tetes tranquil.

And of corduroy and my breasts calm.

Això era La Mint, una cançonassa del col·lectiu format per Eslat Mop.

This was La Mint, a big song by the collective formed by Eslat Mop.

Anem encarant la recta final d'avui, recuperant les parelles artístiques

We are heading towards the final stretch of today, reclaiming the artistic pairs.

amb les que hem obert el programa.

with which we have opened the program.

Cimafunk, l'estrella del funk afrocubà, va publicar a finals d'agost

Cimafunk, the star of Afro-Cuban funk, released at the end of August.

el seu tercer disc Patucuerpa, carregat de col·labos

his third album Patucuerpa, filled with collaborations

amb Monsier Periné, Camila Guevara i uns sorprenents

with Monsier Periné, Camila Guevara, and some amazing ones

Trombone Shorty i George Clinton a la cançó I Don't Care.

Trombone Shorty and George Clinton in the song I Don't Care.

Si us mola aquest fiestero cubà, actua al novembre aquí a La Paloma.

If you like this Cuban party animal, he will perform here at La Paloma in November.

Fins aquí el programa d'avui.

That's it for today's program.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Bona nit.

Good night.

Que bé s'hi està

How nice it is to be here.

que bé s'hi està

how nice it is здесь

quan m'estiro aquí

when I lie down here

a l'ombra d'aquesta palmera

in the shade of this palm tree

Puc llegir un bon llibre o posar-me un disc que m'ompli el cor, que bé s'hi està.

I can read a good book or put on a record that fills my heart, it feels so good.

Quan m'estiro aquí a l'ombra d'aquesta palmera, amb pa, amb tomàquet, sardina, la brasa i el poró.

When I lie here in the shade of this palm tree, with bread, with tomato, sardine, the grill, and the pitcher.

La gandula!

The deck chair!

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