Sofia, synthpop en pijama de luxe

Catalunya Ràdio


Sofia, synthpop en pijama de luxe


Són Janta amb Raúl Hinojosa.

They are Janta with Raúl Hinojosa.

Hola, què tal, com va?

Hello, how are you?

Aquí tot, com una seda, obrim una nova edició del Són Janta.

Here everything is smooth as silk, we open a new edition of Són Janta.

De l'anglès, caçador de cançons.

From English, song hunter.

Són Janta, el caçador de cançons d'ICAT.

They are Janta, the song hunter from ICAT.

Moltes gràcies per escoltar-nos.

Thank you very much for listening to us.

El meu nom és Raúl Hinojosa

My name is Raúl Hinojosa.

i és per mi un plaer donar-te la benvinguda al Són Janta,

And it is a pleasure for me to welcome you to Són Janta,

l'espai que ICAT

the space that ICAT

dediquem a rastrejar les escenes underground

we dedicate ourselves to exploring the underground scenes

a la caça i captura de boniques cançons.

on the hunt and capture of beautiful songs.

I aquesta setmana portem la bossa plena.

And this week we bring the bag full.

Durant la pròxima mitja hora les farem sonar.

During the next half hour, we will make them sound.

D'entrada, però, et convidem a descobrir

At first, however, we invite you to discover.

el bedroom pop sintètic i sofisticat

the synthetic and sophisticated bedroom pop

de la mallorquina Sofia,

from the Mallorcan Sofia,

que després del seu pas per diferents bandes de hardcore i post-punk

that after his time with different hardcore and post-punk bands

ens presenta el seu projecte més personal.

presents us with his most personal project.

Avui, a la portada del Són Janta,

Today, on the cover of Són Janta,

la protagonista és la música de Sofia.

The protagonist is Sofia's music.

Va, hem deCravar, quesizedim.

Come on, we have to do it, as we said.

Dos bandos i tresff

Two factions and threeff

o Witness de sydney

O Witness from Sydney

I los otros de sanya

And the others from Sanya.

una de L'Epressió

one of the Expression

Eres tú el que promets

You are the one who promises.

el mot,

the word,

estás así

you are like this

tres que sentes

three that you feel




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i havies aprenut a dir adiós.

you had learned to say goodbye.

Quan et vas anar tan lluny de l'amor

When did you go so far from love?

que sabies dir adiós.

that you knew how to say goodbye.

Quan em despido i em disposo a beure cafè

When I say goodbye and get ready to drink coffee.

vien el humano i deshacen

"Come the human and they undo."

que el nostre nunca fue y que

that our never was and that

echo de menos lo que yo sé.

I miss what I know.

És tonto seguir pensant

It is foolish to keep thinking.

que quan et visc

that when I see you

que està bé

that is fine

és tonto

he is silly

que havies aprenut a dir adiós.

that you had learned to say goodbye.

Quan et visc

When I see you

que està bé

that is fine

és tonto que havies aprenut a dir adiós.

He's so stupid that you had learned to say goodbye.

És tonto que havies aprenut a dir adiós.

It's silly that you had learned to say goodbye.

Quan et visc

When I see you

que tan lluny de l'amor

how far from love

que sabies dir adiós.

that you knew how to say goodbye.

Sempre que ens veiem

Whenever we see each other

t'ha de sentir

you have to feel it

que tu estàs aquí.

that you are here.

Aquí, sempre que te pienso

Here, whenever I think of you.

me hago sentir que yo no soy así.

I make myself feel that I'm not like this.

I Decir adiós és la cançó de Sofia

I Saying goodbye is Sofia's song.

que obre el Soundhunter d'avui.

that opens today's Soundhunter.

Amb aquest tema, Sofia Ramis Massutí,

With this topic, Sofia Ramis Massutí,

nascuda a Palma el 1996,

born in Palma in 1996,

després d'ha participat a diferents bandes

after having participated in different bands

de l'underground mallorquí com Pou o Scorpio,

of the Majorcan underground like Pou or Scorpio,

ens presenta el seu projecte més personal.

presents his most personal project.



El projecte s'ha gestat abans del Covid

The project was conceived before Covid.

i s'ha consolidat durant el Covid com molts altres.

and has consolidated during Covid like many others.

D'antecedents tinc el cant coral de quan era petita

I have a background in choral singing from when I was a child.

i alguns grups de punk.

and some punk groups.

Sofia és una persona normal i corrent

Sofia is an ordinary person.

que fa música i intenta guanyar-se un poc la vida en general.

who makes music and tries to earn a little living in general.

Tinc tot tipus de referents en àmbits de creació artística.

I have all kinds of references in the fields of artistic creation.

Intento que la música pop, així en general, m'influeixi.

I try to let pop music, in general, influence me.

Intento que la música se faci un poc a si mateixa

I try to let the music create itself a little.

a partir d'un element que va creant

starting from an element that it creates

la gent, encara que sempre vaig afegint veus i coses així.

People, even though I keep adding voices and things like that.

Jo ho he dit, que vaig començar

I said that I started.

escoltant els tender buttons de broadcast

listening to the tender buttons by broadcast

i m'ha influït molt,

it has influenced me a lot,

però també, doncs, música clàssica

but also, then, classical music

o, jo què sé,

oh, I don’t know,

doncs, qualsevol cosa,

well, anything,

inclús Jay Dilla.

including Jay Dilla.

El que estic escoltant sempre en el moment m'inspira,

What I am always listening to at the moment inspires me.

sigui el que sigui.

whatever it may be.



I com que encara packages que hi han a l'estiu,

And since there are still packages available in the summer,

si no ho farem abans que hagin d'anar,

if we don't do it before they have to go,

ho farem en els dos dies,

we will do it in two days,

quan ens vingui la gent 5 o 6.

when the people come to us 5 or 6.

D'això ho farem de mitja hora.

We'll do it in half an hour.

Més voltant alguns guants,

More around some gloves,

que Furthermore小 rotlla de!!!!!

that Furthermore small wheel of!!!!!

Hi ha col·leccions UK,

There are UK collections,



i els lingüistes del place se'n par мèter,

And the linguists of the place talk about it.

a les mortals de la indústria,

to the mortals of the industry,

d'avui. Aquesta la trobes

of today. You can find this

al seu primer llarg, una casset

in their first feature, a cassette

que va sortir el 2021

that came out in 2021

any del debut de Sofia

any of Sofia's debut

amb el single Decir adiós, amb el qual

with the single Saying goodbye, with which

obríem el programa. Aquestes

we opened the program. These

dues cançons formen part d'un disc

Two songs are part of an album.

titulat Primeres gravaciones

titled First recordings

que et trobes publicat en vinil

that you are published on vinyl

pel segell Humo Internacional

for the label Humo Internacional

que inclou les dues

that includes both

cançons del primer single i les sis

songs from the first single and the six

de la primera casset de Sofia que es titulava

from the first cassette of Sofia that was titled

El aire del Almena.

The air of the Almena.

Avui la convidada

Today the guest

d'Alson Hunter és

d'Alson Hunter is

Sofia Ramis Massutí.

Sofia Ramis Massutí.



Totes les meves cançons tenen un to

All my songs have a tone.

alhora innocent i malèfic

at once innocent and malevolent

o obscur. N'agradaria

or dark. I would like it.

fer altres coses però no m'acaba

do other things but it doesn't end for me

de sortir. També crec que tenen

to go out. I also think they have

un punt bastant fresc i

a quite cool point and

atmosfèric i també

atmospheric and also

encara que si t'afixes en

even if you focus on

les lletres són un poquet així

the letters are a little like this

tenebroses i

gloomy and

tot aquest punt naïf que no m'agrada

all this naïve point that I don't like

però no puc evitar

but I can't help it

que me'n surti. També tenen un punt

that it works out for me. They also have a point.

molt animat, jo crec. No són

Very lively, I think. They aren't

reflexions, són intentar captar

reflections, they are trying to capture

alguna cosa de manera abstracta

something in an abstract way

que tingui moltes interpretacions.

may it have many interpretations.

Mira, generalment

Look, generally

quan ja estan fetes i les acab

when they are already done and finished

de fer, doncs estic molt contenta

so I'm very happy

i quan sona la ràdio, doncs també, però

And when the radio plays, then too, but

almenys, no tant.

at least, not so much.

No sé

I don't know.

a pena, no he de dir

I’m sorry, I can't say.

No lo sé

I don't know.

No ho sé, Sofia, des del seu disc

I don't know, Sofia, since her record.

Canciones para saltarse por encima

Songs to jump over

el seu treball més recent

his/her most recent work

publicat també pel segell

published also by the label

asturiat Humo Internacional

Asturian International Smoke

Avui els Soundhunter miren de fer

Today the Soundhunter try to do

un tomb de reconeixement

a reconnaissance tour

a l'univers sintètic hip-hop

to the synthetic hip-hop universe

de la mallorquina Sofia

from the Mallorcan Sofia

En quant al futur immediat, no ho sé

As for the immediate future, I don't know.

és incert, estic seguint

It is uncertain, I am following.

fent música per als darrers disc

making music for the last album

que és el que més m'agrada, no ha

what I like the most, it hasn’t

tingut tant d'èxit, però bueno

had so much success, but well

si continua ja està

if it continues, that's it

Espero que m'aduïm a poder seguir

I hope we manage to continue.

continuant sense que no

continuing without saying no

m'absorbeixi tot el temps

let it absorb me all the time

a sa puta precarietat de merda

to its fucking shitty precarity

on seguim vivint

we continue living

sa gent jove, generalment

young people, generally

Espero que m'estigui ajudant un mínim

I hope that it is helping me at least a little.

Dia 7 tocaré una altra vegada a València

On the 7th, I will play again in Valencia.

i bueno

and good

també tocaré a Mallorca

I will also play in Mallorca.

en el Cranc, tocaré a França

In the Crab, I will touch France.

i després estic intentant muntar una gira a Mèxic

And then I am trying to organize a tour in Mexico.

Així que

So, then.

allà que vamos

there we go

Gràcies a Sofia Ramis Massotí

Thanks to Sofia Ramis Massotí

per passar-se pel Soundhunter

to pass by the Soundhunter

a representar-nos, Sofia

to represent us, Sofia

al seu projecte personal

to his/her personal project

Pots seguir les evolucions de la mallorquina

You can follow the developments of the Mallorcan.

al seu Instagram

on his/her Instagram

arroba Sofia

at Sofia

guió baix, guió baix, guió baix, guió baix

lower dash, lower dash, lower dash, lower dash

5 guions baixos, punt

5 underscores, period.

guió baix, guió baix, dos més

lower dash, lower dash, two more

Nosaltres l'acomiadem

We say goodbye to him/her.

amb la cara bé del seu debut

with the good face of his debut

aquell single del 2021

that single from 2021



El cielo blanco

The white sky



El cielo blanco es agua y mar

The white sky is water and sea.

Yo veo que adolece nuestro estado

I see that our state is suffering.

Hay una huella sideral

There is a sidereal footprint.

de muerte

of death

Digo entre 7 días al año

I say seven days a year.

Me engaño

I deceive myself.

Hay una huella sideral

There is a cosmic footprint.

que me hace

what makes me

escribir sangre de barra

write bar blood



de lado

to the side

El cielo blanco es así

The white sky is like this.

El cielo blanco es agua y mar

The white sky is water and sea.

Y veo que adolece nuestro estado

And I see that our state is suffering.

Y no hay agua para despertar

And there is no water to awaken.

Más tendencia es crecer

More tendency is to grow.

Y cuando hay siempre

And when there is always

la lluvia no espera

the rain does not wait

Esmeja lastopie

Esmeja lastopie

sobre cosa

about thing

Seguita mi olsun

Follow me then.

T дан lli住

T dan lli住

El sol dine

The sun dines.

La portada del Songhunter d'avui amb aquesta El Cielo Blanco de Sofía.

Today's Songhunter cover features El Cielo Blanco by Sofía.

Trobes la música de la mallorquina publicada pel Sajeido Viedo Humo Internacional.

You find the music of the Mallorcan published by Sajeido Viedo Humo Internacional.

Sajeid també dels catalans Los Yolos, que ara fa un any publicaven Nos Siguen Por Delante.

Sajeid also from the Catalans Los Yolos, who a year ago released Nos Siguen Por Delante.

El magnífic i talentós primer LP dels barcelonins s'obre amb aquesta Dentro de Ti.

The magnificent and talented debut LP of the Barcelonians opens with this "Dentro de Ti."

I són Los Yolos.

And they are the Yolos.

Dentro de ti reconoces tu fragilidad

Within you, you recognize your fragility.

Intentas sonreír, intentas disfrutar

You try to smile, you try to enjoy.

Intentas soñar, no te quiero ver llorar

You try to dream, I don't want to see you cry.

Esta noche lo guardo todo para ti, para ti, para ti

Tonight I keep everything for you, for you, for you.

Ya no hay por qué

There is no longer a reason.

Ya no importa nada

Nothing matters anymore.

El mundo está del revés

The world is upside down.

Y no podrá contigo

And it won't be able to with you.

Ni conmigo

Not even with me.

Ni contigo, ni conmigo

Neither with you, nor with me.

Un, dos, tres, cuatro

One, two, three, four

Ya no hay por qué

There is no longer a reason.

Yo no soy trampo, yo soy un????

I am not a cheat, I am a????



Intentant disfrutar

Trying to enjoy

Intentant crear

Trying to create

Intentant soñar

Trying to dream

No te quiero ver llorar

I don't want to see you cry.

Esta noche lo guardo todo para ti, para ti, para ti

Tonight I save everything for you, for you, for you.

theres banans

There are bananas.

Les escenes alternativa i underground

The alternative and underground scenes

al Soundhunter d'ICAT

at ICAT's Soundhunter

amb Raúl Hinojosa.

with Raúl Hinojosa.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Songhunter, amb Raúl Hinojosa.

Songhunter, with Raúl Hinojosa.

Marxem. Moltes gràcies per escoltar-nos.

We're leaving. Thank you very much for listening to us.

Et deixo en companyia de Twin,

I leave you in the company of Twin.

el terego artístic de la valenciana

the artistic heritage of the Valencian

resident a Barcelona, Ana López,

resident in Barcelona, Ana López,

que després del seu debut homònim

that after their self-titled debut

en format EP del 2021

in EP format from 2021

publica ara el seu primer LP,

now releases their first LP,

un disc molt guapo titulat

a very cool album titled

Dubla, coeditat per Hidden Track Records

Dubla, co-edited by Hidden Track Records.

i Primavera Labels.

i Spring Labels.

I aquest Twin tanca amb aquesta cançó

And this Twin closes with this song.

que també tanca el Songhunter d'avui.

which also closes today's Songhunter.

Nada más. Twin.

Nothing more. Twin.



Songhunter, els diumenges a dos quarts d'onze de la nit

Songhunter, Sundays at half past ten at night

a la sintonia d'ICAT

on the wavelength of ICAT

i sempre que vulguis en podcast.

and whenever you want in the podcast.

Dime cuando me perdí

Tell me when I got lost.

Casi siempre

Almost always

Yo me quedo atrás

I will stay behind.

Y no entiendes

And you don't understand.

Que no quiero más

I don't want anymore.

Que no hay nada más

That there is nothing more.

Oh, cómo pasó

Oh, how it happened.

Tu cuerpo frío en el salón

Your cold body in the living room.

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Y por qué pasó

And why did it happen?

¿Y el mío quemando alrededor?

And mine burning around?

El mío quemando alrededor

Mine burning around.

Vuelve adentro de mí

Come back inside me.

Bona nit.

Good night.

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