Com és l'entrevista per escollir un entrenador de l'NBA?

Catalunya Ràdio

Triple amenaça

Com és l'entrevista per escollir un entrenador de l'NBA?

Triple amenaça

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Triple amenaça. El podcast NBA de Catalunya Ràdio.

Triple threat. The NBA podcast of Catalunya Ràdio.

Benvingudes i benvinguts al capítol 30 del Triple Amenaça, el podcast NBA de Catalunya Ràdio.

Welcome to episode 30 of Triple Threat, the NBA podcast by Catalunya Ràdio.

El capítol que tanca una primera temporada. Hem tingut campió nou a la NBA,

The chapter that closes a first season. We have a new champion in the NBA.

el primer cop a la història d'Enver, i el volem tancar també de forma especial.

The first time in Enver's history, and we also want to close it in a special way.

El vam obrir amb un exjogador NBA, com l'Alex Sabrines, que ens va explicar una mica la visió del jugador.

We opened it with a former NBA player, like Alex Sabrines, who explained to us a bit about the player's perspective.

I avui tindrem una visió diferent. Com sempre, m'acompanya Roc Masseguer. Què tal estàs?

And today we will have a different perspective. As always, I am joined by Roc Masseguer. How are you?

Molt bé, Jordi. Avui amb poques ganes... Bé, sempre tinc ganes de parlar,

Very well, Jordi. Today I'm not feeling very motivated... Well, I always want to talk.

però amb menys ganes de parlar que d'escoltar, perquè tenim un convidat que jo crec que ens pot aportar

but with less desire to talk than to listen, because we have a guest whom I believe can contribute to us.

una visió que normalment no tenim, i per fi algú que sap del que parla, no com nosaltres dos.

a view that we usually don’t have, and finally someone who knows what they are talking about, unlike the two of us.

O sigui que esperem que l'audiència això ho gaudeixi.

So we hope the audience enjoys this.

Doncs anirem cap a Las Vegas, no per veure imatges de l'Esfera,

Well, we will head to Las Vegas, not to see images of the Sphere,

que és el que està fent tothom aquests dies a les xarxes, sinó perquè ens acompanya un baloní que tenim allà,

what is everyone doing these days on social media, if not because we have a balloonist with us over there,

que a més em fa molta il·lusió tenir-lo aquí, perquè ja la prehistòria fa molt de temps.

that it also makes me very excited to have him here, because prehistoric times were a long time ago.

El meu germà entrenava al mongat de júnior, i jo feia delegat, i recordo veure en el cadet

My brother was training at the junior level, and I was serving as a delegate, and I remember seeing in the cadet.

un noi procedent de la penya que s'intentava fer un lloc.

a boy from the gang who was trying to make a place for himself.

Ha plogut molt des de llavors, i li ha anat molt bé, no com a jugador,

It has rained a lot since then, and he has done very well, not as a player.

com a entrenador, per això el tenim avui aquí.

As a coach, that's why we have him here today.

Jordi Fernández, què tal estàs?

Jordi Fernández, how are you?

Què tal, com esteu? Gràcies per convidar-me, i com dius tu, sort que no vaig seguir jugant.

How are you? Thank you for inviting me, and as you say, good thing I didn’t keep playing.

Bé, molt bons acords, evidentment, el teu germà i la meva època jugant,

Well, very good memories, obviously, your brother and my time playing.

que realment ho vaig disfrutar molt, i com dius tu, queda molt enrere.

I really enjoyed it a lot, and as you say, it feels like a long time ago.

Ara et tenim a Las Vegas, repassarem una mica tot el que has fet aquesta temporada,

Now we have you in Las Vegas, we will review a bit of everything you have done this season,

i en el passat, comencem pel més recent, que és això de la Summer League.

And in the past, let's start with the most recent, which is this about the Summer League.

No sé en què us fixeu els entrenadors en aquests partits de Summer League.

I don't know what you coaches focus on in these Summer League games.

Com a espectadors són molt difícils de digerir, ja ho he intentat aquests dies,

As viewers, they are very difficult to digest, I've tried it these days.

per veure jugadors joves que aniran a la NBA, i és complicat.

to see young players who will go to the NBA, and it’s complicated.

Més enllà de la part de com juguen, a quins detalls us fixeu els entrenadors

Beyond the way they play, what details do the coaches pay attention to?

per veure si estan més a prop de poder formar part d'una rotació NBA o no, d'un jugador?

to see if they are closer to being able to be part of an NBA rotation or not, of a player?

Bé, pots imaginar que els equips són molt diferents.

Well, you can imagine that the teams are very different.

Nosaltres, en el nostre cas...

We, in our case...

Crec que tenim 15 jugadors, dels quals 4, si no m'equivoco, 4 o 5 són part del nostre ròster,

I believe we have 15 players, of which 4, if I'm not mistaken, 4 or 5 are part of our roster.

i els altres són que jugaran en el nostre equip d'Agílic,

and the others are going to play in our Agílic team.

o són nois que els volem donar una oportunitat que els vegi la gent.

They are boys that we want to give a chance to be seen by people.

I, com t'imagines, dintre l'equip hi ha jugadors amb diferents objectius.

As you can imagine, within the team there are players with different objectives.

Llavors nosaltres el que volem veure és, per cada un d'ells,

Then what we want to see is, for each of them,

el que ens pot beneficiar en el nostre grup.

what can benefit us in our group.

Per exemple, el Keegan Murray, que és un dels nostres titulars,

For example, Keegan Murray, who is one of our starters,

va jugar a la Lliga d'Estiu de Sacramento.

he played in the Sacramento Summer League.

Volíem que tingués la vida de les mans més,

We wanted it to have the life of the hands more.

que intentés fer coses que no el vèiem fer.

that he tried to do things we didn't see him do.

Llavors, per exemple, això a ell li va ajudar molt i va estar molt bé.

Then, for example, this helped him a lot and it was very good.

Crec que va acabar un partit amb 35 i l'altre amb 42.

I think one game ended with 35 and the other with 42.

Va jugar molt bé i li va sortir...

He played very well and he managed...

Per la seva aprovació va ser molt bona.

The approval process was very good.

I, doncs, bueno...

And so, well...

Bons jugadors, però, a més, una miqueta el mateix.

Good players, but, in addition, a little bit the same.

Buscar objectius per cada un d'ells i, després, competir al màxim nivell.

Look for objectives for each of them and then compete at the highest level.

Que, al final, també s'entrenen pocs dies,

That, in the end, they also train for few days.

però està organitzat, estructurat,

but it is organized, structured,

que, evidentment, tinguin una manera de jugar clara dintre de tot.

that, obviously, they have a clear way of playing overall.

Que, com dius tu, aquests partits són una miqueta difícils de veure.

Well, as you say, these matches are a bit difficult to watch.

Però si realment pots veure si els nanos competeixen o no.

But you can really see if the kids compete or not.

Si estan pel que han d'estar, no estan aquí de vacances.

If they are where they need to be, they are not here on vacation.

Com us podeu imaginar, això és molt tentador.

As you can imagine, this is very tempting.

Sobretot pels nanos joves, que estan en aquest circ.

Especially for the young kids who are in this circus.

Però, bueno, una miqueta tot aquest conjunt, no?

But, well, a little bit of all this set, right?

I, dintre de tot, doncs, les velles i aquesta Lliga d'Estiu

I, among it all, therefore, the old ones and this Summer League

és una miqueta tot en general, no?

It's a little bit of everything in general, isn't it?

També tenim els nostres jugadors de la plantilla aquí entrenant.

We also have our players from the squad here training.

S'ajunten moltes coses i, al final, doncs, bueno,

A lot of things come together and, in the end, well,

és una part més, doncs, d'aquest negoci de l'NBA

It is another part, then, of this NBA business.

que intenta marcar moltes coses i no només amb la Lliga regular,

that tries to mark many things and not just with the regular League,

sinó ara, doncs, amb això, que cada vegada ha crescut més.

but now, then, with this, which has grown more and more.

Hi ha quasi 20.000 persones al camp.

There are almost 20,000 people at the stadium.

Partits són tots per la televisió.

All parties are for television.

Ha crescut molt com a negoci.

It has grown a lot as a business.

I ara, doncs, acaben d'anunciar allò del End Season Tournament,

And now, they have just announced the End Season Tournament.

que és la final a quatre aquesta que es farà.

What is the final four that will take place?

Llavors, doncs, ja us imagineu, aquí van sortint coses noves

So, you can already imagine, new things are starting to come out here.

i ens hem d'adaptar, perquè no és que puguem dir massa, no?

And we have to adapt, because we can't really say much, right?

Tu portes aquí, ens ho deies abans de començar,

You brought it here, you told us before starting,

molts anys anant a la Summer League.

many years attending the Summer League.

Aquesta és diferent a la resta o similar a les més...

This is different from the rest or similar to the most...

a les més especials pel fet que hi hagi en Benbanyama.

to the most special for the fact that there is Benbanyama.

No perquè ell sigui un jugador superior,

Not because he is a superior player,

fins i tot no hem vist superior a altres jugadors d'aquesta Lliga,

we haven't even seen him superior to other players in this League,

sinó per l'expectació, no?

but for the expectation, right?

Sentia gent dir que estava ple, que veia ple per primer cop,

I heard people say that it was full, that I was seeing it full for the first time,

que hi havia una electricitat especial a l'ambient

that there was a special electricity in the atmosphere

de gent que volia que passessin coses especials.

of people who wanted special things to happen.

Tu això ho has notat?

Have you noticed this?

No sé si has pogut estar en algun dels partits dels esports.

I don't know if you have been able to attend any of the sports matches.

Sí, nosaltres vam jugar just després del seu primer partit.

Yes, we played just after their first match.

I sí.

And yes.

L'expectació la veus, però jo, per exemple, l'any passat,

You can see the expectation, but I, for example, last year,

que era quan era el Paulo Banchero,

what it was when Paulo Banchero was,

vam jugar contra ells el primer partit

we played against them the first match

i també recordo que ja havia estat al camp ple.

And I also remember that I had already been to the full stadium.

O sigui que sí que l'expectativa és una miqueta més alta

So yes, the expectation is a little higher.

perquè tothom diu que és un jugador que marcarà una època

because everyone says he is a player who will mark an era

i diuen que des que el Lebron James va ser rookie

And they say that since LeBron James was a rookie

no han vist res d'igual, però com sabeu vosaltres,

they have seen nothing like it, but as you know,

això també és una cosa que s'ha creat a mitjans

this is also something that has been created in the media

i, bé, part del circ, part del negoci.

Yes, well, part of the circus, part of the business.

A nivell de feina i bàsquet i tal,

In terms of work and basketball and such,

doncs bé, la Lliga d'Estiu molt organitzada, molt ben feta.

Well, the Summer League is very organized, very well done.

Com us podeu imaginar, el nivell del bàsquet és el que és,

As you can imagine, the level of basketball is what it is,

però crec que es pot fer o l'utilitzen molts equips,

but I believe it can be done or many teams use it,

des d'equips d'Europa o de fora als Estats Units i els d'aquí.

from teams in Europe or outside the United States and those here.

Llavors engloba moltes coses i has de treure el positiu.

Then it encompasses many things and you have to take out the positive.

Si vens pensant en negatiu, en pots treure coses de negatiu.

If you come thinking negatively, you can take negative things from it.

En general és tot molt positiu.

In general, everything is very positive.

No ets molt fan de...

You're not much of a fan of...

De Las Vegas, però sí que està força clar

From Las Vegas, but it is quite clear.

que la NBA és una ciutat que vol potenciar.

that the NBA is a city it wants to promote.

Teníem la Summer League, tenim la final a 4

We had the Summer League, we have the final four.

i si un dia recent hi ha una expansió, tot apunta cap a Las Vegas.

And if a recent day there is an expansion, everything points to Las Vegas.

Realment és tan distracció pels jugadors tot el que hi ha a la ciutat?

Is it really such a distraction for the players all that there is in the city?

És a dir, costa allò de tenir-los centrat sempre?

That is to say, is it difficult to keep them focused all the time?

O saben allò, fer la franja del que és professional

Or they know that, to create the boundary of what is professional.

estar en una ciutat diferent?

being in a different city?

Bueno, hi ha moltes temptacions aquí, no?

Well, there are many temptations here, right?

I en general...

And in general...

I la veritat és que, m'imagino, quan ets tan jove i estàs aquí, doncs no ha de ser fàcil.

And the truth is that, I imagine, when you are so young and you are here, it must not be easy.

Però bueno, per la meva experiència mai he tingut una...

But well, in my experience, I have never had a...

Mai et podria dir, recordo que una vegada un jugador va...

I could never tell you, I remember that once a player...

En general, no. A veure...

In general, no. Let's see...

Poden sortir a passar-ho bé, però en general tots han...

They can go out to have a good time, but in general, everyone has...

El dia següent han estat allà i han fet la seva feina.

The next day they were there and did their job.

L'únic és que quan estàs molts dies ja en aquesta ciutat, doncs tot cansa, no?

The only thing is that when you've been in this city for many days, well, everything becomes tiring, right?

Les llums...

The lights...

El menjar fora, el tot, no?

Eating out, everything, right?

És bastant agotador.

It's quite exhausting.

Els partits, hi ha molts partits, hi ha molta gent...

There are many parties, there are many people...

Però bé, dintre de tot, com et dic,

But well, in spite of everything, as I tell you,

per molt que la ciutat sigui el que sigui,

no matter what the city is,

crec que també està molt ben pensat, doncs, perquè aquesta ciutat atrau molta gent

I think it is also very well thought out, because this city attracts a lot of people.

i al final tot funciona, no?

And in the end, everything works, right?

Sobretot a nivell de model econòmic...

Above all at the level of the economic model...

A nivell de negoci, doncs, funciona molt bé, que això és l'important, no?

At a business level, then, it works very well, which is what matters, right?

Tu, a més, com deies, no et distreus, perquè t'ha tocat compaginar la Summer League

You, moreover, as you said, do not get distracted, because you have to combine the Summer League.

amb la preparació mundial amb aquest càrrec d'entrenador de Canadà,

with the global preparation for this position as coach of Canada,

que la predisposició, vas dir que era molt bona a tots els jugadors,

that the predisposition, you said it was very good for all the players,

la manca de temps, segurament, de no portar molts anys junts jugant a nivell de selecció nacional,

the lack of time, surely, from not having spent many years together playing at the national team level,

primer equip, no categories inferiors, és potser un dels maldecaps que tens?

first team, no lower categories, is it perhaps one of the headaches you have?

Bueno, no és un maldecap, és un repte.

Well, it's not a headache, it's a challenge.

I al final jo crec que...

And in the end, I believe that...

Doncs, quan agafes un grup, tots tenen punts forts i tenen, bueno, més que punts febles,

Well, when you take a group, everyone has strengths and they have, well, more than weaknesses,

doncs, sí, punts febles, i en aquest cas, doncs, hi ha moltes seleccions

So, yes, weak points, and in this case, well, there are many selections.

que potser físicament són inferiors, inclús de qualitat,

that perhaps are physically inferior, even in quality,

i que porten molts anys junts, que competeixen molt grafiva,

and that they have been together for many years, competing very fiercely,

i nosaltres, doncs, crec que tindrem molt de talent, que físicament serem molt bons,

And we, therefore, I believe that we will have a lot of talent, that physically we will be very good.

que tenim molta predisposició i treballarem, però, com dius tu,

that we have a strong willingness and we will work, but, as you say,

doncs, no tenim l'experiència d'haver estat junts durant molts anys,

well, we don't have the experience of having been together for many years,

tot i que ells es coneixen tots entre ells, en categories inferiors han jugat junts,

although they all know each other, in lower categories they have played together,

però és diferent. Llavors, jo crec que és tenir clars els teus reptes,

but it is different. Then, I think it's about having your challenges clear,

acceptar, doncs, el que tens davant teu, i dintre d'aquí, doncs,

accept, then, what you have in front of you, and within this, then,

si hem d'aparatar més en una part del que som nosaltres per millorar

If we have to separate more from part of who we are to improve.

i que ens ajudi, doncs, a arribar a competir al màxim,

and that it helps us to compete to the fullest,

al final ja sabeu que en aquests tornejos arribes a partits de vida o mort,

in the end you know that in these tournaments you reach do-or-die matches,

i és el que és, no? Doncs vas allà, i per molt que sigui un partit,

and it is what it is, right? So you go there, and no matter how much it is a match,

sigui un partit lleig, doncs, l'has de treure i no hi ha un altre,

if it is an ugly match, then you have to take it out and there is no other.

perquè si no el treus te'n vas a casa. Llavors, jo crec que amb aquesta mentalitat,

because if you don't take it out, you'll go home. So, I think that with this mentality,

si podem començar des del dia 1, des del primer dia que treballem,

if we can start from day 1, from the first day we work,

doncs tenim una bona preparació, crec que hem organitzat una bona preparació,

so we have good preparation, I think we have organized a good preparation,

crec que podem treure el suficient com per quan arribin els partits de la veritat,

I believe we can gather enough for when the real matches arrive.

doncs, donar molt a parlar.

well, it gives a lot to talk about.

En el grup, estem en el grup H, amb la Tònia, amb el Líban i amb França.

In the group, we are in group H, with Tònia, with Lebanon, and with France.

Quin pes creus que ha tingut el fet que...

What weight do you think the fact that... has had?

que tu vinguis del bàsquet FIBA, encara que faci anys,

that you come from FIBA basketball, even if it was years ago,

potser que no hi tinguis tanta relació, a l'hora de poder adaptar un equip,

maybe you don't have such a relationship when it comes to adapting a team,

sobretot de jugadors que tenen experiència en NBA, al bàsquet FIBA?

Especially players who have experience in the NBA, in FIBA basketball?

Tu creus que això s'ha tingut en compte a l'hora de valorar com un afegit,

Do you think this has been taken into account when valuing it as an addition?

com una habilitat que tu pots aportar a l'equip?

As a skill that you can bring to the team?

Sí, a veure, jo crec que la pregunta potser és més pel que em va donar el contracte...

Yes, let's see, I think the question might be more about what the contract gave me...

Ja, sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Però, no, jo crec que sí, no? Primer la meva procedència, no?,

But no, I think so, don't I? First my background, right?

que vaig criar i formar el bàsquet FIBA,

that I raised and trained in FIBA basketball,

després porto 15 anys, doncs, aquí als Estats Units, permanentment,

after spending 15 years here in the United States, permanently,

i, bueno, també tractant jugadors de NBA, doncs, tinc l'experiència i conec a molts d'ells,

I, well, also dealing with NBA players, so, I have the experience and know many of them,

que crec que això és important, no?, connectar amb ells,

that I think this is important, right?, to connect with them,

i després la meva experiència amb seleccions, no?,

and then my experience with selections, right?

des de la selecció espanyola, selecció de Nigèria i les inferiors de l'Espanyola.

from the Spanish national team, Nigeria national team and the youth teams of Spain.

Llavors, crec que entre tot una mica, doncs, ajuda, no?

So, I think that all of it helps a bit, right?

És un grup bastant peculiar i potser una persona que només ha fet FIBA,

It's quite a peculiar group, and perhaps a person who has only done FIBA.

potser no és el que fa, potser no és el que fa,

maybe it's not what he does, maybe it's not what he does,

potser connectar amb ell seria diferent i, bueno, jo tinc també els meus reptes, no?

Maybe connecting with him would be different, and, well, I have my own challenges too, right?

Però fora d'això, jo crec que, bueno, té sentit, jo estic il·lusionat

But apart from that, I think that, well, it makes sense, I am excited.

i ara, de moment, que he parlat amb tothom, no només els jugadors,

And now, for the moment, having spoken with everyone, not just the players,

sinó la resta de l'organització, doncs, tothom té molta, molta il·lusió

but the rest of the organization, then, everyone is very, very excited

i, normalment, saps?, quan les bones històries passen,

And, normally, you know?, when good stories happen,

normalment comencen així i això és una cosa que, de moment,

they usually start like this and this is something that, for now,

doncs, jo valoro molt, no?, és la predisposició

Well, I value it a lot, right? It's the disposition.

i la il·lusió que he tingut.

and the excitement that I have had.

És la meva il·lusió i, a partir d'aquí, doncs, només falta que posar-hi feina,

It is my dream and, from here, all that’s left is to put in the work.

treballar i que el treball estigui ben fet, que es decideixi bé,

to work and that the work is well done, that decisions are made wisely,

que en aquest cas és la meva feina, no?, decidim el que hem de fer

that in this case is my job, right? we decide what we have to do

i, si ho podem executar bé, doncs, jo crec que, al final,

and, if we can execute it well, then, I believe that, in the end,

doncs, serà aquesta bona història del que parlava.

Well, this will be the good story I was talking about.

Quan deies això del grup peculiar, en quin sentit?

When you mentioned this peculiar group, in what sense?

Grup peculiar, perdona, amb què et refereixes?

Peculiar group, sorry, what do you mean?

No, és a dir, que era un grup una mica peculiar, la selecció,

No, that is to say, it was a somewhat peculiar group, the selection.

i per saber què t'han dit.

and to know what they told you.

No, no em referia, bueno, peculiar a que, bueno,

No, I wasn't referring to that, well, peculiar to what, well,

és com tots els grups aquests són, tenen la seva pròpia distinció

It's like all these groups, they have their own distinction.

i, bueno, sobretot quan vens nou,

and, well, especially when you come new,

evidentment, jo soc, en aquest cas, el líder del grup

obviously, I am, in this case, the leader of the group

en quant a primer entrenador, però jo soc simplement una peça més, no?

As for the head coach, but I am just another piece, right?

Això no és que sigui res a estar per sobre de l'equip en general,

This is not something to be above the team in general.

ni els jugadors ni jo,

neither the players nor I,

i el que jo haig de fer és arribar a adaptar-me,

and what I have to do is learn to adapt.

adaptar-me amb ells, els jugadors de l'organització

adapt to them, the players of the organization

i intentar portar des del principi, no?

And try to take it from the beginning, right?

I, llavors, amb aquesta mentalitat, si tots pensem de la mateixa manera,

And then, with this mindset, if we all think the same way,

crec que posar l'equip per davant és com quan guanyes, no?

I think putting the team first is like when you win, right?

I quan tens èxit.

And when you succeed.

Deies, bueno, el nom de Jordi Fernández portem tot l'estiu,

You said, well, the name Jordi Fernández has been with us all summer,

anar-lo escoltant.

to go on listening to it.

Ara, pel tema Canadà, abans, com a possible entrenador,

Now, regarding the subject of Canada, before, as a possible coach,

com a possible primer entrenador català a l'NB,

as a possible first Catalan coach in the NBA,

vas comentar que on vas estar més a prop va ser a Phoenix,

You mentioned that where you were closest was in Phoenix.

també va haver-hi l'opció de Toronto, una trucada de Milwaukee...

there was also the option of Toronto, a call from Milwaukee...

El que m'agradaria que m'expliquessis una mica és

What I would like you to explain to me a little is

com és una entrevista d'entrenador a l'NBA.

What is an NBA coach interview like?

Passem tot el dia escoltant-lo de, no, ha superat la primera entrevista,

We spend all day listening to him, no, he has passed the first interview.

va a la segona, però com és una entrevista d'entrenador?

He goes to the second one, but how is it a coach interview?

Bueno, cada organització és una miqueta diferent, no?

Well, each organization is a little bit different, right?

He sentit, doncs, coses molt...

I have heard, then, very...

No que em faries creus, però coses bastant, doncs...

Not that you would make me believe, but quite a few things, well...

diferents i processos que, bueno, que implica que facis

different processes that, well, involve you doing

més o menys, que et pregunten, que...

more or less, they ask you, that...

et posen en...

they put you in...

et fan preguntes situacionals, per exemple, doncs...

they ask you situational questions, for example, well...

Un jugador et diu això i tu què li diries, no?

A player tells you this and what would you say to them, right?

És una miqueta, doncs...

It's a little bit, so...

Bueno, jo li dono molt de valor, però al final no ho és tot, no?

Well, I give it a lot of value, but in the end, it isn't everything, is it?

Al final, conèixer la persona i haver-la vist treballar

In the end, getting to know the person and having seen them work.

crec que és el més important.

I believe that is the most important.

Després d'aquestes entrevistes també és una miqueta per conèixer-te, no?

After these interviews, it's also a bit to get to know you, right?

Perquè moltes vegades, si no has treballat,

Because many times, if you haven't worked,

si no has treballat amb aquesta gent, vas una miqueta a presentar-te, no?

If you haven't worked with these people, you're a bit going to introduce yourself, right?

Hola, què tal? Sóc el Jordi Fernández i tinc aquí preparat, doncs,

Hello, how are you? I am Jordi Fernández and I have prepared here, well,

un PowerPoint o vídeo o el que sigui.

a PowerPoint or video or whatever.

Intento presentar-te la meva filosofia com a entrenador,

I try to present my philosophy as a coach to you,

com a persona i com lideraria el teu grup,

as a person and how you would lead your group,

però al final, doncs, és una decisió que ells han de prendre, no?

But in the end, it's a decision they have to make, right?

Llavors, en la meva cara et puc dir, doncs, bueno,

Then, on my face, I can tell you, well, anyway,

les entrevistes han sigut cada una d'entre unes...

the interviews have been each one of about...

de dues a tres hores

from two to three hours

i des de, doncs, presentacions a vídeos,

and since then, presentations to videos,

a preguntes,

to questions,

en una de les organitzacions, doncs,

in one of the organizations, therefore,

em vaig rebre amb el propietari, llavors, doncs,

I met with the owner, then, well,

evidentment has d'estudiar

obviously you have to study

sobre qui són aquestes persones,

about who these people are,

què han fet de la seva vida, intentar conèixer-ho una miqueta

What have they done with their lives, trying to know it a little bit.

per, doncs, bueno,

well, then, good,

si pots guanyar una d'aquestes preguntes,

if you can win one of these questions,

si pots, bueno, tot suma, no?

If you can, well, everything adds up, right?

I la preparació, doncs,

And the preparation, then,

va ser...

it was...

bueno, va ser un procés d'aprenentatge

Well, it was a learning process.

més per mi, no? Perquè aprens molt de tu mateix

More for me, right? Because you learn a lot about yourself.

i, sobretot,

and, above all,

quan les fas, no? Jo, doncs,

when you do them, right? Well, I...

per exemple, em vaig reunir cinc cops, no?

for example, I met five times, didn't I?

Com si diguéssim.

As if we were saying.

A la cinquena jo crec que vaig ser molt millor

In the fifth one, I think I was much better.

que a la primera.

that at the first.

I això, doncs, bueno,

And that, then, well,

la confiança, el com projectes,

trust, how projects,

no? A vegades et plantes allà

No? Sometimes you just stand there.

i, bueno, doncs,

and, well, then,

si et fan...

if they make you...

et fan volar fins a la...

they make you fly up to the...

crec que era, doncs, l'empresa

I think it was, therefore, the company.

d'un dels propietaris de l'NBA

of one of the owners of the NBA

i, bueno, crec que va ser, doncs,

Yeah, well, I think it was, then,

com et dic, una experiència

as I told you, an experience

molt bona.

very good.

Frustrant, perquè quan no et donen la feina,

Frustrating, because when they don't give you the job,

doncs, és com quasi, com...

well, it's almost, like...

com perdre un partit, no?

like losing a game, right?

Però amb confiança, perquè he rebut

But with confidence, because I have received

bones... el feedback ha sigut positiu

Good... the feedback has been positive.

i jo sóc dels que penso que crec

And I am one of those who think that I believe.

que m'hauríem d'haver donat, però a vegades

that we should have been given, but sometimes

no depèn de tu, no? És una...

It doesn't depend on you, does it? It's a...

és una relació

it is a relationship

de doble sentit, no? I a vegades

double meaning, right? And sometimes

això passa, no?

this happens, right?

Ells han de prendre la seva decisió

They have to make their decision.

i, bueno, també crec que

I, well, I also think that

que, bueno, que si no ha sigut

well, that if it hasn't been

és perquè algú...

it's because someone...

algú millor havia de venir i, de fet,

someone better had to come and, in fact,

ara, doncs, bueno, no em va sortir això, em va sortir

now, well, that didn't come out for me, it came out

el de Canadà i crec que, sincerament,

the one from Canada and I believe that, honestly,

on estic ara mateix,

where I am right now,

el de Canadà

the one from Canada

crec que és molt bo per mi.

I think it is very good for me.

No sé si millor, pitjor o diferent,

I don't know if better, worse, or different,

però crec que, bueno, m'il·luginarà molt.

but I think it will really excite me a lot.

Tinc la feina que tinc a l'NBA ara mateix

I have the job I have in the NBA right now.

que és

what is it

un somni on estic i, a part,

a dream where I am and, apart,

tinc l'oportunitat de ser primer entrenador

I have the opportunity to be the head coach.

al màxim nivell FIBA, no? Llavors,

at the highest FIBA level, right? Then,

què pot ser millor que això?

What could be better than this?

Llavors, com t'he dit,

Then, as I told you,

que a vegades penses que és

that sometimes you think it is

negatiu, però ve un positiu després

Negative, but a positive comes afterwards.

i crec que això és molt important.

I believe that this is very important.

Sí, a més veient les carreres

Yes, especially seeing the races.

dels entrenadors més exitosos o dels que tenen

of the most successful coaches or those who have

títols, veus que

titles, do you see that

les carreres són molt atzaroses, molt llargues,

careers are very random, very long,

vas endavant, vas enrere, vull dir

you go forward, you go back, I mean

que no hi ha una manera de fer-ho, no?

That there's no way to do it, right?

La meva pregunta, potser pels oients que no estiguin

My question, perhaps for the listeners who are not there.

tan familiaritzats amb com és l'NBA,

so familiarized with how the NBA is,

tot i que Europa està canviant també,

although Europe is changing too,

quan ets un assistent o la teva

when you are an assistant or your

feina al Sacramento Kings,

job at the Sacramento Kings,

quines diferències té o com de

what differences it has or how much of

diferent és de ser un primer entrenador?

What is it like to be a head coach?

És a dir, és una qüestió simplement

That is to say, it is simply a matter of

de jerarquia, tothom opina i el que està dalt

of hierarchy, everyone has an opinion and the one who is above

la seva opinió pesa més, o

his/her opinion weighs more, or

teniu funcions molt concretes i cadascú

you have very specific functions and each one

ha de fer la seva funció diferent?

Does it have to perform its function differently?

Sí, la jerarquia està molt marcada

Yes, the hierarchy is very marked.

perquè quant a recursos humans

because when it comes to human resources

nosaltres en tenim

we have it

molts, no? Crec que

many, right? I think that

som 14 persones

we are 14 people

en el cos tècnic només parlant

in the technical staff only speaking

d'entrenadors, és a dir,

of trainers, that is to say,

comptem ni la part mèdica, ni la part

we count neither the medical part nor the part

de rendiment, ni res d'això.

of performance, nor anything like that.

Llavors, doncs imagina't.

Then, just imagine.

Clar, també tenim ara 18 jugadors,

Of course, we also have 18 players now.

han ampliat de 17 a 18

they have expanded from 17 to 18

amb els tres tuveis. Llavors, doncs,

with the three tubes. Then, then,

bueno, nosaltres hem d'estar molt ben

well, we have to be very well

organitzats i cadascú, com dius tu,

organized and each one, as you say,

ha de saber exactament

he must know exactly

el que ha de fer. I jo, en aquest cas, doncs,

what needs to be done. And I, in this case, therefore,

vaig ser jo el que vaig organitzar el cos tècnic

I was the one who organized the technical staff.

en la meva relació amb el primer entrenador.

in my relationship with the first coach.

El nostre primer entrenador és dels que jo

Our first coach is one of those that I

conec, un dels millors líders

I know one of the best leaders.

en aquest

in this

negoci, i ell ens

business, and he us

deixa, doncs, fer la nostra feina,

so let us do our work,

i com els vaig dir a cada un dels

And as I told each of them

entrenadors o

coaches or

components de l'equip és

the components of the team are

a vegades tots ens quedem una miqueta amb

Sometimes we all end up a little with

el fet que jo, doncs, puc

the fact that I, therefore, can

fer moltes coses, puc

I can do many things.

fer atac i defensa, puc entrenar jugadors,

to take offense and defense, I can train players,

però a vegades no és només el que tu pots

but sometimes it's not just about what you can

fer, és que el que tu

do, it’s that what you

et toqui fer, ho facis molt, molt,

you have to do it, do it a lot, a lot,

molt bé, i després el teu creixement

very well, and then your growth

n'hi arribarà, perquè al final el més

it will reach, because in the end the most

important és que l'equip, en aquest cas els jugadors,

it's important that the team, in this case the players,


they learn

i rendeixin junts, no?

And they give in together, don't they?

Llavors, per nosaltres això va ser

Then, for us this was

una cosa molt important, no? Organitzar-los,

a very important thing, isn't it? Organize them,

organitzar-nos, donar-li a cada

organize ourselves, give it to each

un la feina que tenia que fer,

a task that I had to do,

i després, com els hi dic aquí,

and then, as I tell them here,

you have to be a star in your role,

you have to be a star in your role.

llavors, en el teu rol

then, in your role

has de ser una estrella, no?

You must be a star, right?

Sé que podries fer més, i ja treballarem

I know you could do more, and we will work on it.

perquè tothom pugui donar passos endavant,

so that everyone can take steps forward,

però en aquest cas

but in this case

tu has de ser, has de creure que

you have to be, you have to believe that

si realment fas això al màxim,

if you really do this to the maximum,

doncs, a l'equip

so, to the team

en sortirà beneficiat, i crec que

he will benefit from it, and I think that

en el nostre primer any,

in our first year,

com a cos tècnic junts, doncs,

as a technical team together, thus,

hem produït bé,

we have produced well,

evidentment hi ha coses

obviously there are things

a millorar, però hem tingut

to improve, but we have had

una molt bona energia, al final, això

a very good energy, in the end, that

una miqueta em cadena, no? Si nosaltres

A little bit in chains, right? If we...

tenim bona energia i sapiem

we have good energy and we know

que estem organitzats, llavors

that we are organized, then

els jugadors no tenen un altre que ells

the players have no one else but themselves

reben tot aquest, tot

they receive all this, all

des de la informació,

from the information,

no només el contingut, sinó la manera

not only the content, but the manner

que s'ha fet. Llavors, jo crec que això també es tradueix

what has been done. Then, I believe that this is also translated

a la pista,

on the track,

ens hem basat sempre molt en

we have always relied a lot on


to build

també des del punt relacional,

also from the relational point of view,

no? Passar molt temps junts,

No? Spending a lot of time together,

perquè al final és important.

because in the end it is important.

Si només entrenes i dius adeu,

If you only train and say goodbye,

després, quan hi ha

then, when there is

temes que s'han de parlar, doncs, costa una miqueta

Topics that need to be discussed, therefore, it's a bit difficult.

més, però si has passat temps junts, per molt que

more, but if you've spent time together, no matter how much

no sigui el teu millor amic, quan les coses

"Don't be your best friend when things..."

llavors van una miqueta malament, és molt més fàcil

then they go a little wrong, it's much easier

solucionar-les. Inclús, simplement,

solve them. Even, simply,

per dir-li la veritat a algú, no?

to tell someone the truth, right?

Llavors, jo crec que això també s'ha

So, I think this has also been

traduït a la pista, no?

translated to the track, right?

Des que vam començar

Since we started

el maig-juny de l'any passat,

May-June of last year,

doncs, bueno, hem tingut moltes,

well, we've had many,

hem fet moltes activitats

we have done many activities

i molts entrenaments i molts, que es diu

and many trainings and many, as it is said

aquí, minicamps,

here, minicamps,

que hem passat temps junts i al final

that we have spent time together and in the end

tot això jo crec que després també ens ha ajudat

I believe all of this has also helped us afterwards.

a competir, no? Tothom diu

to compete, right? Everyone says

que, bueno, que

that, well, that

era molt divertit veure'ns, que jugàvem molt

it was very fun to see us, as we played a lot

ràpid i tal, i que es veia

quick and such, and that it was seen

que ho passàvem bé, no? I en el fons això

we were having a good time, weren't we? And deep down that's it

és important, a veure, la feina

It is important, let's see, the work.

no que vas només a passar-t'ho bé,

no, you're just going to have a good time,

però si hi ha aquesta sensació, jo crec

but if there is this feeling, I believe

que també és molt important, no? El com es treballa,

which is also very important, isn't it? How it is worked on,

la gent que diu que

the people who say that

per ser, bueno, la teva feina ha d'estar,

to be, well, your work must be,

ha de ser una misèria i has de viure

it must be a misery and you have to live

en misèria perquè treballes molt dur,

in misery because you work very hard,

jo no m'ho crec. Jo crec que

I don't believe it. I think that

pots treballar molt, moltes hores i tal

you can work a lot, many hours and so on

i ja és prou dura la feina

And the work is hard enough already.

en si, no?, en quant a hores

Yes, right? As for hours.

i viatges i tal, que tampoc cal

and travels and such, which isn't necessary either

que et flagellis i et torturis.

that he/she flogs you and tortures you.

Una mica en foc europeu,

A little in European fire,

que hagis de treballar més, tot el que és el grup,

that you have to work more, everything that is the group,

els sopars, el fer convivència,

the dinners, sharing experiences,

ho hem vist a l'època de Pau Gasol

we saw it in the era of Pau Gasol

o d'en Marc, que se'ls emportaven

or from Marc, who took them away

tots a sopar, que els convidaven a casa seva

everyone to dinner, because they were invited to their home

i intentaven fer una mica més de pinya, que no pas

and they were trying to stick together a bit more, rather than

aquella imatge que hi havia més d'NBA

that image that there was more of NBA

que desplaçament i tothom

that displacement and everyone

anava per lliure, per parelles.

I went freely, in pairs.

Seria una mica més

It would be a little more.

aquest enfoc europeu, o no?

this European approach, or not?

Sí, bueno,

Yes, well,

sí, en aquest

yes, in this

sentit, sí, perquè

sense, yes, because

bueno, com dius tu, al final

well, as you say, in the end

les bones històries necessiten

good stories need

això, necessiten que les persones

this, they need that people

doncs, hi haurà moments

well, there will be moments

bons, però hi haurà

Good, but there will be.

moments complicats, i en aquests moments

complicated moments, and in these moments

complicats és quan ho necessites, i al final

Complicated is when you need it, and in the end.

això ho has de construir,

you have to build this,

a vegades no és sempre una

Sometimes it's not always one.

fórmula que t'ajudi

formula to help you

a construir-ho, però sí

to build it, but yes

que és la voluntat de fer-ho, i

what is the will to do it, and

quan tens la voluntat de passar

when you have the will to pass

temps amb algú, com dic jo,

time with someone, as I say,


it is

construir relacions professionals,

build professional relationships,

com t'he dit abans, no cal que siguem

As I told you before, we don't need to be.

millors amics, però sí que és veritat que si

best friends, but it is true that if

haig de treballar amb tu, doncs,

I have to work with you, then.

m'haig d'interessar, doncs,

I need to be interested, then.

com estàs, quina és la teva

How are you, what is yours?

situació personal, la teva família,

personal situation, your family,

bueno, diferents coses, i després

well, different things, and then

fora d'aquí, doncs, sé que

out of here, then, I know that

després, com t'he dit abans,

later, as I told you before,

quan haig de parlar amb tu perquè no has fet una cosa

When should I talk to you because you haven't done something?

bé i t'ho haig de dir, doncs, segurament sigui

well, and I have to tell you, then, it will probably be

més fàcil, i tu també ho acceptis millor, no?

easier, and you accept it better too, right?

Clar. En això

Sure. In this.

nosaltres hem cregut molt,

we have believed a lot,

i com t'he dit,

and as I told you,

del Mike Brown, en això és

of Mike Brown, in this it is

dels millors o el millor

the best or the best

que jo he vist a la meva carrera.

that I have seen in my career.

En el teu

In your

cos tècnic també teniu exjugadors

the technical staff also has former players

com el de Cristi, com l'Andro Barbosa,

like Cristi's, like Andro Barbosa's,

el Jay Triano crec que va ser jugador també,

I think Jay Triano was also a player.

i teniu també la Lindsay Harding,

And you also have Lindsay Harding,

també exjugadora.

also former player.

Com d'important, perquè també veiem

How important, because we also see

molts exjugadors en molts

many former players in many

equips tècnics i tal,

technical teams and such,

són diferents els entrenadors que venen

The coaches that come are different.

d'una carrera d'entrenador que els entrenadors

of a coaching career that coaches

que venen d'una carrera de jugador

that come from a player career

diguem, o l'Estar o NBA

let's say, either the Estar or NBA

i després passen a entrenador, tenen característiques

And then they become coaches, they have characteristics.

diferents o depèn de la persona i ja està?

Different or does it depend on the person and that's it?

Doncs mira, jo com ho crec

Well, look, I believe it.

és que cada entrenador, nosaltres tenim

It's just that every coach, we have

els nostres superpoders, si us han

our superpowers, if you have them

agradat els dibuixos

liking the drawings

i tal, els superherois,

and so, the superheroes,

cadascú té els seus superpoders

everyone has their superpowers

i crec que els exjugadors en aquest cas

I believe that the former players in this case.

tenen uns superpoders que jo mai

they have superpowers that I never do

podré tenir, i això és bastant

I will be able to have, and that's quite a lot.

obvi. No és que sigui ni millor

obvious. It's not that it's better

ni pitjor, cadascú portarem

neither worse, each one will carry

el nostre que farà

the our that will do

el grup ser millor, però en aquest cas

the group is better, but in this case

doncs, el Leandro

well, Leandro

té l'habilitat

has the skill

de comunicar, connectar

to communicate, to connect

d'una manera que jo mai podré.

in a way that I will never be able to.

Jo també connecto amb els jugadors,

I also connect with the players,

però d'una altra manera. Llavors jo crec que

but in another way. Then I think that

això és important, i nosaltres

this is important, and we

tenim un molt bon grup, com t'he dit,

we have a very good group, as I told you,

també és important tenir un grup que cada un

It is also important to have a group that each one.


may you have

estigui en temps diferent i amb objectius

be at different times and with objectives

diferents, perquè també és important que

different, because it is also important that

com us he dit,

as I have told you,

imagineu, quan hi ha tanta gent involucrada

Imagine, when there are so many people involved.

que si tots estan al mateix

that if everyone is in the same thing

nivell una mica, a nivell de carrera,

level a bit, at the career level,

que no es trepitgin entre ells. Llavors

that they do not tread on each other. Then

jo crec que això també ens ajuda, si ho penses

I think this also helps us, if you think about it.

d'aquesta manera, a que

in this way, to which

cada un pugui anar evolucionant i també

each one can evolve and also

pugui cobrir molt més en el que és el

can cover much more in what it is

tema, doncs, no només

theme, then, not only

relacional, però també, doncs,

relational, but also, therefore,

des d'educatiu i...

from educational and...

I bé, la veritat és que això ens ha ajudat

And well, the truth is that this has helped us.

i tenir tots aquests exjugadors, i ara

And having all these former players, and now

de fet n'hem fitxat un altre,

in fact we've signed another one,

i això ens

and this leads us

ha ajudat molt, perquè al final els jugadors

has helped a lot, because in the end the players

els jugadors saben, no? Per exemple,

the players know, right? For example,

els jugadors saben si jo

the players know if I do

puc votar la pilota o no, si

Can I vote for the ball or not, yes?

per molt que no he jugat a l'NBA, saben si

Although I haven't played in the NBA, do they know if

sé jugar o no, i

I know how to play or not, and

també sabran que jo no he jugat mai a l'NBA.

They will also know that I have never played in the NBA.

Llavors, bueno,

So, well,

sí que els hi puc referenciar

I can reference them.

moltes coses en quant a...

many things regarding...

Doncs perquè he treballat amb jugadors de molt nivell,

Well, because I have worked with high-level players,

llavors això els

then this to them

sempre, no? Quan compares

Always, right? When you compare.

coses amb un jugador, per exemple, que sé,

things with a player, for example, that I know,

puc dir, posava

I can say, I was putting.

cola o amb el Lebron,

tail or with LeBron,

però no et puc dir que jo quan vaig jugar,

but I can't tell you that when I played,

no. Llavors, ells sí que poden fer servir

No. Then they can indeed make use of it.

això. Llavors, crec que és bastant

this. Then, I think it is quite

obvi i que no és ni millor ni pitjor,

obvious and that it is neither better nor worse,

és algú que és

it is someone who is

positiu i que és el que és.

positive and it is what it is.

I amb aquest

And with this

grup que deies, agafeu

group that you mentioned, take it

un Sacramento Kings, que són una mica

a Sacramento Kings, which are somewhat

la referència de mala

the reference of bad

gestió els últims anys, d'equip

management in recent years, of team

perdedor, que fins i tot ells mateixos,

loser, that even they themselves,

perquè una de les coses que tenen molt bona

because one of the things that they have very good

els Kings en els últims temps,

the Kings in recent times,

un gran cap a casa, és l'equip

a great head home, it's the team

de comunicació. És una franquícia

of communication. It is a franchise.

que jo et feia com befa pròpia

that I took you as a personal joke

amb molt d'humor de la segona edició de

with a lot of humor from the second edition of

perdedors, que no estaven en balanç

losers, who were not on balance

positiu des del 2006.

positive since 2006.

Ja feu aquest equip i el

This team is already doing it and the

convertiu en un dels millors

become one of the best

de l'Oest, amb 48 victòries,

from the West, with 48 victories,

34 derrotes. Com

34 defeats. How

s'inicia aquest procés

this process begins

de dir, eh, aquesta franquícia fins ara, fa

to say, huh, this franchise until now, makes

molts anys que no funciona,

many years that it hasn't worked,

amb uns quants jugadors que venen

with a few players coming in

de temporades anteriors, com Fox o

from previous seasons, like Fox or

Barnes? Com s'afronta

Barnes? How is it being faced?

això? Com es planifica?

This? How is it planned?

Quins són els primers pilars que s'han de posar

What are the first pillars that need to be put in place?

per canviar una dinàmica tan

to change such a dynamic

negativa de tants anys?

negative for so many years?

Primer, amb creure-hi, no?

First, by believing in it, right?


Believe it...

Creure-hi confiant

Believing in it with confidence

i confiant en què ho pots fer.

and trusting that you can do it.

I després, doncs,

And then, therefore,

el que he dit abans, amb el compromís.

what I said before, with the commitment.

I crec que, amb això, doncs, bueno,

I think that, with this, well,

quan al Mike Brown li van oferir la feina,

when Mike Brown was offered the job,

l'ha acceptat,

he has accepted it,

ell encara estava al play-off

he was still in the play-off

i va arribar fins a les finals i tal,

and made it to the finals and such,

i jo vaig ser el primer a ser

And I was the first to be.



Llavors, jo era el seu

Then, I was theirs.

braç executor, doncs,

executing arm, then,

en el camp de batalla.

in the battlefield.

I això és molt important.

And this is very important.

És molt important que tinguis

It is very important that you have.

persones amb les quals confies,

people you trust,

que en aquest cas no et dic jo perquè sigui

that in this case I don't tell you why it is

jo específicament,

I specifically,

però eren que jo sabia que

but they were that I knew that

en tot moment jo, evidentment, em podia

At any moment, I could obviously.

comunicar amb ell i ell també tenia...

communicate with him and he also had...

plena confiança

full confidence

en quin pla tenien i com fèiem

in what plan they had and how we did

les coses, perquè jo estava

the things, because I was

en una situació molt bona professionalment i personalment

in a very good situation professionally and personally

a Denver, i per acceptar

in Denver, and to accept

un repte així, doncs,

such a challenge, then,

ja has de creure, no? Llavors,

you must believe it now, right? Then,

per molt que molta gent pensi que

for as much as many people think that

en aquell moment podria semblar

at that moment it might seem

una bogeria, no?, anar-te'n a un lloc

A madness, isn't it?, leaving for a place.

amb molta disfuncionalitat

with a lot of dysfunctionality

i que les coses no anaven bé,

and that things were not going well,

però al final aquest negoci,

but in the end this business,

a nosaltres, com a entrenadors,

to us, as coaches,

tu has d'anar a un lloc i millorar-lo.

You have to go to a place and improve it.

I si l'agafes, doncs, a un nivell molt baix,

And if you took it, then, at a very low level,

l'has de deixar i quan marxis deixar-lo

You have to leave it, and when you leave, let it go.

a un nivell superior al que vas agafar.

at a higher level than the one you took.

I en aquest cas, doncs, a Denver

And in this case, then, in Denver.

jo em vaig sentir així, no?, va ser

I felt that way, right? It was.

una etapa molt

a very stage

maca de la meva carrera

beauty of my career

i ara això em generava, doncs, un repte

And now this was generating a challenge for me.

molt gran. I un repte

very big. And a challenge

que, per molt que des de fora molta gent,

that, no matter how much many people from outside,

perquè ells no sabien

because they did not know

el que nosaltres

what we

teníem al cap, però era

we had in mind, but it was

un repte, doncs, molt il·lusionari que creiem

a challenge, therefore, very exciting that we believe

que ho podíem fer. Llavors,

that we could do it. Then,

com dius tu, arribem,

as you say, we arrive,

evidentment, 16 anys

obviously, 16 years old

de no entrar al play-off,

if they do not enter the play-off,

una comunitat

a community

basquetbolística molt, molt forta,

very, very strong basketball

perquè és de les millors, si no

because it's one of the best, if not

la millor de les millors del país.

the best of the best in the country.

Et podria dir que, en aquest aspecte,

I could tell you that, in this aspect,

és similar a

it is similar to

Badalona, no? Estàs...

Badalona, right? You are...

Paraules belles.

Beautiful words.

Just a les afores de

Just on the outskirts of

San Francisco, com seria Barcelona-Badalona.

San Francisco, like Barcelona-Badalona.

A l'equip, com si diguéssim,

To the team, as we would say,

el germà gran, o...

the older brother, or...

No el germà gran, però

Not the older brother, but

l'equip gran són

the big team are

els Warriors, i nosaltres estem, doncs,

the Warriors, and we are, then,

allà, però la gent és molt

there, but the people are very

de bàsquet, la gent coneix molt,

about basketball, people know a lot,

i això

and this

és el que, bueno,

it's what, well,

el que fa que també

what also makes that

la reacció, doncs, va ser

the reaction, then, was

molt... No només una història

very... Not just a story

maca, sinó també et...

nice, but it also...

et dona molta força, no?

It gives you a lot of strength, doesn’t it?

El que nosaltres, en un punt de vista,

What we, from a certain viewpoint,

en un punt que comencem a guanyar partits

at a point where we start to win matches

i a jugar bé,

and play well,

la resposta que tenim, no només

the answer we have, not only

dels mitjans, sinó del públic en general,

of the media, but of the public in general,

és espectacular. I si veieu

it's spectacular. And if you see

els dos primers partits de playoff,

the first two playoff games,

és un ambient que jo mai he vist

it is an environment that I have never seen

a la meva vida. Ni en bàsquet europeu,

in my life. Not even in European basketball,

i crec

and I believe

que n'he vist bastants, i va ser

that I have seen quite a few, and it was

un ambient molt, molt especial.

a very, very special atmosphere.

I quina part...

And which part...

Bueno, sigues tan honest com puguis, eh?

Well, just be as honest as you can, okay?

Com estàs fent.

How are you doing?

Què vas sentir quan van guanyar el títol

What did you feel when they won the title?

als Nuggets? Vas sentir que

to the Nuggets? Did you feel that

en certa manera era teu, una mica,

In a way, it was yours, a little bit.

ni que fos, o t'hagués agradat

not even if you had liked it

estar allà? Doncs, honestament,

to be there? Well, honestly,

molta il·lusió, perquè

a lot of excitement, because

bueno, quan estàs

Well, when are you?

en un lloc durant sis anys,

in one place for six years,

i són sis anys molt bons,

and they are six very good years,

molt bons en general

very good in general

en quant a viure allà,

regarding living there,

els meus fills van néixer allà,

my children were born there,

tenim molts amics d'allà,

we have many friends from there,

però amb els jugadors, no? Per exemple,

but with the players, right? For example,

amb el Jamal Mourra, ell va...

with Jamal Mourra, he goes...

passa per una lesió, són moments molt durs

she is going through an injury, it's a very tough time

per ells personal, nosaltres, evidentment,

for them personally, we, obviously,

estem en un moment que

we are at a moment that

les lesions ens estan marcant molt,

the injuries are affecting us a lot,

i després veure que, bueno,

and then seeing that, well,

que ell, personalment, doncs, surt d'aquesta

that he, personally, then, comes out of this

lesió i arriba a jugar

injury and comes to play

al nivell que arriba a jugar, doncs,

at the level that he/she plays, then,

t'omple molt. I al final,

it fills you up a lot. And in the end,

jo sempre, aquests dies,

I always, these days,

qui m'ha preguntat

who asked me

ho he dit. L'anell no és

I've said it. The ring is not

meu, però part

mine, but part

del procés sí que ho és, o molta part

It is indeed part of the process, or a large part.

del procés, perquè són

of the process, because they are

al final

in the end

dels vuit anys

of the eight years

que jo em vaig perdre el primer de tots,

that I lost the first of all,

jo vaig arribar el primer any

I arrived the first year.

l'any del Jamal Mourra i el segon del Nicola,

the year of Jamal Mourra and the second of Nicola,

jo vaig estar sis anys, i en general

I was there for six years, and in general.

aquest projecte, doncs, han sigut

this project, then, has been

vuit, i dels vuit jo he estat

eight, and of the eight I have been

sis. Llavors,

six. Then,

em sento orgullós de dir que he sigut part

I feel proud to say that I have been a part.

del procés, i que el procés sí que sento

of the process, and that I do feel the process

que és part meu, i després

that is part of me, and then

l'anell és tot per ells, perquè l'han guanyat ells.

The ring is everything to them because they have earned it.

Llavors, jo crec que això és el més... Per mi és el més

So, I think that this is the most... For me, it is the most.

maco, no? I no...

Nice, right? And no...

No em genera cap tipus de

It doesn't generate any kind of.

oh, quina ràbia que no estic allà. No, perquè

Oh, how annoying that I'm not there. No, because

jo també he viscut un any

I have also lived a year.

increïble, i algo que si no hagués

incredible, and something that if it hadn't

estat on estic ara no ho hauria pogut viure, no?

The state I'm in now, I couldn't have lived it, right?

Llavors, crec que al final, com t'he dit,

So, I think that in the end, as I told you,

el més important és el positiu,

the most important thing is the positive,

i jo quan vaig estar

and when I was

sobretot a la final,

especially in the final,

et puc dir que genuïnament

I can tell you that genuinely

l'únic que volia era que guanyessin ells,

the only thing I wanted was for them to win,

i em va fer molta il·lusió.

and it made me very happy.

Vaja, que et podrien haver enviat algun diamant

Wow, they could have sent you a diamond.

d'un anell i tampoc hauria passat res.

of a ring and nothing would have happened either.



hi ha personalitats més oposades

there are more opposing personalities

que Murray

that Murray

i Jokic?

And Jokic?

Aparentment, com a mi em sembla.

Apparently, as it seems to me.

Crec, bueno,

I think, well,

crec que es complementen molt bé.

I think they complement each other very well.

I sí que és veritat que al final això és el que fa

And it is true that in the end this is what it does.

que si els teus dos líders són tan

that if your two leaders are so

diferents, no? Un potser

Different, right? One maybe.

té més la voluntat de parlar

has more will to speak

més en el grup,

more in the group,

i l'altre és molt més de liderar, per exemple.

and the other is much more about leading, for example.

Evidentment, en posicions

Evidently, in positions

són molt diferents.

they are very different.

Però crec que la relació

But I think that the relationship

entre ells ho pots veure a la pista,

among them, you can see it on the track,

que és molt, molt bona, perquè

that is very, very good, because

si no tens aquest punt relacional

if you don't have this relational point

és molt difícil després sortir

it's very difficult to go out afterwards

a competir, no? I crec que això és el que

to compete, right? And I think this is what

fa que siguin tan, tan,

make them so, so,

tan especials, no? És

so special, right? It is

el bé que es complementen entre ells

the good that complement each other

i el respecte que es tenen entre ells.

and the respect they have for each other.

Després tornarem als kings,

Later we will return to the kings.

però ja que estem parlant de la temporada,

but since we are talking about the season,

què és el que més t'ha sorprès

What has surprised you the most?

aquest any? Tu que vius la NBA des de dins,

this year? You who live the NBA from the inside,

hi ha alguna cosa que t'hagi sorprès molt

Is there something that has surprised you a lot?

del que ha anat passant durant la temporada?

what has been happening during the season?

Bueno, m'ha sorprès

Well, it surprised me.

la NBA

the NBA

va sortir amb aquest concepte del

he came up with this concept of the

play-in, no? Que la veritat

Play-in, right? Because the truth

és que

it's that

té molt de sentit i està molt ben pensat,

it makes a lot of sense and is very well thought out,

i és que, com sabeu,

And it is that, as you know,

els sis primers entren al play-off

The first six enter the play-off.

i del set al deu

and from seven to ten

s'ho juguen a un torneig

they are playing for it in a tournament

o a un partit per ser el setè i el vuitè,

or to a match to be the seventh and eighth,

no? I això fa

No? And that makes

que la Lliga regular,

that the regular league,

a partir de la meitat

from the halfway point

de la Lliga regular al final, sigui molt més competitiva,

from the regular league to the final, be much more competitive,

que això a vegades sí que

that this sometimes does indeed

anys enrere es veia que

years ago it was seen that

hi havia pràcticament una desconexió

there was practically a disconnection

entre equips de la meitat

between half teams

cap amunt i la meitat cap a baix.

head up and half down.

Ara, normalment, són

Now, normally, they are.

dels 16 de cada conferència

of the 16 from each conference

12 vegades més

12 times more

que estan ficats allà a la lluita per alguna cosa,

that they are involved there in the fight for something,

i això al final

and this in the end

es reflexa

it reflects

en el joc.

in the game.

I, bueno, un equip

I, well, a team

que es va ficar en el play-in

that got into the play-in

i va acabar guanyant ha arribat a la final.

and ended up winning has reached the final.

Llavors això és

Then this is

de geni,

of genius,

el que ha sortit a la Lliga, no?

what has come out in the League, right?

I això és un motiu més pel qual

And this is one more reason why



la Lliga va donant aquests passos

the League is taking these steps

d'anar canviant coses

of changing things

per intentar

to try

ser diferent i donar

be different and give

altres raïlles diferents al consumidor.

other different lines for the consumer.

I Miami

I Miami

va donar aquest pas,

he took this step,

crec que ha sigut, bueno, que és important

I think it has been, well, that it is important.

perquè ara així els equips que venen del play-in

because now this way the teams coming from the play-in

no pots dir, no? És que

You can't say, can you? It's just that

un equip de play-in mai ha arribat a res.

A play-in team has never achieved anything.

I això per mi

And this for me.

és el que més,

it's the most,

a part de Denver guanyar, doncs per mi ha sigut

Aside from Denver winning, for me it has been

el que recordo més d'aquesta Lliga

what I remember most about this League

d'aquest any, no? Crec que és

of this year, right? I think it is

en positiu.

in a positive way.

I aquesta mena de torneig

And this kind of tournament

que es trenen ara

that are training now

s'ha rebut, les sensacions són molt de

it has been received, the feelings are very of

scepticisme, no? De veure com va,

skepticism, right? Seeing how it goes,

però molt d'entusiasme d'entrar

but a lot of enthusiasm to join

de, ja, tu que has viscut

of, already, you who have lived

la Copa del Rei, no?, per una manera,

the King's Cup, right?, in a way,

no sé si ets una mica més

I don't know if you are a little more.



d'aquesta prova

of this test

de fer un torneig a mitja temporada

to hold a mid-season tournament

o és una cosa molt estranya?

Or is it something very strange?



crec que

I believe that

crec que estan

I think they are.

intentant buscar alguna cosa, doncs, com t'he

trying to find something, so, as I’ve

dit, que a mitja temporada doni

said, that halfway through the season gives

una alternativa al consumidor.

an alternative for the consumer.

Crec que els hi pot

I think it can help them.

sortir bé a nivell de negoci,

to do well in business,

a nivell d'acceptació

at the level of acceptance

dels jugadors, encara, doncs,

of the players, still, therefore,

haig de conèixer més

I need to know more.

exactament com, perquè ara mateix han donat

exactly how, because right now they have given

els grups i que seran a final de quatre,

the groups and that will be at the end of four,

però no sé exactament

but I don't know exactly

dels sis grups qui seran els,

of the six groups, who will be the ones,

són els quatre millors o

they are the four best or

encara no sé exactament.

I still don't know exactly.

Però, bueno, tampoc

But, well, not really.

sé, crec que

I know, I think that

compten un o dos partits més que la resta,

they have one or two more matches than the rest,

els que juguen,

those who play,

i tampoc sé què són

and I don't know what they are either

els premis o què en treus,

the prizes or what do you get out of it,

no? Jo, per exemple, sempre havia dit

No? I, for example, had always said

que potser

that perhaps

potser els clubs

maybe the clubs

o els jugadors, crec que

or the players, I believe that

podria ser un bon incentiu, és

it could be a good incentive, it is

que potser qui ho guanya

that perhaps who wins it

té un lloc al playoff directament.

it has a place in the playoff directly.

Perquè llavors

Because then

sí que està jugant per alguna cosa, perquè

he is playing for something, because

potser si els hi dones un milió de dòlars a cada jugador,

maybe if you give a million dollars to each player,

potser aquests,

maybe these,

tampoc, saps?

neither, you know?

No, no ve d'aquí, no? No ve d'aquí, un milió més,

No, it doesn't come from here, does it? It doesn't come from here, one million more,

un milió menys, per molts no ve d'aquí, realment.

a million less, for many it doesn't come from here, really.

Però després, si els hi dones

But then, if you give them

un lloc de playoff garantitzat,

a guaranteed playoff spot,

doncs igual sí que és un incentiu molt gran, no només

well, it might indeed be a very big incentive, not only

pels jugadors, però pel club.

for the players, but for the club.

Llavors, ja et dic, no tinc

Then, I'm telling you, I don't have.

cap dubte que crec que seran bastant

no doubt that I think they will be quite a bit

enginyosos en com fer-ho,

ingenious in how to do it,

també ho vull veure, era com

I want to see it too, it was like

el del playing, quan ho vaig veure, dic, ai, crec que això pot

the playing, when I saw it, I said, oh, I think this could

estar bé, i després un cop ho vas veient més

to be well, and then once you start seeing it more

i més i més, cada vegada veus que

and more and more, each time you see that

aquests partits a vida o mort,

these life-or-death matches,

doncs, són divertits

well, they are funny

de veure, llavors, bueno,

to see, then, well,

és el de sempre, no? La NBA

It's the same as always, right? The NBA

a final, normalment, sempre guanya

In the end, normally, it always wins.

el més fort, perquè set partits

the strongest, because seven matches

sempre guanya, doncs, el millor equip,

the best team always wins, then,

amb regles

with rules

generals, siguin,

generals, be

després els equips

after the teams

poden estar més competits o no, no? Però

They can be more competitive or not, right? But

lo maco de veure la final a quatre,

the nice thing about watching the final four,

doncs, per exemple, vaig poder anar

so, for example, I was able to go

a l'Eurolliga a la final a quatre,

in the Euroleague at the final four,

era que veus aquests partits i a un partit

It was that you see these matches and in a match.

tot pot passar, no? I veus partits,

anything can happen, right? And you see matches,

doncs, molt macos, doncs, com va ser la final

Well, very nice, so how was the final?

i, bueno, és molt

and, well, it is very

diferent. Llavors, crec que també

different. Then, I think that too

ells ara fiquen una miqueta aquesta alternativa

they are now putting this alternative a little bit

del partit únic,

of the single party,

que crec que és molt atractiva.

that I think is very attractive.

Als entrenadors, doncs, potser et molesta

To the coaches, then, it may bother you.

una mica més, perquè saps que vas allà i pots

a little more, because you know you go there and you can

guanyar o perdre, però crec que

win or lose, but I think that

pel consumidor és

for the consumer, it is



Tornem a Roxetx amb

We're back with Roxetx with

els Kings. Vau aconseguir

the Kings. You succeeded

ser un dels equips, a banda de

being one of the teams, apart from

guanyar, més divertits,

win, more fun

de veure. Era el millor atac de la

to see. It was the best attack of the

Lliga, en defensa no tant,

League, not so much in defense,

però és veritat que després t'has d'escoltar algun cop

but it's true that afterwards you have to listen to yourself sometimes

defensar, que a l'últim quart, els números sí que

defend, that in the last quarter, the numbers do indeed

eren molt bons defensius.

they were very good defensively.

L'objectiu era també aquest, de fer

The objective was also this, to do.

un equip vistós, més enllà

a striking team, beyond

d'obviament de guanyar,

obviously to win,

o bé per les característiques

or for the characteristics

de tenir jugadors com Fox, rapidíssims,

to have players like Fox, extremely fast,

a la platja?

to the beach?

Nosaltres ens hem hagut d'adaptar, doncs,

We have had to adapt, therefore,

als jugadors que teníem

to the players we had

i, evidentment, doncs,

and, of course, then,

tenim un dels...

we have one of the...

dels pívots més ràpids de la Lliga

one of the fastest pivots in the league

i el base més ràpid del món,

and the fastest point guard in the world,



I de l'univers, segurament.

And of the universe, surely.

I això és important,

And this is important,

no? Crec que és

No? I think it is.


to adapt...

Tu, com a entrenador, no pots venir amb el que tu vols

You, as a coach, cannot come with what you want.

fer, sinó que s'ha d'adaptar als jugadors que tens.

do, but it must adapt to the players you have.

Evidentment, qui va

Obviously, who goes

construir l'equip és la direcció tècnica,

building the team is the technical management,

en aquest cas la nostra general manager

in this case our general manager

i el seu grup.

and his group.

I aquí tot ve molt

And here everything comes very quickly.

en treball d'equip, no?

In teamwork, right?

A nosaltres, aquí, no és...

To us, here, it is not...

No és tan com a Europa, que els

It's not like in Europe, where the

entrenadors tenen molta manca

coaches are very lacking

en qui fitxes, qui no fitxes,

who do you sign, who do you not sign,

tal. Evidentment, aquí també

such. Obviously, here too

tens una opinió molt sòlida,

you have a very solid opinion,

però sí que és una feina

but it is indeed a job

que ells fan amb la direcció

what they do with the direction

tècnica durant tot l'any, des del draft,

technique throughout the year, from the draft,

a l'agència lliure, etcètera, etcètera, etcètera.

to the free agency, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

I nosaltres, doncs, quan veiem

And we, then, when we see

una miqueta

a little bit

les característiques de tots aquests

the characteristics of all these

jugadors, doncs, una miqueta hem de fer, doncs, això,

players, well, we have to do a little bit, well, this,

buscar la manera que sigui el més eficient,

find the way to make it the most efficient.

que sigui el més eficient.

to be the most efficient.

Darrere, com tu dius, doncs, vam patir més,

Behind, as you say, then, we suffered more,

érem més petits físicament

we were smaller physically

que la majoria d'equips,

that the majority of teams,

però en moments concrets,

but at specific moments,

com dius tu, a les segones parts

as you say, in second parts

i últim quart, doncs, normalment

and the last quarter, therefore, usually

donàvem com per arribar a competir

we assumed we would be able to compete

i guanyar suficients partits,

and win enough matches,

i una dada defensiva

and a defensive measure





és que a casa érem

it's that at home we were

la pitjor, la

the worst, the

segona pitjor defensa de la Lliga,

second worst defense of the league,

el millor atac de la Lliga

the best attack in the League

amb diferència, a casa,

with difference, at home,

o sigui, a casa no fallàvem una,

I mean, at home we never missed a beat.

el nostre, el

ours, the

net rating que es diu aquí era

net rating as it is called here was

4,4, que és espectacular,

4.4, which is spectacular,

però després, fora

but then, outside

de casa, encara guanyàvem

from home, we still won

prous partits, o sigui, estàvem per damunt

enough matches, that is, we were above

de 500, no?, que es diu

of 500, right?, as they say

aquí, que és per damunt de la meitat guanyats,

here, which is above half won,

però a casa érem la vuitena,

but at home we were the eighth,

ai, perdona, fora, érem la vuitena millor

Oh, sorry, outside, we were the eighth best.

defensa. O sigui, realment,

defense. I mean, really,

quan vas fora de casa et costa més ficar-la,

when you go out of the house it is harder to put it in,

per molts motius,

for many reasons,

però darrere sí que competíem millor

but behind we did compete better

perquè, si volíem guanyar el partit,

because, if we wanted to win the match,

havíem d'apretar més. Llavors,

we had to push harder. Then,

ja et dic, jo crec que també era un tema

I'm telling you, I think it was also a topic.

de falta, que no érem prous

due to lack of, we were not enough

madurs, com sempre per fer-ho,

mature, as always to do it,

després al play-off sí que vam donar

then in the play-off we really delivered

un nivell de fisicalitat

a level of physicality

i competitiu

and competitive

darrere molt alt, no? Crec que

behind very tall, right? I think that

amb el que teníem i el que havíem

with what we had and what we had

demostrat, vam defensar molt

demonstrated, we defended a lot

bé, amb un equip que era

well, with a team that was

molt competitiu i que sabien a què jugaven,

very competitive and they knew what they were playing at,

i és simplement un senyal

and it is simply a sign

que hi ha un treball

that there is a job

darrere, evidentment hem de ser molt millors,

behind, we obviously have to be much better,

però si ara

but if now

a la Lliga regular ens podem posar

In the regular league, we can get into it.

allà al mig

there in the middle

entre el 15 i el 10

between the 15 and the 10

defensivament, crec que

defensively, I believe that

pot ser un salt molt important per nosaltres,

it can be a very important leap for us,

perquè jo crec que davant, si les lesions ens respecten,

because I believe that in front, if injuries respect us,

crec que

I believe that

podem ser, doncs,

we can be, then,

continuar sent un dels millors o el millor.

continue being one of the best or the best.

Jo estic molt a la xarxa,

I am very online,

per la meva feina, i llegeixo moltes coses,

for my job, and I read many things,

i llegeixes moltes genialitats, i llegeixes moltes

you read many great things, and you read many

tonteries, i a mi m'agradaria saber

nonsense, and I would like to know

quina relació tens tu en concret amb les xarxes,

what is your specific relationship with social networks,

perquè a mi em posa molt nerviós

because it makes me very nervous

sempre quan llegeixo algú que diu

whenever I read someone who says

com pot ser que els entrenadors no

how is it possible that the coaches do not

vegin això? És evident que si haguessin

Do you see this? It is evident that if they had

fet aquesta defensa, o haguessin fet no sé què,

having made this defense, or they would have done who knows what,

haguessin guanyat el partit, no? Jo sempre els dic

They would have won the match, right? I always tell them.

com a tan evident no deu ser, perquè

as obvious as it must not be, because

és poc probable que tu, que estàs a casa teva

It's unlikely that you, who are at home.

al silló, en sàpigues més que la gent que

to the chair, know more than the people who

s'hi dedica i té més informació, no?

He is dedicated to it and has more information, doesn't he?

No dic, evidentment, que facis cas

I'm not saying, of course, that you should pay attention.

a aquesta gent, però aquests inputs

to these people, but these inputs

t'arriben a les xarxes, li dones

they reach you on the networks, you give it

algun tipus de pes? Algun dia entres a Twitter

Any type of weight? Someday you’ll join Twitter.

a veure què diuen, no de tu, sinó de l'equip?

Let's see what they say, not about you, but about the team?

O ho tens totalment bloquejat

Either you have it completely blocked.

i no li fas cas?

And you don't pay attention to him/her?

Jo sempre he cregut

I have always believed

que nosaltres hem de ser molt autocrítics

that we must be very self-critical

i després hem de tenir

and then we must have

gent al voltant

people around



ens ajudin a

help us to

ara no em surt la paraula

right now the word doesn't come to me

en català. Digue-ho, digue-ho en anglès, sí.

In Catalan. Say it, say it in English, yes.

To challenge.

To challenge.

Sí, de desafiar, no? De posar a prova.

Yes, to challenge, right? To put to the test.

Sí, perfecte. Que et posin a prova.

Yes, perfect. Let them put you to the test.

És a dir, tu

That is to say, you.

només a sortir has repte.

Just by going out, you have a challenge.

Més o menys, sí.

More or less, yes.

Però si necessites, a part de tu ser autocrític,

But if you need, apart from being self-critical,

necessites gent al teu voltant

you need people around you

que et desafiïn

let them challenge you

o que et posin a prova. Això són els teus entrenadors ajudants

or let them put you to the test. These are your assistant coaches.

si tens un bon cos tècnic, no?

If you have a good technical body, right?

Llavors, per exemple, si tu fas

Then, for example, if you do

una cosa que creus que ells creuen

one thing you think they believe

que no ho estàs fent bé però que podria ser millor,

that you are not doing it well but that it could be better,

qui millor que els teus ajudants

who better than your helpers

o la teva direcció tècnica

or your technical direction

que tens un departament

that you have a department

que analitzen tot i tal,

that analyze everything and such,

ells et poden desafiar

they can challenge you

i tu ho reps i millores, no?

And you receive it and improve, right?

El que no faré jo és

What I will not do is

posar-me a les xarxes socials perquè em desafiïn

to get on social media so they challenge me

les xarxes socials. Perquè, com dius tu,

social networks. Because, as you say,



tenen una opinió molt, molt bona

they have a very, very good opinion

però jo no sé qui són. Llavors, jo crec que això

but I don't know who they are. Then, I think that this

et pot distorsionar

it can distort you

una miqueta i et pot tornar boig.

A little bit and it can drive you crazy.

Jo, per exemple, no tinc xarxes socials

I, for example, don't have social media.



amb la meva feina, com que

with my work, since

em gasten molt de temps i viatgem

They spend a lot of time on me and we travel.

molt, etcètera, sé que tenen moltes coses

very, etcetera, I know they have many things

positives, eh?

positives, right?

Però, per mi, ho veig

But, for me, I see it.

que em faria perdre el temps

that would make me waste my time

i em desestabilitzaria una mica.

And it would destabilize me a little.

I llavors, doncs, el que

And then, then, what

prefereixo és

I prefer it is

mirar les notícies d'una manera diferent

looking at the news in a different way

sí que al final, tant a saber

yes, in the end, so much to know

que tens de moltes coses de les xarxes socials, sense tu

what you have of many things from social networks, without you

tenir una compte, perquè això

to have an account, because of this

pots consumir-les sense tu

you can consume them without you

ser participant, com si diguéssim.

to be a participant, as we might say.

Ja morant, no?

Already dying, right?

I, bueno, per això mateix.

I, well, for that very reason.

Llavors et dic que, bueno,

Then I tell you that, well,

a l'època era

at the time was

allò dels xats, no? Que la gent

That thing about the chats, right? That people

anava als xats i ara és una miqueta

I used to go to the chats and now it's a little bit.

tot molt més obert i de l'altra. Llavors, jo crec que

everything much more open and the other. So, I think that

bueno, amb feines així,

well, with jobs like this,

doncs, jo confio

well, I trust



en que la gent del meu voltant

in that the people around me

em desafiï d'aquesta manera,

you challenge me in this way,

que no ha d'haver d'anar allà,

that should not have to go there,



D'acord, suposo que a en Roc també li passarà molt

Okay, I guess Roc will also experience it a lot.

com a periodista. Tu, que ets entrenador,

as a journalist. You, who are a coach,

et passa tan bé o et passa menys?

Does it go so well for you or does it go less well?

La molta gent que se t'agosta et diu

The many people who approach you say to you

o nosaltres també, a nivell de xarxes,

or us too, at the level of networks,

jo no miro NBA,

I don't watch the NBA,

però... i llavors després

but... and then afterwards

et fan una opinió sobre la NBA.

They give you an opinion about the NBA.

Ho trobes en el teu món o no?

Do you find it in your world or not?

Sí, bueno, jo el que

Yes, well, what I...

em trobo, sobretot més d'Europa cap a

I find myself, especially more from Europe towards

Estats Units, és que la gent

United States, it is that people

critica molt la NBA,

criticizes the NBA a lot,

i no tenen ni

and they don't even have

puta idea...

fucking idea...

No tenen ni puta idea

They have no bloody idea.

del que és, no? Llavors,

of what it is, right? Then,

jo, per exemple, per posar-te

I, for example, to put it to you.

un exemple, et diuen

an example, they tell you

no, és que és molt avorrit la Lliga regular

No, it's just that the regular league is very boring.

i vaig veure aquest Detroit

I saw this Detroit.

Indiana a les 3 del matí

Indiana at 3 in the morning

i dic, bueno, clar, jo també, jo a vegades

I say, well, of course, I too, sometimes I do.

miro el Fuenlabrada

I watch Fuenlabrada.

obra d'oiro a les 12 del migdia i també

gold work at 12 noon and also

m'agafo una miqueta de morrinha,

I'm feeling a little bit of nostalgia.



I llavors,

And then,

penso, bueno, això és

I think, well, this is

una miqueta la falta de coneixement,

a little bit of the lack of knowledge,

no? Perquè, bueno,

No? Because, well,

si et pares a pensar crec que són uns 7 partits

If you stop to think, I believe there are about 7 matches.

per dia a la NBA, o sigui que pots

per day in the NBA, so you can

consumir molt. Jo sempre dic,

consume a lot. I always say,

sempre hi haurà partits que seran

there will always be matches that will be

de nivell competitiu igual

of equal competitive level



evidentment és molt fàcil

obviously it's very easy

criticar, sobretot quan no ho has consumit

to criticize, especially when you haven't consumed it

prou i quan no en saps prou, no?

enough and when you don't know enough, right?

Jo també, a mi m'agrada molt

Me too, I like it very much.

l'Euroliga, m'agrada molt la CB, inclús

I really like the Euroleague, even the CB.

miro la LEP i miro

I look at the LEP and I look.

algunes altres lligues i ho miro

some other leagues and I watch it

perquè m'entretén i perquè m'agrada

because it entertains me and because I like it

i perquè em fa sortir una miqueta del que tinc

and because it makes me step out a little bit from what I have.

aquí perquè si no s'havia de sempre tenir el cap aquí

here because if not you had to always keep your head here

i em refresca una mica.

and it refreshes me a little.

Però m'agrada. I com t'he dit abans,

But I like it. And as I told you before,

jo crec que coses que no t'agraden

I think that things you don't like.

o negatives, jo crec que n'hi ha en les dues

Or negatives, I believe there are in both.

parts, però

parts, but

jo, per mi, sempre m'agrada

I always like it for me.

més mirar en positiu perquè del positiu

more looking positively because of the positive

és dels que pots treure coses, no? Per exemple,

It's one of those you can take things from, right? For example,



situacions tàctiques que et puguin ajudar.

tactical situations that may help you.

Després pots dir, si volguessis

Then you can say, if you wanted to.

criticar, diries, és que clar, físicament

to criticize, you would say, it's just that, physically

i el joc és tan lent i tal, però

and the game is so slow and such, but

a mi això no em preocupa. El que sí que veig

I'm not worried about that. What I do see is

és que potser hi ha aquestes situacions

is it possible that these situations exist?

que ja, doncs mira, això potser

that already, well look, this perhaps

ho podríem fer nosaltres, o això

we could do it ourselves, or this

mai podríem fer nosaltres.

we could never do.

I jo crec que aquest punt de vista

And I believe that this point of view

falta molt

there is still a long way to go

i com ha dit el Jordi,

and as Jordi has said,

jo crec que hi ha molta gent que

I believe that there are a lot of people who

critica gratis,

free criticism,

que crec que és la vegada el més fàcil

that I think is the easiest time

i, bueno, sense

and, well, without

saber-ho, perquè aquí hi ha molt bons entrenadors,

to know it, because there are very good coaches here,

i aquí hi ha equips que juguen molt bé.

And here there are teams that play very well.

I crec que això a vegades

I think that this sometimes

es desprecien bastant

they despise each other quite a bit

i crec que no acaba de ser injust perquè

I don’t think it’s entirely unfair because

la gent diu, per exemple, nosaltres no entrenem

People say, for example, we do not train.

i aquí es treballa molt

and here a lot of work is done

i els jugadors treballen molt.

And the players work very hard.

Llavors, bueno, jo crec que és

Well, I think it's

un tema de

a topic of

desconeixement o d'ignorància

ignorance or lack of knowledge

més que una altra cosa.

more than anything else.

Amb els Kings

With the Kings

vau arribar a playoff, us trobeu

you reached the playoffs, how are you?

els Warriors, suposo que haureu revisat

The Warriors, I suppose you will have reviewed.

i res, revisat mil cops

And nothing, reviewed a thousand times.

els partits.

the parties.

Què us va faltar? Amb què us van

What were you missing? What did they give you?



Quina lliçó traieu d'aquella eliminatòria

What lesson do you take from that knockout round?

contra els Warriors?

against the Warriors?

Positius i negatius.

Positive and negative.

Positius, doncs, que vam competir

Positive, then, that we competed.

molt bé amb els joves que som,

very well with the young people we are,

que van haver-hi jugadors que els va costar

that there were players who found it difficult

entrar al principi i després van entrar

enter at the beginning and then they entered

molt forts, com el Keegan Murray, que és el nostre rookie.

very strong, like Keegan Murray, who is our rookie.



que vam estar molt bé darrere, comparat

that we were very well behind, compared

amb els nostres números de lliga regular.

with our regular league numbers.



que no vam poder jugar el nostre joc

that we couldn't play our game

ofensivament, amb el qual també els hi has de donar

offensively, with which you also have to give them

molt, tenen el mèrit, no?,

A lot, they have the merit, right?

d'anul·lar-nos una mica.

of canceling ourselves a little.

I després, això no és

And then, this is not

positiu ni negatiu, però és la falta d'experiència.

Neither positive nor negative, but it is the lack of experience.

I tu no saps el que és jugar

And you don't know what it is to play.

en un playoff d'NBA fins que hi jugues.

in an NBA playoff until you play.

I tu els pots dir als jugadors

And you can tell the players.

les processions seran molt dures,

the processions will be very hard,

la pressió ambiental és molt diferent

the ambient pressure is very different

i, clar, imagineu-vos, va ser

Yes, of course, just imagine, it was.

no només que a Golden Està,

not only that in Golden Està,

a San Francisco, hi ha un ambient

In San Francisco, there is an atmosphere.

especial, també hi ha el nostre canvi.

special, there is also our change.

Llavors, per mi, la primera

So, for me, the first

ronda més apassionant que jo crec que he vist

most exciting round that I think I have seen

a la meva vida. No sé si ho vau veure, però crec

to my life. I don't know if you saw it, but I think

que era l'entrada

that it was the entrance

més cara de la història de la primera ronda.

most expensive in the history of the first round.

Era exagerat. Els meus pares van

It was exaggerated. My parents went.

venir de Badalona i van coincidir que

coming from Badalona and they coincided that

vam veure tres partits,

we watched three matches,

dos a casa i un a fora,

two at home and one outside,

i com a experiència va ser, crec que,

and as an experience it was, I believe that,


the host.

Sí, això de l'experiència és

Yes, this thing about experience is

d'aquestes coses que jo,

of these things that I,

crec que com a entrenador et poden frustrar,

I think that as a coach, you can get frustrated.

tot i que tu també estàs aprenent, evidentment,

even though you are also learning, obviously,

els entrenadors sempre estan aprenent, però

coaches are always learning, but

m'imagino que, jo vaig ser entrenador amateur,

I imagine that I was an amateur coach,

res a veure, però aquesta

nothing to see, but this

frustració de dir, jo sé el que hem de fer,

frustration of saying, I know what we have to do,

jo sé el que passarà, jo sé el que

I know what will happen, I know what.

hem de fer, jo ho transmeto de la millor

we have to do, I will convey it in the best way

manera que puc als jugadors,

so that I can to the players,

però hi ha coses que els jugadors no saben fer

but there are things that players don't know how to do

perquè han de passar un procés per saber-les fer.

because they have to go through a process to learn how to do them.

No sé si,

I don't know if,

evidentment, un entrenador no...

obviously, a coach does not...

Tu pots tenir el pla perfecte de partit i això no val res

You can have the perfect game plan, and that means nothing.

si els jugadors no executen, però aquesta

if the players do not execute, but this

sensació de dir, hem de pagar un PH

feeling of saying, we have to pay a PH

i l'hem de pagar, i ja està,

and we have to pay it, that's it,

no hi ha una altra manera de fer-ho que fent-ho,

there is no other way to do it than by doing it,

no sé si pot arribar a frustrar com a

I don't know if it can become frustrating as a...

entrenador, quan veus molt clar el que

coach, when you see very clearly what

li falta i veus que és impossible, entre cometes.

he lacks it and you see that it is impossible, so to speak.

Sí, a veure, l'entrenador

Yes, let's see, the coach.

de la vida sempre serà molt més

of life will always be much more

efectiu que l'entrenador

effective that the coach

del dia a dia, que som nosaltres.

of the day to day, that is who we are.

I això és sens dubte,

And this is undoubtedly,

si teniu fills o

if you have children or

recordeu vosaltres mateixos quan éreu més joves

remember yourselves when you were younger

i els vostres pares us deien

and your parents told you

si fas això et passarà això, si fas això et passarà

if you do this, this will happen to you; if you do this, this will happen.

això, llavors ho fas i et passa.

that, then you do it and it happens to you.

I ara aprens

And now you learn.

de base d'hòsties i tal.

of base hits and such.

Els entrenadors podem

The trainers can

suplir-ho una mica, i podem explicar-ho,

supply it a little, and we can explain it,

hi ha jugadors, hi ha grups que

there are players, there are groups that

responen bé i que no els fa falta

they respond well and that they do not need them.

fer errors per aprendre coses.

make mistakes to learn things.

I això a vegades, doncs bueno,

And this sometimes, well,

idealment és el que tu voldries,

ideally it's what you would want,

però és molt, molt, molt difícil.

but it is very, very, very difficult.

Llavors, en aquestes

Then, in these



i et poso Denver

I'll put you in Denver.

com a exemple,

as an example,

a Denver nosaltres havíem

In Denver, we had.

estat cinc anys seguits al playoff.

been five years in a row in the playoffs.

Vam passar per perdre una fila de conferència.

We missed a lecture session.

Vam passar

We passed.

per perdre un setè partit

to lose a seventh match

en un playoff.

in a playoff.

Havíem jugat quatre sets,

We had played four sets,

quatre setens partits.

four sevenths split.

Havíem remuntat un 3-1 dos vegades.

We had come back from a 3-1 twice.

Llavors, tot això

Then, all this

que al final són

that in the end are


you finish...

Són totes experiències que al final,

They are all experiences that in the end,

per ser molt bones, però acabes...

to be very good, but you end up...

és dolgut.

it is painful.

Llavors, ells ara han arribat a un moment

Then, they have now reached a moment.

que han arribat molt bé físicament i com a grup.

they have arrived in very good physical shape and as a group.

I totes aquestes experiències del passat,

And all these experiences from the past,

si tu et passes a pensar com han jugat

If you start to think about how they played

i com han jugat,

and how they have played,

i com han jugat els sòlids que han sigut,

and how the solids that they have been have played,

ells recorden,

they remember,

ells tenen al cap com es van sentir

they have in mind how they felt

cada vegada que van perdre,

every time they lost,

cada vegada que el Jamal estava fora

every time Jamal was out

i el Nicol estava no sol,

and Nicol was not alone,

però li faltava recolzament.

but he lacked support.

Llavors, tot això mentalment els ha ajudat molt.

Then, all of this has helped them a lot mentally.

I és que és així.

And it's just that way.

Després, el mateix.

Then, the same.

Tu, com a professional,

You, as a professional,

quan realment tu creus que, per exemple,

when do you really think that, for example,

t'han de donar una feina i no te la donen,

they have to give you a job and they don't give it to you,

però tu creus que sí i tal, quan te la donen,

but do you think that yes and so, when they give it to you,

el fet que no te l'hagin donat, després tu

the fact that they haven't given it to you, then you

mentalment estàs molt més fort

mentally you are much stronger

i preparat per fer-ho.

I'm ready to do it.

Tens molt més importància perquè t'ha costat

You are much more important because it has cost you.

una miqueta més. I jo crec que això és

a little bit more. And I think that this is

tot un cercle.

a whole circle.

Ho pots guanyar la primera vegada

You can win it the first time.

sense que tinguis problemes i tal? Sí.

Without you having any problems or anything? Yes.

Però potser després no en guanyes dos o tres seguits.

But maybe you won't win two or three in a row afterwards.

Llavors, és una miqueta...

Then, it is a little bit...

Ho hem d'acceptar,

We have to accept it,

hem d'intentar, doncs, com a entrenadors,

we must try, then, as coaches,


to teach it

i intentar que aquesta patacada no sigui

and try that this setback is not

tan gran o intentar evitar-la,

so big or trying to avoid it,

però quan passa l'has d'aprofitar

but when it happens you have to take advantage of it

en un futur mitjà

in the medium future

o proper, no?

Or close, right?

Que per nosaltres, en aquest cas,

That for us, in this case,

ha de ser l'any que ve, no?

It has to be next year, right?

L'any que ve arribar i arribar una miqueta més preparats

Next year we will arrive and arrive a little more prepared.

i més preparats en tots els nivells.

and more prepared at all levels.

Jo crec que això és com

I think this is like

ho hem de veure.

We have to see it.

Són dels equips que més s'ha apostat per la

They are among the teams that have invested the most in the.

continuïtat o que s'han mogut menys al mercat,

continuity or that have moved less in the market,

ha arribat aquí Cris Duarte,

Cris Duarte has arrived here.

però m'agradaria preguntar-te

but I would like to ask you

sobretot per Besenkov,

especially for Besenkov,

que és l'NBP de l'Eurolliga,

What is the NBP of the Euroleague?

contra el tòpic que la NBA

against the cliché that the NBA

no es defensa, potser en el cas de Besenkov

It's not a defense, perhaps in the case of Besenkov.

o Misic, que és una altra estrella europea

Oh Misic, who is another European star.

que va cap allà, el dubte principal

that goes over there, the main doubt

és a nivell físic i defensiu, potser.

It's on a physical and defensive level, perhaps.



i jo crec que el que diuen

And I believe that what they say

que la NBA no es

that the NBA is not

defensa, després quan arribés a un Mundial

defense, then when he/she arrived at a World Cup

o a una Olimpiada, ningú pot fer un vot

or to an Olympics, no one can cast a vote

davant d'aquests tios.

in front of these guys.



ells patiran

they will suffer

en alguns aspectes del joc, per exemple

in some aspects of the game, for example

el Sasha en l'1x1,

Sasha in the 1-on-1,

però després en el tema posicional,

but then in the positional aspect,

en el tema físic,

in the physical aspect,

la fisicalitat que ell jugarà.

the physicality that he will play.

Ell no tindrà por

He will not be afraid.

de treure una falta en atac, de rebotejar,

to draw a foul in attack, to rebound,

d'anar al contacte, però sí que tindrà

to go to the contact, but it will have

les limitacions. Evidentment, si ell

the limitations. Obviously, if he



pogués defensar l'1x1,

could defend the 1x1,

no hagués signat un contracte

I wouldn't have signed a contract.

de 20 milions, hagués signat un contracte de 5 milions.

of 20 million, I would have signed a contract for 5 million.

I això és el final.

And this is the end.

Molta gent diu, i si aquest tio

A lot of people say, and if this guy

t'hi fiqués més de fora,

you would get more involved from the outside,

si el fiqués més de fora, en lloc de guanyar-ne

if I put more of it outside, instead of gaining from it

5, en guanyaria 15.

5, I would win 15.

I ell, ara crec

And him, now I believe.

que fitxant, crec que van ser 7

while signing, I think there were 7

a l'any, 3 anys, nosaltres

a year, 3 years, we

creiem que ell tindrà un impacte

we believe that he will have an impact

i sobretot de la manera que juguem. Un jugador

And especially in the way we play. A player

que no gasta vots, que juga

that does not waste votes, that plays

molt fàcil, que talla, que es mou

very easy, that cuts, that moves

molt bé, que això és una part molt important del nostre

very good, because this is a very important part of our

joc, i que té

game, and what does it have

un amenaç exterior increïble.

an incredible external threat.

Ell també és un jugador que s'adaptarà

He is also a player who will adapt.

molt ràpid, que mentalment és fort,

very quick, which is mentally strong,

i això és nosaltres el que

and this is us what

valorem d'ell. I després, com t'he dit

we value him. And then, as I told you

darrere, potser sí que tindrà

behind, perhaps it will have

els seus reptes de que el ficaran

the challenges that will be presented to him/her

en moltes accions i tal,

in many actions and such,

però també ens ho ha d'ensenyar a nosaltres

but it also has to teach us.

el que és capaç de fer i com s'adapta

what one is capable of doing and how one adapts

i fer les petites

and do the small ones

coses que t'he dit abans

things I've told you before

i crec que serà

I think it will be.

un jugador important per nosaltres.

an important player for us.

Dels rivals,

Of the rivals,

qui et sembla que ha fet més els deures?

Who do you think has done the most homework?

Doncs és una bona

Well, it's a good one.




Tell me

quatre rivals, a veure si...

four rivals, let's see if...

Jo et diria Phoenix,

I would say Phoenix to you,

no? Jo crec que l'hem de dir

No? I think we have to say it.

Phoenix. Lakers, Grizzlies...

Phoenix. Lakers, Grizzlies...

Grizzlies, sí.

Grizzlies, yes.



El Clippers, més o menys, igual, no?

The Clippers, more or less, the same, right?

Sí, sí, no hi ha hagut cap

Yes, yes, there hasn't been any.

revolució més, no? Oklahoma, potser

Another revolution, right? Oklahoma, maybe.

que recupera el Chet Holgram, no sé fins a quin punt

that Chet Holgram recovers, I don't know to what extent.

són, pot considerar-los rivals.

they can be considered rivals.

No, per mi és el futur

No, for me it is the future.

més brillant, no? Perquè

more brilliant, right? Because

ja van demostrar que van competir molt

they already showed that they competed a lot

bé, van arribar al play-in i no el van treure, no?

Well, they reached the play-in and didn't make it, right?

I allà els pots veure

And there you can see them.

que físicament, de com juguen, estan ben

that physically, how they play, they are well

entrenats... Jo crec que ells, en breu,

trained... I believe that they, soon,

faran un pas endavant.

they will take a step forward.

En quant als de dalt de tot, com heu dit,

As for those at the very top, as you said,

Phoenix és bastant...

Phoenix is quite...

Bueno, ells tenen les seves limitacions

Well, they have their limitations.

perquè ara amb el nou CBA

because now with the new CBA

et penalitza molt gastar-te més diners

it penalizes you a lot to spend more money

i això és una cosa que, com dic

and this is something that, as I say

jo, l'NBA és...

I, the NBA is...

és un sistema

it's a system

comunista. Sí, sí, sí.

Communist. Yes, yes, yes.

I això és molt important per la

And this is very important for the



de la Lliga, perquè això

from the League, because this

ens ajuda que ningú es separi molt perquè

it helps us that no one gets too far apart because

vulgui gastar molts diners.

wants to spend a lot of money.

Llavors sí que ells tindran posicions

Then they will indeed have positions.

molt, molt, molt...

very, very, very...

En aquest cas, tres posicions d'alt nivell,

In this case, three high-level positions,

però també si pas a pensar

but also if you start to think

és... Juguen amb una

It is... They play with a

pilota. Llavors tenen dos jugadors que

ball. Then they have two players who

estan en la mateixa posició i tres jugadors

they are in the same position and three players

amb molt volum de tir.

with a lot of shooting volume.

Llavors, bueno, sí que fan

So, well, yes they do.

molta por, però encara ho haig de veure.

A lot of fear, but I still have to see it.

Tenen un bon entrenador,

They have a good coach,

però mai els ha entrenat

but they have never trained them

i ara estan intentant construir amb contractes

And now they are trying to build with contracts.

mínims. Llavors, bueno, ells tenen la

minimums. So, well, they have the

seva avantatge i també tenen els seus

its advantage and they also have theirs

inconvenients. I en aquest cas,

disadvantages. And in this case,

nosaltres apostant

we betting

per continuïtat,

for continuity,

el nostre millor fitxatge pot ser

our best signing could be

el Keegan Murray.

Keegan Murray.

No és un fitxatge, però pots dir

It's not a signing, but you can say.

ell va ser un rookie l'any passat,

he was a rookie last year,

no tenia ni idea del que estava fent,

I had no idea what I was doing,

va aprendre molt,

he learned a lot,

però ara comença

but now it begins

un jugador que està molt per damunt del que va ser.

a player who is far above what he used to be.

Llavors, en aquest cas, nosaltres

Then, in this case, we

sí que hem canviat.

Yes, we have changed.

El De'Aaron Fox

De'Aaron Fox

mai havia estat

I had never been.

al playoff, ha fet

in the playoffs, it has done

la temporada més sòlida

the strongest season

de la seva carrera i ara és un

of his career and now he is a

De'Aaron Fox que sap el que és

De'Aaron Fox knows what it is.

treballar un any, tenir èxit

work for a year, be successful

i estar.

and to be.

El Thomas,

The Thomas,

el mateix, és el nostre

the same, it is ours

pilar i és un dels nostres jugadors

Pilar is one of our players.

madurs, que

mature, that

juga al 100% cada partit físicament

play at 100% every match physically

i ara, per exemple, està fent una

And now, for example, it is making a

de les millors, físicament

one of the best, physically

ara està en un molt, molt, molt

now it is in a very, very, very

bon moment.

good moment.

Llavors, tot això compta.

So, all of this matters.

Sí que sembla ser que hem mantingut

Yes, it does seem that we have maintained.

el grup i hem aportat dos

the group and we have contributed two

peces més, però nosaltres serem

more pieces, but we will be

un millor grup. I això, l'important és

a better group. And that, the important thing is

ser millor i competir

be better and compete

millor. Llavors, amb tots aquests equips que han fet

better. Then, with all these teams that have been made

molts canvis, ells encara no saben realment

many changes, they still do not really know

quina identitat o qui seran. Llavors,

what identity or who they will be. Then,

això et pot jugar a favor o en contra.

this can work in your favor or against you.

Es va veure, doncs, després del

It was seen, then, after the

trade deadline, que molts equips van canviar,

trade deadline, that many teams changed,

nosaltres no vam canviar res i nosaltres

we did not change anything and we

vam acabar amb un millor rècord

we ended up with a better record

que els de més. Jo crec que va ser

that the others. I think it was

per apostar per continuïtat

to bet on continuity

també a vegades és el millor

sometimes it is also the best

canvi que pots fer si té

change you can make if it has

sentit el que...

sorry what...

S'entén, s'entén. Sí, sí, sí, s'entén.

It is understood, it is understood. Yes, yes, yes, it is understood.

Roc, si tens alguna última pregunta,

Roc, if you have any last question,

si no, faig jo l'última.

If not, I'll do the last one.

És que en tinc moltes, però...

It's just that I have many, but...

No, no, no, però sí, sí, deixem-lo, deixem-lo.

No, no, no, but yes, yes, let's leave it, let's leave it.

Em sembla ben bé, Jordi, dispara't-ho.

I think it's perfectly fine, Jordi, go for it.

No, l'última, ja que ets de Badalona,

No, the last one, since you are from Badalona,

preguntar-te per la catalana que ens queda allà

to ask you about the Catalan one that we have left there

a la pista, que és Ricky Rubio, com l'estàs

On the court, is that Ricky Rubio? How are you?

veient, si veurem si era el seu

seeing, we will see if it was theirs

últim, dos últims anys, que ell mateix es posa

last, two last years, that he himself puts on

a caducitat,

the expiration,

com l'estàs veient, perquè a més que entenc

as you are seeing it, because I also understand

que tindràs ple de connexions amb Cleveland

that you will have full of connections with Cleveland

també a banda d'ell, per saber com li va.

also on his behalf, to know how he is doing.

Sí, doncs,

Yes, then,

bé, a veure, ell, a Cleveland

Well, let's see, he, in Cleveland.

en quant a situació personal

regarding personal situation

i tal, ell està molt content allà.

And so, he is very happy there.

Evidentment, doncs, sortir d'una lesió

Obviously, then, recovering from an injury.

mai és fàcil, no? Sortir, entrar

it's never easy, is it? Going out, coming in

a mitja temporada i haver de competir al màxim nivell.

mid-season and having to compete at the highest level.

Jo crec que aquest estiu

I believe that this summer

serà molt important per ell per tornar-se a trobar

it will be very important for him to find himself again

i, evidentment,

and, obviously,

si coneixeu el Ricky, doncs ell,

if you know Ricky, then he,

la seva ètica de treball és

his work ethic is

exemplar i

exemplar i

tornarà a molt bon nivell. Llavors, jo crec

it will return to a very good level. Then, I believe

que ara aquest estiu, sobretot amb el Mundial,

that this summer, especially with the World Cup,

serà molt important

it will be very important

per ell.

for him.

I això serà el que

And this will be what

crec que el farà tornar i fer

I think it will make him return and do.

un any molt bo, personalment,

a very good year, personally,

a l'NBA. En quant a la data

in the NBA. Regarding the date

d'acocitat, ell ho va dir, crec que va sortir

of fright, he said it, I think he left

a la premsa i va dir que li quedava poc.

to the press and said that he had little time left.

No sé exactament això el que vol dir,

I don't exactly know what that means,

però al final jo crec que ell el que valora

but in the end I think that what he values

molt a la seva vida és

very much to his life is

ell i la seva família

he and his family

i crec que això és important, no?

And I think this is important, isn't it?

Ell ha tingut una carrera

He has had a career.

de moment exemplar, no només

for the moment exemplary, not only

a l'NBA, però amb tot el que ha fet

in the NBA, but with everything he has done

i si ell creu

and if he believes

que el seu següent pas en un futur

that their next step in the future

pròxim és fer això,

next is to do this,

doncs jo me n'alegro molt per ell perquè

well, I am very happy for him because

no hi ha res millor que fer les coses

There is nothing better than doing things.

i ser, bueno,

and to be, well,

ser feliç i sobretot tenir

to be happy and above all to have

aquest equilibri entre

this balance between

la part professional i la part personal.

the professional side and the personal side.

Doncs, Jordi, ha estat un plaer.

Well, Jordi, it has been a pleasure.

Deixem que vagis a seguir amb aquesta

Let us go on with this.

compaginació de Summer League i

scheduling of Summer League and



Roc, ens retrobem

Roc, we meet again.

després de l'estiu.

after the summer.



Després de l'estiu tornem.

After the summer, we return.

Si ens volen, quina manera d'acabar

If they want us, what a way to end.

més amunt, et desitgem moltíssima sort, Jordi,

Further up, we wish you the best of luck, Jordi.

de veritat, amb aquest estiu

truly, with this summer

i l'any que ve.

and next year.

Ha sigut un plaer, ens ha agradat molt,

It has been a pleasure, we enjoyed it very much.

o jo puc dir que m'ha agradat molt, sobretot,

or I can say that I liked it a lot, especially,

com t'expreses, no només el coneixement que tens,

how you express yourself, not just the knowledge you have,

sinó com t'esforces amb que s'entengui

but how you strive for it to be understood

perfectament el que dius i això, per desgràcia,

perfectly what you say and this, unfortunately,

no és tan habitual. T'ho agraeixo moltíssim,

it's not that common. I really appreciate it a lot,

espero que els oients s'ho hagin passat molt bé,

I hope the listeners had a great time,

no només avui, sinó tota la temporada

not only today, but the whole season

i ens veiem aviat. Moltes gràcies, Jordi.

And we'll see each other soon. Thank you very much, Jordi.

Gràcies a vosaltres, us agraeixo

Thank you, I appreciate it.

la invitació i, bueno,

the invitation and, well,

espero que ens tornem a veure

I hope we see each other again.

aviat. I tant.

Soon. Of course.

Fins la pròxima. Adéu.

Until next time. Goodbye.

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