Els instruments informals de Les Luthiers

Catalunya Ràdio

El taller del lutier

Els instruments informals de Les Luthiers

El taller del lutier

El taller de l'Utier

The Utier's workshop

Una hora dedicada als instruments musicals a la Sintonia de Catalunya Música.

An hour dedicated to musical instruments on Catalunya Música's Sintonia.

El taller de l'Utier

The Utier's Workshop

Amb Pere Andreu Gerió

With Pere Andreu Gerió

Bon dia i bona hora, comencem ara i aquí una nova edició del taller de l'Utier.

Good day and good time, we begin now and here a new edition of the Utier workshop.

Aquest és l'últim programa de la nostra novena temporada.

This is the last episode of our ninth season.

Per avui us hem preparat un parell de temes que em sembla que us agradaran.

For today, we have prepared a couple of topics that I think you will like.

D'entrada tornarem a parlar de l'Utier, el grup de còmics argentins

To begin with, we will talk again about Utier, the group of Argentine comics.

que es va retirar ja fa uns mesos definitivament dels escenaris

that retired from the stage definitively a few months ago

i que ha estat protagonista destacat d'aquesta temporada al taller de l'Utier.

and has been a prominent figure this season at the Utier workshop.

En aquesta ocasió, en Carlos Núñez Cortés, pianista i arxiver del grup,

On this occasion, Carlos Núñez Cortés, pianist and archivist of the group,

ens parla d'un element imprescindible de les actuacions d'aquest conjunt,

it speaks to us about an essential element of the actions of this group,

com són els seus instruments informals.

what are their informal instruments like.

I la segona part del programa serà per en Joan Pellissa,

And the second part of the program will be for Joan Pellissa,

un bon amic del taller amb qui tancarem temporada.

a good friend from the workshop with whom we will close the season.

Avui el Joan ens vol parlar d'un instrument seu,

Today Joan wants to talk to us about his instrument,

una viola de mà que ha fet no fa gaire

a hand-made viola that was made not long ago

i que té alguns elements que la fan molt especial.

and that has some elements that make it very special.

Aquest seria a grans trets el contingut del taller de l'Utier d'avui.

This would broadly outline the content of today's Utier workshop.

Si ja sou a punt, nosaltres també, així que poseu-vos còmodes, que comencem!

If you're ready, so are we, so make yourselves comfortable, we're starting!

El taller de l'Utier, mil i un instruments a Catalunya Música.

The Utier workshop, a thousand and one instruments on Catalunya Música.

�quest 來

This seems to contain a mix of Catalan and Chinese characters. The Catalan word "quest" translates to "quest" in English. However, "來" is Chinese and translates to "come." If you meant something else in Catalan, please provide the correct text for translation.

¿És que això et sembla?

Does this seem like that to you?

¡True, sí!

Yes, true!







¡Tan en troubles????

So in trouble????



¡Fala, Zona!

Hello, Zone!

Bomba, bomba !

Bomb, bomb!

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

L'Ener Bernstein?

The Ener Bernstein?

El millor pianista entre els directors.

The best pianist among the conductors.

El millor director entre els compositors.

The best conductor among composers.

El millor compositor entre els pianistes.

The best composer among pianists.

universal. Arthur Rubinstein

universal. Arthur Rubinstein

Les luthiers han estat

The luthiers have been

protagonistes al llarg d'aquesta temporada

protagonists throughout this season

al nostre programa, amb motiu

in our program, with reason

del seu comiat definitiu dels escenaris.

of his definitive farewell from the stages.

Els hi hem dedicat alguns

We have dedicated some to them.

reportatges i avui hi tornem

reports and today we return to it

per fixar-nos especialment

to pay particular attention

en els instruments que van construir

in the instruments they built

al llarg de la seva carrera,

throughout his/her career,

els que ells anomenaven

those they called

instrumentos informales.

informal instruments.

El compositor

The composer

Johann Sebastian Mastropiero

Johann Sebastian Mastropiero

Les luthiers

The luthiers

ejecuten els següents

execute the following





o violín de lata.

or tin violin.

Tubófono parafínico-cromático

Paraffin chromatic tube phone

o flauta

or flute



Bass pipe






Màquina de tocar

Playing machine

o dactilòfono.

or dactylophone.


They contracted.

i tagamba.

and tagamba.



Gerbomatòfono d'amor

Love gerbomophone



da casa

from the house




leg drawer



I demás instrumentos

And other instruments

utilizados para efectos exóticos

used for exotic effects

como violines, violas, violonxelos, trompetas, piano, clavicordio, etc.

like violins, violas, cellos, trumpets, piano, harpsichord, etc.

Aquesta era la veu imponent

This was the imposing voice.

del narrador de Les Luthiers,

of the narrator of Les Luthiers,

Marcos Munstock,

Marcos Munstock,

presentant alguns dels instruments informals del grup.

presenting some of the informal instruments of the group.

En total,

In total,

Les Luthiers va arribar a crear

Les Luthiers managed to create.

una cinquantena d'instruments propis

around fifty unique instruments

propis, molts d'ells fets

own, many of them made

amb elements reciclats.

with recycled elements.

En la conversa que vaig poder tenir

In the conversation that I was able to have.

amb Carlos Núñez Cortés,

with Carlos Núñez Cortés,

pianista, arxivert del grup

pianist, archivist of the group

i també responsable de la col·lecció d'instruments

and also responsible for the collection of instruments

de Les Luthiers, li vaig voler

from Les Luthiers, I wanted to him/her

preguntar per la creació

ask about creation

d'aquests nous instruments

of these new instruments

i per saber si els feien per poder

and to know if they made them possible

interpretar una música determinada

interpret a specific piece of music

o a l'inrevés, creaven

or the other way around, they created

l'instrument i després havien de

the instrument and then they had to

compondre la música per fer-lo sonar.

compose the music to make it sound.

Em va dir que les dues coses,

She told me that both things,

i em va posar un exemple

and gave me an example

d'una peça musical de Les Luthiers

from a musical piece by Les Luthiers

que ja estava escrita i que necessitava

that was already written and needed

d'un instrument concret per poder

of a specific instrument to be able to

interpretar-la, un instrument

interpret it, an instrument

que s'havia de crear.

that had to be created.

Eran dos hermanos árabes,

They were two Arab brothers,

uno que se llamaba

one who was named

Mohamed el Grande

Mohamed the Great

y el otro No me mojes, chico.

and the other Don't wet me, boy.

Eran jeques.

They were sheikhs.

El jeque No me mojes

The sheikh Don't wet me

le escribía una canción

I was writing her a song.

de amor para la noche

of love for the night

de bodas.

of weddings.

Los veinte futuras esposas.

The twenty future wives.

Que la canción las nombra una por una.

That the song names them one by one.

Cuando terminamos la canción

When we finish the song

dijimos, esto necesita

we said, this needs

un instrumento,

an instrument,

un instrumento árabe.

an Arabic instrument.

Y dijimos,

And we said,

¿qué elemento árabe hay

What Arabic element is there?

que todo el mundo pueda reconocer?

That everyone can recognize?

Y se nos ocurrió

And it occurred to us

el narguile.

the hookah.

El narguile para fumar

The hookah for smoking

el humo que es previamente

the smoke that is previously

refrigerado y demás. Nosotros

refrigerated and others. We

compramos, salimos corriendo a comprar,

we bought, we ran out to buy,

a comprar un narguile para ver cómo era.

to buy a hookah to see what it was like.

Lo pusimos allí

We put it there.

y con Carlitos Iraldi estuvimos

and with Carlitos Iraldi we were

trabajando y lo convertimos

working and we turn it into

en una flauta al narguile.

in a flute at the hookah.

O sea, ese instrumento

In other words, that instrument.

que se llamó narguilófono

that was called narguilophone



parte de la canción

part of the song

que le cantaba el jeque

that the sheikh sang to him

No me mojes a sus veinte futuras

Don't wet me on her twenty futures.

esposas. O sea,

handcuffs. That is,

primero estuvo la canción y después salimos

First there was the song and then we went out.

corriendo a construir el instrumento.

running to build the instrument.


Let's go!

Mañana por fin

Tomorrow at last

estaremos casados.

we will be married.


Let's go!

Será nuestra

It will be ours.

vida un lecho

life a bed

de raza.

of race.


Let's go!

protege a los enamorados

protects the lovers

y yo os amo

and I love you

mis veinte futuras esposas

my twenty future wives

Os amo

I love you.

Mujeres de mi arell

Women of my surroundings.

Sorai de xeresat, soveiga, fara, cintrut

Sorry, I cannot translate the provided text as it appears to be non-standard or possibly a specific term. Could you please provide more context or clarify the terms?

Rosa, azul, madalila, zaida, jazmín

Rose, blue, lilac, Zaida, jasmine

Fàtima, mora, farisat, marien

Fàtima, Moor, farce, marionette

Amina, suleica, asha, dunia, zoe

Amina, Suleica, Asha, Dunia, Zoe

¡Y María Angélica!

And María Angélica!

Viviremos apasionadamente

We will live passionately.

Nuestra vida será un edén

Our life will be an Eden.

Seré fiel eternamente

I will be eternally faithful.

Nunca os engañaré

I will never deceive you.



Con otro haré

I'll do it with someone else.

Y ahora nos tengo que dejar

And now I have to leave you.

Mañana será nuestra noche de bodas

Tomorrow will be our wedding night.

Y me tengo que preparar

And I have to get ready.

Cuando mañana la noche salude

When tomorrow night greets

No habrá en nuestro lecho pesar ni fatiga

There will be no sorrow or fatigue in our bed.

Cuando mi cuerpo a los vuestros se anude

When my body intertwines with yours.

Seremos felices

We will be happy.



Que Allah os bendiga

May Allah bless you.

Y que Allah me ajude

And may Allah help me.



Aquesta és la serenata medio oriental

This is the medio-eastern serenade.

en el que es pot sentir de fons el narguilòfono,

in which the hookah phone can be heard in the background,

l'instrument informal que Carlos Hiraldi,

the informal instrument that Carlos Hiraldi,

el lutier de l'E. Lutier,

the luthier of the E. Luthier,

va crear per poder interpretar aquesta peça.

was created to be able to interpret this piece.

Anem ara al cas contrari,

Let's go to the opposite case now,

un instrument construït abans que la música.

an instrument built before music.

Un día con Carlitos Hiraldi

A day with Carlitos Hiraldi

estábamos golpeando cocos de palmera,

we were hitting palm coconuts,

los habíamos vaciado

we had emptied them

y los golpeábamos

and we would hit them

y hacía

and it made

un sonido muy lindo

a very nice sound

y además con un componente armónico considerable,

and also with a considerable harmonic component,

es decir, no era solamente percussivo,

that is to say, it was not only percussive,

se escuchaba una nota

a note was heard

y afinada.

and tuned.

Entonces empezamos a vaciar cocos

So we started to empty coconuts.

para ver si podíamos armar

to see if we could assemble

aunque sea una octava

even if it is an octave

un instrument construído

a constructed instrument

con eso

with that

y de manera de poder tocar una melodía.

and in a way to be able to play a melody.

Nos costó mucho trabajo,

It took us a lot of effort,

estuvimos casi tres meses

we spent almost three months

vaciando cocos

emptying coconuts

y probando y afinándolos

and testing and fine-tuning them

hasta que lo tuvimos,

until we had it,

lo montamos

we set it up

en una estructura

in a structure

y lo bautizamos

and we baptized him

el Glockenkoko,

the Glockenkoko,

como el Glockenspiel, pero el Glockenkoko.

like the Glockenspiel, but the Glockenkoko.

Y ahí estaba el instrumento,

And there was the instrument,

pero ¿y dónde estaba la obra?

But where was the work?

Entonces fuimos corriendo

Then we ran.

y le pedimos ayuda a Marcos

and we asked Marcos for help

que era el que de vez en cuando

that was what from time to time

bajaba esas cosas del infinito

I was bringing those things down from infinity.

no sé cómo

I don't know how.

y las ponía sobre la mesa.

and I put them on the table.

Le digo, Marcos, acá hay un instrumento,

I tell you, Marcos, here there is an instrument,

tenemos que hacer algo.

We have to do something.

Y a Marcos se le ocurrió

And Marcos came up with the idea.

escribir una conferencia

write a lecture

de un antropólogo

of an anthropologist



que hablaba sobre la música

that talked about music

y costumbres

and customs

de los indígenas

of the indigenous people

de una isla de la Política.

from an island of Politics.

De la Polinesia.

From Polynesia.

Donde no había prácticamente

Where there was practically none

nada en la isla

swim in the island

salvo cocos.

except coconuts.

Y los indígenas

And the indigenous people

se las arreglaban

they managed

todo lo que hacían era de cocos.

Everything they did was made of coconuts.

Vasijas, cuencos,

Vessels, bowls,

hasta, me acuerdo

Until, I remember.

de un chistecito que decía,

about a little joke that said,

hasta precarios televisores en blanco y negro.

even precarious black and white televisions.

Pero todo

But everything

era de coco.

it was coconut.

Y por supuesto el instrumento

And of course the instrument.

era el Glockenkoko.

It was the Glockenkoko.

¿Qué es el Glockenkoko?

What is the Glockenkoko?

Es el instrumento

It is the instrument.

que se utiliza

that is used

para tocar

to play

los músicos

the musicians

de la isla de Makanoa.

from the island of Makanoa.

La isla de Makanoa

The island of Makanoa

alberga un asombroso

harbors an astonishing

incontaminado bagaje

uncontaminated baggage

de leyendas milenarias

of millennia-old legends

y tradiciones riquísimas

and very rich traditions

que he investigado personalmente

that I have personally investigated

y que hoy tendré el placer

and that today I will have the pleasure

de exponer para ustedes.

to present to you.

Contaré con apoyo invalorable

I will rely on invaluable support.

de un grupo de músicos nativos

from a group of native musicians

que ha accedido generosamente

who has generously agreed

a acompañarme en este giro mundial

to accompany me on this global turn

de divulgación

of dissemination

de mis investigaciones.

of my research.

La isla de Makanoa

The island of Makanoa

es la más pequeña

she is the smallest

de las islas que integran

of the islands that make up

el archipiélago de Mimatra.

the archipelago of Mimatra.

Como la mayor parte

Like most of it

de las islas de este archipiélago,

of the islands of this archipelago,

la isla de Makanoa

the island of Makanoa

se encuentra totalmente

is completely found

rodeada de agua.

surrounded by water.

Una gran

A great

flora exuberante

exuberant flora

satisface las necesidades

satisfies the needs

principales de los nativos.

principals of the natives.

Así encontramos

Thus we find

abundancia de coco,

abundance of coconut,

aceite de coco,

coconut oil,

jabón de coco,

coconut soap,

coco rallado y merengada de coco.

shredded coconut and coconut meringue.

Los nativos también emplean

The natives also use

el coco como medicina.

coconut as medicine.

Las propiedades curativas

The healing properties

que se adjudican al coco son tantas

that are attributed to the coconut are so many

que este fruto solo se vende

that this fruit is only sold

bajo receta.

under prescription.

No obstante la precariedad

However, the precariousness

tecnológica de los nativos

technology of the natives

de la isla, está sorprendente

from the island, it is amazing

el desarrollo del instrumento típico.

the development of the typical instrument.

Un instrumento

An instrument

íntegramente construido

entirely constructed

con cocos.

with coconuts.

La música se halla ritualmente presente

Music is ritually present.

en todas las actividades de los nativos de Makanoa.

in all the activities of the natives of Makanoa.

Escuchemos, por ejemplo,

Let's listen, for example,

este breve fragmento del canto

this brief fragment of the song

que acompaña a la recolección

that accompanies the collection

de cocos.

of coconuts.



Y después sigue.

And then continue.

Estamos sentint la peça titulada

We are listening to the piece titled

Música y costumbres de Makanoa

Music and customs of Makanoa

suite cocofónica

cocophonic suite

amb presència destacada del

with prominent presence of the

glockencoco, aquest instrument fet

glockencoco, this instrument made

a base de cocos que ens comentaven

based on coconuts that they were telling us

Carlos Núñez Cortés.

Carlos Núñez Cortés.

L'Elutier també feia humor

The Elutier also made jokes.

a través del nom amb què batejaven

through the name by which they baptized

tots aquests instruments informals.

all these informal instruments.

Los instrumentos cuando

The instruments when

los construíamos

we were building them

no solamente nos limitábamos

not only did we limit ourselves

a construir los afines, los sinanas,

to build the relatives, the sinanas,


but rather

a bautizarlos

to baptize them

con nombres muy divertidos

with very funny names

yo tengo acá más o menos

I have more or less here.

algunos casos típicos

some typical cases

como el dactilófono o la máquina

like the stylophone or the machine

de escribir, el glamocot

of writing, the glamocot

que ese lo construí yo

I built that.

se me ocurrió

it occurred to me

darle vuelta al nombre

turn the name around

es decir

that is to say

glamocot significa

glamocot means

tocó mal al revés

played badly in reverse

es un

it is a

palíndromo y le puse la G

palindrome and I added the G

adelante porque está afinado en sol

go ahead because it is tuned to G

entonces se llama

then it is called

glamocot que es

what is glamocot

tocó mal en sol

it hit badly in G major

la guitarra dulce

the sweet guitar

la guitarra dulce es

the sweet guitar is

digamos un guiño

let's say a wink

a la flauta dulce

to the recorder

así como hay una flauta dulce

just as there is a recorder

hay también una guitarra dulce

there is also a sweet guitar

entre otras cosas porque la caja

among other things because the box

de resonancia de la

of resonance of the

guitarra dulce es ni menos

sweet guitar is no less

que una lata de dulce

that a can of sweet

no es de madera

it is not wood

es una lata de dulce

it’s a can of candy

por eso se llama guitarra dulce

That's why it is called sweet guitar.

después hay tres instrumentos

Then there are three instruments.

de percusión que son muy lindos

of percussion that are very nice

que son

what are

el percuchero, el tamburete

the perchero, the stool

y la percusilla

and the little percussion

que son tres muebles

that are three pieces of furniture

al estilo tonet

in the Tonet style

que nosotros los convertimos

that we convert them

en instrumentos

in instruments

todos son parodias

they are all parodies

suelen ser parodias

they are usually parodies

y uno de los últimos

and one of the last

que fue muy lindo

it was very nice

su construcción fue

its construction was

el volarmonio

the volarmonic

con el cual con Jorge Marona

with which with Jorge Marona

tocamos un boogie boogie

let's play a boogie boogie

al estilo de Liberace

in the style of Liberace

y él toca el volarmonio

and he plays the harmonium

que son unas veintipico

it's about twenty-something

de pelotas

of balls

de basquetbol

of basketball

unidas cada una de un silbato

united each by a whistle

y cuando las apretas suena

And when you press them, they make a sound.

los nombres son muy importantes

Names are very important.

muy muy importantes

very very important

El volarmoni

The volarmoni

el volarmoni

the volarmoni

un podía volar

one could fly

un påorthal

a porthole

el volarmoni

the volarmonium

i el volarmoni

and the volarmony

un voilàAssassí

a voilà, killer

Bona nit.

Good night.

Aquesta és la peça de Lé Luthier

This is the piece by Lé Luthier.

titulada Rhapsody in Bolts,

titled Rhapsody in Bolts,

en què podem sentir al costat del piano

what can we hear next to the piano

el volarmonio,

the volarmonium,

un instrument de vent fet amb pilotes de plàstic.

a wind instrument made with plastic balls.

Lé Luthier també va fer

Lé Luthier also made

instruments de corda fregada,

stringed instruments

com diu el seu nom de Luthiers.

What is his name as a luthier?

Hi ha el latín,

There is Latin,

que és la paròdia del violín,

what is the parody of the violin,

anomenat latín perquè és un violín de lata.

called Latin because it is a tin violin.

No pot ser anomenat d'una altra manera.

It cannot be named any other way.

I la violata,

And the violated,

que també és

that is also

una viola de lata.

a tin viola.

I el xelato, que és un xelo

And the xelato, which is a xelo.

de lata. O sigui,

from a can. That is,

en aquest sentit,

in this sense,

hi ha un sol instrument que segueix

there is a single instrument that follows

en la línia de les cordes

on the line of the strings

cap als graus,

towards the degrees,

que no es va construir,

that was not built,

jo, de lata, sinó de madera,

me, not of tin, but of wood,

però és hermoso,

but it is beautiful,



que es va construir amb un barril,

that was built with a barrel,

amb un barril enorme,

with a huge barrel,

on l'intèrprete, per tocar-lo,

where the interpreter, to touch it,

ha de posar-se dins del barril.

He has to get inside the barrel.

I, per descomptat,

And, of course,

el baix, és un contrabaix,

the double bass, is a contrabass,

es diu contrabaix barril,

it's called double bass barrel,



Lé Luthier fins i tot va construir un quartet,

Lé Luthier even built a quartet,

un quartet, però, una mica especial.

a quartet, however, a bit special.

El quartet de banyo va ser molt bonic,

The bathroom quartet was very nice.

perquè hi havia

because there was

també va passar alguna cosa.

something else also happened.

Tenim això, ara què fem?

We have this, now what do we do?

I això va ser una idea molt estranya,

And this was a very strange idea,

perquè el primer instrument que havia sorgit

because the first instrument that had emerged

era una espècie de cor

it was a kind of heart

molt bonic,

very beautiful,

construït amb un

built with a

calefó, calentador.

boiler, heater.

Nosaltres vam desarmar un d'aquestes,

We disarmed one of these.

i vam veure que la serpentina a dins

and we saw that the streamer inside

podia ser utilitzada

could be used

com la serpentina d'un trombó.

like the spiral of a trombone.

Llavors, ho vam transformar en un

Then, we transformed it into a

instrument, i el vam anomenar,

instrument, and we named it,

el nom ja venia,

the name was already coming,

calefón, el vam anomenar calefón.

water heater, we named it water heater.

Aleshores, un dia,

Then, one day,

Hiraldi va descobrir

Hiraldi discovered

que la taula de l'inodoro del váter

that the toilet seat of the toilet

tenia una forma

it had a shape

que recordava una lira greca.

that resembled a Greek lyre.

Va prendre una d'aquestes

He/She took one of these.

váters de madera,

wooden toilets,

li va adaptar un clavijero

he adapted a plug socket for him

i li va posar vuit cordes,

and he put eight strings on it,

i li va fer una escala diatònica,

and he made a diatonic scale for him,

diatònica, no cromàtica,

diatonic, not chromatic,

perquè és molt difícil tocar amb vuit cordes.

because it is very difficult to play with eight strings.

És l'únic instrument que té tres noms.

It is the only instrument that has three names.

Un és una mica pecador i els altres dos tenen alguna cosa a veure.

One is a bit of a sinner and the other two have something to do with it.

Es diu Lira d'Acent,

It's called Lira d'Acent.

Liro d'Oro,

Liro d'Oro,

perquè nosaltres a l'Argentina el anomenem Inodoro,

because we call it Inodoro in Argentina,

a aquest artefacte.

to this artifact.

Hiraldi volia que se'l anomenés Ortofón,

Hiraldi wanted to be called Ortofón,

cosa que a nosaltres ens va semblar de molt mal gust,

something that seemed to us very bad taste,

perquè és una mala paraula a l'Argentina, no?

because it's a bad word in Argentina, isn't it?

Però Ortofón en grec és el so correcte,

But Ortofón in Greek is the correct sound,

o sigui que era perfecte com a nom per a l'instrument.

So it was the perfect name for the instrument.

El nombre Olvídet va sorgir d'un bidet

The name Olvídet arose from a bidet.

i la desafina dutxa d'una dutxa.

and the out-of-tune shower of a shower.

Nosaltres construïm aquests quatre instruments

We build these four instruments.

sense tenir l'obra per interpretar-los.

without having the work to interpret them.

I una vegada més els anomenem al nostre aèdo principal

And once again we call them to our main aede.

i li vèiem Marquitos, aquí hi ha un quartet,

and we saw Marquitos, here is a quartet,

un quartet sanitari,

a sanitary quartet,

el anomenem quartet de bany o quartet de bany.

we call it a bathroom quarter or bathroom quarter.

Què podem fer?

What can we do?

Aleshores, Marcos

Then, Marcos

va fer una cosa com el que havia fet Gerardo 50 anys abans.

he did something like what Gerardo had done 50 years earlier.

Cal escriure una obra que sigui molt fina

It is necessary to write a work that is very fine.

i amb una lletra molt delicada

and with very delicate handwriting

per tocar amb quatre instruments que al·luden a la caca, directament.

to play with four instruments that allude to poop, directly.

I llavors em van encargar a mi la partitura.

And then they entrusted me with the score.

Marcos va escriure la lletra bonica

Marcos wrote the beautiful letter.

i jo vaig escriure una gavot

And I wrote a seagull.

com se ballaven en los salones de los Luises en Francia

how they danced in the salons of the Luises in France

con su coreografía y todo.

with their choreography and everything.

I llavors em van encargar a mi la partitura.

And then they entrusted me with the score.

Todos ellos van al baño

They all go to the bathroom.

y algunos muy frecuentemente.

and some very frequently.

¿Cuántas veces las personas en el baño han evitado

How many times have people in the bathroom avoided?

¿Cuántos libros se han leído? ¿Cuántas dudas evacuado?

How many books have been read? How many questions have been addressed?

Llollas, retretes y bañeras, grifos, lavatorios y lirés.

Toilets, sinks and bathtubs, faucets, washbasins and urinals.

Llollas, al cuarto de baño.

Toilet, in the bathroom.

No hay festejos ni banquetes en el litoral.

There are no festivities or banquets on the coast.

En el íntimo santuario no se come ni se bebe,

In the intimate sanctuary, neither food nor drink is consumed.

sino todo lo contrario.

but quite the opposite.

Llollas, Llollas.

Llollas, Llollas.

Llollas, al cuarto de baño.

Llollas, in the bathroom.

Aquestes són les Llollas al cuarto de baño de l'Elutier,

These are the Llollas in Elutier's bathroom,

amb els instruments que va crear el lutier Carlos Giraldo,

with the instruments created by the luthier Carlos Giraldo,

és a dir, per al conjunt,

that is to say, for the whole,

a partir de diferents elements provenients d'un quarto de baño.

from different elements originating from a bathroom.

L'Elutier, com dèiem abans, va crear molts instruments informals,

The Elutier, as we said before, created many informal instruments,

però també tocaven instruments d'aquells que en diríem formals o convencionals.

but they also played instruments that we would call formal or conventional.

Nosotros también hacemos algunas trampitas,

We also do some little tricks,

porque realmente un instrumento informal no deja de ser justamente eso, informal.

because an informal instrument is really just that, informal.

Suena feo, suena chiquito,

It sounds ugly, it sounds little.

despacito y suena desafinado.

slowly and it sounds out of tune.

És a dir, les té totes en contra.

That is to say, she has them all against her.

I llavors nosaltres de vegades en quan hem d'engrossar una miqueta o tractar de dissimular.

And then sometimes we have to bulk up a little or try to disguise.

En les cinc obres monovocàliques de jazz

In the five monovocal jazz works

posem tots els instruments informals que podem,

let's put all the informal instruments we can,

però sempre, a més, posem trompeta, clarineta i trombó,

but we always add trumpet, clarinet, and trombone,

perquè acaba de redondejar el son,

because he/she just rounded off the sound,

el color,

the color,

el color del jazz negre.

the color of black jazz.

És l'única manera,

It's the only way,

perquè si realment ens posem amb un tubòfon, un dactilòfon,

because if we really get into a tubophone, a dactylophone,

i el xero legüero fa jazz,

and the legüero xero plays jazz,

els resultats no són molt alagüeños.

The results are not very encouraging.

Evidentment, l'instrument no informal,

Obviously, the instrument is not informal.

que més va sonar als espectacles de l'Elutier, va ser el piano,

what stood out the most in Elutier's performances was the piano,

un instrument que tocava precisament en Carlos Núñez Cortés.

an instrument that Carlos Núñez Cortés played precisely.

Però ell també va tocar diversos instruments,

But he also played vários instruments,

i fins i tot en va construir alguns.

And even built some.

El instrumento informal que más toqué fue el tubófono.

The informal instrument I played the most was the tubophone.

Gerardo Masana me dio su bendición en cuanto lo conoció,

Gerardo Masana gave me his blessing as soon as he met me.

al tubófono, porque dijo, claro, es una flauta de panes.

to the tubophone, because he said, of course, it is a flute made of bread.

Yo no inventé nada, yo todo lo que hice fue,

I didn't invent anything, all I did was,

tengo tubos de ensayo, voy a jugar,

I have test tubes, I'm going to play.

y después fui el pianista del grupo,

and then I became the pianist of the group,

donde era necesario imperiosamente un piano,

where a piano was urgently needed,

casi la reina del salón.

almost the queen of the room.

Ahí había que tocar ragtimes al estilo de Scott Joplin,

There we had to play ragtimes in the style of Scott Joplin.

y entonces, boom, me metían a mí.

and then, boom, they put me in.

El concierto me metía a mi, adentro.

The concert drew me in, inside.

Las sonatas para violín y piano, para latín y piano,

The sonatas for violin and piano, for clarinet and piano,

bien al estilo de Schubert, adentro.

Well in the style of Schubert, inside.

Sentim, precisament, una d'aquestes últimes peces

We are precisely feeling one of these last pieces.

que comentava en Carlos Núñez Cortés,

that Carlos Núñez Cortés was mentioning,

les sonates para latín y piano.

the sonatas for Latin and piano.

La sonata opus 17, número 4, del gran Johann Sebastian Mastropiero,

The sonata opus 17, number 4, of the great Johann Sebastian Mastropiero,

en versió de Carlos López Pucho, latín,

in the version of Carlos López Pucho, Latin,

és a dir, violín de lata, violí de llauna,

that is to say, tin violin, tin fiddle,

i Carlos Núñez Cortés, piano.

and Carlos Núñez Cortés, piano.

Aquesta que sentíem era la sonata para latín y piano,

What we were hearing was the sonata for latín and piano,

número 4, de Johann Sebastian Mastropiero.

number 4, by Johann Sebastian Mastropiero.

La versió era a càrrec de Carlos López Pucho, latín,

The version was by Carlos López Pucho, Latin.

o violín de lata,

or tin violin,

i Carlos Núñez Cortés, piano.

And Carlos Núñez Cortés, piano.

És moment de parlar d'instruments de corda polsada

It's time to talk about plucked string instruments.

al taller del Luthier.

in the Luthier's workshop.

Marxem fins a la Terra Alta, doncs.

Let's go to the Terra Alta, then.

Ens acostem a la Fatarella,

We are approaching Fatarella,

on ja ens espera el guitarrer del poble.

the guitarist from the village is already waiting for us.

Aquesta sonata era la sonata para latín y piano, número 4,

This sonata was the sonata for Latin and piano, number 4.

de la Fatarella.

from la Fatarella.

Joan Pallissa, bon dia i bona hora.

Joan Pallissa, good morning and good hour.

Bon dia, com anem?

Good morning, how are we?

Molt bé.

Very well.

Avui ens vols parlar

Today you want to talk to us.

de vihueles o violes de mà.

of vihuelas or viols.

Més o menys.

More or less.

Vull parlar d'una.

I want to talk about one.

I no és que en vulgui parlar jo,

It's not that I want to talk about it,

és que tu em vas dir que també et faria gràcia

It's just that you told me you would find it amusing too.

que en parléssa,

that he/she spoke about it,

que és l'última viola de mà que he construït.

That is the last hand viola I have built.

Perquè és un instrument que per mi és especial,

Because it is an instrument that is special to me,

i avui, carai,

And today, wow,

jo sempre us parlo d'instruments antics,

I always talk to you about ancient instruments,

us parlo de guitarrers d'abans,

I am talking to you about guitar makers from the past,

i tot i que em coste,

and even though it is difficult for me,

però també de tant en tant.

but also now and then.

Toc a parlar una mica d'un mateix.

It's time to talk a little about oneself.

Escolta'm, abans que segueixis,

Listen to me, before you continue,

pots explicar una mica la diferència entre una vihuela i una guitarra?

Can you explain a bit about the difference between a vihuela and a guitar?

Sí, i us explicaré quina és la diferència segons els criteris actuals,

Yes, and I will explain what the difference is according to current criteria.

que es poden correspondre o no als criteris històrics.

that may or may not correspond to historical criteria.

Aquí ja no hi entrarem perquè necessitaríem bastantes hores d'enregistrament.

We won't get into this here because we would need several hours of recording.

Però bé, la viola, la viola de mà,

But well, the viol, the hand viol,

la viola de mà, vihuela en espanyol,

the hand viola, vihuela in Spanish,

és un instrument propi del Renaixement Ibèric.

It is an instrument typical of the Iberian Renaissance.

Quan dic Ibèric i Renaixement,

When I say Iberian and Renaissance,

estem parlant també de Península Itàlica,

we are also talking about the Italian Peninsula,

estem parlant també de Flandes, etcètera, etcètera.

We are also talking about Flanders, etcetera, etcetera.

Que vindria a ser un instrument del tipus guitarra,

That would be an instrument of the guitar type,

és a dir, llaüt en mànec llarg, caixa en forma de buit,

that is to say, long-handled rowing boat, hollow-shaped box,

i sis ordres dobles de cordes.

and six double orders of strings.

Un ordre, com hem dit diverses vegades,

An order, as we have said several times,

és un grup de cordes,

it's a string group,

és un grup de cordes que es toquen juntes.

It is a group of strings that are played together.

En aquest cas estaríem parlant de sis ordres dobles,

In this case, we would be talking about six double orders,

tot i que n'hi ha també que són de set ordres.

although there are also some that are of seven orders.

Aquest instrument, en principi, es va tocar durant tot el Renaixement.

This instrument was originally played throughout the Renaissance.

Es van publicar set llibres de repertori,

Seven repertoire books were published.

llibres brutals, d'una qualitat tècnica acollonant,

brutal books, of an astonishing technical quality,

i si alguna cosa caracteritza la música per a viola de mà

And if there is anything that characterizes the music for viola da gamba.

és que és música contrapuntística.

It is that it is counterpoint music.

Estem parlant de música molt elaborada, molt difícil de tocar

We are talking about very elaborate music, very difficult to play.

i alguna vegada també difícil d'escoltar.

And sometimes also difficult to hear.

Això també és important, diu,

This is also important, he says.

perquè moltes vegades aquesta música,

because many times this music,

qui la va escriure pensava més en l'intèrpret,

who wrote it thought more about the interpreter,

en el gaudi propi de l'intèrpret tocant,

in the pleasure of the performer playing,

que no pas en música per tocar per a altra gent.

that is not just for music to play for other people.

Se sap qui la va crear? On es va crear?

Is it known who created it? Where was it created?

És complicat de dir això, també.

It's complicated to say this, too.

Les primeres representacions iconogràfiques

The first iconographic representations

d'un instrument del tipus guitarra,

of an instrument like a guitar,

en un número d'ordres variable entre 5 i 7,

in a variable number of orders between 5 and 7,

apareixen al llevant ibèric, a l'art mediterrani.

they appear in the Iberian Levant, in Mediterranean art.

Països catalans, carai.

Catalan Countries, wow.

És així.

It is so.

Les primeres representacions són valencianes i catalanes.

The first representations are Valencian and Catalan.

D'aquí, en principi,

From here, in principle,

veureu que dic moltes vegades en principi

you will see that I say many times at first

perquè està tot bastant fosc segons la documentació.

because everything is quite dark according to the documentation.

Diguéssim que en la documentació històrica alemà

Let's say that in the German historical documentation.

hi ha diferències entre la història i la historiografia.

There are differences between history and historiography.

Hi ha coses una mica contradictòries.

There are some somewhat contradictory things.

Des d'aquestes primeres representacions mediterrànies

From these early Mediterranean representations

apareix l'instrument nacional castellà del Renaixement.

the national Spanish instrument of the Renaissance appears.

No en va se coneix en el seu nom en espanyol,

It is not in vain that it is known by its name in Spanish,

vihuela, i no vihola,

vihuela, and not vihola,

com s'hi deia en català, en portugués, en gallec, etc.

how it was said in Catalan, in Portuguese, in Galician, etc.

en italià.

in Italian.

Bé, la qüestió és esta.

Well, the question is this.

Des del revival de la música antiga,

Since the revival of early music,

dels vols de 1880,

from the flights of 1880,

hi ha un interès en recuperar la vihuela castellana,

there is an interest in recovering the Castilian vihuela,

diem-li viola de mà per fer servir la nostra llengua,

let's call it a hand viola to use our language,

i es diu viola de mà per diferenciar la de la viola d'arc,

and it is called hand viola to differentiate it from the bowed viola,

perquè un es toca amb la mà, l'altre es toca amb l'arc.

because one touches with the hand, the other touches with the bow.

Fàcil, no?

Easy, isn't it?

Des del revival hi ha un interès per recuperar aquest instrument

Since the revival, there has been an interest in recovering this instrument.

i pot ser qui fa més per la reconstrucció de la viola de mà,

and it may be who does the most for the reconstruction of the viola d'amore,

del seu repertori, la recuperació i posar-la en valor

from its repertoire, the recovery and giving it value

és Emilie Pujol, la guitarrista de la Granadella.

It is Emilie Pujol, the guitarist from La Granadella.

Avancem el temps perquè el que fa Pujol també és molt complex,

We advance time because what Pujol does is also very complex.

i al final, ara mateix,

and in the end, right now,

com molts músics de viola de mà,

like many viola da gamba players,

vindria a ser l'equivalent ibèric al llaüt,

it would be the Iberian equivalent of the llaüt,

encara que a nivell tímbric i a nivell de repertori i tècnica interpretativa

although at the timbral level and at the level of repertoire and interpretative technique

té algunes diferències,

it has some differences,

però això és un instrument molt vigent dins de la música antiga

but this is a very relevant instrument in ancient music

i que es toca cada vegada més.

and is touched more and more.

Jo no n'he fet moltes, n'he fet per descomptat,

I haven't made many, I have made some of course.

però és un instrument que sempre m'havia generat una mica de...

but it is an instrument that has always generated a bit of...

com t'ho diria...

how should I put it...

de xoc entre els instruments històrics conservats,

of shock between the preserved historical instruments,

que se'n conserven molt pocs,

that very few are preserved,

i quin és el concepte actual de l'instrument.

And what is the current concept of the instrument?

Si veus, els instruments històrics no estan fets per tocar davant de gaire gent

If you see, historical instruments are not made to be played in front of a large audience.

i, en canvi, un músic de viola de mà

and, on the other hand, a viol player

ha de poder tocar davant d'un auditori ple.

he must be able to play in front of a full audience.

No estic menysvalorant ni una cosa ni l'altra,

I am not undervaluing either one or the other,

són realitats diferents

they are different realities

i la fenya dels guitarrers,

and the work of the guitar makers,

és construir les eines adequades

it is to build the right tools

perquè el músic pugui fer la seva feina.

so that the musician can do his job.

Llavors, per això sempre m'havia generat una mica de xoc.

Then, that’s why it had always caused me a bit of shock.

Però bé, vaig decidir fer-ne una,

But well, I decided to make one.

vaig decidir construir-ne una fa poc

I decided to build one recently.

i m'ho he passat molt bé

I had a great time.

i el resultat m'agrada molt.

And I really like the result.

Què té aquesta viola, Joan,

What does this viola have, Joan,

que no tingui les que havies fet anteriorment?

that doesn't have the ones you had made previously?

Doncs que he fet el que m'ha donat la gana.

Well, I did what I felt like doing.

Però això ho fas sempre, no?

But you always do this, don't you?

Últimament sí, però no sempre.

Lately yes, but not always.

No sempre he tingut tanta autoestima

I haven't always had such high self-esteem.

ni tan poc síndrome de l'impostor

nor so much imposter syndrome

com per fer realment el que vull.

how to really do what I want.

Aquesta viola de mà he volgut tirar d'ofici.

I have wanted to play this hand viola as a profession.

Jo normalment, com a guitarrer d'antiga,

I usually, as an old guitarist,

tiro de models històrics.

I draw from historical models.

És a dir, agafo un model històric

That is to say, I take a historical model.

i el reproduixo

and I reproduce it

amb major o menor fidelitat a l'original,

with greater or lesser fidelity to the original,

aportant algunes coses o no aportant-les.

contributing some things or not contributing them.

I quan dic original, podem estar parlant

And when I say original, we could be talking about

d'una peça, d'un instrument conservat,

of a piece, of a preserved instrument,

o podem estar parlant de referències secundàries,

or we could be talking about secondary references,

com seria una representació iconogràfica,

how would an iconographic representation be,

un quadre, una escultura,

a painting, a sculpture,

uns planos comprats en un museu.

some plans bought at a museum.

Són una referència secundària, també.

They are also a secondary reference.

I en aquest cas, la meva referència

And in this case, my reference

ha sigut el meu ofici.

it has been my profession.

Ha sigut l'experiència.

It has been the experience.

No he volgut reproduir res.

I haven't wanted to reproduce anything.

Ha sigut simplement veure quin és el so

It has simply been to see what the sound is.

que els músics que m'agraden a mi

that the musicians I like

més o menys busquen,

more or less they search,

quines són les necessitats tècniques

what are the technical requirements

que té un músic de viola de mà avui dia,

what a hand viola musician has nowadays,

i, a partir d'aquí, aplicar coses que sé,

and, from here, apply things that I know,

que he après en el temps.

what I have learned over time.

Per exemple, a compte d'agafar la plantilla,

For example, when it comes to taking the template,

la forma de caixa d'un instrument històric

the box shape of a historical instrument

o d'una representació,

or of a representation,

l'he dibuixat amb alçada.

I have drawn him/her/it with height.

He volgut buscar una forma

I have wanted to find a way.

que sigui agradable, que a mi m'agradi,

that it be pleasant, that I like it,

que sigui bonica,

that it be beautiful,

partint d'unes proporcions molt bàsiques,

starting from some very basic proportions,

que són la mare dels ous

that are the mother of all things

de la geometria acústica, diguéssim.

of acoustic geometry, let's say.

Però això, he buscat anar a fer alguna cosa

But this, I have tried to go do something.

que fos bonica, que m'ho passés molt bé,

that it was beautiful, that I had a great time,

saps?, també construint.

You know? Also building.

I, igual com la plantilla,

I, just like the team,

l'he dret de la màniga,

I have the right of the sleeve,

per descomptat buscant l'estètica

of course looking for aesthetics

d'una viola de mà.

of a hand viola.

O sigui que tu ho veus i dius

So you see it and say.

això és una viola de mà,

this is a hand viola,

però no és igual que tal o que qual o que tal altra.

but it is not the same as this one or that one or that other one.

De la mateixa forma,

In the same way,

les violes de mà històriques

the historical hand viola

tenen unes taules harmòniques molt senzilles,

they have very simple harmonic tables,

tenen unes taules harmòniques molt gruixudes,

they have very thick harmonic tables,

molt gordes,

very fat,

més fusta a la zona del pont

more wood in the area of the bridge

i menys a la zona del perímetre del lòbul inferior,

and less in the area of the perimeter of the lower lobe,

de la part de baix del buit

from the bottom part of the void

que forma la taula, la caixa,

that shapes the table, the box,

i ja està.

And that's it.

No tenen una estructura interna,

They do not have an internal structure.

és la pròpia fusta de la taula

it is the very wood of the table

la que dona l'estructura al lòbul inferior.

the one that provides structure to the lower lobe.

En el meu cas, en aquest instrument en concret,

In my case, in this specific instrument,

el que he fet ha sigut aplicar

what I have done is apply

tècniques de barratge

blocking techniques

que aplico a les tiorbes, per exemple,

that I apply to the turrets, for example,

que he après de Jaume Boset,

that I have learned from Jaume Boset,

per aconseguir un timbre i una resposta

to obtain a stamp and a response

que és la que jo volia, també.

that's the one I wanted, too.

I és això,

And that is it,

bàsicament he anat en això

basically I have gone with this

i també he donat molta, molta, molta importància

and I have also given a lot, a lot, a lot of importance

a la comoditat.

to comfort.

Si un instrument no és còmode de tocar,

If an instrument is not comfortable to play,

estic putejant el músic, saps?

I'm screwing with the musician, you know?

Com m'ho va ensenyar el meu estimat Raúl Yahue,

As my dear Raúl Yahue taught me,

el guitarrer de Barcelona,

the guitarist of Barcelona,

lo principal en una guitarra és que sigui còmode,

the main thing in a guitar is that it is comfortable,

perquè la nostra feina és facilitar la vida del músic.

because our job is to make the musician's life easier.

No posar-li trades.

Do not put trades on him/her.

I si un instrument és magnífic de so,

And if an instrument has a magnificent sound,

però t'hi deixes la vida per fer-lo sonar,

but you give your life to make it sound,

no és un bon instrument i acabarà tancat a l'estuig

it's not a good instrument and it will end up locked in the case

a compte d'anar sonant pel món.

as a way of making its presence known in the world.

Té destinatari, aquest instrument, Joan?

Does this instrument have a recipient, Joan?

Te amo.

I love you.

O sigui, és un encàrrec.

So it's a commission.

No, no, no, no. No és un encàrrec.

No, no, no, no. It is not a commission.

O sigui, lo vaig plantejar

So, I proposed it.

com algo que em venia molt de gust fer,

as something that I really wanted to do,



no diria un divertiment,

I wouldn't call it a pastime,



perquè em venia molt de gust.

because I felt like it.

I la vaig posar a la venda i s'ha venut.

And I put it up for sale and it has been sold.

A veure,

Let's see,

és un bon instrument, carai, ha sortit bé.

It's a good instrument, wow, it turned out well.

S'ha de notar, no?,

It has to be noted, right?

que fa més de 25 anys que em dedico a això.

I have been dedicated to this for more than 25 years.

I sí, sí, és un instrument que vaig posar a la venda

Yes, yes, it's an instrument that I put up for sale.

i el va comprar un bon amic, l'Alexis Torrano,

and a good friend, Alexis Torrano, bought it.

de Vilafranca del Penedès,

from Vilafranca del Penedès,

que és un músic amateur d'antiga, de corda polsada.

what is an amateur musician of old, plucked strings.

I res, ara mateix està ell fent música

And nothing, right now he is making music.

i ella ajudant-lo a fer música.

and she helping him to make music.

N'hi haurà més?

Will there be more?

Sí, sí, n'hi haurà més.

Yes, yes, there will be more.

És un model que ha agradat bastant.

It is a model that has been quite well received.

A mi m'ha fet molt feliç.

It has made me very happy.

He estat molt còmode construint-lo

I have been very comfortable building it.

i a tothom que l'ha provat li ha agradat molt.

and everyone who has tried it has liked it a lot.

Llavors, si tinc temps n'hi faré més.

Then, if I have time, I will make more.

I per descomptat, si me n'encarreguen, també.

And of course, if they assign it to me, I will too.

La meva intenció és que abans d'acabar l'any

My intention is that before the end of the year

n'hi hagi un parell perquè ho puguen rondar una mica

there should be a couple so they can hang around a bit

i també per jo fer alguna paradeta a l'agenda

and also for me to make some stops in the schedule

per enxufar-hi una mica de desconexió.

to plug in a bit of disconnection.

Això és interessant d'explicar

This is interesting to explain.

que els guitarrers o els luthiers,

that the guitar makers or the luthiers,

la gent que us dediqueu a fer instruments,

the people who dedicate themselves to making instruments,

necessiteu reptes com aquest.

You need challenges like this.

No, Joan?

No, Joan?

En certa manera això us dóna vitamines per continuar endavant

In a way, this gives you the vitamins to keep moving forward.

i no anar repetint aquelles fórmules

and not keep repeating those formulas

que saps, que pots saber que funcionen,

what do you know, what you can know that works,

sinó buscar transitar per camins inhòspits.

but to seek to traverse inhospitable paths.

I jo no sé si tot deu ser així.

And I don't know if everything must be like this.

Estic segur que no.

I am sure not.

Estic segur que hi ha un munt de gent

I am sure there are a lot of people.

més intel·ligent que jo, segurament,

more intelligent than I am, probably,

que està molt còmode a la rutina.

that is very comfortable with the routine.

Jo soc un tastaullet, és la mena.

I am a know-it-all, that's the kind.



Quan he de fer tres instruments iguals seguits,

When I have to play three identical instruments in a row,

m'acosta molt.

It gets very close to me.

Se fa, perquè, carai, és la meva feina

It gets done because, hey, it's my job.

i s'ha de fer.

and it has to be done.

Però prefereixo anar variant

But I prefer to go through variations.

perquè m'acosta molt a mi seguir un sol model.

because it brings me very close to following a single model.

Necessito el que dius tu, que si reptes, que si...

I need what you say, that if you challenge, that if...

Com a mínim canviar.

At least change.

Si menges cada dia llangostins,

If you eat prawns every day,

t'acabes avorrint dels llangostins,

you get tired of the prawns,

per molt bons que siguen.

no matter how good they are.

Jo necessito anar canviant, xiquet.

I need to keep changing, kid.

Jo necessito anar canviant.

I need to be changing.

Explica'ns més coses d'aquest instrument,

Tell us more things about this instrument,

d'aquesta viola de mà, Joan.

of this hand viola, Joan.

Ja us ho he dit, és un instrument molt especial per a mi,

I've already told you, it's a very special instrument for me.

però no només perquè l'haig plantejat així,

but not just because I have put it this way,

sinó perquè té cosetes més personals,

but because it has more personal things,

no tan professionals.

not so professional.

Vaig voler que aquest instrument

I wanted this instrument

fos especial per...

was special for...

Jo no sabia si es vendria o no es vendria, saps?

I didn't know if it would sell or not, you know?

I dic, mira, doncs vaig a fer una cosa

I'm saying, look, then I'm going to do something.

que sigui ben especial, que em faig sentir bé

make it very special, that makes me feel good

i que si l'he de tindre jo aquí a casa, al taller,

and if I have to have it here at home, at the workshop,

doncs que em faig feliç veure-la.

Well, it makes me happy to see her.

I un dia agafar-la i fer clinc-clinc

And one day grab it and make a click-click.

i prou perquè no la sé tocar gens.

And enough because I can't play it at all.

I una de les parts a les que vaig voler fer-ho bonic

And one of the parts that I wanted to make beautiful.

és en la fusta.

It is in the wood.

En la fusta, la caixa,

In the wood, the box,

que seria el riscle i el fondo,

what would be the risk and the background,

són fets de noguer, d'una noguer crespat,

they are made of walnut, from a curly walnut tree,

una noguer magnífic.

a magnificent walnut tree.

Possiblement la millor noguer que tinc al magatzem.

Possibly the best walnut tree I have in the warehouse.

Una meravella de fusta,

A wooden wonder,

una noguer del país, una noguer d'aquí.

a walnut tree from the country, a walnut tree from here.

Molt vell, també.

Very old, too.

Lo mànic lo vaig fer de caoba,

I made the handle of mahogany.

de caoba provinent d'una viga d'una casa de Barcelona del segle XVIII.

of mahogany from a beam of an 18th-century house in Barcelona.

A vegades, doncs, te trobes en...

Sometimes, then, you find yourself in...

en què passejarem per Barcelona

What will we stroll through in Barcelona?

els contenidors de runa i de meravelles

the containers of rubble and wonders

i una d'estes meravelles va ser una...

and one of those wonders was a...

una viga, una viga de caoba, caoba cubana,

a beam, a mahogany beam, Cuban mahogany,

això, d'una casa del segle XVIII que està en tombant.

this, of an 18th-century house that is in decline.

I la taula harmònica

And the harmonic table

és lo més especial de tot este instrument en quant a materials

It is the most special thing about this instrument in terms of materials.

perquè és una taula que va xeretar de Raúl, de Raúl Iagüe.

because it is a table that belongs to Raúl, to Raúl Iagüe.

Esta taula, Raúl,

This table, Raúl,

la va començar a treballar per fer una guitarra clàssica

she started working to make a classical guitar.

però li va quedar massa fina

but it turned out too thin for him/her

i la va dirixar apartada,

and directed her aside,

però és una taula que estava començada a replanar

but it is a table that was started to be leveled

i per dins

and inside

tenia traçat tot lo barratge

I had outlined all the embankment.

del model de guitarra clàssica que feia servir Raúl.

from the classical guitar model that Raúl used.

Esta taula

This table

Raúl la va comprar l'any 71

Raúl bought it in '71.

juntament amb un lot de taules

together with a set of tables

que tenien 53 anys.

who were 53 years old.


Of antiquity.

Si sumes,

If you add,

és una taula que va estar tallada l'any 1918

It is a table that was cut in the year 1918.

i segurament és una taula que venia del taller d'Enrique García.

And it is probably a table that came from Enrique García's workshop.

És una taula excepcionalment bona,

It is an exceptionally good table,

excepcionalment antiga

exceptionally old

i excepcionalment bonica.

and exceptionally beautiful.

Però és una taula molt bonica.

But it is a very beautiful table.

I vaig voler homenatjar una mica Raúl

I wanted to pay a little tribute to Raúl.



deixant a la part de dins

leaving on the inside

de la taula d'esta viola de mà

from the table of this hand viola

no hi vaig esborrar les línies

I didn't erase the lines there.

del barratge que el propi Raúl va traçar.

of the dam that Raúl himself outlined.

Com perquè quedés

As for why it remained

una mica també la seva mà allí

a little also her hand there

i també perquè no

and also why not

putejar els investigadors del futur que

to screw over the researchers of the future who

se trobaran allí unes ratlles

There will be some lines there.

que no sabran d'on vindran.

that they will not know where they will come from.

Però bé, fora conyes,

But okay, no jokes aside,

volia que fos

I wanted it to be.

també això, una mica

also this, a little

d'homenatge a Raúl

in tribute to Raúl

de qui vaig rebre tantíssim.

from whom I received so much.

I per últim,

And lastly,

suposo que alguna vegada ho hem parlat,

I suppose we have talked about it at some point.

jo, igual que molts altres guitarrers,

I, like many other guitarists,

a vegades posem nom als instruments.

Sometimes we name instruments.

I esta viola de mà

And this hand viola

té el nom d'una bona amiga d'aquí del poble

It has the name of a good friend from here in the village.

que, per desgràcia,

that, unfortunately,

mos va deixar al giner

he left us at the giner

mentrestant estava construint

meanwhile I was building

esta viola.

this viola.

I bé, li vaig voler dedicar l'instrument a la Betina

And well, I wanted to dedicate the instrument to Betina.

i per això porta el seu nom.

And that is why it bears its name.

Es diu Betina, també.

Her name is Betina, too.

Quanta història en un sol instrument, Joan.

How much history in a single instrument, Joan.

Hi ha cosetes, eh?

There are little things, huh?

Em va semblar que només fos fusta.

It seemed to me that it was only wood.

Doncs no.

Well, no.

Joan Pellissa, sempre és un plaer parlar amb tu,

Joan Pellissa, it is always a pleasure to talk to you,

ja ho saps.

you already know.

Encantats que vagis traient el cap

Delighted to see you sticking your head out.

de tant en tant al taller del Luthier.

from time to time at the Luthier's workshop.

Moltes gràcies, com sempre,

Thank you very much, as always,

i fins aviat.

See you soon.

Lo plaer és meu, ja sabeu on sóc,

The pleasure is mine, you know where I am,

gràcies a baltres.

thank you to you all.

Un gran cap de setmana a la ciutat de Luthier.

A great weekend in the city of Luthier.

No, gràcies a vosaltres.

No, thank you.

A vosaltres, també.

To you all, too.

No, val?

No, okay?

A vosaltres, també.

To you as well.

Tot un bon dia!

Have a good day!



Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you.

Totes les gràcies a vosaltres.

All the thanks to you.


Thank you.

Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you.

L'aire de la ciutat de Luthier és un espectacle.

The air of the city of Luthier is a spectacle.

La ciutat de Vuita és una ciutat de la ciutat de Luthier.

The city of Vuita is a city in the city of Luthier.

La ciutat de Luthier és un poble sol.

The city of Luthier is a lonely town.

I l'aigua de Vuita és un poble sol.

And the water of Vuita is a lonely village.

A nuclei, que són els mitjans de l'aeroport,

To nuclei, which are the means of the airport,


they have

tret el sol al sol web,

except for the sun on the sun web,

i les informacions,

and the information,

Bona nit.

Good night.

I m'agradaria agrair especialment les col·laboracions d'algunes d'aquestes persones

I would like to especially thank the contributions of some of these people.

que de fet són amics, amics del programa, com en Jaume Llats, l'etnomusicòleg,

who are actually friends, friends of the program, like Jaume Llats, the ethnomusicologist,

el Manxaire, del taller, en Joan Pellissa, el guitarrer de la Fatarella,

the Manxaire, from the workshop, in Joan Pellissa, the guitarist from La Fatarella,

la Cristina, l'Irra Uric, la musicòloga i especialista en instruments de tecla històrics,

Cristina, Irra Uric, the musicologist and specialist in historical keyboard instruments,

en Pepe Reche, el trompista i divulgador musical, en Jordi Pinto, el director de Casa Parramon,

Pepe Reche, the trumpeter and music popularizer, Jordi Pinto, the director of Casa Parramon,

en Jaume Barmona, el pianer de Gràcia, etc.

Jaume Barmona, the pianist from Gràcia, etc.

Destaco aquests noms però, en el fons, l'agraïment és per a totes i cadascuna d'aquestes persones

I highlight these names, but ultimately, the gratitude is for each and every one of these people.

que han participat al programa.

who have participated in the program.

I aquesta temporada hem conegut també alguns luthiers que, tot i que fa temps que es dediquen

And this season we have also met some luthiers who, although they have been dedicated for some time

al món dels instruments musicals, fins ara no havíem tingut l'ocasió de parlar amb ells.

In the world of musical instruments, so far we had not had the opportunity to talk with them.

És el cas de la Clàudia Fiter Piguillem, de Sabadell, el Pere Alcón, d'Olesa, en Dani Guisado, de Barcelona,

This is the case of Clàudia Fiter Piguillem from Sabadell, Pere Alcón from Olesa, and Dani Guisado from Barcelona.

en Marc Coró, de Premià de Mar, o en Llibert Ribó, de Sant Cugat del Vallès.

Marc Coró, from Premià de Mar, or Llibert Ribó, from Sant Cugat del Vallès.

I, evidentment, un agraïment també als qui sou a l'altra banda,

I, of course, a thank you also to those of you on the other side,

als oients que seguiu fidelment el programa setmana rere setmana, ja sigui en directe o a la carta.

to the listeners who faithfully follow the program week after week, whether live or on demand.

Moltes gràcies també a tots vosaltres i recordeu que teniu tots els nostres programes disponibles al 3CAT

Thank you very much also to all of you and remember that you have all our programs available on 3CAT.

i podeu accedir directament a través d'aquesta adreça d'internet,

and you can access it directly through this web address,

catmusica.cat barra taller lútier.

catmusica.cat workshop luthier.

Aquí s'acomiada amb molt de gust, com sempre, Pere Andreu Geriot.

Here, as always, Pere Andreu Geriot bids farewell with great pleasure.

A reveure i fins la temporada que ve.

Goodbye and until next season.

Salut i instruments!

Health and instruments!

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