Capítol 1: Els podcast i el futur de la ràdio

Catalunya Ràdio

Les Teresines, pim, pam, pum

Capítol 1: Els podcast i el futur de la ràdio

Les Teresines, pim, pam, pum

Catalunya Ràdio. Catalunya Àudio. Som podcast.

Catalonia Radio. Catalonia Audio. We are podcast.

La Cubana presenta les tres ines Pim Pam Pum.

La Cubana presents the three ines Pim Pam Pum.

Marieta, porta'm més Sagrades Famílies de les Antigues,

Marieta, bring me more Holy Families of the Ancients,

que els hi afegim la Torre de la Mare de Déu.

that we add the Tower of the Mother of God.

Quina enrenou amb aquest pedido de Sagrades Famílies?

What a fuss with this order of Sacred Families?

Si ja les vam fer fa quatre anys.

We already did them four years ago.

Sí, i tant que les vam fer quatre anys,

Yes, and of course we did them four years ago,

però com que no les han venudes,

but since they haven't been sold,

no portaven la Torre de la Mare de Déu,

they did not carry the Tower of the Virgin Mary,

ara volen que les afegim,

now they want us to add them,

per veure si així tenen una mica de sortida.

to see if this way they have a bit of an outlet.



Caritat, vaig a abrir la puerta.

Charity, I am going to open the door.

Caritat, va a abrir la puerta, senyor.

Charity, go open the door, sir.

Tampoc crec que les venguin,

I don't think they sell them either.

perquè al ritme que van les obres,

because at the pace the works are progressing,

dins d'un any, us les tornaran a portar,

within a year, they will bring them back to you.

perquè hi afegiu la Torre dels Evangelis.

because you are adding the Tower of the Gospels.

Hola, xiquetis!

Hello, kids!

Mare meva, aquesta dona de fer feines cubana

My goodness, this Cuban housekeeper woman.

que vos ha posat Catalunya Ràdio.

that has put you on Catalunya Ràdio.

Mare meva.

My goodness.

Escolta, que esteu ben discretes.

Listen, you are being quite discreet.

Ja ho entendi, ja.

I understand now, I do.

La sento cantar des de casa meva.

I can hear her singing from my house.

El problema és que només canta coses caribenyes,

The problem is that he only sings Caribbean songs,

que és una colorada i que la tinc molt.

what a blush is and that I have a lot of it.

Oi, oi, pensava que pensaves

Oh, oh, I thought you thought.

que aquesta dona no m'agrada gaire.

I don't like this woman very much.

Deixi'ns racons per tot arreu.

Leave us corners everywhere.

Escolteu, per cert, la ràdio ja vos ha dit

Listen, by the way, the radio has already told you.

quin serà el tema que heu de preparar

what will be the topic you have to prepare

pel primer podcast.

for the first podcast.

Sí, ja ho sabem. Ens va trucar i el senyor Faro.

Yes, we already know. Mr. Faro called us.

Ens va dir que per ser la primera setmana

He told us that since it was the first week

i com que tots aquests dies passats

and since all these past days

nosaltres ja havíem investigat molt

we had already investigated a lot

sobre el que eren els podcasts, les ràdios...

about what podcasts, radios... were

És que no en teníem ni idea.

We had no idea about it.

Ens van dir que havien pensat

They told us that they had thought.

que el primer tema fos precisament aquest,

that the first topic was precisely this,

el podcast i l'evolució de la ràdio actual.

the podcast and the evolution of current radio.

Sí, que des d'ahir ja estem posades, tu.

Yes, we have been set up since yesterday, you know.

A part de les següents famílies,

Apart from the following families,

el nostre cap ara és ràdio, ràdio, ràdio...

our head now is radio, radio, radio...

Sí, hem trucat a l'associació

Yes, we have called the association.

d'amics de la ràdio,

of radio friends,

l'associació d'amics del senyor Dalmau i el Vinyes.

the association of friends of Mr. Dalmau and Vinyes.

Hem parlat amb la Fundació Marconi,

We have spoken with the Marconi Foundation,

amb l'associació de podcasts de Catalunya.

with the podcast association of Catalonia.

Ai, perdoneu, que em sona el telèfon.

Oh, excuse me, my phone is ringing.

Sí, digui'm.

Yes, tell me.

Ah, sí, l'associació

Ah, yes, the association

de podcasts de Catalunya.

of podcasts from Catalonia.

Sí, sí, sóc jo, la Maria Teresa Cascunet.

Yes, yes, it's me, Maria Teresa Cascunet.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Perdó, perdó,

Sorry, sorry,

no la sento bé.

I can't hear her well.

Perdoni un moment, eh?

Excuse me for a moment, okay?

Ai, per l'amor de Déu, Maria Caritat, home!

Oh, for the love of God, Maria Caritat, man!

Que siga el telèfon,

Let it be the phone,

que siga parlant amb l'associació de podcasts de Catalunya.

that he/she continues talking with the podcast association of Catalonia.

Perdoni un moment, eh?

Excuse me for a moment, okay?

Un moment. Escolta, no seria millor

One moment. Listen, wouldn't it be better

que l'escobre en lloc de l'aspiradora?

Why the broom instead of the vacuum cleaner?

Ai, que no, senyor, home,

Oh no, sir, man,

que el polvete se queda a l'entorn

that the little bird stays in the surroundings

de la Sagrada Família, que estan haciendo,

of the Sagrada Família, what are they doing,

se mete por todas partes.

it gets everywhere.

Deja d'estar d'un polvete.

Stop being such a tightwad.

És que amb l'aspiradora i aquesta carrera,

It's just that with the vacuum cleaner and this race,

doncs, no?

so, no?

I no canti, por favor, no canti.

And don’t sing, please, don’t sing.

Sí, sí, d'acord, d'acord.

Yes, yes, okay, okay.

No, sí, els altres telèfons del podcast

No, yes, the other phones of the podcast.

ja me'ls ha donat, sí.

He has already given them to me, yes.

No, ara em falten el de la gent de merda

No, now I'm missing the ones from the shitty people.

i el de la Juliana Canet.

and that of Juliana Canet.

Sí, només...

Yes, only...

Ah, perdó, aquest és el de la Juliana?

Ah, excuse me, is this the one for Juliana?

Doncs ara mateix el truco, eh?

Well, I'll call him right now, okay?

Ara mateix, gràcies, eh?

Right now, thank you, okay?


Thank you.

Maria Caritat, per l'amor de Déu,

Maria Caritat, for the love of God,

que siga parlant amb l'associació de podcasts de Catalunya.

to continue talking with the podcast association of Catalonia.

Sí, però què és el que està passant?

Yes, but what is happening?

Què passa, home?

What's going on, man?

Aquesta figura,

This figure,

no l'haga com Gatxasiete,

don't do it like Gatxasiete,

que no la ve, que és policromada.

that he doesn't see it, that it is polychrome.





Hola, escolti'm,

Hello, listen to me,

que podria parlar amb la Juliana Canet, sisplau?

Could I speak with Juliana Canet, please?

Sí, sóc jo.

Yes, it's me.

Oi, ets tu, nena?

Hey, is that you, girl?

Oi, mira, mira, Juliana,

Hey, look, look, Juliana,

no ens coneixem de res, eh?

We don't know each other at all, do we?

Jo em dic Teresa Carbonet

My name is Teresa Carbonet.

i et truco de part de Catalunya Ràdio

And I'm calling you on behalf of Catalunya Ràdio.

perquè estem preparant un podcast sobre els podcasts

because we are preparing a podcast about podcasts

i, clar, volem entrevistar a diferents podcasters.

Yes, of course, we want to interview different podcasters.

Ah, però jo no faig podcast, eh?

Ah, but I don't make podcasts, okay?

Ai, però què em dius ara?

Oh, but what are you telling me now?

Que no fas podcast?

Aren't you doing a podcast?



Però a la ràdio sí que hi ets, eh?

But you are on the radio, right?

Perquè amb les meves germanes t'escoltem

Because with my sisters, we listen to you.

a Catalunya Ràdio moltes vegades

at Catalunya Ràdio many times

i la veritat és que et fas molta gràcia com t'expresses.

And the truth is that I find it very funny how you express yourself.

Sí, em fa gràcia.

Yes, it amuses me.

Li faig gràcia, però per què?

I amuse him, but why?

Perquè em trobo així com una mica zumbada, no?

Because I feel a bit dazed, don't I?

No, zumbada, zumbada, no.

No, buzzed, buzzed, no.

A veure, una mica deixar d'anar sí que t'hi trobem, eh?

Let's see, we do find you a bit more when you stop going, right?

La veritat.

The truth.

Em trobeu a deixar d'anar?

Are you finding me to stop going?

Sí, a veure,

Yes, let's see,

vull dir que, escoltada des de casa,

I mean that, heard from home,

sembla que tot el que et passa pel cap

it seems that everything that crosses your mind

ho deixes anar, així, pum.

you let it go, just like that, boom.

Home, sí, clar,

Yes, of course,

a mi no m'agrada anar amb Remil Gus.

I don't like going with Remil Gus.

Ai, veus? Veus quina gràcia fa?

Oh, you see? Do you see how funny it is?

Això del Remil Gus també ho diem nosaltres, ho diem molt.

We also say this about Remil Gus, we say it a lot.

De vegades, quan t'escoltem,

Sometimes, when we listen to you,

sempre diem

we always say

aquesta nena és una mica com nosaltres,

this girl is a bit like us,

però en jove, clar, en jove.

but young, of course, young.

Si nosaltres ara tinguéssim la teva edat,

If we were your age now,

parlaríem com tu, segur.

We would talk like you, for sure.

Sempre hem estat una mica deixades anar, nosaltres també.

We have always been a bit careless, us too.

Home, com ha de ser.

Home, how it should be.

A casa meva, mira, sempre m'han dit

In my house, look, they have always told me.

el papa i el vi, vi.

the pope and the wine, wine.

Bueno, o sigui que per tu,

Well, so for you,

a veure, la ràdio del futur, així,

let's see, the radio of the future, like this,

per ajudar-nos una mica, eh?

to help us a little, right?

Aniria per aquí?

Would I go this way?

Per dir les coses així, clares?

To say things this way, clearly?

Doncs no ho sé exactament,

Well, I don't know exactly.

però jo crec que clarament la ràdio necessita

but I believe that clearly the radio needs

un bon meneu, una mica de diversió,

a good shake, a bit of fun,

una mica de canvi, no?

a little change, right?

Perquè tot ara és molt avorrit.

Because everything is very boring right now.

Sí, potser sí.

Yes, maybe so.

I tu, encara que no siguis podcaster,

And you, even if you are not a podcaster,

en aquest podcast que nosaltres hem de fer,

in this podcast that we have to make,

per ajudar-nos una mica també, eh?

to help us a little too, right?

De quins temes parlaries, nena?

What topics would you talk about, girl?

Jo parlaria de tots els temes.

I would talk about all the topics.

De coses que penseu, de coses que no enteneu,

Of things you think about, of things you don't understand,

de coses que us preocupin,

of things that concern you,

de coses que voldríeu saber,

about things you would like to know,

eh? Tot el que us passi pel cap, una mica.

Eh? Everything that comes to your mind, a little.

Però de tot, de tot, això fa una mica de por, eh?

But everything, everything, that’s a bit scary, right?

Com podem saber

How can we know

el que hem de parlar sense ficar la pota?

What do we need to talk about without putting our foot in it?

Perquè és molt fàcil ficar la pota, eh?

Because it's very easy to put your foot in it, huh?

Doncs si vosaltres mateixes i ja està.

Well, if you yourself, then that's it.

Si, per exemple, us lleveu al matí i us fa molt mal el cap,

If, for example, you wake up in the morning and your head hurts a lot,

tiro, sense problemes.

I shoot, no problem.

Que sortiu al carrer i veieu alguna cosa que no us agrada,

If you go out on the street and see something you don't like,

doncs també ho dieu.

so you say it too.

Si, per exemple, us desperteu així, amb el ventre una mica

Yes, for example, if you wake up like this, with your belly a bit

remogut i després tot el dia,

moved and then all day,


Do you know?

Calla, calla, calla, que fa molta gràcia,

Shh, shh, shh, it’s very funny,

perquè encara recordo un dia que m'has explicat

because I still remember a day that you told me about

que t'havies aixecat amb mal de panxa

that you had woken up with a stomach ache

i que havies anat fluixa tot el dia.

and that you had been weak all day.

Ho vas dir així mateix, vaig fluixa tot el dia.

You said it just like that, I was weak all day.

M'ha fet molt riure.

It made me laugh a lot.

Ai, nena, que piquen.

Oh, girl, they sting.

Nenes, aneu a obrir, que siga el telèfon.

Girls, go open it, the phone is ringing.

Va, és igual, deixa-ho.

Go on, it doesn't matter, leave it.

Hola, nenes. Hola, Rosita.

Hello, girls. Hello, Rosita.

Us vinc a tornar el jersei que em van deixar per anar al casament.

I am here to return the sweater you lent me for the wedding.

Amb qui parla, la Maria Teresa?

Who is Maria Teresa talking to?

Amb una podcaster joveneta que es veu

With a young podcaster that you can see

que és molt coneguda i famosa.

which is very well known and famous.

Es diu Juliana Canet.

Her name is Juliana Canet.

La Juliana Canet?

Juliana Canet?

Oh, ja sé qui és.

Oh, I already know who it is.

Juliana Canet és la filla d'un pretendent meu,

Juliana Canet is the daughter of a suitor of mine,

molt pretendent, de Cardedeu.

very pretentious, from Cardedeu.

Maria Teresa, pregunta-li si és de Cardedeu.

Maria Teresa, ask him if he is from Cardedeu.

Perdona, nena, que és que aquí tinc una amiga

Sorry, girl, it's just that I have a friend here.

que em pregunta si ets de Cardedeu.

who asks me if you are from Cardedeu.

Sí, sí, que sóc de Cardedeu i de tota la vida més, eh?

Yes, yes, I'm from Cardedeu and have been my whole life, right?

Mira, sí que ets de Cardedeu.

Look, you really are from Cardedeu.

Veus? Veus com sí?

Do you see? Do you see how yes?

Maria Teresa, pregunta-li si el seu pare es diu Guillem

Maria Teresa, ask him if his father's name is Guillem.

i pregunta-li si té dues germanes més i un germà.

And ask her if she has two more sisters and one brother.

Ja et sento, eh?

I can hear you, right?

Som tres germanes i un germà, justament.

We are three sisters and one brother, indeed.

Mira, diu que sí, com vosaltres.

Look, she says yes, like you all.



Dues germanes i un germà.

Two sisters and a brother.

Què ha passat a la cuina?

What happened in the kitchen?

La Maria Caridad, que ha trencat els plats i les copes

Maria Caridad, who has broken the plates and the glasses.

que estaven al rentaplats.

that were in the dishwasher.

Queda't, nena.

Stay, girl.

Maria Caridad, va i al tam, que no se corte.

Maria Caridad, go and to the tam, don’t cut yourself.

Escolta, Juliana, abans de penjar, digue-me una cosa.

Listen, Juliana, before you hang up, tell me something.

Si en aquest moment, ara, per telèfon,

If at this moment, right now, by phone,

haguessis de fer un podcast, què diries?

If you had to make a podcast, what would you say?

Home, Clara, és una mica ximfret, no?

Come on, Clara, she's a bit of a scatterbrain, isn't she?

Però jo parlaria d'algunes de les meves obsessions del moment.

But I would talk about some of my current obsessions.

Per exemple, mira, saps quina és la meva gran obsessió?

For example, look, do you know what my big obsession is?

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

La meva gran obsessió, ara.

My great obsession, now.


Which one?

El tema dels granets al cul.

The issue of pimples on the butt.

Perquè crec que molta gent té granets al cul

Because I think many people have pimples on their butt.

i la gent no ho està dient.

And people are not saying it.

En comptes de compartir com han fet per deixar de tenir granets al cul,

Instead of sharing how they stopped having pimples on their butt,

aquí tothom calla, tothom li fa vergonya.

here everyone is silent, everyone is embarrassed.

No ha de fer vergonya.

It shouldn't be embarrassing.

Jo estic descobrint com filo per treure-me'ls

I am figuring out how to sharpen them to take them off.

i estic molt contenta.

I am very happy.

Ah, sí? Com ho fas? Com ho fas?

Oh, really? How do you do it? How do you do it?

Mira, em passo un raspall d'aquests grossos al cul

Look, I'm going to give myself a big brush on the ass.

cada dia abans de dutxar-me.

every day before I shower.

Què diu?

What does it say?

Ben fort, així, per exfoliar la zona.

Go strong, like this, to exfoliate the area.

I després, amb una esponja, una mica de sabó de cara pel cul,

And then, with a sponge, a little bit of face soap for the ass,

et queda després el cul com un bebè.

your ass ends up like a baby's.

Què diu?

What does it say?

I després sí que també és molt important

And then yes, it is also very important.

sempre anar amb calceta de cotó.

always wear cotton panties.

Perquè si vas amb calceta de licre o vas amb un tanc,

Because if you go with Lycra shorts or you go with a tank,

els tancs estan prohibits,

tanks are prohibited,

perquè, clar, toca contra la tela del pantaló,

because, of course, it touches against the fabric of the pants,

que està bufeta.

that is inflated.

Esclar, esclar.

Of course, of course.

Oh, escolta, que és molt interessant, això.

Oh, listen, this is very interesting.

Nosaltres tanc no en portem, eh?

We don't carry any tank, okay?

Cap de les meves germanes ni jo, eh?

None of my sisters or I, right?

Però, bueno, escolta'm, va bé saber-ho.

But, well, listen to me, it's good to know.

Potser sí que això del fregall funciona.

Maybe this scouring pad actually works.

De vegades sí que ens surten granets al cul, eh?

Sometimes we do get pimples on our butt, huh?

A l'altra gira no, perquè té una mica de morenes i així,

On the other side, no, because it has a bit of a tan and so on.

i no es pot tocar, però, bueno,

and it can't be touched, but, well,

tot el que hi ha darrere...

all that is behind...

No sé com té els seus problemes, però estan molt amables.

I don't know how he has his problems, but they are very kind.

Estan molt amables, Juliana, de veritat,

They are very kind, Juliana, really.

perquè ens has fet un favor molt gran,

because you have done us a great favor,

i t'ho agraïm moltíssim, eh?

And we thank you very much, okay?

Home, no.

No, home.

T'escoltarem tant, encara més a gust

We will listen to you so much, even more at ease.

del que t'estàvem escoltant fins ara, eh?

from what we were listening to until now, huh?

Ets molt maca.

You are very pretty.

Moltes gràcies, bonica.

Thank you very much, beautiful.

Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you.

Gràcies. Ja un dia ens tornarem a trobar, eh?

Thank you. One day we will meet again, right?

Clar, i tant, anem-nos trucant.

Sure, of course, let’s keep in touch.

Estupendo. Adéu, bonica.

Wonderful. Goodbye, beautiful.



A veure, tu, la Juliana Canet ja està.

Let's see, you, Juliana Canet is already done.

Ara hauríem de trucar als altres.

Now we should call the others.

Els podcasters de la llista, sí.

The podcasters on the list, yes.

Però, a veure, a veure,

But, let's see, let's see,

a tu no et sembla que potser abans de trucar als podcasters

Don't you think that maybe before calling the podcasters...

hauríem de parlar amb algú de la ràdio actual

we should talk to someone from the current radio

perquè em doni l'opinió de com veu el panorama?

to give me his opinion on how he sees the landscape?

I tant, que ho hauríem de fer, això,

Absolutely, we should do that.

però no coneixem ningú.

but we don't know anyone.

Sí que coneixem.

Yes, we do know.

Sí, el Toni Clapés.

Yes, Toni Clapés.

El Clapés coneixem, d'allò.

We know about the Clapés, that.

Sí, clar, però que no se n'enrecordeu.

Yes, of course, but don't remember it.

De què?

About what?

No se'n recordeu d'aquell dia de Sant Jordi

Don't you remember that day of Sant Jordi?

que ell estava retransmetent des de la plaça de Catalunya?

What was he broadcasting from Plaça de Catalunya?



I nosaltres estàvem...

And we were...

Allò, les tres embadalides, allà mirant les entrevistes...

Those three entranced ones, over there watching the interviews...

I de sobte el Toni va preguntar...

And suddenly Toni asked...

A veure, que aixequi la mà d'una noia o senyora

Let's see, let a girl or lady raise her hand.

que encara no li ha deixat la mà a la dona.

that he still hasn't let go of the woman's hand.

Ara, sí, sí, sí, tu vas aixecar la mà a la punyetera.

Now, yes, yes, yes, you raised your hand to the damn thing.

Sí que me'n recordo, ara.

Yes, I remember it now.

Ai, quin riure.

Oh, what a laugh.

I el Clapés em va dir...

And Clapés told me...



I em va fer pujar les anàlisis...

It made my analyses go up...

Sí, sí, sí, calla, calla, que no recordava de tot això.

Yes, yes, yes, shut up, shut up, I didn't remember all of this.

Ai, ai, ai...

Oh, oh, oh...

Sí, em va fer mal una autora...

Yes, an author hurt me...

Sí, sí, sí...

Yes, yes, yes...

I em va fer mal una foto seva i em va apuntar al seu telèfon.

I was hurt by a photo of hers and she pointed it out on her phone.

Ah, exacte.

Ah, exactly.

Escolta, em va dir que qualsevol cosa que necessités

Listen, he/she told me that anything I needed

que no dubtés en trucar-lo.

do not hesitate to call him.

Vaig a buscar-lo.

I am going to get him.

Ah, però el Clapés no és de RAC1?

Ah, but isn't Clapés from RAC1?

Sí que és de RAC1. I què?

Yes, it is from RAC1. So what?

Home, doncs que RAC1 és la competència de Catalunya Ràdio,

Well, then RAC1 is the competitor of Catalunya Ràdio,

que és el que us han donat la feina a vosaltres.

What is it that has given you the job?

I què més dona?

And what does it matter?

Si nosaltres som independents, no som de cap ràdio, nosaltres.

If we are independent, we are not from any radio station, we are.

Mira, Lucita, si nosaltres coneixem el Clapés,

Look, Lucita, if we know the Clapés,

doncs parlem amb el Clapés i fora.

Then let's talk to Clapés and that's it.

Ah, bé, això és veritat, però...

Ah, well, that is true, but...

A més, el Clapés abans era de Catalunya Ràdio.

In addition, Clapés used to be with Catalunya Ràdio.

El que passa és que em sembla que, no sé què va passar, que va marxar,

What happens is that it seems to me that, I don't know what happened, that he left,

però era de Catalunya Ràdio.

but it was from Catalunya Ràdio.

Era tan mono de jove, el Clapés.

He was so cute when he was young, Clapés.

Era pelut, pelut.

It was hairy, hairy.

Va, doncs, que el trucarem a casa. Vinga, t'he dit.

Come on, then, we're going to call him at home. Come on, I told you.


Lead me.

Sí, Toni?

Yes, Toni?



Ai, hola, Toni.

Oh, hello, Toni.

Mira, és que no sé si te'n recordaràs a mi.

Look, I don't know if you'll remember me.

Sóc aquella senyora que era al dia de Sant Jordi de fa uns 20 anys.

I am that lady who was there on Saint George's Day about 20 years ago.

Li vas entregar un arròs a la plaça Catalunya,

You handed him a rice in Plaça Catalunya,

que te'n recordes, Toni?

Do you remember, Toni?



Sí, que jo no tenia rosa, que tu me la vas donar.

Yes, I didn't have a rose, you gave it to me.

Que te'n recordes?

Do you remember?

Sí, em sona que sí, que hi havia una rosa allà al que era l'escenari.

Yes, it sounds familiar that there was a rose there on what was the stage.

Sí, que era carbonit, em deia.

Yes, it was carbonit, she used to tell me.

Que era carbonit.

That it was coal.



Que potser anàveu amb tres germanes.

Maybe you were going with three sisters.

Ah, val, que éreu tres germanes.

Ah, right, you were three sisters.

Sí, tres germanes.

Yes, three sisters.

Molt així, molt extrovertides.

Very much so, very extroverted.

Sí, sí, molt molentes, molt molentes.

Yes, yes, very cool, very cool.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Doncs sí, sí, sí que la recordo, sí, ara ho he recordat, sí.

Well yes, yes, I do remember her, yes, I've just remembered it, yes.

Que bé, bueno, escolta'm, perdona, Toni, que et truquem, eh, perquè deus estar molt

That's good, well, listen, excuse me, Toni, that we're calling you, eh, because you must be very

enfeinat ara, eh.

Busy now, huh.

No, què puc fer?

No, what can I do?

No, no, saps què passa?

No, no, do you know what happens?

Que et volíem demanar un favor molt gran, Toni.

We wanted to ask you a very big favor, Toni.



Hem de fer una feina d'encàrrec, ja t'ho explicarem, parlant de la ràdio actual

We have to do a commissioned job, we'll explain it to you, talking about current radio.

i el seu futur.

and its future.

Ui, la ràdio del futur.

Oh, the radio of the future.

Sí, ja, ja, ja.

Yes, ha, ha, ha.

Bé, i clar, volíem que tu, si pots, ens donessis la teva opinió.

Well, of course, we wanted you to give us your opinion, if you can.

Ah, val, doncs.

Ah, okay then.

Què et sembla?

What do you think?

Doncs que em truqueu i us la dono.

Well, call me and I'll give it to you.

No, bueno, no sé, que ens podries rebre.

No, well, I don't know, that you could receive us.

A casa?

At home?

Sí, a casa, sí, sí, a casa teva, sí.

Yes, at home, yes, yes, at your home, yes.

Ui, és maca la casa, oi?

Oh, the house is lovely, isn’t it?



Carai, carai, quina casa que té, que nois.

Wow, wow, what a house he has, man.

Mira, aquesta noia que ens ha obert és la seva dona, eh?

Look, this girl who opened the door for us is his wife, right?



És la Marta Romagosa, és escriptora i periodista.

She is Marta Romagosa, she is a writer and journalist.

I ella sí que treballa a Catalunya.

She does work in Catalonia.

Escolta'm, i que tenen canalla?

Listen to me, do they have kids?

Sí, una nena.

Yes, a girl.



Nenes, nenes, mireu aquest quadre, que és un maca, eh?

Girls, girls, look at this painting, it's beautiful, right?


I love it.

Deu ser bo, eh?

It must be good, huh?

Perquè té foc, eh?

Because it has fire, huh?



Mira, mira, aquí tens premis.

Look, look, here you have prizes.

Ai, quina gràcia, mira.

Oh, how funny, look.

Aquest cavall d'aquí és el Premi Ondes, eh?

This horse here is the Ondas Award, right?

Ah, i aquest el Premi Nacional de Radiodifusió, home, i l'Òmnium.

Ah, and this is the National Radio Broadcasting Award, man, and Òmnium.


The Òmnium.

Caram, quants premis, eh?

Wow, how many awards, huh?

Ai, mira aquell gerro d'allà.

Oh, look at that vase over there.

Ai, ai, ai, precis com el que tenim a casa.

Oh, oh, oh, just like what we have at home.



Ui, quina gràcia.

Oh, how funny.

Sí, deu ser de la seva mare.

Yes, it must be your mother’s.

De la seva mare, com el nostre.

From her mother, like ours.

Sí, és una bona aquí, guai.

Yes, it's good here, cool.

Escolta, ui-te'l, ui-te'l.

Listen, watch out for it, watch out for it.

Ai, hola, Toni.

Oh, hello, Toni.

Hola, com estan?

Hello, how are you?

Molt bé, i tu?

Very well, and you?

Que guapo que estàs.

How handsome you are.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Estàs aprimat, eh?

You've lost weight, huh?

No m'ho hauríem dit mai.

We would never have said it to each other.

Com que no et veiem mai.

As we never see you.

Mira, ara ens fa il·lusió tenir-te aquí davant i veure't.

Look, now we are excited to have you here in front of us and to see you.

I gràcies, eh?

And thank you, huh?

No, no, vosaltres, encantat, eh?

No, no, you all, pleased to meet you, huh?



Seieu, seieu, seieu.

Sit down, sit down, sit down.


Thank you.

Seiem aquí?

Shall we sit here?

Sí, aquí mateix.

Yes, right here.

Doncs res, doncs, escolta, mira, Toni, saps què passa?

Well, nothing, so, listen, look, Toni, do you know what happens?

Que a Catalunya Ràdio ens han ofert de fer un podcast, saps?

That Catalunya Ràdio has offered us to make a podcast, you know?

I en aquest primer podcast hem de parlar de la ràdio i el seu futur.

In this first podcast, we need to talk about radio and its future.



I nosaltres vam pensar, qui coneixem de la ràdio?

And we thought, who do we know from the radio?

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

I com que et coneixien a tu de la Rosa...

And since they knew you from Rosa...

Sí, i que exactament, vull dir, què és el que voleu saber de la ràdio?

Yes, and what exactly do I mean, what do you want to know about the radio?



I quines coses voleu saber de la ràdio?

And what things do you want to know about the radio?

Doncs, mira.

Well, look.

Doncs res, ja està, només ara, ja només ens queden dues preguntes, Toni.

Well, that's it, we only have two questions left now, Toni.

No les tabulgueu, eh?

Don't tabulate them, okay?

No, només dues preguntes.

No, only two questions.

Ja que heu vingut, aprofiteu el viatge.

Since you have come, make the most of the trip.


Thank you.

No, no, ja acabem i no et molestem més, que deus estar molt enfeinat.

No, no, we're finishing up and won't bother you anymore, you must be very busy.

Escolta'm, només et voldria preguntar.

Listen to me, I just wanted to ask you.

Tu com veus el futur de la ràdio actual?

How do you see the future of current radio?

Sincerament, Toni, eh?

Honestly, Toni, right?



Mira, jo, des del punt de vista, eh?

Look, I, from the point of view, eh?

La ràdio, per mi, ara mateix, és com un dia de Nadal.

The radio, for me, right now, is like Christmas Day.

És a dir, amb l'escudella, cardolla, un pollastre farcit, els torrons, les neules, saps?

That is to say, with the stew, cardolla, a stuffed chicken, nougat, the wafers, you know?

El cava...

The cava...


Do you know?

Ara mateix, perquè, clar, hi ha la ràdio de tota la vida, la que escoltàvem, la que escoltem a través de l'FM, no?

Right now, because, of course, there is the radio of a lifetime, the one we used to listen to, the one we listen to through FM, right?



Que manxarà a l'ona mitja.

That will sink to the medium wave.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

La ràdio que hi havia abans.

The radio that used to exist.

Després, ara, clar, tot això ha canviat i ara també s'escolta a través d'estreaming, a través del que seria internet.

Later, now, of course, all this has changed and now it is also heard through streaming, through what would be the internet.

Internet, streaming...

Internet, streaming...

Escolti, que m'ho apunto, m'ho apunto.

Listen, I'll jot it down, I'll jot it down.

Ha apuntat tu.

You have pointed it out.

S'escolta a través de les webs, a través de les aplicacions.

It is heard through websites, through applications.

Després hi ha una altra manera, que és la ràdio que es fa amb càmeres.

Then there's another way, which is radio made with cameras.

Això també, vosaltres...

This too, you...

Ah, amb la tele.

Ah, with the TV.

Clar, això també és un altre canvi en el món de la ràdio.

Of course, this is also another change in the world of radio.

Com la tele.

Like the TV.

S'ha d'anar mudat allà.

You must be dressed up there.

Clar, no pots anar fet un pèrdi.

Sure, you can't go looking like a loser.


Of course.

Ai, ai, ai, quina feina.

Oh, oh, oh, what a job.

Clar, clar.

Of course, of course.

Però és com la ràdio que hi ha gent que va deixada...

But it's like the radio, there are people who are behind...

No, no.

No, no.

En pijama, que va en pijama.

In pajamas, she's in pajamas.

Ara, ara, exacte.

Now, now, exactly.

Això ha canviat.

This has changed.

I després hi ha, clar, el fenomen del podcast.

And then there is, of course, the phenomenon of the podcast.

Que el podcast el que permet és agafar...

What the podcast allows is to take...

Això és un d'altres.

This is one of others.

...tot un programa 3D i tu a triar els trossos que t'agraden.

...a whole 3D program and you can choose the pieces you like.

És com un tall rodó que tu el talles i dius, mira, posa'm dos trossos.

It's like a round slice that you cut and say, look, give me two pieces.

Ai, ja.

Oh, right.

I tu mateix li poses la salsa que vols.

And you yourself put the sauce that you want.

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

A mi que estem en aquest moment a la ràdio.

To me that we are at this moment on the radio.

I va cap aquí.

He/She is coming this way.

És com un tot un revoluto més.

It's like a whole more of a revolution.

És una barreja.

It's a mixture.

Nosaltres no hi entenem gaire, amb tot això.

We don't understand much about all this.

I això del post que ens ha encarregat Catalunya Ràdio...

And this about the post that Catalunya Ràdio has commissioned us...

Sí, el podcast, sí.

Yes, the podcast, yes.

Sí, el podcast.

Yes, the podcast.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I que es veu que ara està molt de moda.

And it seems that it is very trendy right now.

Sí, a veure, depèn.

Yes, let's see, it depends.

Tu, què en penses, d'això?

You, what do you think about this?

Bé, clar, depèn de la temàtica que toqueu.

Well, of course, it depends on the topic you cover.

Què vols dir?

What do you mean?

Home, si comencem a fer dietes, escolta, el règim del cacauet, el règim del...

Honey, if we start dieting, listen, the peanut diet, the diet of...

Tothom es vol aprimar, és veritat.

Everyone wants to lose weight, it's true.

Això, la gent ja no s'ho escolta.

This, people no longer listen to it.

No, d'acord, aquest tema no.

No, okay, not this topic.

Ja poso aquí aquest tema no tocat.

I'm putting this untouched topic here.

I després hi ha una altra cosa que, tot i que hi ha molts gossos pel carrer,

And then there is another thing that, although there are many dogs on the street,

perquè n'hi ha molts, n'hi ha més que persones.

because there are many, there are more than people.

Sí, s'estimen molt, eh?

Yes, they love each other a lot, right?

Però en podcast ja s'ha fet, també, això.

But this has also been done in podcasts.

Està, diguéssim, ja està exaurit.

It's, let's say, already exhausted.

Jo crec que el que a la gent li agrada i la gent escolta

I believe that what people like and what people listen to.

són aquí al barri de Gràcia.

They are here in the Gràcia neighborhood.

Doncs, per exemple, podeu parlar de robatoris.

Well, for example, you can talk about thefts.




Of murders.

Ai, no ho sé.

Oh, I don't know.

Algun assassinat o un robatori de la Veli.

Some murder or a robbery of the Veli.

No, però aquí no hi ha un tranquil en aquest tema.

No, but there's no one calm about this topic here.

A la Maria Antònia dels Gelats li van estirar la...

They pulled Mari Antoni's ice cream...

Això, que hi ha un segui a les trames, segui a les trames.

This, that there is a follow-up to the plots, a follow-up to the plots.

No, però això ja està fet, que això ho fa aquella al Porta de Lleida.

No, but that's already done, as that's done by that one at the Porta de Lleida.

Sí, no.

Yes, no.

Però aquesta és una opció.

But this is one option.

Una altra opció, per exemple, és el Marro,

Another option, for example, is Morocco.

el que seria el safreig de...

what would be the adornment of...

Ah, la princesa rossa.

Ah, the red princess.

Però de gent catalana.

But of Catalan people.

Ah, això sí.

Ah, that's true.

Perquè això no es fa massa.

Because this doesn't happen very often.

Això està bé, sí, perquè a Gràcia ve molta gent.

This is good, yes, because many people come to Gràcia.

Clar, i us pots parlar del Piqué, del Puyol, de la Melero...

Of course, and you can talk about Piqué, Puyol, Melero...

Sí, sí, això van...

Yes, yes, that's what they're doing...

Venen per allà a Gràcia amb algú que no és el seu...

They come over to Gràcia with someone who isn't theirs...

Sí, ara, van al cine allà, tu els veus i els comentes...

Yes, now, they go to the movies there, you see them and comment on them...

I te'n vas a la de les mongetes i te'n assabentes de tot.

You go to the one with the beans and you find out everything.

Ah, clar, això està bé.

Ah, of course, that's fine.

Aquesta sí que és una bona aprenentatge.

This is indeed a good learning experience.

Això és una cosa, exacte.

That's one thing, exactly.

I què més?

And what else?

I després...

And then...

El que funciona, una de les coses que funciona molt,

What works, one of the things that works very well,

és parlar de sexe.

it's talking about sex.



Ui, no, no, això nosaltres no hi entenem.

Oh no, no, we don't understand that.

Bueno, i una altra cosa, Toni, a veure, això entre nosaltres, eh?

Well, and one more thing, Toni, let's see, this is just between us, okay?

Aquests de Catalunya Ràdio són puntuals pagants.

These from Catalunya Ràdio are punctual payers.

Sí, jo, quan he treballat amb ells, sí,

Yes, I, when I have worked with them, yes,

em senten pagat puntualment.

I feel paid on time.

I amb negre?

And in black?

No, amb negre no.

No, not in black.

Ah, no?

Ah, not?

Només que és una empresa pública, no poden pagar en negre.

Just that it is a public company, they cannot pay under the table.

O sigui, ara sí que ens has fotut.

So, now you've really messed us up.

No, home, us heu de fer...

No, come on, you have to do it...

Bueno, no sé, us heu de fer us autònoms...

Well, I don't know, you have to become self-employed...

Tot i tot.


Us heu de fer els autònoms, donar-los a l'alta d'autònoms,

You need to register as self-employed, get them registered as self-employed.

o podeu muntar una SCP...

or you can set up an SCP...

No, no, no, que és igual.

No, no, no, it's all the same.

És igual, és igual.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Per facturar vosaltres mateixes.

To invoice yourselves.

Ja ho farem, ja ho farem.

We'll do it, we will do it.

I què vol, què, Toni? No diguis res.

And what does he want, what, Toni? Don't say anything.

No, no, jo no diré res, no diré res.

No, no, I won't say anything, I won't say anything.

Gràcies, Toni.

Thank you, Toni.

Bueno, ja podem dir-ho.

Well, we can say it now.

Què més voleu saber?

What else do you want to know?

Doncs ja està, perquè ha sigut molt amable.

Well, that's it, because he has been very kind.

Doncs res, home, escolta...

Well, nothing, man, listen...

Un cop més d'aquestes galletes, que són molt bones.

Once more of these cookies, which are very good.

Aquestes, mira, aquí hi ha una pastisseria que es diu Leandres.

Look, here is a pastry shop called Leandres.

Ah, gràcies, Toni.

Ah, thank you, Toni.

Sí, gràcies.

Yes, thank you.

I sempre, sempre, moltes felicitats.

And always, always, many congratulations.

Ai, gràcies, bufo, eh?

Oh, thank you, I’m puffing, huh?

Moltes felicitats.


Ai, gràcies, gràcies, gràcies, en vida vostra.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, in your lifetime.

Ai, per l'amor de Déu, si no havíeu pas d'haver portat res.

Oh, for the love of God, you shouldn't have brought anything.

Massa regals.

Too many gifts.

Va, per cert, nenes, com va anar ahir lo de la visita a casa del Toni Clapés?

Go, by the way, girls, how did it go yesterday with the visit to Toni Clapés' house?

Home, s'estupenda, nena.

Wow, that's wonderful, girl.

I la Marta, la seva dada, també, eh?

And Marta, her data, too, right?

Mira, hem parlat amb la Juliana Canet, que és la ràdio moderna.

Look, we have spoken with Juliana Canet, who is the modern radio.

Hem parlat amb en Toni Clapés, que és la ràdio actual.

We have talked to Toni Clapés, who is the current radio.

Però, mira, ara ens faltaria poder parlar

But, look, now we would need to be able to talk.

amb algú de la ràdio de tota la vida, d'aquests de la vieja escola.

with someone from the radio for life, one of those old school types.

Home, i per què no truqueu al Lluís de l'Alma, que jo el conec, eh?

Hey, why don't you call Lluís from Alma, because I know him, okay?

Al Lluís de l'Alma el coneixes tu?

Do you know Lluís from Alma?

Ai, que també vas tenir alguna coseta amb ell.

Oh, you also had a little something with him.

No, no, amb ell no.

No, no, not with him.

Però amb una mica...

But with a bit...

Amb un amic seu de Pontferrada, sí.

With a friend of his from Ponferrada, yes.

I el Lluís de l'Alma ens convidava als Premis Protagonistes

And Lluís from Alma was inviting us to the Protagonist Awards.

quan feia negar del botillo.

when it was snowing from the botillo.

Sí, sí, ja me'n recordo. Jo anava a l'UOL millor de cada casa.

Yes, yes, I remember. I used to go to the UOL, the best of each house.

Escolta, doncs truca, truca.

Listen, then call, call.

Mais a tap.

But a lid.

Hola, Lluís.

Hello, Lluís.

Soy Rosita, ¿te acuerdas?

I'm Rosita, do you remember?

Sí, sí, l'amiga d'Eduardo Sánchez de Pontferrada.

Yes, yes, Eduardo Sánchez's friend from Ponferrada.

Sí, sí, sí, claro, claro.

Yes, yes, yes, of course, of course.

¿Cómo estás, Lluís?

How are you, Lluís?

¿Y Merche?

And Merche?

Ah, ¿y los niños?

Ah, and the children?

Ay, qué estornusita cada día me sorprèn més.

Oh, what a little starling surprises me more every day.

Ché, el ramal del olmo, como si el coneixés de toda la vida.

Hey, the branch of the elm, as if I had known it my whole life.

Mira, Lluís, bueno, ya sé que te pongo en un apieto,

Look, Lluís, well, I know that I'm putting you in a bind,

pero es que tengo unas amigas que te quieren entrevistar

But I have some friends who want to interview you.

para un trabajo que están haciendo sobre la radio.

for a project they are doing about radio.

¿Tú serías tan amable de recibirlas, Lluís?

Would you be so kind as to receive them, Lluís?

Ay, qué estornusita.

Oh, what a little starlings.

Ah, ja, bueno, sí.

Ah, yes, well, yes.

Ah, ¿a que no estás estos días en Barcelona?

Ah, you're not in Barcelona these days, are you?



Ah, bueno.

Ah, well.

Ah, que si quieren venir a Rodo de Barà.

Ah, so they want to come to Rodo de Barà.

Oh, ah.

Oh, ah.

¿No tendrías inconveniente?

Would you have any objection?

Ah, perfecto, Lluís, pues, se lo digo, sí, sí.

Ah, perfect, Lluís, well, I'll tell him, yes, yes.

Que vengan al Museo de la Radio en Rodo de Barà.

Come to the Radio Museum in Rodo de Barà.



Allí estarán, Lluís, sí, sí.

They will be there, Lluís, yes, yes.

No te preocupes.

Don't worry.

Bueno, muchas gracias, ¿eh?, Lluís, sí.

Well, thank you very much, huh?, Lluís, yes.

Bueno, un beso para ti y para Merche y para los niños.

Well, a kiss for you and for Merche and for the kids.

¿Están casados?

Are they married?

Sí, ja sé que estan casados, pero no siempre serán niños, ¿eh?

Yes, I know they are married, but they won't always be kids, right?


Thank you.

I like it.

I like it.


Do you see?

Ja està tot arreglat.

Everything is already sorted out.

Sí, veieu?

Yes, do you see?

Ja està tot arreglat.

It's all sorted out.

Ja ho has dit tu.

You have already said it.

Rosita, que Rodo de Barà és molt lluny.

Rosita, Rodo de Barà is very far away.

Ens costarà un ull de la cara, eh?

It will cost us an arm and a leg, won't it?

Ah, que ha de ser lluny, Rodo de Barà, no patiu, perquè ens hi portarà un amic taxista

Ah, it must be far, Rodo de Barà, don't worry, because a taxi driver friend will take us there.

que és molt pretendent meu, i el millor de tot és que segurament ens ho farà gratis.

he is very pretentious of mine, and the best part is that he will probably do it for free.







Gratis Cas.

Free Case.

Rom, cas�.

Rum, dear.

De la Ràdio de Roda de barà, creat pel Lluís de l'Holm.

From the Ràdio de Roda de Barà, created by Lluís de l'Holm.



Jo ja he complert.

I have already completed it.



La Rosita i jo el deixem aquí i ho passarem a recollir després.

Rosita and I will leave it here and we will pick it up later.

Què vol dir, passarem?

What does it mean, shall we pass?

Que no véns tu, Rosita?

Aren't you coming, Rosita?

Amb el que tu coneixes el Lluís de l'Holm, eh?

With what you know, you know Lluís from Holm, right?

No, entreu vosaltres.

No, you enter.

Home, jo prefereixo quedar-me fent companyia amb en Juan, perquè després del favor que

At home, I prefer to stay and keep Juan company, because after the favor that

ens ha fet.

it has made us.

A, això sí, moltes gràcies.

Ah, that is true, thank you very much.

Gràcies, Juan, eh!

Thank you, Juan, eh!

No passa res, no hi ha res d'agrair

It's fine, there's nothing to thank for.

al contrari

on the contrary

és que quan la Rosita em va trucar

It's just that when Rosita called me.

i em va dir que si la podia portar

and he told me if I could take her.

i va dir que sí immediatament

and she said yes immediately

i això ens anirà bé

and this will go well for us

perquè com fa temps que no ens veiem

because it's been a long time since we've seen each other

així ens expliquem les nostres cosetes

this is how we explain our little things to each other

que m'ha dit que no

that told me no

i quan ens cansem

and when we get tired

anirem a donar una volteta

we will go for a walk

pel roc de sang de lletar

for the blood rock of lletar

perquè ens toqui l'aire

so that the air touches us

si és així, doncs feu

if so, then do it



és clar que hi ha alguna cosa

It is clear that there is something.

a veure, si li vaig dir que el taxi seria molt car

Let’s see, I told him that the taxi would be very expensive.

ell em va dir no us amoineu

he told me not to worry

no us amoineu gens

don't worry at all

ens hi portarà un taxista que és pretendent meu

A taxi driver who is my suitor will take us there.

i ens ho farà de franc

and he will do it for us for free

va dir que justitza

he said that justice

va, entrem, entrem

come on, let's go in, let's go in


let's go

que maco

how beautiful

ai mira

oh look

hola, bona tarda

hello, good afternoon

que hem quedat amb el senyor Lluís de l'Olmo

that we have an appointment with Mr. Lluís de l'Olmo

si us plau


molt bé, ara l'aviso

Very good, now I’ll let him know.


thank you

escolti tu, però és molt maco això

Listen you, but this is very nice.

és que sap quanta ràdio és tan antiga

It's just that it knows how old the radio is.

mira aquesta, mira

look at this, look

és com aquella que teníem a casa de petita

It's like the one we had at home when I was little.

ai, aquella era molt antiga

Oh, that was very old.

i un valga'm Déu

and a God save me

si era dels avis

if it was from the grandparents

imagina't els anys que devia tenir

imagine how old he/she must have been

és molt maco

it is very nice

aquest museu, molt maco i molt interessant

this museum, very nice and very interesting

i escolta, i es veu molt net

And listen, it looks very clean.

i com els dic que funcionen totes aquestes ràdios

And how do I tell them that all these radios work?

a veure, vaig a provar

let's see, I'm going to try

no, no la toquis

no, don't touch it

a veure, Lluís de l'Olmo

let's see, Lluís de l'Olmo

hola, que tal, bienvenida

Hello, how are you, welcome.

hola Lluís

hi Lluís

bona tarda

good afternoon

som les amigues de Rosita

we are Rosita's friends

bueno, les tresines

well, the trestles

sabéis que estoy emocionado

You know that I am excited.

yo tenía la tía

I had the aunt.

he tenido dos tías fantásticas

I have had two fantastic aunts.

mi tía María que era

my aunt María who was

profesora de la escuela de

school teacher of

y mi otra tía

and my other aunt

que era hermana de la tía María

who was the sister of Aunt María

que se llamaba Teresa

who was called Teresa

pues nosotras nos llamamos Teresa a las tres

Well, we call ourselves Teresa at three.

y yo le llamaba

and I used to call him/her

el día de su santo Teresina

the day of her saint Teresina

ah, como yo, yo me llamo Teresina

Ah, like me, my name is Teresina.

señor de l'Olmo

Lord of the Elm

a ver, como creo que Rosita ya le explicó

Let's see, as I believe Rosita has already explained to him/her.

que tenemos que hacer

what do we have to do

un podcast sobre la ràdio

a podcast about radio

para Cataluña Ràdio

for Cataluña Ràdio

y como para nosotros

and as for us

la ràdio es usted

the radio is you

entonces aquí estamos

So here we are.

ay, perdón que se me ve del catalán

Oh, sorry I showed my Catalan.

ay, Lluís, Lluís, ¿qué prefiere?

Oh, Lluís, Lluís, what do you prefer?

¿que las preguntas se las sacamos en catalán o en castellano?

Should we ask the questions in Catalan or in Spanish?

o por el català, català, hasta el final

or for Catalan, Catalan, until the end

ah, ¿sí?

oh, really?

ay, qué bien, qué bien

oh, how nice, how nice

pues mire, es que se me pasa

Well, you see, I tend to forget.

esto no es pasa, estamos acostumbrados a hablar el catalán

this doesn’t happen, we are used to speaking Catalan

y escolti

and listen

¿y cómo comienza la seva relación con la ràdio?

And how does his relationship with radio begin?

mira, si nos remontamos

look, if we go back

a la ràdio, mi ràdio

to the radio, my radio

relacionada con

related to

con mi juventud

with my youth

mi padre

my father

él era un funcionario de la Renfe

he was a civil servant of Renfe

y cuando yo le hablaba

and when I was talking to him/her

de la ràdio me decía

from the radio she was telling me

pero estás loco, tú dedícate a cosas serias

But you're crazy, you should focus on serious things.

esto de la ràdio

this of the radio

¿qué quieres decir, padre?

What do you mean, father?

de la ràdio no es seria

from the radio it wouldn't be.

no estaban convencidos

they were not convinced



ay, qué aire que pasa

oh, what air passes by



que agradable

how pleasant

sí, que agradable, sí, aquest aire

Yes, how pleasant, yes, this air

que et dona a la cara

that hits you in the face

que estàs bé, eh, Rosita

that you're well, huh, Rosita

ha estat una bona idea, eh, venir aquí

It has been a good idea, huh, coming here.

que tenia moltes ganes de veure't

that I was very eager to see you

i avui especialment

and today especially

estàs guapíssima

you look gorgeous

ay, Juan, no em diguis aquestes coses

Oh, Juan, don't tell me those things.

que em fas posar vermella

you make me blush

escolta, Rosita

listen, Rosita

tal i com vam quedar

as we agreed

per relaxar-nos una mica

to relax a little bit

he reservat una habitació a la spa

I have booked a room at the spa.

que està famosa

that is famous

que hi ha aquí el rob de Sant Galletà

that there is here the wine from Sant Galletà

una spa?

a spa?


però no he portat la roba adequada, Juan

but I haven't brought the right clothes, Juan

però quina roba?

but what clothes?

per què vols la roba, lona?

Why do you want the clothes, lona?

si ja et donen tovallola, no et preocupis

If they are already giving you a towel, don't worry.

ai, Juan

Oh, Juan.

m'has portat el parany, eh

You've fallen into the trap, huh?

dolentot, dolentot

bad bad

i més dolentot que us seré encara

and worse than I will be to you yet

ja veuràs

you'll see

sí, però avui no, eh

Yes, but not today, okay?

avui encara no estic preparada, Juan

Today I'm still not ready, Juan.

a veure, què vol dir com que no estàs preparada

Let's see, what do you mean by saying you're not ready?

vam quedar així, no, Rosita?

We agreed like this, right, Rosita?

com, com que vam quedar així?

how, how did we end up like this?

què vols dir, no vam quedar de cap manera?

What do you mean, we didn't arrange anything?

home, sí, tu em vas dir

man, yes, you told me

que si jo portava l'estresina aquí

that if I brought the resin here

el rob de Sant Galletà

the robbery of Sant Galletà

jo et vaig dir que si portàvem l'estresina aquí

I told you that if we brought the resin here.

era per passar un dia agradable

it was to have a nice day

per conèixer-nos una mica, no?

to get to know each other a bit, right?

per què t'ho dius, eh?

Why do you tell yourself that, huh?

per conèixer-nos

to get to know each other

per això anem a por aventura

that's why we go for adventure

i no has de venir aquí amb tres iaies, tia

And you don't have to come here with three old ladies, girl.

tu i jo vam dir

you and I said

que per estar aquí tot el dia junt

that we can be here all day together

i el favor que jo feia de portar-la

and the favor I did of bringing her

tu me'l pagaves en espècie, o no?

You were paying me in kind, or not?

oh, què vols dir que et pagava en espècie?

Oh, what do you mean I was paying you in kind?

més no és cap favor

but it is no favor

no siguis gruller, entens?

Don't be crude, do you understand?

per què gruller ni què?

why blabber or what?

però tu em vas dir

but you told me

que tu també tenia gana

that you were also hungry

que m'ho vas dir amb aquell somriure picaron

that you told me with that cheeky smile

que ja te'l conec

that I already know you

i per això el vaig acceptar

And that’s why I accepted him.

jo tenia ganes, tenia ganes, això

I was eager, I was eager, this.

és un malentès

it's a misunderstanding

tenia ganes de conèixer-te

I wanted to meet you.

que passéssim un dia agradable, no?

Let's have a pleasant day, shall we?

per què t'ho dius, eh?

Why do you say that to yourself, huh?

tenies ganes d'estar amb tu

I wanted to be with you.

i de conèixer-te

and to meet you

però què penses, que tenim 14 anys, o què?

But what do you think, that we are 14 years old, or what?

però així no m'agrada

but I don't like it this way

no m'agrada que me'n tractes, eh?

I don't like the way you treat me, okay?

m'estàs tractant com una qualsevol

You are treating me like anyone else.

jo no sóc una qualsevol

I am not just anyone.

sóc una senyora, Juan

I am a lady, Juan.

oi, Lluís

Hey, Lluís

però si ja portem dues hores d'entrevista

but we have already been in the interview for two hours


pay attention to it

quantes coses que ens ha explicat

how many things he/she has told us

Déu no la creu

God does not believe her.

mira, se m'ha passat molt

Look, I've missed a lot.

i a més, oi, en aquell lloc tan bonic

and moreover, right, in that beautiful place

i com va sorgir la idea d'aquest museu?

And how did the idea for this museum come about?

la idea de muntar el museu de la ràdio?

The idea of setting up the radio museum?


bueno, jo munté un museu

Well, I set up a museum.

pequeñito en Poncerrada

little one in Ponferrada

y cuando aterricé aquí en Barcelona

and when I landed here in Barcelona

y me di cuenta

and I realized

que en Barcelona me iba a quedar

that I was going to stay in Barcelona

los próximos 70 años

the next 70 years

y digo, pues, en Roda de Barao

and I say, then, in Roda de Bará.

se me ocurrió con el alcalde

I came up with it with the mayor.

aquí té moltes ràdios, eh, Lluís?

Here you have many radios, right, Lluís?

en té moltes, com ho va poder reunir tot això?

He has many, how could he bring all this together?

jo, quan els protagonistes me permitia

I, when the protagonists allowed me

ir a hacer el programa a Nueva York

go to do the show in New York

o a hacer el programa a Moscú

or to do the program in Moscow

o a hacer el programa en Ràdio Pequín

or to do the program on Radio Beijing

pues siempre me traía

well, he/she always brought me

algo relacionado con el mundo de la ràdio

something related to the world of radio

me encontraba un aparato de ràdio

I found a radio device.

chino o americano

Chinese or American

algo relacionado

something related

y así fue cuando he venido

and so it was when I came

acumulando cosas

accumulating things

y la gente se queda admirando

and people stay admiring

y una curiosidad

and a curiosity

quan vostè entrevistava així

when you interviewed like that

una persona que no li agradava gaire

a person who didn't like her very much

com ho feia per dissimular?

how did he/she manage to conceal it?

jo no sé dissimular

I don't know how to hide it.

no sé dissimular

I can't hide it.

o sea, lo que me dicta el corazón

that is, what my heart tells me

es lo que suelto

It's what I usually say.

y a veces lo suelto y digo

and sometimes I let it go and say

¿por qué he dicho esto?

Why did I say this?

¿qué tontería?

What nonsense?

claro, claro

sure, sure

¿pero qué necesidad?

But what need?

tenía de enfadarme

I had to get angry.

con fulano de tal

with so-and-so

¿y el futur?

And the future?

¿quién será la ràdio?

Who will be the radio?

¿el futur de la ràdio?

The future of radio?

¿qué futur, la ràdio?

What future, radio?

¿cómo veu vostè això?

How do you see this?

¿cómo cree que va a evolucionar?

How do you think it will evolve?

la ràdio es imparable

the radio is unstoppable

o sea, no sé lo que puede ocurrir

I mean, I don't know what might happen.

dentro de 30 años

in 30 years

pero no será muy distinta

but it won't be very different

de la ràdio que estamos haciendo ahora

from the radio that we are making now

doncs bé, senyor Relolmo

well then, Mr. Relolmo

mire, no sé

look, I don't know

tot el que volíem saber

all that we wanted to know

ja ho sabem

we already know

o sigui que

that is to say

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

de veritat


una cosa

one thing

un moment, Maria Teresa

Just a moment, Maria Teresa.

no, és que senyor Relolmo

No, it's just that Mr. Relolmo

és que mire, a mi personalment

it's just that look, for me personally

m'agrada molt la poesia

I really like poetry.

sí, molt, molt

yes, very, very

i sempre m'ha agradat

and I have always liked it

molt tot com vostè recita

very much how you recite

senyor Relolmo

Mr. Relolmo

jo no sé

I don't know.

si seria molt agosarat

yes, it would be very daring

per part meva

for my part

demanar-li que

ask him/her to

no sé, que ens recités

I don't know, let us recite.

una petita poesia

a little poem

o una coseta

or a little thing

seria fantàstic

it would be fantastic

doncs mira

well, look

uno de los momentos

one of the moments



ahora que hablabas

now that you were talking

de la poesía

of poetry

es cuando aparece

it's when it appears

en los estudios

in the studies

un caballero

a gentleman

no tenía más

I didn't have more.

de 21 o 22 años

21 or 22 years old

dice, senyor Relolmo

says, Mr. Relolmo

es que yo quiero ser poeta

It's just that I want to be a poet.

me dejó un poema

he left me a poem

que decía

what he/she/it said

cuando seamos viejos

when we are old

me llamó tanto

he called me so much

la atención

the attention

que es el único poema

what is the only poem

que yo recuerdo

that I remember

un poco de memoria

a little bit of memory

este es el fragmento

this is the fragment

de un poema

of a poem

que dice

what does it say

cuando seamos viejos

when we are old

para salvar las noches

to save the nights

en que estás enfadada

What are you angry about?

y con estos

and with these

mis diez años

my ten years

que llevo de ventaja

that I have an advantage

voy a obligarte, niña

I'm going to force you, girl.

a mirarme a la cara

to look me in the face

y hasta que te lo diga

and until I tell you

me voy a olvidar

I'm going to forget.

que no me des la espalda

don't turn your back on me

cuando seamos viejos

when we are old

veremos con nostalgia

we will see with nostalgia

sentados en un banco

sitting on a bench

como la vida pasa

how life goes by

yo hablando con alguno

me talking to someone

que no me entienda nada

that I don't understand anything

y tú inventándote prisas

and you inventing yourself hurry

para volver a casa

to go back home

para salvar las noches

to save the nights

que entonces eran largas

that then were long

y con estos mis diez años

and with these my ten years

que llevo de ventaja

that I have a lead/advantage

voy a obligarte, niña

I'm going to force you, girl.

a mirarme a la cara

to look me in the face

y hasta que te lo diga

and until I tell you

que no me des la espalda

don't turn your back on me

ni la monja

neither the nun

ni el conte

not the story

ni el llibre

not the book

ni siquiera mi tita

not even my aunt

ni la pavessa

not even the heavyweight

ni el llgras

nor the mosquito

ni el cinturón

neither the belt

ni el fımı

neither the end

ni la miradθε

neither the look

ni el печot

neither the печот



ja, ahi

yes, there

que repari

that repairs

Cada cosa

Each thing





que gaire

what a lot

i la programa

and the program

que em DNA

what gives me DNA







que va

no way

és emp Oliveco

it is Oliveco emp



el tio

the uncle

l'ing Ferrara

Mr. Ferrara

s place

s place



Ai, home, no n'estava segura.

Oh, man, I wasn't sure about it.

Ai, Trasines, sabeu que tot aquest tràfeg de ser reporteres de ràdio m'està agradant.

Oh, Trasines, you know that I’m really enjoying all this hustle and bustle of being radio reporters.

Sí, també.

Yes, also.

Rosita, Juan, esteu molt callants, eh?

Rosita, Juan, you are very quiet, huh?

No heu obert la boca des que hem pujat del cotxe ja fa estona?

Haven't you opened your mouth since we got out of the car some time ago?



Bueno, no, és que amb la brisa marina m'ha entrat una mica de mal de cap i encara em dura.

Well, no, it's just that the sea breeze gave me a bit of a headache and it's still lasting.

I a tu, Juan, també t'ha entrat mal de cap?

And you, Juan, have you also gotten a headache?

No, jo no en tinc de mal de cap mai.

No, I never have a headache.

És que de vegades, saben què passa? Que no cal parlar gaire.

Sometimes, you know what happens? That there's no need to talk much.

A boca tancada, oi que diuen que no hi entren mosques?

With a closed mouth, they say that flies can't enter, right?



Ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui! Aquests dos, els hi passen tots!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! These two, they get everything!

Mm, quin silenci.

Mm, what silence.

Juan, per què no passes la ràdio?

Juan, why don't you turn on the radio?

Què volen, ràdio, ara?

What do they want, radio, now?



Doncs toma ràdio!

Well, take that radio!

Ai, coita, si hem arribat a casa.

Oh dear, we've arrived home.

Oh, que bé.

Oh, how good.

La tornada se m'ha fet feixuga.

The return has become burdensome for me.

És que són molts quilòmetres, eh?

It's just that it's a lot of kilometers, right?

Juan, Juan, escolta, que molt agraïdes, eh?

Juan, Juan, listen, we are very grateful, right?

Sí, molt agraïdes.

Yes, very grateful.

Això de tocar-nos a la Franca, la veritat, ens ha tocat a l'ànim.

This thing of touching each other in the Franca, the truth is, has touched our spirits.

Però com a mínim, quan hauries de cobrar la gasolina?

But at least, when should you charge for the gas?

Com, Rosita, com ho fem, això, eh?

How, Rosita, how do we do this, huh?

Bé, saps què? Ja ens ho diràs tu, Rosita.

Well, you know what? You'll tell us, Rosita.

Juan, se'l deixes a la Rosita

Juan, you leave it to Rosita.

i llavors, doncs, ja nosaltres ho paguem.

And then, well, we will pay for it.

No, que parlin amb la Rosita, eh?

No, let them talk to Rosita, okay?

Ja els hi dic jo d'acabar l'assumpte.

I already tell them to end the matter.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Miri, la gasolina ja va inclosa

Look, the gasoline is already included.

i la carrera amb els despeatges d'autopista són 1.500 euros.

And the race with the highway tolls is 1,500 euros.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Però escolta, si vas dir que seria gratis.

But listen, you said it would be free.

Ets un impresentable, Juan, eh?

You are disgraceful, Juan, aren't you?

Ah, jo un impresentable?

Ah, me an undeserving person?

I tant, ens portes a roda de verà passant per l'espa, eh?

Oh sure, you take us on a summer round passing through the spa, huh?

O sigui que, per interès, te quiero, Andrés, eh?

So, for interest, I love you, Andrés, huh?

Però què està dient, Andrés?

But what are you saying, Andrés?

Se'm dic Joan, tia, a veure si t'entera.

My name is Joan, aunt, let’s see if you understand.

Que poca vergonya, que t'has cregut, eh?

What a shame, what do you think you are, huh?

Jo, poca vergonya? De què?

Me, shameless? About what?

Poca vergonya.


Tu, tu ets la poca vergonya que m'ha enganyat.

You, you are the shameless one who has deceived me.

Digue-te que aquí perdem els desprezuts.

Tell yourself that here we lose the careless.

Ja no t'he enganyat, home.

I haven't lied to you anymore, man.

Escolta, tu, anem, anem, que això és cosa d'ells, ja s'ho faran.

Listen, you, let's go, let's go, this is their business, they'll manage it.

Rosita, nosaltres anem pujant, eh?

Rosita, we are going up, okay?

Sí, Rosita.

Yes, Rosita.

Adéu, Rosita, adéu.

Goodbye, Rosita, goodbye.

Noi, ens ha sortit una mica car l'entrevista aquesta d'altre cop.

Dude, this interview turned out to be a bit expensive again.

1.500 euros.

1,500 euros.

Maria Teresa, que he povejat?

Maria Teresa, what have I done?

Que m'ha sobrat una mica de paelleta i volia que la tastessis.

I have some leftover cake and I wanted you to try it.

Oi, oi, oi, no, no baixis, paca, no baixis.

Oh, oh, oh, no, no go down, paca, don’t go down.

És que han vingut els de Catalunya Ràdio a assajar.

It's just that the people from Catalunya Ràdio have come to rehearse.

Ui, els directors?

Oh, the directors?

Sí, no, no, els guionistes, els de producció, vaja,

Yes, no, no, the screenwriters, the production team, well,

venen per assajar una mica.

They come to practice a little.

Assajar una mica?

Rehearse a little?

Sí, dona, és que demà anem a la ràdio a gravar.

Yes, woman, it’s just that tomorrow we are going to the radio to record.

Va, Maria Teresa, vine, que anem a començar.

Come on, Maria Teresa, come here, we're going to start.

Sí, et deixo, paca, que anem a començar.

Yes, I let you, fool, that we are going to start.



A veure, a veure, Teresa, anem a provar, eh?

Let's see, let's see, Teresa, let's give it a try, okay?

Cadascuna de vostès tindrà un micròfon al davant

Each of you will have a microphone in front of you.

i s'haurà de posar uns auriculars com aquest.

You will need to put on headphones like this.

Vosaltres escoltareu la sintonia de presentació del programa

You will listen to the theme tune of the program.

i quan vostès vegin que el tècnic els fa la senyal amb el dit,

And when you see that the technician signals you with his finger,

comencen a parlar.

they begin to speak.

Vinga, va, anem a provar.

Come on, let's give it a try.

La música, la senyal del dit.

The music, the sign of the finger.



Ai, un moment, dona, ja em toca, va, ho faig jo.

Oh, one moment, woman, it's my turn, come on, I'll do it.

Bona nit, bona nit, Catalunya.

Good night, good night, Catalonia.

Som les Tresines.

We are the Tresines.

Us hem de dir que estem encantades de fer aquest podcast.

We have to tell you that we are delighted to make this podcast.

Al principi.

At the beginning.

No, no, no, tallem, tallem, no cal, no cal.

No, no, no, let's cut it, let's cut it, it's not necessary, it's not necessary.

A veure, ho han de fer d'una altra manera més...

Let's see, they need to do it in another way that is more...

Vull dir que han de ser més naturals.

I mean that they need to be more natural.

A veure, si em digui, vostès normalment no parlen d'aquesta manera.

Let's see, if you tell me, you normally don't speak this way.

Què vol dir, què vol dir que no parlem així normalment?

What does it mean, what does it mean that we don't normally talk like this?

No, és que no parlin d'aquesta manera tan...

No, it's just that they shouldn't talk in such a... way.

Tant, tant, encarcarat, eh?

So, so stiff, huh?

No, han de parlar com parlen sempre, més natural.

No, they should talk as they always do, more naturally.

Si les querides tenen totes les resons del món.

If the loved ones have all the resonances of the world.

No sé què és la dita de marxar d'un petit...

I don't know what the saying "to leave a little one" means...

Vull dir, és callar-te.

I mean, it's to keep quiet.

No me callo perquè li he de dir que tot això estava muy preparado, muy falso.

I'm not going to keep quiet because I have to tell him that all of this was very prepared, very fake.

Ustedes quedaban muy antiparados.

You all came across as very unfriendly.

Vos callad una vegada ya.

Shut up already.

Vinga, vinga, anem a pujar un pic d'ordre, eh?

Come on, come on, let's go tidy up a bit, okay?

Jo, per si de cas, el que faria serien unes petites correccions

I, just in case, what I would do is make some small corrections.

sobre la manera d'expressar-se en català.

about the way to express oneself in Catalan.

Perquè han dit unes paraules i uns verbarismes que són incorrectes en català.

Because they have said some words and some phrases that are incorrect in Catalan.

Però escolta, com es mira?

But listen, how is it looked at?

Per un costat que ens dieu que li diem naturals

On one hand, you tell us that we call them natural.

i per l'altre que fem servir paraules que no fem servir mai.

And for the other, we use words that we never use.

Nosaltres som gent del carrer, no som bibliotecàries.

We are street people, we are not librarians.

Però, per l'amor de Déu,

But, for the love of God,

però quins manava posar-nos en aquest fregau de la ràdio?

but what made us get into this radio mess?

Jo no ho entenc.

I don't understand it.

Què és el que hem fet de ficar-nos?

What have we done by getting involved?

Tant de bo haguessin dit que no a això del podcast.

I wish they had said no to this podcast thing.

Traslina, com estàs?

Traslina, how are you?

Sí, carieta, malament, malament.

Yes, sweetheart, wrong, wrong.

Només no sap què em passa, això.

He just doesn't know what's happening to me, that's all.

Per què no saps la cadena?

Why don't you know the chain?

Si és que no paro, és que no paro, és un...

If I don't stop, it's because I don't stop, it's a...

Doncs obre la porta i pren-te aquesta infusió de gengibre que t'he fet.

So open the door and take this ginger infusion I've made for you.

Obre, obre.

Open, open.

A veure si puc aixecar i que...

Let's see if I can lift and...

Sí, veus?

Yes, you see?

Sí, ara.

Yes, now.



Això calentet, diuen que és mano de santo.

They say this warm one is a godsend.



Sí, pren-t'ho.

Yes, take it.

Ho talla tot de cop.

He cuts it all at once.

Bé, molt bé, m'ho trobo bé, gràcies.

Well, very well, I feel good, thank you.

Maria Caridad!

Maria Charity!



Com estan les altres dues?

How are the other two?

Què? Com estan?

What? How are they?

Aquí, sentades, con la palangana al lado.

Here, sitting, with the basin next to us.

¿No veis el efecto, el fuerte acé?

Do you not see the effect, the strong ace?

Sí, sí que ens ha anat bé, home, sí, ens ha tallat.

Yes, yes, it has gone well for us, man, yes, it has cut us off.

Bé, se'ns ha tallat lo de baix, i ara surt tot per dalt.

Well, the bottom part has been cut off, and now everything comes out from the top.

Sí, Maria Teresa, jo estic sense forces, eh?

Yes, Maria Teresa, I am out of energy, huh?

Tú pues ahora que estás sin fuerza, háganle el esfuerzo.

You, since you are now weak, make the effort.

Háganle el favor de tomarse el arroz que lo hice.

Please do me the favor of having the rice that I made.

Eso, el arroz lo hacían tanto...

Yes, they made the rice so...

El arroz, ¿qué dices? No treus los arroz, lo que me dona Vasca.

The rice, what do you say? You don't take the rice, what I get from Basque.

Ni Vasca, ni Vasca.

Neither Basque, nor Basque.

En Cuba esto lo curamos todo así, el arroz.

In Cuba, we cure everything this way, the rice.

Lo sienta todo.

He feels everything.

Ya, no hay la lástima.

Yes, there is no pity.

La lástima es que no tengan frijoles,

The pity is that they don't have beans.

porque junto con el arroz hace eso que todo se quede...

because together with the rice it makes everything stay...

Bueno, se ponga todo a través del sucio.

Well, everything gets put through the dirty.

No, senyora, hem de comprar-lo.

No, madam, we have to buy it.

Sí, no, jo no us vull espantar, eh?

Yes, no, I don't want to scare you, okay?

Però en aquestes circumstàncies,

But in these circumstances,

com us dic que podrem anar a fer el podcast aquí una estona?

As I tell you, we will be able to go and do the podcast here for a while?

No, tia, no.

No, girl, no.

Però, escolta, mira, per què no truquem a la ràdio

But, listen, look, why don't we call the radio?

i els diem que no hi podem anar?

And do we tell them that we can't go there?

No, no, no, què dius, ara?

No, no, no, what are you saying now?

Això és massa just, eh?

That's just too fair, right?

Que el taxi deu estar a punt d'arribar.

The taxi must be about to arrive.

Mira, ho tregui la...

Look, I'll take it out...

Ho tregui la com...

Take it off, how...

Com estàs, nena?

How are you, girl?

Ai, em sembla, sembla que tinc una miqueta de descans, senyor.

Oh, it seems to me, it seems that I have a little bit of a break, sir.

Mira, això de la infusió de gingèbana,

Look, this ginger infusion,

em sembla que ha anat bé, eh?

I think it went well, huh?

Sí, Marieta.

Yes, Marieta.

Marieta, per què no li fas una taceta per les nenes?

Marieta, why don't you make a little mark for the girls?

Ara els hi donem, sí.

Now we give them, yes.

Millor, millor.

Better, better.

Maria Caridad, vai a abrir.

Maria Caridad, go open.

Però què devem haver menjat, que ens ha sentat tan malament?

But what could we have eaten that made us feel so bad?

Sí, noia, no sé.

Yes, girl, I don't know.

Jo sí que ho sé, Tresines, no heu menjat res.

I do know it, Tresines, you haven't eaten anything.

Això són els nervis del pot.

These are the nerves of the pot.

En tot cas, aquests els nassos fets.

In any case, these are the noses made.

I tant, al Roger, al nen, li passava això cada vegada que havia d'anar al col·legi.

Yes, Roger, the boy, experienced this every time he had to go to school.

Què dius, home?

What are you saying, man?

Senyora, és aquesta cinta que diuen que l'està esperant.

Ma'am, it is this tape that they say is waiting for you.

Ai, Déu meu!

Oh, my God!

Veieu, va, us esperen.

Look, come on, they're waiting for you.

Poseu-vos maques, més, que ja ho sou,

Get yourselves looking beautiful, more, because you already are.

i poseu-vos una mica d'aquesta colònia bona per sobre

and put a bit of this good cologne on yourself.

i vinga, cap a la ràdio.

And come on, let's head to the radio.

Jo no sé si podré.

I don't know if I will be able to.

Sí que podran, però de què t'ho han d'abraçar?

Yes, they will be able to, but what should they embrace for?

Pues claro que podrán.

Of course they will be able to.

Ustedes han oído hablar de Yoruba.

You have heard of Yoruba.

Oh, Dios mío.

Oh, my God.

La religión de los cubanos, que tiene reminiscencia africana.

The religion of the Cubans, which has African reminiscences.

Bueno, ¿conoceron hablar de Yoruba?

Well, have you heard of Yoruba?

Yo no recuerdo porque vi un documental de los dos, ¿eh?

I don't remember why I saw a documentary about the two of them, you know?

Elles me rellen alzaron de aquí con nombres africanos.

They filled me here with African names.

Más o menos, más o menos, se están haciendo un día.

More or less, more or less, they are having a day.

Escúchenme bien, confíenme en mí.

Listen to me well, trust me.

Yo, por tradición familiar, soy santera de Yoruba

I, by family tradition, am a Yoruba santera.

y les aseguro que pueden estar tranquilas,

and I assure you that you can be calm,

más que tranquilas, tranquilísimas.

more than calm, very calm.

Les hice un hechizo colocándoles una estampa de los dioses en los bolsillos.

I cast a spell on them by placing a picture of the gods in their pockets.

Ustedes conocen a los dioses.

You know the gods.

El Ewa.

The Ewa.

El Xangó o un...

The Xangó or a...

Pues con estas estampitas que yo les coloqué en los bolsillos

Well, with these little cards that I placed in their pockets

no tienen problema durante tres horas

they have no problem for three hours

porque ellos son los dioses de la salud,

because they are the gods of health,

los dioses del estómago.

the gods of the stomach.

Tres horas sin problema ninguno.

Three hours without any problems.

¡Ay, va, va!

Oh, come on!

¡No, no, no!

No, no, no!

¡Santa mierda!

Holy shit!

¿Qué les estoy diciendo?

What am I telling them?

Ustedes se arreglan, se visten

You get ready, you dress up.

y se van para la ración que las están esperando.

and they are going for the portion that they are waiting for.

I actualment volem preguntar una pregunta.

And currently we want to ask a question.

Decís top d'uni per ط.

You say the top of uni for ط.























Ai, ja ho vinc de baix, sí.

Oh, I'm already coming down, yes.

Sí, us estic esperant perquè aneu molt tard.

Yes, I am waiting for you because you are very late.

Va, ràpid, prepareu els carnets d'identitat.

Come on, quickly, prepare your ID cards.

Que hi corrin, va, que pujarem directament a l'estudi.

Let them run, come on, we're going straight to the studio.

Déu meu, quina tabla menta tinc d'altar per cap distròns.

My God, what a lousy table I have for any distractions.

Va, corre, cor, quins nèvils.

Come on, run, heart, what snowflakes.

Escolta, que tinc la boca pastosa.

Listen, I have a pasty mouth.

Jo no sé si podré parlar ara.

I don't know if I will be able to speak now.

Ja, buscarem aigua.

Yes, we will look for water.

Estan a punt?

Are you ready?

Sí, sí, ja estem.

Yes, yes, we are ready.

Què ha estat això?

What has that been?

Ai, perdó, han estat els meus budells.

Oh, sorry, it was my gut.

Ai, que se t'ha escapat, nena.

Oh, you've let it slip, girl.

Estàs bé, estàs bé?

Are you okay, are you okay?

Si no, parem, eh?

If not, let's stop, okay?

Va, vinga, doncs, preparades.

Come on then, ready.

Tres, dos, un, dins.

Three, two, one, inside.

Bona nit, bona nit.

Good night, good night.

Bona nit, bon dia.

Good night, good day.

Bé, res, que avui comencem aquesta nova aventura.

Well, nothing, today we begin this new adventure.

I tant, i us parlarem d'un tema.

Of course, and we will talk about a topic.

I el tema del que parlarem avui serà...

And the topic we will talk about today will be...

Els posques i l'evolució de la ràdio al nostre país.

Podcasts and the evolution of radio in our country.


Let's start!

Ai, ai, ai, perdó.

Oh, oh, oh, sorry.

Ai, noi.

Oh, boy.

Ai, he donat un cop amb la mà al micro i ara he caigut a terra.

Oh, I hit the microphone with my hand and now I have fallen to the ground.

Me cau, no, començant bé.

It suits me, no, starting well.

Som els presidentes, les més bones veïnes que poguessis a una escala trobar.

We are the presidents, the best neighbors you could find in a building.

Sempre dispostes a donar-te respostes, a deixar-te alguna cosa o a donar-te un cop de mà.

Always ready to give you answers, to leave you something, or to lend you a hand.

Dones d'ambient, d'una edat escomenda que tenim una esferida pendure.

Women of the environment, of a certain age, we have a bulging sphere hanging.

Seguim un sistema presidit pel membre.

We follow a system presided over by the member.

Si pots fer-ho aquella, jo ho puc fer.

If you can do that, I can do it.

Som unes presides i potser tu també.

We are some presides and maybe you are too.

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